Photographs Collection

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January 2020, Milan, Italy

Living in Europe, 2018-2021

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... — Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

August 2020, Milan, Italy

August 2020, Milan, Italy

September 2018, Milan, Italy

August 2019, Milan, Italy

January 2020, Milan, Italy

July 2020, Milan, Italy

July 2020, Milan, Italy

January 2020, Milan, Italy

August 2019, Munich, Germany

August 2019, Munich, Germany

September 2019, Ticino, Switzerland

Wandering on Earth

We’re extremely fortunate not to know precisely the kind of world we live in. — Wisława Szymborska, We’re Extremely Fortunate

July 2018, Yunnan, China

July 2018, Yunnan, China

July 2018, Yunnan, China

July 2018, Yunnan, China

July 2018, Yunnan, China

July 2018, Yunnan, China

July 2018, Yunnan, China

August 2019, Dolomites, Italy

August 2019, Dolomites, Italy

August 2019, Black Forest, Germany

May 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark

May 2019, Brindisi, Italy

February 2019, Locarno, Switzerland

August 2019, Innsburk, Austria

February 2017, Guizhou, China

June 2019, Niagara Falls, Canada

December 2016, Pingyan Village, Guangxi, China

Photographs from Countrysides in China, 2016-2017

Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way, a road is made. — Lu Xun, My Old Home . Translated by Yang Xianyi 希望是本无所谓有,无所谓无的。这正如地上的路; 其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。 ——鲁迅《故乡》

December 2016, Tang‘an, Guizhou, China

February 2017, Loushang Village, Guizhou, China

February 2017, Loushang Village, Guizhou, China

February 2017, Loushang Village, Guizhou, China

January 2017, Huangdu Village, Guangxi, China

December 2016, Pingyan Village, Guangxi, China

December 2016, Gaoxiu Village, Guangxi, China

January 2017, Gaoyou Village, Guangxi, China

January 2017, Gaoyou Village, Guangxi, China

January 2017, Gaoyou Village, Guangxi, China

January 2017, Chezhai Village, Guangxi, China

February 2017, Loushang Village, Guizhou, China

December 2016, Pingyan Village, Guangxi, China

January 2017, Dimen, Guizhou, China

February 2017, Loushang Village, Guizhou, China

February 2017, Loushang Village, Guizhou, China

February 2017, Loushang Village, Guizhou, China

April 2017, Chenzhou, Hu'nan, China

Da una parte all’altra la città sembra continui in prospettiva moltiplicando il suo repertorio d’immagini: invece non ha spessore, consiste solo in un dritto e in un rovescio, come un foglio di carta, con una figura di qua e una di là, che non possono staccarsi né guardarsi. — Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili

From one part to the other, the city seems to continue, in perspective, multiplying its repertory of images: but instead it has no thickness, it consists only of a face and an obverse, like a sheet of paper, with a figure on either side, which can neither be separated nor look at each other. — Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities. Translated by William Weaver

Photographs from Cities in China, 2017-2018

October 2017, Hongkong, China

October 2018, Shenzhen, China

October 2017, Guangzhou, China

January 2017, Guiyang, China

August 2017, Guangzhou, China

Spetember 2019, Zhongshan, China



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