Psychic medium kath campbell's an altered life part ii inside the light

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An Altered Life II Inside the Light

The Continued Journey And Journals of Psychic Medium Kath Campbell

“Living Inside the Light is but a comfortable silence unto the darkness, for the darkness brings a momentary knowing of my many deaths�


© 2014 Kath Campbell All Right Reserved Second edition edit © 2015 Kath Campbell All Right Reserved Unless otherwise noted names have been changed in, order to protect the privacy of individuals and their respective parties. The opinions, views, and commentary are those of the author unless otherwise stated. An Altered Life-Part-II-The Continued Journeys and Journals of Psychic Medium Kath Campbell

The author is not responsible for the accuracy of predictions made by way of visions, channeling, dreams, or conversations with paranormal and or supernatural beings. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Anyone violating this will also endure the wrath of Kath’s spirit guides.

Warning: This book contains foul language, unedited unpasteurized graphic depictions of truth, poor grammar, and a lot of other shit that most people are just not equipped to handle. So watch yer erse! First Edition Published Worldwide 2014 Second Edition Published Worldwide 2016


Dedication To

Shay “Recognition and realization of everyone who is in your corner would only be possible if we all wore name tags stating our true intentions� Thank you for always being in mine


Introduction Life for a short time, and that is all I could stand, within the motley group I call my father’s family, had been rather like keeping score at a pish poor preschoolers rugby match. In so much as one often trying to out nasty the other, the overeducated and undervalued of them all lay a ground work for madness , mayhem, and insanity at a level the likes of which God almighty has never seen or at least has caused a scratch at the ole Gulliver. We have doctors, lawyers, police, politicians, bankers, gangsters, and builders. We have Irish, Scottish, Jewish, French, Nords, and Italians. We have Catholics, Lutherans, Methodist, Quakers, Atheist, born agains, Mormons, and those who practice Judaism sprinkled here and there. We have one gay person and one former transsexual along with a lot of self-proclaimed straight manly men and girly women as well others who have no fecking idea who they are one day to the next so the family graciously ignores them as if they were irrelevant and most of they actually asked to be disregarded. Today what is left of fathers’ family is so distant from one and another we have not spoken in years. Dad’s family is an exclusive group and why would they be any other way? Anyone with half a degree of common sense would run from people of this nature. To keep secrets about their nasty deeds and even from each other that bring them stress and worry that they may in fact, be indicted by each other at any moment, makes ya think don’t it. They are without a doubt the strangest people I have met in my entre life. Then there is me Kath the former professional musician, legal mind, and psychic medium. What would you expect from a kid raised by their polite and proper grandparents?


I decided, and after all someone just had to write about the misadventures of this so funny you cannae make this shit up, group of ignorant, pious, and often hysterical people. I had several questions when I began to write the family portion of the second Altered Life book, one being what the feck was I thinking about by including the flippin whackos and wankers that nearly drove me insane in the book. So why will I be telling you their stories? The simple reason is I know it is going to pish most of those living off, and I like that, in fact, I rather enjoy it a lot. One other reason being I feel there is a degree of love within their misguided dysfunctional lifestyles. Their absurdity and chronic lack of common sense is itself noteworthy even if it was somewhat obscured by their frequent one-dimensional stupidity and ineptitudes, it is still there, somewhere, I think. For those concerned I will also be further discussing my psychic abilities as a child. I have also placed an even deeper look inside of me the person in An Altered Life Part II, why I have not a flippin clue; well perhaps it is to demonstrate the levity and brutality in and around my life, my gifts, their blessings, and their burdens. Minus the few articles of obvious sarcastic parody, what you are about to read is documented and validated truth. Oh, I almost forgot, I will be sharing my experiences as a psychic medium with you, laughs. This book was written within an aggregate grade level of eight by UK and US standards. Some of the characters from my childhood


Some of the characters from my childhood Uncle Eddie My dear auntie Doris had one life issue and that was my Uncle Eddie. As if there were not already, several Edwards in the family she had to marry one. Uncle Eddie was a tall thin man with what I will call a dim complexion, no he was not a bad looking man, in fact, he was quite handsome, he just had a dull light around him. Uncle Ed had to be the most bigoted racist I have had the displeasure of knowing in this life. He was not an average scunner or gobshite oh no, he was an educated hate monger, a notable chemist who chose to buy and operate a petrol station. Figure that one out will ya! I loved this man dearly and even though he was so hateful, he made me laugh. Let me give you an example of one of his rants. He would sit in his easy chair like King Farouk issuing proclamations and twisted wisdom nightly. He told my now ex that I quote’ “They should educate all the Nig*s and make them engineers, then give them all the tools and materials to build a bridge back to Africa and they can tear it down behind them to build a new one in front of them” Here are a few other items I will quote and paraphrase him on. “You know if I were president I would send all the Nig*s and Jews on a free cruise, right out in the middle of the ocean then drop the pill on em” ”Jews are good with money, your money, my money, and everyone’s money. If you got a dime a Jews got the time” A man threatened to sue uncle once and in turn, he told the man he was represented by the law firm of Seven Savage Jews. Another saying was “The Micks need to pick up their beer bottles it's getting crowded at the shopping center” "What is it with the Irish and bars? They die in them or behind them” He once told me that there were no real Americans anymore. He said real Americans would have cleaned up the nation and rid it of its black and red plague, making reference to the Native Americans and those of African descent. “You Scotties and Micks should have stayed on your islands” [6]

Note: Ireland is an island but I was not aware of Scotland ever being an Island. He told me that Ireland and Scotland were once landlocked and called Atlantis then they invented whiskey. Their advanced cultures had built the world’s largest sour mash pot; it stood thirty stories tall and was over 60 feet in diameter. The water was brought in, as blocks of ice from Greenland on submarines and big Viking ships. Each block of ice had then lifted by crane and lowered into a vat. Trying to save a few bucks the Scotties bought cheap fittings and valves then had the Norwegians install them. They lit a fire and everything went up with a big bang! The Micks and Scotties blew up Atlantis and as it sank, they absconded with the secret recipe for the whiskey along with all the money and hid it in Canada. Later they blamed it on those French assholes the Templars. Then he added and who gives a rat’s ass about Canadians and Frenchmen aye kid. Uncle Eddie was German and no doubt a Thuleist at heart. I asked him once why he hated so many groups of people. He looked at me and said I dinnae hate any one group of people kid, I am a fair man I hate everyone equally. In spite of his faults, he was a good father to my cousins and a good husband to my aunt Doris. I liked the man even though he could be a real jerk. He once said to my aunt when Jewish members of our family were due to call on him quick Doris, hide the silverware. I calmly argued once with him when I was eighteen and he threw me out of his home, promptly telling me to leave and never return. I never saw uncle again and I was not notified of his death. I have a fond memory of Uncle Eddie and a professional baseball game he took my cousins and me to see. It was not the game, as I cannot stand baseball; it was the drive there and his bigoted, hateful narration as he drove through an African America sections of the city. Such good and bad memories, he was yet another character that was a part of my father’s dysfunctional clan.


I am sure there is an e-z chair somewhere in heaven where my lovable racist Uncle Eddie is holding court, laughter.

Uncle Owen and Aunt Millie My aunt Millie was father’s sister. She and her husband Owen not his real name lived in a comfortable row home, if you call that comfort. Uncle Owen worked very hard and made an honest living. He was also a gentle alcoholic; he would often get drunk and fall asleep. My dad called Owen ‘cellar man’ because he always ran to his cellar when father visited their home. I learned some years later why it was uncle loved his cellar so much, it was the land of liquor O’plenty. Uncle thought he was a genius at hiding things; he hid beer bottles on strings in his swimming pool for one. He walked me out to show me a new filter for his pool and reached down grabbed a string and pulled a cold beer from the water. Then he said shush dinnae tell you aunt. As he stood and downed his beer in two gulps, he pointed out two new galvanized trashcans. He then reached behind one of the cans and there on a string was a quart bottle of beer. Uncle was a quiet sort of Irishmen with a mild manner about him. He kept my crazy mince chucking auntie on her toes as she tried her best to watch the man at every turn. She had tried nearly everything in the cupboard including a spell in order to get him to quit his drinking. It was futile because Owen as kind as he was, was also stubborn as a freggin mule. I remember visiting auntie once in 1973 during a period of change in the family. Her move was politically motivated in part and although misguided she was sincere in her care for me at least I would like to think so at that time. Uncle and auntie had purchased the home directly next door to them. It was a row home and they had a common attic, chimney, and cellar. Cellar man, Uncle Owen was nearly beside himself with joy. [8]

I kept thinking why in the hell would a man who worked fifty hours a week be so freggin jubilant. Aside from my aunt constantly on his erse about the drink, what the fuck was he so happy about. They both had to clean the mess left behind by the other homeowners. Auntie had plans for new and bigger bedrooms for her kids as well a larger living areas and kitchen. For the life of me, I was breaking brain matter trying to figure out Uncle Owens unusual bizarre behavior, well more bizarre than usual. He actually stood in the living area and did an Irish jig with no music. On this occasion after a large meal courtesy of he and auntie, I sat a moment, chatted then begged pardon and said my goodbyes. Uncle contacted me a month later and asked I come by to see him. He was anxious to show me the progress on the other home and remodeling. What I found odd was my older cousin saying uncle would not permit him in the cellar. Yet he wanted to show me the entirety of his work stating he had remodeled the cellar all by himself. He also told me auntie had gone on a trip, yeah auntie was on a trip. I though oh God I hope he has not lost it, killed and buried the woman in the cellar. All sorts of shit began running through my mind. You will without a doubt agree my Uncle Owen was a bit strange but so was everyone in fathers wacky family. I arranged to meet him a week or so later and planned on spending a few hours chatting, he was an interesting chap when he had taken to speak. Shortly after my arrival, he said I just have to show you what I have done in the cellar. I had no sour feelings about his request and yes sometime the gifts I had buried did have occasion to give me a nudge. I followed him down the steps and when I reached the bottom, all I could see was a telly and an easy chair, all nicely placed against the inner wall. I could not help but feel there was more to this than what I saw on first impression. Uncle moved the chair away from the wall and said look and what do you see. I said it is a brick wall.


He smiled and said oh but it is no ordinary brick wall, it is a magical brick wall. He said I know you are well read sweetie but do you remember Poe. I thought oh God he really did kill auntie and had bricked her up in the fucking wall. He reached over and put his hand on a brick then gave it a wiggle, out it came. He said hand me the small hammer, and screwdriver in my tool kit. As I reached down, I kept one eye on uncle this was getting stranger by the moment. I handed him the tools and stood as he gently tapped and removed several more bricks. Eventually I sat down as it appeared his task was disassembling a small doorway in the wall, I thought sweet Jesus what if my aunt is in there. He worked with great diligence removing each brick and stacking it neatly on a piece of canvas he had placed on the floor. After this now apparent brick, opening or doorway had taken shape, uncle stepped through it into the darkness. Suddenly he poked his head out and said well come on you are going to miss the best part. I thought well you have come this far so go on and have a look. I reached for a torch in his tool kit and he said you dinnae need that. So I stepped through the doorway into this dark, cold, musty room and he yelled, cover your eyes. I said ok and as I did, I felt the light hit me and immediately thought he hit me with a shovel but at that very moment, he decried draw near and behold child! I could not believe my eyes, tap-dancing Jesus H. Christ with a bottle of rum. There were cases of beer and liquor everywhere stacked six and seven high. It looked like he robbed a fuckin brewery. I said what the hell! Auntie is going to rip you a new erse when she finds this stash. He said now kid join me in a cold brew I’m sure you’re not going to rat me out. You are my favourite kid and I trust you, Jesus he put me on the spot! I said no I am not going to say one word about this but why show me. Owen said you know the thing, that thing, I said what thing? He smiled and said that psychic thing you and Millie do. I looked at him and said have you been living under a rock? [10]

My abilities where driven from me they are gone although I do see things time to time I try to ignore them. Uncle took a breath and said well now do you think your auntie will see this? I said you mean see it with the mind thing. No, I think she is going to smell it! She is not dumb and probably channeling someone or thing right now and spying on your erse, then I covered my mouth and laughed quietly. I was not laughing at him I was laughing at the lengths he went to in order to have the drink. I excused myself and said uncle I really need to get going. He sat back in his easy chair drinking a beer, looked at me and smiled. He said you only live one lifetime at a time kid and it’s true I’m a drunk but it does not mean I am incapable of loving your aunt. Less than a month, later my aunt discovered Owens expanding and magical vault of liquor. In fact, he had never successfully hid anything from Millie. Moreover, in his regard her guides were often her own private snitches, geese. I visited her a year later and spent all of twenty minutes there and as she and I spoke, we walked through the yard. Auntie pausing now and then and pulling at a string here and there that had one or two of uncle’s beers affixed to the end. She then proceeded to empty each of them each all in the alley. Uncle Owen loved auntie so very much and showered her with constant gifts. It was not a ploy to gain favor with her so she would turn her head while he drank it was point of fact love. He faltered only one time in my eyes and that was during my Aunt Millie’s cancer of the uterus post-surgery. We had offered to take him to visit her as he had lost his license, for you guessed it drunk driving! He ran us about the city stopped at one pub after another telling us he was making a cash pick-up from people who owed him money. He lied as he was only doing shots and this really pissed me off.


In hindsight, although my auntie had inflicted so much pain on me she did not warrant being treated like a stranger on a sick bed by her husband. After all the rotten shit she has done to me as well my kids, I have a degree of empathy and mercy even for mince chucking fuckin scunner like her. Uncle Owen died in the late nineteen eighties. I was in Europe at the time and within reach. Neither my father, auntie nor anyone else for that matter chose to notify me later stating there was no time. I was less than a 14-hour trip via air. I later came to know this was all bullshit tied to my wicked hairy nosed wombat of a stepmother. I really loved Uncle Owen he never raised a hand to my auntie and always brought his pay-cheque home intact. He was a good person and although I did not know him well, I miss him because he had a kind way about him. Although he was Irish like auntie, he was not a confirmed Catholic and auntie was a devout Catholic. When it comes to burial the church is very specific. We all know how organized religion can discriminate; I cannae speculate but suffice to say I dinnae know if they are buried together but I do know they are together in heaven. At the end of the flesh and the new beginning in the light, we all meet again. I did place my uncle’s name in our family tree but listed my Aunt Millie as an unknown. (You will find the reason for this action in my first An Altered Life book) I wish I had known him better he was an interesting fellow. I can only imagine a brewery in the hereafter where he is setting in the cellar hoisting endless strings of cold pints while grinning ear to ear.

Honey I’m home This is a story having to do with my father. During childhood he was as all dads are supposed to be, wise, caring, loving providers. He was also witty, charming, and intelligent with one hell of a sense of humor and a real bad temper.


I was about nine years old when my father had gone to a bachelor party one evening. Mum had told me they were showing films called smokers and drinking at this event, not that I completely understood but I did catch most of what mum said. For those of you unfamiliar smokers were nineteen fifties porn reels, smutty movies tae be more specific. It was nearing ten p.m. when mum told me she was concerned. Another Saturday night and my sister Debs was nowhere to be found she and I would stay up and watch the horror films on local TV. Here I was with mum watching horror theatre and her jumping like a cat at every sound inside and out. I happened to be visiting my family for two weeks on holiday. Tae be completely honest I would have rather spent my time with my grandparents but oh well, where was I? Oh, yes dad at the bachelor party. Mum was concerned for dad’s safety. She said you know your father cannae hold his liquor and he knows better than tae drive, he had better not try tae drive that car home if he has had a few. Mother further proclaimed, I have my own car and I can go over there and get him. Mum did have her own car but I dinnae think she was going tae crash a men’s only party, and embarrass dad. That would have been a disaster of epic proportions for us all as he would have blown a fuse. It was running on for midnight when we heard a car. My parents lived in a nineteen fifties American post war home in a suburb some called housing developments. A car went past the house and mum had run tae the front window tae see who it was. Dad had taught us never peek out the windows unless you have tae, you may see something you should not and get yourself killed, because of it. It was half past midnight when we heard a screech of tires. A car pulled in the driveway; drove over a tree planted a week before and came to a stop on the front lawn. It was dad’s car but he was nowhere in sight, wait there he is, crawling out of the driver’s side window. There he stood, well he rather wobbled, totally mad wi’it, yes blootered. [13]

It suddenly lit up outside like Christmas as all the neighbors having seen and heard the commotion were turning their bedroom lights on all up and down the street. Steamin or not dad could see this and let out with a very loud, thank you all for your concern I am home now you may all go back to bed. I will send all of you all a letter to tell you what I had for breakfast, thank you, and goodnight. Then he wobbled in the front door looked at my mum and said, oh hi gang nice to see the hoose is in good order. Mum looked on hands on hips with a mean look on her face. Dad took a few more steps tipped his hat and began to sing some terrible Irish drinking song, and then he vanished into my parent’s bedroom. What makes this truly funny is he sat the next day headache and all writing letters to the neighbors. In each letter, he gave the recipient intimate details and criteria of his previous evening. He then enclosed a separate set of instructions on how tae dispose of his letter with the words flush twice all written in large easy tae read large text at the bottom of each personal note in crayon. Yes, dad was a character, as you have no doubt surmised. He also stuck to the scriptures; he knew so well, that said love thy neighbor. He signed each letter, love your neighbor. Eddie.

Incident with a vacuum Once again on holiday spending a few weeks with mum, dad, sis, and now a new little brother. Debra was assigned to watch my brother and me for the evening. Debs was a lot of fun and as the evening took shape, what happened is now legendary to Debs and my family. She and her boyfriend later fiancĂŠ Jimmy, and soon husband had been chatting about some sort of festival. Jimmy with his new issue of Field and Stream magazine and was trying to shush Debra away. I have thought about this for years and what a jerk! My sister was by no means a dog and neither am I and even at a tender young age, I thought this odd.


Jimmy was the original couch tattie; my sister loved him to pieces and that was before she married him. Deb and I had planned to do what we usually did, laugh, play music, and dance. That is precisely what we did, took our shoes off, and danced. My little brother stood in the middle of the room trying to mimic our dance moves it was so cute. He turned the playpen over and began jumping up and down on the wooden base. It also had wooden bars on it, and was the size of a playschool boxing ring. He once turned it over and was stuck inside he must have liked the view because he did spend some time in the pen later in life. I discuss my infamous little brother with detail in my first book. Deb and I got up to all sorts of nonsense and at one point I even saw Jimmy spring to life. He put his magazine down and said both of you need to be quiet and settle down. Like that was going to happen, Debs looked right at the guy and said Jimmy you’re a drip. He shook his head and went back to his Field and Stream. At some point during our little dance number, we got into a finger poking fight. Now mind you Debra used to beat the shit out of people both male and female. I am not kidding she was not someone you pish off. Well push came to shove and I poked her below the waist that was a no, no in any poke fight. In fact, I put my finger right in it so to speak! She grabbed me and pushed me down the hall way and through the open door to the bedroom. I soon found myself flat on my back in a pitch-dark room on my bed. There was my now livid sister Debra sitting on my chest. Grabbing a pillow rather than hitting me with her fist, which she never did, she wailed on me and we both started laughing. I felt like there was something crawling on me and I said Debbie stop! Do you feel something? She paused and said yeah and jumped off the bed then hit the lights. There was something crawling on us both, yeah feathers everywhere.


They were billowing into the hallway! The feathers covered everything including us. Thinking quickly I said wait, Jimmy is studying to be a taxidermist maybe he can use the feathers. My sister gently smacked me right in the head and said think kido think. What the hell do you want from me I’m a little kid and how can I think? You were just beating the shit out me. Aren’t we the pair now? She said quick get the hoover you gather it up while I turn the thing on. Deb vacuumed as I gathered feathers but time was short and the clock was ticking. Mum and dad were due home in less than a half hour. Jimmy sat quietly as feathers fell on him then gathered them up and handed them to Deb then continued reading. I am thinking we are in it for sure, we’re done, game over we are boned thanks for comin out! The vacuum was lipid full as Debbie and I frantically began stuffing feathers into the end of this hose. Quick she said hide the vacuum they are coming up the drive. I pushed this large contraption behind the TV and thought ok it is out of sight we can fix this later. No sooner than I finished one final push than dad walked through the door. A moment later mum followed to look around and there was Jimmy with a blank look on his face. Dad walked slowly and quietly across the room, my brother now sound asleep in his bedroom. Deb and I were in shock because we had made so much bloody noise it would have woke the dead. Dad walked by the couch and said Ok what happened? Then pointed to Jimmy and said you! You tell me what happened here this evening. Jimmy cleared his throat and began to speak; dad said speak up son I have not all night speak up. Jimmy mumbled something and dad just walked away. In fact, Jimmy was a gentle sort of man having never laid a hand on Debra. She would probably have beaten the shit out him if he did. Dad rolled his eyes and said again, what happened!


Deb said under her breath dinnae tell him I will kill you, laughs. Jimmy suddenly spoke up and told dad everything that happened that fink. I said he was a dick! Tap dancin Jesus we were just having a bit of fun. The evening was not a total loss when I went back to my grandparents I had a new dance move. But wait here is the best part Jimmy the rat that he was at that time was banned from dad’s home for two weeks. Not because of what happened, but because he ratted us out and dad said nobody likes a freggin rat. Debra and Jimmy did marry but it dinnae last and it turns out Jimmy was not that much of a dick after all. He was still a jerk of sorts because he mistreated my sister but never raised his hand to her if he had Debra would have killed him then baked some tasty fuckin cookies.


Further explaining my abilities Journal, Jotter, entries March- May 2013 One of my abilities is being empathic, when I say empathic I mean to the extremes. The addition of being a ‘knower’ psychic medium is frequently a stopping point for me. I cannot walk into a building without feeling everything. The very ground a structure sits on vibrates the building itself vibrates and so do we humans. Sometimes but not always I can literally see vibrations, yes it sounds silly, but seeing vibrations as if they are a summer heat rising from everything can present a challenge. It is difficult for me to explain but feeling all the rage, anger, division, jealousy, and violence that flows through people along with the good in all of these places is like having nails pounded into my head. It often stuns me because it hurts and stings. If people could see what I see, it may give them cause or inspire them to be kinder and more understanding of each other. I have been so overwhelmed by it all at times I wept while walking through places, because of the horrid hateful things projected. These feelings have hit me with such force I have become so physically ill my entire body ached. I can deal with entities and the dead; it is often those living that cause the most harm to everything including the dead. My being emotionally demonstrative may be interpreted as a fault but we all have limits and I have tested mine. However, think about this, if someone loves you and you cannot feel that love is it possible the unrequited vibration hurts them? This begs me to ask is there such a thing as unrequited hate? I may be able to answer my own question in so much as saying I do not return hate. In other words, I will not stand and do combat with someone with regard to a poorly designed issue. If there is a positive point or ground I may engage or invest in brief banter, otherwise I dinnae not give a flip and walk away.


The same is true with negativity if people cannot directly feel such negativity how can you expect them to react. Nevertheless, we can feel the nihilism in much the same way as we feel love. You see one is only different from another by each having a defined and renowned oppositional vibration to the other. When people gather to meet me in public I have had issues at times, it is not usually with them although it can be it is with all the other energies at that location. It may become difficult to focus when there are multitudes of spirits all trying to present and speak. If this is the circumstance, I step out for a breath of air then gather myself up and continue. My abilities sometimes permit me to see inside of people their physical and emotional pain, illness, and often quite discomforting their deeply personal self. People have claimed to experience a spiritual healing after meeting me or even as little as sharing a hug. I make no claims of being a healer! I removed this information from my first book because I was unsure how people would react upon such disclosure. I can also at times touch people and objects, and thereby see things. This is called Psychometry and it is something I have found very useful. Every day brings a new learning experience with the abilities as well a deeper education of my purpose. Through and during interaction with others to the further understanding of my own being there is as they say, never a dull moment.


Vibrations Jotter entry and summation December 2009 I am learning that various emotions and expressions of feelings have various vibrations. It has taken me some time to distinguish the good and bad from the ugly so to speak. There is one thing I may have mentioned in my first book and that simply, bad people smell like rotten broccoli to me. Although it sounds bizarre, I have had people walk by me in public with a dark gray aura and they themselves smelled like bad broccoli. I know I must have said this in the last book but here I am once again pointing to it. I do meet a wide range of people and have found that good and kind people have a scent to them that I can only describe as, well, pleasant. This is very much a psychic tell for me and although I do not judge people, I do take caution when meeting our negative human counterparts. One example would be my not allowing a negative person to touch or even come within close proximity of my person. Only the darkest of people I have encountered smell like sulfur. Sadly, I have met people that had this negativity only to back away when they tried to hug me. I am also hesitant of being touched because of another of my gifts.

Hate, has its own Vibration We are all each of us acquainted with dislike in some form or fashion. I feel I have experienced a gauntlet of hatred in my life. Permit me a minute to make observations of the repugnant nature of some. Abhorrence has its own unique set of negative vibrations and is arbitrary in our human existence, thus we are all capable of generating this less than desirable human trait. Some people enjoy being hateful. I hear them go on about the goodness of life and love only to shoot themselves in the fucking foot when they begin bashing someone’s political or religious views. Then there are the so-called religious, yes I discussed the positive and negative of organized faiths in the first book.


This group is of interest to me as they exert such influence on an already negative society I can only compare their ranting’s to the suffocation of one’s soul, if there is a way to snuff out the light in the human soul they are trying to perfect it. I have had people say things to me that made me question my own nonaggressive ways. Recently a man told me, I should despise Islam and then had the nerve to tell me I need to read the coran (he could not even spell the books title correctly, its correct spelling is’ Quran’) He said Islamic people this and that, you need to understand these people are evil they strap bombs on themselves and want to kill you. I indulged him making mention of how the Jews treat woman in Israel, I added if you are a goyum to some Jews, you are less than an animal. How many conservative Christians treat their wives is also shameful. I asked him what an Islamic person was and his answer spoke volumes of media fed ignorance. I could not believe how uneducated, and galactically stupid his next statement was, if not for its offensive nature I may have laughed. He said they ride camels, wear turbans, and believe in magic lamps and genies (he spelled it Jeanie’s). They blow up buildings want to rule the world while killing women and children. Yes, he was a real bright lad of fifty years old. You cannot justify hate, you cannot convince me tae join you in your ignorance, bluntly put the moment you go negative with me on religion, politics or people you’re done! Yet this cancer known as hate appears tae be so important tae our society, it is taught spoken and practiced by an ever-growing majority of the populous. Hate in itself has become a religious practice and as a sensitive negative vibration can be a nightmare. The hate is nearly tae a point of making me deaf with pain at times. Spirits can also be hateful and destructive. I discussed their capabilities during provocation and by mere investigation in my first book. I was under the false impression that all was peace, light, love, and all that is good when we die, and I was dead wrong.


It is not a grand and glorious place for all those who remain trapped living between dimensional worlds. The emotion known as hate is also playing a valuable part in our societal and planetary destruction. Justify your own destruction perhaps but that of trillions of others you have no right, logic, nor authority to do such a thing, then why are the majority of people engaged in making this lunacy a reality? Well the answer is hate! Driven hate, media driven, religiously driven, politically driven and there is the allimportant factor in all this hate, YOU! You choose to hate, you excuse, justify, and amplify your hate in a never-ending rainbow of shit and shower it upon every soul you meet, as of late jealousy, envy, and deceit seem tae be running favorites. We define our own distain and then others define it for us creating negativity for themselves and so on. Many of us consume ourselves with it daily and it envelopes us. We become walking talking, practicing stutters of hateful ineptitudes. I dinnae care if you are pro something and con another, hate is hate and it is an endorsement of nothing but the negative folly that is ripping and tearing at the fabric of society. It inspires so many to be destructive and commit horrible acts. I ask people what their positive gain is from their hatred. The standard reply is to dazzle me with a river of psychotic reason spawned from some muppeted and parroted psychedelic logic mixed with religious and political rhetoric, but they still cannot answer the question maturely or with a degree of logic. They usually become frustrated and tell me to go feck myself and this is their standard answer to everything and anything when challenged! Say it isn’t so, Cognitive Dissonance again. This behaviour comes from conservatives, liberals’, atheists, Christians, Islamics, and Jews. Hate comes in every shape and form from any lifestyles or income group. I could without a doubt sit and quote studies on hatred as a human emotion but I will not as it is a waste of my time and accomplishes nothing positive.


The purpose of this article was to point out the effects of negative vibrations and the energy that emanates from them, its related afterbirths, and how they affect not only me but also all of Earths inhabitants. If you are sick of hearing the word hate or knowing its vibrations hate look around you, what do you see, hear, experience and in some cases constantly partake in daily, love, or hate, ad nauseam.

A lesson in necessitous adjustment, otherwise known as you need tae consider these truths “I honestly feel that life, its lessons and all knowledge should be broken down into easy tae understand parts and portions, intellect is much tae the benefit of the intellectual, and intellect often gives birth tae arrogance and piety, let us depart from all these covens of secrecy and intellectual bullshit and get on the same fucking page� I have spoken, so let me be heard! Kath Campbell August 2013


Aunt Ruth (Rue) Journal entry September 2010 My father told me these things, either he was having a laugh at my expense as a child or this is perhaps the most incredible b it of truth ever shared with me. I am going to talk about a woman I never met in this life. She was my father’s oldest sister Rue, her nickname, and she was an extraordinary human being. One Christmas a package arrived at my father’s home, and aside from the usual Holiday gifts from great aunt Annie were some photographs with a note. My father was more attentive to the photos and sat staring at them for several minutes. He was visibly upset as he wiped his eyes numerous times. Dad called us over to the dining room table and said I want all of you to look at these pictures of my sister Ruth. There were photos of what appeared to be a small child and others of a teenage girl. After looking at the pictures, everyone seemed more intent on opening his or her Christmas gifts but my father had something more to say so I sat to listen. This was one of those rare moments in my life when dad opened up. What he began to tell me not only educated me but even at this young age, it shook me. Mind you by age eight, I had already been talking to dead aunties, uncle, and others. Dad said the first time he realized his sister was different was when she had found a badly injured cat. At age ten, she sat holding this little ball of mange for nearly an hour. Grandma Mae tried to make her put it down but she refused. She sat eyes closed while stroking this poor cat and as she did something changed, her hands became scratched and red looking. My father panicked along with my uncle and ran into the house, returning with my grandma. She scolded Rue and demanded she come inside at once, making mention, she may have caught a disease, or rash from the cat being held so close to her.


Grandma grabbed Rue by the inside of her arm and struggled to remove the cat. Rue had nearly covered this poor animal with her own arms and hands. She let go of the cat and grandma stood dead still with my uncle and father. The cat had ruffled fur but it was lively now not ill as it was when she held it, and it was the same cat. A strange sort of healing had taken place and this was not the first nor was it the last. My Granda heard of Rues disobedience and beat her with his firefighter’s belt. He then made her swear in front of the family that she would never pick up stray animals ever again. A few months later my father and other aunties were playing in their back yard when they found a bird, it was unable to walk, and fearing that even touching it would make them eligible for a beating, they told Rue the oldest. My aunt stopped doing her housework and ran to the backyard. Once there she picked up the robin and cradled it in her hands, then she closed her eyes and began to cry. A few minutes passed and Rue fell to her knees, still holding the robin in her hands. She turned her head, leaned over, and let loose a big ole Hilda as she wept. The next day after showing us more of the pictures and talking my dad sat me down alone. He took another photograph from the brown envelope and said this is your aunt before she went away. I said went away to where and when, dad did not reply. As I sat and stared at this photo of a teenage girl, he told me that Rue began talking to animals and spirits. She claimed that everything spoke to her and she was able to converse with all life. He went on to say a local young lad had fallen quite ill with bronchitis, and exhibited as well presented with the symptoms. There was a pharmacist in our family at that time and it seemed everyone was ill. Rue had gone to get medicine for our family, and was asked if she would deliver medicine to the home of the ill young man. The usual delivery fellow was also at home sick.


Rue went straight home with the medication and told my grandma she had promised to deliver the other meds to the sick boy’s home. My Grandfather accompanied her and what happened next set everyone on end. Rue stepped into the room in which the sick boy was resting, she immediately put her hands on his chest and closed her eyes. She then sat on the edge of the bed for a short time and suddenly fell to the floor and began to writhe about as if having a seizure. My grandma Mae had epilepsy so Grandas only reaction was to turn her on her side then asked for a cold damp cloth to place on her forehead. Before Granda could apply the cloth, Rue sat up as if nothing had happened. Everyone was paying so many minds to Rue they forgot about the sick boy who now setting on the edge of his bed asking everyone what happened. The young man no longer had a cough, fever, or congestion. He had not been given the medicine! He was examined shortly thereafter and found fit as a fiddle. It was then the lads mother accused my aunt of being a witch, a freak, and possessed. The woman screamed at my aunt and Grandfather insisting they leave and do so quickly. Upon arrival at home Granda began to chastise Rue then made her kneel and pray stating that she had not broken her covenant with God. My father and aunties looked on in as my Grandfather with firefighter’s belt in hand literally whipped Rue as she prayed. My grandma was permitted to help Rue to her room afterwards and nothing more. Dad said a day later priest came to the hoose in concern for my aunt. The priest said that only God could heal people and what had happened with auntie was just a coincidence. Aunt Rue remained at home and during this period met a young man at a church gathering and within a short time; they grew quite fond of each other. When my Granda found out about the two of them, he forbid her to see him and grounded auntie to her room after school. During this period, Rue would take meals in her room and not permitted interaction with her brothers and sisters, father added that Rue would also talk to flowers. [26]

Dad told me of one more time in which auntie had taken part in a healing but I will not disclose the details except to say it was directly after she was allowed to leave her room. I had only seen my father openly cry on three occasions in my life, and I cannae say he was all out having a tear fest but he had them in his eyes when he said to me, they took her away! They took my sister away! My father had her taken away! He looked at me and said he put her in a nut house, a mental institution. She never hurt anyone she was good and kind. This may explain some of my father’s behavior, towards me and reaction to my abilities. As a logical and intelligent person I cannae, for the life of me justify my father insisting I deny my gifts. You think he would have encouraged me to pursue them but he did not. Aunt Rue remained in a state hospital sixty some years until she was in her late seventies. It was then they released her into a nursing home. Only Granda and my father visited her at the state hospital here and there. As the decades passed she remained another of my families, deep buried dirty deeds, and protected secrets. My father went alone at times to see his sister in both the state hospital and finally the nursing home before he died. During a rare emotional moment dad called me to talk of her release and that she still thought he was their father. Dad had to keep reminding her he was not Granda he was her brother, said this really broke his heart. Aunt Ruth died shortly before my father did; she was interned with my sister Lois and my Mum in our family plot with others in the family and on family ground. Dad was buried miles away with his wife and her family. Some of us, myself included had taken personal offense to his being laid to rest outside of the family plot and not on land, which was once our property. Then again, when dad sold his plots he sold his desire to be with the family. My remains will never be placed on my families land one reason being my fathers disavowed me but he could disempower me, I have my allies. The most important being is I have other wishes. [27]

Personally, I no longer care and as I couldn’t stand, half of these fucking people when they walked the earth and I will surely meet some of them when I cross, hopefully on better terms. One thing I should also note and maybe it is nothing special but when they took aunt Rue, she had only just turned 15 years old. You may recall in the first An Altered Life at age fifteen something extraordinarily life changing happened to me. What was done, to my aunt was in fact barbaric and inhuman; it was also tragic that I never met her in the physical world. In some manner I feel has no need of description, I am able to relate to my aunts abilities. As I am writing this, all down, Aunt Rue’s spirit has been speaking to me off and on and for some reason she is saying thank you perhaps because I am telling her story. I feel it is right that everyone know the truth of her. Someone in the family having never known her physical presence should remember her for the good person she was and still is. I am sure Ruth forgave those who hurt her, as that was her nature. I feel I will never know the entire truth of it, if I had only met here in life, because you see I have met her in death. Mibay someone other than myself will speak of me in kind and caring manner at some future time, in order that I be remembered for the good I tried to do. That would be nice‌ I must stop here, as I am unable to continue at this time. I am emotionally overwhelmed within my own tears.

Dream a little dream Jotter entry March 15th 2013 Another frequent questions asked of me is about dreams. I am not going to speak aboot dream interpretations; I am instead going to talk about requesting a dream in order to see a loved one. Some of us try much too hard to bring this aboot, one of the solutions I found in twenty fourteen is a period of quiet, say ten minutes before bed. Personally,


I sit on the edge of the bed and do my best to enhance the calm; mind you I have an endless parade of spirit activity to block in both dreams and the physical world. Here is the advice I shared with a woman in Ireland and I make no guarantee. Begin thirty minutes before bed, if you must eat, eat light avoid candy, cakes, pie etc., and no warm milk, turn off all computers, cell phones, phones, televisions, radios and any other electronic devices as these are going to affect your visual and auditory senses. Now take slow deep breaths and then simply say aloud, tonight I want to dream about, ______. I am not asking you to click your freggin heels and ask for a return pass to Kansas. Dinnae press this issue within you by repeating this just say it aloud only once. Make sure you have the sweet spot on your bed all picked out before you even sit down to try this. We dinnae want any fussing with pillows or blankets before making your request. Remember to take a few deep slow breaths, in through your mouth and out through your nose. This does work as I have taught it to my students and several other people in the course of live conversations. Sweet dreams!

Me the Medium I tend tae be an objective person and please keep in mind this can be difficult in several aspects considering my psychic twinkle. People see me in more ways than I care tae describe. I would however like tae dispel the rumor that I am some sort of Shaman because I am not! A good many that approach me are under the impression that I can assure them a specific spirit will speak tae them. Well you cannae ring up mum and dad on the other side, fact is who so ever comes through with a message is the one that speaks through me. Although there are times when the person you are seeking steps forward tae speak I am saying there is no guarantee of this happening.


Those I contact do not always identify themselves by their full name and previous address! There are numerous ways in which spirits validate themselves and it is not always by their sir name. Becoming belligerent or irritated with me simply because I am unable tae contact, and this has happened, exactly who you wanted me tae contact does no one any good. Spirits are also capable of feeling negativity and I will not permit anyone tae carry on or continue an argument with a spirit via myself. A person that rapid-fires, endless questions at me will receive absolutely nothing in return, patience is a virtue I respect this as well practice the same. Some of you may also think of a medium blessing a house by means of some strange exotic and bizarre ritualistic costumed dance whilst holding a smoldering sage sick and this is media contrived nonsense. This is not only farcical but you will never see me, or anyone that works with me behaving in such a peculiar puerile manner. I am a deliberate and logical person when on an investigation and I did go into a bit of detail as tae some procedure in my first book. I do and have used sage as well other items tae cleanse and clear a location. What I use is all-dependent upon what I am able tae discover and address. If I am ill equipped, tae address a certain issue rest assured I will be honest and forthright with you when pointing this out and advise you in whatever way I can. I dinnae disclose means and manners in which tae banish any being or spirit. Should circumstances dictate I do otherwise I have the final say in this, not you. Remember nothing but nothing is one hundred percent and when dealing with the paranormal and supernatural there are few absolutes because the only linear rules are ours, spirits and other supernatural entities are not restricted by realities. You could say many of them live along side of our realities.


The Shadow Men As a small child, I could see. I was not only a child psychic medium, I was a very confused and frightened child psychic medium. I had no idea of what my abilities were at age seven. I spoke tae spirit people like great Uncle Bill, great Uncle Harry, great, great Uncle Henr’e, great, great grandma Annie and still unknown tae me at that time my great Granda. Of the many things I was able tae see and feel at that time of my life and the most frightening were the shadow men. I remember my first encounter with them. I had gone tae bed and just lay there staring into the darkness anticipating sleep when I saw something. There was what looked like a dark mass crawling up my bedroom wall. I was scared tae death and yelled for my father, who then burst into the room saying my God, what’s wrong. I began telling him and he said it is just your imagination. Of course, dad looked under my bed and in the closet then said you see no boogieman. Then he kissed me on the forehead said goodnight again and left. The creeping shadow on the wall was still there, I could see it move through the darkness. I pulled the covers over my head and said go away dad said your make believe. Nevertheless, the shadow man was all too real and as I soon learned it was not alone, and it could talk. My mother herself a sensitive felt the presence of these creatures in my bedroom a few days after my evening proclamation. She proceeded tae bless the room and our home, swearing all of us tae secrecy. If my father discovered what she had done, he would have gone thermal. Dad’s sister Millie was a known psychic medium and there was also the matter of my Aunt Rue an extraordinarily gifted human being. After my mother’s blessing of the room the activity stopped for a few days. One night as I lay in bed I heard a voice tell me dinnae be afraid. I paid no attention but the voice continued it said I dinnae mean tae scare you. Tae an increasingly confused child already talking tae several dead people what is one more. Except this voice had no face or a body that I could see at that time.


What I could see were shadowy shapes some standing and other slithering up the bedroom walls in the dark. I also began seeing more of the solid black shapes that appeared. When I went tae bed every night I made sure I said my prayers. I was becoming reluctant in going into my bedroom and I began tae make excuses for staying up later because I was scared tae death. One night I saw the dark shadowy figure of a man with a hat. I had only caught a glimpse of a face it was reddish clay in color kind of burnt looking. I turned away and pulled the covers over my head but it was still there. I awoke one night and could not breathe then opened my eyes and yelled as I saw something dark sitting on me as I lay in bed. It was shortly after I began tae get sick and I already had terrible migraine headaches! I caught what appeared tae be a bronchial infection and fell quite Ill. My mother would rub this ointment called Vicks all over my front and back then put a tee on me and slide me in my bed like a fuckin salami tae sweat. Who thinks this shit up? I mean really, it had tae be someone that hated kids. While I lay there one night sick as a dug, I saw a shadow man and heard him whispering in some strange manner, as if he was talking to someone other than me. What the feck are you talking about? Don’t ya know it’s impolite to do that? I grew sicker and the only blessing was not being able tae attend school where I was being brutally bullied. The medicine the doctor gave mum and dad for my lung infection had stopped working, I caught pneumonia. I was hospitalized and spent several days in an oxygen tent. There was a good and a bad side tae this as well, no shadow men but other shadows that showed no interest in me. Just before I came to the hospital, I had seen a shadow man that had dim red eyes and it scared me tae death. The bad side of the hospital stay was a gaggle of feckin dead people. They would stand by me bed and just stare occasionally saying something. My mum and dad usually sat with me. BTW where in space and time were my fucking guides, guardians, or whatever during these blessed events?


What about all the others I had been talking too lest I mention many were family? I remember never feeling so helpless or alone in my short life. I was not going tae tell my dad about the people talking tae me because it would upset him and I dinnae want my mum saying prayers waving a cross around. I just laid there weak as a kitten. One after noon, a creepy old spirit woman came into the room and stood by the bed. I looked at her briefly and suddenly the army man appeared, I called Cyril my guide, a former general, the army man at that time because of his uniform. All activity immediately stopped completely and totally. I didn’t see but few spirits and hear a few voices other than Cyril’s telling me I was going tae weather the storm so tae speak. Yes, yours truly mended within the next week after seeing Cyril. I returned home tae a nightmare as the shadow person’s voice began talking at me straight away. I got angry and said I want tae see your entire face I want tae see you or get out of my room. That night I saw a shadow man of another kind. This was not the dark figure that tried to sit on my chest this was something different. I got my first real long good look at it that night, its clay like facial features and glowing eyes, have been forever been etched in my mind written by terror and fear. I tried tae convince myself that maybe this scary shadow is just trying tae be my friend. After all, it was talking tae me before I went tae sleep. But it did hurt me, it sat on me and took my breath away one night and I know it made me sick. Over several days, the shadow man won my confidence or I more or less surrendered tae it. I had essentially given up, no one believed me anyway, and it appeared my guides were doing nothing to help. I was still recouping from pneumonia when my Auntie Doris came to visit with her daughter. Mum and dad were exercising extra caution and concern I may become sick again so I was restricted to my room. My cousin Chloe, (not her real name), was a tall and thin young woman a few years older than I was. She was just now a teen and close tae the same age as my oldest sister. She always had a new game tae teach me. Card games, board games, and one game you used your hands to try to slap each other. [33]

I dinnae much like physical violence so I suggested we play checkers. We set a game board set up on my bedroom floor. There was a lamp nearby and Chloe removed the shade for more light as the bulb was low wattage. Now things get strange! As we sat playing, the light bulb suddenly burst without warning. It was by luck we had not struck by glass and what is even stranger is the blub had exploded yet the glass lay on the floor directly next tae the lamp. Chloe had dashed for the other bedroom lamp as everyone in the house ran into my room. I just sat there on the floor as if nothing had happened. What came over me? Who in their right mind is going tae sit there after having a light bulb explode next tae them? I will guess by saying I was a bit shock stricken considering all the other things going on! After my father scolded us for removing the shade from the light and then daring tae place it so close tae us, he handed Chloe a new light bulb. The remnants of the old bulb he removed with the aid of a potato, yes a raw potato is great for removing broken bulbs. The light socket was live and still minus a bulb when the shadowlands voice telt me tae show Chloe a trick, it said go on put your thumb in the socket. I was aware of electricity and knew better but when did intellect stop someone from doing something stupid? I also had a bad feeling about this, the voice persisted and said go on you can do it. That’s right like a complete idjit; I put my thumb in the socket and was zapped like a New York City cockroach on a New Jersey spit. I shook as Chloe ran tae get help, then dad ran into the room and threw a blanket over me pushing me away from the lamp and its socket. This was my last mistake with the shadow man. I then had a belt laid across my bum and placed back in my room alone. Great idea after hitting a terrified child then placing them back into the same room the child has told you was filled with terrifying shit. The shadow man had friends, and they too began speaking tae me. I watched as some of them did a nightly dance writhing and slithering up the walls and across my ceiling. [34]

I decided tae say a second prayer one night, after my usual bedtime prayer. I pray that anyone hearing me would, listen, and help me. It was then I had what I call my first one-sided conversation with God. I asked God tae send angels tae kill these shadowy sons-abitches. It is at moments like this when you think you are totally and completely fucked in life that something astonishing takes place. I asked for help and help is what arrived, big time! I had fallen asleep after my prayers then suddenly awakened by voices. I barely had my eyes open thinking it must be morning because of the bright light in my room. The bed stand lamp had been switched off before I went tae sleep. I looked tae see standing at the end of my bed what appeared tae be a woman. She was not what you call tall and she had long dark brown hair and eyes like fire. She was standing there in what looked like a white robe, which appeared tae shimmer. She dinnae speak but she did speak like the guides and spirits did, in my head. I heard a female voice say be still now, be still. What was I going tae do tap dance with Jesus? Yeah I am going tae jump out of my warm bed into God knows what kind of upside down land o’ shit. There was no sun coming in the window, as it was black as pitch outside. I continued to lay there now petrified tae a point I think this was my first what the fuck moment ever. This may end well provided I dinnae pish the bed out of sheer terror. I did hope it would end bloody well soon as my bowels had begun to rumble about. The woman continued tae stand there and I now had her undivided attention, she spoke repeatedly but still not in a physical way. She said sleep well and at that very moment, on that very word, the light was gone, she was gone, and so were the shadow people. This event could not have lasted more than a few minutes. Months passed and one evening I heard a familiar voice as I turned the bedroom light out. It was the shadow man. I said you and your mates are not my friends now go away then there was silence.


The next evening at bedtime directly after prayers and lights out, the voice spoke again. I said my Christ can you take a fucking hint, oan yer bike (be gone). In the name of God get out, then silence. I thought of the woman of light at the end of my bed and said to myself, tap-dancin Christ lady you were about as useful as giving a diabetic a candy cane, way tae go sparky, yea team. Before I closed my eyes, I could see a shadow man just standing in the dark. I did the only thing I knew and prayed. I somehow felt that by acknowledging the shadow people I may have given them some sort of validation and power, although they had no need of such things, they wanted something far more personal. They wanted my life force, my faith, my hope, my love, and my soul they wanted all of ME! This cat and mouse footsy shite went on with the shadow men nightly for another week. My grandparents, whom I had not seen in some time, were coming in tae see us and I had the silly notion my grandma could tell me how tae make them go away. She would believe and listen tae me. When they arrived, everyone said their hellos and sat down with exception of my grandma. She walked toward my bedroom and opened the door, turned and said I will be back in a tic, I am going tae have a look see at something no need tae get up or join me. I said a silent prayer in hopes those shadow men dinnae hurt my Grandma. Several minutes passed, and then my Grandma emerged with a smile. She walked over tae me and said let us have a word shall we now. I took her by the hand and she led me outside where she said child those bad things in your room are gone for good because I sent them away. She was telling me true they had in fact gone. I have no idea how she knew except she said she had a dream about them. My grandma Anna was an extraordinarily gifted woman. At age eight, I went tae live with this grandma and Granda. I was, not encouraged tae use my gifts nor was I discouraged from pursuing them.


The shadow men never bothered me at their home; in fact, I saw not even one while living there. Now for something that was not disclosed in the first Altered Life book. My Grandma, had the psychic dreams, told me the woman of light was some sort of an angelic elemental. Then she began tae teach me about elementals and shadow people. Grandma Anna, mums mother, was much like yours truly, because she was born with the abilities. I will not betray her trust suffice tae say she taught me how tae remove shadow people just before she died. When I say remove I mean sent back through the fold, as grandma put it! The method is not guaranteed but it has worked in two locations when I used it. I dinnae believe shadow people can be destroyed. I do cherish all life and evil as they are I dinnae feel I have the right to take that or any life. I recently come tae understand by way of a dimensional being known as Mary that all things can be uncreated, forever, into nothingness, non-existence, and never being or ever having been again. This in itself is terrifying at just the thought and would terrify any entity. I hope to discuss this in my next book. Grandma did not teach me how tae use all my gifts when I lived with her. She had begun teaching me after a disagreement with my father, as told in my first book, it was her way of defying my father and mother she felt they were doing wrong. Sadly, she died suddenly and my lessons had only just started. Still, there are lessons I absorbed and came tae know their truths and practice now with proficiency. Maybe those of you reading this can relate in some manner to what I have stated. The darkness that lay within the darkness and the light is a seductive evil; it can be childlike, it can also appear ugly or beautiful pretending to be kind and caring. It will beckon you close, corrupt, and seek control of you, and then it will attempt to take you. The shadow men are not the mythical man turned earth walker, oh, that was Pilate’s housekeeper.


Shadow men are one of the most insidious and diabolical of entities I have encountered. I believe them to be interdimensional and in some instances, I am sure of this, based on observation they use some sort of doorway into our world. They can be in the very fabric of a building and or the land. No one has been able tae tell me why they visit certain homes and people. There are few things human beings should take care and be mindful of, shadow people are one that is dead near the top of that list. At the top of my most dangerous list is the living.

“There are days when all seems to be well until I meet that one clueless individual who is going to teach me all about the spirit realm, and then I feel like I walked into a freggin Polanski film� Kath Campbell And some had the darkness Being physically and emotionally abused by my peers made for one hellish youth. I feel having abilities often made things even more unbearable. In my era, there was no internet or texting so my tormentors relied on public and sometimes private emotional intimidation with addition of physical beatings, beatings as often as twice in a day. The emotional taunts were vicious, relentless, and only ended when I was safely behind the doors of my home. At that time in my life, I had yet tae bury the gifts completely. Not even into my first month of the first grade of school I had become an emotional basket case, I talked about this in my first book. Even before the first day of school, I had been seeing watchers,( non-angelic watchers), guides, and guardians for some time; I became aware by age four when I saw Cyril one of my guides standing in the hallway outside my bedroom door several times.


I dinnae know or understand what these entities were but I saw them and my reactions were not exactly Kodak worthy childhood moments. During a live video chat in twenty-thirteen, that was being shared, with well over twenty members of a group in Eastern Europe that call themselves ‘The Altered Lifers’, I was asked a question by a young woman. She asked me if I saw anything, such as watchers, guides, or guardians around the people who were abusing me or around abusive people. She also wanted tae know what I saw if anything while they were doing their nastiness tae me. I told her I would write a detailed article on the subject in the second An Altered Life book and she thanked me. I also answered a question about the supernatural for her at that time to her satisfaction. What I am about tae share with you I have only shared with a small circle of friends Permit me to say right straight off, I am not a judgmental person I am observant and we do learn things from being observant. I do not back stab, rumor, or gossip and backbite! I will say that anyone male or female who, unprovoked, plants an elbow in your stomach or a fist in your face the moment they are close enough tae get at you, is not there tae bake you a feckin cake. In my first book, I talked about meeting and interacting with people that are nothing short of evil. Permit me to describe some of these despicable creatures in detail for you. Although I have done my best to forget my childhood abusers I have not forgotten the darkness that surrounded many of them. I could sense a fear and rage in some of these people and at ages six and seven that was something I had no conscious comprehension of but I somehow knew what they were. I had seen others including teens, adults, and elderly people with this same type of darkness around them and never sought getting close enough to interact with any of them. All of us have our watchers, guides, and guardians even the most disgusting human beings have them, but like anything on the planet there are exceptions.


Quite a few of these gingin douchebags and mingin fuds, not all, had an almost black looking aura around them. I can only say that their darkness was more on the lines of something that would not permit the light tae get in tae ones being, if that makes sense. I would soon understand that many of these dark individuals had no light tae escape them either. We all emanate a life force of light almost liken tae a giant freggin mood ring in some cases. The worst of individuals had nothing but darkness around them or in them; they had no visible watchers, guides, and or guardians. Talk about the freggin dark side, Tap Dancin Jesus in a tie-fighter, these people defined their darkness. I once felt sorry for these scunners thinking the creator had abandoned or afflicted them. I actually thought God had abandoned me and God was not even real until I was assaulted. I later came to understand that the God of the universe does not abandon nor afflict anyone. These mean and hateful people, if you can call them people had a huge metaphorical black hole in them, void of love, compassion, and empathy. They had an unquenchable thirst for inflicting harm and pain they could never seem tae satisfy. Some would display the premise of kindness in public but it was as thin and flammable as flash paper. I still saw this darkness even when my gifts had been buried in denial. When I encounter one of these people tae this day, I know I am not dealing with a misunderstood or confused child of God, a crack head, or some bat shite crazy fuck, but rather someone that is inheritably evil, often clever, devious, and most assuredly destructive if given opportunity. I can anticipate the next question and say, yes, I have seen this in well over five people that live in my immediate geographical area, and those individuals are what I would consider dark of purpose. The only term that does not apply to the aforementioned in my area is clever; these nasty pieces of refuse are sneaky and cowardly but nowhere near clever.


Fact is every one of them is, and this is going to sound corn pone, as they say out this away dumber than a fuckin stump and as useless as a broke dick dog.

Santa Clause the Easter bunny and other tall tales My mum and dad, my school, my teachers and the church all perpetuated fables until I got away from them and went to live with my grandparents. It was then my education truly began! My grandma taught me that Christmas was a celebration of the birth of Christ but no one was sure if Christ was born on Dec 25. Since December 25 was some sort of pagan holiday the church during reformation adopted the date as a means to squelch and discourage unchristian beliefs and behaviour. She also taught me that Christmas gifts given in England by the mythical Father Christmas had originated with Henry VIII and was celebrated as a means of expressing good cheer. She was of the opinion that the Father Christmas holiday was something more true to the spirit of a holiday, not a religious holiday, just a holiday. The modern Christians bibles roots also reached Henry the eighth as he broke from the Catholic Church, over one of his marriages and went on to form the Church of England. He had the bible edited and also note that King James also had the bible rewritten and edited to suit the political and religious needs of that time. At one time people wanted to be free of the King and everything having to do with the King so what holy book did they choose that is still widely used, the King James Version. Santa Clause was in fact Saint Nicholas of Myrna a Byzantine Greek in the 4th century in what is known as Turkey. He was a man that saw tae others of lesser means he himself coming from a wealthy family. I dinnae really want tae go all wordy and into this but let me say the holiday known as Christmas portrayed in its modern form is a lie. It is nothing more than a commercial stunt driven by the media tae entice people tae spend money. [41]

Money they dinnae have and must borrow by means of credit cards to buy things they are told they need. I believe Saint Nick is buried in Ireland, long story but worth reading. The Easter bunny is said tae be an invention of the Lutherans in England. The happy hare was intended tae be a judge of sorts making its way from home tae home giving out eggs tae the good people. The egg was also a symbol of the empty tomb of Christ tae some and tae Pagans the egg was a symbol of re-birth. Overall, much like the Santa myth the premise of this modern day travesty was a means of bribe or reward for good behaviour. When my grandma taught me these things, she presented such evidence from encyclopedias, theology, and history books tae validate them. The entirety and extensive scope of this information further encouraged me tae question everything. I cannae for the lives of me understand my buying into organized religion and pishing my gifts away other than my being bullied. I can do nothing about the past, but I am disappointed that others deceived me when asking I deny my gifts. Many of us never discover any degree of truth having never heard anything genuine or close tae it. What will you teach your children and grandchildren? Will you teach them yet another lie and call it a truth only tae later excuse yourself by saying well we just pretended for your own good. A fact of the matter with regard tae any religious and or political fear driven indoctrination is tae teach someone these things while they are young impressionable and formative. It is easy tae lead someone into battle who does not question insanity. A blind loyalty system that dictates their obedience tae a religious or politically motivated cause that is never beneficial tae the indigent will always favour those in power.

Intuitive and Empathic abilities understanding them and recognizing them Intuition comes from inside of us all, and for some it comes as natural as breathing. Developing ability requires commitment to the abilities. [42]

I am going to talk something that dinnae come with a DVD and brochure. I have taught my students over the past year how to sharpen these abilities using what I ‘know’ along with the teachings shared with me over these past few years by two valid mediums that have strong intuitive and empathic abilities. Each of these abilities may be similar, not exact, to the other while remaining separate. The intuitive medium is one who is able to focus on all energies that surround them without effort. I use the following example of these psychic abilities in a letter to young people with abilities. You will need to write these things down so please have paper and pad ready, do not use your computer, write this information out longhand and there is good reason for this. First off, have you ever sat in a room with your back to the door, only to have someone enter and without looking, you immediately knew who it was? That is an intuitive ability at work. Think now, take this situation or one similar, and break it down into pieces and parts. From memory write down what you were doing when this happened, this is important, who if anyone was with you and what did the room temperature feel like. Answer each question separately, was the heater or air conditioner running? Was there a breeze when the door opened and if so was it warm, cold, or did, you feel a chill and or sudden heat? Did you smell a perfume, aftershave lotion, or something else, and was it a strong odor? Before you realized who had entered, or did you just know? If, you noticed any of these and answered a yes your perception is good and this is a step toward the sharper inner intuitive inside of you. Now look at what you have written down, did you know that every time you read something you retain a little more of what you have read? It is true and if you have written, what you are reading out longhand as well adding too and taking from you are sharpening your attention and intuitive skills. It is kinda like Miyagi’s wax on, wax off, nineteen eighties reference. Intuition has much to do with paying attention to all that surrounds you and all that happens within you as it is happening. [43]

Get in touch with the inner you When you break these things down note how you felt when the event took place, did you feel a sudden rush of energy, hair on the back of your neck stand up, shiver, sudden and unusual muscle twitch in face, arms or legs, anything, write it down as nothing is insignificant. Go back and think carefully when writing these it all down, this is an important step. When writing about how you felt and all external factors, heat, cold, smells etc. you are also developing your empathic abilities. Empathy is also about feelings and this to most of us is already as natural as breathing, it can even be passed by way of our DNA! The anticipation of interaction brings to life those intuitive and empathic abilities; you sense things about a person and or person’s presence before meeting them. I am not talking about projections or suppositions based in hypotheticals; I am talking about an undeniable gut feeling. Mothers have this intuitive and empathic ability when it comes to their children, caretakers may also have these feelings in frail moment when they are not able to detach from their clients. Musicians are intuitive and empathic, and I speak from experience. Being a musician is much more than the ability to count and keep time. A percussionist must know when to hit the top rack, kick it, step on it, or ride it all the way into the pocket. There are things called click tracks to insure you stay on and in time but there is a feeling when playing a piece of music that someone in your group has written, its intuitive and empathic energy is strong. A good musician can anticipate exactly where the percussion, bass, keyboards, and guitars will come in and when to begin their vocal not only by sound but also by intuitive and empathic feelings. A great musician, and this takes practice, can see, feel and know empathically, in a pitch-dark room when, where, and how the next chord and or percussive beat should sound and take place.


They can also create on the run and improvise without missing a beat or chord. Simply ‘Knowing where the strings, frets, keys, top rack, and ride are is something a great musician knows. I am going to say instinct fully but the feelings I am speaking of are more along the line of intuitive and empathic. There is also a group intuitive and empathic feeling, these abilities are linked by yet another invisible thread known as energy. You dinnae have to become a musician, or a mum or a dad in order to learn and practice intuitive and empathic abilities but you will need to pay more attention. At first I suggest setting aside ten minutes to meditate, no phones, no electronics turn everything but you off, when I say meditate I mean sit quietly and listen to the air, feel the energy that surrounds you, gently center yourself do not stress about it and relax. Do not use incense, special oils, or potions. This takes time and practice but you are on your way to the goal. The most important and defining part of all my teachings is personal patience. I find one of the largest obstacles people young and old have is the lack of them. I was young once and I wanted to understand and know everything yesterday, instantly. I am not going to say this is impossible, I will say it may not be reasonable to entertain such a thought then again I can say from personal experience nothing is impossible. You may be a medium, a psychic, a Knower, or a finder, once you explore your empathic and intuitive abilities other gifts may or may not present themselves. If you have been paying attention I have helped you take the first psychics steps, all you need to do is apply yourself gently with one foot in front of the other. Remember and Know, “Wisdom without the maturity by which to implement such things is impractical� You can quote me on that.


Our Worth At my mother’s funeral I was asked tae say a few words tae all in attendance. “The degree of love and respect you garnered in life is not measurable by the numbers of famous and infamous who attend your wake, it is measured by the one who cares enough tae see your wishes are respected and you are afforded a proper farewell” Kath Campbell

Mocking the dead at an active location A great many people enjoy being scared. The thoughts of going to a haunted location are a major thrill to them. It is fine to visit haunted locations as long as you are respectful of the dead. My purpose is always to help a spirit move across to the light. There are those among you that want that thrill, seeing or hearing something paranormal or supernatural. Many will do anything to obtain this from using electromagnetic devices to incantations they just have to have that fix. That cheap tawdry thrill at anyone’s expense, after all they are dead and cannae feel anything now can they? If the dead cannae feel anything, why in the feck are they trying to get your attention? Spirits have emotions the same as you and I, they can be sad, they can be happy, they can be hurt, and they can suffer. You would be wise to be respectful of the them, keep in mind you may well be meeting some of these people when you cross over. If you summon spirit energy with ill intent and that is exactly what some of you are doing with EM pumps, incantations, taunts, provocations and trigger objects, you are abusing the dead. If you are conducting respectable scientific research that employs people who are seeking to understand spirit energy and not obtain a rush from a photo or an EVP, the parameters are different.


The motives and procedures will also differ by leaps and sometimes bounds. Then there are the faithless untrained alleged members of the clergy who conduct exorcisms. These Sunday service jump for Jesus people may have good intent but they generally have no training and lack the all-out faith to address any of the issues. They feel if they scream the name Jesus long and loud enough an entity will simply run away. When they have finished their little showcase and everyone sings “How Great Thou Art” the problem may appear to have vanished but a day later it returns tenfold. The occasional priest has also jumped ship so to speak leaving a troubled family in peril. I have met a few people of the cloth that I would stand beside in any battle. These few have incredible unconditional belief in God and will not back down from any darkness. Note: When dealing with a matter of inhabitation without the advice of a medium or a holy person you may well aggravate a possibly dangerous situation and turn it into something more dreadful. One certainty is those who torment the dead and disrespect them piss me off tae no end and that Karma will eventually bite your erse.

The death of competitive inventive, innovative thought and all of human will that inspires creation. “We once held contest to determine the best and brightest, today’s lack of contest and a new found emphasis on grandiose sanctimonious pomp have rendered the very meaning of the word ‘contest’ obsolete. In our giving a trophy to everyone, we have proven none of us to be very bright in fact, our best decision on this matter demonstrates nothing more than a society being built on appeasement not achievement.


As we fondle and fall over each other in absurd efforts to congratulate ourselves daily for a job never done we slumber further into a land of mythical idioms, ruled by immoral silver spoon elitist under achievers who continually replace reason with fear. This assures their rÊgimes continual constructions on the backs of the poor, who have been indoctrinated, and misled into their servitude of make, believe Gods and their tyrannical destructive stupidity�

The mentally Ill crossing over Jotter entry summations April 2014 This is a great topic and I am happy that someone brought this issue tae my attention. I have spoken tae the spirits of those who had suffered mental illness. Most but not all still have unresolved issues and many more still remain here on earth tormented in one-way or another. I am not speaking of individuals that had been emotionally compromised i.e., those who committed suicide. I am speaking of the mentally ill that had so often been forgotten and treated with no more than psychotropic drugs then left tae their own designs. I am talking aboot those with an authentic mental illness and not those misdiagnosed and locked away for legally unjustified and unsubstantiated reasons. I have also spoken tae the spirits that were not hospitalized but treated outside a conventional facility. Sadly, more than a few remained near as loopy in death as they were in life. I have also encountered spirits that had mental illness and what I can only call a healing after they crossed, hence presented with no illness. I have asked the angel questions pertaining tae health issues. Point of fact several questions concerned illnesses of the mind. The blunt answer is that many of us choose what we take with us when we cross in the sense of things we refuse to let go of from our physical life, baggage.


I was concerned that the mentally ill who have crossed may be unaware they are in heaven. The angelic told me that there would be an illumination and restoration of all that was ever known to us upon acceptance of our death. I have come to understand that the mentally ill and all who had physical illness in life will be healed when they cross as they are given guidance and counseling by the angels. This aid is afforded all of us and we either accept our death reality and move forward or remain unchanged. If we remain unchanged, or are afflicted with no conative skills, we may be in need of extra help. All of us may also become lost souls, trapped within something that many of our sprits may be unable to accept emotionally, in the spirit sense. Those who are mentally ill that possess cognitive ability may make an easy transition into the afterlife. One aspect in the healing process of those who are lost in mental illness is prayer, yes our prayers that they may heal and restore their faculties. The angel explained this tae me using intricate details tae the point of saying that positive prayer is positive energy and it is not the contextual words of prayer that are relevant but rather the emotional energy and its vibrational intent. Our spiritual and even human awareness of the universal mind and body enables our understanding and healing process. Again based on what I am being taught I feel it’s possible for all of us tae heal when we cross. I also know that it is unfair of us tae place earth related linear time factors on healing of ones spirit being. Saying a positive prayer for a lost loved one daily helps that loved one and it also helps us. I am not talking about embracing endless grief, my point is the occasional recognition of those who have passed. To speak of them with a genuine and unique endearment that lay within you. Not just a one-time simple well wish the day they died or a week after.


Spirit psychiatrist Jotter entry on topic, spirit mental illness, March 2014 People of this nature and ability are quite rare but also quite real, most are sensitive’s. They are often called upon tae look into locations where spirits have deep-rooted issues. I am not speaking of the mentally ill that may have cognitive abilities and can be reasoned with but others who are so ill or angry and possibly non-cognitive they have become trapped in a hellish madness of pain and suffering. Sensitives gifted in this manner will go and speak tae these spirits in order tae determine the issues and various means by which they need be addressed with a degree of order. A course of action will eventually be determined and it is my experience that in most of these an exorcism will be a necessity. The type, method, can not be determined without developed parameters and dialog.

The Angel, Prayer, and Positive Energy Like many good girls and boy’s I was taught prayers. I discussed the issue of prayer when speaking of the mentally ill and their mental disposition upon crossing. Permit me tae be somewhat redundant in saying again that the angel has taught me it is not the words of the positive prayer that do the work, it is the positive energy we share on a universal scale when we commit to the act of positive prayer. Now those of you who love tae quote your bibles are saying hey wait just a damn minute. Doesn’t your bible say Jesus taught those interested the Lord’s Prayer? Do you feel with any degree of sincerity that people, other than the mystics, living in the time of Christ had the ability tae grasp a remote understanding of energy and its various uses, types, and applications? Physics 101! FYI to my knowledge Jesus did not speak English and with all things being equal, there is always something lost during translation and editing.


I can only compare my trying to teach the basic laws of amplitude (energy) and frequency (time) tae those who just listened tae Jesus finish his sermon with trying tae teach a kindergarten class litigation techniques. If you wish you may sit and explain it all away in some reasonable denial. You may also choose tae pause and give all of what’s been said some semblance of rational and logical thought. Remember ‘Energy is Energy’ positive and negative energy is the literal glue that holds the fabric of our universe and us together.

Aliens land in central park I bet you a nickel some media, political, and or religiously motivated feck-wit has the brass to ask them the God question. It will certainly be interesting if not entertaining. The thought of seeing an alien pull someone’s erse and sexual organs through their eye sockets instantaneously is sure to be a once in a lifetime event. I hope CNN is there to cover it all. MSNBC can blame the Republicans and FOX will find a way to blame the Democrats.

Be the difference “There is nothing wrong with being gay, lesbian, or transsexual. There is nothing wrong being different as in fact we are all different. There is something very wrong with a society that lives in a constant state of indifference to itself. A society so confused defining and struggling with its own identity it refuses to practice the compassionate tolerance and acceptance it speaks of with such piety. Such societies do now and always will pursue their own quite inevitable extinction.”


The angel speaks and the creation of the religious lie. Much of the following I began to channel in late 2009 The angel has taught me that organized religion is only a rash upon societies arse and the inventions of men seeking tae establish classes of society. Its underhanded purpose is tae insure its initial contrivers and their co-conspirators, almighty power over humankind. They command exclusive control over a society that believes it needs someone or thing only the ruling class can provide. This is PTB version of God that will instruct them in matters of faith and living in their civil obedient society. The angel did not point fingers at nations or set religious and or political parties but directed me to the ‘Moneychangers’ another angelic called them the ‘false ones.’ A bold truth of it all is that the moneychangers and their multiple accomplices including corrupt political and religious figures are and have been responsible for death and destruction on apocalyptic scales since the stealthy inception and implementation of their façade. Those in charge of the finances are corrupt and have no need tae personally see tae the indoctrination of the world society into some manner of new world order thinking. They own us and we have been there puppets for millennia. We do their work by perpetuating the lies as we teach the lies one generation upon another because we live and believe in them thus passing these things on tae our offspring. These individuals thrive and exist on a diet of pain, suffering, ignorance, want, and need. Positive deeds and intents actually do harm tae these entities. Oh, and you must have thought one person or one group was behind a global conspiracy, laughter. They are legion for there is strength in numbers. I am not speaking of the imaginary Devil or his psychotic father portrayed in the bible and other religious text. The only conspiracies are being portrayed, right out in the open, by mainstream religion, media, and all political parties. Their lies their blueprints, plans and designs, are custom made for each established faith and political view with one goal and that is tae own you. [52]

The Blue and Whites that I speak of later are an intricate part and partner within this New World Order. Some are its enforcers and others are blood descendants of the initial group that began with the inception, then implementation of their draconian rules. Upon further investigation you will find the initial creation of a society of haves and have not’s. The lies being told, and sold tae humankind had originated long before Constantine sat down with a group of so-called men of faith in order tae establish a diagram and book represent of a deity. In fact Religion had already been established in many areas of the world before the discussions or canonizations. The ruling class presented a blue print for the poor schmucks that can neither read nor write and have not the wit of understanding of anything more than a need for food, clothing, shelter, and a means tae secure and keep them. The various religious institutions and their false leaders do nothing more than perpetuate the divisive purpose of the lies. If God is one and I believe God is one entity, comprised of many parts, then where did all these religions come from? I was not there to hear Christ utter the words but I call bullshit on most of these so-called words of wisdom written and spoken in so-called inspired religious doctrine. (I clarify this later in the book) Jesus was a supernatural being and the angel has said many times that Jesus was a real living person. The angel also said the Jesus who endorsed peace and love and only these things in the simplest of words became a parable. He was used as yet another launch pad upon which the preexisting lies were re-built and reshaped then integrated into sects of organized religion. Aside from being taught by the Angelic’s on the subject I also have my education, my knowing, and my remembering. Religious doctrines and their purveyors deter human social and civil progress by placing barriers on brother and sisterhood. They are the stop sign that defines other humans based on a set of impossible rules that people spend lifetimes trying to abide by while arguing and killing each other over their interpretations. The multipurpose God of organized religions is a divisive psychotic sadist prick. [53]

One of which killed babies and innocent people simply because he got pished off a lot. Then he repopulated the earth with an even larger group of assholes. I embrace the God of the universe and the Angelic’s teachings not the murderous divisive God and his posse of angelic shit kickers as portrayed by organized religions.

You dinnae see that Part II I was spending holiday with my parents when dad decided tae take me tae see his parents. My grandma Mae, nickname, her real name is Mary, was a tiny little woman, who was soft spoken and quiet. She was also a talented pianist but my Granda forbid her from having a piano in the home. I dinnae know why maybe it was because he was such a cruel prick, he was. My father dropped me off and as soon as I set foot in the door, Granda yells tae me from the kitchen get in here and be quick. Off I go running through the house, big mistake. He says what is wrong with you running that way in my house, are you going tae give me a hard time. I said no sir then I turned and mumbled under my breath tap-dancin Jesus what a prick. He ushered me out the back door towards this old shed built of barn boards, cut unevenly and quite poorly put together I might add. As we approach the shed he was looking out over the other backyards, he lived in a row home. I spotted a hornet’s nest hanging under the small roof of this freggin ugly structure and said Granda there are bees and I am allergic. He stopped in his tracks then turned and leaned over and gets right in my face so close I can see his nose hairs. I am thinking this bald headed man is going tae wallop me so I closed my eyes very tight anticipating the smack and nothing happened. He said the bees will not bother you if dinnae bother them. Then grabs my hand and says well come along now dinnae doddle child. He then let go of my hand and says stand right here and I will be back. I am located about twenty paces from the side of the shed the bees nest is attached too.


He reaches into the shed and pulls out this long barn board, it is rough, and he is sure tae get a splinter, I can hope. With this big long barn board in both hand’s he yells well child get the hell out of the way and with that, he slams the board right into the bees nest. I looked on and suddenly the entire shed sort of leaned tae the side and squeaked then stopped a moment and shook all over. Granda just stood there scratching his baldhead. Then it squeaked again and made a weird sound like an aero plane going into a dive. Suddenly it leaned again and we just stood there watching this fecking thing lean back and forth for a few minutes. Hell it must have been like watching a fucking tennis match our heads moving tae the left then the right. Suddenly there is a big squeal like a kettle as the shed came down with a bang and a crash, totally collapsing. There lay the bees nest and the bees were not happy, in fact they were pished off. We had been so preoccupied watching the shed and had forgotten the bees. Realizing the bees were no longer interested in the shed and now protecting what was a former hive panic set in. Granda grabbed me by the hand and took off, I felt like a bloodhound on a leash, my small legs doing best to keep up with him. He grabs the garden hose and turns lose the water on himself and then me. During this event, my grandma sat in the parlor quietly knitting, while its assholes and elbows outside. He yells at me get in the house quick and we made a dash for the door I held it open and yelled run Granda run you bald headed prick run! I detested the man and besides he could not hear me as he was paying more attention to the swarm of bees. Once inside the house my grandma came dashing into the kitchen and there we are looking like a couple of drowned rats. She says my goodness let me get you some towels. As she went into the other room my Granda stuck his baldhead out the back door and slowly looked around at all the yards. I swear it was like a scene from the Exorcist, his head spun clear round.


Then he steps back in and leans over, getting right in my face again, nose hairs and all. Like I said a real prick! He said when your grandma asks about the shed mums the word, zip your lip then he symbolically buttoned his lip and said just remember “You didn’t see that.” As if my grandmother could not see the shed was gone.

Spirit Attachment and Objects Let me say spirits can and do attach themselves to people, personal objects, artifacts, and even places. Usually they seek no more than tae have their story told. Sometimes these stories are nothing more than a spirit asserting and or reclaiming their home or an object. Questionable events can often be the case if an artifact is involved. Artifacts can be something found relatively anywhere and everywhere you go. Something bought at a yard sale or flea market, something you brought home from work or even something gifted to you. Artifacts may be innocent looking, others may have been used as weapons, and a few may well have aided in the practice of a negative magic. Dolls concern me, as there have been cases in which dolls where used as vessels by demons as a stepping-stone, the next step would be to possess you. Doll’s where once thought to be used to transport the soul of a deceased person. You have no doubt heard of voodoo dolls but there are other forms of practice that are far darker in purpose. There have also been hand mirrors, war memorabilia, spirit boards, and even a baby rattle. Coming in all shapes, sizes, and colors each are having a story unique unto itself. Personal objects such as mom’s broach or dad’s favorite ring have also been responsible for spirit activity. Removing the artifact is usually the first and best course of action. You must first determine what the artifact is and if the suspect item is indeed responsible for all or part of the activity. There are ways to do this that usually involve a medium like myself or another professional that has experience investigating enchanted items.


I caution you this is not something you want to entrust to a person who has a friend with a K2 meter and a video camera! It is possible to clear some not all artifacts by way of wiping them down with holy water or running them through sage smoke, but this does not always work. Wiccans can also do a blessing on the grounds and the home and this may bring relief or in some cases resolve. One of the cases I had talked about in the past involved a woman who purchased an enchanted item and found her life been turned upside down as a result. It did take some time and work but the item was cleansed and disposed of properly. I did ask this woman why she bought this item and she admitted to me that she was curious about the paranormal. She initially told me she thought that spirits did not exist. She lied and my guides told me this immediately I then had to confront her or simply excuse myself and walk away. I chose the confrontation because she had sounded so urgently in need of my help and although she dinnae realize it she was in deep trouble. Once she understood I was not going to pish around with her in some adolescent manner things were fine! I dinnae have patience with people who try to deceive me or waste my time. Although the investigation portion of this case took some time, identifying the item was easy as she bought it online and it was labeled, haunted, and enchanted. I am happy it all worked out well for her. This young woman has a penchant for getting into trouble because she insists on buying such things. What I feel worsens her addiction and that of others are the sleazy incorrigible enablers that sell this rubbish. I caution people all the time and say please do not intentionally purchase something proclaimed as haunted and or enchanted. Your purchase may cost you more than money. Nevertheless, by all means, it is your money and your life; btw, my contact info is in the back of the book you may be in need of it.


My brand of Political satire I removed this from the first Altered Life right book before publication. This is from a series of satirical articles I had written all with a political and religious flavour. This was written during the second war in Iraq GW Bush Jr and Dark Lord Dicko are having a close out sale! Used tanks, hummers, guns both large and small with all types of classified ordinance. Everything Must GO! Yes American it’s a sell a-thon at GW and Dicko’s pre and post war closeout fear mongering sacrilegious media paradise. So put an RPG in yer mullet and hunker down for close out prices so low we can’t afford to let the public know um, we are practically giving this shit away to foreign governments. So, if you are an aspiring fascist dictator or just the avid evangelical hate mongerer who spends their weekends bashing, gays, lesbian and liberals we have something at a price even you can afford. So come on down to GW & Dicko’s cash and carry, smash and grab screw American red, white, and blue sale. Free rides, balloons, and hot dogs for the kiddies. Located at the intersection of Bibles and Bombs Boulevard. Act now and we will throw in a live liberal a six-pack and five hundred rounds of ammo.

The Private person and the Psychic Medium Jotter entry May 5thth 2014 There are things I simply do not tell others about myself, one being it is none of their business the other being I do not care tae spend weeks fielding endless questions. I dinnae feel it is necessary tae compromise myself. It takes years for me to instill that amount of trust in anyone and by then just about everyone will have shot themselves in the metaphorical foot and been tossed out of my life. My gift has enabled me tae see many things, sorting relevant intelligent facts and random nonsense can be tedious as well somewhat discouraging at times.


Some have the idea I just sit back and see these things and it is simple as easy pie. This is not always the case and employing my gifts frequently wears me down emotionally as well physically. I addressed several things in my first book with the information received in dreams and visions. Startling as it is I had begun noticing some of the things that were placed in the first book coming into being right here and now, so I removed them before press. I have at times been given exact details of events and in some cases time lines that are relevant to the human domain in which we exists. Much of the specific information such as locations and exact dates I have not shared overtly. It is my choice to withhold this information, as I do not wish to add to an already outrageous amount of growing political and religious controversy and media fed unrest. You may further understand my reasons for nondisclosure after reading about the Blue and Whites and their friends later in the book. They are already keeping everyone quite busy. Sadly I do not think you are going too much like these future disclosures, and sharing them weighs on me heavily.

How can we praise peace while we continue tae break humanness into brittle pieces?” Kath Campbell 2009 “Some are compelled tae live in the lives of others, as they are to cowardly to create and live their own” Kath Campbell 2011


Everything for a reason and a reason for everything II Jotter entry Updated April 22 2014 I feel there is some sort of Universal God implemented galactic and grand design that influences all of our lives. Not exclusively as individuals but as specific eco social, ethnic, and orientational groups. I also feel there are numerous variables that are nothing short of astronomical involved. Choice is not always determined by our upbringing or the aforementioned parameters. What we are given and what we take upon ourselves is important, as this is a factor in choice and decision-making. Have you ever asked yourself why someone who is your age grew up with the same friends, same school, and same life experiences is so different? Some of those differences may be religious, political, and preference in social companions. The answer may well be choice. I feel we all make choices based on numerous internal and external factors. Many of which are in fact based in the individual design of our spirit consciousness as set forth by our creator, mind you let us factor in free will, as if. Moreover, with spirit guides, watchers, and an angel here and there throughout the entirety of your individual life it is easy tae see those choices where made with a wee bit o help. What is the reason behind all of our choices? I feel the bottom line is the God and faith factor. Faith in your self is a focal point but faith in a God is optional. You can simply say all things are based on randomness or influenced by determinism. I feel faith is the key tae all things but the reason for anything and everything shall remain a timeless question at least for now. I often wonder what truly motivates certain spirit entities. Something else is why would an angel wish to speak with and mentor me? In April 2014 I did not stumble but was given a few of the answers to this particular question and in a way it confirmed what I had been seeing.


The, it I am talking about is something I find quite sad and am having a time wrapping my head around so I choose not to speak on this matter further at this time.

A Plan for us Part I I look at life as a lesson plan. The more I am able tae learn and accomplish the better off those interacting with me are overall. Personally, it has taken me decades tae realize I am capable of experiencing as well demonstrating emotions. The emotions I abandoned and replaced with hopelessness after they had been beaten and driven from me long ago. I ‘Know’ we will all have the opportunity tae move past this physical construct and take the knowledge of the kindness and compassion spent and earned with us. Once we learn whatever it is we have been sent here tae learn we move forward. Onward tae our next stage of existence likely a spiritual and intellectual evolution for those who have embraced the positive. I feel one of the reasons I am still alive is the result of a divine intervention. I often see past lives in people and I have met people on this human time line I also knew in a past life. More importantly, I met a soul mate in this lifetime and I count myself as fortunate in having done so. Everyone you meet from the woman who sold you the morning coffee tae the best friend who treated you tae dinner was known tae you in a past life. We have all met before and we keep bumping into each other life after life. Have you ever met a stranger that you felt you knew? Just something about them you could not quite put your finger on. It’s quite probable you knew them in a past life. An angel once told a fifteen-year-old girl who lay bleeding tae death on the side a dark country road after being assaulted that all would be understood in time and the angel certainly spoke the truth. She since understood and continues tae understand a great many things tae this day. I know this tae be fact because I was that fifteen-year-old girl.


A Plan for Us Part II You may live 20 or 30 years and during this time learn any number of things. You may become a diverse individual or someone who is reclusive. What would you say if I told you, your purpose? Mind you this does not apply to all of us as each purpose as designed is unique and possibly a part of a universal plan. Permit me to present this example; you’re walking a foot path one afternoon to see a young man hunched over and tearful. You stop and ask this young chap if you may be of assistance, perhaps joining you for a cuppa tea or something to eat. The young man smiles, and wipes his eyes, shakes your hand, and thanks you for the kindness. You continue on your way home and sit down to have an evening drink. As you sit sipping away on a cool drink, suddenly your heart stops and you die. You arrive in your individual heaven and say what the feck just happened? I was a good person, I was kind, and I cared aboot everyone, I helped a lot of people what happened? An angel approaches you and says, and you have been rewarded! The angel continues by saying you know that young man you spoke with earlier today? Well he was thinking of taking his life and your act of kindness prevented that. This was the entire purpose of your life, to live, and learn until that exact moment when you met and changed the course of this man’s life and all those relatives in his future. You see that young man invents a cure for all cancer in ten years. You mean I lived a lifetime to save one individual so he could cure cancer what the feck is that? I was set, I had everything I wanted, and now I’m dead. The angel replied you do have everything and everyone you ever wanted or wished for, welcome home and by the way, God works in mysterious ways. Admittedly I am sure the Universal God and all the variables play a certain part in our destiny and the grand plan of it all. We however, and once again, determine our own futures with regard to personal decisions through free will. The above example is based on hypotheticals and theorem regarding cause, effect, determinism, temporal causality including paradox and shift, etc.


I am sure there is some sort of plan for each of us and it is as distinctive as our own heaven. Moreover, two crucial variables exist within all of the abouve; they are all courses of action and individualism.

The Spirit Hitchhiker Spirits are everywhere and even when we are in our most vulnerable of moments, they are still there. Did you think because you have gone tae have a shower bath the spirits would wait outside until you finished? In my personal experience if the spirits feel the need they are right there chatting away at me shower or not. It is the everywhere you go spirits I am going tae speak aboot with you. Should you dash off for a pizza or stop at the local grocery for milk, you may very well pick up a spirit hitchhiker. Other than tethering I dinnae completely understand why some spirits are attracted tae certain people other than tae say it is our light and energy vibration. My guides tell me that I am more or less a lighthouse or a magnetic north tae, all spirit energy. Let me give you an example. Just shy of a year ago I met an older gent at a doctor’s office who had the spirit of young woman with him. I approached him and he agreed tae speak with me, I in turn began speaking with the spirit of the young woman, who had absolutely nothing tae do with him. She was what appeared tae be a complete stranger to him. I spoke tae this spirit a good five minutes in a kind query, during this time I was able tae, with the help of the my guides obtain a message. The spirit wanted said message to be given tae her mother, all well and fine but who is her mom and as matter of fact who is she, not a name not a clue. Until the older gent said tae me, wait I might know who this young spirit woman’s mother is, one of the woman that used to be in my church group lost a daughter some time back. Making a long story short message given and case closed. I have read others who have had hitchhikers with them.


Family or casual friends, people they met once, someone they knew in high school that had passed and even instances like the aforementioned were the individual was nearly clueless as tae who was with them in spirit. I have learned in matters of life and death, with these abilities, tae expect the unexpected the unreasonable, and the occasional frustration.

Spirits and Names Jotter entry, summation, Jan 2013 This is something that has plagued and perplexed yours truly, as a medium tae this day. I still dinnae know the precise and exact answer. Spirits dinnae always tell me their name when I make contact with them and although some do and quite clearly, I might add, most do not. Names are a sticking point with many I have read randomly and one to one. It has always been my opinion that spirits dinnae ruminate names as being more important than wanting tae tell me their story. Permit me tae harken back tae my first books open mike night theory in which a spirit has but a few minutes tae make their point. However, there have been several exceptions tae this over time. This is yet another reason I stopped all one to one readings. I grew tired of people bitching at me because I could not always provide them with a proper given name of a spirit I was speaking too. If a name was not given tae me by the spirit, I cannae give you something I dinnae have. My experience is that the dead are more adept at giving me a message that is important tae them and this message may or may not always be what is of importance tae the person being read. A medium I speak with in Scotland frequently is of the opinion that spirits simply forget their earthly names because names are no longer important. I find this tae be credible in the sense that some of the spirits I speak with are not even aware of their death. In fact I have asked my ex sister in law, who is one of my guides, how long she has been on the other side and I have received two answers one being it is not important and the other being, why Kath I just now arrived here. [64]

Well if spirits forget, their earthly names how is it they remember their earthly and heavenly loved ones; much like Martha my ex sister in law/guide remembers her family. Here is an easy answer. Because loved ones, friends, and foes they have known for thousands perhaps hundreds of thousands of lifetimes including their various names and addresses, are not always important when speaking tae the living. Keep this in mind the next time you begin tossing nasty comments at a medium for not being able tae issue you a proper name of the spirit they are speaking tae, spirits have other ways of validating themselves, and they always do. I never really had an issue with a spirit being able to validate themselves, the issues were primarily those brought to the reading by the client. Nevertheless, I no longer do one to ones and I’ve even begun to taper off on random reads here of late. This is so I may write and concentrate on investigations.


The Tether and the Tethering Journal entry 2013 Once again I refer you to my first book in which I speak of a spirit being held on earth by a selfish loved one. My view is often a difficult one. I am not trying tae invoke sympathy, just an honest realization and understanding of some of the things I am able tae see. There are people who tether, one classic example of this tether is Dickens mythical Jacob Marley who had a large portion of chain attached to his spiritual being no doubt a metaphor for karma and sour deeds. In our reality, many people attach tethers tae loved ones who have passed, because of personal grief. This is in some manner understandable for a short time as denial is a part of the grieving process. What happens when the living cannot un-tether themselves because of selfishness or obsession? The dead become trapped here and often attached in an unhealthy manner. I am speaking of the health of the living keeping in mind that love and salvation are also crucial tae the dead and their eternal peace. I have refused tae read people who have tethers because they are often but not always surrounded by spirits that are in pain. You may ask why and the answer is simple, it is because the spirits are being held here not by their own doing. Another reason for not reading these individuals is they often have endless streams of questions, one then another, then another, and on and on. Most can go nearly non-stop during a reading often rambling without hearing themselves or permitting me tae relay a message. I have met those who have tethers that are the exceptions, such as a young woman named Christine. She was the exclusion tae the rule and she also has a beautiful light around her. Christine has a unique undeveloped ability to comprehend negative and positive energy on a metaphysical level. Unlike her, the troubled tethering individuals can and have turned a reading with me into a damn shit-storm of negativity that inexorably causes yours truly a world of hurt.


It also does them no good at all, as they destroy what may be their only opportunity tae speak tae the other side through me. I am a very patient and understanding person but there are limits. I have met several individuals who choose tae tether and I speak from several nasty experiences. These same individuals are also predictable so much as, once they learn I will not tolerate ignorant behaviour they run around making derogatory comments about me. One individual took it upon themselves tae slander me tae a point of absurdity. They ran their rhetoric by someone who knew me personally and it was that person whom shut that shit show down in a literal New York City minute. If I tell you or someone else I will not or cannae read you, which means no. Do not attempt to guilt me, bait me, or push me as I will simply walk away.


My Selfish Tethering Journal entry May 12, 2011 I know how difficult it is tae let go of a loved one. I have had so few people in my live that I loved and I loved them unconditionally. I found myself doing nothing but talk about them for two years. At that time, I began to accept the reality of my loss and point of fact rejoiced in their heavenly gain. You may say tap-dancin Jesus it was easy for you because you could see them with your abilities. This is not true as I had buried my gifts for years and refused tae acknowledge them even during the worst of circumstance, read on. In the late eighties, I lost several members of my family all within a year and a half. I was devastated, confused, and totally lost, and then I divorced because I had a cheating lying spouse on top of it all. I was a mess for the next two years, I had no place I called home, and although I had my few friends they were no substitute for those I lost. One of those who had passed suddenly was my mother. A dear friend was putting a small recording project together. They asked me if I would consider performing and maybe do some writing, as well assistant production work. It was a small boutique project being put together by a large label and they had given my friend total autonomy. Can you say little worm on a big hook? Oh did I also mention the words tax and write-off. Record companies are notorious for this type of shit. Without venturing further into the sometimes questionable business ethics of record labels let us, move on. I agreed with what had been brought tae the table and after all business was in order and settled we began. The project ran nearly four months in total and even though I was doing what I enjoyed I was still unable to focus one hundred percent of myself simply because of the tethers. I finally admitted that I was doing nothing but running from the reality of loss. I was desperately trying to escape the grief and no matter the time of day or night, it followed me, as did the poor souls I had attached to me with tethers.


After being re-introduced to some musicians I knew, the project soon turned into a music group. Long story shorter the group performed live several times and was subsequently offered some very lucrative contracts. After several talks, we decided to accept a deal. On the way to the city to meet my mates, for what would be a signing. I was hit by a fully loaded tractor-trailer truck as I sat at a dead stop in my new car. You could have looked up ‘totally fucked’ in the dictionary and my picture would have been there as an example. I spent a great deal of time in the hospital undergoing back surgeries needless tae say we disbanded and the contract offer evaporated. One constant being the spirits I had selfishly tethered tae myself as I had begun tae feel their presence. My tethering several spirit people now began into its third year. It was then I finally said goodbye tae them, I now know all these years later that they crossed safely and forgave me for my selfishness. I have since seen them in their true form standing in the light. I continued on after back surgery and related physical rehab alone and I do mean alone, as I had never felt and been before. Moreover, was the absence of the spirits I once attached tae myself temporary? In fact, if I had at that time given some thought tae the past I would have realized that Cyril and Aunna my guides had been with me all along. I was much too busy steeped in selfish pain, which I later learned was part of the grieving process. What happened next was not as my emotions completely left me and I am talking void of emotion and filled with emptiness. If you lost someone special please let them go; they do look in on us all now and then and are not gone forever. You will see them again when you cross.


Is Death Frightening to the Dead? Jotter entry September 28th 2014 Imagine driving home from work one afternoon to suddenly find yourself standing half-naked in the hallway of a building you dinnae recognize. I know this would upset me and throw me into a panic if I was not aware I had died. This is the case with many of us when we pass; we are frightened, suddenly confused at first, then we freak the fuck out. To further explore my initial example you may find yourself standing directly next tae someone and speaking only tae realize this person cannae see or hear you, reason being is you are dead. This is what can happen tae those of us who have never accepted death. Fact is its nothing more than stepping through a doorway. I am sure you are familiar with the expression “everybody wants tae go tae heaven but nobody wants to die”. This physicality and many of the base teachings of organized religion inhibit us into a manner of certain vibrational being and aspects of thought that are no more than a millstone around our spiritual necks. Not all of us are hustled across the manmade divide into paradise, many become earthbound, and the aforementioned fright I am talking about is just one of a thousand reasons many of us may remain here after we die. Our acceptance of death is important tae our being. Let me favour you with a cliché and say “the love you have here, well you get tae take it with you” fact is this statement is true. The negativity we have here we also take with us and therein begin our inhibitions. When I died the first time, I dinnae much give a flying flip and in fact, I only wanted a few final moments tae say goodbye. Those moments never came because I died at the hospital due tae my injuries. I discussed our individual death in my first book and without going on a tangent let me return tae the main topic of that discussion.


There are angels and guides who will help us with our death transition and although we are no longer bound tae the linear reality of the physical world, we still have some choices tae make and the power tae make those choices, we also have some help from our friends. I have spoken with people who are terminally ill about the afterlife and I assure you that political and religiously induced fear is very real tae them and it is easy tae figure this out by the nature of the questions I am asked. I am at terms with death and I accept it and in many ways I welcome it. My reason being is most everyone I ever cared about have already crossed to other side. I tell people that when you die the moment you realize you no longer have an awareness of a physical body, look for the light. Look for people you know in the light and when you see them go tae them, you will meet everyone you have ever known in every lifetime. You will meet your guides and your guardians again. Fact is the arrival experience is like a giant coming home party, after all the shit you went through in the physical world your spiritual ship has come in and you are no longer at the freggin airport when it arrived. You will meet all and everyone you ever loved again, what I find the quintessential gift of all lifetimes is meeting your host and the person responsible for this shindig, the creator. Some religions would have you believe an angel of light is a trick of Satan and a last chance tae get at you and that is rubbish. However, Satan’s sycophants will try tae corrupt you into Satanic service while on earth, that does not proximately equate or qualify you for eternal damnation. We all have been given choice and free will. You may well embrace the darkness, but it will not insure you a place in hell. The universal God is forgiving but rest assured you will pay for the wrongs you have done in this life and be rewarded for the good, just as you have every lifetime.


You cannae sell your soul it is not yours tae do so, it belongs tae the creator and the creator will decide whether or not you dwell in the darkness and for how long. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths religions and cults go to in creating these monumental lies. Then these baggers have the brass to smile and say God loves you. Fact is they make things up to scare the shit out of people and keep them obedient to their fanatical corporate run madness. In my first book, I talk about witnessing the crossing of a teenage girl as well the crossing of a childhood friend and describe in detail what I had seen as they crossed. I have witnessed angels, guides, and reapers help people across into the light. My God, the crossing is magnificent. In summation, I ask you tae not fear death or what you feel is the unknown of the afterlife. I ask you please sit a few minutes and just give some thought tae all I have just shared. You may find some comfort within yourself because that comfort and truth was placed there during the creation of your spirit consciousness. Remember God will never leave you with your immortal erse hanging in the wind. For those of you who dinnae believe in a universal God, do not despair and instead think of fuckin rainbow, hey, it’s a positive thing and at least it stopped raining in your heart long enough for you tae see it.

A bit of humor for Women over fifty on a shopping trip As a woman, it is important to know these things; they may save you time, energy, and having to prepare bubble and squeak for some geezer as well wash his Y-fronts. Let it be known that if you are 50 or older and have dark hair most of the old codgers will not give you a second look, if you stand 6ft tall or over, like me, you can be confidant that none of these old chaps will give you more than a casual look but there are exceptions.


One important survival skill that mature women should be aware of is should one of these men follow you, and if they see grey hair and you look to be in fair shape for your age they are going to follow you. I swear they have some sort of old geezer radar because they form a perimeter in the store and encircle you like a shark circles its prey. Ladies fear not all you need do is walk to the isle in which they sell bras and panties and these blokes will scatter like cock roaches in a forest fire, unless your being stalked by a pervert your safe. Another area of the store you can feel safe in is the baby clothing section, but remember men’s or young men’s wear is like sending up a freggin flare, stand back and stay clear. Because they will be thinking well she knows how to wash clothes and take care of a man. If you are food shopping and an old geezer chooses to follow you, do not and I repeat do not place items such as flour, sugar, and yeast in your trolley all by themselves. An experienced geezer knows that women who use these items still make things from scratch, before the old tomcat has a chance to ask you about homemade flapjacks place at least 10 boxes of instant corn bread and muffin mix in your trolley and step away from the isle. If this does not deter their unwanted attention set your course for the ladies sanitary napkin isle, this usually shuts them down and if not make way for the yeast infection remedies, trust me this is equivalent to using a can of Raid at point blank range, it gets em every time. Ladies of course if you are on the prowl reverse everything I have said and be careful what you wish for. As for me, well there are always plenty of dead people following me round the store wanting to tell me their story. Plus I shop because I have to buy food and clothing, I have no other reason.


After one random reading Upon finishing a random public reading of a kind woman she thanked me and said I am so happy I met you the message you gave me answered a lot of my questions. I thought mediums were supposed to be somber people but you are just so happy and also quite real. I said I do my best even when sharing what is passed to me. Now and then the deepest of emotional messages get at me. The woman engaged me in further conversation at which time I confided, my auntie was also a psychic medium, she was somber and never happy. I feel she intentionally chose to live in a twisted dramatic version of cartoon land. My aunt was quite authentic but had one major drawback and that was her often indulgence in fear mongering. She was so gifted it quite possibly drove her to madness. You see my aunt really was the wicked witch of the West, and ding dong I’ve got her broom-stick to prove it, ad sarcasm! Outrageous laughter!

Psychokinetic’s 101 Demonic entities make themselves known in various ways and their intent is obvious, or is it. I have gotten the impression when speaking to some people on this matter that they feel a demon is there tae drag their soul tae some dark hell. It is true any one of these creatures can put you in harm’s way. My statements are based on my own research and actual investigations. I have worked on various cases involving dark entities as well spoken with other mediums and open minded theologians who are somewhat authoritative on related subjects. Thought I am not a demonologist nor have such expertise, after having done battle with a creature such as this, being low level, I feel I am at the least capable of making a minimally educated statement on the matter. Demons themselves come in all shapes and sizes, their various forms, names and even their primary job descriptions have been debated throughout the ages.


The purpose of these predominantly former angelic beings has also been of great concern as several religious communities, not all, share a belief that any paranormal or supernatural entity or being is a demon or evil spirit. And that said entity is out tae get you, grind you up, and swallow your soul. I have listened to people echo this uneducated poppycock my entire life. I can only shake my head and wonder how some of them balance their current account. Educate yourselves get your head out of your erse and your mythical tome, put down the video game, and set out on a quest to locate something called a library. I talked about people having spirit encounters and their immediately stating what they experienced to be definitively evil, then declaring what they encountered tae be a demon. This archaic politically motivated media and religious driven alarmist methodology of buggery is so common and influential it’s pathetic. Yes even in the year twenty fourteen much of the dumbed down western world is still preoccupied with who has the latest gadget while judging each other and the rest of the planet, thus remaining in the dark on the basics of paranormal and supernatural phenomena as well a number of other realities. I have already spoken about energy and many of its forms so let us talk about PK energy scientifically known as Psychokinetic energy. A multitude of validated definitions with regard to this energy appear tae me personally as something more of an umbrella term used to describe certain psychic abilities. Let us now focus on what is called a Poltergeist and firstly understand that a Poltergeist is not a spirit or a demon, it can best be described in lay terms as energy on steroids. Although there have been cases in which a poltergeist energy has been manifested to a point of becoming an entity this is rare. This entity was not a demon in fact if I am not aware of any case in which a poltergeist suddenly became a demon. Furthermore, I feel the belief that such a thing could occur is misguided.


If established paranormal or supernatural activity at a location is not any form of spirit energy or Demon, it may be a Poltergeist, but first you will need to investigate. If you know anything about me at all it is that I strongly disagree with anyone making snap determinations and declarations without first investigating thoroughly. Doing so will enable one to make a well-informed and more educated series of observations. Statements based on and in regard to something ‘other than’ mindless over animated suppositions. Much like the twaddle being portrayed as paranormal spewed from media outlets, TV, internet, you tube etc. Poltergeist are indeed an energy but more importantly they are human energy, the person expelling this energy may not be aware they are doing so, thus any resulting activity is more likely to be random rather than focused and deliberate. It is important to understand that a poltergeist is most likely manifested by one of the living. An individual that has created such energy may well be suffering from a deep fear or angst that they have never addressed. The individual may also be psychically gifted and this is sometimes the case. Dependent upon the subject there could be numerous other causes. Once Poltergeist energy is identified it can usually, be addressed by a professional therapist and a positive support base. In the instance of therapy, it is crucial that the troubled individual speak with someone that is not going to label or taunt them. It would also be a plus if the therapist had an extended range of expertise in deep therapy with regard to those with deeply rooted issues. Investigators must take another long look at the location and the more evident validated activity to determine whether a spirit or other entity slipped in between the metaphorical cracks. Poltergeist activity may also present much like a spirit would, a mist, haze, or dark mass etc. These methods of manifestation are not exclusive or conclusive like anything paranormal and supernatural there are always variables to be considered and a calculated risk involved. Anything goes which is to say it is only over when it is over and not necessarily when you say so.


When I said Poltergeist if you immediately thought of dishes flying off shelves, chairs zipping through the air and kitchen knives levitating only to be thrown by some mysterious force, some of your smaller concerns may be valid and there are stated cases of such bizarre activity. If you have a proclivity for jumping to conclusions I would say you could have seen one to many horror films and or consumed massive doses of the ever present disinformation spoon fed media tripe. It is entirely possible to manifest your own energy and out of ignorance call it a demonic force.

Physical death and spiritual consciousness I believe when we die the spirit consciousness leaves our body the moment the body ceases to sustain itself as a life form. Our expiration itself causes a physical and biological loss of consciousness. As result of this our spirit consciousness leaves our lifeless vessels. We once again find the way back to our perpetual and eternal origin with the universal God.


Life after death without Earthly Religion I know I talked about my near death experiences and subsequent conversations with angels in my first book. However, the question of life after death and its relation tae or not tae religion has been asked of me several times and I feel the answer others may be looking for is more personal and on a spiritual level. I dinnae feel nor have I seen any evidence that would lead me tae the conclusion that a belief in God, Jesus, Allah, Mohammad, and or Krishna etc., is a prerequisite or ticket if you will through the pearly gates. Right before I died the first time, I had not only questioned any faith in God but the very existence of God. Frankly, I thought God had turned its back on me because I was suffering so much at the hands of Gods other wondrous creations. I recall at age fourteen telling God tae kiss my erse. Even though I could see as a child I believed that God abandoned me and eventually saw the God of the universe as no more than a psychotic prick that encouraged vile hate driven behaviour. What I say now is that the Universe is God and what I know is that an endorsement of organized religion is not required tae embrace our light but rather in fact, what is required is to love without condition our fellow beings and all creatures including ourselves.

Is there truly a life after death on a spiritual level? After speaking tae the spirits of the dead and angels, I would say yes. I have also visited my heaven not once but several times. What I saw there was nothing short of astounding. When we die its obvious tae me that we do have a spirit or soul and that goes somewhere, if not explain tae me my being able tae speak with paranormal and supernatural beings with accuracy. Speaking to the dead would not be possible or even probable if there was nothing but cold empty silence upon our passing.


As we leave the earth in death, for most of us not all, there is light and existence on another plain in another place surrounded by all those we love and have loved for endless lifetimes.

What does God think of those who dinnae practice organized religion and or have a belief in God? I dinnae know the mind of any God or what any God thinks. What I do ‘know’ is anyone propounding tae know the mind of any God and whom so also claims tae speak for any God and base their speech on anything written on earth, or alleged to be divinely inspired is a pious delusional feckin idjit.

“Detestation, disbelief, and denial are the weapons of despair and division, just as the politicians and religious leaders are the assured enmities of the people they claim to be representing in good faith” Kath Campbell April 2014 “Each of humankind serves a positive and individual galactic purpose, humankind is not purposed to serve the negative of humankind” Kath Campbell 2012 “I write in order that my words have a face” Kath Campbell 2010


A Positive Humanity Part I Below is a letter that I shared with personal friends then through social channels. This matter will be discussed again later with another perspective Jotter entry summation “Positive Humanity” To the I, the one, and the all What I see as a society that is liberating its self as it is moving away from religious and political divisions, as more and more are tuning out the barrage of spoon fed negativities. People are increasingly becoming aware of an awakening to then embrace freedom of thought and independent choice; some for the first time in their lives experience what I call the ‘Knowing’. Regardless of the contrived medias falsities being stated as popular opinion people are moving in mass toward a genderneutral ambiguous society that displays a greater deal of empathy and faith to its self individually and as a small group without regard to race, financial status, gender bias, political, and or religious beliefs. Such are the little boxes created for us all as part of our childhood indoctrination into a diabolically designed divisive mindless and obedient society engaged in endless conflicts to the benefit of the elite. These little boxes are now being tossed into refuse bins by an ever-growing number of people. Humankind is moving onward into an individualism that actually embraces differences as a learning tool to further their education and spiritual understanding. Thusly our acceptance of each other and tolerance without regard to the teachings written by corporate cabals that are then marketed and incessantly parroted through media, politicians, and religious leaders, twenty-four-seven. As we embrace one and another, we discover there is more to celebrate in our clear awakening and in each other, for we are in a way of ‘Knowing’ ourselves and loving each other much to the trepidation of our dark masters with their incessant madness and endorsed mass psychosis.


We have all begun to stand in our truth and this terrifies the elitist powers, as it should. Governments do not watch their people in order to protect them; they watch their people because they fear them!

The Possible Irony of Death “When we die coming tae meet us there will be those we know and love, those we have known and didn’t love, and those we had known and wanted tae just give a good shag, there will be those we only cared for part of the time and there will be those we couldn’t feckin stand the sight of any of the time” Kath Campbell 2011


“Energy is Energy” I am once again quoting someone in using the term “Energy is Energy”. Let us talk about the energy humans emit. We never stop tae think just how much electrical energy we create or expend. I could use quantum mechanical examples but tae most that would be aboot as gratifying as having ones genitals hit with a sledge hammer. I am not going tae begin by speaking of Chakras and such but I will say I believe we have an energy platform built into ourselves. This platform gives most of us some protection from certain if not all negative energies unless we choose to embrace negative energy. This energy does flow from us through us and all around us now pardon the freggin Star Wars analogy but this force is always with us. It also fluctuates with our body’s natural rhythms. One example of this would be eating a favorite food that gives you a sense of joy or tae some that one perfect old movie or a favorite that gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling. We know what joy and pain is but how does your body react tae energy fluctuations? Stress can push your core energy right out of your body and into the wind and the wind right out of you as well. When I say core I mean the energy that rest in the center of your body. We are in many ways a power plant producing regulating and managing energy twenty-four–seven. At times, we accomplish this feat effortlessly. Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys were not kidding when they sang the praises of “Good Vibrations”. Tae myself as a psychic and as a medium energy management is as critical tae my abilities as it is tae my basic metabolic functions. I expend a great deal of my energy during investigations and even during readings. Permit me tae explain a bit of the how, what, when, where and why. Before an investigation or reading, I say a prayer and place a bubble of positive light energy around myself as a shield of sorts; from inside this shield I receive both positive and negative energies while communicating with the spirit world.


My life-force, light, has what I call a, my term, “psychic preservation instinct”, meaning my shield can either become more receptive and open to communications or close and block any and all negative energy completely. A good example would be my meeting several people just to socialize and during a discussion I am suddenly being asked to use my abilities, as one individual starts tae rapidly fire questions at me. The shields go up and I usually beg pardon tae remove myself physically from the situation for a moment. I can endure quite a bit but a human being with that much intensity and energy focused at me can be a bit more than I care tae deal with. You are probably asking well what happens if you dinnae have a moment to prepare yourself for an onslaught of negative energy. My answer is simply my “psychic preservation instinct” instantly kicks the engine room in the erse and the shields go up. Here is an example of energy management during an investigation and or reading. I am spending energy on the clients and maybe a few other people, the guides come in tae speak with me while I am still spending energy with the client. It is perhaps now that a spirit or spirits step forward. I am now expending energy on the spirits as well energy spent-relaying messages tae the client or others. I do all of these things while my metaphorical shields are up and fluctuating like a beaver shaken in heat. I am at this same time absorbing energy from everything and one around me. Now if you stop a moment and think about it that is a lot of energy tossed back and forth in the Universe and you would be right. Mind you, I am also managing this the entire time. Some investigations have drained me tae a point of exhaustion much the same as your running a one-hour marathon in one hundred degree heat with no water and leg weights. You also manage energy in all that you do, constantly dealing with issues using and expending and gathering different levels of energy all while, you speak and go about your daily task.


Our energy levels affect us in dramatic ways, and I use the term dramatic because this applies tae all living things. Our physical and emotional health is dependent on our life-force energy and its management. The energy you expend during an intense argument can in fact drain your energy core tae a point of physical illness. Why do you think the majority of all heart attacks could have been prevented with diet, exercise, and good emotional health? So stepping back from the Chakra, (please look this up as the Chakra topic has been done to freggin death in a gazillion ways in my opinion), as well the quantum mechanical terminology. I am going tae say without doubt you are more likely tae understand most if not all of what I just said because of how I said it. I am thanking myself for having left all the fancy swanky sterile terminology and talking points pertaining tae these terms and dialog out of my soliloquy. I wanted to keep this article as basic as possible and I feel I have achieved that goal. Yes boys and girls, lads and lassies, “Energy is Energy” and energy good or bad has an effect on you and I, and all that surrounds us including our multi-dimensional universes. Now for those my age doesn’t this just remind you a one of those films they used to show in science class? The energy I was talking about will not require a separate course in ‘duck and cover’, smiles.

Dark Consequences Jotter entry, a letter completed in May 2014 Society owes no one a thing; we owe it to ourselves and each other to be positive examples of our humanity. The majority of us know what tolerance is yet we practice bigotry, we know what love is and still we practice hatred. We know acceptance is one key to friendship and that our moral divestiture of such acceptance is the path to a bankrupt and soulless society.


Still we judge one and another always excusing our behavior with false supplications we so aptly affirm as the truths of our mythical Gods both political and religious. Hatred has no colour, no face, no religion, no political view, it knows no orientation, and it shall forever remain an individual choice. Should you look at humankind as a physical entity its heart is being torn to pieces and replaced with an abyss, when the heart is gone there will be no life, there will be the cold darkness of ignorance and want to fill the nothingness that was once overflowing with light. It is then that humankind will cease to be humane as it will surly die not in some glorious romantic fashion, but with a sigh of bewilderment. Kath Campbell

Truth and Semantical Banter Perhaps a precursor tae an asinine question on my part but the last time I was in heaven I saw people I really cared for. Where did everyone I disliked go? In my life, I have sat and listened tae preachers talk about paradise and all those you love coming out tae meet and welcome you when you arrive. I believe there is a notch of truth in this view having seen heaven myself not once but several times. I do wonder what happened tae all the gaping assholes I met in life, I mean these buggers have tae be quartered somewhere. I wonder if there is a heaven for all those who have been or even thought of being an asshole. I am not speaking of the ordinary asshole I mean the hardcore assholes. You know the kind of asshole that has worked at it a lifetime. I am often asked this question and, others, having it put tae me simply as what happens tae all the pricks and bitches I dinnae like when I die? Will I have tae put up with them when I go to heaven? The questions obviously got me thinking what in hell is the game. Is there legal recourse for those who are now being forced tae live with the very same assholes that tormented them in life? If so what are legal fees and are they based on income?


I dinnae see any freggin money when I was there last and not aboot to ask my dad tae float me a few dollars. If there are lawyers will, they only represent republican assholes or will they include democratic assholes as well. Do angels handle the caseload and does God preside at all trials or are there surrogate judges? The above has now officially been my reply to several; questions I receive. Indeed these people had asked me something that inspired a dedicated response and a lot of fuckin sarcastic supposition.

Spirits Meeting Each Other I know many are asking what does she mean by gathering, well perhaps a better descript would be spirits holding a meeting. When a medium like yours truly is going tae visit an active location such as and old abandoned factory or apartment building, the spirits get together. I found this hard tae believe until a medium in the UK pointed this out during a conversation with me. Based on what I had told her about several investigations including my meeting people who have spirits with him or her that are in no manner nor concern of said person. In other words, people and places can have spirit energy with them that is not a loved one, a former friend, or someone they knew at some time in life or a past life, or a watcher or guide etc. If I am tae be at a location and this is made known tae several people who plan tae be there for whatever purpose be that a meeting or book signing the spirits also begin making plans. I had an issue during a home investigation when a spirit that was totally unrelated tae the case, the homes history or the property suddenly appeared. It turns out this was the spirit of man that lived some twenty miles from the clients home.


This spirit was later vetted as having only lived in the same home for well over forty years and had never tae anyone’s knowledge ever been tae the location I was investigating. This spirit man had also pointing out certain things about a nasty bit of spirit energy and still another spirit. On another and separate occasion I met a woman named Lee, not her real name, who I planned tae have lunch with. I was going tae be in that area, and she asked tae meet me again and talk. At this meeting, a spirit man appeared who showed me a quick and virtual view of autos, aero planes, buses, truck, and other items. When the pictures stopped there stood the spirit man who abruptly said, I am a mechanic. Then he said, Ramjet. I thought I may have translated incorrectly and he said again Ramjet. I asked Lee if she knew anyone named Ramjet and she replied no. Lee was trying tae get me tae look at a photograph. The sprit man stood a moment more and said again Ramjet then he was gone. There was also another unknown but obnoxious spirit pointing at Lee and not making any sense. It was later established who this strange woman was and her presence was unrelated to Ramjet. I left the restaurant and several weeks later I was at my doctor being treated for the usual bronchial infection that was now also sinus and it was bad. Lee had some things for me at her place of business and I had put them off because of our schedules so I gave her a call. Here I am in the little room waiting on the doc speaking tae Lee when the spirit calling him-self Ramjet appeared again. He says tell Lee tae tell Vonny Von I am‌ I said Lee do you know a Vonny Von she said no. Ok how about Yvonne and she said yes as matter of fact I do. I said please contact this Yvonne and tell her Ramjet has a message. Lee knows I am a valid medium and in such said I will give her a call. I guess it was a few hours later when I received an email from a woman named Yvonne at my private inbox asking me about Ramjet.


I was sick as a dug and asked her tae reach out and talk tae my assistant and that she did. I was going tae meet this woman in person but due tae health and logistics. I ended up speaking with her via phone. Turned out Ramjet was her deceased brother and no sooner did she pick up the phone than he appeared again. The three of us shall I say spoke for more than several minutes; Ramjet gave his message tae his sister. She told me he had a hard time saying her name as a child and that explained his calling her Vonny Von. I thanked Ramjet, real name he also gave me and withheld, for permitting me tae help and Yvonne for allowing me tae speak with her and said good-bye. Spirits gather and tag along with people they may have never met or even known in this present life. They show up wherever I am, I think these people have a union because they do have their own meet and greets on the other side. If I am going tae be somewhere, I bet they say hey let's go visit Kath maybe we can tell her our story and she will listen. Six times in ten, I do listen. Sometimes nothing ever comes of it, but the experience with Ramjet was one in which there was resolve.

Dark Auras Anyone without a doubt can look on the internet tae find a plethora of stories concerning auras and their colours. One person wrote me tae say there is a man who claims he can teach others how tae see auras. I do not have an opinion on these claims, as I am personally unaware of a method of teaching such a thing. Let’s talk about auras for a moment! I have seen dark auras around people from all occupations. The dark auras generally present as gray although I have seen those with what I feel may be auras that are pitch black and these people can only be defined as evil. Those who have these auras I avoid at all cost.


Please refer back to my article “A Child, Medium, and some had the Darkness”. I talk about these people if you can call them people Some of these individuals can run an emotional gamut from drama to trauma in a heartbeat, they are usually negative people who do nothing but bitch and moan about anything and everything they can think of tae anyone who will give them audience. They consume the positive energy in everyone and thing, not as a psychic vampyre would but as a dark force. They may appear happy for a moment then something triggers that negative and they are right back at their game. They can never get enough of anything good or bad it is as if they have a gaping hole in them. I have met several individuals with gray auras and the above is just one ‘type’ of negative personality. Here is an example, I met a man who was a self-taught evangelical, and he was very well spoken, well-educated and very well aware of his scripture. So aware that he could not only quote scripture but he also interpreted it for God, yes, he told me that he spoke for God. The last thing I wanted tae do was converse with him. This fellow had such a dark aura surrounding him it obscured my view of his even being human. He had overheard me as I was finishing a random read, when he stepped in and began talking. After he told me his history, he began telling me what God thought of my being a medium and how God was going tae put me in the fires of hell. He went on a few minutes until I said get the hell away from me you dark twisted feck. His dark energy was doing a sufficient job of sucking on my life force like a leech on chuffie lass. I began tae speak a prayer. The man stopped and looked at me, his eyes empty of light and filled with nothing but darkness. I feel bad because anyone who follows this man will be led not into the light of truth, but the darkness of hatred and division.


I also feel bad for this poor fellow because what light and strength of soul he has are in turmoil, but God surely has a plan for him, one of love and redemption I hope, I pray. So endeth the lesson.

A responsibility to one’s self How you live life is a personal choice and not that of another, any life lain out and plotted before you by deceitful mentors is no more than a distractive and frugal façade. Should you decide to embrace and invest in your own destiny by laying down those illusory shackles be prepared to embrace the wondrous beauty and freedom of veracity.

Colours of Auras I am aware that people’s auras can fluctuate in color. I find much of this has tae do with mood and if you grew up in the late 60s, you know what a mood ring is. Those of you, who are not, well you dinnae miss anything it was all a clever novelty. Now where were we? Oh yes auras can change colours in accordance tae internal and external influences. I can also say some people have what I call a base coloured aura with a dominate colour. I often but not always use auras tae guide my psychic readings. Other validated mediums have told me my aura was bright white with a light blue corona and upon meeting; me again said my aura was light blue with tinges of white. I asked one particular medium, that I was doing a favor for if she could see the breaks in my aura and she said yes I always wondered what those were when I see people. The breaks I am speaking of are those that denote areas of my body that had been badly damaged such as my head. There is an area on the right side of my, aura, my head that has what can only be described as a small partial incomplete wedge cut out of it. In other words someone or thing took a slice of my light or weakened as result of my first near death experience injuries. I have seen auras at various times. You would think I see enough of everything else already!


I have seen blue, green, gold, white, and even burnished coloured auras. I would be accurate in saying that I may well see every coloured aura there is before I cross the final bridge back home. I have also met the contradictions tae the rule, meeting people that were kind and caring that had dim and dull looking auras. There are those that are so full of drama and emotion you would think they are gray, but there is a shining bluish aura that surrounds many of them. The universe of light, dark, and oblique has once again proven its diversity, and dinnae ever judge a book by its cover.

Do those who have crossed over miss us? The quick answer is no they do not. The drawn out explanation for my statement is that we in the physical world are looked after and upon by our loved ones. We have watchers, guides, presenter angels, and protectors. All of these beings have something tae do with and play a part in our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Those who are earthbound spirits are adherent tae different rules, they are also susceptible tae the negativity of pain and suffering in and on a level that is beyond our human comprehension. In one emotional aspect our crossing does permit us, art imitates real life in this case via a film called Ghost, tae take the love we had shared here on earth with us. If we leave the negative behind when we cross it is then we are truly free tae live our life eternal. If not we may become Earthbound. Loved ones who have crossed are what I call concerned citizens of the light. They can and do look in on us now and then. They are forever a part of us and we them. A tribute tae those you loved would be continuing tae love them and then letting go of them as a physical being. They know and understand what love is for having known us. Now they are free tae know Gods unconditional love and grace once again.


Those we feel we have lost I have so very few friends and even fewer that are extremely close tae me. Losing one of them is somewhat devastating. You are no doubt saying well you are a medium so you can just chat with them when you want. This is not always an option or even a guaranteed opportunity. It is possible I will see them again while I exist in this physical body. However, let me assure you I do not feel any one of them has intention on taking up residence with me and chatting me on a daily basis. I could very well be selfish and refuse tae accept their passing, and we all know this is not a good thing for the living or the dead. I feel it is only human tae miss someone’s physical presence and time tae time. I am guilty of this feeling when thinking of my mum, grandparents, or others that have crossed. I said goodbye tae a very close friend not long ago and they were one of the few within that circle that has known me this entire lifetime. We had been mates in a music group as well close outside of the industry. I was asked tae contact his spirit only days after his passing and I refused. I wanted to permit my dear friend his dignity and allow him tae properly become a pure spirit with the universe before contacting him. Knowing as well as I did I had reason for this and I care not tae explain these as my decision was based on a request he made of me before his death. I had been asked tae compose a prayer for his funeral and that I did. Let me offer you this truth as you may care for someone before they cross. When someone you love is ill and in your care, every minute, every hour, and every day you spend with them is a blessing to you both. The love you share at that time has an intensity that transcends our Humanity; it is positively melded forever with our light and spirit consciousness. I asked my friends and his family tae thank God for sharing the light and love that was my friend, tae remember his smile, his kind words and deeds.


Tae do this so we may embrace all that he was and permit him tae live as not just a memory but an example of all that is good and just. That we may all take a lesson from his being and realize we are richer in ourselves and blessed for having known him My lesson was in fact one of humility, although my old mate was not directly responsible for it he met me as I was an abused teenage and encouraged me tae as my grandma used to say, “Rise abouve it�. Herein lay in part an inspiration and the revelation of my story. The fact that whomever we choose tae make a part and be a part of our lives teaches us something more about ourselves and in some manner who and what we are as beings. This remains with us not just in this life but for eternity. Should those we love and cherish precede us in death remember they can and do visit us occasionally. Our being a part of them and we welcoming them as a part of us, is in all a tribute tae who they were in this life and who they are in the afterlife. Remember we also touched their lives in the same way. All of these incredible things had taken place because the Universe permitted them to share their beautiful light with us.


Do animals go to heaven? Let’s begin with the talking snake. Many in organized faith will swear that the talking snake was and is Satan. Did you know Satan was also an angelic being? I have met those of faith who believe in the talking snake that say animals do not have souls so they cannae go tae heaven or hell. Satan also represented as a talking snake in the bible, was an angel; and therefore did not have a soul. Based on my personal knowledge I will agree that Satan did not have a soul. Now you are going to ask if snakes go tae heaven, well I feel the Christian jury is still out on that one but I would at the least say it possible if not probable. I have read people and had animals such as personal pets, pets of loved ones and those of their friends that have come through. I did a random read of a woman a few years ago and only made a brief entry in my journal tae this regard. Her husband had passed and when he spoke tae me I could also see there was a dog with him. I mentioned the dog tae the woman and she said yes we had a dog. No sooner did she say dog then he said thank you for Bud. Could this be the dog I am seeing with the spirit man? Bud? No, I have not stumbled into someone’s bloody nightmarish American beer commercial. I said to myself why would he say thank you for bud and who or what is bud? I then saw and told her your husband keeps pointing at the dog. She said I had the dog put down a few months ago; the poor thing was sick and just could not rest. It had been so sick since my husband passed and it was close tae twelve years old. My husband has only been gone a few months. The spirit man once again was pointing tae the dog, as if I needed a clue. I said would the dog’s name have been Bud by any chance. Well I called the dog Buddy and my husband called the dog Bud. At that very moment, I wish I had been able tae turn my head tae a camera and made a freggin Jack Benny face, dolt!


Buddy the dog was now safe and happy with his companion in heaven. My final answer is obviously yes animals do go tae heaven. If you call it heaven I have seen other animals during readings. To my knowledge, animals do not talk in heaven. However, I have met a few talking rat bastards, mutts, and assorted wombats here on earth.

Post note personal disclosure, I love animals but due to my lung issues I am unable to keep one in my home and could not stand to leave one outdoors in bad weather. Although I deplore violence I make one exception, that being those who torment or abuse animals. I feel any abuser should at least get a taste of abused! Here is a suggestion, How about a Saint Bernard holding the jerk down while an English bulldog shoves huge dog biscuits and chew toys up their ass once an hour for a million years sound to ya?


Angelic beauty, God, the Devil and Evil I have borne witness tae much deliberation on the subject of angelic beauty. I do find this topic of lesser importance tae myself although I had been asked numerous times about it in the past few years. Therefore, here are my views and I can only base them on my experiences and teachings. Furthermore, they are what I know tae be valid, in part by philosophical and even more so accurately by theological and validated historical truths. As many are so hopelessly obsessed with the devil (the devel from Middle English) let us talk about Satan, Lucifer, (Shaitan, Islam) (Beelzebub, meaning lord of the flies) the horned one, Baphomet etc. Mephistopheles from the German folklore meaning demon, king of hell and the devil. More closely associated with Faust. Well, that would; be an accurate description. In my youth, I once thought Mephistopheles was a bald headed bloke who made a deal with Richard Burton for Burtons soul. This is one example of teaching and education via TV and cinema‌. moving on. I have listened to preachers and priest describe Satan as a horned wizard, a bright red looking character with a pointy tail, pitch fork, horns on his head, pointy nose and tongue. Tap dancin, no I dinnae say it wait for it, Jesus that sounds like a description of my third grade teacher. Bloody hell and earth abounds with such ludicrous notions but who are we humans tae define what God deems attractive. Yet we are that arrogant tae say we speak for God. What God deems tae be beauty may be obscene tae we humans maybe all the alleged spokes-people for God are right in part but I think not. Here is a flaw; I have seen evil beauty in other human beings during my life, evil has also appeared to me as physically ugly and frightening in form by way of the deeds of humanity as well supernatural beings during paranormal investigations. I must ask myself, which is uglier, the seductive beauty or the beast, I will say evil is evil and leave it at that.


What do you think? Satan however, it is said to have once been the most beautiful of all angels, therein lay the question of beauty once again. If we humans are made literally in Gods image and many would like tae believe this, would it not stand tae reason the one who temps us, Satan, may appear as the most beautiful seductive creature ever known. Let us go one further tae say, who decided that Satan was a male figure? I mean who made this incongruously blind "and then yer arse fell aff" uninformed observation? You would think a man or woman of the cloth would at least discuss the difference. Satan was an angel and is always defined as male in gender, why not female. Why would the church leave such details out of its teachings? All (valid?) theology books tell us is that angels can present as male or female dependent upon the task, yet this is not the general teaching, make ya think. Although there are few noted Angelic’s that are alleged to identify with gender, there are more that are defined as ambiguous. How is it so many people have come tae assume Angelic’s are automatically male? Although angels can present with male and female energy I was taught that most not all were ambiguous in nature. With all religions, being in a base agreement on certain issues, angelic and Gods gender not being one of them, how can anyone of them maintain credibility when they have been heard through the ages saying that Satan is a well read, horny ole red dude who only wants to have rough sex. The faiths do not even make a feeble attempt tae cover up this cock and bull. You are too busy hopping from one foot tae another hating someone or living in fear. Satan may well be ambiguous and able to present as both male and female, what better way to deceive. I believe evil can also be an incarnate consciousness but is more than likely a personal philosophical choice, unless you’re possessed by fucking demons it’s fairly anyone’s best guess you chose your path. Evil is seductive and like Sataniel it is also clever.


This being more believable tae yours truly than the red dude with the horns trying tae poke me in the arse with a fork, represent of a penis, moving on. I have met people I would honestly call evil. One was quite beautiful tae the eye and pleasing tae my intellect. It’s not that they just wanted a quick shag and tae be off, they were nearly psychopathic except for the one sadistic fact being they took conscious pleasure in others suffering. I am not talking about some pain for pleasure game, they enjoyed tormenting people and gave thought and design as to how they would do this and maintain it. They were also in a vocation that enabled them tae feed on the hate and pain of others. When I said goodbye and I had only known them a few weeks. I asked them how and why they could do such things as it was not business as usual. They proclaimed having made a philosophical choice tae embrace the dark as it was far more profitable financially and it got their ego off. Having seen much more since this one event did not shape my entire view and future opinions. I believe evil is going tae have its way with any weakness you may exhibit or anything you may obscure. I have heard stories about the angel of light that appears when you die being a trick of Satan, one last go at having your soul. I feel this is more mythical lore ridden rhetorical religiously driven nonsense! Spirits have expressed fear and concern based in this rubbish. In the linear sense, the sense of what they once had in the flesh and not being able tae let go of their former physical life. This is not the case with all spirits as I discussed earth bounds in my first book. I look at the mythical metaphorical Jesus discussed in the bible as he healed a man from Gadara who was possessed by demons, when Jesus asked the demon its name it said my name is Legion for we are many. Would it not make sense that evil is a legion of many, yeah let us give Satan its due, and say with some organized religions it no more than a feckin oversight committee.


Having said all of this I feel my views as well those stated and validated. Furthermore, said studied opinions often proclaimed to be divine fact by organized religions have been presented in appropriate format and not tae drawn out or extremely technical. I have endeavored to break down the gobbly goop that political and religious entities have in place tae discourage, those who are less fortunate in their educational background. To be more exact, I feel organized religious teachings are about as useless as the pope’s testicles.

“The world leaders of today will assure you the illusion of virtuous liberty during their reign of self-righteous tyranny” Kath Campbell 2013

The Spirit Hitchhiker Spirits are everywhere and even when we are in our most vulnerable of moments, they are still there. Did you think because you have gone to have a shower bath the spirits waited outside your door? In my personal experience if they feel the need they are right there chatting away at me shower or not. It is the everywhere you go spirits I am going to speak aboot. Should you dash off for a pizza or stop at the local grocery store for milk, you may very well pick up a spirit hitchhiker. I do not completely understand why some spirits are attracted to certain people other than to say it is our light and energy vibration. Let me give you an example. Just shy of a year ago I met an older gent at a doctor’s office who had the spirit of young woman with him. The gent agreed to speak with me and I in turn began speaking with the spirit of the young woman, who had absolutely nothing to do with this man. She was what appeared to be a complete stranger. I spoke to this man a good five minutes in a kind query, during this time I was able to, with the help of the female spirit and my guides render a message.


The spirit wanted a message given to her mother all well and fine but who is her mom and as matter of cat who is she, not a name not a clue. Until the older gent said to me, wait I know who the young women mother is I met her a few months ago at a street fair and we talked. Come to think of it, she did lose a daughter. Making a long story short message was given and case closed. I have read others who have had hitchhikers with them, family of casual friends, people they met once, or someone they knew in high school that had passed. On the other hand, stranger still someone they have never met nor had any association with, ever. There have even been instances like the aforementioned where the individual was nearly clueless as to whom was with them in spirit. I have learned in all matters concerning my abilities to expect the unexpected, the unreasonable, the unusual, and often the unbelievable.

Why Midnight and what is the purpose of dead time? I encounter spirits regardless of time or day or night. I am aware of the practice of dead time as well its being based on the crucifixion of Jesus and its related time zone. I feel a practice such as this is just a feel good measure, if it makes you feel good do it. I had a client ask me about dead time when I was scheduling an appointment for them. I said if you feel the dead are going to stay at home during the day and only do their haunting at night we need to have a long discussion, they understood me without need for further conversation on the matter. I would also like to address the subject of midnight with everyone while we are on the subject of night! You do know we live on a planet that revolves around the sun and that it is always midnight somewhere on earth. Ok now that we have addressed outer space do you really think that the spirits you wish to contact are only available when the sun is no longer visible to your eyes.


Remember its midnight elsewhere and it is also day light in another location. Most of the beliefs in midnight and dead time are gowk! They are as dim as the people who go on parrotin and blatherin this rubbish. There are no clocks in heaven to my knowledge and I talked about this in my first book. This falsity of midnight being the witching hour is hogwash. You know witches also need sleep it is the year twenty fourteen and many have day jobs working at motor vehicle where they make everyone’s life a living hell. What am I supposed to do when a spirit contacts me at eleven fifty five p.m.? Hey, wait five minutes you are not on the clock until twelve or wait it is not dead time yet so talk amongst your selves I will be back say around three a.m. What fuckelberry eat the breed cooked this up? Is there a handbook or a pamphlet given out to mediums and anyone wanting tae do a paranormal investigation? If so I am a medium, why didn’t I get that fuckin memo?


Houses and Property Hauntings looks can be deceiving I have seen and been to more than several of what you would call haunted locations. Many of these properties look just like your neighbor’s new or old hoose. A location is not simply haunted because it appears creepy in fact upon investigation of several of these alleged haunted houses it was discovered that spirit activity if any was minimal and not threatening. There are the exceptions to the rule of course. Keep in mind decrepit properties do present dangers albeit you have a better chance of falling through a rotted floorboard or stairway than you do at being harmed by a spirit. I will say that every property does have its own unique energy and vibration. As a psychic medium that is also a sensitive it is important to note that no matter the appearance of a structure or the location itself matter in respect to the dead. The dead do not necessarily look for abandoned buildings or a garden spot to set down roots and haunt, ad sarcasm. The dead are everywhere all of the time day and night and they have a reason to be where they are and therein lay the true mystery. This is where my investigations always begin, the journalistic who, what, when where, how and why are not always of immediate concern, I am not writing a story I am being told a story and there is a difference that I may later share. What is important is resolving the mysteries one at a time. You may never know all the answers then again you may, time and patience are always a necessity. Odds are a haunted house or property is not more than a stone’s throw from you right now and you may not even know it. Remember this, there are active hauntings that are residual and intelligent, they can be malicious and mendacious or inconsequential and demure.


There are many aspects to hauntings and as a medium; I say from experience that nothing is ever cut and dried there is always more and the dead not the living may very well be holding the missing pieces to the puzzle.

“One of the most remarkable things about getting old is, doing pretty much what you want, when the hell you want and not caring who sees you doing it” Kath Campbell 2013 “Indifference to all that surround you is not a noble point of view it is a negative way of life” Kath Campbell 1999


Protection Prayers and the Term Ghost Hunters This is a copy of a letter sent to fans and posted by me on my web page. I am going to say these things and although I may, sound somewhat redundant they do need to be said again. However, in light of the mail and request I receive for information I feel a need to clarify certain standings on the issues further. Many a person has come and asked me about protection prayers, specifically the prayers I use. I only disclose these prayers to those who work with me and they dinnae disclose anything to the public. This information is my own and many of these prayers are nothing like the stock and trade general use protection prayers. Each prayer is dependent on a given case and its parameters along with initial discovery during pre-physical investigation phase. Over the past few years, I have learned a great deal from a (Real Native American with Shamanic gifts) and a (Real Irish Shaman) I have recently been taught other prayers and methodology by a medium I have worked with in Scotland. I dinnae know any other way to say this but if you think a simple prayer is going to protect you from any and all harm you are ill informed and foolish. Do you really think a dark nasty entity, or a malevolent spirit gives a rat’s ass of a flying flip about your sweet little prayers? Encountering something bad for whatever reason can put you in over your head quickly and you will find yourself standing in a deep world of shit. For issues of this nature a more appropriate prayer may or may not come from a priest, a clergyman, or woman who has real and valid faith, knowledge of spirit entities and it is my personal experience that many of the Catholic prayers are in Latin.


Your protection prayers may indeed work if you have any real faith. I am not speaking of only faith in God I am saying more specifically faith in the energy of the Universe with its balance of light and darkness. Understanding this as well being of faith in God is a plus. A prayer and even a faith are no guarantee or magic shield that is going to protect you from being choked, bitten, and knocked down, having your breath taken away and even having your heart stopped to the point an ambulance is called to transport you to a hospital ER. I am not making these statements in jest or cavalier manner they are FACTS! These things have and do happen during investigations. Nearly everything you see on these paranormal Ghost Hunting shows and their various sick spins is mindless fodder, its entertainment and nothing more. I am not talking about mediums or psychics. I am talking about a group of chookters and yahoos out to catch them some Ghost so they can offer up some cornpone jacksy nonsense. I was asked by a friend to watch a recent TV show featuring one such group of idjits from Tennessee in which they blew up a box alleged to contain a spirit, Mockery, Buggery, and Fucking ignorance at its best. This is not the way things are done people! These idjits are not represent of the legitimate scientific “paranormal investigators� worldwide. These people are entertainers not educators!


The rights and wrongs of proper blessings One manner in which to rid your home or place of business of nasty spirit energy is to perform a blessing. Unfortunately, this is usually performed by someone who has no freggin idea what they are doing. They may have read an article by someone who has never done something of this sort in a proper manner and then parroted the disinformation as if it where etched in bloody stone. If you are instructed by a valid medium or Wiccan in the blessing procedure and know what type of blessing is needed, you may accomplish your goal at least in part. If there is a nasty entity in your home, you may need to seek a holy person and a valid medium. Potential clients have come to me and said well you are just going to sprinkle herbs and smoke all over and that is it. WRONG! There are prayers said, and they are done so with faith and belief in God and or the universe. Holy water and oils may also be a part of the blessing. You need to stay clear of the hocus pocus and people holding strange rituals complete with robes and props. These things are not only silly they are just going to aggravate the situation. Although you may or may not have temporary relief, while a spirit pauses to laugh their spiritual erse off at your dumb ritual, be aware the relief is temporary. When I perform a basic blessing, I use holy water, oil, prayers, special mixtures of herbs, occasionally types of salts and more importantly, faith. If you do not have faith in something positive and larger than yourself, you are wasting your time and mine. If you have an entity or entities, spirits, inhabiting your home or business they may mock your lack of faith and go back to causing you problems. The issues you had before may well escalate after your demonstrating lack of faith. To be blunt you cannae just speak the words you must believe in the purpose and strength.


The preacher filled with judgment, ignorance, and hate is going to turn a nightmare into a living hell should you have nasty entities and or spirits in your home or business. I am talking about fire and brimstone preachers, those who pass judgment on anyone by teaching others to reject and despise a group or individual for whatever ludicrous reason. These people generally continue their ridiculous rhetorical diatribe by proclaiming some obscure absurdity to be sinful. I am talking about religious hate, political hate, and sexual orientation hate! I am going to point a finger here and say Evangelicals are notorious for this sort of shit. Most have no training in psychology nor have they obtained a doctor of Deuteronomy degree both of which require faith and dedication to a positive purpose I am not going to make the bold statement that all those with this knowledge have the wisdom to embrace and balance all of their positive and negative aspects. If you deal with a spirit of unknown faith or origin, its best to seek a member of an established organized faith and herein lay, my reason. Spirits that are earthbound provided they are lucid may still be clinging to their life as a physical being in some manner. Odds are this person now spirit if raised with a faith was done so with an organized religion. These spirits are more open to listening to a nonjudgmental person of organized religion than a hate filled someone who stands with an open bible screaming the name Jesus long and loud. The lack of one of the aforementioned is but reason some blessings of inhabited properties tend to fail. One of the keys to a successful blessing of a troubled property is patience, knowledge, wisdom, and faith and the practice of all four. My advice is to employ a valid medium if possible. A clergywoman or man that embraces the positive and will not stand giving you a sermon on the bible and lecture you on what church you should attend is a plus.


You may also have need of a valid Wiccan, a real Shaman or someone with the training and knowledge. I say this as a warning, go with your gut feelings. If you hire someone, who has no training or even a modicum of experience you may create large problems from small issues. No blessing or procedure is, guaranteed to be a cure all. If there are, demonic activities or entities present that have a foothold in you and or your home the parameters change drastically and a much different course of action may need to be discussed with a valid medium. The key factor in any blessing process and removal of negativity is the 'You and Yours' factor. If you live a negative life with negative people and have an abundance of negativity and drama at your location odds are a blessing is not what you need. A blessing will not resolve all of your social and economic ills that are something you must do. Once a blessing has been performed it is up to you to practice good judgment and make not only your home an environment clean of negativity but maintain a life clear of any and all major negativity. There is a balance between positive and negative you can acquire this balance through a lifestyle that is heavy with love, understanding and extra light on drama.

Before Hiring a Paranormal investigator Talking points‌ Anyone can buy a night vision camera, digital recorder and a spirit box then set up a web page, put some friends together, and call them-selves Ghost Hunters, or Paranormal Investigators. A slick or official sounding name for their group does nothing for me. I would be more concerned with who they are as individuals and what their capabilities are as a team.


It is important to know if the individuals you are speaking with are serious investigators or if they do this for a thrill. You dinnae want someone in your home that is going to cause you more problems than you have currently. A person who has little to no idea what in bloody blazes they are doing is not a person you want walking around in the dark in your home, armed with God knows what. I have met so-called investigators that carried knives and even handguns on site. Can you say WTF? I understand protecting your equipment but sweet Jesus you dinnae need to get all Chuck Norris on a case you are launching and investigation not a fuckin armed incursion. You want levelheaded thinkers doing an investigation, people who are objective and able to keep their composure abouve all, without shooting or blowing the freggin place up. You dinnae want an investigator that hears a sound, sees something then freaks out leaving a stream of what the fuck was that dudes behind them. Do not permit any of these investigators to dazzle you with an equipment list that sounds like it came from the space station! You need a person who has people and communication skills as well an honest respect for the living and the dead. This skill is far more impressive than hiring someone who is able to shoot film standing in a dark attic with a keen looking camera and outrageous bodacious cool sound equipment. Who will be there when the physical investigation takes place? It is understandable that the client be there with one other person, if the client has health issues they need to designate someone to accompany the investigators in their stead and may wish to remove themselves to another location for a few hours. This is not a time to invite your mates over for beers and a midnight toe jam; this includes anyone on the investigative team. It is not old home night, the fewer people on the physical investigation the better. You do not want any non-essential personal hanging about with hands in pockets. This rule applies to everyone involved, client and team!


When is free not free? Many of these groups claim to investigate your location and address your issues free of charge. What are they going to do with the findings of their investigation? Do you have any guarantee they will not upload footage and sound samples, taken during their investigation at your location, to online file sharing groups, social media, and you tube? If not you need to secure your privacy, or face having the entire world look at the inside of your home, you, and your family need consider this may be an invitation for trouble. You should arrange to view all of the footage, not parts, but all and listen to all of the digital sound recordings. Work out an agreement as to what you will permit to be shared and shown on the internet and make sure your name is protected, not everyone is as open minded as you and the investigators. Hire someone who will also be scientific and seek to debunk and rule out things like creaky doors, windows, floorboards, pipes, appliances, and poor wiring. You want to be sure what is taking place is in fact paranormal or supernatural. Important NOTE: If the activity at the location is violent, harm being done, objects being thrown or situations, which may be deemed as potentially dangerous, you are in need of much more than a group of paranormal investigators. Do not permit any paranormal group to investigate a property if any of the abouve applies until options including hiring a medium have been explored. You need to discuss things such as the clergy and or a valid medium or in some cases both with the addition of a Shaman or Wiccan. Someone more acclimated and educated in supernatural and paranormal phenomena will need to investigate with or without your team. I like to put my own teams together, if I am able to make use one of your investigators that is fine if not they will need to stand down with the remainder of their team.


I will not have gung ho warriors, hot doggers; wanna be John Wayne’s or people who get jiggy when things happen. People with this type or personality do well in life to stay out of situations that require teamwork, vigilance, and common sense. I have been called into investigate after a group of know nothing buffoons had blown through a location leaving not only a traumatized client but also a spirit activity nightmare in their wake. NOTE: To potential clients and would be Investigators After assembling your team, you need to come up with at least two plans of action including one alternate. Reliable people are also necessary, you dinnae want a team member being a no show, it balls up the works. Do best to stick to a plan of action, designate one job per team member. For a large-scale investigation such as an abandoned two story factory my teams are assembled much like this, I always have the point right out in front, this makes sense since I am the medium and I communicate with the dead. I will have a team member that checks our location every time we stop, one who is in charge of communications, if not one but two who are in charge of tech, such as Digital recorders, and K-2 Meters as well their power sources. If filming I have one camera-person, and one assistant that records everything, when something happens they do not let loose and point the bloody camera at the ceiling or floor they keep it steady and on the physical activity, no fancy camera angles or zooming in then out, it’s their job to document what is happening in an accurate and professional manner. The only active electronics on an investigation are those being carried by team members, no cell phones are permitted, and if they are, they are turned off and I mean OFF.


All power at the location will be shut down and the only radios are com units. When I am doing a small home investigation, one of the first orders of business is to rule out any natural causes for perceived phenomena. Things such as creaky doors, floors, windows, and noisy appliances are most important to any investigation. I usually carry a digital recorder, I have no need of a camera, franks box etc. If a client wants to film, arrangements can be made. I may request the power be shut down this depends on what I find initially before my walk through. I generally have one of my people with me on investigation, and I often travel with another valid medium whose gifts differ from my own. In all cases, I will speak with a client personally before I accept an investigation. I may speak with the client, should they be present, during the physical investigation. I will always set down, usually after my walk, to discuss any and all my findings as well options. There may be an issue I can resolve myself or offer another possible solution if applicable. If this be the case in point, I will ask if I may take that action. I believe in keeping the client in the loop, what I know they will know and I only ask vice versa. I explain my duties and abilities as both a psychic and a medium throughout my first and again in this, my second book. It should be clear by now what I am and am not capable of doing. I wish all of you well and in in the spirit of co-operation remember the Goldilocks syndrome, everything must be just right to accomplish the task at hand or a bear may bite your face off.


“The sound of a firearm charging hammer, the smell of smoke and the unknown person dressed like a giant Easter bunny knocking on my bedroom door, sayin here kitty, kitty, now that’s livin on the edge” Kath Campbell 1988 “Neither the essence or wisdom of truth can be validated by humankind; the absolution of truth is exclusively the universal Gods domain” Kath Campbell 2011 “We are a culmination of cause and effect, the grand human design, and the spiritual experiment, when our seasons of life end, they end, but we do not, our journey is infinite” Kath Campbell 2012 You know they used to sell Raisin Bran cereal by saying it’s got two scoops of raisins. I was the only seven year old to ask if this is a selling point, how big are the scoops. Makes ya think don’t it! I was a difficult child! Kath Campbell 2014


My Seasons of Life I have looked at my past, present, and possible future to discover what I call “My Seasons of Life.” Much like winters, springs, summers, and falls we all have them. Moreover, we have just so many of these seasons in this lifetime. A personal certainty within all of these seasons is that not once did the earth revolve around me. I will never be seven again, never be sweet sixteen again, not that I ever was. I will never again experience my first kiss, first love, first child, home, and car. A lot of freggin first on this journey through life, incredible aint it. What I now find important to me is what I have and have not done with not only the years but also the seasons. I will admit to having frittered many of the years away on nonsense and putting up with other people’s bullshit. Much having to do with my thinking it was my sole purpose in life to make everyone happy, a belief that was both impractical and foolish. I was also quite ill at times as I suffered from crippling migraine headaches, at least one a week. I am not going to indulge myself in a lets feel sorry for me party saying woe is me and I may have done some dumb erse things and I feel just awful about it, not happening. I asked to be forgiven by those I may have wronged the rest of that forgiveness is on them. The past is the past and I cannae change it nor do I have a burning desire to go back and live it all over again. I would like to think that I made a positive difference if not in someone’s life then in that of the living universe. Perhaps by some shared wisdom, an act of kindness or just being a caring soul on my part, I made something better or even the best it could possibly be. I do hope a negative change was not brought about by some sort of nonsense I had gotten up to. I will best guess and say I am not the only one my age who has asked themselves these questions and or entertained these thoughts. It is often easier to look at myself through the eyes of others; the down side is that look is both a plus and a minus.


If you give the matter, some thought the pros and cons expressed by others that we embrace are but a small part of what we are comprised of anyway because we ultimately exercise individual choice. By the time, you will have reached my age you will most likely not give two flying flips and a fruitcake what anyone thinks of you or about you. I have no intent on holding a symposium on my life by way of this article. I am pointing out that all of us reach a point in our lives when we look back even for just a brief moment, take a breath and say my God it did happen and I remember. I have recently looked back at what was and said WTF as well my God I survived! Several times, I might add and even noted this in my first book. To the aging men I say it makes not matter if your Johnson is so big it has a gift shop, a lift and serves takeout food. Elderly women I do not care if you can toss your tootie in the air and it turns into sunshine. Here is a news flash my friends, your body is not only going to get old and change, but parts of it will simply stop working. To many of the men your wives will be buying you gingko balboa so you can remember what it was like when you could get a slice of the ole ginger. Ladies you will probably become even more family focused or civic-minded not that the majority of us really cared about sex now did we, laughter. Although some of us still enjoy cuddling or holding hands we also enjoy a heighten awareness of our personal relevance to others. Suddenly we have value, real quality aye. Those of us with children may be re-discovering our youth through grandchildren and great grandchildren. We may also be keen on being an active part and shared memory of their seasons of life. I feel those of you who are able to enjoy these things are not only fortunate but blessed. A student medium said to me that my generation had done so little with so much in the way of time and education. I beg to differ and permit me a response, my generation did much with little and the little we had we gave thanks for daily.


We made time for little things such as family and friends, we took care with our little responsibilities to each other and the little world, we did something else, and that was we shared what little we had with those who had not! Some of us are still trying to relive our youth and this is all well and fine, we all should experience a mid-life crisis at least once or is it we all get a mid-life crisis once, I always get that part confused. There are those of us, my self-included, who have physical ailments but still full of pish and vinegar. Moreover, we have the maturity to show restraint in most of what we are set on doing as we make ready to enter the next life, that being the afterlife. Say you’re not ready to experience that next step in your personal evolution yet; I can honestly understand your feelings. There are exceptions to the rules of restraint one being a nymphomaniac I know in Canada who has two diehard batteries hooked to a vibrator and a fifty-five gallon drum of lubricant. She is determined to reach paradise, nightly I might add, before her physical death. I do so admire her enthusiasm but her methods are a bit crude and I can only imagine quite exhausting. The importance you place on physical and emotional stimuli will also change, if you say no not me you are only kidding yourself. The most difficult part of my life and the transition to old age has been surviving enough of it to create new and positive memories to share with old friends and share what few good but old memories with new friends!

You dinnae see that part 1 and ½ Journal, Jotter, entry April 20th 2011

As many of you have no doubt surmised, my dad was quite an oddball during my childhood. This is a story of yet another of my father’s frail and now classic sidesplitting moments. My father had a friend who had opened a pizza shop in a new location. I was visiting my parents on holiday and dad wanted to take the family to dinner so off we went.


When we arrived at the pizza joint, as dad called it, it was pishing down rain. As he exited the car, he said to my mother I will race you to the door meaning the open door leading into the pizza parlor. From a distance, I could see inside this small vestibule area a place to hang your coats on hooks. I also spotted a cigarette machine, for the younger of you, these behemoth machines adverted various brands of cigarettes. In order to make a purchase you put the coins in the slot then pulled the handle with the corresponding brand and out came a packet of cigarettes. My mother barely got the word NO out of her mouth when dad made his dash for the door. He went in feet first after slipping on the wet floor inside, he slid in, kind a like a ball player stealing third with his feet hitting the cigarette machine instead. You guessed it the machine came down on top of dear ole dad. My mother was in tears and people were trying to open the other inside door that dad and the machine were now blocking. The owner went out the back door and came round the front. There lay my dad who was hardly able to budge this monstrosity. I could see his face getting red as he pushed, and not getting any advantage he persisted. A moment or two later three men began helping him lift the machine up and off then place it back against the wall. Dad was unscathed, well maybe his pride and ego were a bit bruised because what he said next was no tremendous shock. He looked into the dining room and said everyone’s dinner is on me and “you didn’t see that”


“In a physical realm the living are far more destructive and devious than the dead� Kath Campbell 11-3-2013

The Inhabitants of floor number three My sister was scheduled to have a mass removed in August 2013 and a week before the surgery was to take place she was rushed to the hospital ER and was shortly thereafter in emergency surgery. They removed the mass the size of a football; they also found cancer and removed that. My sister now has lower body scans every few months to make sure they got all the cancer, so far so good. There is more to this story but I want to focus on her hospital stay and what happened when I met the inhabitants of floor number three. The Hospital This is not an old facility I understand it may have been built in the sixties; it also had a bad reputation. For years, many called it the roach motel because of its low standards and numerous deaths. However, this facility had recently been taken over by a major university and is now one of the best in this area of the country. I had undergone a vocal cord surgery at this hospital a short time before Shay was taken ill, during my prep and before any drugs had been administered I saw a Reaper. Seeing a Reaper is nothing unusual, in any hospital, where there is death there are spirits, angels, and reapers. The Third Floor I was going to the third floor ICU to see my sister, as she was there recovering from the emergency surgery. I was going to a floor of the hospital I had never set foot inn and was quite anxious to see what the University had done with this part of the facility. I would soon find myself stepping through a doorway into a madness of suffering unlike anything I had ever encountered as a medium.


I have seen abandoned hospitals that are active and my experiences in them had been understandably a bit strange. This was different because I was entering a fully staffed and operational facility. The Inhabitants As the doors of the lift opened to reveal a hallway, my stomach and arms began to flutter with psychic tells. I was instantly overwhelmed by a deafening feeling of hopelessness and despair. Dear God my flags went up and the psychic alarms began firing away in a barrage of sights and sounds. The moment I set foot through the doors, I heard a male voice say “the gypsy witch lies dinnae listen to her”. Yeah and it is nice to meet you as well, now how do I get to the ICU. I stopped at the nurse’s desks to ask for directions and it was then I saw a male spirit hitting a nearby wall. I stayed the course and as I turned I found myself standing face to face with another male spirit who told me to and I quote” get the fuck out”. I paid no attention and walked through the doors into the intensive care unit. I must say it looked impressive; talk about well-equipped they even had the machine that goes Ping! I surveyed the room as quickly as possible and saw several spirit people. These spirit people seemed somewhat calm and attentive to the living. I understood two of them to be watchers and the others were family members who had crossed just seeing to their loved ones care. Beyond the double doors, leading out of the ICU there was something far from harmless; these spirits were disturbed in ways I can only say are nothing short of insanity. As I walked through the ICU I felt as if time began to slow down, it was surreal. All I could think was my sister is in this place I must do my best to see she is cared for properly and also protect her. I entered her room and for only a moment saw a tall low caste angelic then it was gone. Crazy flippin aunt Millie suddenly makes her presence known, by saying with she will be ok, now cool your heels.


One of her many American potato headed Irish phrases, how bloody quaint. I am far from any mood to be trifled, or mucked about in any fashion. I do need my inner calm right now, like I have not needed it in years. I could see and soon hear Shay still in a haze from the surgery as she began telling me what the doctor had said. Once we finished speaking, I headed to the waiting, area to make phone calls and update everyone. As I left the unit, I felt a little better after seeing the angel and hearing from the family chief nutter in charge, yeah I need a pep rally. My primary concern during all this activity is Shay. Still unable to shake the bad feelings I was not quite prepared for what I was about to witness and experience next. As I stepped out of the ICU into the open corridor facing the nurse’s station, again I heard a male voice say “dinnae listen to the witch.” I ignored it and started down the hallway filled with dead people. It became obvious after trying to speak with two of them that none of these people had any ability to reason, ever. In other words, they were never aware of any reality in their physical lives. Each was lost inside of their illness while in the flesh; in turn, they were now trapped in a spirit prison after their death. The spirit aspect of this place appeared to be run by former caregivers. You may recall one former caregiver introducing himself to me as I stepped off the lift. “The gypsy witch lies, dinnae listen to her” The other saying “get the fuck out.” This spirit prison of sorts can only be described as a miserable suffering hell. One important thing you should make note of and that is the caretakers gave me the ill feeling they may had been emotionally disturbed while living the flesh, to me they were crazier than a couple of shit house rats and each two blinks short of a light beam. I have met spirits that had been mentally ill before their death and the majorities were quite cognizant, but this was not the case here and now. Their former caregiver jailers seemed cognizant, and they also appeared to be dominant, territorial, and extremely angry.


I noticed a spirit woman briskly ducking in and out of rooms as if she were playing a game as yet another male spirit stood in the hallway moving his arms and head erratically. I tried again to communicate with no success. This was disheartening as these poor people were suffering in ways I have no definition for. I was feeling all of it; as it drew out a raw emotional response, to wit, I covered my mouth and tried to hold back the tears. My own day had become a nightmare when Shay was rushed to the hospital the night before and now this. Looking for a coffee machine, I wandered into a waiting area only to see a psychic past flash back of an old hospital bed and a spirit man standing at the base slamming his knees into the bed as if trying to move it. I heard a clicking nose and looked up to see the head, arms and torso of a male spirit that was literally hanging upside down through the ceiling banging on the upper part of the windows that overlooked a back lawn area of the hospital. I heard someone wheezing and turned to see the spirit of a woman standing inside the door of the waiting room just rocking back and forth. This was yet another non-cognizant spirit suffering in their private hell. I drew a breath shut my eyes a moment then opened them quickly as I walked into the center of the hallway. Then I took a step back into the waiting room, damn near running into the coffee machine. If not for my being a medium, I may have paused to think whether someone had put freggin LSD in my rice crispies that morning because this redefined insane by anyone’s measure, even in any hell this would be a fucking nightmare. I have never experienced anything like this before and it was really upsetting me. Shay was also in this place and that on top of all the other shenanigans was beginning to freak me the fuck out. Ok deep breaths now keep it together work the problem there is a solution. There is a solution to every issue and every problem. I am usually my calm and cool sarcastic self but this was getting at me in a big way.


I permitted my concern for Shays well-being to interfere with my objectivity with regard to the paranormal activity. I realized this and did not permit it to continue, I drew another breath said a silent prayer and regrouped my objectivity and clarity. I was to make phone calls and focus on the issues having to do with the living that needed my attention so I could pass on the surgery related information. I had to speak of Shays condition and this I assure you was not going to be a problem. So here, I am looking at a half the spirit of a freggin dead guy hanging from the fucking ceiling banging on a window, while listening to the spirit of a woman screaming in the hallway. What a dead brilliant way to pass the feckin day. I am not getting back on that lift and going all the way to the parking lot to make calls pish on that. Now as I am on the phone with people trying to concentrate and interact with them I look around to see a large shadow creep up the wall and across the ceiling. What fuckery is this now? I am thinking tap-dancin Jesus H Christ in a surgical suite this is buggar all madness. There are angels here I saw them why are they not helping these people? A few moments later during a call I was on the person at the other end wanted to ask me several questions I dinnae have the answer to, I said I am sorry but I have told you everything I have been told. To wit, they replied well I do not understand why the doctor did this and that. I am sorry, I dinnae know why this was done and again they said well I had this and that, I said stop right now! They anticipated what would follow would be less than polite. Mind you, emotions were peaking so they mentioned their being busy and excused themselves sparing me the negativity for which I am quite thankful. The person on the other end of this call is someone I have regard for and they have been fairly nice to me. No sooner had I hung up when my stomach let go with an ole Hilda in the dustbin.


Now more phone calls and all went well. When I began, again everyone was quite polite. As I finished the calls and said the hell with coffee I thought feck this, it’s time to dance with the dead then stepped into the hall. Again, I spotted a spirit ducking in and out of rooms. Nothing had changed with exception of a spirit woman standing outside one of the many rooms that lined the short halls and corridors; she was touching herself in a way I prefer not describing. I stood there outside the waiting room door and closed my eyes drew a breath and thought, maybe I can help someone cross, cognizant, or not. Abruptly I felt hands on me and at that, my eyes immediately opened. I was standing toe to toe, with what looked like to be a spirit entity, no face just a blur, the energy was male, and this bugger was really pissed off about something. What bothered me was I could not see him clearly and that threw me. He was telling me to” get the fuck out.” This former caregiver or present jailor was letting me know he was the top man, dear lord this spirit seethed nothing but dark anger and rage. I felt that given the opportunity this spirit would literally kill me. I was unsure if he and the other caregiver were working together in keeping the others at this location as I felt many had been here for decades. This spirit man demanded I leave then he yelled, “dinnae listen to the bitch she lie’s” I said oh so you are the mystery voice? You now have my attention I smiled and said well now; let us have a go shall we? Why dinnae you step into the light and permit me to see you? You cowardly little man, you have no power over me now stand back. After the energy had backed away he yelled again, get the fuck out. To wit, I replied I am going to stay and please dinnae go too far away I will be right with you, I have something for you. I had been speaking with my guides this entire time and they were doing their best to help me. Out came the black salt and herbs, I dispersed this like a wild woman making snow cones while running a salter in an ice storm. [123]

I was working my way back to the ICU doorway. I walked back in and there was my sis sound asleep. I withdrew something special from my purse and placed it in a line with the black salt on the windowsill while saying a special prayer, I scattered this around her bed and on my way out at the entrance to her room. The black salt I use and contrary to belief it a salt mixture that is not edible. I also had something with me I could have used as banishment but that would send out all spirit energy! I did not want that to happen because there were spirits there seeing to their family members and protecting others. I stepped back through the double ICU doors again and into the hallway, now I was holding a large Celtic cross that had come from Ireland blessed by both a Priest and an Irish Shaman. I said ok lad we’re going to dance the night away and I began to pray. I no sooner began the prayer when, the male energy appeared again and this time it was keeping its distance. I closed my eyes for but a moment then tried to manifest a vortex and was abruptly halted by someone pushing a cart with cleaning supplies on it. She asked me whom I was speaking too, I replied oh that, that’s just a pissed off dead guy. She just looked at me and I said its ok I’m a medium and I see these things all the time no cause for alarm here, almost as if I waved an Obi Wan Kenobi hand to say, nothing to see here, I am not the medium you’re looking for, move along. She stopped speaking, walked away then came back a moment later and said aren’t you that medium a couple of people that work here have been telling me about? Do you know so and so that works in…. I said yes I do and yes I am a medium, ya got me what can I say. She wanted to converse and I said I am in the middle of dealing with something that I feel better not discussing at the moment as my brain goes hamana-hamana- hamana! If I might offer you a word of advice, please leave the area quickly and with great haste young lady, which she did immediately.


I closed my eyes a moment, re-set and began again. I said dear Michael bring forth your armies, defend me from battle, stand by me and set your shield against this darkness, draw your sword so it may know the power of God and send it to whatever master it serves. It was then the male was gone, I mean as in no longer here! A guide stepped forward and said’ all gone.’ I dinnae know what happened to the other angry jailor, perhaps there was only one who was playing trickster. What I find odd is I felt two distinctly different energies when dealing with the Bobbsey twins. I was tired and thought well I have done all I can at this time and I need to leave. I have taken measure to protect Shay and she was my paramount concern. I could see the same tormented spirits in this short corridor as I pushed the button calling the lift. The doors slowly opened and I stepped inside to a brief moment of calm as the steel box slowly sank to the first floor. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing my sister was under the care of the living in this building and the watchful eyes of the Universal God, the angel, and family members who had crossed. It gave me some comfort to return home knowing what I had done was adequate to protect her at that time. I must have sat in the car park a solid five minutes drained and in tears. I pulled it together took another breath and then I somehow managed the drive home. When I arrived I found the spirits of two women waiting for me, they had followed me from the ER earlier when sis had been admitted. The day had not ended this was going to be one hell of a night and I am still not ready to discuss that so I will let it be for now. The following afternoon they moved Shay to a room that placed her smack dab in the middle of the madness I tried to clear out. She later called to ask me if I could take care of a few things instead of visiting her and I reluctantly agreed. Word of advice never argue with Shay because she is so kind you will end up feeling like an erse for having disagreed with her and the pain of it all is she is usually in the right. [125]

I rang her that evening and she told me the next day the doctor would be releasing her from the hospital. I drove up the next morning and went back to the third floor and again I saw the same sad and insane spirits I had a few days before. I was not greeted by an angry caretaker, but sensed the energy to be nearby, but reluctant to show itself. I kept it together so she and I could get out of the building. She later told me of the shadows seen creeping up the walls of her private room. There was something else she told me, something I have never encountered nor heard aboot. Outside of the four large hospital windows, her room faced a dark courtyard, she saw not one but thousands of tiny lights moving as if trying to get into her room and the building. Not fireflies, not orbs, she described them as tiny specs of light resembling crystals. I have no clear opinion as to what the lights were or where they came from so I will simply say let’s place speculation to rest until I investigate further. Considering my personal experiences with the hospitals resident spirits, I am happy that is all she was able to see and uneventful at that. After she had mended a bit more I shared my experiences. Of all the other things, I have seen and heard as a medium this one hit the top of my all-time creeped the fuck out list. Yes, it is a hospital but nevertheless it bothered me that this was a fully staffed medical facility that housed non-cognizant dead people that were suffering in their own madness. Looking back and hoping for a future resolve Shortly after sis arrived, home and I saw to her care I contacted another medium, one that has some training in psychology and deals with non-cognizant spirits. They hope to make a trip later this year to see if they can help one or all of these tormented souls across the bridge to the light. What makes this matter even more difficult for to me to set aside is ignorance, and that ignorance is based squarely in denial fed by organized religion.


If I were to approach the hospitals administrators, they would throw a net over me and place me in a padded room. How sad as some of us piously claim to know of mind of God yet assume all ends well when anyone of us dies regardless of our physical life issues and afflictions. What I experienced has in fact forever changed me; I had even questioned my own faith in the universal God. That day on the third floor, I had no doubt that the universal God and the angels were watching over Shay and they certainly looked after yours truly. The nightmare that this was, it reminded me of an ungodly yet famous film quote from the Phantasm series of films. It was so aptly and eerily stated by its fictional caretaker of the dead, Jebadiah Morningside aka The Tall Man. “You think that when you die you go to heaven, you come to US!� As for Inhabitants of Floor Number Three I continue to pray for their freedom and divine intervention. I think of them and their living in their endless madness. I am hopeful the other medium will be of some help so they may find their way home to the light. If I may be of further help, I will lend any and all aid all they need do is ask. I am unaware of mental patients having ever been housed at this facility. It is horrible that the spirits there had also been mistreated by those whom had taken an oath to see to their well-being when they were alive. Hence my opening quotation with regard to the living!


Update on Floor Number three. November 2015 In October of twenty fourteen I was rushed to a hospital where I was diagnosed with kidney failure. The damage is irreversible all I can do is take steps to slow it down. When I was admitted to the hospital, it was on the same floor only opposite wing that Shay had been during her emergency stay. Although not on the same wing, it was the same floor and it was very active. There was a spirit woman who stood at the entrance to my room during my entire stay. I asked her why she was there and her answer was ‘I’m just waiting’ Being in extreme pain is one thing but to have a spirit tell you they are waiting is disconcerting. Waiting for what? As I lay in my hospital bed the mourning they admitted me I saw a man, wearing a ball cap type of hat, or so I thought until later. He walked right toward me then right through me. Other than being in misery of pain, for which they gave me a mild pain killer, gee thanks a fuck of a lot, I felt nothing bad from the man or the woman. I had a nurse call me sir, my legal name is Kathryn my legal gender is female, to wit I responded please don’t do that, she replied what, I said don’t fuckin call me sir are we clear then she left the room, absofuckinloutly fantastic as if I needed this shit. I had a nasty experience with this hospital during my transition in the nineteen nineties, and here we go again. The nurse, returned roughly thirty minutes later and apologized adding that UPMC is an inclusive hospital, I later learned that she had work at the hospital before UPMC had taken over, that explains a lot. After being discharged with even more bad news I sat at home that day I finally snapped and cried for hours as Shay did everything humanly possible to make me comfortable. The man was my grandfather wearing the fishing cap I had given him when I was eleven years old, and lost in the nineties when my home was torched by the local fire marshal in Madera, Pa who told me he did it. The woman I believe to be my aunt Anna, mum sister, who by the way never liked me.


A responsibility to one’s self How you live life is a personal choice and not that of another, any life lain out and plotted before you by deceitful mentors is no more than a distractive and frugal façade. Should you decide to embrace and invest in your own destiny by laying down those illusory shackles be prepared to embrace the wondrous beauty and freedom of veracity. “My grandmother always said “If you can teach someone something positive by way of laughter you will have become the greatest teacher in the universe” I am of course paraphrasing my grandmother Georgianna Kath Campbell 2014


The pillars of power and the third Eye People are always bitching about change; they want to see change but not just any change. Change that they feel is good for them and in the case of some radicles; they want to decide what change is beneficial to everyone. I discussed balance of God and Satan in the book and the acquisition and maintenance of that balance. Let me discuss one view of balance that has been slanted to the benefit of certain societies or has it. There are societies that believe that three pillars are needed for balance of all that is in the universe, the studies of the significance of the number three, and a few others, has reached a financial expenditure of absurdity. It’s my firm belief that you could make and distribute a lot of hot meals with what they spend on researching the number three. The three pillars being represent of balance make a degree of sense depending on your point of view. The third pillar is always represent of the third and all seeing eye, alleged to be in possession of those with some secret knowledge and wisdom of the ages only available exclusively to secret society’s. The people in possession of the knowledge are in possession of a how to book that provides the balance to any of civil society’s needs, and most accept this as truth, right! Herein, is the smoke and here is the mirror, hang on and prepare to wake the fuck up from your media fed religiously and politically induced dream. The smoke is the lie that the third eye is in possession and exclusive employ of the secret societies and elite, they perpetuate this lie through insertion into media via books and television. The mirror is that which is being parroted back and added to by the media and ourselves hence a reflected view of the public based on and in those lies. These so called societies are no more than club houses designed by the rich to play God and great deciders of whom gets what toys and when.


The only power they have acquired is that, which we gave them, there was no physical war to seize power over the human mind. These wanna be Gods inserted themselves into society and ate away at democracy like a hidden feckin cancerous tumor, telling you and I there is a secret we need to investigate. We must know these secrets and keep busy chasing our tails, dinnae worry they will handle everything that matters for us, because they care and they know. We spend billions searching caves and landscapes of ancient civilizations in search of their secrets, and who funds every Daniel and Dora the explorer? Those who run and are part of the secret societies you are seeking to expose! Hello, are you listening to me? Do you really think that a group like the Masons or any other secret society is going to provide you with the means and methods to topple their fuckin tree house? If so I have a bridge, I would like to sell it to you cheap! Here is the truth ‘WE’ are the third eye! Yes, you and I are the third eye they refer to in their pillars of power belief in universal balance. We have the capability to see and know all things, yet we clutter our minds and our beings with negative unnecessary pursuits of selfish grandeurs and foolish folly. You still want change, here is a truth aboot change and it is going to hurt a lot of you lazy complacent flatulating butt headed moaners, but change requires personal commitment that means YOU must! Participate in LIFE by getting off YOUR arse and committing to change. Revolutions bring about change and we can agree we all want change, but the fact is no one is willing to commit and take the risk of losing all their material goods, imprisonment, and possibly death. Because you all live in FEAR of losing your stuff and dying! That third eye that is all seeing and in your possession is covered in and blinded by the shit you embrace.


Let us say you commit to change something big like voting away the access to the cash coffers of the greedy politicians and Zionist. Good luck with that we all saw what happened when they shut down the American government in October of twentythirteen. Some of the biggest talkers and opinionated armchair warriors bowed up with their all too familiar I am gonna kick some ass with guns and rockets, USA, USA! Chant. They even took off their ball caps and snapped to attention then slowly saluted the American flag in the parking lot of the liquor store they just bought beer and lotto tickets at; they completed their mission with a hearty spoken God Bless the United States of America. Then did an about face and headed for their vehicle, beer under one arm and lotto tickets in back pocket. After all, you, cannae have a revolution without making a feckin beer run and buying a million lotto tickets. When push came to shove these loud mouths curled up in an erse ball on their living room floors. Promptly placing one thumb in their arse and sucking their other while the unconnected wealthy jockeyed for a favorable position in the new Empire during this bloodless coup d’Êtat of the American government. For many of you, your commitment just ended when you spent your last dollar, on beer and lotto. Well maybe a few of your group survived much like; a new political party you become generally pissed off at all those who run the government. You are able to thrive by exploiting and sandbagging your survival with a practical understanding of the blind government takeover, until the bigger fish comes along. Someone with more money, pull, and influence, someone you place your trust in to get things done in the manner you see fit. So you sign on the dotted line and within weeks you land back on your erse right where you started with an idea and nothing more than two hot pockets and a big gulp as your next and last meal. What became of that third eye?


You remember the idea that clarity of purpose and devotion will exact change? Well the third eye is still covered in shit and your change went down the crapper when you signed your trust over to the new thief and chief, let’s face it your last bit of change bought you some hot pockets and big gulp, but hey you still have your third eye! Just maybe if you wipe the dung off your face you can use it to seek spiritual enlightenment, but that also requires commitment to change and we all know how that’s workin out for you don’t we now. Those who speak loudly of change are rarely a physical part of change they are commonly called politicians, religious zealots, and Versace activist. I must also confess I do hold some degree of distain for all the chick hawk crusaders as well. I am pointing to facts and you can always knock over that third pillar and take possession of your third eye completely. Now create your own balance within yourself as the dominante and deciding factor over you and only you alone. Now that would be a change!


God, Angelic conversations and personal thoughts In my first book, I talked about our defining God by means of our shallow power driven books based in myth and fabrications mixed with truths. What we think we know is everything about God, and what some of us base our judgments on, yes judgments and is that not something that is left to God? Although the saintly and selfrighteous feel they know the mind of God they dinnae know shit. I also take issue with the word God in English form or any translation. How the feck does anyone know the name of the allpowerful creator of all things and better still who told them. What I draw upon comes not from bibles, but theology and history books some hundreds of years old and another somewhat unlimited resource that is as old as the universe and more i.e. the Knowing and Remembering. There is also the angel who speaks to me and has in fact continued to co-author documents that I chose to keep close to my vest in the last book. The angels and guides have helped me to remember things I was taught in past lives as well, there are things I just Know. What follows is in part one such document. God can be defined in human terminology as a scientist, an inquisitive sort, and yet an all-knowing oneness that incorporates a group of entities to create and perpetuate its oneness. One collective of all knowledge, that renews itself indefinitely and immeasurable. This entity and or entities studies and creates all living things on all worlds and in all dimensions. As with the Universe, in which it created some nonlinear boundaries with the exception being our earth in that we humans created our own boundaries when we created ‘time itself’ as a means of measurement. One constant we continually fight with is balance. To maintain a positive balance you must therefore have a negative, and to have absolute control over your work it is best to use yourself as a model.


This brings me to the story of the angel Satan, I have no doubt this angel is real but I do question its religiously defined motives based on some of the expressed views asserting this supernatural being to be the number one prosecutor of humanity sent by God. A US Supreme Court Justice has stated publically that “the devil is a ‘person’ who runs around causing all sorts of problems”. Keep in mind this Justice decides what the law of the land truly is and how it is defined. There is a balance, the devil being defined as the bad and God being defined as the good, makes sense does it not? Once again, there must be balance so there is need for more than one of the angel. Satan is portrayed as the most beautiful of all God’s angelic children and being a selfish child at that. Satan an angel angers God and is chucked out of Gods house and off Gods cloud. If you read a bible or most any book that spouts religious myth as fact, you probably agree. I am told things go much further than this father and son, relationship; perhaps they are brothers, sisters. When you leave the earth gender is as irrelevant as cash since spirit energies do not pro create and I didn’t see any men shoving fivers and twenties into some angelic looking ladies or gents G strings either. So if we were to meet Satan would this being be a he or a she, I say both and base my reason on angels being generally defined as ambiguous in gender. Humankind cannae scientifically prove God to be male, female. Any other supernatural being, God, and Gods components are none other than something that is misunderstood by humankind and most probably other life forms. God is only a word we humans use to describe some vengeful psychotic, yet sometimes benevolent omnipotent being when we want to make a negative point. Even as I speak to angels I find my limited human degree of thought and reason, being somewhat logical I might add, asking why this is a puzzle to me. I dinnae understand how anyone can think of God as being both hateful and loving, fair and even tempered perhaps. [135]

God sounds human to me. I dinnae not feel this being wreaks havoc at the will on all those who demand ‘It’ intervene in their childish argument. I have heard many a fool who would tell you the exact opposite. Would it surprise you if I told you that God and Satan are one in the same? A part of all that ever was and will be, God created Satan therefore God is a part of Satan as Satan is a part of God. In earnest, this is not a game of semantics it is an exercise in supernatural logic! Yeah! No doubt, the smallminded little zealots are warming up their chariots right now to cruise by my house for a midnight cleansing by fire. The angel has taught me much and never once has it mentioned the word God or any other definition known to me, Hebrew, Christian, Islamic or Buddhist, and Taoist etc. None speak the words of the angel or what the angel projects to me when it speaks of what we call God. Those projections and words I will keep to myself unless advised by the angel to share, and dinnae presume to know as fact that Satan is God as that is not true to my understanding. However, one is a part of the other and although portrayed by man as singularities that are more accurately counterparts that are just on opposing teams. Then who is God and what is God? Many of you know that much of organized religion rejects or cherry picks science but ask yourself why. Is it because they do have access to the absolute truth or that they must protect what they view as truth by continuing the lies. I am told by the angel it is neither; they do what they do so more out of human fear, and lust for power. For many let’s say, well there for the grace of God goes those Ten Commandments and all the inherent fear and lies taught by a religion. The God particle seems to be an obsession of scientist and the Church, science has spent billions to prove this theory and the church, has spent billions of dollars, and lives to disprove it. Here is the scientific proof that superior entities exists, look around you, and place random theory along with determinism aside as philosophy lessons. Look at the stars, and each other. There are your creation particles, you and all that exist is proof of the oneness that is many and remains one. [136]

If you dinnae believe in a creator, then look to the science as in any known science there must be the teacher of the basics or a group who defines the basics and truth. Hence, a creator has given you that big brain you seem to take for nothing more than an organ that serves as the central nervous system with its neurons and axons, as it fires electrical impulses as it drives the machine that is you. The perpetual creation, we casually refer to and frequently define as all living entities.


Faith, science, paranormal and supernatural abilities Talk about petrol and fire these two items are not as they say peas in a pod. A persistent fan recently asked I address these issues from the point of view being that of my psychic medium ship. I will be the first tae tell anyone there is no scientific reason known tae me for my abilities, no magic elixir, and no secret potion assuredly nothin up my sleeve. As a person of faith in the God of the universe not scriptures, I will say without a doubt that my psychic twinkle comes directly from the Universal God. I also base my reasoning on what I have experienced; having died multiple times appears to have something tae do with the personification and amplification of the gifts. Seeing, speaking, and conversing with the dead and angels is sometimes a daily struggle for me. I frequently place my religious upbringings against a reality so illuminating and frightening it is nothing short of all that is divine and holy to me. I dinnae constantly doubt myself, however, I do pause now and then tae ask the ageold question Why Me? I dinnae believe everything I see and hear, although I do find myself short of questions at times, laughter. I have met people who felt I owed them validation of my gifts. Logic and science say that human beings with psychic abilities are unjustifiable, the very same also says show me the proof as to seeing is too believe. I have done this several times and regretted doing so very much. Once I proved myself it was never enough, I felt almost as if I were being used as some sort of toy. I have run across a few TV shows aboot the paranormal, these people always ask for a sign and once they get it, they ask again, and again. Then they ask for something else. Tap dancin Jesus J Christ at what point does this begin to look like someone demanding a dog to do parlor tricks? This was what I permitted to be done to me, so I could prove myself.


Today when asked to provide proof of my abilities I would say dinnae hold your breath waiting. I dinnae have time to go round proving myself to every Tom, Dick and Mary. I feel it is a vulgar and contemptuous thing tae do in demonstrating these God given gifts in a cheap shoddy manner. I also have a strong dislike for pushy and demanding people; in that case they can pish off. There are tae my knowledge no cookie cutter versions one, two, and three when speaking of psychics and mediums we all of us differ, after all we are only human. I would not know where tae begin if asking someone, tae test my exact abilities, or those of any other gifted person. Reason being all of us are so varied and diverse in our abilities strengths, weaknesses, accuracies, and applications to give someone a generic test would render a false outcome. You dinnae believe that is fine, and be aware you are placing faith in your belief, go your way in peace but dinnae presume tae tell me what is and is not humanly possible with regard to my God given abilities. Logic and science also say that just because you dinnae believe or have proof of something’s existence does not make it any less a reality. Tae say otherwise would be equivalent tae saying the earth is flat and the stars in the sky are nothing more than lanterns illuminated by the moon. But your logic may say its ok to believe a man parted the red sea with a stick a burning bush declaring itself to be God, gave him. That was one magical piece of wood!


Affinity for Religious beliefs chosen people, fact, fiction, and truth-part-I I have yet tae meet a spirit whom had crossed, that stepped forward tae declare their political and religious affiliations. Admittedly we all of us here on earth have our own belief system and no matter what that be it is ours alone. The spirits I have spoken with that have crossed never said well I’m Jewish or I’m a Christian or Islamic, or I embrace the Universal God. I have spoken with spirits who have not crossed and discovered some of them still had a deep affinity for religion. I would go as far as tae say one in particular was ultra-religious nearly tae a point I can only define as psychologically and spiritually unhealthy. I have said that we live and constrict ourselves within a linear reality in our physical existence before death, and upon death, some of us try tae continue this reality when we enter the spirit realm. This attempt tae hang on tae the laws of linear reality can cause us tae become earthbound. Nonetheless, there are those who believe that when they die they will live in a paradise described and designated tae them by their religious leaders version of God that includes their stated beliefs. I have no absolute evidence that is contrary tae this belief heaven, paradise, is specifically designed for the individual by none-other than the universal God. I also have no evidence tae say that organized religion continues after death, nor is it applicable tae the afterlife, other than my personal experiences with those who have and have not crossed. I strongly believe and have good reason tae continue the belief that our linear investments in descript deities and politicians are moot and only cumbersome in the spiritual reality. I am being taught that death and the afterlife have nothing tae do with being a good Jew, Christian, or Islamic. Some of the more archaic religious beliefs I am aware of are an Islamic man’s being given several virgins after death.


This is something I find not only sexist but also hysterically typical of egotistical and toffee-nosed people. That alone would bring me tae ask the sex after death question and since we equate sexuality with the physical linear realm, the question is not applicable. Tae pursue this matter further would be no more than a feeble exercise in absurdity. The belief that being remembered as a good a Jew or Christian assures you an inheritance of the divine kingdom and you being placed abouve all in Gods eyes is arrogant and delusional. All religious dogma is divisive, driven by ignorance, greed, conceit, and always administered by lying pompous windbags. God’s Chosen People Speaking tae all faiths I will say with conviction that there is no such thing as ‘Gods chosen people’. This is a blatant lie perpetuated by those who would have you believe otherwise, it was inserted into Christianity by way of the Zionist edited ‘Scofield bible’ before the end of World War I. The manipulative and vile want to be Gods of humankind have taken steps tae assure them-selves a kingdom on Earth at the expense of humanity. God does not discriminate nor is God a segregationist! Someone said that deeds such as sabotaging those you seek tae control by carefully planned acts of terror, surprise, and assassination were a part of future warfare. The person who said and believed these things was Adolph Hitler. The Blue and Whites understand Hitler’s manner of draconian thought, they pioneered and implemented this in Samaria thousands of years ago. I will ask you tae think about the sources of your education, and how society along with government are being projected by the media and your leaders tae you the public. Is there a constant favoritism being played out for one nation or another, one people, or another? Give this some thought and then think about what Hitler said.


This lifetimes education came at a time in history before textbooks and encyclopedias were being aggressively edited, erased, and in some instances replaced with fiction tae reflect certain new world views. As a child, I read a plethora of books not fairytale books but historically correct and accurate textbooks, legal, along with historical documentations. This included many of the Nuremburg trial documents someone shared with us. The encyclopedias and other books also taught me about the appalling laws of Nazi, Germany that deprived the German people of their rights and made the German public, often unwillingly, swear an oath of obedience to the state. Sound familiar? The German people were not permitted to critic their own government officials or utilize other forms of peaceful dissent without threats of imprisonment or death. Sound familiar? Children were made to read hateful propaganda like ‘The Protocols of Zion’ that questioned a certain ethnic group’s plans for their fellow human-beings. They were essentially being taught how tae hate through the media and the educational system until they may become loyal tae the state. This Blue and White, New World Order, method is currently used in America and all over the world tae inspire hatred of political candidates, various sexual preferences, and orientations, create public opinion, and once again demonize ethnic and religious groups for political and financial gain. I see similarities in America’s ‘Patriot Act’ and Hitler’s ‘Enabling Act’ that are chillingly similar. The results are reflected by the current emotional and physical state of the world. I read about Napoleon, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Alexander the great, the Roman Empire, China, Russia, and ancient Samaria. History has taught me about the, who, what, and where in regards to the introduction of communism, antimonarchism, and democracy into society. Fascism, Racism, Taoism and Totalitarianism, Maoism I read about it.


I read about societies and humankinds history as told by people and by historians. Instead of reading about one version or one side of history, I read the stories of those who lost the wars as well the victors. By reading books written by religions theologians, philosophers, and teachers, I essentially became a student of life. Being beaten and bullied at school forced me to stay indoors and when not a school I was playing the piano or being taught these things by my grandmother. She was a walking history book and a very good teacher who was open-minded and did not restrict herself tae one single political or religious doctrine. There are times I simply knew things and other in which I asked my grandma or my teacher’s questions. Whereas a teacher would not invest the time my grandma would help me discover the answers. If none appeared to be available, they would be found usually by her and validated. There is nothing unusual about my education because we did not have the internet, cable TV, video games, laptops, and IPads. Everything I read, minus the previously edited King James Bible was written before the insertion of extensive untruths by means of consistent textual and media trickery into history including Christianity. The thought of God decrying that one group of human beings should look upon another, i.e. the goyim, as only slaves and vermin would make God a bigoted and hateful being. Based on my modest educational background and all I have acquired in this life and the lives before this I dinnae subscribe tae any of the biased and prejudicial bosh being rolled out to the public. Do you really think that God designed the entire earth for those who only believe in, and are born into a certain ethnic group? This is but on one of the biggest frauds perpetrated by religions and political power brokers upon the human race. These same tin gods have hi jacked Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and all religions. It is alleged that Yeshua (Jesus) spoke of these ‘moneychangers’, and their being false.


Although I do not endorse any holy book or faith, what some Jesus loving Christians and Jews hate, is that Yeshua was describing the personal and business practices of this wellorganized notorious group. This group has been collectively, described, named, and revealed to me during several conversations with an angel. I chose to call this group and their supporters “The Blue and Whites” That is not what the Angel called them. I identified them by their Blue and White arm bands. These arm bands feature circular Blue and White patches similar in colour and size to those currently worn by UN workers with a distinct difference. These have a Star of David in the center and seven white stars surrounding it.

Fact, Fiction, and Truth I feel some people are clueless having bought into everything they are taught and fed through media and educational outlets without question. Some of these poor continually mislead individuals think God is no more than a fecking game show host who is going to offer them prizes and great deals on eternity for having subscribed to certain ideological and theological views and their practices. Some believe that they can make deals with God, and upon their death they will be guest on a quiz program offering them a choice of three mystery doors in heaven. As ridiculous, as it sounds it is all true as I have met people who think in these terms. I dinnae know why but when I picture this scene I see a man wearing, a white suit and reading from prepared notes while trying to chat someone up then pausing occasionally to yell, “Survey Says”


When people base their truths, history, morality, and what is defined as patriotic on everything the media, religion, and politicians tell them they surrender their willingness to think, act, and speak on their own behalf. They lose their will to fight for their own rights and instead fight for the ideologies of a fecking group of selfish tin Gods that only seek to kill and enslave them. “When Tyrants cut out the tongues of those they will label as terrorist and rabble rousers, they do so not to save you from their lies but to prevent you from hearing something all tyrants fear, and that is the truth�. Quote me! Ignorance and blind obedience is big business in the world. Truth of the matter is to my understanding the creator of all things does not make deals. What I find unbelievable are the people who say they actually closed deals with God on certain issues. What is even more troubling are those who think angels are mythical scarecrows pointing to road signs with large print telling them where each religious and political heaven is located. Then further directing them to follow the Easter bunny, as they tap dance arm in arm down the feckin yellow brick road with Jesus. In all my experiences as a medium and a human being, I am certain afterlife judgment is more about what we do individually for humankind while in the physical realm. If you think for one moment that any bit of nastiness you got up to on earth is going to be played off you are mistaken. I know I have said this before but think again before laying blame on others. You cannae hide your choices of deeds with excuses by way of saying, well my leaders told me to do this or my holy book said it was ok to kill these people or be hateful. If you believe you are going to get a pass on all and everything to do with your life, you are about to be eternally and galactically fucked! When it comes to judgment, you will be accountable for every aspect and nanosecond of your life. I saw on the side of a mountain in heaven one of the roads to our individual judgment.


Mark these words the angels will ask you of your earthly deeds and then show you that which is true and that which you imagined. The religious and political maniacs manipulating your ideals of what is justifiable hatred, murder, and destruction are leading you to make decisions that affect not only others in the physical realm but place you in jeopardy. Having religious philosophies while practicing what others believe you should believe and do may get you by on Earth, but choices are expensive and living your life as a part of a collective group playing follow the leader may cost you, your eternity in what you imagine to be heaven. I have met the dead who are suffering and the dead who are content, and discovered the differences between the two can be as massive as an unquantifiable conundrum and as simple as the parable of the Camel and the eye of the needle. This Eye of the Needle statement alleged to be made by Yeshua has been translated and debated to death. Here we go! The word Camel has been replaced with Rope when speaking of what goes through the eye of the needle. (The Camel is alleged to have originally been an Elephant in Talmudic literature). (Camel is from the Greek word Kamilos others insist it is translated as Kalemos, rope or cable as used in traditional Christian teachings), fitting through the eye of a needle. The Eye in this story is still being debated, and argued aboot, as it is thought to be a Gate or Door. See how easy it is when explaining and defining, according to history, the text, and writings pulled from several religious books written by men, ad sarcasm. Many of these books remain nothing more than a source of debate and inspirational indifference. Still these same publications have been used to promulgate misery and blind obedience to selfish and repugnant self-serving assholes worldwide. Now aren’t I still the Scottish vacuum of charm? I plan to be continue this topic next year in An Altered Life Part III


My Humanity January 10th 2014 As a medium, I often hear people say it must be easy for you because you can see all your loved ones whenever you want. This is a large untruth, the truth is although I have seen many of them and thusly conversed with same you cannae replace their physical presence. Being a medium, people often assume that I have no emotional attachment with the living and that death itself is generic to me. This is not true and after my multiple encounters with death, I came to appreciate and embrace death for its knowledge, from which grew my necessity to retain my humanity for human sake. Perhaps to my misfortune I refuse to let go of that part of me that so defines all of us as physical beings. The virtue in such matter restores me in so much as I am permitted to interact on a conscience level with the living while speaking to the dead. As an empathic, the grief of others not excluding my own has often overwhelmed me, and as a human being, I am happy that I actually experienced these sentiments. I’ve not become a train wreck due to my psychic abilities; I have become a wondrous book that carries in its folds all those tiny moments of emotion that maintains, strains, and often gives refrain from doing the good, the bad, and or the un-necessary. A further fact with regard to un-necessary is that sometimes it is best to let things be as they will. Doing nothing may often permit a journey to continue without interruption. These things are all important to me, to act and enhance ones journey through sharing the positive is inexplicable. Would it not therefore be as wondrous just to observe? My Humanity is a part of my legacy and I hope that others may remember me fondly for my honesty and because I may have made them laugh and smile then laughed and smiled with them. I never made them cry by intentional wrongdoing, I cried with them because we are, as you know, human.


To the young and gifted-the basics Jotter entry and summation April 2014 Some of what I am about to say may appear redundant when taken with regard to an earlier article. This is not my intent as I also discuss new matter and relation to other abilities. In my youth, the church dictated truth and if they said, something was so it was accepted and practiced by the community. Psychics and Mediums were outcast to those of organized faith, if pressed for reason they would simply open their holy books and quote some inane bullshit that had more to do with their fear of your abilities than anything to do with any God. Today things having to do with organized faith are only a little different in the respect that the church although it still insist on dictating its own manmade version of truth, is now unable to enforce these fabrications upon an ever-shrinking congregation of followers. If you are gifted, you are no doubt seeing, feeling, and experiencing things that you and others may not understand. Let us start with the basics of ridding yourself of peer pressure and jealousy caused by so-called friends. If you are a student in elementary or high school, the people you are associating with are more than likely going to fade from your life within a few years. What I am trying to say is unless they are your BFF, remove these people from your circle of friends, they do not pay for your clothing, housing, or education. When you do this be kind but firm and a real friend will stand by you no questions ask. Anyone who constantly mocks your gifts has no place in your life. Do not worry about them; if they are tormenting you, they are not worried about your feelings so bluntly said fuck em. As a child, my psychic medium grandmother died shortly before my teaching could really begin. I was left with dead relatives, and a few of them were quite frankly two blinks short of light beam.


They would speak with me and two of them tried to tell me about the gifts. My father told me such gifts are not real and he would not tolerate such things in his home and that was the end of it. He also knew better but did not want me to pursue my abilities as he felt it would complicate his life not mine. I will let you handle the mum and dad issue on your own and will only say be polite, respectful, and level headed when you speak to them about your experiences. The first step to understanding your gifts is ‘knowing’ what they are, buy a notebook, and physically write down what you are experiencing. You would be surprised how enlightening it is when looking over notes you had taken time to write by hand. Do not place this information on your computer! Here are a few things to take note of, do you see spirits, do they speak to you, and do you interact with them? What do they look like? What are they saying? If you do not see them, do you feel them, what I mean is do you sense a presence? If so, can you describe this and spare no detail. These are steps toward defining each of your abilities. When you have done this, there are research materials available online defining psychic and Mediumship abilities. Please use a university study or a dictionary to define each of your gifts, words and phrases like clairvoyant and clairaudient, intuitive Mediumship, empathic, and sensitive medium are search topics. Do not join an online club for people with psychic or medium ship abilities, these are disinformation mills filled with fakes, frauds, and bullshit artist that will do nothing but waste your time. Stick to the research and once again do so with valid resources not hearsay of someone who says they read something, ask for the link and the source then check it yourself to see if it is even of any help to you. Keep a separate notebook, documenting your paranormal and supernatural experiences. When documenting, make sure you include the time, date, and location of your experiences.


Details such as clothing, faces, shapes, symbols, sounds, smells, taste, touch, feelings, good, bad, sad, happy etc. If a word or location pops into your head or is spoken write it down, it does not matter if you are immediately familiar with the information given document it and study it later. Once you have successfully documented, at least three experiences it’s time to research the data. Using the words and phrases I have given you in reference to defining your ability would be a good place to start. Relate these definitions and correlate each experience and its parameters to a specific experience or set of experiences. When and while you are doing this you are educating yourself not merely by definitions of words, when these words express one of your experiences the words now have personal meaning. Make note of your psychic tells, things that denote a paranormal experience that is about to happen or is happening. I sometimes feel a sensation on the inside of my arms; I have also had my cheeks tingle before and during an event. I often have tells that express something so overwhelmingly negative, I have to leave a building or place to reevaluate a situation. I receive letters from those of you who are chomping at the bit and asking how to shut the abilities off so you can find some peace! Well you can begin by realizing they are on, in other words do you have these experiences all the time or do they stop suddenly and if so what are the circumstances under which they stop? Do you assert yourself and say ‘not now’ or ‘leave me alone’? If so, you are laying necessary boundaries. I cannot stress how important it is that you be in control of your abilities, some of us are unable to shut them down. I am one of those who have struggled with locating the off switch. I became more assertive in twenty–thirteen during a family crisis; I have managed to set a few rules for spirit interactions, the rules are not always effective but they are in place.


Setting boundaries is important even if these boundaries are temporary or small they are your means of sanctuary away from the activity. Shit will still happen and you are without a doubt going to see it. However, having a spirit approach you insisting on telling you their story may now be an option, you can say no. You will no doubt encounter what I call guides, these are spirits that may bring another spirit forward to speak with you or the guides may give you information that is needed. This information may come in any manner or form, once again, smells, taste, touch, symbols etc. and are something to pay attention too as well make accurate note. They may also speak to you directly! Spirits want your attention for a reason and ninety five percent of the time it is to give you a message, not do you harm. If you can see them, their appearance may frighten you, and this is understandable. I will not make a generic remark like, you will get used to it because that attitude is bullshit. You never get used to it, you grow tolerant of what you see through understanding one key piece of information, and that is the spirit you are looking at was once a living breathing human being just like you. You may say how do I know it is a spirit and not a demon, permit me this, the odds of seeing and or dealing with a demonic entity are slim. If you are face to face with something malevolent, you will know it. Do not permit so-called friends or anyone to intimidate you or make you feel insecure about yourself and your abilities. If they have issues with you concerning your abilities, their insecurity has created their issues not your presence or your gift. Remember you are a human being and never permit anyone to get at you by calling you foul names, and best thing to do is ignore them, walk away, and feel good about yourself. Gifted or not, negative assholes and jerks are irrelevant and have no place in anyone’s life. What is important are your aspirations and dreams for a positive and productive future. I am not saying stop talking to everyone and become an anti-social person.


I do want you to be careful with whom you trust when disclosing your abilities. When I was a child I told a then friend that I could see, it brought me incredible grief when they betrayed me and even joined others in taunting me at school about the gifts. Also be careful whom you share your abilities by way of reading or seeing them, in so much as once the word gets out that you can see a lot of people will want to be your friend for the wrong reasons. These people do not care about your smile or personality they only seek to gain something from you and this is more than likely you using your abilities to their advantage. I speak at length throughout my books about abilities, everything from defining them to re-defining my purpose and myself. My first An Altered Life book is now a cult item to some people in the EU they have even called the book a psychic mediums story of survival, and Campbell’s perilously journey. Until a few years ago there was not a lot of happiness in my life and I talk about it in the first book, with the addition of my gifts and few other things it was a living hell on earth for me. If I can survive all the shit that happened to me so can you. Don’t let a few pricks ruin your hopes and dreams. If you are reading this by now you may have surmised that my vocabulary although somewhat strange is also rife with what some would call colourful language. This is who I am and I am not ashamed to be myself, minus the foul language, you shouldn’t be either. I wish all of you success in and on your journey through life. Living with abilities may be difficult to a degree, but think about all the wondrous things you will experience now that’s a positive thought and on that note, I bid you farewell for now. Live in the light and walk in peace. Kath


“I had lots of sex, fewer drugs than liquor, upon realizing I had grown old and cranky I had an epiphany, and it was at that moment I immodestly began tae not give a fuck about anything” Kath Campbell 2013 “Some search for knowledge, wisdom, and fulfillment, while others search a lifetime for the shaving cream atom” Kath Campbell 2013 “Spirituality comes from the deepest part of a person not the depths of a book” Kath Campbell 2014 “Things of such beauty cannot be written, they must be told” Kath Campbell 2013 “One of the more stark realities of death is realizing we never truly permitted ourselves to live” Kath Campbell


Speaking of Suicide again Jotter entry February 10th 2014 In my first book, I talked about Suicide and those who take their lives being psychologically unstable if not chronically but momentarily compromised during commission of the act. I spoke of those taking their lives as being forgiven by God should they ask forgiveness, my article was what I feel perhaps not thorough enough and I wish to amend said article to include additional information set aside during the first book. Numerous questions fill my email box’s weekly concerning Suicide since the publishing of the first book. Without issuing further review of previous statements, I am going to elaborate on what I have been taught by Angels, guides and my past life memory about the aftermath and ramifications of Suicide. I am going to follow up with an article on messages and emotions from the spirit realm as I feel this matter is also relevant. When we die we are all held to account for our earthly deeds, although we may be forgiven we still must pay a penalty, or do penance if you prefer. No one can simply brush off willful poor judgment and wrongdoing as being something exorcised and acted upon in misjudgment. Any and all of our earthly tomfooleries will be accounted for when we face the heavenly music so to speak. There are no excuses such as he or she made me do this or that when you reach the light, you had control over you, and it will be you whom is held responsible. In other words YOU cannae step out and willfully do harm to others or yourself then expect to say a prayer and have all forgiven and forgotten, life and more importantly death does not function in that manner Take note that this accountability factor is not exclusive to those who take their own life or do something ugly, it applies to every one of us for every single repugnant act, every bit of horror or hurt we have afflicted others with in this life.


I am sure of Gods redemption but God is not forgetful and as with any parent, we are eventually let off the proverbial hook but before this, we must endure fair and just penalty. Our punishment will no doubt be served out in some manner of retribution and without a doubt include positive reaffirmation. Dare I say this may be as extensive as being sent back to earth to live in human form once again. It is my understanding that some of us actually choose to be sent back to pay such a debt and or do something more helpful for our fellow beings. Although I do not understand God nor am I qualified to speak for God, it is my further understanding and teachings that God is not the universes debt collector. Do not make plans for God to absorb all of your bullshit in default, as God is the one that will make sure you pay your debt in full not escape it. There are no bankruptcy courts in heaven and after all where are you going to find a lawyer, laughter. For those of you who have bullied, battered, and abused others, I may be slightly arrogant in my lack of pity of your repulsive and pathetic existence. Let me say this, it may saturate that abyss of a soul you have, when you ask for Gods reclamation due to your extensive inhumane treatment of your fellow human beings, ask to be forgiven by your victims as well. Shout it loud so they can hear you, many of them took their own lives in order to escape your fucking cruelty. Messages and Emotions from the spirit realm In cadence with the Suicide articles more than casual mention of penance and retribution let me share with you some of the messages shared with me and the people I have read concerning the afterlife. My father is one such spirit in so much as my seeing and speaking with him again, he expressed and projected a profound sorrow for all he had done to me. My father had done some heinous and extremely cruel thing to me during my adult life and I did forgive him for most of these things when he died.


When he visited me, he told me he was sorry and as he did, I sensed sadness not so much regret but sadness for having harmed me. My mother’s spirit told me she was sorry for leaving me so abruptly. I do have reason to believe my mother was instrumental in the end of her physical life by means of not taking her needed heart medication. I never told anyone this until now but essentially my mother-committed suicide and I forgave her. I have prayed and hoped that God has forgiven mum and given her an easy penance; she was in fact a loving and wonderfully unselfish woman when she lived in the physical realm. Many of the other messages I have received while reading people over the past few years reflected a sorrow for deeds done and some if not all expressed request to be forgiven and selfassurance of their comfort in the spirit realm. Granted there have been readings in which I was not given such information by the dead, or the living. There have been times when the living insisted a wrong and wanting a forgiveness of a deceased loved one, if and when I made contact forgiveness was often given. There was one case in which a woman insisted on continuing an argument with her deceased husband, I stopped and ended the reading right then and there. The expressions of love and sorrow often accompany other emotions shared with me via the spirit realm. Deceased loved ones have also related to me a sort of disappointment, if that makes sense, in some of their worldly relatives. They mentioned such things as disregard for their ashes, remains, final wishes, and in once case dragging their feet in placing a name on a tombstone. Spirits have also expressed a sadness and disappointment for the ignorance expressed by the actions of the living when refusing to surrender or share given earthly property. These issues have often been more than a kind mention by several of the spirits I encountered during the course of my many private and random readings.


What is most important for the living is to keep in mind and heart, that one of those who crossed may be conflicted. This brings me to another group of spirits. I have experienced anger and ill will from several pished off earthbound spirit entities. I feel their cases are irrelevant in so much as they have not crossed and become a whole spirit within the light they may as matter of fact be suffering in ways some of us may not comprehend. I am not discarding these spirits I am saying it is my experience that their issues are nearly always separate from those who have crossed. Spirits do express emotion and I have found the elucidation of such to be a daunting task at times. Emotions are often manifested through physical body language, facial expressions, and such in our linear reality. This was not so when speaking with those in the spirit realm. Although their expressions may have equally been misinterpreted by yours truly on occasion, their messages definitely were not. In my writing the ‘Messages and Emotions from the spirit realm’ portion of this article I wanted to focus on the experiences of those who exist in the afterlife and their manner of expressions and interactions while conveying their wishes and feelings to the living. I do hope I have succeeded in so much as quelling concerns of much of the emotional and spiritual guilt we physical beings tend to carry with regard to our loved ones, both living and dead.


Remembering and Knowing-Part I Please do not confuse my being a Knower with religious naturalist or new theist, I am not a member of this group as they do not believe in God, I not only believe in the universal God I am one of Gods most loyal employees. Have you ever sat down with intentions of doing something that you had no prior knowledge of, humm? There you sit with an instruction booklet cautiously placed on top of the stereo system you are attempting to assemble when suddenly you just ‘Know’ how to proceed. This is an example of either remembering something you saw, read, or perhaps experienced in this life or is it something else. More often than not, it is in fact remembrance of something you acquired in this life but there are also other instances. Being what is called a ‘Knower ’myself I can only define this as my just being aware of what needs to be done in certain instances not by instinct, but as if I had taken a class and been instructed in proper procedure and courses of action. There are things I simply know, things I have never read, neither seen, nor experienced in this life and they are not ineludibly past life recollection. I have been handed newly written books, mind you I dinnae have time to read because I am so damn busy, and without as much as much as cracking some of these books I Know everything in them and have answered questions concerning their content. My knowing reaches beyond being able to see the truth in someone’s words, I often but not always know when someone is ill, what their illness is and where it is located. I always advise them to seek medical help. Many of these people have come back to me validating what I already knew to be truth. As for my Remembering, as in present and past life memories separate and sometimes inclusive of all acquired knowledge. I must say at times this is like some post-hypnotic suggestions, albeit this is not a Manchurian Candidate moment it is an awakening for positive purpose.


One example would be my sitting typing a letter to suddenly hear the voice of a guide say you Remember, this or Remember that, or Remember Kath. At that very moment I remember something, this could be a something I need to say, do, write but in any way I always feel a need to act upon these recalls not impulsively or obsessively but with a guided positive intent, if that makes sense. These recalls are and have been helpful in ways I have only begun to count. The remembrances go far beyond any earthly lifetime. Tap dancin Jesus I have a hard time recalling what I had for lunch yesterday and I sure as heck cannae remember everyone I have read a month ago or what was said, that’s why I keep a journal. At times it seems as if entire years in this lifetime are gone, or are they. You know that little dude, that goalie that protects your brain cells. Well he has a sign up in my brain that says sorry kid you burnt through this fuckin wing in seventy-two we are closed. Yet I remember things, often in detail, more specifically, what happened to me before I was born into this lifetime. I ‘Know’ things from not only this lifetime, but the past, present, and yes the future knowledge and all of this being relevant and necessary towards positive goals. Knowing things to do with history, literature, physics, applied sciences etc. I have been handed instructional and text books then before cracking a page knew the entirety of their contents to the point I could engage in a well-informed discussion on topic. I often remember and Know names, places, occupations, events, and even personal physical attributes tempered with emotional being. Many of my gifts were never driven completely from me and much to the consternation of my instructors insistence that I conform and assimilate I stood my ground all the while knowing and remembering how to proceed. These attributes did not recuse and provide me with a manner in which to escape abuse. I reverently believe Knowing and Remembering may have little to do with common sense.


I also Know and Remember that aggressive behaviors only outcome and the outcome of all aggression is irreparable pain and suffering. This Knowing and Remembering, not to sound like a snob, placed me a notch above others in my life intellectually and with regard to some not all degrees of maturity. This ability inspired already nurtured hatred in those with the darkness and so they beat and abused me. It may have been for their sick amusement but was more probably based in their fear of not understanding or defining what I was. They reacted as all frightened narrow minded human beings do thus objectifying me as nothing more than a thing that was alien to their tiny little world that therefore must be obliterated. A thing, and object out of place in their indoctrinated acquiescent world. The specific knowing and remember abilities are no dire mystery to myself, but in many ways, they have taught me the importance humility.

Past Lives Part I I often see past lives in people, I dinnae see them in everyone I bump into but I do see them in a fair amount of those I meet. What I find quite remarkable is meeting individuals I had known in a past life. I have met twelve people in this life I knew from another lifetime. Two of these people approached me before I said word one, neither know each other in this present day. They both said there was a comfortable familiarity about me as if they had known me all of their lives. This all may sound a bit complicated but point of fact it is not when you consider the following. Have you ever met someone you felt you knew? Have you ever traveled to a strange place only to find yourself for some odd reason knowing not just what you read in the brochure but details not found in any book or known to your tour guide? If your answer is yes to either of the questions you just met someone or visited a past life location. We meet and do business daily with people we have known in past lifetimes, friends and foes alike we all meet again.


This gives credence to all things happen for a reason. I know someone who has become a close friend that was my sworn enemy in a past life. Both of us were also men in that life, not so today. This is not the only instance in which I have encountered past and present life gender switcheroo! Truth being told I dinnae find this unusual; according to the angels, we must live an undermined number of lives as being a both male and a female. I have had people breach the past lives issue with me to say they had been a King or a Princess in a distant past but that is not what I saw when I looked at them. During my personal readings past lives nearly always presented in (undisclosed). For instances I had read two people, one was a past life bus driver and the other a past life nightclub singer. Both of their readings were private one on one, and done at separate times and in vastly different geographical locations. There was nothing remarkable about the singer who was female in her last lifetime and a fine aspiring female actor in this life. However, the bus driver was male in their past life. Today she is a female dispatcher for a call center still in the business of transporting people just for a different job description. Needless to say, the female dispatcher was not very pleased when I told her of her past life gender but had little to say about her former profession except to ask me one question. She wanted to know if her name was Ralph Krandem, laughs, and the answer was no. Blew me away when she asked, but I answered her honestly. There is so much more to be said on the past lives topic. Among other things I plan to take a break from writing the rest of this year. Then onto finish An Altered Life Part III, already in progress in late 2015. At that time I will discuss past lives with more detail.


The origin of abilities and knowledge I fervently believe my abilities come directly from the God of the Universes and no other entity or entities. My knowledge comes from a variety of resources, one being past life memories, remembering, knowing, and present day formal education. I have been referred to as a ’Knower’ simply because I just know shit with no rhyme or reason. I feel this is just another term for my past life knowledge and memory with the inclusion of a current understanding of paranormal and supernatural events. The Holy books and ethnic teachings I have spoken to Angelic’s and not one of these beings has ever made reference to God, the Bible, Torah, and or any so called holy book in fact they have shared knowledge with me contrary to any religious and theological writings I have studied, and also told me holy books are not important. The books of Hebrew-Talmud, Quran, and the books of the King James Bible are in my opinion the most prejudice and hatefully divisive books ever written. Other racially charged books include the Protocols of Zion and Mein Kamph. The story of Jesus is but one in this regard in which the angel told me that Jesus was in fact a real person that had been used as an allegory in religious teachings by ‘the money changers’ as a means to an end in seizing and maintaining power over humanity. One example would be the Scofield study bible that began as the edited King James that was edited yet again until nineteen-seventeen by Zionist. During this time, words and text had been inserted into the bible and pledged as truths, such lies as references to Gods Chosen people for instance. Talk about opposing religious views, the Hebrew Talmud states that Jesus was executed for being a sorcerer. The Hebrews will tell you the Romans killed Jesus but in their Talmud they claim to be responsible. The Islamic teachings in the Quran state that Jesus was a prophet, a humble servant of God, he was righteous, and he was a wise teacher.


According to todays religious and political pinheaded pundits I am supposed to hate Islam and all its teachings. Why is that again? I find it confusing that the alleged chosen people killed Jesus. Islam held Jesus highly, this same Jesus is a chosen representative of Christian faith in the New Testament, why then are all Islamic people being labeled terrorist? Does this sound just a little psychotic to you? I submit my previous statements as yet another reason I dinnae endorse or practice any organized religion! My education and the continued angelic teachings The Angelic also been taught me that although Jesus was real the Jesus referred to in the bible is a for the most part a series of blatant lies used to manipulate and establish classes of easily led people. In as much as my learning what is untrue, these teachings have enabled me to focus and concentrate on what is true. My formal religious educations and later reeducations in and on all faiths included all of unedited history. My grandmother’s un-biased knowledge base and use of historically validated documented reference books with regard to the innermost workings of organized faiths and related books prior to nineteen hundred have been useful tools. Additionally she not only taught but showed me a Christian bible written in eighteen ninety-five before it was edited in the early nineteen hundreds and subsequently into the Scofield study bible. The addition of angelic teachings and those of guides and future beings have guided me away from the complexities of lie upon lie as stated in every religious book and reference to text keeping in mind one of my gifts is being a Knower. No mention of God, with regard to paranormal and supernatural experiences The only God reference that has been made repeatedly is one referring to the Multi-Universes and their combined as well separate energies as the life and the light.


I am not saying I dinnae believe in a God because I do and with substantially valid reasons. I am saying that no angelic, future being, or spirit has ever made mention or reference to God, or so much as invoked the word ‘God’ or used any of its expansive pretexts or translations as used by organized religions.

The Bible The King James Version of the New Testament was completed in 1611 by eight members of the Church of England. There were no original biblical texts to decode or translate and even today there are none, zero. The oldest biblical text and their translations had been pieced together hundreds of years after the last apostle passed away. There are only eight-thousand old and dissimilar conflicting copies of declared original manuscripts and not one of King James editors and interpreters used any of these as a template or even a reference guide for the King James Bible. What they did instead was edit ages old translations in order to create a bible that reflected political and religious views that were favorable to the King and ruling members of government. With this being stated the modern day Christians believe that the words God sent down to be law unto man are in a book edited in the seventeenth century, using eight thousand documents previously interpreted and edited sometime in the sixteenth century. All of these documents are alleged to be accurate copies and portrayals of the word of God. In summation these holy biblical text aka ‘The Word of God’ are declared and proclaimed to be an accurate and truthful translation from eight thousand paradoxical copies of fourth century writings that are allegedly copies of lost letters composed in the first century, that were assumed to have been written by the last living apostle.


I see the bible and its stories as mythology, just as I do the writings of Greek, Celtic, and Nordic religions and their Gods. I also say subscribe to whatever religion you will and conduct yourself peacefully and I will respect your views.

I was asked to define three major world religions by using one word for each “Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Dangerous, Stupid, and Crazy”

Kath Campbell “The real axis of Evil; politics, religion, and the media” Kath Campbell 2011 An elderly client once asked me do you think someday we will go too far with all of this madness we call society. I replied, we already have Kath Campbell 2014


Our spiritual mind Journal entries- summary October 2013 I have discussed vibrations, ‘energy is energy’ and the numerous effects these have upon everything. The spiritual mind in all honestly is more of a birth minds set of directives. A navigator’s map that directs the energies flowing through us around us and those energies exchanged with us. When I say the spiritual mind, many will automatically assume I mean a spiritual based faith or religious practice, when this could not be any farther from the truth. Our spirit mind is the one that point of fact connects us to the universe and its various energies but is not inherited through a religious ideology, it is, or it is not preset with a value system. The spiritual mind is also that part of us which enables us to make many of our more difficult decisions without the help of our guides or watchers. This sort of a non-moral compass lets us know when far enough is enough and when it is time to walk away. I dinnae mean instinct or common sense that is something altogether different, instinct and common sense will tell you if pardon the obvious euphemism, this prick is going to make your finger bleed or don’t be a prick or someone will make you bleed. Simplicity would be to say you are born with a spiritual mind and much the same as learning the colour red is red you choose to accept that reality or that the colour red is actually blue based on and in your personal decisions and perceptions, not a set teaching or someone else’s representation of a reality. Do you simply accept something as truth because someone in authority told you it was truth? Do you investigate and fact check what you are being fed by the media? Do you see something on TV or in a news story so you just accept it without, question?


Albeit your spiritual mind may in fact be able to interpret energies on a basic level the odds are it will not embrace anything further than the narrow views, and limits you are being taught and subsequently permit to be placed upon you by the aforementioned external factions. Living with psychic abilities of the occasional intensity of my own I will say without a doubt, that red is not only blue it also pink, green, yellow, and red again. I feel the spiritual mind may be developed, not created, internally and not solely dependent upon corrupted and negative external factors such as religious or politically based practices, in fact for most of us this may be quite contrary to these parameters. Furthermore, although we are born with our spiritual mind whether it grows with us or sits and stagnates is up to the individual. Our auras may also be dependent upon our spiritual minds and their being included with the workings of numerous energy exchange systems to enable our combined energies to become a harmonic sum of the whole i.e. the entire bloody orchestra and even the submarine band. This portion of our being employs a part of that super consciousness I spoke of in my first book. This super-consciousness when combined with the spiritual mind, presents what is in my belief an intricate part of that multi-lane hi-way of energy systems that orchestrates and sometimes aligns our empathic, intuitive, and even more advanced psychic abilities into a universal and translatable harmonic.


The Soul mate and the spiritual mind When you meet a soul mate, you will know that person, when you meet someone you knew in a former life you will know that person. How is this possible? Your spiritual mind is in touch with what again? Everything that is you, that supercalifragilisticexpialidocious past and present life memory is ingrained into the sentient noggin that rest atop your shoulders. This part of you permits one to see through that frequently overlooked familiar past life memory that can also be a major player in much of our past life recall. This part of our spiritual mind and being is also a foremost part of our death consciousness that travels with us when we shuffle off this mortal coil! The spiritual mind is also our beginning mind, our beginning spiritual light uncorrupted by humanity and intact when it is sent from the spirit dimension. Once here we enter into our first opening, infantile statements usually requesting more food or be changed. Then at our lives end with closing statements there may be a request for no food and an expression of strong dislike of change, with the additional hey get the feck out of the room I’m talkin to the seven-foot tall angel standing in the corner. Let me review, the spiritual mind employs a portion if not sometimes all of our super-consciousness when combined with other energies they may enable our past life memories to be seen, realized and interpreted in some manner or fashion. It also enables some of our more natural psychic abilities to be utilized. Has the spiritual mind anything to do with the feeling you get inside of you, when you meet someone you have known before? Well yes it is and the spiritual mind is open to this stimuli, if this part of your being is closed as it is with so many of us it is possible to wake it. The way to do this is to stop listening to and embracing all the negative nonsense you are spoon fed by everyone and thing.


Stop reading the edited history books written in the United States after nineteen sixty-four. Research all the information you have interest in and this includes current events. Use valid resources such as public libraries and if possible university libraries that are outside the United States. Do not believe everything you read online either, much of the mainstream purported facts available on the internet are no more than a quick copy and paste from edited books. You may also direct your immediate concerns to what is happening in your backyard, town, State, and or Commonwealth. Please dinnae obsesses on media suppositions and prognostications of foreign wars you have no control over or a proper knowledge of. Do not be another victim, and or volunteer of and to ignorance that will make you a member of a corrupt selfish collective that will strip you of your individuality and your soul. You need to disconnect from the false reality being presented to you by external resources you have little to no control over. This exclusion would be a positive step into the unaltered reality that will set your spiritual mind free. Be the victor of your inner-self and master your spiritual mind by exercising the faith in one’s self that enables one limitless potential. This in turn will open the doors to the factual and untainted worlds of truth and positive energy outside the realms of societal servitude that lay beyond your wildest dreams.


Creation of spirit consciousness, past life memory and back to humankind Jotter summations on-creation of consciousness’- June 2013 I discuss the place known as the guff and refer to not being able to confirm a spirit waiting room in my first book. At that time, I based my statements on knowledge acquired through various resources. In the past year of twenty fourteen I have been given numerous reminders of past life knowledge as well been taught a variety of things by the angels, future beings, and guides. One such knowledge and instruction has given me the understanding that the guff, hall of souls, has many functions. A proper simile would be a bus station of sorts, one from which many of us may be reincarnated into our next life. One of my thoughts and questions was what is our conscious intelligent spirit energy doing before physical birth, life. I am speaking of the past life spirit, non-physical memories we share from our meeting in the guff, spirit waiting room. I received an answer to my queries in the form of vast amounts of shared and personal knowledge recall pertaining to this place where our conscious spirit energies reside before birth, or reincarnation. I know I may sound redundant but I need to do so in order to make a point. Those of us sent to earth may in fact be sent at random times, your brother from the last lifetime may not be born for twenty years after you are born in an earthly lifetime. That spirit you once knew as a male may be born again into a female body. You are scratching you head saying how can this be when in fact we must be born and live in male and female forms multiple lifetimes. At the spirit bus station, I am speaking of; gender is ambiguous and has no meaning. After all a human form may have a religiously based, and it is religion that ruled science at one time, defined gender but what would a spirit, an energy form of light and intelligent consciousness do with genitals.


There is no need of human reproductive implements in this waiting area, since you have not yet been assigned a human form it would be absurd to entertain or invest in any such assumptions. You may think that a medium sensing male and female spirit energies here on earth contradicts previous statements when in fact they do not. Picture a bus station filled with intelligent light, each with their individual spirit consciousness and each with a metaphorical bus ticket to a different earthly location and each leaving at a different moment to be born into human form in the linear Earth dimension. It is not unreasonable to think that as on earth we may chit chat while Q-ing up at a bus stop and while waiting at a spirit bus station, it would be reasonable to entertain the thought of us having a good ole chin wag while waiting to be born or reincarnated. Hence the creation of future past life memories! In this spirit dimensional bus station there are no Jews, Christians, Islamics, or any beings that have been corrupted by dogmatic ideologies, there is only intelligent spirit energy, a conscious energy that was created by the universe or God if you so wish. That intelligent energy is quite in fact the spirit consciousness that is you and I. Once we arrive on earth, if earth is our destination, it is quite probable that we are going to bump into each other at one time or another. It may be twenty years or twenty months before we physically meet again, but be assured it will happen. This meeting may be as brief as that familiar stranger you see while walking to your car at a shopping mall or the person who sold you that morning coffee. For some odd reason you had a feeling that told you to stop at a place you had never been in order to buy that coffee, once there you bumped into that familiar person you in fact had spoken with while at the spirit bus station. It is also possible for you to meet your past life spirit mate or soul mate. You may even marry a person whom in your previous life was a sworn enemy and live a long happy and productive live together. [171]

Then again, after marriage you may become sworn enemies again, hey we all make mistakes. It is not ludicrous, as I have personally met not only past life enemies that have become friends in this lifetime I have also met the opposite. I have been blessed and fortunate enough to meet a past life soul mate. I will leave you with this thought, “Within the Universe all things are possible and within our creator all things are probable�.

Inside the Light Jotter continual for the months of September 2013- May 2014 I look at my life today in comparison to ten, or maybe twenty years ago and admittedly, things have changed to the extreme. I am not only speaking of my physical appearance I am speaking about my spiritual appearance. More importantly, I am talking about the positive light that surrounds and flows through me and frankly, it can be both wonderful as well uncomfortable at times. Considering my past lives of knowledge it’s nearly maddening to think I may have once touched a quasi-nonmetaphysical state of being. I feel the entirety of our human life is but a momentary reality filled with ever changing temporal theories. Perhaps the exponential growth of my abilities is surpassing my human maturity and wisdom by which to implement them. My explanation of this remains a hypothetical conclusion and an assumption at best. Be that as it may I am not given to nor will I afford myself assumptions. Moreover, my statements do demonstrate a larger degree of relevance and I will stand on that, for now. A matter of importance to me is the need for my heightened social and psychic awareness incorporated with an awareness and caution of the darkness that exist within our-selves and our universe. It is not my intent to permit my light to be corrupted by a chosen gullibility that simply because I live inside the light I am invulnerable to the darkness.


The darkness is often most persistent in its attempts to step in and absorb the light within us all as well change the positive direction of our purpose. I fervently believe we all live within the light should we so choose our proper course in life and this is as individual to us as our spiritual mind and consciousness. Some may be of the impression that my psychic gifts afford me a better understanding of the universe and this is not altogether true. Admittedly there has been good fortune with bad, some of which has been rather frustrating and often times confusing. Many of those living outside of these abilities have expressed the feeling that the gifts must always be a blessing. I would be in agreement on that with certain exceptions one being there are times I have felt trapped inside them and their broad responsibilities. The other being the sensitive matters I deal with today, years ago I surrendered my feelings to abuse and pain. Subsequently I sought help and did in fact recover completely and oh what change. The extensive emotional enhancement that accompanied the re appearance of my gifts has proven difficult if not most awkward of times. My feelings may simply be allegorical growing pains or reacclimations with past life teachings and related ‘knowing’ or ‘remembering’ that stirs me. True, I may be able to place an adequate amount of energy around myself in certain situations but this does not preclude me from participating in everyday life. I have felt removed from my alleged golden years by the grace of abilities once again. I am not without thanks and I feel blessed in many ways that the sometimes quasi-galactic education acquired during several lifetimes has now been restored to me. I am comfortable and reached a conclusion, well sort of. My conclusion after having survived every personal trial, triumph, and burden over the course of this lifetime and thus obtaining some degree of education from each as the means to an eloquent end. That end has been my awakening to and facing a reality that has been no more than a carefully crafted set of lessons and instruction, perhaps inspired by the Universal Gods plan for me.


One of which was the preparation for the return of my psychic twinkle and a subsequent yet deeper understanding of the inevitable conclusion of this physical life, within an endless sleep. My angelic teachers, guides, and the other positive entities have given me the clarity of sight, mind, and spirit that reaches beyond anything previously defined to or by me. Those things I believed I had a comfortable understanding of in the past are being redefined and often the consequences of such revelations are a frightening bitter reality. I find it disenchanting to see my fellow humans led by their literal noses into a set of rules that have no basis in logic or reason but rather selfishness and greed. Many of the so called double standards we have permitted to be set upon ourselves now appear with such transparency they no longer obscure my personal comprehension. In fact the menacing and insidious purpose of some of those I have met is all too clear. I express my distain with an unwillingness to support the various absurdities and their related conflicts. I refuse to follow as others do so quite blindly without question; this speaks of my individuality not any degree of ignorance. It can be emotionally disarming having seen some of what I have seen and being shown some of what I have been shown by way of my abilities let alone my life itself. I feel confidently enlightened enough to discuss some of humankinds, misguided odium’s, and even their conveniently defined loves and passions. Their duplicitous views and beliefs of each other as well their related designers and perpetuators of a social and deep seeded ideological plethora of empirically flawed and misguided ineptitudes, ad psychosis. Humankind is predictable, and I emphasize the derivative dict on the table. Given an equal opportunity at contentment and peace they shoot themselves in the foot every freggin time. But then again they had a choice did they not? The few friends I permit myself often say, well your gifts will always be a blessing and a burden, this assumption is spot on in specific ways. [174]

I much prefer to say these abilities may be quantified as the burden of a blessing and the blessing of a burden. At this time, I continue living inside the light and sometimes moment to moment. I do indeed give cause to consider the fact that I am quite happy and loved more than I have ever been in this life. Another personal happiness arises from the ability to help others and still more to meet and speak again with so many I have known since my creation and in other lifetimes. Permit me to set the gifts aside for a moment and say all is well that ends well. I must also embrace the Angelic’s teachings and truth in its telling me that all will be understood in time. There is however but one small matter of, or shall I say I take issue with being sent back to this reality after dying four times in one lifetime. I confess this would make for the occasional undue stress of redundancy, perhaps boredom, and quite probably piss anyone off. Moreover, I hope there is a bloody good reason for my being here. Tap-dancin Jesus there must be more to a life than personal illness, anxiety, and avoiding people’s feckin violence and drama. If there is no specific reason for my being here on earth, I want another do over. I also want more lighting, better sound, and you know those little mints posh hotels put on your pillow? Well I want more of those too. Furthermore and in conclusion, blah, blah, blah, blah who gives a rat’s ass?


The Internet Light Worker Groups Journal summation light worker study April 2014 This is article is for old and young alike. My experiences and assessments of these groups are quite simple. The people who usually operate them have no blessed idea what they are doing. They may have a certificate from some vague sounding University of Light or Light worker program, here is some sound advice, you want a degree in social sciences, and humanities find an accredited college or university. You wish to pursue the light of all that is good, do some volunteer work at a local shelter or health care facility. This will certainly give you a perspective on what the needs of society are in the good will and healing departments. You wish to nurture the light of the future stay in school and learn so you may become the teacher. I have researched several of these light worker groups and here is a rundown. For the most part, they are filled with people all wanting to be a part of something special, they are also filled with attention whores. In the groups I researched, you should expect to be derided with half assed conspiracy theories of the Illuminati and Alien lizard invasions. There are also abundant with mundane and meaningless quotes having little to do with enlightenment or any degree or depiction of a valid light worker. I found quotes regarding mysticism followed by brief absurdities regarding someone’s analogy of loss, over a tooth, yes a tooth. Many of these people think a mystic is a person from India sitting with his legs crossed playing a sitar as a large snake dances up and out of a wicker basket. Mysticism is a way of life; it is the learning and practice of a form of discipline, along with instruction in order to expand your consciousness and understanding of oneself in relation to the universe. This is not a night study course online that you can finish in three sessions. It requires a full time commitment. You will also see the occasional cute cat or dog picture with something sarcastic written on it.


These groups do not educate they tend to propagate and gather inane nonsense. These are not the deeds and investments of Light workers; they are follies and fodders of the foolish. I am sure many of these groups begin with some good intentions. However, when you gather a diverse group of people together you are going to accumulate multiple viewpoints with regard to what is good and just. It is the old adage of putting six lawyers into a room, although they may be there for the same reason please do not expect any of them to concede to another’s suggestions for resolve of a given issue. The majority of the groups I have looked at have someone selling something, books, DVDs, and other items alleged to offer some new form of spiritual and or metaphysical enlightenment and to this, I say balderdash. These groups consistently push another form of religion. Yes, the collective may chatter about love, light, faith, and healing most do not have a clue as to their depictions with regard to Light workers, what a real Light worker is, nor do they practice what they preach. You will also be hearing about the alleged teachings of Jesus Christ here and there, and you think the bible confused you, wait until you read some of the blatant lies posted in these groups. When I hear a term like ‘Ascending Masters’ it screams Political and Religious indoctrination. Do yourself a favor when you hear this find and exit and flee as quickly as possible. Let us be blunt and cut to the chase shall we? The Light worker groups are good places to role-play or listen to someone go on about the light while using elitist words not found in any dictionary. Upon investigation the majority if not all of these words have no reference point or origin. They are loosely defined and contrived by their creators, not for the purpose of explanation, but to confuse and confound. It is my impression that most of these people are making no more than a lame attempt at sounding refined to impress someone else. I say be yourself and stand on this principle, people will either love or not but they will do so as honestly as you present yourself.


If you want to help, others in the healing process permit me to sound off momentarily, go, and seek enlightenment without the influence of people who know less than nothing about something. First look inside yourself as all the answers are there, all you need do is stop everything you are doing and look. Then go and help others through positive deeds and interactions, promote the peace and step away from the conflicts. Do not invest yourself in the negativity and you will not be a part of the negativity, you will retain more of the positive each passing day. “If the least you have is the positive then the most you have is everything” paraphrase quote from my first book

Star children, Crystal, and Indigo children Star children, children of light, Indigo, and crystal children are essentially star visitors. Based in what I know I believe that their otherworldly DNA has been spliced with human DNA to create and permit the birth of an advanced being into earthly form. Each of these children is gifted in a specific manner; it may be mathematics, science, music, art, culture, social sciences, and the uncanny historical knowledge of earth and or man’s spiritual and factual history. Their understanding of such things is seemingly without limits, the abilities of these children are astounding to say least. If you were to ask several of these children as to where they, come from their answer may shock you. They may turn and say I come from the stars, or space. These children may also be advanced physically but are most certainly advanced emotionally and may behave as a grown and mature person at a young age. Star children may have strong psychic and telekinetic abilities while others may have abilities bordering on the supernatural. They can be healers, see’ers, and knowers but what is most important to know about these children is they are missionaries and visionaries of peace. Their purpose is to help humankind into the next phase of evolution in bringing about the growth and co-existent living harmony of all creatures through peace.


These children along with the, advanced scouts many of which were born in the nineteen fifties and sixties, are nonviolent in fact they exude peace in all circumstances, they also have no fear of physical death. The looming question with some of you may be answered by the following; I know a Starchild and also an advance scout, nuff said. There are numerous books written about Star children, some include test and means to determine if you or your child is a crystal child. I have an opinion on these so called test and their veiled purpose based on my ‘Knowing’ and ‘Remembering’ with the addition of my association with a Starchild and a scout. I shall reserve that opinion for now.

Star children as an intricate and necessary part of humankind The Star children and their advance scouts are here to insure a transitional society with standards not anchored in politics, religion, gender, and money but rather humanities and human sciences, such as art, music, dance, cultural dynamics, scientific creation and innovation all of these things are being done without regard to the almighty dollar. These things are not necessarily being done for the preservation of humankind, but rather perpetuation, and preservation of the planet earth.


Myself the Walkin I am sure more than one of you, especially those who know me well, are making a Starchild comparison with me personally. I dinnae feel I am a Starchild. Moreover, I believe I may be what is more often referred to as a Walkin. My original soul or part of it may have left this body when I died at age 15. If you read the first An Altered Life book, my lack of faith in God and even humanity at that point in time was evident. I feel this event would not only be a contributing factor but a definite qualifying factor in the departure of the original me, or at least a good part of the original me, enabling another more advanced soul to Walkin. I have never discussed all of what happened to me as I lay dying in the cold rain or the shared experience with the man who found me. I did however tell you most of his story in my first book. At our first speaking he shared everything he witnessed, directly before, during, and after he found me. However, I did not publish everything as I felt some of the facts and descriptions may be too bizarre for people to comprehend. I still feel uncomfortable speaking aboot some of the more surreal and curious matters surrounding my first death as well what Roy had experienced before, during, and after. The entirety of the Walkin subject is not something I wish to discuss at length now. I was gifted and advanced as a child, which has left me with questions in regards to the Walkin theory. I have met others much like me, although few are friends in this life many of us do ‘Remember’ and have the ‘Knowing ‘of each other now as we have over many lifetimes and before our linear earth existence. We have known each other on other worlds, in other forms, and at the origin of created spirit mind and consciousness.

Our Living Tribute to loved ones So many presume that the loss of a loved one is final and this is far from true when you consider the solid physical facts alone. Let us put aside the hereafter for a moment and stop to think about the here.


If your mum, dad, sister, brother, or even one of your children passes, in a sense they never truly left the physical world. There is you, now look at yourself and what do you see? Perhaps dads nose or mums eyes, aunties facial features, grandmas manner of speech, Grandas sense of humor. These are all physical and tangible proof that those we love who have passed leave their own tribute with and to us. I believe by now you understand where I am going. We are that living tribute to those passed just as our children will continue that tribute. Yes, our light does leave the physical body behind when we cross, but we continue on through and by way of our genetics. Endlessly we pass down our tribute from one generation unto the next, sharing that small part of us that significant difference that made us unique in the physical realm. Those loved ones whom are now a living tribute to us as we look in on them as we continue our lives in the spirit realm. This is a magnificent gift bestowed upon us humans, please do say a short prayer for those who have gone home and are making ready for our return. They can hear us, they can feel us, they can see us and they do visit us time to time.

The Real Light workers and Star Children The real light workers are those who volunteered before birth to return to earth so they may bring about spiritual enlightenment, knowledge, and to promote peace. It is my understanding that these souls work quietly in the background of society, teaching by example and through sharing of knowledge. By doing so, they are promoting an inner peace and this peace may spread to others through shared enlightenment and subsequent love through deeds and kind interactions. I feel that so much has been written on this subject that speaking further is only going to open a can of worms, although my knowledge is not what I define as complete it is extensive, in so much that I feel it best to stop at this time.


Religion does not equal faith Faith has to do with a belief in anyone or thing and not necessarily a God, deity, and or supreme leader. If you recall the story of Jesus meeting a man possessed, who when asked his name stated we are legion for we are many you may find the following conversation interesting. From Conversations and teachings of Angelic’s Re-ligion to my understanding is derived from Re-legion or the re-gathering of a group of people and or beings who have a set belief and are in support of a deity or supreme leader. This belief is always perpetuated and renewed at each gathering by means of social, psychological, and political manipulation. All of which is biased in support of a system that re-furbishes and renews the designated teachings of a certain social class to obtain and maintain its superiority and dominance by rule over members defined as lower social classes. The Re-ligions i.e., Legions are given set amounts of manufactured truths and manipulated lies intermixed with a measure of ambiguity in order to maintain the addiction thereby keeping their numbers confused and in line. These groups are continued for the purpose of designation and assignment to set working and social classes for millennium, namely people that are easily led and easily fed. Religious and political ideologies are in fact all-inclusive fronts for the gradual de-education through illiteracy, division, hate, and fear. All of these things are continually fed to, willfully endorsed by as well embraced by the lower social classes with the ultimate goal being their entrapment and surrender though misled volunteerism frequently veiled as patriotism. This self-sustaining egotistically driven servitude is endlessly inspired by our media. The same media is owned and maintained as a lap dog fed by our selfish masters. In the end this has inspired your willing slavery to fight till the death if need be any one or thing they so choose. The information I just shared with you is not something from a religious news article or some mythical scroll of man.


What you have read has been told and taught me by an Angelic and from the Angelic’s message I place this all down on paper. I dinnae know why I am being taught such things. I have no interest in religion or its divisive politics. I have made repeated inquiries on numerous occasions as to why such information is being shared with me and the reply is a redundant “all will be understood in time”. Factoid: The Church has expressly forbid the disclosure of the true given names of Angelic beings and is even more protective of the identity of those venerated by the church. The individual names used today by which the Angelic’s are called are the names assigned them by men. One reason for this action is the church not wanting its followers to pray to the angels by their true names. They wanted their followers to pray to them, the church, and their various versions of God and the angels.


Withholding information investigations




The first thing you need know is that no medium is one hundred percent, one hundred percent of the time. If you are going to hire me to do a thorough investigation of any issue or issues as they relate to the paranormal or supernatural its best I know all that you know. My time is valuable to me, if you want to play games by withholding information in order to determine or test my abilities I bid you good day and suggest you go elsewhere I have no time for childish games. I completely understand why it is people are concerned with being taken advantage of by charlatans and con artist. I also hear people say oh well a real medium will know everything, let me tell you straight up that anyone making such an asinine statement is full of shit. If I knew everything, I would not have to visit you or your property to investigate paranormal or supernatural activity at that location. This attitude is similar to that of asking a mechanic to diagnose a problem with your car sight unseen by telephone. However, there have been times when I have helped resolve issues via phone or video conference. My good reputation was not given me I earned it. I may or may not be able to address a certain issue but I will most certainly do my best to help. I will also be totally honest with you. If you ask me, a question that I dinnae have an answer to I will tell you the truth and say no I dinnae have the answer. Should I launch an investigation you may expect me to ask you a few polite questions. I do my best to ask as few questions as possible but there are things I need to know if I am going to be of any help. I will ask if you are taking recreational drugs or any medications, such as heart, lung, and or seizure. I dinnae care about your prescription or dosage I do however care about your safety, mine, and that of my investigative team if a team is necessary.


It’s up to you to be honest with me. I am a private person myself and I am discrete to extreme with any information including yours. I need to know if there is a chance, you may become suddenly ill during an investigation. If you are a recreational drug user and I discover this, rest assured the guides do tell me things, I will not investigate, and I will simply leave. Your taking prescribed meds may determine if you’re present with me while doing my initial walk. I need to know of any current social issue, not what they are but if you are upset or if there is disorder in your home or life that could be of concern during an investigation. All of these things will remain private between you the client and I. No one who works with me needs to know or will be confided your personal business. I will ask who owns the property in question. Regardless of where I am on the planet if I discover an issue that may be tied to the land I may need the help of a Shaman, Wiccan, or Holy person. When I have finished my walk through I will sit and speak with you. At that time we can discuss these issues and options and I will give you my opinions and recommendations.


The man I called father, it’s about forgiveness During the sum of my adult life my father was extremely abusive to me. The abuse for the most part was emotional and psychological. The abuse ranged between horribly cruel head games to flat out dark behavior. Dad could turn on a freggin dime and be the nicest sweetest man you would ever hope to meet, then literally turn and show you an angry twisted darkness. I discussed some of the good and bad having to do with my father in my first book. In this book, I have shared some of dad’s bizarre, absurd, and even hilarious behaviour as well his compassion and the sincere love he expressed for me during my childhood. After being assaulted and experiencing my first NDE at age fifteen things had not only changed from the point of view that the psychic abilities resurfaced but my father changed. I had been living with my grandparents until my grandma’s death. Sometime later my grandfather remarried and decided to sell his properties and live with his new bride, leaving me no choice but to move into my parent’s home. At that time I noticed a difference in my dad, he was less attentive of certain issues or shall I say distracted and even shorter of an already notorious temper. When my abilities resurfaced the changes in my father became more obvious. Upon my return home from the hospital mum and dad both went over backwards to accommodate me. In my first book I discussed the lengths and expense they and others went to so I would have the opportunity to re-enter a society that now saw me as a disfigured freak. That same small town society beat and tormented me daily, the abuse was brutal, and although the wounds are old I ripped more than a few of them open again in the first book, so let us move on.


What I am meaning to get at is my father’s behaviour toward me after my return from the hospital as it made my life an even larger living hell. Aside from his berating me about my psychic abilities, he told me I would have been better off dead and not surviving all that happened to me. He did not mean this in a kind way as if to save me from future abuse and embarrassment I assure you, it was cold, calculated, and brutal at times, he would often display compassion for me at a later time. I would simply forgive him and after all, I didn’t have much of anyone else in my corner other than mum financially as it were. He provided me with a home to live in, food, and clothing; this left me in a subservient situation. The abuse was something I had to tolerate and be quiet about as I did with the psychic abilities. I thought I had forgiven my dad for much of what he had done to me as an adult. I must be dense in some areas but the universe works in small ways, although I did forgive him for hurting me I never quite understood why he did what he did. I honestly thought it was something I caused. No one is perfect and I’m sure I had to have brought some of this on myself or did I? I saw my father’s spirit the day he died, hours before I received the call. I have spoken with his spirit since the NDEs in two thousand and nine, recently in twenty fourteen he visited me again twice. During this time and others, he has expressed sorrow for all he had done to me, but his last particular visit was different from the others. I asked him why, I said dad why were you so cruel to me, why did you hurt me I loved you. What happened next shocked me as I suddenly knew the answers to my own questions. I knew this, I knew the answer, and it was not a remembering or a knowing for having known or remembered from some past life or even shared knowledge.


I feel this was being given to me by someone or thing beyond my comprehension, it was no guide or angelic speaking with me. I understood the message as it all became quite clear. My dad was ashamed and embarrassed all those years ago. Not ashamed of me or embarrassed by something I had done but ashamed and embarrassed of him-self. The reason being is it was his job to protect me from being killed; he was not there to protect me. He was ashamed and embarrassed as a father, and as a man who wielded a great deal of power in certain circles. I am sure he caught some grief from his fellows and in my opinion wrongfully so, as there was nothing he could have done to prevent what happened to me. He could not look me in the eye all those years in part, because I saw him and stopped him in a weak moment as he was trying to end his life after my mother divorced him. After understanding the other worldly message being given me, I spoke from the depths of me and I told dads spirit that I forgave him and that I never stopped loving or caring about him. After I said this, he smiled in some strange sort of way then vanished. I had forgiven my father for everything he ever did to me the day he died. But I guess I needed to forgive him again and then forgive myself for feeling so guilty as if I had wronged him in some way. I guess in some way dad needed this forgiveness. Now I can move forward in the understanding that I may have been in some way a circumstantial catalyst in all this. I was not mistreated for something I had done wrong and that makes me feel pretty darn good aboot myself. I really was a victim of circumstance! Oh I want to laugh at that last remark, but I am choking tears right now. If someone you loved, loved being the key word, mistreated you and crossed over, please find it in your heart to forgive them. That forgiveness is not only good for them it’s good for you as well. When we reach the spirit realm we are made accountable for all we had done while in these current bodies.


As spirits we are capable of emotions, sadness, and elations for misgivings. This is not a means to torment it is a knowledge and understanding of the wrong we had done and that is but a part of our afterlife penance and through this we continue to grow in a positive progression with the universe. So ‘you see’ it’s about forgiveness, it’s not an artificial sigh of relief it is a clearing of the spiritual and emotional air. A clearing that will leave all of us fulfilled and with an ability to see past that which we permitted to block our view and move forward into pursuits that bring aboot more positive resolve. Pausing a moment to think about all I’ve survived and lived through in this life permit me the following. I wake up each day and think, if I can share one more smile, one kind word, and one more hug then I will have contributed to someone’s happiness. After all isn’t that what we’re here for?


Mo Aetherland-My Heaven The vivid details of the heaven I visited during my NDEs. I did not disclose many of the following observations in my first book. I may have stated in this publication my limitations in the first An Altered Life citing limited space due to number of pages. This is but one reason why this information had not been made public at that time. Before I begin may I ask you to understand that some of the following has become difficult for me to talk about; my experiences in the Aetherland have had a deeply emotional and profound spiritual impact on me. I need to stress that when I died in two thousand and nine I did not wish my return to this Earthly plain. I wanted to stay in Heaven and in fact without using as much as more words in this suffice us to say I begged to stay. There was a peace in heaven, a silent indescribable euphoria, it was blissful, and almost as if I had been wrapped in love. I intend to speak about my Near Death Experiences and subsequent return to heaven in two-thousand and nine. I was on an operating table undergoing an emergency surgery as these events took place. Mo Aetherland, Mo is a loose Gaelic term for ‘My’ I placed along side of Aether, hence ‘My Aetherland’. There are many names used to describe a place of such fulfillment and splendor. The Hebrews call it Shamayim, Islam calls it Jannah, Buddhist call it Samsan or an illusional reality, and the Christians call it Heaven (Heven from the Middle English) attested to in 1159. All of these words have meaning to each designated religion. In one form or another they all translate into English as heaven, the afterlife, paradise, or the higher place. I felt Aetherland appropriate as every religion has a name for its heaven and I dinnae embrace any religious ideologies so in the spirit of fairness I should give the heaven, my heaven a name. I have another reason for my use of the term Aetherland, one I will disclose later in this article.


My Aetherland, the Heaven I visited is the place in which those I loved and love from past and present lifetimes co-exist with all other life forms. These life forms are comprised of multiple races and entities that live within, though, and on all dimensional plains and realities. I feel all lives purpose themselves in relation to the spiritual consciousness given us at our individual conception by the universal creator. There is no regard given to race or gender during the creation of our spiritual consciousness as race and gender are assigned upon our decent into other worldly forms. At this time I would like to be clear on a few other things. I knew little about any types of alien life other than what I was taught with regard to the differences between Antediluvian Agarthan earth Angelic’s and heavenly Angelic’s. I say alien life because in fact the Angels so many speak of in heaven are alien to the earth. The last Near Death Experiences did in fact set my world on end! In my first book I talked aboot the first NDE at age 15 and again those in 2009. What I am going to focus on and discuss now are my observations and experiences while in heaven as result of the 2009 NDES. In this Aetherland I knew all and everyone in this paradise at some point in some lifetime or existence, some appeared human and others I feel would be defined as alien by earthly standards. I recognized friends from former foes, who stood by me and who stood away in times of trouble. Nevertheless, this made no difference to me as I felt a sincere love for them all. I felt a happiness unlike any other before when I was reintroduce to my guides, whom had never left my side but remained unseen to me though a sea of religious ignorance since childhood. I also saw my mother and father again, my grandparents, granddaughter, my sister Lois, and many of those who have ever known or been known to me. I knew there were others whom were missing and had not yet arrived in this divine place again.


In some manner I understood many may have gone back to be reborn or even went to live within other dimensional folds or perhaps on worlds. I also met in passing those I know to be former, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, and sisters. I also saw the most colourful animals and birds. Here now is much of what I did not talk in my first book! My sister Lois and my grandmother approached me as each held one of my granddaughter’s hands and then told me how happy they were to see me. As my somewhat guided tour continued the angel was once again encouraging me to move along from one place to another. It was then my sister and grandmother were gone and only my granddaughter stood at my side. At some point it began to look as if I were standing on higher ground able to see what looked to be a city a short distance away. The lights emanating from this city are beyond any description that could justify their magnificence. There were colors, I have never seen nor do I think such vibrancy exist in our dimensional reality. This city as it appeared to be a large city consisted of several crystal domes, some of which stood as round ended icicles hanging pointed side up. Others of multiple shapes were beautiful and steadfast yet changing much like the changes of a rope chase light. There were other multi-colored lights, in a variety of shapes that presented as a fluid sort of plasma, qualities similar to those of blebs in a lava lamp. For lack of more words they looked like tiny little lights that grew big then small as they changed shape and colour. I felt that these, I want to say non-stationary dancing plasma lights, were the literal embodiment of intelligent life. The lights also appeared to change their shape deliberately as they traveled to and from this opulent place. Further in the distance I could see several more multiple coloured crystal domes, some of which appeared to morph. I do not know of any type of machine, prism, light source, or combination of such implements that could equally replicate the opulence of lights I had seen.


As I looked around I could also see a small grouping of mountains and trees, which seemed to go on forever. Although brilliant they resembled nothing as I had seen on earth. One such mountain appeared close and not only within view but also quite defined as it rested beyond the lush green forest dotted with it unimaginable shades of gold and blue. In rich and vivid detail I saw what looked like a road cut into the side of one mountain. The road was strangely obscured by people standing in a massive line as if working their way up and around the steep incline towards its unseen summit. I could also see what looked like angels of brown, blue, and bright white skin, as they were in flight while others appeared to be standing with some of the people making this trek. The Angel that spoke to me while I was there told me that this mountain is but one path to judgment. Those walking the mountain path are asked what they have done for their fellow beings, and then they are shown the truth of their deeds. Aided by Angelic’s they are given to judge themselves by these truths. However, this was of little more than a short concern to me. I was about to be given an understanding of other things I would later discover not only important but critical to accepting and the understanding of my earthly life, my purpose, and abilities. I felt as if the angel wanted me to move away from my now entrenched curiosities for the mountains and its related activities. The life forms My granddaughter was the one who presented me to the other life forms I am going to talk about at this time. Many of these beings appeared human while, others did not; they looked humanoid or what may be defined as sort of a hybrid form of human being. Mind you, none appeared anything remotely similar to what I have seen projected by any form of earthly media. I did refer to seeing them in the distance and gave an ever so brief physical description of them in my first book. Speaking further of their appearance in comparison to that of humans.


Those I first met appeared pale white in color with noses’, ears, and mouths that appeared to be similar to our own. Then I met others I would estimate to be eight to nine feet tall, their features were well defined and with exception of their extreme height and bright white skin they could easily pass as a form of human. A young female of short stature standing near to this group of giants, had dark hair, a slightly larger than human head, huge blue eyes, long ponytail, and small points on her ears. She looked at me and I did not find it surprising as I felt I knew her. My granddaughter then introduced me to another tall being with feminine features that also appeared human; she not only had white hair but shimmering white skin and pale blue eyes. As I was not in my physical body, when each of us spoke to the other I felt we were communicating by way of our spirit consciousness. My granddaughter then presented me to yet another tall white haired feminine looking being with blue eyes, this being appeared to be quite in fact human. What I understood at the time the woman spoke was a lexicon of terminology that eventually became a strangely familiar dialect as it flowed out, on, and into my being. It is not so much what she said at one point it is how she said it as her words expressed reason and a benevolent purpose in them. [The term Aether stuck to me like glue. I looked the word up in late 2009 and discovered it was once used to describe the space abouve the earth, i.e. the heavens. I felt the term Mo Aetherland was indeed appropriate and suitable to adopt as my personal definition and proper name of what many call heaven]. When the tall blue eyed woman looked at me it sent an overwhelming love through my being. I was astonished when being acknowledged by all and everyone in this Aetherland. The blue eyed woman told me her name and that we are all a part of and joined to each life form and its numerous variables in every dimensional reality.


All life forms interact with each other on an unconscious and subconscious level. Then spoke of something she called astral reality. She also spoke of something called interdimensional Mary, ( a being I mentioned in my first book), called un-creation. I do not feel comfortable repeating it at this time. Lastly she told me there was much for me to do, it was just then I looked to see the angel. I had never lost sight of it; only now my granddaughter was standing once again with my sister and my grandmother. I was home and I wanted to stay I wanted so badly to stay. I felt as if my visit to the Aetherland was aboot to come full circle and I somehow knew I would not be staying. I was thrown backwards and forward between my physical body and the spiritual Aetherland a total of three times during an emergency surgery that took hours to complete. The final time I was sent back my ex sister in law walked toward me, placed her hands on my shoulders and said NOT YET! My ex sister-in-law Martha became an even closer friend in death and now speaks and guides me at times. [There is a story aboot her in my first book, she became a vital part of my being validating again as a psychic medium] Upon my last return to our Earthly plain, I lay on an operating table still undergoing emergency surgery at a hospital in the U.S. My rather complex and lengthy thirteen day hospital stay was not solely to do with my lung surgery and stress due to heart disease but my contracting sepsis while in the hospital, and that nearly killed me, again! My treatment at the hospital was not at all conducive to healing it was appalling. When I awoke in the intensive care unit and after having the ventilator and tubes removed from me I heard a disembodied voice and when I was able to focus my vision I saw the angel standing near a corner of my room. I was also anxious to know if what I was just experiencing was artificial due to all the drugs they were pumping into me.


I later confirmed what I was seeing and hearing was indeed quite real from a Psychic Mediumship point of view. I am since left with several other questions after this last trip to the light. I have answered many of these over the past few years and I have had a lot of other-worldly help in doing so. One query haunts me after visiting Mo Aetherland and after experiencing its wonders it made this question more relevant and somewhat pressing. So many people stand and claim to have faith in the afterlife, then why do so many of them permit organized religion and politics to corrupt and inspire them to do harm and thereby stand in the way of their faith in each other, themselves, and the God of the universe? Perhaps answers to our own exponential purpose lay not with others but within each of us and that answer may be as individual and unique as a single snowflake or as common as a drop of summer rain. Nevertheless, we each have a heaven waiting for our arrival; heaven is not an exclusive club for a limited number of elite chosen people. All are embraced within the same love and grace given them at their inception. The judgment you place upon yourself in heaven will in point of fact determine your next destination. Heaven presents you with many choices and many fates, some will lead to salvation through penance; others lead back to a physical existence in another time and another place. There are roads to redemption frequently traveled requiring a retribution or performance of tribute in the form of something as simple as a singular act. The performance of these duties may require your return to a physical or while in non-physical existence in order to complete them. There are also allegorical doorways that once opened can lead us to other spiritual realms through judgment. You may be given the choice of whether or not you wish to volunteer and return to help your fellow beings in a more direct, and quite probably physical manner. As the angel showed and told me this it went on to say there are passageways leading away from this place.


Conduits to afflicted places of painful retributions and should you draw near you would know the sorrows of the truly wicked in their chosen penance. And in the end Upon completion of all tasks in all of our lifetimes we will return to our heaven to dwell there again and forever. We are all given a second chance at reclamation and even a third and a fourth because the universe does not wish to know the loss of one single light of existence, for that loss would diminish all creation itself. This inexplicable place, this heaven is a reality and a dimension that cannae be defined by comparisons to words etched by man in some earthly tome or justified by way of any mystical contrivance. Death is not a clichÊd cinematic happy ending it is the next beginning of our never ending journey. The Aetherland lay beyond the surreal; in fact, it is this death sur-reality that is gifted us in order that we cross into the light of unconditional love and understanding. In this heaven we all are truly and assuredly alive and content within the breath and sight of the Universal God. Not the biblical God, not the Islamic God, not the Hebrew God, not the Hindu God, the non-religiously-affiliated nonsecular God of all creation. There is a positive path to our individual heaven, it is not ridden with hate and fear, it is not ridden with betrayal and harm of our fellow beings, it is not paved and built upon our religious and political views, our path is created and driven by our faith in each other, ourselves, and the promise of a life eternal. A plainer truth would be to say that in death we all end up more or less at the same place. It’s just our choice of baggage that determines whether or not we receive a bus ticket to Mulligan city, or a first class guided tour of our home with old, friends, and family.


Momentary reflections on the improvements to my Altered Life Journal entry final summations mid Feb 2014 As I am sitting here I am looking out the double doors at the snow as it floats downward onto the beautiful mountains. With exception of the music, playing through the laptop there is stillness. A solitary moment free of activity except for the extraneous harmonies of music blending with sights and sounds of what lay beyond my window. I never thought a day would come when I was able to look back at anything other than unhappiness. These past twenty years have been trying health and other wise. I feel I have been blessed in many ways and for that I am thankful.

To those who are discouraged from developing their abilities and the naysayers The nay sayers are people whom are non-specific as they come from all occupations. Occasionally I hear from someone boo hoeing Psychic and Mediumship abilities. I also hear the most imbecilic reasons for this denial, so much so it often boggles my mind. Telling someone who is seeing spirits or having prophetic dreams that they are nuts is proof that you the naysayer need to get a grip on yourself. The naysayers are not qualified to make such assessments by any means. No one can tell anyone what he or she is capable of as all things are possible. With regard to anything concerning you these knuckleheads feel a need to keep you down. The, I am ignorant and so you must be ignorant and let’s undermine and break down your self-esteem bullshit I endured for years left me with nothing but emotional and physical debt, it had taken me years to recover. People who have not developed their abilities often tout this sort of rhetorical tripe.


Let me be one to say we all have abilities, they go undeveloped simply because many of us permit ourselves to be repressed by the daily spoon-fed, nothing is possible unless we say so talking heads and assorted nit wits. It is their group matter of thinking, a mass psychosis, because the naysayers have an emotional need to drag you kicking and screaming if necessary down into their cult of belief and supervise your systematic indoctrination into their life of vulgar absurdities. These poor misled souls are so brainwashed they feel psychologically obligated to assimilate you, so much so it drives them mad when they cannae sway you. They are not going to change and nothing you say will bring about their change so the feck em and move on. Please do not permit anyone to discourage you from pursuing anything positive in life. If you want to change the future, change the way you think and stick to your principles. In doing this you removed the box and even that area outside of the box will be open to discussion. Only you can change the way people think about the future by being an independent and individual thinker. By all means open mouth and let your voice be heard, dinnae be silenced by short sighted people who draw lines and stand behind them. Many of the so called men and woman of science and religion live inside a box, right along with their fanatical political friends. When you stand your ground on your personal beliefs and do not accept nor endorse what’s been spoon fed to you, a chain reaction occurs. Others see and hear you, so that they may in turn mimic your convictions or at least your integrity and grit. Never let anyone limit your free speech! There is a measure of truth to the words ‘if you are not for me you stand against me.’ Anything and everything is possible and everything and anything is probable. I speak from personal experience as there is no known scientific reason for my abilities yet they are real. If that makes someone uncomfortable and frightened well la de da get over it quickly because there are others just like me and not all are as munificent as I. Kath Campbell-January 2014 [199]

A Positive Humanity Part II The following information is drawn from my ‘Knowing’, and conversations with inter-dimensional beings. In twenty-fourteen the majority of human-kinds most positive and logically peace driven people are faced with an opportunity to move past their negative colleagues. For so long they have been repressed and written off by their counterparts as crackpots and emotionally disturbed individuals. The most positive portion of humanity is setting itself free but not through group meetings or social media as many may think, they are doing so more on an individual level. Employing guided logic in their humanities and rationality. Reason being is they have opened their eyes to see the irrationality of humankinds’ absurd pursuits through its segregation, be it religious, political, ethnic, gender, gender orientation, or sexual preference. During my life I have experienced what I feel is more than my share of negativity. The powers that be favourite promoter, this week’s boogie man, used to be set upon us gradually, but today our architects of fear and division come at us from every direction at once. Many of us have awakened or re-awakened to realize we can control or have a say in our own destiny. Of the issues that have long lived as a source of countless and continual negative argument aside from politics and religion are the newly refocused gender and ethnicity issues. The positive of humanity are actually fleeing organized religion. You would not know this by way of the news at ten but the majority of people are also stepping away from definitive obsessive gender and ethnicity issues. Many are simply numb from the over Sexualization of men and women via the media. The clear and apparent objectification of certain religious and ethnic backgrounds, as well favoritism of certain races, again through media has fueled their flight. All that is issued by the media is being parroted back to an already dumbfounded overloaded public.


Confusion and distraction are now a matter of public policy. Positive people are starting to look at themselves as genderless non-ethnically, and non-politically defined members of the human race. The government of Australia has recently taken steps to permit individuals to designate their gender as non-specific on their passports. Gay marriage and LGBT equality is now becoming law of the land in America. It may surprise you that these actions and those similar do not haunt many of those embracing forms of humanities or futurism. It haunts and taunts the negative repressive hate mongering pricks that want to continue the same arguments so they may profit from their resulting conflicts. Positive humans of all ages are simply stepping away from servitude to a society and culture that is sinking into barbarism and the darkest of idolatries. Choosing instead to pursue things that have all but vanished in the past few decades called free thought, creativity, invention, innovation, and free unrestricted speech. Those now liberated of the negativity continue to work every day but spend much of their time exorcising their newly discovered freedoms. More importantly, they are setting aside the now decadent religious and political dogmas to pursue an honest concern and care for each other without further regard to ethnic, gender, religious, and political stereotypes. Focusing on what is within ones control and that is ones self. We are overcoming the repression and division we permitted to rule us. Ultimately, we shall stand neutral of all gender, ethnic, religious, and or ideological beliefs. We will stand as one race with the abilities to build something positive by living a positive life in ourselves and with each other. We will move forward through and by peaceful existence not the continued downward spirals of war. The divisive fanatics know they have to keep you well fed and smart enough to operate the ride they put on at birth. True they do have some rather nasty things in mind for us all that are unfolding even now.


One of the things these negative tin Gods underestimated is the power of a human spirit, that little light within us all. That light is now their undoing. Can you feel it?

The Absent are Present Summation April 2011 ‘What we leave behind’ I am not quite sure how to approach this issue. I believe that when we cross, aside from leaving our physical DNA imprint on loved ones, we leave a spiritual imprint. The difference being a spiritual imprint is constantly renewed yet remains original and unchanged. This imprint could be consistent with a reminder being something along the lines of a waft of mums’ perfume, dad’s aftershave or grandma’s fresh baked bread or pies at any location and at any given time. The spirit presence may manifest in a more subtle manner, or to the extreme of something intense dependent upon the parameters. Under any circumstances, a loved one that has passed may be connecting or attempting to connect with you. I have already spoken of the non-linear reality being, that which is within the spirit realm. In that, reality time is irrelevant and non-existent. One analogy of a crossed-spirits ability to be present in our realm would be to view the physical world as a fish bowl. Outside of a fish bowl you can look in and focus on an individual fish but if you so choose you may view them all, simultaneously, one signifying a time reference within our, you guessed it, physical reality. Time is the only means of measurement we have available to designate set fixed and nonfixed linear points. Bottom line being a spirits presence may be symbolic with or to relay and make known one simple but most important personal message and that is, you are loved and I am watching over you.

An Existence in Silence Jotter entry May 10th 2013 Undoubtedly, someone will ask me about personal longevity at some point in my week.


When one young person did so I believe my candid response startled this individual who may have expected some sarcastic prosaicism that urged on uncontrollable laughter. I said quite simply that at age sixteen I thought the rest of my life was next week. Of course this was a matter of figurative thought but at that time, I really paid little attention to the total scope of my future. This person responded by telling me they had been abused as a child and into their teens, they had also thought about suicide. I looked at this young person and said what is germane to any individual is to understand and accept the importance of you the individual. Not for the purpose of living as a selfish selfcentered person with no heart but in a more earthly aspect, regarding acceptance of what you are tolerant and intolerant of in pursuit of and obtainment of your happiness. No matter the number of days or years in your life let each part of another bring to you a positive lesson. Life is going to fucking hurt like hell at times and in that regard I only asks you take something positive away from each negative experience. You can damn well feel compelled and quite justified in choosing to live in unspoken suffering because of some dreadful thing that happened to you. Would it not be better to live through such a thing and survive it, than to live with its oblivious repressions a lifetime? Longevity plays no part in a life spent within this reticence, take it from one who has walked in that numb and detached darkness, because by then you will have already committed psychological suicide, and become nothing but a hollow shell that has the pretense of emotion devoid of demonstration of such. When YOU have outlived your purpose here on earth you will inherit a certain reverence of any and all life itself.


You will know, understand, and appreciate the fact that you lived on your own terms, stood in your own truth, and did not serve as someone’s whipping post, or door mat. When you find inner peace enjoy it, and if possible share it. Never again surrender to the will of those who inflict harm. I ask you take one final truth with you and that is when your time to leave the physical world arrives this will not be the end of your existence it will be the beginning of your next.

“One of the most remote fears I have is awakening to the sound of a Twilight Zone narrative saying my life had all been a dream and I missed the best parts” Kath Campbell March 24th, 2014

The Endless Sleep Completed Jotter April 2014 and revised entry May 28th 2014 Any given day in my life, is an adventure and one reason being is I never know whom I will meet or speak with because of contact with the spirit world. I dinnae always know if I am going to meet a fool or a friend and that in itself is often frightening. My guides are always with me, I find this a small but grateful consolation, in so much as they are not physical beings they give me a degree of assurance and comfort. I am quite thankful for them and I only ask you understand that the warmth of a hug coming from a physical being cannae be substituted by light shared with others in the spiritual reality. If given a choice I much prefer the physical hug. The Dreams I have found myself avoiding sleep, not to stand clear of the endless sleep as I seek and would embrace that, it is to avoid the dreams. The apparitions that accompany the abilities are not always kind. I have broken routine in order to chance shifting their energies and belaying the nightly spirit visitors.


These visitors are often in some peril or prolonged agony. They seek to share their nightmarish tales with me in some form or phantasm. There is also the ontological force, the power that in its self can be unsettling, and its talent to obfuscate the momentary realities in dreams. The opposing being the far too often terrifying clarity of the person, place or in some instances thing. The dreams themselves often come in bits and pieces liken to a cinema serial of old. The depicted events are not always in a proper order and often appear at random leaving yours truly somewhat puzzled. I eventually manage to translate the information shared with me. I believe this may well be a part of my ‘Knowing’ There are also the dreams that I call nothing but typical and when I say I typical I mean having to do with what you may have discussed with your friends earlier or that last bit of television before bed. I discussed earlier why it may be we dinnae dream of our loved ones that have passed and how it is possible, possible being the operative word, to invite those spirits into our dreams. As for myself, I have asked in prayer and I have come to point of digging in my heels and quite adamantly telling the spirits to piss off for the night so I may rest. I cannae assure myself of any specific type of dream but I often make requests. I have the occasional nice dream and that’s it an occasion. Moreover, my intentions known, this brings me to tonight, this morning, or any sleep cycle. I always place a bottle of water on the night table and as I quiet myself. I then ask what fresh heaven or hell, what place, what time, and with whom I will find myself when, these dream adventures begin. As you may have gathered by now it’s obvious I have seen and experienced unusual things via dreams. Many of which have been seen through the eyes of someone other than myself, this someone is generally a person and or persons I dinnae know and have never seen at any time or any place to this life recall.


I am in the way of knowing that some of these reveries need to be documented because of their content, nature, and overall information. Seeing a future, past, present event that is tied to anyone’s, past, present or future reality can be a conundrum of frustration. I dinnae feel the dreams were ever truly lucid however, in the last days of May twenty-fourteen the dreams took a sudden turn into a cogent, almost holographic, viewing ability that is the very definition of surreal. Since this event the dreams have continued to present in the same manner. Having listened to and read all the psychobabble pertaining to nightmares and prophetic dreams. I find these to be as any mind science, theoretical, and ten for a dollar supposition stated when addressing dream states of consciousness. With further regard to all hypothesis its naw more than haverin spondulieitise and only a tube would buy it, and in plainer English its bullshit! Astral Traveler If I were to picture myself for a moment as a simile, I would be the equivalent of a misplaced time traveler trying to find their way back home. I am no Doctor Who but unlike the good Doctor, I am temporal corporeal entity. I have lived infinite lifetimes on countless worlds, I have existed in one body to the next, one form to another, one gender to its antithesis and onward into celestial ambiguity. As each Gilgul brings forthwith incarnate transitions I am appositely issued a new form and gifted as well retained certain personas. Each form or gender possessing its idiosyncratic exceptionalisms as the spirit consciousness remains unaffected and sacrosanct. I will honestly, and as only speaking for myself in saying when my work is completed, I will return to the Stars and the Aetherland from whence I came. Given thought the mythical Whovian allegory would be an applicable assumption on my behalf, if I were given to make assumptions, which I am not. I was told I‘d not be returning after my next death I will go home for always and forever.


I have recently noticed another metamorphosis-taking place within me. I am not speaking of abilities I am speaking of my sentient original first form consciousness experiencing a positive discomfort. At times life has become much like for lack of better words an augmented awareness transcending those afforded me by the abilities. It is this awakening and realization of the deeper spiritual mind and that super-consciousness I am told is yet another step frontward. To think of one’s self as more of an intelligent energy than a temporal corporeal entity confined to a linear vessel is quite revealing and even austere. I feel I am receiving a further as well inner enlightenment and illumination that is provided to us all in our non-human spiritual form. I dinnae wish to use the phrase evolve beyond flesh and blood in arrogance, so permit me to say the total transfiguration from physique into one of pure spirit energy is not the end of my existence it is the beginning on the next. I have at times managed to quiet not only myself but all that surrounds me. In the recent weeks while in momentary peace I have taken that even deeper look at my inner self. The Doctor Who parables and allegories set aside for a moment I feel I am something embryonic, not moving abouve my fellow sentient's but out of this human shell making true preparations for my complete transition into a quintessential being of light. I am not speaking of bizarre arrangements for internment, I’m simply paying due attention to the next transition of my life force. The shedding away of this now inefficient vessel to permit the light within its exit so it may reach and once again obtain its apogee. If you wish life to more accurately imitate art permit me this somewhat parallel classical representation. Our inner beings of light are but a time traveling Tardis and as we all know when the Tardis door closes a doorway in time and space begins to open. We begin to slip through the dimensional folds of all time and space realities as we travel across all that is, was, all that will, and all that may be.


As beings, we are infinite, we continue as we ultimately regenerate from our human form back to our true selves. We shall again become the non-physical cognizant intelligent light created by the universal God. Regardless of our human forms we are all a separate yet parts of all dimensional realities and the singular one God of the universe. Upon our physical death we are all instantaneously transported through the tunnels of light, the wormholes, the doorways, the star-gates, across the bridges back to the place of our origin. We may also be guided by Angelic’s to see us safely home and see to our transition once arrive in our heaven. Our untainted and most divine form of energy is that next beginning and moving forward to the astonishing something, something so magnificently opulent there are no pronounceable human words or practice deeds to lend ample description to this phenomenon. My deepest of wishes I pause thinking perhaps, yes, after shuttering my eyes I will make that final expedition to the Aetherland and sleep the endless sleep. Indeed, I do pray nightly for a quick, peaceful, and quiet ending to this physical existence. I have no desire or wish to linger on tormented by illness and travail as I await the sleep. However, I would never willfully give cause or aide to any quickening of my crossing. Death is the domain of the Universal God, and the Universal God will decide the day, the moment, and the hour I will be returned to my heaven. Myself and society I wish to confess, I dinnae care for this time I was born into. Notwithstanding, I will make no apology, I have a dislike for being intellectually advantaged in certain areas and deficient in others. As of late there is also my Knowing and Remembering that tends to make many happy in the sharing and others quite angry just moments after I speak.


I love people just not the shit they do to each other and when they are trying to run a game on me it always ends with someone’s disappointment. My living in a society that has moved so far away from its truths that it has permitted itself to be constantly misled by trickery is something I find nauseating. In fact our society is no longer ours for it belongs to elected and self-appointed elitist demigods who do not inspire growth through education and free thought, they demand unquestionable obedience through ignorance and psychologically induced fear. Freedom is but an illusion in fact our de-education and mass indoctrination into this madness began with the end of WWI. Before this time people wrote and spoke in a more eloquent manner, their diction and vocabulary was superior to that which is practiced in today’s so called civil society. Yes they practiced the stupidity of war! More to the positive point, unlike our modern day majority they were also capable of compassion and empathy for their fellow human beings and love was often tempered with mercy. People once defined, not judged, one another by deed not religious or political ideology and certainly not by the opinions of paid media shills and talking heads. If the majority of humankind had seen the future of their offspring and the fruits of their labours they may have been inspired to elect and appoint the financially poorest of men and women. Men and woman that would stand in their convictions for the truth while pursuing the common good without regard to financial gain or social status. Indeed there was a time when democracy was not for sale, today political seats are bought and controlled by the wealthy and overseen by lobbyist minders to assure those who sit in the seats of power respect and serve their true masters. You see my friends only the poor understand the poor as the rich care only for the rich. The rich know nothing and care less than nothing for the needs and wants of the poor. Society was never meant to incorporate three classes of people it was only designed to support only two. There will always be the haves taking from and denying the needs of the have-nots.


Sadly in twenty fourteen our vastly un-inspired over populated society for the most part consist of, not completely, dumbed down worker drones and assorted nincompoops that are only inspired by media fed propaganda that dictates even more ignorance and immediate want of everything and anything instantly. My further actions, interactions, and observations I am therefore guided by my social grace, psychic and empathic abilities, as well compassion to act more diligently, and with greater patience while interacting with others. I do however confess a lack of patience for stupidity still again I shall make no apology. Moreover, the majority of society has never heard any degree of truth in their lifetime. Thusly I am given cause to feel that I make little if any difference to their social or spiritual wellbeing. Should I be the cause or facilitator for any such positive difference I do pray it is a lasting one. Generally upon answering peoples psychic questions and excusing myself from their presence, many being of such short attention span that even looking for, none the less reading the expiration date on a can of spaghetti'os' is a bit much, then these individuals simply move on to someone or something else, wait there goes a butterfly! When they have another question and it is only then they wish to socialize with me all the while pursuing a surreptitious agenda. At risk of sounding brash do they really think I cannae see or dinnae know what they are doing, how oblivious can one be? I can sense these things, perhaps it has something to do with my being psychic! Be that as it may there are people who have spoken with me repeatedly and never with an agenda. I feel and know these to be the truest of heart and compassion, they are the very definition of all that is good and right with humankind. I know they are the invisible thread and but few of the last strains of any positive representation of our humanity that remains on this planet. It is these individuals I hold in highest esteem and with a deepest loyalty and respect.


There are caring people in the world and I have been fortunante these past few years to have met those who are both virtuous and humane. I am truly blessed as many have permitted me to become their friends or associates. There are still other good people waking up from their indoctrinated nightmare, many having been asleep since age six. As for matters of truth whether given or not any truth shared with todays humankind even by and in the smallest of measures inspires the majority to respond in the atypical Machiavellian fashion. It is then they will plot and assuredly move to affront by inspiring others to hastily stand against those presenting any authenticity. Thus giving new meaning to the phrase “kill the messenger� It is indeed sad when people substitute fear for reason, then define harsh judgment as godly and kind as it is anything but kind. I find this a disturbing sign of the darkness that has now arrived and will consume much of humankind. Alas I look at this current lifetime I have finally accepted my being the square peg or the round as I just dinnae fit. Although I am a non-conformist and free thinker at heart who has tried to assimilate, I have failed quite miserably in this task. If I had succeeded perhaps I would have been better received by society. Furthermore, many, with the exception of friends and associates, of my fellow humans as you have no doubt surmised by now have given me little if no inspiration to enjoy their continual company. We are taught our flaws define our uniqueness and our oppositions that they may give us to attract cruelty and dare I say the galactically stupid and ignorant mother-fuckers that seem to always find me, these few issues alone have deterred me from pursuing a much larger social life. My kind nature has also and almost always been cause for conflict instigated by others with me as it is frequently mistaken for and assumed to be a weakness. People know I am valid and credible, I also feel the best of them appreciate my realism and honesty.


Furthermore, honesty is a bit more than some can bear. One individual confessed to me that my first book brought him to realize what a complete bastard he had been his entire life. At that time he also admitted to his cruelty and further stated he was now seeking ways to set things right with those harmed or afflicted. He did not speak to thank me; he was condemning me for writing a book that in his words, and I quote ‘screwed with people’s heads.’ Apparently waking to discover who and what you really are can be a dreadful thing to certain individuals, well aint life a bitch? A personal contentment and final realization Today I am quite happy with many aspects of my life when making comparison to the tattered and beleaguered being I was some years ago. From my lifestyle changes in the late nineties to the re-awakening of the abilities in two thousand and nine, all can be defined as personal quantum leaps. When you look at the big picture, as they say in America, I feel I am something or perhaps someone, that has outlived its purpose and for lack of kinder words, I am becoming obsolete. The Remembering, Knowing, seeing, feeling and all the psychic abilities so often seem like obligatory tradeoffs from my once quieter and anonymous way of life. I say in earnest there are times I aven’t a clue as to what the feck I am doing on earth. The mismatched body, core spirit twist this time round has been for the freggin birds. I want that guy in the warehouse who rebooted and packed me up for shipment back to earth fired! I dinnae see myself as beautiful or ugly because of my being covered with scars inside and out. I do like myself and feel I am an overall kind and easy to get along with person. Minus my interactions with the paranormal and supernatural I find life’s daily redundancies a welcome comfort. There is contentment in knowing my next death will conclude this long, insanely funny, cacophonous, ruthlessly cruel, mystifying, painful, vexed, despondent, recently hilarious, upside down, over the top and all out magnificently ambiguous enigmatic journey.


Except for the wonderful blessings of someone’s good company, unconditional love, and understanding I remain this literal and solitary astral traveler through time, space, and dimensional realities. Yes shortly I will be in need to seek some rest. For now I will continue to press away at the keys of the laptop computer that sits balanced upon a rather large and posh comforter given me by my sister Joy many years ago. I have in my mind that tonight I will finish writing An Altered Life Part II. As I pause a moment to drink from the water bottle set aside my bed I deliberately find myself being swept away by the heavenly harmonics of the nineteen seventies line up of the ‘Renaissance’ musical group. These wondrous sounds so inspire rapturous and miraculous feelings of sentimental bliss. As these feelings pass my way they become but a momentary melancholy remembrance of a time that was, and in which we were all someone’s children not yet their eldest survivors. I now find myself sitting on the edge of my bed typing. I am anticipating the walk to my living room, so I may switch on the mechanical wonder that has made itself yet another nocturnal companion. In a few moments, I will watch these words I write as if I am speaking to you, fade away. They will simply vanish into this gray pained void of electronic marvel now perched carefully on knee. As I look now away from the computer screen I cannae help but see the sunlight hitting the blinds, indeed the night has once again become the day. I am in fact quite tired and honestly my time has passed and is nearing its end. It is now the musical ecstasy that has flooded the room and my heart with a sea of emotion is overtaken, by the mellow sound of the Oxygen machine pumping away. As its gentle rhythm lulls me, I whisper a small prayer. I breathe deeply through the awkward looking Oxygen mask now gracing my face and draw in that next breath assisted by the mechanical wonder singing in my hall. [213]

I must again enhance and call upon the calm to bring its stillness in the midst of the spirit and living chaos that burls outside the door, like so many used car sales-people, each with a story they are compelled to tell me. I feel the cool air as it gently makes its way through this old body into these tired diseased lungs, once again I shudder my eyes and in doing so those emblematical and metaphorical Tardis doors will close and then…………..



I would also like to salute and recognize everyone who dares to be different. Those of us whom are not the run of the mill stiffs. You know the people that walk around inconsiderately proclaiming themselves normal who think they have the wisdom of the almighty and run the entire fucking galaxy. Well here is a news flash they dinnae run a single thing except what you allow them tae. Permit them tae birl on that matter and others like it for an eternity. I say now let loose with creepin Jesus and permit the journey tae continue. Tae those extraordinary thinkers, doers, and be-errs who contribute tae and participate in everyday life, I stand and salute you. Tae those who are afraid tae step up and say, hello I am not normal and I dinnae give a fuck what your opinion of me is. Now is a good time tae step up and step out my fellow beings. If not now when? Tap-dancin Jesus J. Christ many of us are just pardon, the obvious platitude, born different. If society considers you abnormal an anomaly or simply calls you a freak because of whom and what you are and or are perceived tae be well let your personal flippin flag fly because you are loved and worthy of same! Anyone who says otherwise is a mince chucking scunner whose mum plays rhythm guitar in hell. I am an individual capable of thinking for myself and making my own decisions. Tae this end and several others, I might add, one being I am myself an anomaly, the fact that I am unlike any other human on this time line pleases me tae no freggin end! Kath Campbell 2014 (Creeping Jesus is a Scottish slang term for the Sage of Govan)


My heartfelt thank you To the one that is the center and paramount figure in my personal universe. Your tolerance of my sometimes literal what, what, responses to the subtle reminders that I take care of myself along with the less the favorable parts of my disposition, have made me even more humble and thankful for each day. Special thanks to C. Lewis, my bff Jeanne C, my former assistant Kathy B, Janet, J, T, Roger Black and anyone I may have forgotten. I’m truly blessed by your kindness. To my amazing friend and mentor, I know you wish to remain anon. I want to thank you for being a friend first and medium second. Thank you for helping me grasp some of the difficult realities I have faced as a psychic medium. Your shared knowledge and wisdom has helped me maintain my own and gather more. Lang may yer lum reek lassie Féadfaidh an t-ardú an bóthar leat, is féidir leis an ghaoth a bheith i gcónaí ag do chúl Beidh an suaimhneas mo cairdeas agus dílseacht a bheith go deo leat.



To the Altered Lifers I am and stand truly honored by your kind words and thoughts. Tae everyone I am just now meeting and those I have been privileged tae speak with many times, thank you all so very much. You have each and all touched and enriched my life deeply. Tae those wonderful people both living and dead, who have helped make the second Altered Life book a reality. Tae the Angelic’s and my guides I could not have continued this part of my journey without you. Blessings to the family of my dear friend Roy Allen, if you read my first book you know who this man is and how significant he was to my life. Roy left this world shortly before the end of 2013. What a beautiful light you are old friend, a beautiful magnificent light and it has been an honor to know you! We shall meet again, I will be along shortly.

Contact Kath Campbell Feel free to visit the website for updates on Kath’s appearances and projects related to a variety of paranormal and supernatural topics. In consideration to her often-busy schedule, she does find time to personally post on the web site and chat now and then. Kath’s web site or Via email at For Kaths’ books Due to the volume of mail she receives, we ask you place your name and matter of concern in the subject line of your post. With the exception of random public readings, she no longer performs readings of any kind.


Authors note I would like tae thank you for reading the entire book or perhaps you were too lazy and skipped tae the last page. Either way what are, you doing sitting down? Stand up and applaud, I am taking a symbolic bow.

PDF book-cover concept, design, and assembly by Kath Campbell. Photos by Shay


Update As of October 2014, although active I stepped down from my position as a public figure in order to pursue more conservative venues by which to utilize my mediumship and psychic abilities. I will remain active as long as I can in the sense that I do phone and video consultations regarding all aspects of the paranormal and supernatural, these are becoming limited I no longer do private readings, health providing I do the occasional brief random reading while interacting with the general public. To this day I have never accepted any form of payment for any of my readings.




Psychic Medium Kath Campbell Kath Campbell takes you into her past, present and future once again. By speaking of her life’s experiences, you will come to realize she is a gifted, witty, outspoken, and intelligent survivor who became a warrior. Today Campbell continues to turn heads and hearts on end with her psychic abilities and remarkable personality. Kath describes her father and the peculiar living and dead members of his family then reveals a heartbreaking secret concerning the inhuman treatment of a gifted family member. Her terrifying childhood encounters with shadow people and first meeting her guides. Campbell recounts in detail her meetings and interactions with the deceased and tormented spirits trapped inside a fully staffed hospital. A must read, undisclosed till now extensive recall of her experiences in what many call heaven, being shown one literal path to judgment by an angel and then being introduced to those she knew in past lives. Her conversations with the Angelic’s that redefine spiritual reality and bold truths that may leave you questioning everything you have ever, been taught. Kath will reveal much of the doings and the dark deeds and plans being made by the group she called the Blue and Whites in her first book as well their associates and the coming mass depopulation of the earth. Kath Campbell continues with her non-stop trademark ‘tell it like it is’ dealings with life, death, and everything in between, plus outrageously funny often-sarcastic truth mixed with occasional side splitting salty Celtic dialog . The books finale is a powerful soul bearing self-portrait of how she truly sees herself, society, and the future along with several deeply personal disclosures followed by a sudden but thought provoking conclusion that may bring a tear to even the hardest of hearts. Again, Kath Campbell has proven herself to be no ordinary Psychic Medium; she continues to be one extraordinary and courageous human being.


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