Sentence Building - Teacher’s Guide

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Sentence Building

To give students inspiration for creating basic sentences and short stories.


Dear Teacher,

As teachers, our main concern is that our students learn meaningfully by means of authentic resources. Therefore, we are committed to creating and providing such means to ensure the quality and depth of English mastery that can open the necessary doors for students’ progressive academic growth and development. We also envision them enjoying the experience of learning and using the language at ease.

Our goal in preparing this Teacher’s Guide is to provide you a hands-on manual to assist you in the teaching-learning experience in the class setting. It mirrors the Student’s Workbook in order to apply the suggestions and explanations easily making lesson planning less time-consuming. So you invest more time in enjoying teaching than with paperwork.

It is designed to apply the TPRS Methodology in language learning which has proved itself to be natural, progressive, and effective. Feel free to add your own teaching style to bring about the most lasting learning moments as you work with your students and different groups. We trust they are going to enjoy those learning moments.

Finally, this Teacher’s Guide is one of the components of the set comprised by the Student’s Workbook with the Words Bank, each with its specific goal and purpose forming the complete resource to develop the TPRS Methodology.

We have adapted this product with a collection of interactive games, that are highly motivating and easy to develop in class, with the purpose of supporting the work of teachers as they strive to actively help students acquire the English language. To optimize class work, we have included techniques from TPRS Methodology, that are very effective for language acquisition and can be adapted for working to at any level.

What is TPRS?

TPRS, “Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling” is a methodology that starts at the zero level, at which the student is, and step by step he/she advances toward comprehension, fluency, and practical grammatical knowledge according to the student’s grade level.

The Origins

Towards the end of the nineties, Professor Blaine Ray taught Spanish in an elementary school of Missouri, Kansas in the USA. Then he felt frustrated in view of his students’ slow progress. As a researcher and avid reader, Ray felt the urgent need to obtain greater advance with his students. Therefore, he began in depth research and studies of the findings of expert linguists and educators such as Stephen Krashen and Terrell Tracy, designers of the natural method, and Asher James , creator of TPR (Total Physical Response).

Ray merged those experts’ strategies to which he added his own ideas and created the TPRS Method, and put it into effect at the end of the 90’s decade.

TPRS is applicable to all languages making it an effective, manageable, and universal method used successfully in more than 90 countries from different continents. Workshops and update seminars are carried out every year in the United States in July, in order to share advancements and train teachers in this new methodology that continues to expand worldwide.

3 3 Sentence
T E A C H E R ’ S G U I D E

TPRS Techniques Included:

For TPRS Methodology, comprehension is the most important task. Add gestures , realia or translation if necessary to ensure the com prehension of the picture cards in the boxes or on the flashcards.

P.Q.A´s (Personalized Questions and Answers)

This technique, based in questions and repetition is very helpful to make students feel that what they are learning is real and a part of their life.

How can you do this?

Present the picture card or a Flashcard, for example, a picture of a dog; show it to the class and ask the following questions:

• Who has a dog?

• What is your dog´s name?

• What color is it?

• Where does your dog sleep?

• Do you take care of your dog?

• Do you love your dog?

(You may ask these and many more.)


Is the use of “yes /no”, “either/or” and “Wh” questions to develop meaning and to ensure the comprehension. Circling questions can be done in any order.

This technique permits the teacher to work on recycling, repetitions and motivation. As the teacher circles the statements, they can also take advantage to signal grammar points, review gestures, personalize structures and assess comprehension. The most important benefit of circling is to promote language acquisition subconsciously.


Statement: The girl runs in the park.

Circling Questions:

• Does a boy or a girl run in the park?

• Does the girl run in the park?

• Does the girl run in the zoo?

• Does the girl run in the park or in the zoo?

• Where does the girl run?

• Who runs in the park?

• What does the girl do?

circle of questions

(You may ask these and many more.)

TM structure structure YES OR NO WH...

Give it a Right Start

In view of the novelty of this writing tool, begin by handing the students their Workbook for them to preview them. Then explain their content part by part, as follows:

Character Setting Event Conclusion

Explain to the class that those are important elements used to expand sentences or statements to write stories.

Remind students that in the Words Bank,

• Statements will usually begin with the character and end with the conclusion.

• The events usually go after the character, but in some cases they can change positions with the settings.

• The different characters can be interchanged with different events and settings.

• The elements are intended to be mixed and matched to produce a large number of statements.

• At the same time, the purpose of the exercises is to help students write richer sentences by following patterns rather than grammatical rules.

• Before writing sentences in the Workbook, students should have practiced forming sentences orally first, then writing them on the board, and finally writing their creative sentences in the Workbook.

Level 1
Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Give it a Right Start

The Words Bank is adaptable and can be used in many different ways to fulfill different purposes. One is to build sentences starting from the simplest to the most complete by adding the different elements, as follows:

Use the Words Bank to write your own sentence following the example above.

Example #1: The simplest form, Subject and Predicate. Character conclusion A girl won first place. Character conclusion

Example #2: Setting describing the character.

Use the Words Bank to write your own sentence following the example above.

conclusion A
Building Teacher’s Guide
Character setting
Character setting
girl won first place. at school Sentence

Give it a Right Start

Example #3: Setting and event describing the character.

Use the Words Bank to write your own sentence following the example above.

In this way, the student becomes aware of the process of expanding the sentences meaningfully and step by step avoiding the risk of mechanization or memorization. It also enables students to create their own sentences with more ease.

Once this step is mastered, students can then flip between the different elements to create other sentences.

Character setting event conclusion A girl in the spelling bee at school won first place Character setting event conclusion Sentence Building Tea cher’s Guide
It is the subject that performs an action.

Developing the Character


Identify all of the students in the class as characters

Illustrate the meaning of character by calling on two students to ask circling questions. You may also use a student to do P.Q.A.

Indicate that the character is the “Who?” of the statement.

Point at one of the students and ask, Is this (name)? for a “yes” answer.

Point at the same student an ask again: Is this (name)? for a “no” answer. Is this (name) or (name)? for an “either/or” answer.

Finally ask: Who is this?

Ask the students:

Are you a boy? Are you a girl?

Are you a boy or a girl? What are you?

State that most statements or sentences begin with the subject or character. In other words, the “Who” or “What” we are talking about. Exercise on workbook page 5.


Ask for examples of characters or names.

Also explain that the “who” names can be for singular or plural names.

Developing Character EXPLAIN

Write the names on the board.


A girl (singular)

A dog


My mother

A boy and a girl (plural)

Jerry and his dog Character: A girl Character Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide


Developing the Setting


Identify different places in the classroom.

Indicate to the students that the places are the “Where” or the setting of the statements.

Reinforce this concept by circling questions.

A. Place a student infront of the classroom.

B. Ask questions about the students location.

C. Place the student in another location (door, window), and continue asking questions to reinforce the setting.

It is a location or place. It is where the character does an action.

Ask for examples about different places in the classroom:

-In front of the classroom

-Behind the chair

-At the door

-At the school


That is the front of the classroom.

Stand before the class and ask:

Is this the front of the classroom? Yes or no?

Point to the back of the classroom and ask:

Is that the back of the classroom?

Is this the front of the classroom or the back of the classroom? (Accept reasonable answers).

Finally, ask:

Where is this? (Accept reasonable answers).

Ask the class:

Is (name) in the front of the classroom or in the back of the classroom? (Accept reasonable answers).

Where is (name)? (Accept reasonable answers).

Ask students:

Where do you like to sit, in the front of the classroom or in the back of the classroom? (Answers will vary).

Where are you? (Accept reasonable answers).

To illustrate the relationship between the character and the setting, draw or illustrate the following sketch:

Explain the diagram presented by identifying the character and the setting. Ask the students to give other examples. Keep all the diagrams on the whiteboard or on chart paper. Complete the exercises on workbook page 6-7. Setting:

A girl Character setting at school Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

It is the action the character does and what happens or takes place in the setting.

Developing the Event


To explain, give examples of instances similar to the actions presented in the Words Bank.

Then, present different actions that are happening at the moment.


“eating pizza”

“sitting and listening”

“walking to the door”

Explain the instance in Spanish and in English.

Clarify that a spelling bee is a competition.

Explain instances without using the verb “be”.

Example: “looking for the pencil” “in the spelling bee”

Reinforce that in neither case there is the verb be. Take this opportunity to reinforce that the event describes or expands the character.

Use your Words Bank to complete the examples developed in the diagrams, identifying the character, setting, and event in each one. Vary the components of each section to reinforce comprehension. Exercises on workbook page 8.

Event: Character setting event A girl at school in the spelling bee

It is the end of the events and the actions the character does or what happens in the sentence.

Developing the Conclusion


Use the diagram to complete the statement with the conclusion: “won first place” Read the complete statement: “A girl at school in the spelling bee won first place”.

Circle the questions to reinforce the comprehension of the complete statement and to visualize the relationship between all of the parts of the sketch.

Explain the meaning of the action verb “won” in Spanish.

Ask who won the first place for students to answer: “a girl”

Explain the relationship between the character and the conclusion.

Use P.Q.A. questions:

Ask questions such as:

Who won the first place? (A girl)

Where did she compete and win first place? (at school)

What did she compete in? (in the spelling bee)

What happened at the end? (A girl/she won first place)

Did a boy or a girl win the spelling bee? (A girl)

Did she win first place in a bicycle race or in the spelling bee? (in the spelling bee)

Did she win the spelling bee in school or at home? (at school)

Ask questions such as:

Who knows what a spelling bee contest is?

Has anyone participated in a spelling bee contest?

What place did you win?

A girl at school in the spelling bee conclusion won first place. Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Exercises on workbook pages 10-11.

Conclusion: Character setting event


Draw the patterns on the board.

Use the blank cells in the diagrams to write your own examples. Form pairs to work with the Words Bank. Indicate to the class that they will be creating sentences putting together the different elements in the Words Bank. Indicate that they will create sentences by following the diagrams given below.

1. Start by having them identify the characters as the Who. Allow them to choose the ones they prefer from the Words Bank.

2. Continue with a conclusion. There they will create a simple sentence.

3. Then, have the groups choose a setting.

4. Finally, indicate that they can select an event to expand and complete the sentence.

5. Accept all possible combinations.

6. As further practice, motivate them to create a couple sentences of their own.

7. Call different students to go to the board to share their sentences.

at school in the spelling bee won first place won first place won first place Character A girl Character A girl Character A girl Character A girl at school setting setting event conclusion conclusion conclusion
Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide


Unscramble the elements to form a correct sentence. Capitalize where necessary. ate all the carrots playing on the ground the gray rabbit in the garden

The gray rabbit in the garden playing on the ground ate all the carrots.

in the airplane

The young pilot in the airplane sitting in the cabin landed on an island. landed on an island sitting in the cabin the young pilot

a popular singer

A popular singer in a studio thinking of his friend wrote the song. wrote the song thinking of his friend in a studio

celebrating her birthday

My best friend at school celebrating her birthday my best friend at school invited the class to her party invited the class to her party.

Brenda Brenda in her backpack looking for a pen found a dollar in her backpack found a dollar. looking for a pen

Building Teacher’s Guide

Changing Statements to Present and Future with Will and Going to

Help students identify the verb in the conclusion. Then introduce the present, future tense with will, and future tense with going to. Practice by writing the statements in the new tenses.

A girl at school in the spelling bee wins first place. (present )

A girl at school in the spelling bee will win first place. (future with will )

A girl at school in the spelling bee is going to win first place. (future with going to)

Checking Comprehension

Use the diagram to create statements on the board. Ask students to fill the blanks with their own words for character, setting, event, and conclusion.

My best friend at school

My best friend at school

My best friend at school

My best friend at school

celebrating her birthday invited the class to her party.

celebrating her birthday invites the class to her party.

celebrating her birthday will invite the class to her party.

celebrating her birthday is going to invite the class to her party.

Read the complete statements aloud with the class. Circle, and P.Q.A. Exercises on workbook pages 12-13.

Examples: Character setting event conclusion
Building Teacher’s Guide

Introducing Plural Characters

Use the previous diagram to work with plural characters. Remember to make the necessary changes to the verbs. Use the same diagram to change statements to plural.


Examples: with Plural Characters:

Read the complete statements aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A. Emphasize and explain the plural form. Use the diagrams completed by the students to change to plural. Exercises on workbook page 14.

Character setting event conclusion A girl A girl A girl A girl at school at school at school at school in the spelling bee in the spelling bee in the spelling bee in the spelling bee won first place. wins first place will win first place is going to win first place Character setting event conclusion Some girls Some girls Some girls Some girls at school at school at school at school in the spelling bee in the spelling bee in the spelling bee in the spelling bee won first place. win first place. will win first place. are going to win first place.
Building Teacher’s Guide

Using the Verb to Be

The settings, events and conclusions can be described with the verb “to be” to give more precision to statements.

As in previous examples, the setting and the event usually follow the verb “to be.”


Present the diagram on the board. (See the examples below).

Ask students to give examples of characters and settings to complete the examples.


Explain that when we use the verb “to be” we create statements that are more precise because they describe the character or define a place or location. The verb “to be” can either be singular or plural. Observe that the verb follows the character.

Explain that sentences with the verb “to be” can take a setting and an event, but not conclusions because they describe, and do not show action.

A girl at school setting is is

Read the complete statement aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A.


Some girls at school setting are

Read the complete statement aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A. Explain that the change of the verb is because the character is plural. Exercises on workbook pages 15-16. are

Example: Sentence Building Teacher’s

Creating Progressive Statements “ing” form

Progressive statements are used to describe actions that are taking place at the moment of speech.


Present the diagram on the board. (see the examples below)

Emphasize that the verb must express an action occurring at the moment of speech.

Example: Sentence

This diagram must have a form of the verb to be + the progressive (“ing”) of the verb presented in the event.

Example: … jumping…., ….are jumping…. … running…., ….are running…..

Use the diagram to help students identify the verb. Some of the events presented in Words Bank are already written in the “ing” form.

Explain to the students how to change the main verbs to “ ing” form.


A girl making balloon animals setting event is is at school

Read the complete statement aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A.


Some girls making balloon animals setting event at school are are

Read the complete statement aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A. Explain that the change of the verb is because the character is plural. Exercises on workbook pages 17-18.


Using “There is” and “There are”

“There is” and “There are” are introductory phrases to indicate that something or someone exists or does not in statements.


Present the statement with the introductory phrase.

Ask students to give examples of singular and plural characters using the correct introductory phrase.

Complete the diagram with the examples given.


There is

Explain that either “there is” or “there are” come before the character or characters in the statements because they are introductory phrases.

There is (singular character) There are (plural characters) Character

Read the complete statement aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A.

There are Characters setting event some girls at school in the spelling bee.

Read the complete statements aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A.

Explain that the verb changes when the subject is plural.

Reinforce that sentences that begin with “There is”/“There are” do not accept conclusions. Have students practice identifying different objects in the classroom as they use the introductory phrases.

Example: There is a whiteboard in the classroom. There are many chairs in the classroom.

Ask and answer questions as well. Exercises on workbook pages 19-20. in the spelling bee. a girl at school

setting event
Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Using Negative Introductory Phrase


Present the statement with the negative introductory phrase.

Ask students to give examples of singular and plural characters using the negative introductory phrase.

Complete the diagram with the examples given.

Explain that “There is not” / “There isn’t” or “There are not” / “There aren’t” come before the character or characters in the statement.

There is not /“There isn’t” (singular) There are not/ “There aren’t” (plural)


There isn't There aren’t

Complete the diagram below with your own examples.

There isn't

Read the complete statement aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A.

Explain how the verb changes when the subject is plural.

Have students give examples of objects that are not in the classroom. Ask questions to prompt the use of the structure. Exercises on workbook pages 21-22.


1. Is there a spelling bee today? (No, there isn’t a spelling bee today).

2. Are there any spelling bees today? (No, there aren’t any spelling bees today). Character setting event in

the spelling bee. in the spelling bee. a girl at school at school any girls Character setting event
There aren’t Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Completing the Statements with the Conclusion


Present the diagram and explain the use of the relative pronoun “who” and its relationship with the character in English and Spanish.

Ask students to give examples of conclusions to complete the diagram.


Explain that statements that begin with “who” as a relative pronoun, are added to other statements to complete the content or add details about the character.

Emphasize the use of the character before the relative pronoun “who”.

When statements are introduced with “There is”, “There are” or their negative forms, to conclude the story, use the relative pronoun “who” before the conclusion. There

Complete the diagram below with your own examples.

Read the complete statements aloud with the class. Circle and P.Q.A.

Emphasize on how the verb changes when the subject has plural characters. Exercises on workbook pages 23-24-25.

Character conclusion a
won first
is There are who who Character conclusion Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide
is There are who who
girl girls
first place.
place. There

Focusing on the Character

The character is the subject of the statement. Students can improve their writing by adding details to the character or subject.


The character can be improved by adding details, such as setting (for location) and event (for activity taking place).


Have students work in pairs to list five characters and add details to each one. Following the diagram below. Students can use the Words Bank as a guide. For this exercise, they can choose their own examples. Then share their examples orally.

Place the setting and event after the character.

Read and explain to the students that by adding details we can improve the description of the character.


event setting Character Character with details event setting Character Character with details in the spelling bee at school A girl Complete the diagram above with your own example. Exercises on workbook pages 26-27. Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Focusing on the Conclusion

The conclusion is the predicate of the statement. Students can improve their writing by adding details to the predicate.


The conclusion can be improved by adding details, such as setting (for location) and event (for activity taking place).


Have students work in pairs to list five conclusions and add details to each one.

Students can use the Words Bank as a guide. For this exercise, they can choose their own examples following the diagram below. Then share their examples orally.

Place the setting and event after the character.

Read and explain that by adding details we can improve the description of the conclusion.


Write your own sentences here.


Character in the spelling bee A girl at school won first place conclusion setting event
Character conclusion setting event
Conclusion with details
Building Teacher’s Guide
with details Exercises on workbook pages 28-29. Sentence

Sentence Writing Level 2


In TPRS methodology, students learn and use the language effectively without placing much emphasis on grammatical rules.

Teachers must constantly:

1. Model the target forms

2. Introduce a variety of examples

3. Form groups and pairs to interact among themselves

4. Practice extensively on the whiteboard and

5. Use realia, among others.

Once students master the form, then they write their sentences in their workbooks.

The second level of this book was created to help students write stories by following diagrams. The different diagrams provide basic structures that the student can follow in order to write meaningful sentences. Students will complete them in the workbook with the elements from the Words Bank.

Students will choose an appropriate phrase from the diagram and write it on the line bellow. Use the choices selected to help them write their sentences.

When using the basic structures, explain the meaning of each one. To begin, the teacher should indicate the structure to be used. As students progress, permit them to select the structures of their choice.

After writing their sentences, students will check the writing rubrics to edit their work. Then they will read their sentences aloud to the group.

The sentences will differ because they may include personal choices at times.

As students write their sentences, suggest to them that they create their own questions to Circle and P.Q.A.

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Writing Rubrics for Students

Motivate the class by encouraging the idea that writing is the product of an interesting process and that there are good habits they need to practice to achieve the goals. Share with them that there are many young writers who love to read and write stories and create video games they enjoy. Focus on the fact that all begins with a simple idea or character the writer describes and builds by expanding adding elements.

Review the Following Writing Rubrics before they start the process:



Writing Rubrics for Students

Capitalize all the beginning words of the sentences and all the proper names.

Punctuate sentences correctly.

Use the dictionary to check the spelling of words in doubt.

Write complete sentences.

Use a pencil to write the first draft.

Read carefully what you wrote.

2 3 4 5 6
Building Teacher’s Guide

Checking Comprehension (Class Activity)


• Form groups of four students.

• Indicate that in every group, each player represents an element of the Words Bank; that is, character, setting, event, and conclusion to form statements.

• Each player chooses a card from the Words Bank without revealing it to the others in the group.

• Then, when they are ready, they put them together in the conventional order: character, setting, event, and conclusion. (It is possible that funny sentences will be formed.

• Accept all reasonable answers and support those who are struggling.)

• Have a student from each group go to the whiteboard to write their sentences.



A new transformer beat the triple champion. from another galaxy conclusion setting event

in a champion match

• A variation of the game is that the player who represents character begins showing what he/she creates as the subject.

• Then setting follows, and does the same.

• Event continues.

• Finally conclusion ends the sentence.

• As a result, each player creates original elements for the sentence.

• Prompt students to make decisions and work quickly to avoid a slow paced activity.

• Finally, have a student from each group to write the sentences on the whiteboard.

• Always have a sentence of your own ready to model and illustrate any doubts.

26 Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Developing Writing with Diagrams

The following set of diagrams provides the foundation to create sentences from the simplest to the more elaborate, and for students to expand their ideas to write short stories. Use the diagrams as you develop the writing process with the class. For each, there is an example that serves as a guide to write sentences, expand them, and connect them to other sentences in order to write complete paragraphs.

In addition, prompt students to use the Words Bank to create a variety of sentences by combining, mixing, and matching with their own elements. It is important that students create and include their own ideas. Here is where you motivate and allow students to be as creative as they can be as writers. Moreover, stress on the importance of the use of the dictionary as a means of expanding vocabulary and giving variety to their writing.

Finally, as you develop the writing process, regularly emphasize on the syntax (word order) of the language, not on grammatical aspects. It is relevant that students produce appropriate and correct sentences. Remind students of the most common aspects of the language such as:

•Subject-verb agreement

•Changes in verb forms as the tenses change

•Order of the different parts of the sentences

•Capitalization and punctuation

Constantly motivate the students to share their work on the whiteboard. Always congratulate them for their efforts and good work.

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Writing with Diagrams (Class Activity)

Diagram #1


Combine a character of your own with a conclusion from the Words Bank. You can use singular or plural characters.

Exercises on workbook page 32.

Character conclusion

Peter popped a balloon.

Complete the diagram below with your own example on the whiteboard.

Character conclusion

Diagram #2


Select the character and the conclusion from the Words Bank and add a setting of your own.

Exercises on workbook page 33.

Character conclusion setting

A monster baked cupcakes. in my house

Complete the diagram below with your own example on the whiteboard.

Character conclusion setting

Diagram #3


Combine a character and an event of your own with a setting and a conclusion from the Words Bank.

Exercises on workbook pages 34-35.

Character setting event conclusion

My sister in the park playing with a cat made a new friend.

Complete the diagram below with your own example on the whiteboard.

Character setting event conclusion

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide


Writing with Diagrams Diagram #4 event

Introductory Phrase character conclusion setting

verb be

There aren’t any dragons in a forest making a lot of noise, were playing with toys. but they but pronoun he/she/they

Write a complete sentence following the diagram and example above:


Writing with Diagrams (Class Activity)

Complete the diagram with elements from the Words Bank or your own words. Include all the parts. Follow the diagram #4 on the whiteboard.

Exercises on workbook pages 36-37.

1. 2. 3. Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Introductory Phrase character

Example: verb be

Pronun he/she/they event who setting

Basic Structures Name of the Character named Pancho a dog There was who wanted to find a stick, He was on an island.

PRONOUN he/she/they

Write a complete sentence following the diagram and example above: Diagram #5

want(s) to like(s) to need(s) to have/has to prefer(s) to going to do / does can conclusion but he found a hidden cave. whose name is... named... but

Writing with Diagrams Sentence Building Teacher’s

Writing with Diagrams (Class Activity)

Complete the diagram with elements from the Words Bank or your own words. Include all the parts. Follow the diagram #5 on the whiteboard.

Exercises on workbook pages 38-39.

1. 2. 3.

Writing with Diagrams

Diagram #6

Introductory Phrase character

Example: but so event

verb be

A farmer is / was in a garden

looking for a buried treasure, setting conclusion conclusion ...he ...she ...they


it starts to rain it started to rain so but he

finds a hidden cave found a hidden cave.

Write a complete sentence following the diagram and example above:

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Writing with Diagrams (Class Activity)

Complete the diagram with elements from the Words Bank or your own words. Include all the parts. Follow the diagram #6 on the whiteboard.

Exercises on workbook pages 40-41.

1. 2. 3. Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Writing with Diagrams

Diagram #7


Introductory Phrase character

There was

in a house during winter time,

he / she doesn´t have they don't have he / she / they can´t Problem statement (structure)

Name of the character or description

...whose name is... ...named ...

event (created by the student) so setting Pronun he/she/they but

conclusion (created by the student)

went out to the backyard to hunt a mouse.

Pronun he/she/they finally

Name of the character or pronoun

didn’t have food; so Motita but she a cat named Motita

returned to the house with a bird for lunch. Finally


Write complete sentences following the diagram and example above:

conclusion (created by the student)
35 Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Writing with Diagrams (Class Activity)

Use diagram #7 to write sentences with plural characters and changes in verb tenses. Write sentences using your own creations combined with elements from the Words Bank. Follow the diagram #7 on the whiteboard.

Exercises on workbook pages 42-43.

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide
4. 5. 6.

Combining Diagrams to Write Paragraphs

They are ready!

After you have followed the seven different diagrams to create sentences, guide the class in combining the diagrams to write paragraphs to develop short stories.

It may be required to delete unnecessary repetitions, or to add words such as connectors to join the different sentences. Give the students the freedom to select elements from the Words Bank as necessary or create theirs. It may be pertinent also to change some forms of the elements in the Words Bank and add words such as connectors and transitional expressions for them to fit the sentences and give more ease to the writing. They may switch the position of the elements provided they follow the correct language structure. This is where you may encourage students to use their creativity to build their original stories. Remind students that every story must have a title.

Additionally, remind the class of the essentials of writing, such as, subject-verb agreement, appropriate verb tenses, correct capitlization and punctuation, and proper word order. Reinforce the use of the dictionary as a fundamental tool for the writer. The aim is that students use the language appropriately to express their ideas in the different forms.

Finally, we encourage you to motivate your students to awaken and put into practice their ability to write creatively and go as far as they may want to.

For example, the following paragraph combines diagrams No. 4, 5, 6, and 7, in which the recommendations given above are applied.

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Diagram # 5

Diagram # 6

Combining Diagrams to Write Paragraphs

Title: A Difficult Day at the Park.

There were three clowns in the park making balloon animals, Introductory phrase character setting event but they were stung by bees. but pronoun verb be

Later, my friends Danilo and Andrés were Transitional phrase character name of character verb be in the park and they wanted to setting and pronoun basic structure fly a kite, but they event but pronoun

Then the musicians were Transitional phrase introductory phrase character verb be on the sidewalk playing instruments, but it started to rain, setting event but (connector) conclusion so they so (connector) pronoun conclusion created by the student

Develop the diagrams on the whiteboard. Use the patterns from Diagram #7, and motivate your students to create their own character, setting, event and conclusion.

onal phrase introductory phrase character description setting event but (connector) pronoun
Problem statement so (transiton word) pronoun
Transitional phrase pronoun conclusion
Diagram # 7 conclusion
Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide
Diagram # 4 conclusion created by the student

Sentence Building Teacher’s Guide

Motivate your students to awaken and put into practice their ability to write creatively, and go as far as they may want to go.


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