26 minute read
Physocarpus - Ninebark
FESTIVUS GOLD® NINEBARK Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Bert Darts G’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (1 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Golden EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 An improved 'Dart's Gold' with a compact growth habit and thicker, heavier stems. The result is a sturdy plant with lots of yellow color throughout the season. USPP #26,246
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Purple-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Spring foliage emerges a sunny orange color and matures to sparkling burgundy. Clusters of white flowers cover the plant in late spring, and these age to attractive red seed heads. USPP #28,695, CPBR #5,939
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark crimson-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Compact shrub with tidy branching. Dark purple foliage throughout the summer and pinkwhite blooms in spring. A Jeffries Nurseries Introduction. USPPAF
Festivus Gold Festivus Gold®® Ninebark Ninebark
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark crimson-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Dense shrub with neat and compact branching. Dark crimson-red foliage and pinkish-white blooms. Finer foliage than Diabolo. A Proven Winners Introduction. USPP #14,821
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Dark bronze-maroon EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A dwarf ninebark that is extra bushy, with small, refined leaves. The dark foliage is colourful all season, and contrasts with the white flowers in late spring. USPP #26,749 CPBR #5,128
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Golden EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A golden version of Tiny Wine® dwarf ninebark with an attractive bushy habit and small, refined leaves. Pink buds open to white flower clusters. USPP #28,857 CPBR #5,940
Royal Jubilee Royal Jubilee®® Ninebark Ninebark


Summer Wine Summer Wine®® Ninebark Ninebark
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 The large pure-white flowers are produced over a long season. The plant has a spreading habit. Good for foundation plantings or low hedges.
CORONATION TRIUMPH POTENTILLA Potentilla fruticosa 'Cor. Triumph'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Yellow EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A plant with bright yellow flowers that are produced over a very long season. Like all potentillas it is well suited to dry and sunny conditions.

MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 3.5 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 New listing for 2022. Double white flowers contrast with dark green foliage on this rounded shrub throughout the entire summer. Well suited to dry and sunny conditions.
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Yellow EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A dense plant with very large and showy yellow flowers, up to 1½ inches in diameter. Compact habit and showy display make this an excellent specimen plant.

FE Marmalade Potentilla FE Marmalade Potentilla

Pink Beauty Pink Beauty®® Potentilla Potentilla
Double Flowering Plum Double Flowering Plum
Potentilla fruticosa 'Jefman'
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Feet (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Orange-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A compact shrub whose abundant orange flowers have a touch of red from its ‘Red Robin’ parent. An improvement over ‘Mango Tango’ with a long season of bloom. USPP #29,830
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Orange-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A compact shrub with unique, rose-like flowers in shades of orange and red. Prolific bloomer over a long season from summer to fall. First Editions introduction. USPP #31,663
MORDEN SNOW POTENTILLA Potentilla fruticosa 'Morden Snow'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 2.5 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Double white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Outstanding double white flowers on a tidy, compact plant. Good for foundation plantings or low hedges. Selected at the Morden Research Station.
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A University of Manitoba introduction with semi-double, clear-pink flowers and dark green foliage. Mature plant is bushy and full. CPBR #0714, USPP #9,874
SUMMER DAWN® POTENTILLA Potentilla fruticosa 'Summer Dawn’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Lemon yellow EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A compact, upright bush with large light yellow flowers (1.5 to 2 inches in diameter). Summer Dawn flowers continually through the summer until frost.
Prunus - Cherry & Almond
DOUBLE FLOWERING PLUM Prunus triloba 'Multiplex'
MATURE HEIGHT: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Double-pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 One of the best spring blooming shrubs, the showy double pink blossoms cover the branches ahead of the green foliage. No fruit is produced.
RUSSIAN ALMOND Prunus tenella
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Rose-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A small, globe-shaped plant with shiny, narrow leaves. The attractive single, rose-red flowers appear in May and are followed by fuzzy, almond-like fruit.

Rhus - Sumac
SMOOTH SUMAC Rhus glabra
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 10 Feet (3 m) FALL COLOUR: Reddish-purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A native shrub with dark green foliage and red fall colour. Well adapted to a dry conditions and poor soil. Suited for mass planting or controlling erosion.
FE TIGER EYES® STAGHORN SUMAC Rhus typhina ‘Baitiger’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) FALL COLOUR: Orange-yellow EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3/4 An exciting addition to any landscape. Compound leaves emerge green then turn to bright yellow with red petioles. Excellent for massing. First Editions introduction. USPP #16,185
Ribes - Currant
ALPINE CURRANT Ribes alpinum ‘’Schmidt’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Shiny green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A densely branched shrub with bright green, lobed leaves. Alpine Currant's neat shape is easily maintained, making it an excellent choice for hedging.
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Yellow, fragrant EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Produces golden flowers in spring and black fruit in late summer. Flowers attract hummingbirds and birds feed on the berries.

Salix - Willow
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Blue-green EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 An attractive hedge plant with fine-textured, blue-green foliage and purple twigs in winter.
FLAME WILLOW Salix x 'Flame'
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 10 Feet (3 m) TWIG COLOUR: Orange-red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Versatile plant for windbreak or background planting. Outstanding orange-red winter twigs. Graduate of Jeffries shrub cultivar trial.
FE ICEBERG ALLEY® WILLOW Salix candida 'Jefberg'
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Native to Newfoundland and Labrador, Iceberg Alley is a compact shrub with intense silverywhite foliage and attractive spring catkins. Selected by Todd Boland of Municipal Botanical Garden. Graduate of Jeffries Nurseries shrub cultivar trial. First Editions introduction.
PUSSY WILLOW Salix discolor
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 10 Feet (3 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Bluish-gray EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A native shrub or small tree of wetlands and swamps. Leaves are broad, bright-green and shiny. Silky, furry catkins appear in late winter and early spring.

Sambucus - Elder
Sambucus nigra ‘Eva’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Deep purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 4 Outstanding dark purple foliage is finely cut producing a lacy appearance. Excellent container plant for patios. Collector plant that may die back to the snowline but shows vigorous regrowth in spring from the crown. USPP #15,575
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Golden EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Compact globe-shaped shrub with finely cut yellow foliage. Small red fruit is produced in the fall. An outstanding plant for contrast in the landscape.
MORDEN GOLDEN GLOW RED ELDER S. racemosa ‘Morden Golden Glow’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Golden EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Golden Glow offers improved vigour and outstanding lacy, fine-textured, golden foliage. Morden Research Station introduction.
Golden Currant Golden Currant
Iceberg Alley Willow Iceberg Alley Willow
Sambucus - Elder
Sambucus racemosa ‘SMNSRD4’
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Golden EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Lemony Lace® offers finely dissected foliage but in a cheery gold color to really light up your landscape. Clusters of white flowers in early spring before the foliage emerges, then bright yellow leaves take over, edged in red. A People's Choice Award winner at the 2014 Farwest Horticulture Trade Show, Lemony Lace also won a Green Thumb Award from the Direct Gardening Association. USPP #26,613, CPBR 5,719
Aurora False Spirea Aurora False Spirea
Sem False Spirea Sem False Spirea

Dakota Goldcharm Spirea Dakota Goldcharm Spirea

Shepherdia - Buffaloberry
SILVER BUFFALOBERRY Shepherdia argentea
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) FOLIAGE COLOUR: Silver EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This native plant has silver leaves, thorny branches, yellowish-white flowers and orange-red fruit that is good for jelly. Excellent as a barrier planting.
Sorbaria - False Spirea
Sorbaria x 'Aurora'
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Plumes of white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This hybrid has the clean look and upright form of S. arborea and cold hardiness of S. sorbifolia. Dense fern-like green foliage with large panicles of white flowers. Excellent for mass plantings. F.L. Skinner introduction.
FE MATCHA BALL FALSE SPIREA Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Levgreen'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Limited flowering EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Matcha Ball® forms a perfect round ball of pretty fern-like foliage in a fresh shade of green. Spring foliage emerges red to orange- peach in color, ultimately maturing to green. This variety sparsely blooms, which helps maintain the form throughout the growing season. USPP 31,202
SEM FALSE SPIREA Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem'
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Plumes of white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A compact shrub with pink-red spring foliage that takes on a chartreuse tint in summer. White flower plumes are produced in mid-summer. Excellent for mass plantings.
Spiraea - Spirea
ANTHONY WATERER SPIREA Spiraea x bumalda ‘Anthony Waterer’
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Bright pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Upright, rounded shrub with clusters of rose-pink flowers throughout summer. Fine textured bluish green foliage turns reddish purple in the fall. A great hedge, foundation or border plant.
MATURE HEIGHT: 15-18 Inches (0.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Bright pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A very dwarf, gold leafed Spirea that grows well in full sun. The new leaves are a light bronze colour before turning yellowish-gold; showy pink flowers in mid-summer. NDSU introduction.
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Hot pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A seedless, reblooming spirea. Foliage emerges in blazing brilliant color - in this case, deep red. By late spring, the flowers begin to emerge, a bright, glowing purple-red that truly sings in the landscape. Because it produces no seeds, it puts all of its energy into flowering!

Spiraea - Spirea
Spiraea japonica 'Yan'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Hot pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Double Play Gold features golden foliage accented by hot pink summer flowers. Am excellent low maintenance shrub with season-long colour. Deer resistant.
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Hot pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Double Play Red is the first and only spirea with truly red flowers. Dark burgundy spring foliage. USPP #26,993, CBRAF
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Neat mounded plant with cool blue foliage that turns red in the fall. The summer foliage contrasts wonderfully with this plant`s white blooms. CPBRAF USPPAF
FLAMING MOUND SPIREA Spiraea x bumalda 'Flaming Mound'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Feet (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Dark-pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A shrub with tight, mound-forming habit and attractive flaming-red foliage . The flower buds are a brilliant-red, while the flower heads turn dark pink to red in mid-summer.
FROEBELLI SPIREA Spiraea x bumalda 'Froebelli'
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A very vigorous plant that produces flat clusters of pink flowers in July. Vigorous purple tips on the foliage in spring mature to green as the season progresses.
GLOW GIRL® SPIREA Spiraea betulifolia ’Tor Gold’
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Hot pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Pink flower buds open to pure white blooms in spring. Lemon-lime foliage holds its colour well in summer before turning burgundy in the fall.
Double Play Double Play®® Blue Kazoo Spirea Blue Kazoo Spirea

Glow Girl Glow Girl®® Spirea Spirea
GOLDFLAME SPIREA Spiraea x bumalda 'Goldflame'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A shrub with many colour changes; bronzy-gold to red foliage in spring to soft yellow during the summer and red again in the fall. The light pink flowers bloom all summer.
GOLDMOUND SPIREA Spiraea japonica 'Goldmound'
MATURE HEIGHT: 18- 24 Inches (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 18- 24 Inches (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A very dense dwarf, compact ball-shaped spirea with golden foliage lasting all season long. The light pink flowers appear in June-July.
LITTLE PRINCESS SPIREA Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Compact spirea with green foliage and pink flowers. Excellent ground cover or dwarf specimen. Foliage changes to a dark red colour in the fall.
Goldflame Spirea Goldflame Spirea

Spiraea - Spirea
MATURE HEIGHT: 18 Inches (0.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Feet (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A dwarf spirea with leaves that emerge red then mature into bronze, red-tipped foliage. Clusters of pink flowers in early summer. USPP #9,363

Magic Carpet Spirea Magic Carpet Spirea
MINI SUNGLO SPIREA Spiraea x bumalda 'Mini Sunglo'
MATURE HEIGHT: 12- 15 Inches (0.4 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 Feet (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 More dense and dwarf in habit than ‘Goldmound’. Brilliant yellow leaf colour holds well during the summer. Pink flowers cover the foliage in mid summer. Bron & Sons introduction.
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Beautiful pink flowers emerge in early summer and then re-bloom in fall. Pink Sparkler has a lovely rounded shape that requires very little pruning to keep its shape.
FE Pink Sparkler Spirea FE Pink Sparkler Spirea

Shirobana Spirea Shirobana Spirea
SHIROBANA SPIREA Spiraea japonica 'Shirobana'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2.5 Feet (0.8 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink & white clusters EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Produces flowers in both pink and white. The leaves vary from a light to dark green. This shrub has a small mounded habit.
THREE-LOBE SPIREA Spiraea trilobata
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This shrub has graceful arching branches that are covered with white flowers in June.
TOR SPIREA Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor'
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A compact mound of dark green, birch-like leaves. Tiny white flowers in late spring. Fall colour in shades of orange, red and purple. Excellent in rock gardens and foundation plantings.
Three Lobe Spirea Three Lobe Spirea
Symphoricarpos - Snowberry
PINKY PROMISE SNOWBERRY S. doorenbosii ‘Kolmpica’
MATURE HEIGHT: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FRUIT COLOUR: Pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 After spring garden bloomers finish their show, Pinky Promise™ Snowberry takes over center stage with a flashy display of gumball pink berries that cover the rich mint-green foliage. Perfect for decorative patio containers, hedges, mixed garden beds, and walkways. USPPAF CPBRAF.
WHITE SNOWBERRY Symphoricarpos occidentalis
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FRUIT COLOUR: White EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This erect shrub is planted for erosion control and wildlife habitat. Small pink flowers are followed by white berry clusters that are retained into winter. Tolerates shade and poor soils.
Syringa - American Lilacs
SCENTURA PURA LILAC Syringa x hyacinthiflora ‘SMNSHSO’
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 - 12 Feet (3.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 10 - 12 Feet (3.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: single, purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A hyacinthiflora lilac, the most fragrant type on the market. It earns its name from its pure purple flowers and deep, true fragrance. Fresh green foliage resists disease and keeps the plant looking good even when it's not in bloom. USPP 31,119, CPBRAF

Syringa - French Lilacs
COMMON LILAC Syringa vulgaris
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 - 15 Feet (4.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 8 - 12 Feet (3.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Fragrant, blue EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This vigorous shrub has attractive leaves and fragrant lilac pink blossoms.
BEAUTY OF MOSCOW FRENCH LILAC Syringa vulgaris ‘Krasavitsa Moskvy’
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: double white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Panicles of double, delicate pale pink flowers that turn white with maturity.

CHARLES JOLY FRENCH LILAC Syringa vulgaris ‘Charles Joly’
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: double red EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Smaller panicles of purple buds open to magenta double flowers.
MADAME LEMOINE FRENCH LILAC Syringa vulgaris ‘Madame Lemoine’
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 10 Feet (3 m) FLOWER COLOUR: double white EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This showy lilac bears panicles of double white flowers on a spreading bush.
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.2 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: single pink, fragrant EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A dense, compact lilac with light pink, upright flowers. Very tolerant of heat and dry conditions.
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 - 12 Feet (3.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) FLOWER COLOUR: bicolour (purple-white) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Interesting, bi-coloured flowers with purple florets and a white border.
Syringa - Preston Lilacs
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) MATURE SPREAD: 2 - 3 Feet (0.9 m) FLOWER COLOUR: dark purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A compact selection of Royalty lilac, Charisma grows to only half the height of the parent cultivar. Makes an excellent compact hedge. Non-suckering.
CORAL PRESTON LILAC Syringa x prestoniae ‘Coral’
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: clear pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Pink flowers and light green foliage. Non-suckering.
DONALD WYMAN PRESTON LILAC Syringa x prestoniae ‘Donald Wyman’
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: red-purple tone EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Panicles of purple buds open to red-purple flowers. Non-suckering.
Scentura Pura Lilac Scentura Pura Lilac

Beauty of Moscow Lilac Beauty of Moscow Lilac
Prairie Petite Lilac Prairie Petite Lilac

Syringa - Preston Lilacs
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 3 - 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: bright pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 An outstanding dwarf lilac cultivar resulting from a cross between ‘Charisma’ and ‘Miss Canada’. Abundant bright pink panicles on a compact bush. Non-suckering. First Editions introduction. USPPAF
MATURE HEIGHT: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: soft pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Dense, compact plant with large dark green leaves. Light purple buds open to single, soft pink blooms. Non-suckering.
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.8 m) FLOWER COLOUR: dark purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 Dark-green leathery foliage, purple blooms. Non-suckering.
Other Lilacs - Syringa
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 Feet (1.25 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Dark-purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Slightly larger than the original Bloomerang. Large, dark-purple flower panicles are produced in spring and from mid-summer to frost. USPP #26,549 CPBR #5,076
DWARF KOREAN LILAC Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink lavender EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A distinctive lilac with a soft pink bloom and heavy fragrance. Dark green foliage covers this compact shrub. Makes an ideal hedge of small stature.
MATURE HEIGHT: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This new lilac combines the large flower panicles of ‘Miss Kim’ with the compact habit of ‘Dwarf Korean’. Dark pink buds open to fragrant, lilac-pink flowers. First Editions introduction. USPP #30,331
MISS KIM LILAC Syringa patula 'Miss Kim'
MATURE HEIGHT: 6 - 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Lavender purple EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Distinctive dwarf lilac with fragrant lavender purple flowers and purple fall colouration. Fragrant late bloomer.
MATURE HEIGHT: 3 Feet (0.9 m) MATURE SPREAD: 4 - 5 Feet (1.5 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 This dwarf lilac produces abundant dark pink buds that open to soft, lilac-pink flowers. Very fragrant. Graduate of the Jeffries Nurseries shrub cultivar trial. USPP #26,548 CPBR #5,077
VILLOSA LILAC Syringa villosa
MATURE HEIGHT: 12 Feet (4 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: Pink lavender EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A dense tall shrub with stout ascending branches. This species blooms later than the common lilac. Lavender-pink flowers fade to gray-white. Non-suckering.
Pinktini™ Preston Lilac Pinktini™ Preston Lilac
Minuet Preston Lilac Minuet Preston Lilac
FE Little Lady FE Little Lady®® Hybrid Lilac Hybrid Lilac
Autumn Jazz Arrowwood Autumn Jazz Arrowwood

Hahs American Cranberry Hahs American Cranberry

Nannyberry Nannyberry

Viburnum - Arrowwood, Cranberry, Wayfaring Tree
AUTUMN JAZZ ARROWWOOD Viburnum dentatum ‘Ralph Senior’
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 Feet (2.5 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White (blue fruit) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A selection of Arrowwood Viburnum with glossy leaves and intense blue fruit in late summer. Autumn Jazz is a graduate of the Jeffries Nurseries shrub cultivar trial. Chicagoland Grows introduction.
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White (blue fruit) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A compact selection of Arrowwood Viburnum with glossy leaves and intense blue fruit in late summer. Part of the Proven Winner Collection.
MATURE HEIGHT: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White (red fruit) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A compact selection of this species. Flat heads of white flowers appear in early-June followed by clusters of red berries in summer. The foliage turns red in the fall. Shade tolerant.
DWARF EUROPEAN CRANBERRY Viburnum opulus 'Nanum'
MATURE HEIGHT: 24 Inches (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 30 Inches (0.8 m) FLOWER COLOUR: None EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 Dwarf rounded shrub with lobed green foliage in summer, turning purplish in fall. Flowers and fruit are rarely seen. Makes an excellent small statured hedge. Shade tolerant.
HAHS AMERICAN CRANBERRY Viburnum trilobum ‘Hahs’
MATURE HEIGHT: 6 Feet (2 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White (red fruit) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 The best compact American viburnum available. The foliage emerges a nice coppery color and ages to a deep green. Red fruit persist into winter. Use as a specimen or screen in the landscape.
HIGHBUSH CRANBERRY Viburnum trilobum
MATURE HEIGHT: 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White (red fruit) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 A native shrub that produces flat clusters of white flowers followed by attractive bright red cranberry clusters in the summer. The dark green, lobed leaves turn a scarlet-red in the fall.
MATURE HEIGHT: 1 - 2 Feet (0.6 m) MATURE SPREAD: 1 - 2 Feet (0.6 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3b An exceptional dwarf viburnum that is a puffball of creamy white, fragrant flowers in late spring. Very adaptable and easy to grow. USPP #27,549 CPBR #5,943
NANNYBERRY Viburnum lentago
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White (blue fruit) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 2 This native shrub produces white flowers in June followed by blue-black fruit. The upright growth form with brilliant red foliage in the fall makes this a good landscape choice.
SNOWBALL VIBURNUM Viburnum opulus 'Sterile'
MATURE HEIGHT: 8 - 10 Feet (3 m) MATURE SPREAD: 5 - 6 Feet (1.75 m) FLOWER COLOUR: White (no fruit) EXPOSURE / HARDINESS: Zone 3 A showy plant with maple-like leaves and large, double white flowers that turn to light pink. The flowers are sterile so do not produce fruit. Prefers a shady location.