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MOST WHITE AMERICAN MALE SUPERIORITY COMPLEXED, THE MOST ‘TURN THE CLOCK BACK IN AMERICA TO THE 1950’S” POLITICAL PARTY THAT EVER EXISTED IN THE POLITICAL DIASPORA OF AMERICAN POLITICS.AND THAT PARTY IS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, CIRCA 2015.WHY THE FUCK WOULD CARSON DO THIS, WHEN THE MOST DECORATED GENERAL OF COLOR IN THE U.S. MILITAY HISTORY (RE: THE ONLY FUCKING ONE) HAS SAID THAT THE PARTY CARSON IS SHILLING FOR IS NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF WHITE AMERICAN MALE RACISTS AND MYSOGINISTS? I started hearing about Carson in the mid-eighties. How this cat from the ghetto literally pulled his ass out of the ghetto by spirit, spit, and wisdom. And the brother did this to the tune of becoming a world renowned brain surgeon. Well, congrats, one in a million “black Einstein”. This genius is supposed to represent the true meaning of the American “work your way from rags to riches.” The only problem with THAT is that not EVERY motherfucker is a fucking GENUIS.

THIS is the bar in which Ben Carson is being presented as the “model” of the American communities of color struggle for inclusion into the White American Diaspora. This is the EXACT analogy Chris Rock touched on back in a monologue he does on how he ended up living in one of the most affluent (read: ALL WHITE) communities in New York state. Chris Rock notes the fucking irony of him being ALLOWED to move into the neighborhood as a man of color with his black the family is that he had to be the (at the time) the hottest fucking comedian in the world just to move next to (at best) upper middle class to rich white folks. In American society, since I was a kid, which was pretty much the norm for black folks being around every day, average white people. If you wanted to hang out with the white clique in a high school and you were a person of color, you had better be really fucking smart (as in smarter than every one of the white motherfuckers around you) AND you either had to have a talent or money. BOTH would have been preferable. Now, this little idiom of the “White American Diaspora” can be applied to ANYBODY wanting to join a specific group. HOWEVER, in the minds of most white folks that I grew up with , in order to hang out with the lowliest white trash hoosier motherfucker, you had to be a middle class black person, or above. See where I’m going with that? That is the reality of a person color who grew up in the U.S. these last 36 odd years. THIS IS EXACTLY THE IDIOM THAT IS APPLIED TO BEN CARSON AND HIS INVOLVEMENT WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Only problem with THAT little caveat is that Carson is a fucking brain surgeon. As I type this, I’m looking out at one of the major medical centers here in Spokane. There’s a whole LOT of fucking brains surgeons over there, and all across the fucking globe. HOW MANY FOUR STAR GENERALS OF COLOR IN AMERICAN HISTORY ARE THERE?

As with rich white males in America, there is a central mantra on how a successful African American male is viewed and treated. Let me sum this up as ELOQUENTLY , as possible, based on my many decades of working for personally and in the companies and businesses of rich American white males:

“You are nothing to me but a nigger with a lot of money.” And THAT is what Colin Powell was to the GOP party after his very public denouncement of racism and white male superiority rampant in the Republican Party. And THAT is why Carson is being placed in the American Political Diaspora right now, and is gaining steam.

The Republican Party’s very vocal “FUCK YOU,NIGGER, YOU CAN BE REPLACED” to Colin Powell. Colin Powell, like my dad, are from the same neighborhood as Bob Marley. West Indian culture is EXTEMELY Afrocenetric. Respect for the black man is tantamount, as respect for the black woman (VERY, VERY UNLIKE EUROCENTRIC CULTURE). Open disrespect of a man of color for a woman of color belies the struggle of Afrocentric people in the western Diaspora for over 500 years. The struggle for dignity, let alone equality, in a European created and driven world is a struggle that is NEVER over, and is fought by ALL who share the blood mother Africa. The struggle does NOT espouse HATE, but SELF FULFUILLMENT, SPIRITUAL GROWTH, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL POWER for the Afrocentric Diaspora in the Western world. Marcus Garvey was a great exponent of this ideology and social/political/and historical movement for people of color all over the world, but especially in America. The banner was later taken on by the Nation of Islam and black empowerment of the sixties. The ideology still exists today. Colin Powell did what any true West Indian would have done being in the GOP. He told those racist rich white motherfuckers where to go, how to get there, and that went for the fucking racist ass horses that they rode in on. AFTER he told these motherfuckers that TO THEIR FACES, Colin went out and told the American public, then the entire world. Guess what”? When as the last time you heard anything from Colin Powell?

And you won’t, if the GOP and the “Ben Carson” show have anything to say about it. Because Carson is seeking to “out black “Powell, by taking Carson’s “ bougie “, “Carlton Banks” ass to Ferguson, Missouri to survey what is the most volatile and historically documented center of racial strife and white American abuse of power in U.S. history. WHAT A FUCKING INSULT TO AFRICAN AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The GOP, Carson, and what seems to be all the fucking black ass, fucked up, totally devoid of their African American identities black folks in America who support Carson and the GOP mandates think that black folks, like them, really want to join the “White American club.” You know, the one club where white folks like THEM because “we’ s hard workin’ black folk. We ain’t no trouble makers, no suh”.These are black folks who, like the last editorial I posted, would “kill” for their white “friends.” Black folks who will do ANYTHING for white American inclusion.

Including selling their dignity.

This is something that a lot of white folks I have had dialog with can’t understand. How could black folks hate a guy like Carson? Well, allow me to RETORT: How could people who supported Colin Powell

suddenly look at him like a pariah?” All those rich white folks (and a lot of everyday Americans of all persuasions) (wait, did I just type persuasions?) LOVED Powell from way back in the early 1990’s during the first Gulf War. There was talk of Powell running for president way back in 1998, predating both the Bush appointments of people of color to American power to the present day Obama administration. Powell has the juice, had the juice, and STILL has the juice to take the GOP to the White House. Only problem with that, is that Powell will and can NEVER be a “house nigger.” Like ALL West Indians, it’s just is not in our DNA. Until the GOP takes people of color in the U.S. seriously ( that is, until people of color stop murdering each other on one hand , then blame white folks for not taking” Black Lives Matter” seriously) black folks will continue to see right thru all the mantras of the GOP not being a racist party or organization. Carson won’t get the GOP presidential nomination, (come on, really?) but he WILL continue to continue his shilling for the Republicans as the “official house nigger for the GOP.” Herman Keyes came close, but had dick problems. Carson won’t have any skeletons in the closet. But if you or any American HONESTLY thinks the GOP will get behind a brother, well, then, I got one way ticket to Mars for you. Because outer space is the ONLY place the GOP will EVER seriously back the campaign and election of a black man as president of the United States. IGNORE CARSON.



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