Brazil Impacting Generations 2022

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Impacting Generations 2022

Our mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.

Our vision is to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family.

About Us

In June 2000, Our Daily Bread Ministries began formal operations in Brazil. We served readers with the Our Daily Bread, Discovery Series booklets and DSBS bible study guides. In addition, we were serving readers by mail and looking for partnerships with churches.

Our focus for the first eight years was on building the reader base. Then, in 2008, with the creation of Publicações Pão Diário (ODB Publishing), we started to explore a new income source, and with it the desire to expand our projects and increase our significance in the local community.

Our team grew from twelve to thirty staff in the following ten years. From a small logistical structure supporting a little more than fifty thousand books, we started partnerships with several religious organizations and ministries, reaching more than 1.5 million printed books annually for the region.

To reach new readers and build relationships with existing ones over this time, we started exploring tools such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, marketing emails, TV, Radio, Web radio, audio platforms, Epub, audiobooks, creation of projects, participation in events, etc.

During these first twenty-two years, we distributed around twelve million printed books. Addition ally, more than twenty million people got to know the gospel message through communication channels such as radio and the internet.

All along our goal has always been spreading the Word and making the wisdom of the Bible accessi ble to all. You will now see a short report. We thank you for your prayers and for being a part of this dream. There is a lot more to be done—small and big projects— and we know that in everything, the Lord has blessed and will continue to do it.

Ministry Video 3

Radio & TV

It has been part of our DNI since its foundation in 1938.

Today 820 radio stations are broadcasting daily in Portuguese in 6 countries (Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Switzerland, and East Timor) 900 stations are broadcasting Spanish programs in 20 countries.

Web Radio

F We started the Portuguese web radio in June 2018, with 100,000 monthly hits.

F In October 2018, Spanish web radio started with 120,000 monthly hits.

F In February 2019. We started streaming on Alexa, Apple podcast, Spotify, Google Play, Deezer, and Anchor. We have over 15,000 listeners a month.

F TV program “Life and Attitude.” More than 240 programs recorded on current topics and themes from the Discovery Series. The average audience is around 300 thousand people per month.


The Our Daily Bread programs impact me! The devotional on the radio today talked about changes; I had never deeply reflected on the importance of renewing my mind. It changed my way of thinking about life and God’s will. Thank you. —GB

Every day, I set my alarm clock to wake up earlier just to listen to the devotional on the radio before starting the daily tasks. After reflecting on the messages, I feel more confident and excited to work; the day is refreshing. —IL

Sometimes I feel sad, with a downcast soul. Then I hear a message from the Our Daily Bread on the radio, and it feels like it was made especially for me, speaking straight to my heart; the spirit touches me. Thank you so much for existing. —M.

I’m Brazilian, but I currently live in Spain.

I listen to devotionals on Spotify every day!

I love it; I love it! Too bad it’s only 3 minutes; I wanted more ... but it already makes all the difference Gratitude. —T.




Digital Impact

Our Facebook work started on July 14, 2013. We currently have 125,837 users, reaching 2.8M since its creation.

F We opened an Instagram account in 2016, reaching 8,000 followers that year. Currently, we have an average of 147,207 users a month.

F 3.8M reach since creation its creation and over 6,900 posts!

F Average Organic Engagement: 280,000 a month (Instagram & Facebook).

F We started the Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) channel in 2018 with more than 2,000 videos created by more than 100 volunteers involved in various ministries for the deaf.

F We have over 4 thousand people viewing our videos on YouTube. We share daily devotions, webinars, and unique campaigns.

Wow, what amazing content! Glory to God! —Raquel Duarte

Great actions for each area of our well-being, collective and individual! —Jeannie

Wow what a necessary post. . . —Patricia Lopes

May the Lord continue to bless you to bring a word of revelation so simply, clearly, and completely. I am grateful to the Lord for this channel of blessing; glory to God! —Ana Freire

It seems that they thought of me when they made this post. —Jayne Mendes

I was so blessed with this text; I feel completely restored and forgiven! Praise my Lord forever and ever! —Ivanilde Andrade

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

—Psalm 96:3

These courses are a blessing! Congratulations, because it is accessible to people with visual impairment. It’s all very well organized, and it’s not difficult to access. Keep having accessible content. There are many visually impaired people who want more access to the word of God with accessibility. And these days those who run ministries don’t remember those people who can’t read normally like someone who sees 100%. May God be glorified for your efforts of having the texts accessible to this type of people who also need to study the Word. May God richly and powerfully bless your ministry. Thank you. (Facebook)

Sign language channel.

Prisons Project

Brazil has around 600,000 prisoners in about 1,200 prisons. 70% of these for being involved in drug trafficking. The majority are poor.

We reach out to inmates by showing them God’s plan for them and the need to reconcile with God.

F 60,000 inmates reached in the last 12 months in 94 prisons

F 90 volunteers involved

I find myself in a penitentiary due to the choices I made in the past. Today I had the privilege of reading the devotional Our Daily Bread, where I learned about God’s intentions for our lives and about taking great lessons from difficulties. I am seeking the truth with all my strength so that I can be a better person tomorrow. Thank you all! —Marcelo, São Paulo

I received an Our Daily Bread as a gift from my grandmother. At first I was reluctant to read it and I put it aside. But, one day I decided to read it and today I can say that for me it is more than a book, it is a friend who encourages me daily with good words, brings me closer to God, and helps me to rescue my dignity. —Zaire, female prison

I’m married and I have two daughters, I’m currently incarcerated. My wife developed breast cancer, and we were devastated. One week when I was very sad without news from her, I approached another inmate who was reading the Our Daily Bread. I asked to read it too. I opened the devotional on November 6th, vol. 24, and it spoke about a woman with breast cancer, making a parallel with the passage of a woman with a flow of blood. The word was of hope and we are learning that we can bear anything with our Lord. Then Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)

—Vlademir, reader at the São Paulo penitentiary

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

—2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

Chaplain Sérgio Julianni Pr. Hugo Daniel

School Ministry

We have 300 schools involved through 150 volunteers.

We reach 200,000 students with printed resources focused on various life issues, relationships with God, interpersonal relationships, and virtues.

I am an evangelist and teacher and I thank you for your help and trust. I am very grateful to receive the material that we use in Vila da Felicidade where we do the outreach program before the lunch break. We do the devotional at the school where

I work with adolescents aged 11 to 14 years, totaling about 100 students. —Teacher M. Barbosa

I am a missionary and more than 5 years ago , I started along with some volunteers the work of distributing devotional Our Daily Bread in the schools of Linhares in Espírito Santo, to encourage students of various ages to develop values and a relationship with God and provide them with a tool to learn about God’s love. Today, almost 90% of the schools in Linhares have received our visit. During the pandemic, we had to stop the work but today we are having the opportunity to get back to the field. —Anchirley

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ”

—Matthew 19:14

School Project

Hospital Project during the pandemic

Distribution of 10,000 books to needy families in partnership with churches that prepared food baskets.

F 8,000 health professionals reached in 80 hospitals (“Mission” book)

F 20,000 children were gifted with content developed especially for little ones.

F 100,000 people reached hospitals in the last 24 months through 150 volunteer chaplains

During September, the importance of life was addressed in several health units in Curitiba and its suburbs. I have a friend who is responsible for the Health Unit in Colombo.

No resources would be distributed at the event, so I offered material for support, which would warm some hearts. I mentioned to my friend the importance of her reading some of the material, which would not address religious issues, but the word of God to help people who would be at the event.

That week, a patient received a positive HIV test result. This patient received

the booklets “Pulsating” and the quarterly ODB while she was at the health care unit. When she opened the booklet on day 1 it read “He Knows Your Name”. As she read the devotional the tears began to flow, and she said: “I needed to read this. Thank you so much, I was having a lot of bad thoughts.”

My friend is not a Christian, and she was shocked by the statement by the young woman who was only 23 years old.

I hope both my friend and this patient will be impacted by the Word of God and come to understand that the Lord will sustain them and will never forsake them in the face of any situation. —Danuza

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

—John 14:27


For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

—Psalm 91:11


I was on duty and things were boring that night till we got notice that the son of one of our Sergeants was gun down and killed. This caused a general uproar in our unit and immediately we left to pursue the criminals. When we caught them, the confrontation happened: 2 police officers against 2 fugitive prisoners that were once again murderers but this time they killed one of ours. I had my gun ready and even with the prisoners under control, I felt tremendous anger toward them. At that moment I believe the Spirit of God stopped any desire for revenge in my heart. It was hard to take into custody the two men that killed one of us and to face the criticism and anger of some of my colleagues. Many could not understand why I did not do justice with my own hands. It was extremely hard to do what was right and not act in anger.

—Ltc. A. Bastos

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Our Daily Bread Public Security (PDSP)

Brazil has 640,000 police officers serving in different forces. Tension, stress, and violence have generated one of the highest suicide rates in the world in this field. The PDSP project is a tool for chaplains to encourage and help police officers through difficult times in their lives. A police officer who prays, who knows God, will be a better son, a better husband, a better father, and a better policeman.

F 200,000 police officers and their families were reached with the first edition of the devotional 100% written by “cops for cops”.

F Training of Christian police officers and institutional chaplains.

F 10,000 police users of the resources in the PDSP app.

F 18,000 police academy students received spiritual guidance and encouragement from praying, reading the word of God, and relating to Him.

What’s next?

2023 to 2030.

• Reach 420,000 police officers (60% of the 700,000 police force).

• Train 1,000 chaplains who will serve 100,000 police officers.

• Engage more officers with the App features of Bible reading and prayer.

• Fostering Spirituality as an axis for improving quality of life.

• Train specific chaplains to assist new police officers in training.

2012 First print run of three thousand copies for the police.

2015 Partnership with Chaplains in São Paulo distributing customized booklets and leaflets (ten thousand police officers reached).

2018 Christian Military Congress in partnership with police associations and police federations from six states.

2021 Some 100,000 police officers reached through print content and 5,000 through digital content on the new PDSP App. The first edition of the police annual, entirely written by police officers for police officers, is launched.

2020 Signed a Cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Justice to distribute various resources to the Brazilian forces.

2022 Another 180,000 police officers received the Annual ODB. The second edition of the Annual ODB written by police officers is finalized.

Public Security Project
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Being in the university environment and standing firm in the faith is a challenge for any Christian. However, it is essential and incredible to have tools and to be able to rely on and contribute to Our Daily Bread College Students. This really is a project from the heart of God to the youth.

—Lucas Silva

—1 Timothy 4:12

Beyond the author’s content that connects with a specific public because they are university students, this is an account of what the Lord has done inside and amid the university campus — it is a framework of the gospel and unity. —Tieme Harfouche

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
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Our Daily Bread Uni Students

Brazil has 6.5 million university students. Many of them abandon their faith during their time at the university. We want to help them during that time and provide resources to teach them how to live the fulness of the gospel while in college.

The current UC Network has 180 volunteers in twelve states across the country. They help in edito rial, marketing, graphics, public relations, theology, etc.

Studying the Word:

F 52 studies featured in Webinars in the last 52 weeks.

F Campaigns to welcome new university students with the distribution of resources in 26 universities.

F Training of 60 writers.

F The official Devotional of UC was launched in various bookstores.

F It launched its own Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok channels.

F We had a Revival week involving 100,000 youths in twelve states in June 2021 and June 2022.

2016 Distribution of booklets in 6 universities.

2018 Launching of the MUC Christian University Manual.

What’s next?

2023 to 2026.

• Increase our reach to universities in all 27 Brazilian states.

• Bring some 1,000 volunteers to serve in various areas.

• Creation of groups of volunteers within universities (leaders, graph ics, editorial, marketing etc.).

• Continue to bring teachers and professors into the project.

• Produce an annual devotional with new university writers.

• Creation of prayer and Bible read ing groups in universities.

• We are strengthening the net works we have and looking for new new ones.

• Make the project self-sufficient.

2021 Launch of the “University Connection” channel with weekly webinars.

2020 Creation of the University Connection project in partnership with other ministries (CRU, University Network, Christians and Science, Christian Vision, etc.)

2022 Mobilization of volunteers in universities. There are currently 180 volunteers. Launch of two books written by university students for university students. One with 52 studies for individual use and the second for study groups. TikTok and YouTube networks launched. “Yellow September” campaign in 12 universities, mobilizing 200 volunteers.

Intentional Book Intentional Project
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Mita Rory (Happy Child) Project with Brazilian Natives

The project started in 2016 with an event with the native children’s choir.

We produced a short film selected by critics among 10,000 films presents at the 2018 Cannes Festival. The film was finalist at the Rotterdam festival, among the 300 best 2018 short films.

A CD/DVD recorded with live audience of four thousand listeners involving 65 native children, 90 church children, and 60 musicians from an orchestra.

We reached ten thousand people with the book ODB Caiua, with selected content in their original language and distributed in 30 churches.

Outside of the Cauia community, people look at us as losers. People look at us and think we can’t have a promising future. They think we need to stay in one place, not progress or improve. But we are showing within our village that is not the case. Education is changing our people and giving them opportunities.

—Janio Sanches

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

—Romans 10:13-14

Music Teaser Caiuá Documentary

This devotional is a tool we use to show people what God is doing using a two-wheeler. For people that love motorcycles, this is a very attractive tool and piques their interest. —Rodrigo


Our Daily Bread

“On The Road”

F 40,000 motorcyclists have been involved in the last five years.

F We have already held two events involving 20 Christian motorcycle clubs.

F We are working on an Evangelism project with food delivery platforms through partnership motorcycle clubs.

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”

—Romans 10:15

On The Road Project

Current Financial Status

F During the pandemic, Brazil lost more than 700 thousand people. We now have over 86 percent of the Brazilian population fully immunized. The pandemic is relatively controlled, and life is gradually returning to normal.

F Rising energy prices and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine increased inflationary rates in Brazil, closing in August at 7,5%. The projection is that it will drop to 6.5% by December 2022

F GNP grew 2.5% in the first half of the year, with a closing forecast in this range for 2022.

F We expect a sales growth of 20% with Bibles, Journals, Sermon book series releases, and significant partnerships with distributors.

F Total digital donations received dropped from 9% in FY21 to 6.40% in FY22, but in the first four months of FY23, we are already at 6.80% of the total amount received.

F Our books have a long life span, and we had an increase in local printing expenses that will improve our stock balance, bringing an increase in sales for the second half of the year and, consequently, higher receivables for the beginning of the next fiscal year.

F Moving to a new office will benefit everyone’s return to the office and improve the quality of work.



Historical Brazil Revenue and Expenses

to 2022 (R$ balance in

(R$ balance in mil April/22 to Aug/22 Others R$104 2% Donations R$131 3% Sales R$4,319 95% • Others • Donations • Sales Brazil
(R$ balance in mil April/22 to Aug/22 Cost of Sales R$2,121 47% Projects R$961 21% Staff Cost R$1,471 32% Total R$4,553 • Cost of Sales • Staff Cost • Projects
mil) • Revenue • Expenses 2020 2021 E_2022 20


I receive Our Daily Bread booklet every three months. I have a son who was a cocaine user and even overdosed. I also have a very difficult marriage. In those difficult times, sometimes I can’t find words to pray, and in those moments of great pain, there were my booklets to encourage me. I always have about 3 with me at all times, and I reread them, and then I passed them to others in public places like an emergency room etc , if they allow me to. —Elaine

Starting each day with the Our Daily Bread has strengthened my faith and hope for many years. I marvel at how such a short text can be soul-filling and empowering, special and unique. It’s not uncommon to finish reading feeling that the message translates exactly something I’m living or going through. May God always bless this seed. —Fernando


Ministries Services (5 staff) Sales Phone Walk-in Mail Email FY21 263 2830 286 975 1957 FY22 510 1561 455 341 2516 FY23 139 276 183 66 934 Total Contacts 210,857 FY21 FY22 FY23 254,436 292,309 Total Digital Total Print Total Print+Digital Total Other Engagement Total Other No Engagement Total Media Only (radio) FY21 160,921 5,728 625 9,787 33,285 1183 FY22 198,330 5,763 625 10,092 39,115 1342 FY23 234,093 5,790 625 10,096 41,194 1720 Total contacts by category FY21 FY22 FY23 Total BRL 251,642 286,155 131,820 *First five months Total Donations Amount FY21 FY22 FY23 • Ave per donation $86.30 $98.64 $124.01 • Ave per donor $214 $291 $310 Ave. Amount Given per Donation/Donor Total No. unique donors/Total No. donations FY21 FY22 FY23 • Total No Donors 1176 983 425 • Total No Donations 2916 2901 1063 21

2010 we reached the annual distribution of 40,000 copies of the Discovery Series.

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Our Daily Bread Publications

Founded in 2008, with the first year reaching 20,000 people with books, devotionals, and booklets.

I just received my order. I loved the annual devotionals with the beautiful covers. And I loved my Mornings and Evenings with Spurgeon devotional. How much care! Beautiful cover, and wonderful content. I’ve read the preface and I can’t wait to get started. Thank you and God bless you all. —Eronita

What’s next?

2023 to 2030.

• 2023, we’ll launch a new series of great classics in manga design focused on the Geek world.

• 2024 - 2030, we’ll achieve dis tribution to 10,000,000 people, covering all age groups from 1 to 100 years old, with appropriate content for each one.

• Expansion of the audiobooks.

• Building closer relationships with the readers through a customer care program.

• Creation of a Book Club.

• Creation of a digital library.

2012 we distributed 1,000,000 devotionals printed in Brazil.

2016 we launched the “Day by Day” devotional series aimed at connecting with longtime Christians, leaders, pastors, and those interested in the depth of the Word. The first book in the “Day by Day with Spurgeon” series was released. In 6 years, it reached 200,000 people.

2013 we expanded to the children’s category with the series “Knowing God,” aiming to reach children from 3 to 7 years old. In 7 years, 60,000 children were reached.

2015 we launched the “Prayer Journals,” reaching the female audience with the practice of prayer, daily Bible reading, recording prayers, and their answers.

2017, seeking to engage a younger audience of 8 to 11 years old, we launched the PD Kids adapted from ODB for children in, simple language, and with activities.

2019, 7 young people were involved in a unique project in Brazil, creating a devotional called “Intencionais” (Intentional) written by teenagers for teenagers. We have more than 10,000 young people participating in the project.

2021, seeking youth engagement with the Word, we will innovate with Bibles with youth covers.

2018, we created the Spurgeon’s Bible, with more than 40,000 copies sold since its launch. This was an original project created by our team.

2020, during the pandemic, we launched a devotional focused on healthcare professionals in partnership with CMDA (Cristian Medical and Dental Association). Also, a booklet called “Mission” for hospital workers.

2022, we will reach the mark of 220 E-pub titles with a distribution of 30,000 digital books.

In September 2022, the Devotional “My Plan with God” reaches the distribution of 60,000 copies in 12 months!

Youtube ODB Publisher
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Testimonials from readers shared on social media

My brother gave Pão Diário Kids to my son. We started to read in January to follow the days accordingly. Noah loved to read the Bible daily in the family—focusing on his age.

Even though he was feeling sick today, he was curious about the book. The book has short stories and activities, so it is easy for the child to stay focused. I recommend it. Beautiful time spent as a family.


Day by Day with Spurgeon.

This devotional always makes me cry. This morning we read about the importance of constant communion with him. I was reminded that “we may be ordained to the lifework for which we are set apart.” I need to see Jesus first before I interact with another person today. (Sep 10). —Reader of Our Daily Bread

I use two devotionals.

Don’t ask me why. I bought one, and then I bought the second one. But God does incredible things. It seems that these books were written for me in the way that the readings complement each other.

Of course, no one needs two devotionals. But I am seeing God work in my life through these two books. —Reader of Our Daily Bread

My first thought when I started reading this book was the proudest of all: so many people need to read this book too! And in my mind, I had already created a list of people I needed to gift with this book. Humility is the measure of Christ in us. We can’t seek humility without first approaching Jesus. I finished this book crying and repentant. I realized that there was no good in me. My prayer is to empty myself and live a servant’s life, as Jesus did. Jesus is our most excellent example of humility.—Reader of Our Daily Bread

Our lives can change overnight, and those changes will demand an actual exercise of our faith. May God help us like he helped Corrie Ten Boom in prison and concentration camps. He can show us that even in the darkest moment, He controls everything. —Reader of Our Daily Bread

This episode is incredible because it discusses about women that somewhat are disconnected from the Bible. Yet, it’s talking about a topic that stirs up biblical truths. —Vania Ferrari

A Look at the Future


Our network of relationships has been the strong arm of our expansion with agents of transformation, which consists of chaplains, churches, ministry leaders, seminary students, bookstore managers, and partners. Our network includes more than 500 chaplains, 3,000 partner churches, 80 ministry partnerships, and direct contact with the public at 30 major events per year.

Our goal for the next three years:

1. Expand partnerships from 500 chaplains to 2,000 chaplains working and being encouraged by articles, biblical materials, and training courses. Expand from 800 projects to 1,500.

2. Expand our projects from 400 partner churches to 800. We’ll include digital partnerships, projects, and training.

3. Build more engagement with our 80 outreach part nerships (CRU, Bible Society, Athletes in Action, FCA, etc.) by producing more content together and spend ing quality time during planning.

4. Expansion of our marketing programs to make our efforts and projects better known.

Audience Focused

Our projects focused on various demographics, from children to young university students to police officers, businesspeo ple, and entrepreneurs. We have helped them in their journey of knowledge of the Bible and their relationship with God. It has been significant and successful to be present and work with these groups, and we need to do more because the need is great.

1. University projects: in Brazil, we have 6.5 M students. We want to expand from 40 partner universities to 100 universities. We want to train and qualify the cur rent 180 volunteers and bring in new ones. We will establish volunteer internship programs at partner colleges. We will grow in quantity and quality in digi tal tools (networks and apps) and train new writers to produce content.

2. Public Security: Continue with the production of the police annual edition, expanding from 180 to 360 writers. Reach 50% of the number of police and firefighters in the country. Engage more Christian leaders (Colonels, Commanders, Chaplains, etc.) to continue to build relationships and better understand the production of audience-centric content.

3. Outreach Projects (hospitals, prisons, vulnerable pop ulations, schools, etc.): Increase the number of volun teers by providing training and qualification. Produce

events and courses with experts. Produce local mate rial according to the needs of these audiences (health professionals, family members, patients, etc.)

4. Digital: Continue the promotion of the apps for uni versity students and police officers. Creation of two new Apps, one for children and another for business people. The App for children will work in building a relationship with God, Bible knowledge, activities, and games. The Business app will focus on lectures, con tent, business mission, and project involvement.

5. Social Media: Continue with evangelism and disciple ship material. Continue to experiment with new plat forms like TikTok, Metaverse, etc.

6. With our readership: Continue our work with the daily/ weekly email work and project information. Continue with the discipleship program as we build content.


F Projects: Expansion the work with influencers and transform them into ODB ambassadors.

F Gamification of the PD App with new sharing tools, comments, WhatsApp, and integration with social networks building a reward tool for users who read, share, and comment the most.

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F Expand the salespeople training at partner stores, discipling and encouraging them to enter the bookseller group’s community.

F Expansion of the registration via QR code will be included in the 1 million products distributed annually.

F Prayer campaigns with our team and customers.

Transition Oldest > Newest

F Project with professors within the university app (debates and encouragement)

F Expanded chaplaincy program to help churches to care for schools through the training of volunteers.

F 60+ Program (discipleship and volunteer training).

F Build a Digital Ambassadors Program: volunteers who share content, campaigns, studies, projects, and disciple.

F Co-editions with partner ministries for their communities (local church books)

F Free courses online with a focus on evangelism and discipleship.

F 1 plus 1 program: challenge readers to disciple one new reader.

F Prayer program with university students and police officers.

F Bible courses online DSBS.

Please pray for . . .

F Wisdom to connect and engage with people in a manner that would motivate them to donate.

F For the growth of sales of books on evangelism and discipleship.

Scale Growth

F Train and empower partners to reach audiences better.

F Closer collaborations with other ministries working in similar areas.

F For good, solid, ethical, and financial transparent partnerships with all our vendors and partners.

F For deeper connections with all our audiences.

F For our Brazil staff and volunteers.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
—Jeremiah 29:11
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