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December 31, 2015

TO SAY THAT THE "NEW YEAR BABY" FOR 2016 WILL BE F.A.B. (FUCKED AT BIRTH) IS AN INCREDIBLE UNDERSTATEMENT. Let's start in increments: THE FALL OF THE AMERICAN WHITE DIASPORA: As more and more hate speech against Muslim Americans spewed forth from Americans (especially white Americans), both American and world pundits response to this scathing hatred from “Christian “Americans prompted dissecting and revelations of the role of American and Western Christianity. As more and more appalling atrocities committed in the name of Western Christianity (some atrocities in America so obscure that many are rarely even mentioned in other American history books), the hypocrisy and "moral high ground" that America held for many years , is now officially GONE. Radical Islamic terrorism PALES in comparison to 500 years of atrocities so heinous as to PURPOSELY be left out of American history books and lessons. But thanks to the internet and social media, things like the name of the Washington Redskins and the almost WORLDWIDE admonishment and abandonment of "COLUMBUS DAY ' in favor of more historically accurate "NATIVE AMERICAN DAY" have become the norm, with the growing diversification and multiculturalism of American society simply looking to America’s

history of race hatred and intolerance as a counter to the growing anti-Islamic and anti-Arab rhetoric in America in 2016. In other words, American Christianity is FAR,FAR more wicked and insidious than Islamic terrorism will ever aspire to be. The extremely vocal hatred from American Christians ( not surprisingly, the NUMBER ONE American group with attacks against Islam in America) has become very revealing: hypocritical haters and perpetrators of white American supremacist history that the world and America is now REWRITING because of all the attention stirred up by the virulent hate speech from White Christian Americans. Some white Americans are MAD AS A MOTHERFUCKER about that. Wait and see what some of these "patriotic Americans" will do because of that anger in 2016. "BLACK LIVES MATTER" EXPOSED: Too many intelligent black folks in 2016 in America HAVE enough money , political and social savvy, as well as law savvy to create a movement that will EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENT POLICIY CHANGE IN THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY to gain POLITICAL and SOCIAL progression for American black folks. Well, America KILLS black folks that want to do that. The Black Panthers actually ATTAINED some of those elements in black communities back in the day, and we all know what happened to them.

But with GRANT MONEY from Homeland Security, the F.B.I. and local bad cops (more than likely Klan members, seriously) can pay a whole motherfucking lot of house niggers to cause disruptive shit, appear militant (which, even in 2016, still SCARES THE WHOLY HELL out of some Americans, be a viable hotbed for recruitment to American recruitment into ISIS, and prove to the world that American black folks are too primitive. Oh, and it COMPELTLEY justifies local bad cops getting Homeland Security grant money to fuck with the "uppity niggers." FUCK "BLACK LIVES MATTER". AMERICAN MUSLIM CHILDREN AFRAID IN 2016: The acidic, bile filled hypocrisy of American Christianity is never more apparent and relevant today than reports and posts online of American children who are Muslim being AFRAID OF A POTENTIAL AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDIATE. RANT:As a man of color who is also a PROUD CATHOLIC, I have been asked on occasions far too numerous in the past , to well, just FORGET ,FORGIVE, and OVERLOOK the hypocrisy of hate, racial intolerance, and racial superiority EMBEDDED in my Catholic Church as well as ALL western religions when it comes to members that are not white.

MOTHERFUCK THAT. As a proud and patriotic American, I have to sit back and watch online and in the media hatred of a caliber not seen since the sixties in America make American children live in fear. On American soil.

In 2016. IT SICKENS ME. Yet, that is the reality of my America is 2016: where free speech is now used as a tool of hatred for Americans who SOMEHOW THINK THAT THEY ARE SUPERIOER TO OTHER AMERICANS to make American children of Muslim and Arabic background go to school and come home from school afraid. Take it from a kid from the Peabody and Darst Webbe Projects in St. Louis, Missouri back in the day: that's

no way to live.

DOMESTIC TERRORISM: MASS MURDERS BY MAD AMERICANS: I'll keep this simple: because white males in America have been STATISTACALLY PROVEN TO GO OUT AND KILL INNOCENT AMERICANS IN MASS MURDERS USING GUNS, it is just TOO FUCKINMG EMBARRISING for the Feds to go after this group. Instead, as I have posted online for two years now, Homeland Security, the F.B.I. and local bad cops target black folks, homeless American vets, Syrian refugees, activists, and other innocent Americans. And all of this is done is the name of copping grant money. Is it any wonder why I have not gone out to see 'STAR WARS:THE FORCE AWAKENS " yet? BAD COPS AND GOOD AMERICAN CITIZENS ON A COLLISION COURSE:

PREDICTIONS: two things will happen that will trigger an allout strike by militarized American cops against American citizens, and American citizens armed response and resistance. One will be a "Ferguson,Missouri" event escalating into affluent American neighborhoods or spreading from city to city. The other event will be militarized cops opening fire on a group of all white American "patriots." One of these two events WILL happen. When BOTH happen at the same time: AMERICAN REVOLUTION :PART TWO. Mark my words (well, type). BILL COSBY: Prosecute every motherfucker around Bill for the last 30 years INCLUDING LAW ENFORCEMENT WHO KNEW OF THIS SHIT BUT SAT ON ALL THE EVIDENCE. FOR DECADES!!!! Simple as that. DONALD TRUMP: Will get more Americans killed in 2016, and will make America and the GOP the most hated country and political party in the world since the Nazis and Germany during the World War Two. Mark my motherfucking words (type) on THAT shit, too. America, in 2016, will face the ultimate litmus test: racial and religious intolerance and the death of American White Superiority.

THIS is what is driving the Nazi like motherfuckers in the GOP. Never, in their WILDEST fucking nightmares, did the GOP and racist, supremacist white Americans EVER think that “niggers in America” (THAT is the ONLY way these “Americans” view black folks and minorities) would not only gain a voice of the world by showcasing police brutality thru Ferguson , Missouri, but that , not ONE , but TWO elections in the U.S. have been greatly affected by the African American vote. In American media and world media, white racist Americans, especially white American MALE racists and supremacists are seeing the White American diaspora erode, degraded, and seen as the evil for what it has been for 500 years. White Americans of this ilk HAVE NEVER BEEN CALLED OUT for their racism.

NEVER. Until events after Ferguson, Missouri in 2014. So, some white Americans are either going to have one HELLUVA year of hatred and repression in 2016 of things that are NOT WHITE AND CHRISTIAN in America, or it will be the WORST MOTHERFUCKING YEAR OF THEIR ENTIRE LIVES IN AMERICA. We will surely see. Other than that, HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2016!!!



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