As you may know, Hyland Hills sends this Activities Guide to your home twice per year, in April and September. Our goal is to keep you in the know about future District programming and events, and to conveniently send it right to your mailbox. The Activities Guide is also available for you to review 24-7 on our website at www.hylandhills.org where it is updated often and where you can register for most programs and activities at your leisure and convenience. Additionally, the District sends out a monthly e-newsletter, for those who sign up, where we can make you aware of any new programming available, and we add some news updates from around the District. I highly recommend that you sign up if you haven’t already done so. This year, we are utilizing Zoom call technology, Facebook and other social platforms, and QR code sites to update certain neighborhoods about ongoing facility upgrades and Hyland Hills projects in those areas, and we hope to expand those practices as well.
Throughout the year, we do our best to offer our Residents a variety of fun and exciting programs, parks, and athletics that we believe you and your family might be interested in. However, I also want to remind you that we value your input, and we welcome hearing directly from you. If there is a particular program or sport that we are currently not offering, or a class that you have seen elsewhere that might also work at Hyland Hills, we would very much like to hear from you about that. Sometimes, a change in a current program is also needed, and we like to hear about that as well. Please contact our Director of Recreation, Bob Adams at badams@hylandhills.org to discuss your ideas.
This Activities Guide features hundreds of quality recreational options for you and your family to consider participating in this fall and into early 2023. We hope you will take advantage of many of them and, of course, the valuable Resident discount you receive on most of our programs as well. It is very rewarding to witness individuals and families having great fun and creating life-long memories at Hyland Hills facilities.
On behalf of the Hyland Hills Board of Directors, and our entire staff, we look forward to seeing you at a Hyland Hills program very soon!
— Yvonne Fischbach Executive DirectorLabor Day Monday, September 5, 2022
Veteran’s Day Friday, November 11, 2022
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 24, 2022
Christmas Day Monday, December 26, 2022
8801 N. Pecos St., Federal Heights, CO 80260
ADVENTURE GOLF & RACEWAY..................................................................... 303-650-7587
9650 N. Sheridan Blvd., Westminster, CO 80031
6755 Irving St., Denver, CO 80221
CARL PARK COMMUNITY CENTER ................................................................. 303-643-5699
5401 Meade St., Denver, CO 80221
CARROLL BUTTS AQUATICS CENTER 303-650-7548 9427 Perry St., Westminster, CO 80031
CARROLL BUTTS PARK ................................................................................. 303-643-5699
4201 West 94th Ave., Westminster, CO 80031
3295 W. 72nd Ave., Westminster, CO 80030
FIT BY HYLAND HILLS 303-643-5699
2861 W. 120th Ave., Westminster, CO 80234
9650 N. Sheridan Blvd., Westminster, CO 80031
New Year’s Day
Monday, January 2, 2023
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, January 16, 2023
President’s Day Monday, February 20, 2023
10710 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CO 80020
THE MAC ................................................................................................... 303-426-4310
3295 W. 72nd Ave., Westminster, CO 80030
SPLASHLAND AQUATICS CENTER 303-650-7549 3365 W. 67th Ave., Denver, CO 80221
SPORTS COMPLEX ....................................................................................... 303-650-7551
8650 Zuni St., Federal Heights, CO 80221
WATER WORLD 303-427-SURF 8801 N. Pecos St., Federal Heights, CO 80260
................................................................... 303-460-9690 10455 N. Sheridan Blvd., Westminster, CO 80031
SWIM AND FITNESS CENTER 303-427-2217 3290 W. 76th Ave., Westminster, CO 80030
See Inside Back Cover
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District — hylandhills.org
The Hyland Hills Park and Recreation Directors meet on the first Tuesday of each month. Additionally, a study session is held on the third Tuesday of every month. For times and locations, please visit hylandhills.org.
Jenn Flaum
Warren L. Blair
Margaret Gutierrez
Vice President
Chris Dittman Secretary
Donald C. Ciancio, II Past President
Executive Director Yvonne Fischbach
Director of Communications Joann V. Cortéz
Director of Finance Mike Tilger
Director of Golf and Adventure Golf and Raceway Allen Brown
Director of Human Resources Lisa Zaragoza
Director of Ice Centre Corey Schmidt
Director of Marketing Justin Schuvie
Director of Recreation Bob Adams
Director of Water World Bob Owens
If you have any suggestions or concerns, please contact one of the appropriate staff members by calling 303-428-7488.
The Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District’s mission is to provide the finest recreational services and park facilities.
You may transfer between programs prior to the second meeting of the class on a space-available basis. There is no charge for transfers, but you are responsible for any additional costs. If the new program costs less than the original program the difference is credited to the household account.
Payment in full must accompany registration. You may register in any of the following three ways:
1. Online: hylandhills.org
2. Phone: 303-650-7500 or 303-643-5699 (credit cards only)
3. Walk in:
Administration Offices: 8801 N. Pecos St.
Hours: M-F: 9am-5pm
FIT By Hyland Hills 2861 W. 120th Ave
M-TH: 4:30am-9pm F: 4:30am-8pm
SA & SU: 6am-6pm
Registration Begins Immediately Unless Otherwise Noted
You may charge any recreation program fee to your credit card. All telephone registrations must be paid with either MasterCard, VISA, American Express or Discover.
Participants who do not have a Hyland Hills Discount Card will be charged a non-discounted fee per class. Some exceptions may apply.
Recreation Department programs that meet once may receive a refund up to three days prior to the scheduled program start. If you are not satisfied with your program, you may withdraw before the second class begins and a receive a refund. Refunds will not be given once the second class begins (first week of youth sports practices) or with the three-day period for single day programs. Refund options include:
• A full credit to your recreation household account.
• Check or Credit refund: a $5.00 service charge per program will be applied. Material fees are non-refundable. For refunds less than $5.00, a household credit is offered. Refund by checks will take approximately three weeks to process.
The Recreation Department may cancel programs when necessary at staff’s discretion. If a program is cancelled for any reason, you will receive a full refund or credit. Recreation staff can assist you in finding another program that meets your needs.
There are no refunds on FIT memberships.
An attempt is made to reschedule class programs that are canceled due to inclement weather. Refunds or transfers will not be guaranteed if cancellations are not made up on the rescheduled date. Class schedules may be subject to adjustment.
Cost: $5 each. Seniors 60 years and older: Free Persons Required to Purchase Discount Card: Age 4 (or at least 40 inches tall) through age 59
Expiration: Two years from date of purchase.
Residents and property owners of Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District and residents of the City of Westminster qualify to receive a Discount Card entitling them to substantial reduction in program fees, green fees and admission fees at Hyland Hills facilities. Because cardholders with a Hyland Hills Discount Card receive a substantial reduction in fees and charges, coupons or other discount promotions are not valid with Discount Cards.
A current Hyland Hills Discount Card must be presented at time of registration to receive a discount off a program fee, if applicable.
For questions about obtaining a Hyland Hills Discount Card, please call 303-643-5699 or 303-428-7488.
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District and the City of Westminster entered into a reciprocal agreement on June 5, 1990 that allows residents of the two entities to enjoy expanded recreational opportunities. This includes over 126,000 residents of both entities. The agreement makes current resident use of facilities virtually interchangeable. Residents can enjoy resident rates for use of facilities and programs in both Westminster and Hyland Hills. This is a valuable opportunity for residents to be able to access the best and most unique recreation facilities in the country at the lowest possible cost.
1) Any person who, or whose spouse, owns taxable real or personal property situated within the boundaries of the District must submit a secure and verifiable identification document setting forth the person’s legal name, such as: a State drivers license or ID card; US passport or valid military ID; together with a current Adams County Property Tax Notice (unless a Colorado Drivers License or ID card showing an in-District address is presented).
2) Any person who is a resident of the District but does not own real or taxable property within the boundaries of the District, must submit a Colorado Drivers License or Colorado ID card setting forth the person’s legal name with a current address. If the address shown on the License/ID is not correct, then one of the following acceptable documents showing correct name, current date and current address
Veteran’s Day – Friday, November 11
FIT Normal Hours
Gymnastics Center Normal Hours
Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 24
Gymnastics Center Closed Day after Thanksgiving Day – Friday, November 25
FIT Normal Gymnastics Center Closed Christmas Eve – Saturday, December 24
FIT 4:30am -1pm
Gymnastics Center Closed Christmas Day – Sunday, December 25
FIT Closed Gymnastics Center Closed New Year’s Eve – Saturday, December 31
FIT 4:30am – 1pm
Gymnastics Center Closed New Year’s Day – Sunday, January 1
FIT 6:00am – 1pm
Gymnastics Center Closed Martin Luther King Day – Monday, January 16
FIT Normal Hours
Gymnastics Center Normal Hours
President’s Day – Monday, February 20
FIT Normal Hours Gymnastics Center Normal Hours
Park Shelters & Clear Creek Valley Park
Amphitheatre Reservations Process
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District has several great outdoor park shelters reservable for your private gathering.
Full-day Half-day
Clear Creek Valley Park (58th & Tennyson)
Large Pavilion $150 $75
Small Pavilions $120 $60
Amphitheatre $200 $100
Carroll Butts Park (94th & Perry) (3 shelters)
Large Pavilion $130 $65
Small Pavilion $120 $60
located with the District boundaries must be presented: utility bill; credit card statement; pay stub or earnings statement; rent receipt; phone bill; transcript or report card from an accredited school; bank statement; mortgage document; tax document; homeowners/renters insurance policy; vehicle registration/title; auto insurance or other valid and sufficient proof of residency.
3) To obtain a Discount Card, a resident of the City of Westminster (not living within the Hyland Hills boundaries) must submit a valid Colorado Driver’s license/Colorado ID card with the legal name and current address of the resident printed on front of the ID. No other option.
4) Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who must show qualifying proof of residency.
Carstens (90th & Camenisch) Pavilion $100 $50
Valley View (106th & Federal) Pavilion $100 $50
Clear Creek Valley Park – Pickleball Court Reservation Process
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District currently has four outdoor lit pickleball courts with an additional four coming soon. The pickleball courts are open to the public and we hope everyone using the courts are sharing the courts during open drop-in times. The courts can also be reserved for private rentals or tournaments for $6.00 per hour per court.
Payment in full must accompany registration.
Administration Offices: 8801 N. Pecos St.
Hours: M-F: 9am-5pm FIT By Hyland Hills 2861 W. 120th Ave
Hours: M-TH: 4:30am-9pm F: 4:30am-8pm SA & SU: 6am-6pm
The community gardening program has been operating since 2017 at Grippa Gardens at Clear Creek Valley Park, and currently have 29 plots and four raised ADA accessible beds. Garden plot holders can grow their own fruits, vegetables, herbs and annual flowers in a plot at Grippa Gardens. Amenities include a tool shed, picnic table, compost bins, and access to water and hose hanger. Gardeners are asked to provide their own tools, plants and other supplies and are expected to maintain their garden plots throughout the summer and early fall months.
To reserve a plot or be placed on the waitlist please contact the administrative offices at 303-428-7488.
The plots will be available for planting April 15.
• Full Plot: 10’ x 20’ plot Fee: $35
• Raised bed: 4’ x 4’ plot Fee: $10
Camenisch –
Come enjoy our 36-hole disc golf courses with the upper and lower badlands. The course offers 3-4 pin placements per hole, with many elevation changes. Mostly open however, more trees have been added. To reserve the course please call the administrative offices at 303-428-7488.
• Badland Upper Full Day Rental: $500
• Lower Course Full Day Rental $250
Carl Park Community Center – 5401 Meade Street
This bright and sunny community center can host your special event. It features 2,300 square feet and can accommodate a group up to 75 people. This community hall has a beautiful 216 square foot catering kitchen. It is perfect for small wedding celebrations, graduation parties, quinceneras, conferences, and special events. Please contact our friendly staff to help create the ultimate gathering.
Room Rental Deposit must accompany registration 30 days prior to rental.
Administration Offices: 8801 N. Pecos St.
Hours: M-F: 9am-5pm FIT By Hyland Hills 2861 W. 120th Ave
Hours: M-TH: 4:30am-9pm F: 4:30am-8pm SA & SU: 6am-6pm
Room Rental Information:
• Non-Alcohol Deposit $150
• Non-Alcohol Hourly Fee $ 60
• Deposit with Alcohol $300
• With Alcohol Hourly Fee $135 Mandatory security included in this fee
Event set up and clean up (including tables and chairs) will need to be completed during your rental time. All events must end no later than 11:00pm.
All events must abide by current District, State and local occupancy guidelines.
El pago completo debe acompañar el registro. Puede registrarse de cualquiera de las dos formas siguientes:
1. En línea: hylandhills.org
2. Por teléfono al: 303-428-7488 o 303-643-5699 (pago solo tarjetas de crédito)
3. Puede venir a las: Oficinas de la Administración: 8801 N. Pecos St.
Horario: Lunes – Viernes: 9am–5pm. Gimnasio (FIT) por Hyland Hills 2861 W. 120th Ave
Horario: Lunes – Jueves: 4:30am–9pm
Viernes: 4:30am-8pm
Sábados y Domingos: 6am–6pm
La registración comienza inmediatamente a menos que se indique lo contrario
Puede cargar cualquier costo del programa de recreación a su tarjeta de crédito. Todas las registraciones hechas por telefóno deben pagarse con MasterCard, VISA, American Express o Discover.
A los participantes que no tengan una tarjeta de descuento de Hyland Hills se les cobrará una tarifa sin descuento por clase. Pueden aplicarse algunas excepciones.
Los programas del Departamento de Recreación que se reúnen una vez quizás pueden recibir un reembolso hasta tres días antes de que inicie el programa programado. Si no está satisfecho con su programa, puede retirarse antes de que comience la segunda clase y recibir un reembolso. No se darán devoluciones ó reembolsos una vez iniciada la segunda clase (primera semana de prácticas deportivas juveniles) ni con el período de tres días para programas de un solo día.
La opción de reembolso incluye:
• Un crédito completo a su cuenta familiar de recreación.
• Cheque o crédito de Reembolso: se aplicará un cargo por servicio de $5.00 por programa. Los costos de materiales no son reembolsables. Para reembolsos de menos de $5.00, se ofrece un crédito familiar. El reembolso mediante cheques tardará aproximadamente tres semanas en procesarse.
Puede transferirse entre programas antes de la segunda reunión de la clase según el espacio disponible. No hay cargo por las transferencias, pero usted es responsable de cualquier costo adicional. Si el nuevo programa cuesta menos que el programa original, la diferencia se acredita a la cuenta del hogar.
El Departamento de Recreación puede cancelar programas cuando sea necesario a discreción del personal. Si un programa se cancela por cualquier motivo, recibirá un reembolso completo o crédito. El personal de recreación puede ayudarlo a encontrar otro programa que satisfaga sus necesidades.
No hay reembolsos en membresías de Gimnasio (FIT).
Se intenta reprogramar las clases de los programas que se cancelan debido a las inclemencias del tiempo. No se garantizarán devoluciones o transferencias si las cancelaciones no se reponen en la fecha reprogramada. Los horarios de clases pueden estar sujetos a ajustes.
Costo: $5 cada uno. Mayores de 60 años: Gratis Personas que requieren comprar la tarjeta de descuento: de 4 años de edad (o al menos 40 pulgadas de alto) hasta los 59 años. Caducidad: dos años a partir de la fecha de compra.
Los residentes y dueños de propiedades del Distrito de Parques y Recreación de Hyland Hills y los residentes de la Ciudad de Westminster califican para recibir una Tarjeta de Descuento que les da derecho a una reducción sustancial en las tarifas del programa, tarifas verdes y tarifas de admisión en las instalaciones de Hyland Hills. Debido a que los titulares de tarjetas con una tarjeta de descuento de Hyland Hills reciben una reducción sustancial en las tarifas y cargos, los cupones u otras promociones de descuento no son válidos con las tarjetas de descuento. Se debe presentar una tarjeta de descuento actual de Hyland Hills al momento de la inscripción para recibir un descuento en la tarifa del programa, si corresponde.
Si tiene preguntas sobre cómo obtener una tarjeta de descuento de Hyland Hills, por favor llame al 303-643-5699 o 303-428-7488.
El Distrito de Parques y Recreación de Hyland Hills y la ciudad de Westminster celebraron un acuerdo recíproco el 5 de junio de 1990 que permite a los residentes de las dos entidades disfrutar de mayores oportunidades recreativas. Esto incluye a más de 126,000 residentes de ambas entidades. El acuerdo hace que el uso actual de las instalaciones por parte de los residentes sea virtualmente intercambiable. Los residentes pueden disfrutar de tarifas para residentes por el uso de instalaciones y programas tanto en Westminster como en Hyland Hills. Esta es una valiosa oportunidad para que los residentes puedan acceder a las mejores y más exclusivas instalaciones recreativas del país al menor costo posible.
1) Cualquier persona que, o cuyo cónyuge, posea bienes muebles o inmuebles sujetos a impuestos situados dentro de los límites del Distrito debe presentar un documento de identificación seguro y verificable que establezca el nombre legal de la persona, como por ejemplo: una licencia de conducir estatal o una tarjeta de identificación; Pasaporte estadounidense o identificación militar válida; junto con un Aviso actual de impuestos sobre la propiedad del condado de Adams (a menos que se presente una licencia de conducir de Colorado o una tarjeta de identificación que muestre una dirección dentro del distrito).
2) Cualquier persona que sea residente del Distrito pero que no posea bienes inmuebles o sujetos a impuestos dentro de los límites del Distrito, debe presentar una licencia de conducir de Colorado o una tarjeta de identificación de Colorado que indique el nombre legal de la persona con una dirección actual. Si la dirección que se muestra en la Licencia/ID no es correcta, entonces se debe presentar uno de los siguientes documentos aceptables que muestren el nombre correcto, la fecha actual y la dirección actual ubicada dentro de los límites del Distrito: factura de servicios
Veteran’s Day – viernes 11 de noviembre
FIT Horario normal
Gymnastics Center Horario normal Thanksgiving Day – jueves 24 de noviembre
FIT 4:30am-1pm Gymnastics Center Cerrado Day after Thanksgiving Day – viernes, November 25
FIT Normal Gymnastics Center Cerrado Christmas Eve – sábado 24 de diciembre
FIT 4:30am -1pm
Gymnastics Center Cerrado Christmas Day – domingo, 25 de diciembre
FIT Cerrado
Gymnastics Center Cerrado New Year’s Eve – sábado 31 de diciembre
FIT 4:30am – 1pm
Gymnastics Center Cerrado New Year’s Day – domingo, 1 de enero
FIT 6am – 1pm Gymnastics Center Cerrado Martin Luther King Day – lunes 16 de enero
FIT Horario normal Gymnastics Center Horario normal President’s Day – lunes 20 de febrero
FIT Horario normal Gymnastics Center Horario normal
(Nuevo) Park Shelters & Clear Creek Valley Park Amphitheatre (Anfiteatro) Proceso de reservaciones:
El Distrito de Parques y Recreación de Hyland Hills tiene varios parques al aire libre que se pueden reservar para sus reunions privadas.
Jornada completa Media jornada
Parque Clear Creek Valley (58 y Tennyson)
Pabellone grande $150 $75
Pabellones pequeños $120 $60
Anfiteatro $200 $100
Carroll Butts Park (94th y Perry) (3 refugios)
Pabellón grande $130 $65
Pabellón pequeño $120 $60
Carstens (90 y Camenisch)
Pabellón $100 $50
Valley View (106th & Federal)
públicos; estado de cuenta de la tarjeta de crédito; talón de pago o estado de ganancias; recibo de alquiler; factura de teléfono; expediente académico o boleta de calificaciones de una escuela acreditada; estado de cuenta bancario; documento de hipoteca; documento fiscal; póliza de seguro de propietarios/inquilinos; registro/título del vehículo; seguro de automóvil u otra prueba válida y suficiente de residencia.
3) Para obtener una tarjeta de descuento, un residente de la ciudad de Westminster (que no viva dentro de los límites de Hyland Hills) debe presentar una licencia de conducir de Colorado/tarjeta de identificación de Colorado válida con el nombre legal y la dirección actual del residente impreso en el frente de la identificación. No hay otra opción.
4) Las personas menores de 16 años deben estar acompañadas por un padre o tutor legal que debe mostrar un comprobante de residencia que califique.
Camenisch – Badlands Upper & Lower Disc Golf
Pabellón $100 $50
Clear Creek Valley Park - Proceso de reserva de la cancha de Pickleball
El Distrito de Parques y Recreación de Hyland Hills actualmente tiene cuatro canchas de pickleball iluminadas al aire libre con cuatro adicionales próximamente. Las canchas de pickleball están abiertas al público y esperamos que todos los que usan las canchas compartan las canchas durante los horarios abiertos. Las canchas también se pueden reservar para alquileres privados o torneos por $6.00 por hora por cancha.
El pago completo debe acompañar la registración. Oficinas de la Administración: 8801 N. Pecos St.
Horario: Lunes – Viernes: 9am-5pm Gimnasio (FIT) por Hyland Hills 2861 W. 120th. Ave.
Horario: Lunes – Jueves: 4:30am-9pm Viernes: 4:30am-8pm
Sábados y Domingos: 6am-6pm
Grippa Gardens en Clear Creek Valley – Community Garden Plots
El programa de jardinería comunitaria ha estado operando desde 2017 en Grippa Gardens en Clear Creek Valley Park, y actualmente tiene 29 parcelas y 4 parcelas accesibles según la ley ADA. Los propietarios de parcelas de jardín pueden cultivar sus propias frutas, verduras, hierbas y flores anuales en una parcela en Grippa Gardens. Las comodidades incluyen un cobertizo para herramientas, mesa de picnic, contenedores de compost y acceso a agua y colgador de mangueras. Se les pide a los jardineros que proporcionen sus propias herramientas, plantas y otros suministros y se espera que mantengan sus parcelas de jardín durante los meses de verano y principios de otoño.
Para reservar una parcela o colocarse en la lista de espera, comuníquese con las oficinas administrativas al 303-428-7488. Las parcelas estarán disponibles para plantar el 15 de abril.
• Parcela completa: Parcela de 10’ x 20’ – Tarifa: $35
• Cama elevada: parcela de 4’ x 4’ – Tarifa: $10
• Obtenga su parcela antes del 1 de abril: regístrese llamando al 303-428-7488.
Proceso de reserva
Venga a disfrutar de nuestros campos de disc golf de 36 hoyos con badlands superior e inferior. El campo ofrece 3-4 ubicaciones de bolos por hoyo, con muchos cambios de elevación. Mayormente abierto, sin embargo, se han agregado más árboles. Para reservar el el campo de golf favor de llamar a las oficinas administrativas al 303-428-7488.
• Alquiler de todo el día en Badland Upper $500
• Alquiler de todo el día en Lower Course $250
Centro Comunitario Carl Park – 5401 Meade Street
Este brillante y soleado centro comunitario puede albergar su evento especial. Cuenta con 2,300 pies cuadrados y puede acomodar a un grupo de hasta 75 personas. Este salón comunitario tiene una hermosa cocina de catering de 216 pies cuadrados. Es perfecto para celebraciones de bodas pequeñas, fiestas de graduación, quinceneras, conferencias y eventos especiales. Póngase en contacto con nuestro amable personal para ayudar a crear la mejor reunión.
Información de alquiler del salón: El pago deposito debe acompañar las reservaciones treinta dias antes del alquiler.
Oficinas de la Administración: 8801 N. Pecos St.
Horario: Lunes – Viernes: 9am-5pm
Gimnasio (FIT) por Hyland Hills 2861 W. 120th. Ave.
Horario: Lunes – Jueves: 4:30am-9pm
Viernes: 4:30am-8pm
Sábados y Domingos: 6am-6pm
Información de alquiler del salón:
• Depósito para fiesta sin alcohol $150
• Tarifa por hora para fiesta sin alcohol $60
• Depósito para fiesta con alcohol $300
• Tarifa por hora para fiesta con alcohol $135
Se debe tener seguridad obligatoria en esta en esta tarifa incluida
La instalación y limpieza del evento (incluidas las mesas y las sillas) deberá completarse durante el tiempo de alquiler. Todos los eventos deben finalizar a más tardar a las 11 p.m.
Todos los eventos deben cumplir con las pautas de ocupacion districto, estatales y locales.
Gold Blue South North 18-hole 9-hole Par 3 Par 3 Weekday M-F $43 $24 $10 $6
Senior/Military M-F $32 $20 $8 $6 Weekend SA-SU/Holiday $48 $27 $10 $6 Juniors (under 18) $16 $8 $4 $4
9650 N. Sheridan Blvd.
Westminster, CO 80031
Golf Shop — 303-428-6526
Tee Times — golfhylandhills.com 303-426-4653 (GOLF) Click your phone here to go right to this site!
Sunrise to sunset, weather permitting. No play on the courses in the winter months until the frost lifts. The practice facility is available for day and night use, weather permitting. Hours are subject to change without notice, please call 303-428-6526 for up-to-date information.
• 18-hole regulation course (Gold Course)
• 9-hole regulation course (Blue Course)
• 9-hole par 3 course (North)
• 9-hole par 3 course (South)
• Lighted practice facility with four target greens
• 18,000 sq. ft. practice putting green
• Golf Shop • Rental equipment
• Private lessons • Restaurant and Lounge
1. Tee time reservation website: golfhylandhills.com Phone: 303-426-GOLF (303-426-4653).
2. Seven Day Advance Reservations (All Courses)
All golfers may reserve weekend, weekday, and holiday tee times seven (7) days in advance, online or by telephone, beginning at 4pm.
b. All tee time reservation phone calls will be answered in the order received. To avoid long waits, please go online to: golfhylandhills.com.
3. Only one tee time reservation per phone call.
4. All tee time reservation phone calls will ring directly into the Golf Shop on two phone lines. If the line is busy, the caller must redial.
Sr. Cart Rental (per rider 60+) $15 $8 $8 N/A Cart Rental (per rider) $18 $10 $10 N/A
(Prices are subject to change.)
Gift Cards available for green fees, merchandise, and golf lessons. Pull cart and golf club rentals also available.
Hold a private or company tournament at Hyland Hills. For information, call Allen Brown, CGCS, Director of Golf, at 303-650-7557, or email abrown@hylandhills.org
Appropriate golf attire is required and includes sleeved shirts and proper length shorts. Gym wear, sweats, and cut-offs not allowed. Dress deemed inappropriate by the management will not be allowed.
• Please check in and pay cashier at least 10 minutes before tee time
• When play is completed, players must leave the putting green immediately and continue to next hole
• Rake all bunkers
• Replace all divots
• Repair all ball marks and spike marks on greens
• Please keep all carts on paths or at least 30 feet away from greens and tee boxes
1 person 45 Min. $70 per person
2 people 45 Min. $46 per person
3 people 60 Min. $44 per person
4 people 60 Min. $42 per person
5 or more people 60 Min. $40 per person
1 person 45 Min. $280 per person
2 people 45 Min. $230 per person
3 people 60 Min. $220 per person
4 people 60 Min. $210 per person
5 or more people 60 Min. $200 per person
18 Holes
$280 per person
9 Holes $140 per person
5 Holes $ 70 per person
Ages: 6-17, 45 Min. $50 per person
Ages: 5 and under, 30 Min. $20 per person
Val Heim III, Head PGA Professional Isamarie Willhoite, Pro Staff Charlie McClung, Pro Staff
The Greg Mastriona Golf Courses at Hyland Hills private lesson program will benefit students at any level, tailoring to the needs of every individual student. Beginning players will learn the necessary fundamentals entailed in a correct golf swing. They will also learn pitching, chipping, putting techniques, basic rules and etiquette. Advanced players can improve their games by refining their swing mechanics while fine-tuning areas such as short game, bunker play and course management.
Men’s Club: http://hhgc-2022hylandhillsmensclub.golfgenius.com Senior’s Club: http://hhgc-2022hhsgc.golfgenius.com 18 Hole Ladies Club: https://hhgc-2022hylandhillswga18.golfgenius.com 9 Hole Ladies Club: http://hhgc-2022hhwga9.golfgenius.com S Par 3 Ladies Club: Sheila King 978-793-2325
Located south of the golf courses, the practice facility features five grass tiers and one tier with mats (for off season/wet conditions) and three practice sand traps. In addition, the facility is fully lighted May through September for after-dark use and features four regulation target greens at 120, 175, 215 and 265 yards. Hours: Weather permitting
**2861 W. 120th Ave. Westminster, CO 80234 303-643-5699 FitHylandHills.com
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday, 4:30am-9pm Friday, 4:30am-8pm Saturday-Sunday, 6am-6pm
With Annual Month Daily
Hyland Hills (paid in full) to Discount Card Month
Age 18-59 $220 $22 $6
Military/Adult 60+ $200 $20 NA Household Duo $399 NA NA Household $499 NA NA Punch Card – $50 (10 visits)
Without Annual Month Daily
Hyland Hills (paid in full) to Discount Card Month
Age 18-59 $260 $26 $6 Military/Adult 60+ $240 $24 NA Household Duo $499 NA NA Household $599 NA NA Punch Card – $50 (10 visits)
No application fee, enrollment fee or maintenance fees. Household includes two adults and dependent family members 23 years and younger living in the same household. Household Duo includes two members ages 18+ living in the same household.
$19.99 per month
• New Outdoor turf fitness area!
• New Main gym flooring and equipment design
• Fitness equipment such as cross trainers, treadmills, bicycles, stair climbers, weights, presses and more
• Cardio cinema room
Variety of group fitness classes
Full-sized sports performance center
Dance/fitness class and meeting room space
Member lockers • Male and female dry saunas • Beautiful entry fireplace and seating area • Climbing wall • Male and female steam rooms • Executive lockers - Enjoy your executive locker in your own personal locker room with ironing board, laundry and towel service. All for just $25 per month! • Tanning booth - $19.99 per month - ($6 drop-in fee) • Kids Zone - $5 drop-in fee per kid (2 hour max) Or $30 monthly (Unlimited visits)
“I provide all clients with a positive and energetic method of training. With the understanding that every client is unique, I find specific plans for each individual to fit their needs. We will work together to achieve the results you are working towards. Every day I show commitment to my clients that a healthy lifestyle is a balance between a well-rounded diet and exercise.” Certifications: ISSA-CPT
A fun, outgoing, and highly motivated trainer with over 15 years of experience with clients ranging from injury rehab to professional athletes. “To sum it up, I am a funny, knowledgeable, success driven instructor who has helped thousands of people to achieve their goals with their body.” Certifications: NASM-CFSC
“I love teaching group fitness and personal training. Functional training is so important, as well as balance and good form. It’s most rewarding to see members/clients get stronger and reach their goals. Stop starting and start finishing.” Certifications: NASM-CPT, Primary Group Exercise-AFAA, Primary Indoor Cycling-AFAA, Beyond Mat Science-AFAA
Changing peoples lives one workout at a time. “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.” Certifications: ACSM-CPT, Circuit Style Functional Training, Boot Camp HIIT Instructor
“I am a wife and mother of two and I enjoy short bios and the life outdoors that Colorado has to offer. I love helping my clients move better in life with increased balance, strength, and mobility.”
Certifications: NASM-CPT, C.E.S., Y.E.S.
“I have always had a love for fitness. I grew up playing sports and was a very active person until I began struggling with an eating disorder at the age of 15. The gym helped me get stronger and heal my relationship with food which is what brought me to personal training because I wanted to help other women feel strong.
Certifications: NASM and an additional certification that focuses on women’s health and fitness also through NASM.
3295 W. 72nd Ave, Westminster, CO 80030
Gymnastics office-303-650-7626
A party includes an hour of organized and supervised gymnastics activities and an hour in the party room for opening gifts and serving cake and ice cream. You must supply your own refreshments and paperware. The party room is available to you for the entire twohour reservation (weekend reservations only).
To make arrangements, contact the Gymnastics office at 303-650-7626.
$10/child with minimum cost of $90. Must pay for 9 children minimum, 24 children maximum.
All participants must be registered prior to attending their first class. All class registrations will close one day prior to the first class. Late registrations will be accepted with a $10 late fee assessed. We encourage early registration as class sizes are limited.
For online registration assistance please call 303-650-7500 or 303-643-5699.
Parent must accompany gymnast to the first class to complete the required waiver and contact information. Gymnasts must come to gym/practice ready, dressed in workout attire.
(Classes meet once a week)
Fall Session I: Sept 12 – Oct 29
Fall Session II: October 31 – December 17 (Recital session)
Winter Session I: January 9-February 25
Winter Session II: February 27 –April 15 (Recital session)
Spring I: April 17- June 3
Enjoy 45 minutes of creative movement class and 45 minutes of gymnastics class.
Ages: 3-4 M
4:15pm-5:45pm F 3:45pm-5:15pm
Enjoy gymnastics class, then 45 minutes of Pre-Ballet dance class!
Ages: 5-6 M 4pm-5:45pm
F 3:45pm-5:15pm
Learn to put dance and gymnastics together. Improve strength, flexibility, and grace in this fun class in which you’ll spend 45 minutes doing a variety of dance and 45 minutes doing gymnastics.
Ages: 4-7 T 4pm-5:30pm Ages: 8-12 T 4pm-5:30pm
Learn cheer technique, stunting, and basic cheerleading. In this class you will spend 45 minutes doing cheer and 45 minutes doing gymnastics.
Ages: 4-7 TH 4pm-5:30pm Ages: 8-12 TH 4pm-5:30pm
Children will have fun, explore movement in gymnastics, songs, and dance, all while developing social skills. We are learning while moving! Child must bring a snack and drink to each class. Ages: 3-5 M 9:30am-11:30am
Have fun exploring movement with dance and creative props. Ages: 3-4 M 4:15pm-5pm F 3:45pm-4:30pm
Learn Ballet basics and the fun of dance movement. Ages: 5-7 M 5pm-5:45pm F 3:45pm-4:30pm
Build your Ballet basics and skill with the company of friends and an experienced Ballet Instructor. Ages: 7 and up M 6pm-7pm
Learn the beginning basics of tap dancing while enjoying the fun and friendship of classmates. Ages: 5 and up W 4:15pm-5pm
Let’s get funky! An awesome way to make friends, have fun and learn new dance moves. Work on a choregraphed routine. Ages: 6-16 W 5:15pm-6pm
In this class they will be exploring all different types of dance; ballet, jazz, tap and the most current dance moves! It will be a fun filled hour of dance that runs simultaneously with Parent Tot Gymnastics.
Ages: 5 and up SA 10am-11am
This is an interactive fun class where children will learn rhythms of salsa, bachata, merengue and various others. This class is open to all levels and genders. Ages: 6-12 years TH 5:30pm-6:15pm
Level 2, Level 3 and Optional – No proration, no practices September 5 in observance of Labor Day (there are 5 Mondays in October) and September 7 due to a scheduling conflict, (there are 5 Thursdays in September)
Boys Team: No proration, no practice September 5 in observance of Labor Day (there are 5 Mondays in October). Practice begins Friday, September 9
October: All Team Levels (TBA)
November: All Team Levels (No practices, no pro-ration, the gym will be closed November 24 and 25)
December: All Team Levels. No practice December 22-January 4
Level 2: 1 day/$60, 2 day/$73
Level 3: $75
Optionals: 2 day/$80, 3 days/$103
Boys Team: 1 day/$68, 2 day/$80
January: All Team Levels (TBD)
Must be a current registered team participant to attend. F, 7:30pm-9pm, $55 monthly (4 open gyms)
(Coach’s permission required to join.) This is an entry level to the Gymnastics arena, using basic skill level for entry level routines. Make friends and enjoy belonging to a team!
M, 4pm-6pm and/or W 4:15pm-6:15:pm, 1 day a week: $80 monthly 2 days a week: $97monthly
(Coach’s permission required to join.) Gymnasts will learn and compete in compulsory routines which contain higher level connections and skills.
T, 4pm-6:30pm and TH 4:15pm-6:45pm, $101 monthly
(Coach’s permission required to join.) Gymnasts will learn individually choreographed routines for competition, showcasing their best events while perfecting previous skills and learning new skills to advance to the highest level of gymnastics!
M/W, 5:30pm-8:30pm, two days a week: $107 monthly F (3rd day), 5:30pm-8:30pm, three days a week: $135 monthly
USAG Levels 5-9 are required to attend a minimum of three days of Optional Practice.
(Coach’s permission required to join.) A fun way to gain strength, agility, flexibility and to experience the competitive gymnastics arena, while being part of a team! M, 6:30pm-8:30pm and F, 4:30pm-7pm, two days a week: $96 monthly F, 4:30pm-7pm, one day a week: $80 monthly
Visit hylandhillsathletics.com for additional team information
#201101 (Walking to 4 yrs)
The parent assists their child throughout the class.
T 10:15am-11am W 10am-10:45am TH 11:15am-Noon SA 10am-10:45am
ROLY-POLY GYMNASTICS #201102 (3-4 yrs)
The child participates without a parent in the class.
M 5pm-5:45pm
T 11:15am-Noon T 5pm-5:45pm W 11am-11:45am TH 10:15am-11am F 4:30pm-5:15pm SA 11am-11:45am
#201403 (5-6 yrs)
A great class to begin gymnastics and learn the basics.
M 4pm-5pm T 6pm-7pm W 4:30-5:30pm TH 6pm-7pm F 4:30pm-5:15pm SA Noon-1pm
PARKOUR #201409 (7-16 yrs)
Obtain the physical requirements to overcome obstacles. T 7pm-8:30pm
GYMNASTICS #201204 (7 yrs and older)
A great class to begin a gymnastics career.
T 4pm-5:30pm
T 6pm-7:30pm W 4:30pm-6pm TH 6:15pm-7:45pm SA 1:15pm-2:45pm
(INSTRUCTOR RECOMMENDED) (7 yrs and older)
Take your gymnastic skill to the next level. T 4pm-5:30pm T 6:15pm-8:15pm TH 6:15pm-8:15pm SA 1:15pm-3:15pm
(INSTRUCTOR RECOMMENDED) (7 yrs and older)
Pre-team skills and more advanced skills offered in this class.
T 6:15pm-8:15pm TH 6:15pm-8:15pm SA 1:15pm-3:15pm
BOYS BEGINNER I AND II GYMNASTICS #201307 (7 yrs and older)
Acquire gymnastics skills, strength, agility, and flexibility. T 6pm-7:30pm W 4:30pm-6pm
(INSTRUCTOR RECOMMENDED) (7 yrs and older)
Build your gymnastics skills, strength, agility, and flexibility. M 6:30pm-8:30pm
INTERMEDIATE PARKOUR #201410 (10-18 yrs)
(INSTRUCTOR RECOMMENDED) Master the more advanced parkour skills. F 7:30pm-9pm
HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASTICS #201428 (13-18 yrs)
This class is for all levels of gymnasts. TH 7pm-8:30pm
Registration for the Specialty classes below is due monthly. For current schedule, go to team website. *Monthly registration fee of $55 is due prior to attending the first class.
Child must be accompanied by an adult Ages: Walking-5 yrs old. W 3pm-4pm GC
Ages: 14 yrs and older TH 7:30pm-9pm GC
A class for fun, physical activity with a variety of gymnastics skills and apparatus incorporated.
Ages: 5-14 yrs T 1:15pm-2:15pm GC TH 1:15pm-2:15pm GC
The introduction of fundamental skills while enjoying the art of Karate in movement. *Registration is monthly.
Ages: 4-7 yrs SA 1pm-1:45pm GC
Focusing on building Karate skills, self-confidence and selfcontrol.
Ages: 7-12 yrs TH 6:30pm-7:30pm GC SA 2pm-3pm GC
This class explores standing, seated and lying poses in an unhurried way. Come as you are self-acceptance is the first step. This class is appropriate for those who prefer a softer, gentler approach to yoga.
Ages: 16 yrs-Adult W 6:30pm-7:30pm GC
Utilize the Gymnastics room and the fitness room area to build muscle and work cardio.This class runs simultaneously with Gym, Learn, and Storytime.
Ages: 16 yrs-Adult M 10am-11am GC
This class is a martial arts inspired high intensity cardio workout that has lots of high energy fun involved!
Ages:16 yrs-Adult F 6pm-7pm GC
This class is designed to burn calories while having fun. This class consists of various rhythms of Salsa, Bachata, Cambia and Reggaeton. All abilities welcome!
Ages:16 yrs-Adult T 6:15pm-7:15pm GC
CAMP #301429
Three gymnastics and activity filled days, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Register for one or all three! All levels welcome. Bring a water bottle, sack lunch, lots of energy and a snack.
Ages: 6 and up
Fee: Each individual day registration $65
All 3 days $175
Date Day Time Loc
Dec 28 W
9:30am-3:30pm GC
9:30am-3:30pm GC Dec 30 F 9:30am-3:30pm GC
Dec 29 TH
Three gymnastics and activity filled days, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Register for one or all three. All levels welcome. Bring a water bottle, sack lunch, a snack and lots of energy!
Ages: 6-14 yrs
Fee: Each individual day registration $65
All 3 days $175
Date Day Time Loc Mar 20, 22, 24 M, W, F 9:30am-3:30pm GC
Visit our website for all that we have to offer!
10710 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CO 80020 303-469-2100 • icecentre.com
Sep 1-Oct 31, 2022
**All times are subject to change. Please check our website for the most current information at www.icecentre.com
Mondays No public skating Tuesdays No public skating Wednesdays 4:15pm-5:30pm ** Cheap Skate Thursdays No public skating Fridays 7:30pm-9:00pm
Saturdays 10:15am-11:30am **Cheap Skate 1:30pm-3:30pm 7:30pm-9:00pm Sundays 1:30pm-3:30pm
Saturday Cheap Skate session is only held when Saturday group lessons are in session.
Please visit www.icecentre.com for the most up to date public skating times.
Nov 1-Dec 1, 2022
**All times are subject to change. Please check our website for the most current information at www.icecentre.com
Mondays No public skating Tuesdays No public skating Wednesdays 4:15pm-5:30pm ** Cheap Skate
Thursdays No public skating Fridays 7:30pm-9:45pm
Saturday ......... 10:15am-11:30am ** Cheap Skate
...................... 1:30pm-3:30pm
...................... 7:30pm-9:45pm Sundays .......... 1:30pm-3:30pm
Additional public skating times will be added over Winter Break from Dec 19-Jan 3, visit our website for more information.
Saturday Cheap Skate session is only held when Saturday lessons are in session.
Please visit www.icecentre.com for the most up to date public skating times.
Come celebrate your birthday here at the Ice Centre at the Promenade! Birthday parties are offered during our regular public skating times and we offer 2 party packages to choose from that include 10 skaters (additional skaters may be added). Book your party today online with just a $50 deposit!
The Ice Centre at the Promenade skating lessons are a great place to start for any aspiring hockey player or figure skater. Lessons are offered for age 4 up through adults and skaters will have six (6) 30-minute lessons with additional practice time during a scheduled public skating time. Online registration is now available through our website at www.icecentre.com.
Learn-to-Skate with Us Lessons — Our Learn to Skate with Us program follows the curriculum of the Learn to Skate USA program. Lessons are available for all levels and abilities and are taught by qualified professional skating instructors.
Junior Jags Ice Hockey Lessons — The Hyland Hills Hockey Association has teamed up with our Learn to Skate with Us program offering hockey lessons. The hockey lessons are available during the same time as our Learn to Skate lessons but are designed to teach your child hockey specific skill development. It is recommended for any new skaters to first complete one beginner class in the Learn to Skate program prior to enrolling into the hockey lessons. Helmet, gloves and a stick are needed for the lesson.
Wednesday ~ Sep 14-Oct 26 5pm-5:30pm or 5:35pm-6:05pm with practice time from 4:15pm-5:30pm
No lessons on Oct 5 Saturday ~ Sep 17-Oct 29 10am-10:30am or 10:35am-11:05am with practice time from 10:15am-11:30am
No lessons on Oct 8
Wednesday ~ Nov 2-Dec 14
5pm-5:30pm or 5:35pm-6:05pm with practice time from 4:15pm-5:30pm
No lessons on Nov 23 Saturday ~ Nov 5-Dec 17th 10am-10:30am or 10:35am-11:05am with practice time from 10:15am-11:30am
No lessons on Nov 26
Please check our website for exact dates
LESSON FEE: $90 – $5 off w/Discount Card
Skate Rental is $2 per lesson – may be paid up front at the time of registration
PLEASE NOTE** Class times may be moved, combined or cancelled due to enrollment numbers. Also, if classes are cancelled due to weather or circumstances beyond our control every attempt will be made to reschedule these classes. If rescheduling is not possible there will not be a class offered as a make-up and refunds will not be issued.
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District — hylandhills.org
The Rocky Mountain Figure Skating Academy (RMFSA) Aspire Program is a figure skating bridge program that offers athletes a cost-effective way to enter into the world of competitive figure skating. Our training system transitions our newer athletes into a comprehensive training system, while remaining in a fun, teamempowered environment. Our competition team level will offer in-depth curriculum designed to focus on IJS fundamentals and technique. The RMFSA Aspire Program is open to Learn to Skate skaters in level Basic 5 and up. Each athlete will be assigned a level appropriate track for their on-ice curriculum. Our expert staff of coaches will introduce skaters to new skills, technique in spinning and jumping, and so much more! Aspire classes are offered year-round. For more information on the RMFSA Aspire Program please visit our website and select Rocky Mountain Figure Skating Academy under the programs tab.
The Rocky Mountain Figure Skating Club is a volunteer run organization established in 1978 as a member club within the United States Figure Skating Association. The USFSA provides guidelines and rules for testing and competitions which promote figure skating from the beginner level through Olympic competitors. When skaters reach the point where they are ready to begin taking their USFSA tests, it is necessary for them to become a member of the USFSA. The Rocky Mountain Figure Skating Club is the home club representing the USFSA at the Ice Centre in Westminster. For additional information, visit their website at www.rmfsc.org or email the RMFSC President at president@rmfsc.org
The Ice Centre is the home of the Hyland Hills Jaguars, a complete program for players from ages 4 through 17 years old. They are a sanctioned member of USA Hockey and the Colorado Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA). Members participate in team practices, league scheduled games, and tournaments both in-state and out-of-state. The Association also offers an initiation program that emphasizes beginner skills at the younger age levels. For more information, visit their website at www. hylandhillshockey.com or call (720) 240-4691.
The Ice Centre Adult Hockey League is one in which a fun, recreational experience is the highest priority. We offer a Fall/Winter league as well as a Summer league. Registration will begin in late August for our Fall/Winter season. Please visit our website at www.icecentre.com and select the Adult Hockey section for information on the leagues, schedules, fees and online registration. Players can sign up with a team or as a free agent.
The Ice Centre adult hockey program offers five different league levels:
A Elite, highly competitive (1 level)
B Advanced (5 levels: B1-B5)
C Intermediate and Recreational (5 levels: C1-C5)
D Recreational and Beginners (1 level)
O40 Over 40 years old (2 levels: Competitive and Intermediate)
For more information, please contact the Adult Hockey Department by email at adulthockey@hylandhills.org or by phone at 303-469-2100 ext 231.
Visit our website to find out information on sponsorships, ice rentals, our pro shop, Stick N Puck times, Hockey 101 and much, much more!
Visit our website and sign up today! Ice Centre Tuxedo Club members get advance notice of deals, discounts and news delivered right to their inbox!
The neighborhood around Carroll Butts Park is buzzing with excitement as the new community/sports facility takes shape. The old building has been taken down to its bones and the new structure is impressively moving from conception to reality. As the project progresses, the District is keeping the community in-the-know by hosting public Zoom calls, posting information on a QR code site and even held an ice cream social in late July to answer any questions and celebrate with many of the athletes and community members who will be using the expansive new facility by early next year.
The final production of the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District’s Summer Concert Series was held on September 9th wrapping up a great new annual event for the District. The concert series is expected to continue and possibly offer even more entertainment next year. Thanks to our partners at Pepsi for sponsoring three great 2022 concert events in the Hyland Hills community!
Registered voters who live in the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District are eligible to vote in person or via absentee ballot in District elections such as the one held for the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District Board of Directors in May, 2022. However, in order to automatically be placed on a list to receive a convenient absentee ballot prior to an election, you must request that from the designated election official once an election has been scheduled.
Hyland Hills Water World will again host the drive-through holiday spectacular that everyone enjoys during the holidays! Sign up for the Hyland Hills monthly e-newsletter at www.hylandhills.org to get early registration information on this and many other events like the amazing Holiday Lights wonderland at Adventure Golf & Raceway!
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District welcomes the three newly elected Board Members from the May 3rd Special District election. Margaret Gutierrez and Warren Blair are new to the Board and Don Ciancio was re-elected for another term. We wish them all a wonderful tenure as they join the other two seated members, Jenn Flaum and Chris Dittman!
Delightful concerts themed for the young at heart. Age: All ages welcomed All events are held at Carl Park at 10am.
These events are sponsored in part by North Metro Arts Alliance, and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District through the Adams County Cultural Council.
This program, which is tailored to the age and experience of the audience, includes a bald or a golden eagle, an owl, a falcon, and features a free-flying hawk. Students learn about the importance of different raptor species, their specially adapted tools, and their role in our ecosystems.
The Kids Comedy Show! Comedy, magic & juggling for the kid in all of us. The show ends with a live bunny appearing that the children get to pet.
Jami McNeill is a music instructor in the Denver Metro area. This exciting show includes Disney show theme songs current and past and fun children standards (wheels on the bus, etc.) and more!
Fiddle-sawin’, yeehawin’ good time when Cowboy Steve comes to town with stories, songs, lots of singin’ and whistlin’.
“Molly Whoopee!” Historical, hysterical folk and fairy tales. The past presents our hilarious heritage in this participation performance! Original and traditional silly songs will be celebrated. Tales will take unexpected twists and turns. Come experience the comedy of Beth Epley.
The Wick School is one of Colorado’s finest schools of Irish Dance. Come get your jig on and watch these amazing dancers!
This Grammy nominated songwriter involves audiences with movement, sign languages, sing-alongs, zany props and more.
Join Hyland Hills as we transform Adventure Golf and Raceway into a Trick or Treat and Spooky Maze adventure! Come listen to a DJ and dance with the Hyland Hills mascots! For kids 12 and under, we will have trick or treat stations, games and activities with a whole lot of spooky fun! Food will be available for purchase.
Fee: $2 at the door, receive $1 off if you wear a costume!
Parents are free.
Date Day Time Loc Oct 28 Friday 5pm-8pm AG
Come out to Clear Creek Valley Park (58th and Tennyson St.) and see the decorated vehicles from the Adams County Sheriff’s Office, community businesses, and local partners. This event will provide a safe environment for kids to trick or treat along with meeting many of the men and women from the Sheriff’s Office.
Date Day Time Loc Oct 28 Friday 4pm-6pm CCVP
Come one, come all, to the Easter Egg Hunt! Pick up some goodies and hunt for Easter eggs. The Easter Bunny will be there, so make sure mom and dad bring their cell phones or camera to take pictures with him.
Age: 2-8yrs (Children must be accompanied by an adult). Check the website for more details or call 303.428.7488 or 303.649.5699.
Fee: Free
Date Day Time Loc Apr 8 SA 9am-10am CBP
The Original Dickens Carolers will be performing a concert singing carols and telling stories. Then best of all, a visit and pictures with Santa. Parents don’t forget to bring your cell phone for a picture and visit with Santa. Cookies and punch will be served.
Age: Children with an adult
Date Day Time Loc Dec 3 Sa 10am-11am CP
Fathers and daughters of all ages are welcome! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to spend a lovely evening with your favorite girl. Price includes dance, finger food, refreshments, and a professional photo of you and your princess. For more information call 303-428-7488 or 303-643-5699.
Age: All ages
Fee: $40 per couple / $10 extra for each additional child.
Date Day Time Loc Feb 25 SA 6pm-8pm CP
Kids love to paint and be creative. We’ll show easy step by step instructions for a fun piece of art they can be proud of! All supplies are included. Kid featured paintings. Masks are optional and social distancing is required.
Ages: 6 and older
Fee: $10 per/ class
Date Day Time Loc
Sep 10 SA 10:30am-12:30pm CP
Oct 8 SA 10:30am-12:30pm CP
Nov 12 SA 10:30am-12:30pm CP
Dec 10 SA 10:30am-12:30pm CP
Jan 7 SA 10:30am-12:30pm CP
Feb 11 SA 10:30am-12:30pm CP
Mar 11 SA 10:30am-12:30pm CP
Apr 8 SA 10:30am-12:30pm CP
Let your preschooler experience messy art projects and we will clean up the mess. Some of the activities include handprint art, making slime/playdough, shaving cream, and much more! Please dress your child in short sleeve clothing suited for messy fun.
Ages: 3-5 yrs
Fee: $25
For more information, call 303-428-7488 or 303-643-5699
Date Day Time Loc
Oct 2-30 SU 11am-11:30am FIT Nov 6-27 SU 11am-11:30am FIT
This class introduces young children to music and tap movements.
Ages: 3-5 yrs
Fee: $10
For more information, call 303-428-7488 or 303-643-5699
Date Day Time Loc
Oct 4-25 TU 10am-11am FIT
Nov 1-22 TU 10am-11am FIT
This class introduces kids to basic yoga movements. This class will also help teach kids the importance of flexibility and balance.
Ages: 6-17 yrs
Fee: $25
For more information, call 303-428-7488 or 303-643-5699
Date Day Time Loc
Oct 6-27 TH 4:30pm-5:15pm FIT
Jan 5-26 TH 4:30pm-5:15pm FIT
TEENS #205517
Introductory weightlifting course to help teach your young teenage kids learn the foundations of and fundamentals of weightlifting. This class will help participants learn proper form, technique, and how to use different machines. It will be taught by a certified FIT personal trainer.
Ages: 13-18 yrs
Fee: $110/$10 off w/Discount Card
Date Day Time Loc
Oct 15-Nov 19 SA 2pm-3pm FIT Jan 14-Feb 25 SA 2pm-3pm FIT
This class is designed to help teach high school athletes the importance of good nutrition and how a good diet can help boost their overall performance. This course will also cover the significance of good rest and hydration for performance as well. This class will be taught by a professional nutritionist.
Ages: 14-18 yrs
Fee: $30/$10 off with discount card
Date Day Time Loc
Oct 15 SA 3pm-4pm FIT Jan 14 SA 3pm-4pm FIT
Kids love to paint and be creative. We’ll show easy step-bystep instructions for a fun piece of art they can be proud of! All supplies are included. Kid featured paintings. Masks are optional and social distancing is required.
Ages: 6 and older Fee: $18 per class
Date Day Time Loc
Sep 11 SU Noon-2pm FIT
Oct 9 SU Noon-2pm FIT
Nov 13 SU Noon-2pm FIT
Dec 11 SU Noon-2pm FIT
Jan 8 SU Noon-2pm FIT
Feb 12 SU Noon-2pm FIT
Mar 12 SU Noon-2pm FIT
Apr 9 SU Noon-2pm FIT
The Hyland Hills Athletic Department provides a variety of seasonal youth team sports leagues, camps & short programs. Leagues are organized for boys, girls, and coed divisions, under 18 years of age. Leagues are generally scheduled using a round-robin format. Camps & programs are usually scheduled at one location and all you need to do is register and show up! For more information on youth athletics, visit hylandhillsathletics.com.
ATHLETE #205418
This class is designed to help teach high school athletes the importance of good nutrition and how a good diet can help boost their overall performance. This course will also cover the significance of good rest and hydration for performance as well. This class will be taught by a professional nutritionist.
Ages: 14-18 yrs
Fee: $30/$10 off with discount card
Date Day Time Loc
Oct 15 SA 3pm-4pm FIT Jan 14 SA 3pm-4pm FIT
Why only play one sport when you can play them all? JumpBunch will teach the fundamentals of our country’s most popular sports, while promoting teamwork and good sportsmanship. Some of the sports we’ll play include lacrosse, track and field, golf, and baseball. Backyard and picnic games will also be introduced throughout this camp. Super fun games like bocce ball, relay races, hula hoops, corn hole and more! Your child will develop self-esteem and a lifelong love of fitness in this one-stop shop fall camp!
Ages: 6-12 yrs
Fee: TBA
For more information, call 303-428-7488 or 303-643-5699
Date Day Time Loc
Hyland Hills is a member of the National Alliance for Youth Sports. We have implemented the NAYS’ training program to provide valuable information on the aspects of coaching youth sports, which today’s volunteers need to ensure a positive and rewarding experience for all the youngsters on their teams.
Ages: 16 and older
*To volunteer as a coach with Hyland Hills, it is mandatory that you clear a background check every 2 years and obtain a concussion certification through Hyland Hills, NAYS or CHSAA. For more information or to apply, please visit HylandHillsAthletics.com
This program is designed for the beginning football player. Participants are placed on teams of ten and will learn the fundamentals of football. Practices will be held once a week with games being held on Saturdays. Games will be played against other Hyland Hills teams and games will be held at Clear Creek Valley Park. Participants will receive a league jersey to keep. Flags will be provided by Hyland Hills. Participants will be contacted the week of September 5th by their assigned coach.
Registration Opens: Open
Registration Deadline: Sep 2
CO 80221
Introductory weightlifting course to help teach your young teenagers the foundations of and fundamentals of weightlifting. This class will help participants learn proper form, technique, and how to use different machines. It will be taught by a certified FIT personal trainer.
Ages: 13-18 yrs
Fee: $110/$10 off w/Discount Card
Date Day Time Loc
Oct 15-Nov 19 SA 2pm-3pm FIT
Jan 14-Feb 25 SA 2pm-3pm FIT
Coaches Meeting: TBA
Practice Start: Week of Sep 5
Season Game Dates: Sep 10-Oct 15 (6 weeks)
Age Divisions: 6U, 8U, and 10U as of Sep 2
Registration Opens: Jan 2
Registration Deadline: Feb 24
Coaches Meeting: TBA
Practice Start: Week of Mar 13
Season Game Dates: Mar 25-Apr 29 ( 6 weeks)
Age Divisions: 6U, 8U, and 10U as of Mar 13, 2023
Fee: $75-$10 off w/ Discount Card
Jersey Fee: $10
This program is designed for the beginning soccer players. Participants are placed on teams of eight and will learn the fundamentals of soccer. Practices will be held once a week and games will be played on Saturdays. Games will be played against other Hyland Hills teams at Clear Creek Valley Park. Participants will receive a league jersey to keep. Shin guards will not be provided but are required to play. Participants will be contacted week of September 5th by their assigned coach.
Registration Opens: Open
Registration Deadline: Sep 2 Coaches Meeting: TBA
Practice Start: Week of Sep 5
Season Game Dates: Sep 10-Oct 15 (6 weeks)
Age Divisions: 4 & 5, 6 & 7 as of Sep 2, 2022 Fee: $75–$10 off w/ Discount Card
Jersey Fee: $10 Note: size 3 and 4 balls.
Registration Opens: Jan 2
Registration Deadline: Feb 24 Coaches Meeting: TBA
Practice Start: Week of Mar 13
Season Game Dates: Mar 25-Apr 29 (6 weeks)
Age Divisions: 4 & 5, 6 & 7 as of Mar 13, 2023 Fee: $75-$10 off w/ Discount Card
Jersey Fee: $10
Note: size 3 and 4 balls.
The Colorado Wrestling Academy, Hyland Hills and The Pinnacle Charter School have partnered to offer a program designed to provide a wrestling knowledge base to young athletes. Wrestling is different from many other sports. Individual strength and hard work is met with team unity and sportsmanship. Wrestling is great for any youth that is looking for a challenge, both physically and mentally, while having fun with coaches and peers. Wrestlers compete according to his/her weight, age and experience level. Each participant will be given a singlet. Wrestling shoes are required. Both boys and girls in grades K-8 are welcome to register. Participants will practice 2 days a week and have the opportunity to compete in duals or tournaments on Saturdays. (The fee does not include duals or tournaments.)
Registration Deadline: Nov 4
Dates: Nov 7-Mar 2
Times: TBD
Parents Meeting: Nov 7
Ages: 5-14 (K-8)
Location: The Pinnacle Charter School Event Center – Small Gym (1001 W. 84th Ave.)
Fee: $85
Keep an eye out for details available at hylandhillsathletics.com or hylandhills.org in October 2022.
#304404, 304204 & 304304
Individual registration for 1st through 8th grade. Teams will have a maximum of 10 players. Games will be played primarily on Saturdays with possible weeknight exceptions at Adams 12 Five Star Schools. Teams will play a 6-game regular season plus single elimination tournament offered for 3rd/4th, 5th/6th & 7th/8th grade divisions. 1st/2nd grade will play a 7-game season. (Tournament not offered for 1st/2nd grade.) Teams will be scheduled 2 weeknight practices at Adams 12 Five Star Schools. Coaches meeting will be held Wednesday January 4. At this time coaches will receive practice schedules, rosters and picture schedules. Coaches will contact their players following the meeting. Pictures will be taken, and game schedules will be released on Saturday, January 14. League play will start on Saturday, January 21.Tournament play begins the week of February 27 and finish with all championship games on Saturday, March 18. All participants play! No tryouts!
Registration Deadline: Dec 30 Coaches Meetings: Jan 4 at 6pm, Hyland Hills Admin. Board Room (8801 N Pecos St, Federal Heights, CO 80260)
Picture Day/Paperwork Due: Jan 14 Practices Start: Jan 9-Jan 13 Season: Jan 21-Mar 18 Playoffs (3rd grade & up): Feb 27-Mar 11
Championships: Mar 18 @ The Pinnacle Charter School Event Center (1001 W. 84th Ave.)
Fee: $85
Locations: Adams 12 Five Star Schools
1st/2nd Grade 304404-A
COED 3rd/4th Grade 304404-B
GIRLS 5th/6th Grade 304204-A BOYS 5th Grade 304304-A BOYS 6th Grade 304304-B GIRLS 7th/8th Grade 304204-B BOYS 7th Grade 304304-C BOYS 8th Grade 304304-D
If minimum team requirements aren’t met, age groups may be combined at League Coordinators discretion.
This program is aimed at teaching the fundamentals of basketball. Instruction will be given on dribbling, passing, shooting, etc. Instruction is followed by non-competitive scrimmages. This is strictly a fun learning experience. Parent involvement is encouraged. Class meets five consecutive weeks. Players will be placed with their coaches at the first session. The fee includes a jersey & basketball.
AGES: Pre-School & Kindergarten (4-6 yrs)
DATES: Thursdays Jan 19 - Feb 16, 2023
LOCATION: Ricardo Flores Magon Academy (5330 Meade Street)
TIME: 6:30pm-7:30pm
FEE: $50 (Includes basketball and Jersey) (This is a class structure and instructors will be assigned on the first night on location.)
CAMP (COED) #304413
Hyland Hills and the Pinnacle Timberwolves have teamed up to provide a 2-day COED basketball skills camp! Come join Boys Varsity Head Coach Ron Guerrero and Girls Varsity Head Coach Sly Daniel with Timberwolves coaches and players for a fun skillbased camp where you will learn shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding techniques and introduced to some defensive and offensive concepts.
Session 1: Dec 28 & 29
Session 2: Mar 23 & 24
Time: 10am-1pm
Age: 6-13 Boys & Girls (1st-8th Grade)
Fee: $40 (Includes a camp shirt)
**Pinnacle Charter Students pay only $25! Just provide proof of 2022-23 enrollment (school ID) at one of our registration locations to receive the discounted price.**
LOCATION: The Pinnacle Charter School Event Center (1001 W. 84th Ave.)
This program will help develop and improve your child’s softball skills through practices and games. All participants will be given a team jersey and hat for games. Participants will need their own glove and game pants. Practices and/or games are held on weekday evenings and some Saturdays at local Hyland Hills fields and various other North Denver ball fields. Offered on partnership with Indian Peaks Girls Softball Association (IPGSA). Some travel will be required. Coaches or Athletic Coordinator will reach out to parents with more info as registration deadline approaches.
Registration Opens: Jan 2
Registration Deadline: Mar 31
Coaches Meetings: Apr 5 @ 6:30pm at FIT by Hyland Hills (2861 W. 120th Ave.)
IPGSA Coaches Meeting: TBD
Hyland Hills Opening Day / Picture Day: May 13
Practice Can Start: Apr 10 (Coaches will call this week to let you know practice details.)
Tune Up Tournament (Optional): Apr 29-30
Season: May 6-Jun 20
Rockies Parade Day: TBD
Round Robin Tournament: Jun 3-4
EOS Tournament: Jun 24-25
This program will help develop and improve your child’s baseball skills through practices and games. All participants will be given a team jersey and hat for games. Participants will need their own glove and game pants. Practices and/or games are held on weekday evenings at local Hyland Hills fields (possible Saturdays). If minimum team requirements are not met for an age group, the division will then be offered in partnership with Four Star Baseball and will require some travel (Four Star Baseball League starts in June). League for recreational players only. Volunteer Coaches are needed! Coaches or Athletic Coordinator will reach out to parents with more info as registration deadline approaches.
Registration Opens: Jan 2
Registration Deadline: Mar 31
Coaches Meetings: Apr 6 at 6:30pm at FIT by Hyland Hills (2861 W. 120th Ave.)
Opening Day / Picture Day: May 13
Practice Can Start: Apr 3
May 16-Jun 30 (10 game-season for 6U Tee Ball and 8U Coach/Machine Pitch.)
May 16-Jul 8 (12 game-season 10U and up.)
Rockies Parade Day: TBD EOS Tournament (10U-14U only): Jul 8
Age Division FeeGame Days Activity # ($10 off w/ Discount Card
6U T-Ball $85 M/W 404301-A
8U Coach/Machine Pitch $95 T/TH 404301-B
10U Sluggers Rec Baseball $105 W/F 404301-C
12U Juniors Rec Baseball $110 M/TH 404301-D
14U Seniors Rec Baseball $115 T/F 404301-E Divisions are based on age as of Jan 1, 2023 (June 1, 2023, for Four Star Baseball League).
Come join Hyland Hills for a 5-week program that will teach your children the fundamentals of baseball. Our staff will provide a fun learning environment while your child is taught the basics of America’s favorite pastime. Parent involvement is encouraged. Participants practice and play non-competitive games. Fee includes a jersey and a hat. This is a class structure program and instructors will be assigned on the first night on location. All you need to do is show up on the first night!
Registration Deadline: Sep 9
Location: Hyland Hills Sports Complex (8650 Zuni St, Federal Heights, CO 80260)
Dates: Sep 12-Oct 13 (M & W)
Times: 5:30pm-7pm
Age Division Field Fee
4-6 (T-Ball) Smalls Division Field #3 $50
7-8 (Coach Pitch) Squints Division Field #2 $50
9-12 (Kid Pitch) Jets Division Field #1 $50 Divisions are based on age as of January 1, 2022 (Players can move up or down in age divisions based on skill level and coach recommendation).
Join our older adults and persons with special needs craft parties! Come craft the afternoon away with one of our featured acrylic paintings or crafts. Instructor will guide you step-by-step on a fantastic piece of art you can be proud of. All materials provided. No experience necessary. Seating limited.
Ages: 18 and older
Fee: $10 per class
Date Project Day Time Loc
Sep 14 My Gnomie W Noon-2pm CP
Oct 12 Haunted Hills W Noon-2pm CP
Nov 9 Welcome Fall W Noon-2pm CP
Dec 14 Let’s Build A Snowman W Noon-2pm CP
Jan 11 Candy Apple Cardinals W Noon-2pm CP
Feb 8 String Art W Noon-2pm CP
Mar 8 Doodle and Watercolor W Noon-2pm CP
April 12 Lavender Skies W Noon-2pm CP
Come and enjoy the fine art of Silversmithing. Classes in this program are:
• Introduction to Silversmithing
• Silversmith II – Intermediate and Advanced
• Lapidary
• Lapidary II
• Enameling
• 3d Painting
• Knife Handles
• Jewelry Casting
• Open Studio
Age: 18yrs and older
Fee: To register call Bill Whitehead 303-426-7672
Location: Baker Community Center 6755 Irving St.
Become empowered to better control your diabetes by gaining lifelong tools and habits. Learn how you can: • control your blood sugar • have more energy • spend less on health care • reduce diabetes symptoms • and feel better
Sign up for this program through Tri-County Health Department by calling 720-266-2971 or visittchd.org/diabetes. This class is taught by a Tri-County Dietitian.
Ages: Adult
Date Day Time Loc
Aug 18, 25, Sep 1, 8 TH 1pm-3pm CP
Nov 1, 8, 15, 22 T 10am-Noon CP
CPR and First Aid courses are designed to train individuals to respond in an emergency situation. Babysitters, new parents, care providers or any person age 16 and older can enroll. Certification is through the American Heart Association.
Ages: 16 and older
Fee: $65
Date Day Time Loc
Oct 1 SA 9am- Noon GC classroom
Nov 12 W 1pm-4pm FIT
Dec 14 W 9am-Noon GC classroom
Jan 11 W 5pm-8pm GC classroom
Feb 1 W 5pm-8pm GC classroom
Mar 29 W 5pm-8pm GC classroom Apr 29 SA 9am-Noon GC classroom
Please join us as we are going to have tons of fun! We will carve or decorate a pumpkin, tarot card readings and refreshments. This is a casual outdoor event at the barn. Pre-registration required. Please make sure you eat lunch before you come. Bring a dozen cookies to share. Punch/cider will be served.
Ages: 50 and older Fee: $4
Date Day Time Loc Oct 21 F Noon-1:30pm The Barn at CCVP
We will have our tea, chat and listen to Christmas carols/music. Ages: 50 and older Fee: $15
Date Day Time Loc Dec 3 SA 2pm-3:30pm AAR River Art Gallery 3707 W 73rd Ave
This class will be a 30 minute circuit training class teaching each participant how to properly use the machines on the gym main floor and get a great full body workout. In the process, it will also show proper form, machine set up and correct weight usage. Then “wine” down/ cool down with some chilled wine and great conversation. Bring your workout gear, we will provide the wine!
Instructed by Certified FIT Personal Trainer, Sydney Rapcavage.
Age: 21+
Fee: $60 for all 6 weeks (FREE for FIT Members). Everyone must preregister as there are only 12 spots available.
Date Day Time Loc
Sept 28-Nov 2 W 5pm-6pm FIT Jan 4-Feb 8 2023 W 5pm-6pm FIT
Session I: Sep 9-Oct 20
Session II: Oct 21-Dec 8 (no classes on Nov 22-25)
Session III: Dec 9-Jan 26 (no classes on Dec 20-23)
Session IV: Jan 27-Mar 9
Session V: Mar 10-Apr 14
Fee: $21 per session or free with Renew Active and SilverSneaker Memberships. Preregistration is required.
Stability is one of the newest classes designed to help you become stronger and improve balance. The movements taught in class focus on specific exercises to improve strength and power around the ankle, knee and hip joints, while improving your reaction time. This is designed for fall prevention and is suitable for nearly every fitness level. It can be adapted and a chair may be used.
Ages: 50 yrs and older
Get ready to move through a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support is offered. Increase flexibility, balance and range of movement. Restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation will promote stress reduction and mental clarity. This class is suitable for nearly every fitness level. Ages: 50 yrs and older
A specialty fitness class designed for those with arthritis. This program includes range of motion exercise, endurance, building activities, balance exercises and relaxation techniques.
Ages: 50 yrs and older
Silversneakers Classic is designed to increase muscle strength, range of movement and improve activities for daily living. A great exercise class for those over 65 yrs.
Ages: 50 yrs and older
No partners needed in this class. Country, hip hop and waltz are some of the dance areas covered. Pre-registration is required. Ages: 18 and older or Renew Active and SilverSneakers Membership Loc: GC
Have fun while we work on balance, cardio, movement, stretching and strengthening. Only upbeat music played for our happy feet. Ages: 18 and older Loc: GC
Silversneakers Yoga 10:30am Silversneakers Classic 10:30am Silversneakers Yoga 10:30am Line Dance 8:30am Arthritis Fitness 11:45am Tap Dance 11:30am Silversneakers Stability 11:30am Silversneakers Stability 10:30am Tap Dance 11:30am
The Hyland Hills Athletic Department provides a variety of seasonal adult team sports. Leagues are organized for men, women, and coed divisions. Leagues are generally scheduled using a round-robin format. Tournament options listed below.
NEW ADULT SPORTS FEE POLICY: Starting Spring 2022, all team fees are due, in full, at time of registration. Early bird pricing discounts will be applied to registrations that are submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the start of games. No extra player fees are charged for any leagues. Team managers are responsible for uploading team rosters to HylandHillsAthletics.com before the start of the season and submitting a team waiver on the first day of games. Schedules are always released the Wednesday after the registration deadline. For more information on adult sports leagues, visit HylandHillsAthletics.com.
The Hyland Hills Athletic Department provides a variety of seasonal adult team sports. Leagues are organized for men, women, and coed divisions. Leagues are generally scheduled using a round-robin format. ONLINE REGISTRATION – HylandHills.org PROGRAM INFORMATION/RULES/POLICIES/WEATHER –HylandHillsAthletics.com
Interested in playing a sport but don’t have a team? Sign up for our Free Agents list at HylandHillsAthletics.com. Registered teams needing players will be given a list of free agents to be added to their roster. There is no guarantee that you’ll be placed on a team.
4201 W 94th Ave Westminster, CO 80031
We Miss You… But rest assured, Carroll Butts Athletic Park (CBAP) is closed for a very good reason, as we await the debut of the new facility in 2023. Your patience in this process is appreciated and we assure you that more information will be available soon. In the meantime, thank you for letting us serve this wonderful community!
8650 Zuni St. Federal Heights, CO 80221 CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
Hyland Hills is proud to be the sponsor of the Hyland Hills Hawks, Special Olympics Colorado Softball & Basketball Teams. For more information, please contact Blake Selle at bselle@hylandhills.org. For details on how to register with our Special Olympics Program, please contact Adrian Mora at amora@specialolympicsco.org or (720) 359-3104.
This international organization offers training programs and competitions year-round to participants ages eight through adult with mental and/or physical disabilities. Sports include weightlifting, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, equestrian and aquatics. Participants pay either no fee or a very minimal fee, thanks to contributions and the efforts of volunteers. For more information on participating, coaching, volunteering, or contributing, call (303) 592-1361.
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District — hylandhills.org
(2.0 – 2.75 PLAYERS) #203708C
This program will be a non-competitive introduction to Pickleball league play. Bring your equipment. Pre-registration is required. Round Robin format each week.
Ages: 50 and older League: 6-12 Teams Fee: $15 per team Date Day Time Sep 27-Nov 15 T 10am-Noon
(3.0 – 4.0 PLAYERS) #203708C
Grab your partner and come out for some fun pickleball competition. Bring your equipment. Pre-registration is required. Round Robin format each week – 8 weeks scheduled; 6 weeks guaranteed.
Ages: 18 and older League: 6-12 Teams Fee: $40 per team Date Day Time Sep 28-Nov 16 W 6pm-8:30pm
An introduction to the game of Pickleball will be given. Please wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. If you have equipment you may bring. Pre-registration is required. Ages: 50 and older or Renew Active and SilverSneakers Membership Fee: $4 per class Date Day Time Loc Sep 13 T 2pm-3:30pm Pickleball Courts at CCVP
(3.0 – 4.0 PLAYERS) #203608C
Grab your partner and come out for some fun pickleball competition. Bring your equipment. Pre-registration is required. Round Robin format each week – 8 weeks scheduled; 6 weeks guaranteed.
Ages: 18 and older League: 6-12 Teams Fee: $40 per team Date Day Time Sep 27-Nov 15 T 6pm-8:30pm
(3.0 – 4.0 PLAYERS) #203508C
Grab your partner and come out for some fun pickleball competition. Bring your equipment. Pre-registration is required. Round Robin format each week – 8 weeks scheduled; 6 weeks guaranteed.
Ages: 18 and older League: 6-12 Teams Fee: $40 per team Date Day Time Oct 10-Nov 28 M 6pm-8:30pm
Registration Opens: Jan 2
Early Bird Deadline: Feb 24
Registration Deadline: Mar 10
Location: Hyland Hills Sports complex (8650 Zuni St, Federal Heights, CO 80260)
Season: Mar 17-Apr 30
Game Times: TH-F 6:15pm-10:15pm, Sun 6pm-10pm
Team Fee: $375 – six games guaranteed ($50 discount applied for early bird registration)
*Weather make ups will be played on an assigned Sunday morning/afternoon if not able to make up on the league night. *
Teams: 8-12 players in lineup
Leagues Offered:
Men’s E-REC Thursday (8 Teams Max) Friday (16 Teams Max) Sunday (8 Teams Max)
Coed E-REC Sunday (8 Teams Max) Thursday (8 Teams Max)
Men’s D-REC Friday (8 Teams Max) Sunday (8 Teams Max)
E-REC: This level is for teams to come out and play for fun. This level is the least competitive level. Two home runs allowed.
E-REC: This level is for teams to come out and play for fun. This level is the least competitive level. Two home runs allowed.
D-REC: This level is for average skilled teams who still enjoy an element of competition. Three home runs allowed.
Coed D-REC Thursday (8 Teams Max) D-REC: This level is for average skilled teams who still enjoy an element of competition. Three home runs allowed.
Registration Opens: Jan 2
Early Bird Deadline: Feb 17
Registration Deadline: Mar 3
Location: Clear Creek Valley Park (3700 W 58th Pl, Arvada, CO 80002)
Season: Mar 12-May 7 (No Games Apr 9 – Easter)
(Seven games guaranteed in the tournament for top four teams in each league)
Game Times: 9am-2pm (League play is normally mornings and early afternoon.)
Team Fee: $675 ($50 discount applied for early bird registration)
Teams: 8vs8 (6-20 players on roster)
Leagues Offered:
Men’s Lower Rec Sundays (16 Teams Max) Average ex-high school players, average size, and older ball players out for exercise and fun. Typically, not having organized plays.
Men’s Upper Rec Sundays (8 Teams Max) Good skilled players with organized plays. Good competition with young and quick players or players highly skilled. Usually, team is made up of several ex-college players.
Registration Opens: Jan 2
Early Bird Deadline: Feb 24
Registration Deadline: Mar 10
Location: Clear Creek Valley Park (3700 W 58th Pl, Arvada, CO 80002)
Season: Mar 19 – May 7 (No games Apr 9 – Easter)
(6 League games plus single elimination tournament.)
Game Times: Wednesdays start 6:00pm, Sundays start 9am
Teams: 6vs6 (Minimum 7 players on roster)
Team Fee: $275 ($50 discount applied for early bird registration)
Leagues Offered:
Coed Rec Wednesday Evenings (8 Teams Max) Sunday Mornings (16 Teams Max)
This 6v6 Recreational League self-regulated, is designed to be more social and is for players of any level.
5401 Meade Street, Denver, CO 80221
This bright and sunny community center can host your special event. It features 2,300 square feet and can accommodate a group up to 75 people. This community hall has a beautiful 216 square foot catering kitchen. It is perfect for small wedding celebrations, graduation parties, quinceneras, conferences and special events. Please contact our friendly staff to help create the ultimate gathering. Questions, please call: 303-428-7488.
Non-Alcohol Deposit $150
Non-Alcohol Hourly Fee $ 60
Deposit with Alcohol $300 With Alcohol Hourly Fee $135 Mandatory security included in this fee
Event set up and clean-up (including tables and chairs) will need to be completed during your rental time. All events must end no later than 11pm.
Area businesses, civic and school organizations are invited to co-sponsor a community special event with Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District. Multiple events are held at our diverse facilities throughout the year. Call Joann Cortéz at 303-650-7644 for more information.
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District invites members of the community to participate by becoming a volunteer. Support your community and share your special talents with others. Volunteer by calling 303-428-7488.
Your creative input is important in developing new classes and programs, or improving existing ones. Please email your suggestions and ideas to info@hylandhills.org.
Hyland Hills participates in a mainstreaming program to help integrate persons of all ages with disabilities into general recreation programs. To help facilitate mainstreaming, we encourage volunteers from the community to participate in a program as a helping “partner.” In most cases, the recreation partner participates free. If you would like more information on the program or on volunteering, please email info@hylandhills.org.
This international organization offers training programs and competitions year-round to participants ages eight through adult with mental and/or physical disabilities. Sports include weight lifting, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, equestrian and aquatics. Participants pay either no fee or a very minimal fee, thanks to contributions and the efforts of volunteers. For more information on participating, coaching, volunteering or contributing, call 303-592-1361.
Trees, shrubs and flowers can be living memorials for important events in your family’s lives. Donated park benches, picnic tables and bike racks can also enhance your favorite park.
Equipment gifts such as basketballs, soccer balls, toys or books are also appreciated.
Real estate bequests, memorial gifts, endowment funds, securities and cash are also options for contributing to the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District. Please discuss your giving ideas with Joann Cortéz, 303-650-7644.
The Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District is committed to supporting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
If you have any questions regarding this act or are an individual with a disability in need of accommodation, please email info@hylandhills.org.
Hyland Hills Foundation offers financial assistance for kids!
The mission of the Hyland Hills Foundation is to promote and support the recreational and cultural opportunities of the residents of the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District. One of the following forms of income verification will be required from the parent/legal guardian for all foundation grant applications:
• A copy of the Notification of Approval/Denial letter for free or reduced meal benefits from your child’s school.
• A copy of proof of participation in a Federal Government approved assistance program.
• If neither of the above can be provided the parent/legal guardian will need to provide a copy of the prior year’s Federal Tax Return.
Income verification will only be required once per calendar year. Certain programs are not available for foundation grants. Applicants must apply seven days prior to program registration deadline. Please allow two to three business days for approval of all grant applications.
For more information call FIT at 303-643-5699 or Hyland Hills Administrative Office at 303-428-7488.
District Recreation Facilities & Parks
1 Administrative Offices, 8801 N. Pecos St.
2 Adventure Golf & Raceway, 9650 Sheridan Blvd. BC, G-C, MG, PT
3 Baker Community Center, 6755 Irving St. PG
4 Bell Roth Park, Milky Way & Mariposa St. F, PG, PT, VB
5 Berkeley Hills Park, W. 54th Ave. & Rosemary St. ....................... F, PG, PT
6 Camenisch Park, W. 90th Ave. & Camenisch Way DG, F, T
7 Carl Park Community Center, 5401 Meade St. PG, PT
8 Carroll Butts Park, BB, BS, F, FS, W. 94th Ave. & Perry St. PG, PT, RR, T, TC
9 Carroll Butts Aquatic Center, 9427 Perry St. SW
11 Carstens Park BB, *BS, DG, PB, PG, PT, RR, T, TC W. 90th & Camenisch Way
12 Commissioners Park, W. 76th Ave. & Vallejo BB, PG, PT, T
13 The MAC/Donald E. VanArsdale Gymnastics Center, MAC, GC 3295 W. 72nd Ave.
14 Donald R. Critchfield Sports Complex BB, BS, FG, RR, T at Hidden Lake Park, W. 66th Ave. & Lowell Blvd.
15 Delaware Park, W. 83rd Ave. & Delaware St.
16 Clear Creek Valley Park, A, CH, F, FS, PB, PG, RR, T, VB 58th and Tennyson St. / 58th and Lowell Blvd.
17 Big Dry Creek Park, 128th Ave. & Zuni GS, PG, PT, RR, S, T, DP
18 The Greg Mastriona Golf Courses at Hyland Hills G 9650 N. Sheridan Blvd.
21 Hyland Hills Sports Complex *BS, *FS, PG, PT, RR, SP, T 8650 Zuni St.
22 Ice Centre, 10710 Westminster Blvd. IS, WR 28 Rotary Park, W. 84th Ave. & Wagner Dr. BS, PG, PT 30 Sherrelwood Park, BS, FS, PG, PT, RR, T Douglas Dr. & Kalamath St. 31 Skyview Park, W. 78th Ave. & Elmwood St. 32 Splashland Aquatics Center, 3365 W. 67th Ave. SW 33 Swim & Fitness Center, 3239 W. 76th Ave. RB, T, WR 34 Valley View Park, W. 106th Ave. & Federal Blvd. BS, PG, T 35 Donal G. Waddell Park BS, PG, PT, RR, T Federal Blvd. & Boulder Turnpike (US 36)
Water World, 8801 N. Pecos St. WP
Westfield Village Park, 115th Ave. & Wolf St. BS, PG, PT, S, T
Westminster City Park Recreation Center............................... RB, SW, WR 10455 Sheridan Blvd.
FIT By Hyland Hills, 2861 W. 120th Ave. FC