The Official Publication of the Professional Ski Instructors of America Eastern / Education Foundation
Fall 2007
It’s BAAAAACK. . .
Season-long Member-Gain-A-Member campaign returns with prizes & incentives! by Michael J. Mendrick, PSIA-E/AASI Executive Director
ast year, in what will be remembered as one of the most challenging snow seasons in many years, nearly 1,200 new members joined the Eastern Division of PSIA and AASI during the fall and winter of 2006-07. As a testament to the power of “word of mouth,” nearly half (530 or 44.4%) of those new members came into the organization sponsored by current members during the first ever “Member-Gain-a-Member” campaign. More than 40 existing members brought in at least 3 (and, in one case, 14) new members and shared in a prize and incentive pool that ranged from a commemorative desk award to “ed buck” certificates of $100 all the way to a free ProJam registration worth $375! Now the Member-Gain-a-Member campaign is back for a second year run in the hopes of involving more existing members to recruit more new members and therefore issue MORE prizes while building the association. “This is a fun and easy way to show your support and share your enthusiasm with other instructors, plus be rewarded for your time and efforts,” said PSIA-E Board President Bob Shostek. “We are hoping to see at least 600 new members come in through the program this year.” Program Goal: The goal of the MGaM campaign is to enlist the outreach potential of existing members, volunteers and staff to build the awareness and interest by non-member snowsports educators in becoming members of PSIA-E/AASI and, more specifically, to
the inside edge
achieve and exceed the budgeted goal of 1,245 new members in 2007-08. Target Group: The target group for this program is new and existing snowsports education staff at established snowsports schools with an established relationship and awareness of PSIA-E/AASI. “We believe our members are our best champions to ensure that our membership message of value, education, camaraderie, personal growth and reward is brought to the attention of as many non-members instructors out there as possible,” said Eileen Carr, Education & Programming Associate & Marketing Coordinator for the Eastern Division office. How “MGaM” will work: This is a campaign whereby you, our existing members of PSIA-E/AASI, will personally promote and recruit colleagues – who are non-member snowsports instructors - to join the organization. For playing the role of “sponsor” to the new member, as the recruiting member you will be eligible for various levels of incentives. The membership application now has a line for “Member Sponsor” that will serve as the qualifier for credit and tracking. This year it will be even easier to recruit, as the Eastern Division, in cooperation with the national office, has produced four-color membership brochures with a new member application included (see sidebar). These should be available at every snowsports school in the division – just ask your school director for them.
IMPORTANT: It will be up to you as the sponsor to make sure the new member identifies you as his/ her membership sponsor in order for you to receive credit. At the end of the 2007-08 season, sponsor credits will be reconciled and member sponsors will be notified of their award level. All incentives and contest awards will be redeemed to sponsors during the 2008-09 season. Eligible Participants: Current individual members of PSIA/AASI Eastern Division (including Area Reps). PSIA-E/AASI education staff would be eligible for designated scholarship incentives. Sorry – to keep things equitable with individual members we cannot extend award privileges to snowsports school directors. Campaign Eligibility Timeframe: Membership applications postmarked or faxed between November 1, 2007, and April 1, 2008. Each application MUST have BOTH the sponsor name and membership number to qualify. Lots of prizes and awards for Individual Members! Every member that sponsors 3 or more members gets a SnowPro mention, plus PSIA-E/AASI commemorative premium item. Top FIVE producers in EACH REGION gets $100 “ed bucks” credit, plus a commemorative premium item. Must have minimum of SEVEN new members to qualify. Anyone bringing in 10 or more members qualifies for GRAND PRIZE and FIRST PRIZE drawing, plus gets SnowPro mention and premium item. continued on page 4
3.........President’s Message
13.......National Report
36.......2007-08 Event Schedule
15.......Around the Regions
47.......Election Candidacy Form
9.........Zipper Line
19.......Snowsports Management News PSIA-E / AASI SnowPro • Fall 2007
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