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George Washington Tuttle CHRONOLOGY
George Washington Tuttle, Theta 1836 (Union College)
Born: March 24, 1817 Greene, New York
Died: April 3, 1903 (aged 86) Bath, New York
1817 | George Washington Tuttle born
1832 | Matriculates at Union College
1833 | Co-founds Psi Upsilon
1836 | Graduates with a degree in law, begins practice and business in New York
1841 | November: Married Ruth Coswell Wey in Windham, NY
1843 | Birth and death of son George Edward Tuttle
1845 | Birth of son Sidney Tuttle 1845
1849 | Birth of son William Wey Tuttle
1855 | Clarissa Steele (mother of George) dies
1863 | Son Sidney Tuttle matriculates to Union College and is initiated to Psi Upsilon
1868 | Ruth Coswell Tuttle nee Wey passes away; George retires from business; Sidney Tuttle Sr. (father of George) passes away; George sells business and retires
1870 | Prior to this year marries Sarah Donnelly per the US Census
1878 | Attends semi-centennial of Psi Upsilon
At his home in Bath, New York, George passed peacefully in 1903. Edward Martindale remained the only surviving founder at that time and had not seen his dear friend George in over seventy years despite correspondences and promises from both men to do so. Martindale said one of the great regrets of his life was not seeing George again in person before his passing 4. The founders of Psi Upsilon rooted in our society in many great traditions and values and among those treasures comes the bonds of friendship so exemplified in the life and legacy of our founder George Washington Tuttle.
1. https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/LZ99-RWW/george-w.-tuttle-1817-1903
2. https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/L7CS-25M/john-tuttle-1746-1825

3. https://www.psiuarchives.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Annals-of-PsiUpsilon_1833-1941_The-Reprints_.pdf
4. https://www.psiuarchives.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ConventionRecords_May_1903.pdf#search=Tuttle
5. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Tuttle-4714
1880 | Prior to 1880 George and Sarah move to Bath, NY
1882 | Sends his regrets that he could not attend that year’s Convention
1903 | George dies and is buried at Bath, the Psi Upsilon Convention memorializes him.