Implementation guidance
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Purpose of this document
This content is intended to be used as an initial announcement of a cybersecurity incident.
Areas of the framework addressed
The following areas of the Cybersecurity Framework are addressed by this document:
• Recover (RC)
o Incident Recovery Communication (RC.CO)
▪ RC.CO-04
General guidance
This is a sensitive communication which can have far-reaching effects, for example on the organization’s share price and reputation. Take care to ensure that the information you provide is correct and appropriate, as experience has shown that getting it wrong at this stage makes great headlines. However, this is an opportunity to show that the organization is being as open and timely as it can with regard to a cybersecurity incident, and this may help to lessen the longer-term impact.
Review frequency
We would recommend that this document is reviewed on an annual basis and before and after each breach notification to data subjects.
Document fields
This document may contain fields which need to be updated with your own information, including a field for Organization Name that is linked to the custom document property “Organization Name”.
To update this field (and any others that may exist in this document):
1. Update the custom document property “Organization Name” by clicking File > Info > Properties > Advanced Properties > Custom > Organization Name.
2. Press Ctrl A on the keyboard to select all text in the document (or use Select, Select All via the Editing header on the Home tab).
3. Press F9 on the keyboard to update all fields.
4. When prompted, choose the option to just update TOC page numbers.
If you wish to permanently convert the fields in this document to text, for instance, so that they are no longer updateable, you will need to click into each occurrence of the field and press Ctrl Shift F9.
If you would like to make all fields in the document visible, go to File > Options > Advanced > Show document content > Field shading and set this to “Always”. This can be useful to check you have updated all fields correctly.
Further detail on the above procedure can be found in the toolkit Completion Instructions
This document also contains guidance on working with the toolkit documents with an Apple Mac, and in Google Docs/Sheets.
Copyright notice
Except for any specifically identified third-party works included, this document has been authored by CertiKit, and is ©CertiKit except as stated below. CertiKit is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 6432088.
Licence terms
This document is licensed on and subject to the standard licence terms of CertiKit, available on request, or by download from our website. All other rights are reserved. Unless you have purchased this product you only have an evaluation licence.
If this product was purchased, a full licence is granted to the person identified as the licensee in the relevant purchase order. The standard licence terms include special terms relating to any third-party copyright included in this document.
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Announcement by [Organization Name]
[Organization Address]
[Date and time]
[Organization Name] makes every effort to protect the personally identifiable information (PII) we collect and use and, for the most part, we are successful in doing this.
However, today we need to inform you about an incident that we believe may have affected the PII we hold about [name people affected, for example customers, suppliers].
On [date] we identified that [describe what happened during the breach]. As a result of this incident, we believe that PII, including [list personal data affected, for example name, address, bank information] was stolen or accessed [or otherwise affected, for example lost]. This may result in an increased risk to those affected of [describe likely consequences to the PII Principal]
We value our [customers’, suppliers’ etc.] right to privacy, and we regret that this has happened. We have launched a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the incident, so that we can fix the causes of it and stop it from occurring again. Since we became aware of the incident we have [describe immediate actions taken so far] and have plans to [describe additional actions that will be taken].
We will make a further announcement if we discover any new information that we believe is relevant. We are also working closely with [name of supervisory authority, for example Information Commissioner’s Office] and the [name of law enforcement, for example police] to address the incident from a legal perspective.
On our website, we have provided information about what those affected can do to further protect their data, including [give details of any free services you are offering to reduce the PII Principal’s risk, for example credit monitoring].
If anyone affected would like any additional information about this issue, please contact us [or name of Data Protection Officer] at [email address] or [telephone number] or write to us at [postal address]
Thank you.
[Senior management name, title and signature]