JonathanMilian Milian Jonathan
Your Journey
Starts Here
What is a moment? Cesare Pavese said “We do not remember days, we remember moments”. Shutter magazine believes that your life and your surroundings are filled with everyday moments just waiting to be documented. You don’t have to travel the world to convey passionate, dynamic and memorable photography. Shutter magazine provides tips , tricks and stories from both amateur and professional photographers. We are devoted to finding you unique locations to photograph and keep you consistent with the styles and equipment that’s on trend. Shutter magazine is your companion and guide along the rewarding, expressive and fun journey that is photography. |2
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Chief Editor
Jonathan Milian TO MY READERS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ultrices aliquam facilisis. Ut euismod diam enim, ac tempus risus porttitor non. Sed sit amet ipsum commodo, posuere lorem a, viverra tellus.Vestibulum suscipit tempor congue.Vivamus at diam vitae tellus imperdiet rutrum. Quisque bibendum vitae tellus sit amet lobortis. Praesent vitae molestie arcu, nec cursus velit. Proin vel est vehicula, semper nulla quis, iaculis tellus.Vestibulum sit amet est sollicitudin, dictum tortor nec, ďŹ nibus lectus. Nam a dui vitae justo placerat eleifend a sed nulla. Suspendisse eget libero quam. Donec dignissim elit a ipsum maximus, id imperdiet odio euismod.
Oh The Places You’ll Go! The Best Places to Go This Summer We show you the top 5 Photo Locations
By: Jonathan Milian
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec-
tetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eros purus, euismod placerat nisi vel, condimentum sodales orci. Suspendisse commodo eget nisi in commodo. Suspendisse vel tortor imperdiet erat posuere vulputate
nec eu turpis. Etiam eu gravida dolor, quis posuere odio. Maecenas ullamcorper libero ut dui egestas, non aliquam turpis ultrices. Pellentesque vitae diam ut dui gravida tincidunt. In egestas, dui in sagittis blandit, dui ligula tincidunt neque, quis aliquet ante odio at dui. Maecenas nisl ante, aliquam id lacinia et, mollis ut
Shoot,Eat,Repeat! Some sweet glass to shoot Macro We show you the top 5 Macro lense.
By Ali Trachta Photographed by: Chris, Tamara, Nick + Elyse
hey say sex is like a doughnut: Even at its worst, is it ever really bad? Well, once you consume, in rapid succession, as many doughnuts as we have in the last few weeks, you start to believe it can be.
Of course there’s never a reason to eat a doughnut. No amount of self-delusion will allow you to believe that fruit filling is a dose of vitamins for the day. No, eating a doughnut is an act of pure pleasure-seeking, so if you’re going to have one, every bite should merit throwing a wrench in your otherwise clean-living diet. Dry, bland pastry need not apply.So as an
act of public service, we scoured the city for the best doughnuts around, all worth. the sugar crash you’ll inevitably experience later. We focused our search on actual doughnut shops, as opposed to restaurants that serve them on the menu -- with the exception of one, because if you’re going to order a doughnut from a waitress, it seems fitting to do so at a 24-hour diner.
Macro lenses can uncover detail that would be
impossible to detect by the eye and give new perspective to extremely minute subjects such as insects or the petals of a small flower or in this case a donuts!
EF 50mm f/2.5
CompactAverage Customer Rating: 4.4 of 5 Focusing from infinity down to one-half life size (0.5x) Focal Length & Maximum Aperture: 50mm 1:2.5
EF 180mm f/3.5L Nikon’s designation is allows you to you Macro USM Macro Lens Average Customer Rating: 4.7 of 5 Three UD Glass elements and floating construction Focal Length & Maximum Aperture: 180mm 1:3.5 Advanced USM for
take photographs that are life size to life size respectively without the need for any additional accessories. A picture is described as life size when the image size is equal to the subject size
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It’s All About The Light Windows into the Surreal FIDM’s 5th floor windows celebrates Elsa Schiaparelli BY Hamish Bowles
Madder and more
glasslike modern material); a smart black suit jacket had red lips for pockets. Handbags, in the form of music boxes, tinkled tunes like “Rose Marie, I Love You”; others fastened with padlocks. Monkey fur and zippers (newfangled in the thirties) were everywhere. Love of trompe l’oeil can be traced to the faux-bow sweater that kick-started Schiaparelli’s career and brought her quirky style to the masses.“Dare to be different,”is the advice she offered to women. Pace-setters and rule-breakers waved that flag through the sixties, the seventies, and beyond. Using just a hit of light even in the darkest situations will help.
original than most of her contemporaries, Mme Schiaparelli is the one to whom the word ‘genius’ is applied most often,” Time magazine wrote of its cover subject in 1934. Coco Chanel once dismissed her rival as “that Italian artist who makes clothes.” (To Schiaparelli, Chanel was simply “that milliner.”) Indeed, Schiaparelli—“Schiap” to friends—stood out among her peers as a true nonconformist, using clothing as a medium
FIDM’s 5th floor windows celebrates change and artistic creativity BY Hamish Bowles
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-
tur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut tortor in libero auctor vulputate vitae vitae tortor. Nulla rutrum pretium neque nec aliquam. Morbi
semper justo a auctor volutpat. Vestibulum bibendum feugiat diam a faucibus. Sed tristique ut justo sed fermentum. Sed dapibus lacus porttitor metus lacinia, eget hendrerit purus facilisis. Quisque hendrerit massa tortor, pellentesque cursus odio facilisis non. Donec augue velit, eleifend at tortor eget, venenatis imperdiet
lectus. Pellentesque luctus enim dolor, at molestie ipsum lacinia quis. Quisque elementum dapibus bibendum. Proin nec lacinia odio. Proin imperdiet, nisi pharetra accumsan euismod, leo tellus mollis ligula, ut feugiat est nisi in elit. Proin sollicitudin placerat mauris nec malesuada. Vivamus semper metus non purus lacinia venena| 14
Olympian Taylor Gold
How to: Action Shots Some Fast Tips to Shooting Fast! We show you the top 5 tricks of Action Shots
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec-
tetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eros purus, euismod placerat nisi vel, condimentum sodales orci. Suspendisse commodo eget nisi in commodo. Suspendisse vel tortor imperdiet erat posuere vulputate nec eu turpis. Etiam eu gravida dolor, quis posuere odio. Maecenas ullamcorper libero ut dui egestas, non aliquam turpis ultrices. Pellentesque vitae diam ut dui gravida tincidunt. In egestas, dui in sagittis blandit, dui ligula tincidunt neque, quis aliquet ante odio at dui. Maecenas nisl ante, aliquam id lacinia et, mollis ut tellus. Pellentesque dignissim euismod fermentum. Mauris in euismod odio. Donec ullamcorper est sed dui bibendum, nec pharetra nisl convallis. Curabitur gravida libero id ante interdum volutpat. Vestibulum non porttitor quam. Quisque eu nibh lacus. Nullam mattis volutpat ligula, vitae rutrum tortor accumsan sit amet. Vestibulum non porttitor. Ellentesque faucibus gravida elit, sit amet viverra sapien elementum tempus. Maecenas imperdiet, magna eu egestas auctor, orci lorem elementum.
Sometimes in life you only get one shot make it count. | 16
The Essentials
Sony Handycam HDR-MV1 Capture your next jam session with pro-quality sound and HD video. Imagine recording CD-quality audio in uncompressed Linear PCM or versatile, internet-ready. It also records HD video at 120° with its wide-angle lens and captures fine detail even in dimly-lit venues.
Fujifilm Instax Mini 7S Instant Camera The Instax Mini 7S is a compact and lightweight instant film solution ideal for the on-the-go photographer or photo enthusiast.
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Samsung SMART Camera NX3000 Worthy of pros but built for enthusiasts, the 20.3Mpx APS-C CMOS sensor gives your images incredible detail and amazing color. It’s perfect for beautiful out-focused photos and noisefree images. Lg Portable Mobile Printer Pd221 Pocket Photo White & Silver New LG Portable Mobile Printer offers on the spot mobile printing Wirelessly print smartphone photos whenever, wherever. Plug into any camera with a micro USB port and print on the go!
GoPro Camera HD HERO3 This small camera makes it easy to capture and share your world, both above a below the water.
Tamrac ZipShot Mini Tripod Most tripods are heavy, difficult to carry and slow to set up, which causes many missed photo opportunities. The ZipShot Mini tripod is the answer to this problem. Attach your camera and you're ready to shoot. The ZipShot Mini is ultra lightweight and ultra compact.
Darth Vader Mimobot 16gb Flash Drive Data, I am your holder! The Star Wars themed Darth Vader flash drive protects your data with the power of the dark side.
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G This updated classic with a fast maximum aperture is ideal for everyday shooting - perfect in low lighting situations and great for producing images.
SanDisk Micro SD Memory Card w/ SD Adapter - 2GB The microSD card is designed to provide the smallest, most flexible storage for today’s digital devices. Reliability and durability are critical to ensure your data is still there.
Canon EF Lens - 40 mm - F/2.8 - Canon EF A versatile, compact pancake lens. A fast maximum aperture enables low-light shooting and depthof-field control.
Olympus E-PL3 12.3 MP Mirrorless Digital Camera Beautifully designed and engineered with all the very latest technology, the E-PL3 might be small in size but it is certainly big on features. Olympus BCL-0980 Lens - 9 mm F/8.0 - Micro Four Thirds It might look and act like a protective body cap, but this lens is ever ready for capturing wide-angle shots whenever a photo opportunity comes your way.
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Richard Avedon
A Portrait of an Artist
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Interview with Reynaldi Herdinanto & a look into his breathtaking photo.
orem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages,Recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galle.
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THE SHOT THAT CHANGED IT ALL Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eros nisl, tincidunt quis commodo et, efficitur at augue. Maecenas tincidunt tristique iaculis. Aliquam quis nisi id ex dignissim laoreet non eget ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer ac suscipit enim. Quisque lobortis tincidunt nulla, ut tempor nibh accumsan vel. Integer porttitor posuere tortor, quis volutpat est sagittis non. Duis et tempus lorem, eget fringilla leo. Nullam vestibulum risus in rhoncus congue. In id lorem nec mi consectetur interdum non pharetra ipsum. Aenean commodo diam mi, quis lacinia lacus bibendum non. Cras sagittis iaculis elit nec efficitur. In et tristique nibh. Quisque posuere nisi vel malesuada luctus. Nam ullamcorper, mauris et congue congue, lacus arcu pretium lorem, ac accumsan turpis nisi ac enim. euismod mauris at varius interdum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur id ante ac turpis ultrices consequat at et velit. Nam ac sollicitudin diam. Mauris enim quam, commodo facilisis lorem a, laoreet pulvinar purus. Suspendisse id arcu ac urna pharetra finibus. Nullam tincidunt posuere feugiat. Sed consectetur ante a nulla commodo, a semper nibh maximus. Nam placerat sapien mi, eu porttitor nulla imperdiet non. Aenean vitae urna quis nulla tristique cursus. Phasellus ultricies blandit libero. Morbi a mattis massa, ut pulvinar
“The best images are the ones that retain their strength and impact; regardless of the number of times they are viewed.� Maecenas vel luctus metus. Vivamus et suscipit mauris. Nam id purus malesuada, aliquam elit in, luctus nunc. Nulla ut erat ut metus dapibus consequat at gravida ante. Nulla nec dignissim sem. Donec pharetra arcu libero, eget tincidunt dui porttitor quis. Ut non efficitur orci. Pellentesque nibh erat, volutpat sollicitudin porttitor quis, facilisis non ante. Proin ac eleifend nisi. Integer porttitor metus id orci pellentesque mollis. Cras faucibus diam magna, a euismod leo fermentum in. Duis nisi felis, tristique quis luctus id, rutrum sit amet odio. Pellentesque pharetra enim felis, ut pretium nulla ultricies ut. Sed vitae ligula venenatis, lacin Interview with Reynaldi Herdinanto
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“I think that emotional content is an
image’s most important element,
regardless of the photographic technique.�
LETS TALK TURKEY Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eros nisl, tincidunt quis commodo et, efficitur at augue. Maecenas tincidunt tristique iaculis. Aliquam quis nisi id ex dignissim laoreet non eget ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer ac suscipit enim. Quisque lobortis tincidunt nulla, ut tempor nibh accumsan vel. Integer porttitor posuere tortor, quis volutpat est sagittis non. Duis et tempus lorem, eget fringilla leo. Nullam vestibulum risus in rhoncus congue. In id lorem nec mi consectetur interdum non pharetra ipsum. Aenean commodo diam mi, quis lacinia lacus bibendum non. Cras sagittis iaculis elit nec efficitur. In et tristique nibh. Quisque posuere nisi vel malesuada luctus. Nam ullamcorper, mau. euismod mauris at varius interdum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur id ante ac turpis ultrices consequat at et velit. Nam ac sollicitudin diam. Mauris enim quam, commodo facilisis lorem a, laoreet pulvinar purus. Suspendisse id arcu ac urna pharetra finibus. Nullam tincidunt posuere feugiat. Sed consectetur ante a nulla commodo, a semper nibh maximus. Nam placerat sapien mi, eu porttitor nulla imperdiet non. Aenean vitae urna quis nulla tristique cursus. Phasellus ultricies blandit libero. Morbi a mattis massa, ut pulvinar. Maecenas vel luctus metus. Vivamus et suscipit mauris. Nam id purus malesuada, aliquam elit in, luctus nunc. Nulla ut erat ut metus dapibus consequat at gravida ante. Nulla nec dignissim sem. Donec pharetra arcu libero, eget tincidunt dui porttitor quis. Ut non efficitur orci. Pellentesque nibh erat, volutpat sollicitudin porttitor quis, facilisis non ante. Proin ac eleifend nisi. Integer porttitor metus id orci pellentesque mollis.
REYNALDI HERDINANTO THE MAN BEHIND THE LENS Etiam sagittis iaculis accumsan. Nam hendrerit quis quam sed euismod. Nulla cursus congue mauris non condimentum. Aenean ac accumsan libeturpis. Pellentesque in semper nibh, fringilla imperdiet ante. Quisque tempor, nisi eu tristique consectetur, diam nibh bibendum tellus, in vestibulum augue turpis id augue. Nullam facilisis mauris mi, ut convallis libero malesuada eget. Quisque turpis nulla, scelerisque id nunc eget, tristique auctor nibh. Morbi venenatis ultricies libero sit amet volut. Quisque turpis nulla, scelerisque id nunc.
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Avedon A Portrait of an Artist Fahey Klein presents a major retrospective of the photographers work.
By Kely Smith
hat do Jean Genet, Jimmy Durante, Brigitte Bardot, Georgia O’Keeffe, Jacques Cousteau, Andy Warhol, and Lena Horne have in common? They were a few of the many personalities caught on film by photographer Richard Avedon. For more than fifty years, Richard Avedon’s portraits have filled the pages of the country’s finest magazines. His stark imagery and brilliant insight into his subjects’ characters has made him one of the premier American portrait photographers.
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“All photographs are accurate None of them is the truth”.
Jimmy Durante , 1970
Richard Avedon
Born in New York in 1923, Richard Avedon dropped out of high school and joined the Merchant Marine’s photographic section. Upon his return in 1944, he found a job as a photographer in a department store. Within two years he had been “found” by an art director at Harper’s Bazaar and was producing work for them as well as Vogue, Look, and a number of other magazines. During the early years, Avedon made his living primarily through work in advertising. His real passion, however, was the portrait and its ability to express the essence of its subject.
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As Avedon’s notoriety grew, so did the opportunities to meet and photograph celebrities from a broad range of disciplines. Avedon’s ability to present personal views of public figures, who were otherwise distant and inaccessible, was immediately recognized by the public and the celebrities themselves. Many sought out Avedon for their most public images. His artistic style brought a sense of sophistication and authority to the portraits. More than anything, it is Avedon’s ability to set his subjects at ease that helps him create true, intimate, and lasting photographs.
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Throughout his career Avedon has maintained a unique style all his own. Famous for their minimalism, Avedon portraits are often well lit and in front of white backdrops. When printed, the images regularly contain the dark outline of the film in which the image was framed. Within the minimalism of his empty studio, Avedon’s subjects move freely, and it is this movement which brings a sense of spontaneity to the images. Often containing only a portion of the person being photographed, the images seem intimate in their imperfection. While many photographers are interested in either catching a moment in time or preparing a formal image, Avedon has found a way to do both. Beyond his work in the magazine industry, Avedon has collaborated on a number of books of portraits. In 1959 he worked with Truman Capote on a book that documented some of the most famous and important people of the century. Observations included images of Buster Keaton, Gloria Vanderbilt, Pablo Picasso, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Mae West. Around this same time he began a series of images of patients in mental hospitals. Replacing the controlled environment of the studio with that of the hospital he was able to recreate the genius of his other portraits with non-celebrities. The brutal reality of the lives of the insane was a bold contrast to his other work. Years later he would again drift from his celebrity portraits with a series of studio images of drifters, carnival workers, and working class Americans. | 31
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Throughout the 1960s Avedon continued to work for Harper’s Bazaar and in 1974 he collaborated with James Baldwin on the book Nothing Personal. Having met in New York in 1943, Baldwin and Avedon were friends and collaborators for more than thirty years. For all of the 1970s and 1980s Avedon continued working for Vogue magazine, where he would take some of the most famous portraits of the decades. In 1992 he became the first staff photographer for The New Yorker, and two years later the Whitney Museum brought together fifty years of his work in the retrospective, “Richard Avedon: Evidence”. He was voted one of the ten greatest photographers in the world by Popular Photography magazine, and in 1989 received an honorary doctorate from the Royal College of Art in London. Today, his pictures continue to bring us a closer, more intimate view of the great and the famous.
Faces are the ledgers of our experience. – Richard Avedon Avedon died on October 1st, 2004. | 33
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WHAT’S IN A FLASH? If you’ve read How Cameras Work, you know that it takes a lot of light to expose a vivid image onto film. For most indoor photography, where there is relatively little ambient light, you either need to expose the film for a longer period of time or momentarily increase the light level to get a clear picture. Increasing the exposure time doesn’t work well for most subjects, because any quick motion, including the movement of the camera itself, makes for a blurry picture. Electronic flashes are a simple, cheap solution to this inherent problem in photography. Their sole purpose is to emit a short burst of bright light when you release the shutter. This illuminates the room for the fraction of a second the film is exposed. In this article, we’ll find out exactly how these devices carry out this important task. As we’ll see, a standard camera flash is a great demonstration of how basic electronic components can work together. Camera flashes make indoor photography possible without increasing exposure time.
In the past twenty years, most of the major technological breakthroughs in consumer electronics have really been part of one larger breakthrough. When you get down to it, CDs, DVDs, HDTV, MP3s and DVRs are all built around the same basic process: converting conventional analog information (represented by a fluctuating wave) into digital information (represented by ones and zeros, or bits). This fundamental shift in technology totally changed how we handle visual and audio information -- it completely redefined what is possible. The digital camera is one of the most remarkable instances of this shift because it is so truly different from its predecessor. Conventional cameras depend entirely on chemical and mechanical processes -- you don’t even need electricity to operate them. On the other hand, all digital cameras have a built-in computer, and all of them record images electronically. The new approach has been enormously successful. Since film still provides better picture quality, digital cameras have not completely replaced conventional cameras. But, as digital imaging technology has improved, digital cameras have rapidly become more popular.
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SUNRISE OVER ROLLING HILLS AND TWO-LANE BLACKTOP IN THE SANTA YNEZ VALLEY, CA, IN A 1/8 SECOND, APERTURE-PRIORITY EXPOSURE AT F/14 AND ISO 100. We’d guess that more than a few photographers first achieved the starburst effect in a photo without really trying simply because the scene they were photographing featured a small, bright point of light and they’d chosen a small aperture for the exposure. If you’d like to deliberately achieve the result, it’s a pretty easy-does-it procedure. Just about any light source will do—streetlights, headlights, bridge lights, holiday lights; reflected light will work, too. The most common and probably most popular source is the sun. The effect results from diffraction, the bending of light waves around the aperture blades of your lens, so it’s important that the light source be significantly brighter than the ambient light in the scene. How small an aperture should you set? That’ll depend on the light source and the lens, but we’ve found that many photographers have their own standard starting point for starburst photography. For Gary Crabbe, who took the photos you see here, f/11 is that point.
“A landscape image cuts across all political and national boundaries, it transcends the constraints of language and culture.” – Charlie Waite | 36