JETSONS.” Back in the 70’s while I was in high school, there were actually two camps on the predictor of our future: the “STAR WARS” camp and the “Blade Runner” camp. Some of us predicted bright colors, incredible civilizations, and far flung prosperity of man in space by at least 2020.That was the “Star Wars” camp. Then, there was the dystopian future; always raining (did they know about global warming as far back as the 70’s) with machines trying to kill you (that’s
coming soon with drones).That’s the “Blade Runner” future. Instead of that future, we as Americans are living in a combination of the future from “Blade Runner” and Orewell’s future depicted in his historic book “1984”. I never imagined a future that we are looking at now: destroying the very weather of the planet, and living in America everyday with “BIG BROTHER”, only today in America exists this “Big Brother” on steroids. I still shudder when I hear people who fervently believe that carbon emissions are doing absolutely nothing to our planet. The aspect of showing pictures
and video of the Antarctic fucking MELTING right in front of our eyes doesn’t sway the naysayers (just Google what will happen if the polar icecaps melt). This is the thinking that will end us all. That’s a fact. I never thought that I would be living in times of “global destruction on a biblical scale” and I was born right around the time of humans almost blowing themselves off the face of the earth into extinction with nuclear bombs back in the early 60’s! Then, we have domestic spying in America on a scale that, as we gradually
are learning just how invasive that spying was and is, will either shock Americans into activism, or hit them with the reality that EVERY AMERICAN now is under 24 HOUR AUDIO, VIDEO, AND ELECTRONIC MONITORING AND RECORDING OF THEIR LIVES. Maybe that will stop the flood of wide screen computer monitors….I mean “televisions” flying off shelves in stores all around America like Ted Drewes on a day like today in St. Louis, Mo. I rejoice that America has made it into the 21st century, and I pray that this country will adapt and grow into the
superpower that we as a country experienced back in the 20th century. We won’t do that by spying on all Americans and turning this democratic country into a police state. We as a country, if we continue on the road that our government is on now, will be like countries from the 20th century; curtailing and derailing lives of innocent citizens with illegal harassment and surveillance. And all this done in the name of protecting us from such terrorism!
The key to the future of America IS Americans! By creating a police state in this country, Americans who would have
invented businesses and technologies to provide jobs for other Americans, will be too busy wondering who is watching them take a shit in their own homes, and more importantly: WHY the fuck would they be doing this? With provisions in THE PATRIOT ACT, it has now made personal information on American citizens a very profitable business today in 2014. Americans don’t know that, besides the personal cell phone information compiled on innocent Americans, they also have video and audio data as well. Just Google: “fusion centers/NSA” and you’ll see where hundreds of millions of gigs of video,
audio, and electronic data on innocent Americans are stored. With things like “THE PROGRAM” in St. Louis, Missouri showing just how harmful these misuses of provisions can be to the everyday American, it is important to remember that the activism of change is as strong today as it was back in 1776. With places like “THE WASHINGTON POST”, social media, and people like Senator Rand Paul, these illegal and unconstitutional acts are being brought to light that are occurring today in 2014 in America.
The irony of the vast domestic spying of the NSA actually bringing to light gang stalking and illegal use of government access by fucked up and quite frankly SICK AMERICANS AGAINT OTHER AMERICANS is not lost, and has proven the key in letting Americans in 2014 know what is going on, and how much of their privacy has just flown out the fucking window. More and more Americans who have misused government access provided to them by THE PATRIOT ACT against other Americans are coming forward, knowing that their actions as perpetrators HAS BEEN CATAGORIZED,
DIGITIZED, AND STORED FOR MOST ASSURED FUTURE USE AGAINST THEM. This is the shit that, back in high school in the 70’s, I nor any of my classmates could even have dreamed of seeing come to fruition in our lives as Americans in 2014. But here we are. So, let the activism of the Americans from 1776 still ignite our efforts as Americans living today who can see the writing on the wall, and it’s all cusswords. And these cuss words are aimed at Americans hard fought rights of privacy, free speech, and human dignity.
We as a country can become activist for the future of this great country. We as Americans can demand that provisions be made to the widespread misuse of power directed at Americans, as well as demand mandates aimed at cutting carbon emissions by adapting complete electric transportation, including rails. Let America set the example, and be the example that the whole world followed in the 20th century. Let America gain its place as the forerunner of the world, instead of spending the rest of the 21st century running behind the rest of the world.
With the strength of the first fight for freedom and civil liberty in 1776, let that fuel the activism of today. We as a country face a double peril in our future (the economy and the weather) that has never been faced before. To literally survive the future of our world, this country, these United States of America, must start the climb back to the mandates that men and women (remember Crispus Attucks) on up to today, in 2014, who spilled blood and lost lives for the very soul of this country. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Happy 4th!
Article on how woman was targeted and put under 24 hour surveillance after altercation with an employee of the Secret Service: /secret-service-watched-this-womanfor-months/2014/05/10/9c664f2c-d88c11e3-8f7d7786660fff7c_video.html?wpisrc=nl%5f most
THE WASHINGTON POST project on how The Patriot Act is affecting Americans on a daily basis: p-secret-america/ Polar icecaps melting: “Google”: q=polar+ice+caps+melting