We are thrilled to present Erich Korngold’s Die tote Stadt (The Dead City). This brand-new production of a rarely performed masterpiece is the kind of exciting undertaking we want to be known for in our community and on the national and international opera scene.
Die tote Stadt brings together the best of the three key elements that make up a great opera: an intensely dramatic story, lush, lyrical music, and visual opulence. We are honored to have director Chas Rader-Shieber and designer Robert Perdziola lend their vision and talent to this magnificent new production of one of opera’s hidden gems. We are enormously fortunate to have a cast, orchestra, and chorus who can present Die tote Stadt with all the drama and technical flair it demands.
Later this spring, one of opera’s biggest blockbusters comes to our stage—Puccini’s Turandot, with all the massive sound and spectacle you could ask for. Love conquers all in this mythological tale that boasts largerthan-life sets and some of the most famous and powerful music in the repertoire. Save your seats now—Turandot is already in high demand, and you will not want to miss this grand season finale.
If you are seeking a night of glamour, our 40th Anniversary Season culminates in a spectacular gala on Saturday, May 13, featuring none other than the incomparable mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato. All proceeds will support our mission to connect our community to the emotions and stories of the world through traditional and innovative opera and educational programming that is accessible to all. Tables and tickets are available at operacolorado.org/gala.
If the remainder of this season weren’t enough to look forward to, we recently announced our upcoming 2023-24 Season! We’ll kick things off next November with a classic and opulent production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, then take to the high seas with our winter production, Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman. And we simply can’t wait for next season’s finale—Saint-Saëns’s Samson and Delilah, which has not been seen on our stage since 1987. Season packages are available now at operacolorado.org, and tickets to individual shows will go on sale this summer.
Thank you for your support of everything we do. We welcome you to Die tote Stadt—we know it will be a memorable highlight of your operagoing season.
Elizabeth Caswell Dyer Board ChairDeeply rooted in Colorado communities since 1962.
Beyond our love for Colorado is a passion for its spirit, its people, and its potential. Slifer Smith & Frampton is proud to be Colorado’s #1 independent global real estate and relocation network.
SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 2023 | 10:00 A.M. & 1:00 P.M.
We welcome our community to the opera house for a day of family-friendly events, including performances of our Touring Production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance.
Reserve your tickets in March 2023.
THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2023 | 7:30 P.M.
We have partnered with the Newman Center at the University of Denver to bring you this exciting performance. Join Grammy Award-winning mezzosoprano Michelle DeYoung for a vocal recital with pianist Cody Guy Garrison, featuring a wide-ranging repertoire including the songs of Erich Korngold.
SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2023 | 5:00 P.M.
Join Opera Colorado on opening night of Turandot in the Chambers Grant Salon for our final Opening Night Dinner of the season! A ticket to Opening Night Dinner includes a delectable three-course meal before your scheduled performance and receptions during intermissions.
The Turandot Opening Night Dinner is sponsored by Elizabeth Caswell Dyer & Matthew Dyer a nd Edward Jones®
Kevin O’Connor, Financial Advisor
Scan the QR code with the camera app on your phone to get tickets now!
$34-$62 PER TICKET
Joy and Chris Dinsdale
MAY 13 2023
Toast forty years of exceptional artistry and grand storytelling at a glamorous gala celebration, taking place in two extraordinary acts.
A One-Night-Only Performance by International Superstar Joyce DiDonato at the Ellie Caulkins
Opera House
A Glittering Dinner and After Party at the Seawell Ballroom with Entertainment by Funkiphino
Proceeds support Opera Colorado’s expanding artistic initiatives and extensive educational programming that is accessible to all.
To reserve tables and tickets or for information, contact Gala Consultant Wendy Fisher at 415.317.4950 or wendyfisherevents@gmail.com or visit operacolorado.org/gala. SCAN TO ORDER TICKETS
Be seduced by Mozart’s classic masterpiece, Don Giovanni, a tale about a serial womanizer who cares for nothing but fulfilling his own desires. Will Don Giovanni stop playing fast and loose, or will he follow his passion to a fiery demise?
Wagner’s supernatural drama makes landfall with Opera Colorado next winter. The captain of a legendary ghost ship is doomed to roam the seas and only come to land for one day every seven years. Will he find a love strong enough to break his lonely curse?
Opera Colorado closes the season with Saint-Saëns’s operatic take on the Biblical story of Samson and Delilah. Samson has one true weakness, and it’s the sultry Delilah’s job to find out what it is. Indulge in a performance of stunning visuals, epic dance, and gorgeous music.
September - May | 2022-23
Fun and informative workshops integrated into your curriculum and tailored to each classroom’s needs
Mozart’s Don Giovanni | November 9 | 2023
Mozart’s classic masterpiece, Don Giovanni, adapted to a length perfect for students. This special matinee performance comes once a year. Students experience the opera, watch the set changes, and get a chance to meet the performers.
March 1, 2, 3 | May 11 | 2023
E xplore the world backstage at interactive stations created to provide hands-on learning opportunities.
*The March 2 workshop is sold out!
Puccini’s Turandot | May 4 | 2023
Join us for the final rehearsal before opening night, featuring full costumes, wigs and makeup, spectacular sets, and a live orchestra! Online guidebooks prepare your class for the experience. A wonderful introduction to live opera!
Opera Colorado offers programs and performances in schools and as field trips. Learn more about the dynamic live and virtual programs available by scanning the QR code or visiting our website at operacolorado.org/education.
“Welcoming young people to become lovers of the arts is so important, and Opera Colorado does a fantastic job of helping them feel like opera is for them.”
Opera Colorado’s education programs provide communities throughout the state with access to the arts, bringing the magic of opera to schools and communities across Colorado. In a typical year, our education programs serve over 40,000 students and life-long learners. The 2022-23 Season includes over fifty opera education performances and workshops for mountain and plains communities, libraries, senior groups, and schools serving children and adults with disabilities.
The Opera Colorado Artist in Residence Program is sponsored by Ken & Donna Barrow, with additional support from Patrick Spieles and Dr. Stephen L. Dilts.
Francesca Mehrotra is sponsored by Ken & Barbara Laff and Laurence & Cynthia Chan
Joanne Evans is sponsored by Joy & Chris Dinsdale
David Soto Zambrana is sponsored by Jason & Nathaly Ambos
Dante Mireles is sponsored by Robin & Eric Yaeger
Michael Leyte-Vidal is sponsored by Joyce de Roos and Donald K. Braden
Turner Staton is sponsored by Gayle & Gary Landis
Oleg Bellini is sponsored by David & Elizabeth Budd and Suzanne D. Bucy
Cherity Koepke | Director of the Artist in Residence Program
We partnered with Painting with a Twist to create our own versions of the brand-new sets for Die tote Stadt, designed by Robert Perdziola. Learn more at paintingwithatwist.com and check out the results...
There will be one twenty-five-minute intermission after act one and one twenty-minute intermission after act two.
Brigitte Elizabeth Bishop*
Frank/Fritz Da niel Belcher
Pau l Jonathan Burton
Marietta/Marie Sara Gartland*
Ga ston/Victorin Jonathan Johnson
Jul iette Fra ncesca Mehrotra^
Lucienne Joanne Evans^
Count Albert Dav id Soto Zambrana^
Conductor Ari Pelto
Chorus Master and Assistant Conductor Sahar Nouri
Répétiteur Nathan Salazar
Chor us Music Rehearsal Accompanist Cody Guy Garrison
Stage Director Cha s Rader-Shieber*
As sistant Director and Intimacy Director Daniel Seth
Set and Costume Designer Robert Perdziola
Wig and Makeup Design Ronell Oliveri
Lighting Design Yi Zhao
Fight Director Sa mantha Egle
Choregographer Rachael Harding
Da ncers Abigail Corrigan and Brandon Welch
Opera Colorado Chorus
Opera Colorado Orchestra
*Opera Colorado debut
^Artist in Residence for the 2022-23 Season
Scenery constructed by Asolo Rep Scenic Studios
Additional scenery constructed by Theatrical Builds, LLC
Costumes constructed by Krostyne Studio
Millinery provided by Rodney Gordon
Opera United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829 of the IATSE is the union representing Scenic, Costume, Lighting, Sound and Projection designers in Live Performance
• Marie (soprano) – Paul’s deceased wife
• Marietta (soprano) – A lively performer who closely resembles Marie
• Brigitte (mezzo-soprano) – Paul’s maid who eventually leaves him to become a nun
• Gaston (tenor) – A member of the same performance group as Marietta
• Paul (tenor) – A painter who lost his wife, Marie
• Frank/Fritz (baritone) – Frank is Paul’s friend, Fritz is Pierrot in Marietta’s troupe
1890s in the city of Bruges, Belgium
Paul’s housekeeper, Brigitte, and his friend Frank enter an art studio that houses mementoes of Paul’s late wife, Marie. For two years, Paul has mourned his dead wife, maintaining the room as a kind of shrine. It is filled with Marie’s portraits and belongings, including a braid of her long blonde hair displayed in a glass case. Before today, Brigitte tells Frank, Paul spoke often of how he and Bruges, the dead city, were one, both caught in worshipping the beauty of the past. Yesterday, however, Paul returned from his usual walk laughing and shouting with joy. “The dead are resurrected!” he cried, before ordering Brigitte to open the room and decorate Marie’s keepsakes with flowers.
Frank is astonished, but Paul soon arrives, bursting with excitement. Marie is alive, he tells Frank, restored to him through a woman he met yesterday, a woman who looks and sounds almost exactly like Marie. Paul believes Marie has returned to him in this woman. Frank warns Paul that trying to control death is a dangerous game. Paul, however, refuses to listen, enthralled by the idea that his wife has somehow come back to him in this woman, Marietta.
Frank leaves just as Brigitte announces the arrival of a woman. Marietta enters, and Paul marvels at what seems to be the presence of his dead wife returning to her rooms. At Paul’s request, Marietta dons a scarf and plays a lute, unaware these items once belonged to Marie.
A group of theatre performers passes by outside, singing a comic song about kissing a mistress. Marietta greets them and tells Paul she must follow them to rehearsal since she is a dancer at the theatre. When she dances, Marietta explains, she feels as if “a demon excites me, masters me, possesses me.”
Paul is shocked by Marietta’s profession and passion but declares heaven has sent her to him. He tries to embrace Marietta, who dances around the room to tease him. As she dances, Marietta becomes tangled in a curtain hiding Marie’s portrait. The curtain falls, revealing a painting of Paul’s wife with the same scarf and lute Marietta now holds. Marietta
understands Paul is using her to placate the loss of another woman and leaves for the theatre, where she is dancing the role of Helen in Robert le Diable.
Paul calls to Marietta, but she is gone. As he stands distraught, Marie steps out from the painting behind him. Marie tells Paul her presence still haunts the house and, through the power of the tresses she left behind, the braid in the glass case, she will keep watch over their home. Paul sinks in despair but then remembers Marietta dancing and calls her name once again.
Paul stands on the street corner, watching Marietta’s window. She did not appear at the theatre, and he has come to see if she is with another man. A group of nuns passes by on their way to mass. Paul recognizes one of the nuns, Brigitte, his former housekeeper. Brigitte maintains his sinful relationship with Marietta drove her away, but Paul believes he is not betraying Marie, who has returned to him in the form of Marietta. Brigitte says she does not understand him and follows her sisters into mass.
Frank arrives and notices Paul watching Marietta’s house. Frank confronts Paul, telling him to return home to the memory of his wife. Paul refuses. Frank confesses he is in a relationship with Marietta, and, to prove it, shows Paul the key Marietta has given him to her house. Paul snatches the key, and Frank staggers away.
Just then, a boat of Marietta’s fellow dancers floats along the canal towards her house. They are coming to see why she missed her performance at the theatre. Paul hides and watches as they sing and laugh. Marietta enters on the arm of a handsome man named Gaston. The dancers tease Marietta for abandoning her gloomy companion (Paul) in favor of this new relationship. Marietta drinks champagne and flirts as Paul spies on her. In an effort to win Marietta’s favor, the Pierrot Fritz sings to her about his life as an artist. In a festive mood, Marietta declares that since she missed the show, she will now perform her dance from Robert le Diable. Marietta and her fellow dancers enact the part of disgraced, resurrected nuns who entice Robert (acted by Gaston) to his doom. As they perform, actual nuns walk home after mass, adding to the surreal atmosphere.
Horrified, Paul rushes to stop the macabre act. Marietta’s friends leave, as she and Paul argue. Marietta accuses him of making a scene, and he accuses her of loving Frank. Finally, Paul reveals his secret to Marietta: he has loved her only as a shadow of his true love for Marie. Stunned, Marietta confronts Paul with the fact that she herself has brought him happiness. She insists Paul confess his love for her, Marietta, not Marie. Paul admits his love for Marietta and agrees to take her to his home, where she plans to banish Marie’s ghost forever!
Marietta enters in her nightgown. She compares the powerless picture of the dead woman to her own vibrant desires. As she sings, an Easter celebration begins outside. Children in the procession sing of life as Paul rushes in, distraught. The prayers and music of the church have awakened his remorse for betraying his wife. Marietta laughs and sings of Gaston as Paul becomes enthralled with the procession, his guilt mounting until, finally, he bows in prayer as the relic passes by. Marietta declares she will not share Paul with the dead, whether they be saints or his wife, and demands a kiss. Repulsed and overwhelmed with grief, Paul envisions the procession entering the room, condemning him for betraying his sacred love for Marie.
Marietta is insulted that Paul prefers mourning the dead to love and life with her. Paul orders her to leave, but she insists she will triumph over her dead rival and shatters the glass case with Marie’s braided hair. Marietta then winds the braid about her neck like a scarf and dances mockingly before Marie’s portrait. Furious at this desecration, Paul strangles Marietta with the golden braid as darkness falls on stage.
The darkness lifts as Paul stands bewildered. The room looks untouched. Brigitte enters, telling him that the woman who was just with him has returned. Astounded, Paul watches as Marietta enters, retrieves her forgotten parasol, and leaves. Frank reappears, and tries again to convince Paul to leave Bruges. Paul contemplates his future, unsure but filled with possibility.
The 40th Anniversary Season is generously sponsored by Marcia & Dick Robinson
Music Director Ari Pelto is sponsored by Mike & Julie Bock
Die tote Stadt is sponsored by an anonymous donor in honor of Dr. James K. Todd, with additional support from Robert R. Montgomery
The orchestra for Die tote Stadt is sponsored by Kevin O’Connor & Janet Ellen Raasch, with additional support from Gerald & Ann Saul, Jeff Baldwin, and Joyce de Roos
Photography is allowed in the lobby before the performance. We encourage you to share any photos you take with us on our social media. Photography and video are not permitted during the performance.
Share photos with us!
We honor and acknowledge that we are on the traditional territories and ancestral homelands of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Nations. We acknowledge the land and history of this space we are fortunate to gather in today.
GRAMMY® Award-winning baritone Daniel Belcher has performed in many of the world’s music capitals. With a repertoire of more than eighty roles, Belcher has championed roles from the Baroque to those composed expressly for him. He c ame to international attention in 2004 in Peter Eötvös’s Angels in America (Prior Walter) for the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris. In the 2021-22 Season, Mr. Belcher joined the Metropolitan Opera for Ahknaten and Rigoletto. Recent engagements also included The Fall of the House of Usher (William) with Boston Lyric Opera, a return to On Site Opera for Amahl and the Night Visitors (Melchior), a concert with the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, and Glory Denied (Older Thompson) with Berkshire Opera Festival. In the 2018-19 Season, he created the role of Alfred Stieglitz in Laura Kaminsky, Mark Campbell, and Kimberly Reed’s world premiere of Today it Rains w ith Opera Parallele, made role debuts in Madame Butterfly (Sharpless) at the Lyric Opera of Kansas City, A Little Night Music (Fredrik Egerman) at Madison Opera, and John Corigliano’s The Ghosts of Versailles (Beaumarchais) as well as reprising his role in The Barber of Seville (Figaro) at Chautauqua Opera.
Recent highlights for American mezzo Elizabeth (Betsy) Bishop include her return to the Metropolitan Opera in their celebrated new production of Le nozze di Figaro (Marcellina); Dallas Symphony Orchestra in Salome (Herodias); and at Lyric Opera Chicago, she stole the show in Cendrillon (Madame de la Haltière). She also performed in Der Ring des Nibelungen (Second Norn/Fricka, cover)/Waltraute, cover) with the Met. In the 2021-22 Season, she revived her role in Le nozze di Figaro at the Met, and she made her debut in Hansel und Gretel (the Witch) under the baton of Donald Runnicles with Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Past successes include her debut at Florida Grand Opera in Salome (Herodias), The Flying Dutchman (Mary) at Cincinnati Opera, Bluebeard’s Castle (Judith) at Portland Symphony, Dialogues of the Carmelites (Mère Marie) and Das Rheingold and Die Walküre (Fricka) at Washington National Opera, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 with BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra under Donald Runnicles and at the Grand Teton Music Festival, Verdi’s Requiem with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, and Tristan und Isolde (Brangäne) in concert at North Carolina Opera.
Tenor Jonathan Burton is engaged to sing the most demanding roles in the tenor repertoire, including Tosca (Cavaradossi), Turandot (Calàf), Fanciulla del West (Dick Johnson), and Aida (Radames). He regularly receives rave reviews for his “bright, heroic tone, [and] clarion power.” For his performance in Tosca (Cavaradossi) with Opera Omaha, one reviewer said: “Tenor Jonathan Burton was revelatory as the painter and revolutionary sympathizer. His voice never faltered through the demands of the role and his
tortured humanity was palpable.” Recently, Burton joined the roster of the Metropolitan Opera for the first time for their production of Turandot (Calàf) and also performed the role with Maryland Lyric Opera. He also sang in Carmen (Don José) for Palm Beach Opera and covered the title role in Tristan und Isolde for Santa Fe Opera.
Samantha (she/her) is thrilled to be joining Opera Colorado for this production of Die tote Stadt! Her work has been seen on the stages of the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Arvada Center for Arts and Humanities, Colorado Springs Fine Arts, Denver Children’s Theatre, Mizel Center for Arts and Culture, Athena Project Festival, Lagoon Theme Park, Upstart Crow, New York Fringe Festival, The BiTSY Stage, University of Northern Colorado, University of Denver, and numerous other educational institutions in Colorado. She was a Resident Artist as an Intimacy Director at Arena Stage in Washington D.C. in 2019 and an apprentice with Intimacy Directors International. She is the founder of Humble Warrior Movement Arts, which produces international virtual and local inperson stage combat and intimacy training. She is a proud associate member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Union, and the Regional Representative for the Rocky Mountain Region and a Certified Teacher with the Society of American Fight Directors.
London-born mezzo soprano Joanne Evans is hailed as “a singer to watch” (Classical Voice America). She performanced in Verdi’s Falstaff (Meg Page) at Berkshire Opera Festival and Opera News wrote that her “striking personal timbre and refined artistry...made [for] a memorable Meg” In Eugene Onegin (Olga) with Music Academy of the West this summer, Joanne “was a magnificently earthy Olga, her rich mezzo tone and prescient temperament, perfect for the role” (Voice Santa Barbara). As an Artist in Residence with Opera Colorado for the 2022-2023 Season, she performed in the mainstage production of Rigoletto (Giovanna) and goes on tour in The Pirates of Penzance (Ruth) and Romeo & Juliet (Stéphano/Gertrude). Joanne was most recently named winner of the Marilyn Horne Song Competition and the Handel Aria Competition. Joanne is also a 2022 district winner of the Met Opera Laffont Competition and a beneficiary of a Career Bridges organization grant. Elsewhere, Joanne is credited as co-writer and vocalist of the theme song for the BBC show Pitch Battle (2017).
Soprano Sara Gartland’s engagements in the 2021-2022 Season included the world premiere of A Thousand Acres (Rose), with libretto by Mark Campbell and music composed by Kristin Kuster for the fiftieth anniversary season at Des Moines Metro Opera, and exciting role and company debuts with Opera San Antonio and Dallas Opera. A lover of opera and operetta as well as contemporary works, Ms. Gartland has sung a
plethora of roles displaying her talent for dramatic storytelling and comedy. She has also developed close working relationships with some of the best regional opera houses in the country. Some of her performances include: the title roles in Rusalka a nd Jenůfa, Wozzeck (Marie), Roméo et Juliette (Juliette), and Regina (Alexandra) with Des Moines Metro Opera; La bohème (Musetta), Carmen (Micaëla), Norma (Adalgisa, cover), and Michel van der Aa’s 3D opera Sunken Garden (Zenna Briggs, cover) with Dallas Opera; Die Fledermaus (Rosalinde), La traviata (Violetta), Of Mice and Men (Curley’s Wife), and Regina (Alexandra) w ith Utah Opera; La traviata (Violetta), the title role in Rusalka, and HMS Pinafore (Josephine) with Arizona Opera, Fidelio (Marzelline) with Opera Omaha; Hansel and Gretel (Gretel) with Opera San Jose; Hansel and Gretel (Gretel) and La bohème (Musetta) with San Diego Opera; L’elisir d’amore (Adina) with Austin Lyric Opera; and the title role (cover) in Rusalka with the Canadian Opera Company.
For the past twenty-plus years, Rachael Harding has built her career around dance— as a professional dancer, teacher, and choreographer. She received her B.F.A. in Dance and a B.S. in Business Management from the University of Arizona and a M.F.A in Dance from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She began her professional career as a dancer in Denver’s Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble. She is currently the resident choreographer for Denver’s professional jazz dance company, Davis Contemporary Dance Company; a performer with Nu-World Contemporary Danse Theatre; co-owner/director of Boulder Jazz Dance Workshop; and owner/director of Miss Rachael’s Dance in Denver, where she is inspired to share her passion for the arts with young dancers every day. She has had the distinct honor of dancing in past Opera Colorado productions, including Nixon in China, The Pearl Fishers, Rusalka, and Josephine, and choreographing for Rusalka, Aida, The Barber of Seville, Josephine, and The Shining
Tenor Jonathan Johnson returns to Opera Colorado for the first time since the 2020 production of Pagliacci (Beppe). In the 202122 Season, he made his debut at the Tulsa Opera in Gianni Schicci (Rinuccio), returned to Opera Omaha in Sweeney Todd (Anthony), and appeared in Harvey Milk with Opera Theatre of Saint Louis. He recently appeared in The Love for Three Oranges (The Prince) at Opera Philadelphia’s Festival O19 and in Silent Night (Jonathan Dale) at Utah Opera. In concert, Mr. Johnson appeared as a soloist with Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in Schumann’s Das Paradies und die Peri, with the Detroit Symphony for Messiah, and in recital with the Collaborative Arts Institute of Chicago. A graduate of the Patrick G. & Shirley W. Ryan Opera Center, the Lyric Opera of Chicago’s professional artist-development program, he appeared in the house’s main productions of Les Troyens, Lucia di Lammermoor, The Merry Widow, Der Rosenkavalier, Capriccio, The Magic Victrola, and Mieczysław Weinberg’s Holocaust opera The Passenger.
Francesca Mehrotra is an Indian-American soprano originally from Ashburn, Virginia. In the 2022-23 Season, Francesca performed in the student matinee performance of Rigoletto (Gilda) and the mainstage performance of Rigoletto (Countess Ceprano). Also at Opera Colorado, she sings in the touring productions of The Pirates of Penzance (Mabel) and Romeo & Juliet (Juliet). As an Apprentice Artist at Central City Opera this past summer, Francesca appeared in The Light in the Piazza (Clara cover) and Die Fledermaus (Ida). Previous performances include Hansel and Gretel (Gretel) with Fort Worth Opera’s Children’s Opera Theatre; Le nozze di Figaro (Susanna) and Giulio Cesare (Cleopatra) at Seagle Festival; The Ghosts of Gatsby (Zelda ’18) with Opera Birmingham at the Opera America New Works Forum; Don Pasquale (Norina) and Thumbprint (Mukhtar Mai) at Boston Conservatory; Serse (Atalanta) at Opera NEO; and Falstaff (Nannetta), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Tytania), and Dark Sisters (Lucinda) at Texas Christian University.
Iranian pianist and conductor Sahar Nouri returns to Opera Colorado for a sixth season, serving as the company’s Chorus Master, Assistant Conductor, and Pianist Coach. Ms. Nouri is the Music Director of the Lamont Opera Theatre at the University of Denver. She is also the founder and director of Dandelion Opera Institute, a summer training program for young, talented opera singers, pianists, and conductors. While based in Denver, Ms. Nouri continues to serve as guest coach/faculty with various organizations, including San Francisco Opera, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Opera North Carolina, and more. Previously, Ms. Nouri has been a member of the music staff at Houston Grand Opera, Dallas Opera, Glimmerglass Festival, Utah Opera, Aspen Opera Center, Opera Parallèle, and Opera in the Heights. Her repertoire includes numerous classic operas as well as many world premieres, such as: Prince of Players (Carlisle Floyd), O Columbia! (Gregory Spears), Steal a Pencil for Me (Gerald Cohen), and Today It Rains (Laura Kaminsky). Nouri has done studies in the Czech Republic, Italy, and Austria, and is frequently in demand as a language coach and recitalist.
Ronell Oliveri has been designing wigs and makeup for opera, theater, ballet, and film for the past eighteen years for such companies as Minnesota Opera, Boston Lyric Opera, and the American Repertory Theater at Harvard University. Currently, she is the resident Wig & Makeup Designer for Opera Colorado, Opera Omaha, and Central City Opera. In 2007, she was a Primetime Emmy Award nominee as key makeup artist for her work in television. As a wig and makeup artist her professional credits include engagements with Chicago Lyric Opera, LA Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Opera Theater of Saint Louis, and Boston Ballet. Her work can also be seen in Wicked, All the Way, and Waitress. Other recent engagements include Miller Theater’s Proving Up, Boston Lyric Opera’s Cavalleria rusticana, and Opera Omaha’s Montagues and Capulets.
Ari Pelto was appointed in 2015 as Opera Colorado’s first-ever music director. His “breathtaking wizardry in the pit” (The Denver Post) has been widely celebrated, with Pelto in demand at opera houses and concert halls throughout the United States. At the age of 24, Pelto was appointed Assistant Conductor at the Spoleto Festival, and he has since gone on to conduct worldwide. International engagements include performances with Bochumer Philharmoniker and opera productions at New National Theatre of Tokyo and the Teatro Nacional Sucre in Quito, Ecuador. In 2004 he made his highly-praised debut with New York City Opera, conducting La traviata, after which he became a regular, returning for productions of Madama Butterfly, La bohème, and Carmen. Recent successes include performances of The Nutcracker with Atlanta Ballet and The Flying Dutchman with Utah Opera.
Robert Perdziola has designed sets and costumes for American Ballet Theatre, Boston Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, Metropolitan Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Saito Kinen Festival, San Francisco Opera, Opéra Monte Carlo, Garsington Opera, Opera Australia, Santa Fe Opera, Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, Cincinnati Opera, Fort Worth Opera, Opera Boston, and Glimmerglass Opera. Among these designs are those for Capriccio and Il pirata for the Met, La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein for Opera Boston, and Falstaff for the Saito Kinen Festival. In 2017, he designed two productions of Le nozze di Figaro, one for Garsington Opera in Wormsley, England, and the other for Hyogo Performing Arts Center in Japan. In the fall of 2016, Perdziola created sets and costumes for the Finnish National Ballet’s Alice In Wonderland Perdziola was nominated for a 2019 Benois de la Danse award.
Known both for his bold and inventive productions and for his acute musical instincts, Chas Rader-Shieber has established himself as one of the most innovative opera directors of his generation. When reviewing his staging of Janáček’s The Cunning Little Vixen, Toronto’s Classical 96.3 FM praised Mr. Rader-Shieber’s “daring and visionary approach to staging” and declared him “a force to be reckoned with in the opera world.” In the 2021-2022 Season, Mr. Rader-Shieber continued his close collaboration with the Curtis Institute of Music, directing Dangerous Liasons, and returned to Des Moines Metro Opera for Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream His recent work includes a new production of Rameau’s Platée at Des Moines Metro Opera, Shining Brow at Arizona Opera, and a return to the Curtis Institute of Music to direct their productions of The Barber of Seville. Other past season highlights include, Hasse’s Artaserse and Monteverdi’s Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria with Pinchgut Opera; La finta giardiniera with Portland Opera; Ariadne auf Naxos with Kentucky Opera, Rusalka with Des Moines Metro Opera; Gluck’s Orfeo with Portland Opera; La traviata with Pittsburgh Opera; and Capriccio with the Curtis Insitute of Music. Mr. Rader-Shieber has
also become well known for his interpretations of Mozart operas, including Die Zauberflöte, Don Giovanni, and Così fan tutte at companies including Opera Pacific, Opera de Montreal, Santa Fe Opera, and the Juilliard Opera Center.
Daniel Seth (he/him) proudly makes his house debut at Opera Colorado following recent opera credits that include Platée and Dangerous Liaisons (dir: Chas Rader-Shieber), and The Medium / Triple Sec (dir: Alek Shrader). As an acting coach, Daniel supports an array of leading artists on stage and screen. His recent coaching credits include projects for Netflix, Apple TV+, and Amazon Prime Video, with upcoming work on HBO and Hulu. Directing highlights include the UK premiere of Ana Nogueira’s Empathitrax and collaborating with Kermit the Frog and The Muppets on Jim Henson’s Musical World, produced by the New York Pops at Carnegie Hall. Daniel is a proud associate of SDC, member of the Lincoln Center Directors Lab, and alumnus of NYU (BA, Character) and Mountview (MA, Directing).
Tenor David Soto Zambrana is native of San Juan, Puerto Rico. He trained in the Bel Canto tradition at the University of Oklahoma, where he was awarded a prestigious Weitzenhoffer Opera Fellowship and a master’s degree. Recently, David sang for the Oklahoma premiere of Lori Laitman’s The Scarlet Letter (Arthur Dimmesdale). He was a Tomita Young Artist with Finger Lakes Opera, performed leading roles with Taconic Opera, and is an alumnus of Musiktheatre Bavaria in Oberaudorf, Germany. As an Artist in Residence, David performed in the student matinee of Rigoletto (Duke of Mantua), and he will appear in the mainstage performance of Turandot. He also appears in Opera Colorado’s Opera on Tour productions of The Pirates of Penzance (Frederic) and Romeo & Juliet (Romeo). David was awarded a Metropolitan Opera Laffont Competition Encouragement Award, Marilyn Horne Performance Award, and the Dame Eva Turner Award for Vocal Performance.
Yi Zhao is a Beijing-born, Paris-raised, and U.S.-educated lighting designer currently based in Berlin and working internationally. His designs for theater, opera, live music, and dance are informed by a background in fine art photography and a passion for music. His lighting designs have been seen at Lincoln Center Theater, Sasha Waltz & Guests (Germany), New York Theatre Workshop, Signature Theatre, Soho Rep., Ars Nova, the Guthrie Theater, Mark Taper Forum, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, American Conservatory Theatre, Dallas Theater Center, The Wilma Theater, Yale Repertory Theatre, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Huntington Theatre Company, Shakespeare Theatre Company, Opera Omaha, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Curtis Institute of Music, ArtsEmerson, and Philadelphia FringeArts.
Given its blend of music, words, and stage action, opera can be a powerful tool for psychological exploration. It is not just a matter of what these characters are doing, but why they are doing it, and how they feel about themselves and their lives. Their inner selves become more vividly available with finely crafted music to express those feelings. The characters are fictional, but the music can make them seem almost real.
From Mozart to Puccini, many composers have worked to do more with their operas than just tell a story. But the results are even more compelling in the instance of Die tote Stadt, which combines a particularly young mind (Korngold was just 23 years old in 1920) living and working in the city of Vienna, where Freud was exploring the inner self. Freud’s developing theories about the power of the unconscious permeated arts and culture.
Korngold’s father, one of Vienna’s most eminent music critics, gifted his son a middle name which paid tribute to Mozart. The younger Korngold rapidly became the toast of Viennese musical society, which gratified his father. Die tote Stadt was already Erich’s third opera—not just the third he’d written, but the third to reach the public. At its December 12, 1920, premiere, some may have been startled by the excellence of its craftsmanship. However, those who had been paying attention to headlines would have known they were likely to find the opera to be a remarkable experience.
To enjoy this opera, it is helpful to have an explanation of the title, meaning “the dead city.” This is not a city where the undead walk the streets. Only Marie is dead, and she haunts just one individual, her widower Paul, who cannot get her out of his thoughts let alone his heart. Korngold borrowed the tale from Belgian writer Georges Rodenbach (1855 – 1898), whose 1892 novella Bruges le morte (Bruges the Dead) had been a Symbolist landmark. But what exactly does “the dead city” symbolize? It might help to know that Rodenbach illustrated his tale with photographs of the actual city of Bruges, perhaps more interested in its past than in its future. Beyond the name of the opera hinting at the character’s inability to move forward, music, too, can underscore ways of reading the characters, allowing listeners to sense what troubles and motivates them.
Chas Rader-Shieber, director of Opera Colorado’s production, observes that Korngold’s opera exists in “a surreal landscape of items that have their own life and sometimes suggest other realms and places.” Paul’s obsession with his memories of Marie “begins to blur the lines between reality and fantasy.” Has she been restored to life, or is it only Paul’s imagination? Are his actions what the character actually does, or just scenes from his subconscious? Rader-Shieber describes the shifting perspectives as “both thrilling and terrifying.” Are we to pity Paul, or loathe him? Therein lies the director’s task, though it was initially Korngold’s.
Forming that musical connection with the characters is part of the power of opera, and Korngold sets about it early in Die tote Stadt. In Paul’s act one aria “Glück das mir verblieb,” he muses with rapturous longing on love that survives. He imagines (or hears) Marie’s voice, which colors his feelings: gentle melancholy, but not anguish. The latter lies in Paul’s future, but first Korngold sought to give audience members a glimpse of the protagonist’s heart.
Paul’s friends and neighbors have a different, more cheerful reading on the world. In act two, they enjoy an exuberant boating party. Amongst the convivial gathering is the dancer Marietta, whom Paul is half convinced is his own Marie reborn. Bruges’ canals may not be those of Venice, but that does not mean one cannot sing spiritedly to the night sky. Their jovial voices—the only entirely festive music of the opera—provide a striking contrast to Paul’s troubled heart.
Bruges itself also has a musical voice. Frequently, one hears the tolling of bells, suggesting the church towers visible in the photographs found in the original novella. Additionally, the orchestra includes a wind machine, and, at times, Korngold calls for off-stage voices and sounds. Are they actually part of the scene, or is Paul imagining them? That distinction is largely left to the listener, or at least the director.
Die tote Stadt isn’t the first twentieth-century opera; at the very least, it was predated by Puccini’s Madama Butterfly (1904). However, the psychological aspects of the tale are reflective of its time. Emotional coloring would serve Korngold well in the last half of his career, which he spent in Hollywood, showing American composers how to write better for cinema. What Korngold had learned with Die tote Stadt served him quite well on the silver screen.
Byron A. Hitchcock, concertmaster
Margaret Soper Gutierrez, principal second
Jackson Bailey
Michelle Davis
Angela Dombrowski
Ryan Jacobsen
Robyn Julyan
Regan Kane
Christine Menter
Gyongyver Petheo
Felix Petit
Zachary Ragent
Veronica Sawarynski
Robyn Sosa
Takanori Sugishita
Benjamin Tomkins
Leena Waite
Tori Woodrow
Matthew Dane, principal
Michael Brook
Koko Dyulgerski
Mary Harrison
Sarah Richardson
Lora Stevens
Andrew Kolb, principal
Joseph Howe
Erin Patterson
Jeff Watson
Elle Wells
Carole Whitney
David Crowe, principal
Jeremy Nicholas
Matt Pennington
Jason Thompson
Susan Kerbs Townsend, principal
Elizabeth Sadilek
Sarah Bierhaus, principal
Max Soto
Michelle Joseph Orman, principal
Heidi Mendenhall
Art Bouton
Charles Hansen, principal
Kyle Sneden
Peter Erb, principal
Lauren Varley
Devon Park
Marian Hesse
Noah Lambert, principal
Colin J.A. Oldberg
Ryan Gardner
Leslie Scarpino
Bron Wright, principal
Andy Wolfe
Jeremy Van Hoy
Richard Harris
Peter Cooper, principal
Mark Foster, principal
Sean Case
Carl Dixon
Nena Lorenz Wright
Mike Tetreault
Janet Harriman, principal
Alex Komodore, principal
Nathan Salazar
Cody Guy Garison
Oleg Bellini
Angie Dombrowski
Elle Wells
Frannie Barrows
Maria Fabara
Rebecca Greenwalt
Alyssa Jackson
Sarah Kochevar
Stephanie Medema
Elizabeth Mirandi
Margarget OzakiGraves
Madison Williams
Jennifer Beatty
Liz Gangware
Katelyn Harper-Griffith
Claire LeBorgne
Ellen Moeller
Jill Skinner
Jenny Thompson
Joshua Cooper
Alexis Haro
Lars Preece
Jack Richard
Norman Spivy
Luke Thatcher
Keith Williamson
Joshua Zabatta
Shane Delavan
Michele Di Nuovo
John Hansen
Michael Leyte-Vidal
Daniel McDonnall
Dante Mireles
Patrick Saiff
Turner Staton
Megan Coutts, Assistant Stage Manager
Brian Elston, Assistant Lighting Designer
Gina Hays, Stage Manager
Nicholas Kostner, Set Design Assistant
Laurel McIntyre, Assistant Stage Manager
Beth Nielsen, Title Operator: In-Seat
Daniel Seth, Assistant Director
John Adams, Production Purchasing Agent
Thomas Berning, Head Audio Engineer
Michael Boswell, Head Carpenter
Hillary Clark, Head Property Master
Greg Killpack, Assistant Carpenter
Jeff Reidel, Head Flyman/Rigger
Rita Richardson, Head Electrician
Amanda Short, Assistant Electrician
Keven Soll, Assistant Properties Master
Shane Streight, Visiting Scenic Supervisor
Karen Thurow, Lighting Console Programmer
Michael Wingfield, Technical Director
Dave Youngs, Shop/Production Carpenter
James Gralian, House Sound
Allen Olmstead, House Carpenter
Derek Tovar, House Props
Dave Wilson, House Electrician
Alison Milan, Costume Director
Madison Booth, Assistant Coordinator
Carolyn Miller, Wardrobe Assistant
Ann Murphy, Assistant Costume Coordinator
Caitlin Rain, Assistant Costume Designer
Ted Stark
Sarah Zinn
Domino Douglas
Carly Peterson
Ann Piano
Sara Rutherford
Amanda Walsh
Elizabeth Woods
Leslie Cady
Kathy Heider
Jan Heimer
Amanda Bouza
Domino Douglas
Celeste Fenton
Elizabeth Woods
Sarah Opstad Demmon, Associate Wig and Makeup Coordinator
Whitney Wolanin, Wig and Makeup Assistant
Follow these easy steps: Prior to the performance, the screen will automatically display a sponsored message. When singing begins, briefly press the red button to activate subtitles.
• P ress once for English.
• P ress twice for Spanish.
• P ress three times to turn titles off. Then, simply repeat these steps after intermission. Pressing the red button too many times or holding the button down may result in a system failure. If you experience difficulty with the system, please contact an usher for assistance. Opera Colorado does not offer refunds or exchanges in the event of a subtitle system failure.
Please Note: All Sunday matinee performances offer audio description for the visually impaired. Headsets are available at Coat Check. English subtitles are written by The Dallas Opera and coordinated by Jeremy Sortore for Opera Colorado. Spanish translations by Gina Razón.
2023 Festival
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Every spring, Opera Colorado presents a magnificent gala that is instrumental in raising funds to support our mission. On May 13, 2023, we are honored to welcome internationally-renowned mezzo-soprano
Joyce DiDonato as the featured performer at our 40th Anniversary Gala, which will take place at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House and Seawell Ballroom at the Denver Performing Arts Complex. We recently got a chance to ask Joyce a few questions about the gala performance and her other passions as an educator and advocate.
Tell us a little about your program for our gala. What are you most excited about?
Pianist Craig Terry and I have planned a festive, soulful, heart-warming evening of music that we love, that offers a vivid glimpse into who I am as a singer. Hopefully, it will remind the wonderful patrons of Opera Colorado why we love gathering together to share in the experience of beautiful music.
What is the biggest difference between a recital, like you will perform for our gala, and performing in an opera?
There are no rules with a recital! An opera is a unified vision of telling a story through sets and costumes and a pre-ordained score. But with a recital, we have the opportunity to create something that can be completely unique, often breaking the “fourth wall” so that it can become a wildly personal and unique evening. No single recital is ever repeatable, and I love that element of it.
In addition to your extensive performing career, you lead masterclasses and other educational events around the globe. Why is music education important?
I think every single child needs the gift of having art in their lives. The benefits are endless, incredibly well documented, and without any question enrich and lift up the lives of children. I find it positively scandalous that music is not a part of every child’s education. And so when I have the chance, I am preaching that!
In TheGuardian , you said, “I’m trying to find the right balance between being an activist and reminding everyone of the joy of music.”
Why is activism such an important part of your work as an artist?
One of the principal reasons I was drawn to classical music is because of the ideals and the truth that is often aimed for in the works of Mozart and Handel and Strauss. We sing of love, search for understanding, and pursue nobility and beauty. As I look at the world around me, I find deep inspiration and guidance in the music and the poetry that I sing. I think some of the projects I have created are simply attempts to connect some of the “idealistic dots” from the stage into our every day lives.
The arts are so often a vital lifeline for people. They offer comfort, understanding, inspiration, community, and oftentimes will be the one place troubled people feel they belong or are understood. Theater and music dare to hold a mirror up to our lives, offering a kind of introspection that invites real growth and evolution. We understand ourselves better, and each other, and this is what builds a healthy, caring, supportive community. I’m elated to help Opera Colorado celebrate four decades of bringing art into your community, and may this be the start of many, many more!
Opera Colorado’s production of Die tote Stadt debuts original costumes by awardwinning designer Robert Perdziola. Before you see the final products on the stage, take a look at the costume design sketches.
—The Ellie Caulkins General & Artistic Director Greg Carpenter
“The sets and costumes designed by Robert Perdziola reflect the 1890s period in which the novella was written, including all the elegance and opulence of the latest Paris fashions of the time.”
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It is not an easy feat to direct an entire opera, much less one that is rarely performed and being built from scratch. However, director Chas Rader-Shieber is up to the task for this production of Die tote Stadt (The Dead City). While Mr. Rader-Shieber is no stranger to stage direction, this production is the first time he is staging Die tote Stadt. This opera has been on his wish list for a while, so it was a delight for him to get the call asking him to direct. Before you enjoy the performance itself, get a glimpse into the mind of its director.
Die tote Stadt will take you on a journey that will leave you questioning what is real and what is only a dream. But why is this blurred reality so important to this opera? According to Mr. Rader-Shieber, “We’ve chosen to ground the production in the period of the novel, the time of Freud, and the beginning of understanding the subconscious mind. But the visuals take off from there and morph into a stunning kind of fantasy for the leading character.” Freud believed the unconscious mind shows a person’s true feelings, from desires to fears, and that there is power and meaning in our dreams. This mentality helped inform Mr. Rader-Shieber’s approach to this opera. Such an understanding of human natures allows the characters’ emotions to feel heightened and well-reflected in Korngold’s lush, dramatic music.
In fact, Mr. Rader Shieber and designer Robert Perdziola even made some additions to the opera to highlight the characters’ inner thoughts. For example, you will find much of the opera takes place in an artist’s studio because Paul is a painter. He is not an artist in the original novel or the libretto, but this addition was an important one for both the director and designer. Mr. Rader-Shieber says, “It’s not just the emotional difficulty of getting over Marie’s death, but the physical obsession—the shrine to her that he keeps—that got me thinking. I wanted to find a way to justify that obsession visually. The designer and I decided, perhaps Paul wasn’t just keeping the images of Marie around himself, but actually creating those images. And thus, he became a painter. The mind of the artist is an interesting one, and Paul as an artist helps tell the story (especially of his fantasy life) so well.”
The Freudian approach to this opera does not only impact the characters, but the sets as well. Throughout the entire opera, you will see a tower structure which helps set the scene for Paul’s artist studio. The tower was inspired by buildings in Bruges, Belgium where the story takes place. Mr. RaderShieber clarifies, “There is an abstract quality to Paul’s studio, where outside and inside co-exist, reflecting a mental state that is equally unsure of its center.” Likewise, a boat will float across the stage in the second act, carrying the lively dancer Marietta and her troop of performers. Is Paul simply dreaming this scene? The director shares, “But as in many dreams, things aren’t quite what they seem: solid ground becomes water (and vice-versa), buildings float in mid-air, and people assumed long dead, rise again.” Reality is blurred indeed!
“It’s a big opera! There are lots of forces at work here: singers, dancers, a huge orchestra, multiple scenic locations, and a visual world that has to amaze and delight,” Mr. Rader-Shieber summarizes. From the psychologically thrilling story of Die tote Stadt to the dreamy sets and colorful characters, it is truly a masterpiece we are sharing with you!
SET RENDERINGS FOR DIE TOTE STADT OPERA COLORADO /ROBERT PERDZIOLAThe Board of Directors and staff of Opera Colorado express their deepest appreciation to the individuals, corporations, and foundations who have contributed to the Annual Fund, as of January 9, 2023. Although space limitations only allow us to list donors whose gifts were $100 and above, we are deeply grateful for the support of all our dedicated contributors.
Ken and Donna Barrow
Mike and Julie Bock
Ellie Caulkins
Joy and Chris Dinsdale
Marcia and Dick Robinson
Patrick Spieles
Linda Bjelland
Mr. Chip Horne and Dr. Jan Kennaugh
Mr. Jeff Baldwin
Mrs. Joyce de Roos
Elizabeth & Matthew Dyer
Russell Hedman and Juwon Bahn
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy F. Kinney
Judy La Spada
The Honorable and Mrs. Kenneth Laff
Jim and Patience Linfield
Dr. and Mrs. William N. Maniatis
Jeanie and Randal Martines
Robert R. Montgomery and Nancy Hawkins
Lynnette Morrison
Kevin O’Connor and Janet Ellen Raasch
Debra J. Perry
Ann and Gerald Saul
Merrill Shields and M. Ray Thomasson
Charles I. Thompson
Valerie Wassill and Kevin Rudolph
Dan and Marie Welch
Robin and Eric Yaeger
Mr. Edward Balkin
Mr. Charles E. Berry and Mrs. Maria Garcia Berry
Suzanne D. Bucy
Jane and Bart Burnett
Emily and Mark Bussey
Merle Chambers
Ms. Kathryn Codo
Dr. Eric Coomer
Dr. Alan Cooper
Robert and Lenore Damrauer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fogliano
Karen Fukutaki, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hindman
Gary and Judith Judd
Diana and Mike Kinsey
Richard Koseff
Gayle and Gary Landis
MAJ. Dino Maniatis and Mrs. Kristin Freestone-Maniatis
Muffy Moore
Raul and Vivian Murciano
Dr. Harold S. Nelson
Jon J. Olafson and Jerry Brindisi
Ronald Y. Otsuka
Zondra Rae Pluss
Louise Lavendar Rouse
Jeremy and Susan Shamos
Prem and Stephanie Subramanian
Martha and Will Tracey
Ann Wise
Ms. Carole J. Yaley
Larry and Brigitte Zimmer
Robin E. Black
Donald K. Braden
Mr. Gregory A. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Caulkins, III
Mary and Tom Conroy
Dr. Cynthia K. Crews and Mr. Charles W. Henry
Sally Haas
Deborah Hayes and James L. Martin III
Ms. Judy Johnston
Joe Kelso
Tom Kirkpatrick and Djuana Strauch
Veronica A. McCaffrey and Barbara A. Frank
James P. McElhinney
Dr. Monica I. Minkoff
James Monroe, III and Marie Shannon Monroe
Ralph & Trish Nagel
Bob Nelson
Bonnie Perkins
Christine and Harry Phillips
Bruce Polkowsky and Bill Powell
The Ponzio Family
Nijole and Walter Rasmussen
Cynthia and Alexander Read
Myra and Robert Rich
Mr. Paul Ruotolo
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Samson
Helen Scott Santilli
Fern B. Seltzer and A ndrew Heymsfield
Mr. Byron S. Watson
Erin Wenzel
Hartman Axley
Mr. Douglas W. Barnert and Mrs. Ruth Jacoby
Peter Batty and Paula Kechichian
Libby Bortz
Elise Brenninkmeyer
Leslie Coover Cady
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Celius
Barbara and Roger Chamberlain
Mr. David J. Chavolla
Mr. Alexander J. Conley and Ms. Alysia D. Marino
Bob and Georgi Contiguglia
Lois N. Eckhoff
Dr. Stacy Fischer and Dr. Henry Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher
George and Sissy Gibson
Stephen and Dorothy Gregory
Mark Groshek MD and Carl Clark MD
Mr. J. Lawrence Hamil
Beverlee B. Henry
Richard Hilty and Lesley Arbour
Christine Hollander and Michael McGee
Steve and Chryse Hutchins
Therese Ivancovich
Dr. Lawrence Kim and Nhung Van
John W. Kure and Cheryl L. Solich
Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy Lazarus
Bernard and Frieda Leason
Evan and Evi Makovsky
V.W. McKnab and Margaret Jurado
Jan McNally
Dr. and Mrs. Calvern E. Narcisi
Mr. Ari Pelto and Ms. Wendy Fisher
Profs. Jean-Pierre Habicht and Gretel H. Pelto
Rick Poppe & Jana Edwards
Ms. Marcia Ragonetti
Diedra O’Kelly and James & Helen Reed
T. R. Reid
Ayliffe and Fred Ris
Juan Rodriguez
Ms. Deborah M. H. Rohan
Carol L. Rust
Morris and Karen Sandstead
Ms. Barbara Sannwald
Ms. Ruth E. Schoening
Ms. Nancy J. Siegel
Ms. Judith Zee Steinberg
Linda M. Strauch
Mrs. Marcia D. Strickland
Jerry and Debi Tepper
Dr. Akiva M. Thomas and Mr. Ezekial Thomas
Ms. Kathleen R. Tower
Mr. John Trigg
Dr. Peter and Mrs. Kathy Van Arsdale
William Vaniman and F rances G. Matthews
Ms. Cia A. Wenzel
Marie Belew Wheatley
Mary and Ken Willis
Ms. Jane Anderson
Brian Thomas Beagle
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Benedict III
Brian Bennett and Bev Daniels
Samantha Bergen
Lawrence Berliner and Barbara Anderson
Sheila Bisenius
Mr. John and Mrs. Anne Blair
Brewster and Helen Boyd
Gordon & Ron Butz
Mr. Ian T. Caiozzi and Mrs. Neha Patel
Ms. Grace Campbell
Carol G. Canon
Mrs. Ella May Carpenter
George Case
Gertrud Hische and Manfred Chemek
Mr. David Clark
Ms. Kathleen R. Clifton
Sue Cole
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Crapo
Lauren Crist-Fulk
Nancy Crow and Mark Skrotzki
Ms. Cheryl M. Cruickshank
George and Yonnie Dikeou
Ms. Marian O. Dines
The Divine Family
Margaret and Peter Dzwilewski
Carl and Nan Eklund
Mrs. J. Theodore Ellis
Frances and Richard Frey
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. David Garon
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Golub
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Greenholz
Ms. Renee Gross
Steven and Patricia Gulevich
Mr. Richard Gustafson
Ms. Lynn E. Harrington
Jerry and Patty Hauptman
Mrs. Mary Hayes
Mr. Thomas E. Healy
Bernice Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Herzberg
Mr. William T. Hoffman
Ruth Hopfenbeck
Ms. Karen Howland and Mr. J. Gregory Mudge
Mike Hughes and The Honorable Karen Brody
Michael E. Huotari and Jill R. Stewart
Mr. Daniel Isaman
Jon & Roxanne Isenhart
John N. Kabalin, MD.
Roberta and Mel Klein
PJ and Rhonda Kovach
Deanna Rose Leino
Patty Lorie
Tanya Mathews
Sandra Mazarakis and Neil Burris
J. Virginia Messick
Henry B. Mohr
Sue and Bill Mohrman
Mr. William R. Moninger
Mr. Mike and Lisa Morgan
Mr. Lawrence Moskow
Dr. Mary Kenny Moynihan and Dr. Michael Moynihan
Mary and John Muth
Lisa & Pat Nicholson
Kelli O’Brien & Michael Kolotylo
Ms. Diane O’Connor
Nancy & Paul Oberman
Bonnie M. Orkow
Theresa and Norman Parker
Linda Plaut
Armando Quiroz
Elaine and Robert Renz
Steven and Joan Ringel
Mr. Joe Ronnenberg
Doug Rooney
Steven E. and Jane Schonfeld
Mr. John Shott
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Smith
Zach T. Smith
Mrs. Jennifer Sobanet
Vicki Sterling
Dr. Laimute Stewart
Bill and Shirley Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Sullivan
Sharon and John Trefny
Dr. Keith Ward and Ms. Barbara Roidl
Mark and Pati Wilkins
Scott and Karen Yarberry
Pam and Martin Zadigian
Richard Akeroyd
Mr. Paul Alaback and Ms. Carol Brewer
Dr. Oksana Bantley
Ms. Tamara Barron
Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Beckwitt
Ms. Mariette H. Bell
Marilyn Munsterman
Janet Bishop
Richard Bottjer and Sara Peyton
Ms. Jay Breen
Ms. Janet C. Bruchmann
Edwin T. Callahan and
D ulcy E. Wolverton
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Caulkins
Alan and In Hye Como
Tom & Cheryl Cox
Brian D. Crane
Jim and Sara Culhane
Carolyn E. Daniels
Ronald L. Deal
Greg Diamond
Timothy James Donahue
Peter and Marian Downs
Matt and Reine Erzinger
Amy Feaster
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Fest
Terry Frazier and Kathy Wells
Ms. Randy Ganter
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Garfein
Alan G. Gass
Tamara Gillespie
Dr. Brian Greffe & Dr. Mark Donovan
Mrs. Carol & Dr. Fred Grover
The Honorable Alfred and Mrs. Dori Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Phil G. Heinschel
Ginny Hersch
Richard and Sandra Hilt
Ms. Erin R. Hittle
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Hollis
Sarah Hopfenbeck and Susan Corle
Drs. Terri Lynn and David Ingram
The Johnson-Milne Family
James and Christine Jorgensen
Barbara and Kiplund Kolkmeier
Rex Kramer and Cindy Crater
Mr. Richard S. Leaman
Clifford Lopate
Bob Mahoney and Pat Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott Martin
Marian E. Matheson
Ms. Jeanine Matney
Dave and Miza McReynolds
Tom and Mary Meade
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Metzger
Jerri Lynn Modrall and E ric E. Doering
Jack Finlaw and Gregory Movesian
Margaret and John Moyer
Dr. and Dr. Hans Neville
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Norris
Mr. Mark J. O’Connor
Kent & Ruth Obee
Ms. Kimberly S. Opekar
Frederick Peters
Andrew R. Pleszkun
Robert and Mary Quillin
Richard Replin and Elissa Stein
Karyn K. Rieb
Ms. Luana Rubin
Ms. Mary Scarpino
John and Patricia Schmitter
Gary D. Schrenk
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaklee
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Shelton
Dr. Norman Spivy
Mr. Gordon W. Stenger
David and Carol Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Straub
Prof. and Mrs. Joseph S. Szyliowicz
John Taubman
Normie and Paul Voilleque
Lois K Williams
Gene and Linda Young
Mr. Mark G. Zardus
Charlotte Ziebarth
James and Lorraine Adams
Ms. Karen Adkins and Mr. Brian Moore
Paul and Susan Ahlquist
Danica Anderson
Ms. Susan Anderson
Alice and Lee Anneberg
Mrs. Donna Antonoff
Don Bain
Steve and Lisa Bain
Ms. Jennifer N. Bater
Ellen & Donald Bauder
Mr. Brian A. Baxter
C. F. Benoit
Mrs. Claire E. Benson
Anthony V. Berkley and A manda Gomez
Ms. Sandra D. Besseghini
Ms. Carol N. Betz
Ms. Dori Biester
Louise B. Blanchard
Marie and Howard Blaney
Leah Bobbey and Toby Wright
Ms. Louise T. Bohe
Mrs. Donna Bonne
Joe and Gwen Bowers
Alan J. Boyer
Mr. Thomas H. Brady
Katy Brown
Mr. Douglas F. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Burton
Dr. Francine Butler
Michael Canges and Nina Iwashko
Mr. Brad Case and Mr. William M. McMechen, Jr.
Charles Case and Phillip St. Cloud
Ms. Beatriz Castaneda
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Chilcoat
Virginia Chrisco
Dr. Michael P. Cicerchi
Ms. Patty Clark
Ms. Christina E. Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Close
Ms. Ethel K. Clow
Gerald Cohen and Caroline Stern
Mr. Matthew O. Cole
Mr. Curtis Cook
Dr. David J. Cooper and Evelyn W Cooper
Aubrey Copeland, MD
Vicki Cowart and Chris Hayes
Ms. Joanne Curran
Colin T. Currans-Sheehan
Ms. Lisa Curtis
Matthew Dane
Mr. Raphael Dangelo
Ms. Joan Daniels Manley Houlton
John Danio
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Doucette
Steven and Betsy Duff
Laurie and Ben Duke III
Guillaume and Lizeth Durvin
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Eckerling
Kammi and Paul Eckhoff
Mr. John W. Ekeberg
Ted and Vivian Sheldon Epstein
Ms. Anne Esson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Evans
Ms. Mary Lou Fenili and Ms. Karen F. Hansen
Ms. Anna Ferrari
Ms. Elizabeth A. Fischer and Mr. Don Elliott
Dr. and Mrs. Larry S. Fisher
Dr. Marc S. and Nancy Frager
L. Richard and Sigrid Halvorson Freese
Kristin and Heiko Freitag
Keith French
Jan Friedlander and C ynthia G. Kristensen
Deborah Friedman
Ms. Cynthia Gaertner
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb F. Gates, Jr.
Dr. Tim Gensler
Jennifer Ruth Gentry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goldburg
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Goncalves
Steve and Donna Good
Mr. Matthew Grove
Ronald and Elnore Grow
Ms. Rosemarie Halchuk
Mr. Richard A. Haynes
Mr. Richard W. Healy
John R. Heckenlively, M.D.
Ms. Holly Hedegaard
Rebecca L. Hersey
Dr. Marilyn J. Hitchens
Sarah C. Hite
Ms. Mary S. Hoaldey
Ms. Elaine Hoaster
Mr. Graham Hoffman
Mr. Saul D. Hoffman and Ms. Susan Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Houston
Mr. Jason Huck
Nancy Huff
Katherine Hurlbut
Mr. William P. Hurlbut
Ms. Nancy Hyde
Megan Immerfall
Emily Anne Irwin
Ms. Olivia Jansons
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Johnson
Mr. Kendor P. Jones and Mrs. Sharon Harris
Nancy Juday and John Popovich
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kahn
Edward Karg and Rick Kress
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keatinge
Mr. and Mrs. Jhon M. Kehmeier
Ms. Patricia C. Kelly and Mr. Thomas E. Dufficy
Bonnie Kipple
Mr. Richard Kirwin
Sue Klein
Ms. Cherity Koepke
Mrs. and Mr. Svetlana Komisarchik
Scott and Margo Krawiec
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kreutzer
Ms. Lois A. Labanoski
Ms. Barbara Ladon
Tracy and Dan Lampl
D. Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Leaver
Rowdy B. Lemasters
Nancy A. Leonard
Paul and Nancy Levitt
Ms. Peggy Liao
Mr. David Lichtenstein
Judy and Dan Lichtin
Robert & Gloria Lilly-Cohen
Sarita List
Mr. Lester Lockspeiser
Mr. John A. Lockwood, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Loeb
Thomas Long
Mr. Michael Lyster
Mr. James S. Macdonald
Janet and John MacFarlane
Dr. Melissa Malde
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Manuel
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Y. Marchand
Mr. Gregg E. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. William Mathews
Jim and Carole McCotter
Dr. Kurt and Dr. Marilyn Metzl
Ms. Janice Michael
Mr. John R. Miller
Ms. Betty Minor
Chris and Karen Mohr
Mrs. Robbie E. Monsma
Douglas G. Moran and
L aura B. Moran
Warren Morrow
Denny Muirhead
Mark A. Nachtigal
Susan and Mark Nagel
Rudi Hartmann and Kathy Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Denny O’Connell
Mr. Michael Ogborn
Stephanie and Roger Oram
Ms. Elizabeth Orr
Mr. David and Dr. Renee Parkhurst
Mr. Thomas Parrott
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Pearlman
Roxane Pecchio
Margaret Peck
Ms. Kathy Peeters
Dennis G. Peterson
Mr. Richard Pfeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Plowshay
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Plummer
Rich and Kim Plumridge
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Poehlmann
Dr. and Mrs. Dale H. Porter
Ms. Melinda Quiat
Kate Raabe
Ms. Barbara Rende
Mr. Reid T. Reynolds and Dr. Pamela P. Hanes
Mr. Nicholas A. Richie
Ms. Jennie Ridgley
Dr. Richard D. Roark
Ms. Janet Roberts
Jon K. Rupp
Dr. Thomas D. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sale
Sandy and Frank Sargent
Mr. Bryan Penny and Mr. Matt Savoie
Kathleen Sawada
Ms. Karyn Sawyer
Ms. Erika L. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Scheuermann
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Schuchman
Betsy Schwarm and Rick Glesner
Mr. Richard Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segan
Mr. Billy Seiber
Mr. Edward B. Seybert
Mrs. Marlene P. Siegel
Ms. Patricia K. Simpson
Dr. Andrew Sirotnak and Mr. James White
Catherine K. Skokan
Edie and William Sonn
Ms. Heather Sowell, M.D.
Mr. James W. Stalley Jr.
Ms. Lucie Stanish
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle B. Stewart
Susan Stiff
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stinson
Jenene and James Stookesberry
Drs. Morris and Ellen Susman
Deborah T. Sycamore
Melanie J. Talbot
William Bradford and Chin Tan
Ms. Linda Tarpeh-Doe
Ms. Lois Thornton
Mr. Michael M. Tinetti
Ms. Jana Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Sal L. Tripodi
Ms. Carol Trotter
Mr. John B. Trueblood
Charles and Deborah Turner
Marta and Bernd Wachter
Norma and George Wagoner
Mr. Michael Walker
Ms. Robin Stewart and
Mr. Kirk Weber
Nancy and William Wehner
Dr. Adriana Weinberg
Ms. Ann Fails Westerberg
Sandra L. White
Katie Wilson
Mr. Matthew Wolchak
Mr. and Mrs. David Wolf
Constance and Lawrence Wood
Allison and William Woolston
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Yost
Judith Graham and Jeffrey Zax
The Anschutz Foundation
Avenir Foundation
The Bagby Foundation For The Musical Arts
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
David B. and Gretchen W. Black Family Foundation
BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund
Bock Family Fund
Bonfils-Stanton Foundation
Bucy Family Fund
Cantors Assembly Foundation
Cars For Charity, Inc.
Caulkins Family Foundation
Charlotte and Norman Codo
Charitable Trust
Colorado Creative Industries
Community First Foundation
The Crawley Family Foundation
Daniels-Houlton Family Donor
Advised Fund
Deane Family Fund
The Denver Foundation
Denver Lyric Opera Guild
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Dorothy and Donald Fleishaker
Philanthropic Fund
Joseph F and Edith A Fogliano Trust
Sidney E. Frank FoundationColorado Fund
Genesee Mountain Foundation
Virginia W. Hill Foundation
Ittelson Family Fund
Jewish Communal Fund
Jewish Community Fund of Greater Kansas City
Johnson Foundation of The Rockies
Kenneth King Foundation
Jeanne Land Foundation
Landis Family Foundation
Lindmor Fund
Merle Chambers Fund
Midfirst Bank
Nagel Foundation
Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.
William D. Radichel Foundation
Jess & Rose Kortz and Pearle Rae Foundation
Read Foundation
Riley and Cooper Fund
Rose Community Foundation
The Schramm Foundation
Schwab Charitable
Galen & Ada Belle Spencer Foundation
Temple Etz Chaim
Tulsa Community Foundation
UBS Financial
Vanguard Charitable
Welch Charitable Fund
Wilkins Charitable Giving Fund
Melvin & Elaine Wolf Foundation
5280 Magazine Deiter’s Chocolates
Kaladi Coffee
Nocturne Jazz and Supper Club
Northern Trust
PMG Colorado
Residence Inn by Marriott –Denver City Center
Vectra Bank of Colorado
In honor of Ellie Caulkins
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Caulkins
Mr. David J. Chavolla
Laurie and Ben Duke III
Mrs. Marcia D. Strickland
In honor of Drs. Larry and C ynthia Chan
Mrs. Robin Chotin
In honor of Joyce de Roos
Marilyn Mishkin
In honor of Chris and Joy Dinsdale
Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld
In honor of Dr. Stacy M. Fischer
Dr. Meg Lemon
In honor of Barbara and Ken Laff
Michael Canges and Nina Iwashko
Drs. Laurence and Cynthia Chan
Nancy Cherry
Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld
Charles A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Plowshay
Ms. Melinda Quiat
Dan and Marie Welch
In honor of Sonja Mast
Christina L. Mast
In honor of the Opera Colorado Staff
Ms. Cherity Koepke
Dr. Andrew Sirotnak and Mr. James White
In honor of Shelia Peloso
Ms. Joanne Curran
In honor of Maestro Ari Pelto
The Divine Family
In honor of Marcia Robinson
Ellie Caulkins
In honor of the Ross Family
John and Patricia Schmitter
In honor of Gerry and Ann Saul
Mary Fiore
In honor of Erin Wenzel
T. R. Reid
In memory of Glory Balbinder
Rozanne A. Kobey
In memory of M. Richard Bufton
In memory of Dirk de Roos
Mr. Miles Smith
In memory of D r. Jacqueline Frischknecht
In memory of D r. Jacqueline Frischknecht
Mr. Chuck Lawhead and Mr. Ronald Broome
Mr. Chuck Lawhead and Mr. Ronald Broome
In memory of Max Grassfiled
In memory of Max Grassfiled
Dr. Lynn Donaldson
Dr. Lynn Donaldson
In memory of Hugh and Peggy McGee
In memory of Hugh and Peggy McGee
Sarah Hopfenbeck and Susan Corle
Sarah Hopfenbeck and Susan Corle
In memory of Pamela Merrill
In memory of Pamela Merrill
The Honorable and Mrs. Kenneth Laff
The Honorable and Mrs. Kenneth Laff
Marcia and Dick Robinson
Marcia and Dick Robinson
In memory of Domenic Meylor
In memory of Domenic Meylor
Marita G. Karlisch
Marita G. Karlisch
Elizabeth A. Meylor
Elizabeth A. Meylor
In memory of Rhea J. Miller
In memory of Rhea J. Miller
Sheila M. Cleworth
Sheila M. Cleworth
In memory of Norman O’Kelly
In memory of Norman O’Kelly
Diedra O’Kelly
Diedra O’Kelly
James & Helen Reed
James & Helen Reed
In memory of Eric Poehlmann
In memory of Eric Poehlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Poehlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Poehlmann
In memory of Barbara Reed
In memory of Barbara Reed
Tamara Gillespie
Tamara Gillespie
Mr. Mark Fogg
Mr. Mark Fogg
Ms. Peggy Liao
Ms. Peggy Liao
Ms. Dixie Reynolds
Ms. Dixie Reynolds
In memory of D on and Barbara Ridgeway
In memory of D on and Barbara Ridgeway
Ms. Kathryn Taylor
Ms. Kathryn Taylor
In memory of Alicia Rodriguez
In memory of Alicia Rodriguez
Joyce B. Hutchens
Joyce B. Hutchens
Vicki Stinnett
Vicki Stinnett
In memory of William E. Russell
In memory of William E. Russell
Jane Russell
Jane Russell
In memory of Moe Sandstead
In memory of Moe Sandstead
Karen Sandstead
Karen Sandstead
In memory of Violet Santangelo
In memory of Violet Santangelo
Chris Santangelo
Chris Santangelo
In memory of Nat and Louise Sherman
In memory of Nat and Louise Sherman
Mrs. Claire E. Benson
Mrs. Claire E. Benson
In memory of Harry Sterling
In memory of Harry Sterling
Vicki Sterling
Vicki Sterling
In memory of James Wade
In memory of James Wade
Nancy J. Farley
Nancy J. Farley
Joanne L. Goldberg-Ahillas
Joanne L. Goldberg-Ahillas
Griffiths Law PC
Griffiths Law PC
Judge and Mrs. John P. Leonard
Judge and Mrs. John P. Leonard
In memory of Russell “Rusty” Joseph Wilkins II
In memory of Russell “Rusty” Joseph Wilkins II
Mary and Tom Conroy
Mary and Tom Conroy
Gayle and Gary Landis
Gayle and Gary Landis
Deanna Rose Leino
Deanna Rose Leino
Martin and Jane Long
Martin and Jane Long
Margaret Maupin
Margaret Maupin
Lynnette Morrison
Lynnette Morrison
Arthur and Patricia Pansze
Arthur and Patricia Pansze
Jessica and Menandro Peña`
Jessica and Menandro Peña`
Nancy A. Rogers
Nancy A. Rogers
Robert and Jacklyn Writz
Robert and Jacklyn Writz
The following people have made arrangements to include Opera Colorado in their Estate Plan.
The following people have made arrangements to include Opera Colorado in their Estate Plan.
Sheila Bisenius
Sheila Bisenius
Ellie Caulkins
Ellie Caulkins
Dr. Stephen L. Dilts
Dr. Stephen L. Dilts
Ms. Donna E. Hamilton
Ms. Donna E. Hamilton
Ms. Lynn E. Harrington
Ms. Lynn E. Harrington
Ms. Lisa R. James
Ms. Lisa R. James
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Kafadar
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Kafadar
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kahn
Deanna Rose Leino
Deanna Rose Leino
Lynnette Morrison
Lynnette Morrison
Mrs. Lee Roberts
Mrs. Lee Roberts
Mary Ann Rose
Mary Ann Rose
Mr. Stephen Seifert
Mr. Stephen Seifert
Fern B. Seltzer
Fern B. Seltzer
Merrill Shields and M. Ray Thomasson
Merrill Shields and M. Ray Thomasson
Jenene and James Stookesberry
Jenene and James Stookesberry
Mr. Robert Van Buskirk
Mr. Robert Van Buskirk
Mrs. Carol C. Whitley
Mrs. Carol C. Whitley
Larry and Brigitte Zimmer
Larry and Brigitte Zimmer
The Denver Performing Arts Complex is owned and operated by Denver Arts & Venues for the City and County of Denver.
The Denver Performing Arts Complex is owned and operated by Denver Arts & Venues for the City and County of Denver.
Michael B. Hancock, Mayor
Michael B. Hancock, Mayor
Ginger White, Executive Director Molly Wink, Deputy Director
Ginger White, Executive Director Molly Wink, Deputy Director
The 40th Anniversary Season is generously sponsored by Marcia & Dick Robinson
The 40th Anniversary Season is generously sponsored by Marcia & Dick Robinson
Music Director Ari Pelto is sponsored by Mike & Julie Bock
Music Director Ari Pelto is sponsored by Mike & Julie Bock
Die tote Stadt is sponsored by an anonymous donor in honor of Dr. James K. Todd, with additional support from Robert R. Montgomery
Die tote Stadt is sponsored by an anonymous donor in honor of Dr. James K. Todd, with additional support from Robert R. Montgomery
The orchestra for Die tote Stadt is sponsored by Kevin O’Connor and Janet Ellen Raasch, with additional support from Gerald & Ann Saul, Jeff Baldwin, and Joyce de Roos
The orchestra for Die tote Stadt is sponsored by Kevin O’Connor and Janet Ellen Raasch, with additional support from Gerald & Ann Saul, Jeff Baldwin, and Joyce de Roos
Opera Colorado’s Education & Community Engagement Programs are made possible through the generous support of the following donors:
Opera Colorado’s Education & Community Engagement Programs are made possible through the generous support of the following donors:
Pamela Beardsley
Pamela Beardsley
Crawley Family Foundation
Crawley Family Foundation
Denver Lyric Opera Guild
Denver Lyric Opera Guild
Sidney E. Frank Foundation –Colorado Fund
Sidney E. Frank Foundation –Colorado Fund
Genesee Mountain Foundation
Genesee Mountain Foundation
Marcia Ragonetti Scientific and Cultural Facilities District
Marcia Ragonetti Scientific and Cultural Facilities District
Galen & Ada Belle Spencer Foundation
Galen & Ada Belle Spencer Foundation
Carol Whitley
Carol Whitley
Melvin & Elaine Wolf Foundation
Melvin & Elaine Wolf Foundation
Opera Colorado recognizes the following organizations for their generous support:
Opera Colorado recognizes the following organizations for their generous support:
Official Artist Housing Partner
Official Artist Housing Partner
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor lists. However, if your name is incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and contact Madeleine Snow at 303.468.2060.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor lists. However, if your name is incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apologies and contact Madeleine Snow at 303.468.2060.
As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors in our community. With your support, we can fulfill our mission to connect our Colorado community to the emotions and stories of the world through traditional and innovative opera and educational programming that is accessible to all.
As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors in our community. With your support, we can fulfill our mission to connect our Colorado community to the emotions and stories of the world through traditional and innovative opera and educational programming that is accessible to all.
Your donation this season honors our forty-year legacy and builds a bright future for decades to come.
Your donation this season honors our forty-year legacy and builds a bright future for decades to come.
• PRESENT high-quality opera experiences that reflect the multicultural fabric of our community
• PRESENT high-quality opera experiences that reflect the multicultural fabric of our community
• SERVE over 55,000 patrons every year
• SERVE over 55,000 patrons every year
• DEVELOP audiences by introducing children (and adults!) to their first opera experience
• DEVELOP audiences by introducing children (and adults!) to their first opera experience
• TRAIN the next generation of opera performers through our Artist in Residence Program
• TRAIN the next generation of opera performers through our Artist in Residence Program
ONLINE: operacolorado.org/support BY PHONE: 303.468.2060
ONLINE: operacolorado.org/support BY PHONE: 303.468.2060
MAIL A CHECK TO: Opera Colorado
MAIL A CHECK TO: Opera Colorado
4121 S Navajo St, Ste 100
Englewood, CO 80110
Mark Heiser, Venue Director
Mark Heiser, Venue Director
Jody Grossman, Assistant Venue Director, Booking
Jody Grossman, Assistant Venue Director, Booking
Todd Medley, Facilities Superintendent
Todd Medley, Facilities Superintendent
Kelly Graham, Safety, Security and Garage Operations Manager
Kelly Graham, Safety, Security and Garage Operations Manager
Carol Krueger, Patron Services Manager
Carol Krueger, Patron Services Manager
artscomplex.com | 720.865.4220
artscomplex.com | 720.865.4220
For immediate assistance & security 720.865.4200
For immediate assistance & security 720.865.4200
4121 S Navajo St, Ste 100 Englewood, CO 80110 For questions, please contact Opera Colorado’s Development team at 303.468.2060 or development@operacolorado.org. SCAN THE QR CODE:
For questions, please contact Opera Colorado’s Development team at 303.468.2060 or development@operacolorado.org.
Member ($100-$299)
Member ($100-$299)
• Your name listed in mainstage Season Program Books
• Your name listed in mainstage Season Program Books
• Closer to the Art emails before each mainstage production to gain behindthe-scenes insight and learn something new about Opera Colorado
• Closer to the Art emails before each mainstage production to gain behindthe-scenes insight and learn something new about Opera Colorado
• Exclusive pre-sale opportunities to ticketed events throughout the season
• Exclusive pre-sale opportunities to ticketed events throughout the season
Supporter ($300-$599)
Supporter ($300-$599)
All previous benefits, plus:
All previous benefits, plus:
• Discounted admission to the Sitzprobe Supper and Rehearsal
• Discounted admission to the Sitzprobe Supper and Rehearsal
• Invitation to an exclusive backstage tour of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House, where you will peek into dressing rooms, step on stage, and explore all that this historic building entails
• Invitation to an exclusive backstage tour of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House, where you will peek into dressing rooms, step on stage, and explore all that this historic building entails
Associate ($600-$1,199)
Associate ($600-$1,199)
All previous benefits, plus:
All previous benefits, plus:
• Access to the Chambers Grant Salon Donor Recognition Lounge and complimentary prosecco during intermission
• Access to the Chambers Grant Salon Donor Recognition Lounge and complimentary prosecco during intermission
• Complimentary admission to the Artist in Residence concert(s)
• Complimentary admission to the Artist in Residence concert(s)
• Complimentary admission and discounted guest admission to the Sitzprobe Supper and Rehearsal
• Complimentary admission and discounted guest admission to the Sitzprobe Supper and Rehearsal
Librettist ($1,200-$2,999)
Librettist ($1,200-$2,999)
All previous benefits, plus:
All previous benefits, plus:
• Complimentary admission to Artists in Conversation events, where you will learn more about upcoming productions from the artists themselves
• Complimentary admission to Artists in Conversation events, where you will learn more about upcoming productions from the artists themselves
• Invitation to a private Master Class with a leading industry artist and members of the Artist in Residence Program
• Invitation to a private Master Class with a leading industry artist and members of the Artist in Residence Program
• Personal staff liaison to assist you with opera tickets and special event reservations
• Personal staff liaison to assist you with opera tickets and special event reservations
Composer ($3,000-$5,999)
Composer ($3,000-$5,999)
All previous benefits, plus:
All previous benefits, plus:
• Invitation to a Sitzprobe Rehearsal and Dessert Reception
• Invitation to a Sitzprobe Rehearsal and Dessert Reception
• Invitation to the Luncheon with the Maestro event
• Invitation to the Luncheon with the Maestro event
Conductor ($6,000-$10,999)
Conductor ($6,000-$10,999)
All previous benefits, plus:
All previous benefits, plus:
• Complimentary parking for your Opera Colorado mainstage performances
• Complimentary parking for your Opera Colorado mainstage performances
• Access for two to each final dress rehearsal of Opera Colorado mainstage productions
• Access for two to each final dress rehearsal of Opera Colorado mainstage productions
Ambassador ($11,000-$24,999)
Ambassador ($11,000-$24,999)
All previous benefits, plus:
All previous benefits, plus:
• Invitation to a private cocktail reception with The Ellie Caulkins General & Artistic Director, followed by a rehearsal in the Opera Colorado Opera Center
• Invitation to a private cocktail reception with The Ellie Caulkins General & Artistic Director, followed by a rehearsal in the Opera Colorado Opera Center
• Private curated tour of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House for you and your guests
• Private curated tour of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House for you and your guests
Benefactor ($25,000-$49,999)
Benefactor ($25,000-$49,999)
All previous benefits, plus:
All previous benefits, plus:
• Behind the scenes access to rehearsals at the Opera Colorado Opera Center, including VIP access to artists
• Behind the scenes access to rehearsals at the Opera Colorado Opera Center, including VIP access to artists
• Invitation to an intimate dinner with The Ellie Caulkins General & Artistic Director and Music Director
• Invitation to an intimate dinner with The Ellie Caulkins General & Artistic Director and Music Director
Visionary ($50,000+)
Visionary ($50,000+)
All previous benefits, plus:
All previous benefits, plus:
• Private concert in your home or other chosen location
• Private concert in your home or other chosen location
Contact our Development Team at 303.468.2060 or development@operacolorado.org.
Contact our Development Team at 303.468.2060 or development@operacolorado.org.
PHOTOS Opera Colorado/Angelica DiIorio, Jamie Kraus, Matt StaverGreg Carpenter The Ellie Caulkins General & Artistic Director
Ari Pelto Music Director
Jennifer Colgan Director of Marketing & Communications
Tom Kirkpatrick Chief Financial Officer
Cherity Koepke Director of Education & Community Engagement, Director of Opera Colorado’s Artist in Residence Program
Jordanna Rose Director of Artistic Operations
Erin Wenzel Director of Development
Anthony Berkley Business Operations & Development Manager
Sandy Bucceri, Human Resources
SHRM-CP Manager
Samantha Cantu Patron Services Manager
Angelica DiIorio Marketing Manager, Advertising & Content
Megan Immerfall Bookkeeper
Ben Karasik Production Manager
Robin Lander Patron Services & Office Coordinator
Madeleine Snow Individual Giving & Donor Events Manager
Bethany Wood Manager of Education & Community Engagement
Sahar Nouri Chorus Master, Repetiteur & Assistant Conductor
Nathan Salazar Principal Repertoire Coach
Cody Guy Garrison Chorus Repetiteur
Daniel Belcher Voice Teacher
Francesca Mehrotra soprano
Joanne Evans mezzo-soprano
David Soto Zambrana tenor
Dante Mireles baritone
Michael Leyte-Vidal bass-baritone
Turner Staton bass-baritone
Oleg Bellini collaborative pianist
Elizabeth Caswell Dyer, Chair
Marcia Robinson, President
Michael Bock, Vice President
Chevis F. (Chip) Horne, Vice President
Richard Koseff, Secretary & Chair Elect
James Linfield, Treasurer
Kevin O’Connor, Chair Emeritus
Jeff V. Baldwin
Edward Balkin
Mark C. Bussey
Eleanor N. Caulkins, Lifetime Honorary Chair
Dr. Laurence K. Chan
Dr. Alan Cooper
Joseph Fogliano
Maria Garcia Berry
Richard Garvin
Mark Heiser, Ex-Officio
Don Hindman
Kelly Ann Hodges
Laurence D. Kaptain, Ex-Officio
Hon. Kenneth Laff
Judy LaSpada
MAJ. Konstantinos (Dino) G. Maniatis
William N. Maniatis, MD
Vivian Murciano
Jon J. Olafson
Ronald Otsuka
Prem S. Subramanian, MD, PhD
Keith Ward, Ex-Officio
Valerie M. Wassill, MD
Daniel G. Welch
Diane K. Wengler
Robin Kolsky Yaeger
Larry Zimmer
Suzanne Bucy
Hugh Grant
Jeremy Kinney
Mary French Moore
Gerald Saul
Jeremy Shamos
Susan Shamos
Merrill Shields
Martha Tracey
Angie Flachman Johnson Publisher
Stacey Krull
Art Director
Wilbur E. Flachman President Emeritus
303.428.9529 or ColoradoArtsPub.com
Wade Adams
Eric Bard
Barbara Bower
Marilyn Brock
Jeffrey Brown
Stephen Dilts
Thomas Gaffney
Lisa Goda
Sigrid Halvorson Freese
Debra Hoarty
Zoe Hoarty
Gwendolyn Jackman
Robert Kahn
Kiplund Kolkmeier
Susan Landers
Heather MacKinnon
Kathleen McQuaid
Eva Phibbs
Catharine Poe
Regina Rajewich
Michaele Reddy
Donna Ries
Grover Sardeson
Therese Schoen
Ruth Schoening
Henry Siegel
Lori Stevens
Christine Tanner
John Tanner
Judith Taubman
Marianne Weingroff
Matthew Wolchak
Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Opera Colorado Opera Center 4121 S Navajo St, Ste 100 Englewood, CO 80110
Monday–Friday, 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
OPERACOLORADO.ORG follow @operacolorado