13 years a target prologue

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13 YEARS A TARGET: THE STORY OF “TARGET X” PROLOGUE THE TALE BEGINS 13 YEARS AGO IN 2001, SOUTH ST. LOUIS, AND ON A STREET CALLED HUMPHREY IN THE TOWER GROVE AREA. Every aspect of this entire tale will be told in 13 parts, but it is the contents of this tale that many will find unbelievable. Well, maybe not so much, in the light of recent revelations on the domestic spying of American citizens. This tale, all very, very true, unfortunately, has literally been 14 years in the making.”Target X” is a man of color, an educated man, who at times has felt like Solomon Northrup, in that an educated man of color who has not only been responsible as a citizen, but also a hard worker, starting to work in the city of St. Louis at 16 years of age at the Stouffer’s Rooftop Restaurant, suddenly (as Target X finds out thru a private investigator in

2003 after 2 years of harassment and spying) finds himself targeted in Maplewood, MO (and in 2007-2013 in Richmond Heights, MO) just because he was a man of color. Academically excelling as well, the number one question that Target X has been asking himself since the whole gang stalking thing started in 2001, all the while Target X educated himself. Target X was told that family members and friends had been thoroughly interrogated about him, THEN told to explicitly not let Target X know about any of this. These same friends and relatives who were sworn by so called “government officials” to not tell Target X this could not let something like this remain secret, even among themselves.

One fatal flaw in that government “no tell” concept, according to Target X: these people were STILL his family and friends. Target X was born and raised in St. Louis. Target X has hood gangsters and policemen in his family, ghetto folk and lawyers. And to think, someone would come into Target X’s HOME and not expect him to be told? After years of education and investigation, Target X had decided that all the dots could be connected on the gang stalking program in St. Louis appropriately called “THE PROGRAM”, how and why it was started (from a so called St. Louis custom), and how, with the help of ol’ John Ashcroft and the Patriot Act, is now on steroids thanks to American tax money. You know, the shit that they take from ALL of us every paycheck?

St. Louis colleges (and one VERY PRESTIGIOUS UNIVERSITY),cops ,firemen, cable people, building inspectors and managers (forcing Target X to move numerous times around St. Louis City and County),librarians, bank tellers), even, suspects Target X, his own doctors. So much so, that Target X knew that tangible proof of this pattern of organized harassment and surveillance had to be found to even validate his own sanity. Read how Target X gets that proof straight from the horse’s mouth in 2007, and then gets it confirmed in print in 2008.Read how a book (who he thinks was placed there on purpose) captured his attention exiting the University City Library in 2007, and how ANOTHER book placed where he could see it at the Richmond Heights Memorial Library in 2008 led to this article piece as well as the “Top Secret America” project conducted by The Washington post that gives great details into how and why a thing called “The Program” in St. Louis not only exits, but the far deeper and more insidious purposes of this American Stasi from THE WASHINGTON POST. This would all help X formulate and relate the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW and WHY of St. Louis’s “THE PROGRAM’ and his 13 year ordeal with it. READ ALL ABOUT IT IN THE UPCOMING “BULLDOG DEMOCRAT”.


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