BCMS-DOC-06-1 Business Continuity Management Plan

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Business Continuity Management Plan

ISO22301 Toolkit: Version 5 ŠCertiKit

Business Continuity Management Plan

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Purpose of this document The Business Continuity Management Plan sets out the objectives to be achieved within business continuity for the current financial year and a plan to deliver them.

Areas of the standard addressed This document is relevant to requirements in the following sections of the ISO22301 standard: •

6. Planning o 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities ▪ 6.1.1 Determining risks and opportunities ▪ 6.1.2 Addressing risks and opportunities o 6.2 Business continuity objectives and planning to achieve them ▪ 6.2.1 Establishing business continuity objectives ▪ 6.2.2 Determining business continuity objectives 7. Support o 7.1 Resources

General guidance Although this plan refers to a one year time period, it is acceptable to cover a longer or shorter period if it is appropriate. Prior to the certification audit you must ensure that the plan has been communicated to relevant staff, that they have understood it and that these facts are evidenced e.g. via meeting minutes. The inviting and answering of questions during such a meeting is likely to show evidence of understanding. We would also recommend that the document is made available via the intranet if you have one or any other appropriate means.

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Review frequency We would recommend that this document is created each year as part of an exercise which should include significant business involvement to ensure that changed requirements are captured and feedback obtained. It should then be reviewed at least quarterly as part of your management review cycle.

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Copyright notice Except for any specifically identified third-party works included, this document has been authored by CertiKit, and is ©CertiKit except as stated below. CertiKit is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 6432088.

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Business Continuity Management Plan

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Business Continuity Management Plan

Business Continuity Management Plan Financial Year 20xx/xx

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Business Continuity Management Plan

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Business Continuity Management Plan

Contents 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 8


Business continuity objectives .................................................................................... 9


Plan to achieve objectives ........................................................................................ 11


Resources to manage and improve the BCMS ........................................................... 13




Human resources ....................................................................................................... 13


Technical resources .................................................................................................... 13


Information resources ................................................................................................ 14


Financial resources..................................................................................................... 14

Risks and opportunities for the BCMS ...................................................................... 15 5.1

Risks to the BCMS ...................................................................................................... 15


Opportunities for the BCMS ....................................................................................... 15

Conclusion................................................................................................................ 16

Tables Table 1: Business continuity objectives ....................................................................................... 10 Table 2: Plan to achieve objectives ............................................................................................. 12 Table 3: Human resources required to run the BCMS .................................................................. 13 Table 4: Risks to the BCMS ......................................................................................................... 15 Table 5: Opportunities for the BCMS .......................................................................................... 15

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Business Continuity Management Plan

1 Introduction [Organization Name] is committed to establishing effective business continuity plans to protect its key business activities and meet its obligations to its stakeholders. As part of this commitment the organisation has established a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) which complies with the requirements of the ISO22301 international standard for business continuity and will be seeking certification to this standard in the near future. In line with the standard, it is essential that our business continuity objectives are consistent with our policies, measurable where practicable, communicated effectively within the organization (and outside where appropriate) and updated as part of the BCMS management review process. Objectives will be based on a clear understanding of our business continuity requirements, including those from interested parties, and will consider the results of business impact and risk assessments carried out at various levels within the organization. This document sets out the organisation’s business continuity objectives and plans for the financial year YY/YY, including • • • • •

Who will be responsible What will be done What resources will be required When it will be completed How the results will be evaluated

This document should be read in conjunction with the following other components of the BCMS which give background information about the organization’s business continuity policy and requirements: • • •

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BC Context, Requirements and Scope Business Continuity Policy Business Impact Analysis Tool

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2 Business continuity objectives In order to assess whether the BCMS is working as intended it is essential that clear objectives are defined, and a system of monitoring and measurement established to record progress against targets. High-level objectives for business continuity are described in the BCMS document BC Context, Requirements and Scope and the overall framework for setting lower-level objectives is defined in the Business Continuity Policy, also a key component of the BCMS. Methods for determining to what extent objectives are being met are set out in the document Process for Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation. As part of the BCMS management review process, objectives for business continuity are regularly set, reviewed and updated in the following major areas: • • • • • •

Quality: generally, how well the organization’s business activities are protected by the BCMS Capability: the knowledge, skills and experience available, mainly internally but also to some extent externally to the organization Cost: financial resources required to maintain and improve the BCMS Resource utilisation: how effectively organizational resources are employed Risk reduction: the degree to which known risks are treated to within acceptable limits Other: appropriate objectives that do not fall into any of the above areas

In discussion with the management team and based upon documented requirements, [Organization Name] has agreed specific objectives in the area of business continuity as shown in Table 1. Achievement against these objectives will be tracked as part of regular management reviews of the BCMS.

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Ensure that all identified key business activities have a business continuity plan in place to protect them

Hold workshops to define plans

Percentage of key business activities with a plan


12 months

BC Manager

Ensure that all business continuity plans have been tested with the last 2 years

Agree testing schedule with top management

Percentage of plans tested within 2 years


12 months

BC Manager




Provide training in business continuity for key resources

Identify courses; secure training budget

Number of people trained


6 months

Person A



Reduce amount spent on business continuity

Review budget to identify savings

Percentage reduction on last year’s budget


12 months

BC Manager


Resource utilisation

Increase number of days provided by business teams for analysis and testing

Agree allocation with top management

Percentage increase over last year’s commitment


12 months

Team leaders


Risk reduction

Reduce number of high priority risks on risk register

Increase focus on high priority risks; hold workshops to identify ideas

Percentage reduction


9 months

BC Manager

Table 1: Business continuity objectives

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3 Plan to achieve objectives In order to achieve our objectives, it is essential that we have a clear plan that is adequately resourced and has the full support of top management. The success of this plan will determine whether [Organization Name] remains adequately protected against disruptive events and their potential impacts. The plan is shown in Table 2. The tasks required in order to achieve each objective are listed, together with the resources required, person responsible and completion timescale for each one. The method of evaluating the success of each task will vary according to the nature of the task, but an attempt to determine this is also shown. This plan will be managed in conjunction with background improvement activities, which may be driven by internal and external audit results, risk assessments and management reviews, amongst other sources. Additional, more detailed plans may also be created in order to control the activities required and take account of internal and external dependencies. Progress against the plan will be tracked by the Business Continuity Manager and reported to top management on a regular basis. In the event that a task is looking unlikely to be completed within the target timescale, the effect on the relevant business continuity objective should be evaluated. Depending on the conclusion, top management may decide whether or not to take action, such as increasing the resources available, to improve the expected completion time. In the event that business continuity objectives are changed, the associated plan will also need to be revised.

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All identified plans are in place

List plans Implement plans Verify plans

Specialist IT team Internal audit

Business Continuity Manager

12 months

List of signed off plans


All business continuity plans have been tested with the last 2 years

Agree testing schedule Conduct tests Produce test reports

Operational staff time

Business Continuity Manager

12 months

Business Continuity test reports


Training in business continuity has been provided for all key resources

Identify key resources Identify courses Attend courses Complete training records

Training budget Time of attendees

Business Continuity Manager

Six months

Training records


Reduce amount spent on business continuity

Review budget Identify savings Evaluate effect of reduction

Finance Manager

Business Continuity Manager

12 months

Financial budget reports


Increase number of days provided by business teams for business continuity activities

Agree allocation with top management Plan involvement Conduct activities Record days spent

Business teams

Chief Operations Officer

12 months

Timesheets of key personnel


Reduce number of high priority risks on risk register

Hold workshops to identify ideas Implement ideas Reassess risks

Risk owners IT team

Business Continuity Manager

Nine months

Risk register

Table 2: Plan to achieve objectives

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4 Resources to manage and improve the BCMS In addition to the specific resources required to meet the objectives set out within this document, the following resources will be required on an ongoing basis to manage and improve the BCMS.

4.1 Human resources The human resources needed for the BCMS are shown in Table 3. For more details of the specific responsibilities and authorities of the roles described here, see the BCMS document Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities.




Business Continuity Steering Group

1 day per quarter for each member

Assuming quarterly meetings

Business Continuity Manager

1 x Full Time Equivalent

Assumed to be a full-time role

Business Process Owners

1-3 days per quarter

Depends upon nature and number of processes owned

Department Managers

2 days per annum

Mainly awareness activities and participation in exercises and testing

IT Technicians

No additional resource

Business continuity is already part of relevant roles

IT Users

1 day per annum

Attendance at awareness events

Table 3: Human resources required to run the BCMS

[Describe any additional human resources that may be required e.g. contractors or secondments]

4.2 Technical resources [Set out any equipment and IT hardware and software that will be needed as part of running the BCMS]

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4.3 Information resources [State what additional information you will need e.g. new reports from existing systems, access to external sources such as subscriptions to relevant organizations]

4.4 Financial resources [What additional budget, if any, is needed? When is it required and is it capital or revenue?]

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5 Risks and opportunities for the BCMS 5.1 Risks to the BCMS The following risks have been identified to the plans to achieve the objectives set out in this document. These will be managed as part of regular management reviews of the BCMS.





Resources may not be available to take on the proactive elements of business continuity that are not currently being carried out.


Timescales to implement the improvements necessary to achieve ISO 22301 may not be long enough given the degree of change and show sufficient track record for the audit


Staff fail to engage with the BCMS leading to issues with plan development and testing


Management are not sufficiently involved in the creation of the new quality system to carry it forward once certification gained





Table 4: Risks to the BCMS

5.2 Opportunities for the BCMS The following opportunities have been identified which may assist in preventing or reducing undesired effects or achieving continual improvement within the BCMS:








Recent disruptive incidents at competitor organizations have raised the profile of business continuity in the industry

Business Continuity Manager

May make it easier to convince management of the need for additional strategies and plans

Identify strategies that may have prevented the incidents at competitors

Six months


Increased budget in key departments

Business Continuity Manager

Some of this budget could be invested in additional business continuity protection

Discuss with department heads

12 months

Table 5: Opportunities for the BCMS

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Business Continuity Management Plan

6 Conclusion This business continuity management plan is an essential part of the continual improvement of the BCMS within [Organization Name]. The objectives set for the year under consideration and the plans made to achieve them are intended to be challenging but achievable and will go a long way to protecting the organisation from disruptive incidents that may occur both now and in the future.

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