1 minute read
Caparrel is an assistive scanning device that designed to assist the visual impaired people in outfit choosing process. The scanning device consist of CCNY Clothing
Pattern Dataset which helps to recognise the colours and patterns of the clothing.
Capparel can be controlled using voice commands such as On, Off, Volume Up and Volume down which able to help the visual impaired people use the device effortlessly.
According to Caregivers / Blind Massage Supervisor / Doctors / Ophthalmologist / Blind people
Outfit for a specific occasion is very important for blind especially when they go to work or interview.
The blind depends on others when they want to choose the outfit for a specific occasion or event.
To add, they only have several choices in their wardrobe for daily basis. This is because they already get familiar with the clothes which easy for them when they want to choose outfit.
of Blind People have less choice for outfit
Already get familiar with their existing clothes
Need time to adapt with the new outfit
Need help from family members to choose when they are not familiar with the new clothes