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by Phil Seahorn

“PO A TREE” Donald Trump‟s America A Collection of Original Poems

Copyright @ 2016 by Phil Seahorn All rights reserved Published electronically thru Amazon Kindle 1. Anthology 2. Poetry 3. Ebook Phil Seahorn Seahorn Epublishing PO A TREE: DONALD TRUMP’S AMERICA A COLLECTION OF POEMS Copyright @2016 by Phil Seahorn All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, Seahorn Epublishing, 519 S. Division, Spokane, Washington 99202. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. For questions and comments about the quality of this ebook, please contact us at: 314-255-3362

To positive vibes from home in St. Louis, Missouri To “SPOKANE NICE”

CONTENTS 6. Trump the Man 7. Why? 8. Hillary 9. Matter

Trump, the Man Trump, the voice heard everywhere The entire world hears it The entire world fears it Who is “Trump, the Man?” Is Trump like Ringley Without the „Barnum and Bailey”? Or, is Trump a savant who pretends to be scary Is Donald Trump hate Or is Donald Trump fate Is Donald Trump evolution Or is Donald Trump American Revolution So, here we are in 2016 We all have Trump now The man and our leader But time will tell If America has a saint Or the Devil straight from Hell


Why? Why do some Americans In 2016 Who control everything here Seem so hate filled Paranoid all the time with fear These Americans control the banks These Americans control the tanks So why are some of these Americans Who control everything So upset That kind of hate invites only Regret And Kismet


Hillary “Madame President” is not that hard to say But some Americans in 2016 Simply won‟t play The Democratic “leadership” It‟s “change” and pace That made the last eight years in America Seem like a complete waste So here comes Hillary The Democratic pick The one who will win the White House With a win both historic and epic But reality turned out a surprise When on Election Night Some Americans decided That Hillary was not a good pick The American misogyny and The American white Male supremacists Could not have been more delighted But Hillary may yet prevail And still blaze the trail of “Madam President” When the Electoral College With intelligence Knowledge and certainty Brings America back From “Alt-Reality” When “faithless elector votes” Come falling down like rain Bringing America back from the brink of insanity And back to being sane


Matter “Matter” in America in 2016 Always seems to mean „me” Look at my cause Look at my plight Look at my calamity In America in 2016 today The “matter” in America has gone Astray To knowingly defy common sense Or knowledge “Matter” is a word in America in 2016 That can be applied To all Americans Don‟t take college to see that So when you use the word “matter” In America in 2016 If you‟re an American that‟s well read They will understand the word “matter” means “All Americans” No matter how “matter” Is said



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