Samuel Dayhood, III, Chi Delta ’84 (Duke University) grew up in Greenville, SC. Sam made up his mind early in high school that he wanted to attend Duke University. It had a well-known great reputation, and the benefit of being just far enough away from home.
In addition, Duke had a strong Air Force ROTC program which was important for Sam. During high school, Sam became interested in military aviation. The ROTC interview process was held at Clemson University in 1979 by the Professor of Aerospace Studies. That professor, by the way, was the father of a future squadron mate and friend. This was an early example of the tightly-knit relationships Sam would develop over his career. The medical evaluation was held at Ft. Jackson, SC, where Sam observed Army trainees being instructed on oral hygiene techniques; a fact which confirmed that the Air Force was the right service for him.
In the fall of 1980, Sam arrived at Duke University as an eager, curious freshman focused on his Political Science degree and the ROTC program. His freshman dorm was on a shared quad with a mixed upper-class dorm and two fraternities, one being Psi U. Duke dorms all had giant benches, many two and three decks tall, that could seat between 12 – 24 persons. Socializing while sitting on the benches led Sam to form relationships with some of the Chi Delta brothers. In addition, he was able to observe the bond that existed between the brothers at social events, at service projects, and simply how they interacted in the quad. It was these friendships that convinced Sam to accept a bid to become a brother of Psi Upsilon. The Chi Delta chapter was smaller than most of the fraternities, anywhere from 20 to 30 brothers. The lack of brothers did not impact one of Sam’s fondest memories; the IFC intramural competition. The Chi Delta did very well, winning 3 of the 4 years Sam was there.
Duke allowed faculty and staff to participate with the undergrads. Sam was struck even before he joined by how well the brothers treated the maintenance and housekeeping staff. They spent time getting to know them, treating them well and forming friendships. These friendships paid off in the competition!
Another impact of being a brother was recognizing how important living in the house prepared him for his life as an adult. “Psi U and the Chi Delta served as a real-world, real-time leadership laboratory. The smaller size of our chapter allowed all brothers to know each other well and naturally to serve as sounding boards and at times offer counsel as we progressed through our college years.”
After graduation, Sam spent 8 ½ years on active duty as an HC-130 navigator. It was a very exciting time, flying in the Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service that transitioned into the Air Force Special Operations Command. Sam served in the Gulf War at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, and came across friends from both high school and college serving in other units. Sam left active duty in 1992 and continued his military career joining the 908th Airlift Wing at Maxwell AFB, in Montgomery Alabama. There were a lot of nighttime missions all over the world. Sam says to this day he can wake at any hour so long as there is adequate caffeine on hand. Activated for service from Nov 2003 – Nov 2005, Sam deployed multiple times to Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, and Qatar (with a few plum trips to San Juan, Puerto Rico) flying combat and combat support airlift missions. Sam retired from the Wing in 2006 after serving as a flight examiner and Chief Navigator.
“...The smaller size of our chapter allowed all brothers to know each other well and naturally to serve as sounding boards and at times offer counsel as we progressed through our college years.”
-Samuel Dayhood III
While still an active Reservist, Sam started his current career in 1994 with a component of The Prudential. Thanks to his past experiences, including Psi U and the Air Force, Sam recognized that this division was in turmoil and lacking sound leadership. He quickly transitioned to Birmingham based Sterne Agee, an old line, privately-held NYSE firm. Sam completed the Certified Financial Planner education and licensing process in less than two years. Shortly after Sterne Agee was sold in June 2015, Sam moved to Raymond James Financial Services as a Branch Owner, working with over 150 client households in seven states.
After being away from Psi U during these years, Sam attended the Chi Delta 40th anniversary Gala in 2013. Since that first reunion, Sam has become very active, attending reunions regularly. “This is the time to give back and help build the next generation of leaders. The Psi U foundation does exactly that and this gives great meaning to supporting the organization.” Sam’s wife Karen has become involved with Duke and the Chi Delta having been to 4 reunions and the recent 50th Gala.
At the 50th Gala last year, Sam was awestruck when the evening began with all assembled singing Welcome Brothers. “Brothers from their late teens to their 70’s sang in unison with no need to open a song book which was made available at the tables. Despite decades of difference in ages, we were all joined by a common bond that has endured for generations. We were all one. I’ll never forget that.”
December 7th, 2023, the 4th Annual Gilrane Economic Symposium was held in Greenwich, CT, to much acclaim. Andy Serwer, Kappa ‘81 (Bowdoin) did an insightful job moderating distinguished panelists Rich Dell’Aquila, Psi ’98 (Hamilton)Managing Director at Brookside Equity Partners, Lawrence Rakers, Omicron ‘86 (Illinois)Mutual Fund Manger at Fidelity Investments, and John Thaler, Omega ‘97 (Chicago) - Founder and Portfolio Manager at JAT Capital Management, L.P. . The panel discussed expectations for the 2024 economic landscape. The annual speaker panel, endowed in Brother Gilrane’s honor, was followed by two entrepreneurial pitches courtesy of the FishFund. Speakers representing their companies presented and took rapid fire questions from the audience. The paid event brought together brothers from around the country. Next year’s GES and FishFund Venture Presentations are scheduled for December 5th, 2024, at the Indian Harbor Yacht Club, Greenwich, CT.
Scan to make a donation to support the Psi Upsilon Foundation programs like the Gilrane Economic Symposium.
January 5th, 2024, the Psi Upsilon Social Impact Retreat and Reception was held in Alexandria, VA (the greater DC area). The 3rd annual retreat, which this year had 100% participation from this year’s cohort of fellows and some returning fellows, was strategically planned to align with the Fraternity’s annual Archons Academy. Sessions arranged by our Steering Committee included Communicating for the Public, Grant Writing and Followup, Building Strong Teams to Attract and Retain Talent, followed by joint sessions with our archons. Our impact fellows joined the undergrads for personal Birkman leadership assessments and analysis, followed by a session on Organizational Representation. Our Fellows were instrumental in the combined programming, providing insight into how they have achieved success and answering questions from undergraduate leaders. Friday evening we orchestrated a reception with regional alumni and board members to celebrate leadership among the various generations present
The retreat program booklet can be found by scanning here should you wish to peruse the content of the retreat and facilitators.
Additionally, biograpies of our fellows are published in the Fall 2023 issue of the Psi Upsilon Beacon can be found by scanning here.
SESSION 1 Roberta J. Hunter, PhD Epsilon Iota ‘94 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) - Communicating for the Public
SESSION 2 Richard C. Paul III, Eta ‘10 (Lehigh University) – Grant Writing and Followup
SESSION 3 James “Jim” Brandell, ESQ , Epsilon Nu ‘90 (Michigan State University) - Building strong teams - attract and retain talent
SESSION 4 Doug Opika of Plaid, LLC - Personal Birkman assessment and analysis
SESSION 5 Christian Klein, ESQ, Phi Beta ‘92 (College of William & Mary) - Organizational Representation/Pitch Practical in conjunction with Archons from all chapters
Thank you,Brothers!
Nicholas B. Braden, Tau ‘01 - 2
James H. Arnold, Beta Beta ‘77 -12
Marion C. Baggett, Gamma Tau ‘73 -35
William W. Baker, Tau ‘78 -2
James F. Brandell, Epsilon Nu ‘90 -2
John T. Calkins, Pi ‘49 -50
John S. Cater, Gamma Tau ‘98 -5
Kirkham R. Cornwell, Theta ‘67 -18
Dewey B. Crawford, Zeta ‘63 -12
David S. Cunn, Delta ‘78 -16
Gary W. Curzi, Epsilon Iota ‘89 -32
Samuel A. Dayhood, Chi Delta ‘84 -11
Murray L. Eskenazi, Lambda ‘56 -24
Thomas J. Fox, Omicron ‘00 -12
Timothy R. Goodell, Omega ‘85
Donald W. Hutchings, Upsilon ‘61 -8
Steven L. Moore, Eta ‘84 -4
James R. Phelan, Tau ‘63 -49
David M. Pitcher, Phi ‘67 -21
Matthew W. Plavcan, Omicron ‘97 -27
Richard W. Pogue, Chi ‘50
Dean G. Pontikes, Omega ‘85 -32
George H. Rathman, Epsilon ‘63
Richard A. Riddle, Delta ‘70 -28
William G. Robinson, Upsilon ‘72 -12
John B. Savage, Gamma Tau ‘81 -33
Braddock A. Schofield, Pi ‘84 -3
Kurt N. Schwartz, Xi ‘78 -16
Richard B. Schwarz, Mu ‘58 -43
Warren L. Serenbetz, Eta ‘74 -3
J. Eric Smith, Omicron ‘79 -13
J. Martin Brayboy, Gamma ‘84 - 34
David A. B. Brown, Epsilon Phi ‘66 - 43
Joseph P. Cillo, PhD, Delta ’61
Matthew J. Eckenrode, Epsilon Nu ‘04 - 10
Carl Fleischhauer, Iota ‘62 - 3
Garrett W. Gleim, Tau ‘01 - 10
Earl W. Henry, Omicron ‘69
Anthony T. Kremer, Omicron ’87
Stephen E. Lewis, Gamma ‘63
Joseph O. McCaskill, Chi Delta ‘00 - 5
F. Hampton McFadden, Gamma ‘84 - 9
Jeremy K. McKeon, Eta ‘08 -13
Gary G. Pan, Eta ‘86 - 37
Robert S. Petersen, Omicron ‘68 - 51
Thomas M. Poor, Gamma ‘65
Lawrence D. Rakers, Omicron ‘86 - 35
Alexander C. Senchak, Eta ‘06 -13
Walter E. Sieglen, Eta ‘69 -17
James T. Volpentest, Theta Theta ‘90 -19
Timothy D. Zepp, Chi Delta ‘08 -17
($3,000 - $4,999)
Sean M. Caulfield, Gamma Tau ‘05 – 3
Peter M. Chynoweth, Pi ‘86 – 23
Patrick J. Gilrane, Psi ‘83 – 15
D. Kyle Hogarth, Beta Alpha ‘94
Kosmas Kalliarekos, Tau ‘86
Emily Scherer, Theta Pi ‘12
Jesse J. Scherer, Gamma Tau ‘05
John C. Sparling, Chi ‘89
($1,833 - $2,999)
Gage Alpert, Tau ‘13
Mark D. Bauer, Omega ‘83 - 39
John E. Beckwith, Psi ‘84
David H. Brogan, Epsilon Nu ‘56 - 23
Jonathan M. Chaffin, Gamma Tau ‘00 - 16
Anthony J. Diamandakis, Omega ‘97
Mark G. DiPasquale, Pi ‘88 - 34
Reynolds du Pont, Pi ‘69 - 26
Heather A. Burns Edmisten, Gamma Tau ‘02 - 5
Clifford J. Edmisten, Gamma Tau ‘00 - 5
John L. Giddings, Lambda ‘62 - 30
Merton G. Gollaher, Gamma ‘84
Douglas M. Jackman, Omega ‘89 - 8
Jay R. LaPanne, Delta Nu ‘89 - 10
John S. Mathews, Eta ‘81 - 40
Sarah R. Moore, Gamma Tau ‘00 - 2
John F.H. Ong, Gamma ‘82 - 40
James E. Platner, Phi Delta ‘10 - 7
Paul E. Raether, Beta Beta ‘68 - 45
Richard A. Rasmussen, Upsilon ‘72 - 26
Bart Riley, Tau ‘00 - 5
Paul H. Travis, Gamma Tau ‘01 - 10
John R. Wiencek, Delta ‘88 - 11
Jack Withiam, Psi ‘71 - 10
Edward R. James, Epsilon Nu ‘56 -12
Stephen R. Kammerer, Omicron ‘82 -14
Matthew M. Kershner, Eta ‘04
Walter J. Langendorf, Gamma Tau ‘04
George W. Redder, Theta ‘79 -42
Jennifer M. Roper, Gamma Tau ‘03 -3
Oliver V. Smith, Beta Alpha ‘93 -11
Charles K. Sollitt, Theta Theta ‘65 -8
William T. Stevens, Theta Theta ‘54 -44
James A. Swanke, Rho ‘80 -35
Jared Tannenbaum, Epsilon Iota ‘02 -11
Philip C. Timon, Tau ‘86 -37
J. Rock Tonkel, Gamma ‘85 -2
Charles A. Werner, Omega ‘55 -23
Richard T. Willard, Pi ‘69 -33
Bruce W. Blakeman, Phi ‘83 -26
George W. Bovenizer, Eta ‘63 -27
James H. Bresson, Psi ‘83 -9
Joanie R. Brewster, Gamma ‘86 -24
William H. Brunner, Tau ‘70 -17
Cyrus O. Bryden, Xi ‘97 -25
Richard F. Burdette, Epsilon Nu ‘67 -10
Bradley R. Corner, Omicron ‘72 -49
Lyman Delano, Beta Beta ‘75 -25
Mark T. Deming, Omicron ‘05 -11
James C. Dickert, Rho ‘56
Fred H. Drummond, Omicron ‘71 -24
Kyle J. Eichelmann, Eta ‘ 10
Stuart Feldman, Omega ‘91 -2
B. Alan Fraser, Gamma Tau ‘93 -4
Philip E. Gauffreau, Eta ‘84 -12
Robert H. Goble, Beta Alpha ‘96
Jorge L. Gonzalez, Delta ‘90 -20
Megan E. Gordin, Chi Delta ‘11 -12
Mikhail Gordin, Chi Delta ‘09 -10
Thomas G. Grimes, Epsilon Nu ‘60 -50
Charles M. Hall, Nu Alpha ‘71
Joseph B. Hall, Epsilon Omega ‘52
Thomas T. Hanford, Gamma ‘62 -30
David A. Hollis, Gamma Tau ‘11 -11
John H. Hoskins, Eta ‘86 -3
Robert K. Jackson, Tau ‘04 -4
Marlon D. Keller, Eta ‘80 -34
Kevin A. Klock, Chi Delta ‘01 -18
Timothy F. Knauf, Omicron ‘88 -3
Christopher Koomey, Omega ‘88 -3
Nelson J. Leidner, Pi ‘70 -34
Robert E. McIntire, Omicron ‘68 -11
William H. Mitchell, Beta Beta ‘62 -15
Rhoden B. Monrose, Beta Beta ‘09 -3
George H. Stephenson, Sigma ‘57 -16
Jonathan A. Szynkowski, Epsilon Nu ‘06 -9
Robert B. Trainer, Beta Beta ‘67 -20
William B. Tyree, Zeta ‘85
Phillip L. Wharton, Gamma Tau ‘05 -3
Lester A. Wilhelm, Gamma Tau ‘04
Paul M. Wrayno, Chi Delta ‘06 -10
William F. Young, Omicron ‘70 -42
Brett M. Aggen, Theta Theta ‘89
Andrew H. Arnold, Lambda ‘09
Kenneth S. Ball, Eta ‘82 -37
Rajesh Banik, Lambda ‘ 04
Elisa H. Barney-Smith, Epsilon Iota ‘88 -32
Beau L. Beckner, Beta Kappa ‘ 04
Robert M. Beecroft, Tau ‘62 -13
Bernard G. Botz, Theta Theta ‘82 -21
Adam R. Boyko, Omicron ‘99 -20
James S. Bradley, Tau ‘63 -50
Steven P. Bratek, Omega ‘03 -18
H. Andrew Brownfield, Omega ‘88 -17
Paul W. Bush, Phi ‘76 -44
Anthony D. Cambeiro, Tau ‘01
Manuel J. Chaknis, Omega ‘85 -6
Matthew Chandler, Psi ‘08 -2
Charles Chen, Omicron ‘86 -24
Craig C. Chiang, Epsilon ‘95
Clinton S. Chow, Omicron ‘00
Lauren J. Cohen, Chi Delta ‘08
Frederic A. Corsiglia, Gamma Tau ‘90 -33
Nicholas J. Dazzo, Psi ‘86 -3
Peter B. Desmond, Omicron ‘77 -5
Jeremy DeSpain, Theta Theta ‘96
Robert F. Doak, Omicron ‘72
Frederick S. Freer, Beta Alpha ‘93 -12
Christopher P. Fuller, Zeta ‘89 -9
Andrew R. Gage, Omega ‘92
Bradley K. Groff, Eta ‘87 -3
Timothy J. Hackert, Omega ‘09,
Sugwu D. Hahn, Omega ‘89 -2
Eldred A. Halsey, Delta ‘58 -28
Harold R. Hansen, Phi ‘76 -45
John W. Healey, Omicron ‘58 -48
Jeffrey W. Heglar, Beta Kappa ‘96 -7
John G. Holland, Chi Delta ‘80 -42
John C. Hover II, Tau ‘65 -48
Rebecca L. Howie, Gamma Tau ‘02 -5
Michael L. Huffman, Zeta ‘77 -5
Richard J. Jackowski, Pi ‘85 -7
Thomas J. Keating, Eta ‘84 -3
Ranse W. Kesl, Omicron ‘60 -49
Scott A. Kingland, Theta Theta ‘86
Glenn S. Koach, Tau ‘76
Richard L. Kohlhausen, Delta ‘67 -19
James E. Krueger, Gamma ‘81 -20
Jesse C. LaNore, Beta Kappa ‘95 -14
Stren R. Lea, Tau ‘02 -3
Ky H. Lee, Gamma Tau ‘11
Michael Lord, Phi Delta ‘96 -9
Robert A. Lorenz, Pi ‘68 -4
Lisanne E. Lucas, Epsilon Iota ‘94
David E. Mace, Zeta ‘98 -14
John McGinn, Omega ‘90 -4
Matthew G. McKenna, Gamma Tau ‘12 -3
William McPherson, Phi ‘71 -17
Peter T. Mead, Psi ‘80 -8
Ernesto J. Mejer, Tau ‘71
Townsend T. Mink, Tau ‘51 -50
Robert G. Morse, Tau ‘65 -2
Joseph W. Moxon, Beta Alpha ‘92
Gregory K. Mueller, Eta ‘87 -4
Jeffrey S. Neubauer, Delta ‘78 -35
David K. Nichols, Psi ‘77 -5
Benedict W. O’Connor, Omicron ‘81, Jeffrey D. Patterson, Phi ‘78
Donald G. Piper, Pi ‘57 -47
Thomas D. Richardson, Theta ‘76 -29
Mario Ricozzi, Gamma Tau ‘82
John E. Riemenschneider, Beta Alpha ‘91
Ian M. Rowan, Iota ‘95
Brett H. Rubin, Theta ‘95
Charles C. Russo, Beta Beta ‘02 -3
Thomas W. Shaffer, Tau ‘99 -24
Richard D. Sherwood, Upsilon ‘56
Jordan Shields, Kappa ‘98 -24
Sean W. Sigmon, Theta Theta ‘88 -3
Steven J. Slutsky, Pi ‘78 -36
John Song, Omega ‘91 -3
Robin S. Stefan, Iota ‘74 -24
John B. Stevens, Upsilon ‘72 -48
Andrew W. Strait, Pi ‘81
Christopher Tang, Gamma Tau ‘01
Jeffrey D. Taylor, Theta Theta ‘ 88
Edmond F. Thompson, Delta ‘87 -31
Samuel J. Tinaglia, Omega ‘88
Madison M. Turkette, Delta Omicron ‘19 -2
Kim A. Wells, Omicron ‘81 -3
Mark A. Williams, Phi ‘76 -45
Bryant S. Zanko, Beta Beta ‘87 -18
Martin M. Zenni, Omega ‘82 -39
It is with sore and stricken hearts that we pass along the loss of William N. “Bill” Wishard III, Delta Delta ’64 (Williams) who passed away on Wednesday, January 17th. Bill attended Park Tudor School (class of 1959), and then Williams College (1964).
Bill has served Psi U in many roles over the years, he joined the Executive Council in 1997 and became an Honorary Life Member of the Board in 2013. He also served as a Director of the Foundation in the early 2000’s and was very involved with the Annual Fund Campaign even after his time on the board. He was a regular presence at Psi U events, especially those held on the west coast, and was known for his kindness and warmth.
Most notably Bill was a longtime advisor of the Lambda Sigma Chapter at Pepperdine University; he became re-engaged with Psi U in the 1990s when the local fraternity, Lambda Omega Sigma, approached Psi Upsilon to become a chapter. Bill’s counsel was instrumental in building that relationship and making the transition a successful one. In 1999 and again in 2000 Bill was named advisor of the year by Pepperdine University for his work with the chapter. In 2017 the Lambda Sigma Chapter nominated Bill for the Psi Upsilon Distinguished Alumni Service Award at the 174th Psi Upsilon Convention for his years of support.
Bill joined Psi U as a sophomore at Williams College in September 1960. The Delta Delta chapter was known as an outstanding fraternity on campus, filled with many student leaders. “For a rather shy young man from a small high school in Indiana, becoming
part of Psi U was a huge highlight of my years at Williams … My acceptance and assimilation into, for me, such a diverse group, was a big step – a hallmark for what has continued to be my experience with Psi U brothers I have met since then.”
Originally from Indianapolis, IN, Bill led a full life and service was always an important part of it. Bill was a leader in Up With People, the1984 Los Angeles Olympics, and Wishard & Associates, organizing international peace events. He was very involved in Rotary, and a past president of the Malibu, CA chapter where a number of Psi U’s were involved.
In addition to his work with Psi U, in retirement, Bill was active in Rotary, Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital, Psi Upsilon, Williams College, and Wings Over Wendy’s Veterans group.
Bill is survived by his daughters Carolyn Wishard Wootton & Alison Wishard Guerra; his grandchildren Brady William Wootton, Sofía Alexandra Wishard Guerra & Alina Luz Monteros Guerra; his best friend and former wife, Mary Wishard; his siblings Susan Poston & Gordon Wishard; their children Sarah Poston, Chris Poston, Claire Wishard Hoppenworth & Gordon Wishard Jr., and their beloved children Eli & Emily Hoppenworth, Mac & Nate Sanders, Kai & Tate Poston, and Watson Wishard; and his cousins Gerald Hallett, Diana Wishard Clemente, and Van Wishard Jr.
For info about Memorial services contact awishardguerra@gmail.com
You can view Bill’s obituary at the IndyStar website.
In lieu of flowers the family has asked for donations to Psi Upsilon, you can use this link.