To guide students in the process of writing meaningful paragraphs and short essays. Teacher's Guide
By Patricia Y. Lewis
Topic important funny kind I have the best friend in the whole world. Detail Detail Conclusion Friends
Pets Sports
Paragraph Building Friends
Family Baech FavoriteFood
ISBN 978-9962-709-11-4
Author: Patricia Y. Lewis
Executive Producer:
Sheyla Henson
Edited and Revised:
Celia Ana Forrester Caton
Pablo Vidal González Murcia
Graphic Designer:
Julio Santamaria
Published by PsychoTools Inc. 2022
Paragraph Building
Teacher's Guide
To guide students in the process of writing meaningful paragraphs and short essays.
By Patricia Y. Lewis By Patricia Y. Lewis
Paragraph Building
Dear teacher,
As fellow teachers, our main concern is that our students learn meaningfully by means of authentic resources. Therefore, we are committed to creating and providing such means to ensure the quality and depth of English mastery that can open the necessary doors for students' progressive academic growth and development. We also envision them enjoying the experience of learning and using the language at ease. What better way of expressing their thoughts and ideas, than paragraph writing?
Our goal in preparing this Paragraph Building Teacher's Guide is to provide you a hands-onmanual to assist you in the teaching-learning experience for your classroom. It mirrors the Paragraph Building Student's Workbook in order to apply the suggestions and explanations easily, making lesson planning less time-consuming. In this way, you can invest more time in enjoying the teaching process than spending endless hours with paperwork.
As a teacher, feel free to apply your own teaching style to bring about the most lasting learning moments as you work with your students and different groups.
Finally, this Paragraph Building Teacher's Guide is one of the components of the set comprised by the Paragraph Student's Workbook and the Paragraph Building Flip Book, each with its specific goals and purposes forming the complete resource pack to develop writing skills.
4 Teacher’s Guide
Sentence Writing Review
In order to write paragraphs, students must be able to write sentences that are the components of paragraphs. The following review is to ensure that students comprehend and have mastered the basic concepts of sentence writing.
The purpose of this structure and the exercises is to help students write richer sentences and therefore better paragraphs by following patterns rather than grammatical rules.
The statements will usually begin with the character and end with a conclusion. The settings usually go after the character, but in some cases they can change positions with the events.
Before writing sentences in the Workbook, students should have practiced forming sentences orally first, then by writing them on the board, and finally writing their creative sentences in the Workbook.
1. Naming Characters
The characters are the same as the subjects which are the persons, animals, or objects the sentence is about. It responds to the question who or what.
• Explain point I. to the class.
• Have students create their own characters and share them aloud.
• Write your example on the board.
• Go to page 5 in the Student´s Workbook. Indicate to the students what to do.
1 Part Character Setting Conclusion
Character: Setting: A boy Event: Conclusion: • • • •
Sentence Writing Review Part
II. Creating a Setting
A setting is a location or place. It is where the character is or the action develops. It responds to the question where.
• Explain point II. to the class.
• Have students practice creating settings and share them on the board.
• Write your example on the board.
• Go to pages 6 - 7 in the Student´s Workbook. Indicate to students what to do.
III. Introducing an Event
The event is what happens or takes place in the setting.
• Explain point III. to the class.
• Prompt students to follow the three steps to include an event.
• Write your example on the board.
• Go to pages 8 - 9 in the Student´s Workbook. Indicate to students what to do.
Setting: A boy at the swimming pool in the 100m competition Event: Conclusion:
Setting: A boy at the swimming pool Event: Conclusion: 1
Sentence Writing Review
IV. Writing a Complete Sentence
The last point you need to write in a sentence is a conclusion. The conclusion is the end of events and actions the character does or what happens in the story.
• Explain the introductory line to the class, and point IV.
• Have students write complete sentences by joining a character, a setting, an event, and a conclusion.
• Remind the class to maintain the agreement between the structural elements.
• Write your example on the board.
• Turn to pages 10-11 in the Student’s Workbook. Indicate to students what to do.
Part Character: Setting: A boy at the swimming pool in the 100m competition won the silver medal. Event: Conclusion:
Sentence Writing Review Part
V. Using the Verb “to be” in Sentences
• Present the different uses of the verb “to be” in sentences.
• Explain that the verb “to be” is used in sentences that describe, identify, state a condition, or define the place or location of the character.
• The verb “to be” can either be singular or plural according to the subject.
• Write the following sentences on the board. Explain the different uses of the verb “to be”.
Different uses of the verb “to be”
State a Condition
Joshua a soccer player. A ball a sports article.
He tall and healthy.
The soccer ball and the basket ball deflated.
Define a place or location
Plural form of “to be”
His soccer field at the sports complex. Our playground at the field.
Joshua and Patrick popular players. Frank and Bill great players.
• Have students practice on page 12 in the Student´s Workbook.
• Indicate to students what to do.
Examples is is was is is are are were 1
VI. Using the Present Progressive Form of the Verb (“verb + ing”) in Sentences
• Emphasize that the present progressive form of the verb must express an action taking place at the moment of speech.
• Sentences in the present progressive form describe actions taking place at the moment of speech.
• Use the paragraph to help students identify the verb.
• Explain to students how to change the main verb to the “ing” form.
• Explain to students that in negative sentences “not” goes after the verb “be”.
• Present the example paragraph below on the board.
• Analyze the verbal forms with your students.
• Read the paragraph aloud with the class.
• Explain that the change of the form of the verb “be” depends on whether the subject is singular or plural
Today we are having a baby shower. My sister is shopping for healthy food, and I am buying decorations for the party. We are not getting canned drinks; instead, we are serving fresh juice. The couple is not expecting the surprise. They are relaxing at their house. We are trying to have everything ready for later. It will be amazing!
• Go to page 13 in the Student’s Workbook.
• Indicate to students what to do.
Sentence Writing Review
Sentence Writing Review Part
VII. Using the Past Progressive Form of the Verb (“verb + ing”) in Sentences
• Ask students what they were doing at 3:00pm the day before.
• Model the form for the class.
• Sentences in the past progressive describe actions that were taking place at a given moment in the past.
• Review the example paragraph on page 8 and work with the students to change the same sentences to the past progressive.
• Have students change the sentences they wrote in present progressive to the past progressive.
Yesterday we were having a baby shower. My sister was shopping for healthy food, I was buying decorations for the party. We were not getting canned drinks; instead, we were serving fresh juice. The couple was not expecting the surprise. They were relaxing at their house. We were trying to have everything ready for the party. It was amazing!
• Prompt students to go to pages 14-15 in their Workbook.
• Indicate to students what to do.
VIII. Introducing Compound Characters/Subjects in Sentences
● Point to an object in the classroom.
● State a sentence about it.
● Then point to more than one object and state another sentence with both objects.
• Explain to students that characters or subjects can be compound.
• To form compound characters, they need to add another one by using “and”, or use a plural noun.
• Present the following examples on the board
One character (Subject)
Joshua is a soccer player.
He participates in tournaments every weekend and he is outstanding.
Joshua practices five days a week.
He wins almost every game.
Compound Characters (subjects)
Joshua and Patrick are soccer players.
They participate in tournaments every weekend and they are both outstanding.
Joshua and Patrick practice five days a week.
They win almost every game.
• Go to pages 16-17 in the Student´s Workbook.
• Write five sentences with a singular character/subject.
• Change the character/ subject to compound and rewrite the same sentences.
Sentence Writing Review
Sentence Writing Review Part
IX. Changing Sentences from Present to Future Tense with “Will” and “Be + Going to”
• Ask a student where he/she is at this precise moment.
• Then ask the student where he/she will be/going to be two hours after.
• Explain to students how to change sentences written in the present tense to the future tense with “will” and “be + going to”.
• Present the example and emphasize the verbal changes.
• Encourage students to participate in class by sharing their examples orally.
Present Tense
My family walks our dog at the park during National Holidays.
They help it to eat and drink water.
Bill pampers the dog, because it is important to be kind.
Future Tense
My family walk our dog at the park during National Holidays. is going to will
They will help it to eat and drink water.
The dog is going to play with my brother Bill.
• Go to pages 18-19 in the Student´s Workbook.
• Read the following paragraphs.
• Write five sentences in present tense.
• Then change them to Future with “will” and “be + going to”.
Sentence Writing Review
X. Using the Introductory Phrases “There Is” and “There Are” in Sentences
• Present the following paragraph with the introductory phrases.
• Have students practice by identifying different objects in the classroom as they use the introductory phrases, “there is” (singular character) and “there are” (plural characters).
• “There is” and “There are” are introductory phrases in sentences to indicate that something or someone exists.
• Explain that either “there is” or “there are” comes before the character/s or subject/s.
• Copy the following example sentences on the board and emphasize on the introductory phrases.
There is a cat in our school. His name is Garfield; he is very fluffy and friendly. There is another cat named Ed. He is grumpy and indifferent. Kids love Garfield, but they dislike Ed. There is a big difference between both of them. If Ed were friendly like Garfield, maybe the kids would love him. There are two sports teams in our school. The first one is the soccer team and the second one is the basketball team. There are twenty players on the soccer team, but there are ten players on the basketball team. There are more players on the soccer team than on the basketball team.
• Read the paragraphs aloud with the class.
• Reinforce that the verb changes when the verb is singular or plural.
• Go to page 20 in the Student’s Workbook.
• Indicate to students what to do.
XI. Using Negative Introductory Phrases “There is not/isn’t” and “There are not/aren’t” in Sentences
• Have students give examples of objects that are not in the classroom.
• Indicate that “there is not/there isn’t” or “there are not/there aren´t” come before the characters or subjects in the sentence.
• Ask questions to prompt the use of the negative structure.
• Explain to students that some sentences begin with negative introductory phrases to indicate that something or someone is not present, or does not exist.
• Copy this example on the board and emphasize on the negative Introductory phrases.
There isn’t any fruit in the fridge. There aren’t any mangoes, or strawberries, or bananas to eat. There isn’t anything to offer the guests when they come to visit us. There is no food because there was no one to go to the store.
• Read the paragraph aloud with the class.
• Present the paragraph with the negative introductory phrases.
• Explain how the verb changes when the subject is plural.
• Direct students to page 21 in the Student’s Workbook.
• Indicate to students what to do.
Sentence Writing Review Part
Introduction to Paragraph Writing
I. Using Connectors
Introduce Explain
• Write the word “CONNECT” on the board.
• Ask students what they understand the word does. Accept all reasonable answers.
• Continue to add the “OR” to “CONNECT”.
• Once you have the whole word on the board tell them what a connector does. It joins, and that is what they are going to learn to use in their writing classes.
• Explain the different uses of connectors.
• Draw student’s attention to the connectors chart and the example below.
• Have students identify and underline the connectors in the example.
• Explain connectors are useful and necessary words that join characters, phrases, sentences, ideas and so on. They help to expand the sentences that develop paragraphs. For example, they may introduce sentences, indicate the steps to follow in a process, add ideas and objects in a sequence, illustrate, compare, conclude, express an opinion, show a relationship, persuade, and others. Connectors form a long list, here is a list of the most used.
Most Used Connectors
Add ideas
Cause and effect
Compare (to find similarities)
Compare (to close an idea)
Contrast (to find differences)
Illustrate (to give examples)
Indicate the steps in a process
Express an opinion or point of view
Persuasion (to convince)
and, also, in addition, and then, too, or therefore, so, because, as a result, due to to conclude, finally, overall, in conclusion to sum up but, however, in spite of, otherwise, nevertheless, instead of for example, for instance, such as, in other words, to show that firstly, secondly, then, next, finally. before
I believe, it seems to me, I feel, I think, in my opinion, in this way certainly, for this reason, again besides, clearly, of course like, as, as with, in the same way, so as if
Introduction to Paragraph Writing Part
Using Connectors
Exercise #1
• Read carefully this example illustrating the use of connectors in the Student´s Workbook page 23.
• Have students underline the connectors they identify
In my opinion, the writing process is one of the most interesting and rewarding experiences that a teacher, or anyone may enjoy. The first step is to decide what you are going to write about. That is the topic. Secondly, it is important to organize your ideas. Otherwise, you may find it difficult to keep your ideas on track and you may want to give up the task too soon. Then, create a topic sentence.
After that, you may draft an outline. In addition, you can brainstorm by writing down any ideas that come into your mind. For example, if you decide to write about your job as an educator, you may want to develop a persuasive paragraph. Of course, there are other types of paragraphs you can develop also. I think that it is easier to write about what we know the most because we feel more comfortable with it. It is like choosing what we are going to put on every day.
To conclude, writing, just as with every process, requires careful planning and determination to achieve the desired results.
Exercise #2
• Match the connectors with the corresponding sentence.
1. also ______ I have to do my homework again.
2. and then ______ Irene used a pen instead of a pencil.
3. again ______ The airplane looks like a bird.
4. instead of ______ First the butter and then the cheese.
5. like ______ We saw monkeys, gorillas, and mandrills, also birds.
3 4 5 2 1 2
Using Connectors
• Develop the following practices on the board after students work them out in page 24 of their workbook .
• Indicate to students what to do.
Exercise #3
• Choose the correct connector to complete the statement.
Some birds are loud _________ noisy. ________________ parrots and macaws and For example
are among the loudest. They are __________ he butterflies in the garden, bright and colorful. They can __________ learn to imitate human voices. like also
As pets, they are entertaining __________ sometimes they get aggressive. but (but/and) (after/like) (but/also) (after/but) (for example/before)
Exercise #4
• Read the following paragraph.
• Select from the word bank the connector that best completes the statement.
because ● finally ● I feel ● next ● then ● first
Pancho is my favorite pet. He is a parrot and I have to attend to him every day after I come back from school. He is always happy to see me return home. Before I do my homework, I clean his cage. I call it his mansion because it is big. First, I open the door, and then he climbs onto my shoulder. Next I clean up all the old food, pour fresh water in the cup, and finally I give him his favorite food. I feel he loves me more than everybody else.
17 Part
to Paragraph Writing
Introduction to Paragraph Writing Part
Part two of the Paragraph Building series introduces the Paragraph building Flip Book. It is a useful component to guide Students in creating and developing paragraphs, which is the main goal of this part 2.
The Flip Book focuses on six different topics among which there are three groups of detail tabs providing different options to develop detail sentences. Finally, it ends with a conclusion tab which is a closing sentence. Students can mix and match the details to obtain a variety of sentences within a topic.
II. What is a Paragraph?
• Concept
A paragraph is a group of sentences that talk about one single topic, idea, event, description, and so on. The topic is the specific aspect that is developed or discussed in the paragraph. For example, school subject, video games, sports, music, fashion, pets, love, and many more. A paragraph usually begins with the topic sentence. However, it can go in the middle, or even at the end of the paragraph. Then, it is followed and supported by detail sentences that are closely related. The length of the paragraph depends on the details it develops. As you add details, you describe, explain, give examples, and so on. Finally, the conclusion is a sentence that summarizes and confirms what has been said about the central idea.
The main characteristics of a paragraph are unity, coherence, and support.
To discuss only one main point related to the topic sentence. Unity
All the sentences are interrelated and connected to develop the leading idea. Here the connectors play an important role because they make the ideas flow from one to the other smoothly.
Discussion of specific details that support the main idea. Support
Introduction to Paragraph Writing
III. Identifying the Parts of the Paragraph
• Go to page 26 in the Workbook.
• Focus on the following paragraph. Prompt class to identify the topic and the main idea. Then to underline the detail sentences in blue, and to underline the conclusion in red.
A paragraph is a group of sentences that develop one single idea, event, description, or process.
Some paragraphs tell stories, others describe people or things, and others explain a process.
When a paragraph tells a story, it is a narrative paragraph; in addition, if it discusses the characteristics of someone or something, it is a descriptive paragraph.
Moreover, when it explains a process it is an expository paragraph and so on.
So, a paragraph is a group of related sentences that together develop one main idea stated by the topic sentence.
IV. Class Activity
• Form groups of two students and have them workout the class activity.
• Check their work and provide the appropriate feedback.
1. paragraph ______ to discuss one main topic
2. topic ______ to discuss specific details
3. topic sentence ______ the specific aspect developed
4. details ______ they explain, describe, give example
5. conclusion ______ to interrelate all sentences
6. unity ______ group of sentences
7. coherence ______ main idea sentence
8. support
______ summarizing sentence
19 Part
6 8 2 4 7 1 3 5
Topic Main Idea expressed by the topic sentence 2
Introduction to Paragraph Writing Part
V. Identifying the Structure of the Flip Book
This innovative resource is designed to help students write meaningful paragraphs in a fun way. It features six different topics which are nouns, identified with tabs. Under each topic, there are three groups of detail tabs, which include a variety of nouns, verbs and adjectives. Finally, the conclusion tabs are full sentences that can close the paragraph.
Introduce Explain
• Announce to students that they are going to start using the Paragraph Building Flip Book, and that the class is going to explore it to identify its segments.
• Prompt students to take out their flip books.
• Indicate to them that they will be using the Paragraph Building Flip Book as a guide and help to write their different paragraphs.
• Show them each segment, and discuss its function.
• There is a variety of topics to choose from and how to integrate the details and conclusion into their paragraphs.
• Have students identify the parts of their Flip Book.
• Present the example to the class using the Flip Book.
DETAIL 3 laugh delightful thoughtful
My neighborhood friends are unique.
We all laugh at their funny jokes.
That is why it is delightful to share good moments with them.
My best friend is Mario. He is thoughtful and kind.
As you can tell, my friends are incredible people.
• Write the example on the board and discuss with the students how the topic sentence is related to the details and the conclusion. Also explain how the details can be expanded.
Introduction to Paragraph Writing
Identifying the Structure of the Flip Book
• Go to page 27 in the Student’s Workbook.
• To use the Flip Book explain to the students the following steps:
1. Select the topic you plan to write about.
2. Create the topic sentence based on what you want to develop about the topic.
3. Write the detail sentences that support the topic sentence.
4. End with a conclusion that wraps up the main idea.
Introduction to Paragraph Writing Part
VI. Identifying the Topic
Before you aim to create or write the topic sentence, keep in mind that it must state and define what the content of the paragraph is going to be about. It is common that the topic sentence names the topic.
• Present the topic sentence definition and structure.
• Prompt the students to take a look at the different topics in the Flip Book.
• Ask them to identify the different topics.
• Start by defining terms.
Topic: It is the broad concept that is going to be developed in the paragraph.
Topic Sentence: It is a complete sentence that introduces or closes the paragraph by stating the main idea in it. It is usually the first or last sentence that presents the main focus of that paragraph in particular.
• Present and explain the example.
• Write the example on the board and explain it to the class.
• Emphasize the parts of a complete sentence that are present usually in the topic sentence.
My family walks our dog at the park during National Holidays.
• Indicate to students to turn pages 28 in the Student’s Workbook and indicate what to do.
Introduction to Paragraph Writing
VII. Creating a Topic Sentence
Introduce Explain
• Review the previous example on the board.
• Prompt the students to select three topics from the Flip Book to write a complete topic sentence with each.
Emphasize to students that they must think of what they want to write about.
To write a good topic sentence, they need to ask themselves questions about the topic it such as: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, Which, and so on.
Explain to them that after answering the questions, they need to form a complete sentence and define what they want to talk about. •
• Points to remind students when writing a topic sentence:
The topic sentence introduces or summarizes the main idea of a paragraph.
Often, it is the first sentence in the paragraph (but not always). It refers to the most important point to understand.
To write a topic sentence, ask yourself questions about the topic, such as, what, who, where, how, which, why, when, and so on.
When you have the answers, link them to create your topic sentence.
• Indicate to students to turn to page 29 in the Workbook.
• Coach them in creating their topic sentences.
23 Part
1 3 4 5 2 2
Introduction to Paragraph Writing Part
VIII. Supporting the Topic Sentence with Details
• Draw a pyramid on the board.
• Ask students which part of the pyramid they believe supports the weight of it.
• Prompt them to analyze what it is to serve as a support. Tell them that a support is like a back up. That in writing those are the sentences that give support to the main idea. In doing so, they explain, describe, add meaning, compare and contrast, illustrate, and give examples.
• Explain the use of the detail tabs.
• Encourage students to explore the different options and combinations before selecting any.
• Model to the students how to improve their writing by selecting connectors from the chart
• Encourage students to expand their sentences by including more details.
Details are the sentences that respond to the questions, what, who, where, when, why, how, and so on. Detail sentences are joined by connectors to expand the sentences in the paragraphs. Let’s review the following example:
TOPIC Family
My family walks our dog at the park during National Holidays
After, they help it to eat and drink water.
DETAIL 3 help play pamper important
Our dog plays with my brother Bill.
Bill pampers him, because it is important to be kind.
Conclusion I think my family is the best.
• Develop the example on the board.
• Go to pages 30-31 in the Student’s Workbook.
• Have students select a topic to create a topic sentence. connector connector
Introduce Explain
Introduction to Paragraph Writing
IX. Completing the Paragraph with a Conclusion
Introduce Explain
• The purpose of the conclusion part in the Flip Book is to provide a coherent completion sentence to close the paragraph.
• Explain that every conclusion is a sentence that closes the paragraph.
• Every topic presents different details related to the paragraph.
• Also the conclusions are related to the topic.
• Conclusion may be introduced by connectors
TOPIC Friends
DETAIL 3 laugh delightful thoughtful
1. Present the example to the class using the Flip Book: connector
My neighborhood friends are unique.
They always laugh at funny jokes.
It is delightful to share good moments with them.
Mario is thoughtful and kind. He is my best friend.
Conclusion As you can tell, my friends are incredible people.
• Write the example on the board.
• Discuss with the students how the topic sentence is related to the details and the conclusion.
• Identify and underline the connectors in the paragraph.
• Go to pages 32 – 33 in the Student’s Workbook.
Introduction to Paragraph Writing Part
X. Comprehensive Assessment
• Indicate to the class that they are going to write a full paragraph.
• Prompt them to turn to page 34 in their Workbook and to have their Flip Book ready.
• Have them select a topic of their choice to write a complete paragraph.
• Indicate to them that they can write more than three detail sentences.
Conclusion TOPIC
I. Different Types of Paragraphs
At this point, conduct a review of the different aspects such as topic sentence, details, connectors, and others, related to the paragraphs developed.
• Have students go to the board to practice the different aspects.
Introduce Explain
• Write the following words on the board, and ask students what they suggest to them:
- describe
- narrate
- expose
- persuade
• Accept all reasonable answers
• Explain that there are four different types of paragraphs, and that each has a purpose and characteristics that make it unique.
• Those paragraphs are:
- descriptive
- narrative
- expository
- persuasive
• As you introduce the different types of paragraphs have students write the description in the corresponding boxes on page 35 on their workbook.
Descriptive Paragraph Narrative Paragraph
Forms a mental image in the readers mind. Appeals to the five senses.
Tells a story in a sequential manner. Reports the development of events.
Expository Paragraph Persuasive Paragraph
Informs the reader.
Explains the steps in a process.
Presents arguments to convince the reader. Motivates the reader to adopt a certain point of view.
• Turn student’s attention to page 36 in their Workbooks.
• Prompt them to describe the actions taking place in each picture and then write the type of paragraph illustrated.
27 Part
Types of Paragraphs
Types of Paragraphs
II. Writing Rubrics
Motivate the class by encouraging the idea that writing is the product of an interesting process and that there are good habits they need to practice to achieve the goals. Share with them that there are many young writers who love to read and write stories and create video games they enjoy. Focus on the fact that all begins with a simple idea or character who the writer describes and builds by adding elements.
• Review the following writing rubrics before they start the process.
• Go to page 37 in the Student´s Workbook. Have students read carefully
Capitalize all the beginning words of the sentences and all the proper names.
Write complete sentences. Use a pencil to write the first draft.
Punctuate sentences correctly.
Use the dictionary to check the spelling of unfamiliar words.
Read carefully what you wrote.
Revise your sequencing, connectors, and conjunctions. Check if the series of events make sense in the paragraph.
Asses your work:
• Does your paragraph develop one topic?
• Is it coherent?
• Does it have a compelling conclusion?
III. Descriptive Paragraph
Introduce Explain
• Introduce the definition of a descriptive paragraph.
• Present the example of a descriptive paragraph to the class.
• Explain the characteristics of a descriptive paragraph and reinforce the use of the verb “to be” and sensory verbs.
• Students can also identify connectors.
• Emphasize on punctuation.
A descriptive paragraph describes someone or something and tells the reader what that person or thing is like. The use of the verb “to be” is common in writing descriptive paragraphs. Other words that are helpful when describing are sensory verbs and adjectives. The aim of a descriptive paragraph is to create a picture in the reader’s mind.
• Let's see this in detail with the following examples.
• Write the sentences on the board for students to identify the sensory verbs and adjectives. Go to page 38 in the Student’s Workbook and indicate what to do.
Verb “to be”: Dogs and cats are domestic pets. My mother isn’t a pet lover, but I am.
Sensory Verbs:
They are usually followed by adjectives. The cup of milk feels cold.
Mom’s homemade granola looks yummy.
Dad’s new fruit mixes taste delicious.
The music band sounded too loud, so people left the concert early.
Clothes smell fresh and clean after they are washed.
29 Part
Types of Paragraphs
feel look taste
Types of Paragraphs
Descriptive Paragraph
Class Activity
• Prompt students to write descriptive sentences on the board:
Verb “to be”
Sensory Verbs feel, look, taste, sound, smell
Present affirmative, past affirmative, present negative, past negative.
Write one sentence with each verb. Then change it to the negative
• Copy the following example on the board.
• Have students recognize the verb “to be”, sensory verbs, adjectives, and connectors.
• Introduce the example of a descriptive paragraph to the class using the Flip Book:
My bunny is an adorable pet
His name is Browny.
He is furry and feels so soft.
Browny looks happy because he is healthy.
connector connector
Conclusion We only feed him with food that smells and tastes fresh.
Browny is our playful pet. We all love him.
Types of Paragraphs
IV. Descriptive Paragraph Reading Exercise
• Read the following descriptive paragraphs to the class for students to identify the verb “to be”, the sensory verbs, and the adjectives in the examples. They can also recognize the connectors in the paragraphs and complete the practice exercises in their workbook.
TOPIC Neighborhoods
SENTENCE Neighborhoods are places called communities.
They are sectors where people live and communicate sometimes as members of a big family.
The stores are near too.
There you can feel safe because many neighbors know you and your family for many years and they protect you. connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector
For example, from my house, I can walk to the supermarket
I like to go there because it smells clean and the food Also there are parks where families and friends go to enjoy A park is like a big social area in the neighborhood. There we can meet people and make new friends.
To finish, I am happy that I live in a cool neighborhood. good moments, to do sports, and walk. always tastes fresh. in eight minutes. connector connector
• Go to page 39 in the Student’s Workbook and indicate what to do.
Types of Paragraphs
V. Writing a Descriptive Paragraph in Present Tense.
Descriptive Paragraph Writing Checklist
Before starting to write a descriptive paragraph, make sure you take into account the following:
√ Appeal to the senses
√ Use adjectives to describe
√ Focus on one thing or person at a time
• Indicate to students to choose a topic from the Flip Book to write a descriptive paragraph of at least three detail sentences.
• Go to page 40 in the Student´s Workbook and indicate what to do.
VI. Narrative Paragraph
• Present the characteristics of narrative paragraphs.
• Reinforce the importance of the use of connectors in sequencing, and writing in general.
• Highlight verbal forms mostly in the past tense.
• Emphasize on punctuation.
A narrative paragraph tells a story that follows a sequence of events or actions. The story is often about the person who writes it, or it can be about someone or something else.
How to keep the sequence of events?
Most of the time, the story starts with the first event. That is the beginning.
Then it is in the development which is the part where the details related to the topic sentence are presented following a chronological order.
Connectors play a very important role maintaining the order of the sequence. The connectors that are mostly used in narrative paragraphs are: first, secondly, after, next, then, afterward, following, later, to close, and so on.
Finally, it ends with a conclusion that wraps up or relates to the topic sentence.
Class Activity:
• Ask students to mention the movies they have watched recently.
• Choose the one that has been the favorite of the majority.
• Select three students. One to comment on the beginning, the second one to comment on the middle, and the third one to comment on the end.
• Draw students to infer that each participant student narrated a part of the movie which is a story.
Types of Paragraphs
Introduce Explain
Types of Paragraphs
Narrative paragraph
Class Activity:
• Read the following narrative paragraphs to the class for students to identify the sequence of events and the use of past tenses in the examples.
• Also have them recognize the connectors in the paragraph.
Title: vacation
Family Trip
My family and I went on a road trip last summer.
It was my dad’s idea and we found it exciting.
us to their beach house for a party. connector connector
When we were there, we ate tasty food, played soccer, danced, and even went for a swim.
The best part was that we ran into some friends who invited We even got to see the sunset. My family and I enjoyed the beautiful scenery.
My dad drove for five hours to the beach. connector connector connector
TWe had a great time and it was the best trip ever! I can’t wait for next summer.
34 3
Types of Paragraphs
VI. Narrative Paragraph Reading Exercise
Class Activity:
• Read the following narrative paragraphs to the class for students to identify the sequence of events and the use of past tenses in the examples.
• They can also recognize the connectors in the paragraphs.
• Go to page 41 in Student’s Workbook and indicate what to do.
Title: sports
Sports Team
Our soccer team was never the best one until the quarter finals. It had me, Mauricio, Tomás, Charlie and Francisco. We always lost the games until the new youngster moved to our neighborhood.
The newbie moved in with a pair of soccer cleats and an official team shirt. The kid plays offensive midfielder and runs faster than any one of us. The kid´s attempts at scoring a goal never fails, no matter how much the opposing team tries to block us. And the kid is always polite; never yells, spits, or picks a fight.
Just a couple of weeks ago, we were playing the quarter finals. The other team was trying to cut our winning streak. Then, in the last ten minutes, the score was one-to-one when the newbie kicked the ball straight into the goal.
Some of the other kids and parents say that the new kid is too advanced, but she is as good as me, Mauricio, Tomás, Charlie and Francisco; so we don´t care that the newbie is a girl.
The text is adapted from “The New Kid” by Mike Makley
connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector
Different Types of Paragraphs
VII. Writing a Narrative Paragraph in Past Tense
Descriptive Paragraph Writing Checklist
Before starting to write a descriptive paragraph, make sure you take into account the following:
√ Appeal to the senses
√ Use adjectives to describe
√ Focus on one thing or person at a time
• Select a topic from the Flip Book.
• Ask yourself what you want to write about the topic. Remember to ask yourself the questions who, what, where, when, how, why, and so on.
• Write the topic sentence.
• Develop and expand the details selected from the Flip Book joining sentences with connectors.
• Write at least three detail sentences.
• Close with a conclusion related to the topic sentence.
• Go to page 42 in the Student’s Workbook and indicate what to do.
VIII. Expository Paragraph
Introduce Explain
• Introduce the expository paragraph example to the class.
• Present the characteristics of expository paragraphs.
• Mark the agreement of the verbs.
• Reinforce the use of connectors for a written step by step procedure
• Emphasize on punctuation.
An expository paragraph explains the topic that is going to be developed, or provides insight on instructions to follow. It can also guide readers through a step by step process. The main purpose of this type of paragraph is to inform the readers; so, it often requires research, but it is possi ble that the writer is able to rely on his or her own knowledge.
The proper use of connectors and punctuation marks is important in writing all kinds of paragraphs. However, in the expository paragraph it is essential to ensure the understanding of ideas, presentation of processes or instructions, and a coherent flow of ideas.
Cause and Effect
Another purpose of an expository paragraph is to develop a cause/effect or why/because relationship. These paragraphs provide insight as to what causes events to happen.
Types of Paragraphs
Different Types of Paragraphs
Expository Paragraph
Class Activity:
• Copy the expository paragraph example on the board.
• Have students identify the different steps mentioned in the paragraph.
• Emphasize the order of ideas and sequence.
• Explain the different punctuation marks used.
Playing soccer is fun and healthy.
To do so, you need to have in mind some important points.
Before you start to play you must warm up. Stretching the muscles prepares them for physical activity and prevents injuries.
Second, you need to stay hydrated before, during, and after playing soccer. Water regulates your body temperature and it helps to transport nutrients to give you energy and keeps you healthy.
Last, rest and take a cold shower to recover from your physical activity.
Following these steps will help you to stay healthy and most importantly to enjoy the game.
connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector
38 3
Types of Paragraphs
VIII. Expository Paragraph Reading Exercise
• Read the following cause and effect paragraph sample to the class.
• Students must identify the problem and the different reasons that caused it.
• Emphasize on the details.
• Call attention to the use of connectors. connector connector connector connector connector connector
TOPIC Pet Care
Many cats dislike kitty doors.
People often install a kitty door, only to discover that they have a problem.
First , they may not understand how a kitty door works.
Second, many kitty doors are dark and cats cannot see to the other side.
As such, they cannot be sure of what is on the other side of the door, so they will not take any risk
One last reason cats will not use kitty doors is because some cats do not like the feeling of pushing through and then having the door drag across their backs.
However, there are solutions to this problem. The problem is their cat will not use the kitty door. There are several common reasons why cats will not use kitty doors.
• Have students to identify the problem and causes present in the paragraph.
• Go to page 43 in the Student’s Workbook and indicate what to do.
Different Types of Paragraphs
IX. Writing a Paragraph to Explain
Expository Paragraph Writing Checklist
Before starting to write an expository paragraph, make sure you take into account the following:
√ Research about the topic.
√ Explain the process step by step.
√ Use appropriate connectors.
√ Use details that inform the reader.
• Go to page 44 of the Student’s Workbook to write an expository paragraph.
• Select a topic from the Flip Book.
• Write the topic sentence.
• Develop and expand the details selected from the Flip Book joining sentences with connectors.
• Write at least three detail sentences to explain the topic.
• Close with a conclusion related to the topic sentence. TOPIC TOPIC SENTENCE
Conclusion 40 3
X. Persuasive Paragraph
A persuasive paragraph tries to get the reader to accept a particular point of view, or to understand the writer’s position and opinion. It is the type of paragraph that teachers and public speakers focus on because it is useful when building an argument. It often involves extensive use of facts and research. Persuasive writing is subjective.
• Introduce the persuasive paragraph example to the class.
• Present the characteristics of persuasive paragraphs.
Class Activity:
• Reinforce the use of connectors that help present the argument.
• Emphasize on punctuation.
• Read the following persuasive paragraph example to the class.
TOPIC Health
Conclusion Introduce Explain
To cook for yourself is key if you want to stay fit.
Eating at restaurants is enjoyable; however, when you eat out, you cannot control how much sugar, salt, and other substances are added to your food.
If you prepare your meals, you can control the right amount of each in your food.
I believe that selecting healthy fresh ingredients and only natural seasonings is essential.
Therefore, homemade food will help you stay in shape.
• Emphasize the use of connectors in detail sentences.
• Students must differentiate and discuss the arguments.
• Elicit students to present their arguments in complete sentences and using the appropriate connectors
Types of Paragraphs Part
connector connector
Types of Paragraphs
X. Persuasive Paragraph Reading Exercise
• Go to page 45 in the Student’s Workbook.
Use of School Uniforms
School uniforms should be mandatory for all students for different reasons.
First, they make everyone equal. In this way, differences in purchasing power between students are minimized.
In addition, getting ready for school can be much faster and easier.
Many kids waste time choosing what to wear to school, and they are often unhappy with their final choices.
Also , some studies show that school uniforms make students perform better.
Many people might say that uniforms take away from personal freedom, but I believe that the benefits are greater than the drawbacks.
• Indicate to students to circle the connectors.
• Indicate to students to underline the words that express an opinion from the writer’s point of view.
• can be
• faster and easier
• waste time
• often unhappy
• some
I believe
might say
perform better
• Prompt students to answer point 3 in their Workbook.
TOPIC connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector
3 42
Types of Paragraphs
XI. Writing a Paragraph to Persuade or Convince
Persuasive Paragraph Writing Checklist
The focus of your writing should be to convince the reader.
Use arguments that support your opinion. Use true and proven facts.
1. Go to page 46 in the Student’s Workbook.
2. Select a topic from the Flip Book.
3. Write the topic sentence.
4. Remember to use persuasive language or to express your opinion about the topic in the detail sentences.
5. Write at least three detail sentences.
6. Close with a convincing statement
Types of Paragraphs
XII. Checking Comprehension
• Go to pages 47-48-49 in the Student’s Workbook and give the class the following instructions:
• Students must order the sentences to form correct paragraphs.
• Where needed, students will join detail sentences appropriate connectors and punctuation.
• Identify the type of paragraph.
• Finally, check their work and provide feedback with the correct answers
Topic: My Morning Routine Practice exercise #1
Type of paragraph: Expository
first I brush my teeth and then I take a shower / I dress up and wait for the school bus / the bus arrives and I leave for school / I wake up every morning at 6:00 am
1. I wake up every morning at 6:00am.
2. First I brush my teeth, and then I take a shower.
3. I dress up and wait for the school bus.
4. The bus arrives and I leave for school.
Topic: Family Practice exercise #2
Type of paragraph: Narrative
my parents bought a house in Panama City in 1998 / They got married in 1996 / they wanted to have a child / they were really happy that I was born/ my parents are Mary and Peter / I was born in 2000.
1. My parents are Mary and Peter.
2. They got married in 1996.
3. My parents bought a house in Panama City in 1998. (later, after, afterward)
4. They wanted to have a child. (then)
5. I was born in 2000. (so)
6. They were happy that I was born.
3 44
Types of Paragraphs
Checking Comprehension
Practice exercise #3
Topic: Cheese Sandwich Recipe
Type of paragraph: Expository
grill the sandwich until both sides are golden brown and enjoy / two bread loaves cheese and butter / then spread butter on the slices and add the cheese / to prepare a grilled cheese sandwich you need three ingredients / take the two slices and place them on a plate
1. To prepare a grilled cheese sandwich you need three ingredients.
2. Two bread slices, cheese, and butter.
3. Take the two slices and place them on a plate.
4. Then spread butter on the slices and add the cheese.
5. Grill the sandwich until both sides are golden brown and enjoy!
Practice exercise #4
Topic: Topic: Houses
Type of paragraph: Descriptive
1. There are many types of houses that people live in.
2. Some houses are big others are small.
3. Big houses look elegant and nice.
4. Some smell sweet inside, like a rose garden.
5. In addition, they are always cool like a breezy day.
6. Most of the time, they sound calm and peaceful.
7. On the other hand, some other houses look simpler inside and outside.
8. However, they are comfortable and welcoming just at the big houses.
9. In addition, people feel good there.
10.Finally houses can be big or small, but the important aspect is how
in addition they are always cool like a breeze day/ there are many types of houses that people live in / most of the time, they sound calm and peaceful / some houses are big others are small / on the other hand some other houses look simpler inside and outside / some smell sweet inside like a rose garden / finally houses can be big or small but the important aspect is how people feel in them /however they are comfortable and welcoming just as the big houses / big houses look elegant and nice /in addition people feel good there people feel in them.
Types of Paragraphs
Checking Comprehension
Topic: Family Practice exercise #5
Type of paragraph: Persuasive
when there is love and respect between parents and children families are usually happy / every family is different from the other nevertheless each one should be as loving and considerate as possible / in the same way parents need to be kind to their children and teach them good manners and values / a caring family is one of the best gifts a person can have / for example when parents return home from work the children should welcome them with a hug / to close if you want a happy family be the first to love
1. A caring family is one of the best gifts a person can have. Topic sentence
2. Every family is different from the other; nevertheless, each one should try to be to be as loving and considerate as possible,
3. For example, when parents return home from work, the children should welcome them with a hug.
4. In the same way, parents need to be kind to their children and teach them good manners and values.
5. When there is love and respect between parents and children, families are usually happy.
6. To close, if you want a happy family, be the first to love.
3 46
XIII. Class Activity
Secret Writer Match Game
• Form groups of five students.
• In each group, the parts of the paragraph will be assigned: topic sentence, details 1, 2 and 3 and a conclusion as it appears in the Flip Book.
• Each player chooses a card from the same topic without revealing it to the others and forms the corresponding sentence for it.
• When the players are ready, place the entire sentences together in the correct order: Topic Sentence, Detail 1, Detail 2, Detail 3 and Conclusion. (It is possible that funny paragraphs will be formed.)
• Accept all reasonable answers and support those students who are struggling.
• Have students write their paragraphs in the diagram on page 50 in the Student’s Workbook.
• Each group shares their compositions by reading the finished paragraph aloud.
Types of Paragraphs Part
XIV. Comprehensive Assessment Class Activity:
• Indicate to students to read the following paragraph.
• Students should complete the sentences with an appropriate connector.
• They must also place the punctuation marks that are necessary.
• Students should identify the type of paragraph.
Ice cream is one of the most common desserts people have around the world.
Its sweet and creamy texture is a festival to the palate because it is made with milk, natural and artificial flavors, lots of sugar and other sweeteners.
Also there are hundreds of flavors to pick and choose from.
There are many interesting combinations in the world of ice cream, such as natural fruits, caramel, chocolate chips, licquors, and nuts.
Some are really exotic; however, they are all delicious!
Some countries are famous because of their ice cream. For example in Mexico, they have chili flavor, in Italy they combine different flavors in one, and in our country, the coconut flavor is a favorite.
Finally, ice cream is popular in many places because it is creamy and delicious.
• Go to page 51 in Student’s Workbook and indicate what to do.
connector connector connector connector connector connector
connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector connector 48 3
1. Writing Your Way to Success
Writing is the result of planned process based on inspiration and determination. Just as learning to talk and walk, everybody can learn to write because it is a human capacity to express our thoughts. An important aspect to consider is that as a process, writing follows a series of steps. Once they are carried out, that´s it! You are there!
The stages or steps to fulfill are:
• Choosing a Topic
• Planning what to write about it
1. Pre-writing
• Organizing your ideas
• Assigning a title
• Listing the details
• Outlining
• Writing freely
2. Drafting
3. Revising
• Erasing, changing and writing again
• Developing the topic with details
• Shaping the paragraph
• Rereading your draft
• Making changes if necessary
• Ordering the flow of sentences
• Checking for coherence and unity
• Dropping unrelated sentences
• Checking for language structure
• Checking for sentence structure
4. Editing
5. Publishing
• Checking for mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, spelling)
• Avoiding plagiarism
• Writing the final paper
• Submitting the writing to the teacher
• Forwarding it to the intended readers
• Sharing with others
• Making your writing accessible to the public
4 Part
49 4
II. Understanding Essays
Similar to a paragraph, an essay is a written communication to express a writer’s point of view on a single subject. Basically, the same aspects applied to writing paragraphs are the same for writing essays. Comparing one with the other, there are some similarities and differences.
Essay Paragraph
•Develops a topic sentence.
•One body of five to ten sentences.
•Every detail sentence supports the topic sentence.
•Shorter than essays.
III. Parts of an Essay
•Develop one central idea.
•Intro + body + conclusion
•Supported by details.
•Follow a pattern of organization.
•Develops a thesis statement.
•A group of several paragraphs.
•Every paragraph begins with a topic sentence that supports the thesis statement.
•Longer than paragraphs.
It is a sentence that summarizes the main point of the essay. It may go at the beginning or end of the introduction.
The first part of the essay. It contains the thesis statement and gives the reader a clear idea of what the essay is about.
It is the informative or discussion part of the essay that contains at least two paragraphs. Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that is related to the thesis statement.
It is the closing part of the essay. It summarizes all the ideas of the body of the essay. CONCLUSION
Preliminaries to Essay Writing Part
50 4
Preliminaries to Essay Writing Part
The diagram of an essay looks as follows.
Paragraph 1
From paragraph 2 and the following Thesis statement and introductory sentences
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Last paragraph
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 6
51 4
IV. Writing Essays to Compare and Contrast
To compare is a form of essay writing. When you compare, you write about the similarities and differences that the subjects or characters may show. For instance, you may want to compare two pets. One may have smooth colorful feathers, and the other may have one-color fur; those are differences. However, they are both loving and entertaining; those are the similarities.
Class Activity
1. Prompt students to turn to page 55 in the workbook.
2. Underline the thesis statement in red.
3. Underline each topic sentence blue.
Thesis statement BODY
From paragraph 2 and the following
Last paragraph TOPIC
Entertainment with Pets
Many families are pet lovers and they have more than one kind of pets. (Thesis statement)
Some pets like hamsters are furry and others like parrots have colorful feathers.
It is fun to have a hamster. They are active during the night. These little friends fill their mouths with nuts to store away. They have fur and can be cuddled. Hamsters live around two years.
It is entertaining to have a parrot. They are active during daytime. These birds eat small bits of food at a time. They have feathers and like to be caressed and talked to. Parrots can live more than 80 years during which time they can learn to talk.
For pet lovers, having two different kinds of pets is fun. Having pets such as a hamster and a parrot can be an all day fun and entertaining activity.
Author: Prof. Celia Forrester (unpublished)
4. Which expressions in the introduction as well as the conclusion are closely related?
50 Preliminaries to Essay Writing Part
52 4
Preliminaries to Essay Writing Part
V. Writing to Persuade and Convince
1. Write an essay that develops the topic vacation on page 56.
2. Assign IT a title.
3. Write a thesis statement for the essay.
4. Underline the thesis statement.
5. Use the Flip Book to get ideas for details.
6. Underline each topic sentence in the paragraphs that will form the body of the essay.
7. Conclude with a convincing sentence.
TOPIC vacation
Thesis statement and paragraph 1
From paragraph 2 and the following
Last paragraph Title:
53 4
VI. Essay Reading Exercise
Indicate to students to turn to page 57 in the workbook.
1. Read the essay that follows
2. Emphasize the differences and similarities.
3. Write the answers on the following page.
TOPIC Title:
Thesis statement and paragraph 1
From paragraph 2 and the following
Last paragraph
Dreams and Reality
Most people say that we need to live in only one world, the one they call reality. But I can switch from the world of my dreams to the one where most people live. It makes me feel free and special that I can travel from one to the other whenever I want.
Paragraph 2
My dream world is always bright and cool like a fresh day after a rainy night. There I live in a spacious house with my parents, siblings, and grandparents. Also, even though my parents responsibly go to work every day, and my grandparents visit doctors and use remedies, we all share warm moments in our family room and around the dining table. During those moments, we talk and listen to each other attentively because we are the ones who matter. There we show that we care for one another. I always feel loved like when the grownups close their eyes to give thanks for the love they receive and give. After we share family time, we can also enjoy our own personal spaces.
Paragraph 3
On the other hand, there is what they call my real world where life is an array of different colors including many shades of gray. Here I live with only my parents who seem never to have enough time during the day and an older brother who sometimes makes my parents quarrel, or my mom cry. I miss my grandparents who live at a place where only the elderly live. When we visit them, I always leave with a feeling in my heart that I can’t understand. When I come home from school, after I heat my food in the microwave, I take it with me to my room to do my homework. There I watch TV or play games online until Mom and Dad return from work too tired to sit with me and my brother. We sometimes try to understand.
Yes, my two worlds are truly different, but what makes them or me special is that I can move in and out of each depending on where I need to be. One is like a soft waterfall that calms me when I’m alone; the other is where I grow and learn to face daily challenges. I believe they both help me to be who and how unique I am.
50 Preliminaries to Essay Writing Part
54 4 Author: Prof. Celia Forrester (Unpublished)
1. Write three similarities:
2. Write three differences:
3. Write another possible topic for the essay:
4. Does the essay appeal to you in anyway? Why or why not?
Essay Writing Part
Preliminaries to
55 4
VII. Essay Writing Exercise
Indicate to students to turn to page 59 in their Workbook. Write a personal descriptive essay. Remember to use the sensory verbs and adjectives.
TOPIC Title:
Thesis statement and paragraph 1
From paragraph 2 and the following
Last paragraph
Preliminaries to Essay Writing Part
56 4
VIII. Essay Writing Exercise
Indicate to students to turn to page 60 in their Workbook.
1. Write a narrative essay. Remember to use the appropriate connectors.
2. Choose a topic from the Flip Book.
TOPIC Title:
INTRODUCTION Thesis statement
Preliminaries to Essay Writing
CONCLUSION Last paragraph
57 4
IX. Essay Writing Exercise
Indicate to students to turn to page 61 in their Workbook.
1. Write an expository essay. Remember to use the appropriate connectors.
TOPIC Title:
Thesis statement
Last paragraph
to Essay Writing Part
58 4
X. Essay Writing Exercise
Indicate to students to turn to page 62 in their Workbook.
1. Write a persuasive essay. Remember to state opinions and give reasons.
TOPIC Title: friends
Preliminaries to Essay Writing Part
59 4
50 60
Par a g r a ph Building
Motivate your students to awaken and put into practice their ability to write creatively and go as far as they may want to go.
r y Paragraph Building
w w w . p s y c h o t oo l s . c o m
Teacher's Guide