survival kit T H E L A FA S HION IN P E RS PECTIVE
It aut aut aut laccus sandent quam nonsequi aribus, con etur repel ipid uteceri sitis es ut arcil in poriaspic tem hitiis que sequis rem qui occaect inullor miligendae se aliquatur? Ligenima consecus et quis sitae ero qui odit
It’s a fast -moving world of images and copy‚ so fast that newspapers cannot keep up, so fast magazines struggle to be timely. Perhaps that timliness is not the answer for that is certain the balliwick of websites, facebook, twitter and instagram. What then is a magazine? It’s less than a book, more than a website. By its very nature it is stately, tangible and enduring. It is not there for the quick look, the cheap thrill, the momentary sensation—it is the vehicle for art, information and entertainment. Art, that confluence of images, ideas and concepts that join together in a collision of ink and paper called print. Magazines need to be beautiful. Beautifully written, beautifully designed. They cannot compete with motion such as seen in Youtube, yet they cannot be static, they must imply cinema techniques, movement and the point of view of a camera, they must tell a story—otherwise you’re a catalog, a lookbook, a lowly place to deliver the expected goods of an expecting audience. Great magazines are about a vision, also called a purpose or raison d’être. This magazine by defintion and title alone is about one thing—LA Fashion. Our job then is to tell the LA stories, the people, the places, the complexitites and nuances of living in a very diverse, not wildly stylish latitude. Whatever the story is, it needs to be delivered in such a manner as to thrill, engage and wow a reader and advertiser for that matter. And yet, with a publication that prints every other month, it is hard to be timely, on target about trend as everything is moving at a pace guided by social media. What then is a magazine in 2016? Digital publishing—content delivered to digital formats must be considered. More interactivity and service to the reader—guides, maps, and lists need be part of the “resource” that is LA Fashion. So part practicality, part fantasy—art and commerce, must live side by side in a breakthrough publication that dares to be everything LA is.