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Copyright 2015 properties of Phil Seahorn All rights reserved by owner of the content in which this ebook is based. Under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication will be produced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the owners of the content in which this ebook is based. Seahorn Epublishing epublishing First Edition: December 2015 Seahorn Epublishing is a Facebook based epublishing service which produces for the Internet written, audio, and video content, to be sold to Internet outlets as content. 1 . Ebook 2.Science Fiction 3.Fantasy 4. Anthology 5. Horror



Israel Montezuma regretted his decision the minute he walked out the airlock door into deep, heavily eradiated space. He hoped the beta space suit, called "Skin Suits” by Old Earth Marketing, were the slimmest design in deep space exploration and survival. He also had a space canoe with him, which was a tesseract designed interstellar two man space craft. In the shape of a canoe. Israel always wondered why they built it in a canoe shape. But right now, as he loaded his deep space replicator onto the fifty foot by twenty five foot shiny metal 'canoe" he knew that these two beta tests would mean his life if it failed. He and three other beta testers for the new “skin suit” technology on two other launch ships were to test the tech for Old Earth Military. If the three beta testers survived, they would be set with enough Universal credits for ten years. If they didn't survive, working would be the very least to of all their problems. Help stations and drones were set up to rescue them if things went south, but when you are heading into a solar flare, and then attempt to "ride the flare", then that is suicide. That would be the only way to insure a contract for interstellar flight and cargo shipping. If there design worked, a big pay day for a lot of folks. Israel set the course for the corona of the flare. If the calculations were correct, the space canoe would convert the corona energy to magnetic propulsion and generate a shield strong enough to protect him from the environment of space.

The onboard life support system would then occupy the magnetic force field around him, creating a deep space habitat .The energy absorption from just microwaves alone would sustain the magnetic field and power a space canoe for six months and sub warp speed. But for maximum energy absorption, this field test with the flares would be the perfect opportunity. If Israel and the rest of the beta test crew survived. Israel had the magnetic field of his canoe at full capacity. Already, he could see in the distance the other flare surfers igniting the deep space environment protocols. One of the flare surfers entered the lead. All he and the rest of the crew knew was that the lead canoe was taking maximum radiation from the flare as the corona intensified. And just like that, the guy in the lead vanished. Just as Israel had optimized the life support in the magnetic shield (which glowed bright red 30 feet in circumference around him) Israel received the video of the lead guy just blinking out. The bright red light of his magnetic shield was there. Then gone. The ensuing radio and vid frenzy of the other crew members was enough for Israel. Fuck the credits. He thought, as he instantly cut propulsion formation of his fellow crew members were gone. Israel suddenly realized: he was gone, too. He had come to a complete stop. But the space around him was completely black. No star, nothing. It was so dark that the red lights from his magnetic generator was still going strong. He instantly plugged his life support into the canoe module, where his power would become greatly regulated, conserving the power in the

life suit. Israel checked to see if there was enough power to activate the tesseract to enlarge the space canoe to a small space craft, fifty feet long and one hundred feet wide, with a fifty foot ceiling wide, with a fifty foot ceiling. Large enough and area to where madness would not set in for people stranded for extended times in space. After 17 hours, he had the space ship up, running, and on full scans of the void he found himself in. The vid picked up the signal the end of the second day .Israel activated the signal. It was from inside the space ship of the guy that had disappeared on lead. But the image that appeared to Israel was that if a very old man. The signal was scrambled, but Israel could make out some of the auditory: “…….after all these decades. I just came out of cryo sleep when I got this. But from the looks of the time stamp, you just arrived." Israel listened and looked intently at the holographic video. “If you just came in, that means that there no passage of time in this Hell. But if there is a way in, there is a way out." Israel keyed in voice response. The image of the vid showed the very old man look up and right at Israel. Israel was shocked. The old man was him. Then Israel remembered. HE was the one in the lead of the beta test crew. But why did he remember the chain of events that brought him here so differently? "Because," said a disembodied female voice.

""You have tried many times to get out of the Void. You have tried different sequences. Different patterns. And you always failed. And you always put yourself in cryo sleep, only to wake and find yourself, aged many decades, still floating in the Void." Israel turned round and round. When he returned his gaze to the main holographic console, he saw something there that wasn't there before. A fully primed laser pistol. "Take the gun, Israel. Take the gun, blow your head off. End your suffering," said the female voice. "What the....fuck YOU!" said Israel, picking up the pistol and pointing it outward where heard the female voice last. Israel looked frantically around. Memories started t flood in: everything the voice described happening, Israel recalled. "It’s true," Israel said. He stood upright. “Bet I never did THIS before!" Israel said, pointing the laser at the nearest wall of the tesseract space ship. He fired, the hole created in the tesseract wall, using anti matter and quantum mechanics, exploded with the force of an atomic bomb. "Fucking hell!" Xarxistell squeaked from his huge, red beak protruding from a thirty foot, completely round lightly blue feathered head. His three foot round quartz eyes emitted blue streams of frustration. His six stomachs, out of his 73, started to rumble. Xarsistell farted. The Golovian live worms always soured in his bellies when it was under extreme stress. Xarsistell would hear the stomach mites at night shitting and cursing him while he pretended to be in cryo sleep while on this science field trip in space. His 17 fingered and clawed hand turned off the holographic control console in the huge science lab of the Proxeferanizabilizan School for Gifted Narzens.

The science project to ascend to the Mid Laveran level would have to wait this quadrant. The science space ark would soon be returning to Ploooztzill. Xarxistell would not be able to yank any more Terrans from space to experiment on. It was already costing his egg donor millions of credits just to host the science theatre in sub space, let alone paying for the time distortion mechanics and quantum reality distortion. And a cargo drone to haul the dead Terran from sub space unnoticed. And a quantum explosion in sub space would not go unnoticed by his science grade proctors. Since these pudgy, easily excitable creatures started entering their space ways, the Voxilians had to deal with Alterean Flesh Peddlers from the planet Voxil to get live species to experiment on. Someday Xarxistil would have to find the home planet of these pudgy things, and lay merchants and coly claim on it. Xarxistell would make a fortune in swoon. But for now, Xarxistell hoped the next Terran won't pull a stunt like that. THE END

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