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MONTHS AS THE “BIG PICTURE� BEHIND FERGUSON MISSOURI AND THE EVENTS THERE. Make no mistake about the social, historic, and political ramifications of the events in Ferguson Missouri and the events in New York. The Ferguson events alone will be made into textbook training for the F.B.I. and Homeland Security for years to come. The reaction to the events in Ferguson and New York, and the reaction of the American people will be studied by sociologists and political analysts for years to come. The Grand Jury decisions will be studied by law students as well into the end of this century. But the really fun (sic) part of this is who is studying these events today, right now, in 2014 in St. Louis. But more insidiously, it's HOW this information is being assimilated that many in St. Louis don't know.

According to the Patriot Act, the events in Ferguson Missouri and the subsequent reactions all around the country are tantamount tot the first REAL AND JUSTIFIABLE INCIDENCE OF DOMESTIC TERRORIM IN AMERICA. Why do you think the military was called in the first place? Because under The Patriot Act, the riots in Ferguson classified that Homeland Security was to come down on Ferguson with the hand of God. Or the hand of the government of the U.S. But I wondered how few people St. Louisans realize the aftermath of Ferguson ?I bet a lot of folks back home think that everybody (including foreign media) has left, gone back home, the Grand Jury made their decision, “WE WIN”. Those St. Louisans are as far from the truth as you can be. And I kept posting, over and over: THE WHOLE WORLD IS NOW WATCHING YOU.

INCLUDING, AND ESPECIALLY, HOMELAND SECURITY. AND ESPECIALLY NOW AFTER THE NEW YORK COP KILLINGS. Congrats, St. Louis. You are now officially classified as a terrorist environment. Which means they (the Feds) are going to data mine the fuck out of you. And what do I mean by "data mining?" Data mining is part of " new media" or the way traditional media and things like the Internet and Facebook work together now in the

world of 2014.The new media can then be easily converted into databases housed in what the government calls “fusion centers”, or buildings that store incredibly vast amounts of data such as emails, videos, chats, podcasts, smartphone communications, pictures, documents, you know, every American’s “digital footprint.” WHAT DATAMINING THE ST. LOUIS AREA ENTAILS, NOW THAT IT HAS BECOME A HOTSPOT FOR DOMESTIC TERORISM: This pertains to white and black St. Louisans, hell, if you are living in the St. Louis area now, you can be Samoan and make no fucking difference .You are now living in “ground zero” for domestic terrorism if you are living in, or plan to visit the St. Louis area , especially over the next two weeks of holidays. ST. LOUIS, SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR PRICACY: you think that wide screen television you bought four weeks ago at Walmart was a gift? So does the Feds, and here's why: with that "television" they can get all the video data that they want of “suspected domestic terrorists” in St. Louis and surrounding areas associated with the events in Ferguson. "But why me? I haven't done anything."(This may be asked by a lot of white folks in St. Louis. After all, it wasn’t “us”, it was “them.”) According to The Patriot Act, you haven't done anything yet. "Got to keep a constant video feed on you for monitoring. Never know when some shit may kick back up again, and according to all those posts online, we don't know WHO to suspect, so we have to watch you all," says the sick as fuck government official or worse, the sick as fuck neighbor that a lot of the monitoring may be coming from. They are being

paid to do this by the local law enforcement with funds provided by the local anti-terrorists grants given to them thru The Patriot Act. And most of this will be LIVE VIDEO FEED OF YOU IN YOUR OWN HOME OR APARTMENT. The second part of this editorial series will talk about what the Feds are doing with the video data. ST. LOUISANS, WHITE AND BLACK, BETTER WATCH THEIR FUCKING MOUTHS AT WORK, CHURCH, SCHOOL, OR THE BARS ON THE LANDING, NATURAL BRIDGE, OR OUT IN WESTPORT: Spies, spies, everywhere there are spies. Paid informants under the Patriot Act. White folks in St. Louis are ESPECIALLY in danger, because the Feds understand the far reaching effects of the racial implications of the Ferguson events, and understand that the majority population would be far more prone to access materials for planning some form of violent retort .Plus the THOUSANDS of racist posts online continuously over the last few months contributes to the added scrutiny. ST. LOUIS, SAY GOODBYE TO SMARTPHONE PRIVACY: whatever you are doing with your smartphones, St. Louisans, better be no more than “PG-13”. ST. LOUIS, YOUR EVERY TRIP TO REDBOX, YOUR EVERY DVD PURCHASE, YOUR ONLINE MUSIC PURCHASES, AND ESPECIALLY WHAT YOU TAKE OUT OF THE LIBRARY WILL BE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE: No more online porn or bootleg movies for St. Louisans. Unless you want to set yourself up for piracy. Or worse.

And to Hope Wilkerson and all the other motherfuckers selling bootleg DVD copies on Bi-State busses, especially the Grand bus, AND to the people who buy them: stop. Just stop. Now. ST. LOUIS MEDIA OUTLETS, YOU'RE FUCKED. The Feds can now control the local St. Louis media to the point of Nazi Germany. And all the reporters locally in St. Louis who also gave their heartfelt personal opinions on the Ferguson matter? Every word you say and write will now be recorded for the rest of your lives. No matter where you go. ST. LOUIS POST OFFICES ARE NOW HOMELAND SECURITY POST OFFICEs. St. Louisans getting personal mail? Personal mail? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! ST. LOUIS "PUNISHEMNT"GROUPS LIKE “THE PROGRAM”, AND HAZING GROUPS THAT EXIST AT WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AND OTHER COLLEGES IN ST. LOUIS: Your members have not only been exposed, but have become catalogued data that will be used by the Feds to control your lock your sick twisted asses up. OR BOTH. As official Homeland Security monitoring will increase dramatically after last week’s assassination of two New York cops stalking members in St. Louis will become VERY EXPENDABLE LIABILITIES. With the St. Louis region now under WORLD scrutiny, it's no longer feasible for the gang stalking cockroaches to operate "in silence and secrecy." The light of the world has been turned on. And after the two New York cop assassinations, it won’t be turned off anytime soon. But the complete and utter irony of this?

ST. LOUIS COPS WILL BE MONITORED MOST OF ALL St. Louis cops, especially North County cops, have now become vilified WORLDWIDE. St. Louisans, white and black, who support St. Louis cops are now seen as racists or "Uncle Toms". St. Louis cops, according to Homeland Security and The Patriot Act, have now become a verifiable threat to the stability of the U.S. Some St. Louis cop making racists posts online? Gone. Unless the St. Louis cop is a complete fucking idiot. Nigger jokes at barbecues? Gone. Again, unless the St. Louis cop is a complete idiot. The St. Louis cops influence on local neighborhood watchdog groups to harass people in St. Louis communities that St. Louis cops (both black and white) "just don't like?" Gone. I'll not be redundant. But think about it: with months of white St. Louisans spewing hate filled Internet posts (like I said, months of this shit) who can blame the Feds for looking , and continuing looking at St. Louis with all of the Homeland Security money and equipment in can muster up. And with the violence from the communities of color in St. Louis, can you blame the Feds for not wanting the incidents in New York to spread all over the country by 24/7 365 vigilance of communities of color in the ‘Lou? SO ST. LOUIS, YOU ARE FUCKED. ESPECIALLY AFTER THE EVENTS IN

NEW YORK LAST WEEK. I’ve added some links at the bottom of this editorial for people in St. Louis who may still think this is all bullshit. The second part of this editorial will go into some detail on how huge amounts of money from the private and government sector will be and is already being made off of St. Louis, Ferguson, and a lot of the Missouri region now.



REFERENCES “TOP SECRET AMERICA” by Dana Priest Washington Post Investigator Chapter 7: “Report Suspicious Activity” Link for the book: http://www.amazon.com/Top-Secret-America-AmericanSecurity/dp/B00EBFFKC8 Link for the website: http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/ “THE WATCHERS” by Shane Harris Details in length the use of data compiled by Homeland Security on Americans Link for the book: http://www.amazon.com/Watchers-Americas-Surveillance-LibraryCompact/dp/B00HRL74XQ/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1419390353&sr=14&keywords=the+watchers+shane+harris SENATOR RAND PAUL’S writings on how the Feds are treating Americans (especially communities of color in the U.S.) as terrorists in his book called “GOVERNMENT BULLIES” Link for book: http://www.amazon.com/Government-Bullies-Everyday-AmericansImprisoned/dp/1455522759/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1419390417&sr=16&keywords=ron+paul+books

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