Ink Stains 2014 / 2015

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Poetry Winner 10 NEVER FILL YOUR HEART WITH HATRED AND WAR Nikita Taratorin (Grade 8)

UPPER MYP: Poetry Winner 24 THE WALL Audrey MacDonald (Grade 9) 25


Poetry Runner-up EPIC OF DYNATOS Andrew Spencer (Grade 7)


Prose Winner SHORT STORY #2 Ilinca Lupu (Grade 8)

Poetry Runner-up MAKING SENSE Anna Zvonkova (Grade 9)

Prose Winner 26 THE BEAR AND HIS HORRIBLE FATE Olesia Sheremeta (Grade 9)

Prose Runner-up 20 RING AROUND THE ROSIE Beatrice Hudson (Grade 8)


DP: Poetry Winner 28 UNTITLED 2 Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

Poetry Runner-up 29 EMPTY Oliver Jahn (Grade 11)

Poetry Runner-up 30 MORNING MEMORIES Thomas Rozanov (Grade 12)

Prose Winner 32 BLOODY TRENDS Maria Turner (Grade 11)

TS 34




36 ONE DAY Leo Buckle (Grade 6)

48 UNTITLED Olesia Sheremeta and Zita de Trogoff (Grade 9)

58 CALLING TO SAY GOODBYE Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

37 UNTITLED Gleb Shishkanov (Grade 6)

49 DROWNING Richa Singla (Grade 9)

62 THE GODDESSES SERIES Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

38 WORTH A TRY Kvitoslava Perehinets (Grade 8)

50 I SAW HIM Richa Singla (Grade 9)

64 THE SOUNDS OF THE UNIVERSE Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

50 THAT NIGHT Zita de Trogoff (Grade 9)

65 THINGS I MISS ABOUT YOU Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

LOW E R M Y P P R O S E : 40 SHE Agata Gorski (Grade 8)


42 AND THEN SHE FLEW Sonja Ringger (Grade 8)

52 BETRAYAL Richa Singla (Grade 9)

46 ISABELLE Sofiia Yevdokymenko (Grade 8)

54 THE FORTUNE TELLER Anna Bugay(Grade 9)

UPPER MYP PROSE: 66 VERTIGO Oliver Jahn (Grade 11)


I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L

FOREWO This issue of Ink Stains contains a collection of short stories and poems written by PSI students from ECU to Grade 12 for the Alexander Literary award and the PSI Young Author’s Award of 2015. The Alexander Literary Award is an old tradition at PSI, dating back to a previous Headmaster, Steve Alexander, who in his desire to promote a love for literature has acknowledged young writers with this award. His educational values have been shared by many leaders and educators at PSI since then and this tradition has indeed become one of the most valued and successful in the almost 20 year history of PSI. One of our roles as librarians is to protect and preserve traditions while also embracing innovation. We need to ensure we are constantly moving with the times, whilst building on the solid educational foundations already in place. We are proud to present this issue of Ink Stains as a great example of breathing new life into an old tradition. We hope that you will enjoy the new and updated version of this magazine and we wish it a bright future and long life.


ORDS Schlossberg once said that ‘The skill of writing is to create

I take great pleasure in congratulating the winners of this

a context in which other people can think’. When you read

year’s Alexander Literary Award contest. The award winning

the work in this publication you will be struck by the array of

pieces range from terrifying to touching, from sophisticated to

contexts created, the thoughtful topics and themes explored

silly. But we celebrate more than just the top entries selected

and of the eloquent expression. Each work will entertain,

by the panel. We celebrate the creative spirit evident in all of

amuse and indeed makes us think. We can reflect on the work,

the original works submitted by the secondary students at

the individual student, their passion and interests as gleaned

Pechersk School International. And while the sophistication

from the work, the creative process, their engagement and

naturally increases with maturity, the vivid descriptions

their learning.

developed by the youngest of our authors cannot go without

As an educator it is reassuring to see and to be able


to reflect upon all of these aspects when reading these

So often in the English language arts classroom we

submissions. The IB programmes offered here at PSI ensure

focus on precision of expression and clarity of language in

that our students have the opportunity to be engaged and

student academic writing. We frequently lose sight of the

driven to create these works. Our students truly embody

beauty inherent in vagueness and try to avoid the mental

many, if not all, of the attributes of the Learner Profile which

engagement produced by obfuscation.

we wish them to develop in order to be that life-long learner

It is true that some of the pieces submitted for

(and hopefully continue to publish their work too). We are

consideration grew from teacher assigned work. But that

proud of our students and indeed grateful to them for sharing

should not diminish the appreciation we express for all of

their work.

the entries. We know that inspiration can find its source in a demand placed upon us. We describe the work you are reading as teacher edited student work. That means we have reviewed the submission for mechanics: grammar and spelling. But the stories remain untouched and the poems reflect the students’ intent. Enjoy!

PAUL HORKAN MYP Coordinatore and we wish it a bright future and long life.

DR. DAVID FREEMAN Head of English 5

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DER Y AWARD S 2015 LOW E R M Y P : Poetry Winner 10 NEVER FILL YOUR HEART WITH HATRED AND WAR Nikita Taratorin (Grade 8)

UPPER MYP: Poetry Winner 24 THE WALL Audrey MacDonald (Grade 9) 25


Poetry Runner-up EPIC OF DYNATOS Andrew Spencer (Grade 7)


Prose Winner SHORT STORY #2 Ilinca Lupu (Grade 8)

Prose Runner-up 20 RING AROUND THE ROSIE Beatrice Hudson (Grade 8)

Poetry Runner-up MAKING SENSE Anna Zvonkova (Grade 9)

Prose Winner 26 THE BEAR AND HIS HORRIBLE FATE Olesia Sheremeta (Grade 9)

DP: Poetry Winner 28 UNTITLED 2 Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

Poetry Runner-up 29 EMPTY Oliver Jahn (Grade 11)

Poetry Runner-up 30 MORNING MEMORIES Thomas Rozanov (Grade 12)

Prose Winner 32 BLOODY TRENDS Maria Turner (Grade 11)


I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L




I fear the injustice,

I fear that it’s possible

They clear out the darkness,

I fear the war.

That hatred and war

Like soap clears out dirt.

I fear the hatred,

Can fill up that space

Like sun destroys shadows,

Those are my fears so far.

In humans’ heart bar.

With mothers alert.

Why are we doing this?

Turn humans in evil

Human’s heart will be clear,

Why do we dare?

In pessimist hole,

Filled with happiness stack.

Why in the world,

In hateful ego,

And only the madman,

Do we continue to care?

In sad, old, dark, crow

Will try to fall back.

Human is hateful,

The hope is not lost,

The past is the knowledge,

Human is smart,

The hope can be found.

The present is gift,

But humans do also

The hope is like light bulb,

The future is secret ,

Have really big heart.

That will soon be dawned.

You decide your life’s drift.

This heart may be cruel,

In world there is happiness,

As you are the master,

Or it may be fair.

In world there is peace.

Of your actions so far.

But most of the times,

In world there is luck,

Never fill your heart,

The space there is spare.

That fulfil person’s dreams.

With hatred and war.

A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D W I N N E R S 2 0 1 5 • L O W E R M Y P

P O E T RY R U N N E R - U P


‘’Tell us, oh Muses. Tell us of the great man that went through the fiercest of seas, to get his desired treasure.’’ ‘’The man that went across the Aegean sea. Through perilous caves and still rode on, to his goal.’’ ‘’He, Dynatos, the wisest of the wise, went on a journey across all of Greece to get the minds and knowledge of Athena herself. The man that rode with fools of men who had cursed him on the bitter sea, night and day. Those reckless louts challenged ‘Apollo of Delos’ in a game of Archery. They bet their lives and were foolish enough to accept. Tells us, oh Muses, of the story of Dynatos.’’ Dynatos, wisest of Plousios was a man of great valour and an unquestionable leader who, took great pride in his homeland of Plousios and made it the heart of his Kingdom. Dynatos was a man of strength, but also a man of anger and pride. He had pride to hide his suffering.


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Dynatos had indeed suffered greatly. It was the year 1000 BCE and all was good on Plousios. Dynatos had a son then. A young strong boy that he kept safe and cared for every hour of his life. The young boy was growing up to be strong. He was a good fighter and a skilled marksman. It came so suddenly. It was the night the fire came. It blazed Plousios like the Underworld. The fire claimed much of Plousios that day. It took houses, men, women and children. That night of the blaze, Dynatos was helping put out the fire when the young boy was in bed. The blaze had already burnt out most houses but not yet Dynatos’. The boy was in bed when it happened. A flame like no other came bursting into the house and took the boy with it. Many people had lost many things that day. But no one had felt a greater loss than Dynatos. That memory had haunted him for nearly 10 years. It was after that when Dynatos wanted to know all. Wanted to understand how to help and how to do things right. It was then when he decided to row to Chrysos. Island of Athena and discover all that was needed. He rode to Chrysos. With 20 of his strongest men. They rode on to Chrysos. It was 12 years after the incident and Dynatos had begun his journey. The gods had been watching over him to see how he would make it. Hermes, Demeter, Dionysus on his side but, Poseidon and Aphrodite against him. They did all they could to stop him. One harsh sea morning, There was a harsh sea storm like no other with thundering waves and powerful sea waters. It rocked the boat and the 21 men on it. 3 men were lost to Poseidon along with most of the food supplies and animals. The men were left with nothing and had changed course to a new destination. But they rode on through rainy days and harsh seas until at last, they got to an island like no other. ‘’We dock here!’’ exclaimed he to his exhausted men.They had been 12

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rowing for 3 months with no stopping. The island was of rich soil and warm weather. The men were revealed but Dynatos was not in a hurry to relax. ‘’The 3 toughest of you soldiers will join me in exploring this Dubious isle.’’ said Dynatos, wisest of Plousios and leader of many. Dynatos and 3 of his finest men foot-slogged across hills and rocky cliffs till they came upon a palace like no other. The palace was of ruby red and sapphire blue with the most artistic design known to man. This was the domain of Polemistis, greatest fighter known to man. He was the son of Ares, God of war and bloodshed. He wielded the ‘Sword of Olympus’ made of pure starlight. ‘’Welcome, humbled guests.’’ uttered the son of Ares, fiercest of gods and toughest of beings. ‘’I have not had a visitor in a long time nor been in the company of a lord before. Please, sit down and have something to eat’ ‘’We thank you for your welcome and we will gladly accept your magnificent food. We have come a long to go to the land of Athena. The great island of Chrysos to seek the knowledge of Athena herself.’’ explained Dynatos, lord of Plousios. ‘’We saw your island and came here for food and water.’’ ‘’If it’s food you seek and water you need, look no further. This is Prasinos’’ bellowed Polemistis, child of war and son of Ares. ‘’But, you must battle me and prove your leadership and swordsmanship to be able to pass through these isles and take my food & water.’’ exclaimed the son Ares with his father’s bloodshot eyes. Polemistis was a man of great violence and great skill in the art of battle. ‘’You think a man on an island of grass could defeat me?’’ smirked Dynatos overcome with confidence and pride. ‘’It would take 40 of the finest soldiers to defeat me!’’ whooped Dynatos, Proudest of men. ‘’I will gladly accept this battle but if we win, we take your food, water and wool. But if I fail to claim victory, you may claim my life.’’ he said in the wise voice that was Dynatos’. ‘’Well then, let us begin the battle.’’ Not a moment too soon Polemistis struck his sword at Dynatos with considerable strength. The sword was made by Hephaestus, god of refinery and master of crafting.


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Dynatos dodged and struck at Polemistis’ strong armour. The armour merely scraped and Polemistis gouged the sword into the leg of Lord Dynatos, owner of Plousios. ‘’I have taken your leg, I will now take your life’’ exclaimed Polemistis with a smirk on his face. ‘’I beg to differ!’’ shouted Dynatos as he got up and pierced his sword into the Demigod’s vile and black heart. ‘’Tell Hades I will see him soon’’ said Dynatos as he released the sword from Polemistis’ heart. Polemistis, son of Ares, was dead. ‘’Take whatever food, water and supplies you can and lets move out!’’ shouted Dynatos to his 3 finest and toughest men. The men on the beach had been waiting for 6 hours until, their great leader came back with more food than they could handle. ‘’We have found food and water. Let us leave this island before Ares butchers us all’’. Before the God of War had a chance to arrive, the boat had departed to the land of Death. It had been a week since the battle with Polemistis, son Ares, God of War. They had arrived to the gates of Hades’ Domain. Hades was waiting inside. ‘’I must go alone.’’ exclaimed the Lord of Plousios. Dynatos was expected by Hades. ‘’Welcome, oh mortal. You are the one they call Dynatos. I have been informed by the vanquished you battled on Prasinos. I have come to strike a deal with you.’’ Exclaimed the god of Death. ‘’You can stay here with your child, or you leave to go and achieve your goal.’’ grinned the lord of Death and Horror. The Prince to the land of Plousios presented himself to his father. Dynatos took a long pause and could not breathe. He was in shock. ‘’Son?’’ trembled Dynatos. ‘’Yes father, ‘tis I Paidiastikos. Father, leave me. I will be fine. I am happy here with mother.’’ ‘’Paidiastikos, no. I will do what I can to save you!’’ shouted Dynatos through the halls of Hades’ Palace. Dynatos the great, strong and fearless leader exited the Underworld with a tear on his cheek. But nothing stopped him from getting to Chrysos.

Dynatos went on to stopping at Delos and meeting with Apollo, God of Archery, Poetry and Music. Dynatos’ foolish men challenged Apollo to an Archery competition where the reward was the men’s lives. Apollo won and took the men’s lives and possessions. Dynatos at last got to Chrysos where he met Athena and talked to her about knowledge and then got the knowledge he desired. Dynatos died before he could get home and his mind held the secrets to eternal life and happiness. He was the wisest man of all Greeks and his Great grandson, Tiresias the Prophet was much the same. 14

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I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



Strangely, the most unbearable thing of all is the silence. The few moments when there is no sound. Well, almost no sound.

die afterwards, or at least we don’t hear about his death. But then again, movie heroes are fiction, and Father was real-life. Meow. There goes the cat again.

There is the drip-drip-dripping of the water leaking through

“Will you silence that creature, Kiki?” Katsu scowls.

the floor planks above, onto the concrete below our feet. The

“It’s driving me crazy.”

soft, occasional mewling of the stray cat that Kiki insisted

“But he’s scared!” She hugged the poor thing to her chest.

on bringing in. The scuffing of feet and the whooshing and

“Aren’t you, little Neko-chan?”

whistling of the wind above. The creaking and cracking of

“We’re all scared, Kiki. The cat isn’t helping.”

wood; the rattling of the paddock against the trapdoor.

“But he’s small and helpless and so fluffy.”

The shallow breathing of three-and-a-kid. We’re all crammed onto the one rocky bench, hugging one another.

since we came down here.

The aforementioned Kiki: five, pigtailed and innocent, eyes


darting all over the place; Katsu: seventeen, rigid-stanced,

“But really, if you would just feel his fur.”

solemn-faced and straight-backed; Grandmother: sixty-two,

One look from Grandmother quitens her.

tight-bunned, thin-lipped, Kiki on her lap. And me: eleven,

All is silent-but-not-quite-silent again.

dreading every second passing, and wishing that Father was

We wait for the bomb to fall; the one we thought would

here with us.

never come. We thought the Others were done. But they

He hugged me tightest of all when he left, three months

were not satisfied with bombing Nagasaki. Their monstrous,

and sixteen days ago. He kissed my cheek and whispered, I’ll

sadistic nature demanded more pain from us. From the

be right back, Chiyo-chan. You’ll be alright. And then he left


our sorry little house, walking off into the sunset, like one of

So here we sit: the 9th of August, 1945, at 8:16 AM (by the

those illegal American movies. When the hero rides into the

clock on the second shelf, up against a couple of turnips). We

bright light and then the credits roll.

sit pressed up against one another, waiting for the inevitable

Except that the hero usually doesn’t leave in a large,

to happen, the dread so thick in the air you could cut it up

green and black army truck. He doesn’t go because he

into small squares and add it to your miso soup instead of

has to, but because he wants to. The hero has finished his

the tofu.

adventure, he’s not starting a new one. And the hero doesn’t 16

“Kiki,” my Grandmother speaks up. She hasn’t talked

We wait for the bomb to drop, for our lives to end, for the

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city to explode into a million pieces.


We wait to die.


Questions rush through my head, each being as fast and

The explosion rumbles through the shelter, both

as painful to my brain, as rounds from a machine gun are to

unexpected and expected in equal measure. When I look at

a dying soldier.

the clock, it’s hands seem to stop. Everything is moving in

How could they do this? Why?

slow motion, every second seems like a minute or ten or ten

What about Mother? Will she survive in the hospital?


Are we going to die like this?

The room lights up, the house above creaks and groans

God, are we going to die?

and rips from it’s foundation- the pure scream and crack of

I shut my eyes tight, wishing time would stop, so I could

the stone and brick and wood and steel infrastructure, like a

get myself and everyone I love out.

monster breaking free of the earth. There are screams and

But the clock keeps ticking.

they’re mine and my family’s and they tear my heart apart

Tick. There’s nothing I can do to stop it. To slow it.

as well as my eardrums. But the volume is nothing compared

Tock. It’s sound is mocking.

to the booming, the cracking, the crunching. My house is

Tick. “Look at me,” it says. “I’m infinite.”

dying, the whole world is being torn apart at it’s seams by a

Tock. “I’m never going to stop.”

monster, a monster whose rage is unmeasurable.

Tick. “I’ll keep going; at the same speed; always.”

The bench shakes violently and I’m thrown from it, flung

Tock. “You will die, and everyone you love will die.”

against the wall, my breath being punched from my lungs.

Tick. “The world will end and a new one will begin, but my

Something cracks and I don’t know what it is because the

pace will not be diminished.”

light and the pain–it’s too much; so bright I’m almost sure my

Tock. “I will tick forever.”

eyeballs are being burnt in their sockets and my whole body

Tick. “And you become nothing.”

is convulsing with the energy of it all, and everything hurts–

I keep my eyes shut. Tighten my fists. Try to ignore the

It all goes black.

danger that is looming, looking over my shoulder, clawed hands digging into my flesh, sharp teeth displayed in an evil grin.

~~~ “Chiyo. Chiyo Chiyo Chiyo.” A voice parts the curtain of darkness. A hand shakes my shoulder. “Chiyo!” A sob. My subconscious reaches towards it, 17

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twisting and turning in the arms of oblivion. “Please don’t be dead, Chiyo. Please!” A shake so violent I’m thrown upright, which finally unleashes me from the last fingers of darkness. I open my eyes to find another pair, almost identical to my own, attached to a small, round face; a birthmark above the right eyebrow. It’s Kiki. “Oh! You’re alive!” She hugs the breath out of me, and I can’t believe how much strength a five-year old has.

weak. I have to lean in to hear her. Her breath tickles the strands of hair nearest to my ear. I nod. We went over the plan many times, whenever we had spare time. Oh, time. What a luxury we once had. Taken from me like stolen coins from a village boy. “Good.” She closes her eyes for a second. Reopens them. “You were always the brave one, Chiyo-chan.” That surprises

“Kiki! You’re hurting me!”

me. Of all the things to say–But is this not the sort of thing

She stops hugging, and stands up as if my body had just

that people say when they think they’ll die?

turned white-hot and burnt her. She goes running to the other side of the cellar to Katsu, who is collecting cans from

“Grandmother, you really mustn’t–” I believe that if I won’t let her finish, she will be alright.

the heap on the floor and putting them in a sack. She starts

But, being Grandmother, she doesn’t listen to a word I

waving her small arms animately, saying something about

say. “Real courage is turning to face the thing that scares

me that can’t hear. Katsu smiles in my direction, then goes

you most, even if you would rather run. You have that, a skill

turns back to his task.

surprisingly hard to find.” She smiles; I smile. I can’t help it,

I take this opportunity to survey the damage.

it’s contagious as the common flu. “I’m proud of you, Chiyo-

The room is dark and musky, the small dangling lightbulb


cracked. Slivers of sunlight creep through the crack in the trapdoor above. Everything is in terrible disorder–

Then her eyes fall closed, and tears stream down my cheeks like rivers.

Grandmother will have a heart attack when she sees. Cans

Time. I need time. Just a little more.

and sacks of food are all over the floor, the shelves are ripped

Sobs rack my body.

from the bare stone walls, and the bench is overturned.

I start to shake her again, but nothing.

And Grandmother is sprawled on the ground, a sheet below her head acting as a pillow. I stand up and rush to her, ignoring the head-spinning

I don’t know: is it sleep or unconsciousness? Or even death? Then: a hand on my shoulder.

wave of dizziness that overwhelms me. I rush past the bench,

And following it is another smaller one.

trip on it, get up. Then I keep going.

“She’s terribly weak, Chiyo-chan. Try not to shake her like

When I reach her, I fall to her side.

that.” Katsu.

I Shake her frail, thin shoulder.

I let go of Grandmother with difficulty.

I scream her name, hoping she’s not dead.

“Katsu says she’ll get better.” Kiki plops down besides

Please let her be alive, for have I not lost enough today?

me, a hopeful look in her too-big kid eyes.

Anything to tell me she’s okay, one twitch, one blink, one sign

I wipe the tears from my eyes with the back of my hand.

she’s alive. I pray to all the gods I know.

I stand up.

And then, as if she had heard my pleas, Grandmother opens her eyes. “Oh!” My sigh of relief. I move to hug her, but then think better of it. She may be too weak. 18

“Remember the plan?” she says. Her voice is quiet and

“We have to go,” I tell them. There’s no doubt about it. The plan Grandmother talked about is this: that when there will be a bomb (something she knew will happen at some time or another) we cannot stay. We have to leave, towards

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Auntie Satomi’s house in the next village. We must avoid the

And there are bodies. Lying around like rag dolls.

crowds of refugees. They will overwhelm the towns. Or so

I turn away from them, tears rising to my eyes again.

Grandmother said, and she was wise. Is. She is wise.

We’ll never find our cart like this, let alone our horse.

Katsu thinks about it, then nods. “We’ll take the cart, and our horse.” “And Grandmother! We can’t leave her!” Kiki adds forcefully. “And Grandmother.” Katsu confirms. He walks over to the

I sink to the ground, reality weighing me down. The sack of food falls to the side, spilling open, cans rolling along the road. It’s all gone. My whole world is gone.

small sack he was packing cans into before. “I packed some

Torn to pieces in a matter of minutes.

food, enough for a few days.” He ties the opening and brings

Stolen from me without reason, taken without warning

it to me. I hoist it over my shoulder, grunting at the weight of the

or reason. Now I have nothing left.

cans. They clink and rattle, metal singing a ringing song. An

But then I hear shuffling behind me, and I remember.

ode to a new beginning, I think.

Katsu, and Kiki are coming up behind me. And

We stand there for a second, looking at one another. We’re all thinking, about how we could have avoided all this, if only we’d had more time. To build a better shelter. One more secure. We could have even left the village. What a cruel thing time is. So selfish. Full of itself. Cares for nothing and nobody.

Grandmother. And I correct myself: My family is still alive. I still have them. We’re all alive and breathing. And that’s enough, because they are my world, really. They are the ones who I love, and who love me. The village is nothing; villages are everywhere. There are

But we all depend on it, one way or another.

thousands upon thousands of villages and towns and cities. I

But then the moment is over; we snap back to the

can easily find a new one to make my home.

present. Katsu picks up Grandmother, Kiki picks up the cat from behind the fallen bench. We climb up the stairs, taking each step is it comes at us. I open the trapdoor, and the light from outside blinds me for a second. Then my vision clears and I see everything, the houses, streets, the marketplace down the hill, my whole world, the only place I could ever call home. Except that I don’t see it.

But there is no one as dear and irreplaceable to me as my family. Like Katsu: as protective and brave as he is scared and vulnerable. Or Kiki: who is small and innocent, but who has experienced more in five years than many would in a lifetime. And Grandmother: determined and silent, but warmer and brighter than the rising sun. I let out a sob, which turns into a laugh. I can’t help it. I laugh harder than I ever had, tears of

What I see are the fragments of a broken reality. The

joy streaming past my face, and I roll around on the ground,

village is all gone, blown to pieces, bits of houses scattered

not caring about dirtying my clothes. I guffaw and howl and

roads away from where they’re supposed to be.

cackle with all the strength I have left, because I’m alive.

Shrapnel is everywhere.

I’m alive and able and I am a survivor.

There are fires, people crying for their houses and their goods and their loved ones. 19

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It was 1348, in the centre of London where two young girls

it’s hidden under layers and layers of papers or simply told.

were running around. Evelyn’s braids flew as she jumped

This specific nursery rhyme also had a meaning. And while

puddle to puddle, splashing the muddy, dirty water with her

they were singing the song, giggling and jumping puddle to

friend. Her hair was almost as pale as the white walls that

puddle, they were completely oblivious to the dark meaning

were inside each and every house down the street. As the

that remains in the song. Their laughs echoed down the dark

sun brushed through, her blonde streaks were ignited. Her

street that were filled with houses out of dull coloured bricks

friend was a dark haired girl with a red bow to keep her hair

with black doors and a red X marking. The thunder began to

away. Just the two of them were left. At school, some of their

boom, as drops of water fell down from the now, grey skies.

friends disappeared after coughing for weeks and feeling ill.

The young light haired girl Evelyn, was singing the rhyme

Others left with their family. This sudden change confused

when her mother burst out of one of the unmarked cottages

both of the girls. They didn’t understand the X’s drawn door

and called her inside. Mother shook her vigorously as she

to door or why there was a rumour of a devil roaming the

yelled, “Evelyn! Get inside here at once.” Her voice shrieked

streets. Everytime they would ask their mothers and fathers,

and was barely heard because of shuddering rain that was

they wouldn’t reply. Instead, they would just hand them a bag

falling onto the stone ground. Evelyn waved goodbye to her

full of herbs and repeat the nursery rhyme again.

friend and as she was running home, she stepped into a

‘Ring around a rosie, a pocket full of posies.

As Evelyn rushed inside, drops of water dripped down her

A tissue, a tissue,

skin from her light blonde hair. Her waist was wrapped with

we all fall down’.

a green bow on the back of the dress and with no jacket, her

The nursery rhyme would haunt all the halls of their

mother was furious with her daughters poor decisions. “How

school, alleys of the street and would even be repeated

many times must I tell you to wear something warm when

before they close their little eyes to rest. What the girls didn’t

going outside?”.

know, was that this nursery wasn’t just like anything else. The girls don’t know that everything has a meaning. Whether 20

puddle that splashed a wet mark onto her light blue dress.

Evelyn mumbled a ‘sorry’ under her breath and was sent to dry up and then straight to bed.

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The next morning Evelyn woke up with a sore throat

The sound of clattering dishes and pouring water. Then the

and cough that croaked through the house. Her braids were

cacophony stopped, and footsteps were heard. Someone

tangled loose and her delicate blue dress was folded on

was walking closer and closer to the wooden door which

the chair near the doorway. Her shoes hung from the bed’s

was across the bed. Her mother slowly twisted the freezing

headboard and you could still hear the water drip from the

handle and peeked through the doorway. Her mother’s light

shoelaces. There were no birds chirping, no one singing and

hair was tied back loosely, letting front streaks fall down to

the sun was hiding behind the grey cloudsthat were in the

frame her worried face.

musty sky.

“I brought you some soup”. Her mother whispered to her

As she was shifting under the blanket she shared with her

daughter across the room, while she slowly walked up and

mother, she coughed and felt like she was being kicked in her

sat down to her weak daughter. Before reaching the bed,

stomach again and again. However, she felt a new stinging

Evelyn squirmed because of the scent of fish that reeked

pain that covered her hands and neck. She winced as she

the room. She sat up, thinking she can scurry off, but her

touched the red, painful circles around the skin and tried

mother pushed her down back on the bed. Whining, the

shifting under the setting sun outside the window, which was

young girl brought her hands over her chest and shook her

completely coloured withdrops of rain. Just then, Evelyn felt

head, refusing to swallow the foul liquid that was in a black,

the urge to sneeze and saw there were tissues laid across the

ceramic bowl that her mother held. Bringing the spoon up to

floor. Blowing her nose, she recognized the symptoms and

her daughter’s lips, she tried to wriggle and face the other

thought it was just a simple cold, which she has had before.

way, but was forced to dunk the hot, strong fish soup. After

Once again, Evelyn thought nothing about it and tried to close

tasting it, Evelyn wanted to spit it all out but her mothers

her light blue eyes and fall asleep.

glare kept her from doing so, so she swallowed.

It wasn’t until Evelyn awoke hours later, from the coughing

Spoonful after spoonful, Evelyn thought that this would

and stinging, red pain that lay across her pale skin. With tears

never end. Finally, her mother laid the bowl down next to the

in her eyes, she realised her mother was downstairs in the

bed and Evelyn sighed from relief. Breathing, she could still

kitchen. You could hear her footsteps going back and forth.

smell the foul taste of the soup touching her lips and oozing 21

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down, burning her throat. She gazed out the window and

a numb sensation, instead was like a continuous stab. The

remembered the day before, splashing around with her friend.

red spots felt like they were burning through her skin. Her

She wondered if her friend was there, waiting. Or perhaps

mother tried calming her, by placing her cool palm on her

found another friend and now, was singing the nursery rhyme

daughter’s, boiling forehead, soothing her. It silenced her

with her. She questioned how she felt so buzzing yesterday

and Evelyn was staring into her mothers eyes. Her mother

and now, wanted to rest her eyes until dark. Suddenly she

decided in letting fall asleep once again, but instead of telling

felt something soft being placed around her small figure that

a story, she sung the nursery rhyme once again.

didn’t reek of fish. She saw her mother placing small bags of herbs around

a pocket full of posies”.

chest, waist, arms and legs. She wondered and was confused

Evelyn started to remember that sunny day that turned

what her mother was thinking. Like her mother was reading

into a rainfall. She remembered how the breeze blew in her

her mind, she placed her finger onto her own lips and told

face and how the sun gleamed on her pale, white skin and

Evie to stay quiet. Once the bags of herbs were all placed

how the clouds tucked the sun away and began to shed tears.

around the body, her mother threw the blanket over Evelyn

“A tissue, a tissue.”

and suggested to her daughter, that she should read the

Finally, she remembered the song and how she and her


friend were running around giggling. She wondered why

“Once upon a time...” but before her mother could begin

this happens. “Is there a meaning?” she whispered, enough

telling Evie what the Evil Queen asked her magic mirror, she

to just let herself hear. Suddenly, her breath hitched in her

was fast asleep. She would breath hesitantly. When she would

throat and she realised that everything does. Everything has

take her breath it would be slow and loud and moments later

a meaning. And that the song she sung so cheerfully that day,

you could barely hear the exhale.

was no exception. The nursery rhyme that she laughed to,

Minutes before midnight, the moonlight was across Evelyn while she was whining and shaking vigorously. The pain from the red spots made her scream in agony. It wasn’t 22

“Ring around a rosie,

would also be her death note.

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I am a wall in the back of the class, but I am more than just a wall. I can hear what students say. I hear all the rumors. I do. I can hear when a student gossips about the teacher when she turns her back to write on the board. I can hear when a person asks someone else for an answer. You may not be listening to what the teacher is saying, but I do. I know it all, and just in case I don’t understand it, I will hear it again next year. And the year after that, and the year after that, and so on. I am a wall in the back of the class, but I am more than just a wall. I can see what students do. I see all their movements. I do. I can see how they raise their hands, or when they fall asleep in class. I see their beautiful faces everyday, and I see how they change each day. They grow up so fast. But, I can also see when they are not doing work in class. I can see that all they do is stare at the clock, hoping for the time to go by, counting every single second. Time is evil... I am a wall in the back of the class, but I am more than just a wall. I can feel what students do. I can feel the warmth of summer, and the chills of winter. I can feel when students throw a tennis ball at me, bouncing it back. I can feel when they lean on me, or when they punch me whenever they get mad. I punch them back. When a bully pushes a student back at me, I feel it. I do. I am a wall in the back of the class, but I am more than just a wall. I hear all. I see all. I feel all. I know all. I am, the wall. 24

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P O E T RY R U N N E R - U P


When will it make sense?

Why does it hurt so much?

Living day to day

Laying in this room

Hanging in suspense

Feeling freezing touch

Living day to day

Smelling night’s perfume

When will there be purpose?

Do I need to know?

Filling eyes with tears

I’m turning off the lights

Trying to oppose

Jumping down the rabbit hole

Fighting bombardiers

I’m turning off the lights.

Will it ever stop? Dressed like my despair Consuming deadly crop Dressed like my despair


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The forest was brimming with animals, A king lived, stronger than all mammals. The king- the bear, he sat there on his throne, He sat, judged every creature in his zone. First came the squirrel, all covered in dust, Before the problem read, the bear was unjust. He sat there, looking down on her fur coat. “You’re dirty, your problem is not worth my note.” Then came the chicken, very hungry and thin, She spoke, but the bear never looked within. He judged her from head to her pointy tail, “Chickens are not worth my time, get me some ale.” Time passed, and the bear went for a hunt. He ran so fast, did not look in front. The next thing he knows, he’s in a pit of tar, Covered from head to toe, it all seemed bizarre. 26

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How could he? The king, the powerful bear, Be stuck in tar, with no one to care. The black, hot tar started gulping him up, He looked around, noone helped him sit up. At the last moments, he saw a vague figure, “Help me!” he shouted, the tar covered him quicker. It was a fox, with her sumptuous fur of red. “Why should I help you?” the fox asked while he plead. “Oh please! I beg! Oh please get me out! I am the king! Help, before I black out!” The fox just giggled, laughed and turned away, “Youre not worth my time, you look like a stray”. So the bear was left, in the pit of tar. He pondered “Why have I thought I’m the star?” as he slowly turned into just another disappearance, He realized “I shouldn’t have judged others by their appearance.” 27

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Lights flashing, music booming

We close ourselves off to emotions

Cars race down the streets

Because we think it’s our protection

The nights race by in flashes.

But in reality it’s our destruction.

We walk past each other aimlessly,

We race through life as if there’s always

Not noticing anything or anyone

Something to do, somewhere to be, someone to see. As if missing that last train will be our end.

We go through life as if the world is at our feet.


As if nothing can hurt us

We waste our lives

We are invincible.

Doing things we deem attractive.

Every night filled with bars, clubs,

But we miss the reality of life

Dancing, and stumbling home in the dark.

The sounds, the sights, the people –

Sometimes alone, sometimes not

The things we should be enjoying

It doesn’t matter

Pass right by us and we never know.

So often times we feel lonely

We try to replace real life

Laying in our beds at night

With lives we build for ourselves.

A warm body to the right or left

Little bubbles that can be popped at any moment

But it’s just that – a body.

As fragile and beautiful as a crystal chandelier.

A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D W I N N E R S 2 0 1 5 • D P

P O E T RY R U N N E R - U P


A river of red Flowing, Dancing a fence, Neatly stacked upon her arms, Every new line A window through which her soul escapes, A habit, Now effortless, Surrounded by black So dark it burns, An empty shell


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The taste of today’s sunrise tasted bitter like the cup of black tea you had this morning, following you on the tip of your tongue for the rest of your day, like a catchy song you stuck in your head, you try to get rid of it, adding more sugar to your coffee you have before lunch, to realize it wasn’t bitter at all, it was only your imagination which followed you through out the day , trying to gather strength for work you realize you have to go home, it’s the end of the day .


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I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L




In late December of 2008, over 50 percent of American

Adults are not the only ones who have changed. Top

women between the ages of 30 and 50 converted to

scientists have investigated some sudden trends and have

Twilightism. In the beginning of 2009 the religion experienced

discovered a shocking truth: high school and middle school

multiple schisms – today 60 percent of former Twilightians

girls are no longer interested in the typical social gatherings.

are Edwardants , 30 percent are Jacobists, and 5 percent

Instead, they frequently attend the bluntly named ‘blood

are either Alicians, Jasperfections, Carlislitics, Esmorons,

parties’ – where type O positive takes priority over Heineken.

Rosaliens, and Emmetides. The remaining five percent

When these ‘socialbites’ cannot access any blood, they turn

consist of a die-hard male group of Bellaists; these are often

to each other, poke a hole, and slurp away.

found pining away in forests or staring angrily at new girls,

Just as frequently found are the ceremonies worshipping

trying to get random passersby to tell them what they are (to

the god ‘Edward.’ One may often find a group of prepubescent

avoid injury, answer ‘vampire’).

girls licking marble statues and goring themselves in the neck

This massive shift in religions has drastically changed

to imitate bite marks. Older girls frown upon these rituals and

the world as we know it. The Anne Rice Wars that began in

opt instead to pay fit males to take baths in cold water and

late November 2009 resulted in the death of thousands,

then cuddle with them.

and thousands more were killed in the Trueblood Siege of

However, the incidents happening in the United States

Washington State. President Obama has condemned the

pale in comparison to what is happening overseas. A large

actions and has called back troops from Afghanistan to deal

group of women across Eastern Europe have banded together

with the problem.

to form the dangerous terrorist organization Al Biteah. Pale,

A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D W I N N E R S 2 0 1 5 • U P P E R M Y P

expressionless men across the continent are being captured

Where do the men belong, and those women who have

and held hostage, and army bunkers have been stormed

not been swept along with the craze? The Pope is offering

repeatedly to gather men that meet the aforesaid criteria.

shelter and respite to those who are averse to converting to

Militants have yet to discover what is happening to them.

Twilightism. Cuba is accepting American immigrants who need

Young ones are not safe from the influence. A great deal

to get away, and celebrity figures such as Miley Cyrus and

of girls are being influenced by their mothers, if they have

Vanessa Hudgens are recruiting for an anti-vampirist army,

not already obtained socialbite status, joined the Al Biteah

for those who prefer discipline. For those who don’t, Sarah

and/or joined one of the listed religions. Many schools now

Palin has abandoned her college course ‘Abortion Sucks 101’

require students to take Fan-Speak in order to understand

and is now training an elite group of poor debaters whose

this recently developed, important language. Visitors to

embarrassing disabilities might just be able to rival those of

international schools will be able to read everything in both

the socialbites and Twilightists.

English and Fan-Speak. School statements have changed to go with the flow; Pechersk School International’s new mission

So in these hard times, don’t lose heart, because you might just end up losing a lot of blood.

statement is as follows: “We think ur being rly mean to edward and bella omg theyre such a cute cuple how can u say somethin like that u all r just hatrs stephanie meyer is smarter then u ever will b!!!!1” 33

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36 ONE DAY Leo Buckle (Grade 6)

48 UNTITLED Olesia Sheremeta and Zita de Trogoff (Grade 9)

58 CALLING TO SAY GOODBYE Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

37 UNTITLED Gleb Shishkanov (Grade 6)

49 DROWNING Richa Singla (Grade 9)

62 THE GODDESSES SERIES Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

38 WORTH A TRY Kvitoslava Perehinets (Grade 8)

50 I SAW HIM Richa Singla (Grade 9)

64 THE SOUNDS OF THE UNIVERSE Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

50 THAT NIGHT Zita de Trogoff (Grade 9)

65 THINGS I MISS ABOUT YOU Christina Figlus (Grade 11)

LOW E R M Y P P R O S E : 40 SHE Agata Gorski (Grade 8)


42 AND THEN SHE FLEW Sonja Ringger (Grade 8)

52 BETRAYAL Richa Singla (Grade 9)

46 ISABELLE Sofiia Yevdokymenko (Grade 8)

54 THE FORTUNE TELLER Anna Bugay(Grade 9)

UPPER MYP PROSE: 66 VERTIGO Oliver Jahn (Grade 11)


I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



One day you shall feel hope. One day you shall feel free. One day you will feel desire, to do anything you wanted in life, although there will be sacrifices. You shall get your reward. One day you shall gain whatever you have lost, and your achievement will be no lower then your goal. One day you shall gain back everything. One Day.


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There lived a really fluffy cow. It was so fluffy it wanted a new world, Because this one was getting old. So it decided to fly away. It grew big wings, as big as a railway. It tried to fly up in the sky, But failed too many times to try. Then it decided to ask a bird, To help her fly like a real bird. The cow has failed once again; It decided to play another game. The cow was really, really sad. It faded away and everyone was sad. Animals on the farm missed the cow. That really big fat fluffy cow. The cow though now is not that sad; It’s now on heaven’s land. It really loved this bright new world, It’ll never be getting old. 37

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Phenomenality is a concept,

You, as a human,

That is hard to grasp.

Will have to survive.

Success won’t always be there,

Make a change in this world,

So don’t follow the same path.

Help out your own kind.

Human kind is cruel,

So listen here, boys and girls,

Here’s one thing to know.

Do not you cry.

Another one, the truth is,

Wake up, dress up,

You can change this world.

Chin up. High.

You, as a girl, Go beyond looks and fashion

After all, we’ve been here,

Strive for the wisdom of soul

For a long, long time.

And chasing down your passion.




unreachable, You, as a boy, Can wipe out any standard, Tough? No, little guy. “Kind” is more avant garde.


Maybe we can try.


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I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



They came into contact for barely a minute, both aware of

control and the resources became scarce, everyone started

each other’s presence, and lost touch once again as the

to panic. There was no one to turn to and no one to trust.

gun fired and she drew her last breath, tumbling to the cold

People were living in fear. Fear of death.

pavement. Jago heard himself scream, stumbling back, his eyes not

emotionless. But on the other hand so was she. They were

leaving her lifeless body that was now soaked in crimson

alike in many ways. The way their gazes traveled the room, icy

red where the bullet had hit her forehead. He knew it was

and somewhat bored scanning each figure present in search

supposed to happen. He knew the bullet was supposed to fire

of a threat. The professional yet powerful look both brought

that exact moment and then bury itself in her flesh.

out, not daring to drop character even for a split second. They

Yet somehow it still caught him by surprise, startled him

shared the same motives yet different intentions. Their only

rather. He stumbled back, returning the weapon to its original

difference consisted in the length at which they would go to

place at the bottom of his leather sack, finally letting out the

achieve this. He was stronger than her, tougher and more

breath he had held in. Jago felt his heart beating forcefully as


he tried to calm himself.


And yet this, hardly bothered Jago, he was cold,

They set their intentions straight. She - created a serum

This never scared Jago before. The war had left the

that in her eyes could spare hundreds of lives and restore

population numb. Everyone on their own. Bitter and ready to

balance to a certain degree. And he - eliminated the problem

do anything to survive. And defence was the only way to do

that could potentially create more of a threat to humanity

it. He couldn’t blame them though, once the government lost

than serve as a help. Her intentions were to kill of the

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unwanted population. To create a new society that would

Jago was slowly losing consciousness, suffocating, and

save the humans from extinction - but he couldn’t let that

coughing violently. His head finally dropped and in his last


moments, Jago let his eyes travel to her.

Jago eyed the cracked watch that wrapped around his

And then he finally realized it. He scoffed a little, but

wrist. It was almost 5 in the morning and squinting a little he

couldn’t help let a sly smile creep up on his face, before

could make out the orangey glow of the sun that would soon

finally closing his eyes for the last time.

be a burning star high up in the sky.

She had tricked him.

He hesitated for a second then dropped his bag and

The thought of death was very well known to her. And just

jogged over to the body lying by the brick wall. But a sudden

like Jago, didn’t bother her even the slightest. Because she

feeling came over him, swallowing and not letting him come

knew that even with her gone, her goals would be complete

back up. He grabbed his stomach and stumbled over, his right

and Jago would be the first victim of her experiment.

hand coming into contact with the cold stone for support.

The sun was now high up in the sky, burning down on the

A slight yelp escaped Jago’s mouth, a sharp pain surfaced

ruined city that was once called New York. The streets lifeless

from deep in his body. However Jago didn’t have much more

and bare, abandoned by all inhabitants where nothing could

time to react as a big stray of vomit rushed out on to the

be seen except for the two dead bodies that littered the dirt

broken pavement below him.

road. One clever and the other a fool.

He stumbled down unable to stand up, his head spinning.


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The falcon is soaring through the air and cutting the winds

every step I sink ankle-deep into the powdery white mass.

with its pointed wings. From time to time it gives a shrill

I was so lost in thought, in silly daydreams about flying and

shriek, sounding almost human, and I wonder what it would

the stars, that I forgot the task I was sent to do by Father and

be like to fly. To be able to feel the cold northern winds in

Mother. But now I remember.

my hair and to look down at the world, and then look up at

I stop my slow ascent up the mountain to take note of my

the stars and clouds that spread above me like the watchful

surroundings. The snow here is still soft and powdery from

guardians they are.

yesterday’s storm, and underneath it lies a crust of ice that

Nana says that the stars are the souls of our grandfathers,

prevents me from sinking up to my knees in the snow below.

grandmothers, granduncles and their ancestors long

That is why Father and Mother sent me. The icy crust is strong

forgotten and dead, but I don’t think it’s like that. How can

enough to support my weight, since I am younger than my

their souls be the stars when their souls go to the gods?

three siblings and the lightest on my feet. Father knew that

Some people, like Old Kran, used to say that the sky is where

the sun melted the top of the snow three days ago, and that

the gods are, before he went to meet them himself.

the melted snow froze overnight.

But I don’t think so. Old Kran was able to talk, to laugh

I am lucky that the group of deer decided to take their

and smile, just like little Eric whom the cold took last winter.

normal path just this morning. They have left unmistakable

The stars never smiled at me, nor did they talk to me at least

prints in the fresh snow, which I would not have been able to

once in the nine winters I have seen. The stars are stars -far

see had they passed before the storm. To my luck, they have

away and out of reach- and they will stay stars.

decided to take this route today, after the storm.

I wonder if the falcon could reach the stars. Would a

I follow the deer path for quite a while, over small hills

falcon even think about reaching the stars? All its food was

and up and down the slopes of the mountain, until I come to

down on the ground, so would it ever be interested in chasing

the place Father had marked. The mark was a deep cut in one

those white lights? I know that if I were a falcon, a sparrow,

of the trees along the deer path, made with the axe Father

or one of the great golden eagles that nest on the mountain’s

always keeps by the door. The group of deer had chewed the

slopes and steal our goats, I would definitely try and touch

soft bark off of the beech and several other trees along the

one of the stars.

path, but the mark is still very visible.

My furry boots are heavy against the snow, and with 42

I kneel in the snow before the beech, and my small

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fingers work themselves out of the fur mittens. I take the

Satisfied, I look back at my achievement. Now when

small parcel that I had been carrying off of my back and open

the deer herd will trample along one of their favorite paths

it. The goat skin unfolds easily and reveals the items that

surely one will be ignorant enough to step into the hole. Its

Mother had placed inside.

hoofed foot will get stuck in between the stakes, and when

I take out the long rope -twisted vines, I think- and the

the deer works its foot free the snare will have tightened

twelve wooden stakes, as well as the small wooden shovel

around its limb, preventing its escape. I would have to ask

that Father always used to dig small holes. I lay out the items

Father if I could come along and help him tomorrow, when

around myself, and put my mittens back on. My fingers have

he checks the trap. Only he and my big brother Gunnar are

gotten stiff and red with the cold.

strong enough to kill a living buck, if we are lucky and one

It takes me a bit longer than I thought it would to break

tramples into the trap by chance. Bucks have a lot more meat

the icy crust of the snow and dig a hole as wide as my hand

than a doe does, and Father can sell their horns in one of the

is long, but at last I am finished. Sweat had formed on my

neighbouring villages for a few pieces of bread or meat or

brow underneath my hat and now plasters my thick brown

perhaps wool when the snow has melted.

hair against my forehead. I haven’t even noticed.

Father will be happy to have me home again, and thinking

I shove the blunt stakes into the snow: six of them about

of the warm fireplace makes me imagine my toes and fingers

halfway down the hole and six just under the icy crust, so

are even colder than they actually are. The thought of the

that their round ends point slightly upwards. I then free my

fireplace makes me speed up my paces as I wander back

hand from the warm mittens once again, and knot the rope

along the deer path and down the mountain slope, following

around the beech, working it into a snare. The free end also

the footprints I left on my way here. I glance up at the sky

becomes a snare under my stiffening fingers. After putting

through the snowcovered canopy of smooth beeches, thick

my mittens back on and letting my hands savour the sticky

oaks, pale birches and evergreen pines. The setting sun that

warmth of the fur, I lay the snare carefully over the blunt

had been over the horizon for three or four meagre hours, as

stakes that close the hole, and cover the rope with fresh

always during winter, colored a third of the sky in pale yellow,

powdery snow. Picking up a few leaves and a bit of snow I

red and a hint of green, while leaving the rest in a mysterious

conceal the hole as well.

black, revealing the stars that always filled me with more


I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L

awe than anything else. I sigh. The stars are so far away, farther even than the sun, it seems to me. If only I could reach one of them, pluck

“Gunda is an idiot!” I mock my older sister in a fit of childish spite.

one down from the sky and show to my brothers and sister.

“-nda is an idiot!” the ground responds to my mockery.

I would treasure it forever and show it to the children of the

A few birds fly up from the trees, crowing loudly and

village. Yes, if only I could fly. I would spread my wings, like

disturbing the perfect silence that settled once I stopped

so many times in my deepest dreams, and leave the ground

calling. The birds -crows or ravens by their call- are black

behind. I would fly high, from one place to the next and

against the black sky, making them almost invisible, except

wherever I want, and the wind would gently ruffle my hair.

for when their shady forms cloud the bright stars or the

Who knows? If what Nana said about the stars being the

remains of the sunset. Looking at the setting sun that had

souls of our dead family members is true, maybe I could meet

already disappeared behind the horizon, but whose remained

them; laugh with Old Kran and play with little Eric again. I

rays still cast a dim light over the world, reminds me that

haven’t seen either in a very long time. Then again, I would

soon it would become dark. I have to get home before it

need to grow wings for that, then I could fly up and see for

comes to that, or I will loose my way.


Falling into a fast walk, I retrace my footprints back into

Imagine the stories I could tell everybody! I would tell

the forest. Once I glance at the stars, but I don’t allow myself

everyone what the world looks like from above. I would fly

to think about them anymore, so I sling my hood over my cap

and explore and maybe I could even fly far enough to reach

and continue to stomp through the snow. Luckily, I am not

the great lake that the travellers always talked about. They

far away from the deer path. Seeing it as a sign of returning

say that it touches the sky and that it freezes during winter. I

home soon, I head down the mountain slope in fast paces.

think they called it “Sea”.

The last rays of the sun and the cold shine of the half moon

The wind is howling around my head and it’s making my

light my way.

eyes water. Baffled at the sudden change, I slip out of my

The moonlight is reflected by the snow, and it seems to

daydream and take a look around. I realize I have walked

me that the forest is as light as by day. It has a certain magic

out of the forest and am now standing on the edge of the

to it, but I don’t like that it makes the stars seem less bright.

mountain, with a cliff to my right and the forest to my left. I

I am able to see the footprints that I have left behind on my

don’t know how I lost myself so deeply in my thoughts that I

way here, and this makes my descend even faster.

forgot to watch my way.

Sometimes the prints of an animal cross mine. A rabbit,

Eyeing the cliff and suddenly taken by an adventurous

then a lonely deer; a bird. I find my surroundings capturing

thought, I drop on my stomach and crawl up to the edge of

and taking over my mind. Keeping half of an eye on my

the cliff. I peek down onto the snow that glimmers perhaps

footprints, I take a deep breath and finally let my imagination

one hundred paces beneath me. The cliffside itself is rocky

roam free.

and grey, and there are only a few trees growing there.

The snow glows and glitters all around me. When I

“Echo!” I call downwards.

stop and listen, I can hear the soft hooting of a snow owl

“Echo!” the bottom answers.

somewhere to my right. The bare trees stretch their thinning

A giggle bursts out between my lips as I call again: “Echo!

branches towards me, as if pleading me to make the winter

Echo!” 44

I have to giggle again as I get a funny idea.

“Echo! Echo!” the ground repeats.

pass and to let the summer come again. Above me, the stars cast a white and pure light over the treetops.§

A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D C O N T E S T S U B M I S S I O N S 2 0 1 5 • L O W E R M Y P

My walk comes to a stop beside a very high spruce, that has managed to grow so tall its tip covers the moon and

and leave small red streaks across my cheeks, but I couldn’t care less.

casts a large shadow on me. The absence of the moon’s light

I can hear the beast behind me, thundering over the snow

makes the stars above me shine brighter, bigger. They seem

and bursting through branches or bushes I have to dodge.

closer now than before, and I turn around myself slowly to

With every leap the starving animal breaks through the icy

take in the full sight of the night sky.

crust covering the snow, while I can run without doing so.

A branch cracks behind me. I stop my spinning as soon

This slows the bear down, otherwise I would have been

as I hear it, because whatever makes such noise must be big.

dead, I know it. Bears are fast, and this one if mad with

Very big. And dangerous.

hunger, making it even stronger and far more dangerous and

On the mountain slope a few trees in front of me I see it.

unpredictable than other, well-fed bears.

The black outline of something very big is right there! It sniffles

All of the sudden something slams against my right

loudly, and I think I can see the edges of teeth glistening.

foot, twisting my ankle and sending me tumbling down the

There is only one animal that I know who makes such sniffing

mountain slope. I roll, head over heals and then sideways,

noises. I freeze when the sudden realization hits me.

through the powdery snow. My body painfully slams against


rocks and wood, and I close my eyes in pain. It’s everywhere.

The animal steps out of the shade and into the light, and

My head, my legs, my ribs.

my mind is filled with painstakingly precise details.

I don’t know whether I rolled twenty or two hundred

The bear’s brown fur is dull and shaggy, and I can see the

paces, but my tumble comes to a stop as my back crashes

outlines of its ribs. There is a mad red look in its eyes, and

against a boulder that’s lying flat in my way. Pain shoots up

white foam has gathered around its mouth.

my back and I feel cold, so cold.

It’s starving. It is not hibernating anymore, this bear is starving. Idiot! Why did you have to call down that cliff? We stare each other into the eyes. My hazel brown, fearful eyes against the creature’s black ones, glinting with mad hunger. Seconds pass like hours.

I open my eyes slowly and see the bright stars above me, seeming so near. Darkness is creeping in towards me from the corners of my eyes, but I feel light as a feather. There is no more pain. I reach a hand up to the lights above me as my vision grows darker and I feel so incredibly light. The stars shine brighter than ever.

My mind screams at me to run, to do something, but my body refuses to comply. Run! My breath comes out of my mouth in short white puffs. Run! My heart is beating so hard it threatens to rip out of my chest. Run run RUN! And then I run.


I run faster than I think I ever have before. My feet are

Ilinca says: “You might have to die for what you wish for most.” Sophia says: “I think that the theme for your story, would be the hope for something impossible.”

flying over roots and dead wood that cross my path, carrying me down the mountain slope. Branches whack me in the face


I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



On a 30 minute car ride from Paris, there was a small but

They would do everything together, and some days he even

stunning village in which a 15 year old girl named Isabelle

allowed Isabelle to miss school.

lived in a small two story house, which was surrounded by

The day that Isabelle didn’t want to think about was here.

a fascinating garden. Everyone called her Isa. She had big

Romain was going to take the 12:00 o’clock bus from their

green eyes, and divine blond hair.

house; he had all of his bags packed and ready to go. Isabelle,

Isabelle’s passion was drawing. Her older brother Romain

prepared breakfast for him. Scrambled eggs and his favourite

was the one who inspired Isa’s enthusiasm for art and nature.

ginger tea with a slice of a homemade apple pie. They sat

He was an artist himself. They used to always draw together,

down at the kitchen table and couldn’t utter a word. They

inspiring each other and finding out new techniques for their

didn’t know what to say. Isabelle tried to hold her tears in.

art. Isabelle’s favourite place to be in was the garden around

But 5 minutes in complete silence with only the singing of the

their house. She spent all of her free time there, and it didn’t

birds outside to be heard, Isa finally started talking.

matter to her what was the weather. Isa then started drawing

They talked about all of the amazing moments they had

the garden, and creating her own world. She could draw

together, and the garden that inspired them. Romain told Isa

whatever and whoever she wanted.

“You shall understand that this is not the last time we see

The kids in her school always thought of Isabelle as a

each other, I will come visit as often as I can. Isabelle, know

lonely girl that wasn’t interesting for anyone. But, Isa never

that you are special. There is none in this world like you.” Isa

felt alone. She always had her brother, and she didn’t care

always respected and listened to Romain.

about what her classmates thought about her. Isabelle was

It was time for Romain to leave, and walking out of the

different from all of the other kids. The girls in her school only

house with his bags in hands, he told Isa “Isabelle, promise

cared about their clothing, makeup, and going out together.

that you will do one thing for me. Never stop drawing. You

And the guys were interested in sports, and video games. The

are a talent, and I am sure that you will inspire many people

only person that she really related to was Romain.

through your artwork, I know that because you have inspired

This year Romain turned 25, and got a job offer to be a graphic designer in Paris. He knew that this was his only


me since you were 5 years old.” Romain kissed Isa on the forehead, picked up his bags and headed towards the bus.

chance to go out into the real world, meet new people, and

Romain’s last word before his departure was something

gain more experiences. The only thing that both Romain

that Isa couldn’t get out of her mind. When Isa got back into

and Isa were terrified of was to be apart from each other. A

the house, she automatically felt an unusual feeling. She

week before Romain departed, Isa wouldn’t leave him alone.

was alone. Every Friday, she would go to the bus stop waiting

A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D C O N T E S T S U B M I S S I O N S 2 0 1 5 • L O W E R M Y P

for Romain. Every time he would bring a little souvenir back home, and Isa would cook a big dinner for him.

After three weeks of being alone Isabelle drew over 10 paintings, and over 20 sketches. In school, when all of the

Every week, Romain and Isabelle exchanged letter.

other kids spent their breaks hanging out with each other,

They would talk about their day and their experiences. For

gossiping, and talking about their plans after school, Isabelle

Isabelle, reading Romain’s letters was like reading a story.

sat near the lockers creating sketches for her new paintings.

Everything was exciting and new, his letter were filled with

Romain and Isa continued to exchange letters. Three weeks

new friendships and new experiences. However, when she

have passed since Romain wrote the letter which told Isa

thought back about her letters, she realised that they were

that he will have to spend the next three weeks in Paris and

all pretty much the same. Everything she did was done by

Isabelle couldn’t wait to open this week’s letter. However,

schedule, week after week.

it didn’t say what she hoped it would. Romain had to tell

It has already been a month since Romain left, and while

Isabelle that he wasn’t going to make it in time for Friday’s

Isa was reading another letter from Romain, she got the news

bus, and wouldn’t be able to come back home this weekend.

that he won’t be able to come home for 3 weeks. He wrote

Isabelle started crying halfway through reading the

that he has a lot of projects to finish in a short period of time.

letter. She couldn’t believe that she has waited and thought

Isabelle didn’t know what to do, or how to react.

about this weekend every night, to find out that it was for

It was hard enough that he only came on the weekends, but now that she might not see him for 3 weeks… Even

nothing. Another week waits, and sadly there is nothing she can do about it.

though Romain wasn’t here, Isa was fulfilling his request (

Isa sat down in her bed, and started reading. Unfortunately

“Never stop drawing”). Isabelle couldn’t live without art.

this will be another weekend that she will spend alone, in the

Oddly enough, she was inspired to draw more now that

garden with her paintings. Suddenly, she heard a door knock.

Romain wasn’t here. She wanted to prove to everyone that

Wondering who it can be, she ran up to the door and opened

she wasn’t just some weird, lonely kid, that lives by herself

it. “Oh my!” said Isa. It was none other than her brother.

and doesn’t have any friends.

Romain wanted to surprise Isa, and he sure did. She was

She drew day and night, in school and out of school.

couldn’t be more excited.

She would draw anywhere she had a chance to. On a rainy

They spent their evening sitting in the living room, sharing

Monday evening, Isabelle was sitting in her room and reading

each other’s stories and artwork. It was already midnight and

a book that Romain send to her. He said that when he was 15

Isabelle fell asleep on the sofa, nothing could distract her

years old, he would re-read this book over and over again.

sleep. Romain picked her up and laid Isa on her pastel blue

Now actually reading it Isabelle understands why. This book

bed. He went back into the living room and started picking up

was so interesting, you could just read on forever. The main

all of the artwork, putting it in organised piles. Suddenly, he

character was actually going through a similar story that

noticed something similar about all of the paintings that Isa

she was. No friends, lonely, poor but with a passion. It made

drew since Romain left. No matter what was the background

Isabelle see her life from the other side. Finishing the first

or theme of the painting, there was always a boy portrayed in

five chapters of the book Isabelle understood that she was

her artwork. Taking a look closer, he noticed that there was

stuck in the same place for a really long time. She would

a small letter “R”. Romain was good at examining art, and he

do anything to go to Paris and live with her brother, but she

could find the smallest details.

didn’t have enough money. Actually, she didn’t even have

One of her greatest paintings, had her and Romain sitting

half of what she needed. At this point in her life she couldn’t

in the late spring garden creating a new masterpiece. Isabelle

change much of what was going to happen to her.

always had her brother in her heart. 47

I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



The motion was flowy, as was the… It reflects your culture by… She drank its soul when she… As the shower cried, he got… The thought gallery was full of … Her hurtful expressions, dangerous… The world spun every time she… His drinking made a tsunami of … Their curvy love addicted to… Concrete jungle was blue with… Drugs accepted him better than… It burped of public affection to… Her fall, as drastic as… Stood in the cemetery… Suffocation of self-acceptance.


A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D C O N T E S T S U B M I S S I O N S 2 0 1 5 • U P P E R M Y P



Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s that I found happiness at once, which no one can handle. I want him, I want him more than someone ever could. But I feel like a burden, taking him down with me. I don’t want him to drown, I want to stop him myself and him from drowning. I am trying, I can’t see the light blue sky. I grab his hand, and pull him out, but while doing so, I see myself drown.


I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



I saw him, looking in to my eyes,

And that smile makes me

I died a little inside.

want to walk down the aisle with him.

The air gets cold,

His imperfections were an illusion,

as my tear drops.

of perfection.

We had been so far,

I saw him, looking into my eyes,

It felt like an ar.

I died a little inside.

His existence,

The air gets cold,

mattered more than the distance.

as my tear drops.

In my mind, our hands entwined. He was in my heart, as a state of art.


A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D C O N T E S T S U B M I S S I O N S 2 0 1 5 • U P P E R M Y P



That night.

The light of the truck,

I knew it was too late.

That night in the car.

As we turned our heads.

I put myself in front,

If I had...

I knew it was too late.

But she wouldn’t budge.

That night.

I put myself in front,

After that,

That night in the car.

But she wouldn’t budge.

Everything spun.

I was with her.

I hope she...

Just like a spinning top.

If only I could...

That night.


That night.

That night in the car.

Everything is as hectic as ever.

That night in the car.

I was with her.

That night.

I was with her.

The light of the truck,

That night in the car.

The light of the truck,

As we turned our heads.

I was with her.

As we turned our heads.

I knew it was too late.

The blinding light of the truck,

I wish I could just....

I put myself in front,

As we turned our heads.

That night.

But she wouldn’t budge.

I knew it was too late.

That night in the car.

After that,

I put myself in front,

I was with her.

Everything spun.

But she wouldn’t budge.

The light of the truck,

Just like a spinning top.

After that,

As we turned our heads.

How did it......

Everything spun.

I knew it was too late.

That night.

Just like a spinning top.

If I could just....

That night in the car.

She just left me.

That night.

I was with her.


That night in the car.

The light of the truck,

I was with her.

As we turned our heads. 51

I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



It was a sunny Friday morning. I woke up a bit earlier today. The sun shined on my face. I picked up my phone and

young to know who is the perfect guy for me.

saw Rafay’s message. I thought that he wouldn’t remember

I walked around the campus and then I saw him. He was

since he is very forgetful. But he remembered that it was my

standing with red roses and a gift with chocolates. I quickly

birthday today. The message was long and sweet, it included

ran up to him and gave him a big tight hug. These moments

some of our best memories and our worst ones too which

are precious because they make me realize how fortunate I

were a lesson to us. Then I read some of my other birthday

am to have a boyfriend like him by my side. I reminded him

messages that I had gotten from other people. After that,

about my birthday party, just in case he had forgotten. He

I washed my face, took a shower, combed my hair and got

told me that he remembers, and that he will reach it on time,

ready. I had put in a little more effort into getting ready for

which I highly doubt.

school today. I went downstairs where my mom, dad, Haider (my

I went back home and I decided to sleep for an hour or two, so that I could stay awake late at night.

eldest brother) and Ajmal (who is my youngest brother) were

I woke up and started getting ready because I knew

waiting for me. I went and hugged them all as they gave me

that it would take time. I got ready and I quickly went to

gifts. Then I said goodbye to them, took my car keys and

the birthday party location. Everyone arrived and then

drove off to school.

Rafay came in. He wore dark blue pants and a shirt, with a

I reached school and the first person whom I wanted

Prussian blue blazer, which is my favorite colour. He came

to meet was Rafay. Rafay is my current boyfriend. We have

with a bouquet of flowers which he handed over to me. I

been in a relationship for the past 6 months. We met last

took them and I hugged him. Then people started to call me

year in school, back then he was in 11th grade and I was

over to dance, and so I went to the dance floor. Rafay and I

in 10th grade . We started off as friends, but then later on

danced and the spotlights were on us. Then I start dancing

our friendship turned into a relationship. This time I truly do

with others and Rafay started talking to Fatima, who is my

believe that I have found the perfect guy for me. I have only

best friend for about 7 years now. She doesn’t like Rafay. I

told my best friends about our relationship and no one else,

have tried to figure out many times why she doesn’t like him,

not even my mom and dad. I refused to tell them because I

but she has never given me a clear response.

knew that they wouldn’t understand, and they would tell me 52

to break up with him, because they think that I am still too

Then the moment came when I cut my cake and made

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a wish. I cut the cake and then I served it to everyone. I

“Stop it Rafay, just stop it! I know that you don’t

took Rafay’s piece and went to look for him. I looked around

love me, so please stop playing with my feelings!”

everywhere but I couldn’t find him. I asked some of my friends

“You are free, do whatever you want to do Rafay.

and one of them said that he saw Rafay going outside. I got

Just leave me alone!”

shocked; why would he need to go outside?

I felt like everyone was being dishonest to me and that I

I quickly went outside, to see what had happened, and I

couldn’t trust anyone anymore. The person whom trusted the

saw something which I could have never imagined. My heart

most, just let me down. The person whom I loved the most

sank. I felt like throwing up. I could have never imagined

just betrayed me, left me in the middle of nowhere. Fatima,

something like this. I felt a tear drop running down my cheek.

who has been my best friend for years, lied to me. Is this how

I tried very hard to hold it back. Rafay and Fatima were kissing.

my 17th birthday is supposed to go? I ran out, I wanted to be

All this time both of them were being unfaithful to me.

alone, because alone is what protects me.


I took my car and I went to my house. I went to my


room. Took off all the makeup, and wore my PJ’s. I opened


my cupboard and all I could see were his presents. I took all

Then Fatima started speaking.

of them out and I burned them all. I didn’t want to cry but I

“Noor! shut up why are you so shocked huh?”

just couldn’t help it. Maybe I am just not good enough, that’s

“He loves me.”

why Rafay cheated on me. I took about 30 sleeping pills in my

“We had been together since 4 months.”

hand. Maybe this is the only solution. As I was about to take

“I lied to you about not liking him!”

the pills, I thought about all the people who love me. There

“He loves me okay?”

was only one person who could help me and that was Zaid.

“We just didn’t tell you, because we didn’t want

I called Zaid because I knew that he would tell me what the

to hurt your feelings.”

best thing to do was. He has been my friend since second

By this point I was broken down.

grade, I have always shared all my secrets with him. He


moved to Afghanistan last year, but we still keep in touch


and we still remain very close.

I went back inside. Rafay followed me. I took the flowers that

I called him up and he helped me out. He showed me the

he had given me and I threw them on his face.

right way. I threw the pills away, and from now on I decided


not to care about Rafay anymore. He means nothing to me


now. After that I cried a little more and all of a sudden I fell




After that day, I got many calls from Fatima but I ignored

Then after all this, he finally spoke.

each one. Rafay even came to my house to apologize. But this

“No, Noor I truly love you.”

time the mistake was big and sorry wasn’t enough. I learned

“Please forgive me.”

to move on without him in life. I learned one thing from this,

“I know it was my fault, but I’ll fix everything.

which was that you should never trust someone too much,

Please don’t leave me”

you should never love someone too much, because that too

I couldn’t forgive him this time.

much hurts very much at the end. 53

I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L




It was a long and exhausting week for John. In the last

but she wouldn’t stop staring at him, which freaked him out.

week, he went through a lot of trouble at his work. His boss

He was just about to leave but then he decided that enough

hates him, his friends betrayed him and for the last week he

was enough and he decided to approach her. He walked

had been sleeping for less than 5 hours, which made him

furiously, stomping his feet on the squeaky floor as loud as

extremely cranky. It’s finally Friday, which meant it was time

he could, but she didn’t even blink.

to go to the pub. 5 years ago, when John started working, he

“Okay, listen lady what is your problem?” John asked.

created this routine to go to the pub every Friday and relax

The lady didn’t reply and just kept staring at him. “Why do

after a long and exhausting week. It was the only thing that

you keep staring at me?” John asked almost screaming out

he was looking forward to do and finally the time had come.

the words. “I had been waiting for you,” she said in a low,

John’s favorite beverage is Jack Daniel’s. It makes him

steady voice while still staring straight into his eyes. “What

forget about everything around him. It makes him stop

do you mean?” John asked, his voice betraying him, his

thinking about the past and makes him start thinking about

face now a full shade paler. “I saw you in my dreams,” she

the future. First he would take 5 shots of Jack Daniel’s and

replied not losing eye contact with him. After a few second of

then 3 drinks of beer. After that he would usually sit there for

thinking through his answer he finally said “It was a mistake

a few more minutes; he liked to wait for the alcohol to spread

coming here, I should probably go,” and he started slowing

across his body and make him feel warm and cozy. Usually

backing up. “Don’t be scared, I didn’t mean to freak you out.

after that he would struggle to get up due to the fact that he

It’s just that sometimes I get these dreams about people...”

was drunk and then he would start crawling home, but today

she paused for a few seconds like she was trying to intrigue

he decided to stay there for a bit longer.

John, “and usually something happens to them”. “What do

John took a few more shots before he noticed an old lady

you mean by that?” John replied his voice rising higher. “Sit

sitting in the far corner of the room looking at him. At first he

down kid, we have a lot to talk about”. At first John paused

couldn’t understand if she was real or if he was that drunk

for a few second looking uncertain but then he took a seat

that he started to imagine people but, after a few minutes of

on the opposite side of the table. “My name is Kate and I

awkwardly staring at her and realising how vivid she looked,

am a fortune teller’. “You’re a fortune teller!?!?! I am sorry

he had no doubt that she wasn’t a hallucination. John decided

but I am not that gullible!” John said while trying to control

to act like he hadn’t noticed her and just went on drinking,

his laughter and getting ready to leave. “Trust me there

A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D C O N T E S T S U B M I S S I O N S 2 0 1 5 • U P P E R M Y P

is nothing funny about that. Being a fortune teller is a big

TO DIE?” John said screaming out the words as loud as he

chunk of work,” she replied with a small smile that quickly

could. “John stop seeking attention! I will help.” Kate replied.

disappeared. “I was born in a small family that threw me out

“How? Is it possible to escape your own death? Is it even

on the streets because they thought that I was sick. After that

possible to predict death?” John asked. “Yes, it is. Listen to

I had been in at least 3 foster houses but they just treated my

me very carefully,” Kate said as she started to lean closer to

like there slave and made fun of me all the time. Thats when I

John. “On Wednesday at 6:30pm you are going to walk home

started to realise that I actually have some strange powers, I

from work and see a man running at you. At first you will

could do things that normal people couldn’t do and--” “Listen

think that he is just jogging but as he starts to approach you,

Kate, I am sorry to interrupt but I don’t understand why you

you will notice that he is carrying some kind of black object in

are telling me all of this.” John said. “John I am telling you

his right hand. John, he is going to carry a revolver. The man

all of this--” “How do you know my name?” John interrupted

realises that you noticed the gun and he shoots you 3 times

again. “I told you, I have powers. I know everything about you

in your chest. You die immediately.” “So on Wednesday I am

John.” Kate replied with a hideous smile revealing all of her

supposed to stay at home?” John asked while shivering. “You

rotten teeth. “What were you saying about seeing me in your

can’t escape death John, that guy can kill you on Tuesday

dream?” John asked to take that smile of her face. “Oh yeah.

or Thursday or any other day, either way you are going to

I know everything about you from my precognitive dreams,

die if you go outside. If I would be you I would stay at home

thats one of the ways through, which I can predict the future.

for the rest of my life. In fact, I think that you should go

I saw how and where you work, I saw what you do in your

home now!” Kate said with her eyebrows rising higher than

spare time and I saw your past and your future.” Kate replied

possible. “Why are you helping me? Why did you tell me all of

putting emphasis on the last word. “You saw my future?”

this?” John asked while still shivering. “I feel like it is my duty

John asked in a questioning voice. “Yes, I did and trust me

to help people,” Kate said with a delightful smile appearing

you don’t want to know it,” Kate said with a serious face.

on her face. “Well you know, you helped me a lot. Thank you

“What do you mean? Tell me what happens?” John

so much. I will never forget you,” John said with a smile. As

demanded almost screaming. In a calm face Kate said,

soon as he finished the sentence, John started running to his

“Listen I have to tell a very important message that you

house as fast as a drunk person could. It took him around 10

probably won’t like. You are going to die!” “WHAT? I AM GOING

minutes to get home and, when he got inside, he locked all 55

I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L

the doors and windows and immediately went to bed.


you?” the guard asked. “She told me that a man is going to

The next day, John couldn’t stop thinking about what Kate

kill me and that I shouldn’t leave my house for the rest of

told him. He felt like she didn’t tell him everything. Was he

my life,” John said while feeling stupid for falling for such a

actually was going to die? Can he ever leave his house? Did

lie. “You got away easily. She made people jump off houses. I

Kate get all of the details right? What did it all mean? For

am pretty sure that she was going to watch you through the

the whole day John couldn’t concentrate on anything else

window to see you suffer,” the guard said with no sympathy

except for all of the new questions that were appearing in his

in his voice. “Wait, if she isn’t a fortune teller! How did she

head. By the end of the day he couldn’t take it anymore so he

know my name?” John asked. “Usually she picks the drunk

decided to be a risk-taker and go back to the pub for some

people because you can easily manipulate them. Then she

more answers. Of course he knew that he shouldn’t do it and

asks either the bartender or the waitress to find out their

that he might die, but suspense was killing him. Again, John

name,” the guard replied without looking at John. “Wait but

decided to run there just in case.

I don’t remember anybody asking my name yesterday!” John

By the time he got to the pub you could smell the sweat

protested. “Listen, I saw you here a few times before, which

and see the stains on his t-shirt, but John didn’t care. He

means that you are our constant client, which means that she

walked in and started to look for Kate but she was nowhere

might’ve been watching you for a few weeks now!” the guard

to be seen. After a few minutes of walking around, he decided

replied. “What’s wrong with her?” John asked. “She has the

to ask a guard if he knew where she was. “Hello,” John said

sadistic personality disorder, which means that she enjoys

in a cheerful way. “Good evening sir. Is something wrong?”

seeing other people suffer,” the guard said with a sorrowful

the guard replied in a serious way. “Actually yes. I was here

look in his eyes “We sent her to a mental hospital at least 5

last night and I met this old lady who said that her name

times and to an asylum when things got really serious. Some

was Kate--” “I assume you swallowed the bait but it’s quite

how she always found her way back. Even though she was a

strange that you came here the next day. She must’ve

sick person she didn’t deserve what she got”. “What are you

changed her tactic,” the guard said. “Pardon me? I don’t

talking about?” John asked guessing the answer. “She passed

understand what you are talking about?” John asked while

away this morning. We are pretty sure that she committed

trying to put all the pieces together. “Miss. Kate is a ‘fortune

suicide, which now seems a bit weird considering the fact

teller’ that sneaks in here at least once a week, chooses a

that she just started a new game with you!” the guard said

man or a woman and then persuades them into thinking

thoughtfully. “What do you think it means?” John asked with

that they are going to die,” the guard says not showing any

a questioning look on his face. The guard couldn’t think of

emotions. “WHAT?” John screamed. “What story did she tell

anything else to say but “I don’t know”.

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I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



8 months, 3 days before

7 months, 27 days before

Hey, I’m just calling to see how you are.

The smell of your shampoo on my pillow has started to fade.

I’m sorry we fought. Please forgive me.

I’d thought of buying some, just to keep Your scent around the house

8 months, 2 days before

But then I remembered I don’t know which shampoo you use.

You didn’t call me back last night and I wanted to know that you were okay.

7 months, 25 days before

Please call me.

Your friends said you needed space And I’m trying to give it to you but it’s just

7 months, 30 days before

So hard. I miss you.

I was just wondering how you are And if you miss your mix-tapes

7 months, 24 days before

You left them at my apartment

You still haven’t called me back.

You can have them back if you want

It’s been what, two weeks?

But if you don’t mind I’d like to keep them.

It feels like years since I last saw you.

They remind me of you. 7 months, 22 days before 7 months, 29 days before

Yesterday you called when I wasn’t home

I finally found that earring you lost

You told me to stop calling but I can’t

The third time you stayed at my apartment

I know I should leave you be but I have nothing without you

The pearl one with the gold ring around it. It was under that pile of magazines I’ve been meaning to

7 months, 20 days before


You called again to tell me to leave you alone

You kept nagging me to get rid of them

I suppose you’ll block my number soon

And I didn’t. I should have listened to you.

I can’t delete your voicemails because I miss the sound of

Now that pile of magazines reminds me of you, too.

your voice And they’re all I have now


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7 months, 19 days before

I don’t have the energy to look for a new job.

I need you. Please come back to me, I need you

If you were here, you’d tell me that it’d all be okay

You’re like the air I need to breathe to survive

But it won’t be okay

Without you I feel so lost

Because you’re not here

I feel like I’m in an endless nightmare I can’t wake up from Please, please, please I need you so much

4 months, 2 days before

You mean the world to me and I can’t do this without you

If you’re wondering why I didn’t call for over two months Although I don’t suppose you are

7 months, 15 days before

It’s because I was in rehab.

It’s funny how you could always tell if I’d been drinking

You were right, the doctors helped me

No matter how sober I was

Not as much as you would have though

I relapsed, I know

Maybe now that I’m better, you’ll call me back?

But there didn’t seem to be much point in trying

I promise I’m better.

Without you I have nothing to live for And I know I’m wasting words, talking into the wind

3 months, 31 days before

Because you blocked my number so I wouldn’t call you

You’re not going to call me back, are you?

anymore. 3 months, 30 days before 6 months, 24 days before

Please call me back, I miss you

I called you every day you know I always hope that once – just once

3 months, 28 days before

You’d pick up. You never did.

I guess in the back of my mind I know you’re not going to call I just keep wishing you would realize

6 months, 20 days before

That I really do love you and I’m sorry

I lost my job yesterday

I’m sorry I hurt you

I went to work drunk off my ass And my boss fired me right then and there 59

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3 months, 27 days before

3 months, 10 days before

I signed up for one of those dating apps we used to make

She told me I should stop calling you

fun of

I suppose she’s right

I think it’ll help me get my mind off you

It’s probably better for both of us but I don’t know if I can do it

Hell, maybe I’ll even meet someone I actually like

I don’t know if I’m strong enough

I doubt it though. I never really liked most people 1 month, 23 days before 3 months, 23 days before

Her name is Sara, without an H

I got a new job. It doesn’t pay as well as the last one

She got angry when I didn’t get her flowers on Valentine’s Day

But I used to spend most of that money on you

She doesn’t know that’s the day mom died

Since back when people didn’t know how beautiful your art

I hate flowers. But of course, you knew that.


I couldn’t even tell her the truth about February the 14th

You couldn’t support yourself

It killed me that she didn’t know

I hope you’re doing well

And I didn’t know how to explain it to her

And I hope no one bought that painting of the flower

You would know what to do. You always did.

That one was always my favorite I’d like to buy it sometime

1 month, 8 days before I broke up with that girl today.

3 months, 18 days before

She wasn’t at all like you and

I went on a date today. It felt strange, going out

She told me I was difficult

With someone who wasn’t you.

She said no wonder you left me after all that time

It’s funny, she didn’t eat her salad the way you do.

Because I’m broken and just plain messed up

Remember that time you somehow ended up With a dressing-covered piece of lettuce in your hair?

28 days before

I remember.

I got rid of all our pictures

I picked it out gently before I kissed you

I thought it would help take the pain away It didn’t


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26 days before

You keep my feet on the ground

I painted the walls of my bedroom black.

No one else can do that.

I’m not a painter, so they don’t look as good

Please call me back, I need you so much

As my kitchen, where you poured your soul onto the walls But at least the walls of my bedroom look like my insides

That day

Dark and crumbling because you’re not here

I’m sorry I put you through all that. I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough for you.

10 days before

I hope you find someone that makes you as happy

I thought about going to see a counselor

As you made me once.

I thought maybe they could help me

Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay.

But I remembered the last time you took me to see one

I’m going off to a better place now.

And how I freaked out and thrashed around

I love you more than life itself so maybe –

Like I was a 5 year old again

Maybe if I’m gone you will be happy.

You promised you’d never take me to see a counselor again

It’s so hard to find the words to say goodbye

And you kept your promise.

So here’s how I’ll say it, just like the way we used to say goodnight:

5 days before

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Maybe I could buy that painting from you now

But I guess you won’t ever hear this

I saved up some money, I’m sure I can afford it

Because you never unblocked my number.

It would look beautiful in the living room And make up for the lack of a window You always hated that about my living room 2 days before I’m sorry I can’t stop calling I need you so much You help me keep a sense of myself 61

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This is a series of three separate poems that are part of a Greek Mythology set.

She hears the twigs snap Before she can even see it. And when she does, it’s immense. Her blood pumps, Raging in her ears As she hides in the shadows Cast by the moon’s silver light She pulls an arrow from her quiver As silently as a summer breeze. She lets it fly; her arrows never miss. The Goddess of the hunt Alone in the woods and content The silence of the forest comforting, As she looks upon the downed beast


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You’re beautiful and dazzling in every way possible

Dead, dead, dead, dead

Men love you, women want to be you.

Down here everyone is dead.

Sometimes it’s lonely, being loved by everyone Up there it’s sunny and bright You are valued for your beauty,

Full of color, life and excitement

Girls will sell their souls to get your blessing.

They all pity me for these four months I spend

The others sometimes laugh

Picking fruit in the dead fields of Asphodel

Because you enjoy watching all the romance in the world But down here I am Queen They forget that you are also old and wise

I rule the darkness, the fear, the dead

That you’ve seen things others only hear of –

My power is as great as that of Zeus or Poseidon

You’ve been around long enough to know it all

For I have the love of the King of Death

Everyone says they love you

The Goddess of spring and Rebirth

But it’s a superficial love really

They say I am fickle and soft, fragile as a flower –

They’re entranced with your looks

But my monsoons are as destructive as a lightning bolt,

And ignore all your wondrous flaws.

The shape of the dark streak that runs through me

So they never really get to know you

Dead, dead, dead, dead

They don’t love you for who you really are

Down here everyone is dead.

And it gets rather lonely – But I come alive with all this loss of life and despair, The Queen of Death and Rebirth on her throne. 63

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Listen to the patter of rain

Listen to the sound of crippling sorrow

And the howl of the blizzard

The sound of glass smashing, lives shattering

The sound of the wind in the trees

Hell breaking loose –

And the splash of water Listen to the sound of laughter The sound of trains roaring by

The deep, genuine and so very happy laughter

And the hum of car engines during rush hour The clicking of your fingers over your keyboard


The distinct whooshing of water in your sink

Do you hear those things? That –

The inaudible buzz of a subway passenger’s iPod A mother’s yelling and her child’s cries Your dog’s snores that let you know you’re safe And your neighbor’s over-the-phone breakup


Is the sound of the Universe

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I miss running my hands

I miss your hands intertwining with mine

Through your soft, short hair

And holding me quietly while I cry

I miss the smell of your shampoo

I miss your voice calling my name

Lingering on my pillow

I miss your eyes looking into mine I miss knowing that you love me

I miss knocking on your door

That I’m only yours and you’re only mine.

And seeing your roommate roll his eyes I miss kissing you goodnight

But most of all I miss you

And wanting to stay in your arms

I miss the laughter, the smiles


The tears of laughter and sadness Rolling down my face.

I miss the feeling of your heartbeat Against my chest, making me feel alive

I miss knowing that you’re there for me

I miss the tingle of your breath on my neck

Because now you’re not

In the dark, driving my heart insane

And I’m alone.


I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L



As dawn rose on the horizon, long golden fingers curled

moving her gaze up and staring into her own bright blue eyes.

around tree branches and pushed through windows. Calling

Her outfit was simple but stylish and she hoped that people

upon the wind, they shook the trees and rattled windows,

would be more open to talking with her because of it.

scaring birds and other unsuspecting animals around. The

Looking over herself once again she smiled, satisfied with

surprised tweet of a small bluejay woke Nessa from her

how she looked before her eyes ran over her bare arms and


her smile quickly faded. With a sigh she went to her closet

With a groan, she rolled onto her side and felt across her

and looked through her jewellery. Going through a couple

nightstand for her phone. When she found it she turned it on

of choices, she finally decided on wearing a couple of silver

to see the time. The light caused her to recoil momentarily

bangles that would go with her outfit and darker skin tone.

and squint her eyes trying to adjust to the change in

Sliding them on one by one she smiled once again when she


saw that the scars lining her wrists were effectively hidden.

Seeing that is was 6:30 she decided to get up and prepare for the school day ahead of her. Moving through the house

chance to be different and enjoy life for once, take it.”

she had just recently moved into, she thought about what

The rest of the morning went by quickly until she was

kind of impression she wanted to make on her first day. Since

sitting in her mother’s car staring out of the window at the

she was moving to this school in the middle of the school

school. Turning abruptly she hugged her mother before taking

year most friend groups would already have been defined so

a deep breath, plastering on a fake smile, and walking out of

she would need to know who she wanted to be friends with

the car towards what would hopefully be a brighter future.

before she got there if she wanted this school experience to end up differently.


Breathing slowly, she quietly spoke to herself. “This is your

Quietly humming a tune to herself to keep her nerves calm, Nessa pushed open the front doors to the school and

When she made it to the bathroom she began her

walked in only to realize that she had no idea where she was

morning routine before leaving to get dressed for the day. The

going. Seeing an older man wearing dress clothes walking

school had told her that they were a smaller community than

through the halls, she ran up to him assuming that he was a

most schools and that she would have no problem fitting in

teacher and that he could help her figure out where she was

but based on previous experiences, she didn’t quite believe

supposed to be going. When she caught up to him she askid

that. Looking in the mirror she glanced over her outfit before

him for directions to the reception since she was new and

A L E X A N D E R L I T E R A R Y AWA R D C O N T E S T S U B M I S S I O N S 2 0 1 5 • U P P E R M Y P

still needed her schedule. The man was indeed a teacher and

ask the teachers of her class to get a student with a similar

told her that he would be happy to help her out and asked

schedule to take her to the next class. Taking out a pencil,

her to follow him.

the receptionist quickly circled the reception and the music

After a short walk she found herself in front of a wooden

room and drew the fastest route from one place to the next

door with the word ‘Reception’ engraved on a plaque that

before smiling at Nessa and telling her that she was sure that

was on the door. Thanking the teacher who helped her she

she would enjoy her time at the school.

opened the door and walked into a small office that was filled

Clutching the two papers, she ran through the maze of

with papers and figurines each meticulously placed around

halls until she reached the room the receptionist had told her

the room. A slender woman sat behind the desk at the far end

was the music room. She knocked twice on the door before

of the room. She slowly raised her head towards Nessa and

opening it slightly and poking her head into the class. With

with a warm smile said hello and gestured for her to sit down

the whole class turning to stare at her, Nessa suddenly felt

at one of the two chairs placed in front of the desk.

nervous until the teacher asked her to come into the class.

After a seconds hesitation, Nessa scrambled towards the

Remembering the reason she moved to the school, Nessa

chair and sat down grateful for the support the chair gave her

walked towards the desk calmly before telling her teacher

against the nerves building up inside of her. The receptionist

that her name was Vanessa Caldwell but that she prefered

then proceeded to check if Nessa was Vanessa Caldwell and

Nessa and that she had just moved to the school. The teacher

when she received a yes from Nessa smiled a warm smile

introduced herself as Ms. Noel and said that she had received

before turning to reach into one of the drawers on the left of

an email telling her about Nessa’s arrival.

her desk and pulling out two pieces of paper.

Ms. Noel then asked Nessa to introduce herself to the

Pointing to the first one the receptionist told Nessa that

class at which point she repeated what she said to Ms. Noel

this was her schedule and that today she had Music first.

adding that her favourite colour was green and that she was

After this she pointed to the other piece of paper and said

a dog person, but that she loved disney cat movies which

that it was a school map. The receptionist explained that new

caused a few laughs throughout the classroom. Smiling, Ms.

students would usually have a student show them around but

Noel asked Nessa to sit down with at one of the empty seats.

since it was the middle of the school year they were unable

Feeling bold she took a seat next to a guy who seemed

to do that so she would have to make do with a map and

to be pretty popular judging by how he was turned in his seat 67

I N K S TA I N S • S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L

laughing with the people around him. Once she was seated

does the pain, control your every thought

Ms. Noel said that today they were writing song lyrics and

let the light, in don’t let life be for naught

that next class they were going to add music to their songs

you’ve got to go out there and show you’re

and record them. Nessa immediately started smiling. She

worth their time

had always loved singing and loved writing her own songs as

I know that it’s hard but right now is your time

well though they usually came out quite depressing. But then again, you write what you know. Ms. Noel said that they had

Ms. Noel’s voice telling the class to get into pairs brought

20 minutes to write a couple of lyrics and that they would

Nessa out of her song writing daze and caused her to look

then be partnered up to critique and edit each other’s lyrics.

around the class for a partner. Not knowing anyone though,

Nessa had never actually shared any of her music having

the search was in vain. Deciding to wait for someone to come

only sung and written when her mother was out of the house

to her she relaxed in her seat and was surprised when a few

and keeping her love of music a secret but she was excited to

seconds later the boy next to her turned around and asked if

try. With that thought in mind she started writing.

she wanted to be his partner. Unable to process words she merely nodded causing him to laugh and smile at her which

Do you feel, like no one really cares

she immediately matched with a smile of her own.

dark inside, only emptiness you’re scared

Now actually looking at him her breath caught in her

well it’s time to let that fire shine spirit fly

throat. His piercing green eyes, his warm yet flirtatious smile,

I know that it’s hard but right now is your time

the more she took in the more beautiful he seemed to her. Unbeknownst to her, identical thoughts had been running

we’re gonna scream out loud shout it out like

through his head ever since he saw her when she walked into

it’s never been said

the room.

we’re gonna dance and sing like we’ve never been tamed

Neither of them knew who broke eye contact first but

we’re gonna give our hearts

both of them ended up blushing before shyly passing each

like we’ve never been broken

other their lyrics. As she looked over his lyrics she started coming up with possible improvements when he said “I’m


tonight we’ll climb those mountains

Luke by the way, Luke Stroud,” to which Nessa timidly replied

fly through the clouds

“I’m Nesse.” Laughing He Replied “I know, you introduced

we’re gonna give up fear

yourself earlier,” causing Nessa to smile as well. Her smile

let our hopes guide us round

brightened as she realized that she had smiled more in the

we’re gonna live our lives

past hour than in any day in the past 2 years of her life and

live we’ve never been broken

she thought that maybe, just maybe, she might find a home

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in this school. When they went back to editing the songs she

The next few weeks of school where the happiest of her

smiled as she noticed some misspelled words and giggled at

life. Nessa had made lots of new friends, her grades were high

some of his, more far-fetched rhymes.

and she hadn’t had to force a smile ever since that first day

When she finished coming up with possible edits and

at school. She and Luke had gradually gotten closer until the

looked up at him she saw him staring at her paper in awe.

day after their Easter break when their relationship changed.

“This is amazing he said, how did you write this in such a

When they saw each other after their separation they ran

short time?” he asked her. Blushing, she replied “I wouldn’t

to hug each other after which Luke pulled out a silver heart

say amazing, maybe in a couple of edits, and I was inspired.”

necklace and said “Nessa, I couldn’t stand not being next to

Still amazed at her song he smiled before thrusting the paper

you this week. Not knowing if some other guy was gonna

into her arms and saying “Sing.” It was such a simple action

come along and sweep you off your feet. So Nessa would you

but something she had never done before so she refused

please be my girlfriend?” Crying she said that he didn’t want

prompting him to repeat his request in a variety of different

to be with someone like her before running away from him.

pitches, accents, volumes, and lengths. When she was able

Following her, he chased her to the gym where she sat crying

to stop laughing she said fine but only to him and only if they

on the bleachers. Walking up to her he sat down next to her

moved to where the rest of the class wouldn’t hear them.

and saw her looking at her scar-lined arms. “You don’t want

Smiling from ear to ear Luke agreed and quickly got up before

to be with someone like me,” she said again while showing

taking both their chairs and moving to the far corner of the

him her wrists. Bringing her arm up he kissed her wrists

room where no one was sitting.

before smiling up at her and saying “No matter what you will

Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes Nessa began

always be beautiful to me and I will always love you. Don’t

singing her song quietly. When she finally opened her eyes

ever forget that or think otherwise.” She sat there shocked

Luke’s smiling face encouraged her to sing a little bit louder.

and he used this opportunity to kiss her before pulling back

Being completely focused on her song she didn’t notice that

to put the necklace on her and kissing her again with both of

the rest of the class was now listening to her each with faces

them smiling into the kiss.

of joy or amazement. When she finished her song the whole class started clapping surprising her and causing her blush to return at full colour. “You were great,” Luke said before leaning in to hug her and kiss her cheek just before the bell rang to signal the end of the class. The rest of the day went by like a blur with Nessa’s thoughts focused solely on Luke though she did have lunch with him and his friends making some friends herself. 69

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I N K S TA I N S • P R I M A R Y S C H O O L




1st place 10 MY TRIP TO ROMANIA Ioana Naftanaila (Grade K1/F)


1st place YAHA AND ALHA Isla Randall (Grade 2A)




1st place THE ADVENTURES OF LIZZEN AND AZURILL Anastasia Krupchak (Grade 4H)

1st place 24 SICK - BUT ONLY FOR SCHOOLL Katya Novikova (Grade 3S)

2nd place 20 WHAT IF COWS GAVE COCA-COLA Lev Novikov (Grade 5R) 3rd place 22 SUPER HI Ding Yifei (Grade 4A)

1st place 25 COLLECTION Paula den Otten (Grade 5R)

2nd place 25 COLLECTION Karina Gladka (Grade 4H)

3rd place 28 COLLECTION Alexandra Zhygalkina (Grade 4A)

3rd place 29 COLLECTION Jadwiga Tombinska (Grade 4A)


TS 30



32 WATER Will von Beckerath (Grade 3L)


33 POEM Darka Lubkivska (Grade 3L)


34 PINK PURPLE FLOWERS Angelina Zhevago (Grade 3L)

35 PSI Juliette Geers and Indy Burns (Grade 3S)

36 CLOCK Olesya Zhevago (Grade 3L)

38 THE EARTHLING Alec Arencibia Pender (Grade 4H)

39 ROLLER COASTER Lisen von Beckerath (Grade 5R)

40 THE CUBBIES Julyana Zhevago (Grade 3S)


45 DRAGON RACE Olesya Zhevago (Grade 3L)

46 THE SEA THROUGH PASS Alexandra Zhygalkina (Grade 4A)

47 THE CHICKENS BIRTHDAY Alexandra Zhygalkina (Grade 4A)

48 MOLES Aylin Elis Tezel (Grade 4H)

52 JUST IN TIME William Laitinen (Grade 5B)

53 BOBLANDIA Leonard Vierke (Grade 5R)

RED BALLOON Julyana Zhevago (Grade 3S)


I N K S TA I N S • P R I M A R Y S C H O O L

FOREWO This issue of Ink Stains contains a collection of short stories and poems written by PSI students from ECU to Grade 12 for the Alexander Literary award and the PSI Young Author’s Award of 2015. The Alexander Literary Award is an old tradition at PSI, dating back to a previous Headmaster, Steve Alexander, who in his desire to promote a love for literature has acknowledged young writers with this award. His educational values have been shared by many leaders and educators at PSI since then and this tradition has indeed become one of the most valued and successful in the almost 20 year history of PSI. One of our roles as librarians is to protect and preserve traditions while also embracing innovation. We need to ensure we are constantly moving with the times, whilst building on the solid educational foundations already in place. We are proud to present this issue of Ink Stains as a great example of breathing new life into an old tradition. We hope that you will enjoy the new and updated version of this magazine and we wish it a bright future and long life.



ORDS At PSI students are given opportunities to write daily. The

The response to the Young Author’s Awards this year is an

range of writing experiences includes narrative prose, poetry,

indication to the passion for writing at PSI. With entries

explanations, descriptions and procedures and more. Many

from all primary classes, from K1 to 5th Grade, it is clear

of these writing experiences are driven by our Programme

that writing is a strength at this school. With a vast array

of Inquiry. While students develop their understanding of

of resources at their fingertips, teachers spend a lot of time

concepts such as responsibility, organisation, rights, identity,

and effort up-skilling in how to effectively teach the required

and systems, they apply their writing skills to produce

skills at each grade level. Writing programs differ greatly

authentic written work.

between grades as each year, students learn new strategies

Students at PSI find inspiration in a variety of ways

and tools to equip them in the writing process. All those

for their personal writing in journals, Weblogs, Websites,

students who entered into this year’s competition are to be

reflections, stories, poetry and autobiographies. Reading is

congratulated, for it is these students who model the craft of

one of the more common inspirations for students when they

writing to others, these students who actively peer edit their

begin writing. We know our students are serious readers.

friends’ work, and these students who inspire others with

They consume books like food. Our library is a rich source

their passion for writing.

of literature, picture books, fictional novels, non-fiction, and magazines and PSI students are regular customers. PSI provides students with an environment rich with literature. The starting point for any literary inspiration.



Primary Deputy Principal

5th Grade Teacher Co-organizer PSI Young Authors Awards


I N K S TA I N S • P R I M A R Y S C H O O L












I N K S TA I N S • P R I M A R Y S C H O O L




1st place YAHA AND ALHA Isla Randall (Grade 2A)




1st place THE ADVENTURES OF LIZZEN AND AZURILL Anastasia Krupchak (Grade 4H)

1st place 24 SICK - BUT ONLY FOR SCHOOLL Katya Novikova (Grade 3S)

2nd place 20 WHAT IF COWS GAVE COCA-COLA Lev Novikov (Grade 5R) 3rd place 22 SUPER HI Ding Yifei (Grade 4A)

1st place 25 COLLECTION Paula den Otten (Grade 5R)

2nd place 25 COLLECTION Karina Gladka (Grade 4H)

3rd place 28 COLLECTION Alexandra Zhygalkina (Grade 4A)

3rd place 29 COLLECTION Jadwiga Tombinska (Grade 4A)


I N K S TA I N S • P R I M A R Y S C H O O L





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village on the edge of the jungle (Yaha not forgetting to check behind them), and into the village they would go. Oh, and I almost forgot to introduce their best friend. His name is Caclo and he is a human. He was waiting for them with a snack -coconuts. “yum yum yum yum” said Yaha. “No thanks” said Alha. “I’d rather eat my banana sauce sandwich”. “Yoha, Aha, I-I’ve got something to tell you said Caclo. “What is it?” said Yoha. “What is it?” said Yoha. “The humans want to take over the Lacandon jungle!” said Caclo. “What But how?” says Alha. “Oh, and a friend of my mum went there and told my mum about it. They think the jungle must be really good” said Cado. “And, and and...”. “What?” says Yoha. “The news apparently spread over the whole village” said Calco. “When are they coming?” asked Yoha. Calco said “I dunno” The monkey and the parrot said “Okay bye bye we have to go, bye!” The next day when Alha woke up and looked out of his window there were houses made of wood everywhere. And not very many trees left either. Then he remembered about how his friend had told him about the humans taking over

Once in a jungle in Mexico, the jungle was called Lacandon

the land. There were people greeting each other and saying

jungle. In the middle of the jungle there lived a monkey and

“Hola!” everywhere! They chopped down trees for wood and

his friends. The monkey was called Aha and his parrot friend

ate almost all the food.

Yaha. Alha lived with his mum, Yola, and his brother Mola and sister Mia. The monkey and the parrot shared a big secret... On weekends they snuck out of their (houses Alha not forgetting a snack). Outof the jungle they would go, as a fast as a rocket. Zooming high high high in the air... except they didn’t go high in the air, they headed straight for the

But soon, everyone got sick with jungle fever, and some breathing problems because there were not many trees (but of course not the animals). Their friend Calco had convinced them to leave by reminding them that their relatives still lived in the city. Soon all the humans had gone home and the animals in Lacandon lived happily ever after. 11

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Hi! My name is Lizzen and I’m a water nymph. I live in a village called Nymphs. All kinds of nymph live there. For example: fire nymphs, sun nymphs and so on. And I forgot to tell you, that a nymph is a person, usually a 12 year old. A nymph can do many magic things that relate to their powers (sun, water etc.). Also nymphs are immortal. They never get older. So, I live in a simple house in the Western part of the village. My house has round windows and two floors. Usually I spend all my days outside so the house is just for sleeping and studying. All nymphs go to schools, but those schools are not common like for mortals (people). Those are schools where they teach you how to control your power. Because if you don’t know how to control your powers, you can turn out really bad (you really wouldn’t like to know). In our school we have quests. It’s when 3 nymphs go out on a journey to do a job for eltra nymphs (the main teachers). You work alone at those quests. Today I woke up in my bed and put some clothes on. I chose a light blue skirt followed by a white T-shirt Then I combed my light-blue orange hair. This is color. 12

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Nice color, you set a color you want and then just add

should concentrate on the clues for now and the mysterious

your power color. That makes your color of the hair for a day.

question. To find out about it I should go and visit our city

And now I am eating my quick breakfast and then I go


to school. Chapter 4 Chapter 2



Better take a notebook not to forget things I thought After

Wow! Today we have a quest coming. I didn’t know that. Hope

ten minute walk Lizzen reached the library. Ok! I am here!

they choose me! The announcement started like this. The

At what shelf should I search first? I have to think logically.

male eltra nymph said his speech:

Lizzen sits down and starts scribbling something in her

“Students of the school, today me and the other eltra nymphs choose to give a quest to the mountain that was a

notebook. It looked like this.

legend. You need to go there and find something that proves that you have been there. So, now I will announce the names of the ones who go! 1. Felena Brougand - the fire nymph 2. Andor Graden - the sun nymph 3. Lizzen van Glare - the water nymph. The quest will start next week. Now the quest nymphs may be dismissed. And the rest of you, back to the lessons! Have a great day!” Finished male eltra nymph. I have never imagined that someone would pick me to go for the quest!

I should ask the librarian about this book. She walked to the main entrance, that’s where the librarian’s office was. Lizzen knocked at the door and said: “Can I come in?”

Chapter 3

The librarian answered logically:


“If you need to”

This is a legend about the mountain of power. That’s how

“Fine,” said Lizzen.

they call it. I’ve read in some books (I found them in our

She entered the librarian’s office and asked if there were

school library) about that mountain. It says that to find that

the book called “YN TRO T1POL”?

mountain, you need to find 3 or 4 clues in the country called

“HMM... 1 think yes. There’s “YN TRO T1POL” book about

Gron, in the Jungles. Only then, you can find the mountain.

the mountain power or life power, that one?” “YEAH... That

It’s very hard, because to find those clues, you need to realize

one! Can I have it?”

the true power of life. I still don’t get what that means! I 13

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“Yes. But you need to fill in the chart”

1. Get a ultronus as a pet;

The chart looked like this.

2. Listen to him and become best friends with him; 3. Then he will lead you to life-power clues. Lizzen wasn’t supposed to be told twice. She took the book, flipped through chapters - nothing useful. Then she took the book and raced to the library. She knocked at the librarian’s office door and without waiting for an answer she walked into the room. The librarian was sitting in her chair and waiting for something. Lizzen spoke first: “Sorry, I interrupted you, but may I check out some books? They are “Location of the ultronus” and “How to catch an ultronus.” “Yes, sure! But first you need to return the “Live- power” book,” replied the librarian. “No problem! Here it is!” “Here you go, but first you have to fill out the form.”

Lizzen filled it out.

“Yes, I will”

“Thank you!” said the librarian,

Name: Lizzen van Glare

“Now you can have a book.”

Power: Water

“Thanks’,” replied Lizzen, taking the book out

Grade: 6L

of the librarian’s hands.

Book number.65437 Book number: All.about ultronus Locatjon.of the Ultronus.

Chapter 5

“Here you go! That is one book. If you want the second


one, then fill out the form, please.”

Lizzen went out of the library building and went home to

“Yeah! Okay.”

read the book. After five minutes she finally reached her

With those words Lizzen filled out the second form and gave

destination. She went inside and went into the kitchen to get

it to the librarian. Later she found a comfortable spot and

some snack. Lizzen took a cup of green tea with lemon and

began to read. She read for at least 30 minutes. Then finally

mint She took some small pancakes which Woddy the forest

she got the perfect location of the animal. She wrote it in her

nymph (her best friend] made.

diary and gave back the first book to the librarian. I should

So let’s get back to the book. Lizzen turned the first page and there was an introduction. It looked like this: “Dear reader I am the eltra nymph. I wrote this book to explain a few things to you. I believe this will help you in your search.” Lizzen flipped to the next page and began to read: “Why is life-power very powerful? It is another way to say power of the EARTH. To understand the power of it you need to become one with land. Here’s a list how you can do it: 14

buy one of those bracelets, which show the paragraph you wrote. It works like this, you type in a paragraph on the laser screen. Then when you click the button on the bracelet, the paragraph comes out typed on the laser screen

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“Ok! I’ll give you the portal and time but if you won’t return in 4 weeks Felina and Andor will go themselves.” “Fine with me,” said Lizzen. “The portal will be ready tomorrow morning.” Lizzen said goodbye and thank professor. Lizzen left his office and went home packing. I really should buy a whole box of them.

“So, I need the box with those bracelets and clothes, the collar for my animal, some food for him and money,” explained

Chapter 6

Lizzen packing everything into her light blue suitcase, and of


course, I will need my book.

Lizzen stormed out of the libraiy and raced to the shop. She asked for the whole box of light blue screen bracelets and

“Oh, with all that packing 1 even forgot to tell Woddy about plans,” said Lizzen.

played 50 talkons. Then she sat on a bench and took out one

Someone rang. So, he could enter her house.

bracelet Lizzen pressed the button and wrote her paragraph

“Who is it?” asked Lizzen.

on the light blue laser page:

“It’s me, Woddy. Let me in.”

City: Dubai

“Hi, Woddy, sorry,” replied Lizzen opening the door.

Country: United Arabian Emirates

“I thought that you would need some help,” said Woddy

She put the bracelet on her hand and the box with them she put in the bag. After that Lizzen went to school to talk to the male eltra nymph. His name indeed was Colyn but for students he was Professor Colyn. Lizzen went to his office. In there she found Felina the other quest nymph talking to him. She said: “Why did you pick Lizen? Yes, she is very smart but she

sitting down on a chair. “Oh, yes! But weren’t you chosen?” replied Lizzen sitting down next to him. “Me, no. I wasn’t. I thought you might need some mechanical things. You know that I’m good at that stuff,” said Woddy. “Sure, I need some things from you, for example, whaif.

usually works alone. She will just find the answer and

Would you like to come with me to Dubai. I found out that to

go alone.”

find the mountain you need to find 4-3 clues in Gron and to

“You’re wrong, Felina,” said Professor Colyn.

find those clues you need to understand the true “Power of

And after those words Felina red as a rose stormed out the

life”. And you need to be friends or have a pet ultronus and


that will lead you,” said Lizzen with pride.

Lizzen stood pale in front of Colyn’s office door. “Oh, hi, Lizzen! Do you need anything?” asked professor Colyn. “Yes. I do... but, sorry, why did Felina say that? “Don’t mind her. She always thought that you were

“Sorry, but it’s against the rules to come with you. Sorry!” said Woddy. “Woddy, I forgot... but I promise, if I catch an ultronus, I will show it to you,” said Lizzen with sadness in her words. “Thanks! I thought you would need this.”

too good at everything. So...”

He handed a photo of a fluffy white animal similar to a rabbit

“Yes. I need more than a week. Maybe, two or three

to her.

weeks. And also, I need a portal to go to Dubai.” “Ok! The portal but why?” asked Colyn examing Lizzen. “To catch a ultronus of course.” 15

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“Do you know anything about nymphs or eltra nymphs,” asked Lizzen again. “Yes, miss. Nymphs have different powers...” “Ok, ok... I believe that you are not a mortal,” said Lizzen. So, I’m Lizzen van Glare. I’m a water nymph and may I get a room here for a week. I want not very big, for one person. How much will it be?” “1200 talcons (dollars], miss.” “Ok. Here you go,” said Lizzen handing the money. “Here is your room key. Number 267, miss. Can I help you “It’s an ultronus,” said Lizzen after one minute staring at

with anything else?” asked the reception guy

the picture. “Yeah, it is!”

sounding very polite.

‘Where did you get it?” asked Lizzen “I dunno... So, I

“No, thanks. Tell me, please, about you hotel. Do you run

should go. Bye... “wise girl””

into mortals sometimes?”

“Thank you and bye, Wodd-brain. See you!”

“Yes and no. When we run into mortals we just say that the rooms are clean but most of mortals don’t see

Chapter 7

through mist You know, miss Lissen,”


replied the reception guy.

In the morning Lizzen came dressed in her travelling clothes.

“And when does breakfast start?”

She ate her breakfast, took her suitcase and went outside to

“At 7 o’clock.”

the village river where professor Colyn waited for her with

Lizzen thanked for the information and went upstairs to find

the portal keys.

her room. Room #267 was all in different shades of blue, with

“See you’ve packed for a week,” said Professor Colyn

one big window, a bed, a chair and a table. Also there was a

shaking hands with Lizzen.

bathroom and a wardrobe next to her bed. Lizzen thought that

“Yes, I am going for one or two weeks...”

her room looked nice so she started unpacking her things:

“There you go, here is the portal as you asked. It will carry

clothes, books, her notebook, cage and collar for her ultronus

you to Dubai in 5 minutes. Ready? Go!”

and so on. After unpacking she took one screen bracelet and

Lizzen went into the portal and started teleporting to

the library book and sat on her bed and started reading. It

Dubai. If you don’t like one of these following things I don’t recommend portal travelling for you:

finished reading her book she stared at it for a moment and then stood up with her eyes sparkling with excitement

1. Speed

Time to hunt for a pet ultronus!

2. Wind

After resting for a bit, Lizzen took things that she needed:

3. Noise

a collar, a bag with a cage inside and her ultronus food and

4. Darkness

went to the central park, where normal people couldn’t

Lizzen arrived. In no time she stood by a hotel and went

go only nymphs could go there. She read that most of the

straight to the reception guy. “Hi, are you a mortal?’’ “No, I am immortal miss,” replied the reception guy. 16

took her at least an hour to read the whole book. After she

ultronus live there. By the time she reached the central park she had come up with a plan. It was something like this:

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Look in the bushes for a small ultronus.

closed its eyes and purred like a kitten. Lizzen hugged the

Give him some ultronus food.

ultronus and got the light blue collar and threw it in her

While he is eating, grab him and put him in the cage then


give him some more ultronus food. Lizzen went to the middle of the park, were almost no one was, and knelt over the bush and had no luck. She went

“Now I need to give you a name. How about Azzura? No, your name is Azurill. I know you are a girl,” said Lizzen to the ultronus.

to search to the other bush - no luck again, only on her 6th

Then she made a cozy bed in the cage for Azurill, got five bars

try she saw a little ultronus in a nest The mother ultronus

and put them and some water next to the bed. After that she

wasn’t any near so Lizzen thought that the mother had gone

placed Azurill there.

away or just didn’t care about the little ultronus. Also Lizzen

Lizzen was very hungry but she was afraid to live the

read that some mothers are inpatient and leave their babies

ultronus alone. She knew that in Dubai most of the villagers

in two or three weeks and they are left alone. The same thing

had ultronus as pets but she still was afraid. So, what she

happened to this baby ultronus. Now, let me describe to you

did, she put the sign that said “DON’T DISTURB” on the outside

how the ultronus look. It looked just like on the photo Woddy

part of her door and closed the window.

gave me but smaller and fluffier. Also it is white and has blue eyes but the rest was like on the picture.

Lizzen went to eat her lunch (it was 12.00 o’clock). After eating she went straight into her room and found the baby

Now Lizzen was about to activate her plan, when the baby

ultronus crying and rolling the cotton balls. Lizzen gently

ultronus woke up and started pronouncing something that

took her in her arms and patted Azurill. She stopped crying

sounded like food. So she gave him an ultronus chocolate

and hugged Lizzen.

bar. He ate it and said the same thing again. So, Lizzen gave him one more chocolate bar and he ate it and repeated the

“Don’t like staying alone?” asked Lizzen. In reply Azurill shook her head.

same thing. Meanwhile the baby was eating Lizzen came up

“Ok, do you want to go to the zoo?”

with another plan. She laid the bars on the grass leading to

“Ona,” said Azurill in a high and quit voice.

the cage. The baby ultronus happily jumped from one bar to

Then you need to wear that collar, so I won’t loose you. Azurill

another and then jumped into the cage, where Lizzen put five

started crying again.

more bars.

“No, don’t cry! I’ll take it off when we come home.” Azurill stopped crying and Lizzen placed the collar on her.

Chapter 8

The ultronus jumped off Lizzen’s arms on the floor, then shelf


by shelf she got on the table with a mirror. Azurill looked at

Lizzen brought the cage to the hotel and went to her room.

herself and began dancing and saying something in a low

She placed the cage on her bed. Now the baby ultronus was


staring at her with his blue eyes. He was only 20cm. So small!!! Lizzen let the cage door open and the baby ultronus

“Ok, let’s go to the zoo now,” said Lizzen hopping in. Azurill jumped in her bag.

went out. He jumped on her bed he seemed to like her bed a lot He jumped up and down for 3 minutes. Then he got tired and went to her pillow and sat next to it and looked at her. She went and sat next to him or her and patted it The baby ultronus jumped in her arms and said something similar to word “mommy”. Lizzen patted him again. The baby 17

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They went out of room and straight to the receptionist.

buy some ice-cream and clothes for Azurill. The first stop was

“Sorry for interrupting,” she said, “I need a taxi. Where

shop “All for ultronunes”. There they bought a little backpack.

can I get one?” “We can order it,” replied the reception

It was of light blue color with a special pocket for Azurill’s

lady. Today it was a lady.

water bottle. Then they bought some more clothes for Azurill.

“How much time will it take to go to the zoo?”

For winter Azurill chose herself all in light blue color: sweater,

“Two hours, miss”

shoes, hat and scarf. And for summer: dress with blue flowers

“Ok, no thank you. We will go somewhere else,” said

and brown sandals. They paid and all items were packed in a


bag. Next to the shop there was a cafe “Costilia”. There were

“What do you mean, miss?”

sold the world’s best kinds of ice-cream. They sat at the table

“Oh, sorry! I have a pet Look, her head is popped out.”

that was outside. The waiter came almost immediately and

“She is so nice... Have a good day! Bye!”

gave them the menu.

“Bye,” replied Lizzen.

“We are ready!” said Lizzen. “Okay! So, what would you like?”

Chapter 9

“For me the ocean cone with mint and cheriy ice-cream


and vanilla ice-cream for my ultronus.”

Lizzen with her new and first pet Azurill went to the boat

When the waiter brought them cones they looked like this.

tour station. It will be nice to go on a boat tour with her and then we can get you some clothes. Azurill’s light blue eyes glowed. The boat moored caring people with ultronuses. The last were all in cages. “How strange,” thought Lizzen and ask Azurill to jump in her arms. The heart of Azurill beat very fast, as fast as the rocket would fly.

went back to the hotel to watch some movies and eat

“It’s ok. Don’t worry I just put you in the cage for the

caramel pop-corn. When they came back to the hotel in the

time of travelling,” Lizzen tried to calm Azurill down. “I

room there stood Felina.

promise! Do you want a chocolate bar? Get in...”

“Hi, Lizzen! I was looking for you,” said Felina.

Lizzen gave the chocolate bar to Azurill.

“Why? Something happened?”

“Let’s go or we miss the boat”

“No, I need to talk to you. I have heard that to find the

Lizzen set on a chain next to the water with Azurill on her lap.

mountain you need to have a best friend ultronus and

Together they watched as the Sun slowly swam into the lake

you have it, as I see. Give that ultronus to me or I will tie

and the disappeared under sparkling water.

you up! Quickly! We don’t have the whole day for that”

“Ala -la,” said Azurill.


When they finished it was 5 o’clock in the evening. So they

“Never!!! It is not my pet it is my friend. Even if you get

Lizzen understood. It meant she was very happy.

my ultronus it will never be your friend. And, beside that,

After the tour, that took 30 minutes, they went to the city to

you can catch your own.”

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“Sure! But I can’t find any. I think I will have to fire you,”

asleep next to her in a small bed. Lizzen wanted to get up and

said Felina smiling

run to Azurill but she couldn’t do anything. If she tried she

“Don’t even try!” Said Lizzen and with those words Azurill

would have a horrible headache.

jumped in front of her eyes glowing with hatred.

Lizzen stood up in spite of pain and took Azurill in her

Lizzen decided to run. Everything was packed for the night

arms and went back to her bed.

fly. Lizzen took her suitcase and bag. Azurill jumped in to the

“My brave one, you saved me!” said Lizzen, smiling with her

bag. When they were ready Felina walked into the room. Her

last word.

eyes continue to glow with hatred and fire. And then “BOOM”,

Azurill open her blue eyes and hopped to hug Lizzen.

she shoot fire straight into the wall. Azurill fall back but the

“Let’s go and see something! This is your home!” said Lizzen

wall didn’t move.

showing Azurill her bedroom. “Downstairs is a living room and

“Time to finish this van Glare with my last shot,” said

the kitchen and that’s our room.”

Felina laughing.

She showed her a small corner of the room where she had a

“Join water forces now,” screamed Lizzen.

crib and small wardrobe, books and a slide.

And all water in the city went to help with the wall, guarding

“Anana,” said Azurill. It meant, that she liked it Then Lizzen took Azurill in her arms

Lizzen and Azurill.

and hugged her. Azurill was very happy now.

‘Where is the portal?” squeaked Azurill. “There!!!” screamed Lizzen.

“Hey, Azurill! We needed to tell Woddy and Professor

She grabbed Azurill and ran to the wardrobe with Felina.

Colyn about our journey.” Azurill jumped on her bed, got dressed in wonderful dress

“After that, we should go in,” said Lizzen. And then everything turned black. That’s all they remembered.

and sandals, which they bought in Dubai and was already standing by the door waiting for Lizzen. Then Lizzen with

Chapter 10

Azurill in her bag was walking to Woddy’s Swenstiger house.


Professor Colyn showed up looking sad and excited at the


same time.

When Lizzen woke up she was in her bed with Woddy next to

“Good Morning, Lizzen!”

her. it was already midnight and Professor Colyn was in his

Azurill popped out of the bag and jumped on Lizzen’s

cabin asleep. Lizzen managed to say out some words:


“I have.... a pet.... her name is.... Azurill

“Good Morning, Pr. Colyn! This is Azurill - my new friend.”

“OH! Don’t worry! Azurill is sleeping. She saved you!”

“Oh! I see! Hello, Azurill. How about we go to my office

“What were you doing out there?”

and I get the story about your journey.”

“I will tell you now. I was planting moonlight dreams in

“Ok, no problem, but may Woddy Swenstiger come with

your pots,” said Woddy.

us?” asked Lizzen.

“Woddy, thank you! I should sleep. Goodnight!” And with

“Sure! Why not! He earned it!” Said Pr. Colyn

those words Lizzen fell asleep. When Lizzen opened her eyes it was morning and Azurill laid


I N K S TA I N S • P R I M A R Y S C H O O L




One beautiful day a boy named Carl went to his grandma’s

Suddenly he realised that he was thirsty and he began to

house. He went there because he hadn’t seen his grandma

milk the cow. He realised that the cow gave coca-cola! He

since he was 1 and a half! He was feeling horrible because

thought he was doing it wrong. Dramatic moment He tried

he did not like farms! He hated farms but he loved the city.

again, again, again and again but still, the cow gave coca-

Carl had to stay with his grandma for the summer

cola. He realised this was not a milk cow it was a coca-cola

vacation. His summer vacations were 2 months Iong! When

cow! Carl loved coca-cola, he drank it up so fast and after one

he stepped out of the car he plugged his nose and went in

bucket he was full.

the house.

He got so excited that he ran out of the barn to tell

When he went in he saw his grandma working on an

his grandma! She had been up all night working on her

experiment. He tried to say hello but she ignored him. He

experiment. Carl, yelled, “GRANDMA I found a cow who gives

wanted to so to the city but the car had already left. Knowing

COCA-COLA”I She didn’t even hear him... Carl was satisfied and

his grandma would not pay attention to him he went to sleep.

mad at the same time!

In his room he found spiders, mice running around and other scary creatures. The house was falling apart! The last time he was at his grandma’s house the house was sparkling! The next day at 6:00 am he woke up and went outside. He walked threw a field and saw a giant barn. There was a sign on the door saving:

She always acted like this when she was working on a new experiment. Carl had to take care of himself. One day, weeks after Carl had arrived, his grandma look up and saw him. She said “when did you arrive”? Carl said angrily, “I’VE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE SUMMER”! His grandma was surprisedI! She shrugged her shoulders and went back to


working on her experiment. When it was time to go to Carl took the cow away. Carl

He ignored the sign and went in! When he went in the

drank coca- cola that the cow gave each day.He died at

only thing that was in the barn was a cow! He shouted out

360-something years because the coca-cola that the cow

loud: A cow!

gave made you live longer.

(That’s Not Important!) DRAMATIC END 20

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Once upon a time

“Esh!” replied Martin, with food in the mouth.

“Wait reader did I just say: Once

“What?” asked Ding “I didn’t hear the thing that you just

upon a time?”



“I mean yes!” replied Martin with eating sounds.

“Oh you sure?”

“But does anyone knows that here’s our scere bace?”


base?”asked Ding.

“Oh dear, I’m dizzy, I’m sorry. From the begginning”

“No.”replied Martin.

Right now there is a school called P.S.I. There are two “

“But is he a hobo?”asked Ding.

Normal ” boys called Ding and Martin and they are the main

“Then ok!” shouter Martin

chrarcters in this story. They get their super power from a huge explosion, but that is an other story. The Evil Homework



Man (from << The Evil Homework>> by Sasha) was make evil

“I’m starving!” Shouted tthe hobo, who was laying on the

monsters the Cheese Monster That we are fighting this time,


And the Story begins...

“Give him some cheese,” said Martin.

“Luchy time-” yelled Ding.

“Yes give me some cheese” cried hobo, very very

“Yem,yem,what’s today’s lunch?” asked Martin.

hungry. “Oh fine, I will just give him some cheese” Said

“Cheese pizza with ice cream on top of it, if you want,

Ding. When Ding opened the door, there was nobody,

you can get some butter to make it tastier.” replied Ding.

instead there is a yellow, squidgy monster called

“Em-, I want some pizza without ice cream” said Martin.


“Help me please! I am just a hobo, I need to eat some

“A cheese monster!” yelled Martin.

food” asked a hobo with tear.

“A cheese monster. Oh wait, A CHEESE MONSTER!!!!!!!!! I

“Should we help him?” asked Ding.

have seen it in a magic book!” cried Ding.

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“How do we stop him from attacking our world?”

The cap opened and we jumped into the robot and began to

asked Martin

fight. The Cheese Monster was too powerful for them and

“Kill him, yes! We must kill him” said Ding

they decided to use their SW power to make them stronger.

“But how?”asked Martin

“SW power up!!” they yelled together.

“We just... wait where is the Cheese Monster?” said Ding.

As they yelled, the swan and the wolf began to break into

There was nobody, but a paper is in there:

little pieces, but not for long. The small pieces went together and made a shape of a griffin. The griffin changed into robot


angel with a wolf as a weapon. Cheese Monster didn’t give


up, he was still fighting them! They couldn’t hold it any more, at last second, last heart beat, They heard a “BOOM!!!”

Not for long the Cheese Monster, Martin, and Ding all met in

Cheese Monster fell down! and died. The magical feather

the Sky Forest.

from Shiny(the swan) made us healthy again, it was Mark!

Martin was the first person who saw the monster,

Mark Kluyk! He is the smartest student in our school. The

He pulled out his sword and tried to cut the head off the

next day I woke up in a hospital, Martin was still sleeping.

monster. The monster’s body shook like a rattle. Ding and

I tried to stand-up and have a bath, but my legs were not

Martin thought it was over, but the monster got bigger

working. Mark helped me to stand-up. After a lovely bath

Bigger BiGger BIGGer BIGGEr and BIGGER!!

Martin woke up too. We went back to our secret bace.

We all agreed that it not over. We decied to summon our Super Shiny Animal Robots. “Shiny Swan!” called Ding(the robot appeared). “Ryidyan Wolf!” yelled Martin(the robot appeared).

“Now I guess Mark is with us” said Ding. “What did you do to the Cheese Monster?” asked Martin. “Oh! Pizza!”repied Mark. And this is how the story ended.

A light shot from the sky. A swan and a wolf ran to them. 23

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SNOW IS AROUND US Snow is around us, Snow is around us! It’s everywhere filling the cool fresh air! Snow is around us! People are having fun in the snow, Someone fell five times in a row, But then they got up and continued their show. Boys are throwing snow balls, Girls are building snow mans, But there is no sight of some ants. Now they are hiding in holes And watching boys throw the snow balls.

IS IT SNOW Is it snow, is it snow Can you, can you tell me so? Yes! Yes! Because the progress came We will slide down the hills and do our deals who will go next. When we come home, we will do figures out of wax. When we sit by the fire- it’s so delightful And when we are reading a book about wolves- it’s so frightful. When we are watching the snow, our parents are watching a show And we call them come, come because in three months it will be gone.


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I will gaze at the stars

Мороз и солнце, день чудесный,

And maybe even Mars.

И с неба валит снег прелестный,

They are all so bright

Он тут и там, он тут и там,

On a wonderful, clear winter night.

Он дарит радость моим друзьям.

Feeling the breeze,

Снеговики повсюду,

Watching the trees.

Снежки летят.

They’re swaying with grace

Попадут они в веселых ребят.

In this peaceful, little place.

Что же, что же значит этоЗнаю только, что пришло не лето.

THE NIGHT The snow is falling,


The moon is glowing,

Солнышко светит.

The stars are in the sky,

Все цветет.

Singing a nice, slow lullaby.

Весеннюю песенку птичка поет.

Up there’s dark space,

На небе ни одной тучи,

Up there it’s like a maze,

Посветлел даже лес дремучий.

But there is no start

Это пришла весна-

And there is no end.

Она тепла и света полна.



Psi is our school!

Динь День- весна пришла!

It’s happy and it’s cool!

Вставайте на ноги, гуляйте до утра!

We play there, we learn there and we have fun-

Динь день- весна пришла!

This is a great school, new life had begun!

Динь день- давайте собирать сирень! Динь день- весна пришла!

P.S -To new kids

Звери, люди, гуляйте до утра! Динь день- весна пришла! Динь день- весна пришла! Ха! Ха! 27

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45 DRAGON RACE Olesya Zhevago (Grade 3L)


46 THE SEA THROUGH PASS Alexandra Zhygalkina (Grade 4A)

32 WATER Will von Beckerath (Grade 3L)

33 POEM Darka Lubkivska (Grade 3L)

38 THE EARTHLING Alec Arencibia Pender (Grade 4H)

47 THE CHICKENS BIRTHDAY Alexandra Zhygalkina (Grade 4A)

34 PINK PURPLE FLOWERS Angelina Zhevago (Grade 3L)

39 ROLLER COASTER Lisen von Beckerath (Grade 5R)

48 MOLES Aylin Elis Tezel (Grade 4H)

35 PSI Juliette Geers and Indy Burns (Grade 3S)

40 THE CUBBIES Julyana Zhevago (Grade 3S)

52 JUST IN TIME William Laitinen (Grade 5B)

36 CLOCK Olesya Zhevago (Grade 3L)


53 BOBLANDIA Leonard Vierke (Grade 5R)

RED BALLOON Julyana Zhevago (Grade 3S)


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Water The water The water Water is shinny Water slithers through holes like a snake Water is hard if you jump from a cliff Water is soft, If you dip your feet in the shallow end Water is cold and hot, You can choose Water can be dangerous Water can kill.


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Psi is great and has everlasting friendships from all around the world, If there ever is a problem teachers will be sure to fix it just fine. And if you are ever outside and having a fight, teachers will be sure to fix your pout side. So don’t you worry, because teachers will fix it and turn it into pride Special thanks to Mrs.Tatz, Mr. Bums, and Mrs.Felina, School would never be the same without them. If students are hungry and get fed by the cafeteria, Is always in a dash to get those empty tummy’s to a nice fill. And when you are outside nobody cares about the weather, cause when PSI plays together they turn a frown upside down.


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I N K S TA I N S • P R I M A R Y S C H O O L


Once an earthling was born, It was happy to finally get out, Of the misty darkness, It always liked to look up at the bright stars, To think about the endless universe out there. He always called out to the stars for help, But the stars were still silent as though paralyzed. After days and days the earthling started to feel lonelier and lonelier, He thought that he would be plunged into darkness again. But one silent night the earthling heard a moan, The earthling listened hard desperate as though he would die if he didn’t get to see what made the moan, Then there was silence, The silence was deafening for the earthling, Then suddenly out of thin air a bright red and yellow explosion happened,The earthling was frightened, but at the same time immensely curious, He heard a voice hours later,It was a star talking to him the stars name was sun.


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My favorite ride is the rollercoaster. The scary speedy roller coaster. Nothing here is better than that I will tell you why is that. Up, down, upside down, Left and right turn around. Twist and turn until you say: ‘’Stop I hate this ride!” Next thing you know you’re of the ride, you tell your mum: “Please 0nce more, you’ve got to try!” Mum gets on and something happens, tells someone else to try the ride, It keeps on going until its night This is why I love it’so much!


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Once by on the sea shore, lived a very rich man. He had a big

went to the shower and spent there 30 min. Larry headed off

family. His father, his mother, his brothers, his wife and two

to the reception. When George got out of the shower, he saw

of his kids. Unfortunately he lived only with his wife and kids.

no Larry and a clean room. He ran to the reception, in a towel.

He liked to go fishing. His wife was a nice woman, with a very

Larry talked about the breakfast. George a Larry went back in

nice name Larry She liked to cook, and the days, man pot

the room. George got dressed. So after the parents went to a

fishing she cooked delicious fish for her kids. A little words

shop. They bought a can of blue sea candies. In the evening

about the kids, they had two little, and cute kids. Boy and a

parents went back home.

girl, Melana, the girl age of 8, and Jack the boy age of 7.


Melana asked a strange question. “Daddy we watched the

19th of July 2012- it was the sunniest day ever.

news, and a man went on a boat through an ocean. Can we

So the man decided to take them to the beach. Kids

do the same thing, but altogether7” George was surprised,

were very happy they liked the beach a lot, and Larry packed

and answered “Ok, as you Wish.” In the night George and

everything for safety. The mattresses, sun cream, water,

Larry packed the suitcases, for the trip, and searched for a

towels and swimming suits. In an hour they got packed and

big boat, to own for the trip. In the morning parents woke the

went to the beach. The time they’ve got there, it became

kids up. “Melana, Jack wake up! We are going to the sea trip’”

even more hot. Kids went to swim straight away, and the

Melana opened her eyes and looked at her mother. “Thank

adults stayed while, parents of the man came.

you, Mommy and Daddy.” Melana went to have her breakfast.

Larry thought of inviting her parents too, and in 15

She opened the left, top, red drawer and saw oatmeals and

minutes they already arrived. Everything was excellent,

yougurt. She mixed it into a musely and ate it. After ten

kids swam in the sea, or played in the sand, grandparents

minutes Jack, Larry and George went down to eat. Mother

sunbathed and drank a bunch of water, and the parents were

cooked a delicios omlet. While every one were eating Melana

good. The man’s name was George. George and Larry walk

went down to the river. She saw a big boat. When everyone

down the beach, drank cocktails and swam in the sea. By the

finished eating Melana asked the father, when will they go?

evening George and Larry didn’t want to go home with the

She heard the answer straight away “As soon as you wish.”

kids. So, they asked the grandparents of the kids, to stay with

In the sea Melana and Jack met a lot of new ocean friends.

them. Grand parents agreed, and George and Larry rested in

George made the dream of kids true. Larry and George swam

the hotel near the beach. The next morning parents woke up,

in the ocean, and drank coctail. It was the best week ever,

with nothing disturbing them. When George got out of bed, he


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In a land far, far, away, a chicken named Jenny decided to

“ Ok, Ok I will, but why?*” Denny answered.

celebrate her birthday, but because she was the only chicken

“Umh no reason, just to celebrate my birthday.” Denny

in the whole, enormous, giant and big town doing that,

walked away to get milk from the cow or talk to the

she thought of celebrating it not on her farm, but on the

neighbours and Jenny decided to dress and wait, but nothing

neighbours’ farm. There, there was a river to swim with her

happened and so she decided to make everything on her own.

friends and they could order some pizza without anything,

She dressed normally and talked to the neighbour’s chickens

only the bread and the cheese, or sunbathe on the -Rat rock

and so she could not have a decision with them. They had a

by the river. And so Jenny decided to say her idea to her

choice to have a talk to town counselor. She was nice, a little

owners, which were the two farmers, Nonh and Derry.

fat like all cows, but still nice her name was Mrs. Lonh, and

“Derry, while Nonh is not here can I talk to you*?” Jenny asked and heard the answer from Denny. “OK I am listening to you.” and after she started to drink water from the dirty table with cut tomatoes on it. “ You know, Denny, can you talk to our neighbours?*

she married the bull, the beer cafe owner. After a good but not long lO minute talk with Mrs. Lonh, they had a decision to pay for renting that area to the chickens of the neighbour’s farm. Jenny celebrated her birthday and happily turned 46 and even the other chickens came.

PLEASE!!!” Jenny got on her knees and prayed. 47

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The new day was dawning. Baby mole, Bebi woke up. He had 3

in front of him. “Oh!!” said the grandpa mole. He was scared

balls in his bed - green, blue and red. He looked to his brother

because there was a car right there. A little girl game out of

Boyo. Bebi took the red ball and threw it at Boyo. Boyo did not

the car.The girl was called Pelin. Pelin was very excited. “Here

wake up. He turned around in his fluffy bed. Then Bebi took

is our new home, my daughter. Welcome to your new home.”

the green ball and threw it to Boyo, who still did not wake

said Pelin’s dad.” “This is very nice, very nice, very nice, very

up. Bebi repeated it with the blue ball. Finally Boyo woke up

nice” said Pelin. She was jumping up and down. So the ground

and shouted ‘friko!’ Boyo uses the word ‘friko’ as a friendly

was shaking. This is dangerous for the mole family because

expression. Boyo was scared. Then Boyo’s older sister Moly

they live under the ground like many different animals. As

woke up too. “Boyo what is happening” asked Moly. “I was

the ground was shaking, ”Children, get under the table. Do

very scared friko. Why don’t you ever say good morning and

not be afraid.” said the mom mole. “I think that Mark is being

wake me up, my dear sister” said Boyo. “What! You were the

naughty.” Mark is a kid who lives with his grandpa in the

one who woke me up like this” said Moly. Boyo was confused.

house nearby. His mom and dad are abroad to work. So Pelin

Boyo and Moly looked at Bebi. Bebi started laughing. Boyo

will become Mark’s new neighbour. ”Mark doesn’t come to the

and Moly started laughing too.

garden above our home. I don’t think that he is making these

Then the mom mole came in. “Good morning, my little


sounds.” said Moly.

ones” said the mom mole. “Good morning, mom” said Moly,

“Pelin, lets go inside and have a look at ur new home.”

Boyo and Bebi. “Come to breakfast” mom said. “I will use

”OK” said Pelin. The grandpa mole saw what was happening

the bathroom first” said Moly. “No, I will use the bathroom

and went back to tell the others. “Our home almost collapsed”

first” said Boyo. They both ran to the door but they got

said the mom mole. Grandpa started to explain: “It is because

stuck and fell down. ”Did you gain weight Moly” said Boyo

a new family is moving into the empty house. The family

and laughed. Then they both heard a sound. Boyo said “This

has a little girl too. I think her name is Pelin” said grandpa

must be Grandpa’s snoring, don’t worry. ”Your grandpa went

mole. “What! A girl? After Mark now there will be a girl on the

for a walk. There is some movement up on the ground. We’ll

ground. But they almost ruined our home” said Boyo. ”Boyo,

soon understand what it is.” said mom mole. During his walk,

we are moles. Because we live under the ground, the things

Grandpa mole wanted to know what was happening so he

that happen on the ground affects us.” said mom mole. “Don’t

went up to the surface. ”Lets see what these sounds are”

mind these kids. Come on, I will tell you a story.” said grandpa

said the grandpa mole. Just when he came out a car stopped


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Meanwhile, in the house nearby:

Boyo and Moly: Hmm hmmm.

Mark’s grandpa: Mark, your mom is on the phone.

The mom mole came.

Mark:Hurray! Hello mom, when will you come? I missed

Mole mom: You can come out, it is over. Mole grandpa: Oh, these humans will never change.

you very much. Mark’s mom: ------------.

10 minutes later

Mark:What! One month more.

Boyo: My little baby brother, let me teach you how to

Mark’s mom: ------------.

crawl. So you can also hide under the table by yourself.

Mark:I know, because of your work.

Bebi was happy. He really wanted learn how to crawling.

Mark’s mom: ------------.

Boyo: Look at me, little brother. We are moles. We move

Mark: Ok, Bye.

under the ground. Watch carefully now. Put your front legs on

Mark was sad; he gave the phone back to his grandpa.

the floor and do this. Try to move like me. Bebi did everything like Boyo showed him. Boyo was

Mark grandpa: What happened son? Mark: Mommy said that they will be away for another

proud of Bebi. Boyo: Yes, well done!


Then Bebi had the hiccups again and he started to crawl

Mark’s grandpa: I see. Don’t worry, I’m here. Come on, let’s have breakfast. Mark: No.

very fast. He made a hole and crawled away. Boyo was surprised. Boyo:Friko, where are you going?

Mark’ grandpa: Then eat this tomato I picked from the

15 minutes later


Boyo looked for Bebi quietly everywhere except the

Mark: I have no appetite, thank you. Mark’s grandpa: We got new neighbours. Why don’t you go and say hello to them. Mark stood up. He took the tomato and went to look at his new neighbors.

kitchen in the mole house. Boyo went into the kitchen. The mom mole was there. Boyo started searching for Bebi there too. Boyo: Bebi,Bebi

Meanwhile, grandpa mole is at the end of his story:

Mom Mole: Boyo, where is your brother?

Mole grandpa: The Prince Mole is just about to save the

Boyo: Hımm uhm, Mom, O taught Bebi to how to crawl.

Princess Mole... At this point the mole grandpa fell asleep and started to snore.

And now I can’t find him. Mom mole was worried and a bit mad. Mom Mole: To crawl !

Moly,Boyo and Bebi looked at each other.

Moly and the grandpa came to learn what was happening.

Moly: He fell asleep again in the most exciting place.

Mom Mole: Boyo my son, what did you do?

The ground started to shake again. Moly and Boyo ran

Boyo: I thought that when the ground shakes maybe he

under the table. Boyo: My brother Bebi!! Bebi had a hiccup. Boyo shouted and the Grandpa woke

can move away and protect himself. Mom Mole: My dear Boyo, what happens when you teach a baby mole to crawl? Come on, tell your Mom.

up. The mole grandpa took Bebi in his lap and ran under the

Boyo: …………...


Boyo was silent. He thought about his mom’s question.

Mole grandpa: Ohh! These humans did the same thing again. Are you all fine?

Boyo: He will crawl. Mom Mole: But he will be lost because he doesn’t know 49

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all the tunnels and paths. How will we find your brother now?

Mark: Don’t laugh.

The mom mole was very angry and worried.

Pelin: I’m trying not to laugh.

Moly: Is Bebi lost.

Mark: No one can laugh at me.

Mom mole: Boyo tought Bebi how to crawl.


Grandpa Mole: He couldn’t go very far. Let’s all try to find

Mark took a stone in his hand and tried to throw it at the

him. The mole family went out to find Bebi. When Boyo stepped on something. It was Bebi’s favourite toy. Mom Mole:He is not anywhere, Bebi is lost! Moly and Boyo started crying. Grandpa mole was thinking.

owl. Pelin tried to protect the owl. Pelin: Stop, don’t do it. Mark did not throw the stone at the owl. He was mad and walked away. Bebi made a hole to him and went under the ground.

Then dad mole came from work. Dad mole: I’m home. What’s wrong?

1 hour later

Mom mole: Bebi, Bebi is lost.

Pelin was sitting in the garden. She saw something on

Dad mole was surprised.

the ground. Bebi had the hiccups again. Pelin looked if Mark

Pelin entered her new room; she was very happy. ‘’I have

was there; she didn’t see him. She went over the line and

a very nice room. Hurray!’’ said Pelin. She jumped on her bed.

tried to understand what was it that she saw. Bebi made a

“It is very nice. I am very happy.’’ said Pelin. She looked out

hole and come out of the ground Pelin saw Bebi. She was

out of the window. They had a huge garden and a swimming

very surprised because bebi had clothes and a soother in his

pool. She was very happy until Mark came and threw a tomato

mouth. Then Mark came.

at her window. Pelin looked down to see who did this. It was

Mark: Hey! I told you that you can’t come in my garden.

Mark. Pelin went down stairs to speak to Mark.’’ Pelin don’t go

Pelin: I didn’t. There was something very small on the

very far you don’t know every where so good yet.’’ said Pelin’s mom. ‘’Ok Mum’’ said Pelin. When Pelin was walking, suddenly Mark shouted.

ground and I came after it. Mark: Nothin alive can be on my side of the garden. Not even a fly.

Mark: Don’t even think about stepping in my garden.

Pelin: But there is something, an small, I saw it.

Mark showed Pelin a line.


Mark: Behind this line all is mine. OK?


Pelin:OK. But why did you throw a tomato at my window?

Mark: No

Mark: Ha ha ha, you are scared with just one shout? This


is how I say Wellcome. Bebi came out of the ground he saw Pelin and Mark. Bebi started to listen to them. Pelin: We are new to here, my name is Pelin. What is your name? Pelin wanted to shake Mark’s hand. But Mark opened his arms wide and said: Don’t be Afraid of Mark

Mark:No Pelin:Yes Mark: If I said no, then it is no. Now, go away please. Pelin:But... Mark:Go. Pelin was very angry at Mark. She just walked away. She ran to the kitchen. Pelin: Mom do you know what I saw.

Then Mark’s animal friend the owl came. He made pooed on Mark’s head. Mark was mad; Pelin started laughing. 50

Pelin’s mom:No Pelin: I saw a very small animal. It had a soother in it’s

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mouth. Pelin’s mom: What! Then the owl flew and took Bebi. The owl wanted to give

Moly: 3 X 3 = 9 Boyo:Yes 9. I knew it but I did not remember it. Who said that math is hard.

Bebi to Mark. But he bumped his head and fell down. Bebi

Moly:You said it I think.

fell somewhere very close to Pelin’s new home. Bebi saw that

Mom mole: Kids get ready.

the door was a bit opened and went inside. He crawled to the

Moly: Where are we going Mom?


Mom mole:To Pelin’s house.

Pelin: You don’t believe me too mom.

Boyo: Hurray!

Pelin went up stairs to her room. Bebi followed Pelin to

5 minutes later

her room. Pelin sat down on her bed. She was thinking about Bebi. Suddenly she heard some sounds. She looked around but she didn’t see anything. She looked under her bed. She was very surprised she saw Bebi. She toughted that it was just her imagination. Like her mom said, she decided to sleep.

Moly: They have a really big house; how will we find Bebi there? Boyo: Their house is not big. You are very very very very small. Heh heh heh. Moly: Look at yourself, I am taller than you.


Boyo: You are only taller than the grasshoppers.

It was morning. Pelin and her parents were having

Mom mole: Kids, you both are the same height. And we

breakfast. Pelin was speaking about Bebi but her mom and

did not came here to fight; we came here to find Bebi.

dad did not believe her. She looked at her dad’s newspaper

Moly and Boyo: Sorry Mom.

and saw a picture of a mole. It was the same animal as Bebi.

Pelin opened her computer, she researched about what

She whispered: Pelin: Moles. Grandpa mole: We looked everywhere, there is only one place left.

moles eat. Moles it pears. Pelin went down stairs to get a pear. The moles were inside. They listened at Pelin. Pelin: Mom, do you know the moles eat pears? Dad mole: Did you hear Pelin, Bebi is somewhere here.

Mom mole: Where is it?

Boyo: Come on lets go after her.

Grandpa mole: Pelin’s house

When they game in Pelin’s room they did not see anything.

Mom mole: This is very dangerous.

Moly: Where did she go?

Grandpa mole: But we need to.

Grandpa mole: Well she came in.

Mom mole: OK. When Boyo and Moly came from school

Pelin was behind the door, suddenly she closed the door.

we will go to Pelin’s house.

The moles were scared

Boyo and Moly came from school.

Pelin: Hello

Boyo:Is there something easier than the times table

Moles Family: Hello.

Moly? Boyo: How much is 3 X 2. Wait, don’t say it. Uhmm, three twos, Uhm, one, two, four. Math is hard.

The mole family and Pelin became very good friends after words. Pelin and Mark did not fight any more; they were best

Moly:3 X 2 = 6.

friends. After some time Pelin showed the moles to Mark.

Boyo:Yes six,six. 3 times 3 one two five six. I got it,it is 7.

Marked liked them very much. They all lived happily; The


moles under the ground, Pelin and Mark up above the ground


as neighbours. They all played together and had fun everyday.

Boyo:No 51

I N K S TA I N S • P R I M A R Y S C H O O L


Rattatat!! Bullets ripped through the air. JUST IN TIME! Joshula was a 12 year old boy who was a scout in the army of the US. He was captured and questioned at the enemy headquarters in Iraq. He refused to answer. Like always before he left Joshula was equipped with a

“How?” questioned Joshula. “We have our ways”, responded Bobby referring to the army. “How did you track me?” Joshula asked slightly angry. “It would be better if you didn’t know,” replied Bobby.

small automatic pistol and a few extra bullet packs. Joshula

Then the brave leader jumped back in the two seat

only used the pistol in emergencies. This case was an

helicopter, “The survivors will soon bring reinforcements”.

emergency so he had already used all of his bullets. That is

Joshula hustled into the helicopter just as the first men were

how he got captured.

coming to the site of Joshula’s rescue.

Rattatat!! More bullets came flying around Joshula.

Joshula looked up to Bobby. Joshula felt the leaders heart

He looked around the air. Above him was a modern black

was strong and loyal. Joshula wished that one day he would

helicopter armed with powerful machine guns. Most of the

be like Bobby.

enemy near Joshula were limply dropping to the ground, shot. The few survivors ran for help. The helicopter landed a few

Ten year Later...

feet away from Joshula.

“Samul, you will go scout the west sector, Jolean you will

“Hey kid” The pilot jumped down from the cockpit of the

take the east and remember our base is in the south so if you

helicopter. This was old Bobby. Bobby was wearing a leather

are lost head south. Break,” commanded Joshula, who was

jacket and ripped jeans. Bobby was also wearing sunglasses.

named the new leader of the scouts after Bobby’s death.

Bobby as you might of guessed was Joshula’s leader. “Nice work” Bobby complimented. Joshula looked around at all the lifeless bodies. Bobby had done most of the work. “Hey, you were the one who helped us find the base”, Bobby said as if he could read Joshula’s mind. “Now we can plan further attacks and I could save you.” 52

Joshula took the leadership role with pride but wished more than anything for Bobby back. At Bobby’s funeral Joshula promised to whatever bit of soul was left of Bobby that he will be as successful as Bobby. The End

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It is a nice morning. In the sky there is an orange basketball shining into the house of the Alibabas. Bob Alibaba is going to school. In the school no one wants to play with him. But he needs to sit next to the classes best student which had the most friends. In school he learns how to build everything like guns, buildings, schools, houses and a lot more. He always wears a green T-shirt, like the colour of their spaceship. When Bob is at home again he is doing homework, this week there is not so much homework like last week. Bob is so hungry, his favourite food is tomato soup. He eats a lot of soup today. Every time he goes to school he feels bad because he has

Mars, so everyone is allowed to go home. Bob’s dad Chip, his mom Eli, grandpa Greg and granny Astisa are already in the spaceship when Bob gets home. Bob asks Eli: “Can we go now and save our planet?” Eli said: “No, you have to do your homework first. Greg and Chip are out looking for missing materials to build the gun. So we are staying here on the Mars for one more day.” Bob answers: “I already finished my homework yesterday. So, what can I do?” “You can help Astisa cooking if you want.” “Ok!”, says Bob and goes in the Kitchen. It is getting late by now. Greg and Chip come back to the space ship. Greg says to Bob: “We did not find all materials, we have to go to the Earth and try to get them there.”

a big secret. That is that his parents are thinking that he is

“Which materials do we still need?” Bob asks.

going to be a swimmer but he decided to become a builder.

“A can as a vizier, a broom to hold the gun... hmmmm.”

After eating he is tired. He says to his mom Eli that he is going

Greg ties to remember how the old gun was built,

to bed. The next morning the birds are singing like in a choir. He rides his bike to the school. Like everyday no one wants to play with him. On that morning they hear a big bang in the school. Teacher and students know that again a moon crashed into

because when he was young there was a situation like this where Mars nearly crashed into the sun after Mars was hit by another moon. Bob argues: “Why don’t we use the old gun? “ “Unfortunately it is breaking every time you use it.’’ “So we have to build a new one?” Bob asks his grandfather. 53

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“Yes, we do! Now let’s all go to bed because we have to be fit tomorrow. We have to be very careful, because when we come too close to the Sun we will be burned. Good Night everybody!”

day”, says Greg tired. Chip is the first one who is awake the next morning. As he looks after Greg, he is still sleeping deep and his face is white

Bob is disappointed and goes to bed grumbling.

like paper. Greg is shocked but he immediately knows what

Bob thinks a lot about the gun and saving the Mars. When

do. He wakes Eli up and tells her what he thinks.

he finally feels to sleep he dreams he is the hero saving the Mars with a huge, fantastic gun. The next morning it is raining as a water bucket is dropped over the Mars.

Eli wakes up Astisa and tells her what Chip told her and Astisa tells Bob. Eli looks in her bag if she has medicine for Greg. “I hope Grandpa feels better soon!” says Bob.

Eli says: “We have to take off now or it may get too late!”

“We have to go back to work,” Chip tells Bob.

So they fly off the Mars and their mission begins. Astisa

Bob thinks about the Earth, where so many people live

and Eli cook food for the men, who already started working on building the gun.

and they are not bullying each other or stealing anything... He feels a little bit bad as they stole the last materials

Bob states: “I am sooo hungry! What about you both?“

for the gun in the early morning. But this only happened to

“Yes we are also hungry!” answers Chip, “My tummy is

save the Mars.

growling like a bear.” Astisa calls the three men to the table to eat their favorite soup. Chip says: “Finally we can eat now, it is hard to work for so many hours without any break.” At the same moment Bob thinks that it must be even harder for his grandpa as he is so old already.

After working hard for some hours Chip points out sadly: “We both don’t know how to build this gun! So we have to try everything to make it function. Greg told me, that there has to be a some lighting somewhere.” “There are many different ways”, says Bob, also very disappointed. “First let’s try to put the light at the front”, says Chip.

By this time it is getting late in the galaxy. Earth is close

They try this version but it does not work. They try it

already and minutes later they land on a huge green field

with the lighting at the back, but also it does not work. All

close to a little village.

this changing and trying takes a lot of time. They try many

Everybody is tired except of Bob. He excitingly is jumping, rolling and running through the room. Annoyed Eli says: “Can you please stop jumping, rolling and running around?!” “Ok, mom”, answers Bob sadly. 54

“We all go to bed now, tomorrow will be another hard

different ways to assemble the parts but the gun does not function... If only Greg would not be without conscience. He would know how to assemble the gun. They are so much fighting against the time.

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“Let’s put the lighting in the middle of the broom!” is Greg’s last hope. They do it and the light glows for half a second. Should that be it? They know that they are almost there but again it is time to sleep. It is already really late! At home Bob would have been in bed already. At the next morning Greg is not feeling better. He still sleeps. Chip and Bob try to put the lighting a little bit forward and another bit more, but it does not glow again.

He inspected the gun very carefully. And he is satisfied. Then Greg asks Gob: “Do you want to use the gun and save our planet, my grandson?” “Yes!!! But I need to have some tomato soup first.” After eating his soup Bob super quickly changes his green t-shirt into his green astronaut outfit and sneaks outside into space. He floats through the no-where and it is the coolest thing he did so far. He holds the gun tight in his hands.

They figure out that they have to put the lighting more

He has a little microphone in the outfit connecting him

to the back. The more they put it backwards the more and

with Greg inside the green spaceship. He can hear Greg.

longer it glows!

Grandpa will tell him when to use the gun.

Chip says: “That are good news! We almost did it!”

But first they need to get more close to the moon.

“So we almost can land on the moon and use the gun?”

And there is the Sun. It suddenly is so very close and hot,

asks Sob.

hot, hot.

“Yes we can”, answers Chip.

Bob starts to sweat. Would he be able to succeed?

But still it takes them long to put the lighting on exactly

Then suddenly he hears Greg scream: “SHOOT!”

the right spot. Another day with a lot of soup eating went by

Bob pushes the button.

and another sleep needed to be taken before finishing the

Lighting... Lighting everywhere!


The moon explodes, the gun explodes and there is more

The next morning almost everybody wakes up at the

lighting and grumbling and thunder, everywhere!

same time. Except Greg. He is already sitting there looking

Mars is saved. Again!

direct in their eyes.

His mission is a success!

“What happened when I was sick?” Greg asks.

He, his father and grandpa are great constructors!

“Oh, we were building the gun but it is not finished yet”,

He, Bob, could do it again. Build the gun. Any time it would

answers Bob. “Can I see it?”

be needed! From that time onwards Mars is also called BOBLANDIA...

Chip shows him the gun. “That looks really good!” Greg says. “Now I want to see if the pieces are in the exact position.” 55

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