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If you wish to follow the readings that we use in church each Sunday you can access them at
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This is a reduced version of the magazine for general publication. Members and adherents who would like a full prayer, pastoral and bereavement or thank you list, or a financial update or are asked to contact:
cover.Although nolonger arequirement, hand sanitizer and 1metrespaced seatingareavailable. Youarewelcome to wear a mask while walking round or during the service.
We welcome articles and thank you letters from members and friends. Articles are published in both the printed magazine and on-line, unless otherwise arranged with the editor (eg, where personal information is concerned, including the names in the prayer corner, it would normally be omitted from the on line version). All contributors must provide their name, please, which is normally attached to the article. We reserve the right to edit articles. Changes other than spelling or grammar will, where possible, be discussed with the contributor. The views expressed are those of individual contributors and not necessarily those of Pilrig St. Paul’s Church or the Church of Scotland.
From our minister
In 597 BCE the tiny nation that centred around Jerusalem was defeatedbytheBabyloniansandmostofthepopulationcarriedoff into exile in Babylon. They found themselves isolated in a strange country with different customs and traditions. In response to this tragedy, many of them decided that their only hope was to wait things out in the hope that God would save them, return them to Jerusalemandrestoretheirfortunes.
ButthencametheprophetJeremiah,whotoldthemthatGodwasnot goingtobringthemhomeforanother70years.Consideringthat70 years was far greater than most people’s life expectancy. Jeremiah wassayingthatalmosttwowholegenerationsofpeoplewouldknow nothingotherthanalifeofexile.Butratherthantellingthemtogrit their teeth and bear itor to fight for their freedom Jeremiah told themtosettledownandmakethemostoftheirsituation.Tobuild homes, start families, and plant crops. Furthermore, Jeremiah told them that God wanted them to look out for their Babylonian neighbours, even though they were the enemy. The philosophy being,thatiftheBabyloniansdidwell,thentheIsraeliteswoulddo well
yearslater,andmanyintheChurchfeellikeweareliving inexile.Wefindourselveslivinginacountrythatnolongershares ourcustomsandtraditions.Thedangerforus,justasitwasforthe JewsinBabylon,isthatweretreatintospiritualprivatismbehindthe
“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” - Jeremiah 29: 7
closed doors of our buildings. But God’s message is still the same: "SeekthewelfareofthecitywhereIhavesentyouintoexile...."
If the Church continues to disengage with the cities, towns, and communities where we live and worship then we will only fall deeperintoexile.Thechallengeisnottofindwaysoffillingthepews of our buildingsagain – but to findways in which wecan takeour faithoutintotheworldaroundus.
The Rev Tom Allan was a minister, evangelist, and pioneer of practical church outreach in social work, primarily in Glasgow during the 1950’s and 60’s. One of his mantras to members and congregationsoftheChurchwas‘FindoutwhatGodisalreadydoing andjoinin’.
Godisstillspeakingthroughpeople’slives.God’sloveisbeingshown through acts of kindness. God is present and active in the life our local community. The challenge for us is to find these places and momentsandhelpnourishandsustainthem.Forintheirwell being, wewillfindourown.
You can now join a WhatsApp Prayer Group to receive daily prayers. Tojoin,reply totheintimationsemail withyour nameandphonenumber. You obviously need to be signed up to WhatsApp on your phone as well. We are also looking for people who are prepared to write prayers for the group, please let us know if you can do that too.
TheCrossreachChristmasCatalogueisnowavailable,andmembers whoareinterestedinbuyingcards,calendarsor“virtual”giftsfrom theCataloguecanpickupacopyintheOpenDoorway.
MayItakethisopportunitytoremindmembersofthewonderful workwhichCrossreachdoescaringfortheold,theyoung,thesick, thepoorandthedisadvantagedinsomanydifferentways. This workhascontinuedthroughoutthePandemicdespitethe challengesthishaspresented,andIknowthatanysupport,either financialorprayerful,whichmembersfeelabletogivewillbemost gratefullyreceivedbyCrossreach.
VariousmethodsoforderingcardsetcaregivenintheCatalogue. DonationstoCrossreachcanbemadeonline ( us),byphone(6572000)orbypostto Crossreach,CharisHouse, 47,MiltonRoadEast,EdinburghEH152SR.
Thank Christineyou.Edington(Crossreachcontact)
Messy Church
LeithStAndrew'sandStMargaret'sRestalrigarestartingupMessy Churchagain.Thiswillrunmonthlywiththetwochurches alternatingashost. TheOctobersessionwillbeheldonSunday, 23rd,from4-6pminStMargaret'sChurchinRestalrigVillage. See page3fortheaddress. MessyChurchisanallage,childfriendly, handsontimeofcelebration,eatingtogetherandactivitiesofall sortsforallthefamily.It'sparticularlysuitableforfamilieswith primaryschoolagedchildren.
The Minister and Kirk Session of Pilrig St Paul’s Church invitetoyou
The Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday 30th October 2022 at 11 am
This is the Lord’s Table. Anyone who loves God and responds to Christ’s invitation to join together in this feast is welcome to join us in the celebration. Both wine and water will be available.
Constitutionof meeting Rev.MarkFosteropenedthemeeting
Minutesfromlastyear Takenas ApprovedreadbyMariaCroall
2nd byAileenFraser
TreasurersReport MarkWexelsteinpresentedslidesshowing theincomeandexpenditurefor2021and comparedthisoverthelast5years. Totalincomewas£78,689,adecreaseof £6,534from2020.Wereceivedadonation of£10,000fromtwoofourmembersandif thishadn’tbeengiventhedecreasewould havebeenmuchlarger.Thereductionis mainlyduetothedropinincomefrom Totalofferings.Expenditurewas£71,448adecrease of£17,637from2020.Thiswasmainlydue toeverycongregationreceivinganeighteen percentreductioninMinistryandMission duetothepandemic. Thismeanswehadanunexpectedsurplusof £7,241comparedtoadeficitof£3,682in 2020soadifferenceof£10,923. Offeringswere£27,473adecreaseof£5,499 on The2020.taxreclaimedwas£8,947.Thisis£2,926 higherthan2020.
Ourincomefromhallletswas£24,575 comparedto£22,677in2020.Theincrease wouldhavebeenlargerifwehadn’thadthe fireattheendofNovemberbutduetothe
pandemicwouldn’thavebeenbackto expectedlevels.Theamountonlyremained atthelevelitisduetothepermanentspace rentedbyVodafone. MinistryandMissionwas£37,585,£6,802 lowerthan2020.Asstatedabovethisisdue tothereductiongivenasaoneofffor2021. Fabricexpenditurewas£3,914,thisis £4,140lowerthan2020.
Energycostswere£5,324adecreaseof £1,508.WearestillmembersoftheChurch ofScotlandschemeandthisallowsustoget thebestratesavailable.
Insurancewas£7,325. Telephone,Stationery&Printingwas£910 anincreaseof£208.
Salarieswere£11,225comparedto£16,944 adecreaseof£5,719.Thiswasduetoour hallmanageronlyworkingreducedhours andthenbeingonlongtermsickleavesowe wereonlypayingstatuarysickpayandnota full Marksalary.Foster
thankedMarkforhisworkon theaccounts,duringCOVIDandthe insuranceclaimforthefire.
NumberonCongregationalRollasat 31.12.2020was186 Added by ProfessionofFaith Certificate0ofTransfer
Removed by
Certificate0ofTransfer Death 3
NumberonCongregationalRollasat 31.12.2021was184
ElectiontoMembership ofthe BoardCongregational
DuetocomeofftheCongregationalBoardis MoiraFergie,MarjoryMcMahonandIrene Eprile.Allthreehaveagreedtocontinueasa memberoftheBoard.Thiswasproposedby MarkWexelsteinandsecondedbyAlec AsEdington.noone
elsewasnominatedatthe meetingtheBoardwasgivenpowertoco optnewmembersduringtheyearif required.
Markadvisedhehastestedpositivefor COVIDonMondaysountilhehastwo negativetestshewon’tbeabletodoin personmeetingsuntilheisnegative. Wecanseefromthiswearestillindifficult times.Alongwiththiswearealsobeing askedtodealwiththeamalgamationof Presbyteriesandcongregations.Allthis happenswiththehelpofmanypeople behindthescenes.Thisincludesthe accounts,broadcastingtheservicesona Sunday,dealingwiththefireandinsurance forthat.Thecleaninghadtocontinue,the
productionofthemagazine,adminand manyothertaskswerecarriedoutandwe knowwhothesepeopleare.Aswemove forwardthesewillcontinuetobeneeded. Markthankedeveryonewhohelpswith thesetasksandalltheotherthathappen.He issurewewillcontinuetocometogetheras acongregationandwithGod’shelpmove forwardwhateverhappenswithallthe changes.
We have received thanks from many members for prayers, flowers, cards, visits, phone calls, texts and support received following illness, celebrations, bereavements and accidents.
ItisgoodtoseetheGuild,uniformedorganisationsandothergroups areenjoyingournewlypaintedhalls.Withtheno.11busbackboth waysinPilrigStreet,itisgettingeasiertocometochurch,whether for the service or other events, and the entrances are all free of constructionwork(fornow,anyway!). Parkingisvariable,andtends tobeabitawayfromthedoors,unfortunately.
TheflowersintheSanctuaryaremostlyseasonalartificialdisplays, withfreshflowersforsignificanteventsintheChurchcalendar. We send flowers or plants to members and friends to support them throughjoyousordifficulttimes. Donationstotheflowerfundare welcomed,seenextpage. Pleasestateifyouprefertodonatetothe flowerfundinaparticularmonth.
We have sent flowers, cards and support to members at times of celebration, sorrow and achievement. It is really important that members keep me up to date re events, special birthdays and anniversaries of fellow members. It is the best way to include as manypeopleaspossible. Thankyou.
If you are able to deliver flowers in person, please let me know and I will arrange the practicalities of funding etc. Thank you for the contributions to this magazine. Articles for Novembershouldbewithmeby23rd October,please. Thank Editor 5546183
Please consider making a donation by visiting our website and donate using the PayPal button. You can also use the QR code below by scanning it on your mobile phone.
We have set up a JustGiving page, the url is We through PayPal or JustGiving so don’t receive the full amount donated.
If you shop online you can support the church when you shop on Amazon. If you are using their webpage can you go to and you can select Edinburgh: Pilrig St Paul’s Parish Church of Scotland as the charity. For certain purchases we will receive up to 1.5% as a donation. You can now change the settings on their app and select the same charity name. Thank you for your continued support. Mark
Phone 0131 665 6881
Prayer Corner
Please remember in your prayers members and friends of the congregation who are ill or infirm at this time. A full list is available in the printed version of the magazine. Please let the minister or me know of someone to include in this section. Catriona Blackwood
1b Pilrig Street Edinburgh EH6 5AH Church Office 0131 553 1876
HALL LETS contact to make a booking.
Scottish Charity no. SCO07277