e s u o H s u Jes s p u o r G t c e n Con
A home away from home… God created people for relationships and community and that why here at Jesus House we strongly encourage every member to join and become a committed member of a smaller and more intimate connect Group family. Here, you grow from being one individual in a large congregation to being a connected member within a smaller community. As its name connotes, the groups are a place to connect with others, make new friendships, grow spiritually together as a family, experience love, serve your local community together and also support each other as members of healthy families do. God designed you for a sincere and meaningful relationship —with Him and with others. We are most optimised when we belong to a community of people living life together. Jesus House’s Connect Groups bring people together to do exactly that. It is all enshrined in our mission statement: In Pursuit of God, Discovering Purpose, Maximising Potential, Impacting lives. Here at Jesus House, Connect Groups are our primary tool for discipleship. This is because it is the place where we get to break down the Word of God, unpack it into practical bite-size chunks which we can apply to daily living and experiences. It is also a safe environment in which to be accountable to other members of your family who are on the same journey as you.
We have intentionally created our Connect Groups as small and safe spaces where you can engage in a lifestyle of spiritual growth and authentic community
6 Reasons to Join a Jesus House Connect Group 1. Connect Groups are a place to develop authentic community and lasting friendships. • They’re a steady and safe environment. • The relationships provide excellent support and care in times of crisis, change and stress. • The atmosphere is inviting and relaxing. • They provide an ideal environment for developing accountability, a sense of belonging and care. 2. Connect Groups share leadership. • They provide opportunities to share responsibilities with others. • People discover leadership skills they may not have realized they have. • Each person can more readily use their spiritual gifts. • Church leaders can be involved without giving up their weekend responsibilities at the church. 3. Connect Groups offer a friendly environment you can bring your friends to and share your faith at. • People have a natural way to share Christ with friends, relatives and work associates. • Many unchurched people are more willing to visit a home than a church. • Groups provide the sense of belonging that, for many people, comes before believing in Christ.
4. Connect Groups are a safe place to surrender your heart to God and join with others in worship and prayer. • People are introduced to several forms of small group worship including singing, prayer, Bible study and communion. • Prayer becomes more meaningful when shared. 5. Connect Groups are an optimal catalyst for sustained life change. • People connect with other believers, which is critical for spiritual growth. • People experience mutual encouragement and growth. 6. Gateway Groups meetings are flexible. • Groups can meet nearly anywhere—homes, offices, restaurants and more! • There are few time constraints. • People can attend more than one group. • Groups can schedule their meetings and activities to fit the schedules of their members. committed volunteers.
How Do I Find a Group? Jesus House App It’s easy to find a group near you using the Jesus House App on your smartphone or tablet. Get Connected with a Group Today! Contact Us Call 020 8438 8285 Email connectgroups@jesushouse.org.uk Visit www.jesushouse.org.uk/connectgroups