Yearsendseahornepublishing2015 docx

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Copyright 2015 properties of Phil Seahorn All rights reserved by owner of the content in which this ebook is based. Under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication will be produced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the owners of the content in which this ebook is based. Seahorn Epublishing epublishing First Edition: December 2015 Seahorn Epublishing is a Facebook based epublishing service which produces for the Internet written, audio, and video content, to be sold to Internet outlets as content. 1 . Ebook 2.Science Fiction 3.Fantasy 4. Anthology 5. Horror


The In Between Kurt had just settled in to the new town on the west Coast. He had decided to move west, since the Midwest weather patterns had started to change for the worst. Kurt unpacked his bag. But when he reached to open his large suitcase, he couldn't find the zipper. He turned the bag over and over. The large red and blue suitcase bag, the shape of a long log, was packed with all his summer clothes. At least, that’s what he thought about this bag. Convinced that he had gotten the wrong bag, he pulled his cell phone out of his left side pocket. He automatically punched the send button to his girlfriend back in St. Louis, Missouri. Except there were no buttons. He looked down at the had a screen, but no buttons at all. Kurt turned the phone thing in his hand over and over. Okay, Kurt said to himself, I'm asleep and still dreaming. He steadied himself, and said firmly out loud, "Wake the fuck up." He looked around his new apartment. Even unfurnished, the apartment did not look out of the ordinary. He looked at the three pieces of luggage he had. All of them had no zipper or opening device. He looked at his cell phone, then his watch. Why wasn’t Kurt surprised when the watch face had no numbers? Kurt swore he would never drink Red Bull and down two Xanax at the same time again. He was buzzed, but he wasn't that fucking buzzed. He took out his laptop from his shoulder laptop case, the black leather case already was opened his whole trip. He sat down on the couch that he had preordered from He turned the laptop on. He hit his webcam button, and prepared to skype his girlfriend. When the webcam screen appeared, it showed him. But the background 5.

picture of him in the webcam screen showed something completely different. The background of his apartment in the webcam window was something straight out of a fucking "Geiger" painting from “The Alien” movie series. Kurt turned around, and looked at the normal looking apartment. Then, he turned back to the screen. Kurt jolted upright. To the far left corner of the apartment, as it looked in the webcam window, something was slowly making its way toward him. As he turned back toward the table, which was stacked of his luggage (and his loaded 45.) he saw on the table that appeared on his web cam a gun already on the table. At least, it was shaped like some alien gun shit from a freak ass sci fi movie. Fuck it, Kurt thought, and grabbed at the empty table. He instantly felt the gun handle in his hand, stood up, turned around and pulled the trigger.' The foul, sewer stench of wind hit has face as the fouls stench of a carrion eater made him lurch as he held the still firing gun. The gun wasn’t shooting bullets, but extremely bright yellowish green pulses of light. Each discharge of the light caused the gun to recoil. Kurt was pointing the gun directly into a huge clawed mouth, the reddish black snake like tongue burning and shriveling as the pulses from the gun passed thru the tongue and into the open mouth of whatever the fuck the thing was. It was huge, and looked like something out of fucking “Jurassic Park” from what Kurt could make out thru the light from the pulse weapon. And just as suddenly, almost as if some gigantic hand literally pulled the creature back and away from Kurt, the creature swiftly diminished to a small dot. The dot glowed bright red, and hung in midair. With a loud pop, the red dot disappeared. Kurt grabbed his shit from the table, still holding the gun, which was 6.

glowing with a reddish pulsating light. He thought it was probably out of a charge, and wasn't going to wait around until the gun or the fucking dinosaur thing showed back up. He grabbed the handle to the door of the apartment, swung it open, threw his shit out into the hallway, and then slammed the door behind him. Kurt bent down, his long brown dreads dripping over his face with seat. He instantly reached for the half of a spliff he kept in his back wallet. Kurt fired up the spliff, when a huge, yellow haired guy with a full yellow beard came barreling down the stairs. He looked Kurt up and down, then sniffed derisively at the lit chiba. The man then looked at the apartment. "What the fuck is going on?" he said, pointing at the apartment. Behind the apartment door, a green light pulsated thru the open cracks. Sounds like a fucking monster movie started erupting loudly. Kurt took a hit from the chiba, then motioned with the lit chiba had toward the door. He made a point to distract the big guy from the still glowing alien weapon which he wrapped his arm around his back, hoping the dude ( who must have been the super of the building) didn’t notice it. "You may want to check that shit out," Kurt said, letting the hit drag out. Kurt noticed that his baggage looked back to normal. He reached for and pulled out his cell phone. Yep, Kurt noted, back to normal. “I’m, uh, just waiting on the landlord to see a new apartment..." said Kurt. The huge, Viking looking guy looked at Kurt up and down and, this time not hiding his disdain." "Moving in here, huh?" said the man. The giant came down the steps, and motioned past Kurt. "Let me see what's going on in there," said the giant man. "Yeah, check it out, I mean, whatever the fuck is in here, I don't think I would want to live next to it." said Kurt. 7.

The giant man glanced back at Kurt, looking Kurt up and down in even a More derisive manner. The man chuckled, turned back toward the door, grabbed the knob, opened the door and entered the apartment. "Yeah, I got your number, too, motherfucker," Kurt said to himself as he descended the steps toward the building lobby. Just as he got to the lobby door, Kurt heard the screams.

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