SideShots -- February 2025

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Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado





Brian Dennis President 719-337-1262

Shaun Lee

Secretary/Treasurer 570-499-8073

Becky Roland

Executive Director PO Box 441069, Aurora, CO 80044 • Phoenix AMC (303) 551-3266 F: (720) 230-4846

Directors: Brian Bowker, Ian Cortez, Todd Johnston, Heather Lassner, Steve Parker, Tom Sylvester, Scott Thompson, Dennis Mouland

Side Shots Editorial Committee

Laine Landau, Chair; Becky Roland, Brian Kelly, Todd Johnston, Sean Mullen, Ryan Brooks, Jim Lynch, Celine Bromley, Don Hulsey, Brian Boniface



President, Jim Lynch

Vice President, Justin C. Scheitler; Secretary, Greg Gilbert

Treasurer, Daniel Davis

Directors: Roger Atnes, Derek Brown, John W. Doty, Eric Laburda, Randy Loveless II, Tony Peall, Hayley Young


President-elect: Celine Bromley; Secretary/Treasurer, Heather Lassner

Directors: Chase Corbridge,Tony Fendick, Pete Paulus, Kathryn Rocha, Reade Roselles,


President: Brian T. Kelly

Treasurer/VP, AJ Summers; Secretary, Walter Magill

Directors: Thomas H. Effinger, Skidge Moon, Walter Magill, Lloyd Powers, Peter Epp

Past President and Director: Gordon Dowling


President: Don R. Hulsey

Vice President: Mark Johannes; Secretary: Secretary/Treasurer: Steven Parker

Directors: Joseph Alessi III, Dennis Craig, Steve Rutzen, Jon Tessin, Eric White, Honorable Lifetime: Nathan Lira, PLS


President: Brian Boniface

Vice President: Tim Barnett; Secretary: Robert Hinojosa; Treasurer: Justin Bonnell


President: Sean Mullen

Vice President: David Holmes; Secretary-Treasurer: James Combs

Directors: Ted Juntilla, Renee Parent, Kurt Shepherd, Alec Thomas, Tom Sylvester


Side Shots is the official publication of the Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado, Inc. and is published quarterly for the betterment of the surveying profession.

Brian Dennis President

For Editorial Correspondence, contact: Laine Landau

This publication is not copyrighted and articles may be reprinted with due credit. Statements made and opinions expressed are from the contributors and do not necessarily express the official views of the Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado, Inc. Deadlines for editorials, articles, pictures and advertising are January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. Material received after the current deadline will appear in the next issue of Side Shots.

We would like to invite anyone who is interested to advertise in Side Shots. Do you have something you want to sell, trade or buy? Why not use Side Shots for your next ad? We can also reproduce business cards for advertising. Ad space reservation must be


DIRECTORS (2021-2024)


C: (970) 985-8086

IAN CORTEZ O: (720) 523-6835

TOM SYLVESTER O: (970) 255-7386

TODD JOHNSTON O: (970) 769-8751

DIRECTORS (2023-2026)

SCOTT THOMPSON O: (970) 244-1821

DENNIS MOULAND O: (928) 460-0230

HEATHER LASSNER O: (970) 310-4089


C: (719) 641-3355

WFPS DELEGATES (2022-2023)

TODD BEERS (O): (303) 353-3528

NSPS DIRECTOR (2022-2023)

TODD BEERS (O): (303) 353-3528


Alternate C: (719) 641-3355

PO Box 441069, Aurora, CO 80044


OFFICERS (2022-2023)


Fellow Members


There have been many great things happening over the last Summer and Fall. I will do my best to recap the highlights.


House Bill 24-1329 was signed last summer which created the requirement for Continuing Education for Professional land Surveyors. Since then, the AES Board invited several members of the PLSC to be part of a sub-committee designed to create the details of the requirements. The PLSC members selected were Scott Thompson, Todd Beers and myself. We have actively participated in numerous 4-hour meetings with the AES Board and public attendees to contribute to the future of land Surveying and crafting the details of the requirement. Ultimately, it will be the AES Board to decide the final draft but we are very appreciative of the Board in valuing our opinions, listening and respectfully debating the merits of each discussion point. I truly believe we will have a final draft that considered many things and is a great launch point for this requirement.

The new PLSC website has been operational for almost a year. Personally, I like the new format and usability and potential of this website layout but it can only be better if we have your input and suggestions. This is your website and it can only improve with your feedback. Reach out to Becky or myself with suggestions. Under the PLSC Equipment & Books for Sale dropdown, we have added the equipment for sale listings and that is gaining traction. Thank you to Dennis Mouland and all of the folks that helped catalog the equipment, take photos and create descriptions as well as research to determine fair market value for the listings. It was a lot of effort by those folks and it could not have happened without them. Also listed under the same dropdown are the new “Boundary Survey Notice” door hangers recently purchased to provide notice to landowners or occupants that a Land Surveyor is working in the area. There is a space on each hanger to list your contact information and has the PLSC logo. These are a great way to let someone know that you have been to their door. This is a more professional way of communicating than the old “leave a business card in the door jamb” trick. These are weather resistant! These will also be available at the 2025 Rocky Mountain Summit at the registration booth. In addition, we have added a book section to the page. For those who have books they want to donate, this is a great place to list them. All proceeds from equipment sales, door hangers and books go towards the operating costs of the PLSC. The PLSC Board is discussing adding another page for Colorado survey businesses for sale. This discussion is in the infant stages and we also need to determine what we can do or list legally but rest assured we are working hard to add value to the membership and create features that serve you well.

On a more somber and humbling note, we owe our respect to those who have passed away recently: Gaby Neunzert, Ken Goff, Brandon Martinez, Joe Zylstra, and George “Smitty” Smith. They leave behind many memories with their families and the survey community. We will never forget them and the impact they had on all of us. They will be missed greatly.

I wish everyone a busy Spring!

Thank you

This edition contains details on the 2025 RMSS program. I found it exciting to select my courses and find that both the in-person and virtual conference programs held content I am eager to experience. The conference committee has done a great job and I hope you are all as excited to attend the conference this year as I am.

Earl Henderson has graced us with the 3rd part of his series “Where is Colorado?” It makes me awestruck to think of setting monuments of stone 5 feet high, or the political dimensions of the location of the boundary between New Mexico and Colorado. After reading the article I had a few questions for Earl that I thought worth repeating here:

Q. Where is the Doctrine of Original Monumentation from?

A. The Doctrine of Original Monumentation is a legal doctrine based on multiple court cases similar to the Doctrine of Merger.  These and other doctrines are covered by Jeff Lucas in his books and lectures, but have become “doctrines” based on them being upheld in courts so often.


Q. That Kidder in 1925 found so many monuments of Darlings makes me think Johnson (around 1901) was not looking in the right place.

A. Although Kidder did find most of Darling’s monuments throughout the entire line (±330 miles), he may not have found the ones in the limited area where Johnson had been working in 1901 (±40 miles).  In order to determine that we’d need to refer to Kidder’s notes in detail, which I did not do.

This edition also celebrates the Golden Puffins, winners of the Best Surveying practices award, in Hayley Young’s article about the Future City Competition. Hopefully some of the young Future City participants will consider becoming AEC professionals to help fill out our diminished ranks. Thank you to the Central Chapter for supporting this effort.

On the other end of the spectrum, we also celebrate the generous life of Gaby Neunzert who touched many of us personally and professionally. Thank you for the stories, please continue to tell them!



Meeting Agenda October 29, 2024 4:30PM

Meeting Agenda

October 29, 2024 • 4:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order Dennis

Name Position Chapter Attending?

Brian Dennis (BD) President Southern x Vice President

Shaun Lee (SL) Secretary/Treasurer Central x

Becky Roland (BR) Executive Director n/a x

Heather Lassner (HL) Director Northern/TrigStar x

Brian Bowker (BB) Director Western x

Ian Cortez (IC) Director Central x

Todd Johnston (TJ) Director Southwestern x

Steve Parker (SP) Director Southern x

Tom Sylvester (TS) Director Western x

Scott Thompson (ST) Director Western, Legislative Co-Chair x

Dennis Mouland (DM) Director Northern Chapter x

Ralph Pettit (RP) Ex-Officio Central

Todd Beers (TB) Non-Voting NSPS/WFPS Delegate Guests:

John Hunter (JH) Geo-Coordinator

Laine Landau (LL) Side Shots Co-Editor x

JC Scheitler (JC) Central Chapter x

David Berglund (DB) Northern Chapter x

Brian Kelly (BK) NW ¼ Chapter

Brian Shaw (BS) NOAA/NGS x

James Combs (JC) YSN

Cole Conger (CC) YSN

Sue Weiss (SW) CST x

Determined Quorum (6 voting): Lee


2. Approve October 2024 BOD Meeting Minutes: Dennis

3. Financial Report: Lee/Roland

a. Review Financials/Treasurer’s Report

i. Checking $11,477

1. New balance after checks and deposits $8,649

2. Need to transfer NCPLS (BR)

ii. Savings $25,046


MOTION: To approve the October 2024 BOD Meeting Minutes as amended. (IC/SL) Approved unanimously

iii. Investments $124,713

iv. Still being charged bank fees by Key Bank; SL will look into this

b. Updates

i. Door Hangers

1. BD will order 250 qty

ii. Equipment Sales

1. IC provided some sales pricing

2. BR took additional missing photos for promo

3. Additional equipment will be added and promoted after Thanksgiving

iii. Renewals

1. Renewals due Dec 31

2. See discussion below under ballot for including with invoice.

3. Also include Side Shots promo

4. Side Shots: Parker/Landau

a. Need Board decision on continuing online only production

b. Update on advertising sales campaign for 2025

c. February issue – stay digital

i. QR Code for Summit

1. Print mailer for conference instead with Side Shots QR code

ii. BOD consensus is to continue digital and minimize costs

iii BR to provide list of members with no email to BOD. BOD to see if they have emails.

iv. Survey membership on Side Shots being digital (BR/LL to develop/send)

v. Kiosk at Summit

1. Become a member

2. Update profile

3. Update DORA


5. Elections/Nominations: Dennis

a. President

i. Brian Dennis

b. Vice President

i. Heather Lassner

c. Secretary/Treasurer

i. Chapters to ask members

ii. Does not need to be a Central Chapter member

d. 4 Directors

i. Northern Chapter

1. Chase Corbridge

ii. Central Chapter

1. ??

iii. Southwestern Chapter

1. Rob Trudeaux??

iv. Western Chapter

1. Tom Sylvester

e. Send ballot with printed renewal

i. Send notice to Associate members that they can upgrade to Voting member if eligible and submit ballot

f. BR to send another call for nominations

g. Board members are asked to present at as many Chapter meetings as possible (doesn’t need to be within own Chapter)

6. Legislative Committee: Thompson

a. Continuing Education Subcommittee: Lee

i. ST, BD, TB on DORA’s Subcommittee

ii. Asked Joyce what can be shared with members/PLSC

1. Share any public hearing information (don’t share committee member mailing list)

2. Meetings are open

b. NSRS Model Legislation

i. Board gave ST feedback on draft legislation

c. Legislative Breakfast – January 2025

7. Request for Instructor at FRCC

REPORTS – Provided in packet

8. NSPS/WFPS Reports: Beers

9. RMSS 2025 Report: Lassner/Weiss

a. Registration is open

b. Focusing on Vendor Sales

10. CST Education: Weiss

11. Next Meeting

a. December 19

b. Future topics

i. Sample Legal Documents

1. Contracts (Keane)

2. How to file a lien

3. Opt. Table A Items for ALTA

4. Right of Entry

ii. AI and Surveying

12. Adjourn (DM/SP)


Secretary Report:

Don’t forget to log onto PLSC. net to update your profile information! This will help you to gain access to new resources being planned by the PLSC (special historic records library, meeting recordings, and more). Also, to stay informed through general communications, event invitations, membership surveys issued by the PLSC, and much more.

You can reach out to any chapter or state board member directly to discuss any survey community topic and concern. You can find board members and contact information on the pages of or Side Shots.


• PLSC Board Meetings: (past): 12/19/24 (upcoming): 1/30/25

• Breakfast at the Capital: 1/31/25


Please consider taking the PLSC to new heights by getting involved!

Board Officers need Professional Licensure to be eligible, Directors (Lic. or Unlicensed) are regularly involved in board meetings forming a Quorum of the board and are encouraged to chair a committee. Committee members are board members and members of the surveying public or those practicing in the profession of Land Surveying; involvement is usually limited to a committee of interest.

PLSC Board of Directors (BOD) Positions Open or Opening in 2025:

• Officers

• President

• Vice President

• Treasurer/Secretary

• Director’s returning

• Tom Sylvester

• 3 Director positions are open for election. Also see your local chapter for openings on the chapter board.

PLSC Committee & Positions Open:

• County Surveyors – not active-no known topic of concern, no members seated.

• Education – Chair Tom Sylvester, needs additional members to be seated.

• Ethics & Fair Practice – not active-no known topic f

concern, no members seated.

• GPS – not active-no known topic of concern, no members seated.

• Legislative – Chair Scott Thompson - Colorado Continuing Education

• DORA Subcommittee

• Membership – active, needs chair & members to be seated.

• Outreach – active, needs chair & members to be seated.

• Special (current hot topic) – not active-no known topic of concern

• Survey Monuments & Records Standards –Chair Shaun Lee, Open Comment Session pertaining to but not limited by:

• Monument Records (ie. monument record template format, methods of filing records, fines for destroying monuments, limitation of access through current construction and repaving practices)

• Recordation of the setting of internal monuments following a new subdivision plat and construction practices (ie. reference monumentation, lot/property corners, and range points (where applicable))

Please send concerns and suggestions in a group email to,, and

Working Group:

• RMSS 2026 conference location review and site visits.

New Technology:

• The website has been updated and construction is continuing to work on new resources.

• Online Store for PLSC is up and running. Stop by to purchase Surveying Equipment, Books, Educational Recordings, and Advertising with the PLSC. PLSC Chapter swag is coming.

• COMING to the Website:

• Online Auction space.

• Online records database for PLSC members for hard-to-find special records and records that are unrecorded in which the PLSC has come to be in possession of through membership involvement or donation. (Keep us in mind if you find treasure, we will work to preserve the record.)

• Listing of Surveying Business’s “For Sale” space.

• New-Old Technology – The PLSC and members now have a new resource for performing research. A Big Thanks to Merrick and the surveying staff for the coordination and donation of a working microfiche projector with printer and a large library of records.

(details to be posted soon) (If you are in possession of any Microfiche you would like to donate and add to the library, please reach out.) Access will be by appointment at this time for the library and projector is in our storage location and not readily available.


• Finalized legislation on modernization.

Treasurer’s Report:

Past Quarter in Review:

Current Status:

a. PLSC is working hard through a surplus deficit following recent expenses and ongoing business responsibilities. While looking for ways to trim our budget Side Shots magazine voted to go digital (each hard copy run costs $2,500, digital $1250), currently Side Shots will be delivered via digital means through Feb. 2025 per BOD vote.


b. Boundary Survey Notice Door Hangers are now available for purchase on under the books section.

c. We are scanning copies of conference and workshop handouts from past PLSC event. These resources will be made available soon for purchase.

d. Thanks to many early enrollments in the RMSS 2025 Conference and Refresher Course we have collected funds to continue servicing the quarterly $24k payments to the Westin. Thank you for supporting the PLSC!

Moving Forward:

a. Annually the PLSC will revisit the RMSS Chapter Agreement by requesting signatures from the sitting BOD of each chapter. (This is to keep all informed of the agreement as new seats are filled at the chapter level.)

a. The RMSS 2026 planning has started in 2024 to keep or obtain any new venue to then gain optimal calendar schedules and speakers.

Lobbyists Paid for 1st quarter 2025 at “Active” Level Status; fee $3,750.

One Scholarships was Awarded in the 4th quarter. PLSC-NSPS Foundation Scholarship $116,767.42

Current assets:

e. Checking: $22,681

f. Savings: $25,067 $47,748

g. Donated Survey equipment, books, and miscellaneous $10k +/h. Investment Account (Education Fund): $124,316 PLSC-NSPS Foundation Scholarship $116,767.42

The PLSC is pulling additional funds from the investment account to cover budget costs of the RMSS 2024, upcoming RMSS 2025 conference payments, and PLSC operating costs through August of 2024 totaling $68k. Considering $49k to be associated with the RMSS and to be owed back to the investment account as funds become available.

Move money to Checking


M o n d a y - M a r c h 2 4

K n o w W h e n t o H o l d ‘ e m a n d O t h e r P r o c e d u r a l P i t f a l l s - K r i s K l i n e ( 6 h o u r s )

A t t h e c o r e o f o u r p r o f e s s i o n i s t h e b o u n d a r y m o n u m e n t ; m o s t r e t r a c e m e n t d i s p u t e s

i n v o l v e a c h o i c e t o h o l d a n e x i s t i n g m o n u m e n t , s e t a n e w m o n u m e n t , o r c h o o s e b e t w e e n

s e v e r a l e x i s t i n g m o n u m e n t s T h i s s e m i n a r i s a n i n - d e p t h d i s c u s s i o n o f b a s i c t h e o r i e s a n d

s p e c i f i c p r i n c i p l e s t h a t f o r m t h e b a s is o f t h i s c r i t i c a l d e c i s i o n , i n c l u d i n g t h e r u l e s o f

c o n s t r u c t i o n , v a r i a t i o n s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h r i p a r i a n b o u n d a r i e s , a n d p r o b l e m s a s s o c i a t e d

w i t h ' o f f i c e s u r v e y s ' S t a n d a r d s o f r e s e a r c h a n d a s e g m e n t o n m o d e r n s u r v e y r e t r a c e m e n t

i s i n c l u d e d .

T u e s d a y - M a r c h 2 5

H o w t o F i x a B o u n d a r y L i n e ( a n d H o w N O T t o ) - K r i s K l i n e ( 6 h o u r s )

T h i s c o u r s e e x a m i n e s v a r i o u s l e g a l m e c h a n i s m s w h i c h c o u r t s a p p l y i n o r d e r t o f i x t h e

l o c a t i o n o f a d i s p u t e d o r u n c e r t a i n b o u n d a r y l i n e o r e a s e m e n t . T o p i c s i n c l u d e : A d v e r s e

P o s s e s s i o n , B o u n d a r y b y E s t o p p e l , C o n d i t i o n a l a n d C o n s e n t a b l e B o u n d a r y L i n e s , P r a c t i c a l

L o c a t i o n , a n d P a r o l v s w r i t t e n a g r e e m e n t s A s e g m e n t o n t h e d o c t r i n e o f M e r g e r i s a l s o

i n c l u d e d .

W e d n e s d a y - M a r c h 2 6

H o w S u r v e y o r s B u i l t a C o u n t r y , a n d t h e C o u r t s F o l l o w e d i n T h e i r F o o t s t e p s - W a r r e n W a r d

( 3 h o u r s )

a M o n u m e n ts M a k e t h e M a t h , A n d 1 , 0 0 1 R e a s o n s W h y S u r v e y o r s P l a n t P i n g a r d e n s A n y w a y

b . I s a P r o p e r t y C o r n e r T h e R e s u l t o f a M e a s u r e m e n t , O r i s a M e a s u r e m e n t T h e R e s u l t o f a

P r o p e r t y C o r n e r ?

S o l v e a B o u n d a r y P r o b l e m - R o b e r t B o e h m ( 3 h o u r s )

T h i s c l a s s h a s b e e n s o p o p u l a r , w e a r e b r i n g i n g i t b a c k f o r 2 0 2 5 W e w i l l p r e s e n t i n t e r e s t i n g

b o u n d a r y p r o b l e m s a n d h a v e a l i v e l y d i s c u s s i o n o n h o w t o s o l v e t h e i s s u e

T h u r s d a y - M a r c h 2 7

M i n i n g C l a i m s - B i l l B u n t r o c k ( 3 h o u r s )

T h e B e s s i e B . P l a c e r w a s o r i g i n a l l y s u r v e y e d b y U . S . D e p u t y M i n e r a l S u r v e y o r F . L . C o x

b e t w e e n J u l y 2 4 , a n d J u l y 2 7 , 1 9 0 3 , l o c a t e d i n t h e A r g e n t i n e M i n i n g D i s t r i c t , C l e a r C r e e k

C o u n t y , C o l o r a d o , o r w a s i t ?

W h a t s t a r t e d a s a s t a n d a r d m i n i n g c l a i m s u r v e y b u t a t m u c h h i g h e r e l e v a t i o n s , s o o n

b e c a m e a p p a r e n t t h a t t h e B e s s i e o r q u i c k l y t o b e n i c k n a m e d t h e “ M e ss y B e s s i e ” w a s g o i n g

t o b e a n y t h i n g b u t s t a n d a r d .

T h i s i s a s u r v e y o r ’ s s a g a o n w h a t i t t o o k t o c o m p l e t e a l a n d s u r v e y p l a t b e t w e e n 1 0 , 0 0 0

a n d 1 2 , 5 0 0 f e e t a b o v e s e a l e v e l , c o n s u m i n g o v e r 6 5 f i e l d d a y s a n d m e m b e r s o f t h e

s u r v e y i n g c o m m u n i t y t h a t d o n a t e d c o u n t l e s s h o u r s o f f i e l d a n d o f f i c e t i m e t o m a k e i t

h a p p e n

D O R A a n d C o n t i n u i n g E d u c a t i o n U p d a t e - B i l l B u n t r o c k a n d J o y c e Y o u n g ( 3 h o u r s )

D o y o u k n o w w h a t c h a n g e s h a v e o c c u r r e d r e c e n t l y t h r o u g h l e g i s l a t i o n ? D o y o u h a v e q u e s t i o n s o n h o w t h e m a n d a t o r y c o n t i n u i n g e d u c a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t w i l l b e d e f i n e d ? D O R A a n d p a s t A E S B o a r d M e m b e r B i l l B u n t r o c k w i l l b e o n h a n d t o a n s w e r y o u r q u e s t i o n s o n c u r r e n t a n d u p c o m i n g S t a t u t e s a n d R u l e s


M o n d a y - M a r c h 2 4

C S T I : H i s t o r y a n d I n s t r u m e n t s - S u e W e i s s a n d T r i s h L u n d ( 3 h o u r s )

T h e G o a l f o r t h i s s e s s i o n w i l l f o c u s o n S u r v e y i n g H i s t o r y a n d t h e e v o l u t i o n o f s u c h

B y t h e e n d o f t h i s s e c t i o n , y o u w i l l b e a b l e t o D e f i n e L a n d S u r v e y i n g & r e l a t e d t e r m s ,

h a v e a b a s i c u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e o r i g i n s o f l a n d s u r v e y i n g ; i d e n t i f y h i s t o r i c a l l y

s i g n i f i c a n t d e v e l o p m e n t s , a n d u n d e r s t a n d h i s t o r i c a l p r o c e d u r e s & p r a c t i c e s .

C S T I I a n d I I I - B r i a n D e n n i s a n d D a n e C o u r v i l l e ( 3 h o u r s )

I f y o u a r e p l a n n i n g t o t a k e t h e C S T I I o r I I I e x a m , t h i s c o u r s e i s f o r y o u ! P r e s e n t e r s w i l l

r e v i e w va r i o u s c a l c u l a t i o n p r o b l e m s a n d a n s w e r y o u r q u e s t i o n s t o h e l p b e t t e r p r e p a r e f o r

t h e e x a m s

T u e s d a y - M a r c h 2 5

“ B r i d g i n g t h e G a p ” B e t w e e n G e o s p a t i a l S u r v e y a n d U A S A N D S o l a r C y c l e 2 5 : “ T h e I m p a c t

o f E n h a n c e d S o l a r A c t i v i t y o n t h e I o n o s p h e r e a n d t h e G N S S S u r v e y o r ” - B o b G r e e n ( 3

h o u r s )


h i s s e s s i o n w i l l f o c u s o n i n t e g r a t i n g q u a l i t y s u r v e y d a t a w i t h q u a l i t y U A S s e n s o r s a n d

w o r k f l o w s . W e w i l l d i s c u s s v a r i o us t e c h n i q u e s u s e d t o c a p t u r e U A V p h o t o g r a m m e t r y a n d

L i d a r g r o u n d c o n t r o l ( G C P ’ s ) P L U S

W i t h t h e p e n d i n g “ p e a k ” o f S o l a r C y c l e 2 5 p r e d i c t e d f o r t h e s u m m e r o f 2 0 2 5 , w e w i l l l o o k a t

s o l a r f l a r e s , s t o r m s , w i n d s c o u p l e d w i t h C o r o n a l M a s s E j e c t i o n s a n d g e o m a g n e t i c a c t i v i t y .

R a i l r o a d P e r m i t t i n g a n d S a f e t y - G a r y G a b l e ( 3 h o u r s )

T h i s p r e s e n t a t i o n i n c l u d e s t h e f e d e r a l r u l e s , t h e d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f p r o t e c t i o n t ha t c a n b e

g i v e n t o a s u r v e y c r e w s u c h a s W a t c h m a n - L o o k o u t , F o r m B , F o r m D , T r a c k a n d T i m e , a n d

L o c k O u t / T a g O u t t o n a m e a f e w . A n d a l s o w h a t y o u a r e a l l o w e d t o d o w i t h t h o s e

d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f p r o t e c t i o n

W e d n e s d a y - M a r c h 2 6

G r a v i m e t r i c M o d e l s - D e r e k V a n W e s t r u m ( 3 h o u r s )

S P C S 2 0 2 2 a n d o t h e r N S R S M o d e r n i z a t i o n - M i c h a e l D e n n i s ( 3 h o u r s )

A c o m p r e h e n s i v e r e v i e w o f t h e S P C S 2 0 2 2 a n d o t h e r N S R S M o d e r n i za t i o n p r o j e c t s .

T h u r s d a y - M a r c h 2 7

I n t e g r a t i n g G I S i n D a i l y P r a c t i c e : E m p o w e r i n g L a n d S u r v e y o r s f o r e f f i c i e n t o p e r a t i o n s -

B r y a n F r a z i e r a n d N e i l W a g n e r ( 3 h o u r s )

T h i s t a l k w i l l e x p l o r e t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f G e o g r a p h i c I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m s ( G I S ) i n

e n h a n c i n g t h e e v e r y d a y w o r k f l o w s o f l a n d s u r v e y o r s . B y i n t e g r a t i n g G I S t e c h n o l o g y , l a n d

s u r v e y o r s c a n s t r e a m l i n e d a t a c o l l e c t i o n , i m p r o v e e f f i c i e n c y i n m a p pi n g p r o d u c t s , a n d

e n h a n c e p r o j e c t p l a n n i n g a n d m a n a g e m e n t .

U p a n d S u r v e y i n g - S m a r t D r o n e ( 3 h o u r s )

A r a p i d y e t c o m p r e h e n s i v e g l a n c e a t d r o n e s u r v e y i n g p r i n c i p l e s i n c l u d i n g f e d e r a l

r e g u l a t i o n s & l o c a l / s t a t e l a w s , b a s i c f l i g h t p l a n n i n g , L i D A R c o l l e c t i o n & p r o c e s s i n g , a n d

p h o t o g r a m m e t r y


N E W T H I S Y E A R : O u r P l a t i n u m L e v e l V e n d o r s w i l l b e p r e s e n t i n g p r o d u c t a n d s e r v i c e

i n f o r m a t i o n f o r a t t e n d e e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e s u m m i t . ( N o t e l i g i b l e f o r C E U c r e d i t )

A L S O : T h e e x h i b i t a r e a w i l l b e o p e n t o a n y o n e t h a t w o u l d l i k e t o a t t e n d f r e e o f c h a r g e !


M o n d a y - M a r c h 2 4

C o n t r a c t i n g L a w - K y l i e L o v e l l a n d A n n C h a n d l e r ( 3 h o u r s )

F i n d o u t t h e i t e m s y o u m u s t i n c l u d e i n c o n t r a c t s a n d t h o s e y o u s h o u l d n ’ t . T h i s c o u r s e w i l l

i m p r o v e y o u r c o n t r a c t s o n f u t u r e p r o j e c t s

B I M ( 3 h o u r s )

L e a r n h o w t o u t i l i z e B I M f o r u n d e r g r o u n d u t i l i t i e s a n d a s b u i l t s

T u e s d a y - M a r c h 2 5

B u s i n e s s w i t h C D O T - P e h l e C o l l e t t a ( 3 h o u r s )

T h i s s e s s i o n w i l l d i s c u s s h o w to s u c c e s s f u l l y p a r t n e r w i t h t h e C o l o r a d o D e p a r t m e n t o f

T r a n s p o r t a t i o n . I t w i l l c o v e r a l l t h e r e q u i r e d f o r m s a n d p r o c e s s e s f r o m t h e p r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n

a p p l i c a t i o n t o t h e N o t i c e t o P r o c e e d o n a c o n t r a c t a n d e v e r y t h i n g i n - b e t w e e n

F u s e d D e l i v e r a b l e s i n T r a n s p o r t a t i o n M a p p i n g - W o o l p e r t ( 3 h o u r s )

I n t h e r a p i d l y e v o l v i n g f i e l d o f t r a n s p o r t a t i o n m a p p i n g , t h e i n t e g r a t i o n o f a d v a n c e d s u r v e y

t e c h n o l o g i e s i s c r uc i a l f o r c r e a t i n g a c c u r a t e a n d c o m p r e h e n s i v e d e l i v e r a b l e s t o s u p p o r t

a n e q u a l l y e v o l v i n g t r a n s p o r t a t i o n i n d u s t r y . T h i s p r e s e n t a t i o n w i l l e x p l o r e t h e i n n o v a t i v e

m e t h o d s a n d t o o l s t h a t e n h a n c e d a t a c o l l e c t i o n a n d a n a l y s i s B y l e v e r a g i n g u n m a n n e d

a e i r a l s y s t e s ( U A S ) , m o b i l e m a p p i n g s y s t e m s ( M M S ) , m a n n e d a e r i a l a c q u i s i t i o n , a n d

t r a d i t i o n a l l a n d s u r v e y i n g m e t h o d s , w e c a n p r o d u c e m o r e c o m p r e h e n s i v e d e l i v a r ab l e s

w i t h i n c r e a s e d e f f i c i e n c y i n m a p p i n g t r a n s p o r t a t i o n s y s t e m s , u r b a n a i r m o b i l , i t y n e t w o r k s ,

a n d c o m p l e x r o a d w a y d e s i g n p r o j e c t s . T h e s e s s i o n w i l l h i g h l i g h t t h e b e n e f i t s o f t h e s e

t e c h n o l o g i e s i n p r o d u c i n g f u s e d d e l i v e r a b l e s t h a t s u p p o r t b e t t e r p l a n n i n g , d e s i g n , a n d

d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g p r o c e s s . A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n w i l l i n c l u d e a p r a c t i c a l t u t o r i a l o n

M i c r o S t a t i o n O p e n R o a d s D e s i g n e r ( O R D ) , d e m on s t r a t i n g h o w t o e f f e c t i v e l y u t i l i z e t h i s

s o f t w a r e w h i l e l e v e r a g i n g d i v e r s e t y p e s o f m a p p i n g t e c h n o l o g y s o l u t i o n s .

W e d n e s d a y - M a r c h 2 6

E n v i s i o n C A D - B o b M e c h a m ( 6 h o u r s )

A M S e s s i o n - S u r v e y D a t a R e d u c t i o n C D O T b e s t p r a c t i c e s

B e n t l e y O p e n R o a d s D e s i g n e r ( O R D ) v 1 0 1 2 : T h e g o a l f o r t h i s s e s s i o n i s t o i n t r o d u c e C D O T

s t a n d a r d s , w o r k f l o w s a n d d e l i v e r a b l e s y o u ' l l b e u s i n g f o r s u r v e y d a t a c o l l e c t i o n w o r k w i t h

t he O p e n R o a d s D e s i g n e r s o f t w a r e v 1 0 . 1 2 . T h e r e h a v e b e e n s o m e f i x e s i n t h e v 1 0 . 1 2 s o f t w a r e

t h a t w i l l a l l o w f o r p r e v i o u s w o r k a r o u n d w o r k f l o w s t o b e c o m e o b s o l e t e I f t i m e p e r m i t s w e

w i l l a l s o l o o k a t t e r r a i n m o d e l e d i t i n g , R e a l i t y M e s h , a n d L i d a r c o l l e c t e d d a t a .

A M S e s s i o n - R O W G e o m e t r y a n d P l a n s P r o d u c t i o n C D O T b e s t p r a c t i c e s

B e n t l e y O p e n R o a d s D e s i g n e r ( O R D ) v 1 0 . 1 2 : T h e g o a l f o r t h i s s e s s i o n i s t o i n t r od u c e C D O T

s t a n d a r d s , w o r k f l o w s a n d d e l i v e r a b l e s y o u ' l l b e u s i n g f o r R O W G e o m e t r y c r e a t i o n a n d

P l a n s P r o d u c t i o n o f R O W s h e e t s . W e w i l l b e w o r k i n g w i t h

t h e O p e n R o a d s D e s i g n e r s o f t w a r e v 1 0 . 1 2 . T h e r e h a v e b e e n s o m e i m p r o v e m e n t s a n d n e w

t o o l s a d d e d i n t h e v 1 0 1 2 s o f t w a r e t h a t w i l l b e d e m o n s t r a t e d i n t h e s e s s i o n

T h u r s d a y - M a r c h 2 7 - C F e d S ( o p e n t o a l l * )

3 - M i l e S u b d i v i s i o n a n d I n d i a n L a n d L a w - G l e n T h u r o w ( 6 h o u r s o r 2 C F e d S C E U )

* A n y o n e w h o r e g i s t e r s f o r t h i s s e s s i o n c a n a t t e n d . O n l y i n d i v i d u a l s w h o n e e d t h e C F e d S

C E U c e r t i f i c a t e n e e d t o p a y t h e e x t r a f e e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h i s s e s s i o n

A p r i l 1


A r e Y o u R e a d y f o r 2 0 2 5 ? - D a v e D o y l e ( 4 h o u r s )

T h i s p r e s e n t a t i o n i n c l u d e s :



; U p d a t e d p r o t o c o l s i n d e f i n i n g o r t h o m e t r i c

h e i g h t s f r o m G N S S ; N e w U . S . S t a t e P l a n e Co o r d i n a t e s y s t e m s ; U s i n g N G S t o o l s t o p r e d i c t

n e w c o o r d i n a t e s a n d h e i g h t s ; D a t u m T r a n s f o r m a t i o n s ; a n d M e t a d a t a

A p r i l 2

S p a n i s h L a n d G r a n t s - M i c h e l H o o v e r a n d B i l l M e r t e n ( 2 h o u r s )

D i d y o u k n o w t h a t C o l o r a d o h a s M e x i c a n L a n d s o n t h e S o u t h e r n S i d e o f t h e S t a t e ? L e a r n

a b o u t t h e h i s t o r y a n d n o m e n c l a t u r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e S p a n i s h a n d M e x i c a n L a n d g r a n t

s y s t e m s a n d h o w i t m a y a p p l y t o o u r s t a t e .

K e y S t r a te g i e s f o r a S u c c e s s f u l L a n d S u r v e y i n g B u s i n e s s - T r e n t K e e n a n ( 2 h o u r s )

T h i s s e s s i o n o f f e r s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e g u i d e t o r u n n i n g a s u c c e s s f u l l a n d s u r v e y i n g b u s i n e s s

t a i l o r e d t o t h e c u r r e n t m a r k e t d y n a m i c s P a r t i c i p a n t s w i l l g a i n a t h o r o u g h u n d e r s t a n d i n g

o f t h e l a n d s u r v e y i n g m a r k e t , i n c l u d i n g p r e v a i l i n g t r e n d s , d e m a n d s , a n d h o w t o n a v i g a t e

t h e c o m p e t i t i v e l a n d s c a p e . K e y a s p e c t s o f e s t a b l i s h i n g a l a n d s u rv e y i n g b u s i n e s s , s u c h a s

l e g a l , f i n a n c i a l , a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n a l f o u n d a t i o n s , w i l l b e c o v e r e d

A p r i l 3

R u l e s o f C o n s t r u c t i o n - D a n e C o u r v i l l e ( 2 h o u r s )

R u l e s o f c o n s t r u c t i o n a s s i s t i n t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f n e w e r p a r c e l s , a n d a s s i s t i n t h e

r e e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f p r e v i o u s l y e s t a b l i s h e d o l d e r p a r c e l s t h r o u g h r e t r a c e m e n t T h e y a r e a

h i e r a r c h i c a l s e t o f r u l e s f o r t h e r e s o l u t i o n o f “ t h e u n k n o w n ” w h e n i n t e n t i s n o t o b v i o u s o r

a m b i g u o u s . T h i s c o u r s e g e t s i n t o t h e d e t a i l s o f t h i s p r a c t i c e .

E t h i c s i n B u s i n e s s , L e a d e r s h i p , M o t i v a t i o n a n d C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e - T o m D a r l i n g ( 2 h o u r s )

T h e w o r d e t h i c s c o m e s f r o m t h e G r e e k w o r d e t h o s , w h i c h m e a n s a n o t i o n o f c h a r a c t e r

p e

March 24-27 In-person and April 1-3 Virtual Westin Westminster

THE Land Surveyor Event in Colorado

For 15 years, Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado and its Chapters have been hosting the Rocky Mountain Surveyors Summit.

This event brings together professionals in the land surveying and geospatial professions to hone their craft through technical presentations, networking and interacting with vendors to discover the latest equipment and services available.

What to expect

Each day, attendees are given time to explore the vendor exhibits and learn more about the latest services and equipment. Extended lunch hour includes two minute mic time for all vendors. Interactive Exhibits

Vendor Presentations

This year we will be offering set times for vendors to present information. Time blocks are two hours and are limited to Platinum Sponsors.

Increased Vendor Traffic

For the first time, the Summit will have exhibit pass only registration available for free. Vendors are encouraged to invite their clients to stop by and say hello.

All sponsors receive:

Recognition at the event and on website

Two minute mic time at each lunch

Listing on conference app with company contact information and marketing material

Additional conference registrations at a discounted price



The Central Chapter would like to express our gratitude to all those who participated in our recent elections. Thank you to all the out-going officers and directors. You left the Central Chapter in better shape than you found it, and we appreciate all you have done for the Chapter and the Land Surveying Community.

Please join us in welcoming the 2025 Central Chapter officers and board members:

President – Jim Lynch, PLS

Vice President – Justin C Scheitler, PLS

Treasurer –  Daniel Davis, PLS

Secretary – Greg Gilbert, PLS

Directors – Incumbent: Roger Atnes, PLS, Derek Brown, PLS, Eric Laburda, LSI, and Hayley Young, PE & PLS.

– Newly Elected: John W. Doty, PLS, Randy Loveless II, PLS, and Tony Peall, PLS.

As a reminder, you do not have to be on the board to positively affect our Land Survey community. We are always on the lookout for membership to join a CCPS committee. If you know of anyone who may be interested in the CCPS, licensed or not, please bring them to a chapter meeting or event.

This past year has had more activity and board nominations than we have had for many years. It is clear to me that the CCPS is gaining momentum. Thank you to everyone for helping make my year as CCPS President a success.

Justin C Scheitler, PLS 2024 CCPS President


Hello PLSC Membership,

We hope that you all had a happy and healthy holiday season!

Here is a brief breakdown of our activities beginning in November 2024:

Our November meeting was held at Tait in Loveland, Colorado and included a boundary discussion lead by Tony Fendick from Eagle Eye Surveying, LLC.

Our December meeting was held at King Surveyors in Windsor, Colorado and included a discussion about CDOT right of way plans lead by Chad Dilka from King Surveyors.

On December 13, 2024, we had our annual holiday get together. We had dinner at Lazy Dog Bar & Grill and witnessed the Colorado Eagles smash the Grand Rapids Griffins 4 to 2.

On January 10, 2025, we held our annual board meeting in which we announced the Northern Chapter’s

board members through 2026. Our representatives are as follows:

Celine Bromley – President Elect

Heather Lassner – Secretary Treasurer

Pete Paulus – Director

Reade Roselles – Director

Katherine (Kat) Rocha – Director

Tony Fendick – Director

Chase Corbridge - Director

Our next meeting will be February 5, 2025.

The Rocky Mountain Surveyors Summit will be held at the Westin in Westminster, CO on March 24th through March 27th, 2025. Please visit to review the program and register

If you would like more information about PLSC or the Northern Chapter specifically, please visit www.PLSC. net and consider joining us for upcoming meetings and events as they occur. This is an excellent opportunity for members of the Northern Chapter or individuals interested in becoming involved with the PLSC to join us. Our Chapter meetings generally include dinner, a presentation, a discussion of Chapter business, and have an open discussion involving new business or current affairs. If you know anyone who would like to attend a meeting or become involved with the Chapter, please reach out and we will make sure they are included.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Respectfully, Dave Berglund, PLS (970) 590-8666


It’s that time of year that those of us practicing surveying in the Northwestern part of the state start to seriously question our sanity. We are now typically about a third of the way through the snowpack with more snow and much colder temperatures in the very near future. The next couple of paragraphs are suggestions only on how to conduct surveys from mid-November to early April in Routt, Moffat, Grand, Jackson and Rio Blanco Counties. Having been in other winter environments such as Leadville, Eagle County, Telluride and Gunnison, the same suggestions also apply there. Here we go: If you can avoid it and whatever survey is being requested can be done in April, it’s best to defer under almost all circumstances. Certainly we can get many types of surveys done in the winter, but looking for property corners in snow and ice is not generally recommended. This is particularly true if you haven’t worked on a particular lot or Section recently.


Absolutely avoid searching for stones in the dead of winter unless the ground is bare. This should be self evident, but I have known more than one surveyor promising a client they could “get it done”. I have never seen it work out.

Make sure the ground is soft enough for construction staking, or use 60P flagged spikes. Even these will bend when the frost is driven in the ground. So will rebar.

Pick your days. We do live in Colorado and weather can change over a course of hours or days. Everyone in this part of the state has at least tried to survey in sub zero temperatures and it’s a good assumption it is not productive. The colder it gets, the more you need to limit your survey shots.

Expect your batteries to degrade rapidly, particularly if the wind is blowing. What might last 5 or 6 hours in the summer can quickly become a 2 hour or less battery when temperatures drop well below freezing.

Don’t be too proud to go back to a survey corner when the ground clears, if you have any doubts! The last thing we need are more pincushions out there….

Find a survey buddy in Hawaii, Arizona or Florida. We all have friends there, right?

Respectfully submitted, Brian T. Kelly, Vice-President PLS in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah


Southern Chapter enjoyed an outstanding Christmas gathering at the Flying W Ranch Cowboy Christmas Jubilee, see these pictures below. This coming year we will host a golf tournament, and guest speakers on Title Commitments, the new NGS geodetic reference frame and LDPs, the new El Paso County CL monumentation standards, and the new Colorado firearm statutes. It's going to be a great year with new leadership. Find out more at See you all at the conference.

Steve Parker719-641-3355


On December 18th, the Southwest PLSC chapter held its regular meeting, featuring an insightful presentation by Bob Green from Frontier Precision. The event attracted a significant turnout, with many local surveyors in attendance and a few new faces who were eager to engage in the discussions.

Mr. Green’s presentation captivated everyone in the room, as it was rich in valuable information regarding past ionospheric interference and the expectations as we move toward 2025. His depth of knowledge and ability to convey complex concepts in an understandable manner truly impressed the attendees. The chapter is immensely grateful to Bob for making the journey to share his expertise with us.

In addition to the enlightening presentation, the chapter took the opportunity to provide some delicious appetizers, fostering a warm atmosphere of camaraderie and friendly conversation among the guests. The snacks, which not only satisfied their appetites but also encouraged networking and the sharing of experiences.

Following the presentation, a regular business meeting was conducted, allowing for further engaging discussions and local conversations. Overall, the event was a resounding success, thanks in large part to Bob’s contributions and the delightful interactions among members and guests.

Brian M Boniface, PLS President SW Chapter PLSC


Thanks to the Board and all our members for making this past year a success. A big shout-out to Vice President, David Holmes, who went above and beyond this year by taking on many roles.

The chapter kicked off the new year with a holiday party at the Goat and Glover Tavern in Grand Junction in January. We had a great turnout with 21 people, including friends and family. Election results were shared during the festivities. A big thanks to Ted Juntilla, Alec Thomas, and Tom Sylvester for their service on the Board.

Please mark your calendars for the next chapter meeting on March 12th. Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year!

Respectfully,  Sean Mullen, WCLS President

Above Steven and Charlie.
Right: Dennis, Steven and Todd.

Where is Colorado? Episode 3-South Line

The south line of Colorado has a long history. As briefly mentioned in the last episode, it starts in 1868 when Ehud Darling was tasked with establishing the 37°N parallel of latitude from the Macomb monument, which was presumed at that time to be at 103° west of Greenwich, westward to 32° west of the Washington meridian.

Darling’s survey of 1868 set mile markers wherever the nature of the country would permit and astronomical stations at various distances. The astronomical stations were used to more precisely determine the latitude as he traversed the country because, as we all know, a line of latitude is not a line, but an arc.

At about 212 miles into the survey he encountered a “Canón, 1000 feet deep, bears NW nearly perpendicular sides…Place for 212the mile corner, on side of bluff impossible to establish corner.” The Canón he references is the Ewell Canyon near Edith, CO. (See map below.)

From the top of the bluff, at a monument which has become known as the “south angle point”, he projected across the Canón and set Astronomical Monument No. 7 (just east of the Town of Edith). After determining that the Astronomical Monument was 75 links south of 37° North Latitude, he set a charred pine post, 12”x12”x14’ in a “monument of stones 5 feet high. Post marked on the north, south, west & east sides-‘Colorado’ ‘New Mexico’ ‘1868’ ‘37NL’ “ directly on the 37°N latitude line. He then corrected the line back to the east to the Canón where he set another marker at the valley floor which has become known as the “north angle point”. The distance between the two angle points is a bit over 55 chains. As a result of this procedure, there is a

section of the south line of Colorado between these two angle points that was not originally directly surveyed. This section is now called the Ewell Canyon Connection. Darling then continued his survey westward to 32°W from Washington, DC going beyond that location a few miles. He was not tasked to determine precisely 32°W, the current location of the Four Corners Monument (a discussion for a future episode), so he purposely overshot the mark so future surveyors could locate 32°W on his line for 37°N. Of critical importance, the GLO approved the field notes in 1869, thereby establishing the Darling survey as the original survey of the Colorado-New Mexico border.

In 1873, during a survey of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, it was discovered that there were significant issues with Darling’s line from Astronomical monument No. 6 to Astronomical monument No. 8, a distance of 61 miles. On April 11, 1901 the Colorado Legislature passed an act, signed by the governor, inviting New Mexico and the United States to each appoint commissioners to jointly retrace this area of the border. However, neither New Mexico nor the US appointed commissioners so the Colorado commissioner completed the resurvey alone. A Denver Times article on April 12, 1901 reads in part, “The town of Edith is close to the New Mexico line and its inhabitants have persisted in voting the Republican ticket. The Democrats have been trying to shove the town over into New Mexico in order that the Democrats can carry Archuleta County.” Some things never change.

The Colorado Governor appointed Charles A. Johnson to perform the resurvey of this area in 1901. He determined that “very few traces of the boundary line as established by E.N. Darling were to be found, and such as were found were not by any means on the same parallel of latitude.” In some areas, “all traces of the old line were lost and could not be identified in any manner, the topography not agreeing with the original notes in any particular, the old blazes disappearing and the country not being that described in the Darling field notes.” “…there was a difference of nearly half a mile in the locations of the line brought from the east (by Johnson) and of the point identified as the most probable location of the monument (Astronomical monument No. 7)”1

1The quotes in this paragraph were all taken from a letter written to Congress by J.H. Fimple, Acting Commissioner of the GLO dated December 3, 1904 which was in turn quoted in full by Bill McComber, Past President of the PLSC in his Sideshots articles in 2003 about the south line of Colorado.

The Commissioner of the GLO subsequently employed Howard B. Carpenter to resurvey the entire south line of Colorado. Carpenter was directed not to retrace Darling’s line, but to make an independent survey of the 37°N line of latitude and specifically to obliterate all evidence of the corners and monuments that had been set by Darling. Interestingly, Carpenter started his line at the Four Corners Monument and traveled eastward along 37°N. His survey of 37°N was substantially north of Darling’s line, at one point 54.64 chains north (3,606’), crossing to the south of Darling’s line near the Macomb monument and running south of the previously established line for 37°N the remainder of the way eastward. Carpenter completed his survey in 1903 and filed his field notes in 1904, which were approved by the Commissioner of the GLO.

Carpenter’s Astronomical Monument No. 1-1902

After approval of the Carpenter notes, the GLO recognized the Carpenter line as the boundary between Colorado and New Mexico and not the Darling and Major-Preston lines. In fact, the US Congress passed a joint resolution in 1908 accepting the Carpenter line as the official location of 37°N and the line between Colorado and New Mexico. But President Roosevelt vetoed the bill and no further action was taken by Congress. So, in 1917, Wm C. Perkins was tasked by the GLO with retracing about 40 miles of the Darling line on either side of the Ewell Canón Connection, which he completed.

The State of New Mexico, knowing that a substantial amount of land lay north of Darling’s line to Carpenter’s line, and claiming that the “Darling survey is inaccurate, defective and in parts a work of pure fiction.” and that “the General Land Office must have been thoroughly convinced of the utterly worthless character of the Darling survey”, filed suit against Colorado in the Supreme Court. The Court delivered its opinion in January of 1925. Interestingly, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time was William Howard Taft, the former President and who, as President, had appointed five of the other members of the Court. In their opinion they noted that if the Carpenter line were to be accepted the effect “would be to transfer a large strip of territory from Colorado to New Mexico, including the greater portions of one town and two villages and five post offices.” Further, they noted that Colorado had been

in possession of the area for over 30 years based on the Darling survey, that New Mexico had recognized the Darling line since 1912 and that “It may well be that neither is entirely correct.” referring to the Darling/MajorPreston line and the Carpenter line.

Colorado had been admitted as a State in 1876, relying on the previously surveyed line by Darling as the south boundary of the state. The Court ruled that Colorado’s “right to rely upon the line could not be impaired by any subsequent action on the part of the United States.” This ruling is consistent with the Doctrine of Original Monumentation. These two lines differ at Carpenter’s 129th mile marker by 54.64 chains (3,606’) and yet the original survey of the line stands. Think about that when you find an original monument that differs from your measurement by 0.10’.

As a result of the Supreme Court ruling, Arther D. Kidder was designated to re-locate the Darling line in April 1925. During his retracement survey he was able to determine that Carpenter had found and destroyed about 31% of Darling’s monuments while he (Kidder) recovered about 69% of Darling’s monuments. Since it was a retracement survey of the Darling line, Kidder started at the Macomb monument running west. The monuments Kidder set were brass in concrete as depicted here.

In his report, Kidder notes that “The remaining monuments of these accepted surveys were used as absolute control for the remarking of the boundary…”. Kidder was also directed to destroy all of Carpenter’s monuments, which he did with some exceptions. He notes in his report, “When known at the time of the survey that a Carpenter Monument was tied into local surveys or served other functions besides marking the boundary, only the identity of the monument as a boundary marker was destroyed.” He also notes that “All Carpenter Monuments were tied to the reestablished Darling line prior to their destruction…”.

The expenses for Kidder’s survey were to be split evenly between the two states. But the states failed to provide all the funding. As a result, Kidder withheld his report. Kidder died in June 1958 and Joseph C. Thoma was then appointed by the Supreme Court to complete the report and field notes, which were finally submitted and then accepted by the Court in October 1960. If you remember from Chapter 2, the earliest monument set at 37°N for the south boundary of Colorado, then the south boundary of the Kansas Territory, was set in 1857 by Col. Johnston’s survey. The Colorado/New Mexico boundary was originally surveyed by Darling in 1868 but wasn’t finalized until a mere 92 years later in 1960. Whew!

Stay safe out there.

ACEC Colorado –Not Just for Professional Engineers

As the first Professional Land Surveyor to serve as president of the board for the American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado (ACEC Colorado), I am honored to represent a community that professional engineers have traditionally dominated. This milestone is significant not just for me personally, but also as a testament to the growing recognition of the critical role Professional Land Surveyors play in the engineering process. Professional Land Surveyors are considered the same as Professionals Engineers and Architects under Colorado statues and federal procurement rules, including The Brooks Act for Qualificationsbased Selection of consultants. For this article, the terms “engineer” or “engineering” generally refer to all licensed professionals in the design industry, including land surveyors.

Throughout my 50-year career — from working on landmark projects like preparing the territory description and map used for the incorporation of the City of Centennial to addressing complex boundary and

right-of-way challenges, such as surveying the railroad right-of-way for the Rio Grande Trail — I’ve learned a vital truth: no matter how skilled we are individually, our greatest strength lies in the connections we build and the collective knowledge we share.

This article is not a sales pitch for ACEC Colorado membership. Instead, it’s an informative look at what ACEC Colorado offers and how membership can benefit land surveying companies and multidisciplinary firms that include land surveying. Unlike individual membership organizations, ACEC Colorado represents companies. Its mission is to “advance a business environment that helps professional design firms thrive.” Its vision is “connecting the professionals who improve the natural and built environments.” These goals, outlined in its current three-year strategic plan, focus on advocacy, firm success, public value and organizational excellence — all highly relevant to land surveying professionals.

Dave DiFulvio, PLS (Farnsworth Group) receives gavel as first Professional Land Surveyor president of ACEC Colorado on April 25, 2024, from the Council’s outgoing president, Brant Lahnert, PE (KL&A).

Why ACEC Colorado Matters to Land Surveyors

Professional Land Surveyors understand that nearly every engineering project begins with a land survey. In many cases, surveyors and engineers work together on project teams. That’s why membership in ACEC Colorado is so valuable. It offers opportunities for advocacy, education and collaboration that are essential not only to land surveying but also to the broader engineering community.

As a non-profit trade association, ACEC Colorado has nearly 260 member firms representing 12,500+ employees in the independent, private practice of consulting engineering in the state. This means that every employee who works at a member firm is considered a member of ACEC Colorado and ACEC National and able to equally enjoy all member benefits. Through its mission of advancing a business environment that helps professional design firms thrive, ACEC Colorado provides leadership and business training, advocacy initiatives and key networking opportunities to connect professionals who improve the natural and built environments. ACEC Coloradomember firms’ disciplines include among others transportation/civil, water resources/environmental, structural, mechanical-electrical, geotechnical, land surveying and energy.

ACEC Colorado members are a resource for technical matters and as company owners, they can also be of assistance on business matters. And, with a powerful statement of having the fourth-largest number of firm members among all the state components in the national federation of ACEC, ACEC Colorado is able to provide a strong platform for messaging and advancing the interests of its members at the local, state and federal levels.

Networking: Building Connections That Matter

One of the most valuable benefits of ACEC Colorado is its unparalleled networking opportunities during which members can build lasting partnerships with leaders across the architecture, engineering and construction sectors of the design-build industry. This collaboration fosters trust and shared knowledge, providing value to all involved.

ACEC Colorado’s relationships from The American Institute of Architects of Colorado, Associated General Contractors of Colorado, Colorado Contractors’ Association, Colorado Municipal League, Colorado Counties Incorporated and several other professional and trade associations help ensure a united and

influential voice on critical issues. Regular liaison meetings with governmental agencies — including the Colorado Department of Transportation, City & County of Denver, State Engineer, Colorado Water Conservation Board, Mile High Flood District and others — further enhance these efforts.

Regional membership meetings (held quarterly in the North and South Areas and annually in the West Area) offer additional networking opportunities and include educational presentations on topics relevant to both engineers and surveyors. Last year, one such presentation at the spring South Area meeting was delivered by Todd Beers, PLS, (Merrick & Company) on LiDAR technology.

Specialized forums and committees provide spaces for members to connect based on their interests and expertise. ACEC National also has a Coalition of Professional Surveyors (COPS), which focuses on strengthening the industry image and business environment for surveying and geospatial services. COPS’s legislative priorities include protecting licensure, promoting safety and addressing the talent pipeline.

Education: Advancing Professional Development

ACEC Colorado prioritizes education by offering events and sessions designed to enhance professional development for all employees of member firms. The ACEC Colorado Annual Conference (coming this year on April 23-24, 2025 to Hotel Polaris in Colorado Springs, Colo.) is an all-encompassing educational and networking experience that offer something for everyone. Specifically, this two-day, not-to-miss event provides plenary sessions and sector-specific tracks on transportation/civil, vertical design, energy, water resources/environmental and business practices issues, as well as recognizes leaders in the consulting engineering community at the Annual Meeting & Honor Awards.

ACEC Colorado is a provider of the Registered Continuing Education Program for Engineers, Surveyors & A/E/C Professionals, enabling those participating in educational activities to earn Professional Development Hours. This benefit is especially valuable given the new continuing education requirements for Professional Land Surveyors in Colorado.

Advocacy: A Voice for the Industry

Advocacy is a cornerstone of ACEC Colorado’s mission. The organization actively tracks legislation, testifies on bills affecting the industry, and meets with legislators to ensure members’ voices are heard. During Colorado Engineers Week, ACEC Colorado hosts a legislative reception to connect with state legislative leaders and advocate for key issues.

During the 2024 legislative session, ACEC Colorado’s Government Affairs Committee (GAC) monitored 62 bills, including three of particular interest to Professional Land Surveyors. These included:

HB24-1266: Focused on the “right of way” process, this bill saw significant input from ACEC Colorado to clarify terms and processes.

HB24-1329: The reauthorization of the professional practice act for architects, engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors. This act includes new continuing education requirements for surveyors.

HB24-1313: A land use bill addressing transit-oriented communities. While ACEC Colorado supported its goals, concerns about enforcement led to substantial amendments before its passage.

A Call to Action

Membership in ACEC Colorado is more than being part of a team; it is about having a seat at the table. I encourage every land surveyor who owns a business or works for a firm to consider joining this community and make their voice heard. Firms with a Colorado-licensed Professional Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer residing in state are eligible for membership.

For more information, contact me directly at either 303.407.6701 or, or reach out to ACEC Colorado directly at 303.832.2200 or email@

Together, we can advance the profession and strengthen the built environment in Colorado!

Todd Beers, PLS (Merrick & Company) delivers educational program on LiDAR during ACEC Colorado South Area Meeting to 30 members in February 2024.


• Utility Designation*

• Hydro -Excavation*

• Sani/Sewer Scoping

• Aerial Drone Mapping

• Private Utility Designation*

*Per the new ASCE Standard 38-22

• City/County of Denver: M/WBE, DBE, EBE, SBE

• CDOT Certification: DBE & Level 1 ESB

• RTD Certification: DBE & Category 1 SBE

• NASSCO Certification: LACP, PACP, MACP

NAICS CODES: 561990 Locating underground utility lines prior to digging.

238990 Special Trade Contractors (Potholing) & (Sani/Storm Scoping)

Our office: Parker, Colorado 80138

Bid Requests/Scheduling: 303-699-3524

Tom Richardson Sales/Estimates/VP Operations M: 303-365-2193

Brandon Francis Sales/Hydro-Excavation/Drone Information M: 720-951-0418

Sponsored by the PLSC, the Land Surveying and Geomatics programs at Western Colorado Community College are designed for students on a career pathway toward becoming a licensed Professional Land Surveyor.


• Associates in Applied Science Degree in Land Surveying and Geomatics for those without prior college coursework. This program is designed to be completed within two years.

• Post-baccalaureate Technical Certificate for those with a minimum of a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree who need the required surveying curriculum to meet the education requirements to sit for the PLS exams. The Technical Certificate program is designed to be completed in one year.

Shaping the Future Through Educational Outreach: Spotlight on Future City and CCPS Involvement

Future City Competition brings together middle school students nationwide to envision the cities of tomorrow, blending ingenuity, sustainability, and real-world applications. Among the standout teams last year was the Golden Puffins, an all-girl powerhouse team whose innovative urban model earned them the prestigious Best Surveying Practices award. The team utilized a real-world location in Iceland and leveraged topography and to-scale maps for their model, highlighting the essential role of surveying in creating livable, resilient cities. The Best Surveying Practices award, sponsored by the National Society of Professional Surveyors, highlights the critical intersection of engineering and surveying within the Future City program. Teams are challenged to incorporate precise mapping, land measurement, and thoughtful infrastructure planning into their futuristic city designs. As we approach this year’s Future City Competition, anticipation is

building. With a fresh theme focusing on floating cities and new challenges ahead, young innovators across the country are poised to showcase their creativity, technical expertise, and problem-solving skills. Stay tuned for exclusive coverage in the next issue of Side Shots, where we’ll dive into the highlights of this year’s competition and celebrate the students who are laying the groundwork for the cities of the future. The next generation of surveyors and city planners is already here—and they’re mapping out a brighter tomorrow. The Regional Finals competition for middle school students is on January 25, 2025, at Colorado School of Mines. There is also a high school division, which may be a great opportunity to recruit future surveyors. To volunteer or learn more information, please visit:

— Hayley Young, PE, PLS, LEED AP ND.


Warren Andrews, Gaby Nuenzert, Brandon Martinez

Many of us brought in the new year with the song of Auld Lang Syne (for old times’ sake). May we reflect on some of our friends and giants of the profession that we lost recently. I know I cannot pay a personal tribute to all that have passed, but I want to share some thoughts and memories of some that have touched me personally.

Warren Andrews 1929 – 2023:

Some of these thoughts I shared in my email of late December 2023 notifying the PLSC of Warren’s passing, but I think they may be worth sharing again. Warren had a passion for many things.

One of these passions was his career in the mining industry. As a fellow Engineer of Mines (EM) graduate of the Colorado School of Mines and fellow Professional Land Surveyor, I always enjoyed reminiscing with Warren at the Rocky Mountain Surveying Summits over the years.  Although he was 17 years older than me, he was one that did a stint in the navy after high school then started at Mines in the early 1950s.  Like a lot of students in those days, he had to work his way through school, which extended his time at Mines. He graduated as an EM in 1963, six years before I did.  From our discussions, I know he had an illustrious career with the U. S. Bureau of Mines specializing in mine ventilation.  In one conversation I had with him, he talked about the 1972 Sunshine Mine disaster where an underground silver mine between Wallace and Kellogg, Idaho caught fire and 91 miners died. I was in the navy at the time, but mining was still close to my heart and was saddened, like all miners, by the loss. In visiting with Andrews, he indicated that he was at the mine a couple of days before the fire in the area where the fire started. He obviously spent considerable time thereafter investigating the disaster. This loss was a tragedy to the mining industry, but to have visited with someone so intimate with the details was extraordinary.

Another passion was surveying. He was licensed as a PLS in 1964 as PLS 5240.  He was one of the founding members of the PLSC in 1968. I am going to send a

copy of the August 2012 Side Shots in which Warren wrote one of his many “Control Points” articles over the years. This article is about the Early History of the PLSC. I always enjoyed Warren’s contributions to Side Shots over the years and have freely used his expertise expressed in them to share with my classes.  Combining his mining and surveying experiences, a few years back, I needed a mine transit with side scope for some special mine survey work in which I was involved, and Warren was kind enough to sell me his.

Surveying was a family tradition. He surveyed with his father in the 1930s and 1940s. I had a most delightful visit with his sister at his wake. She was quite the surveyor as well and talked about attending college as an architect specializing in landscaping. One of her required classes was surveying in the period when women in surveying were rare. She took the class by storm and essentially pulled them all through the course with her family knowledge of the profession.

He left directions that upon his death, his surveying equipment should go to the Land Surveying and Geomatics program at CMU. I have several historic instruments including several true chains. A Gunter’s chain (full 66 feet), an Engineers’ chain (100 feet) but made in the same style as the Gunter’s, and a 10 meter chain made in the same style (which by the way is 99.4% of a one-pole Gunters chain). Believe it or not, I had never seen a real true Gunters chain before.

This brings me to his third passion, HISTORY. He got a degree in history from Metropolitan State in 1994. One source says BA, but another says MA. His life was full of history, and he was able to poignantly share the history of our professions in his articles.

See pages 8 and 9 of the August 2012 issue of Side Shots.

He was a man bigger than life, with a booming voice, and a love of conversation. He will be missed and remembered fondly.

Gaby Neunzert

Although physically at the other end of the size scale from Warren, Gaby was a delight to be around and so full of knowledge. I had Gaby as a professor of one of my drafting classes at Mines in 1966. I believe he may have been working on his Master’s then. He was always willing to share his knowledge and materials as I started teaching some mentoring courses and was a tremendous help in getting our Land Surveying and Geomatics program off the ground. His sage advice and insight were immeasurable in lining out the recommended coursework and content.

One of his most endearing traits was his graciousness and kindness. Most professors I had at Mines were of the old fashioned “Command and Control” type, often teaching through intimidation and force. It worked but was not always pleasant. Gaby was a different type of professor. He always respected his students and held their learning in high regard, keeping their wellbeing in the forefront of his efforts.

I always enjoyed his humor, enthusiasm for the profession and life. He treated all as friends, and none were strangers. It was a delight to visit with him and his Swiss accent added to his charm. We lost a great friend in Gaby. May we always carry his engaging spirit forward.

Brandon Martinez:

Brandon was one of our earlier students in the Land Surveying and Geomatics program starting with us in 2019 and earning his Post Baccalaureate Certificate in the Spring 2021. He started the program while working on the Front Range and finished the certificate after moving to the Grand Valley on the Western Slope. It didn’t take him long thereafter to get his license as a Professional Land Surveyor. He then started his own business.

Brandon had an unfortunate climbing accident last summer and lost his life. He was so full of potential for the profession and life. We lost him too soon. I am proud to have had him as a student and will remember him fondly.

From Michael Neunzert: Martin and I are delighted with the idea of a memorial for Gaby in Side Shots. A high point of his later years were researching and writing his articles for Side Shots. We have (of course) many good photos of Gaby, but we feel that the two photos on this page capture both his character and his passion for teaching.

Photo provided by Martin and Michael Neunzert.


Recollections of Gaby Neunzert and Warren Andrews:

One occasion stands out to me though for being quite funny.  I was at a PLSC conference years ago when they were held at the Auraria Campus.  I took a break to use the restroom.  I was passing Gaby in the hallway, just to two of us there.  So I said, “Hey Gaby, how are you?”  His response was, “How did you know it was me?”  Gaby, as we know, was “easily recognizable”.

Zenith Land Surveying, Inc.

I had Gaby as an instructor in the late 70’s at Red Rocks Community College.  I had him for Photogrammetry, and Survey math courses.  He taught us all on keeping organized notes which I still use today.  He put together a fun class and in the day I remember him smoking his pipe while teaching the course.

City of Arvada

one-semester hour field course conducting a control survey of the Mines survey field with Gaby's T-2 and an EDM; followed by a senior thesis on conducting mineral survey research for the Psalm of Life Lode Claim, Sur. No. 12674 above Dumont, CO.

C. Eugene Kooper, PLS ,

In 1972 I was hired by Jim Owens at Owens Surveying Outfit, in Englewood, Colorado, we mostly staked Mining Claims in the Western U.S. Jim had always suggested that I get some education in Surveying, way more than can be learned in the field, so in 1977 I took some classes at Red Rocks.

I had a class with Art Hipp, and met Gaby Neunzert, who was from Switzerland and was a Doctor of surveying.

Later in the 80s I took more classes at Red Rocks with Mike Smith and Dave Steck, and Dave Pehr, and got my AS degree.

Gaby Neunzert was best known for his lifetime commitment to surveying education. He established the Red Rocks Community College curriculum in surveying and later became a tenured professor at the Colorado School of Mines in charge of the undergraduate curricula in surveying and photogrammetry. In addition to being a full-time teacher he was a speaker at numerous surveying conferences, regularly taught sessions of the annual refresher course, and taught many sessions of the Bill McComber Mentoring Program. Gaby was also a frequent and valued contributor to Side Shots.

As tokens of appreciation for his many decades of teaching surveying and mentoring his students, Gaby was awarded the Surveyor of the Year by the Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado in 2006; and in 2007 was made an honorary lifetime member of the Central Chapter of Professional Surveyors and its first Surveyor Emeritus.

The 1970s era photo shows the same Wild T-2 that I used in an independent study survey course. I had 6+ years of survey experience before I went to Mines in 1982. Gaby waived my taking the introductory surveying class. Instead, I did two independent study courses, a

Later at the School of Mines Gaby would have Geodetic Classes, then later GPS, about that time I met Warren Andrews.

Gaby was so upset about the NGS Golden Calibration Line on East side of Lookout Mountain, which he said crosses a fault line. So, every time we checked our equipment on that line, and it would appear that it hadn’t moved either horizontally or vertically, and I’d call Gaby and inform him. I haven’t been there for 20 years; it may have moved by now.

At one of the conferences, on the raffle I won Albert White’s book on Initial Points. At my table was Gaby, Warren, and Art and they were all so jealous of me.

I really miss those guys, when I have some survey quagmire, I could ask them about, and they would give me some advice how to solve it.

Post-Disaster Surveying

Hayley Young, PE & PLS (CO), LEED AP ND

Ever since I saw the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) announcement in October of 2024 for the Lahaina Homeowner Recovery Program in response to the Maui Fires in 2023, I’ve been considering what role surveyors can play in protecting disaster victims and their land. The trend of disasters impacting property owners is on the rise. From the recent hurricanes on the East coast to the freshly experienced fires in LA, millions of property owners will face the same decision as the survivors of the Maui fires: whether to stay and rebuild or to sell and continue life elsewhere. In many of these instances, the value of the land in densely populated areas that experience devastation allows for ripe opportunities for developers feasting like vultures. Every property will require a survey before anything can be done, but like we experienced locally with the Marshall fires, conflicting information will make it incredibly difficult for individual property owners to have anything done on their own. This exacerbates the likelihood of development tycoons buying up entire neighborhoods and making millions off a tragedy.

So, where do surveyors fit in? Legally responsible for collecting data on a site and defining the property, we are positioned to serve as guardians of land and community. Surveyors stand at the crossroads of human and natural systems, holding the unique ability to document, delineate, and define our physical spaces. This role carries profound ethical implications, especially in the aftermath of disasters when communities are vulnerable to exploitation. The devastation of neighborhoods- whether by fire, flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster- renders property ownership precarious. Surveyors have the opportunity, and perhaps the duty, to champion the rights of disaster survivors by ensuring the integrity of land records and prioritizing their rightful claims.

Preserving ownership starts with transparent practices. Programs like the NSPS Lahaina Homeowner Recovery Program offer a blueprint for how surveyors can work to protect landowners. After the 2023 Maui fires, confusion about boundaries, titles, and easements threatened to displace lifelong residents. Surveyors involved in such initiatives could serve as neutral arbiters, helping to verify and restore land ownership records with impartial

precision. Beyond this, they can collaborate with local governments to make these services accessible, waiving fees for displaced families and creating priority pathways for documentation. Surveyors always work with property owners, but in the instance of postdisaster surveying, this becomes an even more crucial aspect of the property. Documenting property owners’ history with the land as part of the survey can facilitate heritage preservation.

The 2023 Hawaii Act 218 (HB218 HD1) is a significant legislative measure aimed at addressing historical injustices faced by Native Hawaiians concerning the management and proceeds of public land trusts. The Act acknowledges the state’s constitutional obligation to Native Hawaiians and seeks to rectify past discrepancies in the allocation of revenues derived from these lands. In many respects, it is appropriate for survivors of disasters that remain in an area to gain senior property rights over developers gaining ownership thereafter. A post-disaster survey is also an appropriate time to officially document the pre-disaster condition and value of the property. Facilitating frameworks that restore documentation of destroyed properties could be key to mitigating the opportunistic acquisition of disaster-stricken properties by developers.

Of course, there is significant work to be done to align policy with the documentation work of surveyors. Developer interest is necessary to cushion funding for tax breaks or grants to homeowners who commit to rebuilding and residing in disaster-stricken areas for a decade or more. There is a balance in this method, retaining some level of property value while fostering community and ecosystem resilience. Those working in disaster areas should prioritize the use of local labor and materials. By keeping economic activity within the community, these measures can alleviate some of the economic strain on residents and preserve cultural ties. Policies should support these practices as well as considering impervious area limitations and zoning regulations that prevent developers from radically altering neighborhood character. For instance, implementing density limits or mandating that a portion of new developments include affordable housing

ensures that original residents are not priced out of their own neighborhoods.

Surveyors can adopt practices to support long-term recovery and stability even before disaster strikes, mapping the natural features of disaster-prone areassuch as water flows, soil conditions, and tree coverage. By collaborating with urban planners, ecologists, and community leaders, surveyors can contribute to projects that emphasize resilience rather than shortterm economic gain. Consider that land will be treated how it is documented. If surveyors only document the property, the monetary aspect of the land is all that will prosper, but documenting biodiversity, life-supporting

features, and the history of a land will lend itself towards a long-term resilient, thriving community.

The ethical duty of surveyors extends beyond property lines and into the heart of community well-being. As climate change exacerbates natural disasters, this profession must evolve to meet the growing needs of those displaced. By advocating for policies that prioritize the rights of disaster survivors, surveyors can help ensure that land ownership remains a cornerstone of community identity and stability. As stewards of the physical world, let us act not as mere technicians, but as guardians of equity and sustainability. In doing so, we honor the land and the people who call it home.


Our unique, seven-course training program was developed for licensed surveyors looking to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for providing cadastral services on federal trust lands.

The Certified Federal Surveyor (CFedS) program is the United States’ pre-eminent public and tribal land survey certification since 2005.

The NSPS fall meeting was held in person from October 21-23, 2024 in Albuquerque, NM. The meeting was attended by PLSC representative Todd Beers (PLSC Colorado NSPS Director). A variety of meetings were attended, and a summary is identified below:

Government Affairs Committee Meeting

As usual this committee is the busiest of all the committees and continues to engage through the NSPS lobbyist John “JB” Byrd, with federal legislators. Discussions on the various bills that NSPS has interest in was provided, a recap of the April 2024 “Day on the Hill” was completed, and the issues that will be brought to capitol hill in 2025 will be Monument Preservation, Licensing, Transition Assistance Program (TAPS) for the Defense Bill. The Day of the Hill will be March 18, 2025.

See the pdf of the Spring 2024 Report (scan QR code) from the consultants and lobbyist for more detailed information. Other issues that the committee continue to monitor, and address include:

• Railroad Abandonment

• The draft Licensing Resolution

• The sinkhole Mapping

• Various lawsuits pertinent to mapping

It was noted that that the US House of Representatives passed a “Sense of Congress” identifying the critical need for professional surveying and mapping in the country. This resolution can be used to our advantage regarding licensing issues within our state legislatures.

ALTA/NSPS Committee Meeting

The committee was led by Gary Kent and the group provided input on some of the suggestions that Gary has received related to modification of the standards as of August 2024. It is anticipated that a new set of standards will be in force in 2026. The one item that was mentioned that will be included in the new standards is a “table of encroachments” to be placed on ALTA/NSPS surveys. This caused some concern from the attendees and Mr. Kent stated that the language involved in the table and how the table is to be presented will be of help to the surveying profession.

Western Directors Committee Meeting

Several of the states withing the committee gave updates of items of concern happening in their states including monumentation preservation due to natural disasters, licensing issues from state legislators, etc. A discussion of the goals of the committee was made and more focused agendas will be developed for future meetings. Meeting minutes will be posted on the NSPS website.

Workforce Development Committee Meeting

This meeting was highlighted by the introduction of the available outreach compiled by NSPS, led by Mr. Trent Keenan (member from Nevada and the Nevada Western Federation of Professional Surveyors-WFPS director) and now the chair of the committee. There is a wealth of information available at “” website-well worth the effort to review the material for potential presentations to elementary, middle and high school students. Also available is a Career Pathways presentation for the surveying profession with a document titled “An industry Guide to Empowering the Next Generation of Land Surveyors”. In addition, Trent displayed several stickers & bumper stickers related to surveying that can be created and be distributed at outreach activities. Trent can provide the vector files for modification of the stickers for state society uses. Another item created was a banner showing the various avenues to licensure that interested individuals may take (experience, education, etc.) with QR codes that can be edited to send an interested party to the state societies website, state schools with surveying education, etc. The PLSC has a copy of the presentation and is acquiring the vector files for the stickers/bumper stickers and the banner for use by PLSC members for outreach activities.

I would encourage all interested individuals to visit the NSPS website to review the minutes of the variety of meetings that were held during the fall meeting.

NSPS Meeting

The NSPS board meeting was held over a two-day period on October 22 and 23, 2024. The first day included several reports from the various committees. The second day was highlighted by the Executive

reports from the NSPS officers.

It was mentioned that the NSPS website is being updated and revamped and will include a new dashboard. The NSPS office has moved. During the report session of the military committee, it was noted that numerous states (Colorado included) had desired to attend and had plans to attend a miliary industry day held at military installations in all 50 states, unfortunately we were notified 2 days prior to the event that there was no room for any additional booths. A motion was approved for NSPS to cover the $2,500 fee to “Friends of Hiring” as part of Hiring Our Heros for 2025. The $2,500 will insure that NSPS has booth space available at the various events in 2025 for all states.

NSPS is updating the strategic plan that was last updated in 2014. Feedback was desired by December 15, 2024.

To date, 11 states have passed legislation or NSRS datums.

Check the NSPS website for CST facilitator guide relating to training sessions for CST courses. Study guides and problems for review should have been available by the end of 2024.

ESRI has a new name: Geospatial Professional Network

NSPS coordinated with Trimble Navigation to identify and provide NSPS “approval” on numerous courses at the Trimble Dimensions Conference held in November 2024. The approved courses can be used for continuing education in states that may require continuing education to renew PLS license.

There is a sponsorship line in the NSPS budget. Lisa Isom of Assurance Risk Managers insurance has committed $25,000/year for 5 years and it is encouraged that other companies become sponsors.

The next NSPS Spring Meeting that will include an inperson “Day on the Hill”, is scheduled for March 18 through March 21, 2025 in Silver Springs, Maryland. Approximately 70 individuals attended the NSPS Fall Meeting.

Certified Survey Technician (CST) examinations are being held in various locations around Colorado throughout the year. Several surveyors continue to volunteer their time and/or facilities to proctor the exams. If interested in volunteering or in taking the CST exams, please contact Becky Roland and/or a PLSC board member to inquire about the CST exam schedule.

Respectively submitted, Todd G. Beers, PLS

The NSPS fall meeting will be held in Minneapolis, MN in

United States Department of the Interior


Colorado State Office Denver Federal Center, Building 40 Lakewood, Colorado 80215

In Reply Refer To: 9600 (CO-956) Colorado

Steven Parker and Laine Landau, Side Shots Co-Editors PO Box 441069 Aurora, Colorado 80044

Dear Mr. Parker and Ms. Landau:

December 16, 2024

This letter informs you of official BLM cadastral surveys in Colorado that have been accepted from July 17, 2024, through October 15, 2024, officially filed, and are now available in the Public Room, Bureau of Land Management, Colorado State Office, Denver Federal Center, Building 1A, Lakewood, Colorado 80215. The surveys will also be available at

The accepted surveys are listed below by township, range, meridian, group number, type, acceptance date and number of plats.

As other surveys are completed, I will advise you of their acceptance. You may circulate this letter among the membership of the Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado.


Digitally signed by DAVID GINTHER

Date: 2024.12.16 10:07:12 -07'00'

Surveyor for Colorado

The PLSC represents land surveyors’ interests in the State, proposes new legislation and changes to existing legislation as the industry’s needs change, and works with the State Board of Licensure as an advocate for Land Surveyors. PLSC Chapters include: Central Colorado Professional Surveyors (CCPS), Northern Chapter PLSC (NCPLSC), Northwest 1/4 Colorado Land Surveyors (NW1/4CLS), Southern Colorado Professional Land Surveyors (SCPLS), Southwest Chapter PLSC (SWPLSC) and Western Colorado Land Surveyors (WCLS). Voting membership includes NSPS membership. Others can add this option.

1. Member Information:



Address:  Home  Work

City, State Zip:

Daytime Phone:


PLS or LSI Number(s) and State(s):

 Please do not include my information in the PLSC Member Directory or online directory.

2. Membership Information:

Membership Type:  Sustaining $255  Voting $175 

(Please check.)

Included Chapter:  CCPS  NCPLSC  NW1/4CLS  SCPLS  SWPLSC  WCLS (Each membership includes one free Chapter membership. Please check see above for descriptions.)

Additional Chapter:  CCPS  NCPLSC  NW1/4CLS  SCPLS  SWPLSC  WCLS (additional Chapter memberships are $20 each. Please check.)

NSPS Membership (included in Voting Membership):  $70 for professionals/$10 for students

3. Payment Information:

Membership Type: $ Payment Type:

Add’l Chapters/NSPS: $ Check #

Total Enclosed $ Credit Card No.: Exp. Date: CVV:

Mail to: PLSC, PO Box 441069, Aurora, CO 80044 Phone: 303-551-3266 Fax: 720-230-4846

Credit Card Billing Address:  same as above or:

sustaining members


David Mollenberg

3070 I-70 Business Loop Unit B-1 Grand Junction, CO 81504 970-236-2307


Lisa Isom 10651 E. Bethany Drive, Suite 300 Aurora, CO 80014 303-454-9562


Jim Reinbold

Regional Sales Director 1412 W Powder Ct. Eagle, ID 83616 303-482-1836


Richard Chuapoco 2851 S. County Rd. 137 Bennett, CO 80102 720-490-1321 richard@diversifiedunderground. com


Kelly Marrill 12130 N. Pennsylvania St. Thornton, CO 80241 303-427-2231


Tom Willis 3825 Iris Ave., Ste. 395 Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-7001


Mel Philbrook 5480 W 60th Ave., Unit A Arvada, CO 80003 720-214-3500


Brian Dennis 1155 Kelly Johnson Blvd., Ste. 305 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 719-900-7220


Thad King 7000 E 47th Ave., Ste. 900 Denver, CO 80216 303-853-0311


Ken Perry 1001 Smithfield Dr. Fort Collins, CO 80524 970-482-0111 and 7154 Dillon Ct. Englewood, CO 80112 303-694-0012


Joe Jimenez 10465 Melody Dr., Ste. 225 Northglenn, CO 80234 303-229-6885


Robert Boehm, 9191 S Jamaica St Englewood CO 80112 720.286.2914

EUGENE LYNNE HEATH HILDEBRAND PO Box 27691 Denver, CO 80227 720-361-2475


Todd Beers

Survey Project Manager 8051 E. Maplewood Ave, Ste. 300 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303-751-0741


David Moss

5007 Pacific Hwy. E, Ste. 19 Fife, WA 98424 602-462-3990


Kelly Mulé

Sales Representative 9540 East Jewell Ave Suite A Denver, CO 80247 (303)695-3850


Mark Hall 555 Zang Street #210 Lakewood CO 80228 303-988-5852


Travis Kent 11027 S Pikes Peak Dr. #203 Parker, CO 80138 303-663-4483


Lynn Patten 2919 Bryn Mawr Place Longmont, CO 80503 303-709-2903


41255 Dublin Dr. Parker, CO 80138



Brian Yohn 36508 County Rd. 371 Buena Vista, CO 81211 719-398-0020


S. Erik Dumas 12265 W Bayaud Ave., Ste. 130 Lakewood, CO 80228 303-989-1461


Kelly Goff 2701 W. Oxford Ave., Suite 6 Englewood, CO 80110 303-904-7422


Chuck Hutchins Sales 10670 E Bethany Dr. Bldg. 4 Aurora, CO 80014 303-283-0343

These firms support our organization. Please show them your appreciation with your patronage. To become a Sustaining Member, please contact Becky Roland at, or 303-551-3266.

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