Release and Deployment Management Process
Implementation Guidance (this section must be removed from final version of the document)
Purpose of this document This document sets out the release and deployment management process including flowchart, activities, reporting and roles and responsibilities.
Areas of the ITIL® Framework addressed The following areas of the ITIL Framework are addressed by this document: Service Transition – Release and Deployment Management
General Guidance Depending on the size of your organization, release and deployment management can be a vast area which includes a significant amount of detail that is specific to the type of release or deployment being carried out. Particularly for large projects, such as the implementation of an ERP system, many months of planning may be required. The key, as with much of ITIL, is to perform the planning as early as possible in the lifecycle so that the release and deployment process becomes one of implementing carefully considered plans rather than having to plan on the fly as issues come up. Due to its complexity, we have provided a variety of plan and checklist templates that may be used during the release and deployment management process to help to ensure that nothing is missed.
Review Frequency We would recommend that this document is reviewed annually.
Toolkit Version Number ITIL® 2011 Service Transition Process and Policy Pack Version 1 ©CertiKit 2015.
Acknowledgements ITIL is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.
Version 1
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