Psychic Lifestyles

People with a psychic lifestyle often view their experiences and practices as ways to connect more deeply with themselves and the universe, seeking a sense of harmony and understanding beyond the material world.
At Psychic Lifestyles, our mission is to share our unique gifts and offer insights into a range of spiritual practices. We aim to provide a deeper understanding of various methods, including meditation, tarot reading, and astrology. Our focus extends to exploring metaphysical concepts such as energy fields, auras, and spiritual guides.
Our daily practices encompass meditation, yoga, and journaling, which we believe are key to nurturing mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Through our holistic approach, we emphasize the importance of integrating these practices into everyday life to achieve balance and harmony.
This magazine is published by Chris Friar, psychiclifestyles@mail.com

The Hotline Business

Are Psychic Hotlines Still
Relevant as a Profitable Work from Home
by Christina Quick, the Tarot Biz Mentor
In 2024, the world of psychic hotlines remains a viable and profitable avenue for those looking to work from home. With a myriad of options available, from long-established platforms to emerging big corporations entering the market, there has never been a better time to consider this unique career path. This article explores the relevance of psychic hotlines today, the benefits and trade-offs of different types of hotlines, and why they can be a stepping stone to launching your own successful psychic business.
Hi, my name is Christina Quick, also known as The Tarot Biz Mentor online, and I worked for the psychic hotlines for almost 15 years. The psychic hotlines helped me get a jump start when I launched my online psychic reading business in 2011 and blessed me with opportunities I may not have otherwise had,
such as paying off my mortgage and debt in my late 20s. Many aspiring professional psychics become very interested and impressed when I tell them about this opportunity but still wonder if it’s a viable path to financial success in a changing post-pandemic world. While some things have changed, the psychic hotlines have stayed relatively the same, and it’s still true today that those who do find success on the psychic hotlines are the ones who persist until they find the right psychic hotline for them.
The Evolution of Psychic Hotlines
Psychic hotlines have been around for decades, offering people intuitive insights into their future, guidance on love and relationships, and answers to their most pressing questions. Traditionally, these services were accessed via phone calls and sketchy 1-900 numbers, but with advancements in technology, they have expanded to include online chat, video calls, and even mobile apps. Today, apps make up the most popular psychic hotlines for their convenience.
In recent years, large corporations have entered the psychic hotline industry, bringing with them improved standards, better pay structures, and fairer treatment for psychic readers. This influx has not only legitimized the industry but has also created a more competitive environment where quality and professionalism are paramount. But, it also means that new

psychic hotlines start up and fade out frequently, often unable to pay the overhead of such a large financial undertaking. Knowing where to apply and put forth one’s efforts is the most integral consideration for success on the psychic hotlines.
The Trade-offs: High Volume vs. Low Volume Hotlines
When considering a career as a professional psychic on a hotline, it's important to understand the differences between high-volume, lowpaying hotlines and lowvolume, higher-paying ones. On some psychic hotlines, professionals are locked into a set rate and unable to increase their income over time through experience, positive reviews, and rapport. On the other hand, some psychic hotlines have such a variable and fluctuating charge rate that it can be difficult to know what price to set per minute. Depending on one’s personal goals, this can be a complex system to navigate. Let’s take a closer look at the two main considerations one may have before applying:
High Volume, Low Paying Hotlines
High-volume hotlines typically have a large customer base, which means more opportunities for readings. These platforms often pay psychics a lower rate per minute but make up for it with a steady stream of clients. For beginners, this can be an excellent way to gain experience, hone your skills, and build confidence. The constant flow of calls acts as a bootcamp, providing intensive training in delivering quick, accurate, and meaningful readings. Keep in mind that the lower-paying lines tend to be a bit more unscrupulous and sometimes try to coerce their contractors into signing noncompete clauses. This Psychic Business Coach recommends running far away from these types of hotlines.
Low Volume, Higher Paying Hotlines
On the other hand, lowvolume hotlines generally cater to a more exclusive clientele willing to pay a premium for their readings. These platforms might offer higher per-minute rates and attract customers looking for more in-depth and personalized sessions. While the
volume of calls may be lower, the quality of interactions and the potential earnings can be significantly higher.
Choosing between these two types of hotlines depends on your personal goals, experience level, and preferred working style. Some psychics may start on high-volume platforms to build their skills before transitioning to higher-paying ones.
Necessary Skills Required to Survive the Psychic Hotlines
Before jumping onto the psychic hotlines, one can also increase their initial success with the following three tips to help you stand out and get earning quickly.

Hotline Survival Skills
1. **Develop Your Prediction Skills**: Use your time on psychic hotlines to master different types of readings, such as tarot, astrology, or mediumship. Focus on delivering yes or no answers, timelines, and accurate predictions. Predicting what’s for dinner might be tougher, though.
2. **Niche Your Specialty**: Establish a unique identity that sets you apart from other psychics. This could be a particular niche, a specific reading style, or a focus on certain life issues like love and relationships, which make up at least 70% of the call volume topics. If you can predict lottery numbers, you'll be a hit (just kidding, don't promise that).
3. **Build Rapport with Clients**: With so many magic 8-ball apps out there, psychic hotline clients want to feel like they are talking to an actual person. Be personable, empathetic, and compassionate, and your rapport with your clients will bring you repeat, consistent business. And remember, charm is your secret weapon – just don't go full “Miss Cleo.”
Despite the growth of independent psychic businesses, hotlines remain relevant and
profitable. They serve as an excellent training ground, teaching valuable skills in communication, empathy, and intuition. Many hotlines still focus primarily on fortune telling and love and relationship readings, areas that consistently attract clients.
Your Mindset Truly Matters
- **Take It Seriously**: While psychic readings are for entertainment purposes, it's important to approach each session with professionalism and genuine intent to help. Think of it like being a therapist, but with a crystal ball.
- **Stay Flexible**: Be open to the lessons and experiences that come your way. Every client interaction is an opportunity to learn and grow. Some days you'll feel like a spiritual guru, other days like a cosmic agony aunt. Embrace both.
- **Develop Communication Skills**: Learn how to talk to and support vulnerable people. This skill is crucial for building trust and delivering meaningful readings. It's like being a bartender without the drinks – you get to hear all the juicy stories.
Psychic hotlines continue to
be a relevant and profitable work-from-home opportunity in 2024. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, these platforms offer a unique chance to develop your skills, earn a steady income, and prepare for launching your own psychic business. Embrace the opportunities and challenges that come with working on psychic hotlines, and use them as a stepping stone to fulfilling your divine life purpose as a spiritual life coach. With dedication and the right approach, you can enjoy a rewarding and successful career in the psychic industry.

Connect with Christina
Youtube: https:// www.youtube.com/ channel/UCXnTZnzb0MvsQxcTMAwYyQ
Facebook Group: https:// www.facebook.com/groups/ theprofitablepsychic
Academy: www. theprofitablepsychic.com

The powerful self love spell

Love Spells are notorious in both the real world, fiction and have even have popular fragrances named after them. Why are they so popular?
We often to look to love spells after major breakups or major life changing events to help “fix” a broken heart. Everyone from “Baby Witches” to those who do not even practice magick on a daily basis have searched and asked for these spells.
Love has been romantized from the moment we were born and going into adulthood from movies, books and even social media content so it is not surprising that is it one of the most popular spells asked to perform.
Contrary to the different belief systems from the Spiritual community, we all know that love is base of all things magickal. This is because the love for self must come first and foremost before anything else especially in magick. Before you light a candle, seal a jar, or put things in the freezers, you must believe and love yourself enough to know what you are doing will work. There are mixed feelings between the different communities on whether a practitioner will work for someone who is
asking for that love spell on behalf of someone else or if they will make them look within themselves first.
Most Wiccans and those of the “love and light” community are against working on someone’s free will without their knowledge. Instead they will make you take a look at yourself, where can you grow, where can you heal and where can we improve your love within you. This is where my specialty comes from, self love. While I myself am an Eclectic Witch, meaning I pull my magick from many sources and have many beliefs, I am one who does not work for anybody without their knowledge.

I truly believe there are consequences to altering a persons free will and that is why when I am asked to do this kind of work, I turn it on you instead.
Finding the love inside of you truly frees you from limiting beliefs in not only the magickal world, but in all aspects of your life. I would rather show you how to use your own power and your own magick to create the life you want.
While I use many techniques, doing spells are my go to and all time favorite. There is power in what we speak and creating spells utilizes that power. The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating spells and the tools that you can use along with them. You can simply create a spoken spell “As I lay tonight I pray to my Ancestors and Guides to ignite the love within me” or go as elaborate as doing an entire ritual.
My go to is always herbs, aligning with being a Garden Witch, herbs always speak to my soul and resonate with me deeply. Herbs can be used many different ways, in smoke blends, jar work, added to candles, tea blends, Spiritual Bath Blends and Simmer Pots.
Do the Universe a favor, don't hide your magic
Sit with yourself and see what resonates with you the most. Listed below are different ways to use my favorite herb blend to help bring in love for yourself.
Herbal Blend: Dried Roses (you can use fresh if you are going to do a simmer pot or Spiritual Bath that you will use right away otherwise, dried is best), Lavender, and Blue Lotus. Spell Jar: Use any jar that resonates with you, add in each ingredient one by one. As you add them give them power and intention. Example: “I add roses to power the love with in me, Lavender so that my body can relax and be calm as I call in my power and Blue Lotus to open my mind to all the possibilities of loving who I am”.
Once you add your herbs, write your petition folding it towards you and adding to the jar. A petition is simply the manifestation or prayer you are invoking. At this time you can add anything else that calls to you from crystals, other herbs, runes.. Whatever speaks to you add it.
Once your jar is complete you will want to seal it with either a red, pink or white candle. Does not need to be fancy, even a birthday candle will work. Simmer Pot Mix: Fill a pot with water and put on your stove. Add in each ingredient, remembering to add in your intentions for each herb as you add them. Then bring it to a boil , put it on simmer and leave it keeping an eye on the water level. Again, you can add any additional herbs or fresh / dried fruits like oranges during this time. Depending on what you add, once you are done simmering for the day or when you are called to stop, you can use the tea it created to drink for chaos magick. Skim the pulp, add it to your garden for compost or throw away if you do not want to use it. Drain the tea, and as you drink it, speak your intention.
Spiritual Bath: Follow the same steps above but this time add to your bathtub. You will again invoke each ingredient as you add them in, and then soak in them. You can spend this time reflecting on the changes you need to make within yourself or cycles you need to break. Once you are done, take the water

and pour it over your head, picturing the love flowing over you. Scoop out the big pieces of flowers so they do not clog your drain and as the water drains, picture those limiting beliefs going down the drain as well. Try to air dry as best as possible and enjoy!
Candles: Mix the same blend into a bowl, invoking each element as you add them into the bowl and mixing them together. Take your existing candle or create your own if you know how to (or you can purchase an Intention Candle already created for Self Love), heat the top so it becomes liquid again. Once the wax becomes liquid add each of the ingredients and then let it dry. Once dried you can light it and as it burns write in your journal, pull Tarot or Oracle cards or just sit with yourself. Please be careful with dried herbs and essential oils and watch as it burns to avoid fires. Regardless of how you are called to use these tools, remember that the true power comes within. The words you speak, the thoughts you have are what power any tool. Spirit moves with your true intentions, so be free, be loving and remember YOU ARE THE POWER!
Love & Respect Your Resident Witch Melanie
Melanie Rodriguez is a two-time business owner of Hidden Fairies along with her daughter, and facilitator for Power of 3 Spirit Lead Teachings with her two youngest sons.
Using her knowledge gained through her own Spiritual journey, Melanie uses her intuition to help create products for Hidden Fairies and shares it with the children who attend P3 classes in her local community.
Hidden Fairies has numerous home good products from Intention and Aroma Candles to Aroma Sprays. They help create spa like atmosphere at an affordable price. P3 classes are made for parents and children to attend together to help break the cycles often put on us through an older generation. They teach families how to work together using manifestations and learning each other in Spiritual ways. Hidden Fairies products can be purchased through Facebook (Hidden Fairies) or at Enchanted Treasures Trading Company in Seminole, FL.

Connect with your witchy self each and every day using quick, easy, and fun practices. For beginner or an experienced practitioner. http://amzn. to/2gPHj41
Spill the Tea

Tarot Parties!
Jodee Durrance and Jennifer Cotie are the esteemed founders of Spill The Tea Parties, based in Jacksonville, Florida. This venture represents a consortium of seasoned advisors who provide a range of services including readings, consultations, and mystical experiences tailored for retreats, events and fundraisers. Spill The Tea Parties offers an array
of reading services, encompassing general insights into present or future circumstances, love and relationship guidance, career progression readings, as well as personalized sessions addressing specific inquiries or themes as per the guests' preferences. The essence of these tarot parties is to furnish an engaging, convivial atmosphere where attendees can enjoy social interaction, while potentially

deriving meaningful perspectives or motivation from their tarot consultations. These gatherings serve as an idea introduction to the tarot, and Rune realm, presented in a welcome and accessible setting. For more information, or to connect with Jodee or Jennifer at Spill The Tea Parties:
-Visit our website at spilltheteaparties.com
-Find us on Facebook: Spill The Tea Parties
-Follow us on Instagram @spill_ theteaparties

Jennifer Cotie
Jodee Durrance

Psychic protection rituals and ceremonies can be highly personal and vary widely depending on individual beliefs and practices. Here are some commonly suggested rituals and practices that people use for psychic protection:
Visualization and Shielding: Visualize a protective shield or bubble around yourself. Imagine this shield as impenetrable to negative energies or psychic intrusions. You can reinforce this visualization daily or whenever you feel vulnerable.
Salt Baths: Taking a bath with sea salt or Himalayan salt is believed to cleanse negative energy from your aura and provide a protective barrier. You can also sprinkle salt around your home or workplace.
Smudging: Burning sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs to purify your space and yourself. Wave the smoke around your body and in every corner of your living space while setting an intention for protection.
Crystals: Certain crystals are thought to have protective properties, such as black tourmaline, obsidian, amethyst, and hematite. Carry them with you or place them strategically in your home or workplace.
Protection Prayer or Mantra: Recite a prayer, affirmation, or mantra that resonates with you and focuses on invoking protection. This could be a traditional prayer or something personal that reinforces your intention.

Rituals and Ceremonies Psychic Protection

and Ceremonies for Protection
Setting Boundaries: Clearly define and enforce personal boundaries in your interactions with others. This includes emotional boundaries as well as physical ones, which can help prevent psychic drain or intrusion.
Moon Rituals: Many people find that rituals performed during certain phases of the moon (e.g., full moon or new moon) amplify their intentions for protection. You can create your own ritual involving candles, crystals, and meditation during these times.
Creating Sacred Space: Designate a specific area in your home or outdoors as a sacred space where you can retreat and recharge. Keep this space energetically clean and filled with items that bring you peace and protection.
Energy Clearing Techniques: Learn and practice techniques such as Reiki, Qigong, or other energy healing modalities that can help clear and balance your own energy field regularly.
Intuition Development: Cultivate your intuition and inner awareness. Strengthening your connection to your higher self can enhance your ability to discern and deflect negative energies.
It's essential to experiment with different rituals and techniques to find what resonates best with you. Trust your intuition and adapt these practices to suit your personal beliefs and spiritual path.
Pumpkin for sKin care

by Bobbi Grende

Old Man Winter is right around the corner. That means dry, chapped skin and loss of skin luster. What can you do to keep your skin looking gorgeous, hydrated and glowing? Why not try a honey pumpkin facial exfoliator. After all, pumpkins are in season, so they’re really cheap. Plus, instead of just throwing away all those pumpkins used for decoration, put them to good use with this marvelous facial treatment.
Honey added to pumpkin is a marriage made in “skincare” heaven! Honey is antibacterial, antifungal, is an excellent humectant and moisturizer, and has vitamins and minerals. It enhances and strengthens the benefits of the pumpkin.
Why Pumpkin?
Pumpkins are rich in enzymes, beta-carotene, amino acids, and antioxidants to fight the signs of aging. Pumpkins’ beautiful orange hue is from carotenoids. These are plant pigments that help with fighting wrinkles and neutralizing free radicals in the
skin. Pumpkins contain the highest concentration of salicylic of any plant, so it will help to remove and slough off old skin cells, revealing newer, brighter skin.
Pumpkins are also high in Vitamin A, C and Zinc, so they soothe, moisturize and help other ingredients to absorb deeper into the skin. We are starting to see more and more spas and higher end cosmetic companies using pumpkin as an ingredient in their treatments and potions.
So, are you ready to whip up a pie – um, I meanfacial exfoliator? You will absolutely love the results, and I’m sure you will add this one to your list of “must haves” for your skin. It will brighten and rejuvenate your skin.
Honey Pumpkin Facial Exfoliate Ingredients:
• 1 Tablespoon Cooked Pumpkin Pureed
• 1 Teaspoon Honey
• Pinch Cinnamon
• 1/2 Teaspoon Milk
• 1/2 Teaspoon Pineapple Juice (unsweetened) Directions: Combine the ingredients well and then apply to your clean, dry face - avoiding the eye area. Relax for about 10 minutes while this amazing treatment gently exfoliates and nourishes your skin. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, and then apply the appropriate moisturizer for your skin type. Your skin’s appearance will be much improved after just the first application. Enjoy!
Bobbi Grende is a Wiccan High Priestess and Shaman.

The Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox, which usually happens around September 23. The moon's orbit relative to Earth's horizon is at its minimum during this time, causing the full moon to rise earlier than usual and appear particularly bright. This phenomenon, along with the moon rising at similar times on consecutive nights, can provide several evenings of bright moonlight after sunset, which can help farmers harvest their crops late into the night. The term "harvest moon" originated in England, where the extra light allowed farmers to extend their working day and bring in their crops before the first frost.
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Discover unparalleled guidance from seasoned spiritual advisors who can help you navigate love, business, family relationships, and everything in between with clarity and insight!
StarZ Psychics is the Internet’s Leading Metaphysical and Live Psychic Community. Enjoy your private reading in our state of the art chat room. None like it anywhere else. We have a variety of amazingly talented Advisors with special talents including, Astrologers, psychics, channelers, tarot card readers, clairvoyants, spiritual advisors, and clairaudients who can assist you in answering your questions and more importantly guiding you to a new level of spiritual health.

A Facinating look at Runes and their magic
Rune readers recognize that the future remains fluid, allowing individuals to shape their own paths and make informed decisions. If the guidance from a rune reading doesn’t resonate, one has the power to alter their course and explore alternate routes.
Runes, the letters of an ancient Germanic alphabet, each carry a unique symbolic meaning. The term “Rune” itself translates to “Mystery” in both Celtic and Germanic languages. While some associate them with fortune-telling, most Rune practitioners emphasize that their purpose isn’t to predict the future. Instead, Runes provide access to ancient wisdom, fostering a deeper awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, the dynamics of cause and effect, and the intricate relationship between our personal lives and the broader world. Much like a well- balanced archetype system, Runes offer insights into human psychology, the physical realm, and the universe. When runes are cast, they aren't entirely random: rather, they represent choices influenced by your subconscious. Runes serve as a valuable tool for navigating challenges and gaining insight into likely outcomes. Unlike traditional fortune- telling methods, they don’t provide precise answers or direct advice. Instead, Runes present various variables and suggest potential behaviors in response to events. Their strength lies in hinting at answers, while leaving room for personal interpretation, the area where intuition plays a crucial role.
Rune readers recognize that the future remains fluid, allowing individuals to shape their own paths and make informed decisions. If the guidance from a rune reading doesn’t resonate, one has the power to alter their course and explore alternate routes.
Each Rune has symbolic meaning. Although many
of these date back to traditional meanings, which would have meant a lot to the people using the runic alphabet. For example in the Elder Futhark:
Fehu- F, means domestic cattle or wealth
Uruz- U means a wild ox
Thurisaz- T means a thorn
Hagalaz- H, means hail
Kenaz- K means a beacon or torch
Raido- R, means a wagon or chariot
In modern rune casting, practitioners begin by posing a specific question. They then interpret the symbols inscribed on the stones. The techniques for selecting Rune stones vary. A single stone can be drawn from a bag in response to a question, or several stones (usually 3 or 9) can be arranged in diverse spreads, like Tarot, for interpretation. Also stones may be cast onto a cloth. Their unique meanings are assigned to Runes based on their face up, or face down position, and the meaning of the runes around them can change their meanings, similar to a tarot spread. If a positive rune lies between two negative runes, the meanings can change significantly. There are various types of rune castings you can do, which are similar to the idea of tarot layouts, but on your very first attempt, you might want to start by picking out just one rune and analyzing its significance. When doing a casting, It’s generally regarded that the runes near the center relate to the current situation, where as the ones lying

When working with Runes trust your own intuition.
on the outside are less important or will happen in the future. If the runes are close together or touching each other, then they might be complimenting each other.
When working with Runes, trust your own intuition in choosing the most fitting technique for you whether it is casting or spreads. Like any form of divination or oracle reading, it can take time to master the art of reading the runes. It does help if you are open and willing to use your intuition to assess what the stones are revealing. Don’t worry if you’re not sure at first, this is perfectly normal. Just try to persevere, write down details of any runes that you aren't sure of, and see if the meanings present themselves to you over time.
Runes are a divination tool that when I use them, I tell my clients that if they continue on the same trajectory that they are currently on, these events are likely to happen. They have the choice and free will, to change their future, and it’s outcomes, but they need to make that conscience decision for themselves. Runes can be a gentle nudge that we may be on the wrong path in a situation, and we may want to change course.

Jennifer Cotie is the esteemed cofounder of Spill The Tea Parties
As a Tarot Reader, Rune Interpreter, Reiki Practitioner, Minister & Vice President of a Metaphysical / Spiritual church, Jennifer Cotie illuminates your path and empowers your journey. With a holistic approach and loving support, Jennifer is dedicated to lighting the way forward. Book your session now and let's illuminate your path together! https://spilltheteaparties.com/

78 Ways to Market your Tarot Business
Online Marketing Strategies
1. Build a Tarot reading website. Use WordPress and do it in less than 4 minutes.
2. Set up a Facebook page and use it to share great Tarot articles, insights, tips, card-of-the-day, and to build a community of like-minded people.
3. Set up a Twitter page and share daily short-and-sharp 1-card readings.
4. Start a blog and share your insights into the Tarot.
5. Answer questions on Tarot forums and build a solid reputation as someone who has a genuine desire to help.
6. Set up a business
Instagram account and connect with your ideal potential clients.
7. Follow Instagram accounts in Tarot and related fields who have an engaged following. Post insightful comments and contribute to the conversation to create interest in your Instagram page.
8. Optimize your website for
Brigit Esselmont owner of Biddy Tarot
Tell your personal story on your "About page" and get clear on what style of Tarot reading you offer.
search engine traffic (find out how).
9. Create an e-newsletter with Tarot tips or communal Tarot readings (e.g., card of the week).
10. Set up an affiliate program so that others can refer clients to you and receive a commission for doing so.
11. Build relationships with people in complementary industries (e.g., numerology, astrology, life coaching, etc.) and ask for a referral.
12. Create a professionallooking email signature and advertise your services in it.
13. Create an online quiz that builds interest and curiosity in the Tarot (e.g.,

what Tarot card are you?). Make sure you include a link to your website.
14. Write an eBook on Tarot to showcase your knowledge and attract subscribers to your email list.
15. Start your own Tarot podcast. Bring on guests and offer free mini Tarot readings.
16. Get listed on a group buy website like Groupon or Living Social.
17. Encourage social sharing on your website with Sharebar.
18. Share sample Tarot readings on your website, along with the customer's feedback. Of course, make sure you get permission to share the reading before you post it.
19. Offer a free Tarot reading to a popular blogger (in any field), and if they love it, ask them to write about it on their blog or website.
20. Conduct a case study or interview with a previous client and show how they transformed their lives with the help of your Tarot reading.
21. Shoot a memorable video about your Tarot reading skills and post it to Youtube.
22. Create Tarot reading specials for different times of the year. Offer a Love Tarot Reading special for Valentine's Day or a New Year special for the start of the year.
23. Run a competition to win a free Tarot reading with you and cross-promote on other websites.
24. Have a clear' call to action' on your Tarot readings/ Services page, e.g., “Buy Now” or “Book Reading”.
25. Add a ‘bonus' to your Tarot reading, e.g., a brief numerology or astrology report.
26. Become a guest on a Tarot podcast.
27. Have a ‘weird' sale like, “I just pulled the Six of Pentacles, and I'm ready to give, give, give.”
28. Write a guest post for another Tarot (or similar) blog, and be sure to include your links in the profile.
29. Run a free webinar or teleseminar on Tarot and share your knowledge and your services.
30. Offer Tarot reading gift vouchers.
31. Advertise on your own website. Sounds obvious, but make sure you have a banner that links to your paid services pages.
32. Consider setting up Google Adwords and paid advertising. It's not always effective, so make sure you get informed on how to get the most ROI out of Adwords.
33. Create an email autoresponder series such as the 10 Most Insightful Tarot Spreads, and include links to your Tarot business.
34. Leave insightful comments on other people's blogs and contribute to the conversations.
35. Register your business with Google Local.
Existing Client Strategies
36. Create a loyalty program where your clients receive points that can be used on free Tarot readings.

37. Offer your current clients a referral bonus, e.g., refer a friend and get 50% off your next Tarot reading.
38. Reconnect with your clients 3-4 months after their Tarot reading to check in that everything is going OK.
39. Mail (yep, snail mail) your loyal customers a personal thank-you note and five postcards with a “Refer a Friend” special.
40. Collect the birth dates of your customers and offer a special discount for a Birthday Tarot reading.
Branding Strategies
41. Craft an attention-grabbing tagline for your Tarot business.
42. Tell your personal story on your About page and get clear on what style of Tarot reading you offer.
43. Be authentic and show passion. There's an old adage, “People buy from people they like.”
44. Design a stand-out logo for your Tarot business.
45. Get clear on what your customers truly value in your Tarot readings and use this to form your marketing communications.
46. Talk in terms of benefits rather than features, e.g., “accurate and insightful Tarot readings” rather than “email Tarot readings”.
47. Find your unique ‘voice' and ‘image'. For example, Dan Donche is the edgy, bold, and “inappropriate Tarot reader“. What are you going to be known for?
48. Create an eye-catching business card. Sure, you can get freebies from Vistaprint, or engage a designer to make you something extraordinary.
49. Include customer testimonials on all of your marketing materials.
50. Be the Purple Cow. Find a way to stand out from the crowd and be different.
51. Offer a guarantee that if your customers are not 100% satisfied with their Tarot reading, they can get their money back. Trust me; it is rarely used.
Offline Marketing Strategies
52. Create Tarot card postcards with your details printed on the back and drop them in random, unexpected places – on the street,

Your home is an extension of your energy field. This is why Practices like cleaning, rearranging furniture, organizing your closet and getting rid of objects that are cluttering your space can have a profound impact on your mind, body and spirit.
Psychic Industry News

The Growth and Challenges of the Psychic Hotline Industry
Since the turn of the millennium, the online psychic industry has surged into a $2 billion annual market. At the forefront of this booming sector is Ingenio, a major player that has strategically acquired numerous prominent and semi-prominent psychic hotlines. This portfolio includes notable names such as Kasamba, Keen, Bitwine, Purple Garden, Zodiac, and Horoscope, as well as companies across Spain, Italy, Germany, and Great Britain. The most recent acquisition was the competitive Kasamba. This consolidation has led to a significant increase in psychic reader commissions, which now exceed 61% of earnings, in addition to connection fees and various other charges imposed by these corporations. These hidden costs ultimately fall on clients, driving up the prices for psychic services and impacting the financial stability of readers.
Despite these challenges, operating through a hotline remains a viable way for psychics to earn a living from home. However, similar to the gig economy model seen with companies like Uber, psychics face a range of new regulations that can restrict their earning potential. For context, Uber drivers, according to discussions on forums like UberPeople, are reported to receive only about 15% of their earnings after Uber’s substantial cut. This model of high commission fees could potentially undermine the sustainability of these hotline companies if not managed carefully.
Historically, psychic commissions started around 30% in 2000, but this figure has doubled over the years. With rising fees, many readers may consider moving towards independent practice to avoid these corporate constraints. Clients who have established strong connections with their psychic advisors are likely to seek them out directly, bypassing the need for hotline intermediaries.
Hotlines face additional risks when onboarding new readers who may lack experience in delivering quality customer service or providing insightful readings. While skilled readers can quickly adapt, they may eventually choose to transition away from corporate psychic companies in favor of independent work. Ingenio is owned by Alpine Investment, a B-Corp certified firm renowned for its positive work environment, as recognized by “Great Place to Work™” and Fast Company’s list of Most Innovative Companies for 2023. With $17 billion in assets under management and offices in San Francisco, New York City, and Salt Lake City, Alpine specializes in investments in software and service businesses.
The evolving dynamics of the psychic hotline industry underscore the need for both companies and readers to adapt strategically to ensure long-term success and satisfaction for all parties involved.
By Chris Friar, editor/publisher.

Develop your sixth sense

Strengthen your psychic abilities
by Ken Mahung

The concept of a "sixth sense" often evokes images of supernatural abilities or mystical experiences. In the realm of personal development and mental mastery, it refers to an enhanced intuition or heightened perception beyond the ordinary five senses. One influential approach to cultivating this heightened awareness is the Jose Silva Mind Control System. This method emphasizes the use of different levels of consciousness to access deeper spiritual and intuitive insights.
The system is designed to help individuals harness the power of their minds to achieve greater levels of mental and spiritual awareness. Silva's techniques involve training the mind to operate at various levels of consciousness, which he believed are crucial for accessing the sixth sense and tapping into the spiritual realm. During Jose's life, the levels of mind that had been discovered and used were Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. Beta is our normal conscious state. Since Jose's time, there have been three other levels of mind that have been discovered and explored. These are Gamma, Lambda and Epsilon. The levels that will be discussed here are the ones that are easier for individuals to access.
By accessing these different levels of the mind, individuals can create the reality they want in their lives, help with their own healing and help others. Here are brief descriptions of the different levels of mind.
1. Alpha Level
The alpha state of mind is a relaxed, yet alert state typically associated with light meditation or daydreaming. In this state, brain waves oscillate between 8-12 Hz. Use the alpha state to enhance intuition and creativity. Practitioners often find that they can access deeper insights and solutions to problems while in this state. Techniques like visualization and affirmation are particularly effective at this level.
2. Theta Level
Theta brain waves range from 4-8 Hz and are typically associated with deep relaxation, light sleep, and deep meditation. The theta state is where the mind can access the subconscious more directly. This level is particularly useful for deeper introspection and connecting with one's inner self. It’s also associated with enhanced creativity and the ability to connect with higher spiritual realms or guides.
3. Delta Level
Delta brain waves, which are slower (0.5-4 Hz), correspond to deep sleep and the most profound states of relaxation. Although it's primarily associated with sleep, accessing the delta state while awake can allow for profound healing and a deep connection with one's inner self. This level can be useful for significant breakthroughs and deep spiritual experiences. We access the Delta level when we dream.
4. Epsilon Level
Epsilon waves are less commonly discussed and are

associated with states beyond the delta level. They represent extremely slow brain wave activity (below 0.5 Hz) and are linked to deep meditative states or high levels of consciousness. Accessing the epsilon level can lead to extraordinary insights and experiences, although it requires advanced practice and training.
Here are some ways individuals can start to access these different levels of mind.
1. Relaxation and Meditation
Begin with techniques to relax the body and mind, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation. There are guided meditations available online and these are also taught and used in 190Vision. This creates a foundation for entering the alpha and theta states more easily.
2. Visualization and Affirmations
Use guided imagery and affirmations to engage the subconscious mind while in the alpha and theta states. This can help in manifesting desires, solving problems, and enhancing intuitive abilities.
3. Deep Meditation Practices
Engage in prolonged meditation sessions to reach the theta, delta, or even epsilon states. Techniques like mindfulness meditation, body scanning, and deep introspection can facilitate this process. If your mind wanders when you are meditating, that
usually means that you have blocks that are holding you back from accessing the deeper levels of mind. These are usually trauma or emotional blocks and can be released in different ways. 190Vision has a method to help with releasing theses blocks which also promotes mental, emotional, spiritual and physical healing. Contact 190Vision to learn more.
Developing the sixth sense involves a deliberate and focused effort to train the mind to access various levels of consciousness. By understanding and practicing at the alpha and theta levels, individuals can enhance their intuitive abilities and spiritual awareness. Whether you’re seeking to improve creativity, solve personal problems, or connect with deeper spiritual insights, accessing these different levels of the mind offers valuable tools for tapping into the hidden potential of the mind.

About 190 Vision
Anyone can request help from 190Vision through our website, https://190vision.com/, as well as register for workshops, book Life Review sessions, and request one on one coaching from any of the 190Vision Coaches.
We also have books available on Amazon that anyone can use in the comfort of their home to help them with releasing trauma, understanding more about their health, and connecting with their Spiritual Team.
We have children's books that adults love too! Books about the Violet Flame, protecting oneself, death/loss, and help with behavior or attitude. http:// amazon.com/author/190vision
For anyone interested, there are several video testimonials on the 190Vision YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@190vision, on Amazon Fire, Spotify, and also through the posts in our Facebook Group, https://www.facebook.com/ groups/905191691191013.
Millions of people worldwide are experiencing an inner calling to discover their purpose in life and to express it to the world. Now more than ever, humankind is experiencing a surge of awakening –an inner calling to evolve to our true potential.
How do we know that we have a life purpose?
Your life's purpose is expressed in your passion. If you have passion, you have a life purpose. Every human has passion, whether or not he or she is aware of it. Do we need a life purpose? No one needs a life purpose, yet we all have one, big or small! When you are in touch with yours, life takes on a new power, new meaning, new ease and much more aliveness, moments of bliss and passion. In the words of mythologist Joseph Campbell, "If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are -- if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time."
How do we find our life purpose? A good place to start is to pay attention to what is already showing up in your

How to Discover your Life's Purpose (Your Life Mission or Dharma)

life. What do you find yourself thinking about or doing when you aren't thinking about paying the bills or other obligations. What gets you out of bed and fired up on those days when life doesn’t seem so wonderful? Have you ever found yourself totally absorbed when spending time engaged in something you love? You are unaware of time or distractions, only following what you love. Yes, this is a beautiful place to be, so finding this unique talent is important not only as a contribution to the world, but to your own personal bliss. What are you passionate about? Pay attention to callings that you feel deep within you -- these inner callings are coming from your soul and the core of your being. Have a practice that connects you to your inner source. This could be writing, yoga, painting, meditation, dancing, or spending time in nature. This is important to connect to because it is where the information lies about your calling and where you will find the support to step into it. Take a look at the people you admire as they tend to represent the greater aspects that you also have. Perhaps you have always wanted to help others less fortunate, stand up for a cause, or bring
awareness to important community or environmental issues via whatever medium you resonate with, such as art, music, writing or travel. The ways are limitless.
Does our life purpose have to be big? No, it doesn't have to be big or earth-moving. I have worked with numerous individuals whose life purpose or “dharma” was to heal a pattern in their life, or to work on uncovering limiting beliefs that have kept them stuck, or changing a story that no longer fits. Or to learn about patience, compassion or how to be resilient in the face of change. Living a purposeful life requires that we live in dharma. Dharma is similar to the term coined by Chinese philosophy as The Tao. It is translated as "the way" or "the path". Tao and Dharma are like a mission, a purpose or a doorway that align with the natural harmony of the universe. We know that we are in harmony with our life purpose when we cannot think of anything else we would rather be doing on our journey through life.
To define what a life mission is, lets first take a look at what a life mission is not:
It is not what society tells you your life is for.
It is not your career, although it can be expressed through your career.
It is not accumulating wealth (though it can be!)
It is not some grand plan that is imposed on you
It is not what you think it should be.
It is not a life of suffering (pain is normal, suffering is optional).
A life mission is:
That something you do that makes you feel completely alive while

contributing to others.
Activities you do naturally, that you have a natural knack for. A part of you that has always been there for as long you remember. A flame that burns deep inside of you. Your intrinsic contribution to humanity.
So how do you find YOUR Life’s Purpose? Here are 10 questions to meditate on:
You will get the best result by writing down your answers!
1) What are the things you most love doing?
2) How do you most like to impact others?
3) Why do people like being around you?
4) What actions towards others come most naturally to you (are you a good listener, problem solver, etc.?)
5) How have you positively impacted the people in your life?
6) What qualities about you create this kind of impact?
7) What activity makes you feel as if time disappears and you are in a state of bliss?
8) What is the legacy you want to leave behind you?
8) How do you want the world to be impacted because of your contribution?
10) How would you live differently if you knew your days were numbered?
Your answers to the above questions help to describe your life's purpose, the spark within you. Now take the time to synthesise your answers into one powerful sentence. Write it so that it inspires you and clearly speaks to you. Make it so it is an “I” statement. For example, my life mission is: “I make a difference to peoples lives” Does your statement speak to you? Does it inspire you? Does it make you want to jump into action, or energise you? If so, you have find your life’s mission. If not, do this exercise again a few times. Go deeply within yourself. Then allow the Universe to bring about the people, places, circumstances, events and action from inspiration that allow it to become part of your reality as a co creator! Your mission will certainly emerge! Have courage and step into the mystery. You will have aligned with your true self and resonate with a field of energy that manifests the life you may have only imagined. When you discover your passions - the things that float your boat - and find your “Bliss Station”, then pursue them with complete abandon. You will find that "doors will open for you where there once were walls” (Joseph Campbell).

Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987, writer, philosopher, teacher

Elita is a Psychic Counsellor and Tarot Reader from Australia. She can connect and align you with your soul purpose and whatever it is you are wanting to attract into your life. Spanning 25 years as a psychic, she works with high vibrational frequencies and has been fortunate enough to have trained with Doreen Virtue, Denise Lynn and many spiritual and metaphysical teachers. Her readings are always inspiring and empowering. Her high repeat client base is testimony to her accuracy and ability to tune into your energy field with outstanding clarity. If you have been searching for greater fulfilment in relationships, your most divine ideal partner in love or business or infinite possibilities as you engage passionately with life, Elita can assist you! If you want to release what prevents you from your true essence and soul purpose Elita will help you! Elita is also a certified hypnotherapist, Past Life Counsellor, Certified Life Coach, Mindfulness Practitioner, Certified Angel Therapist, Theta And DNA Healer, Law of Attraction Counsellor, Yoga Instructor and Music Sound Healer and is currently a Masters Degree student in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies.
Contact details for Elita: elitapurcille@gmail.com or you can find her at https://www.psychicscoop.com/psychicaura/
Witchcraft Kit w Scrying MIrror, Wiccan Book of Shadows, Scrying Tools, Witchcraft Mirror, Altar Kit Supplies, Divination, Obsidian Large $129.25

This witchcraft kit provides many scrying tools for divination and fortune telling, including a black scrying mirror for scrying, black salt for protection and Wiccan Herbs for Divination. A total of 21 Wiccan Supplies, all supplies have been charged. This is a great starter Witchcraft Divination Kit with everything you need to start scrying/dowsing. Some of the uses for this black scrying mirror kit are: Contacting spirit guides, self-improvement, magickal /energy transmitting and receiving, for divination of the past, present and future, as a portal to the astral plane, shamanic journeying, ritual invocation and evocation, and to improve visualization skills.

Day of the Dead
During Día de Muertos, families create altars, or "ofrendas," to honor their departed loved ones. These altars, which may be set up at home, in public spaces like schools and libraries, or at cemeteries, are adorned with the favorite foods, drinks, photos, and memorabilia of the deceased. The purpose of these altars is to invite the souls of the departed to visit, so they can hear the prayers and messages from their living relatives.
Mexican marigolds, known as cempasúchil, are the traditional flowers used for these altars. The vibrant orange marigolds, whose name derives from the Nahuatl word cempōhualxōchitl meaning 'twenty
flowers,' are believed to attract and guide the souls of the dead with their bright petals and strong scent. In modern Mexico, they are sometimes called Flor de Muerto or 'Flower of the Dead.'
Throughout the year, families prepare for Día de Muertos by gathering items to place on the altars. During the three-day celebration, they clean and decorate graves, often using cempasúchil to honor their loved ones. Toys are left for deceased children, known as los angelitos, while bottles of tequila, mezcal, or pulque, and jars of atole are set out for adults. In addition, families might place trinkets, favorite candies, and foods like candied pumpkin, pan de muerto (bread of the dead), and sugar skulls on the

altars. After the festivities, the living may consume the offerings, believing the spiritual essence of the food has been consumed by the souls. Pillows and blankets are also provided so the deceased can rest after their journey. In towns like Mixquic, Pátzcuaro, and Janitzio, people spend the night at the gravesites and hold picnics there.
Home altars may include Christian symbols like crosses and images of the Blessed Virgin Mary, along with pictures of deceased relatives and numerous candles. Families often gather around these altars to pray and share stories about the departed. In some regions, celebrants wear shells on their clothing to make noise that is thought to awaken the dead, and some dress as the deceased.
Traditional foods for Día de Muertos include tamales, which are prepared both for the living and as offerings. Pan de muerto, a sweet roll shaped like a bun and decorated with bone-shaped pieces, and calaveras, colorful sugar skulls, are iconic treats for the occasion.
Drinks are also an integral part of the celebration. Historically, pulque was the primary alcoholic beverage, but today families often serve the favorite drinks of their deceased ancestors. Other beverages include atole and champurrado, warm, thick masabased drinks, and agua de Jamaica, a popular cold, sweet hibiscus tea known for its ruby-red color.
Day of the Dead is a celebration of life and one of the most popular and growing holidays in the United States.

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Deadline is the 15th of every month! Publication comes out 4 times per year.
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Stepping into Stardom: A Glamorous Guide to Building Your Psychic Business
by Aeson Knight

Alright, darling, whether you’re a queen or a king in this psychic realm, if you’re ready to transform from a dabbling psychic into a fullfledged professional, it’s time to get seriously fabulous. Imagine stepping into your new role like you're slipping into a pair of designer heels—or stylish dress shoes. It’s all about confidence, commitment, and a touch of glamour.
First off, let’s talk about mindset, honey. Transitioning from a dabbling hobbyist to a professional psychic isn’t just about setting up shop; it’s about transforming your entire approach to your life. You’ve got to believe in your new role with every fiber of your fabulous being. This means embracing a mindset of success, dedication, and commitment. It’s not just a career; it’s your calling. Picture this: you’re no longer just reading cards for fun; you’re crafting life-changing experiences for your clients. Embrace this new identity with confidence. It’s like stepping into your favorite pair of stilettos or that power suit—your new professional self is your statement. Walk it, own it, and flaunt it!
Let’s kick things off with the legal stuff. You’ll need to get those licenses and permits in order. Think of this as prepping your stage for a grand performance. Just like you wouldn’t step on stage without your costume, you need to have all your paperwork sorted to ensure a smooth start. Each town has its own rules, so make sure you’re completely settled before you open your doors.
Now, let’s talk about banking. You need more than just a basic checking account. Open a main business account for all your daily deposits. Then, get a separate expense account to handle those monthly costs—this keeps your cash flow smooth and stressfree. And, of course, set up a tax account; put aside 38% of every deposit for Uncle Sam. Stay two months ahead on your expenses before you even think about quitting that day job. This ensures you’re financially fabulous and ready for anything. Your bank should be able to handle up to 24 deposits in a single day. And here’s the secret sauce: money lands in your first account, you transfer Uncle Sam's cut, then once or twice a month, move the budgeted amount to the second account.
Pay your business bills first, live on the remaining amount for the pay period, and save any leftovers for a rainy day. Trust me, there will be a rainy day or two. It’s business.
Next, let’s revamp your tech setup. Out with the old and in with high-end upgrades. Invest in a sleek gaming computer and a topquality camera. Your tech needs to be as smooth and professional as your readings. Make sure your internet is high-speed—fiber-optic or broadband is a must when you’re handling important virtual appointments. And here’s a little something to keep in mind: plan to upgrade your tech and phones every three years, if not sooner. Your tech is the backbone of your business—don’t let it fall behind.
When it comes to phones, you need not one, not two, but three cellphones! Each should be on a different carrier to ensure you're always connected. One for business calls, one as a backup, and one for networks. Keep those phones charged and ready—you never know when you'll need to wow a client or field an urgent request.
Now, let’s talk about your workspace. Invest in comfort and style. Trade in that flimsy chair for something robust and elegant. You’ll be spending long hours in it, so make sure it supports you like your favorite couture. Freshen up your office setup regularly—start fresh and make sure everything is exclusively for work. No guest beds, no play areas—just pure psychic professionalism. If your client was walking into your office instead of zooming in, would it match your star-level psychic self? If not, then
it’s time for an upgrade. Keep photos and identifying items out of camera view—this is your stage, make it just as amazing as you.
Here’s a pro tip: Invest in a housekeeper as your first hire. While many business books suggest hiring an assistant, I’m telling you to prioritize a housekeeper. They’re worth every penny and will help you maintain a pristine, organized workspace and home. This way, you can focus entirely on your craft without worrying about household chores.
Remember, your family life is already busy. Now you are adding a new 5th dimension to not just your home but their lives too. If they’re going to put up with those late-night calls from a network designed to wake the dead, they deserve some perks from your new career too. And speaking of boundaries—treat your office like the sacred space it is. Don’t answer the door during work hours, even if it’s your mother-in-law—who you really don’t want to deal with anyhow, right? Keep that space dedicated to your craft and your clients.
Don’t forget to snag those social media usernames and accounts—even if you don’t use them actively. Owning your brand across all platforms is like claiming your digital throne. Ensure that no one else can steal your key handles and maintain a cohesive online presence that reflects your fabulous professional image. Your name is your gold. Never sell it or sign it away. Your signature brand is what sets you apart, so protect it fiercely. Embrace every aspect of your new role with style and confidence. Follow these steps with flair, and let your magic shine brighter than ever. You’re not just stepping into a new career; you’re stepping into a glamorous new chapter of your life. Shine on, darling!
And remember, in the words of the fabulous Wendy Williams, "Dream big, and then work hard to make those dreams a reality." Your psychic empire awaits, so go out there and make it happen!

Aeson Knight, a revered 3rd Degree High Priest and Clergy of Wicca in West Virginia. A pillar of the community since early 2000, Aeson currently serves as the H.P. of the Coven of the Crystal Owls in Oak Hill.
Recognized as the WV Pagan of the Year in 2020, Aeson’s expertise extends across two main traditions, and he offers a diverse range of classes on metaphysical and Wiccan subjects. As a Master Psychic, teacher, and podcaster, he possesses exceptional insight and knowledge. Aeson is also a member of the Tarosophy Tarot Association and is listed on the esteemed Best Psychic Directory.
With over 22 years of Spiritual Connections, Aeson is a Certified Life Coach and Master Psychic who guides individuals from all walks of life, ranging from housewives to fellow psychics. His psychic abilities are unparalleled, including clairvoyance, which he has possessed since the tender age of three.
A master of Tarot reading since 1999 and a thirdgeneration reader, answers without any sugar-coating or ambiguity. There
If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask. Aeson is here to share his visions and insights, providing you with the guidance you seek. https://aesonknight.com/

Seeking Your psychic
A Guide to Different Psychic Abilities and How to Choose Your Advisor

by Renee Lynn

Understanding Psychic Abilities
The term "psychic" often conjures up images of fortune-tellers and crystal balls, but the reality is far more nuanced. At its core, a psychic is someone who possesses heightened sensitivity to the world around them, often tapping into information beyond the normal realm of the physical senses. These abilities can manifest in various ways, making it crucial to understand the different types of psychics available.
Types of Psychic Abilities
Often synonymous with psychic ability, clairvoyance is the ability to perceive information beyond the physical senses. Clairvoyants can "see" things, events, or people that are not physically present. Their insights can range from past, present, or future occurrences.
Clairaudients "hear" information from the spiritual realm. They may receive messages, guidance, or warnings through inner sound or voice. This ability allows them to
connect with spirit guides or loved ones who have passed.
Clairsentients experience the world through their physical senses, but on a heightened level. They can feel emotions, sensations, or energies of others or places. This empathic ability can provide deep insights into relationships and situations.
Intuition / Claircognizance
Intuitive psychics rely on gut feelings and inner knowing. They can quickly grasp the essence of a situation or person without conscious reasoning. This ability is
often combined with other psychic gifts. While intuition is a general term for inner knowing or gut feelings, Claircognizance refers to this specific psychic ability, wherein it’s like having an immediate "knowing" about something, a situation or someone.
Mediums can communicate with spirits of the deceased. They act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, offering comfort and closure to those grieving.
While not strictly psychic, astrology is often used in conjunction with psychic abilities. Astrologers analyze celestial bodies and their positions to gain insights
into personality, relationships, and life events.
Energy Healing
Energy healers, like Reiki practitioners, etc, focus on balancing and restoring energy flow within the body. Many also possess psychic abilities that allow them to sense energy imbalances and guide healing.
Expanding Your Psychic Horizons
Beyond the above mentioned core psychic abilities, there are numerous specialized areas of focus. Pet psychics, for instance, connect with animals on a psychic level, understanding their emotions, physical needs, and even communicating with them.

Psychometry is another fascinating ability, where individuals can gain insights into an object's history or the people associated with it simply by touching it. Some psychics specialize in helping people locate lost items or missing persons, using their intuitive abilities to connect with the missing person or object's energy.
Choosing the Right Psychic
With such a variety of psychic abilities, selecting the right psychic for your needs can be overwhelming. Consider the following factors:
Your specific needs: Are you seeking guidance on love, career, or spiritual growth? Or connecting with a soul that has passed over?
Preferred communication style: Do you prefer a psychic who speaks directly or one who uses tools like tarot cards or astrology?
Comfort level: Some psychic abilities, such as mediumship, may be emotionally intense.
Intuition: Trust your gut feeling when choosing a psychic. A strong connection is essential.
Remember, the goal of a psychic reading is to provide guidance and support, not predict the future with absolute certainty. Approach the experience with an open mind and a willingness to explore your own intuition.
Accessing Psychic Services
Technology has made it easier than ever to connect with a psychic.
Many psychic advisors offer their services over the phone, through video calls on tablets, or via dedicated psychic apps. Online platforms and hotlines provide a convenient way to explore different psychics and find the right match for your needs. While face-to-face readings can offer a more intimate experience, remote sessions can be equally beneficial and provide greater accessibility.
By understanding the different types of psychic abilities and exploring the various platforms for connecting with psychics, you can embark on a meaningful and enlightening journey of selfdiscovery.
Preparing for Your Psychic Session
To make the most of your psychic reading, it's helpful to prepare beforehand. Take some time to reflect on your intentions for the session. What questions do you want to ask? What areas of your life are you seeking clarity on? It's also important to approach readings with an open mind and heart. Trust the process and allow the psychic advisor's insights to flow freely. Remember, the most valuable information often comes unexpectedly.
By understanding the different types of psychic abilities, exploring the various platforms for connecting with psychics, and preparing for your session, you can embark on a meaningful and enlightening journey of selfdiscovery.

Renee Lynn
Founder of the Spirit Phoenix Academy on Thinkific, intuitive creatrix, spiritual advisor and tarot reader Renee Lynn has been healing hearts and minds since she was quite young. Discovering her spirit guides as a child, she has always been drawn to the paranormal and unexplained. She became entranced in the spiritualist movement while still in elementary school and discovered the wellness channeling sessions of Edgar Cayce in her teens.
A veteran of the psychic hotlines, she feels called to help folks in personal and professional crises and transition discover their life purpose and personal branding, as well arming folks with tools for self healing as well as sacred self-discovery.
A gifted professional illustrator, creative director and designer in the muggle world, Renee has cocreated with some of the worlds best talent in the realm of film, television, fashion, advertising and global branding, working on client projects with Disney, HBO, CBS, NBC, AppleTV, AirBnB, Land Rover, Kia, Honda, Levi’s, Nike, Skyy Vodka, Campari, Grand Marnier, and many more. https://www.reneelynnspirit.com https://www.facebook.com/ReneeLynnSpiritAdvisor/ https://sonicsoundyoga.com https://www.facebook.com/sonicsoundyoga/
The Psychics Before Us
Cora Lodencia Veronica Scott (April 21, 1840 – January 3, 1923) was a prominent figure in the Spiritualism movement of the late 19th century, known for her work as a trance lecturer. Additionally, she authored several books, which were claimed to be dictated by spirit guides rather than written by her own hand. Throughout her life, Cora married four times, adopting each husband's surname in turn, resulting in her being known by the names Hatch, Daniels, Tappan, and Richmond at different times.
Cora Scott was born on April 21, 1840, near Cuba, New York. Her birth was marked by the presence of a caul, a rare occurrence where the amniotic sac is intact and covering the baby's face, which some folk beliefs associate with special powers. Her parents, initially Presbyterians, later embraced Universalism and joined the Hopedale Community in Hopedale, Massachusetts, in early 1851. This community, led by Adin Ballou, was dedicated to principles such as abolitionism, temperance, socialism, and nonviolence.

Finding Hopedale too crowded, the Scott family moved to Waterloo, Wisconsin later in 1851 to establish a similar community, with Ballou's support. It was in Waterloo, early in 1852, that Cora first demonstrated her trance abilities, producing messages and speaking in ways markedly different from her usual self. Her parents began to showcase her talents, integrating her into the network of trance lecturers that defined the Spiritualist movement.
Cora's father died in 1853, and in 1854 she moved to Buffalo, New York and became well known among the most important Spiritualists in the country. By the age of 15, she was making public appearances in which she spoke with "supernatural eloquence" on almost any topic put forward by the audience, all while claiming to be in a trance. Contemporary audiences found the spectacle itself incredible: a very young and pretty girl declaiming with authority on esoteric subjects; it was enough to convince many people that she was indeed a channel for spirits.
Cora Lodencia Veronica Scott
Healthy Psychic Lifestyles

Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. They include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and unhealthy cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome. Too much sitting overall and prolonged periods of sitting also seem to increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Any extended sitting — such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen — can be harmful.
Researchers analyzed 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels. They found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to that posed by obesity and smoking. However, unlike some other studies, this analysis of data from more than 1 million people found that 60 to 75 minutes of moderately intense

We all know what to do! just do it and keep your mind, body and spirit healthy!
physical activity a day countered the effects of too much sitting. Other studies have found that for people who are most active sitting time contributes little to their risk of death.
Overall, research seems to point to the fact that less sitting and more moving contribute to better health. You might start by simply standing rather than sitting when you have the chance. Or find ways to walk while you work. For example:
Take a break from sitting every 30 minutes. Stand while talking on the phone or watching television.
If you work at a desk, try a standing desk — or improvise with a high table or counter. Walk with your colleagues for meetings rather than sitting in a conference room.
Position your work surface above a treadmill — with a computer screen and keyboard on a stand or a specialized treadmill-ready vertical desk — so that you can be in motion throughout the day. The impact of movement — even leisurely movement — can be profound. For starters, you'll burn more calories. This might lead to weight loss and increased energy. Also, physical activity helps maintain muscle tone, your ability to move and your mental well-being, especially as you age.
With Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. Mayo Clinic

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1. The Power of Now
To make the journey into The Power of Now you need to leave your analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. Access to the Now is everywhere - in the body, the silence, and the space all around you. These are the keys to enter a state of inner peace. They can be used to bring you into the Now, the present moment, where problems do not exist.
2. A New Earth: Awakening Your Life's Purpose
TOLLE implores us to see and accept that this state, which is based on an erroneous identification with the egoic mind, is one of dangerous insanity.
Tolle tells us there is good news, however. There is an alternative to this potentially dire situation. Humanity now, perhaps more than in any previous time, has an opportunity to create a new, saner, more loving world.
3.The Magic of Manifesting
Tired of feeling stuck and frustrated when things don't go your way? A scarcity mindset is a psychological state characterized by a belief that resources, opportunities, or success are limited. Individuals with a scarcity mindset often perceive the world through a lens of insufficiency, focusing on what they lack rather than what they have. Manifesting will give you back power over your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs so that you can attract the physical reality you desire.
4. Empath and Psychic Abilities
Do you feel deeply connected to the emotions and energies around you? Are you drawn to the mysteries of the psychic realm but overwhelmed by challenges and misconceptions? If you've ever felt burdened by your unique gifts or struggled with ethical implications, this book is your beacon.


6. The Dead Floral Skull
Made of high quality composite resin material and hand painted by our artisans. Perfect decorative accent for any room, attractive on tabletop decor
Great for gift giving, suitable for any occasions.
7. Skeleton Skull Black Mariachi
Cute addition to any party or Day of the Dead festival.
8. The Dead Wedding Dance
This skeleton couple dances away as they celebrate their eternal wedding in the abyss. Dressed in their traditional folklore outfit, they commemorate the dias de muertos ceremony.
9. No-Evil Skeleton
See no, speak no and hear no evil, the skeletons set is telling the classic old adage. SPOOKY DECOR add chilling detail to your Halloween, Day of the Dead or other horror themed celebrations.
10. The Dead Traditional Fiesta Cinco De Mayo Lady in Red Senorita Skeleton
Celebrate the Day Of The Dead Occasion with our vibrant sugar skull traditional women costume. This Danza De Dama is beautifully made up and accessorized for the folk dance. She wears a beautiful red gown with colorful stripes and embroidery.
15 Most Powerful Herbs in Your Kitchen

by J.A. Elliott

Since ancient times our ancestor's harvested the many herbs and spices that grew wild around them, mixed potions, and treated ailments. Man was after all a hunter-gatherer, and an omnivore, (an organism which gets its food energy from both plant and animal material).
The humble herb and spice rack in your kitchen today need not be just a decorative feature, although they look quite pleasing to the eye hanging on the wall, in both modern and old fashioned styled homes. They can in fact hold a plethora of natural healing ingredients that can also add great taste to the foods you eat every day.
Of all the herbs and spices you can choose from for flavour, there are 15 that are more powerful than the rest. Below is the list and you may well be surprised to learn of the many diverse conditions for which they've proven so very useful.
1/. BASIL Basil is an herbal carminative, that is, it can relieve gas and soothe stomach upsets. One possible explanation for its calming effect is a compound called eugenol, which has been shown to help ease muscle spasms. Research is still preliminary, but laboratory studies also suggest that compounds found in basil may help disrupt the dangerous chain of events that can lead to the development of cancer
2/. CAYENNE Cayenne pepper is a hot red powder made from tropical chilli peppers. It contains alkaloid capsaicin, which relieves pain by blocking the chemicals that send pain messages to the brain. If you eat cayenne at the first sign of any type of headache, with plenty of water as a chaser, this spicy herb may be an effective alternative treatment. Added to food, cayenne perks up appetite, improves

digestion and relieves gas, nausea, and indigestion. The herb also thins phlegm and eases its passage from the lungs, thus helping to prevent and treat coughs, colds and bronchitis.
3/. CINNAMON Cinnamon bark contains an oily chemical called cinnamaldehyde that kills a variety of illness causing bacteria, including the dreaded E.coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureas.
Research shows that cinnamon is also able to stop the growth of the Asian flu virus. Herbalists report that cinnamon bark also helps regulate the menstrual cycle and checks flooding during menopause. Also cinnamaldehyde has a tranquilizing effect that helps reduce anxiety and stress.
4/. CLOVE Oil of clove is 60 to 90 percent eugenol. A potent pain deadening antimicrobal. Clove has earned the official endorsement of the FDA as an effective stopgap measure for tooth pain. Clove is also
among the spices that can help the body use insulin more effectively, thus lowering blood sugar somewhat. In one lab study, clove was also found to speed healing of the dreaded cold sores.
5/. DILL Dill has been used to soothe the digestive tract and treat heartburn, colic and gas for thousands of years. In fact, the word
dill comes from the Old Norse word dilla, meaning to lull or soothe.
The herb has an antifoaming action
that suggests why it might help break up gas bubbles. Like parsley, dill is rich in chlorophyll, which also makes it useful in treating bad breath.
6/. FENNEL Rich in volatile oils, fennel is what's known as a carminative herb, meaning that it can ease bloating, gas pains, and digestive spasms in the small and large intestines. Fennel can also reduce bad breath and body odour that originates in the intestines. Women who are breastfeeding may find that fennel, which works in a way similar to the body's hormones, increases milk flow.
7/. GARLIC Intact garlic cloves contain an odourless, sulphur-containing amino acid called alliin. When the garlic is crushed, alliin becomes allicin. Research shows that allicin helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure and also helps prevents blood clots. Garlic can also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Compounds in this familiar bulb kill many organisms, including bacteria and viruses that cause earaches, flu and colds. Research indicates that garlic is also effective against digestive ailments and diarrhoea. What's more, further studies suggest that this common and familiar herb may help prevent the onset of cancers.
8/. GINGER When it comes to quelling the queasiness of motion sickness, ginger has no equal say herbalists. In fact, researchers
have demonstrated that ginger beats dimenhydrate, the main ingredient in motion sickness drugs such as Dramamine, for controlling symptoms of seasickness and motion sickness. Ginger stimulates saliva flow and digestive activity, settles the stomach, relieves vomiting, eases pain from gas and diarrhoea, and is effective as an anti-nausea remedy. This aromatic herb also helps lower cholesterol. Herbalists have also found it to be useful as a pain reliever.
9/. MINT Herbalists the world over use mint, as a premier stomach tonic, to counteract nausea and vomiting, promote digestion, calm stomach muscle spasms, relieve flatulence, and ease hiccups. Menthol, the aromatic oil in peppermint, also relaxes the airways and fights bacteria and viruses. Menthol interferes with the sensation from pain receptors, thus it may be useful in reducing headache pain. Scientific evidence suggests that peppermint can kill many kinds of micro-organisms, and may boost mental alertness. In one study, people who inhaled menthol said they felt as if it relieved their nasal congestion, although it didn't increase their measurable airflow.
10/. OREGANO Oregano contains at least four compounds that soothe coughs and 19 chemicals with antibacterial action that may help reduce body odour. The ingredients in oregano that soothe coughs may
also help un-knot muscles in the digestive tract, making oregano a digestive aid. This familiar spice also contains compounds that can lower blood pressure too.
11/. PARSLEY Diuretic herbs such as parsley prevent problems such as kidney stones and bladder infections and keep our body's plumbing
running smoothly by causing it to produce more urine. They also relieve bloating during menstruation. Also there's a reason for that
parsley on the edge of the diner plate, its not just there for fancy decoration; it's an effective breath freshener because it contains high levels of chlorophyll.
12/. ROSEMARY Rosemary is one of the richer herbal sources of antioxidants, which have been shown to prevent cataracts, and contains 19 chemicals with antibacterial action that help fight infection. Traditionally used to ease asthma, this common culinary ingredient has
volatile oils that can reduce the airway constriction induced by histamine, that chemical culprit of asthma and other allergy symptoms. Herbalists think that rosemary may also help ease breast pain by acting as a natural drying agent to fluid filled cysts.
13/. SAGE The oils found in sage are both antiseptic and antibiotic, so it can help fight infections. Sage is effective for symptoms of menopause, night sweats and hot flashes, because of its estrogenic

action and because its tannins can dry up perspiration. There's also compelling evidence that sage may b of value to people with diabetes for whom the hormone insulin does not work as efficiently as it should. Lab studies indicate that sage may boost insulin's action.
14/. THYME Thyme contains thymol, which increases bloodflow to the skin. The warmth is comforting, and some herbalists believe that the increased bloodflow speeds healing. An antispasmodic. Thyme relaxes respiratory muscles and is endorsed for treating bronchitis by Commission E, the expert panel that judges the safety and effectiveness of herbal medicines
for the German government. Aromatherapists say that thyme's scent is a mood lifter.
15/. TURMERIC Many clinical studies agree that curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects, including a significant beneficial effect in relieving rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Curcumin, which gives this spice its familiar yellow pigment, may also lower cholesterol. Turmeric is also packed with antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E, which have been shown to prevent cataracts.
Passed down to us by our
forefathers and countless generations throughout the world, these 15 food additives and enhancers are just a selected few that are currently known to have medicinal and beneficial properties, yet represent the more commonly used. By including these herbs and spices into your daily cooking or diet on a regular basis, you will greatly enhance your quality of life, and reduce the need for those expensive, and often damaging pharmaceutical drugs.