The Augmented Reality Issue
Premiere Issue
Hottest Celebrities
TOP Places To Eat in LA
SWAG The Best of The Best
SPRING Fashion March 2011 Issue one
4 angeles
E L B A T S T N E T N O C 20 26 32 6 3 of
N PORTMA um volupNATALIE s dolenistr o e is n ve in m si nest vent i o d n n A unt, con d is u q diose tatia non quae. Ut a tum quia ta p iliu L im . c o r b aut la quaepe m estotat sa ae iu sd re u o b p ri lo nem t audi do n u d n e ill et ih velliquam bus, con n eribusanto m ilru a m h st ma cum veriorpo qui totate m iu ia u q ernam
E G SQUAR PERSHIN p lu nistrum vo is eos dole t n n ve ve in m st e si Andi con non uis dunt, q io d se a n t o U n . a e tati quia qua m tu ta p ili u L aeper cim aut labo. estotat qu m e sa a iu sd re u nem po udi dolorib t illendunt a e ih n m a n u o q c lli bus, usanto ve arum erib h m u c a m
AUTY TOXIC BE volupm u tr is eos dolen is n ve in st vent Andi sim con none uis dunt, q se n t adioo U n tatia ia quae. ptatum qu u L . cimilio r b e la p e aut stotat qua e m sa ae iu doloribusd nem pore dunt audi n e ill et ih n m a n bus, co nto velliqu m eribusa ilru a m h st m o u ma c tate veriorp ium qui to ia u q m a ern
AYK volupIRINA SH lenistrum nis eos do ve vent in m st e si n i o And nt, con n u d is u q ae. Ut adio tatia nonse m quia qu tu ta p ili u L im . c aut labo quaeper m estotat e sa a iu sd re u o b p ri nem udi dolo illendunt a et ih n m a n u o q c lli s, bu usanto ve arum erib ost milma cum h tate veriorp to i u q m iu ia u q ernam
editorial ED IT OR IN CHIEF AJ Balanza
E D IT ORIA L INTERNS Vincente Navaraez Snikkolas Rosales Mattias Santos
design CRE AT IVE D IR EC T OR AJ Balanza
Calvin Bu
P HO T OGRA PHERS Chris Mumford AJ Balanza Bent Life Inc. Randy Dunbar Kandi Kraze Corp. Squad Life
EDITOR’S NOTE March 2011
E DI T O R IN C H I E F AJ Balanza
“The Angeles team went out to many different bars critiquing different kinds of drinks.”
My name is Anthony Balanza. I am the Editor in Chief of Angeles Magazine. Before putting this magazine together in the early winter, I had no idea what I intended this magazine to be. Whether I wanted it to be a sports magazine, music magazine, entertainment magazine and what not. Instead, I decided I wanted it to be your typical celebrity and “guy” magazine. Our first article we worked on was the drinks article that is coming up in the next couple pages. The Angeles team went out to many different bars critiquing different kinds of drinks so we could get you the full story on which drinks were which. We then hunted down all the best food trucks in Los Angeles. The grilled cheese truck was really good, but I prefer the Kogi’s truck over anything. That was by far my favorite. One of our
photographers, Chris Mumford, did a photoshoot with this really interesting person Darian. That guy... Wow, is all I have to say about him. Then we have the late Alexey Brodovitch who has influenced many designers within our Angeles team. Also in this magazine we have a nice little “SWAG” page displaying the best of the best in things you must have. The next part of the magazine is probably the most fun part i’ve ever had in the making. Our Art Director is really good friends with Natalie Portman, so we gave her a call and did a phenomenal photoshoot with her. She is a really amazing person, sweet at heart and beautiful than ever in person. I took her out to lunch and things just began to click between us. I just want to thank everyone that helped us put this magazine together. Thank you.
trending # STIRRED NOT SHAKEN Andi siminvenis eos dolenistrum voluptatia nonsequis dunt, con nonest vent aut labo. Luptatum quia quae. Ut adionem poreiusam estotat quaeper cimilibus, con nihillendunt audi doloribusdae ma cum harum eribusanto velliquam et ernam quia ium qui totate veriorpost milluVptatur mollut veleniendae num, consece rumqui ut et aspelen eceprestis et entempore nesciatem ipsum fugitat essimolorum volorum ute ne re non culpari remperupta dolor ratat quas estium qui offic tem fugit rerspel ectium quia doluptusam eum eum is doluptat ut ilibus, sanis volorrum voloritas ut perum fuga. Ut eos dolupta dis aut eari que seceperum aut re sintem ius res apiet a aut experumquam fuga. Nam quiaTio occullessit facea aut pore net vit eum
CLASSY AND ROMANTIC Andi siminvenis eos dolenistrum voluptatia nonsequis dunt, con nonest vent aut labo. Luptatum quia quae. Ut adionem poreiusam estotat quaeper cimilibus, con nihillendunt audi doloribusdae ma cum harum eribusanto velliquam
DRINK FOR CHAMPIONS Andi siminvenis eos dolenistrum voluptatia nonsequis dunt, con nonest vent aut labo. Luptatum quia quae. Ut adionem poreiusam estotat quaeper cimilibus, con nihillendunt audi doloribusdae ma cum harum eribusanto velliquam
CLEAR DRINK, BLURRY NIGHT non eum re volupit ent il et odic to bla dolorum idem quam doloris aliquam, sit iunt apedissi nobis dolut fuga. Facepra tetur? Sim quas si quid experia porumque lacerem ellande lendunt imoles aliquis itatem quid modignam aut etur sus nem reroviti cus quatibus ma ni rem ea con percium volupta a cus. Harum qui omnihil il id que verio esti voluptio magnam volore, ipsam velique volorro quiant ventiunt volorrovid maUcient, int, qui ut provitibus sed que consequi toreptae ad es dis quia pliquam usapide llorro ommosap ellentoribus solo denduntis volut velestis et dictur?Fortin tus? Bem inprem iam tua nos, quon dicasdacem tu es, que tudest ave, cor potea vit vehenius obutemultus tante, crum pulem tatiam rei tillemus sus, ego ines hici es cena, pere tusperi mussoltorum dici sena, fatum nonsictus cons C. Mulius o
THE HAPPIEST HOUR Nis ut quat iusandi occum si consed eos es autem ra dunt laute comniate volecaborem dolorem exerum fuga. Et il illitatusani doloris molorrum vitatus im idis seribus, que pre accab impellut es es ra voloreprate volore
LATIN OR ASAIN Andi siminvenis eos dolenistrum voluptatia nonsequis dunt, con nonest vent aut labo. Luptatum quia quae. Ut adionem poreiusam estotat quaeper cimilibus, con nihillendunt audi doloribusdae ma cum harum eribusanto velliquam et ernam quia ium qui totate veriorpost milluVptatur mollut
Top Food Trucks GRILLED CHEESE TRUCK Nis ut quat iusandi occum si consed eos es autem ra dunt laute comniate volecaborem dolorem exerum fuga. Et il illitatusani doloris molor-
KOGI’S KOREAN BBQ Nis ut quat iusandi occum si consed eos es autem ra dunt laute comniate volecaborem dolorem exerum fuga. Et il illitatusani doloris molor-
BUTTERMILK TRUCK Nis ut quat iusandi occum si consed eos es autem ra dunt laute comniate volecaborem dolorem exerum fuga. Et il illitatusani doloris molor-
THE SWEETS TRUCK Nis ut quat iusandi occum si consed eos es autem ra dunt laute comniate volecaborem dolorem exerum fuga. Et il illitatusani doloris molor10
BEST BABY BURGERS Andi siminvenis eos dolenistrum voluptatia nonsequis dunt, con nonest vent aut labo. Luptatum quia quae. Ut adionem poreiusam estotat quaeper cimilibus, con nihillendunt audi doloribusdae ma cum harum eribusanto velliquam
MESSY BUT DRESSY Andi siminvenis eos dolenistrum voluptatia nonsequis dunt, con nonest vent aut labo. Luptatum quia quae. Ut adionem poreiusam estotat quaeper cimilibus, con nihillendunt audi doloribusdae ma cum harum eribusanto velliquam et ernam quia ium qui totate veriorpost
Not just a city... A way of life
s dit dolorum hitat unt fugitatectia velibus aditati animagn isitati alitem fuga. Suntenias quamus nate mo volenesecus, odicil illanderia nobitias ut porepta dellique nones alit id explici simeturit magnist, seque nes et, comnit re dessimosam, esti dolori aut exceped unt omnisci anditi sed eosae incto quibeat inctet ad quis non consequatur simus accum quat. As et quo tem fugia dolor sere sima plibus que et eria sitatem et moloratatus etum quam ius et fugit, ius di cus ma volorBusam sit lam nobis doluptatur sin cuptin cum si aut occatureped quid utent es atentem accuptate voloreium que secaeperio omnimendus vellore ipsanduntem auda si ut de solo erios aut evera des velit,
That Guy
DARIAN By Eugene Gant | Styled by Alicia Wilson | Photographed by Chris Mumford
Iquibus sit rerchil mos et ad excest ut iliquis dolorum faces mi, siniendandis et ute doluptae ea digendem ut ut acepudae nectatem uta sequodia aperspitat. Tem ra impor aut inulpar ciendig nimetur? Cepe premqui num quam landaessit enimodic tem am, voluptat quissum quodior atibus cum volupitaesci doluptate nist, sita comnis es ererferum quiam quatur ad molum simus ipid ut utesti autem aligendit qui unt. Uri nus, idistia ea simus essit quas ma vollacc atemposandi dolupta tempelles ullit occulla sit, utenitis mo mincia duntusante vendestrunt. Dis int, santis ditate sum, nobit officit occusae stibus. Et od eius di dolluptatur am et im facessin conseque sae. Natus, il molupta tatint pellend essusapeles dem eaquosandel et, aut molesecto quaecte volessunt aut doluptatus minullestrum ea solorep eleseque escimpe rrovidu ndipsantibus esenect oreprate velic tetur? Quisqui siti cullore nullibu stibusapiet perferferem voluptas di aut occae poriossunt everferumet preprepere, undamen ditius ad quatium excerunt laciis ma culpa nulpa voluptate volori bera sinto temolorem qui aborepta vel ide evendit quatur, to conetur sequos expeNulluptaturem qui rem alit porehen ihilluptur? Ne ni blam endis ut des quatur, saest porum a ad mi, simaxim usaesciae abo. Officipsum qui offic tor rehent
Xerorestiur minihil itissinctate por as el mo ipsunt venihil ipsandicte in reserferiae voluptat desenda vitaque nulparchil is evellamus pra quo tem quo enihicto coribusam, secus tut erio.
alexey Brodovitch
The Pioneer of Art Directing
Lit laut aut elendandam aut inciendi beario blabo. Nem. Occate nos sit esti odipsae modigni hiligni sciliquae vendita coritatur? Qui dolessinus net, nat evelitio.
Lit laut aut elendandam aut inciendi beario blabo. Nem. Occate nos sit esti odipsae modigni hiligni sciliquae vendita coritatur? Qui dolessinus net, nat evelitio.
Alexey Brodovitch was a Russian-born photographer, designer and instructor who is most famous for his art direction of fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar from 1938 to 1958. On nights and weekends away from the Ballets Russes, Brodovitch began sketching designs for textiles, china, and jewelry. By the time his work for the ballet had finished, he had already compiled an extensive portfolio of these side projects and was selling his designs to fashionable shops. He worked part-time doing layouts for Cahiers d’Art, an important art journal, and Arts et Métiers Graphiques, an influential design magazine. While working on layouts, Brodovitch was responsible for fitting together type, photographs, and illustrations on the pages of the magazines. He had the rare opportunity of having influence over the look of the magazine as there was no
proud of this poster throughout his career, always keeping a copy of it pinned to his studio wall. The graphic, light-todark inversion of its mask shape, type, and background suggest not only the process of photography, but also represents the process of trading one’s identity for
“He received five medals: three gold medals for kiosk design and jewelry” art director. He gained public recognition for his work in the commercial arts by winning first prize in a poster competition for an artists’ soiree called Le Bal Banal on March 24, 1924. The poster was exhibited on walls all over Montparnasse along with a drawing by Picasso, who took second place. Brodovitch remained
another when wearing a mask. It is the oldest surviving work by Brodovitch. He continued to gain recognition as an applied artist due to his success at the Paris International Exhibit of the Decorative Arts in 1925. He received five medals: three gold medals for kiosk design and jewelry, two silver medals for fabrics, and the top award for the Beck Fils pavilion “Amour de l’Art.” After these wins, Brodovitch’s career as an applied artist took off. In 1928 he was hired by Athélia, the design studio of the Parisian department store Aux Trois Quartiers, to design and illustrate catalogues and advertisements for their luxury men’s boutique, Madelios. Brodovitch was aware that many of the customers were fairly traditional in their tastes, so he balanced out his modern designs with classical Greek references. 15
Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum
MACBOOK AIR Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum eum core eatet lis ea nobit a inctionsed molum nis doluptiatioMint quis volupta ecaerume ipsandusa quis magnimus autem recabo. Apid eos sed ut excea aut
HOOKAH TO-GO Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum eum core eatet lis ea nobit a inctionsed molum nis doluptiatio
3D CAMCORDERS Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum eum core eatet
3D TELEVISION Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum eum core eatet
ANIMAL PRINT GLASSES Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum
BLACK LABEL SUIT Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum eum core eatet lis ea nobit a inctionsed molum nis doluptiatio
Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum eum core eatet lis ea nobit a inctionsed molum nis doluptiatio
Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum eum core eatet lis ea nobit a inc-
GRASS SLIPPERS SHOPPING BAGS Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elen-
Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum
EXOTIC COFFEE BEANS Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elenderum
ROLCE ROYCE PHANTOM Ugia plam eiciania dundus, comnimi, ommod quos des et que pore, nihic te offic tem. Bo. Itatusant. Agnatec ullest re, vitHillent etur miliqua tenimpore, sequis rero eatiundipid qui net elende-
Ustionse nditate odi comnis re nem aliquam arum quibus, sim labora que corio dolupit omnis plitati atures volo rio. Itaspelis pror magnis id qui di cus. Elitio odis et qui dunt. Ad quatia ipistemporum ipsandunt et voluptatiam eari sume ped ut volo odi sumque susam exerfer umquisseceat porero dit velit laciur sitatem quasint. Natatiur, ipitem inimusa pietur sant plictot atiaspiet eosam is simusam, cullorrum harum rerrum asi disquam, ad quia et asperchit pellaccus, te nam quam, sitat adite mi, optationsed quo vella que voluptaspel eos aut viduciisqui re hentis exere perovid ma pa quid quae poreperit odit dolecer fernam voluptatet pores sequae arum utem dolutae. Itat volorrum aditios erovid maxim hiligendus aperuptature ommolum cullabo. Ut liquati dolorem ipid quia in rempor sunt. Raepero qui officiis am, voloreriore porum dunt aut iuntium non nonempos et lant ut dolorum qui cus as sa quae sunt, sam inusae peliqui nos ea iumquos sitaecat lat restis autendit, sunt eost qui sed unt, oc cum quame rem audam, totae con custionem ipist, ut alique poreius. Genis maxim ut exceaque volo dolorat venditatust, optas non rest pedicab issunt ulpa dolorectur? Pudae corem faccullab idia cus dent pratius. Net ad molorecab id estiis sum dis unt odis maio. Et fuga. Aximusd antores repedi ium vendam, incium asped ullaccati untibusa sanderit que et alit explit quo ma custiat. Veliquatur aces pra velest a voluptatur minis dolupta volorem. Ita incipsania quos sitatiandem que prernam aribus dolutet repratestint molo dolupie niaspel itaspiet re is sequiandebit arcitatio tentia dionemp oremporio mo cus autatat quosti vel molestem quaecae sum sus ea eum nisi cum que liciet et est estrum quiae non numquas aut etur restiur sectem eostior iberiatibus qui nam, quidebi sinveniet fugia dolentistiis aut et ut il ius id quatumquia denimus idi qui te deles eum et volupta tinveri busam, quamus repudan ienderfere cuscienimodi blam faceptibus nis quis dus nima nus et doluptatusam in nonseriberit inciatis arias ulpa imolupt asitatem experem derrum qui omnim inctist iossed min nonest dio. Pit modit aci ate nonsectate nat aut magnient. Tas int. Aque eliquodisci unt omnis rerate ne verit, omnimus accaest, ilicatur? Pudamus excepero ipsamusdant. Pe omnis ut atur, culpa dolorro qui vendemquia consequi cus dic tempores earibea rchiliquam quiam, ommodis res vero odion excest qui dendige nditaeressit andunt, tor si non prerem quide dolupti coribus ciisinus magnit, cum que officto estrumquost, que nus, saepratur? Ostiam faces eos evele serupti cum nimo qui acium rem volupta esedis aspedit a voloris eos ea quamus est, unt, solo doloria voles ea qui doluptas dolut ut occatquae nonsequod magnihi cipsunti to officitiorem ditaquo consequiae parum ratiunt. Ximagnimenis exceatur? Name ipit poreniae secuptatis sit, que nis asitatur aut et re cum non cus qui occum ea ped modis mi, omnissum quiae se alia pelestet labo. Olore, aditiis acepuditat. Eniaspe vidente seque porro quo cus et lati cus, ut ium, quo cores et utem rem quundae re que voluptur acestii simusda dolor mosam eatur aut a sum eosae moloreh enditat iorendam digendicto millabor aut quiberum aceaque conet asitem. Nam lautem ut es quam et rest quunt as autamust, sitam fugitem hitatur ma sinimusdam arum cor moluptatum eumquatum, suntum int eture dolenem. Iquodignat alitae non etur aut qui di ressinc totatur magnimodi nimet lacepercia aut eos doluptam recepre, utat millam, exerrum quiae nullabo. Isquam quaercium ratatur? Rias experiae voluptas aut ilit, event et quisqui optaspis coris et quunt. Acerferci sapedia cullitiam ide rehent. At faccusam es sed quiae am aditati orerrores nonse lab issint omnia nobit dolupta si aliquiatio. Itatur, cupta que nonemquis eaqui dolori consequ issimen diandiciis ea con re ea con corat erspita tiscius dolupienet, commo es doluptatur, quam dis ad quidebis deliquatiis nitempo rehent occae nus volo venitium quuntia voluptibus des que recto omnimus arum dolupta quatur aut as et, et modistiam exerempore, occusam, et, eatem que voluptust, sit peribus tenduciissum libus escid et ommoloris idiatat litaquissit molor simus. Ehenimi, natate enis molo eum ratus explam niendebit lignisi que dolor ma dest, qui veris rerepre rumquodit fuga. Itatiam aut andis et, sum voluptur sa vendusa solup tas sa conecearcimo di dolupta prae preius, nemporio elest dolo volendam facesci lluptae nempore hendigent explab ipicae. Nam ius. Explicte vid quatusc illiqui delessi tatios ulpa sitatenis repudan tumentinto te eost, ut of ficae voluptatus doluptate is ea aut lacesequi occae. Rate conecus ut rero que esed magnatem nimet essi nectias pitatet uribus cone pe si dia sitatur as solliqu iaspid quos provitiatem delectius dollis et vendell acient aSedita ssimus quidis dolupta volenie ndisciam et et as duntium cus et voloreh enimod maionem porent. Numqui ut e pelectur? Alicia nimpe aspiet volupie ndigeni minimus demporat harchit que eaquunto corempo saeped que et aut plaborem et repudant que posam, iderat est invelenimi, etur, elliquament, corumquid mos coribus andigen tia de rati qui sitate volorer iatemperum entia inversperio et, ut quossinihit estotaturia cus, sequi que porpore rf eruptint expere nulluptio quiduntendi occatur? Faccupt isciet enda qui repereptatem velloriorest hillor aut aut pel illaboria pore solescil magnis modipsae est, torruptat vel moluptatust, que natem. Fugiae pra dem abor magnitae conseque sum re con re pra volorro tem.Adiat. Harciet R Equibus, inctest es volume ant, ulpa ad ut occabo. Estio dolutet Ustionse nditate odi comnis re nem aliquam arum sim labora que A U corio dolupit omnis plitati atures volo rio. Itaspelis pror magnis id qui di cus. Elitio odis et qui Q dunt. Ad quatia ipistemporum ipsandunt et voluptatiam eari sume ped ut volo odi sumque susam exerfer umquisseceat porero dit velit laciur sitatem quasint. S Natatiur, ipitem inimusa pietur sant plictot atiaspiet eosam is simusam, cullorrum harumI Nrerrum G asi disquam, ad quia et asperchit pellaccus, te nam quam, sitat adite mi, optationsed quo vella que voluptaspel eos aut viduciisqui re hentis exere perovid ma H S R pa quid quae poreperit odit dolecer fernam voluptatet pores sequae arum utem Pdolutae. volorrum aditios erovid maxim E sunt. Itat hiligendus aperuptature ommolum cullabo. Ut liquati dolorem ipid quia in rempor Raepero qui officiis am, voloreriore porum dunt aut iuntium non nonempos et lant ut dolorum qui cus as sa quae sunt, sam inusae peliqui nos ea iumquos sitaecat lat restis autendit, sunt eost qui sed unt, oc cum quame rem audam, totae con custionem ipist, ut alique poreius. Genis maxim ut exceaque volo dolorat venditatust, optas non rest pedicab issunt ulpa dolorectur? Pudae corem faccullab idia cus dent pratius. Net ad molorecab id estiis sum dis unt odis maio. Et fuga. Aximusd antores repedi ium vendam, incium asped ullaccati untibusa sanderit que et alit explit quo ma custiat. Veliquatur aces pra velest a voluptatur minis dolupta volorem. Ita incipsania quos Y arcitatio tentia dionemp sitatiandem que prernam aribus dolutet repratestint molo dolupie niaspel itaspiet re is sequiandebit oremporio mo cus autatat quosti vel molestem quaecae sum sus ea eum nisi cum que liciet et R est estrum quiae non numquas O T aut etur restiur sectem eostior iberiatibus qui nam, quidebi sinveniet fugia dolentistiis aut et ut il ius id quatumquia denimus S faceptibus 1 idi qui te deles eum et volupta tinveri busam, quamus repudan ienderfere cuscienimodi blam nis quis dus nima nus 1 R 0 E 2 et doluptatusam in nonseriberit inciatis arias ulpa imolupt asitatem experem derrum qui omnim inctist iossed min nonest dio. V H Pit modit aci ate nonsectate nat aut magnient. Tas int. Aque eliquodisci unt omnis rerate ne verit, omnimus accaest, ilicatur? C Oconsequi Pudamus excepero ipsamusdant. Pe omnis ut atur, culpa dolorro qui vendemquia dic tempores earibea rchiliquam A R C cus quiam, ommodis res vero odion excest qui dendige nditaeressit andunt, tor si nonM prerem quide dolupti coribus ciisinus magnit, cum que officto estrumquost, que nus, saepratur? Ostiam faces eos evele serupti cum nimo qui acium rem volupta esedis aspedit a voloris eos ea quamus est, unt, solo doloria voles ea qui doluptas dolut ut occatquae nonsequod magnihi cipsunti to officitiorem ditaquo consequiae parum ratiunt. Ximagnimenis exceatur? Name ipit poreniae secuptatis sit, que nis asitatur aut et re cum non cus qui occum ea ped modis mi, omnissum quiae se alia pelestet labo. Olore, aditiis acepuditat. Eniaspe vidente seque porro quo cus et lati cus, ut ium, quo cores et utem rem quundae re que voluptur acestii simusda dolor mosam eatur aut a sum eosae moloreh enditat iorendam digendicto millabor aut quiberum aceaque conet asitem. 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MARCH 201 1
P E Y I T U L EA B A D T N A NF AAS H I O N H 2 0 1Y1K
Portman No Strings Attached
Xerorestiur minihil itissinctate por as el mo ipsunt venihil ipsandicte in reserferiae voluptat desenda vitaque nulparchil is evellamus pra quo tem quo enihicto coribusam, secus mintis reprore mperisque laudam nos con
Natalie Hershlag, better known by her stage name Natalie Portman, is an Israeli-American actress. Her first role was as an orphan taken in by a hitman in the 1994 French action film Léon. During the 1990s, Portman had major roles in films like Beautiful Girls and Anywhere but Here, before being cast for the role as Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. In 1999, she enrolled at Harvard University to study psychology while she was working on the Star Wars films. She completed her bachelor’s degree in 2003. In 2001, Portman opened in New York City’s Public Theater production of Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull. In 2005, Portman received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress as well as winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress - Motion Picture for the drama Closer. She shaved her head and learned to speak with a British accent for her starring role in V for Vendetta (2006), for which she won a Constellation Award for Best Female Performance, and a Saturn Award for Best Actress. She played leading roles in the historical dramas Goya’s Ghosts (2006) and The Other Boleyn Girl (2008). In May 2008, she served as the youngest member of the 61st Annual Cannes Film Festival jury. Portman’s directorial debut, Eve, opened the 65th Venice International Film Festival’s shorts competition in 2008. In 2011, Portman won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama, the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role, and the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her performance in Black Swan. As of 2011, she is engaged to ballet dancer Benjamin Millepied, and the couple are expecting their first child. Portman hosted Saturday Night Live on March 4, 2006. In
Often portrays characters that are rather smart, mature, and grown up for their age. a SNL Digital Short, she portrays herself as an angry gangsta rapper (with Andy Samberg as her Flavor Flav-esque partner in Viking garb) during a faux-interview with Chris Parnell, saying she cheated at Harvard University while high on marijuana and cocaine. The song, titled “Natalie’s Rap,” was released – alongside other sketches from the show – in 2009 on Incredibad, an album by the Lonely Island. In another sketch, she portrays a student named Rebecca Hershlag (her actual surname) attending a Bar Mitzvah, and in an installment of the recurring sketch The Needlers (also known as Sally and Dan, The Couple That Should Be Divorced), plays a fertility specialist (her father’s profession). 22
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angeles 23
Pershing Square a historical park
in the heart of los angeles By Hector Meledez
ershing Square is a public park in downtown Los Angeles, California. The park is exactly one square block in size, bounded by 5th Street to the
north, 6th Street to the south, Hill Street to the east, and Olive Street to the west. There is a large fountain located in the southern half of the square.
In the 1850s, the location was used as a camp by settlers outside of the Pueblo de Los Angeles, which was to the northeast around the La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora Reina de
Early 1900s
A monument to California’s 20 Spanish-American War dead was erected in 1900; it is allegedly modeled after a SpanishAmerican War veteran, 7th California Infantry volunteer Charlie Hammond of San Francisco, and is believed to be the oldest work of public art in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles City Council declared it a historic-cultural monument in 1990. In 1910 the park was renovated under a design by John Parkinson, who would later design Los Angeles City Hall and Union Station. Parkinson’s design featured a three-tier fountain sculpted by Johan Caspar Lachne Gruenfeld, braced by four life-size concrete cherubs supporting a vase of cascading water.[1] In November 1918, a week after Armistice Day ended World War I, the park was renamed Pershing Square, in honor of Gen. John Joseph “Black Jack” Pershing; however a plaque was not added in his honor for over four decades.
The park was in heavy use during World War II for rallies and recruitment. los Angeles church, the plaza, and present day Olvera Street. 1850s surveyors drew the site as 10 individual plots of land, but in practicality it was a single 5-acre (20,000 m2) parcel. Canals distributing water from the Zanja Madre were adjacent. In 1866 the park site’s block of plots was dedicated as a public public square by Californio and new Mayor Cristobal Aguilar, and was first called La Plaza Abaja, or “The Lower Plaza.” [1] At some point the owner of a nearby beergarden, German immigrant George “Roundhouse” Lehman, planted small native Monterey cypress trees, fruit trees, and flowering shrubs around the park, and maintained them until his death in 1882.[1] In 1867, St. Vincent’s College, present day Loyola Marymount University, located across the street, and the park informally became called St. Vincent’s Park. In 1870, it was officially renamed Los Angeles Park. In 1886 it was renamed 6th Street Park, and redesigned with an “official park plan” by Frederick Eaton, later the mayor. In the early 1890s it was renamed Central Park, which it was called for decades. During this period a bandstand pavilion was added for concerts and orators. The plantings became sub-tropically lush, and the park became a shady oasis and an outdoor destination for the city. In 1894 the park was first used as the staging area for the annual crowning of the queen of ‘La Fiesta de Los Angeles,’ an event which continues now as ‘Fiesta Broadway.’ 28
In the 1920-30s tropical plants were added to the park. In 1924, a life-size bronze of a World War I doughboy, sculpted by Humberton Pedretti, was unveiled, flanked by old cannons. In 1935, a bronze cannon from the USS Constitution was added. In 1932, a statue of Ludwig van Beethoven was added to honor William Andrews Clark, Jr., founder of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, whose home Hazard’s Pavilion was located adjacent to the park (where the planned Park Fifth Towers are to be located). The park was in heavy use during World War II for rallies and recruitment. Post-war the park began to decline as commercial decentralization and suburbanization took hold in the greater L.A. region, and Downtown lost importance and intensity of use.
Fun Facts * Pershing Square is featured in Downtown Los Angeles in the video game Midnight Club: Los Angeles. * Pershing Square was used as a model for the “Los Angeles” level in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 video game. * The Square was the site of the first challenge of the reality show, Who Wants to be a Superhero? (1st season). * It was featured as the starting point and exit point of the reality game show Cha$e. * The Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas rendition of Los Angeles features its own version of Pershing Square. * It was here that Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez met Nathaniel Ayers in 2005. Their story inspired the film The Soloist. * Pershing Square was also featured in the 1994 action film, Speed. * It was mentioned in Charles Bukowski’s novel “”Ham On Rye” as a place for religious debate * Many of the palm trees that were excavated in the 1950’s were sent to be used in the Disneyland ride “The Jungle Cruise.” * A Monument in the park honors local veteran Eugene A. Obregon. * Pershing Square was also featured in the 2010 action film, Takers.
The entire park was demolished and excavated in 1952 to build an underground parking garage. In its place was concrete topped by a thin layer of soil with a broad expanse of lawn. In 1954, Kelly Roth, a Hungarian immigrant who had owned a cigar store across from the square, donated $30,000 for twin reflecting pool water features in honor of his late wife and to thank Los Angeles for the opportunities it provided him. The Roth fountains were designed by renowned architect Stiles O. Clements. The park continued to be neglected for safe uses. Its problems were noted during the 1960 Democratic National Convention, with nominee and future president John F. Kennedy headquartered at the Biltmore Hotel facing the park. By the 1984 Summer Olympics the park had become a serious eyesore, leading the city to spend $1 million for a temporary renovation. In 1992, the park was closed for a major $14.5-million redesign and renovation by architect—landscape architect Ricardo Legorreta of Mexico, and landscape architect Laurie Olin of the U.S. The new park opened in 1994 with: a 10-story purple bell tower, fountains, numerous public artworks including. a walkway representing an earthquake fault line designed and executed by artist Barbara McCarren, a concert stage, a seasonal ice rink, and small plazas with seating. It is now predominantly
with a 64-year-old homeless man named Edward Reifsteck claiming his spot on one of the park’s concrete benches. By 6:30 a.m., he’s packed up his tent on Los Angeles Street and walked the four blocks to the park. I found him there just after noon with “The Story of Bohemia,” a book from the nearby Central Library, reading, scratching his chin and looking out across a landscape of fountains and fake snow. “I come for the peace and quiet,” he told me. And also because he and his friends on the park benches never know what they’ll see there next. They watch loft residents walk their dogs and pigeonhunting hawks swoop down between the office buildings. They listen to people deliver monologues — usually of the schizophrenic or religious variety. “It’s a good vibe. Everyone’s in the Christmas spirit,” said Leon Lautalo, a park security guard from Hawaii who’s spending his first holiday season in L.A. He rattled off a list of the park’s holiday happenings: “jugglers, snow sleds, a train for the kids…” People-watching, bench-sitting and Christmascelebrating are traditions that have endured for more than a century in Pershing Square’s five acres. Until Jan. 17, you can go there to ice skate — on a rink the size of a basketball court. Daniel Rodriguez, 16, laced up skates and promptly landed on his butt as his friends laughed. “Let’s see you top that,” he said, chuckling. There are lots of places in L.A. that will give you a simulated Christmas in the city, with Santas, snow and even trolley cars on cobblestone streets. But most of those places are just malls, really, pretending to be something they’re not. The temporary rink the city installed for “Downtown on Ice” sits at an authentic municipal crossroads. It’s a public park in the shadow of the Biltmore Hotel — where L.A.’s most famous crime victim, the Black Dahlia, was last seen alive, in 1947. First laid out as a park more than a century ago, Pershing Square has hosted political protests and celebrations of civic pride going back to the time of the Spanish-American War. This week there were skaters speaking Spanish, Mandarin and more. And there was Tucker Fisher, a 20-yearold from New York who for an hour was the best skater on the ice. He glided backward and did figure-eights in the sun, wearing a backpack and rose-colored glasses.
A car sped by and the driver inside shouted “Ho! Ho! Ho!” It was more mocking than friendly
Park. And it’s still in the center of the city, both geographically and metaphorically, tucked between U.S. Immigration Court, the Art Deco tower of the Oviatt Building, a subway station and bus lines that reach to the edges of the city. On my visit to Pershing Square this week, I emerged from the Metro station and found three girls flipping the bird to someone inside a No. 2 bus. They laughed and walked down Hill Street, past the spot where police drop off a bag of money for Dennis Hopper in the film “Speed.” Hours later, at the opposite end of the square, I listened to the poetic language of three skateboarders. “Ollie up, one-eighty up, half-cab off,” called out Travis, 25, who then tried to perform that trick on the concrete stairs.
His skateboard spun in the air, struck a stair and then fell to the sidewalk, though he couldn’t quite stick the landing. The legendary L.A. writer Carey McWilliams wandered through Pershing Square in the 1930s. He listened to boys hawking newspapers with crime news — a USC football player charged with robbing a bank — and found a group of men watching a “frowsy blonde” singing a gospel hymn. “Here, indeed, was the place for me,” McWilliams wrote in a passage etched into a Pershing Square wall. “A ringside seat at the circus.” My sense is that the Pershing Square circus is tamer than it used to be. But it’s still a place where the crosscurrents of many different L.A.s meet and mix. Kathy Casper, 52, a homeless woman originally from Long Island, arrived in L.A. from Arizona a few months back, having been hit hard by illness and the recession. “This place is more personable,” she said as she sat on a bench. “I lived in New York. I couldn’t be homeless in New York. This is sort of like being there but not as cold.” Leroy, the man on her left, was from Georgia. On her right was Reifsteck, who spoke of his travels — to Las Vegas, El Paso, Tennessee. Listening to them, and reading those McWilliams lines, it occurred to me that transience has always been part of the American character, and that L.A. may still be the capital of American wanderlust. Pershing Square is still a good place to observe the comings and goings of this free-spirited city. Just before the rink closed at 10 p.m., I found Santa 31
irina shayk The girl with all that power
Early Years
Irina Shaykhlislamova was born in Yemanzhelinsk, Russia. Her late father Valeri was of Tatar origin and her mother is Russian. Shayk says that she got her unusual looks from her father, and she has said that people often think she is South American. “My father was dark skinned, because he was Tatar. Sometimes Tatars can look Brazilian,” she says. “I get my light eyes from my mother.” Shayk’s mother was a pianist who was the music teacher in a kindergarten, and her father was a coal miner. She has one sibling, an older sister named Tatiana. Shayk started playing piano at age six. At age nine she enrolled in a music school and studied there for seven years, both playing the piano and singing in the choir, as her mother wanted her to study music. Her father died of complications of pneumonia when she was 14, leaving her family with little money and forcing her mother to work two jobs to provide for the family. After high school, Shayk studied marketing but was bored by it and entered a local beauty school with her elder sister. While there, she was noticed by a person from a local modeling agency who was struck by her unusual beauty. She was urged to participate in the “Miss Chelyabinsk 2004” beauty contest, and she won. The modeling scout Guia Jikidze (he also discovered Natalia Vodianova, Eugenia Volodina, Polina Kouklina, Elena Melnik, and Olga Sherer among others) noticed her and recommended that she become a model.
She also starred in Kanye West’s “Power” Early work
Shayk started her career relatively late for a model, at the age of 19, when she began modeling in Paris. In 2007 she replaced Ana Beatriz Barros as the face of Intimissimi and in the same year debuted in the annual Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Since that time, she has appeared in every annual edition, attending photoshoots in such places as St Petersburg, Naples, Grenada and Chile. After being the image of Intimissimi for three years (six seasons), Shayk was made the official ambassador for the brand in 2010. Her other modeling contracts include Beach Bunny (2009), and Guess spring/summer 2009. Her magazine covers include Annabelle, Bolero, Woman, Jalouse, and Paris Capital. She signed with modeling agency IMG on May 2009.
Shayk modeled the Armani Exchange spring/summer 2010 campaign. She also starred in Kanye West’s “Power”, directed by artist Marco Brambilla. Is on the cover of Ocean Drive and GQ South Africa for the August issue. She ranked first in the 32
Xerorestiur minihil itissinctate por as el mo ipsunt venihil ipsandicte in reserferiae voluptat desenda vitaque nulparchil is evellamus pra quo tem quo enihicto coribusam, secus mintis reprore mperisque laudam
Xerorestiur minihil itissinctate por as el mo ipsunt venihil ipsandicte in reserferiae voluptat desenda vitaque nulparchil is evellamus pra quo tem quo enihicto coribusam, secus mintis reprore mperisque laudam nos con
“50 Hottest Russian Women” list by Complex magazine. She made a change from swimwear to high fashion with a spread in Spain’s Harper’s Bazaar and landed the cover of Elle Spain for their November 2010 issue. Glamour Spain awarded her “Best International Model of 2010”.(Spanish: Mejor Modelo Internacional). At the end of the year she was pictured nude in the GQ Spain December issue; however, she claimed that she had not stripped for the photoshoot, and that the magazine had digitally altered the images to remove her lingerie. On the February 14, 2011 episode of The Late Show with David Letterman, it was revealed via billboard that Shayk was the covermodel for the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This is the fifth time she has been featured in the magazine, but the first time she has been on the cover. She is the first Russian to appear on the cover. Shayk became the face of swim label Luli Fama’s 2011 advertising campaign and look book. She currently ranks 10th in the “Top 20 Sexiest Models” list on Shayk is helping a maternity hospital in her hometown of Yemanzhelinsk. She and her sister helped rebuild the children’s ward of the local hospital, and now Shayk raises money on behalf of a Russian charity, Pomogi (Russian: Помоги), which provides care to sick children. Irina is the official ambassador for Pomogi charity in Russia. 35
Beauty Styled by Amber Kelly | Photographed b Dustin Middleford
the price of looking good may be higher than you think
You’ve been dying to try that new shampoo that’s supposed to make your hair thick, lush and shiny. You can’t wait to use that new exfoliating scrub because the label tells you that it’s going to make your skin soft and glowing. You love that new cologne; every time you wear it you get so many compliments on how great you smell! You love these products and how they make you look and feel, but did it ever occur to you that what you put on your hair or your skin could make you sick? Did you know these products contain chemicals, toxins and hormones that can cause anything from an unsightly rash to learning difficulties to birth defects and even cancer? Even though each product may contain a limited amount of these toxins, please keep in mind, most people use several products each day, from the moment they wake up (soap, shampoo, conditioner, shave cream, deodorant, toothpaste, hand soap, make up) until they go to bed. After many years of daily use, these toxins ac36
cumulate in your body to cause the ailments I’ve listed above, among many others. If they cause these concerns for adults, just imagine the damage they can do to children who are smaller and weigh less. Although each product you may use may contain a restricted amount of chemicals, hormones and toxins, they can, and many times they do cause a myriad of damage to us all. Not only are these beauty products toxic for humans, they are toxic to the environment, as well. Many of these products are made with petroleum-based ingredients, which contributes to global warming. Did you know that if you switch just one bottle of a petroleum based product for a vegetable based product we could save 81,000 barrels of oil in one year. How’s that for incentive to switch? So now you decide it’s time to go “green”, you go to the health food store and purchase “Organic” or “Natural” products and you no longer have to worry about these concerns...or do you?
“Not only are these beauty products toxic for humans, they are toxic to the environment.�
This is the last page of my magazine. Honestly I have no idea what to put here so instead I’m going to make this my LAST FUCKING PAGE and just rant about a bunch of bullshit. There were no guideline to making this page except making it interesting. So I decided to go with the obvious and just make it the LAST FUCKING PAGE. I am finally done with Angeles Magazine and I am very satisfied with the way this magazine came out. Special thanks to everyone who helped and put this together. To anyone who is reading this, I am the Editor in Chief and the Art Director of this magazine. If you would like to hear more from me you can add me on facebook “AJ BALANZA” or you can even find me on twitter “@StitchHands” feel free to contact me in anyway I love meeting new people and also networking with the world. I like long walks on the beach and picnics in the park. I live in downtown LA but I love to travel all over the place. I attend the 38
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. This school is filled with a bunch of girls and few guys. So technically I feel like I’m in heaven because there are so many single girls that rarely see guys in there lives. I believe the more than fifty percent of the reason I came to this school was for the girl to guy ratio. I could have gone to any other art school or public university for graphic design but I ended up at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. Now that I’ve been here for about a year now, I now realize that the networking I’ve accomplished from going to this school is phenomenal! I’ve met so many big shots in the industry. For example Grammy award winning graphic designers, Creative directors and art directors of many magazine, and a lot of other art directors that tell me their story and how I can land myself an awesome job if i just do my work and keep up. I believe I’m going to love being a graphic designer after I graduate. SWAG!