A report by the National Foundation for Educational Research looks at the significant impact the Covid-19 pandemic had on learning, and outlines the challenges schools now face The significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the learning of children and young people, and the challenges schools face in reopening to all pupils has been revealed in a new report by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER). Jointly funded by Nuffield Foundation and NFER, the study is based on a sample of almost 3,000 school leaders and teachers across over 2,200 mainstream primary and secondary schools in England. The report focuses on data collected towards the end of the last academic year (July), showing the changing nature of the pandemicâs impact on pupils, teachers, schools and communities, and schoolsâ plans, and concerns ahead of reopening to all year groups this month.
move around the classroom to teach, support and interact with their pupils effectively. Over half of school leaders (51 per cent) reported that they were using teaching assistants (TAs) to lead classes, as a way of managing smaller classes, and 46 per cent of teachers said that they were mainly teaching pupils they did not usually teach. These challenges are expected to remain as schools reopen, as a result of social distancing requirements.
Remote learning During July, when the majority of pupils were expected to learn remotely â there remained low levels of parental and pupil engagement (38 per cent of pupils returned their The rep last piece of set work o r t compared to 42 fou per cent in May). nearly and that Additionally, l l believe teachers school leaders reported that pupils a that their r only 56 per cent e b e h where ind of pupils eligible the
Pupils are behind The report found that nearly all teachers (98 per cent) report that their pupils are behind where they would normally expect them to be in their curriculum learning. Teachers estimate normal y would that their pupils are three ly months behind, on average, them toexpect with 21 per cent reporting that be boys have fallen further behind normal expectations than girls. In July, teachers had covered, on average, only 66 per cent of the usual curriculum during the 2019/20 academic year. Based on teacher estimates, the learning gap between between disadvantaged pupils and their peers had increased by 46 per cent. Teachers in the most deprived schools are over three times more likely to report that their pupils are four months or more behind in their learning compared to teachers in the least deprived schools (53 per cent compared to 15 per cent).
Schools Re-opening
Opening schools to all pupils: what are the challenges?
to return attended, with lower attendance among pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium (45 per cent) and those from BAME backgrounds (49 per cent). Almost one third (32 per cent) of school leaders highlighted parental concerns over safety as a common reason for non-attendance. Leaders in schools with high proportions of pupils from BAME backgrounds were more likely to report parents having safety concerns than schools with no BAME pupils (65, compared to 35 per cent). Intensive catch-up support Teachers estimate that 44 per cent of their pupils are in need of intensive catch-up support. Teachersâ estimates are 25 percentage points higher in the most deprived schools, compared to the least deprived (57 compared to 32 per cent). They are also significantly higher (by 18 percentage points) in schools serving the highest proportion of pupils from BAME backgrounds, and this relationship persists after controlling for the effects of deprivation. In July, almost 90 per cent of school leaders predicted they will find it at least somewhat manageable to open to all pupils safely, although many identify the need for additional staffing and resources, such as for teachers, Teaching Assistants (TAs), support staff, cleaning and protective equipment, and IT. Some of the costs associated with these additional needs will be met by government schemes. More remote learning plans In case of further outbreaks of Covid-19 and local lockdowns, there needs to be enhanced plans for interactive remote learning and IT equipment for pupils and staff. Evidence on effective distance learning highlights the importance of interactive learning, consolidating learning and supporting pupils to self-regulate as effective strategies E
Quality of teaching Almost three quarters of teachers (74 per cent) did not feel able to teach to their usual standard under the regulations that were in force. In an open response questions, almost half said that distancing requirements had negatively impacted their teaching practices. This resulted in them no longer being able to utilise core elements of pedagogy (such as group work), nor did they feel able to