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(l to r) Keith Hines, Hayden Milanes, Drew Seeley and Nicolas Dromard Photo: Joan Marcus
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The ideas they traded
were as important as the silk.
Long before the Internet, the Silk Road connected humanity. Experience the 5,700 miles from China to Constantinople complete with the scent of spices, exquisite silks, and the exchange of radical ideas that were exhibition opens NOVEMBER 21 the foundation of the modern world.
Traveling the Silk Road: Ancient Pathway to the Modern World is organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York ( in collaboration with the ArtScience Museum, Singapore; Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, Roma, Italy and Codice. Idee per la cultura srl, Torino, Italy; the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, Australia and Art Exhibitions Australia; and the National Museum of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan and United Daily News, Taipei, Taiwan.
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VO LU M E X XV I | N U M B E R 3 | N OV – D E C 2 0 1 4
EDITOR: Suzanne Yoe CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Rob Silk ASSOCIATE EDITOR: John Moore DESIGNERS: Kim Conner, Brenda Elliott, Kyle Malone
Applause magazine is funded in part by
As we near the end of the year, we want to thank you for your continued support. Last year, you helped us reach more than 741,000 people through plays, musicals, events, classes, off-site activities and online. Of those, 71,000 individuals experienced our educational programs, of which 58,000 were youth. Your contributions led to a 20 percent jump in our education attendance, allowing access to thousands of children who would not otherwise have had the chance to experience live theatre. Now at the midway point in our current season, we are working to grow our Off-Center programming, double our New Play Summit, and expand our youth Playwriting and Musical Theatre competitions. We are offering new events to welcome new audiences — Family Days, Theatre Thursdays, Book Clubs and more. Your ongoing support will help us achieve our vision to be the most engaging theatre in the nation. Thank you for a terrific 2014. We look forward to many more shared experiences in the coming year.
DAN L. RITCHIE Chairman & CEO Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Angie Flachman, Publisher For advertising 303.428.9529 or
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Denver Center for the Performing Arts is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating unforgettable shared experiences through Broadway musicals, world-class plays, educational programs and inspired events. One Color Reversed Logo
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Daniel L. Ritchie, Chairman and CEO Donald R. Seawell, Chairman Emeritus William Dean Singleton, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Slosky, First Vice Chair Margot Gilbert Frank, Second Vice Chair Dr. Patricia Baca Joy S. Burns Isabelle Clark Navin Dimond Thomas W. Honig W. Leo Kiely III Mary Pat Link Trish Nagel Robert C. Newman Richard M. Sapkin Martin Semple Jim Steinberg Peter Swinburn Ken Tuchman Tina Walls Lester L. Ward Dr. Reginald L. Washington Judi Wolf Sylvia Young _______________________
HONORARY MEMBERS Jeannie Fuller Glenn R. Jones M. Ann Padilla Cleo Parker Robinson
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Photo courtesy of University of Denver
Theatres throughout the Arts Complex are teeming with excitement. Families with eager children are bustling through the Galleria to celebrate old holiday traditions including our 22nd staging of A Christmas Carol. Others are discovering new traditions with that scruffy green character whose heart doubles in size in Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical. Crowds of shoppers are taking a break from the hubbub—and eliminating ticket fees—at our satellite holiday box office. Located at 2771 E. 1st Ave. in Cherry Creek North, kids’ activities, photo opportunities and Grinch sightings offer an unexpected treat to your holiday plans. Our Theatre Company is busily preparing for our 10th Colorado New Play Summit (Feb 14-21)— an exhilarating chance to marry the words of a script with your own mental picture. Now with the Summit doubled in length to meet growing demand, audiences anxiously await that moment on a bare stage with only the actors, a music stand and a script. Guided by simple stage directions, the audience conjures up the set, scores the music, sets the lights and strikes the mood. It’s invigorating. It’s challenging. It fully engages our imagination. The big payoff comes next season when we return to see if our vision is realized in a full staging. It’s an exciting glimpse into the development of a new play that you don’t want to miss.
Applause is published seven times a year by Denver Center for the Performing Arts in conjunction with The Publishing House, Westminster, CO. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Call 303.893.4000 regarding editorial content.
Carolyn Foster, Executive Assistant to Daniel L. Ritchie Kim Schouten, Executive Assistant to Daniel L. Ritchie
HELEN G. BONFILS FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester L. Ward, President Martin Semple, Vice President Judi Wolf, Sec’y/Treasurer Donald R. Seawell, President Emeritus W. Leo Kiely III Daniel L. Ritchie William Dean Singleton Robert Slosky Jim Steinberg Dr. Reginald L. Washington Minumum Width .75” Maximum Width 2”
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SENIOR MANAGEMENT STAFF Clay Courter, Vice President, Facilities & Event Services John Ekeberg, Executive Director, Broadway Vicky Miles, Chief Financial Officer Jennifer Nealson, Chief Marketing Officer Kent Thompson, Producing Artistic Director, Theatre Company Charles Varin, Managing Director, Theatre Company David Zupancic, Interim Director of Development
Artistry Forged in Gold and Silver
BLESS OUR DONORS, EVERY ONE Our 7,000 donors embody the generosity of spirit that Charles Dickens hoped to achieve in A Christmas Carol. We thank them for their contributions that come in many different packages.
1) Danny Showers – I am an entertainer and song stylist with deep roots in the performing arts industry. My direct financial support to the Denver Center for the Performing Arts over the last eight years has been very gratifying. When I provide my support, I feel I’m supporting the DCPA’s dynamic performance and education programs, in addition to playing a big part in the day-to-day operations. It’s great to experience the results of my contributions. 2) Susan Stiff – I have been involved with the Denver Center for Performing Arts for more than 20 years and have made many good friends through the Denver Center Alliance, the support arm for the organization. This year, I serve as Chair of Saturday Night Alive, the mega fundraiser that will net nearly three quarters of a million dollars for arts-related youth education and outreach, my passion. Committing to the Encore Society guarantees that my estate will continue to help the mission of the DCPA long after I am gone.
3) JJ Jaggers – When I moved from the East Coast to Denver, I was a bit of a theater snob. I believed great theater couldn’t be found west of the Hudson River. I was pleasantly surprised to find Denver’s incredibly robust arts community. I have supported the Denver Center for the Performing Arts for more than 15 years not only because I love the theater, but moreover because of the outreach programs that introduce the arts to children of all ages. 4) Michael Vocatura – The live theater productions at the Denver Center lift the spirit, raise consciousness, educate, and entertain. I am continually amazed at the level of craftsmanship and artistry displayed by the staff and visiting artists at the DCPA. It is for these reasons that I have served as a volunteer usher for the past 10 years and donated resources annually. Seeing the faces of satisfied patrons, both young and old, inspires me to continue my volunteer service. 5) Lois Paul – I fell in love with theater as a child. My parents took me to the Valley Forge Summer Music Fair outside Philadelphia, an outdoor theater in the round under a tent. It was hot and humid. The canvas seats were uncomfortable, but when the show started, I was hooked. When I became a Denverite, the Marquee Club gave me an opportunity to make new friends, see great shows and support an organization that brings so much enjoyment to my life.
6) Terry and Mary Beth Miller – We like the chance to get to downtown Denver and to the DCPA. We love the activity and nightlife there. The VIP Evenings are special to us because we enjoy the cocktail hour and the chance to interact with the DCPA personnel and other patrons who share our same interest. The meals and conversations are always topnotch. Walking to the show after the meal and knowing you’ve got a great seat to the program is the perfect ending to the night.
JOIN OUR DONOR FAMILY TODAY 3 easy was to donate: Mail: Denver Center for the Performing Arts Attn: Development Office 1101 13th Street, Denver, CO 80204 Online: Phone: 303.446.4802
NOVEMBER 14, 2014 - FEBRUARY 28, 2015
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Illustration by Kyle Malone
On December 19, 1843, Charles Dickens published A Christmas Carol. Now, 171 years and 22 Theatre Company productions later, audiences continue to fill the theatre making it our most popular and most produced show. But what drove Dickens to write this “ghostly little book” and why has it become essential to the holiday season? He wanted to utterly transform the lives of those who read it. You see, England was in a state of economic depression. There was little regard for the plight of one’s fellow man. Social injustice was epidemic. Children labored under appalling conditions, and, for the most part, mass society lived in abject poverty. Instead of merely writing a pamphlet that was to be entitled “An Appeal to the People of England on Behalf of the Poor Man’s Child,” Dickens launched upon a work about which he stated: “You will certainly feel that a sledgehammer has come down with 20 times the force—20 times the force—I could exert by following my first idea.” Dickens believed that societal ills could be cured by a profound revolution within the human spirit. So, Ebenezer Scrooge came to be. Aptly named (an old vulgarization of “squeeze”), Scrooge was a shrewd businessman whose heart shriveled up so tightly that all impulses of joy, empathy and mercy dried to a gray paste.
He embodied the indifference of upper classes who were defined by wealth and believed that their responsibilities toward others stopped with their taxes. “The dark side of life is very important,” said Laird Williamson, adaptor and director of the Theatre Company’s first productions of A Christmas Carol (1990-2004). “We must, like Scrooge, acknowledge it in order to get to touch all aspects of human nature.” The redemption of the seemingly irredeemable Scrooge signaled the possibility of redemption of the human spirit. We cannot gauge to what degree the book assuaged the ills of early Victorian society. We do know, however, that 6,000 copies were sold by Christmas Eve and eight competing stage versions were produced within a few months of its publication. It remains the best-selling Christmas book of all time, next to the Bible, and easily the most popular Christmas play. “There’s something really special about this current adaptation,” said director Bruce Sevy. “It manages not to be just sentimental—there are dark elements in the play: poverty, loneliness, death, greed, disappointment—yet the story holds out the promise that it’s never too late to make a new start.” But the lasting power of A Christmas Carol may well be the characterization of the holiday itself. At a time when traditional festivities were on the
decline, Dickens resurrected and reshaped the holiday with sparkling merriment, warm openheartedness, piping hospitality, dazzling generosity and even a white Christmas. The first Christmas card appeared just after the book’s publication. The cozy holiday glow was painted by his words. And even the existence of Christmas fiction, previously so saccharine sweet that it was declining in popularity, was rejuvenated by marrying it to its opposite—the tale of terror. By rekindling an almost extinguished flame, Dickens’ name forevermore was made synonymous with Christmas. Based on the original 1990 Applause article by Laird Williamson with contributions by Dr. Elliot Engel, Chad Henry, Marilynne Scott Mason, Jay Novick, Dan Sullivan and Suzanne Yoe.
A CHRISTMAS CAROL NOV 28 – DEC 28 STAGE THEATRE ASL & Audio-described Performance: Dec 20, 1:30pm Tickets: 303.893.4100 | 800.641.1222 | TTY: 303.893.9582 Groups (10+): 303.446.4829
In its 35-year history, the Theatre Company has presented two different adaptations of A Christmas Carol—the first by Laird Williamson and Dennis Powers (1990-2004) and the second by Richard Hellesen (2005-present). In those years, we’ve had:
22 108
Mrs. Fezziwigs
Stage Managers
(Christopher C. Ewing has stage managed 17 times beginning in 1990)
(Philip Pleasants has performed the role 8 times)
(including Anthony Powell, director of Lord of the Flies)
actors playing 4 ghosts
(Kathleen Brady played the role 11 times)
(including director Laird Williamson)
588 light cues
Tiny Tims
(Charlie Korman has performed the role 4 times)
to construct the scenery
Bob Cratchits
(including William Denis, who played both Marley’s Ghost and the Ghost of Christmas Present)
770,000 patrons
JUDI WOLF’S COSTUME COLUMN The Theatre Company’s holiday tradition, A Christmas Carol, returns to the stage for its 22nd time in the Company’s 35-year-history. Designed by resident costume designer Kevin Copenhaver, the large ensemble production is filled with lavish period pieces denoting an unmatched Victorian elegance. The style of the era can be seen in both the men’s and the women’s costumes. Dresses of the time were adorned with increased sleeve detail and included layers of starched petticoats creating full, heavy skirts. These would later lead to the development of the crinoline.
Ever dashing, the men’s fashion, particularly that of upper class gentlemen, followed the trend of earlier decades with full shoulders and chest, and tightly cinched waist. Shirts of linen or cotton were accented with wide cravats or neckties that offered several different looks. Color, fabric and style all played a part in distinguishing the upper classes from the lower ones, which is particularly evident at the festive Fezziwig party, full of ornate details, lush fabrics and rich colors. Just watching this vivid and colorful merriment on stage will put you in the right mood and fill you with holiday cheer.
lighting fixtures
is the weight of the painted floor
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TM & © 1957, 2014 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P.
Buell Theatre
Buell Theatre
June 3 – July 5
Mar 10 – 15
Apr 22 – 26
TM & © 1957, 2014 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P.
–Chicago Tribune
Dec 17 – 28 Buell Theatre
Feb 3 – 15
Buell Theatre
Apr 29 – May 10 Buell Theatre
Buell Theatre
Buell Theatre
Buell Theatre
Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Annie and Wicked
June 3 – July 5
FORMar AS10LOW AS $219.65 Apr 22 – 26 – 15
Buell Theatre
Buell Theatre
Buell Theatre
Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Annie, Wicked and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
FOR AS LOW AS $263.35
DENVERCENTER.ORG | 303.893.4100 GROUPS: 303.446.4829 | TTY: 303.893.9582 Prices include handling fees and city seat tax.
Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Annie, Wicked and STOMP
FOR AS LOW AS $258.75
Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella, Annie, Wicked, STOMP and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
FOR AS LOW AS $302.45
SANTA CLAWS & PAWS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 7:00 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M. | GRAND COURT We invite you and your four-legged friends for photos with Santa.
160 AM AZ I NG S T O R E S 300 0 E A ST F IR ST AVE N U E • D E NV E R , C O • S H O P C H E R RY C R E E K. C O M
Stefan Karl as The Grinch with Brooke Lynn Boyd as Cindy-Lou Who. Photo by: PAPARAZZIBYAPPOINTMENT.COM
Every Year on the telly Children gather around… To watch the Grinch STEAL Christmas From his very own town.
The furry green creature with little beady eyes, Hates Christmas, but no one really knows WHY. They say that his heart is two sizes too small, And that’s saying a lot, ’cause he’s really quite tall.
As you watch this musical, it’s likely you’ll find, That the Grinch who hates Christmas is really quite KIND. So GATHER Horton, Sam-I-Am and that Cat in the Hat, Bring The Lorax, Sally and those two Things to bat, Tell the fifer-feffer-feffs, the Guff, and the Snuvs, That ’ol Grinch is in the Buell with a heart full of LOVE.
TM & © 1957, 2014 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P.
Theodor Seuss Geisel—“Ted” to his friends—began his career as a cartoonist in the 1920s after one of his fellow Oxford students noticed him spending more time doodling in class than taking notes. Not long thereafter, his work began appearing in magazines under the name “Dr. Theophrastus Seuss,” which he soon shortened to “Dr. Seuss.” His first children’s book, And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street, was published in 1937, but it wasn’t until 1957 that two of his most-loved stories were published. First up was The Cat in the Hat, which stemmed from reports of declining literacy among children. When William Spaulding of Houghton Mifflin publishers challenged him to “write me a story that first-graders can’t put down,” Geisel was very nearly stumped. Known for his nonsense words, he was tasked with using only 225 words from the grade school vocabulary list. “I read the list three times and almost went out of my head,” he was quoted as saying in The Annotated Cat by Philip Nel. “I’ll read it once more and if I can find two words that rhyme, that’ll be the title.” Thus The Cat in the Hat was born, selling more than one million copies in three years and serving as a prototype for Random House’s Beginner Books division, of which Geisel was named President. Geisel often said that the inspirations for his stories were mysteries to him, with the exception
of The Cat In The Hat and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. “I was brushing my teeth on the morning of the 26th of last December when I noted a very Grinch-ish countenance in the mirror,” commented Geisel in a 1957 Redbook interview. “It was Seuss! Something had gone wrong with Christmas, I realized, or more likely with me. So I wrote the story about my sour friend, the Grinch, to see if I could rediscover something about Christmas that obviously I’d lost.” What resulted was a rejuvenation of Christmas for generations to come. The book was an immediate hit. It was adapted into an animated special in 1966 and a feature film starring Jim Carrey in 2000. But in between, the Minneapolis Children’s Theatre Company brought the story to life on stage, complete with “You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas” from the original television special. Following its debut in 1994, the musical eventually made its way to Broadway where it ran in the Hilton Theatre (2006) and the St. James (2007). Though Geisel found popularity in many other children’s books including Horton Hears a Who, The Lorax, Fox in Socks, The Foot Book and who can forget Green Eggs and Ham, each year when Christmas comes around, generations gather together to read, watch and now attend Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical. Upon his death in 1991, Geisel had written 44 children’s books with more than 200 million copies in print, received the Pulitzer Prize in 1984, three Academy Awards and eight honorary doctorates. Works based on his stories have received three Oscars, three Emmys, three Grammys and a Peabody Award. And he even coined his own entry into Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary: “Grinch: noun an unpleasant person who spoils other people’s fun or enjoyment.” We couldn’t think of a term less likely to describe Theodore Geisel, our beloved Dr. Seuss. Instead, we’ll defer to Bennett Cerf, Geisel’s publisher, who said that of all the distinguished authors he had worked with, only one was a genius: Dr. Seuss.
DR. SEUSS’ HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS! THE MUSICAL DEC 17 – 28 BUELL THEATRE ASL, Open Captioning & Audio-description Performance: Dec 27, 2pm Tickets: 303.893.4100 800.641.1222 TTY: 303.893.9582 Groups (10+): 303.446.4829
Santino Fontana and Laura Osnes from the Rodgers + Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA Original Broadway Company
Photo by Al Revenna. Rights held under Library of Congress through Instrument of Gift.
“Something had gone wrong with Christmas, I realized, or more likely with me. So I wrote the story about my sour friend, the Grinch, to see if I could rediscover something about Christmas that obviously I’d lost.”
CINDERELLA One of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s most beloved scores was originally written for television: Cinderella (playing The Buell Feb 3–15). First aired in 1957 starring Julie Andrews, it features such songs as “Ten Minutes Ago” and “In My Own Little Corner.” Ted Chapin, President of Rodgers + Hammerstein, asked Robyn Goodman (Avenue Q, In the Heights) to produce a new version of Cinderella. She agreed but with a caveat: Only if Cinderella “can save the Prince as much as he saves her. She’s gotta be a more active character.” Goodman hired playwright Douglas Carter Beane (The Little Dog Laughed, Xanadu) to adapt. While critics have commented that Beane’s humorous script is revisionist, he was inspired by Charles Perrault’s 1697 fairy tale. It was a thinly veiled satire of French politics, says Beane: “The court was overwhelmed with ridicule and sarcasm, and Cinderella was kind and brought kindness to the court.” But Beane knew, “It had to have a little snark to it.” Since Rodgers and Hammerstein had only written songs for a 90-minute TV musical, Beane scoured their catalogue for material to fill out the score for the stage version. He found several little-known gems: “Me, Who am I?” a cut song from Me and Juliet, and “There’s Music in You” from the film Main Street to Broadway. Goodman thinks this melding of traditional songwriting and a playful new script resonates with contemporary families: “I want those mothers out there to know that it is the classic Cinderella; the glass slipper is there and he has to find her, and the Fairy Godmother and the Wicked Stepmother are there. It just has a slight modern spin on it, so girls feel that princesses can save the world; they are proactive, they’re compassionate and that the basic theme of the show is kindness.”
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UPSTAGE EVERY OTHER GIFT. DCPA gift certificates turn into unforgettable Broadway, Theatre Company, Cabaret or Off-Center experiences for family and friends. Make someone’s holiday today.
GIFT IDEAS FOR ALL Find the perfect show or gift certificate suggestion below.
Introduce someone to theatre with these crowd-pleasing favorites and unique events • • • • •
A Christmas Carol Annie Backstage tours Dancing Pros: Live Wicked
• • • • •
• • • • •
Give a movie buff or television fan the chance to see familiar faces and stories live on stage Annie Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella Dancing Pros: Live See Jane Sing! (With Jane Lynch) Jersey Boys
Any couple can agree on these shows to liven up an evening or weekend • • • • •
Defending the Caveman Motown The Musical One Night in Miami… STOMP The Book of Mormon
Get your friends together and plan an unforgettable night around these shows Appoggiatura The Australian Bee Gees Show Dancing Pros: Live See Jane Sing! (With Jane Lynch) Wicked
Relive the music and memories of your youth and explore the drama of the present • • • •
Benediction Jersey Boys Motown The Musical One Night in Miami…
Main Box Office: the lobby of the Helen Bonfils Theatre Complex Holiday Box Office in Cherry Creek North: 2771 East 1st Avenue, next to Bose DENVERCENTER.ORG | 303.893.4100
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The Coolest room in Town! Downtown at the CloCktower | Celebrating our 9th year! | 303.293.0075
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NOW ON SALE The SantaLand Diaries Now – Dec 24
Denver Center for the Performing Arts’ biggest stars step into the spotlight — actors, designers, students and you.
A Christmas Carol Now – Dec 28 Forbidden Broadway: Alive & Kicking! Now – Mar 1 Jersey Boys Dec 10 – 14 Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical Dec 17 – 28 Appoggiatura Jan 16 – Feb 22
3 Photo by ?
Dancing Pros: Live Jan 23 – 24 Benediction Jan 30 – Mar 1 Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella Feb 3 – 15 See Jane Sing! Jane Lynch Feb 14 The Australian Bee Gees Show Mar 5
STOMP Mar 10 – 15 One Night in Miami... Mar 20 – Apr 19
For complete photo coverage, visit the DCPA’s News Center at
Mark Twain Tonight! Mar 21 The 12 Mar 27 – Apr 26 Motown the Musical Mar 31 – Apr 19
6 1. EDUCATION: More than 100 kids filled the hallways on Nov. 2 at our free Family Fun Forum. 2. OFF-CENTER’s unofficial mascot, Mr. Baseball, kicked off the new season of offbeat theatre on Sep 12. 3. SATURDAY NIGHT ALIVE was launched in grand style by Claudia Miller (auction chair), Kate Burke (Alliance President) and Susan Stiff (chair). The March 7 event features Jessie Mueller and Jarrod Spector of Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. 4. THEATRE COMPANY: The cast and director of Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike goofed around at the cast party on opening night. 5. KIDS NIGHT ON BROADWAY at Blue Man Group let kids play instruments, get autographs and have fun. 6. EVENT SERVICES hosted Western Union on the Directors Room open-air patio.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Apr 22 – 26 Defending the Caveman Apr 22 – Jun 28 Annie Apr 29 – May 10 Wicked Jun 3 – Jul 5 The Book of Mormon Aug 11 – Sep 13
Dodger Theatricals Joseph J. Grano Tamara and Kevin Kinsella Pelican Group with Latitude Link and Rick Steiner
Dodger Theatricals Joseph J. Grano Tamara and Kevin Kinsella Pelican Group present with Latitude Link and Rick Steiner
The Story of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
The Story of Frankie Valli Music & The by Four Seasons
Book by
Lyrics by
Marshall Brickman Book & Rick Elice Bob GaudioMusic by Bob CreweLyrics by by with Nicolas Dromard Keith Hines Hayden Milanes Drew Seeley Marshall Brickman & Rick Elice Bob Gaudio Bob Crewe with
TommasoNicolas Antico Dromard Candi Boyd Keith JaycieHines Dotin Marlana Dunn De’Lon GrantDrew Seeley Hayden Milanes Wes Hart Bryan Hindle Austin Owen John Rochette Leslie Tommaso Rochette Antico Shaun Taylor-Corbett JonnyDotin WexlerMarlana KeithDunn White De’Lon Grant Candi Boyd Jaycie with Barry and Thomas Fiscella Wes Hart Anderson Bryan Hindle Austin Owen John Rochette Leslie Rochette Shaun Taylor-Corbett Jonny Wexler Keith White Scenic Design Costume Design Lighting Design Sound Design with Barry Anderson and Thomas Fiscella Klara Zieglerova Jess Goldstein Howell Binkley Steve Canyon Kennedy Projection Design Design Design Scenic DesignWig and HairCostume
Fight Lighting Director Design Production Supervisor Sound Design
GoldsteinSteve Howell Binkley Richard SteveHester Canyon Kennedy MichaelKlara ClarkZieglerova Charles Jess LaPointe Rankin Orchestrations Projection Design
Steve Orich Michael Clark
Music Coordinator Wig and Hair Design
John Miller Charles LaPointe
Technical Supervisor
Casting Orchestrations
Peter Fulbright
Tara Rubin Steve OrichCasting
Technical Supervisor Associate Producer
Conductor Fight Director
Ben Hartman Steve Rankin
Company Manager Music Coordinator
JohnMichael Miller Camp
ExecutiveCasting Producer
LaurenPeter Mitchell Fulbright
Sally Campbell Morse Tara Rubin Casting
Richard Hester
Production Stage Manager Conductor
Mark Tynan Ben Hartman
CompanyTour Manager Production Stage Manager Booking & Marketing
BroadwayCamp Booking Office Mark NYC Tynan Michael
Supervision, Vocal/Dance Executive Arrangements and Incidental Music by AssociateMusic Producer Producer
Lauren Mitchell
Production Supervisor
Ron Melrose Sally Campbell Morse
Tour Booking & Marketing
Broadway Booking Office NYC
Choreography Music Supervision, Vocal/Dance Arrangements and Incidental Music by
Sergio Trujillo Ron Melrose Directed by Choreography
Sergio Trujillo Des McAnuff World Premiere Produced by La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA Directed by Christopher Ashley, Artistic Director & Michael S. Rosenberg, Managing Director
Des McAnuff
World Premiere Produced by La Jolla Playhouse, La Jolla, CA Christopher Ashley, Artistic Director & Michael S. Rosenberg, Managing Director
Sponsored in Denver by:
Bob Crewe.................................................................................................................................................. BARRY ANDERSON Officer Petrillo, Hank Majewski, Crewe’s PA, Accountant, Joe Long (and others).................. TOMMASO ANTICO Church Lady, Angel, Lorraine, Miss Frankie Nolan, Bob’s Party Girl (and others)..................... JAYCIE DOTIN Tommy DeVito........................................................................................................................................ NICOLAS DROMARD Mary Delgado, Angel (and others)......................................................................................................... MARLANA DUNN Gyp DeCarlo (and others)..................................................................................................................... THOMAS FISCELLA French Rap Star, Detective One, Hal Miller, Barry Belson, Police Officer, Davis (and others).......DE’LON GRANT Nick Massi..................................................................................................................................................................KEITH HINES Frankie Valli................................................................................................................................................... HAYDEN MILANES Frankie Valli (Thu Mat)............................................................................................................. SHAUN TAYLOR-CORBETT Nick DeVito, Stosh, Norman Waxman,Charlie Calello (and others)..........................................JOHN ROCHETTE Frankie’s Mother, Nick’s Date, Angel, Francine (and others).................................................... LESLIE ROCHETTE Bob Gaudio.......................................................................................................................................................... DREW SEELEY Joey, Recording Studio Engineer (and others).................................................................................. JONNY WEXLER Detective Two, Donnie, Billy Dixon (and others)...................................................................................... KEITH WHITE UNDERSTUDIES Understudies never substitute for listed performers unless a specific announcement is made at the time of the performance.
For Frankie Valli: BRYAN HINDLE, JONNY WEXLER; for Tommy DeVito: WES HART, JOHN ROCHETTE; for Bob Gaudio: TOMMASO ANTICO, AUSTIN OWEN; for Nick Massi: JOHN ROCHETTE, KEITH WHITE; for Gyp DeCarlo: WES HART, KEITH WHITE;for Bob Crewe: TOMMASO ANTICO, AUSTIN OWEN SWINGS CANDI BOYD, WES HART, BRYAN HINDLE, AUSTIN OWEN Dance Captain: BRYAN HINDLE; Assistant Dance Captain: WES HART; Fight Captain: WES HART JERSEY BOYS ORCHESTRA Conductor: Ben Hartman; Associate Conductor: Taylor Peckham; Keyboards: Ben Hartman, Kara Kesselring, Taylor Peckham; Guitar: Jacob Chidester, Brian LaFontaine; Bass: Marcus Vann; Drums: Mark Papazian; Reeds: Ted Hogarth, Nick Moran; Trumpet: Jeff Ostroski; Music Coordinator: John Miller
FOUR SEASONS Photos by: Joan Marcus, Jeremy Daniel
(in alphabetical order)
(l to r) Drew Seeley, Hayden Milanes, Keith Hines, and Nicolas Dromard in Jersey Boys.
(l to r) Bob Gaudio, Frankie Valli, Nick Massi and Tommy DeVito. The Original Four Seasons.
Nicolas Dromard
Keith Hines
Hayden Milanes
Drew Seeley
Barry Anderson
Thomas Fiscella
Tommaso Antico
Candi Boyd
Jaycie Dotin
Marlana Dunn
De’Lon Grant
Wes Hart
Bryan Hindle
Austin Owen
John Rochette
Leslie Rochette
Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Jonny Wexler
Keith White
MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT ONE “CES SOIRÉES-LA (OH, WHAT A NIGHT)” – PARIS, 2000.............. FRENCH RAP STAR, BACKUP GROUP “SILHOUETTES”..................................................................................TOMMY DEVITO, NICK MASSI, NICK DEVITO, FRANKIE CASTELLUCCIO “YOU’RE THE APPLE OF MY EYE”...............................................TOMMY DEVITO, NICK MASSI, NICK DEVITO “I CAN’T GIVE YOU ANYTHING BUT LOVE”................................................................ FRANKIE CASTELLUCCIO “EARTH ANGEL”.......................................................................................................TOMMY DEVITO, FULL COMPANY “SUNDAY KIND OF LOVE”............................. FRANKIE VALLI, TOMMY DEVITO, NICK MASSI, NICK’S DATE “MY MOTHER’S EYES”.................................................................................................................................FRANKIE VALLI “I GO APE”................................................................................................................................................THE FOUR LOVERS “(WHO WEARS) SHORT SHORTS”.................................................................................................THE ROYAL TEENS “I’M IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE/MOODY’S MOOD FOR LOVE”...................................................FRANKIE VALLI “CRY FOR ME”...................................................BOB GAUDIO, FRANKIE VALLI, TOMMY DEVITO, NICK MASSI “AN ANGEL CRIED”........................................................................................................... HAL MILLER AND THE RAYS “I STILL CARE”........................................................................................MISS FRANKIE NOLAN AND THE ROMANS “TRANCE”........................................................................................................................... BILLY DIXON AND THE TOPIX “SHERRY”.............................................................................................................................................. THE FOUR SEASONS “BIG GIRLS DON’T CRY”................................................................................................................. THE FOUR SEASONS “WALK LIKE A MAN”....................................................................................................................... THE FOUR SEASONS “DECEMBER, 1963 (OH, WHAT A NIGHT)”......................................................... BOB GAUDIO, FULL COMPANY “MY BOYFRIEND’S BACK”..............................................................................................................................THE ANGELS “MY EYES ADORED YOU”..................................... FRANKIE VALLI, MARY DELGADO, THE FOUR SEASONS “DAWN (GO AWAY)”........................................................................................................................ THE FOUR SEASONS “WALK LIKE A MAN” (REPRISE)........................................................................................................... FULL COMPANY THERE WILL BE ONE 15-MINUTE INTERMISSION
ACT TWO “BIG MAN IN TOWN”........................................................................................................................ THE FOUR SEASONS “BEGGIN’”............................................................................................................................................. THE FOUR SEASONS “STAY”...................................................................................................... BOB GAUDIO, FRANKIE VALLI, NICK MASSI “LET’S HANG ON (TO WHAT WE’VE GOT)”........................................................BOB GAUDIO, FRANKIE VALLI “OPUS 17 (DON’T YOU WORRY ‘BOUT ME)”.BOB GAUDIO, FRANKIE VALLI AND THE NEW SEASONS “BYE BYE BABY”...................................................................................FRANKIE VALLI AND THE FOUR SEASONS “C’MON MARIANNE”............................................................................FRANKIE VALLI AND THE FOUR SEASONS “CAN’T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU”........................................................................................................FRANKIE VALLI “WORKING MY WAY BACK TO YOU”...........................................FRANKIE VALLI AND THE FOUR SEASONS “FALLEN ANGEL”..........................................................................................................................................FRANKIE VALLI “RAG DOLL”......................................................................................................................................... THE FOUR SEASONS “WHO LOVES YOU?”.................................................................................... THE FOUR SEASONS, FULL COMPANY
THE ONES THAT GOT AWAY “Ain’t That a Shame” (Domino/Bartholomew) • “Candy Girl” (Santos) “Don’t Think Twice” (Dylan) • “Girl Come Runnin’” (Gaudio/Crewe) “Grease” (Gibb) • “I Make a Fool of Myself” (Gaudio/Crewe) “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” (Porter) • “Marlena” (Gaudio) “New Mexican Rose” (Crewe/Calello) • “Our Day Will Come” (Hillard/Garson) “Ronnie” (Gaudio/Crewe) • “Save It For Me” (Gaudio/Crewe) “Silver Star” (Gaudio/Parker) • “Swearin’ to God” (Crewe/Randall) “Tell It to the Rain” (Petrillo/Cifelli) “The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore” (Gaudio/Crewe) “To Give (The Reason I Live)” (Gaudio/Crewe) “Watch the Flowers Grow” (Brown/Bloodworth) “Will You Love Me Tomorrow” (Goffin/King)
Please silence all electronic devices such as cellular phones, beepers and watches. The use of any recording device, either audio or video, and the taking of photographs, either with or without flash, is strictly prohibited.
NICOLAS DROMARD (Tommy DeVito) For the last 14 years Nicolas Dromard has been traveling all over the United States and Canada doing what he loves to do. Before being in Jersey Boys, he led the Broadway cast of Mary Poppins playing Bert, and was most recently seen in Music of the Night in Sonoma, California, with the Transcendence Theatre Company. Broadway: three. National tours: four. Regional shows: Yes. Proud Canadian: Ah oui! Much Love to Mom, Dad and Desi. You want more? Go to KEITH HINES (Nick Massi) is overjoyed to hit the road with the Jersey Boys family! Recent off-Broadway: Cougar the Musical (Buck), Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man (Stefan). Credits include: Les Miz (Enjolras, WVPT), Camelot (Lancelot, Pittsburgh Public Theatre), 1776 (Thomas Jefferson, Pittsburgh Public Theatre), Urban Cowboy (Bud, WVPT), The Crucible (John Proctor), Picnic (Hal). Master’s Degree in music, Oklahoma City University (voice: Florence Birdwell), The Studio/NY (Jayd McCarty’s acting conservatory). Eternal thanks be to God for his many gifts and blessings; as well as to my family, Arnold Mungioli, and the gang at BRS/Gage for their ongoing love and support. HAYDEN MILANES (Frankie Valli) is honored to be a member of the Jersey Boys family. Tour: Jersey Boys (1st Nat’l) Regional: The Rocky Horror Show (Rocky), Grease (Danny), A Chorus Line, Finding Nemo: The Musical, Playhouse Disney LIVE! Endless thanks to Katie Agresta, Katy Decker, Neil Semer, Merri Sugarman/Tara Rubin Casting and the entire JB creative team for this opportunity. Proud member of Actors Equity. This one’s for Mom, Dad, Pito, Lisa, Tina, Niko, and KJ. Family is everything. DREW SEELEY (Bob Gaudio) is SO amped up to be a Jersey Boy! Broadway: The Little Mermaid (Prince Eric); North/South American tours: High School Musical: The Concert (Troy Bolton); Film: Another Cinderella Story, Freshman Father, Do Over; TV: Glory Daze, Lovestruck, One Tree Hill. HUGE thanks to mom, dad, Katie, Ellen, Mark, everyone at Talentworks, Merri and the entire creative team! And, of course, my one in a million wife, Amy Paffrath. This one’s for you, babe! Check out my music at and be my pal
on twitter/instagram! (@DrewSeeley)... But not right now! Turn your phone off, the show’s starting! Geez. BARRY ANDERSON (Bob Crewe). is thrilled to be a part of the Jersey family. Broadway: Legally Blonde (Aaron Schultz). National Tours: Legally Blonde, My Fair Lady. Regional: Where’s Charley? (Charley); Bye Bye Birdie (Albert); Honk! (The Cat); The Civil War. T.V./ Film: “30 Rock,” “As The World Turns,” FORWARD&GONE. Music graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Thanks to the family, Rusty, Lisa, and Merri! Proud AEA member. Check out (songwriting) and follow @4BarryAnderson THOMAS FISCELLA (Gyp DeCarlo and others). Regional: The Kite Runner, Fiddler on the Roof, Tranced, Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, Miss Evers’ Boys, The Bigger Man, Stalag 17, Black Friday. Tour: The Sound of Music. Television: 24. Principal roles for Georgia, Texas and Colorado Shakespeare Festivals. William & Mary grad. Deep gratitude for friends and “famiglie,” and for JB angel John A., Tara Rubin Casting, Merri, The Dodgers, Richard, West, Des and our entire team — “salud.” TOMMASO ANTICO (Hank Majewski and others) is thrilled to be part of the Jersey Boys Family. Off-Broadway: Altar Boyz, The Donkey Show, My Big Gay Italian Wedding. National Tours: Hairspray, Cabaret, Altar Boyz. TV/Film: Enchanted, Revolutionary Road, Boardwalk Empire, The Other Guys. Print: Italian Vogue. Thank you Merri, creative team, MSA, nieces, nephews, Harley & Victor. CANDI BOYD (Swing) has been a proud JB family member since 2009. BFA Point Park University. Credits: Annie (Lily-Northern Stage) Hair, Contact, Anything Goes (Reno-Pittsburgh Playhouse), Happy Embalmer (NYMF) and JC Superstar (KC Starlight). A Trillion thanks to Merri, her amazing parents, the Buddies and the Best husband in history. JAYCIE DOTIN (Lorraine and others) is beyond thrilled to be a part of the Jersey Boys family! Credits: Legally Blonde (Brooke Wyndham), Jubilee!, Chinese TV series Little Daddy (Selena). HUGE THANKS to Merri, Tara Rubin Casting, Dodgers, the JB team, her family, and her amazing roadies: Sean and Rolo. Dreams do come true!
MARLANA DUNN (Mary Delgado and others) is overjoyed to be a Jersey girl! BFA Point Park University. Credits: Ruthless!... (Judy/Ginger), ...Wonderettes (Cindy Lou), Always... Patsy Cline (Patsy Cline) Pittsburgh CLO; All Shook Up, A Christmas Carol (Belle) NSMT. Thanks to About Artists, Merri and the JB team. Love to my family, Candi and K. DE’LON GRANT (Barry Belson and others) is excited to join the Jersey Boys family! Regional credits: Invisible Man (Tod Clifton), Troilus and Cressida (Achilles), Cymbeline (Posthumous/ Cloten), Big River (Jim), 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Mitch Mahoney), Passing Strange (Terry/ Christoph). Big thank you Cynthia Katz, Dodgers, Mom, and Liz. WES HART (Swing, Assistant Dance Captain, Fight Captain) wants to thank the JB team for giving him the opportunity to be a part of this spectacular show! Credits include the Broadway revival of West Side Story (Action), Off-Broadway’s Lucky Guy, and many regional shows throughout the country. Love to his family and of course Melissahis H(e)art. BRYAN HINDLE (Swing, Dance Captain). Credits: War Horse, Dirty Dancing, We Will Rock You, Jersey Boys (Toronto), Hair, A Chorus Line (Paul). Film/television: Hairspray, LA Complex, Road Scholars: Italy. Toured internationally with singer Nelly Furtado. Thanks Dodgers, Danny Austin, Talent House, creative team and cast of Jersey Boys. Love to his friends and family home in Toronto. AUSTIN OWEN (Swing) Dream job with Jersey Boys! Tours: Memphis, Flashdance, The Producers. Regional: The Last Five Years, The Drowsy Chaperone (Flat Rock Playhouse), La Cage (Riverside), Footloose!, Godspell (Lyric Theatre Oklahoma). FSU Grad. Thanks to Merri Sugarman, Renee and Joe at About Artists, Clark, and all my crazy awesome friends and family. JOHN ROCHETTE (Norm Waxman and others) is a born & raised Jersey boy, & Rutgers graduate. He’s dabbled in Blue Man Group, Spamalot, Rocky Horror, Sleezy network Soap operas, and many rock bands. His HonkyTonkBand: uptownoutfit. com. His family is the best ever &
he’s so proud of his new wife Leslie Rochette. Enjoy! LESLIE ROCHETTE (Francine and others) is thrilled to be returning to Jersey Boys after being on the 1st National Tour. Regional: Legally Blonde, Hairspray, The Producers, Annie, Happy Days. BA: Columbia College, NOCCA alum. Thanks to the creative team, Merri/Tara Rubin, Dodgers, Bohemia Group, Mom, Dad, Colin, Laura, and Cara. For my husband, John Rochette. SHAUN TAYLOR-CORBETT (Frankie Valli on Thursday Matinee). It is a dream to join the Jersey Boys family! Broadway: In the Heights, Sonny. Off-Broadway/Tours: Altar Boyz, Juan; In the Heights, Sonny (Ovation Award). TV/Film: Hi-5 (series regular); Supremacy. LA stage: The Road Weeps, LATC. Co-wrote Distant Thunder. Thanks Merri/Tara Rubin Casting, JB team, Scott, Mom, Dad, Noemi and fam. JONNY WEXLER (Joey and others) is honored to join Jersey Boys. Theatre: Chasing the Song & Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (La Jolla), Peter Pan, It’s A Wonderful Life, The Music Man (Stratford Festival). Film/TV: The Doodlebops (Disney/CBS, 600+ shows worldwide). Thanks Des, Sergio, Ron, Danny, Merri, Mark, friends, family, and my little babe! KEITH WHITE (Billy Dixon and others) is honored and humbled to join the incredible Jersey Boys family. Keith lives in New York City, but grew up in Georgia and California, and attended the Boston Conservatory where he studied Musical Theatre. Special thanks to friends, family, BRS/Gage, and Lisa Sheldon. Peace, Love, and Happiness to all. MARSHALL BRICKMAN (Book). Films (author or co-author): Sleeper, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Manhattan Murder Mystery, For the Boys, Intersection; (as writer/director): Simon, Lovesick, The Manhattan Project, Sister Mary Explains It All. Television: “The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson” (head writer), “The Dick Cavett Show” (head writer/co-producer). He has published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Playboy and other periodicals and was the 2006 recipient of the Writers Guild of America’s Ian McClellan Hunter Lifetime Achievement Award. Jersey Boys, his first venture into musical theatre, won four Tonys including Best Musical. The Addams Family, his second Broadway venture (with coauthor Rick Elice), is currently playing on national and international tours. He lives
in New York City and hopes to die in his sleep, surrounded by his loved ones and their attorneys. RICK ELICE (Book). co-wrote Jersey Boys (winner 2006 Tony Award, 2007 Grammy Award and 2009 Olivier Award for Best Musical) with Marshall Brickman. His play, Peter and the Starcatcher, received nine 2012 Tony Award nominations (including two for Rick), and won five, more than any play of the season. It’s currently playing in New York and on tour across North America. Also on Broadway, Elice wrote The Addams Family (with Marshall Brickman, music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa), currently touring North America, with productions in Europe and South America. In 2014, The Old Globe Theater in San Diego will present the world premiere of his new musical, Dog and Pony (music and lyrics by Michael Patrick Walker). Rick is currently writing a musical for Disney Theatricals with Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, based on the film Make Believe; and Superfly (co-written with Seth Zvi Rosenfeld), directed and choreographed by modern dance legend, Bill T. Jones. Heartfelt thanks to those whose work in the theater makes him grateful for the day he was born: Sondheim, Stoppard, Bennett, Prince, Fosse, Robbins, Nichols, Tune, Nunn, Laurents, Stone, Kushner, Taymor, Papp, Schumacher, Schneider, Coyne, Brickman, Timbers and Rees. Rick thinks about them a lot. He never thought about Jersey much. He does now. BOB GAUDIO (Composer) wrote his first hit, “Who Wears Short Shorts,” at 15, for the Royal Teens, and then went on to become a founding member of the Four Seasons and the band’s principal songwriter. He also produced the hit “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers” for Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand (Grammy nomination, Record of the Year) as well as six albums for Diamond, including The Jazz Singer. Other producing credits include albums for Frank Sinatra, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Michael Jackson and the soundtrack for the film of Little Shop of Horrors. Several songs co-written with Bob Crewe have been cover hits for such artists as the Tremeloes (“Silence Is Golden”), the Walker Brothers (“The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore”) and Lauryn Hill (“Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”). With his wife, Judy Parker, Gaudio produced and co-wrote the Who Loves You album for the Four Seasons and one of Billboard’s longest-charted singles (54 weeks), “Oh, What a Night.” A high point in his career came in 1990 when, as a member of the original Four
Seasons, Gaudio was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 1995, he was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, which hailed him as “a quintessential music-maker.” To this day, Bob Gaudio and Frankie Valli still maintain their partnership…on a handshake. BOB CREWE (Lyricist). “New York was pregnant in the fifties,” says Bob Crewe, “gestating with possibilities.” Crewe and music partner Frank Slay became independent writer-producers when the category hadn’t yet been invented. In 1957 they wrote and produced “Silhouettes” for The Rays, which skyrocketed to #1. Suddenly, producers in demand, they launched Freddie Cannon’s “Tallahassee Lassie” and Billy & Lillie’s “Lah Dee Da.” Crewe’s 1960’s unprecedented producing success with The Four Seasons birthed a new sound, striking a major chord in American pop. “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Walk Like a Man,” “Candy Girl,” “Ronnie” – all smashes! When lead Frankie Valli demanded a solo turn, Crewe and Bob Gaudio wrote (and Crewe produced) “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You,” which eventually became the century’s fifth most-played song. Crewe ran hot with artists from Vicki Carr, Oliver and Lesley Gore to Mitch Ryder, co-writing with Charles Fox the soundtrack for Jane Fonda’s film, “Barbarella.” Then his own Bob Crewe Generation exploded with Music to Watch Girls By. In 1972 Bob was in L.A., where he revived Frankie Valli with “My Eyes Adored You” by Crewe and Kenny Nolan. They also co-wrote Patti LaBelle’s “Lady Marmalade” (#1, July ’75), which was a hit again on the soundtrack of Moulin Rouge (#1, June ’01)...David Ritz DES McANUFF (Director) is a two-time Tony Award-winning director and the immediate past artistic director of the Stratford Festival. He is artistic director emeritus of La Jolla Playhouse, where during his tenure he directed more than 35 productions of classics, new plays and musicals. Broadway: Jesus Christ Superstar, Guys and Dolls, Aaron Sorkin’s The Farnsworth Invention, Jersey Boys (Tony and Olivier Awards, Best Musical), Billy Crystal’s 700 Sundays (Tony Award, Best Special Theatrical Event), Dracula the Musical, How to Succeed…, The Who’s Tommy (Tony and Olivier Awards, Best Director), A Walk in the Woods, Big River (Tony Awards, Best Director, Best Musical). Stratford highlights: A Word or Two, The Tempest, Caesar and Cleopatra (all with Christopher Plummer), Tommy and Twelfth Night. Opera: Faust at the Met and ENO, Wozzeck at San Diego Opera. Film: Cousin Bette, The
SERGIO TRUJILLO (Choreographer). Broadway: Hands on a Hardbody, the Tony Award-winning Best Musical Memphis, Leap of Faith, The Addams Family, Next to Normal, All Shook Up, Guys and Dolls. Director/ choreographer: Flashdance. OffBroadway: Saved, The Capeman, Romeo and Juliet (Public); A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Kismet (Encores!), Salome (NYC Opera). Regional: White Noise (director/choreographer); The Wiz, Zhivago (La Jolla); Mambo Kings; The Marriage of Figaro (L.A. Opera); Chita and All That Jazz. International: Disney’s Tarzan; West Side Story; The Sound of Music (Stratford); Peggy Sue Got Married (West End); Kiss Me, Kate (Japan). TV: Judging/choreographing on “So You Think You Can Dance: Canada,” “Broadway: The American Musical” (PBS). RON MELROSE (Music Supervision, Vocal/Dance Arrangements and Incidental Music).Thirty-eight years of Broadway music directing/arranging, from The Act to Jersey Boys. Projects in development: Super Fly and Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Composer: Superdimensional Microbabes (animebased chamber musical); Fourtune (OffBroadway); The Silver Swan (National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship); three theatrical CDs (The Missing Peace, Early One Morning, Songs I Won’t Be Singing); two Harvard Hasty Pudding shows; a gospel-based Requiem; and single songs for church, choir, cabaret and “Saturday Night Live.” Education: Harvard (philosophy), Westminster (choral conducting). Now Californian. Thanks and love to Alexandra. KLARA ZIEGLEROVA (Scenic Design). Broadway: Sister Act, The Farnsworth Invention, Jersey Boys, The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe. Numerous Off-B’way and Regional productions: Flashdance (National Tour), Public Theater, MTC, NYTW, etc.. London’s West End: Sister Act, Jersey Boys. Ms Zieglerova designed the interior of New World Stages, NYC. Awards: the Green Room Award 2010 (Australia) and the Best Set Design of the 2009 Theatregoers’ Choice Award London (both for Jersey Boys); 2005 Lumen Award (New World Stages); 2003 Drammy Award for Best
Set Design; 2000 Carbonell Award for Best Set Design; sets for the Best Touring Production, 2003 L.A. Ovation Award. JESS GOLDSTEIN (Costume Design). Selected New York credits include Newsies, The Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino, The Homecoming, The Apple Tree, Lincoln Center’s The Rivals (Tony Award), Julius Caesar with Denzel Washington, Henry IV, Take Me Out, Enchanted April, Proof, Love! Valour! Compassion!, The Most Happy Fella, Dinner With Friends, How I Learned to Drive, Buried Child and The Mineola Twins (Lortel and Hewes Awards). Opera: Jack O’Brien’s Il Trittico (Met, 2007), NYC Opera’s The Pirates of Penzance. Film: A Walk on the Moon, Love! Valour! Compassion! and The Substance of Fire. HOWELL BINKLEY (Lighting Design). Recent Broadway: A Christmas Story, Jesus Christ Superstar, How to Succeed… starring Daniel Radcliffe (2011 Tony nomination), Million Dollar Quartet, West Side Story (2009 Tony nomination), Gypsy starring Patti LuPone, In the Heights (2008 Tony nomination), Jersey Boys, Avenue Q, The Full Monty, Parade, Kiss of the Spider Woman, How to Succeed… starring Matthew Broderick. Parsons Dance (co-founder), The Joffrey Ballet’s Billboards, Alvin Ailey, ABT, NYC Ballet and The Kennedy Center’s Sondheim Celebration. Five-time Helen Hayes Award recipient, 1993 Olivier and Canadian Dora Award for Spider Woman; 2006 Henry Hewes Design Award, Outer Critics Circle and Tony Award for Jersey Boys. STEVE CANYON KENNEDY (Sound Design) was the production engineer on such Broadway shows as Cats, Starlight Express, Song & Dance, The Phantom of the Opera, Carrie and Aspects of Love. His Broadway sound design credits include Hands on a Hardbody(Drama Desk Award), Jesus Christ Superstar, Catch Me If You Can, Guys and Dolls, Mary Poppins, The Lion King, Jersey Boys (Drama Desk Award), Billy Crystal’s 700 Sundays, Hairspray, The Producers, Aida, Titanic, Big, How to Succeed..., Carousel and The Who’s Tommy (Drama Desk Award). MICHAEL CLARK (Projection Design) designs film and video for live events: recently as associate designer on Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Annie, Chaplin, Ghost the Musical (Broadway Productions). As Designer on Heidi Chronicles (Asolo Center) Big Maybelle with Lillias White (Sag Harbor Theater), The Breakup Notebook (Asbury Park),
My One and Only (Goodspeed), Villains Tonight (Disney Cruise Lines), Le Denier Judgement (Cannes) 700 Sundays (National Tours, Broadway and La Jolla) Dracula, The Musical (Broadway and La Jolla), Frankenstein the Musical (Off-Broadway), The Elephant Man (Broadway). CHARLES LAPOINTE (Wig/Hair Design). Broadway: After Midnight, Beautiful, Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder, Soul Doctor, Motown, Jekyll and Hyde, Clybourne Park, Bring It On, Newsies, The Columnist, Magic/Bird, Bonnie and Clyde, The Mountaintop, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, Merchant of Venice, Memphis, Henry IV, Cymbeline, Lombardi, Fences, Looped, Miracle Worker, Superior Donuts, 33 Variations, Guys and Dolls, In the Heights, Jersey Boys, The Color Purple, Martin Short: Fame Becomes Me, Good Vibrations, A Raisin in the Sun. STEVE RANKIN (Fight Director). Broadway: Jersey Boys, Memphis, Henry IV, Guys and Dolls, Bonnie and Clyde, The Farnsworth Invention, Twelfth Night, Two Shakespearean Actors, Anna Christie, The Real Inspector Hound and The Who’s Tommy. Off-Broadway: The Third Story, Pig Farm, The Night Hank Williams Died and Below the Belt. Stratford Shakespeare Festival: Henry V, The Who’s Tommy, Romeo and Juliet, Caesar and Cleopatra. Metropolitan Opera: Faust, Rodelinda, Iphigénie en Tauride. RICHARD HESTER (Production Supervisor). Supervisor for all productions of Jersey Boys internationally (New York, both US Tours, Las Vegas, London, Australia and South Africa/ Asia.) Broadway: Gypsy, Sweet Smell of Success, Cabaret, Annie Get Your Gun, Patti LuPone’s Matters of the Heart, A Delicate Balance, The Old Neighborhood, Titanic, The Phantom of the Opera, The Red Shoes, The Secret Garden. US National tours: Wicked, The Phantom of the Opera, West Side Story. US Regional: Jersey Boys (La Jolla Playhouse). Ten years with Patti LuPone on the road. Cofounder/ producer with Bernadette Peters and Mary Tyler Moore of Broadway Barks! an annual animal adoption event in NY since 1999. MARK TYNAN (Production Stage Manager) is honored to be joining the Jersey Boys family and thrilled to be reunited with Sally, Richard, and the Dodgers. Mark spent the last 14 years with Portland Center Stage in Portland, Oregon where he stage managed over 46 productions including musicals, plays,
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (director), Iron Giant (producer), Quills (executive producer). Upcoming projects: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Dr. Zhivago, 700 Sundays revival.
workshops, and special events. Also during that time, he spent several summers with The Broadway Rose Theatre Company. Previous to 2000, road credits include Rent, Phantom of the Opera, How to Succeed…, and others. New York credits include Radio City Music Hall. Mark is grateful for the love and support of his Ohio and Portland family. JAY CAREY (Stage Manager) is a proud member of Actor’s Equity. Broadway: Jersey Boys, Kinky Boots (Sub). Tour: Jersey Boys 1st National. Regional: God of Carnage & Red (Virginia Stage Company.) Thanks to the “Jersey Boys Family”, my own family, and especially Chris & the pups. EMILY N. WELLS (Assistant Stage Manager) re-joins the Jersey Boys family after 8 years! Broadway: Electra, Jersey Boys, Swan Lake. OffBroadway/Regional: Portland Center Stage, Playwrights Horizons, North Shore Music Theatre. MFA University of Memphis. Advocate for adults with congenital heart disease. Love to husband CB and family! STEVE ORICH (Orchestrations) Broadway: Jersey Boys (Tony Nomination - Best Orchestrations). Off-Broadway: Snoopy, Personals, A Good Swift Kick. Tours: Annie, Godspell, A Class Act. Regional Theatre: Musical Director and/or Orchestrator at Pasadena Playhouse, PaperMill Playhouse, Geffen Playhouse, Mark Taper Forum, Hollywood Bowl, La Jolla Playhouse, Theatreworks, Goodman Theatre, Goodspeed, Asolo Rep, Dorset Theatre, Northlight, Pioneer Theatre. TV: Composer, Arranger & Conductor for documentaries, sitcoms, movies and specials. Recordings: 20 albums, including the Grammy-winning Jersey Boys cast album. His orchestrations have been performed by the National Symphony, the Boston Pops, at Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, the White House and around the world. JOHN MILLER (Music Coordinator). Recent Broadway: Xanadu, Les Mis, Grey Gardens, Drowsy Chaperone; Beauty and the Beast; Hairspray; Coram Boy; Threepenny Opera; Lennon; Sweeney Todd; The Producers; Movin’ Out; Sweet Charity; Caroline, or Change; Little Shop…; Thoroughly Modern Millie; 42nd Street; Urinetown; Nine; La Bohème; Big River; Never Gonna Dance; Thou Shalt Not; By Jeeves; Follies; Oklahoma!; Jekyll & Hyde; The Rocky Horror Show; Seussical; The Music Man; Fosse; Swing!; Kat and
the Kings; The Civil War; Triumph of Love. Studio musician (bass): Michael Jackson, Madonna, Portishead, Eric Clapton, BB King, Sinatra, Carly Simon, Celine Dion, Smashing Pumpkins, Tommy Flanagan, Pete Seeger, NY Philharmonic. BEN HARTMAN (Conductor) is proud to be part of his third company of Jersey Boys, having served as both Associate Conductor and Conductor of the 1st National Tour, and having gotten his start with the Chicago company in 2007. Education: Ithaca College (B.Mus), University of Chicago (Ph.D.). Original compositions performed by Grammy Award-winning ensembles the Pacifica String Quartet and eighth blackbird. Jacob K. Javits and Whiting Dissertation Fellow. Broadway: Gypsy of the Year. Other credits: Buddy!, Chess, City of Angels. Love to Mom and Dad. Thanks to Ron, Smitti, Samorian, Chuck, and Ginger. PETER F U L B R I G H T/ T E C H PRODUCTION SERVICES (Technical Supervision) Peter, with associates Mary Duffe and Collene Houlehen, has managed more than 70 Broadway, International and Touring productions. Favorites include Rock of Ages, Seminar, The Normal Heart, Arcadia, Lombardi, Hairspray, 13, Curtains, Bombay Dreams, 42nd Street, Urinetown, Into The Woods, Dance of the Vampires, Blast!, Aspects of Love, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Sound of Music, ....Forum, Smoke Joe’s Cafe, Crazy for You, Guys and Dolls, Joseph..., The Secret Garden, Starlight Express, Singin’ in the Rain and Foxfire. TARA RUBIN CASTING (Casting). Broadway/Tours: Young Frankenstein, Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins; My Fair Lady; The Pirate Queen; Les Misérables; The History Boys; Spamalot; … Spelling Bee; The Producers; Mamma Mia!; Phantom…; Good Vibrations; Bombay Dreams; Oklahoma!; Flower Drum Song; Imaginary Friends; Metamorphoses; Disney’s On the Record; The Frogs; Contact; Thou Shalt Not; A Man of No Importance. Second Stage, Williamstown, Kennedy Center, La Jolla, Yale Rep. Film: The Producers. BROADWAY BOOKING OFFICE NYC (Tour Booking, Engagement Management, Press & Marketing) is a leading theatrical tour booking, marketing and press company, representing musicals, plays and theatrical productions. Currently: Jersey Boys, Cameron Mackintosh’s spectacular new produc-
tion of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Matilda The Musical, Beautiful – The Carole King Musical, A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder, The Sound of Music, NETworks presents Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Do You Hear the People Sing, Ann, 50 Shades! The Musical Parody, The Rat Pack is Back!, America’s Got Downton, Lazytown Live!, and Chuggington. WEST HYLER (Associate Director). Jersey Boys: Broadway, 1st National Tour, Chicago, Las Vegas, UK, Canadian and Australian productions. Broadway: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Assoc. Director). New York: Big Apple Circus, Primary Stages, Ars Nova, Playwright’s Horizons, The York Theatre Company, HERE Arts Center. Regional: Colony Theater, Actors Theater of Louisville. MFA from the University of California, San Diego. DA N N Y AU S T I N ( A s s o c i a t e Choreographer). Jersey B oys (Associate Choreographer / Broadway, 1st National Tour, Chicago, Las Vegas, London West End, Australia); Hairspray (Associate Choreographer / London West End, U.K. Tour, NETworks International Tour); Hairspray (Resident Director/Choreographer, Canadian Company). Charlottetown Festival Young Company (Artistic Director), The Stratford Festival (Acting Company, seven seasons - three Tyrone Guthrie Awards). STEPHEN GABIS (Dialect Coach). B’way: Doubt, Steel Magnolias, Dracula, Taboo, The Boy From Oz, Joe Egg, “Master Harold”…, Present Laughter, A Doll’s House. Venues: Roundabout, MTC, Playwrights, Atlantic, the New Group, MCC, the Public, Second Stage, Williamstown,Yale Rep, McCarter, Hartford Stage, Primary Stages, LCT, Long Wharf, Westport. Film contributions: Million Dollar Baby, Ballad of Bettie Page, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Boys Don’t Cry. THE DODGERS (Producer) Dodger Theatricals is a producing partnership hatched at BAM in 1978 by Michael David, Edward Strong, Rocco Landesman, Des McAnuff, Doug Johnson and Sherman Warner. From the initial foothold in Brooklyn, the Dodgers grew, migrated to the NY Shakespeare Festival, then to off and on Broadway, where their productions have garnered a host of national (Tony, Drama Critics Circle, Obie) and
JOSEPH J. GRANO, JR. (Producer) is Chairman/CEO of Centurion Holdings LLC, an advisor to private and public companies. From 2001-2004, Mr. Grano was Chairman of UBS Financial Services Inc. (formerly PaineWebber). While at PaineWebber, Mr. Grano chaired the Board of Governors of the National Association of Security Dealers (NASD). In 2002, Mr. Grano was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as the Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council. He proudly served his country as a Captain in the U.S. Special Forces (Green Berets). Due to his commitment to education, Mr. Grano received the Corporate Leadership Award from the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund. Other awards include the USO Gold Medal for Distinguished Service and The Ellis Island Medal of Honor. He is also a member of the Council for the United States and Italy, a member of both the City University of New York’s Business Leadership Council and the Board of Directors at Lenox Hill Hospital. KEVIN AND TAMARA KINSELLA (Producers). Kevin Kinsella has been investing in early-stage technology companies for thirty years, primarily through his firm Avalon Ventures. Avalon companies have been responsible for bringing to market several multi-billion dollar lifesaving drugs, the iPhone touch-screen, and the fastest growing revenue company in the history of the Internet. Mr. Kinsella is a Life Sustaining Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a member of Johns Hopkins SAIS Dean’s Advisory Counsel and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Both outdoor enthusiasts, Kevin and Tamara met in Alaska during the Exxon Valdez oil spill cleanup. The Kinsellas’ vineyard in Healdsburg, California will release the
first Kinsella Estate Dry Creek Valley cabernet in 2011. Jersey Boys is their first Broadway show. Mr. Kinsella’s father, Walter A. Kinsella, was a career actor on Broadway, radio, television and cinema. He first appeared on Broadway in 1924 in What Price Glory? THE PELICAN GROUP (Producer), a San Diego production company, is enthusiastic about supporting this production of Jersey Boys. The Group, assembled by Ivor and Colette Royston, consists of Todd and Debby Buchholz, Edward and Martha Dennis, Eric and Marsi Gardiner, Cam and Wanda Garner, Richard and Patricia Harmetz, Irwin and Joan Jacobs, Hal and Debby Jacobs, Paul and Stacy Jacobs, Jeff and Deni Jacobs, John and Angie Longenecker, Rao Makineni, Nevins and Margaret McBride, Ray Mirra, Shearn Platt, Edward Richard, Drew and Noni Senyei, Steven Strauss and Lise Wilson. Mr. Royston co-produced the TV film “Dreams of Gold: The Mel Fisher Story” (w/ Cliff Robertson and Loretta Swit, 1986) and the feature film Soultaker (1990). LATITUDE LINK (Producer) is currently represented on Broadway by Jersey Boys (Tony Award), Memphis, and American Idiot. Additionally, six productions running worldwide: Jersey Boys National Tour, Las Vegas, London, Toronto, Australia and the Xanadu National Tour. Past productions include: 33 Variations (Tony Nomination), Cry Baby (Tony Nomination), and Farnsworth Invention. RICK STEINER (Producer) Of the eleven Broadway musicals Rick has co-produced, Jersey Boys, Hairspray, The Producers and Big River won Tony Awards for Best Musical. In 1954, at age eight, Rick made his stage debut opposite Gene Lockhart in On Borrowed Time and then promptly retired. Rick has won six poker championships including the 1992 World Series of Poker 7- Stud Hi-Lo event. He resides in Cincinnati, Ohio with his children Ace and Duke and sits on the ownership bench of his beloved Cincinnati Reds. LAUREN MITCHELL (Associate Producer). As producer, on Broadway: Urinetown, Into the Woods (‘02 revival), Wrong Mountain, High Society. Off- Broadway: Barbra’s Wedding, Bare. As actress, on Broadway: The Boys From Syracuse, Me and My Girl, Nine, Annie, City of Angels (L.A.), Into the Woods (original cast and PBS American Playhouse) and numerous
Off-Broadway, regional, television and concert appearances. LA JOLLA PLAYHOUSE (Original Producer) has received more than 300 awards for theatre excellence, including the 1993 Tony Award as America’s Outstanding Regional Theatre. Located in La Jolla, CA, the Playhouse is internationally acclaimed for its innovative productions of classics, new plays and musicals. Led by Artistic Director Christopher Ashley and Managing Director Michael S. Rosenberg, the Playhouse was founded in 1947 by Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire and Mel Ferrer. Jersey Boys is among the more than 16 Playhouse productions that have moved to Broadway, garnering 29 Tony Awards, including Big River, The Who’s Tommy, How to Succeed in Business…, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Billy Crystal’s 700 Sundays, Memphis, and the Pulitzer Prize-winning I Am My Own Wife, fostered as part of the Playhouse’s Page To Stage new play development program. Visit
is part of the Denver Performing Arts Complex, owned and operated by the City and County of Denver, Arts and Venues.
CITY & COUNTY OF DENVER Michael Hancock, Mayor
ARTS AND VENUES Kent Rice, Director
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The Actors and Stage Managers employed in this production are members of Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States. Backstage and Front of the House Employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (or I.A.T.S.E.). The musicians employed in this production are members of the American Federation of Musicians. United Scenic Artists represents the designers and scenic painters for the American Theatre. The Director and Choreographer are members of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers, Inc., an independent national labor union. The Theatre Managers, Press Agents, and Company Managers employed in this production are represented by the Association of Theatrical Press Agents & Managers. The Dramatists Guild—The Professional Association of Playwrights, Lyricists and Composers.
international (Olivier, Helpmann and Dora) awards. Current Broadway: Matilda, Jersey Boys. Other Broadway: The Farnsworth Invention, 42nd Street, Urinetown, Dracula, Jesus Christ Superstar, Into the Woods (’87 and ’02), The Music Man, Titanic, Wrong Mountain, Footloose, Mandy Patinkin, High Society, 1776, …Forum, The King and I, The Who’s Tommy, Ralph Fiennes’ Hamlet, Guys and Dolls, Once Upon A Mattress, How to Succeed…, Jelly’s Last Jam, The Secret Garden, Prelude to a Kiss, The Gospel at Colonus, Big River, Pump Boys and Dinettes. In addition to Jersey Boys on Broadway, the Dodgers are producers of current Jersey Boys productions in London, Las Vegas, Holland and South Africa.
STAFF STAFF FOR JERSEY BOYS General Management DODGER MANAGEMENT GROUP Engagement Booking, Management & Marketing BROADWAY BOOKING OFFICE NYC Steven Schnepp Temah Higgins Kent McIngvale Jenny Bates David Freeland Zach Stevenson Judith Hoenig Adelson Sean Mackey Scott Praefke Steve Chazaro COMPANY MANAGER Michael Camp National Press Representatives BONEAU/BRYAN-BROWN Adrian Bryan-Brown Susanne Tighe Heath Schwartz Production Stage Manager.......................... MARK TYNAN Stage Manager.............................................................Jay Carey Assistant Stage Manager................................Emily N. Wells Associate Company Manager..................... Kelly Ann Gray Technical Supervision.............Tech Production Services/ Peter Fulbright, Mary Duffe Music Technical Design........................Deborah N. Hurwitz Associate Director................................................... West Hyler Associate Choreographer............................... Danny Austin Assistant Choreographer........................... Lauren Tartaglia Dialect Coach......................................................Stephen Gabis Associate Scenic Designer................................. Nancy Thun Associate Costume Designer.......................... Lee J. Austin Assistants to the Costume Designer....... Betsy Waddell, Michelle Sesco Associate Lighting Designer......................Patricia Nichols Associate Sound Designer.......................... Andrew Keister Assistant Projection Designer.......................Daniel Vatsky Story Board Artist................................................. Don Hudson Casting Directors.... Tara Rubin, CSA; Merri Sugarman, CSA Casting Associate............................................. Lindsay Levine Tara Rubin Casting.........Eric Woodall, CSA; Dale Brown, CSA; Kaitlin Shaw Automated Lighting Programmer...............Chris Herman Projection Programmer................................. Paul Vershbow Associate Hair Designer..................................... Leah Loukas Production Carpenter............................................... Mike Kelly Head Carpenter...................................................Keith A Keene Assistant Carpenters............ Douglas “Pablo” Moscinski, Clem Zajac Advance Carpenter/Swing.............................Shaun Altman Advance Carpenter......................................... Mike O’Connor Production Electrician....................................James Fedigan Head Electrician...........................................................Jeff Holtz Assistant Electricians.......... Josh Kosmicki, Brian Rohde Production Sound.............................................Brett Bingman Head Sound...................................................Nathaniel Putnam Assistant Sound................................................. Adam Fitchett Production Props...............................................Emiliano Pares Head Props...........................................................Glenn Calhoun Assistant Props...........................................................Tom Perrin Production Wardrobe Supervisor................. Lee J. Austin Wardrobe Supervisor................... Sandra Hanlon Cressler Asst. Wardrobe Supervisor..................................Roy Turpin “Four Seasons” Dresser............................... Matt Daugherty Hair Supervisor................................... Michael Dondanville II Hair Assistant................................................... Erick Sundquist Associate Hair Designer............................................Liz Printz Assistant to John Miller...............................Nichole Jennino Synthesizer Programming.................Deborah N. Hurwitz, Randy Cohen Music Copying ......................... Anixter Rice Music Service Music Production Assistants............... Michelle Scalpone, Kristen Norine Production Assistants.................... Jay Carey, Paula Wise, Rachel Slaven Lighting Production Assistant..............................Ben Bauer Dramaturg............................................................ Allison Horsley Advertising................................................... Serino Coyne, Inc. Travel and Housing Arranged by..................... Road Rebel Banking....................Signature Bank: Barbara von Borstel Payroll........................................................................ Paychex Inc.: Janet Byer, Pat Porsch Accountants........................... Schall and Ashenfarb, C.P.A. Insurance.................................................AON/Albert G. Rubin Insurance Services, Inc./George Walden, Claudia Kaufman
Counsel.................................................................Nan Bases, Esq. Information Technology Management....... ITelagen, Inc. Web Design/Maintenance.......Curious Minds Media, Inc. Production Photographer...................................Joan Marcus Theatre Displays....................................................King Displays Official Website DODGERS Dodger Theatricals President..................................................................Michael David Partner....................................................................Edward Strong Executive Producer............................Sally Campbell Morse Director of Creative Development........... Lauren Mitchell Director of Business Administration...........Pamela Lloyd Director of Marketing..................................... Jessica Ludwig Director of Finance......................................Paula Maldonado Director, Dodger International.................... Dana Sherman Production Manager................................................. Jeff Parvin Associate General Manager........................... John Gendron Production Management............................. Lyndsey Goode General Management Assistant..................... Lauren Freed Project Coordinator/Investor Relations... Andrew Serna Marketing Manager................................................. Jessica Noll Sales Manager........................................ Ann E. Van Nostrand Sales Assistant............................................................... Priya Iyer Marketing Assistant.......................................Samantha Stone Senior Finance Associate........................... Laurinda Wilson Finance Associate........................................ Mariann Fresiello Executive Assistant to Mr. David..................Ashley Tracey Office & Atelier Manager....................................... Sarah Styx Asst. Office & Atelier Manager/Seat Manager...Anne Ezell Assistant, Creative Development............. Courtney Sachs Special Events............................................................John Haber Dodgers-at-Large Michael Altbaum, Kate Amberg, Mark Andrews, Samuel Burgess, Sandra Carlson, Kim Kelley, Jason Pelusio, Maureen Rooney, Matthew Rossi, Tim Sulka, Linda Wright LA JOLLA PLAYHOUSE Artistic Director.........................................Christopher Ashley Managing Director..............................Michael S. Rosenberg Director Emeritus.................................................. Des McAnuff General Manager............................................ Debby Buchholz Associate Producer................................................ Dana Harrel Director of Play Development...................Shirley Fishman Associate General Manager................................. Jenny Case Director of Communications................................ Mary Cook Director of Development...........................Deborah Trimble Director of Finance.............................................John T. O’Dea Director of Education and Outreach...Steve McCormick Interim Production Manager..................... Linda S. Cooper Technical Director.............................................Chris Borreson Costume Shop Manager.................................. Susan Makkoo Sound Supervisor...................................................Joe Huppert Lighting Supervisor.................................................. Mike Doyle Prop Master...............................................................Debra Hatch Charge Scenic Artist......................................Joan Newhouse Theatre Operations Manager.............................. Ned Collins CREDITS Scenery, show control and automation by ShowMotion, Inc., Norwalk, CT. Stage construction performed by Tait Towers, Inc. Sound equipment by Masque Sound. Projection equipment by Sound Associates. Costumes executed by Carelli Costumes, Studio Rouge, Saint Laurie Merchant Tailors and Maria Ficarola Knitwear Ltd. Specialty dying and printing by Gene Mignola, Inc. Dance Shoes by Worldtone Dance. Hosiery and undergarments by Bra*Tenders. Props provided and executed by The Spoon Group. Keyboards by Yamaha. Rehearsed at the New 42nd Street Studios. Scenic drops adapted from George Tice: Urban Landscapes/W.W. Norton. Other photographs featured are from George Tice: Selected Photographs 1953-1999/David R. Godine. (Photographs courtesy of the Peter Fetterman Gallery/Santa Monica.) IN MEMORY It is difficult to imagine producing anything without the presence of beloved Dodger family members James Elliot Love and Jean-Michel Quincey. Friends to everyone they met, James and Jean-Michel stood at the heart of all that is good about the theatrical community. They will be missed, but their spirits abide.
DENVER CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS BROADWAY TEAM John Ekeberg..............................................Executive Director Jeff Hovorka ........................Director of Sales & Marketing Heidi Bosk.....................Senior PR & Promotions Manager Alicia Giersch...............................................Business Manager Emily Lozow ......................................Marketing Coordinator Claudia Carson...............................Administrative Assistant
SALES & MARKETING TEAM Jennifer Nealson..............................Chief Marketing Officer Brianna Firestone...............................Director of Marketing, Theatre Company Rob Silk ........................................................... Creative Director Suzanne Yoe.................Director of Creative Services and Cultural Affairs Jessica Bergin ........................................Box Office Manager Nathan Brunetti...............................................Digital Manager Katie Clow ................................................Box Office Manager Kim Conner.................................................... Graphic Designer FloraJane DiRienzo..............Business Relations Manager Anita Edwards.................................. Web Services Manager Brenda Elliott................................. Senior Graphic Designer Simone Gordon.............................................. Project Manager Hope Grandon..... PR & Events Manager, Theatre Company Emily Kent.......Marketing Associate, Theatre Company Jennifer Kemps......Business Relations Assistant Manager Laura Kirby................................................Box Office Manager Carol Krueger.............................Theatre Services Manager Dave Lenk............................................................... Videographer Jennifer Lopez.................... Director of Ticketing Services Kyle Malone.................................... Senior Graphic Designer John Moore........................................... Senior Arts Journalist Mark Onderdonk........................................Business Manager Kirk Petersen......Assoc. Director of Ticketing Services/ Patron Relations Christine Schempp...... Group Sales Business Associate Joe Schurwonn...................... Marketing Financial Analyst Jill Schwager......Student Matinee & Group Tours Associate David Smith...........................Assoc. Director of Ticketing/ Subscription Services Micah White......................................... Subscription Manager
INFORMATION SERVICES Bruce Montgomery.....Director of Information Services Jim Hipp.....Associate Director of Information Services Bobby Jiminez..............Senior Audience View Specialist
DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT David Zupancic................................................Interim Director Tiffany Grady...............................................Associate Director Shawn Bayer...............................................Associate Director Valerie Taron................................................Associate Director Mary Mosher.......Manager, Membership Groups/Major Gifts Chelley Canales..........................Development Coordinator Megan Fevurly.............................................Business Manager
FEBRUARY 3 – 15 | BUELL THEATRE One Color Reversed Logo
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Get tickets and gift certificates with no service fees Enjoy FREE daily activities and a play stage for families Meet cast and characters from Jersey Boys, The Grinch and more Explore props and designs from this season’s productions
See what’s happening at
OPEN FOR FUN Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 2771 East 1st Avenue in Cherry Creek North, next to Bose Cast and character appearances subject to change or cancellation
Lauren Shealy, Sarah Rex, Jordan Leigh and Chad T. Reagan in Forbidden Broadway: Alive & Kicking!
303.893.4100 | DENVERCENTER.ORG GROUPS 10+: 303.446.4829 | TTY: 303.893.9582 PRESENTED BY:
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(l to r) Drew Seeley, Nicolas Dromard, Hayden Milanes and Keith Hines Photo: Joan Marcus
“We all know what it’s like to want acceptance, to want respect and to try to find a sense of home with people that are not just the family we’re born into, but the family that we choose.” — RICK ELICE
Forget about show-stopping finales. In Jersey Boys, the smash-hit musical about the rise and fall of the Four Seasons, the pinnacle of excitement comes about 45 minutes into the first act. That’s when back-to-back presentations of three of the group’s biggest hits—“Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry” and “Walk Like a Man”—are greeted with enough thunderous applause to start a downpour. “At that moment the audience has forgotten they’re watching four actors, and they root for these four guys as though they really are the Four Seasons in their youth,” says Rick Elice, one of the show’s Tony-nominated book writers. “The response is so sincere and enthusiastic and over the top that it’s impossible to believe anything else.” It’s also somewhat surprising. After all, the Four Seasons may have been one of the most successful groups of the 1960s, but history hasn’t institutionalized them the way it has the Beatles. Elice thinks that’s one reason why even now, fans are still hungry for their music and the incredible story of four ItalianAmerican kids from the wrong side of the New Jersey tracks who could just as
easily have ended up in prison as on the pop charts. “In many ways the band was a reflection of the people who were buying their records,” notes Elice. “They didn’t have long hair or accents. There was no glamour quotient to them at all. These weren’t the people who went down to Washington and marched against the war; these were the guys who shipped out and went to Vietnam. And the respect that the band is getting all these years later somehow feels like respect for them too.” Elice and his Oscar-winning co-author, screenwriter Marshall Brickman, probably were more familiar with Vivaldi’s Four Seasons than pop music when they began work on Jersey Boys—a first musical for them both. Des McAnuff, on the other hand (director of Jesus Christ Superstar and The Who’s Tommy), was a huge fan and helped to shape the show from its early stages. Jersey Boys was born when Elice, for many years the creative director of Broadway advertising agency Serino Coyne, was contacted by a former client who had the option on the Four Seasons catalogue. He’d written a couple
Hayden Milanes as Frankie Valli Photo by Joan Marcus
group of Tommy, Nick and Frankie together when they were a cover band. Then Bob, this new, young talent came on the scene, and Frankie turned away from Tommy and turned toward Bob because Frankie and Bob were simpatico.” Valli and Gaudio saw in each other what the group needed to succeed. Gaudio, already a songwriting protégé when he joined the group, wrote or co-wrote many of the group’s signature songs. DeVito, meanwhile, piled up a huge debt. But by then the Seasons were more than just a group. They’d become a family, and that put their loyalty to the test. “Tommy gave Frankie and Bob an opportunity to do what families always do,” Elice says. “No matter what kind of betrayals occur, you always stand up for another person in the family because the ties that bind are so strong.” And for Elice, that’s the essence of the show—family. “That was a very powerful hook,” he says. “We all know what it’s like to want acceptance, to want respect and to try to find a sense of home with people that are not just the family we’re born into, but the family that we choose.” Diane Snyder is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in Time Out New York, The Wall Street Journal and American Theatre.
JERSEY BOYS DEC 10 – 14 BUELL THEATRE ASL, Open Captioning & Audiodescription: Dec 13, 2pm Tickets: 303.893.4100 800.641.1222 | TTY: 303.893.9582 Groups (10+): 303.446.4829
DANCING PROS: LIVE So you think you know dance? Test your dancing IQ with our trivia questions before heading into The Buell Theatre January 23-24 for a live dance-off. Audience members cast the winning votes as some of the nation’s top dancers from “Dancing with the Stars” and “So You Think You Can Dance” dazzle audiences to live music by performers from “American Idol” or “The Voice.” 1) Who was the first ever professional dancer winner of “Dancing with the Stars”? a. Derek Hough b. Alec Mazo c. Karina Smirnoff 2) On “Dancing with the Stars,” in what place did Edyta Sliwinska finish with Jason Taylor? a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd 3) Which had more seasons on television in the U.S.? a. “American Idol” b. “Dancing with the Stars” c. “So You Think You Can Dance” 4) Which show did Chelsie Hightower perform in first? a. “So You Think You Can Dance” b. “Dancing with the Stars” c. “America’s Got Talent” 5) Which of the three dances has the fastest tempo? a. Waltz b. Rumba c. Jive 6) In partner dancing, who is responsible for the lead? a. The man b. The woman c. Both 7) When learning how to dance, the most important attribute is _____________. a. Smile b. Leg strength c. Attitude 8) What dancer from “Dancing with the Stars” went on to star in the Broadway-turned-movie Rock of Ages? a. Ashly DelGrosso b. Julianne Hough c. Kym Johnson
ANSWERS: 1) Alec Mazo, 2) 2nd, 3) “Dancing with the Stars”, 4) “So You Think You Can Dance”, 5) Jive, 6) The man, 7) Attitude, 8) Julianne Hough
of plays and always wanted to work with Brickman, who was a poker buddy. But as they interviewed the three surviving Seasons, they faced a predicament over how to tell the group’s “true” story when they couldn’t even figure out what it was. Elice and Brickman met with Bob Gaudio and Frankie Valli, the two Seasons who, way back when, formed a business partnership with a handshake that still stands. “They started to describe what it was like to be blue-collar kids, first-generation Americans, Roman Catholic, high school dropouts who were flirting with careers in crime in an environment where people had two pictures on the living room wall: the Pope and Frank Sinatra,” Elice recounts. “It was the archetypal American rags-to-riches story. You start with nothing, achieve success and then try to navigate your life through the waters of success.” But when they contacted Tommy DeVito, the initial driving force behind the group until gambling debts put him on the outs with the mob, “he said, ‘Don’t listen to them, I’ll tell you what really happened,’” Elice recalls. That’s when they decided to structure the show by letting each character tell his own account. As Tommy says at the beginning of the show, “You ask four guys, you get four different versions.” Each “Season” narrates a portion of the story, including bass player Nick Massi, who died in 2000 and left the group at the height of its popularity. Brickman and Elice drew their portrait of him from the memories of the other survivors. That gave them the chance to focus on the Tommy-Frankie-Bob dynamic that first propels the Four Seasons to the top of the charts. “This was really a love triangle— without any sexual component,” Elice observes. “There was Tommy, who discovered Frankie when he was a teenager and held the trio
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RANDY WEEKS 1955 – 2014
400 10 44 35
Photo by Kyle Malone
The turnout for a memorial celebration honoring Denver Center for the Performing Arts President Randy Weeks made his legacy plain: Weeks made Denver one of the strongest Broadway touring markets in the nation. In his 25 years as the Executive Director of the DCPA’s Broadway division, Weeks presented more than 400 shows that served 11.6 million patrons. In his tenure, Denver hosted the launches of 10 national touring productions, including The Lion King, The Book of Mormon and, most recently, Pippin. His efforts led The Buell Theatre to be the highest-grossing theatre of its size in the nation. Representatives from those shows and many more were among the 1,500 who attended a classy afternoon of poignant remembrances and show-stopping musical numbers in celebration of Weeks, who died October 9 in London. He was 59. Attendees included family and friends, more than 100 fraternity brothers, DCPA employees past and present, and members of the local and national theatre communities. They represented theatre owners, producers, presenters, booking agents, press agents and members of both The Broadway League and the Independent Presenters Network. The Pippin tour has dedicated its entire tour to Weeks. Honoring him, national press rep Anita Dloniak said, was one way for the Pippin family to cope with their grief over his sudden death.
“He was so clearly willing to take risks here, and over time, he developed an audience that was willing to take risks with him,” added The Book of Mormon General Manager David Turner. “That combination is very rare.” Dean Singleton, chairman of The Denver Post and a member of the DCPA’s Board of Trustees, said, “We have lost one of the greatest minds in theatre. Not only did Randy bring Broadway to Denver, but he made Denver the first stop for some of the greatest productions leaving New York.” In 2012, Weeks inaugurated the Bobby G Awards, which honor achievements in Colorado high school theatre. Monday’s program culminated with Grandview High School’s Abby Noble, recently named the Bobby G’s Outstanding Actress, singing “One” from A Chorus Line alongside nearly 30 students from Denver School of the Arts, where Weeks served on the Friends Foundation. “Randy led with his heart, and he put his heart into everything,” said John Ekeberg, Weeks’ protegé and successor. Read John Moore’s complete report on the celebration, including photos and video, at our new DCPA News Center: Memorial gifts can be made to the Randy Weeks Memorial Fund for The Bobby G Awards at
Photo by John Moore
Photo by John Moore
2014 Tony winner for Best Actress in a musical, Jessie Mueller
2014 Tony nominee for Best Featured Actor in a Musical, Jarrod Spector
Please join us for the 35th Anniversary
to benefit Theatre Education at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Featuring the stars of Beautiful: The Carole King Musical ~ Jessie Mueller and Jarrod Spector Jessie won the 2014 Tony for Best Actress in a Musical for her role as Carole King. Jarrod received a Tony nomination for Best Featured Actor in a Musical and also is well known for playing Frankie Valli in more then 1,500 performances of Jersey Boys. Cocktails | Silent Auction | Surprise Box Sale | Dinner | Drinks | Dancing Tickets start at $400 303.446.4812 | DENVERCENTER.ORG/SNA SPONSORS The Salah Foundation | Oil & Gas Producers of Colorado | Colorado State Bank and Trust | Molson Coors Brewing Company U.S. Bank | Keith & Kathie Finger | Margot & Allan Frank | Hilja Herfurth | United | Westin Denver Downtown | Epicurean | Cherry Creek North
• Playwriting • Performance
CONTRIBUTORS April 2013 – July 2014
Our most exclusive package has premium amenities for six Broadway shows and helps fund our education programs — which inspire 67,000 students every year. Each evening features a delicious pre-show dinner and unlimited cocktails at Kevin Taylor’s at the Opera House, plus private amenities during intermission. And, more than half of your membership is eligible as a tax-deductible contribution. Denver is a “pick city” on the Broadway touring circuit, and your membership contribution keeps the musicals coming our way first!
Impact Creativity is an urgent call to action to save theatre education programs in 19 of our largest cities. Impact Creativity brings together theatres, arts education experts and individuals to help over 500,000 children and youth, most of them disadvantaged, succeed through the arts by sustaining the theatre arts education programs threatened by today’s fiscal climate. For more information on how “theatre education changes lives,” please visit: ($100,000 or more) CMT/ABC ♦ The Hearst Foundations ($50,000 or more) AOL♦ Schloss Family Foundation ($25,000 or more) Wells Fargo
TM & © 1957, 2014 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, LP
NOV 11 OR 14, 2014
DEC 17 OR 19, 2014
FEB 3 OR 6, 2015
($10,000 or more) Steven and Joy Bunson Lisa Orberg Southwest Airlines♦ ($5,000 or more) Frank and Bonnie Orlowski Edison Peres*
MAR 31 OR APR 3, 2015
APR 29 OR MAY 1, 2015
JUNE 4 OR 5, 2015
($2,500 or more) Buford Alexander and Pamela Farr Jennifer Bielstein* Cathy Dantchik* Paula A. Dominick* Howard and Janet Kagan* Michael Lawrence and Glen Gillen* Seth Newell* Laurie Podolsky* RBC Wealth Management George S. Smith, Jr.* Isabelle Winkles* ($1,000 or more) Pamela Curry* Jon Dorfman and Melissa Kaish* Bruce Ewing* Donna Fontana* Alan and Jennifer Freedman
*Silent Auction Support ♦ In-kind support
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Offer valid thru 3/30/15.
Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center 650 Fifteenth Street, Denver, CO 80202 303 486 4434
Historic Larimer Square
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“ It’s about creating a meaningful relationship on multiple levels with our different merchants and with all the different programs and areas of the Denver Center.” JEFF HERMANSON, LARIMER ASSOCIATES CEO
Larimer Square has come a long way in 50 years. In 1955, a once-charming block had fallen into disrepair. Demolition crews were just weeks away from scrubbing buildings that had stood since before the turn of the century. Today, due to intense preservation efforts, Larimer Square is recognized as Denver’s most beautiful and historic block, a premier shopping and dining district that is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2015. Larimer Associates CEO, Jeff Hermanson, has taken great care to make it that way, spending the past 20 years attracting locally-owned, independent boutiques, clubs and restaurants to the block while preserving its beauty and charm. Larimer Square provides visitors a unique experience that complements the cultural offerings of its neighbor, the Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA). “Larimer Square has found the perfect partner in the DCPA,” said Hermanson. “The unique combination of theater, music, nightlife, dining and shopping that our two special places provide is unrivaled.” Larimer Square and the Denver Center for the Performing Arts share a strong commitment to the arts. The Square has distinguished itself from other districts by creating a place for independently minded shops and restaurants, giving entrepreneurs the artistic freedom and support they need to make their business dreams a reality. At the same time, Larimer Square offers an experience that complements the artistic and creative sensibilities of the DCPA and hosts multiple events each year to promote the arts including the popular Denver Chalk Art Festival and Art of Winter. “It’s about creating a meaningful relationship on multiple levels with our different merchants and with all the different programs and areas of the Denver Center” said Hermanson. “We similarly support the many artists on Larimer Square. Our chefs, bartenders and merchants are some of the most creative in the city.” In addition to the DCPA, Larimer Square is a proud supporter of the Downtown Denver Partnership, the Larimer Arts Association, LoDo District, We Don’t Waste, Volunteers of America, the Denver Art Museum, and more. “Denver is in the middle of an entrepreneurial and cultural transformation,” continued Hermanson. “It’s been amazing to witness and an honor to be a part of this exciting change with the Larimer Associates and our partners at the Denver Center.”
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Fidelity Investments
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Supporting both education and the arts is an ongoing commitment for Fidelity. Last year almost 40,000 students and 676 teachers in 35 communities across the country were supported by the efforts of Fidelity volunteers. Minumum Width 2”
The Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA) has been proudly sponsored by Fidelity Investments since 2005. During the 2014/15 season Fidelity is a presenting sponsor of the DCPA’s popular VIP Evenings. Fidelity’s goal is to make financial expertise broadly accessible and effective in helping people live the lives they want. With assets under administration of $5.0 trillion, including managed assets of $2.0 trillion as of August 30, 2014, Fidelity focuses on meeting the unique needs of a diverse set of customers: helping 23 million people invest their own life savings; 20,000 businesses manage their employee benefit programs, as well as providing 10,000 advisors and brokers with technology solutions to invest their own clients’ money. Privately held for nearly 70 years, Fidelity employs 41,000 associates who are focused on the long-term success of their customers. Over the past year Fidelity has grown to more than 400 employees in Colorado. This includes those at the customer contact center, which opened in Greenwood Village last year as well as employees who focus on sector investing as part of Fidelity’s asset management operations. In addition, the firm’s five area investor centers are open to clients to come in and work oneon-one with Fidelity to address all of their financial needs. Fidelity has a long history of supporting the communities where it operates and where its employees work and live. In partnership with well-established national and local nonprofit organizations, Fidelity creates volunteer activities for employees to share their time as well as insights and expertise with the community. The focus of the DCPA sponsorship is on strengthening arts education and appreciation. Supporting both education and the arts is an ongoing commitment for Fidelity. Last year almost 40,000 students and 676 teachers in 35 communities across the country were supported by the efforts of Fidelity volunteers. Here in Denver, Fidelity has established ongoing partnerships with two local schools in conjunction with the Denver Public Schools’ School Partners Program. Fidelity will work with Merrill Middle School and Fairview Elementary School to enhance learning spaces, support their existing curriculum and supplement their efforts to offer financial education to their students. Fidelity looks forward to continuing these efforts here in Denver and nationwide. For more information, visit your local Fidelity investor center, call 1.800.FIDELITY or visit Fidelity Brokerage Services, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917
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Wells Fargo Advisors
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“ Our client-first philosophy and support of non-profit organizations is an important part of the culture of Wells Fargo Advisors. The Denver Center for the Performing Arts is one of our most rewarding relationships.”
INTRODUCING MORE GREAT PEOPLE TO SERVE YOU AND THE COMMUNITY — New Team Members Add to Wells Fargo Advisors’ Culture of Service
Managing Director – Market Manager Rocky Mountain Market 303.804.3888
Wells Fargo Advisors in the Denver area has recently welcomed several new team members, giving clients access to more than 85 years of combined experience in comprehensive wealth management and retirement planning services.
The Denver Group of Wells Fargo Advisors is based in our downtown Denver office and is led by Managing Director – Investments Chris O’Neil and Senior Vice President – Investments Joe Jaensen. Committed to philanthropic endeavors, both advisors are Senior Portfolio Investment Managers (PIM) whose customized portfolio management programs reflect an active approach to asset allocation.
L-R: Chris O’Neil, Senior Client Associate Terri Lo Sasso, and Joe Jaensen
John L. Claxton joined the Greenwood Village office as First Vice President – Investments. A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, Claxton brings considerable experience and a true commitment to offering comprehensive investment and wealth planning services to high net worth individuals and their families.
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Faegre Baker Daniels
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A PROUD SPONSOR OF 2014/15 VIP EVENINGS One Color Reversed Logo
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“ Faegre Baker Daniels uses its sponsorship, pro bono and charitable opportunities as a reminder that our purpose is to serve other people.” JOHN MARCIL, PARTNER WITH FAEGRE BAKER DANIEL, BOULDER
In his plays, William Shakespeare mentions attorneys more than any other profession. He observed the natural ability of attorneys to connect with others on a personal level— through provoking thought and influencing change. With more than 100 attorneys in the Denver and Boulder area, Faegre Baker Daniels has been at the center of business in the Rocky Mountain region for more than 25 years. Service to the community stands as one of the firm’s core values and the desire to create intimate, meaningful relationships is a key driver in the client-centric and communityminded philosophy of FaegreBD. Underscoring the commitment to strengthen institutions that are critical to the health and vitality of the community, the firm is serving as a 2014 VIP Evening sponsor for the Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA). As part of this program, FaegreBD’s funding goes directly to create and support educational initiatives, as well as empower people to experience theatre who otherwise may not have the opportunity. FaegreBD partner and leader of the Denver office, Heather Perkins said, “We want to help the DCPA educate our community about theatre in hopes of enabling them to experience it differently—with more depth and appreciation.” John Marcil, who also is a partner at the firm and leads the Boulder office, added, “Faegre Baker Daniels uses its
sponsorship, pro bono and charitable opportunities as a reminder that our purpose is to serve other people.” The firm’s DCPA sponsorship represents a deep commitment to the Colorado community through promotion of the vitality and growth of the arts. Perkins commented, “Denver Center for the Performing Arts perpetuates one of our oldest and most communal art forms and Faegre Baker Daniels is happy to play a part in enhancing DCPA’s role in our community.” As a theatre patron growing up, Perkins explained, “the theatre experience inspires people in a creative and exciting way, vastly different from sports or other entertainment-related events.” In addition to community sponsorships, FaegreBD attorneys dedicate an extensive amount of time to pro bono work. Throughout the year, the firm’s professionals provide legal counsel to low-income and disadvantaged populations in Colorado. With more the 750 legal and consulting professionals worldwide, Faegre Baker Daniels is proud to support the Denver Center for the Performing Arts in offering state of the art, world-class entertainment to the Denver community.
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The Grinch Whole Stole The Jersey Boys THE GRINCH WHO STOLE THE JERSEY BOYS CHRISTMAS Christmas How much do you know about our three new winter shows?
How much do you know about our three new winter shows? ACROSS 1
2 3
7 8
9 10
15 16 17
ACROSS 21 How many Seasons? For answers please visit 1 Oh, what a ____ DOWN 5 Lynne Taylor-Corbett’s “Jersey Boy” son 2 Sherry baby, can you come out 42 6 She’s your longtime Mrs. ____? Fezziwig: ___ O'Carroll 3 Trilogy finale coming in January
1 Oh, what a __________ 5 Lynne Taylor-Corbett’s Jersey Boy son 6 She’s your longtime Mrs. Fezziwig: __________ O’Carroll 9 “There is nothing so irresistibly contagious as __________” 11 Pre-“Seasons” 13 The mountain just north of Whoville 14 “Only thing more ridiculous than a Merry Christmas” 15 Denver’s primary Scrooge 17 Highest-grossing musical in film history 18 Dr. Seuss’ real first name 20 Grinch’s loyal but unloved dog 21 How many Seasons?
DOWN 2 “Sherry baby, can you come out__________?” 3 Trilogy finale coming in January 4 What is two sizes too small? 7 Broadway’s Grinch played __________ in The Lion King 8 Word written across boy’s forehead 10 “Decrease the __________ population” 12 Jersey Boys’ first No. 1 hit 13 Film’s Grinch: Jim __________ 14 Cindy Who? 16 This boy is Ignorance. This girl is__________ 19 Its actual definition: “False language or deceitful behavior”
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