G-Cloud Special

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ISSUE 22.6 www.healthbusinessuk.net Business Information for Local and Central Government Business Information for Education Decision Makers
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Cloud services for the public sector

The latest G-Cloud agreement has been live for just over a month now and will run for a year.

With the introduction of a fourth lot and improved terms and conditions, G-Cloud 13 offers all public sector organisations a simple and compliant way to purchase cloud-based services.

Brought to you by Government Business, Health Business and Education Business magazines, this supplement tells you everything you need to know about G-Cloud 13, including how to search for services, how to assess your search results and how to award a contract.

It also provides helpful links to the G-Cloud webpage and a link to the list of suppliers.

We hope you find this useful.

Polly Jones, editor

© 2022 Public Sector Information Limited. No part of this publication can be

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ISSUE 22.6 www.healthbusinessuk.net Business nformation for Local and Central Go In Association with G-CLOUD Special P ONLINE P MOBILE P FACE-TO-FACE
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Tomorrow: Brighter with Cloud

For more than 30 years, Civica has been a global leader in Gov Tech. Civica has been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s G-Cloud 13 framework and, with more than 285 cloud-based services, we are perfectly placed to help you find the right solution for you.

Visit civica.com to see more about how we can help you.

Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2021/22, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits equal to £2.8 billion – supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.

Cloud services for the public sector

G-Cloud 13 went live on 9 November, after a slight delay. The latest iteration replaces G-Cloud 12, provides cloud computer services to the public sector and lists 5,006 suppliers

According to Crown Commercial Service (CCS), the delay was because they were working to make their agreements easier to use and provide a better experience for their customers.

Following user testing, feedback and insight was provided that needed to be examined further before the launch of G-Cloud 13. G-Cloud 13 offers public sector organisations a straightforward and compliant way to purchase cloud-based services, including hosting, software and support.

For G-Cloud 13, more than 90 per cent of the suppliers on the framework are small and medium-sized enterprises and 72 per cent are micro and small organisations.

Philip Orumwense, commercial director and chief procurement officer for technology at CCS, said: “G-Cloud has been a huge success and is popular due to the high SME inclusion and the ease with which services can be bought by customers.

“The latest iteration of the agreement will offer improved terms and conditions for customers, a wider range of competition across cloud professional support services and access to increased innovation and ideas, using state of the art technologies.”


The framework covers buying cloud-based computing services including hosting, software and cloud support, with many off-the-shelf, pay-as-you-go cloud solutions included. The new framework will continue to provide cloud hosting and software services, as well as associated support services to the UK central government departments and all other public sector bodies, including the NHS. The framework will run from 9 November 2022 until 8 November 2023. Prior to the launch of G-Cloud 13, CCS ran supplier and customer surveys, and

held a supplier event and 1-to-1 supplier interviews in order to understand the needs related to buying, consuming and implementing cloud storage. In December 2021, an RFI was published to Lot 3 suppliers to gather feedback on Lot 4. As an updated framework, there are changes compared to previous iterations. Compared to previous versions, G-Cloud 13 introduces a fourth lot for further competition for cloud support services for larger, more complex requirements. The call-off term across the agreement has also changed to 36 months with an optional 12-month extension. These changes also include improved terms and conditions, with greater inclusion for the provision of day rate cloud support services and inclusion of the latest procurement policies, including social value and prompt payment.

Lots Lot 1 includes Cloud Hosting (PaaS, IaaS) and covers cloud platform or infrastructure, which enables buyers to deploy, manage and run software, and provision and use processing, storage or networking resources. Services covered by this lot include: archiving, backup and disaster recovery; compute and application hosting; container service; content delivery network; database; NoSQL database; relational database; data warehousing; load balancing; logging and analysis; message queuing and processing; networking (including Network as a Service); Platform as a Service (PaaS); infrastructure and platform security; distributed denial of service attack (DDOS) E

G-Cloud 13


KISTERS’ industry leading cloud solution for flood forecasting

Planning ahead for weather events

Add your favourite views to your own private dashboards with a single click or build your personal view by repositioning and resizing the elements.

Alarms and warnings

KISTERS is an international environmental data and insights organisation. We specialise in gathering, processing and reporting environmental data from all over the world, creating innovative and data driven solutions that harness the power of data and technology.

We developed the flood forecasting tool HydroMaster, to enable customers to get the right person to the right place at the right time in the event of heavy rain.

React before a rain event happens

HydroMaster allows you to track showers and frontal rain moving across your area with advanced radar and nowcast data.

Location specific hourly updated forecast data, going out 3 days ahead empowers you to make decisions before an event happens. Build up your confidence by using a 15-day probabilistic forecast that enables you to see what else might happen.

Build up rainfall datasets on locations that are relevant to you

HydroMaster offers users a series of interactive maps, charts and tables, radar maps, precipitation totals and alarm status.

Understand the severity of an event by using return periods – FEH13 available.

Use specific shape files to create the areas on the system you want to monitor, or simply add a point for a location of interest.

Once HydroMaster knows the point locations or areas relevant to you, it will automatically calculate and archive precipitation totals and forecasts. Understand what happened in areas by analysing the uploaded 12 years of historical data. Access your individual results from maps, charts and tables in an intuitive way.

Save time while HydroMaster monitors all areas at risk for you. Set up individual alarms and warnings for your assets and organise notifications via sms, e-mail or even Twitter to a person or a team of choice.

All alarm and warning situations are recorded and displayed in the main view. A rich set of statistics including storm analysis with return periods are presented during alarm conditions or for post-event analysis.

Share with your team

HydroMaster’s access permission allows you to set up HydroMaster for your team. Spread all the great features across your team by adding more users from your organisation. L


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protection; firewall; intrusion detection; protective monitoring; search; storage; block storage; and object storage.

Lot 2 is Cloud Software (SaaS) and includes applications which are accessed over the internet and hosted in the cloud. Services covered by this lot include: accounting and finance; analytics and business intelligence; application security; collaborative working; creative, design and publishing; customer relationship management (CRM); electronic document and records management (EDRM); healthcare; human resources and employee management; information and communication technology (ICT); legal and enforcement; marketing; operations management; project management and planning; sales; schools, education and libraries; software development tools; transport and logistics.

Lot 3 covers Cloud Support to help set up and maintain cloud software or hosting services. Services covered under this lot include ongoing support; planning; quality assurance and performance testing; setup and migration; security services and training.

Lot 4 is an addition to the framework and is for further competition for Cloud Support. The scope is the same as that of Lot 3, but is designed for larger and more complex requirements which are procured through further competition.

Information for buyers

Buyers can use the Digital Marketplace to buy cloud services through the G-Cloud framework.

All public sector organisations, including agencies and arm’s length bodies, can use the Digital Marketplace. Buyers can check the customer unique reference number (URN) list to see if their organisation is eligible to buy using the framework.

All the suppliers have already confirmed information about their company and the way they work and added information about the services that they offer. However, the financial position of suppliers isn’t checked when they apply to the framework. Before starting to look for services on the digital marketplace, buyers are advised to write a list of requirements to help them decide which search category, keywords and filters to use. When writing requirements, buyers should consider the funds available to buy the service, the technical and procurement requirements of the project and the criteria on which the choice will be based.

Buyers should also check if they need approval to spend money on a service.

Buyers are also urged to keep an audit trail, as a record of what has been done when procuring services. If a contract is awarded through the G-Cloud framework, you must be able to show that the assessment of services was fair and transparent.


When doing a search, buyers can download a copy of the category, keywords and filters used, the services found and the date results were exported. This information can then be added to the audit trail. Records should also be kept on communications with suppliers, including any early market engagement, clarification questions, emails and face-to-face conversations you have.

The digital marketplace can be used to search for cloud services that meet your needs. You can choose a category and then search for services using keywords and filters. The search can be saved so the results can be exported later. Saved search results can be found by logging into your account.

Export your search results to keep a record of the services found. You cannot edit your search again after exporting your results, so you should only do this when you are in a position to start assessing services. Results can be exported as a spreadsheet or comma-separated values (CSV). Both sets of results include service names, descriptions and prices; links to service description pages on the Digital Marketplace; and supplier names and contact details.


When you search for services on the Digital Marketplace, you must assess all the services in your search results and the assessment must be as fair and transparent as possible.

You must not combine the results of more than one search to create a shortlist. You also cannot hold a competition to decide the winner, ask suppliers to tender, bid or submit proposals or unfairly exclude any services without referring back to your requirements. You can contact suppliers to ask them to explain their service description, terms and conditions, pricing or service definition documents. However, you must not negotiate with suppliers about the details of their service. If something is not mentioned in a supplier’s service description, you cannot ask a question about it. You should always keep a record of any conversations you have with suppliers for your audit trail.

There is guidance available for assessing services and you should choose the service that best meets your budget and requirements. When choosing the winning service, you should consider: whole life cost, technical merit and functional fit, after-sales service management and non-functional characteristics. E

G-Cloud 13

Landlord Vision – for property managers who want a more fulfilling career

Ask anyone who’s managed properties using sub-par software, or worse, spreadsheets, and they’ll tell you, it’s a lot like juggling. The more properties you’re managing, the greater the potential for crossed wires, re-work, wasted expense and siloed working.

If it wasn’t hard enough keeping up with all the repairs, rental payments, tenant movements, renewals, licences and certificates, you also have to manage and continually hone the finances to remain profitable.

It isn’t about the admin for most people who get into managing properties, the red tape, form filling and constant chasing are more unfortunate side effects than the main show. Most people who get into property management do it

because they want to help people. They want to provide warm, safe housing for the people who need it most.

With most property managers seeking a brighter future and the satisfying feeling that comes from making a difference in the world, there’s a tough choice to make. The reality of property management is a lot different than the ideal. Do you stick around and try to change things, or do you become disillusioned and move on?

Here’s some free advice.

Managing a lot of properties doesn’t need to be that stressful. There is a better way.

Imagine if you didn’t have to spend hours processing tenant requests. What if you could just do a cursory

check on automatically collected rent payments? What if you could forget all about certificates, licenses and renewals and have a system just hand you all the details you need at the point when you need to deal with it. Imagine if the finances virtually managed themselves. With Landlord Vision you don’t need to imagine. Everything you need is at your fingertips. Landlord Vision is an intuitive software that is continually evolving. We take feedback and insights from the people who use the software to continually improve it. Using Landlord Vision you can manage every stage of the property lifecycle, bring everyone on to the same page, and vastly reduce your administrative burden. Because you should get more time to focus on why you do all of this in the first place. Try Landlord Vision. Let us handle all the plate spinning so you can get back to what you do best. L


 Your final choice should be based on best fit, and not on ruling out suppliers that don’t meet your current contract or an ideal set of terms.

Awarding a contract

When you have chosen a service, you can award a contract to the supplier. If only one service meets your requirements, you can award a contract to that supplier and you don’t need to do anything else. If none of the services in your search results meet your requirements, a new search is needed. If a contract is not awarded, you should still let CCS know the outcome of your search. The buyer and supplier must both sign a copy of the contract before the service can be used. The contract can then be downloaded.

The maximum length of a G-Cloud contract is normally 24 months. After the 24 months has passed, a new search will be required. If you have the right approvals, in some cases you may be able to extend your contract. Contracts can be extended by one year and then another year.

Central government organisations can only extend a contract if the spend controls team gives approval or if the supplier gives an ‘additional exit plan’ to approve at least eight months before the end of the contract.


G-Cloud 13 boasts many benefits, including access to over 40,000 services and over 5,000 suppliers, with a quick and easy route to market. The services are scalable, meaning you only pay for what you use. Using G-Cloud 13 means reduced costs and reduced total cost of ownership compared to running your own service in house. G-Cloud 13 also provides access to the latest technology and innovation.

CCS Agreements

In an attempt to make CCS agreements easier to use and enable a better experience for customers, G-Cloud 13 will be accessible through a new digital Contract Award Service (CAS). CAS will support future iterations of G-Cloud in an agile manner,

as well as eventually digitally enabling all CCS agreements. The intention behind the digital enablement is to provide a full end-to-end digital procurement experience to buyers and suppliers. CCS has also negotiated a set of Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) to enhance commercial value across cloud suppliers and services which can be procured through G-Cloud 13. More information can be found on the MoU page L


To find out more about G-Cloud 13, visit the framework page or join a customer webinar

You can contact CCS for any questions about buying through the framework or to request access to an MoU’s pricing model.

G-Cloud suppliers can be found here

G-Cloud 13

Turn your data into insights

Envision a world where the health and life science community collaborates on a global scale to turn health data into valuable insights improving health and well-being for all.

End-to-end solution for health registers and research. End-to-end solution Impactful collaborations Secure research environment


Paving the way for data-driven health services

There is a huge potential for using health data more efficiently to create insights that will help us improve health and healthcare services. Moving towards more data-driven and digital health services, we need effective tools and a new way of working with health data

These privacy-preserving technologies removes a major privacy issue when it comes to health data management allowing for more parties to take part in using the data. It also reduces the need for traditional privacy measures, such as anonymisation and pseudonymisation.

Every day, tremendous amounts of data are gathered from patients in hospitals and clinics worldwide. These data are used to treat individual patients and keep track of their medical history. However, aggregation of the data from large numbers of patients can provide invaluable insights and understanding of treatment efficacy as well as identify factors affecting prognosis and quality of care.

A main barrier

A main barrier to moving towards a more data-driven healthcare service is that we still operate with a traditional (and outdated) workflow for research. Traditionally, the process of going from raw data to results is set up in a step-by-step manner, involving moving data between different software to get the job done.

First, you need a database where the data is registered (these databases are often expensive and time-consuming to get set up). Then you need to order and arrange your data in a spreadsheet to get them structured and ready for analysis. Next, you need to move your data to a statistical software package for your analysis. This also requires manual organisation and structuring of the data to get the different analyses done properly. Last, you’ll probably need to move through graphical software to prepare your graphs and figures and make your results ready for presentation or publication.

The use of all these tools demands a lot of training to operate the different software, as well as the process itself being a time-

consuming endeavour. Another important problem with all this movement and manual handling of raw data is that it introduces risks to data integrity. Last but not least, it’s hard to obtain the necessary data security and privacy in a process involving so many different software where the raw data needs to be exposed to the persons doing the procedures.

True collaboration within this workflow is also hard and most research and registry collaborations as of today concentrate on the data capture phase of a project where multiple parties come together to collect data in the same database, while collaboration in the other phases is restricted as only a few parties get to use the data for analysis.

Research and analysis

At Ledidi we set out to change this by thinking differently about the research process.

We’ve designed a data platform that gathers all the necessary functionalities and stages for a research project or registry within a secure research environment available in the public cloud. This allows for moving away from a traditional linear workflow to a more circular workflow whereby data can be analysed in real-time simply at the click of a button.

Analyses are done directly towards the database based on auto-transformations that removes the need for manual restructuring of raw data to prepare it for analysis. The data is structured from the minute it enters the platform and the persons performing the analyses do not even have to see the raw data.

Moving to a circular workflow also means the data is always ready to be analysed - the results are available when you need them without having to go through a lengthy process in the hands of a statistician or data scientist who are often already at capacity. The easy-to-use design of the software and intuitive analytic panel means people can engage in extracting insights from a complicated database without extensive statistical training. This is a major advantage for any project close to patient treatment, such as clinical audits or keeping track of patient outcomes which are often managed by research nurses and clinical professionals on the front line rather than data experts.

It also opens new and improved ways of working together - across institutional and national borders. The raw data entered from one institution stays protected against access from other institutions, but all parties can still collaborate on both the database design and the use of data for analysis and data visualisation.


And, of course, everything happens within a secure cloud solution, representing the nextgeneration healthcare research environment. We use state-of-the-art technologies at every point where personal data are involved ensuring you can work comfortably without worrying about being compliant with privacy and data security regulations.

Paving the way for datadriven health services

In conclusion, Ledidi is paving the way for a more efficient and collaborative approach to health data analysis. By providing a secure research environment in the cloud, Ledidi enables real-time, privacy-preserving multiparty analysis of clinical data. Ledidi’s platform represents a significant step forward in the pursuit of quality data-driven healthcare aiming at improving health outcomes. L


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Making the public sector thrive

How central government departments, local authorities and other public sector organisations can better deliver citizen services with Cloud wipro.com/cloud


Leveraging cloud for citizen-centric services

Many public sector organisations, from central government departments to local authorities and county councils, are increasing their efforts to transform their IT capabilities to improve organisational efficiency and provide new and enhanced citizen-centric services. This has mainly been driven by the unexpected and significant disruption brought by the COVID pandemic which has shone a light on critical needs and the government’s ability to respond quickly

That said, unlike private sector organisations, the public sector is still finding it challenging to marry up cloud computing operations with its projects and departmental aims. And low budgets, lack of inertia and a lack of the right resources don’t help.

Once deployed and used correctly, cloud computing can improve the pace of delivery, improve security, deliver cost efficiencies, and give public sector organisations more adaptable and responsive options on which to draw when needed.

Changing expectations

The public sector needs to provide services and care for all of its citizens. Innovations in customer interactions delivered by private sector organisations have shifted consumer expectations, especially since the pandemic. We now live in a world where consumers are expected to self-serve so there is an expectation that services delivered by the public sector are as instant as checking your bank account balance via an app. Booking a GP appointment or claiming an allowance should be equally as seamless and frictionless. Public sector organisations need to rapidly adapt to external factors – this has been critical since the start of the pandemic. Cloud computing enables this. With well-built cloud computing platforms, the public sector can build quickly, with flexible scalability, to react to any changing circumstance – be it a cost-of-living crisis, change of government or the processing of asylum claims. Cloud computing has the capacity to help government departments to deal with dynamic changes in technology and computing needs much more quickly and effectively.

“The time for digital transformation and reinvention of citizen-centric public sectors services powered by the innovation of cloud is now.”

Getting the most out of cloud computing

If cloud computing is deployed effectively, public sector organisations can strengthen technology and data security, generate cost savings, improve the pace of delivery, generate more flexible, agile opportunities and improve services for the citizens they serve. Government department leaders need to look for the right technology providers and

consulting services providers to transform their organisation’s cloud operations as effectively and efficiently as possible.

To create a well-planned roadmap to maximise the transformative potential of cloud, central government departments and local government bodies need to research the best options to combine industry-leading business solutions with a high-touch, outcome-based approach. There are plenty of providers publishing reports and giving advice to help demystify the various options. It’s critical to bring the right partners together to create an ecosystem of solutions and support ranging from consulting and strategy development to cloud engineering innovation, migration and transformation. This way, public sector organisations can bring together the latest and best solutions on the market. This is all the more critical for public sector bodies where employees are short on time and resources – simple and easy to manage and effective systems are much needed.

Cloud computing and cybersecurity

As cyber security threats change, choosing the right technology provider is also really important. There is a concern amongst many public sector organisations that hosting your IT infrastructure on the cloud means a loss of control. It’s actually the opposite. In many ways, public cloud can offer better security than ‘on premises’ such as providing centralised protection and backed-up data. The other significant benefit is that public sector organisations

will be able to take advantage of continual improvements and updates to technology.

Public sector organisations need to work with both technology providers and those offering consulting services to ensure that critical data is protected via the enhanced security that cloud offers. Given the highly sensitive and personal nature of the data that government departments and local authorities hold, this is of even greater importance within the public sector. The other benefit of combining the specialist skills of technology providers and consulting services is that it will help drive a smooth transition to cloud and deliver extensive rewards.

The time for digital transformation and reinvention of citizen-centric public sectors services powered by the innovation of cloud is now. Public sector organisations stand to benefit in a number of ways under the UK government’s ‘cloud first’ policy for all technology-related decisions. L


For more details of Wipro’s FullStride Cloud Services click here.

Advertisment Feature G-CLOUD SPECIAL

LOVIS EOS: Software created for humans

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Easy. Simplify how you run your organisation. LOVIS EOS’s secure webbased end-user interface reduces time and effort for training and use. Record autofill and click-to-advance allow you to perform your business processes quickly and easily. Every user gets their job done productively with your custom set of next practices.

Today, governments and agencies use complex and rigid software to run their operations. They waste time, effort and money; citizens and users are unhappy. They suffer from Excel-ence Disease: abusing spreadsheets to do what their software cannot.

Innovative officials are willing to find the easy-to-use, fast-to-implement, adaptive software that does everything they need today and tomorrow.

Over ten years ago, the Food Security Agency in one of the world’s largest countries wasted more than 600,000 person-hours every year trying to maximise its available budget. After a six-month implementation in over a hundred offices around the country, more than 1,500 users run their beginning-to-end business processes in real-time, building reliable information that reflects reality. They improved budget efficiency by more than 17 per cent and reduced paper consumption by 80 per cent. Citizens and users are thrilled.

While performing their jobs, users build reliable real-time information that reflects their reality while keeping the budget under strict control. LOVIS automatically translates their operational data into accounting records to get 3-D Financial Statements in any standard and currency every morning.

LOVIS is the first zero-code, fully configurable government operating system platform on the cloud. It supports the procurement of goods and services with real-time budget control, inventory and use of consumables and fixed assets, transformation, planning, depreciation and decommissioning of fixed assets, rights billing and collection, multi-currency finance and treasury, accounting, business intelligence, business process management and workflow.

LOVIS adapts to every customer’s needs using business parameters while running on a multitenant cloud, the

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LOVIS EOS can help you improve budget efficiency, recover lost working hours and reduce the carbon footprint of your government operating system

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We engage with management teams rather than individuals, this ensures a common understanding, a common vocabulary and most importantly a common sense of purpose.

You can view a short video which explains our ethos, by clicking on the image below. L


To find out more, please email us at focus@leadership-team.co.uk

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Where are the biggest skills gaps in your leadership team?
Do you lead a team? If so, what are the strengths within that team and what plans do you have to develop them?

Radio Commz UK - The UK’s first Push to Talk over cellular specialists (PoC)

to the devices and improve the overall experience for our clients.

In 2024, the UK’s emergency services are moving to their new 4G PTT system, Radio Commz has always been three years ahead of the project in bringing the latest technology.

Here at Radio Commz, we bring total uniqueness to our Push to Talk (PTT) products. Our PTT has opened doors for local authorities, who due to distance limits, could not benefit from such a product.

Our products use 3G and 4G cellular masts to operate rather than traditional VHF & UHF frequencies, as standard, we provide Europe coverage. The UK has 98 per cent cellular data coverage meaning we provide coverage that was an impossibility with traditional systems. Our PTT solution comes with a huge number of features, these include Live Location including previous route logging, Private Calling, SOS Button, Messaging, AES256 Encryption, Transmission Logging, Calling Priority & Windows Dispatch. This is just a small number of features.

We also have a vast range of devices to suit all sectors and job roles. From devices with no displays to devices with displays.

Radio Commz was the first business to enable an enforcement officer to issue an FPN from the officer’s radio following a successful contract with Brighton & Hove Council. Enforcement officers have an all-in-one device which packs the latest generation PTT system named Critical Commz®, our Multi Network SIM named SIM Critical® and a thirdparty notice processing application to enable the issuing of the FPNs.

One of the benefits of our system is even after the purchase of the PTT device, we can improve the device simply by releasing our new software updates which include new features

We have our 4G body camera solution named Critical View® which features remote live viewing of the user’s bodyworn camera. Our CV02 model features the best Sony IMX Starlight lens ever to be installed on a body camera giving crystal clear night vision.

Our Critical View® clients have lifetime access included in the purchase of each camera which allows them to remotely view the body cameras and manage the files, including the remote pull of any recorded evidence.

Our PTT Systems start from only £255 per device including the annual connectivity and PTT licence, making Radio Commz the most affordable one-stop shop for PoC! L

Business Information for Local and Central Government Business Information for Education Decision Makers In Association with G-CLOUD Special Published by 020 8532 0055 www.psi-media.co.uk

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