PSI Foundation Scholarship Application Pack 2015 - 2016

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Pechersk School International Kyiv Foundation Scholarship December 2015 Dear Student Applicant: Thank you for taking the time to look at the information for the Pechersk School International (PSI) Foundation Scholarship. Each year, the Foundation Scholarship recognises and sponsors one current Grade 7 student from a Ukrainian national school with a full scholarship here at PSI starting in his / her 8th grade year. The scholarship will be offered to that student for the 2016 / 2017 Academic School Year and covers 100% of the tuition fees. This scholarship is then renewable for the following four years of high school, provided that the student remains in good academic and behavioural standing at PSI. It is anticipated that the successful student will have a strong academic background and a satisfactory level of English language. The student will also match the philosophies of our International Baccalaureate programme and be committed to both extra­curricular programmes and school­based community service. PSI is proud to offer Ukraine students with the opportunity to complete their national school certificate through our Mother Tongue External Programme. This will enable scholarship holders to undertake tertiary studies either overseas or here in Ukraine. Scholarship winners will be expected to complete both the PSI and IB programme as well as the Ukrainian External Programme. Students are also expected to remain at PSI through Grade 12 without transferring to another school. Included in this information packet is additional information about the scholarship criteria as well as the application form and timelines involved. This is an exciting opportunity for a student who might not otherwise have the means to attend PSI. Please feel free to contact me directly at ​​ with any questions. John Burns.

Director Pechersk School International, Kyiv, Ukraine For The PSI Scholarship Foundation

​ PSI Foundation Scholarship ­ Application Process

​ 2016 / 2017 The PSI Foundation Scholarship The PSI Foundation Scholarship has been initiated to support the international education of a talented Ukrainian student. PSI will sponsor one Ukrainian student entering Grade 8 each year for a full scholarship. We are looking for a talented student who might not otherwise have the financial means to attend PSI. The PSI Board will approve renewal of the scholarship position on an annual basis as it develops the school budget. Who Can Apply Applications and timelines will be publicly advertised and available on the school website. Only students attending Ukrainian National Schools (​ not​ international schools) may apply. Applications can only be offered by the PSI director, principals or their delegates. The Application Form requires basic information about the applicant’s parents, their employment and annual salaries. PSI may call for additional documentation about the family’s annual salaries, earnings and assets held during the application process if deemed necessary. Note ­ This information will not be shared outside of the Scholarship Selection Committee. Scholarship Student Profile The school administration with input from the Secondary School Student Council, has identified the traits we seek in a candidate for this scholarship. The successful student will match the following profile / criteria: ­ A good ‘fit’ with the philosophies of PSI and the International Baccalaureate programme ­ An interest and willingness to engage in PSI­based community service activities ­ A level of maturity, positivity and enthusiasm for schooling and success ­ A strong academic background and a satisfactory level of English language (both verbal and written) ­ A commitment to their school and studies with a record of high attendance ­ Demonstrated involvement in programmes outside of the regular classroom (including outside of the school) ­ A positive behaviour record in their current school ­ A willingness to commit to PSI from the point of enrolment to the end of Secondary School graduation Funding Provided On an annual basis, the PSI Foundation Scholarship will provide the selected students until the end of Grade 12: ­ Full tuition fees until the end of Secondary schooling Valued = $26,500 USD annually ­ Textbooks and other paid resources to include school trips and CEESA events ­ A notebook computer (to be upgraded after three years) ­ Funding for co­curricular activities / events ­ Ukrainian External Programme Tuition Fees (a requirement of this scholarship programme) ­ Sports and House Team uniform sets Total = USD $2,500 annually Note ­ This money is not paid directly to students or their families. Application / Process Timelines for 2016 Friday, 15th January: ​ A public announcement / advertisement is made Monday, 15th February: ​ Written applications submission deadline (to the PSI director) Saturday, 19th March, 9:00 to 11:00 am: ​ Invited students will attend a scholarship examination Late March: ​ Interviews will be held with shortlisted students and families Throughout April: ​ Trial school days for shortlisted students at PSI will be scheduled 22nd April​ : The Scholarship will be offered to the successful student for the 2016 / 2017 school year 19th August: ​ New Family Orientation Day at PSI 22nd August: ​ First day of school Application Process

Please go to the PSI website ( and download the application package, student registration and student medical forms. Step 1: Submission of the Application Form and all supporting documents ● Complete the Application Form. ● Complete the PSI Student Registration and Student Medical forms. ● Attach school reports from the last two academic years. ● Two recommendation letters: One should be written by a current teacher / head teacher; the other can be written by an adult outside the school who knows the student well. This should not be a parent or family member. Note ­ These two letters must be posted directly to the PSI Director, confidentially. They are unseen by the applicant and do not come included with your application. ● Attach the two Application Essays (details below). ● Send the completed application packet to the PSI Director by ​ 15th February 2016. Step 2: Entrance Examination Candidates who have been successful in Step 1 of the application process will be invited to PSI to sit an entrance examination on ​ Saturday, 19th March, 9:00 to 11:00 am​ . ​ This step is by invitation only. ​ The examination will include ​ numeracy and literacy questions as well as as a written essay in both English and Ukrainian. The examination is untimed but will take approximately 75 minutes. Step 3: Interview ● Students (and families) who pass the examination will then be invited to an interview with the Secondary School principal, school counsellor, a member of the Secondary School Student Council and a member of the PSI Parent Teacher Association (PTA).​ ​ This step is by invitation only. ● A trial day/s at PSI will be arranged as the final part of the selection process and prior to offering the Scholarship position. ​ This step is by invitation only. Step 4: Scholarship Offer ● The Scholarship will be offered to the successful student no later than ​ 22nd April 2016. ● A PSI Enrolment Agreement and the Foundation Scholarship Contract will be signed by the family. ● A full enrolment at PSI will be completed with the successful student’s family.

​ PSI Foundation Scholarship ­ Application Form This must be returned to the PSI Director by 15th February 2016

Insert Photo Here

Applicant’s Name ____________________________ Date of Birth _______________ Address _____________________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number __________________________________________________ Family / Carer Alternative Phone Number ___________________________________ Schools Attended In The Past 5 Years School Name


Dates Attended

Father Name________________________________________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________ Occupation ______________________________Dates ________________________ First Language ________________________________________________________ Educational Qualifications: _______________________________________________ Annual Net Salary______________________________________________________

Mother Name________________________________________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________ Occupation ______________________________Dates ________________________ First Language ________________________________________________________ Educational Qualifications: _______________________________________________ Annual Net Salary______________________________________________________ Siblings Name___________________________________Age _________________________ Name___________________________________Age _________________________ Name___________________________________Age _________________________ Additional Student Information ­ ​ (The following sections are completed by the student applicant) Hobbies / Interests (Please include any musical instruments played, sports played or other special skills) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ List any Clubs / Societies of which you are a member of (either in school or in the community) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

What is your favourite subject at school and why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever done any voluntary community service work? Please explain. If not, please write about the type of projects that would interest you in the future. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Languages Spoken Language

Level (Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced/ Native)

Application Essays Complete the following ​ two​ (both) assignments. There is no maximum word limit, but candidates should not write less than 200 words for each piece. All work must be in the student’s own words and written fully by the student applicant. Submissions must be hand­written clearly and neatly in black or blue ink, and presented on lined paper. Essay 1. Write a letter of application to the director of PSI. In your letter, say what you would bring to PSI, why you feel you are suited to the programmes offered at PSI and why you think that an international education would be important for your development. Essay 2. Write a personal statement detailing where you see yourself in 10 years time and how you got there. Note ­ Both handwritten pieces of writing should be attached to the completed application form. Important ­ If a student’s writing standard on the essays above is different to the standard of work provided on the school examination morning, the student will be immediately disqualified from the scholarship process.

Application Documents Checklist 1. Complete the application form (supplied). 2. Complete the PSI Student Registration and Student Medical forms (supplied). 3. Attach school reports from the last two academic years. 4. Attach the two application essays to you application form. 5. Attach the PSI Student Registration and Student Medical forms (supplied). Applications should be sent to the PSI Director by​ 15th February 15th. 6. Two recommendation letters are required; one should be written by a current teacher / head teacher, the other can be written by an adult non­family member who knows you well outside of school. Note ­ These two letters must be posted directly to the PSI director, confidentially. They are unseen by the applicant and do not come included with your application. These letters must also reach the PSI director by 15th February 2016.

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