Introduction This document is an adaptation of the document on the Generic Law on Official Statistics for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, published by the Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in 2016.1 The purpose of this Generic Law is to provide a regional model for Latin American countries that are interested in formulating or reformulating the legal basis for the functioning of their National Statistical Systems (NSS) and the production of official statistics. The Generic Law defines the rights and obligations of the bodies that compose the National Statistical System as well the principles and procedures to be applied in producing and disseminating official statistics. The organizational model proposed by the Generic Law defines the National Statistical Office (NSO) as the leading authority of the National Statistical System and as a professionally independent body. The Law also lays down the rights and obligations of respondents and regulates the access of agencies producing official statistics to different data sources. The adaptation process consisted of carefully reviewing the Generic Law and adding, modifying or eliminating articles according to their relevance and applicability to Latin American countries. The adaptation maintains the structure and spirit of the original document and its full compliance with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. A thorough review was also performed of the explanatory notes to the Law, which provide useful information on the context and purposes of the articles.
See Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Generic Law on Official Statistics for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, (ECE/CES/STAT/2016/3), New York/Geneva, 2016. The adaptation work was limited to the countries that would be able to use the text in Spanish as a basis for analysis and review of their domestic statistical legislation. Therefore, the adaptation does not take into account the specificities of the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean.