9 minute read
Cornus - Dogwood
Cornus alba 'Cream Cracker'
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) BARK COLOUR: Purple-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 The leaves of this upright, deciduous shrub are green with cream-colored margins on older foliage. New growth is green with golden-yellow margins. The stems are purple-red in winter.
IVORY HALO® DOGWOOD Cornus alba 'Bailhalo'
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: White variegated EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A compact shrub with very showy, white-variegated foliage and brilliant red winter stems. A Bailey Nurseries introduction. CPBR #1,097, USPP #8,722
LITTLE REBEL® DOGWOOD Cornus alba 'Jefreb'
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.2 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.2 m) BARK COLOUR: Coral-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A dwarf dogwood with crisp green summer foliage that turns red-purple in fall. Bright-red stems add winter interest. Jeffries Nurseries introduction. CPBR #4,851, USPP #27,402
Ivory Halo Ivory Halo®® Dogwood Dogwood
MORDEN AMBER DOGWOOD Cornus alba ‘Morden Amber’
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 6 Feet (2 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Golden EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This golden foliaged dogwood has wonderful contrast between the foliage and dark-red bark.
Little Rebel Little Rebel®® Dogwood Dogwood
PAGODA DOGWOOD Cornus alternifolia
MATURE HEIGHT: 15 Feet (5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 15 Feet (5 m) BARK COLOUR: Green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Native to southern Manitoba, this large shrub offers horizontal tiered branching. White flowers produce blue fruit in fall. Can be pruned to a single stem to make an accent plant.
MATURE HEIGHT: 6 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 6 - 10 Feet (3 m) BARK COLOUR: Red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This native dogwood is very attractive when the leaves turn red in the fall. Red twigs contrast with the snow in the winter. White berries are enjoyed by songbirds. Prefers moist habitats.

SIBERIAN PEARLS DOGWOOD Cornus alba 'Siberian Pearls'

MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) BARK COLOUR: Bright red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Deep green foliage, masses of white berries and purple fall colour. Compact growth habit.
Corylus - Hazelnut
PURPLE LEAF BAILEY SELECT HAZELNUT Corylus americana ‘Bailey Select’
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Deep purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 New listing for 2022. This native shrub produces edible nuts in clusters of 2 to 4. This large rounded plant is great for naturalizing the landscape. The pest-free dark purple summer foliage develops a burgundy fall color. Bailey Nurseries introduction.
Morden Amber Dogwood Morden Amber Dogwood

Cotinus - Smokebush
ROYAL PURPLE SMOKEBUSH Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’

MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Deep purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 5 Velvety, purple foliage and panicles of beige flowers in midsummer. Collector plant that may die back to the snowline in zone 3 but shows vigorous regrowth in spring.
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Purple black EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 4 A semi-dwarf shrub with purple foliage that becomes deeper in colour until nearly black. A collector plant that may die back to the snowline in zone 3 but shows vigorous regrowth.
Bailey Select Purple Leaf Hazelnut Bailey Select Purple Leaf Hazelnut

Cotinus - Smokebush
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Yellow EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 5 Round, waxy leaves emerge a sunny orange, soon take on a golden hue, then mature to a cheerful chartreuse for the season. USPP 30,327, CPBRAF

Hedge Cotoneaster Hedge Cotoneaster

Cool Splash Cool Splash®® Dwarf Honeysuckle Dwarf Honeysuckle

Silverado Hybrid Olive Silverado Hybrid Olive
HEDGE COTONEASTER Cotoneaster lucidus
MATURE HEIGHT: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Glossy, dark green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 The glossy, dark green leaves turn a brilliant orange-red colour in autumn. An excellent plant for hedging because it responds well to shearing.
Diervilla - Bush Honeysuckle
FE COOL SPLASH® DWARF HONEYSUCKLE Diervilla sessilifolia ‘LPDC Podaras’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (1 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (1 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Variegated (white/green) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Variegated foliage that remains crisp and clean all summer. Light-yellow flowers in summer. First Editions introduction.
NIGHTGLOW™ BUSH HONEYSUCKLE Diervilla splendens ‘El Madrigal’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (1 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (1 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 4 Nightglow features intensely yellow flowers that glow bright against the dark red foliage. Plant it along a walkway or in a decorative patio container. USPP #28060, CPBRAF
HONEYBEE DWARF BUSH HONEYSUCKLE Diervilla lonicera ‘Diwibru01’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (1 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (1 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Yellow-green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Brilliant gold to chartreuse green leaves and terminal clusters of small, tubular yellow flowers in summer that are popular with bees and butterflies. Tolerant of drought.
Elaeagnus - Olive
RUSSIAN OLIVE Elaeagnus angustifolia
MATURE HEIGHT: 20 Feet (6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 20 Feet (6 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This plant can be grown as a shrub or a small specimen tree. Silvery-gray foliage, fragrant flowers and decorative fruits. Very tolerant to salt & drought.
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 10 Feet (3 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A sterile hybrid resulting from a cross between Russian Olive and Wolf Willow. This shrub features silver-gray foliage and limited suckering. Very tolerant to salt & drought.
Euonymus - Burning Bush
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FRUIT COLOUR: Pink capsules EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 An attractive plant with evergreen leaves that turn pinkish-red in the fall. It has an upright form with a sprawling habit. Excellent for mass plantings.
DWARF WINGED BURNING BUSH Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FRUIT COLOUR: Pink capsules EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 This compact form of Winged Euonymus has square corky branches and red fruit. The dark green foliage turns brilliant red in the fall.
Exochorda - Pearlbush
FE LOTUS MOON PEARLBUSH Exochorda x macrantha 'Bailmoon'
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White (early spring) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 An outstanding spring bloomer. Round flower buds open to large, 5-petaled flowers in early May. A graduate from Jeffries shrub cultivar trial. First Editions introduction.
Forsythia x 'Northern Gold'
MATURE HEIGHT: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Yellow (early spring) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A spectacular display of golden-yellow spring flowers appear before the green leaves. This cultivar has the hardiest flower buds of the species. Excellent for mass planting and hedges.
Lotus Moon Pearlbush Lotus Moon Pearlbush
Genista - Broom
DWARF BROOM Genista lydia
MATURE HEIGHT: 18 Inches (0.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Yellow EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A dwarf flowering shrub with slender, pendulous branches covered with golden yellow flowers in June. Drought tolerant once established.

Hippophae - Sea Buckthorn
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver and green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A slow growing shrub with very compact habit. Upright branches naturally form a rounded shrub without pruning. It is a male variety which does not produce fruit.
Hydrangea - Bigleaf Hydrangea
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink (mophead) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3/4 Produces intense, rose-pink or blue mop-head flowers on old and new wood. Glossy, darkgreen, heat resistant foliage. Requires a sheltered location and adequate winter protection. Bailey Nurseries introduction. USPP 20,176
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink (mophead) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3/4 The first cultivar of this species to bloom on new wood. Mops of pink or blue flowers. Requires a sheltered location and adequate winter protection. Bailey Nurseries introduction. USPP 15,298 CPBR 2,305

ENDLESS SUMMER® TWIST & SHOUT Hydrangea macrophylla ‘PIIHM-I’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Deep pink (mophead) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3/4 Pink or periwinkle blue blooms on old and new wood. Sturdy red stems and glossy, deepgreen foliage. Requires a sheltered location and adequate winter protection. Bailey Nurseries introduction. USPP 20,176
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Raspberry (mophead) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3/4 Summer Crush produces a profusion of raspberry-red or neon-purple blooms; new flower colours in the hydrangea marketplace. A compact plant well suited for smaller spaces in the garden or patio containers. Requires a sheltered location and adequate winter protection. Bailey Nurseries introduction.
Silver Star Sea Buckthorn Silver Star Sea Buckthorn

Endless Summer Endless Summer®® Bloomstruck Hydrangea Bloomstruck Hydrangea