EDITORIAL Ferguson, Missouri and the 2014 Midterm Elections By Phil Seahorn November 4, 2014 I just got thru voting at The Plaza, the Spokane hub for their bus system. The Plaza is also a hub for Spokanites who want to be around people from all over the country who
come to Spokane and invariably, go thru The Plaza. You can think this description: all of The Delmar Loop, just located in one building. As I voted today, November 4,2014, I thought back to what I predicted back in July and August 2014, during the heat of the Ferguson riots and the worldwide coverage of the events back home, that the events happening in St. Louis would resonate worldwide, but play a divisive effect on
America as it proceeds forward in the early 21st century as a country. Since the Presidency of the first man of color in American history (although that is an arguable historical topic) Barack Obama’s presidency has brought the issue of race forefront to this country and the word. However, Ferguson Missouri and the events that are happening there transcend race and touch upon issues far more
important, dangerous, and life altering to Americans. The one issue that people can never tie into the events of Ferguson, and what many people who are voting in the United States may or may not know, is the true nature and impact of the events in Ferguson. Probably everyone today who will vote in the United States will tie Ferguson and the elections to one topic: race.
The Democrats have been advertising “racial politics” for today’s election, using the racial aspects of the events in Ferguson to sway the African American vote nationwide, as well as white Americans and other segments of our country that would sympathize with the events in Ferguson. The Republicans toddy are counting on white American anger and backlash against the looting of Ferguson and the violent behavior toward , well , EVERYBODY, that
was perceived in the media coming from the rioters of Ferguson. The Republicans hope that this white backlash will result in white Americans coming out and voting for their party. So not only is today an historic day for politics , being the midterm elections of a president of color in his final two years in office, but also because of the overwhelming racial overtones that Ferguson is being used to persuade American voters today.
If you vote today based on what BOTH parties are souping you on, then the two parties running this country (and I use that of term very loosely) have taken your mind off the most important factor that SHOULD have been the focus of midterm politics: THE ECONOMY. If you are for black folks, poor people, not having tanks aimed at you, and the right to burn down and pillage your own neighborhood, then vote Democrat today.
But, if you are for blatant White American privilege and power, and the ability and right to aim tanks at fellow Americans, who want to VETO EVERY FUCKING THING COMING OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS, blatant racism and disregard for poor Americans, and the right to make the President of the United States look like a complete fucking ignorant nigger to Americans and to the world, then vote Republican.
If you are an American who understands the big picture and understands what party and what people can make the next two historic years of politics in America bearable, then your vote will help Americans and America’s future, not hurt it thru divisive and unsympathetic policies and procedures. You know, like the bullshit we have right now in Washington, D.C. Vote people into office or keep people in office who understand the American people
and the economy that we all live in now, and understands that America is now a melting pot, and that EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN HAS TO BE VALUED IN ORDER FOR THIS COUNTRY TO SUCCEED IN THE 21ST CENTURY GLOBAL MARKET.
JUST VOTE!!!!!!!! God bless America