Opera Colorado Magazine March-April 2013

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March 30 | April 2 | 5 | 7 | 2013 ELLIE CAULKINS OPERA HOUSE Don Giovanni is sponsored by Hilja K. Herfurth, Patrick Spieles and Carol McMurry, Sage Hospitality Hotel Parters: The Curtis and Embassy Suites Denver Downtown, Hotel Teatro, and Magnolia Hotels. Opera Colorado's 2013 season is sponsored by the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) and media sponsors The Denver Post and 5280Magazine.



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The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein I

OFFENBACH Susan Graham, Paul Appleby, Kevin Burdette


The Marriage of Figaro I

La Traviata V E R D I Brenda Rae, Michael Fabiano, Roland Wood

MOZART Lisette Oropesa, Susanna Phillips, Daniel Okulitch


La Donna del Lago R O S S I N I Joyce DiDonato, Lawrence Brownlee, Marianna Pizzolato



Wo r l d P re m i e re THEODORE MORRISON David Daniels, Heidi Stober, William Burden

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Welcome to our final productions of the 2013 Season


t the rehearsal of Don Giovanni, we watched a marvelous cast, under the adept direction of Kevin Newbury, breathe new life into the timeless story of Don Juan. As the story unfolds through the genius of Mozart’s glorious music, we are reminded of the importance of the arts in our daily lives and how for us opera and the arts are life-affirming. Whether the story is romantic, brutal, comic or gritty, the unamplified human voice coupled with beautiful music creates a sublime experience that awakens us to fundamental questions of good and evil. The arts inspire us to live life to the fullest, and connect us to one another at the deepest levels. Opera is STORIES THAT SING, so what could be a more fitting title to our sustainability campaign? We have been greatly encouraged by the outpouring of support from our family of patrons who so deeply understand the importance of the arts in our community. Thanks to the generosity of so many, we begin to see a bright future for Opera Colorado as we re-envision the company – living within our financial means and maintaining our commitment to quality performances and community engagement programs. While we are confident in our plans for the future, our success depends on engaging a broader spectrum of our community. Opera Colorado is YOUR opera company – you can share your love of opera by bringing friends to a performance, and you can help by making a contribution to the STORIES THAT SING campaign. Your involvement in Opera Colorado is vital to our future and adds your name to the growing list of those who are raising their voices in support. If you have already made a campaign or annual fund contribution this year, please accept our most heartfelt thanks. If you have not, we trust you will become The Voice of Opera Colorado and lend your voice to sustain one of Denver’s great cultural institutions. We look forward to announcing our 2014 Season, our 31st, and to many more years of Opera Colorado!


Greg Carpenter General Director

Michael Hughes Chairman Page 9 | DON GIOVANNI

Please enjoy our wines responsibly. © 2012 RUFFINO IMPORT COMPANY, RUTHERFORD, CA.

Education & Community Programs Spotlight: Backstage Workshops


everal times each season, dozens of students are invited to the Ellie Caulkins Opera House for a chance to experience the backstage “magic” that happens as we prepare for an opera. The students travel to a variety of learning stations – from conducting and singing to set, props, and stage fighting – and interact with professionals in their craft. It’s a field trip unlike any other and an exciting way to learn about the careers in opera that take place behind-thescenes. To learn more about our Education & Community Programs, visit OperaColorado.org/education or call 303.778.0371.

Barbara Piano teaches how costumes can show character.

Students gather for their day of learning about what happens behind the curtain.

Jim Ramsey puts the students’ coordination to the test by teaching them how to conduct.

Professional stage fighter Seth Maisel reveals the tricks of stage combat.


The Opera of All Operas Nothing new. So it might have seemed to those first perusing the promotional flyers. Another Don Juan opera. Rehashing the same old tale: the adventures of the legendary Spanish lover dramatized once again. Hadn’t Righini done one on the subject? And Goldoni, too? Weren’t there two versions of it on stage just last season in Venice alone? Didn’t Gluck make a ballet of it? Now that fellow Mozart is determined to try his hand. Why can’t these composers give us something new? Had prospective audience members responded to news of Mozart’s latest effort with a shrug of the shoulders, their disinterest would have had cause. Don Juan had long since stormed the stages of Italy and Austria, the latter of which derived its operatic tastes largely from its southern neighbor. Dozens of composers, both notable and forgettable, offered twists on the tale, some making of it a comedy, others a drama. So popular had the Spanish playboy become that a young Goethe was driven to observe, “No one could bear to live without having fried Don Juan in Hell, or seen the Commendatore as a blessed spirit, ascend to Heaven.” In such a context, Mozart’s choice of subject might have seemed redundant, except for one significant fact: Mozart was never redundant, and any shoulders that shrugged at news of the work could not have shrugged after experiencing the opera itself. For with Don Giovanni, Mozart changed for all time expectations of what an opera can be. No longer treated merely as a diverting showcase for the human voice, opera became in Mozart’s hands an epic experience, alternately draining and uplifting the emotions. Not without reason did the writer and composer E.T.A. Hoffmann bless Don Giovanni as “the opera of all operas,” for here is an opera in which the unsurpassed craft of a genius is shown to its highest level. Mozart and Da Ponte might not have created their Don Giovanni had it not been for their successful collaboration of the previous year, The Marriage of Figaro. Politically controversial, the opera nonetheless enjoyed a triumphant run in provincial Prague, where its popularity was

so marked that Mozart came from Vienna to witness it. He conducted a performance of Figaro, offered up a new symphony written especially for the occasion, and gleefully welcomed storms of rapturous applause. When the composer returned to Vienna in February of 1787, his luggage contained a new commission from Pasquale Bondini, the Prague impresario. As Mozart set to work, he had the advantage of having conducted the Prague company in Figaro. Not only did he know many of the singers would be returning in the fall, he also knew in which roles they would be cast. The baritone who had sung Figaro was available for Leporello; his counterpart from the role of Count Almaviva was cast as Don Giovanni himself. With their voices in mind, Mozart was able to craft specific parts that would suit them perfectly, thus ensuring that his music would be shown to its best. More problematic were the unknown artists and those late to join the cast. Music for bass Giuseppe Lolli, who had signed on for both the comic Masetto and the dramatic Commendatore, was composed last of all, only after Mozart’s arrival in Prague, allowing him a chance to hear the singer and imagine how one man might handle two such divergent roles. Musically, the work is without peers. That unequalled and immortal masterpiece,” composer Charles Gounod enthused. “A summit,” claimed playwright Berthold Brecht, “that shall never again be achieved.” On what grounds do such claims stand? On the supreme craftsmanship granted to every phrase. Consideration of even few scenes reveals the composer’s genius: The shocking potency of the overture’s opening chords: a few moments declaring that what follows is no bit of comic fluff.

continued on page 17... Page 13 | DON GIOVANNI

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Don Giovanni is sponsored by Hilja K. Herfurth Patrick Spieles & Carol McMurry Sage Hospitality Hotel Partners:

March 30, April 2, 5, 7, 2013 Ellie Caulkins Opera House Opera in Two Acts By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte

Additional Hotel Partners:

There will be one 25 minute intermission. Cast in Order of Vocal Appearance Leporello Donna Anna Don Giovanni Commendatore Don Ottavio Donna Elvira Zerlina Masetto

Matthew Treviño* Ellie Dehn* Christopher Magiera* Richard Wiegold*† Jonathan Boyd* Melody Moore* Maria Lindsey* Christian Bowers*

Opera Colorado’s 2013 Season is sponsored by

Opera Colorado Media Sponsors

Opera Colorado Orchestra Opera Colorado Chorus Conductor Stage Director Chorus Master Lighting Design Wig and Makeup Design Scenery and Props Scenery Design Costumes Costume Design Austin Healy Bug Eye Sprite

Ari Pelto* Kevin Newbury John Baril Robert Wierzel Ronell Oliveri Courtesy of Boston Lyric Opera Donald Eastman* Courtesy of Boston Lyric Opera Merrily Murray-Walsh*, Ann Piano Courtesy of The Santa Fe Opera

The pre-performance lecture, presented by music historian Betsy Schwarm, is sponsored by Embassy Suites Denver Downtown. After the performance, please join General Director Greg Carpenter and Director of Artistic Operations Brad Trexell for an informal question and answer session. Those interested in participating should proceed to the first few rows of the orchestra section in front of the stage immediately following the performance. *Opera Colorado debut † U.S. debut

English subtitles written by Jeremy Sortore for Opera Colorado. Spanish translation by TranslatingSpanish.com. Operating the Subtitles When the singing begins, press the red button under the screen once for English subtitles or twice for Spanish subtitles. Repeat these steps after the intermission(s). Additional instructions and tips may be found on page 2 of the inner program pages. If you experience difficulty with the system, please contact an usher. Opera Colorado does not offer refunds or exchanges in the event of subtitle system failure. A synopsis of the opera is available in this program. All Sunday matinee performances offer audio description for the visually impaired. Headsets are available at the coat check. Don Giovanni PROGRAM


Don Giovanni SYNOPSIS Act One: Don Giovanni’s servant Leporello paces impatiently outside the home of the Commendatore. Suddenly, Don Giovanni emerges, pursued by Donna Anna, whom he has attempted to assault. Her father, the Commendatore, intervenes, but is slain by Giovanni in a duel. Giovanni and Leporello flee. Rejecting the comforting words of her fiancé Don Ottavio, Anna swears vengeance. Later, Giovanni and Leporello come upon a woman lamenting her treatment by the man she loves. She is revealed to be Donna Elvira, one of many women abandoned by Giovanni. The nobleman leaves his servant to deflect Elvira’s anger by enumerating Giovanni’s many conquests. Together again, Giovanni and Leporello encounter a wedding party. Sending Leporello away with the guests and the furious groom, Masetto, Giovanni attempts to seduce the bride Zerlina, but Elvira intervenes. Anna and Ottavio encounter Giovanni. Despite Elvira’s warnings, they are slow to realize that he is the murderer they seek. Only belatedly does Anna recognize his voice and renew her pledge to bring him to justice. Meanwhile, Giovanni plans a grand party, while Zerlina seeks to assure Masetto of her love. The peasant couple, as well as Elvira, Anna, and Ottavio, find themselves at Giovanni’s palace, where Giovanni attempts to get Zerlina to himself. When Masetto angrily intervenes, Giovanni blames Leporello, but is not believed. Anna, Ottavio, and Elvira swear he will pay for his sins.

Act Two: Disgusted with his employer, Leporello attempts to quit Giovanni’s service, but a hefty bribe changes his mind. Giovanni, intent upon seducing Elvira’s maid, trades cloaks with his servant, and Leporello finds himself diverting Elvira while dressed as his master. Still in Leporello’s cloak, Giovanni serenades the maid. When Masetto enters with a group of angry

villagers bent upon punishing Giovanni, the disguised nobleman sends them off on the trail of his supposed self. Catching Masetto alone, Giovanni beats the young peasant. Zerlina comforts her bruised husband. Meanwhile, Leporello finds himself cornered by Anna, Ottavio, and the peasants, determined to punish this supposed ‘Giovanni.’ Only the forgiving Elvira defends him. Making known his true identity does nothing to defuse the mob’s fury. Leporello flees, leaving the others to lament the situation. Reunited at the cemetery, Giovanni and Leporello are confronted by a solemn voice emanating from a statue of the departed Commendatore. The voice demands Giovanni’s repentance. Giovanni scoffs at the order, and commands a trembling Leporello to invite the statue to dinner. The statue accepts with a nod. Meanwhile, Ottavio begs Anna to go ahead with their marriage the next day, but she declines, saying that it is too soon after her father’s death. In Giovanni’s banquet hall, a splendid table has been laid and musicians entertain with a variety of opera airs. Elvira bursts in, begging him to mend his ways. Dismissing her contemptuously, Giovanni is then startled to hear her scream as she departs. Sent to investigate, Leporello reports in terror that the statue is approaching, and soon it storms through the door. Declining the offer of earthly food, the statue requests that Giovanni join it for a more otherworldly banquet. When Giovanni accepts and takes the statue’s hand, he finds himself immobilized, chilled to the bone, and unable to free himself. Despite the horror of the situation, Giovanni scorns demands for repentance, and is consigned to the flames of hell. Leporello survives. As the dust clears, Elvira, Anna, Ottavio, Zerlina, and Masetto join Leporello to sing of their future and of the fate that awaits evildoers. Synopsis by Betsy Schwarm, author of Operatic Insights and Classical Music Insights.

English or Spanish Subtitles are right at your fingertips!


Just follow these easy steps: • Prior to the performance, the screen will display a sponsored message automatically. (You cannot turn it off.) • When the singing begins, press the red button briefly. • Press once for English titles. • Press twice for Spanish titles. • Press three times to turn the system off. •Repeat these steps after intermission. Pushing the button too many times or holding the button down will result in system failure. Titles are only broadcast when singing occurs on stage. If you experience difficulty with the subtitle system, please contact an usher for assistance. Opera Colorado does not offer refunds or exchanges in the event of system failure.


Don Giovanni PROGRAM

Mozart and the World of Opera By Betsy Schwarm, Music Historian


pera is most often an activity for a composer of mature skills. Between the lasting attention required to tackle a large scale endeavor and the skill required to balance all its diverse aspects – words and music, singers and instrumentalists, plot pacing and musical development, and so on – creating an opera is simply not an activity suited for one’s apprentice years. So Verdi was twenty-six when his first opera, Oberto, came to life. Puccini was twenty-five when he wrote Le villi. Wagner was twenty-one when he wrote Die Feen, though it would not be performed complete for another four decades, and in the intervening years, underwent some revision. Even the precocious Rossini was twenty when he wrote Demetrio e Polibio. Each man had to learn the business before tackling opera. Then there is the case of Mozart. His first opera, Apollo et Hyacinthus, came to the stage in his native Salzburg when he was just eleven years old. Twenty more operas would follow before his tragically early death, just short of his thirty-sixth birthday. He would total nearly twice as many operas as either Puccini or Wagner, and roughly as many as Verdi, though all three men outlived him by decades. Admittedly, Rossini would complete nearly forty operas, but he, too, lived almost twice as long a life as Mozart. Moreover, the other four gentlemen didn’t bother with symphonies, concertos, or chamber music; Mozart wrote a large quantity of those works as well. Starting earlier and working more quickly, Mozart simply got more out of his available time on earth. So how is it that Mozart produced excellent music steadily, even operas, for such a significant percentage of his brief life? First, there is his upbringing. His father Leopold, himself a composer and violinist, was immediately aware of his son’s gifts. Wanting to be sure that the rest of the musical world would be equally aware – so as to increase the likelihood of Wolfgang receiving good job offers – Leopold pushed the boy toward ambitious standards at astonishingly early ages. Other composers might not tackle operas in adolescence, but Leopold recognized that his son could do it and ensured that the boy reached his potential. Secondly, in Austria in the late 1700s, a successful opera, like a successful film today, might run for several months. Not only did this increase potential income, but also it kept the composer’s name before the public eye, which might attract the favor of possible employers. As a marketing strategy, turning out a new opera whenever the opportunity arose was a wise practice. Furthermore, close study of Mozart’s operas reveals that he reveled in the challenge of giving musical colors to the personalities of his operatic characters. In his hands, a servant and the aristocrat whom that servant serves might have voices similar in pitch – as with Leporello and Giovanni in Don Giovanni – yet would not sound much alike stylistically. The servant, a man of humbler roots, would be given humbler, more down-to-earth music, whereas the aristocrat would be written to be more commanding of mood.

At first, it may seem an obvious trick; wouldn’t one naturally want the men to sound distinctly different? However, in the late 18th century, it was not yet standard operatic practice. In Mozart’s day, one might juggle the music of various arias around between various characters, perhaps even importing something from an utterly different opera that might be a different composer’s work. Just change the words to be sure it still fits the story. Yet that practice would not succeed with Mozart’s operas, in which the personality of the character and the personality of the music itself are closely linked. In so doing, Mozart put himself well ahead of the standard of the day and even set a model that would influence Verdi in the years ahead. When we hear Mozart’s operas today, we hear the craftsmanship of a man whose artistry stood well above that of his contemporaries and even above that of many of his successors. One can only hope that observers of his day had some sense of the excellence of what they were experiencing, and certainly some did. Of the Prague premiere of Don Giovanni October 29, 1787, Mozart observed in a letter to a friend that it was met by “the greatest of applause,” and by a request that he would please write for them another opera. How perceptive those Prague listeners were! Surely, 21st century audiences are no less discerning. Article by Betsy Schwarm, author of Operatic Insights and Classical Music Insights. MOZART’S OPERAS Apollo et Hyacinthus – May 13, 1767 La finta semplice – May 1, 1769 Bastien und Bastienne – fall 1768 Mitridate, re di Ponto – December 26, 1770 Ascanio in Alba – October 17, 1771 Il sogno di Scipione – spring 1772 Lucio Silla – December 26, 1772 La finta giardiniera – January 13, 1775 Il re pastore – April 23, 1775 Semiramis – fall 1778 Thamos, King of Egypt – 1779 Zaide – 1780 Idomeneo – January 29, 1781 Abduction from the Seraglio – July 16, 1782 L’oca del Cairo – premiere unknown; completed 1783 The Impresario – February 7, 1786 The Marriage of Figaro – May 1, 1786 Don Giovanni – October 29, 1787 Così fan tutte – January 26, 1790 La clemenza di Tito – September 6, 1791 The Magic Flute – September 30, 1791

Don Giovanni PROGRAM


THE ARTISTS JOHN BARIL, Chorus Master (Opera Colorado debut: Lucia di Lammermoor, 2003) John Baril made his debut as conductor of the Opera Colorado Orchestra with our 2012 production of The Marriage of Figaro. He has served as Opera Colorado’s Chorus Master since 2003 and is currently Music Director of Central City Opera where he conducted La bohème, Gianni Schicchi, The Seven Deadly Sins, The Breasts of Tiresas, Three Decembers, Lucia di Lammermoor, West Side Story and Cendrillon. Some of his other recent conducting engagements include Cavalleria Rusticana, Pagliacci and Tosca with Opera Delaware and Don Giovanni at Nashville Opera. This summer he will conduct a new production of Il barbiere di Siviglia at Central City Opera. CHRISTIAN BOWERS, Masetto (Opera Colorado debut) Christian Bowers, baritone from Hankins, New York, is currently a third year resident artist at the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia, PA. He was a young artist with Santa Fe Opera for the past two seasons where he performed the roles of Sciarrone in Tosca and covered the title role of Abdul in Menotti’s The Last Savage. Upcoming performances include Renato in Un ballo in maschera for the Academy of Vocal Arts. Mr. Bowers was recently a finalist in the Houston Grand Opera Eleanor McCollum Vocal competition. Mr. Bowers has also won second prize in the Mario Lanza Vocal Competition and was a Philadelphia district winner for the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions in 2011-2012. Mr. Bowers’ roles include Figaro (Il barbiere di Siviglia), Belcore (L’elisir d’amore), Belaev (Lee Hoiby’s A Month in the Country), Count Danilo (The Merry Widow), Count Almaviva (Le nozze di Figaro), Marcello (La bohème), Masetto (Don Giovanni), the Clock/Cat (Ravel’s L’enfant et les Sortilèges), Ipparco (Cavalli’s L’egisto), King Melchior (Amahl and the Night Visitors), Hermann (Les contes d’Hoffmann), Count Dominik and Lamoral (Strauss’s Arabella) and Ottone (Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea). Mr. Bowers is a recipient of a Master of Music in Opera and Vocal Performance from Temple University under the guidance of his voice teacher William Stone. Mr. Bowers also received a B.M. from the State University of New York (S.U.N.Y) at Purchase College Conservatory of Music. JONATHAN BOYD, Don Ottavio (Opera Colorado debut) Tenor Jonathan Boyd continually performs to great acclaim throughout Europe, North America and South America. This past season, engagements included his San Diego Opera debut in Jake Heggie’s Moby-Dick as Ishmael, his Atlanta Opera debut as Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor, the title role of Candide at the Portland Opera, Sam in Susannah with Florentine Opera, Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni with Portland Opera, Mozart’s Solemn Vespers with Mid America Productions at Carnegie Hall, and his Scottish National Opera debut as the title role in Werther. Up next, he returns to Europe for his debut with the Théâtre du Capitole in Toulouse as Peter Quint/Prologue in Turn of the Screw, and will also make his role debut as Faust with Austin Lyric Opera. Noted recent engagements include his debut with Seattle Opera (Tamino, Die Zauberflöte); debuts at Opéra de Nice and Opéra de Toulon (Lysander, A Midsummer Night’s Dream); and performances with Teatro Colón (live television broadcast, Werther); Arizona Opera (Belmonte, Die Entführung aus dem Serail); Michigan Opera Theater, Nashville Opera and The Utah Symphony & Opera (Roméo, Roméo et Juliette); Toledo Opera and Opera Carolina (Alfredo, La traviata); Opera Royal de Wallonie in Belgium (Don Ottavio,


Don Giovanni PROGRAM

Don Giovanni); Le Grand Théâtre de Limoges (Belmonte, Die Entführung aus dem Serail); Opera Faber in Portugal, Théâtre de l’Athénée and St-Quentin en Yvelines in France (Tom Rakewell, The Rake’s Progress); and Akouna, Opéra en plein air in France (Alfredo, La traviata). ELLIE DEHN, Donna Anna (Opera Colorado debut) Respected and admired for her exceptional artistic skills, American soprano Ellie Dehn has engagements through 2016 in many of the world’s leading opera houses, including the Metropolitan Opera, Teatro alla Scala, San Francisco Opera, Teatro dell’ Opera, Bayerische Staatsoper, Los Angeles Opera, Grand Théâtre de Genève, Comunale di Bologna, and Houston Grand Opera. Ms. Dehn began the 2012-13 season with her debut in the rarely performed work, Henry VIII, as Catherine of Aragon at the Bard Festival, and then returned to Teatro alla Scala as Musetta. She also performs with the Cleveland Orchestra for Nielsen’s 3rd Symphony and returns to San Francisco as Fiordiligi in Così fan tutte. Engagements in future seasons include her Royal Opera House Covent Garden debut as the Countess in Le nozze di Figaro, Donna Anna with San Diego Opera, and Musetta with San Francisco Opera. The 2011-12 season included many exciting projects, including her La Scala debut as Antonia (Les contes d’Hoffmann), joining the stellar cast in the Metropolitan Opera’s new production of Don Giovanni as Donna Elvira, and debuting the role of Helena (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) with Teatro dell’Opera in Rome. She has found a niche bringing life to several of Mozart’s heroines, learning these roles at the prestigious Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia. Ms. Dehn won first prize grants in the 2007 George London Competition and the Gerda Lissner Foundation. She was a 2005 National Grand Finalist in the Met Competition (MONCA), and won top prizes in the Elardo and Licia Albanese/Puccini Competitions. DONALD EASTMAN, Scenery Design (Opera Colorado debut) Donald Eastman is an award winning designer whose work over the last three decades has included scenic and costume design at leading American and European theatres. Productions include Patience and Richard Danielpour’s Margaret Garner (New York City Opera); The Dialogues of the Carmelites (Vancouver Opera); Death in Venice (Glimmerglass Opera); The Marriage of Figaro (Wolf Trap); Albert Herring and Falstaff (OperaUCLA); Coronation of Poppea, La Calisto, Iphigenie en Aulide, Gianni Schicci, L’heure espagnole and Die Zauberflöte (The Juilliard School); The Turn of the Screw, Falstaff, Ariadne auf Naxos and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Seattle Opera’s Young Artist Program); Albert Herring and The Rape of Lucretia (San Francisco Opera Center), Three Tales by Steve Reich and Douglas Cuomo’s Arjunas Dilemma (BAM Next Wave Festival); Falstaff and Don Quichotte (Seattle Opera); and Don Giovanni (Boston Lyric Opera). Other companies with which he has worked include The Spoletto Festival USA, The Lisbon Opera, Virginia Opera, Michigan Opera Theatre, Lincoln Center Festival, Long Beach Opera, and The Washington Opera at the Kennedy Center. He designed the complete 2010 season for the Glimmerglass Festival, including the American premiere of Handel’s Tolomeo. Recent and upcoming projects include The Pearl Fishers, Camelot, and Carmen (Virginia Opera); My Fair Lady (Arena Stage); and the 2013 Merola Program for San Francisco Opera. Mr. Eastman received a Village Voice OBIE Award for Sustained Excellence. He received his education at the California Institute of the Arts, Yale School of Drama, and as a grantee of the NEA/National Opera Institute.

THE ARTISTS MARIA LINDSEY, Zerlina (Opera Colorado debut) Soprano Maria Lindsey recently performed as the soprano soloist in Poulenc’s Gloria with Opera Omaha and the Omaha Symphony. In 2012 she was awarded second place in the Rocky Mountain Region of the prestigious Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. During the summer of 2012, she performed with Opera Theatre of St. Louis as a Gerdine Young Artist, covering the role of Micaëla in Carmen and singing the role of the Rat Juror in Alice in Wonderland. In 2011, she completed her second year as an apprentice with the Santa Fe Opera, where she covered the role of Sardula in The Last Savage and sang Semele in the SFO Apprentice Opera Scenes. Also in 2011, she appeared as Gretel in Opera Omaha’s production of Hansel and Gretel. Ms. Lindsey performed the title role in Susannah, Julie in Carousel, and Miss Wordsworth in Albert Herring with the University of Colorado at Boulder-Opera. In the spring of 2010, Maria made her Opera Omaha debut as Barbarina in Le nozze di Figaro. She was an apprentice with the Santa Fe Opera in 2009, covering Coryphèe in Alceste, and singing Juliette from Roméo et Juliette in SFO’s Apprentice Opera Scenes. CHRISTOPHER MAGIERA, Don Giovanni (Opera Colorado debut) Christopher Magiera has appeared on opera stages throughout the United States and Europe, and continues to make major debuts in the coming seasons. In the 2012-2013 season, Mr. Magiera returns to the Dresden Semperoper for performances as Papageno (Die Zauberflöte), Belcore (L’elisir d’amore), and Marcello (La bohème). As a member of the ensemble in Dresden, he was heard as Figaro in Il barbiere di Siviglia, Almaviva in Le nozze di Figaro, Taddeo in L’italiana in Algeri, and Danilo in The Merry Widow. Recent performances include Valentin (Faust) and Zurga (The Pearl Fishers) with Santa Fe Opera, the Captain (The Death of Klinghoffer) with English National Opera, and the title role in Eugene Onegin with Opera Theatre of St. Louis, as well as being featured by The Metropolitan Opera in their 2010 Summer Recital Series. Highly decorated by international competitions, Mr. Magiera is a 2008 National Grand Finalist in the Metropolitan Opera’s National Council Auditions, a finalist in Placido Domingo’s Operalia World Opera Competition, and was most recently honored in 2009 with the Grand Prize of the Sullivan Foundation. He has also received awards from the Jensen Foundation, Gerda Lissner International Vocal Competition, Liederkranz Foundation, Bel Canto Foundation, and the Licia Albanese Puccini Foundation. Mr. Magiera is a former member of the Opernstudio at the Bayerische Staatsoper, where he appeared in a variety of main stage operas. He attended the prestigious Yale School of Music and is a graduate of the Peabody Conservatory and Wake Forest University. MELODY MOORE, Donna Elvira (Opera Colorado debut) Melody Moore is one of America’s most exciting talents. She has appeared on the stages of the San Francisco Opera (Heart of a Soldier, La bohème, Le nozze di Figaro, Die Zauberflöte, Tosca); English National Opera (La bohème, Faust); Houston Grand Opera (Show Boat); New York City Opera (New York premiere of Stephen Schwartz’s Seance on a Wet Afternoon, Rufus Wainwright’s Prima Donna); and Los Angeles Opera (Le nozze di Figaro, Der Zwerg, Der zerbrochene Krug). She has also appeared with Madison Opera, Atlanta Opera, Hawaii Opera Theater, New Orleans Opera, Opera Cleveland, Orlando Opera, and Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra. Later this season, she debuts with Opera de Bordeaux as Pamina

(Die Zauberflöte) and Glimmerglass Festival as Senta (Der Fliegende Holländer). She returns to Houston next season as Marta in the American premiere of Weinberg’s The Passenger and as Freia in Das Rheingold. At the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Ms. Moore performed the role of Candace Whitcomb in Stephen Paulus’s The Village Singer and received the Norman Treigle and Andrew White Awards. She is a former (2007) Adler Fellow and Merola Opera Program participant, during which time she also performed Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni) at Lincoln Theatre in Napa Valley, the title role in Suor Angelica for the Opera Theatre and Musical Festival of Lucca, Italy, and the Governess in Britten’s The Turn of the Screw in Napa Valley. MERRILY MURRAY-WALSH , Costume Design (Opera Colorado debut) Costume designer Merrily Murray-Walsh’s film and television credits include Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long, (Ace nomination), In Search of Dr. Seuss (Emmy nomination), The Murder of Mary Phagan (Emmy, Best Mini-Series), The Glass Menagerie, War Story: Vietnam, and Miss Lonelyhearts. Ms. Murray-Walsh’s opera designs include Vanqui (Opera Columbus), The Pearl Fishers (Virginia Opera), and Dialogues of the Carmelites, Patience, and Margaret Garner at Glimmerglass Opera and New York City Opera. Theater credits include The Speed of Darkness and Brothers on Broadway, and The Iceman Cometh at The Abbey Theatre. Her regional theatre work includes productions with The Old Globe Theatre, South Coast Repertory, Laguna Playhouse, Berkeley Repertory, Oregon Shakespearean Festival, Denver Center, Indiana Repertory, Children’s Theatre of Louisville, Actor’s Theatre of Louisville, Hartford Stage, Goodman Theatre, Williamstown Theatre Festival, and Arena Stage. KEVIN NEWBURY, Stage Director (Opera Colorado debut: The Magic Flute, 2006) Kevin Newbury is a theatre and opera director based in New York City whose work has been produced throughout North America and in Europe. His production of Virginia for the Wexford Opera Festival recently won the 2010 Irish Times Theatre Award for Best Opera Production. His work has also been nominated for a Grammy Award (Bernstein’s Mass with Marin Alsop), a Drama Desk Award (Best Actor, Candy and Dorothy), and the GLAAD Media Award (Winner: Candy and Dorothy, Nominated: Kiss and Cry). Mr. Newbury is especially committed to developing new work. He has directed the world premieres of several plays and musicals in New York City, five of which have been published or recorded for commercial release. His work in opera includes collaborations with many top American composers, including Ricky Ian Gordon and Pulitzer Prize winners John Adams and Lewis Spratlan. He is currently developing a new musical with Jeremy Schonfeld and Nicole Parker, a new opera with composer/lyricist Todd Almond, and a new opera with Gregory Spears and Greg Pierce. Mr. Newbury has enjoyed repeat engagements with several leading American opera companies, including Minnesota Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Portland Opera, and Opera Theatre of St. Louis. He has also directed for Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, L’Opéra de Montréal, the San Francisco Symphony, Glimmerglass Opera, Wolf Trap Opera, Chicago Opera Theatre, New York City Opera, Cincinnati Opera, and Houston Grand Opera. Upcoming engagements include new productions for Portland Opera, Santa Fe Opera, San Francisco Opera, and the Lyric Opera of Chicago.

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THE ARTISTS ARI PELTO, Conductor (Opera Colorado debut) Conductor Ari Pelto is in demand at elite opera houses, ballets, symphonies and conservatories throughout the United States. Since his 2004 debut at New York City Opera (Verdi’s La traviata), Mr. Pelto has been engaged as a regular guest there, returning for Madama Butterfly, La bohème, and Carmen. Recent highlights have included A Streetcar Named Desire (Virginia Opera); Carmen and Hansel and Gretel (Utah Opera); Don Pasquale and Il barbiere di Siviglia (Opera Memphis); The Magic Flute, Le nozze di Figaro, and Hansel and Gretel (Portland Opera); La bohème (Opera Theatre of St. Louis); The Cunning Little Vixen (Chautauqua Opera); Rusalka and La bohème (Boston Lyric Opera); and Romeo et Juliette (Minnesota Opera). In addition, Mr. Pelto works regularly at the country’s most prestigious young artist programs, San Francisco Opera‘s Merola, where he has conducted Così fan tutte and Britten’s The Rape of Lucretia. He recently premiered new productions of Le nozze di Figaro and Falstaff at the New National Theatre in Tokyo, where for eight years he has been engaged as a regular faculty member and conductor. Elsewhere outside America, he has conducted in Italy, Germany, and Bulgaria. From 2000-2002, he led two tours of the Western Opera Theater (San Francisco Opera‘s national touring company) conducting La bohème in twenty states and Così fan tutte in twenty-one. Mr. Pelto studied violin performance at Oberlin and conducting at Indiana University. MATTHEW TREVIÑO, Leporello (Opera Colorado debut) A former member of the San Francisco Opera’s prestigious Merola program and recent recipient of the Best Singer Award by the 2011 Austin Critics’ Table for his performance in The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, Matthew Treviño is proving to be one of today’s most sought-after young basses. Last season Mr. Treviño appeared as Timur (Turandot) at Austin Lyric Opera, as the King (Aïda) for Arizona Opera, Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte) with the Opera Theatre Company in Ireland and he made his role debut as Don Giovanni with Opera Naples. Other appearances have included Pistola (Falstaff) for Opera Cleveland, Nourabad (Les Pêcheurs des Perles) for Syracuse Opera, Sparafucile (Rigoletto) for San Antonio Opera, and Colline (La bohème) for Opera Carolina, Lyric Opera of Kansas City and Fresno Grand Opera. Under the auspices of the San Francisco Opera’s Merola Program he has performed the roles of Simone (Gianni Schicchi), Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte) and Don Basilio (Il barbiere di Siviglia). He has performed Alcalde (La forza del destino) and Don Basilio with the Caramoor Festival. Future plans include The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat for Nashville Opera, Colline (La bohème) for Florentine Opera; and both Sparafucile (Rigoletto) and Hobson (Peter Grimes) for English National Opera. RICHARD WIEGOLD, Commendatore (U.S. debut/Opera Colorado debut) Richard Wiegold has a rapidly developing international career as a bass. He will be making his debut with the Welsh National Opera in their forthcoming production of Jonathan Harvey’s Wagner Dream and has performed with companies and festivals in the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Austria and Canada. Recent operatic highlights have included Dr. Grenvil (La traviata), Schwarz (Die Meistersinger), King Marke (cover, Tristan und Isolde) and Comte des Grieux (cover, Manon) at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden; Reinmar von Zweter (Tannhäuser) and Colonna (Rienzi) at the Théâtre du Capitole in Toulouse; L’Homme a la Fenêtre/Le Petit Vieux/Le Mendiant (Martinu’s Juliette) for the Grand Théâtre de Genève; Arkel


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(Pelléas et Mélisande) and Il Commendatore (Don Giovanni) for the Canadian Opera Company; Gurnemanz (Parsifal) at Estonian National Opera in Tallinn; King Marke for the Prague State Opera; Elder Ott (Susannah) for ABAO in Bilbao; 1st Nazarene/2nd Soldier/5th Jew (Salome) at the Verbier Festival; 5th Jew (Salome) for the Salzburg Easter Festival; Monterone (Rigoletto) for Opéra de Limoges; Bonze (Madama Butterfly) and Banquo (Macbeth) for Scottish Opera. Recent concert highlights include Pogner (Die Meistersinger) for The Hallé Orchestra. Born in South Wales, Richard was a professional cellist for nearly a decade before returning to the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, to study voice 1999-2003. He now continues his studies with the distinguished Australian tenor Anthony Roden. ROBERT WIERZEL, Lighting Design (Opera Colorado debut: Rusalka, 2011) Robert Wierzel is happy to be returning to Opera Colorado, having recently designed Rusalka. He has worked with artists from diverse disciplines and backgrounds in theatre, dance, contemporary music, museums and opera on stages throughout the country and abroad. Other opera credits include productions with the opera companies of Paris-Garnier (Les Indes Galantes); Tokyo (Opera Chushingura); Toronto; Bergen, Norway; Folk Opera, Sweden; New York City Opera; Glimmerglass; Seattle; Boston Lyric; Minnesota; San Francisco; Houston; Virginia; Chicago Lyric; Opera Theatre of Chicago; Montreal; Vancouver; Portland; Wolf Trap; and San Diego, as well as collaborations with Philip Glass for Hydrogen Jukebox and Les Enfants Térribles (American Theatre Wing Award). Dance work includes 27 years with choreographer Bill T. Jones (Bessie Awards) including productions at the Lyon Opera Ballet; Berlin Opera Ballet; and Walking The Line at The Louvre Museum, Paris. Broadway credits include FELA! (Tony nomination; productions at the National Theatre, London, International & American Tours); David Copperfield’s Broadway debut Dreams and Nightmares. Off- Broadway includes productions with New York Shakespeare Festival/Public Theatre; The Signature Theatre; The Roundabout; Playwrights Horizons. Extensive regional theatre work includes productions at Atlanta’s Alliance Theatre Company; A.C.T. San Francisco; Berkley Rep; Center Stage; Arena Stage; Chicago Shakespeare Theater; Shakespeare Theatre DC; Hartford Stage, Long Wharf Theatre; Westport Country Playhouse; Goodman Theatre; The Guthrie; Mark Taper Forum; Geva Theatre; Actors Theatre Louisville; The Old Globe. Mr. Wierzel holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Yale School of Drama and is adjunct faculty at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and Yale School of Drama.

OPERA COLORADO ORCHESTRA VIOLIN Takanori Sugishita, Concertmaster Leslie Sawyer, Principal Second Violin Angela Dombrowski Lynne Glaeske Margaret Gutierrez Debra Holland Robyn Julyan Chris Jusell Annamaria Karacson Cyndi Mancinelli Dan Murphy Brett Omara Susie Peek Ingrid Peoria Gyongyi Petheo Veronica Pigeon Christine Short Robyn Sosa

VIOLA Matthew Dane, Principal Aniel Caban Jeanne Chin Brian Cook Sarah Richardson Lora Stevens CELLO Jeff Watson, Principal Cedra Kuehn Charles Lee Evan Orman Marcelo Sanches

FLUTE Susan Townsend, Principal Elizabeth Sadilek

TRUMPET Brian Brown, Principal John King

OBOE Melissa Pena, Principal Susanne Sawchuk

TROMBONE Bron Wright, Principal Owen Homayoun Jeremy Van Hoy

CLARINET Michelle Orman, Principal Heidi Mendenhall BASSOON Charles Hansen, Principal Kim Peoria

BASS David Crowe, Principal Jeremy Nicholas Matthew Pennington

HORN Matthew Scheffelman, Principal Thomas Ferrin

TIMPANI Michael Tetreault HARPSICHORD Katherine Kozak MANDOLIN Alex Komodore

OPERA COLORADO CHORUS SOPRANOS Claire Brooker Teresa Castillo Michelle Daniels Samantha Staggs

MEZZO-SOPRANOS Janet Braccio Andrea Kehmeier Ellen Moeller Susan Rahmsdorff

TENORS Nathan Kleine Deters George Lemmon Park Wm. Showalter Keith Williamson

BARITONES John Adams Nathan Hickle Antoine Hodge Tripp Lynn

PRODUCTION STAFF MUSIC STAFF Katherine Kozak, Rehearsal Accompanist Steven Aguil贸-Arbues, Chorus Accompanist Kim Peoria, Orchestra Personnel Manager Ingrid Peoria, Orchestra Librarian PRODUCTION STAFF Heather Romig, Stage Manager Chris Wittels, Assistant Stage Manager Katie Preissner, Assistant Director Jason Bisping, Fight Coordinator Jeremy Sortore, Title Coordinator Beth Nielsen, Title Operator Park Wm. Showalter, Chorus Liaison Stan Anderson, Supernumerary Captain Brian Greffe, MD, Company Physician Buzz Reifman, NPPA, Company Otolaryngologist TECHNICAL STAFF Dennis Watson, Head Carpenter Don Watson, Shop/Production Carpenter Bert Hedrick, Assistant Carpenter Ernest Mossman, Assistant Carpenter Jeff Reidel, Head Flyman David Arellano, Head Electrician

Chris Green, Light Board Operator Charles Wilson, Head Follow Spot Operator Sindy Maupin, Assistant Electrician Patrick Howard, Assistant Lighting Designer Bill Hansen, Head Props Jeff Greenburg, Assistant Properties Master Charles Polich, Head Sound Amber LeFor, Purchasing Agent

Brad Davis Theresa Larsen Annabel Reader Sarah Hildebrand

ELLIE CAULKINS OPERA HOUSE CREW Albert Sainz, House Prop Dave Wilson, House Electrician Perry Elliot, House Carpenter Michael Cousins, House Sound

WIGS AND MAKEUP Sarah Opstad, Associate Wig and Makeup Coordinator Nikki Harrison, Wig and Makeup Assistant

COSTUMES Ann Piano, Costume Director Alison Milan, Shop Manager and Wardrobe Head SHOP ASSISTANTS Kevin Brainerd Meredith Fogg Irina Nekrasova Barbara Piano Elizabeth Porter Annabel Reader DRESSERS Kevin Brainerd

VOLUNTEER DRESSERS Leslie Cady Jan Hiemer Kathy Heider Pat Smith Barbara Wilder

PHOTOGRAPHER Matthew Staver VIDEOGRAPHER Brad Stabio ARTIST HOSTS Host Chairmen: Merrill Shields Susan Adams Evan and Elizabeth Anderman Marianne and Stan Anderson Kenneth and Donna Barrow Jeffrey Brown Suzanne Bucy Leslie and Lew Cady Ellie Caulkins

Wendy Cogdal Brian Crane Jill Crow Virginia Dudden Penny Eucker Diane Fee Celeste Fleming Sigrid Freese Karen Frisone Nancy Hawkins Jennifer Heglin Charles and Ursula Kafadar Robert Kahn Steve Lawrence Irene Ledesma Diana Lee Sarita List Pam and Mo Mathews Tanya Mathews Heather McKinnon Pamela Merrill Joanna Moldow Robert Montgomery Darrel and India Mount Marilyn Olen Frank Parce Merrill Shields Harry and Vicky Sterling Astrid Stocks Martha Tracey Diane Wallace Maradith and Rusty Wilkins

Don Giovanni PROGRAM


ANNUAL CONTRIBUTORS FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS AND GOVERNMENT The Board of Directors of Opera Colorado and the staff wish to acknowledge the extraordinary generosity of the foundations, corporations and government agencies that made contributions in support of our general operating expenses and education and community programs from January, 2012 through January, 2013. Although space limitations only allow us to list donors whose gifts were $250 and above, we are deeply grateful for the support of all our dedicated contributors. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor list. However, if your name is incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and call Isis King at 303.468.2029. ANGEL ($100,000+) Avenir Foundation Scientific and Cultural Facilities District COMPOSER ($50,000+) Boettcher Foundation Bonfils-Stanton Foundation Rassman Design* Residence Inn by Marriott * Shamos Family Foundation IMPRESARIO ($20,000+) The Anschutz Foundation Anonymous Galen & Ada Belle Spencer Foundation Gates Family Foundation Sidney E. Frank Foundation DIRECTOR ($10,000+) Chambers Family Fund Colorado State Bank and Trust The Crawley Family Foundation Faegre Baker Daniels Fine Arts Foundation

Higbie Family Foundation Hood-Barrow Foundation Jess & Rose Kortz and Pearl Rae Foundation JFM Foundation Magnolia Hotel * Tulsa Community Foundation Virginia W. Hill Foundation Wittow Foundation MAESTRO ($5,000+) Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation Caulkins Family Foundation CIBER, Inc. The Curtis * Denver Lyric Opera Guild Fairfield and Woods, P.C. Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Jeanne Land Foundation J. Michael King, MD & Peak ENT and Voice Center Kinder Morgan Foundation M.D.C./Richmond American Homes Foundation Private Capital Management, Inc.

Republic National Distributing Company The Westin Tabor Center Hotel * DIVA ($2,500+) Bucy Family Fund Denver Post Charities Fogo de Chao Hawk Family Foundation International Expeditions James A. Dooley Foundation Laff Foundation, Inc. Kevin Taylor Restaurant Group * COMPRIMARIO ($1,000+) Brio Tuscan Grille Carson-Pfafflin Family Foundation Colorado Academy of Lifelong Learning David B. and Gretchen E. Black Family Foundation Fuller Family Fund G.G. Shaw, Inc. Hotel Teatro* The John G. Duncan Charitable Trust Lincoln Financial Foundation, Inc.

Livingston Family Foundation Louis and Harold Price Foundation Sage Hospitality Resources The Schramm Foundation The TriZetto Group US Contract Sewing * William D. Radichel Foundation CHORISTER ($500+) Chapman Foundation The Garrett Family Foundation Montague-Clouse Charitable Giving Fund Neiman Marcus Schwab Fund For Charitable Giving Western Union Foundation Worthen Family Trust Wells Fargo Advisors * AFICIONADO ($250+) Alphagraphics Community First Foundation Coohills M2 Lending Solutions LLC Nelson Family Foundation * Gift In-Kind

Alicia McCommons and Craig Johnson


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Joyce and Dirk de Roos

ANNUAL CONTRIBUTORS INDIVIDUALS The Board of Directors of Opera Colorado and the staff express their deepest appreciation to the individuals who have contributed to the Annual Fund. This generosity enables Opera Colorado to continue producing opera of the highest artistic merit and to reach over 35,000 school children and adults each year. The following list acknowledges individual donors who made gifts to Opera Colorado’s Annual Fund from January 1 through December 31, 2012. Although space limitations only allow us to list donors whose gifts were $250 and above, we are deeply grateful for the support of all our dedicated contributors. Every effort has been made to ensure our donor list is accurate. However, if your name is incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and call Isis King at 303.468.2029. IMPRESARIO ($20,000+) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Barrow Mike and Julie Bock Ellie Caulkins Mr. and Mrs. Dirk de Roos Ms. Hilja K. Herfurth Mr. Michael A. Hughes and Ms. Karen L. Brody Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Logan Jr. Mrs. Nathaniel C. Merrill Jeff Baldwin and Debra J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Robinson Susan and Jeremy Shamos Merrill Shields and M. Ray Thomasson Patrick Spieles and Carol McMurry DIRECTOR ($10,000+) Mrs. Susan Adams Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Allen Al and Rebecca Bates Ms. Sheila S. Bisenius Peyton Bucy and Suzanne Dost Bucy

Shirley and Marlis Smith

Mr. Gregory A. Carpenter NĂśel and Thomas Congdon Mary and Tom Conroy Dr. Stephen L. Dilts Joy and Christopher Dinsdale Hugh A. Grant and Merle C. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Harvey Harley and Lorraine Higbie Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Kafadar Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy F. Kinney Honorable and Mrs. Kenneth Laff Dr. and Mrs. William N. Maniatis Mrs. Jan P. Mayer Mrs. Rhea Miller Ms. Muffy Moore and Mr. Al Minier Quinette Family Fund Ann and Gerald Saul Alessandra and Ben Schulein Marlis and Shirley Smith Vicki and Harry Sterling Mr. Robert Swift and Mrs. Elizabeth Swift Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Thompson

Martha and Will Tracey Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Weil Herbert Wittow MAESTRO ($5,000+) Mr. David I. Caulkins Mr. John N. Caulkins Mr. David Clayton and Ms. Marcy Kontak Mr. and Mrs. Robert Damrauer Robert S. Graham Celeste and Jack Grynberg Craig N. Johnson and Alicia McCommons Diana and Mike Kinsey Frank and Virginia Leitz Tom and Mary Meade Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mizel Robert R. Montgomery and Nancy Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Perlmutter Craig and Maria Ponzio Myra and Robert Rich Mr. and Mrs. George G. Shaw Mr. Victor Stabio

Mrs. Beatrice B. Taplin Dick and Pat Tucker Byron Watson Mrs. Carol C. Whitley Maradith and Rusty Wilkins Larry and Brigitte Zimmer Anonymous (2) DIVA ($2,500+) Mr. Michael Baller Mr. James L. Berggren Mrs. Sue M. Cannon Thomas and Virginia Carr Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clasen Eric Coomer and Amber Hess Mr. Ron Covey Terry Frazier and Kathy Wells Mary Sue and Bob Hawk Synergy Fine Wines Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Lazarus Ms. Carole Leight Ms. Janet R. Mordecai Mr. and Mrs. George R. Ondeck Bruce Polkowsky and William Powell

Richard and Britany Weil Don Giovanni PROGRAM


ANNUAL CONTRIBUTORS CONTINUED Nijole and Walter Rasmussen Juan and Alicia Rodriguez COMPRIMARIO ($1,000+) Ed Altman and Dina Brudenell Altman Mr. Hartman Axley Mr. John E. Baril and Mr. Brian Cook Peter Batty and Paula Kechichian Jan Baucum Brian Bennett and Bev Daniels Robin E. Black Brian Bross M.D. and Bonnie Daniels Ms. Karen M. Bruggenthies Dr. Bill and Betty Buchanan Lew and Leslie Cady Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cain Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Carpenter Mark and Margaret Carson Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Caulkins Mr. and Mrs. George P. Caulkins III Mr. David J. Chavolla G. Kevin and Virginia Conwick Steve and Pat Corder Ms. Kathleen Crapo Ms. Jill Irvine Crow Ze and Dick Deane George and Yonnie Dikeou Mr. Tyson Dines III James Donaldson and Ellen Anderman Dr. and Mrs. Louis Duman Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Eggert Jack Finlaw and Gregory Movesian Celeste Fleming Karen Fukutaki Mr. and Mrs. George C. Gibson Sandra S. Hall and Jean A. Tutolo Deborah Hayes and James L. Martin III Beverlee B. Henry and The Honorable Robert P. Fullerton Richard G. and Jean L. Higgins Drs. Kathryn Hobbs and Marc Cohen Carol Ann Hoffman Marcia Holt and John Holt Eileen Honnen Steven and Chryse Hutchins Gary and Judith Judd Dr. and Mrs. John N. Kabalin Joe and Francine Kelso Roberta and Mel Klein


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Sally and Jim Kneser Dr. Kendra Kohlhaas Ms. Dagmar Kress Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Krisor Mr. John T. Lake and Mr. Harold Winters Dr. Pauline Langsley Mrs. Patricia A. Livingston Pam and Mo Mathews Veronica A. McCaffrey and Barbara A. Frank Barbara McDonnell Dave and Miza McReynolds Paul and Phyllis Miller Lynnette Morrison Dr. and Mrs. Calvern E. Narcisi Drs. Sarah and Harold Nelson Ms. Marian Ordway Dines Carl Patterson Dorothy Pearson Bonnie C. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Wimer Zondra Rae Pluss Rick Poppe & Jana Edwards Mr. Thomas J. Powers Jr. Charles and Reta Ralph T. R. Reid and Margaret McMahon Mr. Kent A. Rice and Ms. Ann M. Corrigan Steven and Joan Ringel Ms. Deborah Rohan Ms. Ruth E. Schoening Ruth S. Silver Linda and Paul Sinsar Dr. and Mrs. Richard Southwell Rosemarie and James D. Voorhees Christopher Price and S. Edith Taylor Jerry and Debi Tepper Elizabeth Tracey Mr. and Mrs. John R. Trigg Richard Tubbs and Marilyn Smith Ed and Patty Wahtera Kenneth and Mary Willis Anonymous (3) CHORISTER ($500+) Marilyn and Jules Amer Mr. and Mrs. William B. Anderson Mr. Randall Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Ashby Kathy Bankoff-Friedland Dr. and Mrs. Sol H. Bassow Mr. Donald C. Bauder Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Beckwitt Mr. and Mrs. Fredric H. Bender

Drs. Tomas and Diane Berl Charles E. Berry Mr. and Mrs. John Bily Rene Blanchette Libby Bortz Rogene and Sandy Buchholz Judy and Duncan Burdick Bart and Jane Burnett Barbara and Ken Calkins George M. and Carol G. Canon Marjorie and Doug Carriger Charles Case and Phillip St. Cloud Barbara and Roger Chamberlain Prof. Gerald Chapman Ronald and Donna Charlin Alan and Barbara Charnes Ms. Kathryn Codo Catherine Cole Donna and Ted Connolly Dr. & Mrs. Robert Contiguglia Nancy Crow and Mark Skrotzki Ms. Cheryl M. Cruickshank Carolyn Daniels Richard T. and Margaret N. Dillon Jerri Lynn Modrall and Eric E. Doering TJ Donahue Ms. Eileen Druggish Laurie and Ben Duke III Maud B. Duke Walter W. and Maryruth Y. Duncan Ms. Elizabeth Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Eklund Dr. Terry and Rebecca Escamilla Amy Feaster Dr. and Mrs. Larry S. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Robert Follett L. Richard and Sigrid Halvorson Freese Ms. Jennifer Garrett Alan and Sally Gass Rev. and Mrs. B. J. George Dr. and Mrs. Burton Golub Dr. Daniel J. Greenholz Mark Groshek MD and Carl Clark MD Hugh and Nancy Grove Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Grover Sr. Jerry Jean Hale Mr. Thomas E. Healy and Ms. Erin S. Colcannon Lee and Margaret Henry Patricia Hill Pascoe Ms. Laura M. Hoffman

Mr. William T. Hoffman Christine Hollander and Michael McGee Whitney and Halle Holmes Ruth Hopfenbeck and George Hopfenbeck Jr. Michael E. Huotari and Jill R. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnson Kendor and Paulette Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaufman Leslie Kaye Robert and Mary Kelman Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Kemp Dr. Randy Kessler and Ms. Dawn Nakamura-Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Kidder Dr. Lawrence Kim and Nhung Van Herbert E. and Darlene Kress Mr. Bernard Leason and Mrs. Frieda Sanidas Leason Ann and James Leh Deanna Rose Leino Don and Ingrid Lindemann Paul and Carol Lingenfelter Mr. Randall M. Livingston Charles and Gretchen Lobitz Patty Lorie Kupetz Tom and Ginnie Maes, The Kanter Kallman Foundation Marian E. Matheson Mr. Steven Mattics Daniel and Karen McAuliffe Veronica McCaffery Jim and Carole McCotter Kelly McCourt and Bryan Hickel Dr. and Mrs. Hugh J. McGee Jr. William and Virginia McGehee Rosie and Manuel Mendez Dr. Monica I. Minkoff and Mr. Harry M. Siegfried Mr. Henry B. Mohr Sue and Bill Mohrman Jon and Lynne Montague-Clouse Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morton Dr. and Mrs. John Moyer Drs. Michael and Mary Moynihan Robert Nelson Kevin O’Connor and Janet Ellen Raasch Mr. Steven Okuley Ronald Y. Otsuka Mr. Robert Palmer Ms. Joan E. Payne Christine and Harry Phillips Rich and Kim Plumridge Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Pontius

ANNUAL CONTRIBUTORS CONTINUED Kathleen Price Robert and Mary Quillin Irene M. Ibarra and Armando Quiroz Ms. Marcia L. Ragonetti Alexander & Cynthia Read Ayliffe and Fred Ris Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts Gregory Robbins Joe Ronnenberg Mr. Allan S. and Judith Rosenbaum Sig and Lucille Rosenfeld Mr. William E. Russell helen Santilli and Lyn Barber Mr. Henry R. Schmoll Gary D. Schrenk Mrs. Nancy H. Schulein Ms. Nancy Siegel Dr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Smith Lars & Jane Soderberg Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Stephens James and Jenene Stookesberry Mrs. Marcia D. Strickland Jim and Sue Swanson Tim Sweeney Jim and Kate Taucher Alice and Frank Traylor John and Sharon Trefny Mr. and Mrs. Stephen True Mr. John B. Trueblood Ms. Marta Turnbull Stanley and Marcia Van Egmond Drs. Kathy Kennedy and Ben Vernon Mr. Paul Voilleque Brian and Sarah Volkman Hedy and Michael Weinberg Peter and Darcie Weiser Ms. Cia A. Wenzel Mr. and Mrs. Tor Westgaard Carol E. Wolf Cheryl McGinnis and Edward Woolman Scott and Karen Yarberry Ken and Charlotte Ziebarth Anonymous (4) AFICIONADO ($250+) Tucker and Dan Adams Frank J. Adler David and Karen Ammar Ms. Carol Anderson Catherine H. Anderson Mr. William Babich Nancy Battan Mr. Edguardo Belen

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Benedict III Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berger Linda E. Bjelland Ms. Kathleen Bollard Stanley and Virginia Boucher Brewster and Helen Boyd Ms. Jay Breen Darrell Brown and Suzanne McNitt Gordon & Ron Butz Edwin T Callahan Mark Campbell Everett Clark Jim Coffman Robert I. Cohen and Gloria Lilly Cohen Alan and InHye Como Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cozens Brian D. Crane Mr. and Mrs. James E. Culhane Dr. William & Mrs. Virgina Moore Dahlberg Ms. Katy Daniel Helen Shreves Ronald L. Deal Dr. and Mr. Deborah Deeg Ms. Felicia L. Diamond Marcus & Wendy Divita Max and Joyce Douglas Peter and Marian Downs Mrs. Helen N. Driscoll Mr. Robert Duncan Philippe and Cynthia Dunoyer Ms. Judie Eidson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Elinoff Kate Emerich Ms. and Ms. Marlena Fernandez Mr. Michael Frontera Mr. Mike Glover Mr. Gregory Griem and Ms. Jennifer Bourne Ms. Gina Guy Mr. Kamal Hamid Mr. Richard H. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Yoshiko Hata Hal and Marty Hendershot Mrs. Diane Henry Karin Henszey Mr. and Mrs. Garrison L. Horle Mr. and Mrs. Ted Horrell Ms. Jane A. Hultin Paul W. Husted Jelica and Henry Philip Isely Marvin and Carole Johnson Eric E. Johnson Ms. Judy Johnston Dick and Mary Anne Johnston

Kelly McCourt and Bryan Hickel James and Jean Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Jordan Mr. and Ms. Larry W. King Eileen and Walter Kintsch Michael Kolotylo Elmer and Doris Koneman Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Larue Jr. Mr. Richard S. Leaman Robert & Gloria Lilly-Cohen Robert and Patricia Lisensky Mrs. R. T. Lyford Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. MacFarlane Janet and David MacKenzie Ms. Heather Mackinnon K. Frederic and Linda Mai Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Y. Marchand Mr. and Mrs. Austin Marquis Jeff Marshall and Shawn Finnegan John and Minda Marshall Ms. Tanya R. Mathews Myron McClellan and Lawrence Phillips V.W. McKnab and Margaret Jurado Bob and Mereth Meade Frank and Patricia Mercado Ms. Katherine Migaki Mr. and Mrs. James Mills Frend John Miner and Jeff Lawhead Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Mike Monahan Mr. Bill R. Moninger Mr. Charles Mueldener Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Murphy

Dora and Peter Neidecker Mr. and Mrs. W. Peterson Nelson Dr. and Mrs. David A. Norris Maureen and Benjamin Nystuen Kent & Ruth Obee Mr. Kurt M. Olender and Ms. Kam C. Wong Stephanie Oram Andrew R. Pleszkun Mrs. Kathryn L. Pride Mr. Namaste Reid and Ms. Heather Collins Gene & Nancy Richards Karyn K. Rieb Marguerite Romero Mr Doug Rooney Carol L. Roslund Mary Ann Ross Paul D. Rubner and Vicki D. Jensen Clarice Ruckhaus Stephanie and Alan Rudy Jack and Ruth Salter Ms. Eleni Sarris Karen L. Sather Bob and Lori Schuyler Mr. John Shott and Mrs. Heidi M. Munzinger-Shott Ms. Phyllis Shushan and Mr. Carl Shushan Catherine K. Skokan Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Sluss Mr. Norman Spivy Dr. Richard Stienmier Mrs. Donna J. Stiles Drs. Morris and Ellen Susman Ms. Rhonda Sweeney Don Giovanni PROGRAM


ANNUAL CONTRIBUTORS CONTINUED Ms. Judith Taubman Ms. Barbara Thorngren Dr. and Ms. James Kennedy Todd Mr. Robert C. Tripp Marjorie S. Tweedy

Gretchen Vanderwerf and Gordon Jones Mrs. and Mr. Natalia Veazey Mr. Kenneth Vogel Harry and Terri Vogler

Carley J. Warren Mr. Jack Watson Ms. Marilyn L. Wheeler Anne Williams Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Yost

Dr. and Mrs. Jack Zable Sue and Carl Zimet Jeri Zucherman Anonymous (3)

TRIBUTES AND VOLUNTEERS In memory of Robert G. Anderson Ms. and Mr. Stephanie A. Olson In memory of Dr. Charles Baucum Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Holman Janet and David MacKenzie Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Gutterman Mr. Bill Lowrey In memory of Hugh John Bennett Ms. Shirley M. Dickerhoff Ms. Juliette R. Judson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Texel In honor of Suzanne Bucy Mrs. Nancy H. Schulein In memory of Ruth Gallagher Bush Mr. Chris Blackwood Ms. Debbie Leibold Ms. Christine Hancock Ms. Elizabeth Degrood Ms. Ruth M. Grier Ms. Jody Burtness Quincy Place at Pinehurst HOA Ms. Elizabeth Meicke

Inn honor of Carol Leight on her birthday Mr. Charlie Leight In memory of Robert J Anderson Mr. John P. Lockner D Ziemkowski Ms. Maryanne Eger Ms. Shirley A. Scott In honor of Hon. Carlos F. Lucero and Mrs. Dorothy Lucero Ms. Jill Oldak In honor of Clare Kim Plumridge on Mothers Day 2012 Mr. Andrew Plumridge In memory of Beloved son Joshua Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Psuik III In memory of Leona Rozinski Ms. Mary O’Neil In honor of Alessandra Schulein Mrs. Nancy H. Schulein

In honor of Eleanor N. Caulkins Mr. and Mrs. John Ashby Michaud Capital Management

In memory of Merrill Shields on her birthday Dr. Katherine Horrigan

In honor of Mrs. Ralph Duke Ms. Marianne Duke

In honor of Reuben Sironen Ms. Nancy Templer

In honor of Charles and Ursula Kafadar Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Sluss

In memory of Mr. Rodney J. Smith Ms. Donna E. Smith

In honor of Ken Laff’s 60th Birthday Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld

In honor of Ida Smith Ruth S. Silver In memory of William E. Stiles Jr. Mrs. Donna J. Stiles


Don Giovanni PROGRAM

In honor of Carol C. Whitley Mrs. Nancy H. Schulein In memory of Ruth York Marlis and Shirley Smith Ms. Cynthia Kendrick

VOLUNTEERS Kate Adams Sandy Adams Linda Alden Marianne Anderson Stan Anderson Debra Ardelt Eric Bard Laurel Barsa Betsy Beck Irene Betin Barbara Bower Jeff Brown Sharon Bundy Joan Camozzi Donna Chrysler Joyce deRoos Stephen Dilts Virginia Dudden Peggy Engel Hellen Erickson Victor Fabrizio Terry Frazier Sigrid Freese Gay Greenleaf Lillian Hadley Louann Heene Jenny James Kirsten Jensen Gwyneth Johansen Robert Kahn Emilie Kintner Dean Klassen Madge Klassen

Paull Kupler Sally Lammers Susan Landers Melinda Leach Nancy Lumbye Jim Macdonald Heather MacKinnon Amy Martinez James Martinez Cheryl McGinnis Patricia Meier Joanna Moldow Ben Moore Terri Morzos Ruth Moseller Kathleen Ness Marilyn Olen Frank Parce David Pessel Eva Phibbs Donna Ries Ellie Roberts Therese Schoen Ruth Schoening Patricia Skurnik Susan Sonne Dean Sotiriou Syrma Sotiriou Mary Stirling Jenene Stookesberry Katerina Therianos Linda Vigor Virginia Warner Candice Watts Wendy Wenkstern Chris Whittels Janet Wolfer Christel Woody John Zeising Frank Zoske

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SupportOpera? Join the Denver Lyric Opera Guild Celebrating 48 years of giving to Colorado Singers. In addition to the support of aspiring young Colorado singers, DLOG offers opera experiences to the membership and guests Join the Guild members at each or all of the following events: ** “Opera on Tuesday� April 2, 2013, Pinehurst Country Club Lunch and program featuring Winners of 2013 Competition singing arias of their choice **Summer Party, July 18, 2013, Franciscan Event Center Lunch and program featuring Andrew Lunsford **Regional Opera Tour, July 17, 2013, Central City The Barber of Seville by Rossini For information on all events Visit: www.denverlyricoperaguild.org Call: 720-239-3120 Page 15 | DON GIOVANNI

GIVE A COIN & watch it


+HOS XV UDLVH PLOOLRQ Fiscally strong and artistically vibrant performing arts companies are hallmarks of great cities— and we live in a great city! If you feel that Opera Colorado is a valuable part of our community please contribute to our 6725,(6 7+$7 6,1* &$03$,*1 and %H WKH 9RLFH RI 2SHUD &RORUDGR. Completing this campaign is essential to ensuring that Opera Colorado remains a vital part of our community for many years to come. Support the 6725,(6 7+$7 6,1* &$03$,*1 by purchasing $10 coins in the lobby. Drop the coins in the 7KH &DFKH and watch as we near our goal.

<RXU 9RLFH will be heard loud and clear with your gift of gold coins to this important campaign for a sustainable future.

The Opera of all Operas continued from page 13... The brilliant opening scene: six brisk minutes beginning with a complaining servant and building rapidly through a violent struggle, with the victim’s dying breaths as vividly cast as the servant’s self-absorbed lament. The so-called Catalog aria: the virtues and attributes of Giovanni’s conquests each colored so that the “petite” truly sound delicate, even as the “majestic” stand proudly regal. The famed seduction duet “Là ci darem la mano”: with each subsequent verse, the intended victim’s music becoming more entwined in that of Giovanni himself, paralleling his intention of entwining her in his snare. The Act One finale: a dance scene combining simultaneously an aristocratic minuet for the aristocratic characters with a middle-class contredanse and a bucolic German dance for those of lesser social standing. It is visual complexity reflected as musical complexity, to a degree that even Bach would have admired. The Act Two dinner scene: Like any aristocrat of the period, Giovanni sits down to supper with the accompaniment of a chamber ensemble performing operatic hits. Yet unlike most aristocrats, the music he

hears – themes relating to a woman’s faithfulness, a lamb led to slaughter, and a nobleman whose immoral actions demand retribution – has been subtly chosen to hint at the fate lurking outside his door. One of those themes is borrowed from Mozart’s own The Marriage of Figaro, leading Leporello to remark “There’s something I know well.” And most astonishingly, the Commendatore’s earthshattering entrance in the opera’s penultimate scene: the overture’s opening chords returning like a lightning bolt, the musical incarnation of vengeance. Anyone who imagines Mozart as a composer of gracious, courtly music should be required to listen to this passage repeatedly until a fuller understanding of the man’s versatility is grasped. Nothing new? Indeed, the story itself was centuries old. Yet Mozart’s music was as new as a revolution, as unexpected as a unique species arising from known parentage, shattering the molds to produce something utterly, masterfully new. Over two centuries later, Don Giovanni can still take one’s breath away, when it isn’t making one chuckle. Here is an opera with something for everyone. Article by Betsy Schwarm, author of Operatic Insights and Classical Music Insights.


Carlisle Floyd’s Dramatic American Opera


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Newman Center for the Performing Arts Tickets $11-$30 NewmanTix.com 303.871.7720 Page 17 | DON GIOVANNI










Join us for an exclusive performance by Opera Colorado’s Young Artists on April 6 at 2:00 p.m. in the Nordstrom court at Cherry Creek Shopping Center. Visit shopcherrycreek.com/events for more information.

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We thank the following donors who have generously contributed $100 or more to the STORIES THAT SING CAMPAIGN as of March 8, 2013. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor list. If your name is incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and call Isis King at 303.468.2029.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman O. Aarestad James and Lorraine Adams Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Addison Paul and Susan Ahlquist Mr. and Mrs. James Alleman Mr. Ward Anthony and Ms. Mary E. Crepeau Ms. Judith Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Barrow Dr. and Mrs. Sol H. Bassow Jan Baucum Ellen & Donald Bauder Mrs. Pamela D. Beardsley Ms. Marie Belew-Wheatley Janet Bishop Linda Bjelland Mike and Julie Bock Jeff and Shirley Bowen Brewster and Helen Boyd Mr. James Boynton Ms. Elizabeth Budd Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Budy Judy and Duncan Burdick Barbara and Ken Calkins Bette & Charles Carcano Ms. Patricia Caulkins Barbara and Roger Chamberlain Dr. and Mrs. Henry N. Claman Laurel Clark Ms. Susan L. Clasen NoĂŤl and Thomas Congdon Mr. Alexander J. Conley and Ms. Alysia D. Marino Eric Coomer and Amber Hess Steve and Pat Corder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Creighton Nancy Crow and Mark Skrotzki Silvia & Alan Danson Ms. Claudia M. Deasy Dr. and Mr. Deborah Deeg Ms. Audrey Dellgren Delta Omicron Fraternity - Zeta Zeta Chapter Dr. Stephen L. Dilts Bruce Doenecke and Thomas Gibson

Ms. Virgina Dudden Walter W. and Maryruth Y. Duncan Lois N. Eckhoff Ms. Mary Ann Ehlers Mr. and Mrs. David B. Eichenberger Sharon Finney David & Debra Flitter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Follett Mr. William Gage Mr. and Mrs. Caleb F. Gates Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Burton Golub Ms. Liz Goodman and Mr. Robert Nauman Hugh Grant and Merle Chambers Mark Groshek MD and Carl Clark MD Mr. Frank Guerra and Ms. Jo Ellen Graybill Mr. Kamal Hamid Mr. Richard Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hawkey Mr. Peter Hebert Ms. Kathryn Heider Mr. Philip Hiester Richard G. and Jean L. Higgins Bud Hill Lyman Ho Ms. Karen Honszey Mr. and Mrs. Ted Horrell Russ and Jane Houssiere Barbara and Kevin Hughes Mrs. Philip Isely Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Jansch Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jennett Ms. Hongli Jiang Jones International University Ms. Cynthia Kahn Mr. Neil Kardos Randy Kessler M.D and Dawn Nakamura Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy F. Kinney Kinney Oil Company Kathryn Kirvan-Jones Sally and Jim Kneser Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kreith

Kundinger, Corder & Engle, P.C. Mr. Bernard Leason and Mrs. Frieda Sanidas Leason Nancy Leonard Ms. Pamela Lewis Jim and Patience Linfield Dr. and Mrs. James List Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Logan Jr. M2 Lending Solutions LLC, Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Murphy Ms. Heather Mackinnon Mrs. Caroline E. Malde Ms. Melissa Malde Ms. Megan Marino Ms. M Patricia Marrison Ms. Maeve McGrath and Mr. Peyton Perry Mr. and Mrs. Holmes P. McLish Frank and Patricia Mercado Mrs. Nathaniel C. Merrill Kansas Miller Family Ms. Katherine Miller Walker Frend John Miner and Jeff Lawhead Dr. Monica I. Minkoff and Mr. Harry M. Siegfried Mr. George Mitchell Robert R. Montgomery and Nancy Hawkins Drs. Michael and Mary Moynihan Mr. Mark A. Nachtigal James V Neely Drs. Sarah and Harold Nelson Mr. James G. Nussbaum Ms. Essie Perlmutter Mr. Collin Pitet Linda Plaut Zondra Rae Pluss Craig and Maria Ponzio Priester Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. John Priester Charles and Reta Ralph Nijole and Walter Rasmussen Ingeborg Ratcliff Peggy Ray Gene & Nancy Richards

Daniel L. Ritchie Gregory Robbins Juan and Alicia Rodriguez Mary Ann Ross Ms. Carol Roszell Helen Santilli and Lyn Barber Dr. Frank and Sherry Sargent Ann and Gerald Saul Ms. Ruth E. Schoening Anne Schuster and Duncan Wilcox Mr. Richard Scott Shamos Family Foundation, Susan and Jeremy Shamos Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Sluss Mr. Charles Smith Ms. Stephanie Solich Ms. Nan Spencer Robert Stearman Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Stephens Ms. Susan Stiff Jim and Sue Swanson Mrs. Mary Symonton Mr. David Thomas Ms. Barbara Thorngren Jeanette J. Thrower Mr. Stephen Trainor Alice and Frank Traylor Mrs. Lucile B. Trueblood Ms. Anne Turner Betty & Rex Ulricksen Mr. Francisco Varela Mr. Donald L. Vawter Mrs. Sandra Vinnik Harry and Terri Vogler Mr. Wilson W. Wampler Ms. Laura Wardell Carley J. Warren Dr. and Mrs. Marlin Weaver Dr. Adriana Weinberg Ms. Ann F. Westerberg Ms. Maryann Whiteside Maradith and Rusty Wilkins Paul & Vera Winston Mary Wise Mr. Jeffrey Zax Page 21 | DON GIOVANNI

Planning Your Visit The Westin Denver Downtown


e appreciate the support and partnerships with hotels and restaurants in downtown Denver. We encourage fans of Opera Colorado to be fans of these sponsors. For more information about these sponsors, visit OperaColorado.org and click on “Plan Your Visit.”

The Oxford Hotel

Funky, cool and playful, The Curtis - a Doubletree by Hilton features 336 “pop culture” themed guestrooms, 22,000 square feet of meeting space and the Corner Office Restaurant + Martini Bar. The Magnolia Hotel Denver. Old world charm meets modern Magnolia style in our downtown Denver hotel, formerly the American National Bank Building. Opened in 1995, this Denver hotel has a total of 246 Rooms & Suites and 10,000 square feet of meeting space, including the magnificent Magnolia Ballroom.

Hotel Teatro

The Curtis a Doubletree by Hilton

The Westin Denver Downtown offers weekend packages for opera, theater and ballet productions at the Denver Performing Art Complex. For additional information, visit their website and click on special offers. The Oxford Hotel features 80 uniquely appointed rooms in the heart of Denver’s LoDo District. A complimentary Town Car service will whisk you away to the Opera House for a magical evening.

The Magnolia Hotel Denver

Hotel Teatro, located just steps from the DPAC is Denver’s premier luxury boutique hotel, offering exquisite lodging accommodations for the opera enthusiast. On property you will discover Award-winning Chef Kevin Taylor‘s fine dining restaurants: PRIMA Ristorante and his signature Kevin Taylor Restaurant.

Fogo de Chão

Located in the heart of LoDo and within walking distance of the Pepsi Center and Union Station, Fogo de Chão is an authentic Southern Brazilian Steakhouse featuring a prix fixe menu showcasing 15 delectable cuts of meat, gourmet salads, decadent desserts, and an award-winning wine list. Prima Ristorante, located within Hotel Teatro across from the DPAC, features a seasonal modern Italian menu in a newly-renovated contemporary setting. Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner, Prima serves a late night bar menu with unique cocktails and an extensive wine list. For reservations, call (303) 228-0770. Located in the Chambers Grant Salon in the Ellie Caulkins Opera House, Kevin Taylor’s at the Opera House serves pre-theater cocktails and seasonally-fresh dinner cuisine on evenings with performances in the Ellie Caulkins Opera House, Buell Theater and/or Boettcher Concert Hall. For reservations, call (303) 640-1012.

Prima Ristorante Kevin Taylor’s at the Opera House

Limelight Supper Club & Lounge


Located within the DPAC, Limelight Supper Club & Lounge serves dinner on performance days, as well as brunch prior to weekend matinées, but it is perhaps most popular for a quick intermission cocktail, allowing guests to carry a glass of wine back to their theater’s lobby. For reservations, call (720) 227-9984.







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On the Road Again On March 12th, the Opera Colorado Young Artists set off on their 2013 Greater Colorado Tour visiting schools and communities across the state. Take a look at their journey…

The Young Artists performed for students in Gunnison, and then became the audience as the students sang for them.

Setting up for a performance of The Barber of Seville.

Cherity Koepke, Opera Colorado’s Director of Education & Community Programs, wrote about the day-today adventures on tour for our blog, Backstage. Read her posts at www.operacolorado.blogspot.com. The Young Artists lead a master class at Western State University.

Touring is hard work, but there is some down time…

Cassidy is introduced to curly fries.

Jared and Mr. Quacksworth engage in profound discussion. The Young Artists pose in front of the marquee in Lake City.


Coming Up at Opera Colorado Saturday, March 30 • Don Giovanni Opening Night Dinner | Four Seasons Hotel Denver • Opening night of Don Giovanni | Ellie Caulkins Opera House • Colorado Public Radio live broadcast of Don Giovanni on KVOD 88.1 FM Tuesday, April 2 • Don Giovanni | Ellie Caulkins Opera House Friday, April 5 • Don Giovanni | Ellie Caulkins Opera House

Wednesday, April 10 • Shop at Whole Foods Market Cherry Creek to support Opera Colorado Sunday, April 14 • Opera Colorado Young Artist Performance of Rossini’s The Barber of Seville | The Meadows at Historic Castle Rock Tuesday, May 14 • Opera Colorado Young Artists Performance | Music at Noon at St. John’s Cathedral

Saturday, April 6 • Opera Colorado Young Artists Performance | Cherry Creek Shopping Center (Nordstrom Court)

Plans for Opera Colorado’s 2014 Season will be announced in mid-April.

2013 15 th Anniversary Crystal Season

Sunday, April 7 • Don Giovanni (matinee) | Ellie Caulkins Opera House • “A Dinner to Die For” (Closing Night Dinner) | The University Club of Denver

Die Fledermaus Johann Strauss

Saturday, March 2, 7:30pm Sunday, March 3, 3:00pm Pikes Peak Center for the Performing Arts Colorado Springs Opera Theatre of the Rockies presents a magnificent produc on of this effervescent Viennese opere a full of mistaken iden ty, pranks, glamorous par es, and laughter that flows like champagne Visit www.operatheatreo herockies.org for more informa on. Tickets available at Tickets West outlets, or www. cketswest.com Page 25 | DON GIOVANNI

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers Michael Hughes, Chair Kenneth Barrow, Chair Emeritus Ellie Caulkins, Lifetime Honorary Chair Marcia Robinson, President Charles Kafadar, Treasurer, President of the Opera Colorado Foundation Susan Adams, Secretary Dirk de Roos, Vice President, General Counsel Carol Crossin Whitley, Vice President

Bring the opera home with you!

Committee Chairs Stephen L. Dilts, Co-Chair, Education & Community Programs Joy Dinsdale, Co-Chair, Education & Community Programs Craig Johnson, Chair, Development Committee Larry Zimmer, Chair, Audience Development Committee

New Opera Colorado merchandise is available for sale in our lobby. Show the world you are an Opera Colorado fan!

Directors Bruce Allen Sheila Bisenius Michael Bock Suzanne Dost Bucy Mary Conroy Jill Irvine Crow, Honorary Director Nellie Mae Duman, Honorary Director Jack Finlaw Hugh Grant, Honorary Director Charles Kafadar Ursula Kafadar, Honorary Director Jeremy Kinney, Honorary Director Loring W. Knoblauch, Lifetime Honorary Director The Honorable Kenneth M. Laff

Kalleen Malone William Maniatis Kelly McCourt Pamela Merrill Mary French Moore Gerald Saul Alessandra Schulein Jeremy Shamos, Honorary Director Susan Shamos, Honorary Director Merrill Shields, Honorary Director Shirley Smith Harry Sterling Robert Swift Martha Tracey Byron Watson Britney Weil Randall Zisler

Next time you come to the opera, stop by and pick up a souvenir to remember your trip to Opera Colorado.


Ovation! Magazine and In-Theatre programs are produced for Opera Colorado by The Publishing House.


Angie Flachman-Johnson: Publisher Wilbur E. Flachman: President & Founder Annette Allen: Art Director, Production Coordinator

ADMINISTRATION Darrel Curtice, Director of Finance & Administration Julie Nowasell, Staff Accountant

For advertising information, call 303-428-9529 www.pub-house.com www.coloradoartspubs.com

ARTISTIC AND PRODUCTION Brad Trexell, Director of Artistic Operations DEVELOPMENT Meghan Benedetto, Manager of Development Isis King, Manager of Development Systems EDUCATION Cherity Koepke, Director of Education & Community Programs Emma Martin, Education Intern MARKETING Camille Spaccavento, Director of Marketing and External Affairs Erin Acheson, Marketing & Promotions Coordinator Laura Kirby, Ticket Services Manager Ed Mickens, Temp. Asst. Ticket Services Manager

Opera Colorado Service Directory Tickets Online: OperaColorado.org Season Ticket and Group Sales Office: 303.468.2030 Ticketmaster: 1.800.982.2787 TTY for Ticketmaster: 1.800.755.6244 Opera Colorado Administration 303.778.1500 695 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite 20 Denver, CO 80246

Ellie Caulkins Opera House 1106 14th Street (14th and Curtis Street) The Ellie Caulkins Opera House is part of the Denver Performing Arts Complex, owned and operated by the City and County of Denver, Division of Theatres and Arenas. Lost and Found: 720.865.4220. Dining at DPAC Kevin Taylor’s at the Opera House: 303.640.1012 Limelight Supper Club: 720.227.9984 Online reservations: www.restaurantkevintaylor.com.

Opera Colorado is grateful for support from the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).

Find us on: DON GIOVANNI | Page 26

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