Private and Public School F-1 Exchange, or PSE, was founded in 2006.
PSE is a nationwide company with headquarters located in Portland, Oregon. We strive to provide quality and personalized service to all of our international agencies, students, host families and schools. It is our goal to ensure that students and their host families have the most enjoyable and rewarding experience possible.
Established in 2006, PSE is committed to promoting international understanding and goodwill through cultural exchange. PSE is an inbound program that places international students with an F-1 visa in host families and high schools all across the U.S. Our dedicated staff works every step of the way with international partners, students, schools and host families to ensure a successful experience.
PSE has a dedicated network of trained local coordinators s across the U.S. who support host families, students, and schools throughout the program. PSE s are the first point of contact for host families and students, should any questions or issues arise. ocal coordinators contact both students and host families every month throughout the program in order to monitor student and host family relations, address concerns, and monitor student academic progress. s submit monthly reports to PSE that are shared with the partner agency and natural parents.
If you are in need of additional assistance for any reason, you are encouraged to contact the PSE office. Outside of normal business hours, our -hour answering service is able to locate staff in the event of an emergency.
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Our host families are an integral part of the PSE experience.
Our host families are an integral part of the PSE experience. It is our belief that participation in the hosting process will foster a significant understanding of the values and attitudes of foreign cultures, while at the same time exposing foreign students to the uniqueness and diversity of American life.
As a host family, you have the unique opportunity to share your home with international students from various backgrounds. Without families like yours, we could not offer these students the opportunity to fulfill their dreams of studying at an American high school. We hope that this will be an enriching and positive experience for your family and your student(s) alike.
If this is your first time hosting an international student, there may be a lot of questions at the start. Being a host family carries both responsibility and challenge. You will be asked to think about American life from an outsider’s perspective, as well as open your mind to your student’s cultural perspectives. This handbook is full of information to help guide you through your hosting experience.
On behalf of PSE, our students and schools, welcome to our program and thank you for hosting!
Your student’s arrival information will be shared with you once flight information is received.
Your student’s arrival information will be shared with you once flight information is received. Please review the flight information carefully and confirm that it matches the information the student provides to you. If you receive conflicting information via the student or the natural parents, please contact your LC or the PSE office immediately so we can verify which one is accurate.
Also, don’t forget to check the status of your student’s flight before departing for the airport to confirm arrival time in case of delays.
Host families need to plan to pick up their students at the airport. If you know that your student is flying as an unaccompanied minor, please make sure the person who will be picking the student up from the airport is listed as the authorized person to do so. Only one person can be authorized to pick up an unaccompanied minor, and will need to show their ID at the airline check-in. The student is often exhausted upon arrival, and it is reassuring for them to be greeted by their host family.
Arrival information
• Make a welcome sign with your student’s name to help them find you (they may not resemble their photo).
• It’s a nice gesture (although not necessary) to leave a small gift, like balloons or a basket of local souvenirs, in your student’s bedroom for them to discover upon arrival.
• Greet them with smiles and warm gestures –they have been traveling for a very long time and have left behind their family and friends.
• Speak slowly and utilize hand gestures for the first few days. This might be their first experience using the English language without the support of a teacher.
• Try to help them adjust to local time immediately. If they can stay awake until at least 8 or 9 PM the first night, it will help their jet lag recovery. A healthy diet and busy schedule within the first few days will also help.
• Welcome them into your home and show them around. However, avoid going over the house rules the first day. Give them a day to settle in.
• Give your student a tour of your home, paying special attention to the bathroom and kitchen. This might be your student’s first time using a western-style bathroom and/or kitchen appliances, so show them how they should be used.
• Make sure to sit down with your student to complete the Expectations Worksheet within the first week. Setting expectations from the beginning will help foster a smoother experience.
• It is important that the host family’s rules and expectations for the student are WRITTEN down on the Expectations Worksheet as this provides a more “official” record of the expectations. It also prevents the student from having to try and remember a lot of details all at once. The worksheet can be referred to as many times as is necessary over the course of the student’s program, and is a great tool to encourage regular, open discussion about the student’s behavior and adjustment to family life.
• After the first email/phone call home to the natural parents to let them know they have arrived, it is important that the student doesn’t rely too heavily on regular communication with home.
- Important note: Although you can encourage the student to use strategies to avoid too much contact with home, the host family must never prohibit the student from communicating with their natural family.
• Give them a tour of your town and neighborhood – show them where their school, the local coffee shop, bank, park, library and supermarket are located.
• Prior to the student leaving the home by themselves for the first time, ensure they know where to access their PSE ID card and the 24-hr emergency number, as well as have your family’s names and contact information on hand.
Your PSE Local Coordinator will provide a host family orientation, during which you should ask any questions and address any concerns you have about hosting.
All students receive an orientation in their home countries about the PSE program, expectations and rules prior to arrival in the U.S. An additional orientation will be provided by their local coordinator upon arrival. The student orientation does not cover specific host family rules, so it is important that you take time to go over your household rules with your student.
Many students will be traveling on electronic tickets. However, a small number of students will also be traveling with paper tickets. We ask that host families remind their students to keep the following items in a safe place and never remove them from the student’s possession: plane ticket, passport, and I-20 form.
Students should be welcomed as a family member and treated with the same respect and compassion that you give your own children.
General Guidelines
Students should be welcomed as a family member and treated with the same respect and compassion that you give your own children. Students should also be expected to follow the family rules and assist with some household chores, however, please keep in mind that their primary focus should be on homework and academics, so avoid assigning them too many chores. Students should not be expected to act as babysitters or house cleaners.
Host family members may help with the student's adaptation and language acquisition progress by engaging with them whenever possible. You can ask questions about their experience at school, for example, or their life in their home country, as well as offering a safe space for them to ask questions of their own as they adjust to life in their new community.
The family should familiarize the student with their household rules. For example, explain to your student when dinner is served, what the rules are for "helping oneself" to food, how laundry is handled, what time curfew is, etc. Please do not treat students like a guest, but rather as a family member. This helps to prevent students from feeling that they are being take advantage of, and/or host families from feeling that their home is being used as a "hotel." As part of the assimilation process, it is also strongly recommended to write down all the household rules with the student during the first week of arrival. Families who expect students to learn by watching the actions of their own children will often be disappointed. Do not expect students to learn primarily through observation and be sure that all expectations are written down and posted somewhere to serve as a reminder.
Take your student on a tour of your home, paying special attention to the bathroom and kitchen. Show students how to use the shower, toilet, oven, microwave, and other bathroom and kitchen appliances. Keep in mind that your student may not be familiar with western-style bathrooms and kitchens.
No attempt should ever be made to change your student's religious beliefs or to proselytize. It is acceptable to give your student an opportunity to be exposed to your religion as part of their cultural experience. You may ask your student to occasionally attend church, synagogue or
temple services, but they should not be required to attend regularly nor excessively.
The host family must provide the student with his/her own bedroom, including a bed (not convertible in nature), closet, window, door, and an exit to the outside of the house in case of an emergency. The bedroom should also include a desk unless a different quiet study space has been provided. The student's bed cannot be placed in an open area such as a family room or furnished basement.
The host family must arrange for three meals per day, including a sack lunch on school days. If the student wishes to buy lunch at school, or go out to eat, they are responsible for the purchase unless you decide it is your treat. Be sure to show your student what foods are available for breakfast, those available as snacks, lunch items, and what your family routines are surrounding dinner. Students might expect that all three meals be cooked and prepared for them daily, so be clear about your family norms and routines, and discuss these expectations from the beginning.
Host families are responsible for providing or securing transportation for the student to and from school and some extracurricular activities. The student may be responsible for costs incurred from additional transportation. Be sure to discuss transportation expectations from the beginning to avoid conflict from arising due to expectations not being met.
Please do not discuss the host family stipend with your student. Doing so may cause the student to place demands on you and misinterpret the relationship, and you could end up being perceived as someone the student has hired. This is not the type of relationship that PSE encourages. You can avoid confusion by not discussing the stipend with your student or other host families.
PSE students will bring their own spending money. PSE strongly recommends that students arrive with a credit and/or debit card to access money or set up their own bank account if they arrive with cash and/or traveler's checks. Students should NOT share a bank account with anyone else. Students and their host families should not borrow money from each other. Money misunderstandings can create distrust among students and host families. Advise your student to keep receipts for all purchases and keep them in one place (ie-an envelope).
Opening a bank account in the US is usually not an available option for students under 18 years of age.
This is dependent upon the bank manager’s discretion. Students should not keep a large amount of cash with them nor take large amounts of money to school. It is not safe. Host parents are NOT to be co-signers on any account nor should they have access to the student bank account at any time.
The student is responsible for all personal expenses including:
•Meals – host families must provide three meals a day. If the student wants to
buy lunch at school, they are responsible for paying. If the student prefers a significant amount of food or items outside the family’s normal diet, the student is responsible for those expenses. However, host families should do their part to make sure there is food available that the student enjoys.
• Entertainment - movies, snacks, sports events, etc.
• Travel and excursions
• Personal Items - toothpaste, shampoo, makeup, deodorant, etc.
• Clothing
• School expenses - including books, yearbooks, sports and special events
• Cell Phone – student is responsible for the costs of their cell phone and should not be added to a family plan
• Tutoring
• Co-pays (at time of visit) and all medical bills (upon receipt)
Students are insured for medical and dental emergencies. Host families should not pay any medical or dental bills. Students should pay their co-pay at the time of the visit and pay bills immediately upon receipt. Please see the "Insurance" section in the Host Family Handbook for more information.
Please note that students should NOT use an Emergency Room in the USA unless their illness or injury is serious or life threatening, for example: head injuries, chest pain, loss of consciousness,
Host family guidelines
life-threatening situations, difficulty breathing, seizures. Students will be charged up to $350 (in addition to any other copayments or deductibles required by your plan) if they use an Emergency Room (ER) for a condition that is not considered serious or life threatening.
PSE has student safety information and resources available on Sexual Abuse Prevention, Disaster Preparedness, Internet and Cell Phone Safety, Instructions for Lost Students, Safe Travel, Guns, Teen Violence, Dating Precautions, and more. We strongly encourage host families to create an open environment to discuss these important topics with their students. If there are questions you are unable to answer and/or you would like additional resources than those included in this handbook, please contact your local coordinator.
Guns are not a part of most other cultures. Families who have guns must sign and abide by the PSE Firearms Statement. Host families with guns should not display them to the students and should keep them SECURELY LOCKED AWAY at all times. PSE students are not allowed to participate in any hunting or gun related events for liability reasons. Paintball is not covered by insurance and is also forbidden.
PSE students may not drive motorized vehicles (including motorcycles, scooters, snowmobiles, jet skis, etc.) while they are on the program.
During the program, PSE students are prohibited from using tobacco products including cigarettes, ecigarettes, vaping apparatuses, chewing tobacco, etc., as well as from drinking alcohol, misusing prescription and over-the- counter medications, and from using illegal drugs.
PSE is an academic and cultural homestay program, not a travel program. Host families are not expected to take students on a tour of the country, however, it is a nice gesture to show them around your community and nearby attractions, and include them in your travel plans should they/you desire to do so.
All travel requests must be pre-approved by the host family, PSE, and the student's natural parents. If the student is missing school, the school must also approve and sign off on the Travel Form. Please see the “Travel” section of the handbook for more details.
The host family should be gracious in receiving gifts from the student's family. It is not uncommon for a family to give their student a gift for their birthday or during the holidays but should not feel pressured to give elaborate or expensive presents.
Your PSE local coordinator will check in with you and your student every month to see how everyone is adjusting to the program. Every-other month your LC will meet with you in your home. They will complete a monthly report (also known as a Monthly Contact Form or MCF) that will be shared
Host family guidelines with the partner agency and natural parents. This is your opportunity to discuss any recent events, successes, or issues with your student. Please make sure your student is available to meet with their LC every month and make time to meet with your LC in your home every-other month.
If you are hosting a Trimester student, due to the short duration of the program, only one or two formal check-ins will be conducted after the student orientation A progress report will be submitted after the student has been on the program for approximately one month. Your family and student should contact your local coordinator at any time, however, if issues or questions arise.
Host families should notify their LC immediately if a problem arises so they can offer mediation. If problems arise and the LC is unavailable, please contact your Regional Manager, and/or the PSE office. The PSE 24-hour TOLL FREE number is: (877)222-9803.
Some students may initially suffer from stress and culture shock.
Some students may initially suffer from stress and culture shock. Do not panic! Instead, let your LC know if your student is eating poorly, withdrawing, or not communicating. Some students may be simply overwhelmed by their new surroundings, so the best thing they can do is to stay busy and keep their minds off friends and loved ones back home. Culture shock is not uncommon, and it will usually last around one to two weeks after arrival.
During this time, students should limit phone calls and e-mails with home in order to focus their learning around their host family, school and local community. If a student receives too many calls from friends and family in their home country, please let your LC know and the PSE office can communicate with the overseas partner about the situation. Reviewing the Adjustment Cycle with your student might also be helpful to discuss their feelings of culture shock as they arise.
Helping your student adjust
Communicating with your student is the most important thing you can do to help your student adjust to their new environment. Most students have three to five years of English grammar and reading, but their conversational English may be awkward and formal. When your student arrives, allow them time to hear and speak English. Adjusting to another language is hard work, but with your help and support your student will make great progress.
Every culture has a unique style of communication. Americans are typically direct in speaking, making eye contact, and giving hugs. In some cultures, this is considered unusual. Some linguistic differences may also get in the way, for example, a student may say “yes” when they means “no,” especially if your statement includes a negative verb. Show patience and understanding to your student in order to avoid turning small cultural differences into larger communication problems. Of course, it’s fine to “be yourself” and help your student warm up to American cultural norms –this will benefit them and their communication with others.
Your student may arrive without the skills to use polite English grammar. They may not use “May I,” “Please,” or “Is it possible...." when stating a request. Please try not to misinterpret a direct request as a sign of rudeness. For example, “I go to store” may actually mean "May I go to the store?" Help teach your student the proper and polite ways in which to make requests.
Students will receive an orientation shortly after their arrival. However, you should familiarize your student with your home and how your household works right away. Give them a tour and explain how to take a shower, how to use any essential gadgets, where everyone sleeps, and where the family eats. Don't take anything for granted. It is important to clearly explain the rules in detail.
It is important to cover these topics with your student while completing the Expectations Worksheet:
• Clarify your family’s rules for inviting friends over for visits, meals, and parties.
• Expectations regarding leaving the house - he or she should inform you where they are going and when they'll be back before taking off with a friend or neighbor.
• Appropriate attire for different occasions and what rules apply to dating.
• What hours are acceptable for phone calls (no daily calls home), computer use (no more than 1 hour per day outside school work), and watching TV.
• Family schedule - dinner time, study time, bed time, etc.
• Table manners including who sets the table, who clears the dishes, and where in the home food and drink are allowed.
•Household chores, keeping their room and common areas tidy, washing dishes, making the bed, and washing clothes - they will not be familiar with American washing machines or dryers.
•Write down these rules with the student many students are overwhelmed upon arrival and it helps for them to have a written document to refer to as they continue to settle into life with their host family.
•Expectations regarding advance notice when requesting a ride some here and other transportation issues.
Food is important to every culture. The type of food being served, for example, can be used to express hospitality, love, celebration and gratitude.
When your student arrives, talk to them about what sorts of foods they are accustomed to eating, so that you have a better idea of their preferences. You should not feel obligated to prepare your student’s native dishes, which are often timeconsuming and use “hard to find” ingredients. Asking your student to prepare something from their country is a great way to show your interest in their culture. Keep in mind that students do not always feel comfortable addressing their food preferences, so you may have to investigate a little.
You may notice cultural differences in how students eat or serve a meal. For instance, in
some Middle Eastern countries, people eat with their fingers from shared plates. In Japan, to slurp one’s soup is a compliment to the chef, while covering one’s mouth when chewing is normal. Share your own cultural norms of eating with your student.
Many American families find dinnertime a perfect opportunity to find out about each other’s day. Talking while eating is not always acceptable in some cultures, so do not misunderstand your student’s silence as a sign of unfriendliness or detachment. When to leave the table and how to clean up after a meal should also be addressed with your student.
Many students are used to having access to extensive public transportation. It's difficult for some students to have to constantly ask for help from the host family, especially for transportation. You can make this easier by offering to drive or to help the student arrange transportation with other students and families. However, you are not expected to be a taxi service for the student. Help them understand the “carpool” concept, which will also get them started on new friendships at school. Some families find a weekly meeting helpful to review the upcoming week’s activities.
If public transportation is available, go through the ticket-buying process and take a ride on the bus or train with them to show them how to use the system. Riding a bike may be an option as well, as long as safety protocols and local laws are followed.
Helping your student adjust
Be sensitive to spending habits and money issues. Students may need help budgeting to make their money last. Problems may arise if the student and host siblings have significantly different amounts of money to spend, or if the student is used to a different economic lifestyle than that of the host family. Keep communicating and being open and sensitive to adjustments. If the student would like to join a gym or start a cell phone plan, please make sure that it is separate from your own. Students and their host families should not borrow money from each other. Host families should not co-sign nor have access to a student’s bank account.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, school attendance and coursework may involve inperson instruction, online or distance learning, or both. Regardless, all required coursework must be completed, and inperson and online class attendance and participation is mandatory in order to earn academic credit. PSE students are expected to take school seriously and complete their coursework and homework to the best of their ability. Students are also dealing with a second language, new concepts, and new approaches to familiar concepts. Motivation may vary due to individual skill levels and interests in certain subjects. Encourage your student to do their best but beware of unrealistic expectations about performance and grades. Hiring a tutor is usually the best solution to keep grades at “C” or above in accordance with program regulations.
Helping your student adjust
Even though students participating on the Trimester program will not be receiving credit for their coursework, it is a requirement of the program that they attend all classes every day on time, complete all required coursework, and participate in class.
If your student is struggling with school, please call your local coordinator.
Helping your student adjust
There is a pattern of adjustment to life in a homestay program that most students experience during their first year living abroad. Some students may have already lived in the U.S. and they may not go through as much of an adjustment process as those that are just arriving.
Please also note that not all students go through each cycle nor will all students have this exact experience. However, this adjustment cycle is fairly typical, and it helps to know about it ahead of time.
“I’m really here!”
Emotional Stage
“Settling in”
Cycle 1: “I’m really here!"
"What am I doing here?"
"It's time to leave my new home"
"I'll be leaving my new country soon!"
Months in New Country
You have been getting ready for months and now you have arrived. Everything is a new and exciting adventure and you are the center of attention in your new family. This is the "honeymoon" period when you are anticipating the start of school.
Cycle 2: "Settling in"
Things have settled down to a normal routine. You are no longer going to new places. You are treated like one of the family members; you may have responsibilities that you never had at home. School may be more difficult than you had imagined. Your host family has rules, chores, curfews, etc., and you begin to wonder why you ever wanted to be an exchange student.
Helping your student adjust
Cycle 3: "What am I doing here?" or the "Down period”
You may feel somewhat lonely, isolated, or homesick and depressed. You miss your friends and family and everything familiar.
Cycle 4: "I'll be leaving my new country soon!"
Things are going much better. Your English has improved so that now you are thinking and, perhaps, dreaming, in English. You are getting involved in activities and making friends. You have many things left to do before you go home, and you feel that your time is limited.
Cycle 5: "It's time to leave my new home"
You are now very comfortable physically and emotionally in your "home" and your departure will be difficult for you and your host family. You have many great memories and the idea of returning to your homeland leaves you sad and happy at the same time. You wonder what it will be like to go back to your family and friends and if things will be the same as they were before you left.
The school will help the student register for classes. There are several important points to remember:
1. Students should take a full schedule of classes.
2. Most private schools are affiliated with a religious faith or organization and require attendance and participation in religious faith classes and/or events and church services.
3. Students are responsible for all extra fees they might incur during their time with the school this includes, sports fees, activity fees, etc.
Athletic eligibility and participation is not guaranteed. If state athletic associations allow, students may participate in school athletics provided that they make the team, pay the required fees, and are not on behavioral or other disciplinary pro-bation with the school or PSE.
Most schools have a large variety of extracurricular clubs and activities to join, and while participation is not guaranteed, students are encouraged to get involved, as doing so is one of the easiest ways to meet new people.
As part of the registration process, the school will check the student's immunization record (located in the student application). If the school requires an extra vaccination the host family or LC will need to take the student to a health clinic to receive the necessary vaccinations. Students are responsible for paying for additional immunizations, which are not covered by the health insurance.
All PSE students are required to attend every class, every day. If a student is too sick to go to school, they must speak with the host family about missing class. They cannot miss school and stay at home without the host family’s permission and are also expected to be on time for every class. If a student is going to miss more than a few days of school, they need to receive a note from a healthcare provider. PSE does not tolerate excessive tardiness or absences and may place a student on probation for this offense.
Students are welcome to visit colleges while they are in the U.S., as well as take the TOEFL test. The host family is not obligated to help the student with any research or preparation for college/university entrance. PSE cannot make any arrangements for the student to stay for a college program. Most schools have college counselors available to students who would like additional assistance.
It is important for both students and host families to thoroughly read and understand the PSE rules.
These rules were devised to give everyone the foundation for a successful, safe, and satisfying homestay experience. Continuous failure to abide by any of the following regulations may result in the dismissal from the PSE program and possible termination of the F-1 visa.
A signed copy of the Terms of Participation can be found in the student application in ZAPP.
1. I am applying to participate because I wish to be an exchange student, to improve my language skills, to learn about different cultures, and to share my culture with others. I understand that the purpose of the program is to participate in an academic and cultural exchange in another country.
2. If at any time during the application process or my participation in the program PSE finds that I am participating against my will, my participation may be terminated.
3. I will provide complete, accurate and truthful information related to my application. If at any time during the application process or my participation
in the program PSE determines that I have provided false, inaccurate or misleading information (including any material omission of information) related to my application (including information related to physical and mental health and wellbeing), my participation may be terminated.
4. I understand that whether I am accepted into the program is at the sole discretion of PSE.
5. I will serve as an “Ambassador” of my country while abroad. I understand that as an Ambassador,PSE will hold me to a higher standard than host family members, schoolmates, or other program participants. I understand that it is a privilege to be an international exchange student and I will represent myself, and by extension PSE, in an honorable manner at all times. I understand that only students who demonstrate strong academic skills and maturity will be selected to participate in the PSE program.
6. In addition to learning the language and customs of the United States, I am expected to make every effort to adapt to American culture and lifestyle. I understand that there may be significant cultural, economic and lifestyle differences between the United States and my home country including customs, values and acceptable behavior with regards to age and gender.
7. As a program participant, I understand that my use of e-mail, the Internet, and social media must comply with the PSE Electronic Media, Internet and Social Networking Policy (attached).
8. I will limit non-academic computer or other electronic device use to no more than one hour per day, including e-mailing, "surfing" the internet, and playing computer games. I understand that this time is not cumulative and cannot rollover to the next day. I also understand that this rule applies to all electronic communication devices including those that I own and/or bring to the U.S. from my home country. All electronic communications must comply with the PSE Electronic Media, Internet and Social Networking Policy. I agree that my
personal network accounts must conform to the PSE Media, Internet and Social Networking Policy before I depart my home country and for the duration of my participation in the program.
9. Compliance with U.S. Laws: I understand that I am responsible for learning and obeying all local, state, and federal laws that may affect me, including but not limited to, seat belt and bike helmet laws, loitering, curfew, and laws concerning the use of tobacco products, alcohol and both illegal and prescription drugs. I also understand that stealing or “shoplifting” from a store is a very serious violation of the law. Shoplifters can be arrested, fined, and punished. These laws apply to all possible surroundings regardless of law involvement including but not limited to your host family home and
school. For example, theft of any kind is grounds for immediate termination.
10. I understand that if I break any law, whether or not I am arrested, fined or otherwise legally punished, I may be immediately terminated from the program. I also understand that PSE is not responsible for securing legal counsel or other representation in any situation in which I am accused of violating a law.
11. Illegal Drugs: I agree that I will not possess, use, or be in the presence of others who are using illegal drugs. The possession, sale, or use of illegal drugs is considered a serious crime in the U.S., which can result in fines and jail or prison sentences. I understand that possession, sale, or use of illegal drugs is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program. Items include but are not limited to
marijuana, cocaine, bath salts, salvia, ecstasy, prescription drugs/pain killers (i.e. improper use or possession of pills that were not prescribed for you) and any other mind and/or body altering substance. All these items are considered forbidden substances by PSE and are grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.
12. Alcohol: The legal drinking age in every state in the U.S. is 21 years of age and as a result, it is a violation of the law for me to drink alcohol while participating in the program. I agree that I will not drink alcohol, even at my host family home, or attend gatherings where alcohol is served to people under the age of 21. This applies regardless of laws in my home country or what my natural parents permit. PSE students are forbidden to purchase, possess, or to drink alcohol, to be in any area of a bar or restaurant where minors under the age of 21 are prohibited, or to be in a group of minors who are in the possession of alcohol, even if the student is not personally drinking. I understand that a violation of any aspect of this rule is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.
13. Sexual Relations and Conduct: I agree that I will not engage in sexual relations with any individual, or participate in any sexual contact or sexual activity, including anyone who I am dating or with whom I am romantically involved with. A sexual relationship with anyone, whether or not a host family member, is strictly forbidden and is grounds for termination from the program. I understand that in the United States, it is a crime (called "statutory rape") to have sexual intercourse with a minor (the age of which varies depending on the state, and which is frequently younger than 18), even if both parties are willing
participants in the sexual intercourse. If a person accused of statutory rape is convicted in a court of law, that person may go to jail or to prison. This ban on sexual relations means that even if I willingly participate in sexual relations with another person and that person becomes pregnant or I become pregnant, I will be terminated from the program. As it relates to host family members and their relatives, any student who is in a dating relationship or suspected of being in such a relationship, or who has an abnormally close relationship with such an individual is subject to removal from the host family and may be terminated from the program.
14. Smoking and Tobacco related Products: I will not purchase, use, or possess any tobacco and/or smoking related products (including, but not limited to, cigarettes, ecigarettes, hookahs and smokeless tobacco). I understand that it is illegal in the U.S. to buy tobacco and/or smoking related products if I am under the age of 21. I understand that I may be terminated from the program if I buy, use, or possess tobacco and/or smoking related products.
15. Weapons: I agree that I will not possess, use, or purchase any item that can be used as a weapon, or an object which may reasonably be considered as an object used for some form of aggression or intimidation. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, guns (including air-projectile guns such as those used in paintball or other games), bows, arrows, knives, "brass knuckles", whips, swords, etc. I understand that the student medical and travel insurance does not cover accidents or injuries caused by a weapon or weapons used by me. I also
understand that I am not allowed to participate in any type of hunting activity, even as an observer. I may be terminated from the program if I violate any aspect of this rule.
16. Operating Motorized Vehicles: I agree not to drive or otherwise operate any motorized vehicle (including motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, snowmobiles, jet skis, motorized boats) at any time while I am participating in the PSE program. I may be a passenger only in cars, trucks, vans, and buses. I may NOT be a passenger on motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, snowmobiles, jet skis and other high risk open vehicles. I understand that I may not take any driving classes, whether school sponsored or private, or other classes designed for the purpose of learning how to operate a motorized vehicle. Driving or operating a motorized vehicle is forbidden and is grounds for termination from the program.
17. I will not visit inappropriate venues such as pornographic shops, adult theaters, allages clubs, or drinking establishments, and that going to such venues is prohibited.
18. I understand that I must not make any “life-changing” decisions such as getting married or converting to a different religion. I am allowed to attend church and learn about religions while in the U.S. but I cannot "convert" or change my religion during my program participation.
19. I understand that PSE forbids tattooing and body piercing while on the program. I agree to abide by PSE’s demand to remove any piercings that it deems unacceptable. I also understand that I cannot dye my hair an unnatural color while participating in the PSE program.
20. I will use my best efforts to adapt to any placement. I understand that I am expected to be RESPECTFUL AND TOLERANT of my host family regardless of their ethnicity, political views, religious practices or the size of the community in which they live.
21. I understand that host families represent a wide range of socio economic levels, which may vary greatly from my own. Hosts may be married, single, retired, with children, or have no children at all. I agree that I will make every effort to adjust to and become a member of the host family and community, including spending a reasonable amount of time with my family each day.
22. I also understand that American families may impose more restrictions on me as a teenager than my natural family or than is common in my country. This may include being required to ask permission to go places and return home by a designated hour (commonly known in America as a "curfew.") Curfews vary widely from family to family.
23. I understand there are no guarantees made regarding the host family type. I agree not to compare my host family to other families, or to discuss their private financial, family or business matters with anyone outside of my host family.
24. I agree that I must try to resolve any conflicts with my host family with the help of my local coordinator through discussion and compromise. I understand that I cannot change host families just because I want to and that changing host families is always a last resort, and that any such decisions will be at the discretion of PSE.
25. I understand that I will be with my assigned host family for the duration of the program school year unless their circumstances change or if the family is listed as a “temporary/welcome family”.
26. I agree to respect each member of the host family and follow their rules about curfew, dating, watching television, use of electronic devices, etc. I will do my best to initiate participation in family mealtimes, chores, and other family activities. I will place greater importance on time spent with my host family than with friends. I will also limit my time alone in an effort to prevent culture shock, boredom or loneliness.
27. I understand that although some areas of the U.S. have well-developed systems of transportation (such as buses and/or trains), other parts of the country do not. Where public transportation options are limited or non-existent, I understand that my mobility will likely be limited and I will have to rely on my own means such as walking, biking and/ or occasional rides from my host family or friends.
28. The immunizations listed in the student application are required by American schools. I agree to get all of these vaccinations prior to departure from my home country, or to obtain them at my cost immediately upon arrival in the U.S. in addition to any other vaccines or procedures required by the state or my school.
29.I agree to maintain balanced and normal physical and mental health while
participating in the PSE program. Behaviors which may result in immediate termination include but are not limited to; excessive sleeping and/or sleep deprivation, behaviors consistent with eating disorders such as binge eating or anorexia, rapid weight loss and/or gain and purging food after eating, acts of self-harm and/or self-mutilation including cutting. This includes but is not limited to avoidance of dangerous activities, such as challenges that might cause serious harm.
30.I understand that any pre-existing health condition will not be covered by the program insurance. If it becomes apparent after my arrival in the U.S. that I have previously undisclosed or undiscovered health issues, PSE reserves the right to end my program. All pre-existing conditions must be disclosed to PSE and if approved as eligible for program consideration will require the advance purchase of sufficient medical insurance that cannot be purchased after entry into the U.S. and therefore may require program termination if not acquired in advance. I am not allowed to use or take any prescription drugs from my home country or from the U.S. once in America without prior disclosure and approval by PSE. It is very important that my natural parents and I disclose of ALL previous mental and physical conditions and treatments that I have had before I enter the U.S. on the program.
31.I agree to pay for any medical expenses not covered by the program insurance. As an example, copays are often required before treatment. I understand that I will be responsible for such payments and I will have the money available. If PSE, my host
family or any other party pay for my medical bills, I agree to reimburse them upon request, even after I have returned to my home country.
32. I understand that the international travel medical insurance provided to me covers emergency surgeries ONLY, and I agree to have any non-emergency surgical procedures recommended to me or desired by me done in my home country and not while I am in the U.S.
33. I will provide a doctor’s letter of explanation in English to accompany all prescription drugs, over the counter drugs (other than ibuprofen or acetaminophen), and herbal supplements that I bring with me to the U.S., or that are sent to me during my participation in the PSE program.
34. I will not participate in unsafe activities such as skydiving, hang gliding, or bungee jumping. I will confirm insurance coverage for any potentially dangerous activity. I will request approval for and will never take part alone in such sports as: snow sports (snowboarding, snow skiing, inner tubing, etc.); hiking; swimming; boating; or other potentially dangerous pastimes. For all potentially dangerous activities that are allowed, all extra appropriate precautions will be taken such as wearing a seat belt, helmet, body gear, etc. Some host families may have swimming pools or may frequent pools, lakes, or beaches that may or may not have life guards present. I will notify the sending organization, PSE, host family and other related parties in advance if I am unable to swim or lack sufficient swimming skills.
35. I understand that most states in the United States require everyone traveling in a car to wear a seatbelt, and I will always wear a seatbelt when riding in a car. Failure to wear seatbelts can cause serious injury in the event of an accident.
36. Hitchhiking (Requesting/Accepting Rides in Vehicles from Strangers): I understand that in many states and cities in the United States, asking a stranger for a ride in a motorized vehicle, often by using your thumb to indicate you want a ride (known has "hitchhiking"), is illegal. It also can be very dangerous. I will not accept rides in any vehicle or other form of transportation from someone I do not know or attempt to secure a ride from someone I do not know. Hitchhiking is strictly forbidden and is grounds for termination from the program.
37. Visits to or by my relatives or friends from my home country are NOT permitted upon arrival to the U.S. and/or during the academic portion of the program. Visits may be considered during the extended holidays such as winter, or spring as long as the host family, school, PSE, and sending organization are in agreement.
38. Students may not go on trips without written permission from their natural parents and approval from PSE and the sending organization. I agree to seek written permission for trips from PSE; PSE will forward the request to my sending organization and natural parents. I also understand that I may not miss a scheduled school day or any part thereof or travel alone without prior authorization.
PSE rules & regulations
Unauthorized travel is grounds for program termination. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and turn in all travel requests to the PSE office and to obtain required travel documents, including visas. Please see the Travel Section of the PSE Student Handbook for more information.
39. I am expected to arrive one week prior to the start of school, and I understand that I must arrive into the airport designated by PSE (unless prior approval is granted).
40. I and my natural parents understand that if I choose to travel before or following my PSE program, PSE is released of all liability and my natural parents accept full responsibility during this time. I understand that my program begins upon arrival to my host family’s home and ends upon departure from my host family’s home.
41. I am expected to return home to my native country within one week after school has ended, and I understand that I must depart from the airport designated by PSE (unless prior approval is granted). I understand that if my full flight information including reservation number is not received, then PSE will be unable to assist in the event my flight is delayed or cancelled. I understand that even if I am extending to the next academic year, I am expected to go home for the summer. I understand that extensions to another academic year are only granted to those students in good standing with the host family, school, and/or PSE. PSE reserves the right to refuse any extension request and to demand immediate return home upon completion of the academic program.
42. I promise to remain in school through my program end date. If I want to return to my home country earlier, I agree to complete a Voluntary Program Release form providing the reasons for my return, and flight information. I further understand that if I choose to return to my home country early, I may not receive credit for the semester I am terminating early from. Any credit given in this circumstance will be at the sole discretion of the school.
43. I understand that one of my natural parents must have a valid passport for emergency situations in which they are required to travel to the U.S. during the program.
44. In accordance with the purpose of this program, I agree to use English with my friends regardless of where they are from. I will focus on developing my English skills by making American friends and strictly limiting the use of my native language at all times, including when I am using electronic communication devices and using the Internet.
45. My natural parents and I agree to use our best efforts (unless in the case of a true emergency) to limit contact with each other, our family members and home country friends/relatives to one time per week, and for no longer than one hour. We understand that the purpose of this rule is to maximize assimilation and adaptation into the U.S. and the exchange experience. This rule applies to all methods of communication, e.g. phone, internet, text messaging, Skype, IM, Facebook. Bringing a cell phone from your home country often interferes with integration into the host family and American culture.
I understand that if I do bring a cell phone with me to the U.S., I must still abide by this rule concerning contact with home as outlined above. I also understand that I will be financially responsible for the costs of any international telephone call or other form of international communication for which there is a cost. I am being advised to purchase a long-distance phone card, and that I am not allowed to use the host family's land or cellular phone to make any long distance calls, including international calls. In addition, PSE encourages me to buy a cell phone in the United States so that I can better communicate with my host family. Cell phones are useful for emergency purposes and daily contact with one’s host family and others. Like all other electronic devices, however, students are still required to abide by the PSE rules regarding contact with home as outlined above.
a. PSE encourages students to purchase monthly “pay as you go” plans from retail or online stores. There are many affordable unlimited talk and data plans available.
b. Students are FORBIDDEN to go on host family plans and “share” the family’s cell phone.
46. If my English language skills are deemed insufficient to ensure success in the PSE program or at my school, I agree to pay for private tutorials.
47. I will show respect for all PSE representatives and follow their instructions. I will contact the PSE local coordinator at least once per month during my stay in the U.S. I also agree to send my coordinator monthly reports with grades when they are due or
requested or provide my local coordinator access to the online portal to my school records, and to cooperate respectfully with him or her. I will participate in monthly activities arranged by my coordinator. I understand that if I am uncooperative, I may be subject to probation or program termination.
48. Should a problem arise during the program that is not an emergency, I must make best efforts to first contact my PSE local coordinator or regional manager in order to facilitate an efficient resolution to the problem. In the case of an emergency or hospitalization, I will contact my local coordinator and the PSE office as soon as practically possible.
49. I must attend school daily and be present and on time to each scheduled class unless I have a note from a treating health care provider or other legitimate excuse. I am solely responsible for being ready in time to arrive on schedule for school each morning. If I am expelled or suspended from school for breaking any school rule or for any other reason, I understand I am subject to dismissal from the PSE program. I also understand that excessive tardiness, skipping classes, unauthorized absences, poor grades or poor behavior at school can lead to school disciplinary action and are grounds for dismissal from the PSE program.
50. I understand that I will be required to take a full academic course load at school and will agree to take any classes required of me by the school. I understand that most private schools
have a religious affiliation and that the school will often require me to attend classes on religion and partake in religious services. Athletic eligibility or participation is not guaranteed.
51. I understand this is an educational program and if any of my grades fall below a C I will be required to pay for private tutoring in order to assist me in reaching this grade/level. I also understand that I will be responsible for the costs of any private tutoring classes, which may cost $50 or more per hour depending on the region. I understand that if my academic efforts are deemed insufficient, or if I am expelled or suspended from school it may be grounds for termination from the PSE program.
52. I will not request that PSE facilitate entry to college or university.
53. I am responsible for obtaining and paying for Convalidations, Apostillements, or any other certified or notarized transcripts or documents. PSE is not responsible for facilitating this process unless I complete the correct processing forms, pay the processing fee and request the transcripts from my school (once available).
54. I understand that athletic eligibility or participation at my school or on a club is not guaranteed and is only allowed if authorized by state or local associations and approved in advance by PSE. Typically, eligibility status is not reviewed by state athletic associations until after a student has arrived in the USA, and the rules will vary depending on the state. Participation in extra-curricular activities is also not guaranteed. I understand that the primary purpose of this program is academic and cultural exchange and not athletics/sports.
55. I must have access to a minimum of USD $250.00 per month to meet expenses not covered in the program at all times during my participation in the program. School fees for books, sports, clubs, dances, lunches, and bus transportation are not covered. I also understand that I must have access to USD $500.00 at the beginning and the end of my program to cover additional expenditure associated with arrival and departure. I understand that my host family is responsible for housing, minimal transportation, and arranging for three meals per day. I am responsible for all other expenses including, but not limited to: seasonal clothing; personal food and toiletry items; entertainment expenses and travel expenses while with the host family. I must also have USD $500.00 available in emergency funds for medical or other unexpected expenses.
56. I agree to pay any outstanding debts before I return to my home country. If PSE or my host family pays any such debts on my behalf, I agree to reimburse them upon request. I am responsible for paying for any property or other damage I may cause during my participation in the program.
57. No PSE program fee refund will be given if I cancel, withdraw, or am terminated from the program after the I-20 form has been issued.
58. I understand that I may not under-take any regular part-time or full-time employment while on the PSE program, including self-employment.
59. It is the policy of PSE to provide equality of opportunity in education for all students. Accordingly, PSE does not
practice or condone unlawful discrimination in any form against students or host families on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status. Nor does PSE allow discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation is in violation of federal and state law and PSE’s policy, and will not be tolerated. PSE will respond promptly to all complaints of discrimination and retaliation. Violation of this policy can result in serious disciplinary action up to and including program termination or discharge for employees. Retaliation against any person complaining of discrimination is in violation of federal and state law and PSE policy, and will not be tolerated.
60. PROGRAM TERMINATION: PSE reserves the right to terminate program participation for the violation of any rules or when a participant's mental or physical health, as determined by PSE, is in jeopardy. I further understand that if I am terminated from the program, I may not receive credit for the semester I am terminating early. Any credit given in this circumstance will be at the sole discretion of the school. I understand and agree to obey all the terms stated. If PSE terminates my program, I am responsible for paying for my ticket home and any other expenses associat-ed with my return.
61. A student who wishes to extend/reenroll at the school where he/she has been accepted through PSE and the Sending Organization must extend/reenroll with PSE and the Sending Organization for the entire academic period that the student
attends the school effective until graduation or the student withdraws from the school.
At all times while participating in the PSE program, students will be held responsible for the content of everything posted and linked to their profile on social media and networking sites, including statements, comments, photos and videos.
Further, students must refrain from any electronic, online or other activity that could compromise their safety or the safety and privacy of their host family or others. This includes communication or meeting with strangers, posting any information that could be used to identify their or their host family’s identity or location such as full name, address, phone number, bank and credit card information, et cetera. Use common sense.
PSE strictly prohibits e-mails, text messages and other forms of electronic communications that are defamatory, obscene, offensive, harassing or intimidating. This includes accessing, transmitting or displaying sexually oriented images, messages, jokes or cartoons. Similarly, images, messages, jokes or cartoons that are discriminatory or harassing based on age, religion, race, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, color and other legally protected classes also are strictly prohibited. This prohibition also specifi-cally includes, but is not limited to, “sexting” (the act of sending sexually explicit text or images between cell phones or electronic devices) and “bullying.” As a participant in the PSE program, students also are prohibited from soliciting others for commercial ventures, and religious or political causes.
Students need to understand that U.S. laws are very strict in terms of harassing and offensive behavior, sexually explicit conduct and bullying of others and that they may face both monetary and criminal penalties for a violation of these laws. Additionally, such behavior may result in being expelled from the student’s American school, which may result in termination from the PSE program.
Students also must understand that the United States has strict copyright laws that protect computer software and programs from unauthorized use and/or copying. Therefore, students are urged to use caution when copying and/or transmitting any software program, documents, or other information protected by American copyright laws. Additionally, students should not accept copies of any software programs from others without making sure that they are in compliance with U.S. copyright laws. A violation of these laws may subject student to monetary penalties and/or time in jail or prison.
Students are also reminded that their e-mail and text messages may be read by someone other than the person(s) to whom they are sent, including disclosure to outside parties or agencies. Accordingly, students need to make sure that any message created, sent and/or forwarded is courteous, respectful and in full compliance with this policy.
Can I talk about my host family, my schoolmates or other PSE program participants on my own time on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and other social media and online sites?In the case of your host family, you are required at all times to treat all information about the family (financial, religious, internal family matters, etc.) strictly confidential which means that you cannot discuss these matters on any social medial or other online site.
Who you decide to “friend” on sites such as Facebook is up to you. Please understand, however, that it is unwise to accept or issue “friend” requests to people you do not know, even if they know someone in your host family or a school friend.
In addition to your confidentiality obligations as outlined in this policy, it’s just good common sense for students to keep certain topics confidential, and to show respect for others on topics that may be considered inflammatory such as politics and religion. And as noted above, for safety related reasons you should not share personal information online about you or your host family.
Even more than written statements in a newspaper, e-mail or letter, statements posted on social media and other online sites are fully public and can be viewed by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Classmates, teachers, coaches, potential employers, schools,
representatives of the media all of these people might view what you post even if you don’t intend for them to. For your own privacy and that of your host family, you should consider carefully how much detailed personal information linked to your name you want published on the Internet. You also should understand that search engines and other technologies make it almost impossible to erase or delete anything you have posted. Once you “put it out there,” it’s there to stay.
The same rules apply to students’ use of social media and other online sites that apply to all PSE program participants concerning verbal, written and graphic statements and comments. As such, students must refrain from posting comments or material that may reasonably be construed as being inappropriate, offensive, insulting, demeaning, threatening, intimidating or abusive. In other words, all of the rules and guidelines contained throughout these Terms of Participation apply to students’ use of social media and other online participation.
You are expected to abide by all U.S. laws concerning posts, comments, statements and activities that you engage in online, including copyright and trademark laws. In general, this means before a student uses or reproduces any copyrighted text, photos, graphics,
video or other material that the students does not own, he/she must have permission from the company or person who owns the copyright or trademark rights to the material.
A violation of any aspect of this policy may result in a disciplinary procedure such as warning, probation and/or early termination from the PSE program.
This section is for your information. The signed original is located in your student’s application.
I hereby release PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange program and all of its employees and field representatives, and host families from all liability, injury, damages or claims which I have incurred during the program. Further, I understand that I will not be covered by any insurance policy after the program has been terminated.
The undersigned, as a student of the PSEPrivate & Public School F-1 Exchange program, and the parents/legal guardians of the student in the program, renounce any claim against PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange, its employees, agents, teachers, counselors, school where the student has been accepted, or any person intervening in the Program, that might arise due to injury, damage, sickness, accident, delay, unusual circumstances due to strikes, criminal acts, war, acts of terrorism, atmospheric conditions, quarantine, government restrictions or regulations, or those derived from acts of omission of airlines, shipping companies, railroads, buses, transportation in
general, hotels, restaurants or any other service given by companies, individuals or anyone related with the aforementioned.
We understand that the student will be subject to the rules of the program, host family, school, teachers, and the community where he/she will live. We also understand that PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange program reserves the right to terminate any student who participates in the program whose conduct may be considered detrimental or incompatible with the interest and security of the program. If this decision is ever taken, the student and his/her parents/legal guardian have no right to any refunds.
We accept the right for PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange program to directly, or indirectly, change, cancel, substitute in emergencies or whenever normal circumstances change, those parts of the program whose alteration may be considered necessary.
We also accept the right for PSE Private & Public School F-1 Exchange program to change, before and after departure, the cost of the program to meet unexpected changes in airfares or the price of transportation in general, monetary devaluation, etc. We understand that should there be a geographic move of the students for any reason whatsoever, the cost of the transportation shall be borne by the student.
We grant PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange program permission to use in the future any photographic or any other type of material in which the student may appear, for promotion or publicity of PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange programs. We also agree we will not make any contact, directly or indirectly, with schools, local counselors/coordinators, families, or employees of PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange program for the purpose of sending future students to any of the said schools, local counselors / coordinators, families and friends.
The student and natural parents/legal guardians agree to uphold the standards set by PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange program, the school and the family with whom the student will live, for the duration of the program. The student also agrees to maintain friendly and respectful relations with teachers, program coordinators, classmates and all family members, and to accept and follow rules of conduct imposed by said family and to participate in family life as much as possible.
A signed copy of this form has been included in your host family packet. Please bring this form with you when you visit a doctor or when you are traveling with your student. If you need another copy of this form, please contact your LC or the PSE office.
This section is to be read and signed by the student's natural parents/legal guardian.
We grant PSE - Private & Public School F-1 Exchange (hereafter, “PSE”), its employees and agents, the school where the student has been accepted, and the Family/Families with whom he/she will live permission to place our son/ daughter in a hospital or other institution for any type of assistance or medical treatment necessary. If there is not a hospital available or appropriate, our son/daughter may be placed under the care of a local medical doctor for treatment. In the case of expenses exceeding the coverage of the insurance policy covering the student, we agree to assume all costs necessary in the treatment of our son/daughter.
We also authorize PSE, its employees and agents, the school where the student has been accepted, and the family/ families with whom he/she will live permission to submit our son/ daughter to any needed medical treatment, including the possibility of surgery, after consultation with medical authorities. In the case of expenses exceeding
the coverage of the insurance policy covering the student, we agree to assume all costs necessary in the treatment of our son/ daughter.
We also grant the above stated individu-als to act on behalf of our son/daughter in anything pertaining to possible representation of our son/daughter with local government authorities, and to sign authorizations and give consents for our son/daughter to enroll and participate in sports, special events, places of recre-ation and amusement, and other activi-ties.
We also authorize PSE, its employees and agents, coordinators, and the host family with whom he/she will reside, permission to obtain grades, progress reports, tran-scripts, and attendance records from the school where the student is attend-ing. This authorization shall be valid for the entire duration of the PSE program in which the above-noted international student is participating.
Host family rules for students
Every Host Family will have unique household rules and expectations.
PSE asks each host family to write down their rules, expectations, and basic family operations in order to give the student a clear idea of how the family functions and what the consequences are if the rules are not followed.
Here is a sample set of expectations for a typical American family:
1.Learn our name, address and phone number immediately.
2.We all live here together. You are a part of our family. We will treat you the same way that we treat our own children.
3.We are your parents for the time you are here. Please treat us the way you want to be treated.
4.American children share household chores with their parents. We must all do our share to keep the house looking nice. We must take care of our possessions and ourselves. We must help others as needed.
5.We must all use good manners in our home. "Please," "Thank you," "I'm sorry," "May I help you?" and good manners during meals and around each other are necessary.
6.Don’t bring your cell phone to dinner. Chew with your mouth closed, and say, “May I be excused?” before you leave. Take your dishes to the kitchen.
7.If you have a concern, a question, or you feel lonely, sad or happy, please talk to any of us. We are your family for the time you are with us, and we want to be part of your life and share the happy as well as the sad.
Here is a sample of everyday household rules for a typical American family:
1.Keep your room and bathroom clean.
2.Make your bed and pick up your things each day.
3.Clean your bathroom once a week.
4.Change your sheets regularly.
5.Do not take food into your bedroom.
6.Clean the trash can in your room and bathroom.
7.Make your own breakfast and lunch on school days. When you are finished, clean up after yourself. This means putting the food away, washing the dishes, cleaning the counters and cleaning up any other spills.
8.Whenever you cook or do a project, clean up after yourself afterwards.
9.Everyone takes turns doing chores. Please check to see what yours are and do them without having to be reminded.
10.To conserve, please turn off the lights, radios, etc. when they are not in use.
11.You may be responsible for your own laundry. Ask the host parents to show you how to use the washer and dryer.
General responsibilities for students
Students have responsibilities when joining a homestay program. Please review the following areas of consideration for PSE students.
You are an ambassador of your home country. You may be the only person from your country that your host family, their friends, your school staff and classmates, and the people in your community have ever met. It is important that you be an excellent representative of your country. Your actions and manners need to bring favorable reactions from those you encounter during your stay.
Your host family is showing kindness and generosity by inviting you to live with them for an extended period of time. Just as you are brave for coming into a totally new and different situation, they
are brave for their willingness to host a teenager with a different background, language and culture. This may be the first time they have lived with a teenager. It is your responsibility to adapt to the lifestyle of your host family. Do not expect them to change their way of doing things to be more like what you are accustomed to at home. If there are changes to be made, you are the one who needs to make them.
Families host mainly for a learning experience. It is important for you to come prepared to share your country and culture with your host families and friends. Please bring pictures, examples of arts/crafts from your home country, recipes of your favorite dish, or music that is popular with teens from your country.
Students are required to attend classes, participate in class, and complete any required assignments. Host families are encouraged to provide support in this area and to report to the PSE coordinator if the student is experiencing difficulty in school. It is very important that you spend time during your homestay joining in activities in your host school and community. Even though you will be tempted to find students from your home country and do everything with them and to speak your native language, you will benefit so much more from improving your English by practicing and by making American friends. No one will fault you if you make a mistake, but will rather think you're very brave to be able to do as well as you do.
PSE local coordinators are the student’s main contact person while they are here. LCs call and visit with host families and students on a regular basis to evaluate the student's performance in school and their behavior at home. Your LC is there to help you, so make sure you make time regularly to talk or visit with them. If you have questions relating to your relationship with your LC please contact the PSE office.
Every month our local coordinators will complete a Monthly Progress Report for each student. Please make sure you reserve time to contact them. Your LC will arrange to meet you in your home every other month and will call you to complete the reports on the months you do not meet. Please make sure you reserve time for these monthly communications. This is your opportunity to discuss any issues or successes with your LC.
In this program, we are bringing together two very different participants: an American host family and a foreign high school student.
It is our hope that the student/host family will spend the duration of the program together and will feel a great deal of success at the conclusion of the program. Occasionally, the relationship between the host family and the student does not work out. A series of steps will be implemented by the LC to attempt to resolve the conflict. If these steps are unsuccessful, PSE may decide that the differences are irreconcilable and recommend that the student be moved to another family. This does not mean that anyone was at fault. It simply means that the combination of personalities did not work.
•Good communication between the student and host family is critical
•Get all the facts before forming opinions things are not always as they seem
•Remember to avoid blaming language when discussing the problem
•Inform your local coordinator of the problem and utilize their skills in gathering information and mediating the problem between all parties
•Try to resolve the issue(s) we only move students when there is no other solution
•If the problem becomes too difficult or if you need advice or support, call your LC, and if they are unavailable, contact the PSE office.
1.If a student is experiencing a problem, the natural family should not be the first contact. Rather, the PSE local coordinator should attempt to get the facts from all parties (the host family and the student) and resolve it. If this does not work, the coordinator should notify the Regional Manager immediately. The Regional Manager will evaluate the situation and if needed, will speak with the student and host family directly to
find out more about the situation. Every attempt possible should be made to mediate and resolve the conflict. If behavioral changes are necessary, a student might be issued disciplinary documentation.
2.If the family or student has a legitimate problem that cannot be resolved through mediation, an effort will be made to find a new family for the student.
3.If the student has a behavioral problem and has been issued disciplinary documentation that has escalated to final probation, and still no improvements are made, this may result in program termination.
4.The LC and host family should not contact the sending organization nor natural family abroad to discuss the situation with them. Only the PSE office may do this after discussing the situation with all parties involved.
The above procedures are in place to clearly outline how conflict between students and host families is handled. It is our intention always to guide participants through any challenges they face while on the program to ensure a successful experience. If any member of a host family has had allegations of abuse brought against them, the student will be removed from the home immediately and permanently.
PSE is not a travel program. The purpose of the PSE program is to achieve successful academic and host family experiences.
PSE has the right to refuse any travel request, and any student who travels without the permission of PSE may face disciplinary action or program termination.
Permission to Travel Requests should be submitted if one or more of the following apply:
•Air travel
• The length of the trip is more than 72 hours
•International Travel (including Mexico & Canada)
•Missing school
• Unaccompanied travel or travel with someone other than the host family
Travel Deadlines
All travel requests should be submitted to your LC or the PSE office at least 2 weeks prior to the departure date. Students are responsible for the completion of the travel forms. They are encouraged to ask their host family or LC for assistance. Any
travel causing a student to miss school requires school authorization. Do not book travel before approval is granted.
Students and host families must report any changes immediately to their coordinator. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the PSE office or the LC of any changes. The Travel Requests are approved based on the original information provided, if the travel plans change PSE approval needs to be reconfirmed. If approval is not reconfirmed then a student may face disciplinary action or possible program termination.
Students must receive approval from both PSE and the school that has issued their I-20 before embarking on any international travel. If a student wishes International Travel
to travel internationally it is their responsibility to contact the appropriate consulates and gather information regarding entry/exit of the desired country of travel. For a preliminary review of travel documentation, one website we have found helpful is http://www.visahq.com/citizens/. On this website, the student enters the country of destination and their country of citizenship and the website will show the visa requirements. However, we urge you not to rely on this website alone. Even with proper documentation, students with F-I visa status are not guaranteed the right to re-enter the United States. PSE has no influence over the student’s exit from and entry back into the USA. If a student is refused re-entry into the USA, then they may be deported back to their home country. Returning students should contact their school official before leaving for the summer to make sure that the I-20 form is updated and the second page is signed for re-entry when they return.
Accompanied Travel
Accompanied Travel is defined as any travel that occurs in the presence of a mature adult who is over 21. A student is allowed to travel to the designated destination alone but then must be accompanied for the full duration of the trip by the chaperone listed on the Travel Form.
Unaccompanied travel
Unaccompanied Travel is defined as any travel that will occur without the presence of a person over the age of 21.
Student safety is of the utmost importance therefore unaccompanied travel is usually only approved for special circumstances such as college visits.
1.Complete the Permission to Travel form (found on the PSE website: www.pse-edu.org) and submit the form to your LC at least 2 weeks in advance of your travel date.
2.If you are missing any school you must present the Travel Form to a school official to receive their signature of approval for the absence(s).
3.If you are requesting to travel with an adult other than your host parents, PSE may require the traveling adult members to be screened through criminal background checks and by providing two personal references. The student will need to also submit a detailed itinerary with phone numbers and addresses of where they will be staying.
4.If PSE approves the trip they will forward the form to the student’s overseas agency/foreign partner.
5.If the Sending Organization and the student’s natural parents approve the travel request then PSE will forward the approved request to the student, host family, and local coordinator.
6.The student and host family should inform PSE of any changes to the travel itinerary.
7.Always carry your PSE ID card and Insurance card with you. Your host family or guardian should keep the Medical Release form with them during the trip.
Host parents or student should always phone the insurance company to ensure coverage and to find a provider that is within the network. Dental work and ophthalmology services are covered on an emergency basis only. Pre-existing conditions, school sports physicals, regular optical care, regular dental or orthodontic care, immunizations, and high-risk adventure activities are generally not covered by insurance. Host families should always carry a copy of the insurance card and Medical Release when traveling.
The insurance card, policy number and coverage information is emailed to the host family prior to student arrival.
Insurance Procedures
We kindly ask that students, host families and local coordinators follow these steps to facilitate payment for each provider (doctor/ER/ambulance/radiology/lab), for each visit:
1.Call the phone number on the insurance card to find an in-network provider.
2.Student pays out of pocket if it is outside the scope of coverage. (If policy states something is covered and Insurance says it is not covered, call the PSE office, 503-222-9803)
3.Very important: give insurance card (not the PSE Student Photo ID) to Provider.
4.Make sure the student pays co-pay at the time of the visit.
5.If Provider requires full payment up front the student should pay with their credit card and then submit a Claim for reimbursement.
6.If student credit card funds are insufficient, do not pay. Call PSE. Natural parents can reimburse PSE through the Sending Organization if necessary.
7.For insurance issued by Sending Organization, the Student should contact their Sending Organization representative to help with the claim. Host Families and Coordinators should not contact the Sending Organization.
8.Call the PSE office if the above procedure is not working.
9.The student must pay any medical bills immediately upon receipt. If the student or host family has any questions about the bills please contact PSE immediately.
Please note that students should NOT use the Emergency Room in the USA unless their illness or injury is serious or life threatening, for example: Head injuries, Chest pain, Loss of consciousness, Life-threatening situations, Difficulty breathing, Seizures. They will be charged up to $350 (in addition to any other co-payments or deductibles) if they use an ER for a condition that is not considered serious or life threatening.
All students receive a copy of their insurance card before arrival. Host families are also provided with a copy. If the Sending Organization is providing insurance, the student will be provided with their specific insurance card and policy information prior to arrival. Students are required to have their PSE ID cards and Insurance cards with them at all times.
Within the first few weeks of arrival, the student should access the insurance web site or phone their insurance company’s phone number to obtain a list of local doctors within their insurance network. Any time an insurance card is lost, please contact PSE. A copy of the student’s insurance card is also on the student’s application. Host families should never pay for student deductibles or medical care. If you receive a bill, please forward it to your LC and the PSE office. Students must confirm all medical claims have been filed before returning to their home country. Host families should never sign any documents regarding medical payment responsibilities, especially ones that infer they are responsible for medical fees. If a clinic or hospital is requiring this signature in order to treat the student, please contact PSE.
Students should always be aware of their responsibility to pay the co-pay at time of visit, and all medical bills immediately upon receipt. They should also understand the specifics of the policy and have their insurance card in hand before departure from their home country if issued by the Sending Organization.
Unless you receive a stipend directly from the school, each family receives a stipend from PSE at the end of each month for hosting a student. Host families must submit a W-9 and Direct Deposit information annually prior to the first payment. The payment is made via automatic deposit into your bank account.
Please see the host family stipend payment schedule for your anticipated payment dates. The payment/deposit dates listed on the payment schedule are forecasted in advance to the best of our ability. The monthly stipend is provided to assist with the additional food and utility costs incurred by your family during the student’s stay.
We are required by the IRS to issue 1099’s to host families each calendar year for stipends paid in excess of $600.00. In early 2015, PSE had a conference with several IRS Chief Counsel Attorneys and based on the information we received, PSE will be reporting host family stipends in Box 3 instead of Box 7. Please speak to a tax advisor to decide which expenses might be deductible, how to keep records, and to determine your own tax obligations.
Departure preparations
All students are expected to return to their home country within one week after the last day of school even if they are planning to return for the following school year. PSE does not provide oversight, insurance, nor stipend payments after the end of the PSE program nor during the summer months. The host family should not be expected to host beyond the end of the program year.
1. Make airline departure reservations through designated airport.
2. Send your flight itinerary to the local coordinator.
3. Send clothes and additional belongings home, or secure summer storage for these items if you will be returning.
4. Pay any and all outstanding bills.
5. Pay any packing fees such as boxes, luggage. etc. (Students should carry extra money with them to the airport for any extra fees that may occur such as additional fees for luggage. The host family will not be responsible for these fees.)
Each student or sending organization makes different arrangements for departure. It is not PSE's nor the host family’s responsibility to arrange the student’s return flight. Please check with your SO and natural parents you leave for your native home country about how final reservations should be made. In many cases the student is responsible for making their own reservations. Airline flights book up much faster in the summer months. All students should book their flights to depart within one week of the end of the program.
A month before departure, the student must talk to their host family about any remaining unpaid bills. Consider any school fees, health club membership, cell phone, or medical bills accumulated during the stay. The student must settle all your debts before departure.
Students are expected to pay for the cost of sending their belongings home at the end of their stay. This will include paying for boxes, shipping, or any luggage fees required at the airport. All boxes have to be shipped via air as shipping by boat is no longer available. Shipping boxes overseas can be very expensive, so we advise students to discuss and plan for these expenses with your host family and parents before leaving.
PSE students returning to the program should discuss the possibility of storing their belongings for the summer with their host family and LC. Storage requests will try to be accommodated but is not guaranteed; therefore, it is best for students not to accumulate excessive items throughout the school year.
When going home the student should carry extra money with them to the airport to pay for any additional fees required such as for overweight or additional baggage.
•Host families and local coordinators are instructed to always seek medical attention for students when needed. The student’s insurance card and medical release must be presented to the medical provider to obtain treatment. It is wise to have an extra copy of all student documents in a separate file at the host family home.
•For serious medical emergencies, contact the PSE office immediately at (877)222-9803 (24-hour answering service available).
• Proceed with the doctor’s advice for emergency treatment.
• The PSE office will contact and relay advice to and from the parents abroad.
•Student must complete insurance procedures as explained in the insurance section of this handbook.
PSE prohibits smoking and the use or possession of drugs and alcohol. Host families are reminded not to serve students alcoholic beverages. If the student is discovered partaking in a severe infraction of the law, the host family or local coordinator should contact the PSE office immediately.
Lost Student
•Contact the PSE office at 1 (877) 222-9803.
•Contact your local law enforcement agency as soon as you have determined your student is missing or has been abducted. Do not delay in reporting your student missing to law enforcement.
•If known, provide law enforcement with the date, time, and location where you student was last seen.
•If known, provide law enforcement with the name(s) of the last person/people who saw your student prior to the disappearance.
•Determine the names or descriptions of companions or associates last seen with your student .
•Secure your student’s room and personal belongings until law enforcement has had the opportunity to conduct a search.
•Identify and secure any computers, online resources, and communications devices used by your student , but do not attempt to conduct a search of these devices on your own. Ask law enforcement to look for clues in any chat, dating or social networking sites your student has visited or hosts.
•Try to keep all telephone lines open.
•Provide law enforcement with information about any changes in your student’s behavior or individuals showing an unusual interest in your student prior to the disappearance.
•Obtain the name and contact information of the primary investigator assigned to your student’s case.
Step 1. Learn the facts. Understand the risks.
Realities – not trusts – should influence your decisions regarding children.
Step 2. Minimize opportunity.
If you eliminate or reduce one-adult/one-child situations, you’ll dramatically lower the risk of sexual abuse for children.
Step 3. Talk about it.
Children often keep abuse secret, but barriers can be broken down by talking openly about it.
Step 4. Stay alert.
Don’t expect obvious signs when a child is being sexually abused.
Step 5. Make a plan.
Learn where to go, whom to call and how to react.
Step 6. Act on suspicions.
The future well-being of a child is at stake.
Step 7. Get involved.
Volunteer and financially support organizations that fight the tragedy of child sexual abuse.
When a parent, guardian or custodian inflicts or allows the infliction of physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment.
A report should be made when any person, who reasonably believes that a child under 18 has been abused, neglected, exploited or abandoned. A report of suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment is only a request for an investigation. The person making the report does not need to prove the abuse. Investigation and validation of child abuse reports are the responsibilities of child protective service workers. If additional incidents of abuse occur after the initial report has been made, make another report.
A report can be made to the CPS Statewide Toll-Free Child Abuse Hotline at 1-888-767- 2445, (1-888-SOS-CHILD) or law enforcement office. How to report?
If you witness or hear about the abuse of a PSE student, please contact the PSE office immediately at (877) 222-9803.
If any charges or allegations of abuse are brought against any member of the host family, contact the PSE office immediately at (877) 222-9803.
PSE Office 24 Hour Emergency Contact Number: Toll Free 877-222-9803