BREWING IN THE MIDDLE EAST THAT WILL BRING SCIENCE FICTION LEVEL BARBARITY TO THE WORLD, EXACTLY LIKE THE NAZIS DID BACK IN THE DAY.THE NAME OF THAT THREAT IS ISIS,AND OUR GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO STEP UP THE FIGHT AGAINST A HORROR SUCH AS THIS. However, recent revelations on how the ACLU, The Washington Post, even a few people in government, have seen the huge mismanagement and misappropriations of huge amounts of tax payer dollars by the one agency needed to combat ISI here at home: HOMELAND SECURITY.
The level of civil rights violations and outright terrorizing of American citizens, especially the African American community has been well documented, almost to levels not seen since the turn of the century. With ISIS, we don’t need mismanagement and misappropriations by Homeland Security. We need the agency to keep our collective American asses out of the fire. And with ISIS it’ll be hell on Earth. Starting with the mismanagement by Homeland Security is the use of Homeland Security grants to local law enforcement. .And with this disbursement of money came a need to create situations that would WARRANT huge amounts of money coming into a law enforcement agency in your community to fight “domestic terrorism." So, Homeland Security, with ample help from The Patriot Act, started setting up black folks as terrorists and issued warrantless surveillance and harassment not seen since the Stasi .How do you think so many black folks got "arrested for drugs" in the last 14 years? Homeland Security issued military tech and tax payer grant monies. I don’t think that is what Homeland Security grants were intended to do. But if you don't have domestic terrorist, then you got to make them up to justify the grant money. Well, boys and girls, with the reports about American women and teenagers joining up or attempting to join ISIS, we , well, that is Homeland Security, needs to make a slight change AND GO AFTER THE REAL MOTEHRFUCKERS THAT ARE AND WILL DO US AMERICANS HARM.
INSTEAD, as we have seen in very recent reports that local law enforcement arrests of African Americans in insane numbers on a daily basis have been all for one thing: MONEY. And where did a vast amount of tax payer grants from Homeland Security in the past 14 years was used for? Destroying African American lives. So, here we are on the day of the 50th anniversary of Selma, and the African American community is under siege. Now, it hasn't helped the image of the African American community that for the last 25 years, a whole subculture of thuggery, ignorance, and social pathology has emerged to identify the African American community. And because of the infusion of military tech and ungodly amounts of cash granted by The Patriot Act, the cops have now open seasoned on black asses, and most of the African American community are still doing the same shit that they have done for the last 50 years: MARCH. Well, boys and girls, while y'all march, other black folks will be summarily murdered on
the streets of America by cops empowered by a huge amount of negative views shared by a whole helluva lot of Americans toward the African American community. In other words: it's okay to shoot niggers now. AND get crazy paid by the government to do it. THAT’S where the African American community is at right now, on the day of one the most important social, historical and political points in American history.