Psychic Guidepost Winter 2014

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WINTER 2013/2014

Psychic Guidepost The magazine for the metaphysical/spiritual community Now in PRINT only $1499

Susun’s Weeds Psychic and Dating Manifesting in relationships

Quantum Awakenings

2 Psychic Guidepost

Winter 2014 | 3


Psychic and Dating

28 Ask the Astrologers 34


About Fairies

Susun’s Weeds

12 Predictions for 2014 40 Are you an Old Soul?




50 Dancing Archetypes

Telepathy & Native Americans Soulmate or Sociopath? Manifestation Prescription for love

24 Numerology forecast

4 Psychic Guidepost

42 Quantum Clairovyant


Solstice Transformation


Winter Recipes


Psychic News


UFO News

64 Enlightment as the Destination

EDITOR’s Notes This magazine is for anyone interested in healing, astrology, the paranormal, divination, spiritual practice, and anything to do with the psychic arts. Here we present the best of the best ethical psychics, spiritual advisors, and holistic healers in the world. We hope you enjoy our offering. ~Namaste Dear Readers: The Winter Edition is ready and we hope that it meets you at a time when you are filled with the love and light of the season. Psychic Guidepost Magazine is now being read all over the world. To our Northern Hemisphere readers, we hope this issue will warm your heart, and to our Southern Hemisphere readers may you be refreshed by the articles of the season. Our goal at Psychic Guidepost Magazine is to gather spiritual, holistic, and psychic stories from several esoteric and modern traditions. We pride ourselves in gathering insightful, thought provoking, and heartwarming stories that are relevant both to the season of the issue as well as to every season of life. In this issue we review traditions

related to the Winter Solstice, a seasonal holiday that influences nearly all spiritual traditions in some way and celebrated throughout the world. For our fairy lovers we have a wonderful and insightful article by Sarah Jane Alexander, the author of “Fairy Wisdom for Spiritual Evolution.” If you have ever been interested in interacting with fairies and the natural world as a part of your spiritual practice, this is a must read. For readers interested in astrology in every issue we offer some of the best astrologers in the world providing horoscopes and historical background about the practice. Winter always tends to be a time for rich foods that we can share around the dinner table. We have some fun traditional and not so traditional recipes to entice your palate. We also have an article and recipe by Susun Weed to keep you healthy and happy through the holidays. Learn about archetypal language and how it influences our understanding of the world. Also find out what it is like to be psychic and dating, identify with us misconceptions and myths about

psychic readings, and learn how to leverage the energy of the Universe to manifest your highest good. We have something for everyone in the Winter Edition of Psychic Guidepost Magazine.Please send us your letters and questions, we’ll be glad to publish them and answer your questions in the next issue of Pyschic Guidepost! Write to You can also subscribe to the magazine at psychicguidepost

Contributors Publisher Aguilar Publishing Information Inc., Montana USA Managing Editor James Masters Art Directors Chris Friar James Masters FREE Digital Subscription at www.issuu/psychicguidepost READ on your phone, download the ISSUU app from Google Play Get your printed copy at

Winter 2014 | 5


sychic and Dating? Well it isn’t easy let me tell you. It’s hard enough on the dating scene without adding extra knowledge from your psychic abilities. We have the same hazards as any dating scene except that we can see, feel and know things that most people can’t. If you are empathic, then you’re getting feelings off of him/her from the start. If you are Mediumistic, people who have passed on to the other side will be filling that coffee shop to want to communicate to your date while you are talking over chai lattes. Sometimes even our abilities can give us the wrong impression of the individual from the start because he’s giving off vibes because he/she has had a hard day or they may be nervous meeting you for the first time if it is a blind date. On the first date, pretend you don’t have abilities and get to know them as a person first. They may look like Grizzly Adams or Ernest Borgnine

Psychic and Dating 6 Psychic Guidepost

dating with a friend of his and when he asked me to prove that I was psychic. I started to tell him things no one knew. Needless to say he got spooked and he and his friend soon left. He crosses the street when he sees me now. (he wasn’t worth dating anyway, he was dating someone at the same time as my friend).

(though his eyebrows scare me) but they could have a heart of gold and be mediumistic themselves. You know what they say like meets like sometimes.I learned early it is not so good to tell them in the beginning. One time, there was a gentleman I worked with in my 20’s who was a bit skeptical but I really liked him. He asked me to prove my psychic ability. We used a coin and he flipped it heads or tails. He did it 12 times and I called it right each time. Needless to say he was impressed but he didn’t want to go out with a girl that could beat him in games of chance. Using your gift is great for helping out a friend. If your friend wants to know about her latest boyfriend, she can take you along. (Even that can be hazardous, considering your girlfriend may really like him and want you to say he’s her soul mate but you just don’t see it.) Another story about dating involved my friend and her new beau. He was the skeptical sort and didn’t believe in this “mumbo jumbo”. I was double

There is no use doing your own reading (those tarot or tea leaves won’t let you know if he/she is meant for you). I find we tend to skip over that separation we see in the cards due to how much we want them or how we wish they were ours. We see a card and think that’s not a choice between lovers…. that must be his sister (wishful thinking). For some reason, either through emotions or fate, we can’t tell when the right one will be coming along. Sometimes we are not meant to know about the other person. Maybe we aren’t emotionally or spiritually ready. Maybe we need to heal first, and we have to deal with that. Remember, sometimes something in our lives has to come to an end, before something new like love can come in. Maybe we have to learn trust again. I think we have to learn life’s lessons in love and other matters like everyone else. You might have the best feelings for the other person in the world but it could be you are in their life to help them move on to someone else or to heal or move on to another phase in their lives. Maybe they are repeating a lesson they haven’t learned in a past life and you are there to help. It’s true we sometimes have the same people in different lives playing different Winter 2014 | 7

New Age Dating Meet people interested in metaphysics anywhere! roles and it can take a lot of reincarnation in different lives to learn what we need to know. But even as psychics, sometimes it is best to have a reading done by another psychic to see where things are going with your relationship. They can provide guidance when we wonder if we really should put up with that man/ woman who only calls every second week. Even psychic’s can have problems in the love department, I wouldn’t have married two cancers with the same birthday and been divorced twice otherwise. I find our psychic ability doesn’t work for us personally or we would all be millionaires or only been married once. We are meant to use our ability to help others and help guide them with advice. Now when I’m dating I ask them are you a Cancer? and what’s your birthday? When the right person comes along then sometimes we know. I found this with my second husband when I first laid eyes on him (I met him at work). I knew he was going to be my husband but try telling that to him. I didn’t tell him for a while. If I was able to predict for myself, I would have seen he was divorce number 2 but well sometimes you have lessons to learn. It’s been predicted I will marry again, and I said to my friend, no way I’ll live with someone or I’ll hand fast but I won’t get married. She just looked at me with that look of hers over her cards. I guess I am going for Elizabeth Taylor status. Not to say you shouldn’t trust your intuition when you meet men/women. That instinct that tells you to run fast in the opposite direction shouldn’t be ignored. It’s there for a reason. There’s also common sense. It doesn’t take a genius to realize when a man is going to pick you up for a date, he really shouldn’t be riding a moped. He figures he’s not going anywhere. You don’t need to be a psychic to know what he wants. Be 8 Psychic Guidepost

DO NOT MAKE PREDICTIONS! picky about who you chose. You deserve someone special, they may look great but if they don’t treat you right or you don’t see them for weeks on end and they don’t have a good excuse, they may not be sensitive when you tell them about your abilities. Be careful of letting other people know that you are psychic that possibly might also like your date and be competition. I find these people tend to let it “slip” to your date that you have psychic ability so that they can get the upper hand. If they do remember bad karma comes back 3 and 9 fold to those who take advantage and harm others. If your date reacts badly, then they weren’t the right one for you and if they don’t recognize the other person is being malicious, then they weren’t smart enough for you anyways. When you find who you think the right person is, take your time. It’s better to go slow in the relationship. I find we tend to use our feelings and emotions as psychics rather than intuitions when our feelings are involved as anyone else would. Take him/her to movies involving paranormal themes and see what their reaction is. Watch out for red flags. If he/she makes fun of people who believe in the paranormal and thinks it’s just hokey, they may not be a good bet. You want someone who is open to new things and ideas. Sometimes you need someone who is as unique as you. Eventually if you have been dating for a while, you will have to tell him/her. How else can you explain all those people coming to visit you all the time for readings or why a date has to be on a certain night because you are booked for Saturday? When it comes down to it, it’s better to tell them and see if it is going to work then wait a long time say… when you are engaged … to tell them. (Honey, can you watch football in the bedroom while I do this group reading may not go over very well.) Don’t wait too long. Where to meet the person of your psychic dreams? Well it’s sometimes hard to find the right person

MEET AT METAPHYSICAL TALKS AT A UNIVERSITY for you. We are pretty unique. Sometimes when we aren’t looking and the time is right, they find us.

Here are several places it’s possible to meet like minded individuals:


. Talks on the supernatural or psychic phenomena at your local college or university.

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. Book stores in the paranormal, spiritual or religious section.

. Through friends who are aware of your gifts. Sometimes a friend of a friend.


. Paranormal investigative groups.


. Local events with paranormal or psychic themes (ghost walks).

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. Psychic Fairs.

. Classes in astrology or other psychic methods of divination at local community centers or colleges.


. Take an art class. A lot of psychic people are artistic as well.



. The dog park. Don’t tell them about your animal communication ability though.

Now the rules: 1. When to tell them you are psychic?

Don’t do it on the first, second or even third date. Neither one of my ex-husbands knew I was psychic for 4 months. It sometimes scares people and they mistakenly think we “read minds” so they get freaked out which of course isn’t the case (I find only the ones with not so good intentions do this). Casually slip it into the conversation at about the fourth month of “I have a business that’s a little different”

2. Online dating:

Don’t put it in your profile. Not a good idea. Get to know them first as with all online dating. Meet them in a safe place (public) the first few times you date then follow rule number one.

3. How to get rid of unwanted dates: If you want

to get rid of them, tell them you’re psychic on the first date and you see them with you forever and marriage is in the future. Watch

MEET AT CLASSES IN ASTROLOGY them run for the hills.

4. Predictions/premonitions that pop up when you are in the early stages of dating: Unless you see an accident, you shouldn’t do predictions until later in the dating stage. Telling him you see you two together with three children may kill that Cuba vacation you are planning together.

5. If you are psychic medium and someone is trying to come thru for them: This is probably hard but it is best not to try to reconcile an old disagreement with your date and someone who has passed on the first date. Wait until later in the dating process.

6. Don’t tell him you see problems with his aura and

he may have a medical problem. This is very important not to do this during sex. It really kills the mood.

7. The jealous ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend pops up: Don’t say anything. Just remember you can see the ex psychically with someone else.

8. It really helps to have a sense of humor when you are

dating and your date should have Winter 2014 | 9

a sense of humor if he/she doesn’t then probably they won’t accept the fact you are psychic either. Psychics are really sensitive people who need someone who are supportive of their beliefs.

9. Don’t give psychic advice on dates. One

time I was giving a date advice on work as I give most people and got “thanks mom”. He never did get another date.

10. Don’t offer to clean your date’s chakras. He may not appreciate that at Starbucks.

11. It’s not fair to read any objects left on

the table (psychometry) during your date when you are at the coffee shop. (He/she may have borrowed it and you won’t get anything especially if it’s his grandfather’s watch).

12. Finally, if they are meant for you, they will want you because they will think you are a unique and talented person with a gift who helps people. Now that’s the kind of person you want.

~by Danielle Lowe

10 Psychic Guidepost


anielle Lowe has been a gifted Psychic Clairvoyant for 30 years, currently living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her first experience of Prophetic dreams started at 7 years of age. She started doing private personal readings at age 19. She has abilities ranging from psychometry, clairaudience, to clairvoyance. Danielle uses divination tools to help find answers, such as Tarot cards and Tea Leaf. Danielle also has the gift of reading one’s palm. Danielle offers in person private readings as well as sessions through Skype and phone. http://

When saving a life is all that matters Winter 2014 | 11

Predictions for the New Year 2014


or 2014, I see a time where virtually everyone’s life becomes a little bit easier. The energy of 2014 is numerolgical year 7. The hallmarks of this year is powering down a bit, spiritual reflection and renewal. It’s not a good time to take action, folks. More so await developments and go forward from there. It is an excellent year to square up your past mistakes and learn from them. On a more practical note, I don’t see as much bipartisan crap going on in government. There will still be some, but those are the politicians who believe any press, even bad press, is a good thing. 12 Psychic Guidepost

There will be dramas and a few scandals, it seems more about media driven ratings. I hear that seven major cities or states will legalize marijuana this year, at least for medical purposes. There will also be some new research coming out about marijuana’s applications. While this may be ‘old news’ to some of us, it will be ‘new’ in terms of mainstream knowledge. A major storm will impact the west coast. It appears there will be a new addition or additions of the four legged variety in the White House. Like puppies! Maybe Bo will be a father.

Major news about where American Indians came from. It will be accepted that different geographic regions of tribes came from different parts of the world. Droughts ease in the central part of the United States and Canada. Tropical storms and hurricanes seem to creep farther up the east coast this autumn into the mid-Atlantic region. I don’t see anything major this storm season for the east coast although I do see more than a fair share of snows in the northern part of the country. Although the earth will quake in and around California, particularly around the Anaheim area, nothing major or too damaging.

However, there will be a major earthquake in South America this year. I keep picking up the number 8 so it might be 8.0+. Sadly, I do see more terrorism both at home and abroad. They don’t seem like large scale attacks, but still devastating to a community or City. Brace yourselves for more news about school shootings. A major one will take place in the south. I worry more about the Summer Olympics than I do about the Winter Olympics, even though Russia seems to be experiencing terrorism at present. I’m also seeing an assassination attempt on the Pope. I don’t see it as being successful, but it will curtail Pope Francis’ freedom as he realizes if he is to continue his vision of reformation, he needs to curtail his own freedom. I don’t see any serious presidential candidates throwing their hat into the ring until 2015. As of now, I don’t see Hillary running, but I do see some noises from Elizabeth Warren’s camp. There seems to be some medical breakthrough’s coming in 2014. As usual, cancer cure rates will increase, but these breakthroughs seem to have more to do with the brain than anything else. There also are great strides made in terms of treatments of genetic disorders and gene therapy. The latest fad will become Kitchen Gardens - Small plots growing fruits and vegetables will become very popular again. On an end note, although the economy will get better

Natural ingredients for a happier you and unemployment rates continue to drop, I’m not seeing a return to something like the economy of the ‘go go 80’s’ The stock market will continue to reach new record breaking heights, but the economic recover remains sluggish although much better than in previous years. Blessings to one and all, Susan Speaks with Spirit

Susan Speaks with Spirit Spiritual Medium Susan is a natural born medium and has beem giving readings since she was a teenager. In 2001, after more than two decades in the corporate world, she decided to pursue a spiritual path and began to work full time as a medium and spiritual advisor. She is a five-star expert on many platforms and considered one of the best readers in the Northern Hemisphere. “Let me help you walk your karmic path”... Contact her at or email:

Spiritually oriented gifts Organic Botanicals Divination Tools, and much more! Winter 2014 | 13

Telepathy Native Americans and the paranormal


ative People were naturally telepathic. Indigenous People were not talkers. Instead, they left room in the airwaves for the small voices:crisping autumn leaves crackling in wind against cold branches; the soft rustling of a nightbird’s wings, brushing the breeze in the growing dark; the deep, mournful, and beautiful song of the wind. By day, the Original People naturally meditated to the sound of a rippling creek brooking stones strewn in its watery road. They respected the conversation of crows.

14 Psychic Guidepost

Long ago, the People could communicate with all of Creation: they spoke the same language. Cedric Red Feather shared this ancient wisdom with me, and I’ve pondered it many times. Our air is a plenitude of human chatter, cell phones, radio waves, train horns, sirens, airplanes, television shows, and big rigs. If these brackish distractors were gone, in that glorious open aural space, we would recapture our original attunement to the small voice. We would become as they were, the First People—innately telepathic. We are flummoxed and nonplussed by “psychic phenomena” and

“the paranormal.” So-called extrasensory phenomenon, to Traditional Native Americans, were by no means extra- or paraanything: they were part and parcel of the natural world. In short, Traditional Native People did what we are re-learning to do. By shifting from living in our minds to living from the heart, we will be able to evoke a greater degree of openness to the supernumerous existence surrounding us. We will quietly and diligently cultivate an awareness of all realms, both visible and invisible. I’m impressed that Phyllis Galde

has the expansiveness and vision to include Native Americans in the paranormal cannon. She recently published Mandan Dreams, in which Mandan Turtle Priest Cedric Red Feather shares ancient prophecies and teachings from the time that Lone Man, Mandan Prophet, walked among the people. Presently, an article about Crazy Horse has made it to the pages of Fate Magazine. He was a Lakota man who, like Cedric Red Feather, was authentic and courageous enough to follow his own dreams.

This article first appeared in FATE Magazine May -June 2013 http://www.

We have been asleep a very long time. Galde Press uses print media to wake us up from our psychic slumber. I have heard Phyllis Galde referred to as “the First Lady of the Paranormal” in the cyber world. This is a fair distinction for a grand lady who has kept an openness and steadfastly acknowledged the integrity and vitality of invisible phenomena and realms. It’s no wonder her pets and plants are all “psychic.” By appreciating the propensity of all living things to harbor prehension and an ability to communicate multidimensionally, she has helped us reopened doors and channels among the beings of the Earth, our Mother.

Used with permission.

by~ Janet Michele Red Feather, JD, MA Ceremonial Singer Crazy Horse, a Lakota man who was courageous and followed his own dreams.


anet Michele Red Feather teaches composition and literature full-time at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, Minnesota. She worked for nearly eight years as a defense litigator in California. In 1993, she traveled to North Dakota to fast and pray for a way of life, and her life changed dramatically after that. Janet enjoys her role as Ceremonial Singer for various Native American ceremonies and has learned over 50 songs in Mandan and Lakota. She loves writing about spiritual subjects. Look for her regular column Spirit Leaves in The Edge Magazine, beginning in January, 2014. Janet welcomes correspondence at her email address: Winter 2014 | 15

Soulmate or sociopath 16 Psychic Guidepost

M difference?

any of the experiences that we have when dealing with a Soul Mate can be remarkably like dealing with a Sociopath, so how do we know the

When you meet your Soul Mate it can feel as if you have waited your whole life for this person, the intensity is incredible, the love you feel knocks you off your feet and the two of you spend every spare moment communicating and sharing your hopes, thoughts and dreams. It literally feels like you have met the person that you were destined to spend your life with – discovered the very reason that you were born. You always wanted a connection this deep and here it is! When you meet a Sociopath they will initially engage in something called ‘love – bombing’. They will literally reflect everything that you ever wanted back at you. They will listen to everything you say and study you intently while they build up a picture of who you would like them to be – because once they create this false persona, and you fall deeply in love with them, they have total control over you. This insidious game is called the Idealisation stage. Its identical to the first few months of finding a soul mate. A soul mate may make long term plans with you before they even really know who you are – they will tell you that they just KNOW that you are THE ONE. A sociopath will do the same thing – but the sociopath has NO INTENTIONS WHATSOEVER of delivering on those promises. They are merely moulding themselves into what you want them to be. They know what you want because you feel such an enormous attachment to this person that you have no boundaries

whatsoever, and you share every aspect of your life with them. Whatever they want – you give them. There comes a point in many soul connections when the fear of the sheer enormity of what is going on here kicks in. This is often the point where your soul mate will pull, or even RUN away. The devastation that you feel at this point is almost insufferable and you literally fall apart. You constantly ruminate. You go over conversations in your head, you blame yourself and chastise yourself for things you may or may not have said or done. You feel crushed, devastated and inconsolable. There comes a point in many interactions with a Sociopath when the Idealisation stage is over and they begin to DEVALUE you. They are bored with you. You were easy to manipulate, they got what they wanted, you are now way too clingy and needy and they are seeking out fresh, innocent ‘narcissistic supply’. They want someone that they can share the Idealisation stage with, something new and exciting. Someone that they can conquer as they conquered you. You no longer fill that role because you keep talking about when they are going to deliver on all the promises they made to you and you keep trying to put everything into ACTION because so far its all been words. Wonderful words, that speak of everything that your heart ever desired, but still only WORDS. You are loving, kind, generous, open, giving and attentive. They hate you for it. You are everything that they can never be. You will pay for that. When a soul mate runs away we feel totally abandoned. Nothing makes sense. We appeared to ‘have it all’, nothing significant happened to change that, things may have been a little strained Winter 2014 | 17

When a Sociopath reaches the DISCARD stage the scenario is exactly the same. lately but you LOVE this person and you are ready to communicate and work through that. What you may not have realised is that by this time, they were intentionally sabotaging things for a reason, an excuse, to bail out. They dont want to ‘talk it over’ because they engineered it in the first place. Your willingness to work things out will actually have them pulling away faster. When a Sociopath reaches the DISCARD stage the scenario is exactly the same. In the blink of an eye you can go from being the centre of their world to the shit on their shoe. You wont be able to make sense of it because it doesnt make sense. Until you understand who you were REALLY dealing with all this time. This ‘dream come true’ who swept you off your feet is actually your worst possible nightmare. They crept into your life, your head, your heart and your very soul, and you let them in because they were wearing a disguise. They fooled you into thinking that this was the person you were destined to spend the rest of your life with. Underneath that disguise is a Narcissist. Totally lacking in Empathy, interested only in getting their own needs met, by any means necessary who plugged into your beautiful energy and sucked you dry. Now you are depleted you are of no use, its time for them to move on to a new, fresh victim. So how do we know who, or rather what, we are dealing with? Maybe we dont NEED to know! Think about the reason for soul connections for a moment. They are about growth, learning life lessons, healing, setting healthy boundaries and practicing SELF LOVE. Someone comes into your life and rubs salt into your deepest wounds. They remind you of all the issues that you need to deal with in order to grow and be the best person that you can be. The universe will teach us all of these things by giving us the free will to do it OUR WAY – and then suffer the consequences. You can put your hand into those flames, how long you leave it there is your choice, and you will suffer the resulting damage based on the choice you make. Soul 18 Psychic Guidepost

connections are the same. So is an interaction with a Sociopath. When we fail to enforce healthy boundaries, people can walk into our lives and latch on to our innocence, take advantage of us, lie, cheat, let us down and leave us feeling devastated. Soul Mate or Sociopath – a broken heart is a broken heart and the lessons that we learn as a result of these interactions are uncannily similar. When you are dealing with the aftermath of an encounter with either of these situations the work that you need to do on yourself is the SAME. Lets also look again at the reason for a soul connection. To show YOU what you need to address within you. To open to your heart and practice UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. To be more empathetic to those around you. To find joy in the simpler things in life. To find balance and happiness that comes from WITHIN. What if your Soul Connection IS ACTUALLY A SOCIOPATH? At this stage you may not be willing to accept such a concept but I would urge you, as part of your healing process, to seek out resources and reading material and decide for yourself. Knowing exactly what you are dealing with will empower you, it will help you make the right choices for yourself and it may just heal you.

~by Fiona Beck visit her site at: www.fionabeck. com

Presenting the Wisdom of the Ages Best-selling Author and Internationally known, 5-star reader! Sound spiritual advice! Ask Cristina! psychic/ask-cristina Winter 2014 | 19

Manifestation Prescription for Love

20 Psychic Guidepost


n most postmodern spiritual movements the Universal Law of Attraction is a widely known principle. The idea of leveraging this law to achieve goals is a common place discussion in many circles. There is also a repository of information related to this topic available online with directives on how to successfully practice manifestation. Even with this wealth of information many individuals misuse the law due to a lack of understanding. Individuals can experience common yet avoidable pitfalls related to their manifestation practice and therefore become frustrated and give up before they accomplish their goals. This is especially true with individuals desiring to attain better experiences in their love lives. Some of the most common pitfalls are projecting manifestations into the future, identifying an individual as the goal of the manifestation, a lack of focused time in manifestation leading to an overindulgence in fantasy, and a lack of integrating gratitude into the manifestation practice. Here is a two part manifestation prescription for people wanting a better love life. This is for individuals desiring a new relationship as well as for people wanting to have a better relationship with their current partner. If an individual wants to make manifestation an actual practice in life it is important to have a strict discipline related to the goals he or she wants to accomplish. It is important to set a time limit

for a manifestation practice. If an individual is practicing manifestation 24-hours a day it is likely that they have lost touch with reality. This is not a manifestation practice it is living in fantasy. Consciousness and being present is imperative for the manifestation process. Using the law of attraction incorporates an invisible reality into form. If an individual is spending most or all of his or her life in fantasy they are likely detached from form and there is no place for the desired outcome to become evident. A daily practice should be at least five minutes, but no more than ten minutes. It is important to start out by centering and then move on to the visualization practice. Centering simply means becoming present with the environment around the practitioner and present internally by shutting off internal dialogues that are not consistent with the focused goal. Visualization tends to work best with the eyes closed, however the practitioner should do what

feels most comfortable for him or her. The next step is to visualize the perfect relationship. Through the visualization process the practitioner is answering basic questions through the visualization process. “What is he or she like? What does he or she look like? What kinds of interactions do I regularly have with him or her?� This list could go on forever, but the underlining idea is that the practitioner should eventually reach a point where the image in the visualization is his or her absolute ideal relationship. This is not necessarily physical attributes though, the practitioner can visualize certain activities or interactions that would fulfill his or her desired outcome. It is important to allow these visualization times to be a present moment experience. Visualizations projected out into the future usually do manifest very slowly if at all. For maximum benefit the visualization must be experienced as if they were happening right now. If a practitioner projects his Winter 2014 | 21

manifesting continued or her intention into the future they will get exactly that. The potential will always remain in the future until the individual is willing and able to bring these experiences into the present moment. The biggest pitfall for individuals practicing the law of attraction comes for those people that already have an object of attraction/ affection. They have an ex they want to get back together with or a friend they would like to get to date. In this situation the best thing to do is not even consider the object of their affection/attraction during the practice. If having an image of an individual is necessary for the person’s manifestation process they may consider choosing someone that represents an ideal archetype. For example a character from a movie, book, or some other setting. The idea is not to make the visualization more obscure, but to keep the object of his or her attraction/affection out. People just staring this practice might ask, “Why shouldn’t I focus on the object of my desire? I love him or her.” That is likely very true, however if there is not already a connection there are potential negative emotions attached due to the current separation from the object of his or her attraction/ desire. Whether it is separation issues, dysfunction in the relationship, or just disagreement the vibrational energy associated with that person is not conducive to upgrading the current vibration 22 Psychic Guidepost

in the practitioner’s experience. If the practitioner cannot keep from focusing on the object of their attraction/affection then they will likely recreate the undesired results over and over again simply because they could not separate themselves from the existing energy associated with their current manifested experience. Even for five to ten minutes. On the other hand practitioners who are able to adopt this practice normally manifest very quickly. This is because they have aligned their vibrational frequency of their desire with a connection rather than a separation and have transcended the issues of the past. The second part of a manifestation prescription is gratitude. Practitioners who successfully manifest their desires as a lifestyle tend to have an overall attitude of gratitude. When starting a practice this can be difficult if an individual is not already aligned with an attitude of gratitude. To get started it is important for a practitioner to take a few minutes each day to do an assessment of the day and find situational experiences that to be grateful about. It does not have to be big situations, but it does have to be real situations. When getting started it is normal for individuals to have gratitude for more generalized experiences such as, “I am grateful for my breath. The food on my table. A roof over my head. A warm bed to sleep.” And so on. These are wonderful things to be grateful about, and it is recommended for individuals to look at these things first and express gratitude. Especially if they have lived a life without expressing adequate gratefulness for these things. However, these are not necessarily situational expressions of gratitude. Unless an individual has such horrible asthma that he or she needs a rescue inhaler several times throughout the day, has been hungry for a significant period of time, or homeless and living on the street, these are everyday things rather than unique situational experiences. However a practitioner should not spend

more than one or two weeks of being grateful for these things as his or her primary attitude of gratitude. Focusing on these things when starting an individual’s consciousness will likely be such that it will identify more situational opportunities for gratitude. So why gratitude? Situational gratitude does two things. First it raises awareness. Many times individuals are stuck in negative cycles simply because he or she is not aware of the good things that already exist in their life. Second, situational gratitude will give us an expectation for a good future. It is more important that a practitioner ties their attitude of gratitude and his or her manifestation practice together. It is imperative that gratitude is practiced first before it is integrated into the manifestation practice. Practitioners need to know how gratitude feels to successfully use it as a tool in the manifestation process. Once an individual has fully integrated an attitude of gratitude into his or her daily conscious experience they can begin to incorporate it into the visualization practice and be grateful for the relationship that he or she is seeing during the manifestation practice. This will empower the manifestations and put him or her on the fast track for accomplishing the goal. By James Masters


osmic Coach (James) has mastered many techniques in his psychic practice to connect with the unique heart center of each of his clients. He is a Reiki Master of many traditions, adept at crystal healing, card readings, and delivering detailed messages from Angels and Guides. A Christian Minister, a teacher and an Energy Guide, living in Michigan, James is always expanding the base of his knowledge to broaden his reach and serve as many clients as possible. To experience a unique reading personally designed for you, you can find Cosmic Coach at www.

Our Favorite Films on Sedona (2012) Featuring Frances Fisher, Seth Peterson, Barry Corbin, Christopher Atkins, Matthew J. Williamson, Kylee Cochran, Beth Grant, & Tatanka Means The movie “Sedona” is the story about a day in Sedona, AZ, a place known for the naturally occurring Spiritual Vortex, and the mystical property it holds. The movie follows two independent stories that we find later are intrinsically connected through a series of synchronicities. One story is of a family with a father and husband consumed with his career and as a result his partner and children suffer. The other is of a business woman that simply wants to leave the small town of Sedona and resume her “normal” life. This movie is about finding reconciliation, forgiveness, and enlightenment amidst the spiritual vortex that exists in Sedona. 4 Stars Shuffle (2011) Featuring T.J. Thyne, Paula Rhodes, Chris Stone, Meeghan Holaway, Michelle Krusiec, Tamara Taylor, Patrica Belcher, Dylan Sprayberry, & Ellie Labadie For anyone seeking a psychically and spiritually driven plot that ties together both the beyond and the here and now this is the movie for you. Lovell Milo wakes up one day to find that he is living his life out of order. One day he is thirty-five, and the next day he is ten. As he journey’s through this mixed up timeframe he finds that there he is there to save someone, and all he needs to do is pay attention. Throughout the film he is receives spiritual guidance that pushes him forward (and backward) until he eventually reaches his destination. The twist at the end dies the entire journey together. 5 Stars Winter 2014 | 23


everal prominent themes will move through the filaments of life in 2014. To find the predominant theme for 2014 year, we add 2+0+1+4=7. The Number Seven can be a bit difficult to grapple with, as it is like holding a cloud in one’s hands. Certain buzz words need to be kept in mind as we travel through this rather unusual energy of 2014. Choice, discernment, silence, spirituality and ethics will show themselves as guideposts to be aware of and put into practice. From a human perspective, the Number Seven influence branches out in many directions, ranging from a focus on mental health, to the environment and spirituality. This energy ruled by Pisces can bring a strong interest in the occult and the metaphysical. However, it can also attract skeptics who doubt all that is not pragmatic and selfevident. Spiritual practices will become more mainstream. People will become more discerning in choosing between those preachers

Numerology forecast

2014: An Introspective Year 24 Psychic Guidepost

The environmental protection of trees and water will become a more popular issue as people become reacquainted with the calming aspects of nature. This will lead to an increase in businesses like camping gear, mobile homes, nature tours, and river rafting that bring us back to a simpler lifestyle within a natural habitat. This contemplative and private vibration will cause many to withdraw and spend time in solitary activities often brought on by electronics, thus causing relationships to suffer. One might notice the divorce rate increasing in a Number Seven year as couples find they do not have much in common and withdraw emotionally and sexually, as a consequence. A desire to be alone, not necessarily lonely, can become intense, thus moving the couple apart. Writing of all kinds will increase, including personal journaling. Because people will not be verbalizing many of their thoughts, journaling will become a more popular form of self-expression.

and teachers that are not for their highest good and greatest joy. Listening to and trusting one’s hunches will become more imperative in decision making. The Number Seven is an inner vibration prompting one to silence, philosophical contemplation, and analytical thinking, all in a space of reflection, rest, and solitude. The pressures of everyday life will bring forth a desire to get away from it all, and the best place for that will be nature. National parks will become even more popular as Mother Earth’s energy becomes a healing balm in people’s lives.

Expect further development in the understanding of mental health issues. Depression caused by economic fears may become more of a public issue to be dealt with. Movement away from chemicals to more holistic approaches for medical treatments may become more popular and written about. More emphasis will be given to organic foods, as the Number Seven has a strong instinct for purity of health through foods. Winter 2014 | 25

This enthusiasm is similar to a Virgo health fetish. The Number Seven is a code for the intellect, inventiveness and research. Expect advances in technology to surge in 2014 as science, technology and research will become optimum. New appliances, medicines, gadgets and widgets will come to the fore, boggling the mind for sure. A need to uncover hidden answers will become a joy to many; cold case answers will be discovered by detectives, fossil forms with hidden treasures will be unearthed by archaeologists and anthropologists. Secrets in relationships that have never before been revealed may become unmasked. A sense of the past becomes a curiosity to Number Seven energies. People will want to enjoy “the good ole days” when there was not as much fear and all were “happy days.” Businesses that focus on nostalgia- antiques, recipes from our childhood and retro fashion may show themselves yet again over 2014. Discernment will be a key word in 2014, physically, financially and governmentally. More will be revealed as to the ethics (or lack thereof) of our elected officials, and 26 Psychic Guidepost

a “push” to remove them will resound in the ethers. There will be a sense of retreat and re-evaluation in people’s lives throughout 2014. It will become blatantly obvious that the truth has not been provided to them by those they have trusted, and the populace will begin to understand that they should no longer give their power away to others. The year of 2014 is about “personal regrouping.” As Shakespeare wrote, “To thine own self be true.” The introspective year of 2014 is about finding one’s own truth, not ‘the other guy’s,’ in order to be happy, content, and in one’s own power in life. To move forward in one’s personal life in 2014, we must come from our hearts, not our heads and egos. Number Seven is about trust and acceptance. Stay with heart based approaches. Trust that heart-based choices will guide you where you are to go and be, doing what you need to do in any moment. Know that your soul will take as long as it needs in order to move you forward in blessings and that when you surrender (which is different than giving up), what comes into your life next will be better and for your highest good and your greatest joy. When we choose fear, whether in our career, relationships or finances, physical ailments may arise. When we choose faith and trust in a Universe that can keep the stars in the sky, surrender to the Divine and let go of control, all will be well, slowly but surely. ~by Elizabeth Summers


lizabeth Summers, Esoteric Numerologist Esoteric Numerologist Elizabeth Summers is adept at combining Numerology, an ancient system of codes based on the Western Pythagorean System, with astrology and the Chaldean/ Quabala interpretations of the Tarot to decode an individual’s temperament and personality, their attitude towards life, emotional reactions, best career choice, deepest desires, and the general issue they are meant to deal with in this life. To enjoy a personal reading with Elizabeth, please email: or call 303-702-5420

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Winter 2014 | 27

Ask the Astrologers Winter tarotscopes 2014

Melodie USA

Chris Alis Australia 28 Psychic Guidepost

TarotScopes ARIES: Wheel of Fortune

Taurus: Tower

gemini: The heirophant

You seem to be standing on quicksand within a situation that keeps changing. Try to gain a sense of balance for yourself within this and don’t lose any of your power by trying to follow what others are doing or not doing. If you find yourself trying to extricate yourself from the situation which is swinging from good to bad and around in circles take a look at the 4 figures trying to balance at the bottom of the card. What looks like strength is actually a bit precarious when you look closely and see they are all looking and/or facing in different directions. Each of these directions gives a different view of what you are facing. Each of these directions gives you a different answer to what you should do next. And each of these directions only shows you a glimpse of the whole situation. Stay still and wait for things to settle down so you are not being thrown off your balance.

Sometimes you can walk straight through a crisis although you may need a little help in doing so and sometimes you take a fall when you are at your most vulnerable. The Tower is a card that shows you that all can come undone at the drop of a hat and there is nothing you can do about it. If you are lucky enough, as the figure of the man in the top right hand side of this card to be still standing, although precariously balanced at a great height, you also need to ask yourself just how lucky you have been and are you trying to hold onto something even though it’s blown up and smashed itself apart. Other people seem oblivious to your obvious distress and pay no heed to what is around. The ship in the lower right hand side of the card gives the impression that it may be launching or wrecked and this is also true of the card of the Tower. You can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over again or you can sit within the wreckage and feel sorry for yourself.

How’s your love life? This card stands for relationships and can sometimes denote marriage. Interesting that Einstein is featured on this deck’s Heirophant as most people equate relationships with the heady rush of feelings that come about and the question “will I be getting married soon?” Perhaps a better question to ask is “is this relationship right for me?” Logic and practicality are needed right now so don’t lose yourself in the situation but know you have the wherewithal to find a solution to whatever is troubling you. You may need to take a step back and look at a situation from a purely logical point of view, pushing your emotions to the side for the time being. This is easier said than done: if you look back over your life and problems you’ve had you know that each problem has given you an opportunity to learn and grow and approach it in a new way. Winter Winter 2014 2014 | 29 29

Cancer: Seven of Pentacles

It’s time to tackle your finances in a different way and allow your money and assets to work for you rather than you doing all the hard work. The woman in this card shows that although she is ready for hard work and carrying all the necessary tools needed to finish a job, she is not really dressed for it, being dressed all in white. The fruits of her efforts are seen in the seven pentacles hanging from the tree interspersed between the flowers which is another indication that things are about to bloom for you. Whatever project or financial plan you lay down is headed for success. You will be feeling as if you are standing on top of the world and the world is laid out at your feet ready for you to enjoy the fruits of your labors. You can already see them on the branches before you and all you have to do is reach out and claim what is rightfully yours.

30 Psychic Guidepost

leo: Six of cups

Dreams of yesterday and the past may be with you just now as you find yourself lost in nostalgia and of times gone by. An old friend or lover may come back into your life and reconnect with you. Children may figure prominently for you and the thoughts of your own childhood be triggered by their presence. Fun times and playfulness abound for you. You will feel light hearted as if you don’t need to worry about anything and in doing so you can throw from you worries that have been burdening you lately. The ferns on either side of this card bring up an image of using your imagination to get what you want. If you are used to meditating and visualizing what you wish for then this is a good time to do so. Do not let the past hold you back because in the past there are many lessons which can propel you towards a future that you can only dream of.

virgo: five of Wands

Be careful that you know all the facts and are not just reacting on hearsay. This card is made up of five people. Three of these people (females) are having a most relaxing and enjoyable time while the other two people (males) are in battle not with words (swords) but with wands which denotes they are acting out and need action to get their point across. One man is dressed in white which usually shows he is the “good” guy and the other is dressed in black usually showing he is the “bad” guy. However, the good guy’s wand is black and the bad guy’s wand is white which further shows confusion as to who is right and wrong (good or bad). For this reason you cannot take what is said at face value just now. Idle gossip may lead to misunderstandings and before you know it you are in the midst of a power struggle involving not just one person but many others. Try to stay out of negative group dynamics and find your own path.

Libra: The fool

scorpio: two of wands

Sagittarius: king of cups

What do you want? Are you going about things the right way to get it? This card suggests there are a 101 things you want and 101 things you’re hiding from others and possibly from yourself. You may need direction in achieving your goals and a plan to follow in reaching the final destination. The little dog implies that someone or something is begging for your attention even if your mind is on something else. Are others having a hard time reading your intentions or are you having a hard time reading theirs? As you can see this card is showing you that you’re all over the place. I particularly like the naked couple parachuting towards earth but rather than having eyes for a safe landing they only have eyes for each other. This sums up rather nicely the meaning of this card. The Fool doesn’t look where he’s going but relies on something or someone else to save him. The only person who can save you is your “self” you may wish to look for the key to that…. I’ll give you a clue… it’s hanging by a chain around the figure of the woman in this card very close to her own heart… perhaps it is there you will find your answers.

You may be thinking of a journey or travel plans just now and if you are going with a companion choose wisely who this is. You may think you get on with this person but the reality is there are certain things between the two of you that do not always see eye to eye. The male in this card is seeing things from a totally different viewpoint to the female. Notice his head gear. He can see clearly but his mouth is covered as if he is keeping his own points of view to himself and not speaking on it. On the other hand the woman in this card is possibly seeing things through blinkered vision. Sure she is smiling to herself but she may have preconceived ideas of what is really going on with her and her partner. If this is you then you need to take the blindfold off and see with open eyes what is really happening in your relationship. Just because he’s not saying anything in response to your words doesn’t mean he agrees with everything you say. Problems can arise from this between the two of you and you may find yourself going on that holiday by yourself.

Help may come to you through an older man who is not quite what he seems. For one, you may not think he is listening to you as can be seen in the image of the King of Cups he seems to have his back to you but Cups equal emotions so he is listening to you and understands things on a whole different level. Notice how he has one ear displayed prominently in your direction even though he may not appear to have heard or understood you… he has… because he interprets what you say on a different level. A level that is mixed with intuition and it is from there that he makes his deductions. I particularly like the headgear he is wearing on this card as it shows he is plugged into things in a totally different way to what you expect. If he is someone you have just met then do not take him at face value. As can be seen from the tattoos on his body (and I’m not saying he will have tattoos when you meet him) but these images show a rich life… a rich tapestry to his own life and how he views life and others in general.

Winter 2014


Winter 2014 | 31

Capricorn: seven of cups

So many choices… so little time. The 7 cups usually denotes a situation where you are not sure what to do. You may not have all the answers or know all the facts of situation and therefore cannot come to any conclusions and indeed should not be making any concrete decisions at this time. In other words… one and one may not be adding up to equal two… and you may have to wait until you can proceed with what you want to do. There are a lot of questions you have that are going around your mind and these questions need to be answered. Rather than pushing for answers at this time though the 7 cups says… wait until things become clearer as parts of the situation and the solution to it are not in your control and you have no power to do anything about that. Stick to what you do know for the time being and wait to see how things pan out for you.

This quarter's Tarotscopes were by Chris Alis 32 Psychic Guidepost

aquarius: four of Pentacles

Pisces: :10 of wands

Have you been trying to hang onto what you have and not let any of it go? This may be in relation to your assets, finances, possessions or even your feelings and heart. Sometimes money and feelings go hand and hand. You may not be willing to see it that way but money can be a powerful ally when it comes to relationships and emotions and who “owns” what within a relationship. Sometimes it’s not so clear cut as that: you may not be seeing that what really matters is love and money cannot buy you this… or can it? Perhaps you should ask yourself if your financial matters have become entwined with your emotional matters and if so where does one end and the other begin. What you would be willing to lose and what would you gain if you lost it. Some people are happy with very little money as long as they have love, while others have very little love and a lot of money. If you’re in one of these categories, ask yourself how much power the abundance of one and scarcity of the other has over you? And more importantly, how does it affect your actions and the actions of those around you?

Are you feeling a little grey and forlorn but want others to see you as colorful and happy? Do you find yourself hiding behind a false persona and not yet ready to show yourself as you really are? There is a situation going on around you just now that you are not ready to face. You are taking some “time out” and do not wish to show your true colours (or your hand) in what you are truly thinking or what you are going to do next. The path you stand on looks a bit precarious to me so you may wish to take a few moments to yourself and decide what your next step will be. There is only so long you can push others away especially when you are not standing on firm ground yourself. You are not ready for what is to come next. You need some time to gather yourself and decide what your next course of action will be. You’ve done a great job so far in not allowing others to see how you are really feeling but it is getting to the time where you are going to have to make a decision and stand by it. The first step in your decision making process may need to be asking yourself the question “what am I ready for just now?”


he deck used for this month’s tarot scopes is the Steampunk Tarot deck, by the amazingly talented and prolific artist, Charissa Drengsen. The Steampunk Tarot is such an amazing deck and we’re very grateful for Charissa’s generosity in permitting us to use them. If you would like to purchase her deck (and companion book) visit her Etsy shop! You can also check out and “like” her Facebook fan page.

More horoscopes at:

Charissa Drengsen.'s Steampunk Tarot can be found on Facebook, or Etsy. steampunktarotcards

For many people who have had a neardeath experience the after effects can be psychologically profound and have a huge impact on the way they conduct their lives thereafter. Inspiring stories abound of how a life has been transformed by the experience of an NDE. Often the experiencer finds their priorities in life have changed, for example, they find they do not place such emphasis on acquiring worldly goods but do place more emphasis on their relationships with their friends, their families, their lovers.


Winter 2014 |


Susun’s Weeds Depressed? A Wise Woman's Way Offers a Helping Hand 34 Psychic Guidepost

Winter 2014 | 35

St. John’s Wort is one of many remedies that help winter depression. It’s called “Bottled Sunshine” by Susun Weed, Author of The wise Woman’s Way.Series of health books available at


inter time is depression time for many women. Perhaps it is harder to look at the bright side when days are short, perhaps the holidays and family demands take their toll on us. Of course, depression can also be triggered by lack of thyroid hormone and by use of steroids, high blood pressure drugs, and ERT/HRT. But most often the cause of depression is the belief (valid or not) that nothing you do makes any difference. Victimization and poverty lock women into depression. More than one-third of all American women have been victims of sexual or physical abuse; and women make up more than two-thirds of 36 Psychic Guidepost

all Americans who live below poverty level. Yet our culture frowns on women who express their anger. No wonder depression is a woman's issue. "Look here," Grandmother Growth motions to you as she spreads her story blanket at your feet. "See how depression is deeply woven with anger and grief. When our need for reliable, joyous intimacy is frustrated, and expression of our frustration would endanger us, depression comes and protects us. When there is no way to deal effectively with situations that enrage us, depression comes and helps us quiet our violent impulses. "Depression is not an easy companion on your journey, but she knows much about life. In her bundle, she carries the anger you have carefully frozen with

Natural ingredients for a happier you at family and friends, and just want to be left alone.

frigid blasts of fear and kept nourished with your pain. She carries your wholeness. She carries your ability to go beyond the pain, your ability to allow your rage to move you into health. She carries your wholeness. Will you let her teach you?" Wise Woman remedies don't seek to eliminate our feelings, or turn "negative" ones into "positive" ones, but to help us incorporate all of our feelings into our wholeness/ health/holiness. Welcome the dark. Cherish the deepness. Give yourself over to a day or two of doing nothing. Then, get up, no matter how bad you feel. Set a goal for the day and meet it. Smile -- it releases brain chemicals that make you feel good. Smile no matter what. Do it as an exercise. Hate it while you do it. But SMILE! Homeopathic remedies include Arum metallicum, for women with frequent thoughts of suicide who feel cut off from love and joy; and Sepia, for women who are disinterested in everything, angry

side effects.

Oatstraw infusion (not tea, It's more than idle chatter that tincture, or capsules) has been depression comes with grey skies an ally for depressed women and happiness with sunny ones. since earliest times. Gentle Avena For emotional health (and strong nourishes the nerves and helps bones) get 15 minutes of sunlight you remember why life is worth on your uncovered eyelids (outside, living. To make an infusion: Brew no glasses, no contacts) daily. If one ounce by weight of dried herb you can't get out (or if the sun (that's a cup by volume) in a quart doesn't cooperate), wake up 1-2 jar filled to the top with boiling hours earlier than usual. (You can water. Steep for at least four hours, stay in bed, but keep those eyes then strain and refrigerate your open.) infusion. Drink as many cups a day as you wish. Or make an oatstraw Sing the blues; dance 'em too. bath by adding two quarts of Women have depended on songs infusion to your bath water. and dances to carry them out of depression for centuries. Dance Garden sage (Salvia) is an ancient therapy is more effective than talk ally for emotionally-distressed therapy for reaching and healing women. In some societies, only traumatic experiences. Even a crones were allowed to drink the single session may have a dramatic brew made from the nubbly leaves effect. (at least partly because it delays menses and dries up breast milk). Find your rage and write it down. Make an infusion (see oatstraw); Get a massage and let the anger drink by mixing a few spoonfuls move out of the muscles. Volunteer of the dense brew into hot water or to help change something you are warm milk; add honey to taste. The upset about, even a small thing. undiluted infusion keeps for weeks refrigerated. St. Joan's/John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) lives in very sunny Behavioral and interpersonal locations and blooms at summer therapies are as effective as drugs solstice. I call it bottled sunshine. in relieving depression. Not only A dropperful of the bright red that, two-thirds of those who tincture taken 1-3 times daily has simply read about therapy improve helped many women relieve SAD significantly. o Thirty minutes of (seasonal affective disorder), move aerobic exercise, especially soon through grief, ease the physical after awakening, has been shown pain of depression, and walk to help women whose depression is on the sunny side! CAUTION: resistant to all treatments, including Hypericum in capsules is not as drugs. o Sleep less. If you are a effective and can cause unwanted woman who overproduces a normal Winter 2014 |


GARDEN SAGE depression-causing substance which accompanies sleep you will feel depressed and often find it difficult to wake up. Sleeping more will only compounds the problem. Instead, stay up all night once a week. If you can't cope with no sleep, even mild sleep deprivation (such as sleeping five hours or less for two nights in a row) dramatically decreases depressive symptoms in some people. o Low levels of calcium, zinc, and B vitamins are associated with depression. Get more by eating more cheese and yogurt, more garlic and mushrooms, more whole grains and beans. Lack of vitamin B12 doubles the risk of severe depression for older women. This critical nutrient, found only in animal products, is destroyed by tofu and soy beverage. Drink real milk, eat real cheese, eat meat at least occasionally and watch your mood improve :) o 1600 mg of SAM-e (A-adenosylmethionine) relieved the symptoms of moderate depression as well as imipramine, but no better than Hypericum (St. J's wort). CAUTION: Of the brands tested by Consumer Reports, only Natrol, Nature Made, TwinLab, and GNC passed all tests. Avoid hormone replacement -- ERT/HRT -- if you're depressed; it's strongly associated with an increase in suicide attempts. Women who used to take lithium say they have gradually switched over to skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora). A dose of infusion is one cup/250 ml or more per day; of fresh plant tincture is 5-8 drops twice a day; of the dried plant tincture is a dropperful/1 ml several times a day. CAUTION: Skullcap can make 38 Psychic Guidepost

you sleepy. o For women whose depression resists all other therapies, electro-convulsive treatments (ECT), previously known as shock treatments, have been updated with special care taken to minimize harm. The women I spoke with who were using ECT told me it was incredibly effective, and the side-effects, including severe memory loss, acceptable to them. From doing nothing, to ECT, the range of remedies available to depressed women is enormous. To help you choose wisely, these effective, simple Wise Woman remedies are in order of safety: the safest remedies first, and the most dangerous ones last. Susun S. Weed, a green witch and wise woman, is an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful presence, and an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. She is the voice of the Wise Woman Way, where common weeds, simple ceremony, and compassionate listening support and nourish health/ wholeness/holiness. She has opened hearts to the magic and medicine of the green nations for three decades. Ms. Weed's five herbal medicine books focus on women's health topics including menopause, childbearing, and breast health. Visit her site www.susunweed. com for information on her workshops, apprenticeships,

Susan S. Weed correspondence courses and more! Go to: www. for Susun’s free herbal ezine and also mentorship offerings for those who want to go deeper.

Sauerkraut with Juniper Berries


Daily doses of sauerkraut help prevent colds and the flu. Add juniper berries, and you have a digestive tonic and a convalescent food.

n China, cabbage fermentation has been done for over 6000 years. Two thousand years ago, in ancient Rome, sauerkraut was given to those with poor digestion. Pliny gives two methods for making sauerkraut: 1) Mash shredded cabbage and salt together in a large earthenware container and hermetically seal it until ready to use. 2) Mix different shredded vegetables, including wild herbs, together in a crock and cover with a solution of salt water. Tiberius always took a barrel of sauerkraut with him on long voyages; the lactic acid in it protected him and his men from intestinal infections.

You will need: •one white cabbage •1 (or 2) tablespoons of sea salt •four tablespoons of whey,* •a dozen fresh juniper berries• a sharp knife (or a cabbage shredder) •and a quart canning jar. Shred the cabbage or cut it into fine strips. Combine the cut cabbage, sea salt, whey, and half the juniper berries in a large container or bowl. Pound it all together – with a meat hammer or a wooden mallet – for ten minutes or until the cabbage is quite juicy. Layer the pounded cabbage into the canning jar, sprinkling a few juniper berries in each layer. Press down as hard as you can while adding the cabbage.

Stop one inch from the top of the jar. Liquid should completely cover the cabbage. Cap. Keep at room temperature for three days, then refrigerate. * Whey is the liquid left after cheese is made. It forms naturally on the top of yogurt that has sat for a while in the fridge. If you have no whey, use 2 tablespoons of sea salt instead of one. This information is found in Nourishing Traditions Cookbook by Sally Fallon, available at www.

Winter 2014 |


Are you an old soul? What it means and how can you tell?


ou may have heard the phrase, “Oh, he or she is an old soul” when referring to people. Sometimes people will even say this about a young child or baby! So what exactly does it mean? Do souls really have an age? If so how can you tell? What Is an Old Soul? In reality we are all old souls. Most of us have been on

What is an old soul? In reality we are all old souls. Most of us have been on this planet many, many times.

40 Psychic Guidepost

this planet many, many times before. Some however, have been here longer or more times than others. Therefore some have had more experiences. Honestly though, we are truly eternal beings and the concept of time or “old” is just relative to our linear thinking in this dimension. But for argument’s sake, we can refer to old and young souls when discussing reincarnation and the spiritual journey. An old soul has been around the block a few times when it comes to lifetimes on the earthly plane. He or she has incarnated many times. So in actuality a newborn baby could have a very old soul, while the parents could have younger souls. Strange but true! Being an old soul isn’t necessarily better or worse than being a young one, it’s just different. Every soul gets their turn at life lessons on earth or in some other existence. Some can evolve more quickly than others, and some choose different paths. It is what it is and it’s all in divine order.

So How Can You Tell if You Have an Old Soul? of the journey. If that sounds like you, then it’s likely you’re an old soul. Do you have any supernatural abilities? Spiritual and psychic gifts are also common among old souls. Whether it’s true clairvoyance, the ability to sense energy or a great deal of empathy, old souls understand that they have powers beyond the physical. Even if those talents are not apparent, they usually have great interest in developing their spiritual sides.

The Journey Goes On The funny thing is that most old souls already sense that they are old souls. They have an inner knowing about things without any logical or ready explanation. It’s as if they “know by knowing.” If you feel that way about yourself, chances are you’re an old soul. Aside from feeling it in your core, most old souls feel a certain disconnection from the earth. While they appreciate it and try to bond with it, there is a nagging feeling that this planet isn’t their true home. It’s just a temporary residence to learn certain lessons, not unlike being away at college. If you can relate, then you’re probably an old soul. If you have an affinity for certain periods of history, this could also be an indication. Many old souls know or suspect that they had previous lives during different eras. Often they appreciate more than one historical time. They might love Ancient Egypt, the European Middle Ages and Colonial America all at once! They might gravitate towards movies, books and even antiques and clothing from their favorite eras. Look at the popularity of pirate parties, Civil War reenactments and Renaissance fairs. Bet there are a lot of old souls at those events! Most old souls tend to have a philosophical outlook on life. When troubles arise, they view them as challenges or learning opportunities. While they still react emotionally to difficulties, they are able to see the big picture in such scenarios. Even when good things happen, they appreciate the blessings but try to take everything in stride. They see it all as just part

Whether you think you are an old soul or not, realize that you have a beautiful lifetime journey ahead of you on this planet. Know that your soul has a plan and a purpose for being here. Embrace your time here and learn all that you can! Laura Hamilton holds a Master’s degree from the University of Metaphysical Sciences in Arcata, California as well as a Bachelor’s degree in education from the State University of New York. She is an Ordained Minister, Reiki Master/ Teacher and has spent many years studying and teaching spiritually based subjects. Laura currently lives in Sacramento, California. You can reach her at, and you can read more interesting blogs on the site.

Follow your heart to wherever it takes you

The Quantum Clairvoyant 42 Psychic Guidepost


including Albert Einstein. During the mid 1930’s, local hidden n quantum physics, the word SYSTEM means any connected parts of a whole or procedure where variable theories were a way to explain why split particles would correlate with one another, even if at a distance. energy expresses itself through some form of This action at a distance seems perfectly correlated to change. This could be the interplay of particles each entangled particle’s current physical state when which make up the nucleus and electron field of an atom measured (e.g., momentum, position or spin). Since we or a loosely interconnected regional climate zone. A physical system is the interplay between interconnected know information has to travel from one system to another via means of what we perceive as time, and we know that parts where energy-mass conversion creates movement no information can travel faster than the speed of light, then or change. So movement is an expression of energy, and mass equals energy; therefore, a system can be local hidden variable theories were a way to try to figure said to be any movement or change happening with out how two separated particles correlated with each other physically interconnected parts via a function of masseach time measured over long distances. These particles energy conversion. Einstein’s E=MC2 famously expresses behaved as though they communicated with one another this mass-energy equivalence in an equation we can instantaneously, but this went against everything we knew understand. about special relativity. The ERP paradox was a famous Any energy can be used in a system: electromagnetic argument Einstein and his research partners, Podolsky and radiation, wind, chemical, kinetic, gravity, strong and weak Rosen, lodged against the theory, and growing acceptance, nuclear. Here is a simple example: whenever a person of quantum entanglement. moves her body, the bio-electrical impulses released It took an Irish physicist named John Stewart Bell to from her central nervous system convert into muscle come along nearly a half of a century after the debate began contractions. These contractions create motion of the body. to prove that quantum systems, unlike macro systems, can Motion, by its very definition, is mass affect, or rather correlate to, non-local converting into kinetic energy. This quantum systems. This is true even if energy expresses itself as change of these two systems are separated by physical placement and/or character of great distances and not connected one’s muscles and bodily parts. This is by anything we can observe. He was a system. able to prove that hidden variable The entire universe could be at a distance (preprogrammed broken down into an infinite number particles) did not account for the of physical systems: solar systems; perfect physical property correlations galaxies; stars; oceans. Even trees found from experiments. He created and humans are systems. Physicists a theorem roughly stating that no believed that systems needed to be theory of physics regarding local local to affect change or correlate hidden variables can ever reproduce Any energy can be used in all the predictions of quantum mechanics. completely with one another. In other a system words, we once believed that systems This says plainly that physical theories had to be local to one another to for the macro world (e.g., relativity and connect with one another. Greater understanding of the special relativity) can not be used as an absolute guide for quantum world, however, has established a new universal how the quantum world works. This statement drew a line physical theory of matter called quantum superposition. in the sand between the macro world and the quantum. It From this theory, which describes the probabilistic took off limitations on how information can travel between properties of particles, has come the proven theory of two systems and call into question if there are any real quantum entanglement. Until quantum entanglement found limitations on universal connectivity. This statement provides acceptance in the larger science community in the 1960’s, postulations that information can travel faster than the physicists believed that lab tests showing correlated values speed of light, instantaneously, in fact, between two systems in split particles were due to preprogramming in the particles that have become entangled. as opposed to being a physical property of matter itself. The factors of this phenomenon extrapolated outward These theories, named local hidden variable theories, points to the validity of having a more interconnected view were shared by the most prominent physicists at the time, Winter 2014 | 43

Quantum Entanglement has been proven many times in physics labs of our universe where all things are seen as connected. This may explain how many humans can transfer information \ from one another in ways we can not observe yet. Because as greatly complex as our world view has gotten over the last century, it’s still not complete. Many would say that as our view of reality is being filled in with these odd factual concepts of how our very universe functions. Our reality is, therefore, looking more and more interconnected, intuitive by nature and probabilistic than not. Probabilistic equations, the mathematical expressions of particle superposition, create future theory and predicts possible future outcomes of any given circumstance. Quantum physics is breaking new ground in understanding the possible potential of the human body as an open system connected to its larger world. Quantum Entanglement has since been proven hundreds of times in physics labs across the world and is one of the oddest proven theories about our observable reality. The fact that entangled particles in distant systems happen to move in total correlation with each other, as though they were connected, has opened up a whole new field of study for parapsychologists. Many in the parapsychological community have begun extrapolating a larger overarching governing theory of universal physical law from the principles of quantum entanglement, which argue for the possibility of thought transference, clairvoyance and precognition. It is becoming very apparent to those paying attention that what we think of as reality is not really as simple as what you see. To have two systems separated by hundreds of miles, entangled and correlated to each other in each measurement taken, has upended our belief that systems far away can not instantaneously affect one another. They can. The question now is how much financing will go into researching how these rather thrilling scientific facts affect human interaction, if at all. Will the larger scientific community continue to treat the spiritual community as oddities when we have sensed these connections in the universe thousands of years before new sensitive 44 Psychic Guidepost

equipment could catch up? Physics, which describes our observable reality, is beginning to look a lot more intuitive, probabilistic and interconnected than ever. These terms are that of the intuitive and yet the universe is beginning to look more consistent to many of these spiritual beliefs. Quantum physics is beginning to look like a growing explanation for why many of us can sense and connect with people and things from far away without any observable connection. There is a big difference between entangled particles and telepathy, but the reality of the former gives hope to one day understanding the latter. The days of abject modern skepticism being vogue and in fashion have died. Assuming a person claiming to be intuitive is crazy is a less respected decision these days after we now see that the world is not as black and white as many nonbelievers would have one believe. We are living in a brave new world where science and spirituality are living hand in hand, interacting in a way like never before. It’s up to those quantum clairvoyants out there to continue this trend. Scientifically inclined intuitives who are not afraid of a little research can fully engage and participate in our expanding knowledge of the universe through learning as much as they can about the amazing universe in which they live. I hope you love, peace, happiness and enlightenment.

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Winning the Love of Fairies 46 Psychic Guidepost

WHAT FAIRIES WANT AND DON’T WANT Fairies adore pretty, shiny objects and treasure humans’ offerings of glamorously decorated fairy houses and sweet treats, right? No, no, no! People’s efforts to invite fairies into their lives often repulse fairies. These people have loving intentions, but they have forgotten the beauty of simplicity. Fairies appreciate humans reaching out to them, but only in ways that are harmless to the Earth and all of its inhabitants. I know this because the fairies told me so. I am a channeler who communicates with high-vibrational beings such as fairies and archangels using my skill of clairaudience, or psychic hearing. I transcribed a book from the fairy realm, “Fairy Wisdom for Spiritual Evolution,” with my liaison, Oberon the Fairy King. When I asked Oberon what the fairies wanted this article to be about, he told me that they want people to learn how to reach out to them in ways that respect the Earth, and therefore the fairies themselves. To understand fairies’ hearts, let’s look at what fairies are. They are intelligent, loving and playful caretakers of nature. Fairies want a clean Earth. When the planet is clean, it is hospitable to all plants and animals, whom the fairies view as their equals. They take their vow to protect and nurture the planet very seriously and are deeply offended when humans act destructively and carelessly. Love attracts them – love for fairies and love for the

planet. But this simple truth becomes complicated by the reality that good intentions do not please fairies if the way they are communicated offends them. The saying “It’s the thought that counts” doesn’t work with fairies. If the way that humans attempt to bond with them violates the fairies’ Earth-care ethics, the fairies will be displeased. What fairies don’t want Fairies are not only concerned about whether offerings that humans leave for them are harmful to the planet; they are also concerned about the production of these gifts causing pollution. Humans have embraced polluting production systems to create objects and grow food. Fairies want nothing to do with pesticide-laden food or products that contain chemicals and/or were produced using methods that create pollution. Some people like to build fairy houses to welcome fairies into their gardens. But when these houses are decorated with man-made objects, the fairies are repulsed. “If you can build a totally organic fairy house, then we will be fine with it,” King Oberon says. “This means that no part of it is created with anything but what arises from the Earth naturally. No plastics. No ceramics. No glass. Nothing that would leave any trace of its existence after a good storm, for example. So what would a fairy-approved fairy house have? Maybe some plants from your garden, organically grown of course, some sticks and some moss. Just remember, we will never live in these things, so they are symbolic only.” Some people like to leave sweets out for fairies. However, unless these foods are totally organic and didn’t generate pollution during the creation and delivery of their ingredients, the fairies aren’t going to be happy. They have no use for food either, so leaving treats for them is a symbolic gesture. What fairies want Other approaches to appeasing the fairies are simpler and will bring them great joy instead of revulsion. Fairies cherish gifts of pure creative energy. These gifts cost nothing but a little time, energy and love. Winter 2014 | 47

1. Sing or talk to them “Sing us songs!” Oberon says. “We love songs directed toward us! It doesn’t matter whether your voice is rough and grating or angelic and graceful. Here intention does count, for songs are pure energy. “Talking to us, whether aloud or telepathically, works to attract us for the same reason. You are only using your energy to call out to us. Say something nice to us. We will appreciate it, and we will remember who said the kind words or sang the pretty song the same as you humans remember who bestows kind words upon you. If you really want to put some energy into it, write us a song of your own. This would thrill us.” Fairies can communicate with humans and each other telepathically. You can talk to fairies within your mind. Intention opens the door to this type of communication. Simply think, “Fairies, I have something to tell you” and they will hear. Whether you hear their response has to do with your level of psychic development. You can talk aloud to them too. Whatever makes you the happiest is your best choice. Fairies love joy, and if you exude it, they will be more attracted to you. So pick the communication method that makes you happiest. They like happy people.

48 Psychic Guidepost

2. Discuss them “Talk about us, loud and proud!” Oberon says. “Don’t be shy of disbelievers. Maybe some people will think that you are crazy to believe in us, and maybe some won’t. But don’t live in fear of judgment. Pay no mind to anyone who would judge your spiritual beliefs.

of found forest items such as leaves and moss. Let’s be simple and clear: Whatever you can create that harms none through its production, we welcome. Anything that may have harmed the Earth, and thus its inhabitants who remain voiceless now, namely the plants and animals, we highly discourage and will find offensive.”

“However, there is something more than celebration at work here -Fairies respond to your efforts celebrating the fairy realm -- when I “I believe that people will always suggest that you talk about us. And get a response to telepathic that is opening minds and hearts. What summoning,” Oberon says. “Now if one day, once again, more people you must remember that fairies love believed in fairies than didn’t? But all, but we respect only those who this shift in thinking cannot happen show respect to us and our beloved if believers are silent. Their beliefs planet Earth and our friends the will die with them. We must have plants and animals. So what I’m discussion.” getting at here is that if you are a person who we know desecrates the 3. Celebrate creatively Earth, such as by littering, you may “We like personal odes, or celebration get an earful of caustic chatter from of fairies in your everyday life through us telling you to mend your ways. creation,” Oberon says. “I’ve already You may not get the warm response said that singing us a song would thrill you were hoping for. But we will us. Draw us a picture. Do a dance answer. Whether you hear us is up the way you would if you knew that to you ultimately. You may have to we were flocking around you, and work on your psychic development we may do exactly that! Fairies love so that you can hear across the veil dancing -- love it in the core of our of perception. This is a skill that can beings, because it is joyous creative be learned with practice. Sit or lie individual expression. Play us some quietly and clear your mind. Listen music, whether on your stereo or on an for a response if you desire one. instrument. Eventually with enough practice, I believe that anyone can hear us.” “Do you see a theme here? We want However, fairies will reach out in a not things. We have no use for things. more obvious way too. Your creative expression of welcoming us into your lives is enough to thrill us “Signs,” Oberon says. “Let’s talk endlessly. This is why we are OK with about signs, Sarah Jane. You are fairy houses that you build from bits well acquainted with one extremely

common sign of fairies: mushrooms. Tell your readers about your mushroom experiences while writing our book and after.” When my connection to Oberon and the fairy realm became very strong during the process of writing and publishing my book, mushrooms sprang up all over my life, including in my houseplants and in my patio container garden. In a nearby park, I even found a fairy ring – a circle of mushrooms. I had been waiting to see one since I heard about them as a child. I still find mushrooms everywhere. “They are the commonest signs,” Oberon says. “I guess that you could say that they are the universal symbol for fairies. But we are willing to work with humans. If you express to us that you would like for us to leave you different symbols, we can do that. We can also guide you to run across these symbols in your life. For example, you may get a hunch to turn down a certain aisle in a store, and there you may find a product in the shape of the symbol you’ve indicated that you’d like to use. I am talking about natural symbols, such as cherries or stars. We are not going to work with symbols of man-made items, which tend to enrage us due to the fact that the vast majority of man-made items caused pollution during their creation and perhaps with their very existence. “The hunch is us talking to you telepathically. Our communication is energy. You may perceive the energy but not know where it it coming from if you have not trained your psychic ears to hear.” Longing to reconnect Oberon told me during the course of writing my book that fairies and humans once enjoyed a much tighter bond than they do today, but that bond has become frayed as humans turned to producing and buying consumer goods that damage the planet. Despite their extreme irritation with humans’ mistreatment of the planet, the fairies want to re-establish a harmonious relationship with people. Offering them the very objects that they find responsible for the broken bond and damaged Earth is the worst way to attract them. Simply being yourself -expressing yourself creatively -- is the easiest, best way to win their love.

Before becoming an author, Sarah Jane Alexander pursued her love of words in a newsroom. She graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in journalism with an emphasis in reporting and editing, and spent more than a dozen years editing news stories. Now Sarah Jane runs a business using her psychic skills to channel messages from archangels so that her clients can gain insight into their lives through the archangels' love and wisdom. Sarah Jane's primary skill of extrasensory perception is clairaudience (psychic hearing), but she also frequently uses clairsentience (psychic feeling), claircognizance (psychic knowing) and clairvoyance (psychic seeing) to help her clients. For fun, Sarah Jane spends time in nature, hiking and rock climbing. She also loves to be creative, whether painting a picture or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen. To learn more about Sarah Jane's business or book, visit

Winter 2014 | 49

Dancing Archetypes: A Divine Transcendence The Concept

The idea of Archetypes does not necessarily describe a life path in its entirety. Instead our lives are comprised of a variety of archetypes of which we are many and are the many experiences and people that we interact with. When we talk about the idea of transcendence in the sense of 50 Psychic Guidepost

an archetype it is not just about overcoming a specific list of attributes of that archetype but also of a resolution of that energy within our path.

The Perception

The way that I have been 'Downloading' information about Archetypes is by looking over

my own life and finding the essences of various themes in the relationships that I have had with myself, others around me and the personal perception of my experiences. I believe that we see our lives through the eyes of our experiences and that by resolving certain belief systems we move through transcending that

Levels of Consciousness and Frequency Y. Or, in other words, when a certain experience happens it will bring up the associated energy of other similar experiences from our path in the past. It is what has the potential to formulate our reactions.

Duality and Polarity: The Stuff The 3rd Dimension is Made of

paradigms that are associated with those experiences.

Our Pain and Pleasure are Both Valid

I would like to start off by saying that there are no right or wrong archetypes. There isn't one that has transcended further or that is of a higher vibration. In truth, I believe we are all of these archetypes and that depending on the given stimulation in any particular experience the qualities of the archetype begin to come forward. Archetypes within our personality do not need validation from outside sources. They are all valid aspects of human consciousness and being within one archetype or another doesn't change the sacredness of the journey or the access of consciousness characteristics of any given persona.

Points of Reference

The reason that working with and understanding our personal archetypes can be useful is because it can lend insight into the way that we process our relationships in this life. The term 'Point of Reference' is also valid in this information. A point of reference can be seen as the map-work that has the potential to bring a particular archetype into conscious awareness within an individual. An example is: When X happens to me I begin to feel

The concept of duality within the transcendence of a given archetype is important in understanding what I like to call the Void energy and the Filler energy. The Void energy can be seen as the disempowered aspect of a particular archetype. The Filler aspect isn't necessarily empowered but has the ability to make the Void energy have a sense of empowerment (often temporarily). For something to be within the concept of duality it has to be on a polar spectrum. The idea of something being dualistic means that it has two opposing forces. The idea of polarity is that these opposing forces have a magnetism.

The Infinite Resolution

The process of resolution is never ending. We are constantly neutralizing energy within any aspect of our body, mind and spirit at any given time. Most likely we are resolving many energies in every second. It is the nature of our physical existence to both transmute energy and to integrate it. When we have two dualistic concepts happening in our lives (within us or around us in the form of an experience) the polar magnetism between the opposite forces naturally brings both archetypal personas into the same 'arena' so that resolution can happen. This resolution can take the form of subtle neutralization of the emotions associated with the archetypes or it can be a vast, and sometimes explosive, re-balancing. Either way we are here to learn in this universal university and all

experiences are possible and even if they aren't 'welcomed' they may still happen for the purposes of resolution.

Levels of Consciousness and The Frequency of Emotional Characteristics

Our world is comprised of many levels of consciousness operating at different frequencies. A certain frequency holds a specific range of emotions that are associated with it. A given frequency will effect a person or a mass of people who have energetic similarities in a specific way based on the points of reference for that individual or group. Points of reference is important here because exposure to the frequency that will produce a certain reaction in one individual or group may produce an entirely different reaction in an individual or group with a different set of reference points. For example: If one individual had a reference point that produces anxiety while driving due to a past car accident the stimulation of swerving in a car will create a frequency of energy within the persons energy field that is linked to anxiety or panic. Someone without that reference point will have no frequency change in their energy field.

Mass Consciousness Affecting Archetypes

The same is true for masses of people. If an individual has a certain set of vibrational frequencies that they operate in within the 'normal limits' of their everyday lives they are naturally linked on some level with others operating in the same spectrum. The mass consciousness of that group would mean that under certain stimulus on a global level the spectrum of response would be similar among the individuals that create the group that the mass consciousness is connected to. Winter 2014

| 51

Levels of Consciousness and Frequency When a global event happens the collective energy of that group of individuals would produce an energy pattern in the world that will either work towards resolution of the dualities from within the group for neutralization or will produce an 'interference pattern' which will attract a different mass consciousness to come into conceptual polarity for neutralization. For example: A group of people who experienced sexual abuse in their life at one point hears about a massive catastrophe such as human trafficking and it brings up the frequency range of stress. That group may not be able to resolve that energy among themselves because they are all too stressed or anxious to produce a calming frequency and the energy spirals out of control for that mass of people. At that time the energy of that mass begins to attract a separate archetypal energy to neutralize the interference pattern such as the archetype of The Healer. The resolution in this case may be that the initial, stressed mass becomes the archetype of The Wounded Healer in order to neutralize and transcend that energy on earth. The masses may seem separate or dualistic but their magnetism creates a harmony of movement within the world. This can be seen as a sacred dance of the cosmic energy where one harmonic beat inspires one mass to move a certain way which fits into the movement of a different mass.

Prevalent Archetypal Energy

The following chart is a very short list of prevalent archetypes that are being processed on earth at this time. The Archetypes listed are in duality with one another in a paradoxical way. The themes are the polar magnetism that works to draw the aspects of duality into resolution. The archetypal energy has many different levels as it moves from a place of density to a vibration of light. There different levels can be seen as transient attributes. Because we are on a continuum in this universe when a person is vibrating at a certain archetypal affinity they will naturally have experiences, inspirations, ideas and 52 Psychic Guidepost

realizations that will move from a low density energy field to a transcended energy. These Archetypes do not have 'Bad' or 'Negative' energy and like everything else they learn from their experiences in order to progressively move toward divine realization within themselves. Requiring Archetype Provider Archetype Theme The Beggar The Emperor Limitation and Abundance. The Addict The Enabler Feeling Density, Numbing Feelings. The Prostitute The Master Integrity and Values Under Pressure. The Wounded The Doctor Realization of Strength and Empowerment. The Guided The Guide Finding One's Way Through Trust. The Tribe Member The Shaman Realization of Inner Light. The Disillusioned The Priest/Priestess Finding Divinity Outside of Normal Limits. The Christ The Universal Essence A Teaching and Learning of Interconnectedness and Personal Omnipresence. Finding Providence Through Paradox As we progress through the various archetypal energies we can find divine realizations that will allow us to know that all of these emotions, reactions and reference points are ordained. When we think of the word ordained we often think of a priest or minister although in this sense ordination means that all of our experiences are appointed, led, inspired or created by divinity and are meant to have a profound effect on our path. The paradoxical effect here is that we can resolve or transcend the harder emotions or reactions of the archetypal persona because of the polar attraction of duality. In a sense when the need and the supply become one being that thing then has no need and no supply - it just exists as a homeostatic being. This is what we as individuals, a collective and a universe can work on. If we were all homeostatic density would not exist. Density is born out of conflicting, transient and heterogeneous energy.

A Channel of Thy Grace

We all have times in our lives where things feel like they are moving too quickly and in the sense of Archetypes know that there is nothing that is not moving forward. Grace is granted through the acceptance of one's condition and the trust in the divine to elevate one's consciousness. When we learn to exist as we are we move forward to being that omnipresent energy within our own lives. Being all of the need, supply, cause, effect and resolve can bring us out of whatever we happen to be going through. The best example of transcendence is not necessarily trying to change the way we are, but instead to find love within our experiences and see our own divinity in all that we encounter. Being 'The One' For You Remembering that no matter what is happening in your life, no matter how hard things are or what energy you are embracing know that YOU are THE GIFT. Be Blessed

Matthew Stapley, Psychic-Medium As a well respected evidential psychicmedium, with clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, Matthew helps people connect with the other side and relays information from their Spiritual Guides and loved ones who have passed on. The messages are always inspiring, loving and have a true sense of keen insight. As well, he delivers concrete and validating messages to his clients about their life’s path. His specialty lies with wellness, self mastery and helping others to open up to their gifts. Matthew has hosted two separate television series in Canada including Ottawa Experts: Psychic and Psychic Insights with Matthew. In the past 2 years he has been featured in over 40 media outlets throughout Canada and the United States. Matthew has an international clientele with those from the United States, The Middle East, Argentina, England and Germany (to name a few). People from all walks of life consult with him. Website:

Our Favorite Films on I Am (2011) Featuring Tom Shadyac, Ray Anderson, Marc Ian Barasch, Coleman Barks, Noam Chomsky, Desmond Tutu, Howard Zinn, & Lynne McTaggart. Tom Shadyac is a comedian known for directing movies like Ace Ventura, The Nutty Professor, Liar Liar, and Bruce Almighty. In this film he asks the question, “What’s wrong with the world, and what can we do about it?” After dealing with a traumatic injury, Tom finds himself discontent and finding he had more questions than answers about his life. In his documentary Tom journeys all over the world to find the answer to this one question and ends up not only finding an answer, but finding a whole new life. This is an excellent movie for individuals already on a spiritual path, or for those who are asking that same question about life. 5 Stars Based on Neale Donald Walsch’s best-selling books, Conversations with God chronicles the dramatic true story of a struggling man turned homeless who unexpectedly becomes a spiritual messenger. After breaking his neck in a car accident, Walsch loses his job, his home, and is reduced to begging coins from strangers in the streets. Struggling to get back on his feet, he finds work and a place to live, but life, for him, is still unbearably hard. In the wee hours of the morning, overcome with anger and bitterness, Walsch writes an angry letter to God, demanding answers to his questions. To his eternal astonishment, he receives an answer. 5 stars

Winter 2014 |



he Solstices are my favorite ‘power days’ of the year. Here in the northern hemisphere, the December Solstice is our winter solstice, and in the preceding weeks we move deeper and deeper into the womblike cave of long, dark nights. On December 21st, the earth reaches its tipping point, and we welcome back the gradual return of the light. Connecting with this natural cycle, and energetically linking our own shedding and transformation with it, is tremendously powerful. It’s the reason so many cultures around the world have linked this day, and the period around it, with retreat, contemplation, and transformation. From an energetics perspective, I like working with a six week window, three weeks before Solstice and three weeks after, in a very conscious way (although I view the whole Solstice energy ramp-up as being felt about 6 weeks before.) So right now is the perfect time to begin your Solstice transformation, if you have not already done so. You may also check out my FREE course this year, Meditate like a Girl

Solstice Transformation – Shedding the Past and Creating the Future 54 Psychic Guidepost

over the last year, as in a caterpillar stage. You have been eating and eating, accumulating new experiences, some joyful and some painful. Through your personal work on yourself, you have also accumulated wisdom. You have come to see old emotional patterns as limiting. You have seen blocks and wounds that you previously had not known were there. Perhaps challenging situations have triggered you deeply, pulling you into some of these old wounds. Perhaps joyful situations have brought you to happiness you never thought you would feel. Either way, you are full and ripe – ripe with experience, with energies, with emotions – with life. You are ready to move into a cocoon with all this fullness. You are ready to go inward, and transform all of this life into a new you. The dark days of pre-Solstice are your cocoon. In the days and weeks following Solstice, you will emerge as a butterfly, beautiful and transformed.

( events.html#.UrMRv_RDvjh) In this post, I wanted to offer you some ways to prepare for this meditation, and for your own Solstice transformation. The first step is linking your awareness to the energy of this time. Symbols are one of the best ways to do this, as they speak to a deeper part of our awareness, our subconscious if you will, which is also the part of

us most intimately connected with our subtle and intuitive awareness levels. By focusing on symbolic representations of the process we wish to initiate, we plant the seeds in our subconscious and subtle body for the work to begin. There are two symbolic representations of the Solstice shift that I like to work with: Caterpillar->Cocoon->Butterfly Think of yourself, and your life

The fascinating thing about the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly is that the caterpillar completely liquefies inside the cocoon, and then gradually from this liquid, the butterfly is formed. It is not like the transformation of a tadpole into a frog, where day by day you can see the gradual change – the legs emerging, the tail shrinking. If you could see inside the cocoon during the liquid phase, you would never guess a butterfly would emerge. This is what the days and weeks leading up to Solstice are about – pulling in, welcoming in, all of our vast array of emotions and Winter 2014 |


experiences from the past year (and before), into a bundle and inviting them to transform. The focus is not on release, or even healing (although both will naturally take place as part of this process.) The focus is on identifying, welcoming, and bundling all of the parts of ourselves that we have been working with. Instead of relating to these parts of ourselves as aspects we need to rid ourselves of, or even that we need to change, we simply gather them together, and allow the transformation to take place – we trust that it will, although we also generate some momentum towards our new awareness.

order to simply be with them?) What internal tapes or patterns have you outgrown? What feels right to shed? Sense where you feel each of these energies within you, and prepare to bundle them together in your preSolstice cocoon.

To work with this model of Solstice, spend some time contemplating what has surfaced for you within the last year. What energies and emotions within yourself have you been facing over and over? What have you sought to change or avoid (and can you gently let go of that urge to change or avoid these parts now, in

The Tipping Point:

56 Psychic Guidepost

Now think about what is ready to awaken within you. What are you ready to become? What would you like to become? Try and feel this, don’t just think about it. Feel the awareness and energy you would like to spend more time living within. Try on the change, don’t just think about it – gradually become it.

Another useful symbolic representation of Solstice is the tipping point. Picture a seesaw that is very slowly shifting from one side to the other. On one side is all you have been working with this year. On

The Solstice Tipping Point Model can help you work through past pain toward renewal to empower this process for all. We will welcome back the light, and begin the movement towards summer, both outside and within. ~ Namaste

Lisa Erickson is

the other side is what you can become. Solstice is a tipping point, when the balance finally shifts, and all the weight – the baggage – you feel you have been holding on to finally begins to lift. As it does, you naturally tip towards the other side – the lighter, freer you. Working with this model is very similar to working with the cocoon model – you can use the same inquiry questions and contemplations. Sometimes the tipping point visual feels more relevant, especially if you have been working with very old patterns and wounds for a long time, and feel as if you are finally ready to let go of them, and the associated ‘story’ completely. If this is the case, often in the weeks leading up to Solstice, you feel very triggered – you feel as if very old internal voices and emotional patterns, ones you had long since moved past, have taken hold again. It is like a ‘last stand’ as the final residue of these energies rises to the surface and dissolves. I hope you will join me for the Solstice preparatory meditation to continue and deepen this work. While culturally we are urged to set goals and make resolutions for the New Year, truly on an energetic level, the work is so much deeper – and so much more rewarding. I hope that many of us can come together

an energy worker, writer, meditation teacher and mom to three. Lisa’s primary modality is chakrabased meditation and guided energy work, although she is also a certified mindfulness meditation instructor. Her specialty is Women’s Energetics – women’s subtle anatomy, and practices and tools that women can employ to heal, empower, and awaken themselves. She especially focuses on helping women during critical life passages such as pregnancy, motherhood, and menopause, as well as on healing from sexual abuse and trauma. She is the author of the popular DailyOm course Fall in Love With Your Feminine Power, and the author of the e-book Women’s Energetics: Healing the Subtle Body Wounds of Sexual Abuse and Trauma. She is the women’s energetics columnist for the online magazine Meditate Like a Girl, and the Buddhism editor for She can be contacted through her popular blog,, or her website

Winter 2014 | 57

Winter Recipes for Joy, Luck and health


inter brings cold and gloomy days, but anyone can snap out of the blues or break a cold by preparing the foods of the season! Hot soup and bread.

By purchasing local foods in-season, you eliminate the environmental damage caused by shipping foods thousands of miles, your food dollar goes directly to 58 Psychic Guidepost

the farmer, and your family will be able to enjoy the health benefits of eating fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Buying seasonal produce also provides an exciting opportunity to try new foods and to experiment with seasonal recipes. And it simply tastes better! So look for ingredients locally and try some of these lovely winter comfort foods, with homemade wheat bread!

Easy Crock Pot Roast

Vegan Red Lentil Soup Healing Cabbage soup Original recipe makes 8 servings 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, chopped 2 quarts water 4 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, or to taste 1/2 head cabbage, cored and coarsely chopped 1 (14.5 ounce) can Italian-style stewed tomatoes, drained and diced Directions In a large stockpot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Stir in onion and garlic; cook until onion is transparent, about 5 minutes. Stir in water, bouillon, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil, then stir in cabbage. Simmer until cabbage wilts, about 10 minutes. Stir in tomatoes. Return to a boil, then simmer 15 to 30 minutes, stirring often.

Original recipe makes 4 servingsChange Servings 1 tablespoon peanut oil 1 small onion, chopped 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger root 1 clove garlic, chopped 1 pinch fenugreek seeds 1 cup dry red lentils 1 cup butternut squash - peeled, seeded, and cubed 1/3 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro 2 cups water 1/2 (14 ounce) can coconut milk 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 pinch cayenne pepper 1 pinch ground nutmeg salt and pepper to taste

3 lb. chuck roast 1/2 can beef broth 1 c. flour 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1 or 2 cloves garlic 1 medium onion, diced 2 tbsp. olive oil 1 bay leaf dash of salt and pepper Wash chuck roast. Season generously with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Coat with flour. Place floured roast into oiled skillet and brown lightly on both sides. While browning roast, add diced onions to skillet. Transfer roast and onions to greased crock-pot. Toss in whole garlic cloves and bay leaf. Pour in 1/2 can beef broth over roast and add salt and pepper. Cover and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours.

Directions Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat, and cook the onion, ginger, garlic, and fenugreek until onion is tender. Mix the lentils, squash, and cilantro into the pot. Stir in the water, coconut milk, and tomato paste. Season with curry powder, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 30 minutes, or until lentils and squash are tender.

Psychic Guidepost 59

Light Whole Wheat Bread adapted from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day Ingredients 3 cups lukewarm water 1 ½ tablespoons granulated yeast (1 ½ packets) 1 ½ tablespoons salt 1 cup whole wheat flour 5 ½ cups unbleached all-purpose flour whole wheat flour for the pizza peel Instructions 1. Mixing and storing the dough: Mix the yeast and salt with the water in a 5 quart bowl, or a lidded (non airtight) food container. 2. Mix in the remaining dry ingredients without kneading, using a spoon, a 14-cup capacity food processor (with dough attachment), or a heavyduty stand mixer (with dough hook). If you are not using a machine, you may need to use wet hands to incorporate the last bit of flour. 3. Cover (not airtight), and allow to rest at room temperature until the dough rises and collapses (or flattens on top), approximately 2 hours. 4. The dough can be used immediately after the initial rise, though it is easier to handle when cold. Refrigerate in a lidded (not airtight) container and use over the next 14 days. 5. On baking day, dust the surface of the refrigerated dough with flour and cut off a 1-pound (grapefruit size) piece. Dust the piece with more flour and quickly shape into a ball by stretching the surface of the dough around to the bottom on all four sides, rotating the ball a quarter-turn as you go. Allow to rest and rise on a cornmeal-covered pizza peel for 40 minutes. 60 Psychic Guidepost

6. Twenty minutes before baking time, preheat the oven to 450, with a baking stone placed on the middle rack. Place an empy broiler tray on any other shelf that won’t interfere with the rising bread. 7. Sprinkle the loaf liberally with flour and slash a cross, “scallop”, or tic-tac-toe pattern into the top, using a serrated bread knife. Leave the flour in place for baking; tap some of it off before eating. 8. Slide the loaf directly onto the hot stone. Pour 1 cup of hot tap water into the broiler tray, and quickly close the oven door. Bake for about 35 minutes, or until deeply browned and firm. Smaller or larger loaves will require adjustments in baking time. 9. Allow to cool before slicing or eating.

Listen to your favorite Hay House authors on their weekly radio shows and special live online events. Winter 2014 | 61

Psychic Business News KEEN and Ingenio: Acquired by local San Francisco investment group KEEN, Ingenio and related websites (, and other Ingenio properties) were acquired by a San Francisco investment group on May 9, 2013. They are still known as Ingenio, KEEN, or our other brands, and will continue to provide the same phone and chat services as usual. The transition there for regular KEEN readers was a bit tough, but things are starting to sail more smoothly.

Liveperson reintroduces Kasamba Liveperson readers experienced a change at the end of this year, when they re-introduced the new Kasamba site. Kasamba was originally created in 2000 for the purpose of providing advice of all kinds. Liveperson then purchased the company in 2007 and changed the name, but it was better to separate the brand names and use Kasamba for those who wish to seek psychic advise exclusively.

Bitwine goes to a new server At the end of the year, readers were experiencing troubles at Bitwine. Clients couldn’t connect to the chat software and readers couldn’t connect with clients. The problem has been resolved and everything is working smoothly now. So log in if you are a reader at Bitwine and catch up with old and new clients.

62 Psychic Guidepost

New and Improved sites on the horizon Psychics Universe: This site was launched in 2012 and has more than 69k likes on Facebook. The site has phenomenal articles on all sorts of metaphysical topics including Mermaids and what they mean in dreams. They claim to be a one-stop shopping place for all metaphysical needs and interests. It’s worth taking a look at Voice of Psychic: This site was launched March 2013. It has a lot of potential and pays readers daily and receive a 30 percent commission for each chat call. This site is one to watch as you can make extra money, the chat platform is solid and easy to use. It’s a new site with good customer service and rapid answers to your questions. Psychic Access: Although not a new site to the psychic business, the owner is constantly improving the site and providing up-to-the minute information for its clients. Check out the FREE STUFF Link. The daily blog covers everything from psychic animals, to relationships. They also offer a free horoscope and weekly radio show.

If you have any news about the psychic business, write to We’ll publish it in the next issue.

Top UFO News for 2013

Scientology Alien Space Cathedral In the New Mexico desert is an alleged secret Scientology installation that reportedly includes a giant message in the ground -- looking like a crop circle from above. The church supposedly created the dual-circle design to guide other Scientologists returning from outer space.

UFOs Near The Moon Earth isn't the only place where people claim to see UFOs. Some report watching unusual lights and objects photographed near the International Space Station by NASA cameras. And there are also individuals who use cameras attached to telescopes that reveal, they say, UFOs flying away from and toward the moon.

While this isn't exactly a UFO story, it certainly touches on the enormous possibilities of other Earthlike planets that science now knows exist and could harbor other forms of like -- perhaps even intelligent life. Thanks to the amazing Kepler spacecraft, NASA announced in November that more than 800 new planets may have been discovered by the "little spacecraft that could" -- bringing its total up to 3,538 potential planets. Scientists suggested that billions of Earth-like planets are much closer than ever before imagined. The illustration at left depicts an Earth-like planet with two moons.

UFO Hoax At Canadian Baseball Game It was the ultimate UFO video hoax of 2013. And it wasn't perpetrated by an individual or group of kids flying a sophisticated build-it-yourself remote controlled device: this involved a science center's deployment of a drone. It was later discovered to be a hoax

Read more at the Huffington Post! Winter 2014 |


Enlightment as the destination



nlightenment is often pursued as a destination and desired as a great accomplishment. Often described as a transcendent experience involving an altered state of consciousness, it seems to lack the foundation to coincide with general beliefs held among the spiritual community. By examining the conscious mind or “ego”, I believe we can gain further perspective on the nature of this subject.

natural to understand that ego is merely limited by the physical senses. This creates a lens of distortion and illusion which could ultimately be considered the true altered state of consciousness. The concept of enlightenment will vary according to cultural beliefs or spiritual paths but they often speak of a state of nirvana or ultimate bliss.

The problem with this concept is that as a collective, we are continuously undergoing enlightened experiences. These experiences cannot help but be You often hear that we are spiritual beings living a integrated within the unified consciousness of our physical experience. Some may describe each of us being. When looking at this perspective, it almost as individual streams of universal consciousness or seems illogical to view enlightenment as a “God”. The moment a stream enters the physical destination because enlightenment is occurring reality, the ego is born. It often creates the illusion continuously. Often associated with a stepping stone that we are separate from that which we came from. to enlightenment is the concept of awakening- The moment where your perspective or beliefs are called The ego exists as a means of survival and appears to into question by none other than your ego perspective. be limited by the five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, This process may lead to experiences which challenge and smell. We all seem to accept that there is far more the ego and may even be reflected by physical to be perceived in this universe. It would only be symptoms. 64 Psychic Guidepost

I believe this would be extremely normal given that the ego concerns itself with physical components. Although this process may be subtle, they are merely a by-product of contrast. One could say the moment where the ego is challenged and becomes aware of the illusion. Awakening could almost be viewed as a form of enlightenment in and of itself. Whether a person has begun an awakening process or has decided to pursue enlightenment, I propose we take a closer look at what enlightenment means to each and every one of us. It is my personal belief that seeking enlightenment as a destination simply takes away from the experiences, both good and bad, which offer us universal wisdom. Appreciation for the journey is much more beneficial for the ego all the while contributing to the expansion of our universal being. ~ Nick Leblanc

Nick Leblanc is a Certified Reiki Practitioner. He offers tarot readings both locally in person, and internationally by phone and Skype video calls. Combined with his passion for helping others and his dedication to continuously evolve, you can expect the services he currently offers to expand. He is extremely passionate and committed about ensuring people have the necessary support and resources to help bring clarity and awareness.

What do we do when life lurches out of balance? How can we reconnect to one other and to what’s sustaining, when evil and catastrophe seem inescapable? These questions lie at the heart of Stitches, Lamott’s profound follow-up to her New York Times– bestselling Help, Thanks, Wow.

Do people take advantage of your niceness? In this groundbreaking book, Doreen Virtue teaches Earth Angels —extremely sweet people who care more about others’ happiness than their own— how to maintain their inner peace and loving nature while at the same time holding boundaries. Winter 2014 | 65

Song of the Sun You arrive on the tail of black rain clouds And violent storms And I am swept into your cyclone. I call your name in the tongue of our ancestors But neither language or magic can hold you, For you have adopted the wind as your mother, Careless and uncertain. But don’t you know what you are? You are the sun, glorious and life-giving, Born to be constant, warm And always returning.

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And if you let me, I could receive you in the arms Of love’s Unfaltering seasons.

Spring issue available first week of April 2014 by Melanie Simms

The idea of karma...

Is that you continually get the teachings that you need to open your heart 66 Psychic Guidepost

Find someone you can trust during such a stressful time. A live psychic reading is your chance to ask questions, and get the answers you seek.

A world of psychics “Are you a member of the Spiritual/Metaphysical community? We are now accepting content submissions. Free advertising for those who submit! See website for details! Winter 2014 | 67

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