Copyright 2015 by Marvel Comics All rights reserved by owner of the content in which this fan based ebook is based. Under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication will be produced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the owners of the content in which this ebook is based. “Blade: Frost” First Edition August 2015 “Blade: Frost” is a fan based not for profit ebook used solely for content and not sold or distributed anywhere online. 1.Ebook 2.Blade 3.Fan Fiction 4.Marvel Comics 5. Vampires
Which means the “superheroes” are supposed to be realistic, right? Believe or not, Marvel Comics actually did what the “Marvel Cinematic Universe” today in 2015 seeks to do 20 YEARS AGO: make Marvel Comic Book Heroes “Real” to movie audiences around the world. For example, that movie that Marvel Comics made back in 1998? The “R” rated movie (definitely not for kids) featuring a Marvel superhero cast in the “real world?”
That movie was BLADE”. “The Marvel Cinematic Universe” wasn’t even coined way back then. The movie “Blade” was an experiment. It was an experiment by Hollywood to see if they could tie in a big name star to a successful comic book hero movie franchise. HOLLYWOOD had tried before, dating back to the Richard Donner version of “Superman “in the 70’s (well , you can n with launching realistic comic book heroes into successful franchises, (count “BATMAN 66” as well) but the general feeling of Hollywood was that American and world audiences would just laugh their asses off at comic book based movies. When “Blade” came out, motherfuckers in Hollywoodland , and eventually the world, stopped laughing. “Blade” has made, in the last 20 years, well over 500 million dollars in franchise sales alone, let alone royalties and other content revenue venues for films. The “Blade” movie also established the very look of the early 2000 superheroes on screen. I call this the “new wave of comic book movies”. It would not have been a “Spiderman” movie world event following the success of the release of what many today consider officially the first successful comic book movie: THE X-MEN.
All this would not have come about, without the initial release and success of the Wesley Snipes and David Goyer and Christopher Nolan “joint”: “Blade”. Black leather, sunglasses, even the action mode and style of comic book movies that have come out in the last 15 years can be tied directly to the movie “Blade”. David Goyer made their bones on “Blade”. Yeah, THAT David Goyer. Supposedly, because of bad blood between Wesley Snipes (who plays the title character) and Goyer ( Wesley accused Nolan of racism for having the only black guy on the set of “Blade 3” walk around in a t-shirt that read “Trash”. Google that shit) you haven’t seen a “Blade” movie in quite some time. You sort of got “Blade” in the 3rd “Expendables” movie franchise (Wesley swinging katanas and shit) but that was only a taste of the true Wesley Snipe version of “Blade”. Since we are ALL still fucking waiting, I decided to go ahead with a project 13 years in the making. This is it. My homage and shout out to Wesley and the cats who can grease the wheels of a new “Blade” franchise.
“GREEN LIGHT” A NEW “BLADE” FILM!!!!! 2015: the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in full force (Excelsior!) and asses are filling seats to shit like “ANTMAN”. (Not panning the movie, haven’t seen it, RAVE REVIEWS, especially the “after credits” ending, GO SEE THE MOVIE) just still going “WTF”????!!!” In other words, if they can make a fucking “ANTMAN” movie….. See where I’m going with that? So, here is MY ongoing version of a “Blade” movie for the new Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2015. Hope you like it.
Phil Seahorn August 2015
Chapter One Frost woke up. He felt himself lying on what felt like a couch. He sat bolt upright. He looked around the room. High ceilings, white alabaster with brown boards at the bases of the ceiling and walls. Ornate, early 20th century tables, chairs, dressers. He looked all around the room, and then sat up and off the couch. Frost instinctively swiveled his head back and forth, right to left. “What the fuck?” he said. “Why the fuck ain’t I dead?” he said out loud. Frost remembered. The battle with Blade, that half breed piece of shit, Frost thought. Frost remembered fighting with Blade until the very end, when Blade started throwing shit at Frost, like a fucking knife thrower in a circus. Frost remembered. He remembered pain far, far worse than the initial ceremony where he was transformed into a La Magra, the Blood God of the Vampires. Pain worse than when he was turned. Frost remembered. Frost had died. Frost distinctly remembered swelling up, his body contused into huge tumors. Frost remembered. Frost remembered popping like a fucking balloon into a million, screaming, bloody pieces. That’s when Frost stopped remembering.
“Is this Hell?” Frost turned around and around three times, scanning the room for doors or windows. There were none. “Oh ,stop being so dramatic,” said a voice. Frost turned completely around. A high backed chair, ornate red, brown and black, suddenly was appeared. And just as suddenly, a long (too long to be human, Frost thought) arm clad in bright red leather and long red leather gloves appeared to the right of the chair, making a dismissive wave. Frost looked more closely. The “gloves’ were actually leather hands. Frost saw the dark black fingernails, elongated like razors. Shit, Frost thought. Somehow he had been captured by the “Von Esper House” from the look of that arm and hand. Vicious breed of vampires, this lot. “I’m not a vampire, either,” said the voice of the person sitting in the high backed chair. “ Look, asshole”, Frost said, adjusting his posture ,standing straight up. He was a short vampire. “I’ve had a bad day, and I think I may be having a very bad hallucination,” Frost said. He said this because on further observation of his surroundings, he instantly recognized where he was. This room was an exact replica of a ceremony hall Frost had read while studying the ancient Blood Scrolls written by the Lemure Tribe for the La Magra transformation. Frost did this to prepare himself for the ceremonies that turned him, albeit momentarily, into a Blood God. But, Frost thought, judging from that arm, Frost could not recall any illustrations in the Blood Scrolls that matched that arm.
“Long story short,” said the voice from the high backed chair, the arm making elaborate gestures as the voice spoke. “You, Frost, are, well, on loan, shall we say, as penance for daring to become a Blood God.” “So, you know?” asked Frost. “The Blood Gods told me. Or rather, told me of a prophecy of that an enemy of yours becomes a very dangerous enemy of mine.” Blade, Frost thought instantly. That motherfucker. “Uhm, would this prophecy reveal WHAT this threats name is?” asked Frost. “Kinda dark, fucked up disposition, has a hard on for vampires?” As Frost sat the chair down, he jumped back, grabbing the chair and heading to the other side of the room. That smell, Frost thought. Sulfur. Frost coughed, gagged, and stood upright. “Can’t show weakness”, Frost thought. The chair, on which the mysterious figure sat, lifted five into the air, a red hazy glow surrounding it. The glow emanated from the outstretched, red leather clad hand. The fingers of the red clad hand snapped, and the chair slowly made a dramatic turn. “What the fuck?” said Frost, taking a few steps backward, holding the chair instantly and defensively in front of him. The figures huge green slanted glowing eyes seemed to light up the entire room. The widest, evilest grin Frost had ever seen appeared on the incredibly wrinkly elongated red face shrouded in crazy waving black hair.
“My name is “Mephisto.”
CHAPTER TWO Blade opened his eyes. The glare from the overhead light was blinding. He covered his eyes with his right forearm, muscles and veins rippling under the dark brown, scarred from battle skin. “ Oh shit, I forgot, been awhile,“ boomed a familiar voice over Blade’s head. He noticed instantly he had been on a gurney. Now he was standing beside the gurney, instantly reaching for the sword and the pistol that should have been there. The light in the room went from bright white light to ultraviolet, and then a blue shade. Blade looked around him. Then he looked up at the familiar symbol of the outstretched eagle and the flag. “Fuck, this shit again, “Blade said, raising his hands above his head. He had been down this road before. He knew that he was probably about three thousand feet over somewhere in the world: escape was impossible. A very tall bald black man, dressed entirely in black leather and wearing a black eyepatch, approached Blade and looked down. Blade was able to get a real close look at the battle scarred eye patch, and the faint whiff of an Empirello cigar. “Hello, Eric” said the tall bald black man with the eye patch. The tall black man then reached behind him .A very tall woman, dressed in all black leather like the tall black man, handed him a large bag. The tall black man handed the bag to Blade. Blade took the bag. It was all his gear, including his katana. Blade took his time suiting up, almost falling back toward the gurney a couple of times. Another man in black leather, shorter than the other but as tall as Blade, came toward Blade with a hypodermic needle.
Blade extended his arm, accepting the injection. Blade had been thru this before as well. Once Blade set still for five minutes, the stuff in the injection began to take effect. Blade turned toward the tall mam. “Can’t you motherfuckers refine whatever the fuck you use to knock me the fuck out and kidnap me? Again? Shit fucks me up. And would you please tell me how you got Doctor Jensen’s EDTA serum anyway?” “No time for pleasantries,’ said the tall man, completely ignoring Blade’s question. “This is far, far worse than the last time we kidnapped your black ass.” The tall man motioned for anyone in the room to be seated at a large, round, black onyx table with matching chairs. Other leather clad people cleared the room of everyone else, and then shut two huge black metal doors. Once everyone was seated, including Blade, the tall black man started to address everyone at the table. “Before we get started with this, whatever the fuck this is, “NICHOLAS,” “Blade said, getting more than a little irritated. “This same shit: you kidnap me, drug me, throw me on a flying fucking submarine, and then we go off on some fucking adventure that has nothing to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with Shield.” Blade sat forward and leaned his leather jacketed arms on the black onyx table, cracking his knucklers. The tall black man began to chuckle. Not this time, Blade. No, this time its your shit we got to clean up. And we got to do this QUICKLY.” Nicolas hit a button. On the top of the black onyx table, a 3 d image appeared. The image was MOVING.
“Blade sat bolt upright, his fangs glistening white against the darkness of his skin. He snarled and pointed at the screen. “Is that live?” Blade asked. Blade automatically drew his katana, as if to do battle in the huge hellicarrier that was the flying headquarters for SHEILD. Nick Fury, director of Shield, looked over at Blade. “Whatever you need, Blade, same arrangement as before. Just fix this shit, because we got some other shit that far outweighs this. We help you now; we definitely will need your help in the very near future.” Blade was already heading toward the door to the meeting room, sheathing his katana and checking the ammo on his pistol. Blade had this “arrangement “with shield, just like his arrangement with whistler; they all had a common enemy: vampires. But Shield had all the toys, Blade thought. Thirty minutes later, Blade was airborne in a mini stealth quinjet, beta design. Shield always let Blade play with the new shit first. Provided it didn’t blow up on his ass first.
CHAPTER THREE Doctor Stephen Strange floated almost tow the top of the ornate ceiling that was part of his “Sanctum Santorum” his house of seclusion and solitude. On the outside, his house looked that of any other Manhattan condo. But the entire block was owned by strange, and its true sight and nature would scare this whole part of Lower Manhattan. The powers and magic’s of the “Master of the Mystic Arts” provided the necessary secrecy the Doctor needed. His world was a world best kept from the eyes of the everyday Manhattanized. The Doctor glided down to the fiery red ornate carpeted floor of the trance room. At that point, his “manservant” Wong appeared in the equally ornate doorway decorated with dragons and demons that displayed all the primary colors. Wong had just completed his martial arts workout. The Doctor made another gesture. He held his right arm and hand upward, arm still dripping with the exertion of his levitation techniques. Without using his “Cloak of Levitation.” Doctor Strange was not just a doctor in name as well as medicinal practice. The title also signified his status as the one true master of all things magic on this earthly and astral plane. Because of this, Strange found himself in incredible battles with beings from not only the earthly and astral planes, but from dimension and planes of existence even he was not aware of in all his mystical studies and adventures.
Because of this, Strange (and sometimes with Wong accompanying him) would find themselves in all sorts of bizarre and dangerous situations, where the ability to fly and fly quickly would mean life or death. The Cloak of Levitation gave Strange to the ability to fly with speed and precision matching that of a Harrier. That had come in handy in many a mystic battle in the five past. But now, with new things entering the human realms: creatures and armies from space, invading Gods from mythical Asgard come to life, and (in Wong’s words) “crazy ass billionaires flying around in mini tanks with humans in them”. Strange had to also strengthen his natural mystic ability to levitate, fly, and learn battle tactics with this newly acquired skill. Only he, Doctor Stephen strange, even attempted to create the ability to actually fly within a Master himself or herself. But with things that had just happened in New York, even a guy running around wrapped in an American flag throwing a big metal Frisbee was not enough to “Avenge” humanity from greater and almost godly evil that Strange had pertained. Strange gestured slightly with his outstretched left arm and the cloak settled over his shoulders. A loud, almost screaming whine of noise and a burst of white light appeared in front of Strange as the cloak rested on his shoulders, billowing out behind him even thought there was absolutely no wind in the Sanctum Sanctorum The Eye of Agamotto materialized, forming the neck clasp to the Cloak. Instantly, Strange felt the familiar rush of arcane energy coursing thru his body. This energy emanated with a red glow forming around his body, drying the perspiration and cleansing his body, as his official red and gold floral tunic, blue belt slash, and black leggings were formed over his body, Strange basking in the glow of arcane and mystic energies, billions of years old.
All at Strange’s beck and call as Master of the Mystic Arts. That’s when the left wall of the Sanctum Santorum blew in.
CHAPTER FOUR Blade shielded his face with his leather jacketed arms as he and the Shield mini stealth jet flew thru the wall of the building Frost was standing in front of. Blade had confronted Frost on top of a skyscraper three blocks away, all thanks to Shield Intel. The resulting battle had Blade and Frost three blocks and a half million dollars of cit y destruction away, in front of a building that Blade had sworn wasn’t there the last (and many) times he had been this way up Manhattan. Blade knew Shield would be hot on his heels after the distress signal he sent before engaging Frost. Right now, thought Blade, he had to figure out where the fuck he was at. Psychedelic lights and colors, some streaming in solid three feet bands, was swirling around Blade, the wreckage of the Shield mini jet, and what was left of the wall to the house that Blade and the mini jet crashed thru. Sounds that Blade had never heard in his life swirled around him in different tones. Blade adjusted his glasses, shifted his leather coat, and stood his ground. He looked outside the gaping hole. He instantly drew his pistol, as he caught a glimpse of what he thought was Frost. It was Frost, and a much taller, slimmer figure. Blade cocked his head to the left. “What the fuck?” he said out loud. Suddenly, another tall figure appeared to Blade’s left. Blade looked H, man, if this is your house, you need to get the fuck out of here, now, and fast,” Blade said, motioning the tall man behind him.” I got this…”
Suddenly, the tall man grabbed Blade by the collar, jerking him up and off his feet, swinging Blade behind him as he pivoted and made an opera baton wielding motion with his right hand. The Crimson Bands of Cytorakk erupted from the gesture of his arm, blasting out in a half chicle crimson band of glowing light, knifing thru the air toward Frost and the other figure. The band of crimson, glowing light impacted with the two figures, who were then enveloped in a red tornado of light sound and thunder. Streaks of golden and blue light erupted from the location of the two figure as the foot of the imploded wall. “That’ll only keep them busy for a while,” said the tall man, still holding Blade up by one hand. “Motherfucker, let me go!” said Blade, mortified that he was hanging from the man’s arm like a three year old kid Blade kicked at the man, impacting with a spark of golden light using the momentum to somersault and land, crouched with his katana drawn . Blade had noticed that the man was beginning to glow as well, and he was not sure if the man was a friend or foe. He stepped back as the tall man looked toward the hole in the wall. He turned back to look down at Blade, who was about to advance toward the figures at the foot of the wall. Blade had noticed that the man was beginning to glow as well. Blade wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He stepped back, as the tall man looked toward the hole in the wall. He turned back to look down at Blade, who was about to advance toward the figures at the foot of the wall. “You are no match for any of those two,” said the tall man, almost nonchalantly .Blade looked up at the tall man.”I am familiar with who you are and what they are, Blade”, said the tall man, making a grand gesture with his left arm, almost like an orchestra leader. Blade was suddenly enveloped in a white light. He was frozen, and just then, a very fat man,
eating a very large hotdog, appeared in front of both Blade and the tall man. ”You must feed, and feed now”, said the tall man. ”You will never survive this if you don’t. Blade was very confused, and a look of horror crossed his face. The same look came across the bewildered fat man, frozen , floating in front of Blade. Blade had seen that look before. It was on a human’s face. Right before a vampire fed on it. Blade’s fangs were already out, and he lunged toward the fat man’s neck. The fat man urinated on himself, the strong smell of urine filling the air that was already filled with smoke, noise, and multicolored lights almost a psychedelic light show. Blade jerked back from the man’s neck. He saw that the fat man was going into shock. Blade didn’t care. Blades eyes rolled back in his head, and he wobbled on his legs, like he had been physically struck. He steadied himself, and felt energy and strength that he had never felt before course thru him. He had almost feasted on the fat man’s blood, draining him to the point of death. Blade had never done anything like that before in his life. He had always relied on the EDTA serum that Doctor Karen Jensen had developed for him to counteract the effects of the vampire curse: the thirst for human blood. He should have felt repulsed to the bottom of his core. He didn’t. All this transpired in what Blade thought was a good twenty minutes, but when he recovered his senses (heightened to levels that he had never experienced before) he saw that the fat man was gone, and that the tall man was now wearing a large glowing amulet at his throat advancing Blade growled, and muttered one word under his breath. “Frost,” he growled. Blade and the man he would come to know as Doctor Stephen Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts, advanced toward their opponents.