Peachtree Publishers Fall 2015 catalog

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Fall 2015

Can kids really change the world? Cynthia Levinson shows readers that they can. “A moving record of young people rising at a pivotal historical moment.” —Kirkus Reviews Honor Book, Orbis Pictus Outstanding Fiction for Children Award • Finalist, YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction • ALSC Notable Children’s Books

HC: $19.95 / 978-1-56145-627-7 PB: $13.95 / 978-1-56145-844-8

Cynthia Levinson ★ Starred Reviews ★ Publishers Weekly • Kirkus Reviews • Booklist • School Library Journal

Explore the world of social circus—a movement that brings kids from different worlds together to perform remarkable acts on a professional level.

NEW in Fal l 2015!

HC: $22.95 / 978-1-56145-821-9

Fall 2015 Books for Young Readers

CONTENTS Frontlist 2–27

Backlist 28–83

Young Adult Middle Readers Picture Books

Bilingual and Spanish Board Books Picture Books Middle Reader Young Adult Index Order Form Ordering Information

2–3, 8 4–13 14–27

Frontlist by Month

28 29 30–63 64–78 79–83 84–86 87 88

August September October

August About Habitats: Polar Regions—22 Cathryn and John Sill

About Insects: A Guide for Children, revised edition—23 Cathryn and John Sill

About Insects: A Guide for Children / Sobre los insectos: Una guia para niños —23 Cathryn and John Sill Lilliput—6–7 Sam Gayton and Alice Ratterree

A Storm Called Katrina—17 Myron Uhlberg and Colin Bootman

Watch Out for Flying Kids: How Two Circuses, Two Countries, and Nine Kids Confront Conflict and Build Community—4–5 Cynthia Levinson

Out of Bounds—12 Fred Bowen

September Charlie Bumpers vs. the Perfect Little Turkey—10 Bill Harley and Adam Gustavson Charlie Bumpers vs. the Squeaking Skull—11 Bill Harley and Adam Gustavson Claude in the Spotlight—13 Alex T. Smith October Believarexic—2–3 J.J. Johnson

Finder, Coal Mine Dog—9 Alison Hart and Michael G. Montgomery

The Copy Crocs—24 David Bedford and Emily Bolam

Stay! A Top Dog Story—18–19 Alex Latimer

Mr. President Goes to School—20 Rick Walton and Brad Sneed

Tiger in My Soup—21 Kashmira Sheth and Jeffrey Ebbeler

Poet: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton—14–15 Don Tate

What’s the Time, Grandma Wolf?—25 Ken Brown

Stanley’s Diner—26–27 William Bee

Keep On! The Story of Matthew Henson, Co-discoverer of the North Pole—16 Deborah Hopkinson and Stephen Alcorn

The Theory of Everything—8 J.J. Johnson • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

Young Adult • October Believarexic J.J. Johnson HC: $18.95 / 978-1-56145-771-7

5 ½ x 8 ½ / 464 pages Ages 12–16 Territory: World Rights: All rights available Teaching Themes: eating disorders, body image, mental health J. J. Johnson graduated from Binghamton University and worked as an internship coordinator for programs such as The Learning Web and Youth Advocacy. She earned a Master of Education from Harvard University, with a concentration in Adolescent Risk and Prevention. She lives in North Carolina.

Also by J. J. Johnson

HC: 978-1-56145-578-2 PB: 978-1-56145-700-7 page 83


HC: 978-1-56145-623-9 page 83 PB: 978-1-56145-889-9 page 8


Asking for help is only the first step. Jennifer can’t go on like this—binging, purging, starving, and all while trying to appear like she’s got it all together. But when she finally confesses her secret to her parents and is hospitalized at the Samuel Tuke Center, her journey is only beginning. As Jennifer progresses through her treatment, she learns to recognize her relationship with food, and friends, and family— and how each is healthy or unhealthy. She has to learn to trust herself and her own instincts, but that’s easier than it sounds. She has to believe—after many years of being a believarexic. Using her trademark dark humor and powerful emotion, J. J. Johnson tells an inspiring story that is based on her own experience when she was hospitalized for an eating disorder as a teenager. The innovative format, in which Jennifer’s story is told through blank verse and prose, with changes in tense and voice, and using forms, workbooks, and journal entries, mirrors the protagonist’s progress toward a healthy body and mind. • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

October • Young Adult Stage One

You are sick. Sick, as in unwell: shaking, dazed, light-headed. And you are sick, as in tired: sick of wondering why you are so sad, sick of feeling alone at a crowded party, sick of thinking happiness is simply not meant for you. You are sick of being sick.

“You’re bulimarexic, right?” Monica asks. Eyes stinging with tears, willing them not to fall, Jennifer nods. Monica says, “The diagnosis they’ll put in your file will be bulimia. Bulimia, anorexia nervosa, or compulsive overeating are the only official things listed in the DSM-III. But in here, we know bulimarexia is a real thing. Right, ladies?”

There must be a way. A questing hero finds a weapon and slays the dragon.

The patients who are listening nod, and so does Jennifer, even though she doesn’t know what a DSM-III is. Jennifer is stunned by how casually her deepest, most secret self— the name of her monster— has been spoken. Just after her name. Jennifer. Bulimarexic.

You are no hero. But you have looked everywhere for a monster-slaying sword. Where is it? Not inside a shrunken stomach, or on the scale, or in the tang of bile, vomit. Not in the pop-fizz of diet soda, or the melted, muddy pools at the bottom of a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. No sword. No exit.

Monday, November 21, 1988



ber 28,


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Wednesday, November 17, 1988




53 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Reader • August Watch Out for Flying Kids How Two Circuses, Two Countries, and Nine Kids Confront Conflict and Build Community Cynthia Levinson HC: $22.95 / 978-1-56145-821-9

8 ⅞ x 9 ⅜ / 224 pages / 110 color photographs Ages 10–14 / Nonfiction GRL W; Gr 6 Territory: World Rights: All rights available except dramatic / performance (Erin Murphy Literary Agency) Teaching Themes: culture, religion, class, race A former teacher and educational policy consultant and researcher, Cynthia Levinson holds degrees from Wellesley College and Harvard University and also attended the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. She lives in Texas and Massachusetts.

Also by Cynthia Levinson

Kids accomplish remarkable feats of strength and beauty, as well as work to bring about change in their worlds. The author of We’ve Got a Job explores the world of social circus—a movement that brings kids from different worlds together to perform amazing acts on a professional level. Levinson follows the participants of two specific circuses that also work together periodically: Circus Harmony, in St. Louis, whose participants are inner-city and suburban kids, and Circus Galilee in Israel, whose participants are Jews and Arabs. As the kids’ relationships evolve over time, the members learn how to overcome assumptions, animosity, and obstacles both physical and personal.

HC: 978-1-56145-627-7 PB: 978-1-56145-844-8 page 70

4 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

August • Middle Reader

“Teaching children from

different cultures

to stand on each other’s shoulders may seem like a strange way to

cooperation and communication, promote

but it’s the technique we use.”


whole big old world, “I see the

not just the small place I live in.” —Iking

You can do everything

that you think is the right thing.…

When you

think the right thing, you know it is the right thing.” —Hla • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Reader • August Lilliput Sam Gayton Illustrated by Alice Ratterree HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-806-6

6 x 8 / 256 pages / 20 b&w illustrations Ages 8–12 GRL W; Gr 6 Territory: US and Canada (non-exclusive) Rights: Text: Andersen Press UK; Artwork: Peachtree Teaching Themes: Gulliver’s Travels, friendship, bravery, ingenuity Sam Gayton received a master’s degree in Writing for Young People at Bath Spa University. Lilliput is his first book to be published in the U. S. He lives in England. Alice Ratterree’s work has been featured in greeting cards, children’s books, and original paintings and drawings. Also an accomplished classically trained singer, Alice has appeared as a soloist in opera, concert, and oratorial venues. She lives in South Carolina. You may also enjoy

In a city full of giants, can one tiny girl find her way home? She is a girl three inches tall with eyes like drops of dew. Her clothes are cut from handkerchiefs and stitched with spider silk. For half her life, she has been trapped in a birdcage while her giant kidnapper sits beside her, writing in a leather-bound book the size of a house. Her name is Lily, and tonight she is escaping. She is going home. To Lilliput. Inspired by Gulliver’s Travels, Lilliput is an exhilarating adventure filled with cunning escape plans, evil clock makers, and talkative parrots. Join Lily as she travels through eighteenthcentury London—over rooftops, down chimneys, and into chocolate shops—on a journey to find the one place in the world where she belongs…home.

HC: 978-1-56145-595-9 PB: 978-1-56145-810-3 page 57

6 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

August • Middle Reader


ily was sitting in his shadow. It was huge. It stretched out in front of her. Somewhere ahead, Bellin and Bree were screaming. “Run, Lily! Run, run, run!” She didn’t even take a step. The giant was too quick. He scooped her into his palm, rough and lined. It bore her up like a flying carpet, and the beach fell away from the sky, and Bellin and Bree’s voices fell away from her ears, and the sand trickled away through the giant’s hand. “Fair tidings to you, child of Lilliput!” Lily opened her eyes. The giant was speaking. His voice boomed in her ears. “If my speech sounds strange to your ears, apologies. I learned to speak Lilliputian over two hundred moons ago, in the court of Emperor Mully Ully Gue the First. No doubt the language since then has altered considerably. Indeed, I imagine almost everything in Lilliput has changed since last I was here. The emperor’s great-great-great-grandson must sit on the throne now, yes?” Lily gazed up, dumb with terror. The enormous face hung in the sky like a new moon, with its sloping cheeks, its cragged mountain of a nose, and the thousand little craters that pockmarked his skin. “My name is Lemuel Gulliver,” the giant continued in Lilliputian. “I should like to explain more to you, but we must leave at once. A great journey looms ahead of us, and the sooner we set sail for England, the sooner we shall arrive.” His spectacles flashed in the sun. Lily blinked and started, at last, to scream. Gulliver waited some time for her to stop. She did not. She screamed and screamed, then drew in another great gasp and screamed again, until the giant’s palm tipped and Lily fell down into darkness. Gulliver patted his pocket closed. Then he turned on his heel and began to walk. Back over the dunes, across the beach, and into the sea. • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Young Adult • October The Theory of Everything J.J. Johnson PB: $9.95 / 978-1-56145-889-9

5 ¼ x 8 / 320 pages AR • RC • Lexile Ages 12–16 GRL Z+; Gr 9th and up Territory: World Rights: All rights available except audio (Curtis Brown), Portuguese, Spanish

HC: page 83 Teaching Themes: grief, love, friendship J. J. Johnson graduated from Binghamton University and worked as an internship coordinator for programs such as The Learning Web and Youth Advocacy. She earned a Master of Education from Harvard University, with a concentration in Adolescent Risk and Prevention. She lives in North Carolina.

Just because everyone else thinks you should be over it, doesn’t mean you are. Last year, Sarah’s best friend Jamie died in a freak accident. Back then, everyone was sad; now they’re just ready for Sarah to get over it and move on. But Sarah’s not ready to move on. She can’t stop reliving what happened, struggling with guilt, questioning the meaning of life, and missing her best friend. In a last-ditch effort to pull it together, Sarah befriends Jamie’s twin brother Emmett, who may be the only other person who understands what she’s lost. And when she gets a job working for the local eccentric who owns a Christmas tree farm, she finally begins to understand the threads that connect us all, the benefit of giving people a chance, and the power of love. Praise for The Theory of Everything ★ “Readers will easily relate to Sarah’s use of cynicism as a defense mechanism—her sharp-witted voice sets the tone for a story that’s truly tragicomic.” —Publishers Weekly

8 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

October • Middle Reader Finder, Coal Mine Dog Alison Hart Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-860-8

5 ½ x 7 ½ / 160 pages / 20 b&w illustrations Ages 7–10 / Historical fiction Territory: World Rights: All rights available Teaching Themes: mining, bravery, American history

An action-packed and heartwarming story of a dog in the Cherry Mine disaster of 1909 When Thomas’s family needs money, he’s forced to go to work in the coal mines, even though neither of his late parents wanted that for him. His only comfort is his dog Finder, a failed hunting dog who now pulls a cart in the mines. When disaster strikes, can Thomas and Finder escape from the fires deep below ground? ◆ Back matter: more information on coal mining, child labor,

Alison Hart is the author of more than twenty books for young readers, including the Racing to Freedom trilogy (page 70) and the Dog Chronicles series (page 66). She teaches at Blue Ridge Community College and lives in Virginia. Michael G. Montgomery has illustrated numerous children’s books (pages 45, 55, 61, 66, and 67). He lives in Georgia.

and animals in mines Praise for Dog Chronicle series “Wartime adventure with plenty of heart.” —Kirkus Reviews on Darling, Mercy Dog of World War I

In the same series

“Readers will be quickly hooked by how Murphy tells his own story, sharing his fears, excitement, and joys.” —Booklist on Murphy, Gold Rush Dog HC: 978-1-56145-705-2 page 66 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

HC: 978-1-56145-769-4 page 66


Middle Reader • September Charlie Bumpers vs. the Perfect Little Turkey Bill Harley Illustrated by Adam Gustavson HC: $13.95 / 978-1-56145-835-6

5 ½ x 7 ½ / 176 pages 32 b&w illustrations CD: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-893-6

5 x 5 ⅞ x 1 / two CDs / two hours Ages 7–10 Territory: World Rights: All rights available except for dramatic / film Teaching Themes: family, responsibility, cooperation A two-time Grammy Awardwinning performer and member of the National Storytelling Network’s Circle of Excellence, Bill Harley is an acclaimed author (pages 11, 52, and 75) and recording artist. He was a regular commentator for NPR’s “All Things Considered” for twenty years. He lives in Massachussetts. Adam Gustavson has illustrated several books for children (pages 11, 52, 53, 55, 61, 62, and 75). He lives in New Jersey.

Can Charlie be a polite host to the most annoying little cousin in the universe? It’s Thanksgiving in the Bumpers’ household and Charlie’s cousin Chip makes everything hard—gets him in trouble, ruins his things, and generally makes a nuisance of himself. On top of that, Mrs. Burke has assigned Charlie the task of writing what a family is to him. How will Charlie be able to see past his “turkey” of a cousin to understand the real meaning of family? Everyone Loves Charlie Bumpers! “…a lovely change of pace from the sarcasm of Wimpy Kid.” —Kirkus Reviews on Charlie Bumpers vs. the Teacher of the Year “…captures the frustration that comes with just having to make the best of a bad situation.” —Kirkus Reviews on Charlie Bumpers vs. the Really Nice Gnome

10 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

September • Middle Reader Charlie Bumpers vs. the Squeaking Skull Bill Harley Illustrated by Adam Gustavson PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-888-2

5 ½ x 7 ½ / 176 pages 20 b&w illustrations AR • RC • Lexile Ages 7–10 GRL P; Gr 3 Territory: World Rights: All rights available except for dramatic / film HC and CD: page 75

Can Charlie face his fear of horror movies and enjoy Halloween?

Teaching Themes: facing fears, family, creativity

Charlie and Tommy have big plans for Halloween. They’re going to trick-or-treat and sleep over at Alex’s house. But when Charlie finds out that the entertainment at the party will be the “Scariest Horror Movies Ever,” he is struck by panic. Charlie loves candy, he loves sleepovers with his friends, but he absolutely hates horror movies. Praise for Charlie Bumpers vs. the Squeaking Skull “Harley serves up hilarious high jinks squirming with Halloween trouble… [A] learning experience for more than just the main character.” —Kirkus Reviews “Harley develops all of Charlie’s concerns with a nice sense of balance and levity…” —Booklist

In the same series

HC: 978-1-56145-732-8 PB: 978-1-56145-824-0 CD: 978-1-56145-770-0 page 75 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

HC: 978-1-56145-740-3 PB: 978-1-56145-831-8 CD: 978-1-56145-788-5 page 75


Middle Reader • August Out of Bounds Fred Bowen HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-845-5 PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-894-3

5 ¼ x 7 ½ / 144 pages Ages 7–12 / Sports Territory: World Rights: All rights available Teaching Themes: sportsmanship, sports history A lifelong sports fanatic, Fred Bowen has coached youth league baseball, basketball, and soccer. He is the author of more than twenty children’s books (page 71). His kids’ sports column “The Score” appears each week in the KidsPost section of The Washington Post. Bowen lives in Maryland.

In the same series

Can Nate discover the importance of good sportsmanship? Eighth-grader Nate Osborne is a forward on his soccer team, the Strikers. He and the rest of his teammates are competitive, especially when it comes to playing against their rivals, the Monarchs. They want to win so badly that they’re willing to root against the Monarchs when they play other teams. During a game against the Monarchs, Nate has to decide between going for a goal after a player on the rival team gets injured, or kicking the ball out of bounds as an act of good sportsmanship. What is the balance between playing fair and playing your best? ◆ Back matter: stories about exceptional sportsmanship on

PB: 978-1-56145-632-1 page 71


the soccer pitch and in other sports

PB: 978-1-56145-495-2 page 71 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

September • Illustrated Chapter Book Claude in the Spotlight Alex T. Smith HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-895-0

5 ⅛ x 7 ⅜ / 96 pages / two-color illustrations throughout Ages 7–9 Territory: US & Canada Rights: Hodder UK Teaching Themes: problem solving, deductive reasoning, cheating

Claude is no ordinary dog— he leads an extraordinary life! Claude and Sir Bobblysock join a dance troupe and head to the theater to perform their act. But being backstage gives them the heebie-jeebies! It’s so dark and spooky…could the legend of the theater ghost be true?

After briefly considering careers in space travel, cookery, and being a rabbit, Alex T. Smith finally decided to become an illustrator. He graduated from Coventry University with a degree in Illustration. He lives in England.

Praise for Claude “…catnip to 7- to 11-year-olds who like to laugh.” —The Wall Street Journal on Claude in the City “Fans of Amelia Bedelia will find this sort of thing hilarious...” —Kirkus Reviews on Claude at the Circus “…may be the sweetest surrealist children’s book ever published…” —Kirkus Reviews on Claude on the Slopes

In the same series

◆ Parents’ Choice Fun Stuff Award Claude in the City ◆ Finalist, IRA/CBC Children’s Choices Claude at the Beach HC: 978-1-56145-697-0 PB: 978-1-56145-843-1 page 65 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

HC: 978-1-56145-805-9 page 65


Picture Book • September Poet The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton Don Tate HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-825-7

9 ½ x 11 / 36 pages Media: mixed media, ink, gouache, digital Ages 6–10 / History GRL N; Gr 3 Territory: World Rights: All rights available except audio, commercial / merchandising, performance (Andrea Brown Agency) Teaching Themes: poetry, AfricanAmerican history, slavery, freedom Don Tate is the illustrator of numerous critically acclaimed books for children. In 2013, he earned an Ezra Jack Keats New Writer Honor Award for his first picture book text, It Jes’ Happened: When Bill Traylor Started to Draw.

You may also enjoy

George loved words. But George was enslaved. Forced to work long hours, George was unable to attend school or learn how to read. But he was determined—he listened to the white children’s lessons and learned the alphabet. Then he taught himself to read. Soon, he began composing poetry in his head and reciting it as he sold fruits and vegetables on a nearby college campus. News of the slave poet traveled quickly among the students, and before long, George had customers for his poems. But George was still enslaved. Would he ever be free? In this powerful biography of George Moses Horton, the first southern African-American man to be published, Don Tate tells an inspiring and moving story of talent and determination. ◆ Back matter: more information about Horton and slavery

laws ◆ A Junior Library Guild Selection HC: 978-1-56145-417-4 page 61


HC: 978-1-56145-395-5 page 61 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

September • Picture Book

George’s love of words had taken him on a great journey. Words made him strong. Words allowed him to dream. Words loosened the chains of bondage long before his last day as a slave.

Picture Book • October Keep On! The Story of Matthew Henson, Co-discoverer of the North Pole Deborah Hopkinson Illustrated by Stephen Alcorn PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-886-8

11 ¼ x 9 ¾ / 36 pages Media: giclee prints hand-tinted in watercolor AR • RC • Lexile • F&P Ages 6–10 / History GRL 5; Gr 4 Territory: World Rights: Text: All rights available except dramatic / performance (Writer’s House); Art: All rights available HC: page 61 Teaching Themes: perseverance, strength, African-American history Deborah Hopkinson is the awardwinning author of numerous critically acclaimed picture and chapter books. She lives in Oregon. Stephen Alcorn is a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University and the illustrator of numerous books for young people.

This stunning picture book offers a riveting account of African-American explorer Matthew Henson’s 1909 journey to the North Pole with Admiral Peary. Many know the story of Robert Peary’s great 1909 expedition to reach the North Pole. Yet few people know that Peary was joined on this grueling, history-making journey by fellow explorer Matthew Henson. Henson’s greatest adventure began when he accepted an invitation from Robert Peary to join his expedition to the North Pole. The team endured storms, shifting ice, wind, injuries, accidents, and unimaginable cold. Finally on April 1, Peary, Henson, and four Inuit men began the final 133-mile push to the Pole. ◆ Back matter: more information about Henson and polar

exploration Praise for Keep On! ◆ NCSS / CBC Notable Social Studies Trade

Books for Young People ✎ Teacher’s guide

16 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

August • Picture Book A Storm Called Katrina Myron Uhlberg Illustrated by Colin Bootman PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-887-5

11 ¼ x 9 ¾ / 40 pages Media: oils AR • RC • Lexile Ages 7–10 / Historical fiction GRL R; Gr 4

August 2015 marks the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Louis Daniel hates it when Mama treats him like a baby. But when Hurricane Katrina blows through the Gulf Coast on a fateful August night, Louis feels like a little kid again. With no time to gather their belongings—except Louis’s beloved horn— Daddy leads the family from their home and into an unfamiliar, watery world of floating debris, lurking critters, and desperate neighbors heading for dry ground. ◆ Back matter: more information about Hurricane Katrina

Praise for A Storm Called Katrina “…this moving introduction to Hurricane Katrina imparts its lessons with a restraint that powerfully increases their gravity.” —New York Times ★ Kirkus Reviews ★ Publishers Weekly ★ Booklist

Territory: Text: US and Canada; Artwork: World Rights: Text: All rights available except UK and translation (Susan Schulman Literary Agency); audio; Artwork: All rights available HC: page 59 Teaching Themes: Hurricane Katrina, family A retired businessman, Myron Uhlberg is the author of several picture books (page 59) and one adult memoir. He lives in California. Colin Bootman has illustrated numerous books for children, including Almost to Freedom, a Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Book. He lives in New York.

◆ NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade

Books for Young People ◆ Booklist Top 10 Black History Books for Youth ◆ IRA Teachers’ Choices ✎ Teacher’s guide • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Book • September Stay! A Top Dog Story Alex Latimer HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-884-4

9 ¼ x 10 ½ / 32 pages Media: digitized pencil drawings Ages 4–8 GRL N; Gr 3 Territory: US and Canada Rights: Random House UK Teaching Themes: letter-writing, caring for pets, dog training Alex Latimer lives near the border of a national park in South Africa so when not writing or drawing, he spends his free time shooing baboons out of his lounge.

Grandpa is looking after Ben’s mischievous dog, Buster. Who will be top dog? Looking after Ben’s dog, Buster, is no walk in the park. Buster is messy, he is naughty, he is EXHAUSTING! But Ben loves him more than anything. When Ben goes away, he tells Grampa exactly how to look after Buster. But has Ben remembered the most IMPORTANT thing? ◆ A Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club Alternate Selection

Also by Alex Latimer

HC: 978-1-56145-797-7 page 48


HC: 978-1-56145-709-0 page 48 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

September • Picture Book Ben thought his dog Buster was the best dog in the whole world, but Mum and Dad were not so sure.

BUSTER! • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

Picture Book • September Mr. President Goes to School Rick Walton Illustrated by Brad Sneed PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-892-9

10 x 10 / 32 pages Media: watercolor and colored pencil AR • F&P Ages 4–8 GRL N; Gr 3 Territory: World Rights: All rights available HC: page 52 Teaching Themes: manners, sharing, mutual respect Rick Walton is the author of over ninety books for children. He lives in Utah. Brad Sneed has illustrated almost twenty picture books, some of which he has also written. He lives in Kansas.

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When the president of the United States has a frustrating day, he decides to go back to the place where he learned the most important lessons of all. Mr. President decides he is in need of a time-out from running the country, so he sneaks out of the White House, hurries down the street to the local school, and enrolls in Mrs. Appletree’s class, where he practices saying “please,” raising his hand, and taking turns. But when he returns to the White House, he is greeted by a panicked secretary of state and two angry world leaders on the brink of war. Fortunately, Mr. President recalls what he learned in school, and he comes up with just the right approach to avoid an international crisis. Praise for Mr. President Goes to School “…a fun introduction to the great things that can be learned in school.” —School Library Journal “The art…scoops all the inherent silliness out of the story but has a tender side too.” —Booklist

HC: 978-1-56145-391-7 page 52


HC: 978-1-56145-628-4 page 52

◆ IRA / CBC Children’s Choices • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

September • Picture Book Tiger in My Soup Kashmira Sheth Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-890-5

10 ⅜ x 9 ⅜ / 32 pages Media: acrylics AR • Lexile Ages 4–8 / GRL J; Gr 1 Territory: World Rights: Text: All rights available except dramatic / performance and commercial / merchandise (Charlotte Sheedy); Art: All rights available HC: page 58

An adventurous boy defeats an unlikely foe in this story of imagination, reading, and tigers!

Teaching Themes: siblings, imagination, reading

Sometimes it’s almost impossible to get your big sister to read your favorite book to you. Sometimes you have to go to great lengths even to get her attention! But if you’re really creative and use your imagination, you might just get what you want. Take care, though, not to go too far. Once you conjure up a tiger, there’s no telling where it might lead...

Kashmira Sheth is the author of many acclaimed books. She teaches at Pine Manor College, in their Solstice MFA in Creative Writing Program. She lives in Wisconsin.

Praise for Tiger in My Soup ★“…unexpected delights on nearly every page.” —Publishers Weekly

Jeffrey Ebbeler has been creating art for children for almost a decade. He lives in Ohio.

★“…stands out for its inventive imagery.” —Kirkus Reviews

Also by Kashmira Sheth

★ Bank Street Best Books of the Year

HC: 978-1-56145-735-9 page 58 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

HC: 978-1-56145-392-4 page 58


Picture Book • August About Habitats: Polar Regions Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-832-5

10 x 8 ½ / 48 pages Media: watercolor Ages 3–7 / Nature GRL J; Gr 1 Territory: World Rights: All rights available Teaching Themes: habitat, polar regions, biodiversity Cathryn Sill, a former elementary school teacher, and John Sill, a prize-winning and widely published wildlife artist, have published twenty-one books in the acclaimed About… and About Habitats series (pages 23, 40, and 41). The Sills live in North Carolina.

The latest book in this acclaimed series showcases the striking beauty and remarkable diversity of the Arctic and Antarctic biomes. Through simple, easy-to-understand language and beautifully detailed paintings, this guide teaches children what the polar regions are and shows how various species of animals and plants have adapted to life in these habitats. ◆ Back matter: more information about the animals featured,

glossary, recommended reading list and websites

Also by Alex Latimer In the same series

Penguin’s HC:Hidden 978-1-56145-734-2 Talent page 40 HC: 978-1-56145-629-1 page 43


Lion vs. Rabbit HC: HC:978-1-56145-469-3 978-1-56145-709-0 PB: 978-1-56145-731-1 page 43 page 40 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

August • Picture Book About Insects A Guide for Children, revised edition Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-881-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-882-0

10 x 8 ½ / 48 pages Media: watercolor AR • Lexile • F&P Ages 3–7 / Nature GRL J; Gr 1 About Insects: A Guide for Children / Sobre los insectos: Una guía para niños Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill English / Spanish Edition PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-883-7

A first glimpse into the natural world of insects A fabulous addition to an important series for kids, this book explores the fascinating world of insects—from the German Cockroach to the Monarch Butterfly.

Ages 3–7 / Nature / Bilingual Territory: World Rights: All rights available Teaching Themes: insects, habitat, animal behavior, biodiversity

◆ Back matter: more information about the insects featured,

glossary, recommended reading list and websites Praise for About Insects ◆ NSTA Reccommends ◆ A Junior Library Guild Selection

Also available in bilingual editions

“Excellent classroom or pleasure reading for science and nature fans…” —Booklist PB: 978-1-56145-783-0 page 28 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

PB: 978-1-56145-800-4 page 28


Picture Book • September The Copy Crocs David Bedford Illustrated by Emily Bolam PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-885-1

9 ⅝ x 9 ⅝ / 32 pages Media: acrylics AR • F&P Ages 4–8 GRL L; Gr 2 Territory: US and Canada Rights: Oxford Books UK HC: page 36 Teaching Themes: friendship, identity, individuality, group dynamics David Bedford is the author of over thirty books for children. He lives in England. Emily Bolam has illustrated over a hundred books for children. She lives in England.

You may also enjoy

HC: 978-1-56145-519-5 page 36


HC: 978-1-56145-270-5 page 30

Croc is full of ideas, but his friends are always copying him! Crocodile has a big imagination. He’s always thinking up fun, new things to do like sliding through mud puddles, sunbathing by the shore, or floating downstream stretched out on a log. Crocodile has a big problem too. No matter what he does, all the other crocs follow him and copy him—every time! Crocodile finally manages to escape his fellow crocs, only to discover a surprising truth: being by himself is not nearly as much fun as being with his friends. Praise for The Copy Crocs “…an ideal book for reading aloud.” —School Library Journal “Youngsters experiencing similar frustrations while trying to be on the vanguard of the new, only to find themselves endlessly copied, will appreciate Crocodile’s dilemma…” —Bulletin for the Center for Children’s Books • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

September • Picture Book What’s the Time, Grandma Wolf? Ken Brown PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-891-2

8 ⅝ x 10 ⅝ / 32 pages Media: watercolor AR • RC • Lexile • F&P Ages 3–7 GRL L; Gr 2 Territory: US and Canada (nonexclusive) Rights: Andersen Press UK HC: page 35 Teaching Themes: rhyming, repetition, fears, fairy tales

“She’s big and she’s bad, she’s old and she’s hairy. Best leave her alone, she’s mean and she’s SCARY!” When the little animals hear that a big, bad wolf lives in their forest, they decide they have to get a closer look. Squirrel, Crow, Badger, and the other animals sneak up on Grandma Wolf’s house, where they find her fast asleep. Excitement mounts with every turn of the page, and children will delight in discovering the surprise Grandma Wolf has in store for the curious animals. ◆ Includes the rules to the popular game What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf?

Ken Brown has served both as writer-illustrator and as illustrator for numerous children’s books. He lives in England with his wife, Ruth Brown, also a well-known children’s illustrator.

Also by Ken Brown

Praise for What’s the Time, Grandma Wolf? “Good fun.”—School Library Journal “Brown takes this game of tag and turns it into something quite delightful.”—Booklist

HC: 978-1-56145-240-8 PB: 978-1-56145-570-6 page 35 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Book • September Stanley’s Diner William Bee HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-802-8

8 ¾ x 8 ¾ / 32 pages Media: digital Ages 3–7 GL H; Gr 1 Territory: US and Canada Rights: Random House UK Teaching Themes: friendship, occupations, community, processes William Bee was born in London, but now lives in the English countryside. As well as writing children’s books, he races a vintage sports car, is an international skier, and when at home tends his lawns and meadow.

Stanley is cooking for some hungry customers today! Eggs and pancakes, coming right up! Stanley is cooking for all the hungry customers who come into his diner, while Hattie takes their orders. Then Stanley serves up a special cake—but whose birthday are they celebrating? ◆ Inviting padded hardcover with durable paper stock—

perfect for reading again and again. Praise for Stanley “…little listeners are sure to come back to Stanley over and over…” —Kirkus Reviews “These simple books are great choices for younger kids to start looking at jobs, identifying colors, and hanging out with Stanley and his mice friends.” —School Library Journal

26 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

September • Picture Book In the same series

Stanley the Builder HC: 978-1-56145-801-1 page 32

Stanley’s Garage HC: 978-1-56145-804-2 page 32

Stanley the Farmer HC: 978-1-56145-803-5 page 32

More books about Stanley coming soon!

Stanley the Mailman HC: 978-1-56145-867-7 Spring 2016

Stanley’s Store HC: 978-1-56145-868-4 Fall 2016 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Bilingual & Spanish • backlist Peachtree en español Spanish and bilingual titles

Books for second language learners and bilingual readers La gallinita de la pradera Jackie Mims Hopkins Illustrated by Henry Cole

About Birds

A Guide for Children

Spanish HC: $17.95 / 978-1-56145-841-7 Spanish PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-842-4

Una guía para niños

Territory: World • All rights available

Sobre los pájaros Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill English/Spanish PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-783-0

Territory: World • All rights available AR GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 3–7 / Nature

v A Junior Library Guild selection Ages 4–8

v A Junior Library Guild selection

14 vacas para américa Carmen Agra Deedy, in collaboration with Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah Illustrated by Thomas Gonzalez

✎ Teacher’s guide

Spanish HC: $17.95 / 978-1-56145-550-8 Spanish PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-555-3

About Mammals

Territory: World • All rights available

A Guide for Children

Sobre los mamíferos Una guía para niños

Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill

AR Ages 4–8 / History

Martina una cucarachita muy linda

English/Spanish PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-800-4

Territory: World • All rights available AR • Lexile GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 3–7 / Nature

v A Junior Library Guild selection

Un cuento cubano

v A Junior Library Guild selection

Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Michael Austin Spanish HC: 16.95 / 978-1-56145-425-9 Spanish PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-532-4

✎ Teacher’s guide

Territory: World • All rights available

Stripes of All Types Rayas de todas las tallas Susan Stockdale

AR GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

English/Spanish PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-793-9 English/Spanish Big Book: $25.95 978-1-56145-794-6 English/Spanish BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-823-3

H “The skillfully crafted acrylic illustrations capture the island’s ambiance… The text flows easily…” —Criticas Un colchón de plumas para Agata

Territory: World • All rights available Lexile GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 / Nature

v A Pura Belpré Medal Honor Book

Un cuento de alas para niños

v A Junior Library Guild selection

Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Laura L. Seeley

✎ Teacher’s guide

Spanish HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-426-6 Spanish PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-404-4

Territory: World • All rights available AR GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8


v A Junior Library Guild selection • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Board Books In the Garden BB-interior.ver.5_In the Garden BB-Interior 12/15/11 3:36 PM Page 22

In the Garden Elizabeth Spurr Illustrated by Manelle Oliphant



BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-581-2

Territory: World • All rights available

A young boy digs in the dirt, plants seeds, and then adds water. Lexile GRL LB; Gr K Ages 1–3

Simple, evocative language and charming illustrations describe events in a small boy’s day.

“Oliphant’s illustrations express the passage of time through changes in light, weaving subtle geometric textures into the sky, while Spurr’s careful descriptions capture the slow but gratifying process of planting and harvesting.” —Publishers Weekly

Perfect sit-in-your-lap reading experiences for toddlers.

In the Woods Elizabeth Spurr Illustrated by Manelle Oliphant

At the Beach Elizabeth Spurr Illustrated by Manelle Oliphant

BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-582-9

BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-583-6

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

A young boy catches a fish, cooks it over a roaring campfire, and falls asleep as his father plays the banjo. GRL B; Gr K Ages 1–3

A young boy digs in the sand, has a picnic, and falls asleep at the end of a full and happy day.

GRL B; Gr K Ages 1–3

“…a likable follow-up…” —Kirkus Reviews

“This simple story will resonate with parents and children.” —School Library Journal

More board books from Peachtree Petite BB: 978-1-56145-297-2 page 31

Bilingual BB 978-1-56145-823-3 page 28, 38

BB: 978-1-56145-254-5 page 31

BB: 978-1-56145-692-5 page 38

BB: 978-1-56145-347-4 page 31

BB: 978-1-56145-637-6 page 38

BB: 978-1-56145-667-3 page 31

BB: 978-1-56145-345-0 page 33 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist The Boy Who Thought He Was a Teddy Bear Jeanne Willis Illustrated by Susan Varley

Back to Bed, Ed! Sebastien Braun HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-518-8 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-775-5

Territory: US • Rights: HarperCollins UK

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-270-5 / 1-56145-270-X

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 3–7

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Andersen Press UK

Ed loves going to bed, but he doesn’t like staying in bed.

A human baby falls under the care of three teddy bears, who raise him with the best intentions and a lot of love.

“…right up a toddler’s nighttime alley.” —Kirkus Reviews

“The genuine sweetness of this story is hard to resist.” AR • Lexile • F&P —Publishers Weekly GRL J; Gr 1

H School Library Journal

I’ve Got an Elephant Anne Ginkel Illustrated by Janie Bynum

Who Is It? Sally Grindley Illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-373-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-685-7

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-224-8 / 1-56145-224-6

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Ages 2–6

Territory: US • Rights: Bloomsbury UK

Territory: World • All rights available

Featuring well-loved fairy tale characters and a surprise ending, this is the perfect interactive read-aloud story young children will ask for again and again.

Owning an elephant is terrific, but what happens when he gets lonely and invites a friend over?

AR • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“An entertaining addition to collections of counting tales.” —School Library Journal

F&P GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 2–6

“Here’s a nifty idea… should induce a cascade of giggles.” —Publishers Weekly

✎ Teacher’s guide

Bark Park Karen Gray Ruelle

Beautiful Bananas Elizabeth Laird Illustrated by Liz Pichon

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-434-1 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-773-1

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-305-4 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-691-8

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Oxford UK

AR • RC • Lexile GRL H; Gr 1 Ages 4–8


A young girl’s ordinary journey through the jungle turns into an amusing adventure thanks to a few surprising encounters along the way.

F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 2–6

Teaching Themes: “This gentle tale will delight young dogs, urban living readers (and listeners).” —Kirkus Reviews

The rollicking, rhyming text and colorful, simply detailed illustrations provide an amusing and affectionate look at our canine companions. “…this canine tour de force should amuse and amaze dog fans for its delightful diversity.” —Kirkus Reviews • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books John Butler

Bedtime in the Jungle HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-486-0

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Penguin UK AR • F&P / GRL H; Gr 1 / Ages 2–6

“…stunning illustrations… A lovely addition.” —Kirkus Reviews

Can You Cuddle Like a Koala? BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-347-4

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK AR • F&P / GRL J; Gr 2 / Ages 2–6

“…a perfect title for curling up together during one-on-one reading.” —School Library Journal v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Can You Growl Like a Bear? BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-667-3

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK F&P / GRL K; Gr 2 / Ages 2–6

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Hush Little Ones HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-269-9 / 1-56145-269-6 BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-297-2

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK AR • F&P / GRL J; Gr 2 / Ages 1–5

“A visually appealing book that is perfectly suited for bedtime reading.” —School Library Journal

If You See a Kitten PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-838-7

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK F&P / GRL K; Gr 2 / Ages 3–7

“…irresistible.” —School Library Journal

Ten in the Den HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-344-3 / 1-56145-344-7

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK Lexile • F&P / GRL H; Gr 1 / Ages 2–6

“This entertaining incarnation of a well-known and often-used counting rhyme incorporates many concepts and opportunities for young listeners to become involved in the story.” —School Library Journal

Ten in the Meadow HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-372-6 / 1-56145-372-2

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK AR • F&P / GRL J; Gr 2 / Ages 2–6

“Butler’s soft, wide-eyed animals will appeal to children…” —School Library Journal

While You Were Sleeping BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-254-5

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL J; Gr 2 / Ages 1–5

“Butler’s soothing, restrained text reads like a lullaby…” —Publishers Weekly • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Where Is Baby? Kathryn O. Galbraith Illustrated by John Butler


HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-707-6

Stanley the Builder William Bee

Territory: World • All rights available

Adorable illustrations and a soothing text depict the many ways animal babies hide.

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-801-1

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House UK

Stanley is building a house. Will he make it just right?

AR • RC • Lexile GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 3–7 Teaching Themes: occupations, how things work, colors, community

GRL H; Gr 1 Ages 2–5 / Nature

“…little listeners are sure to come back to Stanley over and over…” —Kirkus Reviews

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Stanley’s Garage William Bee

Curious Kids Go on Vacation Another Big Book of Words

Heloise Antoine Illustrated by Ingrid Godon

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-804-2

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House


HC: $13.95 / 978-1-56145-143-2 / 1-56145-143-6

Territory: US and Canada • Rights: Casterman

Can Stanley fix all the cars in his garage today?

AR • RC • Lexile GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 3–7 Teaching Themes: occupations, how things work, colors, community

“These simple books are great choices for younger kids to start looking at jobs, identifying colors, and hanging out with Stanley…” —School Library Journal

F&P GRL LB; Gr Pre-K Ages 2–5

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Stanley the Farmer William Bee

The Book of Shadowboxes

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-803-5

Laura L. Seeley

A Story of the ABC’s

HC: $18.95 / 978-0-93460-165-8 PB: $9.95 / 978-1-56145-072-5

Territory: World • All rights available

Down on the farm, Stanley is sowing seeds. Will they grow?

For every letter of the alphabet, Seeley has created a lively rhyme and fascinating shadowbox filled with whimsical creatures, objects, and people.

“…a great addition to any early years collection.” —School Library Journal

Teaching Themes: occupations, how things work, colors, community

F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

✎ Event kit

✎ Teacher’s guide


“The warm, softly colored illustrations are occasionally gently humorous, and readers will have fun spotting repeated items.” —The Horn Book Guide

✎ Teacher’s guide

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House UK

RC • Lexile • F&P Ages 3–7

“Sweet, simple introduction to animal babies…the language is quietly poetic, with audience-appropriate descriptive vocabulary.” —Kirkus Reviews

“An intriguing find-the-object book…will certainly occupy a child’s searching mind.” —School Library Journal • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 2–6

Little Rabbit Lost Harry Horse

Little Rabbit Goes to School Harry Horse

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-273-6 / 1-56145-273-4 BB: $9.95 / 978-1-56145-345-0 / 1-56145-345-5

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-320-7 / 1-56145-320-X PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-574-4

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

When Little Rabbit gets lost on a visit to Rabbit World, he doesn’t feel quite so grown-up anymore.

Little Rabbit has decided to bring his favorite toy to school. But Charlie Horse keeps getting into trouble. Is he ready for school?

H “This cautionary tale has a deft and light touch…” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 2–6

H “The beguiling bunny introduced in Little Rabbit Lost here heads to the schoolhouse, leaping out of bed on the first day of class with abundant enthusiasm…” —Publishers Weekly

v Publishers Weekly Best Children’s Books of the Year

v Publishers Weekly Best Children’s Books of the Year

Little Rabbit Runaway Harry Horse

Little Rabbit’s Christmas Harry Horse

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-343-6 / 1-56145-343-9

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-419-8 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-557-7

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

When Little Rabbit gets into trouble, he decides to run away from home. But food tastes different away from home and strange noises are louder. AR • F&P GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 2–6

“Horse once again demonstrates his intuitive understanding of preschoolers’ minds and moods…” —Publishers Weekly

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 / Holiday

Little Rabbit receives the perfect Christmas present: a lovely red sled. But can he learn to share?

H “An enchanting holiday treat for all collections.” —School Library Journal v CCBC Choices; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Little Rabbit’s New Baby Harry Horse HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-431-0

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

AR • F&P GRL J; Gr 2 Ages 2–6

Little Rabbit thought it would be fun to be a big brother, but it’s not. The babies sleep and cry a lot. They are too young to throw a ball and they get their sticky paws on all his toys.

Plush Doll Based on the character created by Harry Horse Doll Only: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-452-5

7 inches tall

H “A delightful addition.” —School Library Journal v CCBC Choices; School Library Journal Best Books of the Year; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

The World of Little Rabbit • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Kevin Luthardt When Edgar Met Cecil Kevin Luthardt

Larabee Kevin Luthardt

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-706-9

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-300-9 / 1-56145-300-5 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-482-2

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Moving to a new home is hard—even when you’re a robot.

AR • Lexile GRL G; Gr 1 Ages 4–8

“This far-out lesson in making friends understands that to the new kid in school, everyone is going to seem scary and weird.“ —Kirkus Reviews

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 Teaching Themes: community, letter writing

Teaching Themes: moving, making new friends, fears, expectations and assumptions

F&P GRL E; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 Teaching Themes: pets, letting go

Larabee loves delivering the mail, but he’d really like to receive a letter himself. “Luthardt sends his direct storytelling out with gentle, happy illustrations, enclosing characteristic emotional content in the package…” —Kirkus Reviews v IRA / CBC Children’s Choice; Child Magazine Best Books of the Year

Peep! Kevin Luthardt

Flying! Kevin Luthardt

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-046-6 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-682-6

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-430-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-724-3

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

A baby duck and a young boy become fast friends. But the baby duck is growing up. Is it time for a change?

A series of simple questions triggers a playful, imaginative exchange between a child and his father.

“…[Luthardt] invests every scene with a visual and emotional depth that draws in the audience.” —Publishers Weekly v IRA/CBC Children’s Choice

AR • F&P GRL H; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 Teaching Themes: fathers, reading, imagination

“An engaging and effective father-son story…and an apt choice for parent-child reading.” —Kirkus Reviews

Zoom! Diane Adams Illustrated by Kevin Luthardt HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-332-0 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-683-3

Territory: World • All rights available

F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 2–6


A timid young boy joins his eager father for a ride on a roller coaster. “Luthardt’s quirky acrylic cartoons make effective use of bright colors and crisp lines and should have substantial child appeal.” —School Library Journal • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books The Scarecrow’s Hat Ken Brown

What’s the Time, Grandma Wolf? Ken Brown

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-240-8 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-570-6

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-250-7

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Andersen Press UK

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 2–6

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Andersen Press UK

A resourceful chicken seeks the help of her farm animal friends to solve a problem, while giving something of herself along the way.

Children will delight in discovering the surprise Grandma Wolf has in store for some curious animals.

H “Children will enjoy the repetition and refrain…satisfying, funny…” —School Library Journal

“…Brown takes this game of tag and turns it into something quite delightful… A fun read-aloud.” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 2–6

My G-r-r-r-reat Uncle Tiger James Riordan Illustrated by Alex Ayliffe

Something Special Nicola Moon Illustrated by Alex Ayliffe

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-110-4 / 1-56145-110-X PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-228-6

Territory: US • Rights: Orchard UK

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-137-1 / 1-56145-137-1

Territory: US • Rights: Orchard UK AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 2–6

When Marmaduke the tabby cat discovers a picture of a tiger, he decides they must be related—after all, they both have yellow eyes and stripes! “…showcases both Riordan’s concise storytelling…and Ayliffe’s humor-imbued, color-drenched paper-cutting.” —Publishers Weekly

AR • Lexile • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 2–6

Friday is “special” day in Miss Brown’s class, but Charlie can’t think of anything that is special enough to bring to school and his mom is too busy with his baby sister to be of much help. “A warm, loving story for uncertain older siblings or for children who are new to the school.” —School Library Journal

v CBC/IRA Children’s Choice

Nighty Night! Margaret Wild Illustrated by Kerry Argent HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-246-0 / 1-56145-246-7 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-812-7

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: HarperCollins Australia

It’s bedtime on the farm, but the baby animals aren’t ready to go to sleep. Will they ever be ready to say “Nighty night?” AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 2–6

“Young readers won’t want these characters to say good night and will surely use this book to forestall their own imminent bedtimes.” —Publishers Weekly • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Mooshka, A Quilt Story Julie Paschkis

Julie Paschkis

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-620-8

Territory: World • All rights available

P. Zonka Lays an Egg Julie Paschkis

A delightful, intergenerational bedtime story featuring a remarkable quilt and a reluctant new big sister.

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-819-6

Territory: World • All rights available, except French, audio

When P. Zonka decides to give egg-laying a try, all the other chickens are in for a spectacular surprise!

Lexile • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

H “A lyrical and lushly illustrated allegory about creativity and taking time to notice beauty.” —Publishers Weekly

Teaching Themes: creativity, artistic process, imagination

H Kirkus Reviews, School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

H Booklist

Albert the Fix-it Man Janet Lord Illustrated by Julie Paschkis

✎ Event kit

Where is Catkin? Janet Lord Illustrated by Julie Paschkis HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-523-2 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-684-0

Territory: World • All rights available, except apps and simplified Chinese

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-433-4 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-830-1

Territory: World • All rights available AR • Lexile • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

A cat’s curiosity lands him in a tight spot in this simple but stunning book, featuring cheerful animal sounds and an entertaining seek-and-find element. AR • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 2–6

Albert has a tool for every job and he’s never too busy or too tired to fix things for his neighbors. But what will happen when Albert is the one that needs help? H “Lord’s rhythmic, simple text is perfectly cadenced for reading aloud, while Paschkis’ cheerful illustrations, filled with scrolling designs and smiling friends, reinforce the sense of the close, busy community working together.” —Booklist

“…kids will pick up on the story’s mood of both love and adventure.” —Booklist

Captain Small Pig Martin Waddell Illustrated by Susan Varley

The Copy Crocs David Bedford llustrated by Emily Bolam

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-519-5

HC:$15.95 / 978-1-56145-304-7 / 1-56145-304-8

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Andersen Press UK

Territory: US • Rights: Oxford UK

Crocodile is always thinking up fun things to do, but no matter what he does, all the other crocs copy him!

An unlikely trio head out in a small boat. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

H “Vivid artwork, a lively, endearing heroine and a warm, loving look at a pivotal experience give this one classic potential.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Captain Small Pig will entice readers with its droll characterizations and splendid pictures.” —School Library Journal H Booklist

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“…an ideal book for reading aloud.” —School Library Journal

v IRA/CBC Children’s Choice

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year; CCBC Choices

36 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books I Want to Help! Diane Adams Illustrated by Nancy Hayashi

I Can Do It Myself! Diane Adams Illustrated by Nancy Hayashi

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-630-7

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-471-6 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-725-0

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Arabic

Emily Pearl is mastering all sorts of skills, but she does need a little help herself every now and then—especially at the end of the day, when she’s waiting to get picked up and is just a little bit scared. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 2–6

“Children will appreciate this relatable tale with likable characters.” —School Library Journal

Teaching Themes: school, helping, imagination, cooperation, responsibility

Emily Pearl can do lots of things by herself. But sometimes even resourceful little girls need help.

AR • F&P GRL H; Gr 1 Ages 2–6

“…will work well for the group reader who can enjoy the spontaneous giggles that will erupt at storytime or for one-on-one in-the-lap fun.” —Kirkus Reviews v Parents’ Choice Recommended; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Three Scoops and a Fig Sara Laux Akin Illustrated by Susan Kathleen Hartung

No Bows! Shirley Smith Duke Illustrated by Jenny Mattheson

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-522-5

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-356-6 / 1-56145-356-0

Territory: World • All rights available

AR • RC •  Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: family, cooking, cooperation

The delightful contrariness of young children is celebrated in this upbeat book featuring a likeable little girl determined to get her own way.

A young chef’s messy misadventures in the kitchen are quickly forgotten when she comes up with a special recipe all her own. “…a graceful, satisfying text…” —Booklist

F&P GRL LB; Gr Pre-K Ages 2–6

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Teaching Themes: determination, independence

“…destined to be a high-volume readaloud, and much fun can be had…” —Kirkus Reviews

✎ Teacher’s guide

Rosa’s Room Barbara Bottner Illustrated by Beth Spiegel HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-302-3 / 1-56145-302-1 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-776-2

Territory: World • text: dramatic author; art: Peachtree

“Rosa had a new room in a new house. It seemed empty.” AR • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

H “A welcome addition sure to calm the worries of youngsters facing a similar situation.” —Kirkus Reviews • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Carry Me! Animal Babies on the Move

Susan Stockdale

Susan Stockdale

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-328-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-449-5

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Bring On the Birds Susan Stockdale HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-560-7 BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-692-5

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean, Australia/New Zealand

GRL D; Gr K Ages 2–6 / Nature Teaching Themes: bird species, behavior, and habitats

Brightly colored, richly textured illustrations and an energetic rhyming text introduce young readers to distinctive birds and their unique qualities.

F&P GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 / Nature ✎ Teacher’s guide

Spectacular Spots Susan Stockdale

v Parents’ Choice Recommended; ALSC Notable Children’s Books; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-429-7 BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-637-6

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean, Australia/New Zealand

F&P GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 / Nature Teaching Themes: fish species, behavior, and habitats ✎ Teacher’s guide

A simple, rhyming text and brightly colored illustrations introduce readers to different kinds of fish and the underwater world they call home.

“A beautifully sweet look at how babies are carried… Sure to become a calm and soothing bedtime favorite.” ­—Kirkus Reviews v Parents’ Choice Approved; NSTA Recommends; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

“Children will want to linger over the colorful images.” —Wall Street Journal

Fabulous Fishes Susan Stockdale

Learn about the many ways animal parents carry their young.

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-817-2

Territory: World • All rights available, except French

You’ll be amazed to discover all the reasons why animals have spots!

Lexile • F&P GRL H; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 / Nature

“…a spot-on animal gallery for budding naturalists.” —Kirkus Reviews

Teaching Themes: patterns in nature, camouflage ✎ Teacher’s guide

Stripes of All Types Susan Stockdale

“An excellent teaching tool and an appealing introduction to the wide world of fish.” —Kirkus Reviews

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-695-6 English/Spanish PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-793-9 English/Spanish Big Book: $25.95 978-1-56145-794-6 English/Spanish BB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-823-3

v NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12; Science Books & Films Best Books for Children

Territory: World • All rights available, except French

Lexile GRL G; Gr 1 Ages 2–6 / Nature Teaching Themes: patterns in nature, camouflage ✎ Teacher’s guide

Bouncy, alliterative rhyme and gorgeous illustrations introduce readers to a wide range of striped animals. “A lovely, interactive exploration of stripes and a good introduction to some new animals.” —Kirkus Reviews v NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12; Parents’ Choice Silver Honor; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

38 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books

AR • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Nature

Little Elephant Thunderfoot Sally Grindley Illustrated by John Butler

Polar Star Sally Grindley Illustrated by John Butler

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-180-7 / 1-56145-180-0

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-181-4 / 1-56145-181-9

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK

When tragedy occurs, Little Thunderfoot, his family, and the rest of the herd must learn how to live without their leader and teacher.

This dramatic story follows a mother polar bear and her two cubs from her hibernation and their birth through their long journey together.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Nature

“…a fine book to use to educate youngsters about poachers and elephant behavior, or to instill respect for the animal kingdom and conservation.” —School Library Journal

“A visually beautiful and factually accurate look at a majestic animal.” —School Library Journal

Little Sibu

Pi-shu the Little Panda John Butler

An Orangutan Tale

Sally Grindley Illustrated by John Butler

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-242-2

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-196-8 / 1-56145-196-7

The touching story of a small panda whose home is threatened by the encroachment of humans.

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Orchard UK

AR • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Nature

This factually accurate portrayal of the everyday life of an orangutan in a tropical rainforest helps young readers to understand this endangered species.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Nature

“The pictures are gorgeous…” —School Library Journal v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

“…without preaching about the environment, the book admirably strengthens the bond between human and orangutan.” —Publishers Weekly

My Mother Talks to Trees Doris Gove Illustrated by Marilynn H. Mallory

A Tree for Emmy Mary Ann Rodman Illustrated by Tatjana Mai-Wyss

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-166-1 / 1-56145-166-5 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-336-8 / 1-56145-336-6

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-475-4

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

When Emmy decides she wants a mimosa of her own for her birthday, she is dismayed to find that many grown-ups do not share her enthusiasm for this wild tree.

A lesson in tree identification is adeptly woven into this charming story featuring a special mother-daughter relationship.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Nature

✎ Teacher’s guide

“…will encourage children to notice and protect the trees around them.” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“A spunky and independent heroine, a satisfying story and a gentle environmental message combine nicely here in an arboreal celebration that will delight many a young reader.” —Kirkus Reviews • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist FIRST GUIDES that highlight the defining

About Habitats series

characteristics of habitats, including the plant and animal life, using examples from around the world.

About Habitats: Deserts Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill

About Habitats: Forests Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-641-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-636-9

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-734-2

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available except Japanese, Korean, and simplified Chinese F&P GRL J; Gr 1­ Ages 3–8 / Nature

“…accessible to very young children as well as older students, this provides an appealing introduction to deserts.” —Booklist

Lexile GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 3–8 / Nature

v NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

About Habitats: Grasslands Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill

About Habitats: Mountains Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-559-1

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-469-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-731-1

Territory: World • All rights available except Japanese and simplified Chinese

Lexile • F&P GRL J; Gr 1­ Ages 3–8 / Nature

“…simple, informative sentences paired with beautifully detailed watercolor paintings… Great for classroom sharing.” —Booklist

Territory: World • All rights available except Japanese and simplified Chinese Lexile •  F&P GRL J; Gr 1­ Ages 3–8 / Nature

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year; NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

“A solid introduction sure to help readers develop an appreciation for the scope and unique beauty of the mountains…that grace our planet.” —Kirkus Reviews

About Habitats: Oceans Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill

About Habitats: Wetlands Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-618-5

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-642-0 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-689-5

Territory: World • All rights available except Japanese and simplified Chinese

GRL J; Gr 1­ Ages 3–8 / Nature

“It can be easy to forget that sometimes readers just need a simple concept, presented without bells and whistles: this book does just that.” —School Library Journal

“[A] fine addition to science collections.” —Booklist v NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

Territory: World • All rights available except simplified Chinese F&P GRL J; Gr 1­ Ages 3–8 / Nature

“The artwork is stunning, filled with realistic details… The format would work well as a read-aloud.” —Booklist

✎ Series teacher’s guide

40 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books FIRST GUIDES that describe clearly and simply how animals look, where they live, what they eat, how they defend themselves, and how they care for their young. An afterword provides further detail.

About... animal series Cathryn Sill Illustrated by John Sill

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-234-7 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-312-2

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-688-8 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-699-4

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-256-9 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-335-1

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-207-1 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-232-3

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-757-1 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-758-8

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-183-8 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-233-0

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-038-1 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-364-1

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-301-6 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-405-1

AR • Lexile • F&P / GRL J; Gr 1

AR • Lexile • F&P / GRL J; Gr 1

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-588-1 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-837-0

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL J; Gr 1

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-743-4 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-741-0

AR • Lexile • F&P / GRL J; Gr 1

AR • Lexile / GRL I; Gr 1

AR • Lexile • F&P / GRL J; Gr 1

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL K; Gr 2

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-358-0 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-407-5

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-331-3 / 1-56145-331-5 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-406-8

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL K; Gr 2

AR • Lexile • F&P / GRL J; Gr 1

AR • F&P / GRL K; Gr 2

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-795-3

AR • RC • Lexile / GRL J; Gr 1

AR • F&P / GRL L; Gr 2

Books in the About… series have received numerous awards, including Bank Street Best Books of the Year, CCBC Choices, Cook Prize Honor Book, NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12, Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Awards, Orbis Pictus Recommended, and Science Books and Films Best Books of the Year. HC: $16.95 / 978-15-6145-536-2 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-811-0

Lexile • F&P / GRL K; Gr 2

Rights to titles in this series have been licensed in various languages, including Japanese, Korean, and simplified Chinese. Contact the rights department to determine availability. To order these titles in full or custom sets, contact

special sales.

AR • Lexile • F&P / GRL I; Gr 1

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-454-9

Lexile • F&P / GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 3–8 / Nature

✎ Series teacher’s guide • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist The Moonflower Peter Loewer Illustrated by Jean Loewer

Melissa Stewart

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-138-8 / 1-56145-138-X PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-314-6 / 1-56145-314-5

Beneath the Sun Melissa Stewart Illustrated by Constance R. Bergum

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-733-5

Territory: World • All rights available, except simplified Chinese

This lyrical tour of habitats shows how animals survive the hottest time of the year.

AR • Lexile GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Nature

AR • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 / Nature

✎ Teacher’s guide

“A well-designed, well-written book that offers readers a greater awareness of and sense of relationship to the other inhabitants in their environments” —Kirkus Reviews

Ten Bright Eyes A retelling of the story written by Judy Hindley Illustrated by Alison Bartlett

Under the Snow Melissa Stewart Illustrated by Constance R. Bergum

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-173-9 / 1-56145-173-8

Territory: US • Rights: Gullane UK

A mother bird combs the countryside in search of food for her bright-eyed baby hatchlings.

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-493-8

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean, simplified Chinese

“…this beautiful picture book will complement the science curriculum and also makes for a great read aloud.” —Booklist AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Nature

“The lyrical text describes the nighttime activity surrounding the plant with magical overtones that remain true to nature’s nocturnal cycles.” —School Library Journal v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

v NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

When snow falls, what do animals do?

This eloquent and factual account of nature’s nocturnal activities brings an often unseen world to light.

F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 2–7

“The simple rhyming text works wonderfully with the eye-catching, childlike pictures.” —School Library Journal

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year; CCBC Choices

Stick Out Your Tongue! Fantastic Facts, Features, and Functions of Animal and Human Tongues

When Rain Falls Melissa Stewart Illustrated by Constance R. Bergum

Joan Bonsignore Illustrated by John T. Ward

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-438-9

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean, simplified Chinese

A cozy look at the amazing ways animals behave and interact with their environments on a rainy day.

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Nature Collection Teaching Themes: habitats, weather, animal behavior


“…should appeal to very young listeners curious about the natural world.” —Kirkus Reviews

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-230-9 / 1-56145-230-0

Territory: World • All rights available

AR • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Nature

Animals use their tongues in all sorts of amazing ways. “…the brief, smooth text will appeal to children…the subject is intriguing…” —Booklist

✎ Teacher’s guides • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books This series introduces young readers ages 6-10 to some of the pressing environmental issues the world faces today.

A Place for... series Written by Melissa Stewart Illustrated by Higgins Bond

While reminding children of the interconnectedness of our world, this series helps them learn basic facts about each species, including where they live, what they eat, and how they benefit plants and other animals. Sidebars throughout the book contain information on human action that has harmed the various animals, efforts that have been made to reverse the damage (many of them remarkably successful), and a variety of ways people can protect the natural world. Pointers on how youngsters can help in their own neighborhoods are also included. HC: $16.95 978-1-56145-624-6 AR GRL O; Gr 3

HC: $16.95 978-1-56145-562-1 AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3

Ages 6–10 / Nature Territory: World • All rights available

Ages 6–10 / Nature Territory: World • All rights available, except simplified Chinese

v Finalist, Science Books & Film Prize for Excellence in Science Books

HC: $16.95 978-1-56145-839-4 PB: $7.95 978-1-56145-840-0 AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 / Nature Territory: World • All rights available, except simplified Chinese

v NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

HC: $16.95 978-1-56145-789-2 PB: $7.95 978-1-56145-784-7 AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3

v NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

HC: $16.95 978-1-56145-521-8 AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 / Nature Territory: World • All rights available, except simplified Chinese

“…so lifelike that readers almost expect the subjects to jump off the pages.” —Booklist v NSTA Recommends Award, Honor Books, Green Earth Book Award HC: $16.95 978-1-56145-693-2 AR • RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 / Nature Territory: World • All rights available

Ages 6–10 / Nature Territory: World • All rights available, except simplified Chinese

“A classroom-friendly blend of story and fact.” —Booklist

v Green Earth Book Award; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

v NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

✎ Teacher’s guides • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Mary Batten Aliens from Earth

Hey, Daddy!

When Animals and Plants Invade Other Ecosystems

Animal Fathers and Their Babies

Mary Batten Illustrated by Higgins Bond

Mary Batten Illustrated by Beverly Doyle

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 8–12 / Nature Teaching Themes: invasive species, ecology ✎ Teacher’s guide

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-272-9

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-236-1 / 1-56145-236-X PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-450-1

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Territory: World • All rights available

Numerous examples of males caring for their young are presented in accurate and clear language.

An introduction to the serious and ongoing environmental problems caused by invasive plant and animal species. “…nonstop intriguing…” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 / Nature Teaching Themes: animal fathers ✎ Teacher’s guide

v NSTA Recommends

Who Has a Belly Button? Mary Batten Illustrated by Higgins Bond

Please Don’t Wake the Animals

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-235-4 / 1-56145-235-1

Mary Batten Illustrated by Higgins Bond

A Book About Sleep

Territory: World • All rights available

AR • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 / Nature Teaching Themes: mammals, pregnancy, birth ✎ Teacher’s guide

“…a good deal of information in an attractive format…a welcome addition to most libraries.” —Booklist

Why humans and some other animals have belly buttons—and why others do not—is the subject of this informative, fascinating look at the lifeline that attaches mammals to their mothers before birth. “An especially wonderful book to share with youngsters awaiting the birth of a sibling, and a great addition to the nonfiction library collection.” —Kirkus Reviews

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-393-1

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

AR • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Nature Teaching Themes: sleep patterns in animals

“Far from your cozy bedtime lullaby, this big bright picture book is an exciting way to talk about the biology that connects humans with many kinds of animals.” —Booklist v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

What the Sea Saw Stephanie St. Pierre Illustrated by Beverly Doyle HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-359-7 / 1-56145-359-5

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

AR • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Nature

This lyrical visit to the seashore in words and pictures provides a unique and intriguing introduction to the vital relationships between sea creatures, other animals and plants, and the ecosystems in which they live.

“This simple beginning introduces a profound concept—the interconnectedness of all life—at a level preschoolers can understand.” —Kirkus Reviews

✎ Teacher’s guide

44 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books

AR • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Nature Teaching Themes: monarch butterfly migration, discovery

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: wildlife, parents, resourcefulness

Butterfly Tree Sandra Markle Illustrated by Leslie Wu

Toad Weather Sandra Markle Illustrated by Thomas Gonzalez

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-539-3

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-818-9

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

The mystery of monarch butterfly migration is revealed in this sensitive, eloquent mother-daughter story.

Something amazing is happening in the rainy city—and with Mama’s help, Ally is going to find it.

“…[a] masterful evocation of a child’s sense of wonder at the natural world.” —Kirkus Reviews v Green Earth Book Award; NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Lexile • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Nature Teaching Themes: life cycle, conservation, habitat

“A fine addition to the sense-of-wonder shelf.” —Kirkus Reviews

✎ Teacher’s guide

Night Rabbits Lee Posey Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery

Firefly Mountain Patricia Thomas Illustrated by Peter Sylvada

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-164-7 / 1-56145-164-9 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-397-9 / 1-56145-397-8

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

A family experiences the magic of fireflies in this story of anticipation.

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-360-3 / 1-56145-360-9

The touching story of a young girl’s special relationship with her father and some gentle nighttime creatures. “Montgomery’s detailed, dynamic paintings nicely complement the text, and capture the sense of place so well you’d swear you could hear the crickets chirping yourself.” —New York Times

AR • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 / Nature Teaching Themes: creative writing, insects, summer

“Thomas’s prose is lyrical and engaging as she describes the sights, smells, and sounds of the fading afternoon and gradual coming of night…” —School Library Journal

v Parents’ Choice Silver Honor

Planting the Wild Garden Kathryn O. Galbraith Illustrated by Wendy Anderson Halperin

Arbor Day Square Kathryn O. Galbraith Illustrated by Cyd Moore HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-517-1

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-563-8 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-791-5

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except French, Korean, simplfied Chinese, complex Chinese

Katie and Papa order trees from back East to make their new settlement feel like home in this fictional retelling of the creation of Arbor Day. “An attractive introduction to the celebration of Arbor Day.” AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Nature Teaching Themes: trees, traditions, family, community

—Booklist v Parents’ Choice Approved; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

AR • RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Nature Teaching Themes: seed dispersal, action verbs, onomatopoeia

Eloquent text and stunning illustrations combine to explore the many ways seeds are distributed. H “…a thoroughly handsome book, suffused with calm.” —Publishers Weekly v Parents’ Choice Gold Award; NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

✎ Teacher’s guide • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Churchill’s Tale of Tails Anca Sandu HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-738-0

Are the Dinosaurs Dead, Dad? Julie Middleton Illustrated by Russell Ayto

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House UK

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-690-1

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House UK

Churchill couldn’t be prouder of his perfect tail. And then one day it goes missing… AR • Lexile GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: friendship, image, self-esteem

“The tale’s themes of individuality, identity and forgiveness are nicely presented.” —Kirkus Reviews v ILA-CBC Children’s Choices

What were the dinosaurs like when they were alive? Dave and Dad are about to find out!

AR • Lexile GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: dinosaurs, imagination

AR • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“A comedic treat… A highly entertaining selection that is sure to be a big hit.” —School Library Journal v Finalist, Irma Simonton and James H. Black Award for the Best Picture Book of the Year; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Old Tom, Man of Mystery Leigh Hobbs

Old Tom’s Holiday Leigh Hobbs

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-346-7 / 1-56145-346-3

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-316-0 / 1-56145-316-1

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Little Hare Books, Australia

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Little Hare Books, Australia

An overworked Angela decides that the time has come for Old Tom to help out a bit around the house, but Old Tom has other ideas.

Angela wins an all-expenses paid luxury holiday—for one. She’s sad to leave Old Tom, but everywhere she goes, she sees something that reminds her of her beloved pet.

“…the deadpan delivery and squiggly, almost drunken illustration are back, and fans who loved the first will enjoy this.” —Kirkus Reviews

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“… fans as well as newcomers to the series will love this slightly rude but lovable cat and his sweet but dim owner.” —Kirkus Reviews

Teaching Themes: travel, relationships

Loveykins Quentin Blake HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-282-8 / 1-56145-282-3

Mrs. Armitage, Queen of the Road Quentin Blake

Territory: US • Rights: Random House UK

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-287-3 / 1-56145-287-4

Territory: US • Rights: Random House UK

When Angela Bowling rescues a baby bird after a storm, she finds her very own Loveykins.

A delightfully unconventional woman finds liberation and new friends out on the open road.

H “Appealingly offbeat, this droll tale is classic Blake.” —Publishers Weekly AR • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8


AR • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“Blake’s characteristic watercolor cartoons pair perfectly with the silly text, creating another marvelous story about this eccentric but lovable lady.” —School Library Journal • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books

AR • Lexile GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: tall tales, humor, honesty, imagination

Ding Dong! Gorilla! Michelle Robinson Illustrated by Leonie Lord

Can I Come Too? Brian Patten Illustrated by Nicola Bayley

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-730-4

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-796-0

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Hachette UK

Territory: US & non-exclusive Canada • Rights: Andersen Press UK

A little boy has a lot of explaining to do when a gorilla makes a mess of his house… and that’s not even the BAD news!

Join a tiny mouse as she searches for the biggest creature in the world.

“Read it with a little fibber and just laugh and enjoy.” —School Library Journal

“Stunning art, paired with a simple poetic text, pulls readers along as they wonder which animal they will meet next.” —School Library Journal

v Parents’ Choice Silver Honor

AR • RC • Lexile GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: courage, adventure, cumulative tales, challenges, goals

One More Sheep Mij Kelly Illustrated by Russell Ayto

Lost for Words Natalie Russell

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-378-8

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Macmillan UK

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-739-7

Territory: US • Rights: Hodder UK

Tapir wants to express himself, but he can’t find the words! The harder he tries the more upset he becomes, until finally Tapir stops trying to write and begins to draw…

A shepherd wants to make sure he’s rounded up all of his sheep, but counting them always makes him fall asleep. AR • RC • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“Ayto’s pen-and-ink and watercolor illustrations…steal the show.” —Horn Book Magazine v Children’s Book Sense Pick

AR • Lexile GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: collaboration, creativity, inspiration

“The seemingly simple, rhythmic text blossoms into a tender story of longing and accomplishment.” —School Library Journal v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

The Opposite Tom MacRae Illustrated by Elena Odriozola

The Story Blanket Ferida Wolff and Harriet May Savitz Illustrated by Elena Odriozola

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-371-9 / 1-56145-371-4

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-466-2

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Andersen Press UK

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Andersen Press UK

Babba Zarrah unravels part of her story blanket and knits some socks, a scarf, and a shawl for friends. Meanwhile, the story blanket is getting smaller and smaller.

When Nate woke up one morning, The Opposite was standing on his ceiling staring down at him. And from that moment on, Nate’s day turned upside down in the most extraordinary way. AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“…a wonderfully offbeat tale.” —The Washington Post

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

v Parents’ Choice Silver Honor

Teaching Themes: sharing, recycling, secrets, circular tale

“Arresting illustrations…sweetly vivid.” —Booklist v Parents’ Choice Silver Honor; Bank Street Best Books of the Year • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist The Boy Who Cried Ninja Alex Latimer

Alex Latimer

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-579-9 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-774-8

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House UK

Pig and Small Alex Latimer

In this quirky twist on “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” Tim’s outrageous excuses turn out to have an unexpected element of truth.

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-797-7

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House UK

Two friends learn that size doesn’t matter in this hilarious story about finding common ground.

AR • Lexile GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: friendship, overcoming differences

“Latimer…once again proves he’s adept at conveying life lessons with the lightest of touches.” —Publishers Weekly

AR • RC • Lexile GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: The Boy Who Cried Wolf, fractured fairy tales, honesty

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Penguin’s Hidden Talent Alex Latimer

Lion vs. Rabbit Alex Latimer

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-629-1

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-709-0

The talent show is coming up and Penguin doesn’t have a special skill to showcase—or does he?

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House UK

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Random House UK

Can no one stop lion from bullying all the other animals? “A droll, nonthreatening tale of bullying in the guise of a modern fable.” —Kirkus Reviews AR • Lexile GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 4–8

“Hip and trendy but with a timeless theme, this is one enjoyable read.” —Kirkus Reviews

v IRA/CBC Children’s Choices; Parents’ Choice Recommended Award

AR • RC • Lexile GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“…delightfully droll… Quirky, with a side of self-esteem.” —Kirkus Reviews

Teaching Themes: friendship, talent, compassion, self-discovery

Teaching Themes: bullying, problem-solving, cooperation

AR • Lexile GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: The Princess and the Pea, fractured fairy tales, friendship, choices

The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas Tony Wilson Illustrated by Sue deGennaro

Ol’ Bloo’s Boogie-Woogie Band and Blues Ensemble Jan Huling Illustrated by Henri Sørensen

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-635-2

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-436-5

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Scholastic Australia

Territory: World • All rights available, except French

This modern remix of the beloved fairy tale delivers a freshly humorous take on one prince’s search for the just-right girl of his dreams. “A must for would-be princesses.” —Kirkus Reviews v A Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club Alternate Selection

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Q; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 Teaching Themes: The Bremen Town Musicians, fractured fairy tales, friendship, dreams

Ol’ Bloo Donkey realizes it’s time to hit the road and pursue his ambition of being a star in this hilarious backwoods retelling of “The Bremen Town Musicians.” “Bayou cadences, outré metaphors for each animal’s singing and an easy way with a rueful folkloric voice make this a treasure.” —Kirkus Reviews v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

48 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books Railroad John and the Red Rock Run Tony Crunk Illustrated by Michael Austin

Rodeo Red Maripat Perkins Illustrated by Molly Idle

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-363-4

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-816-5

Territory: World • All rights available

AR • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 4–8 ✎ Teacher’s guide

Rodeo Red and her hound dog Rusty are happier than two buttons on a new shirt— until Sideswiping Slim shows up.

Lonesome Bob is set to marry Wildcat Annie today, if only the Sagebrush Flyer can get to Red Rock on time. “Kids will eagerly climb aboard for repeat rides.” —Publishers Weekly

H “…playfully spirited and upbeat…a rootin’-tootin’ tale that won’t fail to quickdraw a smile.” —Booklist

Lexile • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: sibling relationships, conflict resolution, sharing ✎ Event kit

Prairie Chicken Little Jackie Mims Hopkins Illustrated by Henry Cole

Jackie Mims Hopkins

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-694-9 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-834-9 Spanish HC: $17.95 / 978-1-56145-841-7 Spanish PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-842-4

AR • RC • Lexile GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: Chicken Little, fractured fairy tales, prairie animals

The Gold Miner’s Daughter

Territory: World • All rights available

A Melodramatic Fairy Tale

When Mary McBlicken the prairie chicken hears a rumblin’ and a grumblin’, she sets off to warn her friends.

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-362-7

“Hopkins’ prairie take on ‘Chicken Little’ is made storytime perfect by Cole’s characteristically hysterical, watercolorand-colored-pencil cartoons of goggle-eyed critters.” —Kirkus Reviews v Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club Alternate Selection

Jackie Mims Hopkins Illustrated by Jon Goodell Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: melodrama, fairy tales

The Horned Toad Prince Jackie Mims Hopkins Illustrated by Michael Austin

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-258-3

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-195-1 / 1-56145-195-9 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-548-5

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Teaching Themes: The Three Billy Goats Gruff, fractured fairy tales, friendship

“Goodell’s delightful and action-packed illustrations feature expressive characters and plenty of visual humor.” —School Library Journal

The Three Armadillies Tuff Jackie Mims Hopkins Illustrated by S. G. Brooks PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-598-0

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

An hysterical collision of fairy tales, melodrama, and the Gold Rush West.

Three fun-loving armadillo sisters are eager to cross a busy highway to get to the new dance hall on the other side, but inside the culvert lurks a spindly legged coyote. “Droll turns of phrase and hints of dialect add fun and flavor to the tale.” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: The Frog Prince, fractured fairy tales, predicting outcomes

When Reba Jo finds herself in a mess of trouble, she’s forced to strike a deal with a horned toad. “An entertaining version of ‘The Frog Prince’ with a Texas twist…” —School Library Journal • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist The Grudge Keeper Mara Rockliff Illustrated by Eliza Wheeler

Gilbert de la Frogponde A Swamp Story

Jennifer Rae Illustrated by Rose Cowles

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-729-8

Territory: World • All rights available, except dramatic/film and Korean

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-163-0 / 1-56145-163-0

Territory: US • Rights: Whitecap Books, Canada

No one in the town of Bonnyripple ever kept a grudge. No one, that is, except old Cornelius, the Grudge Keeper. AR • RC • Lexile GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: conflict resolution, forgiveness, wordplay

AR • RC • Lexile GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: power and responsibility, humor, collective resistance, strength in cooperation

Too fat to escape, Gilbert must convince two chefs that bugs, not frogs, are all the rage in culinary circles.

H “…a clever fable characterized by ornate language, extraordinary characters AR • RC • Lexile • F&P and billowy atmosphere.” GRL M; Gr 2 —Kirkus Reviews Ages 6–10 v Indie Next List; NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

“Do not read Gilbert de la Frogponde to your child at bedtime, or you may find yourself in the same predicament I did: I couldn’t get him to stop laughing and go to sleep… witty, creative and downright hilarious.” —Boston Herald

The King of Little Things Bil Lepp Illustrated by David T. Wenzel

Hungry! Hungry! Hungry! Malachy Doyle Illustrated by Paul Hess

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-708-3

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-241-5 / 1-56145-241-6

Territory: World • Rights: All rights available, except Catalan, Korean, Spanish

Territory: US • Rights: Andersen Press UK

What is a boy to think when a mischievous, spidery-legged, knobbly kneed goblin shows up in his front yard?

Only the King of Little Things stands between King Normous and his goal of conquering the world. H “Adults and children who read this delightful and imaginative book together will find lots to talk about.” —Kirkus Reviews

F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“The imaginative, whimsical, and colorful pictures are full of details to be discovered… will be enjoyed by young monster enthusiasts.” —School Library Journal

v Parents’ Choice Gold Award; Finalist, Irma Simonton and James H. Black Award; PEN / Steven Kroll Award

I Am Tama, Lucky Cat

Immi’s Gift Karin Littlewood

A Japanese Legend

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-545-4 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-813-4

Wendy Henrichs Illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Gullane UK

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-589-8

Territory: World • All rights available, except French

Two children half a world away from each other are connected in an unexpected way in this timeless, fanciful story.

AR • RC •  Lexile • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

H “With shades of David Wiesner’s Flotsam and Suzy Lee’s Wave, it’s a story with a quiet magic and beauty.” —Publishers Weekly

A stirring tale of friendship based on the legend of the Lucky Cat.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10

“With its compelling story and stunning art, this is a worthy addition.” —School Library Journal v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Teaching Themes: generosity, interconnectedness, friendship

50 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books Harriet’s Horrible Hair Day Dawn Lesley Stewart Illustrated by Michael P. White HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-165-4

Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck! Kyle Mewburn Illustrated by Ali Teo and John O’Reilly

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-457-0

Harriet’s sister and brother launch a series of outrageous, hair-raising schemes to tame her wayward ringlets. F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“If you’re looking to take the knots out of a bad hair day, try this.” —The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Scholastic Australia

AR • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“Multiple perspectives add a sense of fun to the story. The rhythmic text and repetition will make this useful as a read-aloud and good for beginning readers to tackle.” —School Library Journal

Teaching Themes: self-esteem, counting

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

That’s Not How You Play Soccer, Daddy! Sherry Shahan Illustrated by Tatjana Mai-Wyss

What Do Parents Do? (When You’re Not Home) Jeanie Franz Ransom Illustrated by Cyd Moore

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-416-7

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-409-9

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

After a tough soccer practice, Mikey’s dad takes him to play in the park, but Mikey only wants to practice for the Big Game.

The tables are turned and the grown-ups have all the fun in this wickedly silly story of parental mayhem.

“In a warm reversal of the usual competitive sports message, a parent teaches his son to let go and just have fun…” —Booklist

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: imagination, rules, family

“Giggles abound as this cheerful tale of imagined role-reversal plucks at the seams of conventionality and lets out a little stuffing.” —Kirkus Reviews

Raymond and Nelda Barbara Bottner Illustrated by Nancy Hayashi

Flora the Frog Shirley Isherwood Illustrated by Anna C. Leplar

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-394-8 / 1-56145-394-3

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-223-1 / 1-56145-223-8

Territory: World • Text: dramatic author; art Peachtree

Territory: US • Rights: Bloomsbury UK

Flora is dismayed when she is asked to be a frog in the class play. Frogs are green and fat, and she is afraid that everyone will laugh at her.

Laugh-out-loud letters enhance this endearingly quirky story about repairing a friendship.

AR • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

Every time Auntie Elsie comes to visit she gives Andy two big sloppy kisses. Andy is a fast runner, but not fast enough to outrun Auntie Elsie!

“…in the great tradition of Arnold Lobel’s Frog and Toad…” —Booklist

AR • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: shyness

“Children will relate to Flora’s feelings, due in particular to the large, full-page penand-watercolor illustrations that wonderfully depict her emotions.” —School Library Journal • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Lost and Found Bill Harley Illustrated by Adam Gustavson

First Grade Stinks! Mary Ann Rodman Illustrated by Beth Spiegel

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-628-4

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-377-1 PB $8.95 / 978-1-56145-462-4

Territory: World • Rights: Art: Peachtree / text: dramatic: author

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

On the first day of school, Hayley quickly finds out that first grade is different from kindergarten, but in all the wrong ways!

When Justin loses his special hat, he is forced to visit the lost and found.

AR • RC • Lexile GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“Telling a realistic tale of fears faced and rewards earned, this picture book has its own hidden treasures, revealed in the understated first-person narrative and realistic dialogue.” —Booklist

Teaching Themes: school, courage, honesty, family

v Parents’ Choice Approved; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

✎ Teacher’s guide

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Mr. President Goes to School Rick Walton Illustrated by Brad Sneed

Late for School Mike Reiss Illustrated by Michael Austin

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-538-6

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-491-4

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • Rights: text: dramatic First Book art: Peachtree

When the president has a frustrating day, he decides to go back to the place where he learned the most important lessons of all. AR • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

H “A good jumping-off book for discussions about differences and change.” —Publishers Weekly

“Sneed’s attention to detail makes the book fun to look at over again and again. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P Overall, a fun introduction to the great GRL L; Gr 2 things that can be learned in school.” Ages 4–8 —School Library Journal v IRA/CBC Children’s Choices

Teaching Themes: telling time, tall tale, NYC landmarks

Smitty is never late for school. Not when his shoes get stuck in a sea of thick, black tar. Not when snowmen rain down from the sky. Not even when he encounters a very hungry T. Rex! “Children tardy and timely will laugh at this droll recitation.” —Kirkus Reviews v IRA/CBC Children’s Choices

✎ Teacher’s guide

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-561-4

The Boy Who Was Raised By Librarians Carla Morris Illustrated by Brad Sneed

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-391-7

Camp K-9 Mary Ann Rodman Illustrated by Nancy Hayashi

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

When Roxie heads off to Camp K-9 for a fun-filled summer, she’s terrified that the poodle bully may discover her secret. But maybe some of the other dogs have secrets too… AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: bullying, courage, summer camp


The humorous tale of a curious young boy and his single-minded quest for knowledge. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages: 4–8

“This empathetic tale should calm the nerves of all novice campers-to-be.” Teaching Themes: —Kirkus Reviews reading, friendship, learning

H “Morris clearly gets what makes librarians tick, and Sneed’s humorous watercolor illustrations capture the soul of ‘how librarians are’…” —Kirkus Reviews v Children’s Book Sense Pick, Bank Street Best Books of the Year • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books Lester L. Laminack Snow Day! Lester L. Laminack Illustrated by Adam Gustavson

Three Hens and a Peacock Lester L. Laminack Illustrated by Henry Cole

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-418-1 HC & CD: $19.95 / 978-1-56145-554-6 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-553-9 CD: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-556-0

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-564-5 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-726-7

Territory: World • All rights available, except Catalan, complex Chinese, simplified Chinese, Spanish

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

When a peacock suddenly arrives at a quiet farm, everything changes.

A clever take on a familiar childhood lament. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“Good farm fun.”

“…a cheerful tribute to muffled, white, unexpected days off…” —New York Times

AR • RC • Lexile GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 4–8

v CCBC Choices

✎ Teacher’s guide

Saturdays and Teacakes Lester L. Laminack Illustrated by Chris Soentpiet

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-139-5

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 ✎ Teacher’s guide

“The brilliant watercolor paintings glow with light and idyllically capture the world of yesteryear.” —School Library Journal

v IRA / CBC Children’s Choices Book of the Year; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

The Sunsets of Miss Olivia Wiggins Lester L. Laminack Illustrated by Constance R. Bergum

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-303-0 HC & CD: $19.95 / 978-1-56145-513-3 CD: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-514-0

Laminack’s tender tribute to his grandmother.

—Kirkus Reviews

AR • F&P GRL Q; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 ✎ Teacher’s guide

The story of a young boy’s visit with his great-grandmother, who is suffering from the mental and physical deterioration associated with old age. “…an unusually empathic look at the reality of aging…” —Publishers Weekly

v Book Sense 76

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 3–7

Trevor’s Wiggly-Wobbly Tooth Lester L. Laminack Illustrated by Kathi Garry McCord

Jake’s 100th Day of School Lester L. Laminack Illustrated by Judy Love

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-175-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-279-8

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-355-9 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-463-1

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

When Trevor’s Grandma Sally shows his class how to make old-fashioned taffy, he learns there are also fun ways to pull a tooth!

What will Jake do when he forgets to bring the special collection for the 100th day of school?

“…the surprise ending will make readers laugh out loud.” —Book Links

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“Love’s richly realistic, abundantly detailed pencil, ink, and watercolor illustrations spill across the pages…” —Booklist

✎ Teacher’s guide

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Clatter Bash!

Danny Schnitzlein

A Day of the Dead Celebration

Richard Keep

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-461-7

Trick or Treat on Monster Street Danny Schnitzlein Illustrated by Matt Faulkner

Territory: World • All rights available

Graveyard skeletons shake, rattle, and roll in this spirited Day of the Dead celebration.

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-465-5

Territory: World • All rights available

A jittery, jumpy kid comes face-to-face with a band of trick-or-treating monsters on Halloween. AR • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“Faulkner’s watercolors feature a gruesome cast of cartoonish ghouls and are entertaining…” —School Library Journal

F&P GRL LB; Gr Pre-K Ages 4–8 / Holiday Teaching Themes: Day of the Dead

Teaching Themes: prejudice, bullying, facing fears, friendships

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-146-3 / 1-56145-146-0

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-216-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-533-1

Professor LeGrand warns readers about the outrageous habits and appalling behavior of thirteen mischievous monsters.

Territory: World • All rights available

Teaching Themes: facing fears, nutrition, food choices ✎ Teacher’s guide

A young boy makes a bargain with a fiendishly funny monster to avoid eating his peas. “…the rollicking rhythms and madcap, over-the-top art give this…[book] plenty of comic energy.” —Kirkus Reviews

AR • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 6–10

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-420-4 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-668-0

Teaching Themes: homework, procrastination, facing fears, cheating


“Austin’s illustrations have a surreal edginess…young readers will likely be entertained.” —Publishers Weekly

Where Teddy Bears Come From Mark Burgess Illustrated by Russell Ayto

The Monster Who Did My Math Danny Schnitzlein Illustrated by Bill Mayer

AR • RC • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; IRA/CBC Children’s Choices

13 Monsters Who Should Be Avoided Kevin Shortsleeve Illustrated by Michael Austin

The Monster Who Ate My Peas Danny Schnitzlein Illustrated by Matt Faulkner

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

H “…[a] zesty look at a special night… This will be a popular title in Mexican-American communities and an eye-opener for others.” —School Library Journal

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-487-7

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

A math-phobic boy is facing another evening of multiplication when a monster offers him a deal he cannot refuse.

A little wolf knows just what he needs to get a good night’s sleep: a teddy bear to cuddle, just like in his favorite story book.

“…an entertaining addition to math classes and a useful warm-up to tutoring sessions with less-than-enthusiastic students.” —School Library Journal

H “All the elements of a winner come together in this enchanting effort…” —Kirkus Reviews

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Holiday

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 6–10 / Historical fiction Holiday

Christmas in the Trenches John McCutcheon Illustrated by Henri Sørensen

The Santa Trap Jonathan Emmett Illustrated by Poly Bernatene

HC & CD: $19.95 / 978-1-56145-374-0

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-670-3

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Macmillan UK

This moving tribute to the power of the human spirit to unite people is based on an actual event from World War I.

When Santa Claus refuses to give him anything but socks, Bradley vows to get revenge.

v Parents’ Choice Silver Honor; IRA Notable Books for a Global Society; IRA Teacher’s Choices; NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People

AR • RC •  Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 / Holiday

Also available: Mightier Than the Sword CD: $16.98 suggested retail / UPC: 19480

Teaching Themes: holiday, celebration, invention, imagination, consequences

H “The cleverly constructed plot unfolds with perfect comedic timing and dry wit, complemented by digitally produced mixed-media illustrations that have a suitably sinister, magnetic charm.” —Kirkus Reviews

Jingle Bells

To Whom the Angel Spoke A Story of the Christmas Terry Kay Illustrated by Eileen Blyth

How the Holiday Classic Came to Be

John Harris Illustrated by Adam Gustavson

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-502-7

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-590-4

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: text: Harvey Klinger Agency / art: Peachtree

Territory: World • All rights available, except US / Canada book club

The unifying power of simple belief reminds us that, for different people with different feelings, there is a celebration that brings us all together.

The story of the creation of a holiday classic—in the most unlikely of places. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Q; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 / Historical fiction Holiday

“…captur[es] the atmosphere of a community willing to stick together as they journey against the grain, whether that means bringing snow somehow to the South or standing by an unpopular belief.” —School Library Journal

All ages / Holiday

Teaching Themes: months of the year, seasons, holidays

“…delightfully illustrated…simple enough for children but holds an appeal, as well, for adults.” —The Miami Herald

Santa’s Eleven Months Off Mike Reiss Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery

Santa’s Last Present Marie-Aude Murail and Elvire Murail Illustrated by Quentin Blake

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-421-1

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-319-1 / 1-56145-319-6

Territory: World • Rights: text: First Books / art; Peachtree • All rights available, except Korean

Territory: US • Rights: Random House UK

Julian thinks he’s getting too big to believe in Santa, but when he finds an extra present under the tree, he discovers that he may not be too old after all.

Santa recovers from a hectic December by embarking on a hilarious campaign of adventure and self-improvement.

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Holiday

H Publishers Weekly

“Montgomery’s full-color paintings showing expressive, energetic people in dynamic compositions are amusing and delightful.” —School Library Journal

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 8–12 / Holiday

“The story is charmingly told…Blake’s colorful cartoons are as appealing as ever.” —School Library Journal • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist The Library Dragon Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Michael P. White

Carmen Agra Deedy

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-091-6 HC & CD: $19.95 / 978-1-56145-639-0 CD: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-640-6

Return of the Library Dragon Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Michael P. White

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Territory: World • All rights available

Sunrise Elementary School has a BIG problem. Their new librarian, Miss Lotta Scales, is a real dragon.

Miss Lotty is finally checking herself out of the Sunrise Elementary School Library, but not before Lotta Scales makes one final stand.

“Deedy’s text sparkles with sly humor… This wonderful book will delight children.” —School Library Journal

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-621-5

AR • RC •  Lexile GRL O; Gr 3 • Ages 4–8

“…an entertaining read that broaches the subject of technology’s place in the school media center…” —Kirkus Reviews

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 ✎ Teacher’s guide

The Library Dragon flip doll flip doll: $34.95 / 978-1-56145-267-5 book and doll: $52.00 / 978-1-56145-585-0 14 inches tall / nonreturnable

Teaching Themes: books, reading, technology, change, friendship

The Secret of Old Zeb Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Michael P. White

Martina the Beautiful Cockroach A Cuban Folktale

Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Michael Austin

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-115-9 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-280-4

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-399-3 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-787-8 HC & CD: $19.95 / 978-1-56145-468-6 CD: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-467-9

Territory: World • All rights available

Walter fears he is in for the worst summer ever until he befriends a mysterious neighbor.

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

When Martina decides to choose a husband, her grandmother gives her some advice.

“This Latino folktale has a rollicking voice imbued with sly tongue-in-cheek humor. ” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 6–10

v Honor Book, Pura Belpré Medal; Odyssey Award; NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

✎ Teacher’s guide

A York New es Tim ler! sel Best

“The ‘follow your dream’ moral is prevalent throughout the text and reinforced by the dreamlike quality of the illustrations.” —School Library Journal

14 Cows for America Carmen Agra Deedy, in collaboration with Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah Illustrated by Thomas Gonzalez

The Yellow Star

HC: $17.95 / 978-1-56145-490-7

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-208-8

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean, Francophone Africa and Haiti

Territory: World • All rights available, except Danish, Dutch, French, Korean, Norwegian, UK

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 / History

“…a lovely picture book…beautifully evocative…” —Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times

“Magnificently illustrated…a graceful and moving exploration of moral courage.” —USA Today

✎ Teacher’s guide

H School Library Journal

v IRA Teacher’s Choices; IRA Notable Books for a Global Society; NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; Honor Book, E. B. White Read-Aloud; Parents Choice Gold Award; Bank Street Best Books of the Year; CCBC Choices; Exemplar Common Core


The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark

Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Henri Sørensen

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction ✎ Teacher’s guide

v ABA Book Sense 76; ABC Children’s Booksellers’ Choices; Christopher Award; IRA Teacher’s Choice; IRA Notable Books for a Global Society • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books Agatha’s Feather Bed

The Last Dance Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Debrah Santini

Not Just Another Wild Goose Story

Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Laura L. Seeley

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-109-8

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-008-4 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-096-1

Bessie tells the story of her friendship with Ninny, of Ninny’s grandfather, and of the very special dance they share.

Territory: World • All rights available AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

Agatha loves her new feather bed, but then six shivering, naked geese pay her a visit to discuss the origin of the feathers.

“Debrah Santini’s masterful sketches and watercolors tell as much as the text.” —The Horn Book Magazine

✎ Teacher’s guide

“This finely crafted collection abounds with information and whimsy. It also teems with puns and word play… A ducky book.” —Publishers Weekly

Spanish-language editions

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 8–12

Un colchón de plumas para Agata Un cuento de alas para niños

Carmen Agra Deedy / Illustrated by Laura L. Seeley HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-426-6 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-404-4

14 vacas para américa Carmen Agra Deedy, in collaboration with Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah / Illustrated by Thomas Gonzalez HC: $17.95 / 978-1-56145-550-8 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-555-3

AR GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 Territory: World All rights available

AR Ages 4–8 / History Territory: World All rights available

AR GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 Territory: World All rights available

Martina una cucarachita muy linda Un cuento cubano Carmen Agra Deedy / Illustrated by Michael Austin HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-425-9 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-532-4

H “The skillfully crafted acrylic illustrations capture the island’s ambience… The text flows easily…” —Criticas

Growing Up Cuban in Decatur, Georgia Carmen Agra Deedy

The Cheshire Cheese Cat A Dickens of a Tale

Carmen Agra Deedy and Randall Wright Illustrated by Barry Moser

CD: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-318-4

60 minutes Territory: World • All rights available

Ages Teen and Up

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-595-9 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-810-3

“Deedy has a velvety smooth voice… her tone is warm and bubbly… Without a doubt, this is a case where listening to stories is better than reading them.” —AudioFile v Parents’ Choice Gold Award; Publishers Weekly Best Audiobook, Adult Storytelling

Territory: World • All rights available, except audio, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Romanian, simplified Chinese, Spanish, US/Canada book club

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; GR 6 Ages 8 and up ✎ Teacher’s guide

H “…a delight.” —Publishers Weekly H School Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews v Honor Book, E.B. White Read-Aloud; Kirkus Best Children’s Books; SLJ Best Fiction; ALSC Notable Children’s Books; NCTE Notable Children’s Books in the Language Arts; Parents’ Choice Gold Award; Bank Street Best Books of the Year; VOYA Top Shelf Fiction • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist My Dadima Wears a Sari Kashmira Sheth Illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi

Kashmira Sheth

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-392-4

Territory: World • All rights available

Sona and the Wedding Game Kashmira Sheth Illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-735-9

Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

Territory: World • Text: Peachtree, except for dramatic and character; Art: Peachtree

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

Sona has been given an important job for her big sister’s wedding: she has to steal the groom’s shoes!

Teaching Themes: intergenerational relationship, traditions, culture

This multigenerational story offers a glimpse into the distinctive culture and customs of India. “…the continuous, loving exchange heightens the intergenerational warmth that’s extended in Jaeggi’s delicate watercolors.” —Booklist v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; CCBC Choices; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

H “Everyone will want to attend this wedding.” Teaching Themes: Indian / Hindu —Kirkus Reviews culture, wedding traditions, family

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: intergenerational relationship, monsoon season

Monsoon Afternoon Kashmira Sheth Illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi

Tiger in My Soup Kashmira Sheth Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-455-6

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-696-3

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

During monsoon season, a young boy and his Dadaji head out into the rainy weather.

A sister and brother battle it out in this story of imagination, reading, and tigers!

“The cyclical rhythms of the rain seasons echo the story’s larger themes of time’s passage and the links between generations…” —Booklist

AR • Lexile GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 4–8 Teaching Themes: siblings, imagination

v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; CCBC Choices Honor Book

When Young Melissa Sweeps Nancy Byrd Turner lllustrated by Debrah Santini

HC: $15.95 / 978-156145-134-0 / 1-56145-134-7

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-157-9 / 1-56145-157-6

Territory: US & Canada • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

When practical joker Pierre decides to play a trick on his beloved Grand Ma Mere, the results are anything but what he expects!

Melissa dances from room to room, inspiring readers to discover delightful new possibilities in routine tasks.



v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Tulips Jay O’Callahan Illustrated by Debrah Santini

“An unusual, enchanting story.”

AR • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

H“In the current run of titles about older siblings feeding younger ones, this one stands out for its inventive imagery.” —Kirkus Reviews H Publishers Weekly

F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

“…this exuberant poem captures the enthusiasm and imagination children can bring to the most ordinary task…” —Booklist • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books Myron Uhlberg The Printer Myron Uhlberg Illustrated by Henri Sørensen

A Storm Called Katrina Myron Uhlberg Illustrated by Colin Bootman

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-221-7 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-483-9

HC: $17.95 / 978-1-56145-591-1

Territory: World • All rights available, except audio

Territory: World • All rights available

A deaf father and his hearing son show their love for each other and their dedication to the craft of printing.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

“…[a] heartfelt tale of an ordinary person rising to meet an extraordinary challenge.” —Kirkus Reviews

AR •  RC • Lexile• F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 7–11 / Historical fiction ✎ Teacher’s guide

v Selector’s Choice, NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; USBBY/IBBY Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

H “Simple, affecting prose and intricate, inspired paintings make this one worth sharing for sure.” —Kirkus Reviews H Publishers Weekly, Booklist v Booklist Editors’ Choice; Booklist Top 10 Black History Books for Youth; IRA Teachers’ Choices; NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Flying Over Brooklyn Myron Uhlberg Illustrated by Gerald Fitzgerald

Dad, Jackie, and Me Myron Uhlberg Illustrated by Colin Bootman

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-194-4 / 1-56145-194-0 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-294-1

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-329-0 / 1-56145-329-3 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-531-7

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

Based on the Great Blizzard of 1947, this story tells of a young boy’s imaginary flight over Brooklyn and the new perspective on the world around him that results.

A young boy shares the excitement of Jackie Robinson’s rookie season with his deaf father.

“Youngsters will delight in the idea of such a snow-filled flight… a magical winter storytime.” —School Library Journal

AR •  RC • Lexile• F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 / Historical fiction ✎ Teacher’s guide

“…an affecting tribute to Robinson, to a dedicated son and to a thoughtful deep-feeling father. And of course, to baseball.” —Publishers Weekly

Lemuel the Fool Myron Uhlberg Illustrated by Sonja Lamut HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-220-0 / 1-56145-220-3

Territory: World • All rights available

Lemuel dreams of traveling across the sea to the magical city that he is sure must lie just beyond the horizon. But when he arrives at his destination, he discovers that it’s strangely similar to the home he’s just left behind. AR •  F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8 ✎ Teacher’s guide

“Fresh and diverting.”

—Publishers Weekly

v AJL Notable Book for Younger Readers • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist

AR • F&P GRL M; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

Orange Cheeks Jay O’Callahan Illustrated by Patricia Raine

Pennies in a Jar Dori Chaconas Illustrated by Ted Lewin

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-073-2 / 1-56145-073-1

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-422-8

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

Four-year-old Willie loves visiting his grandma, but his mother has warned him—if he gets into trouble again, there’ll be no more overnight visits for an entire year.

When his father goes off to fight in World War II, a young boy promises to be brave.

“With plenty of tension and with characters that are true to life, this yarn celebrates an intergenerational love that is guaranteed to captivate an audience.” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 / Historical fiction

“…will resonate with contemporary children, especially those with parents in the military overseas.” —School Library Journal

Teaching Themes: WWII home front, courage, family life, horses

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year; CCBC Choices

Chestnut Constance W. McGeorge lllustrated by Mary Whyte

Dancing with Katya Dori Chaconas Illustrated by Constance R. Bergum

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-321-4

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-376-4 / 1-56145-376-5

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

When Mr. Decker oversleeps on the morning of the mayor’s daughter’s birthday, who will make the deliveries for her party?

Though her legs are weakened and twisted by polio, Katya dreams of dancing again. “A warm and inspiring tribute to one sister’s love and the other’s courage.” —Kirkus Reviews AR • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: polio, sisters, farm life

v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; Finalist, ALA Schneider Family Book Award; IBBY Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities; IRA Teachers’ Choices

AR • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

The Wheat Doll Alison L. Randall Illustrated by Bill Farnsworth

The Dragon New Year A Chinese Legend

David Bouchard Illustrated by Zhoang-Yang Huang

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-456-3

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-210-1 / 1-56145-210-6

Territory: US • Rights: Raincoast Books, Canada

When Mary Ann’s beloved doll disappears during a fierce, sudden storm, she refuses to give up searching for her.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Historical fiction


Frightened by the noisy Chinese New Year celebration, a girl takes comfort in her grandmother’s wise words about the origins of the holiday.

“…a sweet story of loss and renewal told with empathy and feeling that is never heavy-handed.” —School Library Journal v IRA Children’s and Young Adult Book Award

“Young horse lovers will embrace this charming tale.” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 6–10

“Children will enjoy the reversal that the flaming pictures show: it’s the fiery, noisy festival that frightens the monster away and keeps the child safe at home.” —Booklist • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books Keep On!

Sweet Land of Liberty Deborah Hopkinson Illustrated by Leonard Jenkins

The Story of Matthew Henson, Co-Discoverer of the North Pole

Deborah Hopkinson Illustrated by Stephen Alcorn

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-395-5

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

HC: $17.95 / 978-1-56145-473-0

Territory: World • All rights available AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 / History ✎ Teacher’s guide

“The main text conveys a good bit of information within a clearly written narrative that includes one dramatic rescue scene during the final expedition.” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Q; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 / Historical fiction

v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People

Mind Your Manners, Alice Roosevelt! Leslie Kimmelman Illustrated by Adam Gustavson

Susan B. Anthony and the Fight for Women’s Suffrage

Claire Rudolf Murphy Illustrated by Stacey Schuett

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-492-1

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-593-5

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

Teddy Roosevelt’s unconventional daughter’s antics charmed and shocked a nation.

Based on the experiences of a real girl, this inspiring picture book offers a child’s eye view of the fight for women’s right to vote.

Teaching Themes: suffragette movement; political involvement ✎ Teacher’s guide

“An inspiring and revelatory tale.” —Kirkus Reviews v Amelia Bloomer Project; IRA Teacher’s Choices; NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

AR •  RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 4–8 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: Theodore Roosevelt, life in the White House

The Daring Life of a Crusading Journalist

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year; NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People

Philip Dray Illustrated by Stephen Alcorn

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-411-2

HC: $18.95 / 978-1-56145-417-4

Meet the Scottish terrier who won the heart of a U.S. president and the American people, during a dark time in the world’s history.

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean, Francophone Africa and Haiti

Born into slavery, Wells fought against social injustice and racial inequality.

✎ Teacher’s guide

“A lively, fictionalized portrait of a very independent girl.” —Publishers Weekly

First Dog Fala Elizabeth Van Steenwyk Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery

Yours for Justice, Ida B. Wells

AR • RC • Lexile GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 10–14 / History / Biography

“…underscores the very worthwhile message that one does not need to be a star to make a difference.” —Kirkus Reviews v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; IRA Teachers’ Choices; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Marching with Aunt Susan

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Q; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 / Historical fiction

This inspiring story of civil rights champion Oscar Chapman and his role in Marian Anderson’s concert at the Lincoln Memorial.

H “Alcorn’s striking, symbol-infused hand-colored prints on creamy vellum get star billing.” —Publishers Weekly v NCTE Notable Children’s Books in the Language Arts; Amelia Bloomer List

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 6–10 / Historical fiction

“The amiable text combined with the handsome illustrations will draw children into this account of a real charmer…” —Booklist v IRA Teacher’s Choices • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Picture Books • backlist Zayde Comes to Live Sheri Sinykin lllustrated by Kristina Swarner

The House on Dirty-third Street Jo S. Kittinger Illustrated by Thomas Gonzalez

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-631-4

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-619-2

Territory: World • All rights available

A Jewish girl tries to make peace with the impending death of her grandfather.

AR • RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 6–10 Teaching Themes: family, religion, death and dying, change

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 4–8

H “…[a] beautiful and accessible tale that AR • RC • Lexile • F&P gives expression to many children’s fears GRL N; Gr 3 about dying.” Ages 4–8 —Publishers Weekly H Booklist v Booklist Editors’ Top 10 Religion Books for Youth; Honor Book, Sydney Taylor Book Award; Parents’ Choice Recommended

A mother and daughter turn a hopeless old house into a loving family home with faith, hard work, and the support of their community. “A tale of generosity, faith and friendship. Share it quietly within and with others.” —Kirkus Reviews v Christopher Award; IRA Social Justice Literature Award; CCBC Choices

The Blue House Dog Deborah Blumenthal Illustrated by Adam Gustavson

Seed Magic Jane Buchanan lllustrated by Charlotte Riley-Webb

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-537-9

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-622-2

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

A boy without a dog and a dog without an owner find each other in this powerfully moving story of loneliness and redemption.

A gift from the crazy old Birdman shows Rose that even in the barren, gray city, there are ways to make a beautiful garden.

“The emotions are raw and authentic, while the way in which they’re delivered is elegant­— a potent combination.” —Publishers Weekly

“Together with brevity of words and motion and vibrancy of rhythm and color, the text and paintings create an unexpected joie de vivre. This is a must-buy for all libraries.” —School Library Journal

AR GRL K; Gr 2 Ages 4–8

Cats Vanish Slowly Ruth Tiller Illustrated by Laura L. Seeley

If I Found a Wistful Unicorn A Gift of Love

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-106-7 / 1-56145-106-1

Ann Ashford Illustrated by Bill Drath

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $18.95 / 978-0-931948-00-8 / 0-931948-00-2

Anniversary Gift Edition

Follow the cats on Grandmother’s farm as they wind their way through the twelve poems.

GRL V; Gr 5–6 Ages 6–10 / Poetry


“Only an accomplished poet could wind her way as gracefully and surefootedly around F&P and through perfectly chosen words and phrases as Tiller does… and only a chronic GRL M; Gr 2 All ages ailurophile could portray the elusive, often mysterious feline personality with such affection as Seeley.” —Publishers Weekly

HC: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-271-2 / 1-56145-271-8

Territory: World • All rights available

Through thoughtful and fanciful questions, Ashford explores what we risk when we ask for love and what special rewards may be waiting for us in return. • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Picture Books Can You Hear a Rainbow? The Story of a Deaf Boy Named Chris

RIC Learning Books

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-268-2

Territory: World • All rights available

Chris describes what it is like to be deaf, typical events in his life, and the ways in which he has adjusted.

The Making of My Special Hand: Madison’s Story HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-186-9 / 1-56145-186-X

Territory: World • All rights available

Experience the curiosity and eager anticipation of a small girl born without her left hand, as she tells her story of being fitted for her “special” hand.

Rolling Along: The Story of Taylor and His Wheelchair HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-219-4

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 6–10

AR • F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 6–10

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 6–10

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Taylor and Tyler are twin brothers who are different in one significant way: Taylor has cerebral palsy, while Tyler does not.

F&P GRL J; Gr 1 Ages 2–5

F&P GRL O; Gr 3 Ages 4–8

Jamee Riggio Heelan Illustrated by Nicola Simmonds

How to Rock Your Baby Sibley Fleming Illustrated by John Amoss

The Night You Were Born Wendy McCormick Illustrated by Sophy Williams

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-142-5 / 1-56145-142-8

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-225-5 / 1-56145-225-4

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: US • Rights: Orchard Books UK

The delightful, nocturnal adventure of a mother, a father, and a brand-new, wideawake baby.

A warm, reassuring picture book that captures all the joy of the arrival of a new baby and sensitively addresses an older sibling’s feelings.

“…strikes an effective balance between gentle rhythm and sheer silliness.” —Publishers Weekly

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2 Ages 3–7

“Altogether comforting, this picture book is a strong choice for sharing with any child whose family is expecting a new addition.” —Publishers Weekly

Wishing Ruth Tiller Illustrated by Debrah Santini

You’ve Got Dragons Kathryn Cave Illustrated by Nick Maland

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-118-0 / 1-56145-118-5

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-284-2

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Hodder UK

An ordinary day in the park becomes a magical journey.

A gently humorous, reassuring story that will help take the worry out of childhood fears.

“This is a soft book, a book to cozy up with. It is a book to dream and pretend with. Read it with a special youngster and add your own dreams.” —Richmond Times-Dispatch

AR • F&P GRL L; Gr 2–3 Ages 6–10

“This excellent metaphor for the fears and worries of every child (and adult) is accompanied by relentlessly cheerful illustrations in fine line and rosy washes of color… A great choice for the walking worried.” —Booklist • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Readers • backlist The Roo Quartet The Last Polar Bears Harry Horse

The Last Cowboys Harry Horse

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-379-5

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-451-8

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

Grandfather is off to the North Pole to find the Last Polar Bears. Accompanying him is Roo, a remarkable little dog with strong views and a short attention span.

Grandfather and Roo set off on an exciting expedition to the Wild, Wild West in search of Roo’s grandfather. “Imaginative and fun.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Quirky with a message.” —Kirkus Reviews AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10

The Last Gold Diggers Harry Horse

The Last Castaways Harry Horse

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-435-8

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-439-6

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

Territory: US • Rights: Penguin UK

Grandfather and Roo travel to Australia, on an expedition to find long-lost Uncle Vincent, who ran away to seek his fortune years ago.

A routine holiday for Grandfather and Roo turns into an adventure when the two are lost at sea. “Packed with silly hijinks and fantastical creatures….” —Kirkus Reviews

“Silly fun.” —Kirkus Reviews AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10

Lillian’s Fish James Menk Illustrated by Louisa Bauer

Saving the Griffin Kristin Wolden Nitz

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-158-6 / 1-56145-158-4

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-380-1

Territory: World• All rights available, except Korean

Three American siblings on holiday in a small Italian town encounter an extraordinary creature in their garden and find adventure, mystery, and a whole new world of trouble.

When Lillian’s fish goes missing, the other family pets embark on an exciting adventure to rescue him. “This sweet story is a must for any child…” —The Atlanta Journal-Constitution AR • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 6–10


AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 8–12

“…this child-centered fantasy is nicely grounded in reality and enhanced by its well-drawn Italian settings.” —Booklist • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Middle Readers Claude Claude at the Circus Alex T. Smith

Claude in the City Alex T. Smith

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-702-1

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-697-0

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Hodder UK

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-843-1

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Hodder UK

A walk in the park leads to a walk on a tightrope when Claude accidentally joins the circus and becomes star of the show!

A visit to the city is delightful but ordinary, until Claude foils a robbery and heals a whole waiting room full of patients.

“The climax has everything a child could want in a book.” —Kirkus Reviews AR • RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 7–9

AR • RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 7–9

Claude at the Beach Alex T. Smith

Claude on the Slopes Alex T. Smith

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-703-8

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-805-9

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Hodder UK

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Hodder UK

When Claude and Sir Bobblysock go on vacation to the beach, they find themselves hunting for pirate treasure.

Claude and Sir Bobblysock go to the Snowy Mountains, but when an avalanche threatens their winter wonderland, Claude must save the day.

“…often hilarious.”

AR • RC • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 7–9

“…may be the sweetest surrealist children’s book ever published…” —Kirkus Reviews

—Kirkus Reviews

v Finalist, CBC Children’s Choice Book of the Year; ILA-CBC Children’s Choices

AR • Lexile GRL N; Gr 3 Ages 7–9

Dog Sense Sneed B. Collard III

The Wreck of the Ethie Hilary Hyland Illustrated by Paul Bachem

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-351-1 / 1-56145-351-X PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-460-0

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-198-2

Territory: World • All rights available

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 8–12 Teaching Themes: bullies, dogs, sports, uprooting

“…catnip to 7- to 11-year-olds who like to laugh.” —The Wall Street Journal

Territory: World • All rights available

Guy hatches a plan to train his border collie to compete against the school bully and his dog at the town’s Frisbee-catching competition.

In 1919, a dog saves the passengers of the S.S. Ethie, cast onto the rocks of the coast of Newfoundland.

“…believable characters…enough action to keep reluctant readers interested.” —School Library Journal

“The fast-paced action, easy reading level, and black-and-white drawings will appeal to reluctant readers.” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction ✎ Teacher’s guide • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Readers • backlist Murphy, Gold Rush Dog Alison Hart Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-769-4

Darling, Mercy Dog of World War I Alison Hart Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery

Territory: World • Rights: All rights available

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-705-2

Territory: World • Rights: All rights available, except simplified Chinese

Join Murphy as he finds a home with Sally and Mama, who have recently arrived in gold rush–era Alaska to seek a new life.

AR • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 7–10 / Historical fiction

“Equal parts heart-wrenching and -warming…” —Kirkus Reviews

Teaching Themes: gold rush, westard expansion, Alaska territory, wokring dogs

When the British military asks families to volunteer their dogs to help the war effort, Darling’s family sends her off to be trained as a mercy dog. AR • RC • Lexile GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 7–10 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: World War I, dogs in war, sacrifice, bravery, loyalty

Anna’s Blizzard Alison Hart Illustrated by Paul Bachem

Emma’s River Alison Hart Illustrated by Paul Bachem

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-349-8

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-524-9

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

When the steamship on which Emma is traveling explodes in a fiery blaze, she must find a way to survive the disaster.

When a fierce blizzard suddenly kicks up, Anna and her classmates must escape from their school before it is too late.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 7–10 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: survival, 1800s, the Schoolchildren’s Blizzard

“Anna is a strong, appealing heroine, and the story is suspenseful… Fans of the American Girls series or Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books will also enjoy Anna’s Blizzard.” —School Library Journal v IRA Teachers’ Choice

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 7–10 / Historical fiction

“...especially suited to ‘American Girl’ series fans looking for slightly longer books. Emma is a plucky heroine… readers will enjoy following her as she learns and grows.”

—School Library Journal

Teaching Themes: steamboat travel, immigration, 1800s, social classes

The Devil’s Highway Stan Applegate Illustrated by James Watling

Natchez Under-the-Hill Stan Applegate Illustrated by James Watling

PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-184-5

PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-191-3

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

Zeb and Hannah team up to make their way safely down the Natchez Trace.

Zeb and Hannah desperately try to reunite with their families, but end up head-to-head with sinister villains who stand in their way.

“This story moves quickly and should be a good read for reluctant readers.” —Kliatt AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction

AR • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction

✎ Teacher’s guide

✎ Teacher’s guide


“While never shying away from the tragedies of battle, Darling’s story focuses on bravery, sacrifice and devotion.” —Kirkus Reviews • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Middle Readers Rocket Man

It Can’t Be Done, Nellie Bly!

Ruth Ashby Illustrated by Robert Hunt

Nancy Butcher Illustrated by Jen Singh

The Mercury Adventure of John Glenn

A Reporter’s Race Around the World

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-323-8

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-289-7

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

“…highly readable… Ashby also skillfully includes historical events in the narrative.” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 7–10 / History / Biography

v NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12; NSTA Recommends

The true story of a woman’s famous 1889 journey that took her all the way around the globe in record time. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 7–10 / History / Biography

“Fun, factual, and well written.” —School Library Journal v Amelia Bloomer Project Recommended Reading List

Young Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle Ruth Ashby Illustrated by Suzanne Duranceau

The Amazing Mr. Franklin Or the Boy Who Read Everything

Ruth Ashby Illustrated by Michael G. Montgomery

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-478-5

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-306-1

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

“Ashby makes good use of Darwin’s own writing, sprinkling quotes throughout the text, which allow his adventures and opinions to come to life.” —School Library Journal

“…an attractive and highly readable account of Franklin’s life.” —Booklist

AR • F&P GRL S; Gr 4–5 Ages 7–10 / History / Biography

v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 7–10 / History / Biography

The Everlasting Now Sara Harrell Banks

Good Fortune

My Journey to Gold Mountain

Li Keng Wong

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-525-6

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: Depression era, race relations

v NSTA / CBC Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-367-2 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-464-8

In 1937, the Depression is in full force, Joe Louis is the new heavyweight champion of the world, and Champion Luckey has just arrived in Snow Hill, Alabama. Brother Sayre’s life will never be the same.

Territory: World • All rights available

“…consistent and believable throughout the narrative…” —Booklist v NCSS / CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People

Wong shares her family’s difficult but ultimately triumphant journey from their small village in China to a new life in California.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / History / Memoir

“Wong’s memoir touchingly reminds us how much we take for granted… [an] honest and moving book.” —The Boston Globe v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; Bank Street Best Books of the Year • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Readers • backlist Cascade Mountain Railroad Mysteries

Anne Capeci Illustrated by Paul Casale Territory: World • All rights available AR • F&P GRL Q; Gr 4 Ages 7–10 Historical fiction / Mystery

Danger: Dynamite! (Book #1) HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-288-0 / 1-56145-288-2

Why did somebody hide a case of dynamite right near the schoolhouse? That’s what Billy and Finn want to know. “This is a terrific start to a new mystery series for elementary students.” —Library Media Connection


(Book #2)

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-307-8 / 1-56145-307-2

Billy, Finn, and Dannie investigate the smuggling of bootleg liquor, guntoting gangsters and botched police raids. “The short text and exciting plot will attract young adventure fans, especially reluctant readers.” —School Library Journal

Ghost Train

(Book #3)

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-324-5 / 1-56145-324-2

When Billy finds a mysterious burlap sack containing a threatening note, he, Finn, and Dannie have a new case to solve. “An exciting and fast-paced story that will hold readers’ attention.” —School Library Journal


(Book #4)

HC: $12.95 / 978-1-56145-334-4 / 1-56145-334-X

There is a thief in the camp and Billy, Dannie, and Finn must find out who it is.

The Coastwatcher Elise Weston

The Bushwhacker

A Civil War Adventure

Jennifer Johnson Garrity Illustrated by Paul Bachem

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-350-4 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-484-6

Territory: World • All rights available

PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-201-9

Territory: world • All rights available

Day after day Hugh looks for signs of German spies. It seems like a harmless way to spend time…at least at first.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: WW II, prisoners of war, spies, persistence, polio


“…a tautly woven story that blends an intriguing mystery with historical significance. ” —Booklist

Fleeing from Confederate sympathizers, Jacob and Eliza are befriended by a kind young woman—but then a stranger enters the picture and changes all of their lives. AR • Lexile • F&P GRL V; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: forgiveness, empathy, Civil War

“This gripping, fast-paced story is a masterful recreation of a time of divided loyalties and conflict…” —School Library Journal • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Middle Readers SeaMan

Gail Langer Karwoski

The Dog Who Explored the West with Lewis & Clark

Gail Langer Karwoski Illustrated by James Watling


Disaster in San Francisco,1906

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-276-7 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-190-6

Gail Langer Karwoski Illustrated by Robert Papp

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-310-8 / 1-56145-310-2 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-369-6

The story of SeaMan, the Newfoundland who played a key role in the Corps of Discovery. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction

“This soundly researched, smoothly written story will bring the entire expedition alive for readers 8 to 12…” —Parade

Teaching Themes: American history–Western Expansion, Lewis and Clark, pioneer life

v ABA Pick of the List

✎ Teacher’s guide

Surviving Jamestown

The Adventures of Young Sam Collier

Gail Langer Karwoski Illustrated by Paul Casale

Territory: World • All rights available, except film

Jacob tries to find his family in the aftermath of a natural disaster, in this stirring fictional account of the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: immigration, earthquake/natural disasters, Jewish Americans, Asian Americans

The Tree That Owns Itself And Other Adventure Tales from Out of Georgia’s Past

Loretta Johnson Hammer and Gail Langer Karwoski Illustrated by James Watling

Territory: World • All rights available

A story of survival set against the backdrop of the founding of the first permanent English settlement in the New World. “The story flows well and is a good fictional introduction to Jamestown.” — School Library Journal

✎ Teacher’s guide

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-120-3

Territory: World • All rights available

A collection of stories about Georgia’s history, ranging from the Revolutionary War to the present. AR GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction ✎ Teacher’s guide

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-597-3

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-710-6

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • Rights: All rights available

A brave young man must rely on his wits and his friends to navigate dangers and escape an unwelcome fate.

Jem has escaped from a cruel master to St. Augustine, but has he really found freedom?

“Solid work, featuring a strong-minded protagonist bent on doing the best he can with what he’s been given.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Russell illuminates a little-known piece of American history in this well-researched novel for middle-grade readers.” —Kirkus Reviews v Parents’ Choice Silver Honor

Teaching Themes: Colonial history, slavery, freedom, community, loyalty ✎ Teacher’s guide

“Energetic pacing and keen plot development pull readers in.” —School Library Journal

Chasing the Nightbird Krista Russell

The Other Side of Free Krista Russell

AR • RC • Lexile GRL X; Gr 6 Ages 10–14 / Historical fiction

v AJL Notable Children’s Book of Jewish Content

✎ Teacher’s guide

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-239-2 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-245-3

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction

“Quake! combines disaster and family longing with a sturdily constructed and affecting look at the past.” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile GRL V; Gr 5 Ages 10–14 / Historical fiction ✎ Teacher’s guide

v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; Parents’ Choice Recommended • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Readers • backlist We’ve Got a Job

Alison Hart’s Racing to Freedom trilogy

The 1963 Birmingham Children’s March

Cynthia Levinson

HC: $19.95 / 978-1-56145-627-7 PB: $13.95 / 978-1-56145-844-8

Gabriel’s Horses

Territory: World • All rights available, except US/Canada audio, Korean

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-398-6 PB: $4.99 / 978-1-56145-528-7

Territory: World • All rights available

A young Kentucky slave dares to pursue his dream of becoming a jockey. “At the core of this stirring historical novel is the question of what freedom means…” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th and up Ages 10 & up / Nonfiction / History Teaching Themes: civil rights, segregation, nonviolence ✎ Teacher’s guide

The inspiring story of one of the greatest moments in civil rights history, as witnessed by four young people who were at the center of the action. “[A] riveting, significant work of nonfiction.” —New York Times H Publishers Weekly, Booklist, Kirkus Reviews, School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL V; Gr 5­ Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction

Privateer’s Apprentice Susan Verrico HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-633-8

Gabriel’s Triumph

Territory: World • Rights: UK, translation: Peachtree / audio, dramatic: Andrea Brown • All rights available

PB: $4.99 / 978-1-56145-547-8

Territory: World • All rights available

When Jameson is kidnapped and taken to sea, he must learn how to survive—and how to apply the skills he has learned at home as a printer’s son.

Former slave Gabriel faces challenges and setbacks as he pursues his dream of becoming a famous jockey. “Thrilling horse racing once again frames a stirring Civil War story…” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction Teaching Themes: colonial history, identity, family, loyalty, honor

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL V; Gr 5­ Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction

✎ Teacher’s guide

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-442-6 PB: $4.99 / 978-1-56145-530-0

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-337-5 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-412-9

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

No longer a slave, Gabriel leaves behind a successful horse racing career to work as a groom at Camp Nelson, home of the Fifth US Colored Calvary of the Union Army.


Collection Teaching Themes: Civil War history, rebels in Kentucky, African American history, horses

* To order these titles in full or custom sets, contact special sales.

v ABA New Voices; IRA Children’s and Young Adults’ Book Award

Stumptown Kid Carol Gorman and Ron J. Findley

Gabriel’s Journey

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL V; Gr 5­ Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction

“The driving plot, including a harrowing battle at sea and an escapade on a mysterious island, whets readers’ appetites for more action.” —School Library Journal

Charlie wants two things he can’t have: to make the local Wildcats baseball team and to have life return to the way it was before his father died two years ago in the Korean War.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 5–6 Ages 8–12 / Historical fiction Sports

“Readers will enjoy this winning mix of sports, suspense, and heroism, and delight in the baseball wit and wisdom.” —School Library Journal • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Middle Readers “Bowen is quickly joining the rank of today’s most popular sports-fiction authors...he skillfully interweaves fact and fiction and uses historical sports plays and concepts as a backdrop for the story.” —School Library Journal

Fred Bowen’s Sports Stories

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-515-7

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-505-8

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-506-5

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL Q; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL O; Gr 3

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL P; Gr 3

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-701-4 PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-625-3

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-504-1

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-573-7 PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-540-9

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-512-6

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-510-2

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-508-9

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL O; Gr 3

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL Q; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL Q; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL Q; Gr 4

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-516-4

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-509-6

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-511-9

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-566-9

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-632-1

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL R; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL Q; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL Q; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL Q; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile / GRL N; Gr 3

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL R; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile / GRL O; Gr 3

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-507-2

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL P; Gr 3

Ages 7–12 / Sports Territory: World • All rights available Teaching Themes: sports history, realistic fiction ✎ Teacher’s guide

To order these titles in full or custom sets, contact special sales. PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-495-2

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL R; Gr 4

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-814-1 PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-807-3

AR • Lexile • F&P / GRL Q; Gr 4

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-594-2

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-497-6

AR • RC • Lexile / GRL R; Gr 4

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL R; Gr 4 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Readers • backlist Play Ball Like the Hall of Famers

Play Ball Like the Pros

Tips for Kids from 20 Big League Stars, 2nd edition

The Inside Scoop from 19 Baseball Greats

Steven Krasner

Steven Krasner Illustrated by Keith Neely

PB: $13.95 / 978-1-56145-535-5

Territory: World • All rights available

PB: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-339-9

Professional players explain the mechanics of baseball.

Territory: World • All rights available

In this inside look at the fundamentals, some of the greatest ball players to ever play in the major leagues explain their strategies. AR • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 10–14 / Nonfiction / Sports

“Both fans and players will find much to enjoy in this well-crafted collection.” —School Library Journal

RC • Lexile • F&P GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 8–12 / Nonfiction / Sports

Profiles in Sports Courage Ken Rappoport

Women Athletes Who Made a Difference

Ken Rappoport

Territory: World • All rights available

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-338-2 PB: $8.95 / 978-1-56145-534-8

Profiles of a dozen of the twentieth century’s greatest and most courageous athletes show how they overcame serious challenges.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Nonfiction / Sports

v VOYA Nonfiction Honor List

Territory: World • All rights available

Profiles of pioneering women who made a lasting impact not only on their sport but also on society.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Nonfiction / Sports

Teaching Themes: gender roles, bullies, teamwork, soccer,


“…accessible, pared-down language that will easily draw readers into the action…” —Booklist

Defending Irene Kristin Wolden Nitz

Sliding into Home Dori Hillestad Butler

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-309-2 / 1-56145-309-9

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-341-2

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Back in Missouri, Irene was one of the top players on the girls’ soccer team. But when her family moves to Italy, she must play on the boys’ team.

AR • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Sports

v Parent’s Choice Silver Honor; Booklist Top Ten Sports Book for Kids

Ladies First

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-368-9 / 1-56145-368-4

“Anyone interested in sports will enjoy reading about the challenges and accomplishments of these individuals.” —School Library Journal

“…just the sort of finely tuned analysis of baseball that many young players are looking for…a good reference for young people working to improve their skills.” —Booklist

“Soccer fans, especially girls, will appreciate the well-drawn action sequences and Irene’s feisty spirit.” —The Horn Book Guide

Joelle starts a girls’ baseball team when her school won’t let her join the boys’ team. “Breezy and fast-paced, with a feminist slant.” —Kirkus Reviews AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Sports Teaching Themes: girls’ sports, moving, determination • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Middle Readers Astra Chris Platt

Chris Platt

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-541-6

Territory: World • All rights available

Moon Shadow Chris Platt

Horses are Lily’s life—just like they’d been her mother’s. But will her overprotective father stop her from fulfilling her dreams?

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-382-5 PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-546-1

Territory: World • All rights available

“Horse-focused girls will enjoy the realistic details about the rigors of care, training, and competing…” —Booklist

A young girl’s love for a beautiful Mustang mare fuels her fierce determination to save the life—against all odds—of the wild horse’s orphaned filly.

AR • RC • Lexile GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 8–12

Star Gazer Chris Platt

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 8–12

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-596-6

Storm Chaser Chris Platt

Territory: World • All rights available, except Czech club, Finnish club, German club, Hungarian club, Norwegian club, Swedish club

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-496-9

Territory: World • All rights available

A spirited young girl’s determination and affection turns a fading horse into a rising competitor.

AR • RC • Lexile GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 8–12

Jessica hopes to become a great horse trainer someday like her father and her brother, so she can’t help working with the wild Storm Chaser behind her father’s back.

“…should please most horse-crazy middleschool girls, all of whom dream of the day when they attend a horse auction with money in their hands…” —Kirkus Reviews AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12

“The writing flows naturally with succinct descriptions and a light, yet exciting mood that is created from the beginning.” —School Library Journal

Willow King Chris Platt

Wind Dancer Chris Platt

PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-549-2

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-736-6

Territory: World • All rights available, except Czech club, Finnish club, German club, Hungarian club, Norwegian club, Swedish club

Territory: World • All rights available, except Finnish club, Norwegian club, Swedish club

Can a rescued horse help Ali get through to her brother, who has returned from Afghanistan with PTSD?

With so much at stake, can King and Katie win the race and earn a spot in the prestigious Kentucky Derby?

AR • RC • Lexile GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 8–12

“Readers will quickly come to care about the life-or-death issue at the heart of the story…horse lovers will find plenty to enjoy.” —Booklist

“Horse-crazy readers will find themselves immersed in the racing world, and will root for Willow King and for Katie all the way.” AR • RC • Lexile —Kirkus Reviews GRL I; Gr 1 Ages 8–12

To order these titles in full or custom sets, contact special sales.

“…horse-crazy kids will love it, as always.” —Kirkus Reviews v NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; VOYA Top Shelf Fiction for Middle School Readers Collection Teaching Themes: hard work, horse care and training, patience, sacrifice • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Readers • backlist The Universe of Fair Leslie Bulion Illustrated by Frank Dormer

Leslie Bulion

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-634-5

Random Body Parts

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: text: Dunham Literary / art: Peachtree

Gross Anatomy Riddles in Verse

Leslie Bulion Illustrated by Mike Lowery

For a young science whiz, an eagerly awaited day at the fair turns into a wacky adventure with more twists and loops than the Gravity Whirl ride!

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-737-3

Territory: World • All rights available

“Take a free-form trip through the human body with these humorous riddle poems.” —Publishers Weekly ✎ Teacher’s guide

AR • RC • Lexile GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 8–12 Teaching Themes: responsibility, siblings, community, trust, physics, science

Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 / Poetry / Science Teaching Themes: human anatomy, biology, poetic forms, Shakespeare

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-440-2 PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-576-8

Odd Ocean Critter Poems

Territory: World • All rights available

Leslie Bulion Illustrated by Leslie Evans

Sometimes, breaking the rules is the best thing you can do, especially when the rules don’t allow you to be yourself.

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-565-2

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: text: Dunham Literary / art: Peachtree

AR • Lexile GRL R; Gr 4 Ages 8–12 / Poetry / Nature Teaching Themes: poetry, marine life, exploration, science

v Parents’ Choice Recommended; Bank Street Best Books of the Year; NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 8–12

Grow A Novel in Verse Juanita Havill Illustrated by Stanislawa Kodman

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-365-8 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-485-3

Territory: World • All rights available

How can Jonah explain that he is afraid of what lurks in the dark salt water?

Territory: World • All rights available

A shy girl blossoms as she helps to create a community garden in this empowering and inspiring verse novel.

AR • RC • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 8–12 / Fiction / Poetry Teaching Themes: community, cooperation, gardening, friendship


“Readers will empathize with Nadie’s thought-provoking predicaments and her personal responses as she struggles through the transition from lower to upper elementary school.” —Kirkus Reviews

Uncharted Waters Leslie Bulion

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-441-9 PB $7.95 / 978-1-56145-575-1

“…there’s more than just a message here; there’s a real story…the pages depict the power of working as a community.” —Booklist

v Parents’ Choice Silver Honor; Bank Street Best Books of the Year

The Trouble with Rules Leslie Bulion

At the Sea Floor Café

“Dexterous formal verse about sea creatures pairs with pleasingly abstract block prints in this informative, fun collection.” —Publishers Weekly

“A cheerful and totally entertaining look at fairs, friendship and the value of family.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Realistic details about marine biology research and boat motor mechanics are engaging, and reluctant readers, especially boys, will identify with Jonah.” —School Library Journal AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 8–12

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

Teaching Themes: marine life, boating, honesty • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Middle Readers The Amazing Flight of Darius Frobisher Bill Harley

Bill Harley

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-494-5

Territory: World • All rights available, except Japanese; dramatic author

Charlie Bumpers vs. the Squeaking Skull Bill Harley Illustrated by Adam Gustavson

A young boy’s hopes and an unusual bicycle bring about magical results.

HC: $13.95 / 978-1-56145-808-0 CD: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-809-7

“…[a] pleasant blend of melodrama and fantasy…” —School Library Journal AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 4 Ages 8–12

Territory: World • All rights available; dramatic author

Can Charlie face his fear of horror movies and enjoy Halloween?

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year; VOYA Top Shelf Fiction for Middle School Readers

Teaching Themes: mythology, inventions/inventors, bullies, bicycles, fantasy

AR • RC • Lexile GRL P; Gr 3 Ages 7–10

Night of the Spadefoot Toads Bill Harley

Teaching Themes: facing fears, family, creativity

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-459-4 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-638-3

Charlie Bumpers vs. the Really Nice Gnome Bill Harley Illustrated by Adam Gustavson

Territory: World • All rights available; dramatic author

When his family moves to Massachusetts, Ben finds a kindred spirit in his eccentric science teacher.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL T; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 Teaching Themes: endangered species, bullies, siblings, moving, snakes, toads

HC: $13.95 / 978-1-56145-740-3 CD: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-788-5 PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-831-8

“Harley’s appealing story shows readers that adults and children can connect in meaningful friendships, and reminds them that conservation can begin in their own backyards.” —Kirkus Reviews v Green Earth Book Award

Hide and Seek Katy Grant

Territory: World • All rights available; dramatic author

Charlie is ready to play the bad guy in the class play, but Mrs. Burke has other ideas! AR • RC • Lexile GRL Q; Gr 4 Ages 7–10 Teaching Themes: cooperation, family, responsibility

Territory: World • All rights available

When a teenage boy on a high-tech treasure hunt inadvertently stumbles into the middle of a crime, he finds himself in a dangerous situation that could turn deadly.

AR • RC • Lexile GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12

“…an uncanny sense of elementary school humor…” —Kirkus Reviews v Parents’ Choice Recommended

Charlie Bumpers vs. the Teacher of the Year Bill Harley Illustrated by Adam Gustavson

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-542-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-669-7

“Mystery and adventure propel this readable survival story that will hit the spot with Gary Paulsen’s fans and may also entice reluctant readers.” — School Library Journal

“Charlie’s thoughts and feelings are universal, making his realistic situation a learning experience for more than just the main character.” —Kirkus Reviews

HC: $13.95 / 978-1-56145-732-8 PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-824-0 CD: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-770-0

Territory: World • All rights available; dramatic author

How will Charlie survive a year with the strictest teacher in the whole school? AR • RC • Lexile GRL Q; Gr 4 Ages 7–10 ✎ Teacher’s guide

“…marks a lovely change of pace from the sarcasm of Wimpy Kid.” —Kirkus Reviews v Parents’ Choice Recommended • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Readers • backlist Where in the World Simon French

Rosa Jordan

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-443-3

Territory: US • Rights: Little Hare Books Australia

Lost Goat Lane HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-325-2 / 1-56145-325-0

How is Ari to find his footing in a new country, accept his new stepfather, and leave behind his beloved grandfather?

Territory: World • All rights except Canada, Korean

When Kate meets a middle-class AfricanAmerican family, she becomes aware of the undercurrent of discrimination and prejudice that runs through her community, and the complex roles of race and class in her own relationships.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 8–12

“A tender, satisfying offering.” —School Library Journal

“…[a] thoughtful piece about music, family, and memories.” —Kirkus Reviews AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL X; Gr 6th and up Ages 10 and up

v NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; IBBY Honor List

Featherbys Mary Steele

The Goatnappers

PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-135-7 / 1-56145-135-5

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Hyland House, Australia

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-400-6 / 1-56145-400-1

Territory: World • All rights except Canada

Jess and Sophie decide to investigate the old house called Featherbys. Once they meet the elderly residents, they become fascinated by the old house’s history and determined to return it to its past glory.

Justin struggles with conflicting choices and important decisions about family, loyalty, and responsibility as he decides what his path in life will be.

AR • RC • Lexile GRL S; Gr 4–5 Ages 8–12

“The animal cruelty issues will draw readers, and so will the friendships across race, gender, and age that show the meaning of community.” —Booklist

AR • F&P GRL S; Gr 4 Ages 8–12

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-458-7

Gaff Shan Correa

Territory: World • All rights except Canada

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-526-3

Territory: World • All rights available

Chip discovers something unbelievable in the marshy woods: a family of Florida panthers that have been driven out of their home and dangerously close to human settlement.

Paul has been sheltered from the harsh realities of the ties between his family’s business and the underworld of cockfighting until a friend reminds him of the terrible fate that awaits the roosters.

“…an empowering story of friendship and kids who step up to make a difference.” —School Library Journal


“The conversations and actions…will keep the pages turning throughout this rewarding novel.” —Booklist

O VOYA Top Shelf Fiction for Middle School Readers

The Last Wild Place

AR • RC • Lexile GRL Y; Gr 6th & up Ages 8–12

H School Library Journal

v ASPCA Henry Bergh Young Adult Award; Honor Book, Green Earth Book Award

AR • RC • Lexile GRL Y; Gr 6th & up Ages 8–12

“Reminiscent of Graham Salisbury’s fiction, Correa’s debut is strongly colored by its distinctive regional setting and culture… Paul’s narrative voice is spot-on…” —Booklist • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Middle Readers Anna Casey’s Place in the World HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-249-1 • PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-295-8

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL U; Gr 5 / Ages 8-12 Territory: World / All rights available, except French

“Evocative descriptions bubble up from a deep reality… And places are found, if not the ones both kids thought they wanted.” —Booklist

The Big Nothing HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-326-9 • PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-388-7

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL Y; Gr 6th and up / Ages 8-12 Territory: World / All rights available, except German, Italian, Korean

H “Serious and humorous by turns, this seemingly simple story is actually quite complex but not weighty and will be enthusiastically embraced.” —School Library Journal

Crossing Jordan ✎

Teacher’s guide

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-215-6 • PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-281-1

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL X; Gr 6th and up / Ages 8-12 Territory: World / All rights available, except French, Italian, US/Canada audio

“In this sensitive portrait of black-white relations in a changing neighborhood, Fogelin offers a tactful, evenhanded look at prejudice.” —USA Today

My Brother’s Hero ✎

Teacher’s guide

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-274-3 / 1-56145-274-2 • PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-352-8 / 1-561445-352-8

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL W; Gr 5–6 / Ages 8-12 Territory: World / All rights available, except French

“This story has plenty of action, but it’s the emotional drama, revealed in funny, realistic dialogue and spot-on descriptions, that distinguish the novel.” —School Library Journal

Some Kind of Magic HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-820-2

Lexile • F&P / GRL W; Gr 6 / Ages 8-12 Territory: World / All rights available

“A fine, complex tale of family, friends and magic.” —Kirkus Reviews

The Sorta Sisters HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-424-2 • PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-592-8

Adrian Fogelin’s Neighborhood Novels

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P / GRL U; Gr 5 / Territory: World / All rights available

“A heartfelt story that shows the many factors that create family, friends, and home.” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile GRL Z; Gr 7–8+ Ages 9–12

Summer on the Moon Adrian Fogelin

Sister Spider Knows All Adrian Fogelin

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-626-0 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-785-4

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-290-3 / 1-56145-290-4 PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-386-3

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Japanese

A move from the inner city to an unfinished suburban development turns Socko’s world inside out.

Roxanne uncovers her past and discovers the possibilities for her future.

H“A winsome tale chock-full of strongminded people providing mutual support and well-timed nudges in good directions.” —Booklist

“Fogelin captures the fragility of this unique family with a lot of humor and great characters…” —School Library Journal

v IRA Social Justice Literature Award For The Real Question, see page 82.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 8–12

v Parents’ Choice Recommended

✎ Teacher’s guide • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Middle Readers • backlist

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL V; Gr 5 Ages 8–12 Teaching themes: Islam, Indian culture, faith, popularity, peer pressure

The Garden of My Imaan Farhana Zia

Bravo Zulu, Samantha! Kathleen Benner Duble

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-698-7

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-401-3

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

It’s hard enough to fit in without having to decide whether to fast for Ramadan and wear the hijab.

An independent-minded girl and her crotchety retired grandfather find common ground when they work together to build an airplane.

H“…in this modern homage to Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret, Zia has deep insight into adolescent Muslim life and capably handles diversity within American Islam.” —Publishers Weekly

“…a warm account of a turbulent but strong relationship between a grandfather and granddaughter…” —Kirkus Reviews

v IRA Social Justice Literature Award; Booklist Editors Top 10 Religion Books; Parents’ Choice Recommended; Bank Street Best Books of the Year; Honor Book, South Asia Book Award

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 8–12

Truth and Salsa Linda Lowery

Pretty Like Us Carol Lynch Williams

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-366-5 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-498-3

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-444-0

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

A shy young girl from a close-knit, unconventional family of strong-minded women learns valuable lessons in life and love through a unique friendship.

A spirited young girl must travel far from home to finally find herself. “The writing is engaging, and Lowery has created a strong sense of place…” —School Library Journal AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 8–12

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

“…a lovely story that will reach many middle-school girls.” —Kirkus Reviews AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 8–12

Do You Know the Monkey Man? Dori Hillestad Butler

Yes, I Know the Monkey Man Dori Hillestad Butler

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-340-5

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-479-2

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

T.J. always believed that her twin sister and her mother were dead—because that’s what her father had told her. But Mom and Sam are very much alive.

Samantha’s quest to answer her questions about her past sets in motion a chain of events that change her life forever.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Y; Gr 6th & up Ages 10–14


v IBBY Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities

“Butler has a simplicity of narrative voice that makes the story easy to read while reflecting the often-complex emotions…” —School Library Journal

“…highly readable…” —School Library Journal AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Y; Gr 6th & up Ages 10–14 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Young Adult Misfits, Inc. series

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 10–14 / Mystery

Misfits, Inc. No. 1: The Vanishing Chip Mark Delaney

Misfits, Inc. No. 2: Of Heroes And Villains Mark Delaney

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-176-0 / 1-56145-176-2

PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-178-4

Territory: World • All rights available, except Arabic

Territory: World • All rights available

The Misfits band together to clear Mattie’s grandfather, who has been accused of stealing a million-dollar computer chip.

The Misfits are summoned to a comic book convention, where a villain commits a daring crime.

“…smartly written, the characters are believable, and the action is heartpounding.” —Chicago Tribune

“With a great ensemble cast, appealing villains and heroes, and lots of action and surprises, this is an excellent transitional bridge for reluctant readers from comics to novels.” —Booklist

✎ Teacher’s guide

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 10–14 / Mystery

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 10–14 / Mystery ✎ Teacher’s guide

Misfits, Inc. No. 3: Growler’s Horn Mark Delaney

Misfits, Inc. No. 4: The Kingfisher’s Tale Mark Delaney

PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-206-4

PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-226-2

Territory: World • All rights available, except Arabic

Territory: World • All rights available

What does the note found in Jake’s clarinet mean about the disappearance of a jazz musician and three million dollars?

When the Misfits explore the national forest near Byte’s family cabin, they find themselves in the middle of a terrifying ecological mystery and a looming political scandal.

“This third installment of their adventures will please fans of the series and newcomers alike, with lots of action, sympathetic heroes and intriguing villains. A fun mystery.” —Kliatt

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 10–14 / Mystery

“This suspenseful ecological story will appeal to young mystery fans. Readers who don’t yet know the Misfits will enjoy meeting them….” —Kliatt

Misfits, Inc. No. 5: The Protester’s Song Mark Delaney

Misfits, Inc. No. 6: Hit and Run Mark Delaney

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-244-6 / 1-56145-244-0

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-275-0 / 1-56145-275-0

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except Arabic

The Misfits investigate a thirty-year-old mystery.

What at first seems like a routine investigation quickly turns dangerous as the Misfits find themselves caught in a complicated plot involving a gang-controlled car-theft ring.

“This skillfully woven mystery will have readers looking for further adventures of ‘The Misfits, Inc.’” —School Library Journal AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 10–14 / Mystery

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 10–14 / Mystery

✎ Teacher’s guide

✎ Teacher’s guide • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Young Adult • backlist

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL V; Gr 5 Ages 10–14

AR • RC • Lexile GRL X; Gr 6th & up Ages 11–15

The Brain Finds a Leg Martin Chatterton

The Brain Full of Holes Martin Chatterton

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-503-4

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-527-0

Territory: US and Canada • Rights: Little Hare Books, Australia

Territory: US and Canada • Rights: Little Hare Books, Australia

With a missing human leg and a crocodile who likes to play fetch as clues, Sheldon and The Brain turn detective and uncover a web of evil.

Sheldon and The Brain encounter parallel universes, flying cows, carnivorous cuckoo clocks, and shrinking scientists in this fastpaced adventure that features the silly side of physics.

“Readers shouldn’t expect anything remotely realistic and instead surrender themselves to the industrial-strength zaniness.” —Kirkus Reviews

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 10–14

“…those who like laughs along with a sci-fi influenced mystery will like this.” —Booklist

Hogsty Reef John Dowd

Rare & Endangered John Dowd

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-187-6 / 1-56145-187-8

PB: $5.95 / 978-1-56145-217-0 / 1-56145-217-3

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

Jim and Julia are in for the adventure of a lifetime as they travel to Turks and Caicos to help survey the endangered coral reefs.

Jim and Julia become involved in the search for a missing naturalist, which leads them directly into the hands of poachers.

“This story has many facets to it: danger, adventure, family issues, relationships, ecological concerns, political problems, survival, drug wars, and government concerns. It will appeal to young readers of both sexes.” —Kliatt

“Nature enthusiasts will enjoy the setting, but the real focus here is on the actionpacked adventure…” —School Library Journal AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL X; Gr 6th and up Ages 11–15

Flash Point Sneed B. Collard III

Double Eagle Sneed B. Collard III

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-385-6 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-577-5

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-599-7

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

Mike and Kyle must outrun a hurricane and thieves who will do anything to get their hands on a fortune in Confederate gold!

As wildfires threaten his home, his stepfather’s livelihood, and the raptors he has come to love, Luther struggles to resolve the conflicts within himself and in his community.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Y; Gr 6th & up Ages 12–16

“Environmentally-minded teens will appreciate this look at current issues within a coming-of-age story.” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL X; Gr 6th & up Ages 10–14

“…Mike’s first-person narration moves along quickly, the action spiraling to a climactic confrontation just before a devastating hurricane…” —Kirkus Reviews

Teaching Themes: community conflict, ecology, birds of prey, forest fires, step-parents

80 • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Young Adult Death Mountain Sherry Shahan PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-428-0

My Life and Death by Alexandra Canarsie Susan Heyboer O’Keefe

Territory: World • All rights available

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-387-0

Territory: World • All rights available

An afternoon hike in the Sierra Mountains turns into a struggle for survival.

Allie’s strange new hobby—attending the funerals of strangers—takes an ominous turn when she becomes preoccupied with the death of an adolescent boy.

“A great addition to the adventure-survival genre.” — School Library Journal

“…a strong first offering for young adults.” —School Library Journal

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL U; Gr 5 Ages 10–14

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Y; Gr 6th & up Ages 12–16

Teaching Themes: communication, survival, endurance

✎ Teacher’s guide

Giving Up the Ghost Sheri Sinykin

Pepperland Mark Delaney

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-423-5 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-572-0

HC: $14.95 / 978-156145-317-7 / 1-56145-317-X PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-402-0 / 1-56145-402-8

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

An intriguing supernatural mystery lies at the heart of this mesmerizing tale of a young girl who comes to terms with her fear of death.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL V; Gr 5 Ages 10–14

“Equal parts psychological realism and supernatural thriller, this story about living in the present and conquering fear has teen appeal in spades…” —Kirkus Reviews

✎ Teacher’s guide

Star’s mother has died. When she finds a letter addressed to John Lennon and a vintage guitar, she finds a way out of her grief.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 12–16 ✎ Teacher’s guide

The Glow Stone Ellen Dreyer

Suspect Kristin Wolden Nitz

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-370-2 / 1-56145-370-6

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-543-0

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

The death of her uncle triggers a chain of events that threatens to overwhelm Phoebe and her family.

Jen is drawn into her grandmother’s plans to solve a real mystery from the past involving the disappearance of a beautiful and accomplished young woman—Jen’s own mother.

“Introspective teens should appreciate Phoebe’s hard-won journey to selfacceptance.” —School Library Journal AR • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 12–16

“Delaney’s book will resonate with readers long after they put it down… Star’s pain and healing sends a strong message, and Delaney is the perfect conduit.” —VOYA

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 12–16 / Mystery

“…a darned good little mystery. Intriguing, suspenseful fun.” — Kirkus Reviews

Teaching Themes: geology, Jewish traditions, death and suicide ✎ Teacher’s guide • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Young Adult • backlist S. L. Rottman Hero S. L. Rottman

­ hadow of a Doubt S S. L. Rottman

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-159-3 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-427-3

PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-354-2

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available, except French

When his brother ran away from home, Shadow stopped depending on other people. But now Daniel is back and he stands accused of murder.

Befriended by a WWII veteran, Sean begins his transformation from a lost teen to a confident, hopeful young adult. “A heart-wrenching tale. Buy it.” —VOYA AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL X; Gr 6th & up Ages 12–16

v YALSA Best Books for Young Adults

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 12–16

✎ Teacher’s guide

Out of the Blue S. L. Rottman

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-172-2 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-413-6

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-499-0 PB: $9.95 / 978-1-56145-786-1

Territory: World • All rights available

Territory: World • All rights available

“…a great read.”

Military brat Stu struggles to adjust to life on a new base. Gradually, he becomes aware that something is going on at the neighbor’s house. Should he stay out of it or get involved?

—School Library Journal

v YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers, IRA Young Adult Choices

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z+; Gr 9th & up Ages 12–16

✎ Teacher’s guide

Teaching Themes: academic achievement versus life experience


“The story offers both a realistic interpretation of teenage life on an Air Force base and the teen’s feeling of powerlessness upon witnessing child abuse—both physical and verbal—in action.” —School Library Journal

The Real Question Adrian Fogelin

Head Above Water S. L. Rottman

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-383-2 PB: $7.95 / 978-1-56145-501-0

HC: $14.95 / 978-1-56145-185-2 / 1-56145-185-1 PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-238-5 / 1-56145-238-6

Territory: World • All rights available, except Korean

Territory: World • All rights available

Skye struggles to balance many challenges, including caring for her brother with Down syndrome and dealing with her boyfriend’s aggressive advances.

Fish tries to escape his responsibilities, and gains a new understanding of his commitments to others.

AR GRL Z; Gr 7th and up Ages 12–16

v IRA Young Adult Choices; YALSA Popular Paperbacks

Rough Waters S. L. Rottman

A crisis on the river may save Scott and Gregg from losing the only family they have left.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Y; Gr 6th & up Ages 12–16

“A thought-provoking novel that highlights the difficulties and rewards of second chances and new beginnings.” —Booklist

“Readers will empathize with the engaging young man who, without a guidebook, sorts through life’s real questions.” —Kirkus Reviews

“…compelling and believable.” —Booklist AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z+; Gr 9th & up Ages 12–16

v YALSA Best Books for Young Adults

✎ Teacher’s guide • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909

backlist • Young Adult This Girl Is Different J. J. Johnson

The Theory of Everything J.J. Johnson

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-578-2 PB: $9.95 / 978-1-56145-700-7

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-623-9

Territory: World • Rights: Peachtree / audio: Curtis Brown • All rights available, except Spanish, Portugese

Territory: World • Rights: Peachtree / audio: Curtis Brown • All rights available, except Croatian, French, German, Korean

When Sarah’s best friend died, everyone was sad; now they’re just ready for Sarah to move on. But Sarah’s not ready.

Homeschooled by her counterculture mother, Evie decides to spend her senior year in public school.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Z+; Gr 9th & up Ages 12–16 Teaching Themes: free speech, responsibility, injustice, bullies

AR • F&P GRL W; Gr 6 Ages 12–16 Teaching Themes: bullying

“Readers will never look at high school— or life—the same.” —Kirkus Reviews v Parents’ Choice Silver Honor; Bank Street Best Books of the Year; Amelia Bloomer Project

AR • RC • Lexile GRL Z+; Gr 9th and up Ages 12–16 Teaching Themes: friendship, grief, connections, recovery

Life in Outer Space Melissa Keil

PB: $6.95 / 978-1-56145-315-3 / 1-56145-315-3

HC: $16.95 / 978-1-56145-742-7

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Poolbeg Press, Ireland

Territory: US & Canada • Rights: Hardie Grant Egmont, Australia

Charlie learns that her individuality is also her strength, and that she holds the power to change her destiny.

Sam Kinnison is determined to ignore new girl Camilla Carter, but she has other plans.

“…a masterful portrait of children’s torment of other children and the bleak emotional landscape of a desperate young teen…an extraordinary tale about the power that bullies wield, a bit reminiscent of Cormier’s Chocolate War.” —Booklist

AR • RC • Lexile GRL Z+; Gr 9th and up Ages 12–16

Territory: World • All rights available


v YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults; Parents’ Choice Silver Honor Award

PB: $9.95 / 978-1-56145-296-5

Against his family’s wishes, Sam joins the Confederate Navy and learns that honor can be a smokescreen for arrogance and pride. “…well-told and firmly in the tradition of a war story in which the protagonist joins a cause and returns broken and embittered, wondering how anyone believed in the glories of battle and patriotic rhetoric.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Much like a John Hughes movie, this is a humorous, heartfelt and angst-y romance with the potential to break the gender barrier.” —Kirkus Reviews

Eleanor’s Story An American Girl in Hitler’s Germany Eleanor Ramrath Garner

HC: $15.95 / 978-1-56145-384-9 / 1-56145-384-6

Teaching Themes: courage and cowardice, motivation behind war, family bonds

v Bank Street Best Books of the Year; CCBC Choices

Charlie’s Story Maeve Friel

The Passage James Killgore

AR • F&P GRL Z; Gr 7th & up Ages 12–16 / Historical fiction

H“Readers will easily relate to Sarah’s use of cynicism as a defense mechanism—her sharp-witted voice sets the tone for a story that’s truly tragicomic.” —Publishers Weekly

Territory: World • All rights available, except complex Chinese

The dramatic autobiography of a young American girl trapped in Berlin during World War II.

AR • RC • Lexile • F&P GRL Y; Gr 6th & up Ages 12–16 / History / Memoir Teaching Themes: Europe during WWII, coming of age, memoir ✎ Teacher’s guide

H “…a must-have memoir about an aspect of wartime survival not often written about in children’s literature.” —Booklist v IRA / CBC Children’s Book Award; IRA Teachers’ Choices; IRA Young Adults’ Choices; NCSS/CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People; YALSA Best Books for Young Adults • phone 800.241.0113 / 404.876.8761 • fax 800.875.8909


Index Many of our titles have been leveled or are part of programs such as Accelerated Reader and Reading Counts. Visit our website to find specific information for each title: In this catalog, abbreviations found with each title indicate the following: AR: Accelerated Reader RC: Reading Counts Lexile: Lexile leveling F&P: Fountas & Pinnell leveling Categories

Audio – 10–11, 57, 75 Big books – 38 Bilingual and Spanish language – 28–29 Biography – 14–16, 61, 67 Board books – 29 History and historical fiction – 9, 14–17, 56–57, 59–61, 65–70 Holiday – 53–55 Illustrated chapter books – 6–7, 9, 13, 57 Memoir – 57, 67 Middle reader fiction – 6–7, 9–13, 57, 64–78 Middle reader nonfiction – 4–5, 67, 70 Mystery – 68, 79 Nature – 22–23 , 38–45 Picture books – 14–28, 30–63 Plush – 33, 56 Poetry – 74 Series – 9–13, 22–23, 26–29, 32–33, 40–43, 63–66, 68, 70–71, 75, 77, 79 Sports – 12, 70–72 Young adult fiction – 2–3, 8, 79–83 Young adult nonfiction – 83

Authors and Illustrators

Adams, Diane – 34, 37 Akin, Sara Laux – 37 Alcorn, Stephen – 16, 61 Amoss, John – 63 Antoine, Heloise – 32 Applegate, Stan – 66 Argent, Kerry – 35 Ashby, Ruth – 67 Ashford, Ann – 62 Austin, Michael – 28, 49, 52, 54, 56–57 Ayliffe, Alex – 35 Ayto, Russell – 46–47, 54 Bachem, Paul – 66, 68 Banks, Sara Harrell – 67 Bartlett, Alison – 42 Batten, Mary – 44 Bauer, Louisa – 64 Bayley, Nicola ¬– 47 Beardshaw, Rosalind – 30 Bedford, David – 24, 36 Bee, William – 26–27, 32 Bergum, Constance R. – 42, 53, 60 Bernatene, Poly – 55 Blake, Quentin – 46, 55 Blumenthal, Deborah – 62 Blyth, Eileen – 55 Bolam, Emily – 24, 36 Bond, Higgins – 43–44


Bonsignore, Joan – 42 Bootman, Colin – 17, 59 Bottner, Barbara – 37, 51 Bouchard, David – 60 Bowen, Fred – 12, 71 Braun, Sebastien – 30 Brooks, S. G. – 49 Brown, Ken – 25, 35 Buchanan, Jane – 62 Bulion, Leslie – 74 Burgess, Mark – 54 Butcher, Nancy – 67 Butler, Dori Hillestad – 72, 78 Butler, John – 29, 31–32, 39 Bynum, Janie – 30 Capeci, Anne – 68 Casale, Paul – 68, 69 Cave, Kathryn – 63 Chaconas, Dori – 60 Chatterton, Martin – 80 Cole, Henry – 28, 49, 53 Collard III, Sneed B. – 65, 80 Correa, Shan – 76 Cowles, Rose – 50 Crunk, Tony – 49 Deedy, Carmen Agra – 28, 56–57 deGennaro, Sue – 48 Delaney, Mark – 79, 81 Dormer, Frank – 74 Dowd, John – 80 Doyle, Beverly – 44 Doyle, Malachy – 50 Drath, Bill – 62 Dray, Philip – 61 Dreyer, Ellen – 81 Duble, Kathleen Benner – 78 Duke, Shirley Smith – 37 Duranceau, Suzanne – 67 Ebbeler, Jeffrey – 21, 58 Emmett, Jonathan – 55 Evans, Leslie – 74 Farnsworth, Bill – 60 Faulkner, Matt – 54 Findley, Ron J. – 70 Fitzgerald, Gerald – 59 Fleming, Sibley – 63 Fogelin, Adrian – 77, 82 French, Simon – 76 Friel, Maeve – 83 Galbraith, Kathryn O. – 32, 45 Garner, Eleanor Ramrath – 83 Garrity, Jennifer Johnson – 68 Gayton, Sam – 6–7 Ginkel, Anne – 30 Godon, Ingrid – 32 Gonzalez, Thomas – 28, 45, 56–57, 62

Goodell, Jon – 49 Gorman, Carol – 70 Gove, Doris – 39 Grant, Katy – 75 Grindley, Sally – 30, 39 Gustavson, Adam – 10–11, 52–53, 55, 61, 62, 75 Halperin, Wendy Anderson – 45 Hammer, Loretta Johnson – 69 Harley, Bill – 10–11, 52, 75 Harris, John – 55 Hart, Alison – 9, 66, 70 Hartung, Susan Kathleen – 37 Havill, Juanita – 74 Hayashi, Nancy – 37, 51–52 Heelan, Jamee Riggio – 63 Henrichs, Wendy – 50 Hess, Paul – 50 Hindley, Judy – 42 Hobbs, Leigh – 46 Hopkins, Jackie Mims – 28, 49 Hopkinson, Deborah – 16, 61 Horse, Harry – 29, 33, 64 Huang, Zhoang-Yang – 60 Huling, Jan – 48 Hunt, Robert – 67 Hyland, Hilary – 65 Idle, Molly – 49 Isherwood, Shirley – 51 Jaeggi,Yoshiko – 50, 58 Jenkins, Leonard – 61 Johnson, J. J. – 2–3, 8, 83 Jordan, Rosa – 76 Karwoski, Gail Langer – 69 Kay, Terry – 55 Keep, Richard – 54 Keil, Melissa – 83 Kelly, Mij – 47 Killgore, James – 83 Kimmelman, Leslie – 61 Kittinger, Jo S. – 62 Kodman, Stanislawa – 74 Krasner, Steven – 72 Laird, Elizabeth – 30 Laminack, Lester L. – 53 Lamut, Sonja – 59 Latimer, Alex – 18–19, 48 Leplar, Anna C. – 51 Lepp, Bil – 50 Levinson, Cynthia – 4–5, 70 Lewin, Ted – 60 Littlewood, Karin – 50 Loewer, Jean – 42 Loewer, Peter – 42 Lord, Janet – 36 Lord, Leonie – 47

Love, Judy – 53 Lowery, Linda – 78 Lowery, Mike – 74 Luthardt, Kevin – 34 MacRae, Tom – 47 Mai-Wyss, Tatjana – 39, 51 Maland, Nick – 63 Mallory, Marilynn H. – 39 Markle, Sandra – 45 Mattheson, Jenny – 37 Mayer, Bill – 54 McCord, Kathi Garry – 53 McCormick, Wendy – 63 McCutcheon, John – 55 McGeorge, Constance W. – 60 Menk, James – 64 Mewburn, Kyle – 51 Middleton, Julie – 46 Montgomery, Michael G. – 9, 45, 55, 61, 66, 67 Moon, Nicola – 35 Moore, Cyd – 45, 51 Morris, Carla – 52 Moser, Barry – 57 Murail, Elvire – 55 Murail, Marie-Aude – 55 Murphy, Claire Rudolf – 61 Naiyomah, Wilson Kimeli – 28, 56–57 Neely, Keith – 72 Nitz, Kristin Wolden – 64, 72, 81 O’Callahan, Jay – 58, 60 Odriozola, Elena – 47 O’Keefe, Susan Heyboer – 81 Oliphant, Manelle – 29 O’Reilly, John – 51 Papp, Robert – 69 Paschkis, Julie – 36 Patten, Brian – 47 Perkins, Maripat – 49 Pichon, Liz – 30 Platt, Chris – 73 Posey, Lee – 45 Rae, Jennifer – 50 Raine, Patricia – 60 Randall, Alison L. – 60 Ransom, Jeanie Franz – 51 Rappoport, Ken – 72 Ratterree, Alice – 6–7 Reiss, Mike – 52, 55 Riley-Webb, Charlotte – 62 Riordan, James – 35 Robinson, Michelle – 47 Rockliff, Mara – 50 Rodman, Mary Ann – 39, 52 Rottman, S. L. – 82 Ruelle, Karen Gray – 30 • phone 800.241.0113 • fax 800.875.8909

Index Russell, Krista – 69 Russell, Natalie – 47 Sandu, Anca – 46 Santini, Debrah – 57–58, 63 Savitz, Harriet May – 47 Schnitzlein, Danny – 54 Schuett, Stacy – 61 Seeley, Laura L. – 28, 32, 57, 62 Shahan, Sherry – 51, 81 Sheth, Kashmira – 21, 58 Shortsleeve, Kevin – 54 Sill, Cathryn – 22–23, 28, 40–41 Sill, John – 22–23, 28, 40–41 Simmonds, Nicola – 63 Singh, Jen – 67 Sinykin, Sheri – 62, 81 Smith, Alex T. – 13, 65 Sneed, Brad – 20, 52 Soentpiet, Chris – 53 Sørensen, Henri – 48, 55–56, 59 Spiegel, Beth – 37, 52 Spurr, Elizabeth – 29 Steele, Mary – 76 Stewart, Dawn Lesley – 51 Stewart, Melissa – 42–43 Stockdale, Susan – 28–29, 38 St. Pierre, Stephanie – 44 Swarner, Kristina – 62 Sylvada, Peter – 45 Tate, Don – 14–15 Teo, Ali – 51 Thomas, Patricia – 45 Tiller, Ruth – 62, 63 Turner, Nancy Byrd – 58

Back to Bed, Ed! – 30 Bark Park – 30 Beautiful Bananas – 30 Bedtime in the Jungle – 31 Believarexic – 2–3 Beneath the Sun – 42 The Big Nothing – 77 The Blue House Dog – 62 The Book of Shadowboxes – 32 The Boy Who Cried Ninja – 48 The Boy Who Thought He Was a Teddy Bear – 30 The Boy Who Was Raised by Librarians – 52 The Brain Finds a Leg – 80 The Brain Full of Holes – 80 Bravo Zulu, Samantha! – 78 Bring On the Birds – 29, 38 The Bushwhacker – 68 Butterfly Tree – 45

Uhlberg, Myron – 17, 59 Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth – 61 Varley, Susan – 30, 36 Verrico, Susan – 70 Waddell, Martin – 36 Walton, Rick – 20, 52 Ward, John T. – 42 Watling, James – 66, 69 Wenzel, David T. – 50 Weston, Elise – 68 Wheeler, Eliza – 50 White, Michael P. – 51, 56 Whyte, Mary – 60 Wild, Margaret – 35 Williams, Carol Lynch – 78 Williams, Sophy – 63 Willis, Jeanne – 30 Wilson, Tony – 48 Wolff, Ferida – 47 Wong, Li Keng – 67 Wright, Randall – 57 Wu, Leslie – 45 Zia, Farhana – 78


About Fish – 41 About Habitats: Deserts – 40 About Habitats: Forests – 40 About Habitats: Grasslands – 40 About Habitats: Mountains – 40 About Habitats: Oceans – 40 About Habitats: Polar Regions – 22 About Habitats: Wetlands – 40 About Hummingbirds – 41 About Insects – 23, 41 About Insects / Sobre los Insectos – 23 About Mammals – 41 About Mammals / Sobre los mamiferos – 28 About Marsupials – 41 About Mollusks – 41 About Parrots – 41 About Penguins – 41 About Raptors – 41 About Reptiles – 41 About Rodents – 41 Agatha’s Feather Bed – 57 Albert the Fix-it Man – 36 Aliens from Earth – 44 The Amazing Flight of Darius Frobisher – 75 The Amazing Mr. Franklin – 67 Anna Casey’s Place in the World – 77 Anna’s Blizzard – 66 Arbor Day Square – 45 Are the Dinosaurs Dead, Dad? – 46 Astra – 73 At the Beach – 29 At the Sea Floor Café – 74

About Amphibians – 41 About Arachnids – 41 About Birds – 41 About Birds / Sobre los pájaros – 28 About Crustaceans – 41

Camp K-9 – 52 Can I Come Too? – 47 Can You Cuddle Like a Koala? – 29, 31 Can You Growl Like a Bear? – 29, 31 Can You Hear a Rainbow? – 63 Captain Small Pig – 36 Carry Me! – 38 The Cascade Mountain Railroad Mysteries #1 – 68 The Cascade Mountain Railroad Mysteries #2 – 68 The Cascade Mountain Railroad Mysteries #3 – 68

The Cascade Mountain Railroad Mysteries #4 – 68 Cats Vanish Slowly – 62 Charlie Bumpers vs. the Perfect Little Turkey – 10 Charlie Bumpers vs. the Really Nice Gnome – 75 Charlie Bumpers vs. the Squeaking Skull – 11, 75 Charlie Bumpers vs. the Teacher of the Year – 75 Charlie’s Story – 83 Chasing the Nightbird – 69 The Cheshire Cheese Cat – 57 Chestnut – 60 Christmas in the Trenches – 55 Churchill’s Tale of Tails – 46 Clatter Bash! – 54 Claude at the Beach – 65 Claude at the Circus – 65 Claude in the City – 65 Claude in the Spotlight – 13 Claude on the Slopes – 65 The Coastwatcher – 68 Un colchón de plumas para Agata – 57 The Copy Crocs – 24, 36 Crossing Jordan – 77 Curious Kids Go on Vacation – 32 Dad, Jackie, and Me – 59 Dancing with Katya – 60 Darling, Mercy Dog of World War I – 66 Death Mountain – 81 Defending Irene – 72 The Devil’s Highway – 66 Ding Dong! Gorilla! – 47 Do You Know the Monkey Man? – 78 Dog Sense – 65 Double Eagle – 80 Double Reverse – 71 The Dragon New Year – 60 Dugout Rivals – 71 Eleanor’s Story – 83 Emma’s River – 66 The Everlasting Now – 67 Fabulous Fishes – 29, 38 Featherbys – 76 The Final Cut – 71 Finder, Coal Mine Dog – 9 Firefly Mountain – 45 First Dog Fala – 61 First Grade Stinks! – 52 Flash Point – 80 Flora the Frog – 51 Flying! – 34 Flying Over Brooklyn – 59 14 Cows for America – 56 14 vacas para américa – 28, 57 Full Court Fever – 71 Gabriel’s Horses – 70 Gabriel’s Journey – 70 Gabriel’s Triumph – 70 Gaff – 76 The Garden of My Imaan – 78 Gilbert de la Frogponde – 50 Giving Up the Ghost – 81

The Glow Stone – 81 Go for the Goal! – 71 The Goatnappers – 76 The Gold Miner’s Daughter – 49 The Golden Glove – 71 Good Fortune – 67 Grow – 74 Growing Up Cuban in Decatur, Georgia – 57 The Grudge Keeper – 50 Hardcourt Comeback – 71 Harriet’s Horrible Hair Day – 51 Head Above Water – 82 Hero – 82 Hey, Daddy! – 44 Hide and Seek – 75 Hogsty Reef – 80 The Horned Toad Prince – 49 The House on Dirty-third Street – 62 How to Rock Your Baby – 63 Hungry! Hungry! Hungry! – 50 Hush, Little Ones – 29, 31 I Am Tama, Lucky Cat – 50 I Can Do It Myself! – 37 If I Found a Wistful Unicorn – 62 If You See a Kitten – 31 Immi’s Gift – 50 In the Garden – 29 In the Woods – 29 It Can’t Be Done, Nellie Bly! – 67 I’ve Got an Elephant – 30 I Want to Help! – 37 Jake’s 100th Day of School – 53 Jingle Bells – 55 Keep On! – 16, 61 The Kid Coach – 71 The King of Little Things – 50 Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck! – 51 Ladies First – 72 La gallinita de la pradera – 28 Larabee – 34 The Last Castaways – 64 The Last Cowboys – 64 The Last Dance – 57 The Last Gold Diggers – 64 The Last Polar Bears – 64 The Last Wild Place – 76 Late for School – 52 Lemuel the Fool – 59 The Library Dragon – 56 The Library Dragon flip doll – 56 Life in Outer Space – 83 Lillian’s Fish – 64 Lilliput – 6–7 Lion vs. Rabbit – 48 Little Elephant Thunderfoot – 39 Little Rabbit Goes to School – 33 Little Rabbit Lost – 29, 33 Little Rabbit plush – 33 Little Rabbit Runaway – 33 Little Rabbit’s Christmas – 33 Little Rabbit’s New Baby – 33 Little Sibu – 39 Lost and Found – 52 Lost for Words – 47 • phone 800.241.0113 • fax 800.875.8909


Index Lost Goat Lane – 76 Loveykins – 46 The Making of My Special Hand – 63 Marching with Aunt Susan – 61 Martina the Beautiful Cockroach – 56 Martina una cucharachita muy linda – 28, 57 Mind Your Manners, Alice Roosevelt! – 61 Misfits, Inc. No. 1 – 79 Misfits, Inc. No. 2 – 79 Misfits, Inc. No. 3 – 79 Misfits, Inc. No. 4 – 79 Misfits, Inc. No. 5 – 79 Misfits, Inc. No. 6 – 79 Monsoon Afternoon – 58 The Monster Who Ate My Peas – 54 The Monster Who Did My Math – 54 Moon Shadow – 73 The Moonflower – 42 Mooshka, A Quilt Story – 36 Mr. President Goes to School – 20, 52 Mrs. Armitage, Queen of the Road – 46 Murphy, Gold Rush Dog – 66 My Brother’s Hero – 77 My Dadima Wears a Sari – 58 My Gr-r-r-reat Uncle Tiger – 35 My Life and Death by Alexandra Canarsie – 81 My Mother Talks to Trees – 39 Natchez Under-the-Hill – 66 Night of the Spadefoot Toads – 75 Night Rabbits – 45 The Night You Were Born – 63 Nighty Night! – 35 No Bows! – 37 Off the Rim – 71 Ol’ Bloo’s Boogie-Woogie Band and Blues Ensemble – 48 Old Tom, Man of Mystery – 46 Old Tom’s Holiday – 46 On the Line – 71 One More Sheep – 47 The Opposite – 47 Orange Cheeks – 60 The Other Side of Free – 69 Out of Bounds – 12 Out of the Blue – 82

The Passage – 83 Peep! – 34 Penguin’s Hidden Talent – 48 Pennies in a Jar – 60 Pepperland – 81 Perfect Game – 71 Pi-shu the Little Panda – 39 Pig and Small – 48 A Place for Bats – 43 A Place for Birds – 43 A Place for Butterflies – 43 A Place for Fish – 43 A Place for Frogs – 43 A Place for Turtles – 43 Planting the Wild Garden – 45 Play Ball Like the Hall of Famers – 72 Play Ball Like the Pros – 72 Playoff Dreams – 71 Please Don’t Wake the Animals – 44 Poet: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton – 14–15 Polar Star – 39 Prairie Chicken Little – 49 Pretty Like Us – 78 The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas – 48 The Printer – 59 Privateer’s Apprentice – 70 Profiles in Sports Courage – 72 P. Zonka Lays an Egg – 36 Quake! – 69 Quarterback Season – 71 Railroad John and the Red Rock Run – 49 Random Body Parts – 74 Rare and Endangered – 80 Raymond and Nelda – 51 Real Hoops – 71 The Real Question – 82 Return of the Library Dragon – 56 Rocket Man – 67 Rodeo Red – 49 Rolling Along – 63 Rosa’s Room – 37 Rough Waters – 82 Santa’s Eleven Months Off – 55 Santa’s Last Present – 55 The Santa Trap – 55 Saturdays and Teacakes – 53 Saving the Griffin – 64

Peachtree Publishers is a member of the Children’s Book Council, a nonprofit trade organization that encourages the use and enjoyment of books and related literacy materials for young people.

The Scarecrow’s Hat – 35 SeaMan – 69 The Secret of Old Zeb – 56 Seed Magic – 62 Shadow of a Doubt – 82 Sister Spider Knows All – 77 Sliding into Home – 72 Snow Day! – 53 Soccer Team Upset – 71 Some Kind of Magic – 77 Something Special – 35 Sona and the Wedding Game – 58 The Sorta Sisters – 77 Spectacular Spots – 38 Stanley’s Diner – 26 Stanley’s Garage – 27, 32 Stanley’s Store – 27 Stanley the Builder – 27, 32 Stanley the Farmer –27, 32 Stanley the Mailman – 27 Star Gazer – 73 Stay! A Top Dog Story – 18–19 Stick Out Your Tongue! – 42 A Storm Called Katrina – 17, 59 Storm Chaser – 73 The Story Blanket – 47 Stripes of All Types – 38 Stripes of All Types / Rayas de todas las tallas – 28–29 Stumptown Kid – 70 Summer on the Moon – 77 The Sunsets of Miss Olivia Wiggins – 53 Surviving Jamestown – 69 Suspect – 81 Sweet Land of Liberty – 61 T. J.’s Secret Pitch – 71 Ten Bright Eyes – 42 Ten in the Den – 31 Ten in the Meadow – 31 That’s Not How You Play Soccer, Daddy! – 51 The Theory of Everything – 8, 83 13 Monsters Who Should Be Avoided – 54 This Girl Is Different – 83 The Three Armadillies Tuff – 49 Three Hens and a Peacock – 53 Three Scoops and a Fig – 37 Throwing Heat – 71 Tiger in My Soup – 21, 58 Toad Weather – 45

To Whom the Angel Spoke – 55 Touchdown Trouble – 71 A Tree for Emmy – 39 The Tree That Owns Itself – 69 Trevor’s Wiggly-Wobbly Tooth – 53 Trick or Treat on Monster Street – 54 The Trouble with Rules – 74 Truth and Salsa – 78 Tulips – 58 Un colchón de plumas para Agata – 28 Uncharted Waters – 74 Under the Snow – 42 The Universe of Fair – 74 Watch Out for Flying Kids – 4–5 We’ve Got a Job – 70 What Do Parents Do? (When You’re Not Home) – 51 What the Sea Saw – 44 What’s the Time, Grandma Wolf? – 25, 35 The Wheat Doll – 60 When Edgar Met Cecil – 34 When Rain Falls – 42 When Young Melissa Sweeps – 58 Where in the World – 76 Where Is Baby? – 32 Where Is Catkin? – 36 Where Teddy Bears Come From – 54 While You Were Sleeping – 29, 31 Who Has a Belly Button? – 44 Who Is It? – 30 Willow King – 73 Wind Dancer – 73 Winners Take All – 71 Wishing – 63 The Wreck of the Ethie – 65 The Yellow Star – 56 Yes, I Know the Monkey Man – 78 Young Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle – 67 Yours for Justice, Ida B. Wells – 61 You’ve Got Dragons – 63 Zayde Comes to Live – 62 Zoom! – 34

To view our full catalog online, visit

Our books from the current and immediately preceding year are available for examination at the CBC Library, 504 West 39th Street, New York, NY 10018. The library is open to the public from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Thursday, and 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM on Friday.

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Watch Out for Flying Kids!








The Theory of Everything




Finder, Coal Mine Dog




Charlie Bumpers vs. the Perfect Little Turkey




Charlie Bumpers vs. the Perfect Little Turkey




Charlie Bumpers vs. the Squeaking Skull




Out of Bounds




Out of Bounds




Claude in the Spotlight








Keep On!




A Storm Called Katrina








Mr. President Goes to School




Tiger in My Soup




About Habitats: Polar Regions




About Insects, revised edition




About Insects, revised edition




About Insects / Sobre los insectos




The Copy Crocs




What’s the Time, Grandma Wolf?




Stanley’s Diner




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Lilliput By Sam Gayton See pages 6–7

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