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10.1 Restoration to normal service checklists

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4.1 Overview

4.1 Overview

10 Restoration of normal service

Once this plan has been implemented and the services recovered at the alternate location, a decision will need to be made about how long this situation will be required for.

This will depend upon a number of factors including the extent of the damage to the primary site and how long it will be before the infrastructure required to house the servers is back in place.

Top management should decide when a restoration of normal service should be attempted based on advice from all involved parties. It is likely that this will be done over a period of low business activity e.g. a weekend or bank holiday.

The checklists on the following pages should be used to move the IT services back to their original location (or permanent replacement location). These checklists assume that the required hardware and network connectivity has been replaced and is fully operational at the primary site before work begins.

10.1 Restoration to normal service checklists

The following checklists should be used in conjunction with the more detailed procedures listed as appendices to this document.

10.1.1 Business team checklist


Confirm with IT team the likely length of any outages whilst the restoration takes place

Communicate with Business Teams to set expectations

Divert phones according to procedure at Appendix W

Allocate manual tasks to appropriate teams if required

Test systems once go-ahead given by IT Team


Table 8: Restoration to normal service - business team checklist

10.1.2 IT team checklist


Inform the Disaster recovery service of the intention to swap back to on premise facilities

Confirm readiness of on-premise environment

Establish Team rota and progress reporting schedule

Confirm cloud backups to be used

Follow the procedures at Appendix V to restore data to the relevant servers in the following order: • Finance server • CRM server • File and print server

Complete data restore and perform connectivity testing

Liaise with other Recovery Teams to perform user testing

Once testing successful, inform the business that systems are now available for use

Table 9: Restoration to normal service - IT team checklist


11 Appendix A: The Phonetic Alphabet

In order to ensure that messages are understood correctly, the phonetic alphabet should be used when spelling out words and numbers.

A: Alpha B: Bravo C: Charlie D: Delta E: Echo F: Foxtrot G: Golf H: Hotel I: India J: Juliet K: Kilo L: Lima M: Mike N: November O: Oscar P: Papa Q: Quebec R: Romeo S: Sierra T: Tango U: Uniform V: Victor W: Whiskey X: X-ray Y: Yankee Z: Zulu

0: Zero 1: Wun 2: Two 3: Tree 4: Fower 5: Fife 6: Six 7: Seven 8: Ait 9: Niner

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