Novermber 23 2012

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PSI Inquirer

2 23rd November 2012

A Quote of the Week

Important Dates for your Calendar

“You cannot open a book

21-25 November: Annual Model UN Conference (Prague, Czech Republic) 23 November: TA and Teacher Prof. Development. No school 26 November: Start of ASA Season 2 28 November: Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences (page 7) 29 November: Grade 4-5 Music Concert (see page 12) 29 November - 2 December: CEESA MS Robotics (Helsinki, Finland) 4 December: Coffee with the Secondary Principal for Grade 10 Parents: Introduction to DP 5, 6, 8 December: Secondary Drama Production “Nothing Serious” 11 December: PTA Meeting (Announcement of PTA Election Results) 12 December: PTA Winter Bazaar 20 December: School dismissed at 11:30 am 21 December - 7 January: Winter Break NO SCHOOL

without learning something.”

Confucius Today in the Newsletter: - Grades 6, 7 and 8 compete in the European Maths Challenge: p. 2 - IB Diploma Programme: p.3 - Grade 5 Russian Story of Movember: p. 4 - Miracle Week and Miracle Minute: p.5 - Reports from the Director and the Primary Principal: p.6 - Secondary Principal’s report p.7 - CEESA High School Girls Soccer Tournament: p.8 - PTA News: p.9 - Drama Production: Nothing Serious: p. 10 - Annual IWCK Charity Bazaar Announcement: p.11 - Music Concert: p.12 - Menu: p.13

CEESA High School Girls Soccer tournament in Skopje, Macedonia

Pechersk School International Kyiv Phone: (380 44) 455-95-85, Fax: (380 44) 455-95-80 E-mail:; E-mail: 03039 Victora Zabily 7a, Kyiv, Ukraine

Student Life


Grades 6 , 7 and 8 compete in the European Maths Challenge On the 6th and 7th of November Grades 6, 7 and 8 competed in the European Maths Challenge 2012. This was an Online Mathematics Competition where students took part in a 48hr competition of mathematical action right across Europe! Hundreds of thousands of students in schools and homes across the region battled to prove their mathematical prowess. On Day 1 of the competition, students were exposed to 50 curriculum - based questions to determine their registered year level. On Day 2, students had 100 challenges across 10 levels of live competition. PSI achieved fantastic results: congratulations to Daniel J. for achieving 18th place in the top 100 students in Europe in the Secondary Division. In Ukraine, PSI came first in all divisions competing against other international schools. Congratulations go to all who participated and the top three students in each class who were: Grade 6K Emilia T. Emil E. Mariya P.

Grade 6L Dominykas S. Ben A. Kvitka P.

Grade 7DH Richas S. Audrey M. Zita D. T.

Grade 7LH Olesia S. Alexandra S. Vladyslav K.

Grade 8 Grade 8 Extension Class. Standard Class. Polina S. DmytroT. Samantha K. Tilman R. Katya K. Tamas B. This was a fantastic competition held in a friendly environment. The competition was an ideal way of inspiring our students by doing something different with Mathematics. The students were motivated to improve their speed and accuracy in live games which were suited to varying ability levels. Dana Serbin

‘A Place, Where we Belong’


Student Life


IB Diploma Programme

is year, 23 students in Grade 11 are facing the challenges of the IB Diploma Programme. Each of them is involved in six subjects in the different areas of knowledge. Economics continues to be highly popular, with Mr. Knox effectively motivating students and efficiently leading them to excellent results. Mr. Depooter has seen an increase in enrollment in his Geography courses and so has Ms. Muniz in Chemistry. is year the school is also offering Russian ab initio, which helps international students to acquire the basics of this language and gain a better understanding of Slavic cultures. Students are showing great interest in the activities in eory of Knowledge that is still supervised under the expert command of Mr. Mockett, with Ms Muniz (Sciences) and Ms Patel (Drama)also enriching that programme. As usual, Dr. I conducts Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) with great enthusiasm and solid knowledge. e number of relevant projects engaging our students’ interests keeps on growing and developing stronger bonds with the community while still fostering those of international character. In early October PSI received the visit of the IB team as part of the 5 years-cycle of self-evaluation that helps our programme to keep on growing and improving. e results of their evaluation will be received in the near future but based on early feedback, the school is already looking ahead to making the programme stronger than ever.

Maria Muniz

‘A Place, Where we Belong’


Student Life


Grade 5 Russian Story of Movember История Моября



4 У Мистера Нонато были огромные чёрные усы!

Жил-был счастливый Мистер Нонато. Он очень любил кленовый сироп, потому что он из Канады.



Также жил-был классный Мистер Ходжес.

7 Он очень любил играть в Фризби, кататься на лыжах и снег.


8 У Мистера Ходжеса тоже были усы, но не такие чёрные и не такие огромные, как у Мистера Нонато.


Мистер Ходжес хотел огромные чёрные усы Мистера Нонато.

Однажды ночью 29 ноября Мистер Ходжес отрезал усы Мистера Нонато!

13 12

И его усы выросли снова!

И 30 ноября оба Мистер Нонато и Мистер Ходжес выиграли Мовембер в PSI!

‘A Place, Where we Belong’


Но у Мистера Нонато был волшебный крем! Он намазал под носом.

Starring: Mr Nonato - Emily Mr Hodges - Maria Co-authors: Grade 5 students: Da-Min, Ieva, Alek, Daniel T., Sabrina, Sena


Student Life


Miracle Week and Miracle Minute The Third Annual Miracle Week took place during the week of November 12-­‐16 and Miracle Minute took place on Friday, November 16. During the week, we held 3 compeEEons to make the students more excited to parEcipate. Two compeEEons were homeroom vs. homeroom. The homeroom that donated the most items of clothing and the homeroom that donated the most money would win a pizza party sponsored by Student Council. The third challenge was between PSI and KIS. One of this year’s Student Council goals is to reach out to the other internaEonal schools in Kiev. We thought it would be a good idea to invite KIS’s Student Council to join in our event. They thought this was a great idea too. PSI’s Student Council would like to Families from the Djerela Center congratulate KIS for its inaugural Miracle Event. They raised over 5000 UAH and had several hundred items of clothing donated. As for the PSI homeroom challenge, the winner of the “Most Clothing Donated” was Grade 6L with 403 items of clothing. The winner of the “Most Money Donated” was Grade 11O with 2,096 UAH. Miracle Week is a yearly event that collects donated clothing to donate to charity. This year we decided to donate to the Djerela Center for Intellectual DisabiliEes and the SOS Animal Shelter. Last year we collected about 1,250 items and this year we are proud to say that our community collected over 2,000 items. We hope that our large amount of donaEons (clothing for Djerela and blankets for animals) will help make the lives of the people and dogs be^er than they already are. Miracle Minute is the event that occurs on the Friday of Miracle Week. During morning registraEon, there is a minute of music played in which homerooms pass around a bag to gather all the money donated. Last year, we had about

Families from the Djerela Center

18 000 UAH and this year we are again proud to say that our community donated 20672 UAH. This money will be used to repair the floor and buy educaEonal resources for the Djerela Center and bricks, sand, and food for the SOS Animal Shelter.


I think that Miracle Minute and Miracle Week were both successes. We broke our records and made a difference in the lives of the animals and people of Kyiv. The small contribuEons of everyone really added up!

Dog Shelter

By Samantha K.

‘A Place, Where we Belong’




From the Director e words of Laozi, the author of the Tao Te Ching, provide a wonderful source of wisdom and guidance in our lives. is week I would like to share one of the readings and wish that you find some inspiration in these words. Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. Chase aer money and security and your heart will never unclench. Care about people's approval and you will be their prisoner. Do your work, then step back. e only path to serenity. Steven Calland-Scoble Director From the Primary Principal I would like to remind you again the information about issues regarding PE uniforms this year. 1. In the past, the PE uniforms were purchased, organized and distributed by the PTA. is year, the volunteers were unknown to the school and we were under the impression there were no PTA volunteers. e orders have arrived and we are working with the PTA to distribute the uniforms as quickly as possible. 2. At the last PTA meeting Mr. Scoble announced next year the cost of the uniforms might be added to tuition, with orders taken in the spring and prepared over the summer for easy distribution when school begins. 3. In the meantime, the PE department is accepting students without uniforms AS LONG AS they are in proper attire. Proper attire means: a. Loose fitting clothing like sweat pants and loose tops. Please note that jeans, khakis, dress

pants, skirts and dresses are not appropriate. b. Cross training or running shoes. ey must be clean and not used for outdoor play. Please note that slippers, crocs, sandals, ballet shoes are not appropriate footwear for PE class. 4. On a similar note, students in grades K-3 are required to wear their PE clothes to school. Teachers find that it takes the children to long to change and this causes disruption to the lessons. 5. Students in grades 4 and 5 can wear sports clothes to school OR change into them for the PE lesson. 6. Kindergarten students have never been required to wear PE uniforms, but like everyone else need to come to school in appropriate attire on PE days. ank you to everyone for your patience and flexibility over the past few months. Hopefully I have answered all your questions and concerns. Tatiana Lopukhin (Miss Tatz) Primary Principal

‘A Place, Where we Belong’


Principal’s Page


From the Secondary Principal Dear Secondary Parents: Next Wednesday, November 28, we will hold our annual Parent Teacher Conferences from 1:00 – 5:00pm. You should have already received the link for on-line sign up. I encourage you to do that now (if you haven’t already!). Please note that buses will depart right aer lunch on that day.

• Remember that you and the teacher are partners in your child’s education. Although you may sometimes disagree, it’s important to maintain a tone of respect and collaboration. • Feel free to schedule a follow-up with any teacher if you have more questions or concerns.

ese conferences are one of the best and most Finally, a note about the logistics: • Children should not be on campus unless powerful tools that we have for helping you understand our programme and your own child’s they are with you for parent meetings. Since progress. Although the meetings are brief, you and all of our teachers are engaged, there will not your child’s teachers can discuss what your child is be any supervision of children available. • doing well and where s/he may need support or help. Maps, directions and assistance are always available in the main office of the Secondary To help you prepare for these meetings, I offer the School. • Coffee and cookies will be available on the 2nd following general tips and guidelines: • Please show up on time and stick to your floor near the Drama Room. • If you are unable to attend the conferences, allotted time. Most teachers have very full please feel free to contact any of your child’s schedules, and one parent who arrives late or teachers to set up a phone, Skype or face-tostays too long can upset the schedule for face meeting at a time that is mutually many other parents. • Please bring an interpreter if you need one. convenient. Most of our teachers/TA’s who can act as interpreters will already be in conferences I hope that you have a successful and productive themselves and may not be available. We meeting with your child’s teachers on Wednesday! strongly advise that you do not use your child Regards, as an interpreter. You will want someone who will translate smoothly and doesn’t have any Patricia Puia personal stake in what is being said. • Please bring your child along! ese meetings Secondary Principal are doubly powerful when you, your child and the teacher are all hearing the same For those students not accompanying their conversation. parents at the Parent-Teacher conferences 28 • ink about your questions ahead of time. November, please note: ese can range from programme questions (What does this criteria mean? What are School will finish for Secondary Students at 11.25am, students expected to do?) to specific there will be the usual full lunch service available until questions about your child (What can s/he do 12.05am. better? What strategies do you recommend?). • Speak to your child before the conferences School Bus transport will depart at 12.05am. and ask those same questions. It’s a great way to see how well your child understands his/ ere will be No ASA clubs for Secondary Students on Wednesday 28th Nov. her own learning.

‘A Place, Where we Belong’


Sports and Fun


CEESA High School Girls Soccer tournament in Skopje, Macedonia Our trip started with an early morning, as we had to be at the school at 5 am. Sleepy and tired we drove to the airport and got onto the plane. When we got to Skopje, we were welcomed by the smiling faces of some of the NOVA students and heavy rains. We got some time in the brand new mall before we met our host families and went home with them. is was probably the night that we were the least tired. e first day of tournament started out well with a victory against host school NOVA 2-1. is was a nice surprise because it is oen the first game that is the worst because the team hasn’t quite clicked yet, but by the end of the NOVA game we were playing some spectacular soccer. Our second game was against the International School of Belgrade, who played a very physical game. We maintained possession of the ball for most of the game, but unfortunately, we weren't able to score and the game ended 0-0. Our team managed to prevent the ball from staying on our side of the field and our goalie Christina made some nice saves. In the aernoon, we were taken to the Mother eresa museum, which was quite an interesting experience. A lot of us never realized that Mother eresa was from Macedonia. Aer that, we had a few hours to explore the center of Skopje and take a look at the numerous statues and monuments. We stayed as a team and had a blast walking around the central square of Skopje. Early the next morning, our host families graciously transported us to NOVA where we gathered with the other teams before taking the bus to the soccer pitch, which was right next to a huge stadium. is was the chilliest day of them all and reminded us of playing in Kiev right before we le for CEESA. Our first match was against Quality School International from Bratislava, Slovakia, which resulted in a successful 3-0 win for the Panthers. Aer our game we were rewarded with a delicious lunch and much time to rest before our second game and the final game of the evening against the Anglo American School from Sofia, Bulgaria. Aer only one goal in our net, we enjoyed our second victory of the day, completing the game with a 2-1 win. Following the many hours of football that day was a party hosted by NOVA's student council at their school. All teams had fun eating, getting to know each other and singing and dancing along with NOVA's student band. All in all, this CEESA trip was an amazing experience for all of us. Our team bonded over gummi candies and blue hair – we all dyed (or tried to dye) the ends of our hair blue for team spirit. We had a load of fun and are all looking forward to next year’s CEESA with great anticipation.


‘A Place, Where we Belong’


PTA News


pta news

What a fabulous International Evening we enjoyed last Friday! The PTA wishes to thank everyone who contributed their time and culinary talents. We especially wish to acknowledge the hard work of the country coordinators and Leo & his crew. And to Amal, our fearless leader, you are certainly a superstar! Well done on pulling off your best International Night ever! A few reminders: (1) Please remember to submit your PTA election ballot to your child’s teacher or to Olga at reception. It was sent home late last week. (2) Please bring in any PE uniforms your child has outgrown. The PTA will hold a used PE uniform sale during the Winter Bazaar next month with proceeds going to charity. (3) Our next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, Dec 11 @ 0845 in the cafeteria. We will be discussing charity and our new card system. (4) The Winter Bazaar will be held on Wednesday, Dec 12 from 1400-1600 in the cafeteria. Come see some fantastic local artists who will have a wide variety of hand-made products that would make perfect holiday gifts. Thank you to our very own talented Suzie Gschwenter for coordinating this event! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you celebrating! - Your PTA Steering Committee Reminders for your Calendar Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences: Wednesday, Nov 28th Grade 4/5 Music Concert: Thursday, Nov 29th Coffee with Secondary Principal: Tuesday, Dec 4th WEEK ENDING 23 NOVEMBER 2012

Secondary Drama Production “Nothing Serious”: Dec 5th, 6th & 8th Next PTA Meeting: Tuesday, Dec 11th @ 0845 in cafeteria PTA WINTER BAZAAR: Wednesday, Dec 12th Please remember to check the PTA website each week:

PTA Steering Committee “Active Parents Make the Difference” Contact our PTA President, Amal Barmoro at: 067 440 05 86 or email to

‘A Place, Where we Belong’




Nothing Serious!!! The first Drama production of the year is on Dec 5, 6, 8 at 6pm in the Drama Studio. Come out to watch our high school students present a series of comedic one-act plays, some of which they have directed themselves! Last year's shows sold out, so get your tickets soon because there are only 50 for each night. Tickets are 50UAH and are available through Malina Patel ( While I hope you will encourage your friends and students to come, please be aware that this show is not recommended for students under 13 due to some mature language and themes.

‘A Place, Where we Belong’





20th Annual Charity Bazaar 1 December, 2012 Dear Students, Parents and Guardians, is year, as in the years before, our school will participate in the 20th Annual Charity Bazaar organized by the International Women’s Club of Kyiv (IWCK). e Charity Bazaar is a major fundraising event. Many embassies and consulates participate at the Bazaar representing their countries and sell their national products, arts and cras. All the money raised at the IWCK Charity Bazaar goes to various charities. One of the charities PSI supports, Djerelo, is one of the organisations benefiting from this event this year. e 20th Annual Charity Bazaar will be held at Kyiv Expo Plaza, 2-b Salyutna St., Nyvky Kyiv on Saturday, December 1st 2012, from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Come and have fun at the Bazaar tasting national food and experiencing the traditions of many different countries in one place. Have your face painted at the face painting station, play the Grand Raffle with excellent prizes or Kids’ Tombola. Come along, bring your friends! Your participation at this event will be greatly appreciated by all the children who will benefit from the money raised. Avoid the queues by buying pre-sale admission tickets at Reception or in the Secondary library. Admission fee on the day – 30 UAH. Pre-sale tickets – 50 UAH. Grand Raffle tickets are also on sale for the price of 15 UAH each or 50 UAH for a pack of 10. Ask Ms Spencer at the Secondary library. I hope to see you there. Polina Spencer

‘A Place, Where we Belong’




Grades 4-­‐5 would like to invite YOU to a Music Showcase Concert! When and where?

What should we wear? Ladies: dark coloured (black, brown, or navy blue) skirt or trousers and a light coloured top; dark coloured socks or stockings and dark dress shoes. Please do not wear a top that has words written on it. Gentlemen: dark coloured (black, brown, or navy blue) trousers and a light coloured top; dark coloured socks; dark coloured shoes. Please do not wear a top that has words written on it.

On Thursday, 29 November 2012 at 4pm at The Childrenʼs Art Centre, 40Richchy Zhovtnya 22/198.

What if I still have questions? Please contact Alicia Pashby at

Who is invited? All Community members are invited to join us at the concert.

Who participates? All Grade 4-5 Students.

Why do you arrange a concert? Performance in music helps our students build confidence and become risk-­‐takers. Many of the students in Grades 4-­‐5 are trying something new through their role in Grade 4 or their small-­‐group performance in Grade 5. This parEcular performance helps students in Grade 4 make co-­‐ curricular connecEons through their UOI and Grade 5 students prepare for being independent during their ExhibiEon in the Spring.

Musically Yours, Alicia Pashby

‘A Place, Where we Belong’




Menu Week starting 26.11.12

‘A Place, Where we Belong’


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