EDITORIAL “JIGABOO” AND MONKEY SUITS: THE BIG DISTRACTION BY Phil Seahorn March 4th, 2015 TRUE STORY: in high school, which was all white in the heart of South St. Louis in Bevo Mill,
in the john, when the top bully walked in. John’s crowded with kids from all four grades so he makes this announcement: ‘we can joke around with Danny (my cousin), and Vance,( we were the only three black male kids in the school, as well as four other black females, and all of us from the hood) but we can’t’ call Phil a nigger”, and looked down at me (I was still only 5’8, this cat as a senior was
6’2’’ and 260 or so).I looked him dead in the eyes, zipped up, and walked out of the John. Cat never went near me again. Don’t play that shit then, don’t play that shit now. I have been interacting with people of all races since I was a kid. And I know I grew up quite unusual in the’ Lou back in the day because my neighborhoods were multi ethnic way before that was even an issue. I was lucky. Because I learned fucking RESPECT for other people and cultures. And then
STAR TREK”, and the deal was sealed. I love and respect other cultures.
came “
So when I see this video of this gal saying “Jigaboo” right in front of this brother who was also a newscaster, sitting right next to her, it hit me like a brick. I was floored. And when she feigned ignorance of the true meaning of the word, well, I really questioned her future as an on air newsperson. Or will she have absolutely NO REPERCUSSIONS for that bit of racial shenanigans? But sad to say, as I predicted in earlier editorials, we will see in 2015 right up to elections shit on a racial scale not seen since the fifties. We already are. Case in point: a kid wearing a fucking monkey suit at a basketball game, standing next to his buddy in a banana suit. I found it on my timeline, posted four times, from four different sources. Both of these events are out there, on social media, recorded for posterity. It’s amazing to me that both these incidents involved people who have to be conscious of the fact that with all the portable media out there, EVERYONE will eventually wind up on Youtube.
And therein lays the rub. Or the “Lie”. Everyone now has more than an 80% percent shot at that “fifteen minutes of fame. And all thanks to social media. Unfortunately, that will be the flame that will ignite future crazy ass racist shit (from black folks as well as white) which will all be content for social media, fanned and flamed.
I firmly believe all this racial shit is purely intentional. President Obama has to do something. But since he can’t, he chooses not to. And the Democrats (and Republicans) come up with new shit to distract us from the real problem, which will erupt in racial hatred in the coming months. And what problem is that?
The economy. And that’s what’s making white folks and black folks in America very very angry. Now, the Feds say the economy is getting better. It’s not. And I am actually living to see the middle class not only disappear, but be completely destroyed. One of the reasons I chose to live here in Spokane is, after some months of research, I came to the conclusion that this town is the perfect example of what life will be like in the U.S. by 2020 directly as a result of the economic situation that the country is in right now. In a recent Yahoo article, I was proven correct. The title of the article “CITIES WITH THE FASTEST SHRINKING MIDDLE CLASS “talks about such cities. Guess what? Washington State ranks number 5. I’ve been here since July22nd (Spokane) and when I got here, I saw something that breaks my heart everyday: ENTIRE FAMILIES, RIGHT DOWN TO NEWBORNS. HOMELESS. I was homeless back in the ‘Lou for two years in the eighties. I posted this on the Facebook page: I would wish someone burn in hell before being homeless. Follow me here: the Feds can’t do anything about the economy, so they don’t. Instead, they would rather fan the flame of racial hatred in this country to distract from that dire fact. The Fed’s solution to that? FERGUSON,
And the recent “Jigaboo’ and monkey suit events?
SCRIPTED. Those two events were just too outrageous.
The Feds have “jumped the shark” as it were. The “Jig” is up. The truth has to be told, to prevent American lives from being destroyed in the coming months, JUST TO ADD DISTRACTION TO THE REAL PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY. It is a problem that is so vast and horrible, the Democrats and the Republicans can’ simply tell the American people the real deal. It’s a problem so horrible that the Feds would rather have racial unrest and tanks in American streets pointed at American citizens. And take my word for it, this involves ALL Americans; rich poor, black, white, it doesn’t matter. That’s how dire the problem is for us Americans. Think about this: for those of us Americans over the age of 30, when have we ever heard of the Feds juggling money around to keep a major part of the government open like Homeland Security? Coming up with money for ONE WEEK? And, as fucked up and mismanaged as Homeland Security is, since when did our country have to scramble for money? If you look at the bottom left side of my Facebook page, there is a blurb on a book I have been working on. These last two events, and the Homeland Security situation, really have convinced me that I am on the right track. Been working on the project since 2011 on what the real deal is. And it ain’t pretty.