OHS-DOC-04-1 OHS Context, Requirements and Scope

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Context, Requirements and Scope

ISO45001 Toolkit: Version 1 ©CertiKit

Context, Requirements and Scope

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Purpose of this document This document sets out the organizational context of the OH&S management system. It describes what the organization does, how it does it, what factors influence the way it operates and the reasons for the definition of the scope of the OH&S management system.

Areas of the standard addressed The following areas of the ISO45001 standard are addressed by this document: •

4 Context of the organization o 4.1 Understanding the organization and its context o 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties o 4.3 Determining the scope of the OH&S management system

General guidance This is a key document that will need involvement from senior management to put together. In overview, it describes why an effective OH&S management system is needed and what may happen to the organization if one is not in place. The occupational health and safety management processes and risk assessments required by later sections of the standard will then define this in more detail. As part of the implementation you may need to meet with the various interested parties to understand their view of the hazards, risk areas, occupational health and safety aspects and consequences of non-compliance. You may also need to obtain legal advice if your industry is subject to significant legal or regulatory requirements. As with most of the documents in the OH&S management system you should ensure that all relevant parties are aware of the contents of this document, particularly as it sets out the need for additional procedures which may involve asking employees to do more work. Understanding the reason for this may reduce resistance to the OH&S management system within the organization.

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It is worth spending some time getting the scope right as the other areas of the standard rely upon this. As with most international standards, it is acceptable to start with a limited scope definition and then to expand it over time as more familiarity and experience is gained by the organization.

Review frequency We would recommend that this document is reviewed as part of an annual exercise which should include significant business involvement to ensure that changed requirements are captured and feedback obtained.

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Context, Requirements and Scope

Context, Requirements and Scope

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Context, Requirements and Scope

Contents 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 8


Organizational context ............................................................................................... 9




Activities ..................................................................................................................... 9


Functions ..................................................................................................................... 9


Services ..................................................................................................................... 10


Products .................................................................................................................... 10


Partnerships .............................................................................................................. 11


Supply chains ............................................................................................................. 11


Relationships with workers and other interested parties ............................................ 12

Objectives and policies ............................................................................................. 13 3.1

Business objectives .................................................................................................... 13


Business policies ........................................................................................................ 13


Occupational health and safety objectives .................................................................. 14

Risk and opportunity management .......................................................................... 15 4.1

Risk and opportunity management strategy ............................................................... 15


Internal issues............................................................................................................ 15


External issues ........................................................................................................... 16


Requirements ........................................................................................................... 17


Purpose and scope of the OH&S management system.............................................. 19 6.1

Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 19


Scope of the OH&S management system .................................................................... 19

6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3

Organizational units, functions and physical boundaries ........................................................... 19 Activities, products and services ................................................................................................ 19 Exclusions .................................................................................................................................. 20

Figures Figure 1: Organization chart ....................................................................................................... 10

Tables Table 1: Requirements Summary of Interested Parties, Legal and Regulatory Bodies ................... 18

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Context, Requirements and Scope

1 Introduction [Organization Name] is committed to creating a safe and proactive working environment for workers and anyone else who comes into contact with the company’s activities and to meeting its legal obligations. To this end it has implemented an Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system that is compliant with ISO45001, the international standard that applies in this area. The purpose of this document is to describe the background to the way the business operates in its industry, the internal and external factors influencing it and to highlight in general terms the direction of the organization with respect to occupational health and safety. This will allow the scope of the OH&S management system to be appropriately defined and high-level objectives to be set.

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2 Organizational context The organizational context of [Organization Name] is set out in the following sections. Given the fast-moving nature of the business and the markets in which it operates, the context will change over time. This document will be reviewed on an annual basis and any significant changes incorporated. The OH&S management system will also be updated to cater for the implications of such changes.

2.1 Activities [Organization Name] undertakes a wide range of business activities within its target sectors and is constantly developing new products and services to bring to market. [Describe: • • • • • • • • • •

What does the organization do? When was it formed? What is its structure e.g. group of companies? What is its main industrial sector? Who are its main customers? In which geographical regions does it operate? What is its annual turnover? Do workers participate in OH&S initiatives? What are the main health and safety hazards and risks in the business? What are the main health and safety legal requirements that apply to the business?]

2.2 Functions [Organization Name] consists of the following organizational functions: • • • • • • • • • •

Sales and Marketing Finance and Accounting Human Resources Operations Logistics Product Research and Development Project Management Risk and Compliance Consulting Information Technology

An organization chart is shown below:

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Figure 1: Organization chart

[Replace the above chart with that for your own organization. Describe where the various functions are based e.g. HR, Finance and Marketing are in a corporate headquarters whilst Operations is in a regional structure spread across X offices nationwide/internationally.]

2.3 Services [Organization Name] offers the following major services to its customers: •

[List the main services

Specify: • • • • • •

Are all services offered to all customers? Which services create the most revenue and profit? Are any services dependent on others (prerequisites)? Which services are the most high-profile? Are any of the services subject to external regulation? Do any of the services have a health and safety aspect?]

2.4 Products [Organization Name] offers the following major products to its customers: •

[List the main products


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Are all products offered to all customers? Which products create the most revenue and profit? Are any products dependent on others (prerequisites)? Which products are the most high-profile? Are any of the products subject to external regulation? Do any of the products have a health and safety aspect?]

2.5 Partnerships [Organization Name] has a policy of forming partnerships with other organizations which complement its own offerings and bring increased benefits to its customers. The following major partnerships are currently in place: [For each partnership specify: • • • • • • •

Organization name Location(s) Nature of partnership Which products or services are affected by the partnership? Which/how many customers are involved? How long the partnership has been in place Any other relevant information]

2.6 Supply chains In order to provide our products and services to our customers, a number of important supply chain routes are in place. The major ones are: [Describe for each supply chain: • • • • • •

The products and services affected The links in the supply chain both in terms of organizations involved and geography How established the supply chain is Revenue and profit value that relies upon the supply chain Any other relevant information Identify that a pre-qualification assessment is carried out on all suppliers]

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2.7 Relationships with workers and other interested parties In addition to our partners and suppliers, [Organization Name] has many other interested parties it deals with. These include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Citizens Customers Distributors Shareholders Investors Owners Insurers Government Regulators Institutions Institutes Competitors Media Commentators Trade groups Neighbours Pressure groups Emergency services Other response agencies Transport services Dependents of staff Workers Sub-Contractors Suppliers Clients

[List for each significant other interested party: • • • • •

Name of organization The nature of the interest Degree of influence over the organization Value of the interest (if appropriate) Any other relevant information]

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Context, Requirements and Scope

3 Objectives and policies The purpose of the OH&S management system is to ensure that [Organization Name] consistently protects the occupational health and safety environment within which it operates and is in a position to adapt to changing conditions, taking account of the occupational health and safety needs of interested parties. This section sets out a summary of the business objectives and direction so that a clear relationship can be established between these and the objectives of the OH&S management system.

3.1 Business objectives For the financial year 20xx/20yy [Organization Name] has set the following major business objectives: •

[List the major business objectives – reference to business planning documentation may be made here]

3.2 Business policies Policies have been set by the organization in a variety of areas, and these must be taken account of during the occupational health and safety planning process to ensure that they are met. The main relevant policies are: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Corporate Risk Management Strategy Human Resources Policy Home Working Policy Flexible Working Policy Equality and Diversity Policy Legal Responsibilities Policy Health and Safety Policy Fire Safety Policy Asbestos Policy Legionella Policy Waste Disposal Policy Modern Slavery Policy Other relevant policies

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3.3 Occupational health and safety objectives Based on the requirements and factors set out in this document, the following major objectives are set for occupational health and safety management: [Define the main priorities that the OH&S management system must address, particularly in terms of the potential impacts described in this document. For example:] • • • •

Objective 1 - Comply with health and safety legislation at all times Objective 2 – Create/improve upon our health and safety culture by participating and engaging with workers Objective 3 – Reduce the number of incidents on site Objective 4 – Carry out a company-wide health and safety awareness training programme

The success of the OH&S management system will be judged on its ability to meet these overall objectives.

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4 Risk and opportunity management 4.1 Risk and opportunity management strategy [Organization Name]’s strategy with respect to the high-level management of risk and opportunity is to broadly adopt the principles of the ISO31000 standard (Risk management – principles and guidelines) so that risk and opportunity management: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Creates and protects value Is an integral part of all organizational processes Is part of decision-making Explicitly addresses uncertainty Is systematic, structured and timely Is based on the best available information Is tailored Takes human and cultural factors into account Is transparent and inclusive Is dynamic, iterative and responsive to change Facilitates continual improvement of the organization Assures worker participation in OH&S matters Identifies all foreseeable hazards and risks in the company

These principles will also be applied to the management of risk and opportunity with respect to the business objectives of the organization.

4.2 Internal issues With regard to the business operations of [Organization Name], there are a number of internal issues that create uncertainty that gives rise to risk and opportunity. These include: [List any specific risk factors e.g. • • • • • • • • • •

The strategic direction of the organization The nature of the organization’s products and services Internal occupational health and safety conditions Uncertainties in employee relations Significant organizational changes Location moves Company financial performance Perceptions, values and culture Available capabilities and knowledge Available resourcing levels

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You could choose to group internal issues using a SWOT analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats] These general internal factors will be considered in more detail as part of the hazard identification, risk and opportunity assessment processes.

4.3 External issues With regard to occupational health and safety within [Organization Name], there are a number of external issues that create uncertainty that gives rise to risk and opportunity. These include: [List any specific external issues. These are often grouped under the areas defined by the term PESTLE e.g. •

Political o Government policy changes o Government instability o Unrest in countries in which the organization operates o Trade restrictions and tariffs Economic o Prevailing economic climate o Interest and inflation rates o Supplier failure o Lack of customer demand o Increasing globalization of supply and/or demand o Increasing competition Social o Changing demographics o Population growth changes o Social attitudes Technology o Pace of innovation o Supporting technologies and infrastructure o Automation and artificial intelligence Legal o Potential legislative changes o Regulatory changes o Data protection Environmental o Climate change o Fire, flood, earthquake etc o Pollution]

These general external factors will be considered in more detail as part of the hazard identification, risk and opportunity assessment processes.

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5 Requirements This section of the document sets out the interested parties that are relevant to the OH&S management system and their requirements. It also summarises the applicable legal and regulatory requirements to which the organization subscribes. An interested party is defined as “a person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity”. The following are defined as interested parties that are relevant to the OH&S management system: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Shareholders Board of Directors Suppliers Customers Regulatory bodies Customer user groups Employees of the organization Contractors providing services to the organization National or local government organizations Emergency services Trade associations and industry bodies Trade unions Environmental groups Workers Sub-contractors Visitors Neighbours The Health and Safety Executive and other legal regulatory bodies

Applicable legal and regulatory requirements arise from the following: • • • • • • •

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act of 1974. [Specify laws and regulation relevant to your organization]

For details of how applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are identified, accessed and assessed see the document Legal Requirements Procedure. The applicable requirements of interested parties and legal and regulatory bodies are summarised in the table on the following page.

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Value of share price should be maintained

Minutes of Annual General Meeting dd/mm/yyyy

Board of Directors


Legal obligations must be met with regard to health and safety


Organizational reputation must be protected


Revenue stream must be maintained


Payment schedule must be kept to


Facility for receiving shipments must be available


Delivery schedule should not be affected


Customers Regulatory bodies

Minutes of Board Meeting dd/mm/yyyy

Minutes of supplier meetings

Customer meetings/focus group sessions


Customer user groups Employees of the organization Contractors providing services to the organization National or local government organizations Emergency services Trade associations and industry bodies Trade unions Environmental Groups Health and Safety legislation Table 1: Requirements Summary of Interested Parties, Legal and Regulatory Bodies

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6 Purpose and scope of the OH&S management system 6.1 Purpose The purpose of the OH&S management system is to: 1. 2. 3.

Understand the organization’s needs and the necessity for establishing occupational health and safety management policy and objectives Monitor and review the performance and effectiveness of the OH&S management system Continually improve the organization’s occupational health and safety management based on objective measurement

This purpose applies to the scope of the OH&S management system as defined below.

6.2 Scope of the OH&S management system The defined scope of [Organization Name]’s OH&S management system takes into account the internal and external issues and the requirements referred to in this document. It also reflects the needs of interested parties and the legal and regulatory requirements that are applicable to the organization. The scope is defined below in terms of the parts of the organization, products and services and related activities.

6.2.1 Organizational units, functions and physical boundaries The OH&S management system includes the following parts of the [Organization Name] organization: [Specify the parts of the organization included in terms of business function, geographical location or other organizational boundary e.g. individual companies within a group structure]

6.2.2 Activities, products and services The following activities, products and services are within the scope of the OH&S management system: [List the activities, products and services at an appropriate level of detail. This is more likely to be in the form of product and service types rather than specifics which are likely to

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change rapidly over time. The activities, products and services selected must be consistent with the organizational split given in the previous section]

6.2.3 Exclusions [In ISO45001 no area of the standard can be excluded, however you can be precise with the departments/locations included within the scope e.g. The New York Office Only (If you had, for example, three sites)].

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