5-2-1 Almost None Elementary Toolkit

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Elementary Toolkit

Goes to School Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Eat At Least Five Fruits and Vegetables a Day Section 3: Limit Recreational Screen Time to Two Hours or Less a Day Section 4: Get One Hour of Physical Activity Every Day Section 5: Drink Less Sugar Section 6: Additional Resources

Table of Contents for Introduction Program Overview Scientific Rationale for Getting Started Worksheet Celebration Letter to Parents: Template at Your Program Flow Chart Prepping the Environment

Goes to School Program Overview Get Up! is a county wide obesity prevention program designed to increase healthy eating and active living. Get Up! works in six sectors (schools, early childhood, after school, healthcare, workplace and community) to reach children and families where they live, study, work, and play. Get Up! is centered on the common message of “521AN�.

Through use of the 521AN strategies listed below, communities can address the policies, In addition to a toolkit, this program provides guidance and assistance to support the community in the adoption of the 10 strategies. 1. Provide healthy choices for snacks and celebrations; limit unhealthy choices. 2. Participate in local, state, and national initiatives that promote healthy eating and active living. 3. Engage community partners to help support and promote healthy eating and active living at your site. 4. Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living. 5. Provide water and low fat milk; limit or eliminate sugary beverages. 6. Provide non-food rewards. 7. Provide opportunities for children to get physical activity every day. 8. Implement a staff wellness program that includes healthy eating and active living. 9. Collaborate with Food and Nutrition Programs to offer healthy food and beverage options. 10. Limit recreational screen time. For more information, contact the GetUp! at 937-225-4398, or email us at GetUpMc@phdmc.org

Thank you for taking the time to review this GetUp Montgomery County Toolkit. Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County through our GetUp Montgomery County program is leading a community-wide effort to combat obesity by encouraging everyone in the county to choose a healthy lifestyle. Funded through the Human Services Levy, GetUp’s goal is to increase physical activity and healthy eating for children and families in Montgomery County. The message is simple: Eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables each day. Spend less than 2 hours of leisure screen time* each day. Get at least 1 hour of physical activity each day. Drink Almost None of those sugary soda or juice-flavored drinks. *Keep TV/computer out of the bedroom. No screen time under the age of 2.

The GetUp Goes to School Toolkit is being funded by The Children's Medical Center of Dayton. They are providing financial support as well as being a champion of the 5-2-1-AN message throughout the region. In this toolkit you will find strategies to help you incorporate the 5-2-1-AN message. We have developed different toolkits, and each is designed to represent the unique interests of each targeted sector (schools, workplace, healthcare, afterschool, and early childhood education). We hope this toolkit will help you train and educate a healthier generation. Reducing obesity and encouraging people to choose healthier lifestyles involves a long-term community commitment. We are confident that with your support, the GetUp Initiative will lead to a healthier Montgomery County. Please direct any feedback, questions, or comments to GetUp Montgomery County at 937-225-4398 or e-mail us at GetUpMC@phdmc.org. Sincerely,

James W. Gross, M.P.H. Health Commissioner

James Ebert, M.D., M.P.H. Lead Physician, Lipid Clinic The Children’s Medical Center of Dayton

Scientific Rationale for 5-2-1-AN

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides vitamins and minerals, important for supporting growth and development, and for optimal immune function in children. High daily intakes of fruits and vegetables among adults are associated with lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and possibly, some types of cancers. Emerging science suggests fruit and vegetable consumption may help prevent weight gain, and when total calories are controlled may be an important aid to achieving and sustaining weight loss. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP,) the average child watches an average of 5–6 hours of television a day. Watching too much television is associated with an increased prevalence of overweight and obesity, lower reading scores, and attention problems. The AAP therefore recommends that children under the age of two shouldn’t watch any television. In addition, the AAP recommends no TV or computer in the room in which the child sleeps, and no more than 2 hours of screen time a day. Regular physical activity is essential for weight maintenance and prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and osteoporosis. While most school age children are quite active, physical activity sharply declines during adolescence. Children who are raised in families with active lifestyles are more likely to stay active as adults than children raised in families with sedentary lifestyles. Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption has increased dramatically over the past 20 years; high intake among children is associated with overweight and obesity, displacement of milk consumption, and dental cavities. It is recommended that children 1–6 years old consume no more than 4–6 ounces of juice per day and youth 7–18 years old consume no more than 8–12 ounces. Whole milk is the single largest source of saturated fat in children’s diets. Switching to low or non-fat milk products significantly reduces dietary saturated and total fat, as well as total calories.

Getting Started Worksheet What you want to achieve and what will get you there School: ____________________________________________________ Date:_______________ This tool will help you look at your school environment and highlight which strategies best fit your needs in promoting physical activity and nutrition. Please use the following scale and circle the appropriate numbers in the right hand columns: 1. Not even on the radar screen 2. Implemented in at least one classroom 3. Implemented by many classrooms 4. Implemented schoolwide on a regular basis


Would Like to Address (Yes or No)


Encourage healthy choices for snacks and celebrations.

1 2 3 4

Y or N


Participate in local, state, or national initiatives that promote physical activity and healthy eating.

1 2 3 4

Y or N


Include community organizations in wellness promotion.

1 2 3 4

Y or N


Involve and educate families in initiatives that promote physical activity and healthy eating.

1 2 3 4

Y or N


Encourage water and low-fat milk instead of sugar-sweetened drinks.

1 2 3 4

Y or N


Y or N


Y or N


Have a 5-2-1-AN friendly staff wellness program.

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Y or N


Collaborate with the School Nutrition Program.

1 2 3 4

Y or N


Implement and strengthen a Wellness Policy that supports 5-2-1-AN strategies.

1 2 3 4

Y or N



Discourage the use of food as a reward; use physical activity as a reward. Incorporate physical activity into the school day.

(continued on other side)

Which strategies would you or your school like to focus on this year? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What are some specific ways you could address your chosen strategies? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What potential barriers do you foresee? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Next steps: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Celebration Letter to Parents


Date: School: Classroom: Dear Parents and Families, Our school is participating in an exciting initiative called 5-2-1-AN Goes to School. 5-2-1-AN Goes to School is a healthy lifestyle program based on an easy-to-remember message which stands for:

As a part of our efforts towards health and wellness, our classroom is addressing the kinds of celebrations we have in the classroom. School celebrations and events are exciting and important for students and staff. Birthday parties and holiday celebrations provide a unique opportunity to help make healthy eating fun and for children to practice wise food choices. As a school, we are encouraging healthy celebration treats, like: Fruit and Cheese Kabobs – Put grapes, melons, cheese cubes, and berries onto a wooden kabob stick. Make Your Own Trail Mix – Provide bags of granola, dried fruit, and nuts for students to make their own trail mix. Fruit Smoothies – Show up at snack time with a blender, frozen fruit, and yogurt! (Be sure to make arrangements with the teacher first!) Yogurt Parfaits – Layer granola, fruit, and yogurt in plastic cups. Send in on a tray covered with plastic wrap. Vegetable or Fruit Platters with Low Fat Dip As a school, we are also focusing on nonfood ways to celebrate our students. On your child’s birthday, we will celebrate them in nonfood ways, like having them wear a special hat, sash, or letting them lead class activities. Please help us promote a healthy school environment and healthy kids! Sincerely,

at Your Program Flow Chart

Schools and GetUp! Connect

Establish Champion at Your School


Baseline Evaluation

School Environmental Profile Survey plus optional measures

Administrative Support From 5-2-1-AN

Identify 1 or 2 of the 5-2-1-AN Strategies you’d like to try

Goes to School Staff


Tool Kit Technical Assistance from GetUp! Staff


Post Evaluation

Prepping the Environment n Hang 5-2-1-AN posters throughout the school and in each classroom. n Dedicate one or more bulletin boards to promoting the 5-2-1-AN program

and wellness events or activities.

n Make daily or weekly announcements about the program. n Create a section of your program newsletter dedicated to 5-2-1-AN. n Decorate the classroom walls with age-appropriate educational posters promoting

physical activity and healthy eating.

n Provide healthy snacks and beverages when serving food. n Allow physical activity (inside or out) to be used as a classroom reward. n Encourage all school staff to role model 5-2-1-AN behaviors. n Provide trainings for staff to fully educate them on the 5-2-1-AN program. n Embed the 5-2-1-AN message into lesson plans and the curriculum, especially in

health and physical education themed lessons.

n Send parent handouts home to reinforce what children are learning

in the classroom.

n Urge parents and caregivers to support the goals of the program by limiting the

distribution of unhealthy high-fat, high-sugar foods and beverages. Ask us how and refer to your “Encourage Healthy Choices” document in the next section.

n Trigger program-wide excitement about the program by planning a kickoff, during the

program day, or at a special Parent’s night, with activities based on nutrition and physical activity.

Adapted from document in 5-2-1-AN Goes to School Toolkit

Eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day.

Table of Contents TAB 1:

Provide healthy choices for snacks and celebrations; limit unhealthy choices.

Provide Healthy Choices Nutritious Snacks! Suggestions for Nutritious Snacks Go Foods, Slow Foods, Whoa Foods Healthy Kids’ Snacks Tasty Snacks for Healthy Kids More Matters Coloring Pages • Dried • Fruit • Fruits & Veggies Get your portions in proportion Making Sense of Portion Sizes ChooseMyPlate Materials • 10 tips to a great plate • Coloring Sheets Understanding Food Labels Classroom Healthy Snack Tally 5 A Day Bracelets Class Snack Program Class Snack Program Calendar: Template I’ve been caught being...stickers: Printing Directions Congratulations! You Have Been Caught Eating A Healthy Snack! Certificate Congratulations! You Have Been Caught Being Healthy! Certificate Tried and True Advice for School Gardeners Fun Songs About Nutrition

TAB 2:

TAB 3 continued: Eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day. (Tri-fold Brochure) Helping Youth Make Better Food Choices Healthy Shopping on a Budget Local Seasonal Food Guide Non-Food Rewards at Home Breakfast is Best! What’s a Healthy Portion? The Fittest Food A Meal is a Family Affair To have fruits and vegetables year-round, add frozen or canned. How to Add Fiber to Your Meals Healthy Fundraising Fuel Learning with Fruits and Vegetables Fuel Learning with Celebration Snacks Encourage Kids to Eat More Fruits & Veggies Three simple steps to eating more fruits and vegetables. Cut Back on Your Kid’s Sweet Treats Be a Healthy Role-Model for Children Healthy Lifestyle Tips Snackwise

TAB 4 Participate in local, state and national initiatives that promote healthy eating and active living. Healthy Dates to Celebrate March is National Nutrition Month! National Nutrition Month - Classroom Activities Complementary Programming Strategy Grids: Fuel Up to Play 60

P r o v i d e n o n- f o o d re w a r d s .

Provide Non-Food Rewards The Use of Nonfood Rewards in School: Creating a Healthier Classroom


Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living. Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living.

TAB 5: Collaborate with Food and Nutrition Programs to offer healthy food and beverage options. GetUp! School Nutrition Initiative Junk Food at School? Vending & A La Carte Programs HealthierUS School Challenge Cafeteria as Learning Lab Cafeteria to Classroom Connection Cafeteria-Sponsored Snack Program Dispelling School Funding Myths Chapter 51

TAB 1 Provide healthy choices for snacks and celebrations; limit unhealthy choices. Provide Healthy Choices Nutritious Snacks! Suggestions for Nutritious Snacks! Go Foods, Slow Foods, Whoa Foods Healthy Kids’ Snacks Tasty Snacks for Healthy Kids More Matters Coloring Pages •  Dried •  Fruit •  Fruits and Veggies Get Your Portions in Proportion Making Sense of Portion Sizes Choose My Plate Materials •  10 Tips to a Great Plate •  Coloring sheets Understanding Food Labels Classroom Healthy Snack Tally 5 A Day Bracelets Class Snack Program Class Snack Program Calendar: Template I’ve Been Caught Being... Stickers: Printing Directions Congratulations! You Have Been Caught Eating A Healthy Snack! Certificate Congratulations! You Have Been Caught Being Healthy! Certificate Tried and True Advice for School Gardeners Fun Songs About Nutrition

Provide Healthy Choices

For Snack Time Most students enjoy a snack at school during the day. What a child has for snack can affect their ability to concentrate and learn.


There are sever can do to encoual things a school and class room rage healthy sn acks. Send home the nutr itious

snacks parent h andout. Send home a q uarterly newsle tter with easy sn ack ideas. Start a classroo m snack progra m. Do a classroom healthy snack ta lly and reward time or extra re tallies with free cess. gym Offer a fruit an d vegetable tast ing to encourag foods. e students to tr y new Set a school-w ide or classroo m-wide snack policy. Be a role mode l for students.

: s n o i t a r b e l e C For

l are events in schoo d n a s n o ti ra b School cele eet, salty, and sw , n e ft o o to ll exciting. A enterpiece of c e th e m o c e b fatty foods ings you can th re a re e h T s. celebration celebrations in y h lt a e h e g ra u do to enco classroom. d n a l o o h sc r u yo parent letter d e id v ro p e th Send home s. It provides n o ti ra b le e c y h about healt can tion treats that ra b le e c y h lt a e ideas for h be sent in. food, consider e lv o v in t a th s For celebration uit , trail mix, or fr se e e h c , rs e tt la fruit p smoothies.

For Nonfood Celebrations Set a healthy celebration policy or write guidelines for your school. See policy tab in this binder for a sample policy. Have the birthday child be the first to do each classroom activity and/or be the line leader for the day. Birthday Library: Each child donates a book to the classroom library on his/her birthday. Read the book aloud in honor of the student. Create a “Celebrate Me” book. Have classmates write stories or poems and draw pictures to describe what is special about the birthday child. Create a special birthday package. The birthday child wears a sash and crown, sits in a special chair, and visits the principal’s office for a special birthday surprise (pencil, sticker, birthday card, etc.).

Nutritious Snacks! Beverages

bles Fruits & Vegeta

Low Fat Da iry

Whole Grains

Suggestions for Nutritious Snacks! Low Fat Da iry




Squeezable yogurt tube s String chee se

Seltzer Low fat milk

Yogurt smo othie Frozen yog urt

bles Fruits & Vegeta Apple slices Bananas Fresh berries Applesauce Melon balls

Try fruit with a couple of tablespoons vanilla yogurt or low fat granola for a more filling snack.

s Orange section

Raisins er ith peanut butt Celery sticks w us pers with humm ep p d re lo co ed Slic w fat dip cumbers with lo cu r o ts o rr ca Baby

Whole Grains Trail mix with nuts*, seed s, whole grain cereal, and dried fruit Plain rice cakes – Spread them with your favorite nut butter. *

Multigrain pretzels

Whole grain cereal with or without milk (Look for cereals with at least 4 grams of fiber per serving.) Popcorn

*Note: Some schools are “nut-free zones.” Call your school to see if they have a policy regarding nut allergies.

Go Foods, Slow Foods, Whoa Foods Lots of kids want to know which foods to eat to be healthy. Here’s something kids can do to eat healthier: Learn the difference between Go, Slow, and Whoa foods.

Go Foods Slow Foods Whoa Foods

You probably know that foods fit into different categories. The USDA puts them into these categories (visit www.choosemyplate.gov for the newest data) : Grains Milk and dairy products

Vegetables Meat, beans, fish, and nuts

Fruits Oils

But now, foods can be classified in three new groups: Go, Slow, and Whoa. In 2005, the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (part of the National Institutes of Health) suggested kids start thinking about whether foods are Go foods, Slow foods, or Whoa foods.

Go Foods

Slow Foods

Whoa Foods

These are foods that are good to eat almost anytime. They are the healthiest ones. Example: skim and low fat milk. See the back of this sheet for more examples.

These are sometimes foods. They aren’t offlimits, but they shouldn’t be eaten every day. At most, eat them several times a week. Example: waffles and pancakes.

These foods should make you say exactly that— Whoa! Should I eat that? Whoa foods are the least healthy and the most likely to cause weight problems, especially if a person eats them all the time. That’s why Whoa foods are oncein-a-while foods. Example: french fries.

For a chart of Go, Slow, and Whoa foods, visit http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/go_slow_whoa.html

● Go Foods ● Slow Foods ● Whoa Foods Go Foods

Slow Foods

Baby carrots

Celery sticks

Snap peas

Grape tomatoes


Cherries ■

100% fruit juice Fruits canned in light syrup White bread French toast, waffles, and pancakes Tuna canned in oil

Whoa Foods ■ ■

French fries Fruits canned in heavy syrup



Whole milk

Fried hamburgers



Chicken nuggets




Ice cream

Whole grain breads

Low fat and skim milk

Chicken and turkey without skin Lower fat cheese and yogurt Water

08/08 R 06/

Healthy Kids’ Snacks Snacks are a bigger part of kids’ diets than in the past. Snacks can make positive or negative contributions to kids’ diets — depending on the choices we offer. Next time your children say, “I’m hungry,” or if you need to get them through to the next meal, reach for one of these healthy snacks.

Vegetables Most of the snacks served to children should be fruits and vegetables, since most kids do not eat the recommended five to thirteen servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Popular vegetables that can be served raw with dip or salad dressing include: • Broccoli • Baby carrots • Celery sticks • Cucumber • Peppers • Snap peas • Snow peas • String beans • Grape or cherry tomatoes • Yellow summer squash • Zucchini slices

Low Fat Dairy Foods Dairy foods are a great source of calcium, which can help to build strong bones. However, dairy products also are the biggest sources of artery-clogging saturated fat in kids’ diets. To protect children’s bones and hearts, make sure all dairy foods are low fat or nonfat. • Yogurt • Lower fat cheese • Low fat pudding and frozen yogurt – Serve only as occasional treats because they are high in added sugars.

dressings such For dips: Try salad nd Island, ousa as nonfat ranch or Th an dips, , be ps store-bought light di ch comes (whi guacamole, hummus salsa, or in dozens of flavors), peanut butter.

Fruit Fruit is naturally sweet, so most kids love it. Fruit can be served whole, sliced, cut in half, cubed, or in wedges. Canned, frozen, and dried fruits often need little preparation. • Apples • Apricots • Bananas • Blackberries • Blueberries • Cantaloupe • Cherries • Grapefruit • Grapes (red, green, or purple) • Honeydew melon • Kiwifruit • Mandarin oranges • Mangoes • Nectarines • Oranges • Peaches • Pears (continued on other side)

Healthy Kids’ Snacks (continued) • Pineapple • Plums • Raspberries • Strawberries • Tangerines • Watermelon Other popular fruit forms: • Applesauce (unsweetened), fruit cups, and canned fruit • Dried fruit – Try raisins, apricots, apples, cranberries, and fruit leathers with little or no added sugars. • Frozen fruit • Fruit salad – Get kids to help make a fruit salad. • Popsicles – Look for popsicles made from 100% fruit juice with no added caloric sweeteners.

Healthy Grains Try to serve mostly whole grains, which provide more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than refined grains. • Whole wheat English muffins, pita, or tortillas • Breakfast cereal – Either dry or with low fat milk, whole grain cereals like Cheerios, Grape-Nuts, Raisin Bran, Frosted MiniWheats, and Wheaties make good snacks. Look for cereals with no more than about 8 grams of sugar per serving. • Whole grain crackers like Triscuits • Rice cakes • Popcorn • Baked tortilla chips • Granola and cereal bars – Look for whole grain granola bars that are low in fat and sugars. • Pretzels, breadsticks, and flatbreads – These low fat items can be offered as snacks now and then. However, most of these snacks are not whole grain and most pretzels are high in salt.

Important! Water should be the main drink served to kids at snack times. Water satisfies thirst and does not have sugar or calories. (Plus, it is low cost!) If kids are used to getting sweetened beverages at snack times, it may take a little time for them to get used to drinking water.

For more tips, go to www.cspinet.org/nutritionpolicy 08/08 R06/10

Tasty Snacks for Healthy Kids Some Preparation Required:

No Prep Snacks:

• Veggies & Dip: baby carrots, cucumber slices, red pepper slices, chopped broccoli, cherry tomatoes, or celery sticks served with hummus, low fat salad dressing, or other low fat dip • Vegetable Sticks with Spread: celery or carrot sticks with 2 tablespoons peanut butter or low fat cream cheese • Snack Kabobs: veggie or fruit chunks skewered onto thin pretzel sticks • Sweet Potato Fries: baked sweet potato wedges, tossed lightly w/olive oil and salt • Low Fat Cottage Cheese or Yogurt with Fruit and/or Granola: try using fresh grapes, berries, or canned peaches • Apple Treats: sprinkle apple chunks with cinnamon and/or raisins or granola, then mix in 1 tablespoon peanut or almond butter • Homemade Popsicles: made with 100% fruit juice or low fat yogurt • Chips & Salsa: use whole grain baked pita chips or baked tortilla chips. Also try chips with low fat bean dip • Taco Roll-up: small whole wheat tortilla rolled w/low fat cheese, beans & salsa • Turkey Roll-up: lean turkey slice rolled up with low fat cheese • Mini Pizzas: toast pita bread or half of a whole wheat English muffin w/tomato sauce, cheese, and chopped vegetables • Mini Bagel with Spread: try 1 tablespoon light cream cheese, peanut butter, or hummus • Mini Sandwiches: use 1 slice whole wheat bread, pita bread, or several whole grain crackers. Fill or top with: peanut butter & jelly, low fat cheese & cucumber slices, or tuna salad made with low fat mayonnaise

• Whole Fruit: grapes, apples, bananas, etc. • Fruit Salad: 1/2 cup store-bought, fresh fruit, unsweetened canned fruit, or snack cup • Frozen Fruit: 1/2 cup berries, etc. • Dried Fruit: 1/3 cup • Apple Sauce: 1 snack cup (unsweetened) • Nuts: 1/3 cup of nuts such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, or mixed nuts • Cheese: low fat string cheese, or 2 slices low fat cheese (like Cabot Creamery) • Yogurt: 1 squeezable low fat yogurt (like Stonyfield Farm), or 1 low fat yogurt container (6 oz.) • Pudding: 1 nonfat or low fat snack cup • Granola/Fruit Bar: 1 low fat, whole grain bar • Cereal: 1 cup whole grain cereal (like Cheerios or Multigrain Chex) • Trail Mix: 1/3 cup made with nuts, seeds, low fat granola, and dried fruit • Pretzels: about 20 tiny twists • Popcorn: 2 cups “light” microwave popcorn (without butter) • Baked Chips: (like Frito-Lay potato chips or Doritos) • Cookies: Frookie Animal Frackers (10-15 cookies) or 3 Fig Newtons, Teddy Grahams (1 snack pack or 24 grahams) • Fruit Smoothies: store-bought (like Silk or Stonyfield brand) or homemade with fresh or frozen fruit and low fat milk or yogurt

Beverages: • Water • Milk (1 cup low fat milk or soy milk) • 100% Fruit Juice (no more than 6 oz. a day) • 100% Fruit Juice with Club Soda/Seltzer

(continued on other side)

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(continued from other side)

Kids are active and growing and may need a snack between meals (about every 3-4 hours), if they get hungry.1 Discourage kids from eating snacks before meals and eating when they are not hungry. Help kids develop good habits by modeling healthful eating behaviors, and providing opportunities for physical activity (at least 1 hour every day).


• Keep beverage choices healthful. Choose low fat milk (1 cup serving), water, and moderate amounts of 100% fruit juice (the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than a 4-6 oz. serving of 100% fruit juice a day for ages 1-6 and no more than an 8-12 oz. serving for ages 7-18). Flavored low fat milk or soy milk is also a great alternative. • Avoid soda, sweetened juice drinks, and sports drinks! • Look for snacks that have at least 2 grams of fiber per serving listed on the nutrition label. • Choose whole grain snacks as much as possible. Look for the word “whole” as one of the first ingredients on the product label. • Keep fresh fruits and veggies readily available. Wash and prepare snacks such as carrot and celery sticks ahead of time, then keep in the refrigerator for easy snacking later. • Choose low fat dairy products (for children over age 2), like low fat cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and milk. • Aim for snacks low in fat, sugar and sodium. The Mayo Clinic recommends choosing snacks that have close to 5% of the daily value for fat, sugar, and sodium, and not more than 20% (this is listed on the nutrition facts label)—except nuts and nut butters, as they contain a healthy type of fat. • Snacks that include at least two of the major food groups are best (grains, meats & beans, milk, fruits, and vegetables). For example, an apple with peanut butter, cottage cheese with peaches, or carrot sticks with hummus. • Make it a good habit for kids to brush their teeth or at least rinse their mouths with water after they finish eating snacks. Sugary snack foods that stick in the teeth pose the greatest risk for tooth decay. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research 2004


Food Allergies: Some people have food allergies or intolerances. Food allergies or intolerances can cause reactions such as sneezing, coughing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and rashes. People who have severe food allergies may not be able to touch or be in the same room with the food allergen. People with mild food allergies usually only need to refrain from eating the food, but can be near it. Food allergies are most often caused by proteins in milk, eggs, corn, nuts (especially peanuts), seafood, soy products, and wheat. Other foods frequently identified with bad reactions include meat and meat products, fruits, and cheese. Food intolerances are caused by an individual’s inability to digest certain foods. Intolerances have adverse reactions to food that do not involve an allergic response. Generally, larger amounts of a food are required to produce the symptoms of an intolerance than to trigger allergic symptoms.

Developed by the Children in Balance initiative at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy of Tufts University

08/08 R06/10

Making Sense of Portion Sizes Finding it hard to determine what a serving or portion size is? Below are some ways you can picture a serving or portion size using everyday objects.

Note: hand and finger sizes vary from person to person! These are GUIDES only. The bread, cereal, rice and pasta group  1 cup of potatoes, rice, pasta - is a tennis ball, ice cream scoop  1 pancake - is a compact disc (CD)  1/2 cup cooked rice - is a cupcake wrapper full  1 piece of cornbread - is a bar of soap  1 slice of bread - is an audiocassette tape  1 cup of pasta, spaghetti, cereal - is a fist  2 cups of cooked pasta - is a full outstretched hand

The vegetable group  1 cup of green salad - is a baseball or a fist  1 baked potato - is a fist  3/4 cup tomato juice - is a small Styrofoam cup  1/2 cup cooked broccoli - is a scoop of ice cream, a light bulb  1/2 cup serving - is 6 asparagus spears; 7 or 8 baby carrots or carrot sticks; 1 ear

of corn on the cob The fruit group  1/2 cup grapes (15 grapes) - is a light bulb  1/2 cup of fresh fruit - is 7 cotton balls  1 medium size fruit - is a tennis ball or a fist  1 cup of cut-up fruit - is a fist  1/4 cup raisins - is a large egg

The milk, yogurt and cheese group  1-1/2 ounces of cheese - is a 9-volt battery, 3 dominoes or your index and middle

fingers  1 ounce of cheese - is a pair of dice or your thumb  1 cup of ice cream - is a large scoop the size of a baseball

The meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nut group  2 tablespoons of peanut butter - is a ping-pong ball  1 teaspoon of peanut butter - is a fingertip  1 tablespoon of peanut butter - is a thumb tip  3 ounces cooked meat, fish, poultry - is a palm, deck of cards, cassette tape  3 ounces grilled/baked fish - is a checkbook  3 ounces cooked chicken - is a chicken leg and thigh or breast

Fats, oils and sweets  1 teaspoon butter, margarine - is the size of a stamp as thick as your finger or

thumb tip

 2 tablespoons salad dressing - is a ping-pong ball

Snack foods  1 ounce of nuts or small candies - is one handful  1 ounce of chips or pretzels - is two handfuls  1/2 cup of potato chips, crackers or popcorn - is one man's handful  1/3 cup of potato chips, crackers or popcorn - is one woman's handful

Serving dishes/utensils  1/2 cup - is a small fruit bowl, a custard cup or mashed potato scoop  1-1/2 cups - is a large cereal/soup bowl  1-1/2 cups of pasta, noodles - is a dinner plate, not heaped  1/2 cup of pasta, noodles - is a cafeteria vegetable dish

You might want to know that...  1 cupped hand holds 2 tablespoons of liquid if you don't have measuring spoons  1 slice of bread is one ounce or 1 serving; some rolls or bagels weigh 3 to 5

ounces or more making them equal to 3 to 5 servings of bread.

Compiled by Ellen Schuster, M.S., R.D., Oregon State University Extension Service, 3/97

07/11 00/00

Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Understanding Food Labels What can I use the Nutrition Facts label for? Getting a general idea about what’s in a food (i.e. how nutritious a food is). Figuring out what counts as one serving and how many calories are in each serving. Comparing two similar products to choose the healthiest option.

S H Start by checking what counts as one TART


serving size and how many servings there are per package.

C C :  How many calories would you eat if you HECK


ate a whole package?

Multiply the number of “servings per container” by the “calories”.

L N  Aim to eat only small amounts of IMIT THESE


saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. Keep transfat to 0.

G E N  Aim to get enough fiber, vitamins and minerals. ET


QUICK GUIDE TO % DAILY VALUE 5% or less is Low 20% or more is High. Use the % Daily Value to compare similar foods and choose the healthiest option.



Watch out for these common misconceptions: Assuming sugar-free or fat-free means calorie-free; it’s not true! Buying something because it says “organic”, “natural”, “multigrain” or has some other “healthy” claim. These statements do not mean a product is good for you! Assuming that because a package looks like it should only be one serving it actually is. Many beverage bottles and packages of chips, cookies and candy are actually 2 or 3 servings! Resources: www.fda.gov/food/labelingnutrition/consumerinformation/default.htm

07/11 00/00

Classroom Healthy Snack Tally Objective: To encourage students to bring healthy snacks to school. The Healthy Snack Tally is a fun and easy way to discuss healthy snacks in the classroom. Everyone will try to bring in as many healthy snacks as possible.


talking about in g e b to g in o g is ts that the class n e d u st to in la Exp healthy snacks. arent handout. p k c a sn s u io it Send home nutr etermine if d d n a m o ro e d th is time, go aroun k c a sn ember that this g n m ri e u (R d . y k a c d a h sn c a y E lth g a child stand counts as a hea in k k c a a m sn id ’s o d il v a h c to each lthy snacks. Try a e h g in g ra u o c about en y snack’.) h lt a e h n ‘u n a r y. out fo althy Snack Tall e H ss la C e th to ack, add a tally sn y h lt a e h h c a ard For e r of tallies, rew e b m u n d e in hes a predeterm c a re ss la c e th When ee gym time. fr r o ss e c re a xtr the class with e ar round! e y ll a p u it p e Ke

2. 3.

4. 5.


08/08 R06/10

5 A Day Bracelets The Easy Way to Get 5 A Day 5 A Day bracelets are a visual tool to remind you to eat your 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. You can buy or make your own!

How to Use 5 A Day Bracelets: 1. Each morning, put all 5 bracelets on your RIGHT wrist. 2. Each time you have a serving of fruit or vegetables, move ONE bracelet to your LEFT wrist. 3. The goal is to get all 5 bracelets on your LEFT wrist by bedtime!

What is a 5 A Day Serving? 1 medium-sized piece of fruit 1 cup raw, leafy salad 1/2

cup chopped fresh or canned fruit 1/2

cup cooked or canned vegetables 3/4

cup (6 fluid ounces) 100% juice


cup dried fruit (raisins, dried apricots) 1/2

cup cooked beans, peas, or lentils

ggies e V d n a s it u r F e g Mor e with 15 Tips for Eatin half a cantaloup ese. ill F . 12 ttage che with cream

low fat co 7. Stuff celery r. e in tt s u b ie t gg u ve an e d it as a cheese or p 1. Keep choppe ks. hoose dried fru candy C . 13 ac sn ie r an or vegg fridge fo treat, rather th 8. Make a fruit r parties. it u fr d ze si ly or cookies. shish kebab fo 2. Buy individual plesauce). ap s, (fruit cup es or sliced fresh fruit with ap e gr rv e d S d . A 14 . 9 . as en salad al with fruit. cheese wedges apples to chick 3. Top any cere dessert. elet with of frozen 10. Stuff an om es, spinach 4. Add handfuls ps or of pinediced tomato 15. Grill skewers i, tomatoes, veggies to sou apple, zucchin or onions. noodles. and peppers. dip with r bananas to a o s as ie rt rr e gu b yo d d se A . 11 5. U pancake batter. fresh fruit. ranch dressing 6. Use low fat ggies. as a dip for ve

Class Snack Program Choosing healthy foods provides nutritional components necessary for energy, growth and development. Healthy eating also helps children think more clearly and improves their attention span. Students will choose healthful snacks and distinguish the difference between healthy and unhealthy snacks. This is a whole class activity that involves a commitment from the teacher, students and parents.

Overview of the Sn ack

1. Each child/family signs up fo r


one school day a month to cont ribute a healthy clas s snack. There are ap proximately 14-20 school days in a mon th, so it should wor k out that each child has one turn a mon th. Make a calendar to keep track of the sn ack days. Post the calend ar in the classroom and send a copy ho me. The calendars can also be used as a to ol to share the past month’s favorite sn acks, snack ideas, an d healthful tips. The result is that al l children are expo sed to a variety of heal thy snacks in a com fortable, relaxed ea ting atmosphere in the classroom.



Procedure: Getting Started 1. Communicate the idea to parents and students. Use surveys, parent letters, and/or hold a meeting. (One teacher’s perspective: “You need most parents to be in favor of the idea to work. I had two parents that could not live with the idea in September and they chose to send in a personal snack for their child daily. By November, both parents changed their minds. One parent said that she made a complete 180-degree change of mind and in the end, she was the biggest snack advocate.”) 2. Work in the classroom to discover the fruits and vegetables that ALL students like, those that MOST students like, and ones they are willing to try. (You will be surprised at how many fruits and veggies they have never tried. Record this information for future student/parent reference.) 3. As a class, research and brainstorm a list of whole grains, dairy, and proteins that would make nutritious snacks. You will find that many families will only select snacks from this list, however some parents do get nutritionally creative. Remember, there will always be parents that will lose the list or never read it. (continued on other side)

Materials: � Monthly calendars with snack ideas � Utensils, napkins, and paper plates � Extra snacks

Notes from a Successful Teacher: � Ask parents to put snacks in individual baggies, if appropriate (grapes, crackers, trail mix, etc.). � Have students that brought in the snack be involved in passing it out. � Make it a habit to thank and compliment the child/family that shared. � Have an emergency snack available in the room in the event that a child/family forgets it’s their turn. POSITIVES: � Positive #1: All children enjoying eating a similar, healthy snack together. � Positive #2: The snack plan benefits families because they only need to think about snack once a month verses daily. � Positive #3: It can be very cost effective for families. � Positive #4: Children will be exposed to a variety of healthy snacks. � Positive #5: Children develop a sense of community as they share snacks with their peers and choose snacks that they feel will be healthy for all. CHALLENGES: � Challenge #1: There will be days that families forget, so it’s important to have emergency snacks on hand. � Challenge #2: You may have to work around food allergies.

Comments from surveys after one parent of the snack prog year trial ram:

What did you like be st about the community snack id ea? � “…only needing snack once a month.” � “My child tried new things that he now asks for when we go shopping.” � “The excitemen t and feeling of responsibility my ch ild felt when it was her turn was gr eat.” � “It was easier fo r me to buy a snac k for the whole classr oom once a month, instead of bu ying several different snacks for my child to bring for the month.”

Contributed by Karen MacKenzie, 2nd Grade Teacher at Gov. John Fairfield School, Saco, ME

08/08 R06/10




(Insert name of student who is bringing snack into appropriate day.)
























(Insert Year)










Snack Ideas: Carrot sticks, celery sticks, raw broccoli, cucumber slices, popcorn, pretzels, whole grain cereal, clementines, apples, bananas, applesauce, kiwifruit, melon, trail mix, yogurt, cheese sticks, milk. Please send spoons or paper goods, if needed, with your snack. Individual servings in baggies is appreciated, if appropriate.







(Insert Month)






School Name Here Line 2 School info

I’ve been caught being... stickers Printing Directions Congratulations for participating in 521AN Goes to School! In our efforts to help school meet their 521AN program needs, we have developed a template for printing stickers that reward students when they are being healthy. Schools can print these stickers themselves on standard Avery Labels, size 5160. The template we have provided is in PDF format and prints well in color and B&W.

To print the PDF version correctly on labels you will need to make the following print adjustment: Click print and then go to the Page Handling options. In that option box set the "page scaling" to NONE (See photo below). Then the PDF will print on the stickers correctly.

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08/08 R06/10



Dated this ____ day of ______________, 20____.

You Have Been Caught Eating A Healthy Snack!

! s n o i t a l u t a r g n Co

08/08 R06/10



Dated this ____ day of ______________, 20____.

You Have Been Caught Being Healthy!

! s n o i t a l u t a r g n Co

Tried and True Advice for School Gardeners One of the most important questions we can ask is “where does our food come from?” Investigating this leads us to learn about nutrition, ecology, working conditions, history, and more. Perhaps there is no more important tool to help us explore this question in schools than a garden. Due to rising popularity, we have more and more knowledge about what’s working in school gardens across the country. Here are some things we know work. Don’t do this alone, get a committee together. Teachers, parents, staff, students … Always provide administrators with updates if they are not at the meetings and make friends with your facilities director and crew! They’re the ones who can tell you the best locations, ensure water access, and help order supplies. Designate someone as the garden coordinator. This position can rotate among members. Having someone to ensure that things keep moving forward is vital. Dream! Look at your schoolyard -- parking lots, roof tops, lawns, classrooms. You can grow food everywhere. The more people involved at this stage the better; especially involve students. Draw pictures, come up with a master plan. You may want to get a professional landscape architect or permaculture designer to help you with this process. Start small. You’ve got the big picture -- never lose sight of it, but you have to start somewhere. Build your first few raised beds or get your grow labs for the classroom. Things you will absolutely want to have are: good soil (get it tested if you are going to grow in the ground), at least six hours of sunlight, a water source, and a tool shed. Integrate! Gardens shouldn’t be add-ons, they should be your living classroom. From haikus to chemistry you can address standards in the garden. Plan for summer! There are a lot of ways to take care of the garden in the summer, from volunteers and integration with summer school programs, to building a summer camp based on being in the garden. Make a plan based on what assets your school has or develop new ones. I know one school that installed an automated drip irrigation system to reduce the need for summer volunteers. Promote your garden. Send out media alerts when you are building your garden, harvesting, or doing anything that includes a photo opportunity. Use your food. Use it for snacks in the classroom, in the cafeteria, send it home with students, or donate to pantries.

 Coordinate with your food service professionals. Ask them what they would like to

use fresh out of the gardens and incorporate these plants into your plan.  Build a budget. Thisyour willfood help service you when speaking with or would applying Coordinate with professionals. Askadministrators them what they likeforto grants. use fresh out of the gardens and incorporate these plants into your plan.  Search web for grant www.kidsgardening.org) andapplying call yourfor Build athe budget. This will opportunities help you when(e.g., speaking with administrators or local Healthy Maine Partnership to explore local funding opportunities. Contact local grants. businesses and ask how they might support your work -- they may be excited to Search the web for grant opportunities (e.g., www.kidsgardening.org). provide supplies or cash. Contact local businesses and ask how they might support your work  Have funmay and be be excited creativetowhen planning fundraisers--from bulb and seedling sales to -- they provide supplies or cash. locally grown dinners have been successful ways to raise significant money. Have fun and be creative when planning fundraisers--from bulb and seedling sales to  Get in touch with your have Cooperative Extension office for free workshops and locally grown dinners been successful ways to raise significant money. materials. Make friends with a farmer to consult with as problems arise.  Add your garden to the Maine School Garden Network and stay in touch to learn Buy anetworking copy of “How Grow a School Garden” by Arden Bucklin-Sporer and Rachel about and to educational events. Kathleen Pringle for a comprehensive guide covering everything from designing a  Make friends with a farmer to consult with as problems arise. garden to teaching in a garden.  Buy a copy of “How to Grow a School Garden” by Arden Bucklin-Sporer and Rachel Kathleen Pringle for a comprehensive guide covering everything from designing a At the end of the day, school gardens succeed because people and schools are committed, garden to teaching in a garden. and integrate them as much as possible with school culture. At the end of the day, school gardens succeed because people and schools are committed, and integrate them as much as possible with school culture.

Havefun funand andlet letus us Have whattips tipsyou you knowwhat know comeup upwith! with! come

Written by Adam Burk, Program Coordinator for Sustainable Community Health, Communities Putting Prevention to Work, PROP-People's Regional Opportunity Program Written by Adam Burk, Program Coordinator for gardens Sustainable Community Health, Communities PuttingLakes’ Prevention to Over the past year Adam has supported ten school including five new ones through the Healthy Work, PROP-People's Regional Opportunity Program Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant. He holds a master’s in education for sustainability from Goddard Over the past year Adam has supported ten school gardens including five new ones through the Healthy Lakes’ College. Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant. He holds a master’s in education for sustainability from Goddard College.

06/11 00/00

Fun Songs About Nutrition Objective: This series of songs was created by Food Service Director, Sandy Lewis and Dr. Carl Winter to create a connection between students and the food service program, otherwise known as the cafeteria. This medley was performed in the school talent show by the school lunch staff. The whole medley is choreographed and the staff were dressed in fruit and vegetable costumes. This skit could also be used by a classroom. VEGGIE MEDLEY

Sung to the tune of “Who Let the Dogs Out?” by the Baha Men


Sung to the tune of “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor

I’d listen to the news, I’d be petrified Another foodborne illness outbreak I’d be torn up inside But then I spent so many nights Worried ‘bout what I just ate, Could I be next? Did I have poisons on my plate? But now I’m back from cyberspace Determined I won’t be another foodborne STAYING ALIVE Sung to the tune of “Staying Alive” by the Bee Gees illness case I’ve learned some simple steps (count 16 beats) To keep my food all safe for me Well you can tell by the way I choose my food And if you do the same, you’ll raise your I’m a worried guy in a cautious mood life expectancy There are pesticides, Mad Cow Disease Sure don’t put my mind at ease I’ve got a sign on my fridge door Don’t want hepatitis or gastroenteritis Saying go away bacteria—you’re not welcome I’m just staying alive, staying alive anymore Scrubbin’ off my veggies and heatin’ all my Listeria don’t scare me, nor does Nasty E-Coli burgers up to 185, 185 Hey Salmonella—did you think I’d lay down Ah ah ah ah staying alive, ah ah ah ah staying and die? alive… Oh no not I—I will survive As long as I am careful with my food I’ll stay I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND Sung to the tune of “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” by the alive Beatles I’ve got all my safety plans, I disinfect and wash my hands Oh yeah I’ll tell you something And I’ll survive, I will survive, Hey hey... I think you’ll understand For the sake of sanitation (Continued on other side) You better wash your hands You better wash your hands You better wash your hands (start after yippee-hi-oh) Who left the meat out? WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO Who left the meat out? WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO Who left the meat out?

05/10 00/00


Sung to the tune of “Beat It” by Michael Jackson

(4 lines) Why must you be such a sickly young man Existing on granola and on powdered bran I’ll give you some advice cause you need a better plan Just eat it, just eat it Don’t want to argue, I don’t want to debate I just don’t think your food fears really carry weight What bothers me more is what’s left on your plate —so eat it Don’t tell me your scared Just eat it, just eat it… (verse)…DANCE Just eat it, eat it, just eat it Just eat it, eat it, just eat it

You’ve got a starch problem Yo, I’ll solve it Check out some rice rice baby Eat some brown rice rice baby Rice rice baby Eat some brown rice baby… ...WORD TO YOUR MOTHER…


Sung to the tune of “YMCA” by The Village People

Young man, get your butt off that chair I said young man, go and get some fresh air I said young man, just put down that fried dough Get up, get out, this you should know Young girl, you just stop sitting there With that blank and boring long stare I said young girl, go and get your suit on You’re about to have some great fun


It’s fun to swim at the YMCA It’s fun to swim at the YMCA

When I was young I stayed away from vegetables They were meant for someone, but not for me Veggies couldn’t taste good, that’s the way it seemed Whether they were stir fried, raw or steamed


Sung to the tune of “I’m a Believer” by The Monkees

But then I had a taste, now I’m a believer Didn’t leave a trace of greens on my plate I was wrong—ooh, I’m a believer A veggie eater from now on


Sung to the tune of “Ice, Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice

Alright stop It’s time to eat, so listen Rice is back here to help your digestion Ask Mom, she can cook it up nicely Extra bread, no instead use brown rice B Jam packed with some good carbohydrates Energy? Rice will set you straight (pause...1 line)

Sung to the tune of “Jump Around” by House of Pain

Jump around Jump around Jump around Jump around Jump around


Sung to the tune of “Whip It” by Devo

(1 line) If you see a candy bar, you must skip it If you have some H2O, you must sip it If the cream is in the jar, you must whip it If you see a tether ball, you must tip it Now whip it… into shape Shape it up… get straight… go for it Move ahead…try to detect it It’s not too late … to whip it Whip it good

TAB 2 Provide Non-Food Rewards. Provide Non-Food Rewards The Use of Non-Food Rewards in School: Creating a Healthier Classroom

Provide Non-Food Rewards idin of Prov

ards: w e R d o o g Non-F


ealthy h s r e t s s t that provide Benefi t that fo ges n e m n o n envir 521AN messa a s non-food rewards e d i v t s t n r e o u p  Pro q p e nd su mo r e f r r o f are healthy eating a y t i rtun o p p o e s th classrooms! d as a  Allow s (if useful) e s u y t i v i d t r c rewa ysical a h p f i s s to fitne s d d them! A k s  a t s rds! Ju a w e reward r ard : d w o e o f R a n o s n prefer Food a g n i d i  Kids v Pro

ences u q e s n Co



health y foods r h t o l o a p e h o n t ion of u t tributes p n o m C u s  overcon s e g a r u g habits n i t a e  Enco r (often poo s o d t o s o e f t tribu r those o f e  Con c n e s prefer e s a e r c  In sweets)

 Developing guidelines that discourage the use of food as a reward

 Offering a monthly indoor or outdoor physical

activity to celebrate students’ accomplishments in lieu of food-based rewards

 Offering rewards that endorse physical activity Extra recess, longer recess, outdoor activities, Take Time activity

 Offering rewards that endorse academics Pens, pencils, notebooks, books, art time, activity sheets, etc.


• http://www.healthysd.gov/

• http://doe.sd.gov/oess/cans/nutrition/ index.asp

• http://doe.sd.gov/oess/schoolhealth/ index.asp

• http://doe.sd.gov/oess/cans/index.asp

For more information about creating a healthier classroom, visit...



Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating

Di d you know?

le ote a healthy lifesty om pr to s ay w e iv fect a One of the most ef healthier habits as pt o ad to is n re child my of Pediatrics, and behaviors for de ca A an ic er m A to the children's health, family. According ng ci en flu in in le itical ro le�. “families have a cr of the family lifesty ic st ri te ac ar ch al and health is a re

Here are a few ways you can partner with and educate families: Ask parents to become a part of your team (parents can attend conference without the need of a substitute). Send letters home to parents letting them know about your 521AN Goes to School program, what the messages and strategies are, and how they can support your work at school. Ask parents to send only healthy snacks and meals in with their child and share ideas with them that can make it more affordable. Utilize the skills of parents (e.g. nutritionist, carpenter, artist, etc). Pull them into 521AN projects! Encourage fundraisers that support 521AN messages and strategies.

Parents can benefit from this relationship too! Children who eat he althy and have an active lifestyle are more likely to: maintain a healthy w eight have better self estee m sleep better do better academic ally avoid health issues su ch as heart disease, type 2 diab etes, bone and joint problems, etc.


Most people prefer crunchy foods over mushy ones. Enjoy them fresh or lightly steamed.

Wash and chop veggies and fruits so they are ready to grab and eat.

Slice it!

Be a good role model for your family and have at least one veggie at every meal.

Add fruit to your cereal, pancakes, or other breakfast foods.

Add them to foods you already make, like pasta, soups, casseroles, pizza, rice, etc.

Mix it!

Make a fruit smoothie with low fat yogurt.

Many fruits and veggies taste great with a dip or dressing. Try a low fat salad dressing with yogurt or get protein with peanut butter.

Try the three bite rule. Offer new fruits and veggies different ways and try at least three bites each time—it can take 7 to 10 tries before you like a new food.

Try it!

Get Up’s Rules

Have the family help plan meals.

Snack on fruits and veggies.

Be a Role Model.

Each day, juice should be limited to: • 4-6 ounces for children 1-6 years old • 8-12 ounces for children 7-18 years old • Children 6 months and under should not be given juice

Try mixing seltzer with a small amount of juice.

Make changes slowly by adding water to your child’s juice.

If you choose to serve juice, buy 100% juice.

Juice products labeled “-ade,” “drink,” or “punch” often contain 5% juice or less. The only difference between these “juices” and soda is that they’re fortified with Vitamin C. Always try to choose whole fruits over juice.

Put Limits on Juice.

Have your family put together a list of fun, nonfood rewards that don’t cost much. Post it where the whole family can see it. Examples: playing outdoors, a family game night, going to a ball game, buying a new book, extra reading time before bed.

Offer Non-Food Rewards.

Tips from Get Up

The tips at right are based on strategies and approaches used by nutrition, health and public health professionals who work with children, youth and families. These professionals shared their ideas for helping youth make better food choices in keeping with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans as part of an Action for Healthy Kids research project that involved over 1,400 respondents nationwide.

Tips for Parents and Caregivers Parents are role models. If you want your kids to drink their milk, you have to drink yours, too! Stop the clean plate club. The meal isn’t done when the plate is clean; it is when the belly tells the brain that it’s full.

Action for Healthy Kids is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the epidemic of overweight, undernourished and sedentary youth by focusing on changes in schools. Through volunteer Teams in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and a network of 60 national Partner organizations, Action for Healthy Kids works to improve children's nutrition and increase physical activity, which will in turn improve their readiness to learn. For more information, visit www.ActionForHealthyKids.org

Provide variety. Expose kids to a variety of lowfat and fat-free dairy, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Encourage the “one-bite taste.” Don’t force a child to eat. Taste for new foods occurs over time.

Garden to table. Teach kids where their food comes from. Visit a farm! Plant a garden!

Educate kids on the connection between healthy eating and energy, body image and school performance.

Set TV limits. Allow no more than two hours a day of screen time, including computer and video games.

Get their hands dirty. Involve kids in food planning, selection, preparation and cooking. Make it real. Show kids how much sugar is in soda or an energy drink by measuring it with sugar cubes.

Set attainable goals! Set shortterm goals that the entire family can reach — one good habit at a time. Start young. Likes and dislikes are formed early. Teach kids about healthful foods from infancy.

Food as fuel. Help kids think of their stomachs as gas tanks. Don’t overflow your gas tank… or your belly! Use your tools. Learn how to read food labels, MyPyramid charts, shopping lists and recipes.

Please refer any child with a special dietary need or health condition to an appropriate health care professional.

Eat family meals. Kids are more likely to eat more healthful foods at the family dinner table.

Portion distortion. Teach youth about realistic food portions using age-appropriate serving sizes. Discourage dieting. Explain to kids that not eating “junk” food is a change in habits, not a diet.

© 2009 Action for Healthy Kids

Healthy Shopping On A Budget Healthy shopping on a budget takes planning! Planning helps you SAVE TIME, MONEY, and EAT HEALTHIER. Tips:

• Make a list and stick to it – this helps you avoid impulse buys that are usually unhealthy and expensive.

• Shop mostly the perimeter of the store – spend most of your grocery budget on natural

foods found around the outside of the store like fruits, vegetables, dairy and protein foods that are good for your body. Limit your shopping in the middle isles to staples like pasta, canned tuna, and peanut butter, avoiding other expensive manufactured, and often unhealthy, packaged foods.

• Shop when you are NOT hungry or stressed – people who shop when hungry or stressed tend to not only buy MORE food but also unhealthier food.

• Compare unit prices – bigger is not always better! Use the unit price to compare similar

products and make sure you’re getting the best deal. The unit price is the cost per a standard unit (like ounce or pound) and is usually found on a sticker on the shelf beneath the product.

• Weigh the cost of convenience – if food tends to rot in your fridge before you prepare it, then you could actually save money by purchasing fresh fruits and veggies that have been washed and chopped for you.

• Try frozen and canned – canned and frozen produce keeps for a long time and may be

cheaper per serving than fresh. For frozen, make sure you look for items with no added sauces or sugar. For canned, choose fruit canned in 100% juice and vegetables that are labeled either “low sodium” or “no added salt”.

• Use store flyers to plan your menu – save money by planning your menu around what fruits, vegetables and other items are on sale each week and save time by already knowing what you are going to make for dinner each night.

• Try store brands – store brands on average are cheaper by about 26% to 28% and their quality usually at least meets, and often surpasses, that of name brand products.

• Shop in season – buying fruits and vegetables in season generally means your food not only tastes better, but is more nutritious and more affordable.

• Buy in bulk when foods are on sale – frozen and canned produce, and some fresh items

like apples and carrots will last a long time. If you have the storage space, stock up on the foods you eat regularly when they are on sale to save some money.

Ohio Seasonal Food Guide Buying fruits and vegetables that are in season and locally grown means your food not only tastes better, but is more nutritious AND costs less. The chart below lists what produce is available locally depending on the time of year.

Spring April

May Arugula




Lettuce (Various)




Strawberries Cherries





Fava Beans



Beans (Snap)



Blueberries (Mid)








Lettuce (Various)


Greens (Various)











Summer July





Beans (Lima)







Beans (Pole)

Beans (Snap)


Beans (Lima)

Beans (Pole)

Beans (Snap)

Beans (Lima)

Beans (Pole)

Beans (Snap)













Brussel Sprouts



Brussel Sprouts








Celery Root






Green Beans




Celery Root



Green Onions

Greens (Various)








Leeks (Mid)

Lettuce (Various)








Okra (Mid)



Green Beans

Green Onions

Greens (Various)


Green Beans

Green Onions



Peppers (Bell)



Lettuce (Various)

Greens (Various)



Peppers (Hot)

Peppers (Sweet)





Lettuce (Various)















Peppers (Bell)

Peppers (Hot)

Peppers (Sweet)



Peppers (Bell)







Peppers (Hot)

Peppers (Sweet)









Squash (Winter)



Squash (Winter)








Fall October

November Cabbage Turnips

December Through March Greens (Various)

Available at Your Local Harvest Stores




Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts



Squash (Winter)



Celery Root

Cabbage – Through March




Carrots – Through Winter

Green Onions

Greens (Various)


Onions – Through Year


Lettuce (Various)


Parsnips – Through Winter



Peppers (Bell)

Potatoes – Through Year

Peppers (Hot)

Peppers (Sweet)


Squash (Winter) – Through Spring




Turnips – Through February


Squash (Winter)




Non-Food Rewards at Home How can you celebrate a job well done without using food treats? Here are ways to reward your child: � Make a list of fun, non-food rewards that don’t cost much and post it where the whole family can see it. � Have a separate list of special and inexpensive rewards for those really big achievements. � Give certificates or ribbons for healthy behaviors. � Allow your child to have a few friends over after school to play sports. � Invite a few of their friends to a sleepover. � Have a family game night. � Keep a box of special toys or art supplies that can only be used on special occasions. � Go to a sports game.

Words of appre ciatio can go a long w n a Children love to y. hear “ You did a gr eat job” or “I appreciate your help.”

� Camp out in the back yard. � Encourage the use of electronics that support physical activity, like Dance Dance Revolution. � Choose toys and games that promote physical activity like jump ropes, balls, or Skip-Its.

ard: w e R a s a d o o F Using to poor health s te u ib tr n o C of erconsumption v o s e g ra u o c n E s unhealthy food habits to poor eating s te u ib tr n o C nce for sweets re fe re p s se a re Inc

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08/08 R07/11

Breakfast Is Best! Boost your energy and brain power! Why eat breakfast every day? It will give you the energy you need to start your day. It is “fuel” for the body! It can help you do better in school! It can help you feel and act your best! It can help with weight control and keep you healthy! Not hungry in the morning? Try a variety of Start small… try: healthy foods! a cup of low fat fruited yogurt Find the ones a piece of fruit such as a banana, orange or apple YOU like! a bowl of wholegrain cereal with low fat milk a slice of wholewheat toast with peanut butter and a glass of low fat milk

t keep it u b , le p im s it p Kee ay like: delicious! You m

innamon, apple oatmeal with c f low fat milk o ss la g a , e c u sa ke with light a c n a p r o le ff a aw berries syrup and blue ith a slice of w in ff u m sh li g n an E w fat cheese ham, egg and lo n muffin, glass ra b in is ra t fa a low and a banana k il m t fa w lo f o

half of a toasted English muffin with a slice of low fat cheese trail mix of raisins, nuts and cereal

What’s a Healthy Portion? Food portions are larger than ever these days—usually much more than you need. The recommended serving size is enough. But how much is that? These tips will help keep your portions, as well as your waistline, right-sized.

Here are some tips to help you keep your portions under control: Teach your children portion size by relating food to everyday items. For example, a deck of cards is equal to a serving of meat, fish, or poultry. An apple or serving of fruit is about the size of a tennis ball. Please note: For young children, use the palm of their hand as an indicator of portion size 

Check the serving size and remember that if you eat more than one serving, you are eating more calories. Avoid eating directly out of the package. Try putting snacks into a small bowl or snack-size baggie. Eat three meals a day; this way you won’t stuff yourself if you have skipped a meal. Serve food on smaller plates. Serve meals from the stove. This tip will keep you from feeling tempted to eat more when you are not hungry. Skip the “clean plate” club. Instead, encourage your children to start with smaller portions and eat until they are satisfied. At restaurants, ask for a lunch-size portion or share your meal. Role model the behaviors that you want your children to develop.

The Fittest Food Nutritious foods give your family the most vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for the fewest calories. Naturally nutritious foods make your child’s calories count: Brightly colored fruits Vibrant-colored vegetables Lean meat, skinless poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts TIP: Choose cuts of meat that end in "loin" or "round". Fat-free and low fat milk, cheese, and yogurt Whole, fortified, and fiber-rich grain foods

Tips to Help Your Kids Eat Healthier: Picky eaters? Remember, experts say that parents and caregivers, not children, should decide what foods to buy and serve. New foods may have to be offered many times before they are accepted. Here are some easy ways to get your child to accept unfamiliar nutritious foods: Combine whole grain/high-fiber cereals with your child’s favorite cereal. Make your own pizza with prepared whole wheat dough, a few veggies, and part-skim mozzarella cheese. Children age 2 and older: slowly step down from whole milk to low fat to fat-free milk.

ds are o fo s u io it r t u n These venient: n o c d n a e iv s n e inexp

Clean and cut up fresh veggies in advance. Kids love dips, so serve them with salsa or hummus!

(rinse well) Canned beans les Frozen vegetab ason Fresh fruit in se

bulk Whole grains in st le-grain breakfa o h w d n ra b re Sto cereals © 2008 Nutrition Works, LLC

On-the-go options: dried fruits, nuts, hard boiled eggs, low fat cheese sticks, yogurt cups, and single-serve fruits canned in water or 100% fruit juice.

A Meal is a Family Affair In such a busy world, mealtimes often revolve around our lifestyles. As a result of this, we miss meals or eat foods that are not the best for our bodies. Did you know that experts have found that kids who eat regularly with their families are more likely to eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains? So, no matter how busy life may seem, it’s important to make family meals a priority.

as: e id e s e h t f o e try som , d e t r a t s t e g o T ast one meal

le ne can enjoy at o ry e v e n e h w Choose a time ch, or dinner. n lu , st fa k a re b ay be d and what the e rv together—it m se re a ls a e em ecide what tim d ld how much. u o d n sh a u t a o y e t, to n t a re a h p w As the an then decide c n re d il h c r u o choices are. Y off the TV. rn tu d n a l a e m e in preparing th n re d il h c r u o y Include le for a meal. b ta e th d n u ro Gather a ation positive. rs e v n o c e th g in leasant by keep p l a e m e th e k Ma e behaviors. im lt a e m d n a ers arn good mann le d il h c r u o y Help etween meals. b s k c a sn y h lt a d drinking unhe Limit eating an to develop. n re d il h c r u o y t habits you wan e th l e d o m le o R

—KidsHealth 2007

To have fruits and vegetables year-round, add frozen or canned. For health: Just as good for you as fresh fruit and vegetables—nutrients are preserved in the canning and freezing process Choose fruit packed in their natural juice, not in syrup Choose canned vegetables that are salt free and season to taste

For savings: Cost less than fresh fruit and vegetables

For convenience: Always in season Lots of choices Easily stored Already washed and cut—ready for your favorite recipe

Eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day!

Use Frozen and Canned by Adding: Vegetables to: Chili Soup or stews Stir fry Tomatoes for sauce Black beans & corn to spice up a Mexican dish Chick peas, kidney or garbanzo beans to any salad

Fruits to: Smoothies Yogurt parfaits Plain yogurt Fruit salad Cereal Stir fry (pineapple)

sa Or use ah! side dis

How To Add Fiber To Your Meals Fiber is the part of plant foods that the body can not digest. Eating more fiber can help your child prevent constipation, diabetes, and heart disease. Foods that contain a lot of fiber are filling, have lots of vitamins and minerals, and help children maintain a healthy weight. Fiber should be added very gradually to give the body time to adjust. Drinking plenty of fluids helps fiber do its work.

How much fiber is enough? You can find out how much fiber is in food by looking for the “dietary fiber” line on food labels. A simple rule of thumb: children ages 3-15 should aim for “age plus 5 grams” of fiber. For example, an 8-year-old should eat 8 plus 5=13 grams of fiber a day. Older teens should eat 20-35 grams of fiber a day.

d fiber: d a o t s y a w y s a e Here are some to lunch or r cereal for Serve high-fibe ran flakes, breakfast, like b ed dd oatmeal, or shre wheat s or a Add some raisin fast cereal banana to break uit instead Serve whole fr of juices

© 2008 Nutrition Works, LLC

Add a salad dinner s, and Eat apples, pear e peels on potatoes with th kidney or Add beans (like salads and navy beans) to ed beans soups or eat bak as a side dish

s a great Popcorn make high-fiber snack nch or Fill 3/4 of the lu h plantdinner plate wit ch as fruits, based foods, su vegetables, and whole grains

Healthy Fundraising Promoting a Healthy School Environment Candy, baked goods, soda and other foods with little nutritional value are commonly used for fundraising at school. Schools may make easy money selling these foods, but students pay the price. An environment that constantly provides children with sweets promotes unhealthy habits that can have lifelong impact. As we face a national epidemic of overweight children, many schools are turning to healthy fundraising alternatives.

Benefits of Healthy Fundraising

Consequences of Unhealthy Fundraising

Healthy Kids Learn Better: Research clearly demonstrates that good nutrition is linked to better behavior and academic performance. To provide the best possible learning environment for children, schools must also provide an environment that supports healthy behaviors.

Compromises Classroom Learning: Selling unhealthy food items contradicts nutrition messages taught in the classroom. Schools are designed to teach and model appropriate skills and behaviors. Nutrition principles taught in the classroom are meaningless if they are contradicted by other activities that promote unhealthy choices, like selling candy and other sweets. It’s like saying, “You need to eat healthy foods to feel and do your best, but it is more important for us to make money than for you to be healthy and do well.” Classroom learning about nutrition remains strictly theoretical if the school environment regularly promotes unhealthy behaviors.

Provides Consistent Messages: Fundraising with healthy foods and non-food items demonstrates a school commitment to promoting healthy behaviors. It supports the classroom lessons students are learning about health, instead of contradicting them. Promotes a Healthy School Environment: Students need to receive consistent, reliable health information and ample opportunity to use it. Finding healthy alternatives to fund-raising is an important part of providing a healthy school environment. Almost 20 percent of children are overweight, a threefold increase from the 1970’s.1 Poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle are just behind smoking as the leading cause of deaths per year in the United States, and the number of deaths related to poor diet and physical inactivity is increasing.2,3


Promotes the Wrong Message: Selling unhealthy foods provides a message that schools care more about making money than student health. We would never think of raising money with anything else that increases student health risks, but food fundraisers are often overlooked. As schools promote healthy lifestyle choices to reduce student health risks and improve learning, school fundraisers must be included. Contributes to Poor Health: Foods commonly used as fundraisers (like chocolate, candy, soda and baked goods) provide unneeded calories and displace healthier food choices. Skyrocketing obesity rates among children are resulting in serious health consequences, such as increased incidence of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

References Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, McDowell MA, Tabak CJ, Flegal KM. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States, 1999-2004. JAMA 295:1549-1555. 2006. 2 Mokdad AH, Marks JS, Stroup DF, Gerberding JL. Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. JAMA. 2004;291(10):1238-1246 3 Mokdad AH, Marks JS, Stroup DF, Gerberding JL. Correction: Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. JAMA. 2005;293:293-294.

What Schools Can Do Ideas for Healthy Fundraising Alternatives* *Adapted from: Creative Financing and Fundraising. California Project Lean, California Department of Health Services, 2002.

Schools can help promote a healthy learning environment by using healthy fundraising alternatives. Items You Can Sell • Activity theme bags • Air fresheners • Bath accessories • Balloon bouquets • Batteries • Books, calendars • Brick/stone/tile memorials • Bumper stickers & decals • Buttons, pins • Candles • Christmas trees • Coffee cups, mugs • Cookbooks • Crafts • Coupon books • Customized stickers • Emergency kits for cars • First aid kits • Flowers and bulbs • Foot warmers • Football seats • Garage sale • Giant coloring books • Gift baskets • Gift certificates • Gift items • Gift wrap, boxes and bags • Graduation tickets • Greeting cards

Items You Can Sell, continued • Hats • Holiday ornaments • Holiday wreaths • House decorations • Jewelry • Lunch box auctions • Magazine subscriptions • Megaphones • Monograms • Music, videos, CDs • Newspaper space, ads • Parking spot (preferred location) • Pet treats/toys/accessories • Plants • Pocket calendars • Pre-paid phone cards • Raffle donations • Raffle extra graduation tickets • Raffle front row seats at a special school event • Rent a special parking space • Scarves • School art drawings • School Frisbees • School spirit gear • Scratch off cards • Sell/rent wishes • Souvenir cups • Spirit/seasonal flags

Items You Can Sell, continued Stadium pillows Stationery Stuffed animals Temporary/henna tattoos T-shirts, sweatshirts Tupperware Valentine flowers Yearbook covers Yearbook graffiti

• • • • • • • • •

Healthy Foods Frozen bananas Fruit and nut baskets Fruit and yogurt parfaits Fruit smoothies Lunch box auctions Trail mix

• • • • • •

Sell Custom Merchandise Bumper stickers/decal Calendars Cookbook made by school Logo air fresheners Scratch off cards T-shirts/sweatshirts

• • • • • •

Items Supporting Academics

• Read-A-Thon • Science Fair • Spelling Bee

Additional Resources

Clearinghouse for Fundraising Information: http://www.fundraising.com/ Creative Financing and Fundraising. California Project Lean, California Department of Health Services, 2002. http://www.co.shasta.ca.us/Departments/PublicHealth/newspublications/other%20publications/other.shtml

Guide to Healthy School Stores. Alabama Department of Public Health Nutrition & Physical Activity Unit, 2004. http://actionforhealthykids.org/filelib/toolsforteams/recom/N&PA%2035%20-%20school%20store.pdf

Healthy Finances: How Schools Are Making Nutrition Changes That Make Financial Sense.

Action for Healthy Kids, 2003. http://www.actionforhealthykids.org/filelib/facts_and_findings/healthy%20foods,%20healthy%20finances.pdf Healthy Fundraising: http://www.healthy-fundraising.org/index.htm Healthy Fundraising & Vending Options. Produce for Better Health Foundation. http://www.5aday.com/html/educators/options.php Non-Food Ways to Raise Funds and Reward a Job Well Done. Texas Department of Agriculture, 2004. http://www.squaremeals.org/vgn/tda/files/2348/3614_1034_NonFoodRewards.pdf Sweet Deals: School Fundraising Can Be Healthy and Profitable. Center for Science in the Public Interest, 2007. http://www.cspinet.org/schoolfundraising.pdf Adapted with permission from Healthy Fundraisers, Connecticut State Department of Education, May 2005 (Revised June 2009). http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/cwp/view.asp?a=2626&q=320754#Resources

Encourage Kids to Eat More Fruits & Veggies Eating fruits and vegetables is part of a healthy diet* for both children and adults. Finding creative ways to encourage fruits and vegetables in your child’s diet can be fun for the entire family. There are more fruits and vegetables available in fresh, frozen, canned, and dried forms than ever before. Taking the time to introduce a variety of fruits and vegetables to kids can help develop a lifetime of healthy habits.

10 Ways to Help Kids Eat More Fruits & Veggies 1. Keep a bowl of fresh fruits on the counter.

5. Challenge family members to reach their daily fruits and vegetable goal. Reward the winner with a prize of his or her choice.

2. Serve fruits and vegetables at every meal. Add grated or cut vegetables into entrees, side dishes, and soups. Top off cereal with fruits or add frozen fruits to smoothies.


Refrigerate cut up fruits and vegetables in small bags for easy snacks on the run.


Set a good example. Snack on fruit and order low-sodium, low-fat salads, soups, or vegetable sides when at restaurants.

4. Pack the refrigerator, freezer and cupboard with pre-cut, frozen and canned vegetables so that it is easier for you to prepare meals and snacks that include vegetables.

Ask that fruits and vegetables be offered at school functions, after school programs, and in vending machines.

7. Let children choose which fruits and vegetables to serve and how to incorporate them into their favorite meals. 8. Make fruits and vegetables fun. Try dressing up sandwiches with faces and smiles made from fruits and vegetables. 9.

Keep trying. For some foods, it may take multiple times before a child acquires a taste for it.

10. Encourage friends or relatives to offer vegetables and fruits to your children.

Important Elements—Smell, Texture, and Color •

Kids are turned off to trying new foods if the smell, flavor, or color is not appealing to them. It may be more appealing to a child if the fruits or vegetables are served raw.

Try feeding different textures of fruits and vegetables to your child. Some children prefer smooth food, where as others like lumpy, and some children like crisp foods, but others like soft.

Offer new fruits and vegetables in combination with old favorites to show your child a variety of smells, textures, and colors. Various vegetables can be added to any whole grain pasta dish or pizza, and fruit is a great topping for low-fat or fatfree yogurt.

*In addition to fruits and vegetables, a healthy diet also includes whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk products, lean meats, fish, beans, eggs and nuts, and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars. A healthy diet also means staying within your daily calorie needs.

Three simple steps to eating more fruits and vegetables. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables every day is healthy for you. They have vitamins and minerals that can help protect your health. Most are also lower in calories and higher in fiber than other foods. As part of a healthy diet, eating fruits and vegetables instead of high-fat foods may make it easier to control your weight.

Find out how many fruits and vegetables you need to eat every day.




AGE 19-30

FRUITS 2 cups

VEGETABLES 21/2 cups

31-50 51+

11/2 cups 11/2 cups

21/2 cups 2 cups

4-8 9-13 14-18

FRUITS 2 cups


2 cups

21/2 cups

AGE 2-3

FRUITS 1 cup




Girls AGE 2-3

AGE 19-50

FRUITS 1 cup


1 cup

11/2 cups


11/2 cups

11/2 cups

11/2 cups 11/2 cups

2 cups 21/2 cups

9-13 14-18

11/2 cups 2 cups

21/2 cups 3 cups

These amounts are for less active people. Visit www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov to see the amounts needed by more active people.


Learn what 1 cup and 1/2 a cup look like. EAch coUnTS AS 1 cUp

1 large orange

1 large ear of corn

EAch coUnTS AS 1/2 cUp

16 grapes

1 large sweet potato Visit www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov for more examples.

6 baby carrots

4 large strawberries


see how you can add fruits and vegetables into your day as part of a healthy diet.


Add some fruit to your cereal.


Grab a piece of fruit.


Eat a big salad.


Choose raw vegetables as an afternoon snack.


Have two vegetables with dinner and eat fruit for dessert.


enjoy a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables (including beans). Fresh, frozen, canned, and dried all count.

For breakfast:

For snacks:

For lunch and dinner:

• Stir low-fat or fat-free granola into a bowl of low-fat or fat-free yogurt. Top with sliced apples or frozen berries.

• Eat a piece of fruit like an apple, banana, or plum.

• Ask for less cheese and more vegetable toppings on your pizza. Try onions, mushrooms, and bell peppers.

• Top toasted whole wheat bread with peanut butter and sliced bananas. • Add vegetables, such as diced tomatoes and onions, to your egg or egg white omelet.

• Place a box of raisins in your child’s backpack and pack one for yourself, too. • Put grapes and banana slices on wooden skewers and freeze for “fruit on a stick.”

• Spread low-fat cheese and low-fat or fat-free refried beans between two whole wheat tortillas. Brown on both sides in a pan until cheese melts. Top with salsa. • Eat at least two vegetables with dinner. • Add frozen vegetables like peas and broccoli to a casserole or pasta.

10 tips


Education Series

cut back on your kid’s sweet treats 10 tips to decrease added sugars

Limit the amount of foods and beverages with added sugars your kids eat and drink. If you don’t buy them, your kids won’t get them very often. Sweet treats and sugary drinks have a lot of calories but few nutrients. Most added sugars come from sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, juice drinks, cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy, and other desserts.


serve small portions

It’s not necessary to get rid of all sweets and desserts. Show kids that a small amount of treats can go a long way. Use smaller bowls and plates for these foods. Have them share a candy bar or split a large cupcake.


sip smarter

Soda and other sweet drinks contain a lot of sugar and are high in calories. Offer water, 100% juice, or fat-free milk when kids are thirsty.


use the check-out lane that does not display candy

Most grocery stores will have a candy-free check-out lane to help moms out. Waiting in a store line makes it easy for children to ask for the candy that is right in front of their faces to tempt them.


choose not to offer sweets as rewards

By offering food as a reward for good behavior, children learn to think that some foods are better than other foods. Reward your child with kind words and comforting hugs, or give them non-food items, like stickers, to make them feel special.


make fruit the everyday dessert

Serve baked apples, pears, or enjoy a fruit salad. Or, serve yummy frozen juice bars (100% juice) instead of high-calorie desserts.


make food fun

Sugary foods that are marketed to kids are advertised as “fun foods.” Make nutritious foods fun by preparing them with your child’s help and being creative together. Create a smiley face with sliced bananas and raisins. Cut fruit into fun and easy shapes with cookie cutters.


encourage kids to invent new snacks

Make your own snack mixes from dry whole-grain cereal, dried fruit, and unsalted nuts or seeds. Provide the ingredients and allow kids to choose what they want in their “new” snack.


play detective in the cereal aisle

Show kids how to find the amount of total sugars in various cereals. Challenge them to compare cereals they like and select the one with the lowest amount of sugar.


make treats “treats,” not everyday foods

Treats are great once in a while. Just don’t make treat foods an everyday thing. Limit sweet treats to special occasions.


if kids don’t eat their meal, they don’t need sweet “extras”

Keep in mind that candy or cookies should not replace foods that are not eaten at meal time.

DG TipSheet No. 13 June 2011

United States Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Go to www.ChooseMyPlate.gov for more information.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

10 tips


Education Series

be a healthy role model for children 10 tips for setting good examples

You are the most important influence on your child. You can do many things to help your children

develop healthy eating habits for life. Offering a variety of foods helps children get the nutrients they need from every food group. They will also be more likely to try new foods and to like more foods. When children develop a taste for many types of foods, it’s easier to plan family meals. Cook together, eat together, talk together, and make mealtime a family time!

1 2

show by example

Eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains with meals or as snacks. Let your child see that you like to munch on raw vegetables.


go food shopping together

Grocery shopping can teach your child about food and nutrition. Discuss where vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, and protein foods come from. Let your children make healthy choices.

get creative in the kitchen

Cut food into fun and easy shapes with cookie cutters. Name a food your child helps make. Serve “Janie’s Salad” or “Jackie’s Sweet Potatoes” for dinner. Encourage your child to invent new snacks. Make your own trail mixes from dry whole-grain, low-sugar cereal and dried fruit.


offer the same foods for everyone

Stop being a “short-order cook” by making different dishes to please children. It’s easier to plan family meals when everyone eats the same foods.


reward with attention, not food

Show your love with hugs and kisses. Comfort with hugs and talks. Choose not to offer sweets as rewards. It lets your child think sweets or dessert foods are better than other foods. When meals are not eaten, kids do not need “extras”—such as candy or cookies—as replacement foods.


focus on each other at the table

Talk about fun and happy things at mealtime. Turn off the television. Take phone calls later. Try to make eating meals a stress-free time.


listen to your child

If your child says he or she is hungry, offer a small, healthy snack—even if it is not a scheduled time to eat. Offer choices. Ask “Which would you like for dinner: broccoli or cauliflower?” instead of “Do you want broccoli for dinner?”

8 9

limit screen time

Allow no more than 2 hours a day of screen time like TV and computer games. Get up and move during commercials to get some physical activity.

encourage physical activity

Make physical activity fun for the whole family. Involve your children in the planning. Walk, run, and play with your child—instead of sitting on the sidelines. Set an example by being physically active and using safety gear, like bike helmets.


be a good food role model

Try new foods yourself. Describe its taste, texture, and smell. Offer one new food at a time. Serve something your child likes along with the new food. Offer new foods at the beginning of a meal, when your child is very hungry. Avoid lecturing or forcing your child to eat. DG TipSheet No. 12 June 2011

United States Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Go to www.ChooseMyPlate.gov for more information.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

See File Healthy Lifestyle Tips Booklet PDF For These pages.



WHAT IS SNACKWISE®? Developed by the Center for Healthy Weight and Nutrition at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Snackwise® is a research-based snack rating system that calculates nutrient density in snack foods. WHO CAN USE SNACKWISE®? Snackwise® is a great tool for middle and high school student groups to use to analyze a la carte items and vending machines. HOW SNACKWISE® WORKS: The Snackwise® Nutrition Rating system is easy to use! All you do is type the information from the nutrition facts label in the Snackwise® Calculator and Snackwise® determines the nutrient density and rates the snack! Snack foods are then rated as either: GREEN: BEST CHOICE



IMPLEMENTING SNACKWISE IN VENDING MACHINES: Nationwide Children's Hospital suggests that vending machines establish a ratio for each of the categories as: 30% Green 55% Yellow 15% Red Vendors and schools can work together to identify and adjust snack selections to meet new healthier vending selection guidelines. A student group or health class can analyze the current ration of green, yellow, and red foods available as a la carte items or in the vending machines, then work with the School Nutrition Director to increase the number of smarter snack choices available. HOW TO ACCESS THE SNACKWISE SYSTEM: The Snackwise® calculator is free to use at www.snackwise.org. You can also choose to purchase a 1 year membership for $25. The membership allows you to have full access to all the Snackwise® features, save snack lists, and to have access to experts to answer your questions.

Snackwise­® Implementing Snackwise® in a School Setting Steps for Modifying Vending Choices Assess Current Vending Machine Content Survey what is currently available in your vending machines. Assess the nutritional value using the Snackwise system and assign the corresponding color code to each snack. An assessment survey is included on Page 3.

Complete a Nutrition Assessment of Vending Foods Use the assessment survey on page 3 to total the number of snacks for each color and calculate the percentage of green, yellow, and red choices that are in the machine.

Determine Mix of Products to Offer Adjust the snack selections in the vending machine to fit the Snackwise® guidelines for each color: Green: 30%, Yellow: 55%, Red: 15%. Work with the vendor or food supplier to identify snacks that meet Snackwise® guidelines. Example Snackwise® plannograms are included to help guide you with snack selections.

Label Your Vending Machines Many subscribers print out customized "vending lists" and post them wherever snack foods are sold. That includes vending machines, kiosks, mini-stores and cafeteria a la carte lines. As a subscriber, you can create and save as many vending lists as you like, plus you can edit the items in the list whenever your selection changes.

Communicate Your Vending Changes Communicate to the community, parents, faculty and students what changes have been made and how Snackwise® works. Promote the selection of Green and Yellow choices for a healthy lifestyle.

Get the word out! Use the Snackwise® news release and parent letter to promote the Snackwise® Nutrition Rating System.

Nutrition FactsCheddar Mix Munchies Ultimate

> Display Snackwise® Implementation Suggestions posters on the a la carte line and at Snackwise® vending > Display machines. posters on the a la carte

Serving Size: 1 package

Nutrition Facts

Servings Container: 1 Serving Size:Per 1 package

line and at vending > Offer samples of new machines.

Amount Per Serving

Servings Per Container: 1 Calories 230 Calories from Fat 70 Amount Per Serving

smarter snack choices for > Offer samples new customers to tasteoftest.

smarter snack choices for > Place vending machines customers to taste test.

with smarter snack > Place vending machines choices in high traffic with smarter snack areas that are easily choices in high traffic accessible toare customers. areas that easily

accessible to customers. >Increase the number of smarter snack >Increase thechoices number in of vending machines. smarter snack choices in vending machines.

Calories 230 Get LESS of Get these LESS of these

Get MORE Get of these MORE of these

% Daily Value

Calories from Fat 70 Total Fat 8g 13% % Daily Value Saturated Fat 1.5 7% Total Fat 8g 13% Trans Fat 0g Saturated Fat 1.5 7% Cholesterol 1% Trans Fat 0g less than 5mg Sodium 410mg 17% Cholesterol less than 5mg 1% Total Carbohydrate 34g Sodium 410mg 17% 11% Dietary Fiber 2g Total Carbohydrate 34g 11% 8% Sugars 5g2g Dietary Fiber 8% Protein 5 g Sugars 5g Protein g 8% Vitamin5 A Vitamin C 10% Vitamin A 8%4% Vitamin Calcium IronC 10% 35% Calcium 4% Iron 35%

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What nutrition parameters are used to evaluate a snack food? What nutrition parameters are used to evaluate a snack food?

Snackwise food for foreleven elevennutrition nutritionparameters; parameters; calories, saturated & trans Snackwise evaluates evaluatesaa snack snack food calories, totaltotal fat, fat, saturated & trans fat,fat, sodium, sugar, protein, fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. sodium, sugar, protein, fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. Will Snackwise establishnutrition nutritionguidelines guidelines ALL snack foods available at school? Will Snackwise help helpmy my school school establish forfor ALL snack foods available at school? Yes. Snackwise snackfoods foodsfound foundinin vending, la carte school stores. Yes. Snackwise evaluates evaluates packaged packaged snack vending, a laa carte line,line, and and school stores. Snack to whether whetherthe thenutritional nutritional parameter contributes positively or negatively Snackfoods foodsare arerated ratedaccording according to parameter contributes positively or negatively a snackfood’s food’snutrient nutrient balance balance as yellow-choose occasionally, or red-choose to to a snack as either eithergreen-best green-bestchoice, choice, yellow-choose occasionally, or red-choose not designed designed to rarely.Snackwise Snackwise isisnot toevaluate evaluatebeverage beverageofferings. offerings. rarely. How arefruits fruitsand andvegetables vegetables rated? rated? How are Fruitsand andvegetables vegetablesare are always always green…best notnot need to be through the the Fruits green…bestchoice choiceand anddodo need to evaluated be evaluated through Snackwise Nutrition Rating System. Fruits and vegetables are major dietary sources of many nutrients Snackwise Nutrition Rating System. Fruits and vegetables are major dietary sources of many nutrients such as vitamin A, C, folate, calcium, and fiber and are packed with phytochemicals, natural substances such as vitamin A, C, folate, calcium, and fiber and are packed with phytochemicals, natural substances that fight disease and promote good health. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends nine that fight disease good health. The Dietary recommends nine servings of fruitsand andpromote vegetables per day for 2,000 calories,Guidelines with higherfor or Americans lower amounts depending on servings of fruits and vegetables per day for 2,000 calories, with higher or lower amounts depending on calorie level. Fruits and vegetables are an excellent snack choice and should be promoted through all calorie Fruits and vegetables are an excellent snack choice and should be promoted through all venueslevel. at school. venues at school.

What about Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV)? USDA defines FMNV as artificially sweetened foods, a food which provides less than five percent of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for each of the eight specified nutrients per serving – protein, vitamin 2 A, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, calcium and iron. Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value Include: Soda water (carbonated beverages), water ices (popsicles), chewing gum, and candies of the following types: hard candy, including breath mints and cough drops, jellies and gums, marshmallow candies, fondant, licorice, spun candy and candy coated popcorn. ***Regardless of the Snackwise® nutrition rating, FMNV cannot be sold in the food service area or any area in which meals are either served or eaten during lunch.


Assessment Survey CHIP MACHINE




Chips, low-fat ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Chips, low-fat ________________ ________________ ________________ Pretzels ________________ ________________ Crackers ________________ Others ________________ TOTALS








Total # of Slots x .20 =

Total # of Slots x .65 =

Total # of Slots x .15 =




Candy bars ________________ ________________ ________________ Fruit Chews ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Cookies ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Breakfast Bars ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTALS


_________ Total # of Slots x .20 =


_________ Total # of Slots x .65 =


_________ Total # of Slots x .15 =


Snackwise Sample Vending Plannogram: 40 Slots 12 Green (30%) 22 Yellow (55%) 6 Red (15%) Quaker ® Snack Mix, Kid’s Mix (.875 oz) GREEN

Chex Morning Mix®, Fruit & Nut (1.15 oz) GREEN

Baked Cheetos® with Calcium ,Flamin’ Hot (.8750 oz) GREEN

Stacy’s® Texarkana Hot (1 oz) GREEN

Baked Lay’s ®, Sour Cream & Onion (1.125 oz)

Snyder’s of Hanover® Honey Wheat Sticks (2.25 oz)

Baked Cheetos®, Flamin’ Hot (.875 oz)

Kudos® M&M’s Bar (.830 oz)

YELLOW Famous Amos® Chocolate Chip Cookies (3 oz)

YELLOW Generation Max™ Snickers Cereal Clusters (1.1oz)



Stacy’s® Pesto & Sundried Tomato (1.5 oz)

Oreo® 100 Calorie Packs (.81 oz)

RED Cinnamon Hershey's Toast ®1g Crunch® Sugar, w/ Milk 'n Almonds Cereal Bar (1.1 oz) (1.6 oz) GREEN YELLOW


Kudos® Snickers® (.89 oz)


Butterfinger (Nestlé®) (1.76 oz) RED

Skittles®, Sour (1.8 oz) YELLOW Nature Valley® Granola Bars, Maple Brown Sugar (1.5 oz) YELLOW

NutriGrain® Cereal Bar, Strawberry (1.3 oz) GREEN Reeses's ® Peanut Butter® Cups (1.5 oz) RED

GREEN YELLOW Florida's ® SnackWell ® Scooby Austin Natural ® Doo ® Zoo ® Au'some Devilsfood Fruit Animal Fruit Cookies Snacks Crackers Nuggets (.9 oz) (1.1 oz) (2.12 oz) (1.5 oz) YELLOW GREEN YELLOW YELLOW Kellogg's ® Cinnamon French Toast Snacks (1.76 oz) YELLOW

Kit Kat, Hershey’s ™ (1.5 oz) RED

Teddy Grahams ®

Kudos® M&M ®

Chocolate (1.25oz)

Bar (0.83 oz)



Baked Lay’s®, Original (1.125 oz)

Baked Lay’s®, KC Master BBQ (1.125 oz)

Doritos®, Reduced Fat, Cooler Ranch (1 oz)

Cheetos® Fantastix, Chili Cheese (1 oz)





NutriGrain® Yogurt Cereal Bar, Strawberry (1.3 oz) GREEN Planters® Dry Roasted Peanuts, Lightly Salted (1.75 oz) YELLOW Rice Krispies® Treat (1.3 oz) YELLOW Cocoa Puffs® Gobstoppers Milk 'n Cereal (1.770 Bar oz) (1.4 oz) YELLOW GREEN Welch’s® Fruit Snacks, Strawberry (2.25 oz)

M&M® Peanut (1.74 oz)

RED Doritos®, Nacho Cheesier (1 oz) RED



Snackwise Sample Vending Plannogram: 15 Slots 5 Green (30%) 8 Yellow (55%) 2 Red (15%) Baked Cheetos® w/ Calcium, Crunchy (.875 oz)

Generation Max™ Snickers Cereal Clusters (1.1oz)

Stacy’s® Texarkana Hot (1.5 oz)

Austin® Zoo® Animal Crackers (2.12 oz)

Quaker Chewy® Granola Bars, Reduced Sugar, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip (.840 oz)






Baked Lay’s®, Original (1.125 oz) YELLOW Baked Cheetos® (1.5 oz) RED

Baked Doritos®, Cooler Ranch (1.375 oz) YELLOW Baked Lay's®, Sour Cream and Onion (1.125 oz) YELLOW

Reduced Fat Crunchy Cheetos® (.875 oz) YELLOW Doritos®, WOW, Nacho Cheese (1.33 oz) YELLOW

Generation Max™ Combos Ranch Pretzels (1.060 oz) YELLOW Stacy’s® Simply Naked (1oz) YELLOW

Teddy Grahams®, Chocolate (1.25oz) GREEN Doritos®, Nacho Cheesier (1 oz) RED

Snackwise Sample Vending Plannogram: 12 Slots 4 Green (30%) 6 Yellow (55%) 2 Red (15%) Rice Krispie® Treat (1.3 oz)

NutriGrain® Yogurt Cereal Bar, Strawberry (1.3 oz)

Fruit Crisp Bites, Apple Crisp (2 oz)

Austin® Zoo® Animal Crackers (2.12 oz)





Kashi® TLC™ Bar, Peanut Butter (1.2 oz)

Skittles®, Sour (1.8 oz)

Welch’s® Fruit Snacks, Strawberry (2.25 oz)

Oreo® 100 Calorie Packs (.81 oz)





M&M® Peanut (1.74 oz)

Snyder’s of Hanover®, Honey Wheat Sticks (2.25 oz)

Snickers® (2.07 oz)

Nabisco® Teddy Graham® Cinnamon (.75 oz)






Quaker Breakfast Cookie, Chocolate Chip

Life Cereal, Single Serve Cup

Instant Quaker Oatmeal Express Cups, Cinnamon Roll, Golden Brown Sugar, Vanilla Cinnamon

Fruit Crisp Bites, Apple Crisp or Strawberry

Fig Newtons, 100% Whole Grain

Solo Low Glycemic Nutrition Bar, Chocolate Charger or Mint Mania

Pria Complete Nutrition Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter Crisp

Oatmeal To Go, Apple Cinnamon for Kids

Stacy's Cinnamon and Sugar (1.5oz/42.5g)

Rice Krispie Treat (1.3oz/37g)

Pepperidge Farms Goldfish Vanilla Physedibles 300 ct. (0.9oz)

Nature Valley Granola Bars, Maple Brown Sugar (1.5oz/42g)

Kudos Snickers Bar (0.89oz/23.5g)

Skittles, Original (2.17oz/61.5g)

O'Keely's Bacon Cheddar (1.5oz/42.5g)

Mounds (1.75oz/49g)

Lays, Cheddar Sour Cream (1.5oz/42.5g)

Keebler Fudge Stripe Cookies 12-11.5, 3 ea. (0.3oz)

Grandma's Chocolate Chip Big Cookies (1.38oz/39g)

Frito-Lay Flamin' Hot Chee-tos, 104 ct. (1.1oz)

Generation Max Combos Ranch Pretzels (1.06oz/30.1g)

Clif Organic Z Bar Kellogg's All Bran Snack Bites, Honey Oat & Strawberry (0.99oz/28g)

Doritos, Fiery Habanero (1.75oz/49.6g)

Doritos, Reduced Fat Cooler Ranch (1oz/28.3g)

Fruits and vegetables

NutriPals Snack Bars, PediaSure, Peanut Butter Chocolate or Strawberry Yogurt

Chewy Runts (1.85oz/52.4g)

California Raisins Snack Box (1.33oz/38g)

Choose Rarely:

100 Grand (1.5oz/42.5g)

Choose Sometimes:

Austin Zoo Animal Crackers (1oz/28g)

Best Choice:

Here are some examples:

Snackwise速 rates snacks based on their nutrient density and puts them into the following categories.


Healthy Dates to Celebrate MONTH



Fruits and Veggies—More Matters www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org Family Health and Fitness Day USA www.fitnessday.com

October Week 2

Health Literacy Month www.healthliteracy.com International Walk to School Month www.iwalktoschool.org National School Lunch Week www.schoolnutrition.org


American Diabetes Month www.diabetes.org


National Handwashing Awareness Month www.henrythehand.com

January Week 2 Week 4

February March Week 2

April Week 1 Week 4


National Fiber Focus Month Oatmeal Month www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org National Fresh-Squeezed Juice Week www.fns.usda.gov Healthy Weight Week mentalhealth.samhsa.gov National Sweet Potato Month healthymeals.nal.usda.gov American Heart Month www.americanheart.org National Nutrition Month www.eatright.org National School Breakfast Week www.schoolnutrition.org National Garden Month www.nationalgardenmonth.org National Public Health Week www.apha.org/programs National Screen Free Week www.commercialfreechildhood.org/screenfreeweek

National Strawberry Month National Physical Fitness and Sports Month healthymeals.nal.usda.gov National Bike Month www.bikeleague.org

1st Wed


All Children Exercise Simultaneously (ACES) www.lensaunders.com/aces/aces.html

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month For more special monthly observations, go to: healthymeals.nal.usda.gov Developed by the Children in Balance initiative at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy of Tufts University

March is National Nutrition Month® Celebrate National Nutrition Month® at your site! National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and information campaign created annually in March by the American Dietetic Association. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. Visit www.eatright.org/nnm/ for more information. This is a great month to get your kids involved in healthy shopping and cooking!  Let kids help select, wash, chop,

 

snap, peel, stir, measure and mash fruits and vegetables you are preparing for meals and snacks Play games that teach about healthy eating. Check out foodchamps.org for ideas Pick stories to read that talk about healthy eating Try a new healthy food each week (like a fruit, vegetable, bean, whole grain, lean meat/ poultry/fish, or low fat dairy product) Make a picture collage of all the healthy foods your family likes to eat Take a recipe you like and experiment to see if you can make it healthier

Check out www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org for some great recipe ideas!

National Nutrition Month® 2012

National Nutrition Month ® 2012 tional Nutrition Month ® 2012 Classroom Guide ssroom Guide

National Nutrition Month ® 2012 Classroom Guide

National Nutrition Month® is a time when the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) reinforces the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.

tional Nutrition Month® is a time when the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics The theme for 2012, “Get Your Plate in Shape,” supports the 2010 Dietary merly the American Dietetic Association) reinforces the importance of making Guidelines for Americans and USDA’s new food icon, MyPlate, reminding rmed foodeveryone choicestoand developing sound eating and physical activity habits. be more mindful of the foods we eat.

theme for 2012, “Get Your Plate in Shape,” supports the 2010 Dietary delines for Message Americans USDA’s new food icon, MyPlate, reminding focusand for 2012: ryone to beBefore moreyou mindful of the foods we eat. eat, think about what and how much food goes on your plate or in

National Nutrition Month® is a time when the A your bowl. Over the day, include food from all food groups: vegetables, fruits, and lean protein foods. whole grains, low-fatthe dairy products (formerly American Dietetic Association) re ssage focus for 2012: informed food choices and developing sound e This classroom guide provides suggested learning activities and games for

ore you eat, think about what and how much food goes on your plate or in students in grades K through 8. Selected activities can be adapted for different r bowl. Over the day, include food from all food groups: vegetables, fruits, grade levels by adjusting the complexity of the assigned tasks. You may find that ole grains, low-fat dairy can products and lean foods.for math, social studies, some activities be incorporated intoprotein your curriculum

The theme for 2012, “Get Your Plate in Shape,” science or language arts. Guidelines for Americans and USDA’s new foo classroomeveryone guide provides to suggested learning mindful activities andof games be more theforfoods we e

dents in grades K through 8. Selected activities can be adapted for different de levels by adjusting the complexity of the assigned tasks. You may find that

Learning Activities: Grades K-4 Learning Activities: Grades K-4 Classroom Activity n Ask each student to tell the class what their favorite healthy food is and why. n

Ask students to share a story about eating their favorite food with family or friends. Is this food part of special family celebrations or traditions?


Optional question: How have you helped to prepare your favorite food or any other food at home?

Individual, Small Group or Classroom Activity: Name the Foods For individual or small groups: Hand out copies of the Name the Foods activity sheet at http://www.eatright.org/nnm. Ask each student or group to see how many foods they can name from each part of the plate. For classroom activity: Write the five food groups of the plate on the board (fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy). As students name them, write the foods on the board under their group. Give all the students a NNM sticker and coloring page to take home. Coloring pages are available in the Reproducible Masters in the NNM catalog. Stickers may also be found in the NNM catalog: https://www.jimcolemanltd.com/nnm

Group Activity n

Plan a menu for a day: Split the class into 5 groups. Assign each group breakfast, lunch, after-school snack, dinner or bedtime snack. Each group’s task is to plan their assigned meal or snack using MyPlate for Kids as a resource. http://www.choosemyplate.gov/children-over-five.html


As the groups share their menus for meals and snacks, write them on the board.


Together, the class decides if they are getting enough servings from each group in the MyPlate food guide. If not, ask students to suggest ways to get the additional foods needed. See the following chart or go to www.choosemyplate.gov for recommended food guide and additional information.

MyPlate Food Guide MyPlate Food Guide Grains





Start smart with breakfast. Look for whole grain cereals. Make sure the first word is “whole” (like “whole wheat”).

Color your plate with all kinds of great-tasting veggies: try broccoli, spinach, carrots and sweet potatoes.

Fruits are nature’s treats – sweet and delicious. Go easy on juice and make sure it’s 100%.

Move to the dairy group to get your calcium. Calcium builds strong bones.

Eat lean or low-fat meat, chicken, turkey and fish. Remember nuts, seeds, peas and beans, too.

The amount of grains you need depends on your age and level of activity.

The amount of vegetables you need depends on your age and level of activity.

The amount of fruit you need depends on your age and level of activity.

The amount of dairy you need depends on your age and level of activity.

The amount of protein you need depends on your age and level of activity.

At least half should be whole. Ounces:

Kids ages 2-3:

1 cup

Kids ages 2-3:

1 cup

Kids ages 4-8:

1 ½ cups

Kids ages 4-8:

1-1 ½ cups

Most kids and adults should have 3 cups from the dairy group each day.

Kids ages 2-3: 2 oz. Kids ages 4-8: 4 oz.

Kids ages 2-3:

3 oz.

Kids ages 4-8:

5 oz.

Girls ages 9-13:

5 oz.

Girls ages 14-18: 6 oz. Boys ages 9-13:

Girls ages 9-13: 2 cups Girls ages 14-18 2 ½ cups Boys ages 9-13: 2 ½ cups

Girls ages 9-18: 1 ½ cups Boys ages 9-13: 1 ½ cups Boys ages 14-18: 2 cups

Other ages:

Girls ages 9-18: 5 oz. Boys ages 9-13: 5 oz. Boys 14-18: 6 1/2 oz.

Kids 2 to 3: 2 cups Kids 4-8: 2 ½ cups

Boys ages 14-18: 3 cups

6 oz.

Boys ages 14-18: 8 oz.

Learning Activities: Grades 5 – 8 Individual Activity - Working on the Web n

Assign students to go to Super Tracker, enter their age, sex and physical activity level. They can then print their MyPlate eating plan. https://www.choosemyplate.gov/SuperTracker/default.aspx


Hand out copies of the MyPlate for Kids Worksheet, available at http://teamnutrition.usda.gov/resources/mpk_worksheet.pdf. Ask students to fill out the worksheet with the foods they ate and drank for the previous day.

MyPlate Food Guide (continued) n

Students compare their worksheet with their individual MyPlate plan. How well do the foods consumed match up to the MyPlate plan recommendations? What foods do they need to add?

Individual or Small Group Activity – Foods From Around the World n

Ask students to work in groups or individually to select one or more of the following foods (or others you may have in mind).


Assign students to ďŹ nd as much information as they can about the food. For example, country of origin, history, where and how it grows, nutrient content, how it is prepared (perhaps a recipe) and any other interesting facts related to the food. If possible, bring food samples to the classroom for students to see and taste.

Foods from around the World: Artichoke Basmati rice Coconut

Couscous Dates Eggplant

Fennel Lychee Mango

Olives Plantain Pomegranate

Corn Hot peppers Jicama

Papaya Quinoa

Squash Tomatoes

Foods from the Americas: Avocado Beans Chocolate

Additional Resources: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics www.eatright.org Kids Eat Right www.eatright.org/foundation/kidseatright Additional learning activities and games www.eatright.org/nnm Good Nutrition Reading List www.eatright.org/gnrl

Eat Right Nutrition Tips www.eatright.org/nutritiontipsheets

Eat Right Nutrition Tips www.eatright.org/nutritiontipsheets

IncludingIncluding these: these: Power Up with Breakfast 25 Healthy Snacks for Kids Color Your Plate with Salad MyPlate for Kids: www.choosemyplate.gov/children-over-five.html MyPlate for Pre-Schoolers: www.choosemyplate.gov/preschoolers.html Coloring Page: www.choosemyplate.gov/print-materials-ordering/ColoringSheet.pdf Coloring Page: www.choosemyplate.gov/print-materials-ordering/ColoringSheetBlank.pdf MyPlate Blast Off Game – an interactive computer game for children 6 to 11 years: www.choosemyplate.gov/children-over-five.html Kid Friendly Veggies and Fruits: www.choosemyplate.gov/foodgroups/downloads/TenTips/DGTipsheet11KidFriendlyVeggiesAndFruits.pdf Tips for Families handout: Cut Back on Kids Sweet Treats www.choosemyplate.gov/foodgroups/downloads/TenTips/DGTipsheet13CutBackOnSweetTreats.pdf Fruits and Veggies Video Challenge: http://fruitsandveggies.challenge.gov/ USDA Team Nutrition lesson plans: http://teamnutrition.usda.gov/resources/popularevents.html Information for Educators: www.choosemyplate.gov/information-educators.html Fizzy’s Lunch Lab, PBS: http://pbskids.org/lunchlab Smithsonian, Food Traditions: www.folklife.si.edu/ Encyclopedia of Food and Culture: www.enotes.com/food-encyclopedia

Games: Instructions for the following games are available free upon e-mail request to muhrick@eatright.org GAMES: Instructions for the following games are available free upon e -mail request to muhrick@eatright.org “Jeopardy-type” Game – layout with food group questions and answers “Fill in the Blanks” Game - a take-off on the old “Hangman” game with suggested food-related titles “Test Your Memory” Game – played with food pictures “Food Group Password” – allows clues of more than one word and even gesturing and jumping around to help the contestant get the word. A good game for teams.

fits in with 521AN Strategies and can help you reach your goals!

Ways that


Super “Bowl” Party!

such as:


Check out the Healthy Eating “Plays” at

The goal of the program is to empower students to make healthy, sustainable changes at school and in their own lives.

Fuel Up to Play 60 is an in-school nutrition & physical activity program that encourages students to consume nutrientrich foods & achieve at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.





The possibilities are endless.

Invite a local chef to teach a cooking class at your school!

Work with your local YMCA to develop a Family Fitness event.


Find template letters & resources at

Invite organizations to get involved, perhaps be a Fuel Up to Play 60 Co-Advisor!



PTA/PTO and Parent Newsletters

Pull in the

such as:


Encourage parents to learn more & get involved by checking out the promotion “Plays” at



Continued on next page...

Vending Revamp


Milk Mustache Booth

such as:


Fuel Up to Play 60 team and select Healthy Eating “Plays” from the Playbook at

Work with your



The ideal 521AN school creates supportive environments and policies by implementing the following 10 strategies (in colored boxes). In addition to using tools from the 521AN Goes to S hool c toolkit, you can use Fuel Up to Play 60 to help you address each strategy!


fits in with 521AN Strategies and can help you reach your goals!

Ways that


Continued from previous page...

Learning the Moves


Activity Zones

and have students decide how they would like to incorporate physical activity into their day!


Check out the Physical Activity “Plays” like Lunch Break at

such as:


Before school, during school, after school…the possibilities are endless!


Looking for ideas? Check out these “Plays” and others at




Activity Play at

Raise the (Food) Bar


Point-of-purchase Promo


Menu Makeover

They can help with “Plays” such as:

Check out the NFL

Play 60 Model Teachers Physical

Invite your School Nutrition Professionals to be a part of your team!



Encourage staff to be positive role models and join the competition!


Parent’s Guide to an Active Lifestyle

and check out some of our great physical activity tools that list fun alternatives to screen time, like the






Get Up! School Nutrition Initiative 521AN Goes to School believes that everyone has a role to play in promoting healthy lifestyles for children. The School Nutrition Program is an integral part of the school day and can have a great effect on students’ behavior and ability to learn. No one doubts the importance of the School Nutrition Program, and they have unique requirements, demands and regulations that play major roles in the way such programs are run. At 521AN Goes to School, we believe that making a connection between the School Nutrition Program and the classroom can have beneficial outcomes for all involved. The Get Up! School Nutrition Initiative aims to assist schools with the following goals: 1) Establish strong classroom / cafeteria connections. 521AN Goes to School teams and school nutrition staff can work collaboratively to promote healthy eating and 521AN messaging. School staff can support and promote the National School Lunch Program. 2) Improve the nutritional quality of school foods and beverages. Implement research based recommendations for school food and beverages. 3) Improve the perception of the National School Lunch Program through a coordinated marketing campaign. Newsletters, articles for the newspaper, taste tests. 4) Advocate for local, state, and national policies t


support school feeding

Junk Food at School? Are you concerned about the kinds of packaged a la carte and vending machine foods that are offered in your schools? The current nutrition guidelines for these ‘competitive foods’ are not strong enough to keep high calorie, high fat and high sugar foods and beverages out of schools. There are several voluntary nutrition guidelines for competitive foods, including the USDA’s HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC) criteria below. If you are interested in improving the nutritional quality of the competitive foods and beverages offered at school, consider getting a team together (don’t forget the key person – the School Nutrition Director) to analyze what current offering meet or do not meet the criteria. All you need is the nutrition label. Once you have that visit the online calculator at http:// healthymeals.nal.usda.gov/hsmrs/HUSSC/calculator.html and type in the requested info. The calculator will tell you if an item meets or does not meet. When you know what items pass, you can begin to develop strategies to remove the ones that don’t meet the nutrition criteria. HealthierUS School Challenge Criteria for Competitive Foods and Beverages Criteria for Competitive Foods: Total fat = ≤ 35% of calories per serving, excludes nuts, seeds, nut butters, reduced fat cheese Trans fat = ≤ 0.5 grams per serving (trans fat free) Saturated fat = < 10% of calories per serving, excludes reduced fat cheese Sugar = ≤ 35% by weight of total sugars, excludes fruits, vegetables, milk Sodium = ≤ 480 mg per non entrée and ≤ 600 mg per entrée Calories = all other items ≤ 200 calories Criteria for Competitive Beverages: Milk – only low fat (1% or less) and fat free (skim), flavored or unflavored fluid milk; portion size limited to 8 fluid ounces Fruit and vegetable juices – 100% full strength juice with no sweeteners; portion size limited to 6 fluid ounces for middle and 8 fluid ounces for high Water – unflavored, no sweeteners (nutritive or non-nutritive), noncarbonated, caffeine -free For a list of items that meet this criteria, email GetUpMC@phdmc.org

Vending & A La Carte Programs Recommended Beverages & Snacks All Bottled Waters Fruit Juices & Vegetable Juices • Welch’s 100% Juice (Orange, Grape, Apple, Grapefruit) • Dole 100% Fruit Juices • Minute Maid 100% Fruit Juices • Tropicana 100% Fruit Juices • Very Fine 100% Fruit Juices • V-8 100% Vegetable Juice

Dairy Products • Low Fat (1%) or Skim Milk • Low Fat (1%) Flavored Milks (Chocolate, Strawberry, Coffee)

Canned Fruit • Any Fruit Packed in 100% Juice or No Sugar Added • All Fresh Fruits

Bread Products • Bagels, English Muffins, All Breads (Preferably Whole Wheat and Whole Grains)

Low Fat Crackers & Cookies • Zoo Animal Crackers • Goldfish Crackers • Fat-Free Fig Newtons • Goldfish Graham Crackers • Kellogg’s/Keebler Animal Crackers • Reduced Fat Wheat Thins • Graham Crackers

Pretzels • Rold Gold Pretzels • Pretzel Specials • Classic Style Natural Pretzels • Fat-Free Tiny Twist • Classic Thins • Pretzel Thins • Classic Tiny Twists • Pretzels Sourdough Fat-Free Nibblers • Sourdough Specials • Pretzels Mini • Snyder’s of Hanover Pretzels • Pretzels Organic Classic • Pretzels Butter Snaps • Pretzels Organic Honey Wheat Sticks • Pretzels Old Time • Pretzel Snaps • Pretzel Sticks

Granola Bars and Cereal Bars (Made with Unsaturated Fat) • Nutri-Grain Bars (Apple, Blueberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Mixed Berry, Cherry) • General Mills Granola Bars • Oatmeal Crisp Fruit ’n Cereal Bars (Apple, Strawberry) • Quaker Chewy (Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin) • Quaker Crunchy (Cinnamon, Oats & Honey, Peanut Butter) • Puffins Cereal & Milk Bar, (Strawberry Yogurt, French Toast, Blueberry Yogurt) • Multigrain Cereal Bars (Cherry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Triple Berry) • Kellogg’s Special K and Assorted Cereal Bars

(continued on other side)

Ready-to-Eat, Low Sugar Cereals

Low Fat or Nonfat Yogurts

Nuts, Raisins & Other Dried Fruit

• Cheerios • Puffed Wheat, Puffed Rice • Kix Cereal • Berry Kix Cereal • Wheaties • Golden Grahams • Shredded Wheat • Cinnamon Toast Crunch

• Colombo Classic Fruit on the Bottom • Colombo Light Yogurt • Yoplait Original • Yoplait Light • Trix Yogurt

• Mr. Nature Trail Mix and Dried Fruit Mixes • Mr. Nature Raisins • Kar’s Trail Mix, All Varieties • Original Trail Mix • All Energy Trail Mix • Dry Roasted, Unsalted Nuts and Seeds

As manufacturers change their recipes, this list may not always be As manufacturers change correct. Please read the food nutrition label.their Underrecipes, Maine Department this list may not always be correct. of Education, Chapter 51, to be sold in vending machines or a la carte, the food product must contain per 100 calories, 5% of one of the read the Vitamin food nutrition following keyPlease nutrients: protein, A, Vitamin label. C, iron, calcium, niacin, riboflavin, or thiamin.

HealthierUS School Challenge Competitive Food & Beverage Criteria Foods Total Fat

=35% of calories Excludes: nuts, seeds, nut butters, reduced fat cheese

Trans Fat

=0.5 grams/serving (trans fat free)

Saturated Fat

=10% Exludes: reduced fat cheese


=35% by weight of total sugars Excludes: fruit, vegetables, milk

Sodium (mg)

Gold Award Distinction: =200 non entrée =480 entrée or PE 150 minutes a week Bronze, Silver, Gold: =480 non entrée =600 entrée


Not to exceed the serving size of the food served in NSLP All other items=200 calories

Beverages Milk

=1% Flavored okay Portion limited to 8 oz


100% juice No sweeteners (nutritive or non-nutritive) Portion limited to 6 oz for middle, 8 oz for high


No flavors, sweeteners (nutritive and non-nutritive, carbonation, or caffeine) For more information visit http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/healthierus/index.html

Cafeteria as Learning Lab The following are some examples of cafeteria activities that can be complemented in the classroom. See if your School Nutrition Director is interested in one of them! BCs March Through the A

with the features food(s) that begin ia er fet ca e Th . ter let t feren day. Bananas, Each day represents a dif aragus, and arugula on Aasp s, ot ric ap s, ple ap , ple for the month letter of the day. For exam ia creates a printed menu er fet ca e th If y. da Bfor ks like blueberries, and beans menu to encourage snac e th e us n ca m oo ssr cla day, the ng the indicating each letter and on C-day! The book “Eati th wi in me co to ts rro ca y, and . cantalope, cherries, celer is a great classroom read Alphabet” by Lois Ehlert

Cafeteria as

Learning Lab

Kettering Cit y Schools Su pervisor of F Easterly inco ood and Nutr rporated the ition, Louise “My Plate” le and the cafe sson in both teria. Studen the classroo ts learn how food models m to build a he in the classro a lt h y p la o te m u . Examples o sing displayed in f a healthy p the cafeteria la te . T w h e ro re also ugh this acti portion sizes vity the stud and healthy ents learn ab food choices out . Visit www.ch oosemyplate .gov for more ideas!

Eat Your Way Through the Rainbow Eating a variety of colorful foods greatly improves the chances of getting all the nutrients you need for good health. This activity runs like the March Through the ABCs program. The cafeteria assigns a color to each week in a month and the classroom tries to be sure they are encouraging students to bring in cherries during red week and carrots during orange week. It’s a great opportunity to create unity between cafeteria and classroom. Explain to kids that they should try to eat the rainbow every day. The outside color of a fruit or vegetable can be a clue to the vitamins and minerals found within.

Cafeteria to Classroom Connection Some suggested activities that the School Nutrition Program can run in the classroom: The Magic Shopping Bag

Second to Third Grade Level, Led by Cafeteria Staff

Kids should line up and go to the front of the classroom, one by one, and select a snack out of a covered shopping bag. Next, they will be asked to identify whether the snack is a healthy choice or not. If the snack is a “healthy” choice, they ring a bell; if it is a “not so healthy” snack, they honk a horn.

Can You Name That Fruit?

Second to Third Grade Level, Led by Cafeteria Staff

In this exercise, a variety of fresh produce will be brought into the classroom by a member of the cafeteria staff. Students will be encouraged to taste test new and exotic fruits. During this activity, students will also have the opportunity to sample fruit in other forms, such as through fresh fruit smoothies.

Tour the Kitchen

Second to Third Grade Level, Led by Food Service Director

During this activity, students will have an opportunity to tour their school’s kitchen and see where their food comes from. Students will also learn about the equipment used to make their meals and have the opportunity to sample a healthy snack. At the end of the tour, the food service director or other kitchen staff member will discuss the importance of good nutrition and healthy eating.

Make Your Own Milk Mustache

Second to Third Grade Level, Led by Classroom Teacher

Materials: paper and markers (milk optional) While students enjoy their milk (optional) they will have an opportunity to create their own “milk mustache” posters. The lesson should open or close with a simple discussion on calcium. A variation could include taking photos of students with a yogurt mustache painted on their faces. Then use the photos to create the posters. (continued on other side)

Cafeteria to Classroom Connection Know What’s in Your Breakfast

Second to Third Grade Level, Led by Classroom Teacher Some suggested activities that the School Nutrition Program run in the classroom: Materials: cerealcan labels & instructions on reading a food label

Students will be asked to bring in a food label from their favorite box of cereal. During the lesson, The Magic Shopping students will learn how to readBag a label and analyze the sugar content of their morning meal. For Second to Third Grade Level, Led by Cafeteria Staff homework, they will be asked to watch Saturday morning cartoons and jot down the number of timesshould they see return toone school on Monday, theya should be asked Kids linecereal up andadvertisements. go to the frontWhen of thethey classroom, by one, and select snack out of a to share their findings. The lesson should conclude with a discussion of how cereal companies gear covered shopping bag. Next, they will be asked to identify whether the snack is a healthy choice their towards kids. or not.advertising If the snack is a “healthy” choice, they ring a bell; if it is a “not so healthy” snack, they honk a horn.

Nutrition 101 Fourth to Fifth Grade Level, Led by Cafeteria Staff Can You Name That Fruit?

Second tostaff Third Grade Level, Led bytoCafeteria Staff the students by teaching a basic nutrition Cafeteria take an opportunity connect with This lesson covers from thewill food portion size. To conclude, the cafeteria Inlesson. this exercise, a variety of topics fresh produce be groups broughttointo the classroom by a member of the staff relate eating healthy foods to putting good gas in your car. cafeteria staff. Students will be encouraged to taste test new and exotic fruits. During this activity,

students will also have the opportunity to sample fruit in other forms, such as through fresh fruit “Fat” Food Dining 101 smoothies. Fourth to Fifth Grade Level, Led by Cafeteria Staff

InTour this lesson, students are asked to pick out their favorite menu items from popular fast food the Kitchen Second to Third Grade Food Service restaurants. These menuLevel, itemsLed areby then looked upDirector in a nutritional facts pamphlet (provided by most establishments) by the will number of fat. Using a small scoop and government During this activity, students have of angrams opportunity to tour their school’s kitchen and see where commodity shortening, the kids will ontoabout a plate much fatused theyto would eating. their food comes from. Students will scoop also learn thehow equipment makebetheir meals Thishave activity a great visual to studentssnack. At the end of the tour, the food service direcand the provides opportunity to sample a healthy to help themkitchen understand the importance of the importance tor or other staff member will discuss and healthy eating. Staff toof good consnutrition id e r in volving decisions they make in relation to their diet. in th

Make Your Own Milk Moustache

ese lessons:

• School Healt h Coordin • School Nurse ator Materials: paper and markers (milk optional) • Health Teach er • Local Pedtoiacreate While students enjoy their milk (optional) they will have an opportunity tr ic iantheir own “milk • Ph sical Educ ationon mustache” posters. The lesson should open or close with a ysimple discussion Tecalcium. acher A • P .T .O . Mepainted variation could include taking photos of students with a yogurt mustache mbers on their faces. Second to Third Grade Level, Led by Classroom Teacher

Then use the photos to create the posters.

(continued on other side)

Contributed by Sandy Lewis, Food Service Director, Old Orchard Beach, ME

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Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; and U.S. Department of Education. Making it Happen! School Nutrition Success Stories. Alexandria, VA: USDA, January 2005. FNS-374


Center for Weight and Health, University of California, Berkeley. Dollars and Sense: the Financial Impact of Selling Healthier School Foods. Berkeley, CA: University of California, 2007.


Center for Science in the Public Interest. Raw Deal: School Beverage Contracts Less Lucrative Than They Seem. Washington, D.C.: CSPI, 2006.


National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education (DoEd). Current Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School Year 2003-2004. Washington, D.C.: DoEd, 2006.


Johnston L, Delva J, and O’Malley P. “Soft Drink Availability, Contracts, and Revenues in American Secondary Schools.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007, vol. 33, pp. S209-S225.


Carey Dabney, personal communication, December 2, 2005.


Texas Department of Agriculture. School District Vending Contract Survey. Accessed on March 5, 2004 at <www.agr.state.tx.us/foodnutrition/survey/>.

8 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Research, Nutrition, and Analysis. School Lunch and Breakfast Cost Study – II, Executive Summary. Alexandria, VA: USDA, 2008. 9

The Endocrine Society and the Hormone Foundation. Economic Impact of Obesity. Chevy Chase, MD: The Endocrine Society and the Hormone Foundation. Accessed at <http://www.obesityinamerica.org/economicimpact.html> on October 8, 2008.

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Chapter 51:


SUMMARY: This chapter contains state regulations which supplement federal regulations pertaining to the National School Lunch Program (which includes the After School Snack), the School Breakfast Program and the School Milk Program.



Definitions A.

“Foods of minimal nutritional value” as defined in 7 CFR 210.11, means: (a) In the case of artificially sweetened foods, a food which provides less than 5 percent of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for each of the eight specified nutrients per serving; (b) in the case of all other foods, a food which provides less than 5 percent of the RDI for each of eight specified nutrients per 100 calories and less than 5 percent of the RDI* for each of eight specified nutrients per serving. The eight nutrients to be assessed for this purpose are: protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, calcium, and iron. This definition is applicable to the foods that are part of the total food service program of the school, and foods and beverages sold at food sales, school stores, and in vending machines.


“Total Food Service Program” means: (i)

the “Milk Program”, which in turn means the federal program under which fluid types of milk as defined in 7 CFR 215 are offered; or


the “Breakfast Program”, which in turn means the federal program under which a breakfast that meets the nutritional requirements set forth in 7 CFR 220 is offered; or


the “National School Lunch Program” (which includes the After School Snack), which in turn means the federal program under which the school operates a nonprofit lunch program that meets the requirements set forth in 7 CFR 210, and includes food provided in after school programs as defined in 7 CFR 210.2, and that meets the requirements of 7 CFR 210.10; or


any combination of the above.

Restriction on Sale of Foods in Competition with the Total Food Service Program Beginning July 1, 2005, any food or beverage sold at any time on school property of a school participating in the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs shall be a planned part of the total food service program of the school and shall include only those items which contribute both to the nutritional needs of children and the development of desirable food habits, and shall not include foods of minimal nutritional value as defined in Section 1 above, except that the local school board or the Career and Technical Education Region/Center cooperative board, established in accordance with 20-A MRSA Section 8301-A(6), may permit, by policy, the sale

05-071 Chapter 51

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of food and beverages outside the total food service program: A.

to school staff;


to the public at community events sponsored by the school or held on school property;


to the public at community events held on school property in accordance with the school board’s facilities use policy;


in State-approved, instructional Career and Technical Education (CTE) Culinary Arts Programs; and


by a school, approved student organization or program if consistent with the requirement that such sales not include foods of minimal nutritional value as defined in 7 CFR, Section 210.11(a)(2).

Funds from all food and beverage sales made at any time on school property shall accrue to the benefit of the school's non-profit school food service program, except that the local school board or the Career and Technical Education Region/Center cooperative board, established in accordance with 20-A MRSA Section 8301-A(6), may establish, by policy, a process whereby a school, approved student organization, or sponsor of an event held in accordance with 2C above is allowed to benefit from the sale of food and beverages. This includes foods and beverages sold at food sales, community events, school stores, and in vending machines. 3.

Maximum Price for School Meals The maximum charge to children shall be set annually by the Department in consultation with the Superintendents of Schools School Nutrition Programs Advisory Committee.


Accounts and Records Sponsors shall file claims on a monthly basis with the Division of School Nutrition Programs on a form provided by the Division. Claims shall be filed by the 8th day of the month following month covered by the claim. Sponsors shall maintain accurate records of income and expenditures, inventories, daily service counts, and other pertinent records to provide data required on the claims for reimbursement.

05-071 Chapter 51

STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 20-A MRSA, Section 6602 EFFECTIVE DATE: October 30, 1978 READOPTED: August 31, 1979 AMENDED: February 16, 1989 - Section 2 April 29, 1991 EFFECTIVE DATE (ELECTRONIC CONVERSION): May 19, 1996 AMENDED: July 17, 2005 – filing 2005-280 January 29, 2006 – filing 2006-37 NON-SUBSTANTIVE CORRECTIONS: February 13, 2006 February 1, 2007

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Limit recreational TV or computer use to two hours or less.

Table of Contents TAB 1: Limit recreational screen time.

Introduction Limit recreational screen time to two hours or less (Trifold Brochure) Step Away from the Screen! Ways to Shake Up Your Routine Facts & Figures About Our TV Habit Screen Time vs. Lean time: Age group 8 -10 Screen Time vs. Lean time: Age group 11 - 14 Activity Bags School Vacation! Active Video Games: Good for You? Reduced TV Toolkit Children’s Screen Time Log

TAB 2: Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living.

Limit recreation screen time to two hours or less* Promote Healthy Viewing Habits Unplugged! Healthy Sleeping Habits Take control of TV and other screen time Take It Outside! National Screen - Free Week

TAB 1 Limit recreational screen time. Introduction Limit recreational screen time to two hours or less (trifold brochure) Step Away from the Screen! Ways to Shake Up Your Routine Facts & Figures About Our TV Habit Screen Time vs. Lean Time: Age group 8 - 10 Screen Time vs. Lean Time: Age group 11 - 14 Activity Bags School Vacation! Active Video Games: Good for You? Reduce TV Toolkit Children’s Screen Time Log

Introduction 2 – Limit Leisure Screen Time (not related to school) to two hours or less a day.

Watching too much television can:

Scientific Rationale: According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children watch an average of 5–6 hours of television a day. Watching too much television is associated with an increased prevalence of overweight and obesity, lower reading scores, and attention problems. The AAP therefore recommends that children under age two shouldn’t watch any television. In addition, the AAP recommends no TV or computer in the room in which the child sleeps, and no more than 2 hours of screen time a day.

Hinder children’s development of: • social and problem-solving skills • understanding their physical environment • language skills • creative expression • independence • reading and math skills • abstract thinking (in teens)

Schools and TV

Encourage overeating if children are eating in front of the TV

Do schools have a role in helping to reduce screen time? The answer is ‘yes’! Because TV can negatively impact academic performance, schools are the perfect environment to help reduce screen time. There are a few quick and easy ways you can encourage your students to watch less TV. Provide a list of activities that students can do during school vacations. See the example in this section. Provide recognition or small rewards (like extra recess!) for students who complete several of the activities. Send home the provided parent handouts about reducing screen time. Use the facts and figures pages to educate students.

Encourage unhealthy food choices • Children are heavily targeted with unhealthy food advertising through many children’s television programs Create a negative body image, reducing self esteem Create an unhealthy sense of identity

Participate in national Screen Free Week as a school. See local, state, and national initiative tab in this binder for more information. Resources that can help: The Center of Media and Child Health (CMCH) website, www.cmch.tv contains great links and information on the importance of reducing screen time. The CMCH website also has helpful information and resources to help teachers and parents reduce children’s screen time.

–Resources adapted from www.cmch.tv

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Step Away from the Screen! Ways to Shake Up Your Routine It’s hard to cut back on screen time when you’re used to turning to the TV or computer for entertainment; we know! Here are some great ways to figure out other things and other ways you can spend your free time. Good luck! Mom! Dad! I’m bored… What parents can do when they hear this - instead of turning on the TV or computer: Role model, role model, role model. Don’t use the TV or computer excessively. Let your kids see you turn off the TV and turn to them for a fun activity! Do not put a TV or computer in your child’s bedroom. It’s too tempting! Start a list of things that you and your family can do together that doesn’t involve a screen — tack it to a bulletin board or stick it on your fridge where you can see it easily (and add to as ideas come). Make certain days or times screen-free e.g. no TV or video games on school nights, or “No TV Tuesday”. Discuss and enforce your rules around screen time. Set limits and stick to them! Talk about it in a positive way. Instead of “turn off the TV,” say “instead of watching TV right now, let’s go on a nature hike.” Offer fun options instead of just saying no. When the TV is on, sit down and watch with your kids. Talk to them about the shows they like. Schedule shows to watch that the whole family will enjoy! Remember: boredom most often leads to creativity. Stick with it and see what great things come from limiting screen time to two hours or less!

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reen Time: c S to s e v ti a n Alter Some Outdoor nt scavenger hu ighborhood e n a e iz n a rg  O mily lk with your fa a w a e k a T  playground st re a e n e th bike to  Ride your mily nds and/or fa ie fr h it w h tc  Play ca do jacks you can g in p m ju y n a m  See how

Step Away from the Screen! Shake Up Your Routine! Adapted from the LIVE OUTSIDE THE BOX Toolkit from the King County Overweight Prevention Initiative

Facts & Figures About Our TV Habit TV Undermines Family Life Amount of television that the average American watches per day: over 4 hours Percentage of US households with at least one television: 98 Percentage of US households with exactly two TV sets: 35 Percentage of US households with three or more TV sets: 41 Time per day that TV is on in an average US home: 7 hours, 40 minutes ! Percentage of Americans who always or often watch television while think hings u o y t s eating dinner: 40 Make th a list of i Chance that an American falls asleep with the TV on at least up w n do that n... e m three nights a week: 1 in 4 ca ee Co YOU olve a scr Percentage of Americans who say they watch too much TV: 49 ’T inv N Percentage of US households with at least one VCR: 85 O D Number of videos rented daily in the US: 6 million Number of public library items checked out daily: 3 million Number of hours of media consumed daily by the average American in 1998: 11.8 TV Harms Children and Hampers Education Average number of hours per week that American one year-old children watch television: 6 Number of hours recommended by the American Pediatric Association for children two and under: 0 Average time per week that the American child ages 2-17 spends watching television: 19 hours, 40 minutes Time per week that parents spend in meaningful conversation with their children: 38.5 minutes Hours of TV watching per week shown to negatively affect academic achievement: 10 or more Percentage of children ages 8-16 who have a TV in their bedroom: 56 Percentage of those children who usually watch television in their bedroom: 30 Percentages of television-time that children ages 2-7 spend watching alone and unsupervised: 81 Percent of total television-time that children older than 7 spend without their parents: 95 Percentage of children ages 8 and up who have no rules about watching TV: 61 Percentage of parents who would like to limit their children’s TV watching: 73 Percentage of day care centers that use TV during a typical day: 70 Hours per year the average American youth spends in school: 900 Hours per year the average American youth watches television: 1,023 Percentage of self-professed educational TV that has little or no educational value: 21 Chance that an American parent requires children to do their homework before watching TV: 1 in 12 Percentage of teenagers 13-17 who can name the city where the US Constitution was written (Philadelphia): 25 Percentage of teenagers 13-17 who know where you find the zip code 90210 (Beverly Hills): 75 Average time per day American children spend in front of a screen of some kind: 4 hours, 41 minutes Percentage of 4-6 year-olds who, when asked, would rather watch TV than spend time with their fathers: 54 Percentage of young adults who admit to postponing their bedtime for the internet or TV: 55

TV Promotes Violence Number of violent acts the average American child sees on TV by age 18: 200,000 Number of murders witnessed by children on television by the age 18: 16,000 Percentage of youth violence directly attributable to TV viewing: 10 Percentage of Hollywood executives who believe there is a link between TV violence and real violence: 80 Percentage of Americans who believe TV and movies are responsible for juvenile crime: 73 Percentage of children polled who said they felt “upset” or ‘scared” by violence on television: 91 Percent increase in network news coverage of homicide between 1993 and 1996: 721 Percent reduction in the American homicide rate between 1993 and 1996: 20 Percent increase in number of violent scenes per hour on 10 major channels from 1992 to 1994: 41 Percentage of programs that show the long-term consequences of violence: 16 Percentage of violent programs that emphasize an anti-violence theme: 4 TV Promotes Excessive Commercialism and Sedentary Lifestyles Number of TV commercials viewed by American children a year: 20,000 Age by which children can develop brand loyalty: 2 Number of TV commercials seen by the average American by age 65: 2 million Percentage of toy advertising dollars spent on television commercials in 1997: 92 Percentage of local TV news broadcast time devoted to advertising: 30 Total amount of money spent in 1999 to advertise on broadcast television: $40 billion Net worth of the typical middle-class American household after accounting for debts: less than $10,000 Number of ads aired for “junk-food” during four hours of Saturday morning cartoons: 202 Percentage of American children who were seriously overweight in 1964: 5; 1994: 13 Percentage of young people who report having had no recent physical activity: 14 Factor by which men who watch more than 21 hours of TV a week increase their risk of Type 2 diabetes: 2 Percentage of pediatric diabetes cases that are now Type 2, (adult-onset), not Type 1 (juvenile-onset): 30 TV Squelches Political Awareness Money spent on ads for the major presidential candidates between June 1, 2000 and September 13: $63 million Money spent on issue ads between January 1, 1999 and August 30, 2000: over $342 million Percentage of those which were attack ads: 61 Amount of time broadcasters must provide to candidates free of charge under the 1996 Telecommunications Act: 0 Value of public airwaves allocated to broadcasters at no cost under the 1996 Telecommunications Act: $70 billion Amount spent on lobbying by TV broadcasters and the National Association of Broadcasters in 1996: $4 million Number of network news stories about the environment in 1990: 377; 1996: 113 Percentage of Americans who can name The Three Stooges: 59 Percentage of Americans who can name three Supreme Court Justices: 17

-Adapted from a list created by RealVision, a project of TV-Turnoff Network.

Screen Time lean Time vs

in front of a screen using entertainment media






Instead they could...

Children ages 8–10 spend about

6 hours a day

Do you know how much entertainment screen time kids get? Time in front of a screen is time kids aren't active. See how much screen time kids of different ages get and tips for healthier activities.

Play a game of basketball



and still have time to... walk the dog


of these are spent watching television

dance to their favorite songs

and... jump rope

and... ride their bike

How can parents help?

1 have 1 hour of Ensure kids

physical activity each day.

2 screen time to

Limit kids’ total no more than 1–2 hours per day.


Remove TV sets from your child’s bedroom.

4 that include both physical

Encourage other types of fun and social activities, like joining a sports team or club.



Screen Time lean Time vs

in front of a screen using entertainment media






Instead they could...

youth ages 11–14 spend nearly

9 hours a day

Do you know how much entertainment screen time kids get? Time in front of a screen is time kids aren't active. See how much screen time kids of different ages get and tips for healthier activities.

Play a game of basketball



and still have time to... walk the dog


of these are spent watching television

dance to their favorite songs

and... skateboard

and... ride their bike

How can parents help?


Ensure kids have 1 hour of physical activity each day.


Limit kids’ total screen time to no more than 1–2 hours per day.


Remove TV sets from your child’s bedroom.


Encourage other types of fun that include both physical and social activities, like joining a sports team or club.



Activity Bags... Looking for a way to help families unplug the screens? Here’s an innovative way to support less screen time at home. 1. Create an Alternative to Screen Time Activity Box filled with new and different activities for kids and families. Ideas for what to include:  Floor puzzles  Board games  Activity dice  Snow block makers Include items that your students like but don’t have access to every day. You want to make sure to include desirable items that the students want! 2. Advertise to families and students. Let families know that students may ‘check out’ an Alternative to Screen Time Activity Box for the evening. Consider adding the sentence below to parent newsletters. Attention Families! We have an Alternative to Screen Time Activity Box available to check out overnight! If you’d like to have a screen time free evening, contact_______________________________________. 3. Develop a check out system. Who is responsible for checking it out? The school nurse? The librarian? Front office staff? 4. Keep the box updated with fun and exciting toys!

School Vacation! What to do? Try some of these health-oriented, fun activities. Name: _________________________ Vacation Dates:____________________

ity Circle each activ . when completed ny Complete as ma as you can!

Build a snowman

Drink a glass of water

Do 25 jumping jacks

Have a fruit smoothie

Build a snow fort

Have 2 vegetables with dinner

Dance to music

Try a new kind of fruit

Play outdoors

Have 2 fruits with breakfast

Play football in the snow

Do a jigsaw puzzle

Jump rope or skip

Play a board game

Go to a sporting event

Create a skit or play

Put veggies on your pizza

Strike a yoga pose

No TV all day

Build a fort

Write a letter

Eat a banana with peanut butter

Make a card for someone special

Physical activity (your choice)

Eat celery & carrots with dip

Help make dinner

Go sledding Go for a walk Play cards Play baseball Go swimming Go bowling Go roller skating Go on a hike

Active Video Games: Good for You? The new generation of video games has kids (and the elderly!) jumping at the chance to be a Guitar Hero— but are they really good for you? The latest wave of video games, including the ubiquitous Wii from Nintendo, has certainly struck a cord with players: High-tech, interactive games are attracting devotees of all ages, from grade schoolers to grown-up gamers to octogenarians. What sets these games apart are their motion-detecting controls, which require users to get off the couch and virtually box, bowl or play a fierce guitar solo in a simulated rock band. Guitar Hero, for example, lets users jump around “playing” the guitar to on-screen musical notes that correspond to fret buttons on the controller. It recently set a world record with sales reaching more than $1 billion. Elderly players have shared in the craze, having discovered a way to return to playing sports through simulated games like fishing and baseball, which allow them to mimic the motions of casting a line or pitching an inning (one Maryland retirement home even hosted a “Wii Home Run Derby” that got residents swinging at fastballs). And while these games have been lauded for enticing users to be more active, many parents are wondering if they really should be encouraging their children to plug in and play.

video games are w e n f o s k c a b w ra ragand d While the benefits ham is careful to point out that encou uce being studied, Bick lly those who are overweight, to redas ing children, especialaying video games may no longer be their overall time phas in the past. advantageous as it Researchers at Children’s Hospital Boston are asking the same question. “We’re working to find out what all the links are between media use and health,” says David Bickham, PhD, a researcher in Children’s Center on Media and Child Health (CMCH). Bickham and his colleagues have examined previous studies that have shown that some video games are, indeed, capable of getting kids up off the sofa for extended periods of time. For example, Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), a game where players step on a special mat in response to on-screen prompts, has been successfully used in schools, homes and after-school programs to encourage (continued on other side)

kids to exercise. “Playing DDR for 45 minutes has been found to raise heart rates to a high enough level to burn calories and speed up metabolism,” says Bickham. “For new games to be equally successful, they must require consistent and relatively strenuous movements—not just simple arm swings and wrist movements.” They’ve also got to have substance and style. “If the active games rely on the novelty of the movement instead of on good game design, then young people will quickly revert to the more fun, sedentary games.” This new generation of active games is also causing doctors to look at research done on TV watching to determine if kids who play a lot of video games are actually heavier and less healthy. “It turns ts of active fi e n e b l ia t The poten out that decreasing television viewing for young people nstrate one o m e d s e slows their weight gain, but it does not increase their video gam s shouldn’t t n e r a p physical activity,” Bickham says. This indicates that watching y h reason w to a television does not influence obesity simply by replacing o games in e id v ll a p u gro r. more active pursuits. hy behavio

unhealt category of

So what’s happening? Two theories have been put forth: effects of food advertising on nutritional choices and eating while watching television. So far, the new, active games don’t have food ads, and given their physical requirements, don’t allow for simultaneous eating and playing. So if these games stay free of advertising, then children who use them may be at less of a risk for negative health effects than if they were spending the same amount of time watching television. The potential benefits of active video games demonstrate one reason why parents shouldn't group all video games into a category of unhealthy behavior. However, Bickham points out one major drawback: Some games have players act out extremely violent acts in very realistic ways. “Research has repeatedly demonstrated that violent video game play increases young people's aggressive thoughts and behaviors,” he says. On the Wii, for example, actual stabbing and punching motions replace simple button presses in certain games. “Going through the motions of the violence may have a stronger influence on later behaviors than traditional violent video games,” Bickham says. While the benefits and drawbacks of new video games are being studied, Bickham is careful to point out that encouraging children, especially those who are overweight, to reduce their overall time playing video games may no longer be as advantageous as it has in the past. “With the advent of high quality, active video games comes the potential to include them in the treatment for obesity rather than simply blaming them for contributing to the epidemic,” he says. By Erin Graham Children’s Hospital Boston, Dream Online

Reduce TV Toolkit Fact Sheet

The American Academy of Pediatrics says:

• Children age 2 and under should not watch any television. • Older children should keep television time, including movies and video games, to less than 2 hours a day.

Why reduce TV time? Early childhood is an important time for children to learn and develop the skills they need to grow up healthy!

• Children age 2 and under should not watch any television. During a child’s first 2 years critical brain development is occurring. TV can get in the way of exploring, learning, and spending time interacting with parents and others. This is an important time for young children to develop the skills they need to grow!

Children need a lot of physical activity every day to be healthy and happy!

• Children who are physically active are less likely to be overweight, are sick less often, do better in school, sleep better, and are less likely to feel sad, depressed, or stressed. • Most children watch more than 20 to 30 hours of television every week, or about 3 to 4 hours a day! Time spent watching TV or using the computer is time they could be playing, riding a bike, or having fun with family or friends. Even quiet play like board games or reading is more active than watching TV. • Being physically active outside of school is more important than ever. Only one in four children has a physical education class at school every day! • The more time a child spends watching TV, the greater the chance he or she has of becoming overweight. Overweight children face many health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory (breathing) problems, trouble sleeping, and depression.

Children often eat unhealthy food when watching TV!

• Children often snack on high calorie, high fat, and/or salty foods when watching TV. • Children eat less healthy meals when eating in front of the TV.

Television advertising impacts children’s food choices!

• The average child sees more than 40,000 commercials each year! Most ads targeted at children are for candy, cereal, and fast food. • Food ads children see on TV can pressure them to choose unhealthy foods to eat. Even watching 10 to 30 seconds of food commercials can affect what a child wants to eat! • Children who go grocery shopping with their families often ask for unhealthy foods they see in TV ads. The more TV they watch, the more likely they are to ask for these foods. • Popular TV and movie characters encourage kids to buy and eat unhealthy foods. • Children as young as 14 months of age will imitate what they see on TV.

Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Special Thanks to Alberta Sport, Recreation, Park & Wildlife Foundation

How much TV do your children REALLY watch? Think

How Much TV?





1. Does your child have a TV in his or her own room? A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No

4. Do you talk with your child about what he or she watches on TV? A) Never B) Sometimes C) Always

2. Does your child watch more than 1 to 2 hours of TV per day? A) Always B) Sometimes C) Never

5. Do you set limits on the amount of TV your child watches? A) No B) Sometimes C) Yes

3. Do you have the TV on during meals? A) Always B) Sometimes C) Never

6. Is your family TV on for more than 2 hours a day? A) Yes B) Sometimes C) No

Add up the number of A, B, and Cs you chose. • for each A give yourself 3 points • for each B 2 points • for each C 1 point What is your total score?

Total score

Flip card to see how well you did! Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Live Outside the Box Challenge Choose any week and challenge yourself and your family to go “TV FREE.” That’s right, no TV for one full week! Using the log sheet, each day either write or draw the activities that you choose to do instead of watching TV. Record how much time you spend watching TV. You’ll be surprised at how many things you can do and how much fun you can have when you are not watching TV!

Use this log to keep track, and good luck! MON














Erase and Reuse! Check out for fun ideas and support for you and your family during TV Turnoff week! Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

*Adapted from Live Outside the Box



about your family’s TV viewing habits. For each of the following questions, circle one answer which best fits your family.

If your score is between 6 and 8

Congratulations! You are doing a great job of keeping your kids healthy by monitoring the type and amount of TV they watch. Check out the list of 50 Alternatives to TV for more ideas!

If your score is between 9 and 12

Good job. You are doing a good job of keeping your kids healthy by monitoring the type and amount of TV they watch. However, there is more you can do! Check out the Strategies for Reducing TV, and try some you think might work for your family.

If your score is 13 and above

Your kids might be watching too much TV, which can be unhealthy for them. Check out the Strategies for Reducing TV, and try some you think might work for your family. Try some of the 50 Alternatives to TV for fun and healthy ideas your kids can do!

The American Academy of Pediatrics says:

• Children age 2 and under should not watch any television. • Older children should keep television time, including movies and video games, to less than 2 hours a day. *Adapted from MediaWise

Alternatives to Watching Television

Turning off the television means more time for kids to be active!

50 Ways to Live Outside the Box!

25 Indoor Activities 1. Act out a story 2. Build a fort out of pillows and blankets 3. Have a carpet picnic 4. Play a card game 5. Play a board game 6. Invent a new game and teach it to a friend 7. Play flashlight tag at night 8. Make shadow puppets on the wall 9. Play charades 10. Read a book 11. Dance to your favorite music 12. Color or paint pictures 13. Do Show and Tell with your friends or family 14. Work on a puzzle

15. Play dress-up 16. Have story-time. Either read a story aloud or make up your own story to tell! 17. Sing songs 18. Do an art project 19. Cook dinner together 20. Make a fruit smoothie together 21. Play indoor basketball 22. Play Twister 23. Build an indoor obstacle course 24. Blow up a beach ball and keep bouncing it in the air as long as possible 25. Holiday coming up? Make cards or decorations for it. If not a holiday, make one up!

“Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”

Family Activities 4 Simple Ideas!

1. Indoor Basketball Who says you can’t play basketball indoors? You’ll need: a wastebasket, lots of paper (can be old paper or newspapers), and masking tape (optional). Use the masking tape to make lines on the floor which mark certain distances from the wastebasket. You can also use other paper or clothes to create a line. Scrunch up the paper for balls. Now it is time to start shooting baskets! Begin at the closest line (the easiest) and try to make a basket by throwing the paper ball into the wastebasket. Work farther back to more difficult lines as you get better at making baskets.

2. Walking Scavenger Hunt Want to make a fun game out of walking around the block with your kids? You don’t need anything except your imagination! Kids love scavenger hunts! As you leave the house for your family walk around the block, give your children a list of things to find. Each scavenger hunt can have different themes, such as “Color” where kids look for a green car, a blue flower, a red door, a black cat, and a white fence. Or try “Size” and look for a big cat and a small cat, a big car and a small car, and a big person and a little person. Have your children think of different themes and things to look for! “Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”

Alternatives to Watching Television

Turning off the television means more time for kids to be active!

50 Ways to Live Outside the Box!

25 Outdoor Activities 1. Walk to the library and get a book 2. Have a picnic 3. Jump rope 4. Walk around the block with friends 5. Watch the sunset with your family 6. Play Frisbee 7. Fly a kite 8. Organize a scavenger hunt 9. Play basketball with a friend 10. Build an obstacle course 11. Play flag football 12. Do 50 jumping jacks 13. Skip

14. Go skateboarding 15. Play catch with friends 16. Play hopscotch 17. Blow bubbles 18. Draw pictures with sidewalk chalk 19. Play follow the leader 20. Play tag 21. Go to the park 22. Use sidewalk chalk to draw different Hopscotch shapes and JUMP! 23. Play Red Light Green Light 24. Play Simon Says 25. Play Duck Duck Goose

Some of these activities can be done inside, too! On rainy days try numbers 23 to 25 in an open space in your home!

Family Activities 4 Simple Ideas!

3. Obstacle Course This can be indoor or outdoor fun! You can use normal household items to make an obstacle course, such as chairs, pillows, stuffed animals and pots and pans. Set up an obstacle course around your house using any items you choose. Have rules for each item, such as “hop on one foot around the chair” or “walk backwards 6 steps with the pillow balanced on your head” or “play a song using a spoon and a pot.” Have your children think of different challenges they could do at each obstacle.

4. Make and Play With Play Dough 2 cups flour 1 cup salt 2 cups water 2 tablespoons oil 4 teaspoons cream of tartar Can add drops of food coloring if colors are desired Combine all ingredients in a large pot. Heat the ingredients on the stove top for 3 to 4 minutes at medium heat, stirring constantly. The ingredients will start to dry up, and form a ball. Remove from heat and knead the dough for a minute or so. To keep it from becoming dry, store the play dough in a zip-lock bag or container. If it starts to dry out, a little water can be added and kneaded into the play dough.

Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Add fresh grated vegetables.

Add jalapeño peppers before heating.

Bake until cheese melts.

Layer thinly sliced tart apples and grated cheese.


4. Fold each tortilla in half and fasten with toothpick. Place in baking dish and bake in 350° oven for 5 minutes or until cheese melts.

3. Top cheese with about 2 teaspoons of salsa.

2. Sprinkle about 2 tablespoons of cheese on half of each tortilla.

1. Preheat oven to 350º.

Makes 10 Quesadillas


Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Options: Use a cooked grain other than rice, such as bulgar wheat, millet or couscous. Instead of soy sauce, use salsa. Instead of 2 eggs, use 1/2 cup firm, crumbled tofu.

4. Mix the eggs with the rice and vegetables, and then sprinkle with soy sauce.

3. Spread the mixture out to the sides of the pan, leaving space in the middle for the eggs. Add the eggs and scramble until cooked.

2. Reduce heat to medium; add vegetables and meat to rice mixture. Cook 2 minutes for frozen vegetables and 5-7 minutes for fresh.

1. In a large pan, heat oil on medium-high heat. Add onions and rice. Stir and cook until onions are soft, about 5 minutes.

Makes 6 Servings

Quick & Easy Fried Rice

1/2 cup raisins

1 cup apples, chopped 1 cup strawberries, sliced 1 banana, sliced 1 cup vanilla lowfat yogurt 1 cup lowfat granola

Makes 4 Parfaits

Fruit Parfait

Recipes for Children and Families to do Together!

(blackberries, raspberries or strawberries)

2 small (or 1 large) ripe bananas 1 cup frozen berries

2 cups apple or orange juice 1 cup low or non-fat vanilla yogurt

Makes 4 servings

Very Berry Smoothie

Recipes for Children and Families to do Together!

Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Change the flavor of yogurt for a change in taste: raspberry, lemon, peach, plain.

Variations: Use any of the following fruits in place of the ones called for in the recipe: kiwi, orange, pear, pineapple, grapes, other berries, apricot, nectarine, peach, plum.

Using a clear glass, layer ingredients starting with a layer of one fruit, then a layer of another fruit, then the yogurt, then some granola, then another fruit, and top with raisins. Be creative and layer it the way you like.

Makes 4 Parfaits

Fruit Parfait

Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

1. Place all ingredients in a blender. 2. Blend for about 20 seconds or until all ingredients are smooth.

Makes 4 Servings

Very Berry Smoothie

Salsa or hot sauce

8 oz. cheddar or jack cheese, grated 10 corn or flour tortillas

Makes 10 Quesadillas


Recipes for Children and Families to do Together!

1 cup cooked poultry, fish or meat (optional) 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 tablespoon soy sauce

3 cups cooked brown or white rice 1—10 oz. package frozen mixed vegetables or 2 cups fresh vegetables, chopped

2 teaspoons vegetable oil 1 small onion, finely chopped

Makes 6 Servings

Quick & Easy Fried Rice

Recipes for Children and Families to do Together!

Strategies to Reduce Television Viewing in Your Home • Turn TV off during meals. Meals are a great time for conversation. • Instead of TV, listen to your favorite music or the radio.

Remember, the American Academy of Pediatrics says: JUST TURN THE TV OFF

• Children age 2 and under should not watch any television. • Older children should keep television time, including movies and video games, to less than 2 hours a day.

• Set TV limits for your children. Allow them 2 hours or less of quality television a day. • At the beginning of the week, give them the TV Guide and together pick out the specific programs they want to watch that week – no more than 2 hours of television, including movies and video games, each day. • Make certain days of the week “TV-free” days. Try no TV on school nights or no TV on Tuesdays. • Rather than let your children just “watch TV,” ask them specifically what program they will be watching. When the TV show is over encourage them to do something else. • Have your children complete their homework and chores before watching TV. • Explain your rules in simple, concrete, and positive words. Instead of saying “You can’t watch TV,” try “Let’s turn off the TV so we can…” • You don’t have to stop watching TV all at once. Try watching a little less each day.


• Set TV limits for your children. Allow them 2 hours or less of quality television a day. • At the beginning of the week, give them the TV Guide and together pick out the specific programs they want to watch that week – no more than 2 hours of television, including movies and video games, each day. • Make certain days of the week “TV-free” days. Try no TV on school nights or no TV on Tuesdays. • Rather than let your children just “watch TV,” ask them specifically what program they will be watching. When the TV show is over encourage them to do something else. • Have your children complete their homework and chores before watching TV. • Explain your rules in simple, concrete, and positive words. Instead of saying “You can’t watch TV,” try “Let’s turn off the TV so we can…” • You don’t have to stop watching TV all at once. Try watching a little less each day.


• Children age 2 and under should not watch any television. • Older children should keep television time, including movies and video games, to less than 2 hours a day.

Remember, the American Academy of Pediatrics says: JUST TURN THE TV OFF

• Turn TV off during meals. Meals are a great time for conversation. • Instead of TV, listen to your favorite music or the radio.

Strategies to Reduce Television Viewing in Your Home Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


• Don’t worry if your children say “I’m bored!” For children, being bored often leads to creativity. It may take a little while, but they will find ways to entertain themselves! • When your children say they are bored: Start an “Idea Box” full of different activities your family can do instead of watch TV. Have your children decorate the box, and whenever you think of a good idea write it on a slip of paper and place it in the box. Whenever your children say they are bored, send them running to the box for a new activity. Put both family activities and activities your children can do on their own. • Make a box of “Fun Questions” and choose one for the entire family to answer at each mealtime. For example, “If I could be any animal, what animal would I be and why?”


• DO NOT HAVE A TV IN YOUR CHILD’S BEDROOM. This is the most important thing you can do. Even if your child has a TV in the bedroom now, you can remove it! It is hard to monitor what TV or how much TV your child is watching. It keeps kids away from family activities and distracts them from homework, thinking, reading, and sleeping. • Move the TV away from the family room. TV is less tempting when it is not in the main family room.


• Instead of using the TV as a babysitter, try encouraging your kids to do other activities on their own. Think about how careful you are when you choose someone to baby-sit your children—watching too much TV can be dangerous for your kids. • Try to watch TV with your children and to talk with them about what you are watching. You are showing that you care about them and about what they watch. • Set an example for your kids. Let them see YOU turn off the TV. Then invite them to join you in some activity! • Don’t let TV take away time from what is important: time for family to talk with each other, play together, read together, or to think and imagine about the world.

Made possible by funding from Public Health - Seattle & King County and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Reduce Children’s Screen Time Log Print and complete this log to determine how much time you are spending in front of a screen. Help your family do the same. Place the log in an easy location for everyone to use and see, such as near the family television, by the computer, or on the refrigerator. If screen time for you or your family members is less than 2 hours a day, pat yourselves on the back! If it’s 2 hours or more, then check out the Get Moving section to help you reduce your screen time and switch to some physically active alternatives. SAMPLE LOG Name: Billy (age 11)

Week of: 6/6/2005

*Information provided by We Can! We Can! is a collaboration between the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the National Cancer Institute.

117 SouthMain MainStreet. Street •• Dayton, 45402 • • Tel: 117 South Dayton, Ohio Ohio 45402 Tel:(937) (937)225-4398 531-2033 • •getupmc@phdmc.org Info@getupmc.org •• www.getupmc.org www.getupmc.org

Reduce Children’s Screen Time Log

*Information provided by We Can! We Can! is a collaboration between the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the National Cancer Institute.

117 SouthMain MainStreet. Street •• Dayton, 45402 • • Tel: 117 South Dayton, Ohio Ohio 45402 Tel:(937) (937)225-4398 531-2033 • •getupmc@phdmc.org Info@getupmc.org •• www.getupmc.org www.getupmc.org

TAB 2 Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living. Limit recreational screen time to two hours or less* Promote Healthy Viewing Habits Unplugged! Healthy Sleeping Habits Take control of TV and other screen time Take It Outside! National Screen-Free Week

Limit recreational two hours or less.

! n u F e h t n o n r Tu

hen you join in! en w n fu re o m ts lo a scre Life is ead of looking at st in s e ti vi ti ac se Try the alk, run, or jog. Ride a bike. . Go on a nature hike le. Put together a puzz and dance. Turn on the music azine. Read a book or mag up with Spend time catching your family. e park Take your kids to th or beach. Play board games.

W Start a journal. l, Play ball (basketbal ). c. catch, soccer, et Go to the library. ur Explore gyms in yo . community Rollerblade. Play charades. oe. Sled, ski, or snowsh

Get Up’s Rules Tame the TV and Computer! Set Limits – know how much TV your child is watching.

Set some basic rules, such as no TV or computer before homework or chores are done. Do not watch TV during mealtime.

Use a timer. When the bell rings it’s time to turn off the TV

Tips from Get Up!

in advance. Help your child plan television viewing

es in the family room. Keep books, magazines, and board gam ad of being in front of Make a list of fun activities to do inste a screen. shows. Set family guidelines for age-appropriate

Did you know? Screen-time include s TV computer, Playstatio , n, Gameboy. All are im and portant to limit. Watching TV is asso cia more snacking and ted with increased obesity. Too much screen-tim e linked to lower read has been ing scores and attention proble ms. Healthy screen time:

• No TV/computer un der the age of 2 • No TV/computer in the room the child sleeps • One hour of educat ional TV/computer time between ages 2 and 5 • After the age of 5, 2 hours or less

*Keep TV/Computer out of the bedroom. No screen time under the age of 2.

Promote Healthy Viewing Habits Here are some tips you can use to help your child develop positive TV and computer habits. Keep televisions, DVD players, video games, and computers out of your child’s bedroom. Set family guidelines for age-appropriate shows. Set limits on the amount of time your child spends in front of a screen. Less than two hours a day is recommended. Help your child plan television-viewing and computer-playing in advance. Make a list of fun activities to do instead of being in front of a screen. Keep books, magazines, and board games easily available.

to school) ed lat re ot (n e us r te pu m co d an Limit TV to 2 hours or less a day. Try some of these screen-time alternatives:

• Play outside. sical instrument. • Learn to play the guitar or other mu • Go to a local school sporting event. • Write a letter. Start seedlings indoors. • Plant a flower or vegetable garden. • Play hopscotch. • Read a book.

in Life is a lot more fun when you join in! Try these activities instead of watching TV. Take a walk.

Play a board game.

Ride a bike.

Read a book.

Go on a nature hike.

Play outside.

Put together a jigsaw puzzle.

Turn on the music and dance.

Go camping (even if it’s just in the backyard).

Start a journal.

Go to a school sporting event.

Useful We b

Pages: www.turno ffyourtv.com www.screen time.org www


h spend in meaningful conversation wit s ent par t tha ek we per s ute min of • Number their children: 38.5 1,680 the average child watches television: • Number of minutes per week that 20,000 ls seen in a year by an average child: • Number of 30-second commercia o have TVs in their bedrooms: 50% • Percentage of children ages 6-17 wh t use TV during a typical day: 70% • Percentage of childcare centers tha youth spends in school: 900 hours an eric Am e rag ave the r yea per urs • Ho rs an youth watches television: 1500 hou eric Am e rag ave the r yea per urs Ho • : 66% rly watch television while eating dinner • Percentage of Americans that regula

– www.turnoffyourtv.com

Healthy Sleeping Habits National experts recently surveyed kids about their sleep habits. Here’s what they learned:

70% of kids said they wish they could

get more sleep.

71% of kids said they feel sleepy or very

sleepy when it’s time to wake up for school.

25% of kids said they feel tired at school

every single day.

Five Tips for Bedtime It may be a challenge to make a change to your children’s bedtime routine, but if you stick to it, your efforts will pay off. These ideas will help: Help your child prepare for school the night before by laying out their clothes, backpack, etc. Slow down and set a routine before bed. Make the bedroom a cozy environment where your child wants to be.

is enough? p e le s h c u m w Ho

of sleep umber of hours n ct xa e o n ’s , There rtain age group ce a in s id k l al ests: required by Foundation sugg p e e Sl al n io at but the N sleep s 3 to 5): should ge (a rs le o o h sc Pre hours per night about 11 to 13 need n (ages 5 to 12): re ild h C ge A lo Scho night ours of sleep a h 1 1 to 9 t u o ab of 8.5 to 9.5 hours t as le at d e e n Teens: sleep per night —KidsHealth 2007

Avoid putting a TV in your child’s bedroom; if they already have one, do not let them watch TV in their bedroom at bedtime. Adjust your child’s bedtime if they are not getting enough sleep.

Take Control of TV and Other Screen Time American children spend as much time watching TV as they spend in school or doing any other activity besides sleep. Watching television occupies many kids for several hours each day, and can result in less physical activity, more overeating, and a higher risk for becoming overweight. Why? Because watching TV means being inactive while viewing, snacking more, and getting exposed to lots of advertising for high fat, high sugar foods. Kids who watch several hours of television each day are very vulnerable to the effects of violent content. And school performance can suffer if TV viewing gets in the way of times spent on activities such as reading and homework. Setting limits on kids’ TV time is important for their health and development now, and as they grow into adulthood.

Suggested Rules to Live By: 2 hours/day or less* of total screen time—TV, non-school related computer, and video games No TV during meal times No TV during homework No television sets in any bedrooms No eating while watching TV No surfing—watch favorite shows only Limit viewing to specific days/ times *American Academy of Pediatrics

Tips for Success: Use Technology: Screening devices (like TiVo) can remove advertising, and allow you to view TV programs in less time. Be a good role model: Keep a check on your own TV viewing habits...kids will take their cues from you. Endure kids’ complaints: This may be a parent’s biggest challenge. Stick it out! Help kids deal with boredom: Be prepared to suggest other activities. Over time, kids will learn to entertain themselves.

What can kids do instead? Keeping kids busy with positive activities can be a challenge, but you may find many resources once you begin to look. Check into local sports and recreation programs that are offered after school and on weekends. Some programs are offered free through schools or town government, and many offer scholarships. Provided by the Prevention Research Center at Harvard School of Public Health.

Take It Outside! With so much technology, it can be hard to pull ourselves away from indoor attractions like computers, TVs, and video games. As a result, we miss out on the exciting and beautiful world of nature that is right outside our door. Spending time in nature alone and with our families has positive outcomes for everyone. Did you know that experts have found that kids who have greater contact with nature are happier, healthier, smarter, more creative, more optimistic, more focused, and more self-confident? Families also have stronger bonds and get along better if they participate in activities outside. Getting outside can even help prevent diabetes, behavioral disorders, and depression. So, no matter how tempting staying inside may be, making time for nature is really important!

Make a list of nature activities that your kids want to do and then use those activities as rewards Encourage kids to go outside with you while you do yard work Help kids plant a garden that they can take care of Check out books on local animals, like birds, and help your kids pick them out Get other friends and families involved in your nature outings too – the more, the merrier! Go apple or berry picking Follow animal tracks Go sledding Sleep in the backyard Go fishing Jump in puddles Go stargazing and pick out your favorite constellations Plant a vegetable garden Go for a hike or nature walk Collect seashells on the beach

Children and Nature Network | http://www.childrenandnature.org/

National Screen-Free Week Screen-Free Week (formerly TV Turn-Off Week) — the annual

national celebration where children, families, schools, and communities turn off TV, video games, computers, and hand-held devices and turn on life. Instead of relying on screens for entertainment, they play, read, daydream, explore nature, and enjoy spending time with family and friends. This event is presented by the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, and endorsed by many organizations, including American Public Health Association, the National Head Start Association, KaBOOM!, the National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity and the US Play Coalition.

Week e e r Get ready for national Screen-Free Week, by limiting en-F . e r c S . t . x p e u recreational screen time to two hours or less daily and The n is coming 6, 2012 ay ow! by turning on the fun! Visit www.screenfree.org for M n r 0 a 3 d more information and some great resources. April our calen on y t i t u P Life is a lot more fun when you join in! Think about creative ways to appeal to your “community” and make it easier for kids to resist turning on that screen! Here are some ideas to start with: Organize a group walk. Hold a bike parade. Plan a nature hike or scavenger hunt. Invite families to participate in a field day. Host a game night — have everyone bring their favorite game or puzzle to share. Hold regular story times. Organize a family dance. Visit www.screenfree.org for more great ideas!

Get one hour or more of physical activity every day.

Table of Contents TAB 1:


Provide opportunities for children to get physical activity every day.

Participate in local, state and national initiatives that promote healthy eating and active living.

Introduction Get one hour of physical activity every day Get one hour of physical activity every day (Trifold Brochure) Physical Activity & Academic Achievement Physical Activity Clubs Quick Physical Activity Breaks Integrating Physical Activity into the Curriculum Fun Ways to Be Physically Active WinterKids 521AN Learning Relay (includes picture cards) Physical Activity Breaks Be Active Everyday!

TAB 2: Provide non-food rewards.

Being Healthy and Moving More Using DDR as a Reward Activity Room

TAB 3: Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living. Be a Safe Walker Be a Safe Bike Driver Rules for Motorists and Bicyclists

All Children Exercise Simultaneously (ACES) ACES Celebration Suggestions Promoting Safe Bicycling and Walking to Students Brochure Starting a walking school bus: the basics Take 10! Brochure Peaceful Playgrounds State Physical Activity Programs (Ohio Action for Healthy Kids)

TAB 1 Provide opportunities for children to get physical activity every day. Introduction Get One Hour or More of Physical Activity Every Day Get One Hour or More of Physical Activity Every Day (Trifold Brochure) Physical Activity & Academic Achievement Physical Activity Clubs Quick Physical Activity Breaks Integrating Physical Activity into the Curriculum Fun Ways to Be Physically Active WinterKids 521AN Learning Relay (includes picture cards) Physical Activity Breaks Be Active Every Day!

Introduction 1 – Get one hour or more of physical activity every day. What can a school do? Promote collaboration between physical education and classroom teachers. For example, physical education teachers could provide ideas for “fitness breaks” to classroom teachers. A 5-minute aerobic activity could be used to break up the school day. Provide optional physical activity clubs. Interested teachers and parents could establish creative and fun clubs of a noncompetitive nature. See the following page for ideas. Encourage family involvement in physical activity. Schools can help encourage families to become involved by sending home activity homework that parents/guardians and children do together, recruiting family volunteers for physical education classes, and sponsoring family-child activity programs at school. Create environments that allow for physical activity. For example, schools might open the gym before and after school hours and during vacation periods. Speak with your administrator about the feasibility of this in your school. Promote walking or biking to school. National Walk to School Day is in October. For more information, visit www.walkingschoolbus.org or www.saferoutesinfo.org. Participate in local, state, and national initiatives that promote physical activity. See tab in this binder for more information. Use physical activity breaks as a reward for good behavior. See “Good Behavior Tally” in this section. Be a role model by living an active lifestyle.

ot withhold n ld u o sh rs o at tr is and school admin s, e h ac co physical activity , g rs n e si h U ac e t. “T en m h is n u hysical activity as p p r fo s ie it ns with physical n io u at rt ci o p so p o as e v ti ga e s creating n ing physical activity ld o as a punishment risk h h it W . le p eo p s of young well-being.” ir e th to t activity in the mind an rt o p of health benefits im mote ity programs to pro deprives students school and commun 6. lines for (No. RR-6), 1-3 ntion (1997). Guide EKLY REPORTS, 46 e Control and Preve D MORTALITY WE AN ITY ID Centers for Diseas RB MO people. ivity among young lifelong physical act

Get one hour or more of physical activity every day.

s e l u R p U t e G Day! Move An Hour Every ily

an hour of da Encourage at least r kids and adults! physical activity…fo

and Fun! ee Fr e b y it iv ct A l a Let Physic ur family Take a walk with yo Play with your pet

Play tag ember to Take a bike ride (rem wear your helmet) dance Turn on music and Jump rope Play Frisbee Take the stairs end Park the car at the of the parking lot Make snow angels

Did you know? • Helps you keep a healthy weight

Make Physical Activity Easi er.

Make gradual changes to increase your level of physical activity.

Incorporate physical activ ity into your daily routines. Try tracking the level of yo ur physical activity using a pedometer .

Turn off the TV and comp uter and keep them out of the bedroom.

Limit recreational compute r

One hour of moderate physical activity means:

time. Choose toys and games tha t promote physical activity.

• Doing activities where you breathe hard like hiking or dancing

Encourage lifelong physica l activity by incorporating physical ac tivity into your routine.

20 minutes of vigorous physical activity means:

• Doing activities where you sweat, like running, aerobics, or basketball Physical activity… • Makes you feel good

Tips from Get Up!

Keep physical activity fun !!

Be A Role Model. Use a pedometer.

• Makes your heart happy • Makes you stronger • Makes you flexible

Take a walk after dinner.

Encourage at least an hour of daily physical activity‌for kids and adults!











Make snow angels

Park the car at the end of the parking lot

Take the stairs

Play Frisbee

Jump rope

Turn on music and dance

Take a bike ride (remember to wear your helmet)

Play tag

Play with your pet

Take a walk with your family

Let Physical Activity be Free and Fun!


Move An Hour Every Day!

Get Up’s Rules

Physical Activity & Academic Achievement Schools are an ideal location to provide increased physical activity for children, through physical education (PE), recess, active learning, activity breaks, and before and after school programs. Research has also repeatedly shown that increased physical activity supports improved academic performance. However, schools all across the United States have been limiting and sometimes eliminating physical activities during school, to focus students’ energy on their school work. The general thought is that more academic time given to students, by limiting time allotted for physical activity, will increase their test scores. Yet recent studies have shown just the opposite and that allocating time for physical activity during school has positive effects on students’ test scores. Benefits of a physically active child1 Studies show a positive correlation between physical activity and academic performance Student test scores improve after engaging in physical activity Students who are physically active and fit are more likely to perform well in school than their sedentary peers Studies show an increase in academic achievement when additional time is provided for physical activity, even when time is removed from academic instruction Activity breaks help students’ on-task behavior Active transportation enhances academic performance Physical Education “Sacrificing physical education for classroom time DOES NOT improve academic performance. Many school systems have downsized or eliminated PE under the assumption that more classroom instructional time will improve academic performance and increase standardized test scores. The available evidence contradicts this view.” 2

“94% of parents think it’s very important for elementary school kids to get physical activity during the school day.” 3

Tips for increasing Physical activity during the school day: 4 School-based physical education: Schools and physical education teachers can increase the amount of time students spend in physical education or add components to increase the quality of physical education class. Recess: School boards, superintendents, principals, and teachers can provide recess to students on a regular basis. This can benefit academic behaviors, and social development. Classroom-based physical activity: Teachers can incorporate active learning and physical activity breaks into the classroom setting to improve student performance and the classroom environment. Extracurricular physical activities: Superintendents, principals, and athletic directors can develop or sustain school-based sports programs. School administrators and teachers also can encourage after-school organizations, clubs, student groups, and parent groups to incorporate physical activities into their programs and events. Recommendations for School Boards: 1 Set direction: develop an understanding among the board, district staff and the community of the importance of physical activity and its link to student learning. (work internally and externally to create unified view of the positive correlation between physical activity and increases in student learning) Establish structure: formulate policies and institute goals that promote more school-based physical activity. Provide support: Seek out possible funding and develop school strategies that increase physical activity and are cost-effective. Ensure accountability: The policies and practices employed should have oversight and report the progress to the school board, any program partners and the community. Engage the community: Develop a strong relationship between the community and the district. Coordinate the use of any possible resources and work on creating cost-effective solutions that promote physical activity. Policy resources for increasing school-based physical activity: http://publichealthlawcenter.org/topics/active-living/school-policies http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/healthtopics/wellness.htm http://www.prevent.org/data/files/initiatives/schoolpe.pdf www.csba.org/pab.aspx (scroll down to “Physical Education/Physical Activity”)

Active Living Research. Active Bodies, Active Minds: Physical Activity and Academic Achievement. San Diego, CA: Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, February 2010. 2 Trost, Stewart G. Active Education: Physical Education, Physical Activity and Academic Performance. San Diego, Ca: Active Living Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Fall 2007. 3 Davis, Matthew M. Gym Gone But Not Forgotten? Parents Want More Physical Activity for Kids at School. University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, April 18 2011. 4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The association between school based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2010. 1

Physical Activity Clubs Thousand-Step Thursday Keep track of steps using pedometers and record steps on a chart or incorporate them into a mathematics lesson; grades 2 and up really enjoy using pedometers.

Walking Wednesday Make a commitment to walk for a period of time every Wednesday for the entire school year.

Twenty Miles in Twenty Days Choose a month with twenty school days. Map out an area around the school or community that is exactly one mile. Every day for a month, have students walk the mile course. At the end of the month, they will proudly say that they were able to walk twenty miles in twenty days! This is a great activity for the spring.

On-the-Move Monday Make a commitment to walk for a period of time every Monday for the entire school year.

Notes from a Successf ul Teacher:

Last year I bumped into one of my former students and she said, “Know wh about second grade? Thou at I miss most sand-Step Thursday. I wi sh my third grade teacher took us walking.” My class walked at the sam e time each week and pa ren ts knew that if they showe were welcome to join us. d up, they Teach students how to use pedometers; pedometer s are great motivators for walking.

did! Look what one school

rtland. If you’re not trance to Hall School in Po en the ss cro u yo e for be ess Runners” is a Be sure to look both ways “Recess Runners.” “Rec the by wn do run ing be rtunity to walk u risk y. Students have the oppo da paying close attention, yo l oo sch the g rin du ive d for each lap students act e a punch on an index car eiv program designed to get rec d an ds rio pe e fre return g recess and hole punches. When they the e giv or run a marked trail durin to y arb ne s nd parent volunteer sta The program has completed. A teacher or across the United States. th pa the on r the far bit a rker lunch. dance and behavior after inside, they move their ma en att r tte be g tin or rep teachers been a great success, with

QuickPhysical Activity Breaks There are several ways to incorporate the ideas below into the school day. You could: 1.) Use them in the classroom as a quick and easy physical activity break 2.) Put a few together for indoor recess 3.) Combine them all for use at a health fair or field day

High Knee Run/March

Run or march in place, lifting your knees in front of you as high as you can.

Hula Hoop

Around Your Waist. Do the best you can and have fun! Keep moving your hips! Hula hoop twirling builds abdominal strength. Twirling two hula hoops builds hand-eye coordination.

Tree Pose

Balance on one foot. Place your other foot on the inside of your balanced leg. Your knee should be pointing to the side and your heel pointing up your leg. It is okay to leave your toes on the ground if you need to. Bring your hands together in front of you or overhead. Change legs after a count to 30.

Wood Chopper

Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Squat down with arms extended in front of you with a ball between your hands or just bring your hands together in a fist. As you lower in a squat bring the ball towards the ground. As you rise up, bring the ball over your head. Keep your eyes looking straight ahead the entire time.

Chair Pose

Feet together. Legs together. Keeping your knees together, sit back like you were sitting in a chair. Hold that position as long as you can. Relax when you need too, and then try again.

Skate in Place

Pretend to ice skate in place as you hop side to side bringing your heel behind you as high as you can. Swing your arms side to side. You can do this without hopping by stepping side to side.

Agility Ladder

Form a line at one end of the ladder. Run through the ladder without stepping on the white bars. Pick your knees up high! Run up the ladder and then jog around to the end of your class line.

Jump the Hurdles

Form a line at the cone. The first person begins by stepping/jumping over the hurdles. When the student before you gets to the 3rd hurdle, the next person begins. Keep the line moving!

Squeeze the Ball

Place a ball between your hands, elbows pointing out to the side. Squeeze your palms in towards the ball. Feel your arms working hard!

Jump Rope

You can pretend jump rope or use a real jump rope. Keep moving! Jumping rope builds endurance. Jumping rope is an activity recommended for both children and adults, and can be done individually or in a group setting.

Hands to Knee

Extend your arms overhead. Lock your thumbs together. Lift one knee up as you pull your arms down to touch that knee. Arms go back overhead as that foot goes back down to the ground. Lift the other knee as you pull your arms down to touch the knee. Stand nice and tall to help your abdominal muscles get strong!

Integrating Physical Activity into the Curriculum Get Up! and the 521AN Goes to School Program, which is not a curriculum, understand that school staff is a busy bunch and that anytime you can add something into your curriculum, it makes it that much easier to affect change. With this in mind, please check out these “Energizers” that incorporate physical activity into your already existing curriculum. Inches, Feet and Yard, Oh My!

Good for grades 1 - 4 Students line up around the perimeter of the room or stand at desks Have students: 1. Start with feet side by side and move one set of toes ahead of the other set of toes to represent inches or “small”. 2. Place one foot in front of the other to represent feet or “medium”. 3. Take one giant step forward or backward to represent yards or “large”. Teacher calls out different measurements e.g. Move forward 2 feet, back 5 inches, sideways 1 yard. 4. All move in the same direction. 5. Jump, twist and stretch between measurements for at least 30 seconds.

Variations: Add directions (right, left, forward, back). Use the metric system. Heart Smart

Good for grades 2 - 5 Students stand at desks 1. Teacher discusses the heart: Where is it located? (left side of chest); What size is it? (size of a fist); What’s the heart’s function? (deliver blood to the body); What strengthens the heart? (jumping, swimming, jogging—students act out); What weakens the heart? (inactivity, smoking, unhealthy diet). 2. Teacher calls out a habit that strengthens or weakens the heart. 3. If habit strengthens - students jump for 15 seconds. Weakens? Students fall down or squat for 5 seconds. : riding a bike, walking a dog, dancing with your friends, skating, riding STRENGTHENING A a scooter, shooting baskets, raking the leaves, washing the car, taking the stairs, swimming. WEAKENING A : eating pepperoni pizza, smoking, watching too much TV, not eating fruits or vegetables, playing too many video games, eating fast food, taking the elevator, eating potato chips and twinkies.

Variations: Have Students think of their own habits

As If

Good for grades K - 3 Students stand at desks 1. Teacher reads sentence to class. 2. Students act out each sentence for 30 seconds e.g. jog in place as if a big bear is chasing you; jump in place as if you are popcorn popping, reach up as if grabbing balloons; shake your body as if you’re a wet dog, march in place as if you are playing an instrument in a marching band; move your feet on the floor as if you were ice skating; etc. 4. Students create sentences of their own for additional “rounds”.

Variations: Use a tree map for children to generate additional action words.

Stop and Scribble

Good for grades 2 - 5 Students stand at desks with partners Need: a piece of paper and pencil for every pair of students 1. Teacher calls out a physical activity e.g. jumping, twisting, jogging, jumping jacks, hopping, knee lifts, playing air guitar, marching, etc. 2. Students act out activity until teacher calls out a spelling word. 3. Students stand still and write down the spelling word on the paper — partners work together. 4. After 10 to 15 seconds, teacher calls out a new activity and the process repeats. 5. Continue until all spelling words have been used. As students cool down, the teacher will write the correctly spelled words on the board and students will check their work. This is a great activity for reviewing spelling words.

Variations: Do this outside and use sidewalk chalk instead of paper and pencil. Adapted from Energizers developed by Activity Promotion Laboratory at the College of Health and Human Performance at East Carolina University.

Fun Ways to Be Physically Active Being a kid and being active is fun! Think of all the ways you like to be active in school, home, on vacation, at a friend’s house, with your family. Getting an hour of physical activity a day is not a problem when you take advantage of all the ways you can be active and have fun. Here are some things you probably already enjoy that count as physical activity. Do you do any of these? Check the box if you do to remind you what you like when you feel like you’re out of ideas. Ride your bike

Practice karate

Walk to school

Play hopscotch

Go out at recess and play

Go swimming

Skateboard with your friends

Play tennis

Play basketball

Go to the park

Jump rope

Play softball, or baseball

Dance with your friends

Play soccer or kickball

Walk the dog

Play catch with a ball or a frisbee

Take a hike in your neighborhood

Take a dance or gymnastics class

Come up with a game plan for getting your at least one hour of physical activity every day. Write down some activities you like to do (consult the list above if you can’t come up with anything!); decide how many minutes you’ll spend on each NAME OF ACTIVITY


Get up! Get out! Get at least an hour of physical activity. Make sure it’s fun!

5 2 1 AN Learn Maine Learning Results Alignment:

National Education Standards:



A. Health Concepts 1. Students explain the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health. 2. Students describe ways to detect and treat common childhood diseases and other health problems.

Reducing Health Risks Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks by identifying responsible health behaviors and personal health needs. Setting Goals For Good Health Students will demonstrate the ability to apply a decision-making process to health issues and problems. Students will set a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement.

F. Decision-Making 1. Students apply decision-making steps to enhance health. a. Identify health-related situations that might require a thoughtful decision. b. List healthy options to health-related issues or problems and predict the potential outcomes of each option when making a health-related decision. c. Choose a healthy option when making a decision.

Physical Activity A physically educated student exhibits a physically active lifestyle.

H. Health-Related Fitness Plan 1. Students describe and give examples of the five health-related fitness components.

Physical Fitness A physically educated student achieves and maintains a healthenhancing level of physical fitness.


Content: Health, Nutrition

Objective: Students will learn the 521AN message, which emphasizes healthy behaviors, including: eating five fruits and vegetables on most days, limiting screen time to two hours or less daily, participating in one hour or more of physical activity daily, and limiting soda and sugar-sweetened drinks, instead drinking water and low fat milk. Students will apply their understanding of the different components of the message by sorting and analyzing pictures that illustrate the message.

Procedure: Lesson Prep: 1. Print four sets of pictures from the attached list of 521AN concepts (or create your own set). 2. Make four containers for each concept, into which students will place appropriate message cards. Paper bags, small boxes, or coffee cans will work well as containers. Next, mark each container with a 5, 2, 1, or AN. 3. Before students arrive, place four hula hoops at the “start” line and scatter each set of cards within each hoop. Place four hula hoops at the opposite end of the field and put the four numbered containers within each hoop. When placing the hula hoops make sure that the “finish/answer” hoop is a great enough distance from the start line to provide for an active game. (continued on other side)

Inside: 1. Briefly discuss the 521AN message using a 521AN poster. When discussing the poster, avoid giving too many examples, as this is part of the lesson later. 2. Explain that the next activity will help students understand sorting and analysis using the 521AN message. 3. Processing questions: Why do you think there is a 521AN slogan? What do you think about the slogan? How can you try to follow the 521AN slogan? Outside: 1. Break the classroom into teams of 4 to 5—there should be four groups of five for a classroom of 20 students. 2. Next, have the students name their teams. 3. Designate each team to a “course” (start hula hoop and corresponding finish/answer hula hoop). 4. Explain to the students that they will want to apply their new knowledge of the 521AN message in order to decide which pictures should be put into each container. 5. The students should line up in front of the start hula hoops and the first student in line will select a picture and put it in the appropriate container at the opposite end of the field. When that student returns to the start hoop, the next student in line will have a turn to sort. This process will continue until all of the Variations: students have had a turn or all of the 521AN pictures have been k each team’s sorted. The group that finishes sorting first wins the relay race. In order to trac t concept g accuracy, prin in rt so 6. After the race, take a few minutes to review each group’s sorting red paper on different colo s rd ca and decisions, making corrections as appropriate. for each team.

Special Needs Students: Students unable to run from start to finish may be stationed at the finish/answer hula hoop to help their teammates sort the pictures into the appropriate containers.

Materials: 521AN Poster (request a poster by emailing getupmc@phdmc.org) 8 hula hoops – In lieu of hula hoops, stomp out circles or squares in the snow to contain the message cards and numbered containers. 4 containers for each team, i.e. paper bags, shoe boxes, coffee cans, etc. 4 sets of pictures representing the different components of the 521AN message Small prizes to award the winning team (optional)





Physical Activity Breaks

Designed for activities at desks or round tables where space is limited.

Have a Seat Stand up and pull your chair away from the table. Stand in front of your chair. Sit…Stand…Sit…Stand and repeat 5-6 times. Sit half way down…Stand…Sit half way down and hold for 10 seconds…Stand. Sit…Lift 2 inches up…hold 10 seconds…Stand Barely Sit (“brush” touch)…Stand….Repeat 10-12 times

Apple Picking Walk (in place) to the imaginary apple orchard, wave to the farmers as you go by. Climb the imaginary ladder on the tree. Knees up high. Reach arms to the tallest branches where the best apples are. Reach high and pick the apples. Reach low and put them in your basket. Repeat several times to get a lot of apples. Carrying the imaginary heavy basket full of apples, walk briskly back to the house. Sit down and eat an apple to help you reach your 5 A Day.

Hugging Earth Stand and reach both arms in front of you. Now, alternate pushing one and then the other. Push the imaginary doors open. Feel your shoulder blades open as you really reach and push. Now, clasp hands together and hold them far away from your chest Bend your elbows slightly as if you are holding a beach ball. Imagine that your beach ball is planet Earth. Now touch the north pole with your nose, stretching the back of your neck. Again, open your shoulder blades.

Titanic Stand at the bow of the ship with your arms out wide to each side. Feel the wind in your hair as you look to the horizon. Place your hands on your low back squeeze your elbows towards each other. If you can, interlace hands behind you. Open your chest and stand tall. If you choose (not everyone is able)‌lift your arms upward and really stretch. Continue to stand tall as you breathe the salty sea air.

Writing Lesson Stand and push your chair in towards the table. Stand away from the table and chair. Pretend you have a pencil stuck to your waist. Using your waist, write your name with the imaginary pencil. Repeat using your arms, hips, head or other body part. Now, using one leg at a time write your name with the imaginary pencil (requires balance).

Helping Hands Turn sideways with your left hip against the table. Place your hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you. Give them a shoulder massage! Ahhhhhhh‌.. I hope you did a good job because now turn around. Switch!

Take Time! Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Contact: Amy Root, USM/Muskie School www.maine-nutrition.org

Energizers for Grades K-2 Name of Activity: Grade Level: Formation: Equipment:

Inches, Feet and Yards, Oh My! 1-4 Students line up around the perimeter of the room or stand at desks. None


1. Have students start with feet side by side and move one set of toes ahead of the other set of toes to represent inches or “small”. 2. Have students place one foot in front of the other to represent feet or “medium”. 3. Have students take one giant step forward or backward to represent yards or “large”. 4. Call out different measurements: Example – Move forward 2 feet, back 5 inches, sideways 1 yard. 5. Have all students move in the same direction.


1. Add directions (right, left, forward, back). 2. Use the metric system.

Energizers for Grades K-2 Name of Activity:

Grade Level: Formation: Equipment:

Heart Smart

2-5 Standing at desks None


1. Teacher will discuss the heart:

Where it is located? Left side of the chest. What size is it? Size of a fist. Function? Deliver blood to the body. What strengthens the heart? Jumping, swimming, jogging. (Students will act out each activity) What weakens the heart? Inactivity, smoking, unhealthy diet.

2. Teacher calls out a habit that strengthens or weakens the heart. 3. If the habit strengthens the heart, students will respond by jumping. 4. If the habit weakens the heart, students will respond by falling down or squatting. Riding a bike – jump Eating 4 pepperoni pizzas – fall Walking your dog – jump Smoking cigarettes – fall Never going outside to play and watching TV all the time – fall Dancing with your friends – jump Skating – jump Never eating fruits/vegetables – fall Riding a scooter – jump Shooting baskets – jump Playing PlayStation – fall Eating fast food – fall Raking the leaves - jump Washing the car – jump Taking the stairs – jump Taking the elevator – fall Swimming – jump Eating potato chips and Twinkies – fall


1. Have students think of their own habits.

Energizers we re de ve lope d by:

I n pa rtne rs hip with:

Energizers for Grades K-2 Name of Activity: Grade Level: Formation: Equipment:

As If K-3 Standing at desks None


1. Teacher reads sentence to class: Jog in place as if a big scary bear is chasing you Walk forward as if you‛re walking through chocolate pudding Jump in place as if you are popcorn popping Reach up as if grabbing balloons out of the air March in place and play the drums as if you are in a marching band Paint as if the paint brush is attached to your head Swim as if you are in a giant pool of Jell-O Move your feet on the floor as if you are ice skating Shake your body as if you are a wet dog 2. Students act out each sentence for 20 – 30 seconds. 3. Students may create their own sentences for additional activities.


1. Use a tree map for children to generate additional action words.

Energizers for Grades K-2 Name of Activity: Grade Level: Formation: Equipment:

Stop and Scribble 2-5 Standing at desks with partners Piece of paper and pencil for every 2 students


1. Teacher calls out physical activity: Jumping Twisting Jogging Jumping jacks Hopping Knee lifts Playing air guitar Marching 2. Students begin activity and continue until the teacher calls out a spelling word. 3. Students freeze and partners work together to try to spell the word correctly on a piece of paper. 4. After 10 to 15 seconds, teacher calls out new activity. 5. Continue until all spelling words are used. 6. As students cool down, teacher will write correct spelling on board and students will check their work. 7. Variation: Same activity using sidewalk chalk instead of paper and pencil (outside).


1. Use this activity to review spelling words – it‛s great.

Be Active Every Day!

TAB 2 Provide non-food rewards. Being Healthy and Moving More Using DDR as a Reward Activity Room

Being Healthy and Moving More Objective: To encourage healthy behaviors by using physical activity as an incentive.


cking healthy a tr in g e b to g oin ctices, the at the class is g ra th p ts ss n e la d c u e st th t to a Explain hy behaviors th lt a e h re gym time, a o n e m p e o h , T ss . e rs c io re v a a tr beh a reward of ex sical break. y e h v p a r h e n a th c o n y a e r th o sooner ith the teacher, w l o o h sc e th d ne walk aroun ents to name o d u st sk a d n a m te vegetables around the roo (a o g re , g fo e in b rn y o a d m e th Each yed off the they practiced a t st a , th w r o io sh v a V h T e b e healthy atched only on w , e id ts u o d e y ised, etc.). rc at dinner, pla e x e , th e te ir ed the computer, brush and Being Healthy e th to y ll ta a y behavior, add h lt a e h h c a e r o F ally. Moving More T n d add your ow n a d n u ro r a e y Keep it up all creative touch!




Using DDR as a Reward Using DDR as a Reading Incentive in

a Middle School Library

At Mahoney and Memorial Middle Sch ools in South Portland, Librarians Dan Wolosky and Connie Burns successfully implemented a read ing incentive program using Dance Dan ce Revolution as the reward.

Connie describes the program, bel ow:

All students in grades 6-8 were invited to participate in a chance to win a DD R party for themselves and 5 of their friends. Students read a book (any book of their choice, any length) and then complete a half-page form that included the auth or, title, and something about the boo k (enough that I would be convinced they had read the book). The form was then placed in a large covered box. Students could read as many books and fill out as many forms as they wanted. Once a month, a drawing was made. The student’s name, along with the book he or she had read, was ann ounced at the end-ofthe-day announcements. The student was asked to see the librarian. Togethe r we would decide on a day for the party to take place (during workshop at the end of the day). The stud ent would give the names of 5 friends. Invitations were sent to all 6 kids via their homeroom teac her. On the day of the party, during workshop, the library was all theirs for dancing! Both boys and girls were thrilled with this reward and reading soared.

r DDR as a Reward for Good Behavio

school ) incorporated physical activity into the K-2 des (gra ne Mai o, Sac in ool Sch In 2006-2007 Fairfield e in the cafeteria/gym The Groove™. At this school, the stag In d calle e gam mat ce dan a g usin day by tors and one on-site gram was run by junior and senior men housed the dance mat system. The pro classroom to dance for excuse a group of students from one ld wou tors men the k, wee h Eac teacher. srooms had a chance to on a rotating basis so that all the clas 10 minutes. Classrooms were selected this was determined by and danced more often than others; plan cial spe a had ents stud e Som dance. ced to 3-4 songs and then m teacher. Typically each student dan the student assistant team or classroo minutes. out of the classroom was about 10-15 time ent stud The m. sroo clas the to d returne e more returned to the classroom, they wer ents stud n whe that iced not ool Sch Fairfield back to classroom work. energized, motivated and ready to get time students dance. . Skill and confidence are gained each Students are enthusiastic about dancing the technology. valuable resource when it comes to The junior and senior mentors are a to know much a classroom teacher, you don’t have As er. oth h eac h teac ents stud and Mentors they will teach you! about the program to begin, because Grade Teacher, 2007 — Contributed by Karen MacKenzie, 2nd

Activity Room The concept of an activity room has been successfully implemented in schools around the state as a way to reward good behavior and incorporate physical activity into the school day. Follow the steps below to create your own activity room.

1. Work with your administrator to identify a room that can be used as the activity room. The space can be fairly small, but should be big enough to accommodate a small class.

2. Set up physical activity stations and directions around the room. See tab one in this binder for ideas.

3. Apply for external funds (maybe the PTO? Other grant opportunities?) to stock the room

with games and activities that promote physical activity. Consider: Twister, jump ropes, yoga balls, rowing machines, treadmills, Dance Dance Revolution, a rock climbing wall, etc.

4. Make the activity room a part of the school environment. Allow faculty and staff to give students a ‘coupon’ for 10 minutes in the activity room as a reward for good behavior.

Activity room in action:

support from ity room along with the tiv ac an d ate cre lly ol-wide reward teacher successfu es were set and a scho rul d, fie A Physical Education nti ide s wa m and faculty er teachers. A roo their class to the room ng bri to administration and oth up n sig uld hool d. Any teacher co positive behavior. All sc system was implemente to students exhibiting m to give roo ed the us t for en s’ on rtm up pa ol Nutrition De ho Sc e and staff could offer ‘co Th nt. de stu a m! Even the rtunity to reward upon to the activity roo co a e members had the oppo giv y the w, No s school-wide on their birthdays. upons. The room create co the t cupcakes to students ou e giv to le und keepers are ab custodial staff and gro unity and excitement.

TAB 3 Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living. Be a Safe Walker Ways to Improve the Safety of Your Kids! Be a Safe Bike Driver Helmet Safety Check Rules for Motorists and Bicyclists

Be A Safe Walker


Walking is a healthy and fun way to get where you are going. Here are some tips so you can walk safely.

Look and Listen


“Always Look All Ways” when walking use your eyes and ears to watch for cars and trucks

See and Be Seen


• It can be difficult for drivers to see you walking – wear bright, white, or light-colored clothing • Watch for cars backing or pulling out of driveways, alleys, or near snow banks, where it is especially difficult for drivers to see. • Carry a flashlight if walking at night

Walk Safely

• Use sidewalks whenever you can • If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic • Plan safe walking routes with your parents or another adult

Cross the Road Safely

• Stop, look left, look right, and look left again, before crossing any road • Cross at a crosswalk whenever you can • Cross with a crossing guard’s help when there is one • At traffic lights, wait for the white “WALK” sign to light up and then look left, right and left again before crossing • Watch for turning cars at all intersections, even if the walk signal is lit • “Wait, Watch, and Wave” – be certain to wait until ALL cars have stopped in ALL the lanes, and the drivers have seen you before you cross • Be predictable – don’t run into the street after a ball or for any reason • When crossing with others, make your own decision if it is safe for you to cross


When we all practice safe walking it is easy to be safe, get good exercise, and have fun! For information about Ohio to to School, “Walking School “ andopportunities, other opportunities, For information about Safe MaineRoutes Safe Routes School, the the “Walking School Bus,”Bus, and other contact the Ohio Safe routes to School Program at contact the Maine www.dot.state.ohio.us/divisions/planning/sppm/majorprograms/saferoutes/ Safe Routes to School Program at 623-4511 or saferoutes@BikeMaine.org. or visit www.MaineSafeRoutes.org

Ways to Improve the Safety of Your Kids! A Message to Parents Walking is a great way for you and your children to have fun and get basic exercise. Walking to school is also a great way for your kids to get exercise regularly, which is proven to help kids be more alert throughout the day. Please review the other side of this flyer and then share your knowledge with your kids. Your guidance and example are the best ways to make walking in your community safer.

Plan Out and Walk Safe Your Kids

One of the most important things you can do is walk with your kids around your neighborhood. You can determine the safest walking routes for them and show them how to navigate any difficult spots along the way. Walk to school together on a weekend morning and afternoon when lighting conditions are similar to when they will be walking to and from school. Teach them the best routes and how to safely walk on those routes, then ask them to use those routes every time they walk. You might need to choose different routes for day time and night time. Use this method with other destinations such as friend’s houses, stores or playgrounds.

Be a Safe Driver

We all know we are safe drivers, but did you know that the vast majority of school zone crashes are caused by parents dropping off and picking up their kids at school? And most neighborhood speeding violations are caused by drivers who live in that neighborhood? Role modeling safe driving habits in your community helps all of us. Here are the most common ways to avoid vehicle / pedestrian conflicts near schools. en! • Don’t rush things – that is when crashes happ g eatin • Avoid distractions like cell phones, or drinking while in school zones. in • Obey crossing guards and yield to pedestrians crosswalks. In Maine law, drivers must yield

when someone enters a crosswalk. • Drop off kids on the school side of the street and have kids get out on the curb side of the car to avoid dangerous street crossings in the morning rush. • Double check for approaching bicyclists before opening your car door. • Watch for kids crossing the road when you are pulling out, backing out, or turning. Pay special attention to your blind spots. • Avoid making right turns on red lights near school zones. • Do your community a favor and drive the posted speed limit, which also ensures everyone behind you is, too.

Be a Safe Bike Driver


Riding your bicycle can be great fun. But do you know how to “drive” your bike? Riding your bike is just like driving a car--there are rules for bike driving. Here are a few tips from the Bicycle Coalition of Maine

Wear Your Helmet the Right Way

It’s thea law in correctly Maine toif wear Wear helmet you a helmet correctly if you are under 16. are under 16. TM Do the “Eyes, “Eyes,Ears, Ears, Mouth Do the Mouth TestTest™”

• First put on your helmet so it is level and snug--if it slides around, you need to insert thicker pads • EYES - you should see the very edge of your helmet when you look up past your eyebrows • EARS - the straps should meet right under your ear lobes to form a Y • MOUTH - the strap should be loose enough so you can breathe and insert a finger between the buckle and your skin, but tight enough that if you drop your jaw you can feel the helmet pull down on the top of your head


If you need help, go to a bike shop. Never throw your helmet or leave it in a hot place because it will get damaged (even though you cannot tell). Replace your helmet if it is damaged, no longer fits, or if it is over 5 years old.

Check Your Bike for Safety Have your bike checked at least once a year at a bike shop. Check it yourself before biking with the ABC Quick Check:


• AIR - pinch the tires, they should be hard • BRAKES - make sure they work and aren’t rubbing the tire • CRANK/CHAIN - if there are problems with your gears or if the chain is loose, take your bike to a bike shop • QUICK - check “quick release levers” and other bolts to make sure they are tight

Dress Bright for Safety

• Wear light- or brightcolored clothing so you can be seen • Tuck away shoelaces or other strings or cords so they don’t dangle--they may get caught in the moving parts of your bike • Loose or baggy clothing can also be dangerous--so make sure you wear snug clothes • Never wear headphones

Obey the Rules of the Road


• Ride on the right • Ride single file • Obey traffic signs, signals, and laws • Ride straight--no surprises! • Look back and signal before turning • Yield to people walking • Use lights if riding at night (remember to ask your parents for permission) • Always stop at the end of your driveway--look left, right, then left again before entering the road • Feel unsafe? You can always walk you yourbike bike

When we all drive safely and follow the rules of the road, it is easy to be safe and have fun! www.BikeMaine.org

For more information, contact the Bicycle Coalition of Maine


Helmet Saftey Check Helmet Safety Check: Do the Eyes Ears Mouth Test to see if your helmet fits correctly. If your helmet does not fit correctly, it will not protect you if you crash and hit your head. �Your helmet should not be wobbly on your head. � Check with your EYES. � Can you just barely see the brim of your helmet when you look up? �Is your helmet level across the middle of your our forehead, forehead, about 2 fingers width above your eyebrows? Check your EARS. �Do the helmet straps form a Y right under your earlobe? �Look in a mirror, or feel the straps with your fingers. Check with your MOUTH. �Do the helmet straps go under your chin and fit snugly but without pinching? �When you OPEN your mouth WIDE, do you feel the helmet pull on the top of your head? If your helmet fit does not pass the test, work with a parent or teacher to adjust your helmet straps. �It is very hard to adjust your own helmet straps, even for adults. �Get someone to help you – it will go much faster and you�ll look smart wearing your helmet the right way. This Helmet Safety Check was developed by Becka Roolf, Going Green, as part of the Vermont Safe Routes to School Program, 2008. Distributed by the Center for Health and Learning. Credits: Images are from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Eyes, Ears, Mouth test developed by the Bicycle Coalition of Maine.

your bike

Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers of motor vehicles, but are less visible, quieter, and don’t have a protective barrier around them. Motorists should drive carefully around a bicyclist; a slight mistake can result in death. Bicyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles.

Pass a bicyclist as you would any slow-moving vehicle. Slow down, wait until oncoming traffic is clear and allow 3 feet of clearance between your car and the bicyclist when passing. Ohio allows a motorist to cross a double yellow line to pass a bicyclist when it is safe to do so. After passing a bicyclist, check over your shoulder to make sure you have allowed enough room before moving over. Experienced bicyclists often ride 25 to 30 mph and may be closer than you think.

Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers of motor vehicles, but are less visible, quieter, and don’t have a protective barrier around them. Motorists should drive carefully around a bicyclist; a slight mistake can result in death. Bicyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles.

Your helmet should be level and snug. Do the “Eyes, Ears, Mouth” test each time to ensure proper fit. In Ohio, the law for wearing a helmet depends on the City. Please visit www.helmets.org/mandator.htm for more information.

For Teaching Pedestrian Safety to Children


Tips for Parents and Other Adults Walking is a fun and healthy way to spend time with your children while teaching them skills that can serve them well throughout life. The walk to school is a great time to use these safety tips. Be a walking role model Children learn through experience. Walking with parents or another caregiver is an important way for children to practice crossing real streets and picking safe places to walk. There is no magic age when children are old enough to walk without an adult. But, as a parent, you should decide when your child has the skills and experience to deal with traffic safely without you. As you walk with your child, remember these safety tips: • Wear bright-colored clothes, and carry flashlights or wear reflective gear if it is dark or hard to see. • Look for traffic at every driveway and intersection. Be aware of drivers in parked cars that may be getting ready to move. • Obey all traffic signs and signals. • Cross the street safely: 1. Stop at the curb or edge of the street. 2. Look left, right, left and behind you and in front of you for traffic. 3. Wait until no traffic is coming and begin crossing. 4. Keep looking for traffic until you have fi nished crossing. 5. Walk, don’t run across the street.

Choose the safest route to school Select a walking route with less traffic and intersections. • Pick places where there are sidewalks or paths separated from traffic. If there are no sidewalks or paths, walk as far from the motor vehicles as possible and, if possible, on the side of the street facing traffic. • Limit the number of street crossings. When available, cross at a location with an adult school crossing guard. • Avoid crossing busy or high-speed streets.

Understand your childs’ limitations Children are not small adults. It will take time and practice for a child to develop the ability to deal with lots of traffic. Over time, children develop the ability to accurately judge the speed and distance of oncoming traffic. Young children may think that a car is able to stop, when in fact, it is not. Also, children may think that if they can see a driver, the driver can see them. But, children are smaller and harder for drivers to see. Get down to a child’s height to experience their perspective and see what they see. For more resources and information on Safe Routes to School, please visit the National Center for Safe Routes to School Web site at www.saferoutesinfo.org.

TAB 4 Participate in local, state, and national initiatives that promote healthy eating and active living. All Children Exercise Simultaneously (ACES) ACES Celebration Suggestions Tips for Parents and Other Adults for Teaching Safety Starting a walking school bus: the basics Take 10! Brochure Peaceful Playgrounds State Physical Activity Programs (Ohio Action for Healthy Kids)

All Children Exercise Simultaneously (ACES) Each May, on a designated date and time, millions of school children all over the globe will exercise simultaneously in a symbolic gesture of fitness and unity to show the world the importance of developing an active lifestyle starting at an early age and its impact on health throughout the lifespan. This noncompetitive program has proven to be educational, motivational, and fun. The ACES resource manual provides planning and program suggestions, promotional materials, materials for students, a history of ACES, nutrition and physical activity resources, and much more. The manual can be downloaded at http://www.lensaunders.com/aces/acesclub.html. Remember, your physical activity efforts don’t have to happen just once a year. Some schools have enjoyed the ACES program so much that they have joined the Project ACES Club, in which you can replicate this activity as often as you like throughout the school year. Find out more about the free club at http://www.lensaunders.com/aces/acesclub.html. The following pages are activity ideas from the Maine manual.

All of these activities align with Get Up and fall into the following categories (the full definition of these codes are listed at the end of this section): Physical Education: A. Physical Fitness -- PreK-2 -- A1; Grades 3-4 -- A4; Grades 5-8 -- A2; High School -- A2. Physical Education;: C. Personal and Social Interactions -- PreK-8 -- C2.





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Starting a walking school bus:

the basics

Why develop a walking school bus? Studies show that fewer children are walking and biking to school, and more children are at risk of becoming overweight. Changing behaviors of children and parents require creative solutions that are safe and fun. Implementing a walking school bus can be both.

A walking school bus is a group of children walking to school with one or more adults. If that sounds simple, it is, and that’s part of the beauty of the walking school bus. It can be as informal ass two families taking turns walking their children to school to as structured as a route with meeting points, a timetable and a regularly rotated schedule of trained volunteers.

Chester, VT

What is a walking school bus?

A variation on the walking school bus is the bicycle train, in which adults supervise children riding their bikes to school. The flexibility of the walking school bus makes it appealing to communities of all sizes with varying needs. Parents often cite safety issues as one of the primary reasons they are reluctant to allow their children to walk to school. Providing adult supervision may help reduce those worries for families who live within walking or bicycling distance to school.

Starting simple When beginning a walking school bus, remember that the program can always grow. It often makes sense to start with a small bus and see how it works. Pick a single neighborhood that has a group of parents and children who are interested. It’s like a carpool—without the car—with the added benefits of exercise and visits with friends and neighbors. For an informal bus: 1. Invite families who live nearby to walk. 2. Pick a route and take a test walk. 3. Decide how often the group will walk together. 4. Have fun!

When picking a route,

answer these four questions: 1. Do you have room to walk? Are there sidewalks or paths? Is there too much traffic? 2. Is it easy to cross the street? 3. Do drivers behave well? Do they yield to walkers? Do they speed?

Apex, NC

4. Does the environment feel safe? Are there loose dogs? Is there criminal activity? For more help identifying walkable routes, use the Walkability Checklist that can be found at www.walktoschool.org/buildevent/checklists.cfm.



Reaching more children Success with a simple walking school bus or a desire to be more inclusive may inspire a community to build a more structured program. This may include more routes, more days of walking and more children. Such programs require coordination, volunteers and potential attention to other issues, such as safety training and liability. The school principal and administration, law enforcement and other community leaders will likely be involved. First, determine the amount of interest in a walking school bus program. Contact potential participants and partners: Parents and children Principal and school officials Other community leaders

Second, identify the route(s). The amount of interest will determine the number of walking routes. Walk the route(s) without children first.

Mill Valley, CA

Law enforcement officers

Third, identify a sufficient number of adults to s supervise walkers. T The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend o one adult for every six children. If children are age 10 or older, ffewer adults may be needed. If children are ages 4 to 6, one adult per three children is recommended. Next, finalize the logistical details. Who will participate? Sacramento,

How often will the walking school bus operate? Will the bus operate once a week or every day?


When do children meet the bus? It’s important to allow enough time for the slower pace of children, but also to ensure that everyone arrives at school on time.

Where will the bus meet children—at each child’s home or at a few meeting spots? Will the bus operate after school? What training do volunteers need? What safety training do children need? See “Walking School Bus: Guidelines for talking to children about pedestrian safety” at http://www.walkingschoolbus.org/safety.pdf. Finally, kick-off the program. A good time to begin is during International Walk to School Month each October. Walk and look for ways to encourage more children and families to be involved. Have fun!

For more detailed instructions on how to organize a walking school bus, go to: How to Organize a Walking/Cycling School Bus, Go for Green Canada, http://www.goforgreen.ca/asrts. Pick “English,” then “Tools and Resources.” The walking bus: A safe way for children to walk to school, Friends of the Earth UK, http://www.foe.co.uk/ campaigns/transport/resource/parents.html Walking School Bus - A Guide for Parents and Teachers, VicHealth Australia, http://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au. Select “Local Government,” then “Walking School Bus.” Scroll to bottom to find link to download the guide. KidsWalk-to-School Guide, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/ kidswalk/resources.htm

One Thomas Circle NW, Ninth floor Washington, DC 20005, USA

Take 10! is a program of the International Life Sciences Institute Foundation.

In addition, the program: enables teachers to reinforce learning concepts using alternative teaching methods; features materials that are clearly marked with grade-specific curriculum objectives; links 10-minute periods of physical activity with core academic concepts in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies; allows students to be active within space limitations of a standard-size classroom; and requires no special equipment or tools.

TAKE 10!速 integrates academic learning objectives with 10-minute periods of physical activity. Each 10-minute activity break achieves 17% of the daily physical activity recommendation for children.

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education recommend that children and youth get 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

Use Your 10 Minutes wisely...


To view sample activities visit our website at:

• 10-minute periods of physical activity • Integrated with academic lessons • Grade/age appropriate • Designed for use in the elementary classroom • Created by teachers

TAKE 10! ® is:

Kindergarten to 5 th grade materials available.

• Reinforces curriculum concepts • Addresses multiple learning styles • Innovative teaching tool • Follows recommendations for effective teaching • Fun and age-appropriate physical activity • Provides opportunities to de-stress and re-energize • Communicates positive nutrition messages • Makes learning FUN!

TAKE 10! ® benefits teachers and students:

Physical Activity + Academics=

• Activity cards • Worksheets • 3 Tracking poster with stickers • Teacher resources • Student and teacher assessments

Each TAKE 10! ® materials kit includes:

Fun and effective, research based, physical activity programs to help kids be more active.

Our programs are being used in over 8,000 schools!

An international program for safe play! www.peacefulplaygrounds.com

Over 8,000 schools and parks across the country are enjoying the benefits of programs which allows kids to be more active and involved.


The Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program allows you to organize the playground area to reduce injuries, bullying and conflicts. You can also design your own layout with permanent painted game markings that help make activity time a more positive experience. Hopscotch, alphabet grids, and number grids are just a few examples of the 100 games that can be added. Research has documented that “more game markings, equals more physical activity� indicating that Peaceful Playgrounds is a low-cost intervention in the childhood obesity crisis. In a nationwide survey of Principals, 87% reported an increase in physical activity as a result of the Peaceful Playgrounds Program.

The program’s unique design spreads children out evenly throughout the play yard, allowing the maximum number of students to be involved in healthy and educational play. Game choices include individual, cooperative and competitive game choices. Markings address motor development skills, cognitive skills and social skill interaction. Set up is easy and can be done by members of the school staff and parent groups.

“Our teachers have been able to spend more time teaching and less time settling playground disputes!� — South Elementary School, Il.

Create the ideal recess, afterschool and physical education environment for K-8. An easy do-it-yourself program transforms your playground into a colorful assortment of games kids love to play.


Which best describes your activity/event: Parent involvement - Healthy Choices ( Physical Activity) Event Title: Hippity Hop-A-Thon Name of School / Facility: Hoffman Trails Elementary Name of School District: Hilliard City School District Total Enrollment: 482 Grades served: K-5 Zone: 8 County: Franklin Target audience(s): Students Target age group(s): K-5 Goals: Healthy fundraiser Healthy rewards (classroom or other) Increasing physical activity Organizer: Parent Frequency: One time event Cost: Click here to enter cost. Event Details: Hoffman Trails began a tradition of having one large fundraiser (some type of a thon) that supported the PTO’s budget and allowed fewer fundraisers to be used to meet the economic demands on the PTO to serve the school. Over the past 2 years we have done a Math – a-thon and History-a-thon all with great financial outcomes for the PTO’s budget. As a parent of the school I am grateful for this and support the effort. However, my concern was that the rewards being used were largely food based and ranged from Hometown Buffet Lunch to Movie Theatre foods for doing work that was largely sedentary. The History a thon did have the elements of walking included, but the walking was not physical or challenging. I am a parent of two children in the school, I have a degree in Human Nutrition, and I

teach Family and Consumer Sciences in a local school district. I have been trying for the past year to increase the awareness of both the students and their families in regards to physical activity and nutrition. I read about a district in Ohio that had done a fundraiser by hopping, ironically my daughter was bouncing in our kitchen on her “hippity hop” at the same time. I offered at the end of the 20102011 school year to chair the a-thon fundraiser for the 2011-2012 school year. It was my desire to show that our kids do want to move and they need to move daily! The H.T.E. Hippity-Hop-A-Thon was held September 30th 2011. Three women stepped forward to help and we met one evening in the summer to put a plan in motion. First, we determined how we were going to make academic connections. We created examples for teachers to use in their classrooms to encourage students mathematically and how many hops it would take to travel to favorite vacation destinations. We developed a limited reward system which focused at each level on movement. The intention was to encourage movement and team work. For example there was one reward for a student to earn solo and that was to raise $50 and to get a Hippity Hop Ball. The other rewards were for an extra recess as a class, a sno cone (our only food!), and a dance to be held at school and DJ’D by a local radio talent. The money collection was a piece that was taken over by our PTO treasurer and volunteer. Once we had these items in place we had to figure out the logistics of the day. We set it up so that students would report to the gym to hop based on their “specials” schedules. This way there was no interruption to the classroom teacher’s day or the school. We also created a video to announce the fundraiser so that students and teachers could ask and answer questions as they needed too and it could be shared with parents in place of an all school assembly. The Hop-A-Thon ran smoothly with some even unexpected surprises that added to our day. Our school principal purchased “Tom and Jerry” costumes that she and I wore in the morning as students arrived. We bounced alongside busses and into classrooms getting the students excited. We had a great schedule, students and teachers followed their normal routine. The local YMCA allowed a Group Fitness Instructor to come to the school and lead every group in stretching before they began. Mark Dantzer, local radio personality, set up his equipment and had music playing all day to keep the kids moving! Our biggest hurdle was to ensure students had the right size ball. We blew up 75% of the 300 balls ordered in order to ensure our tiniest and biggest students were able to participate. A team of volunteers spent the evening before the event inflating balls using our own air compressors. The work was done in less than 90 minutes. The day of the event we had the one challenge that we knew we had put in our own way by telling students that if they brought in their $50 the day of the event they could take a ball home that night. Our team was able to count money and get the balls to each and every student before they left that day! It was fast and furious but worth it to keep the kids

energized. UNEXPECTED: even students in the Multiple Handicap room were able to join us and participate! Project Impact: EVERY STUDENT PARTICIPATED! Even those with handicaps were able to participate and be a part of their peer community! Students were eager to get their balls and hop!! Parents have been emailing me (even as late as this past week 12/3 to purchase left over balls for CHRISTMAS GIFTS!). Mark Dantzer sent the following quote: “Congratulations to YOU and all your hard work. It was wonderful to meet you and your husband. I am involved with hundreds of fundraisers and other events and the Hop-a-thon was first-rate. You did a terrific job and I am grateful you asked me to be a part of it”. Personally, we had so many volunteers that we were ALL hopping with the students and the next morning I had phone calls and emails talking about how they were sore but their kids were still hopping. I felt like the fundraiser had truly impacted the Hoffman Trails Families in a positive way! There was so much positive feedback it was amazing for such a simple event. The one reflection piece that I have would be to find a way to sell the balls afterwards that are left over. We still have approximately 40 balls that I am trying to find homes for. We did decide to donate 30 of the 40 to the school for the teachers and students to use for indoor recess, classroom celebrations, etc…We recently had a large levy imitative but now that it has passed I am working on trying to incorporate changes into our school policy and to begin contact with the District. We have parents who are willing and I want to ensure they know we are here and ready. Partners / Sponsors: Local YMCA The YMCA allowed a Group Fitness instructor to lead our stretching, Mark Dantzer provided his musical talents and great music for motivation, Jumping Balls.com gave us a GREAT price for the order, Nathanial Painter a local attorney donated money to offset some of the costs for us!

Drink less sugar. Try water and low fat milk instead of soda and drinks with lots of sugar.

Table of Contents TAB 1:

Provide water and low fat milk; limit or eliminate sugary beverages. Introduction Drink less Sugar (Trifold Brochure) Milk Taste Test Drink Your Milk Quiz and Answer Key Have a Drink Plan Make-Your-Own Sugar Bottle Display For Growing Bones...Which Milk? Find the Sugar Word Search and Answer Key What’s in Your Drink? 521AN Every Day! Water Posters Fill Up Here! Refresh! Thirst Quencher

TAB 2:

Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living. Drink water or low fat milk; limit or eliminate sugary beverages. Water is Fuel for Your Body Calcium Counts! How Much Sugar Do You Drink? Enlightening Facts About Juice Sports and Energy Drinks Think Your Drink Milk’s Unique Nutrient Package Fuel Learning with Milk, Cheese and Yogurt Kick the Can: Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Young Children Kick the Can: Overweight and Obesity Soft Drinks and School-Age Children: Trends Effects Solutions Life’s Sweeter with Fewer Sugary Drinks:  10 Things Your Community Can Do  10 Things Your Business or Organization Can Do  10 Things You and Your Family Can Do to Cut Back on Sugary Drinks  How Much Sugar are You Drinking?

TAB 1 Provide Water and Low Fat Milk; limit or eliminate sugary beverages. Introduction Drink less sugar (Trifold Brochure) Milk Taste Test Drink Your Milk Quiz and answer Key Have a Drink Plan Make-Your-Own Sugar Bottle Display For Growing Bones... Which Milk? Find the Sugar Word Search and Answer Key What’s in Your Drink? 512AN Every Day! Water Posters • Fill Up Here! • Refresh! • Thirst Quencher

Introduction AN – Drink water and low fat milk instead of soda and sugar-sweetened drinks. Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages like soda, sports drinks, and juice has increased dramatically over the past 20 years; high intake among children is associated with overweight and obesity, displacement of milk consumption, and dental cavities. It is recommended that children 1-6 years old consume no more than 4–6 ounces of juice per day and youth 7-18 years old consume no more than 8-12 ounces. Whole milk is the single largest source of saturated fat in children’s diets. Switching to low fat or nonfat milk products significantly reduces dietary saturated and total fat, as well as total calories.

Resources: To encourage water Why Drinking Water Is the Way to Go – Kids Health for Kids: kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/water.html

To encourage milk Nutrition Explorations – School Milk: www.nutritionexplorations.org/sfs/schoolmilk_vending.asp American Dairy Association: National Dairy Council: www.nationaldairycouncil.org American Dairy Association Mideast: www.drink-milk.com

What Schools Can Do: Promote water and low fat milk as the drink of choice at all school-related events, instead of sugar-sweetened drinks Offer low fat milk, skim milk, and other milk alternatives in place of whole milk in the school meal program Purchase a milk vending machine Limit sugar-sweetened drinks available in vending machines and as a la carte options Develop classroom guidelines encouraging low fat milk and water Use the Drink Comparison Chart (this section) to demonstrate how much sugar is in a variety of drinks Encourage parents to provide water and low fat milk instead of sugar-sweetened drinks at classroom celebrations Be a role model by drinking water or milk Visit a local dairy farm

Try water and low fat milk instead of soda and drinks with lots of sugar.

Drink less sugar.

Milk Taste Test Suggested Grades: K–5 SUPPLIES NEEDED Flipchart or blackboard Skim, 1%, 2%, and whole milk Cups for milk samples (4 per person)


1. In a classroom, health fair, or group setting ask: How many different kinds of milk have you tried, i.e., skim,1%, 2%, or whole? What kind of milk is your favorite?

2. Using a show of hands, record how many children like each type of milk (no milk, skim, 1%, 2%, and whole). Using those numbers, draw a pie graph on the flipchart or blackboard for the preference % for each kind of milk.

3. Identify each type of milk on the bottom of the cups using the following

code: A (skim), B (1%), C (2%), D (whole) and pour milk for each person to taste. Be sure to cover the milk jugs when pouring or pour behind a screen so that students cannot read which milk is being poured.

4. Explain that this will be a “blindfold taste test.” This means kids will be tasting milk without being able to see if it is skim, 1%, 2%, or whole.

5. Ask kids to taste each sample of milk (A, B, C, and D), and without looking at the bottom of the cup, place their “favorite” on a table.

6. Now look at the bottom of each cup to see what was preferred. At the

te: Important no rgies le al ilk m ck for

Che the taste before starting e kids testing. Have th ps of si e st ta who can, and whole skim,1%, 2%, kids who milk. Have the unt prefercannot, help co k numbers ences and mar or blackon the flipchart ake sure board. Also, m to keep you have a way d fresh an the milk cold ity. tiv during your ac

end of the taste test, count up the total preferences for each kind of milk and determine preference % for each. Compare these results with the first preference survey. Were there any changes? Were any kids surprised at their picks?

7. Talk about all the good nutrients that milk has to offer: calcium, protein, and other nutrients your body needs.

8. Talk about the benefits of drinking lower fat milk (the same great nutrients with less fat means fewer calories and a healthier heart).

Drink Your Milk Did you know‌? Children, ages 4-8 years, should be consuming three 8-ounce glasses of milk or other dairy each day.

How many ounces of milk is that per day? __________ How many ounces of milk is that per week? __________

Children, ages 9-18 years, should be consuming four and a half, 8-ounce glasses of milk or other dairy each day.

How many ounces of milk is that per day? __________ How many ounces of milk is that per week? __________

Drink Your Milk Did you know‌? Children, ages 4-8 years, should be consuming three 8-ounce glasses of milk or other dairy each day.

24 How many ounces of milk is that per day? __________ 168 How many ounces of milk is that per week? __________ Children, ages 9-18 years, should be consuming four and a half, 8-ounce glasses of milk or other dairy each day.

36 How many ounces of milk is that per day? __________ 252 How many ounces of milk is that per week? __________

Have a Drink Plan On average, how often do you drink sugar-sweetened beverages? Examples: soda, fruit punch, sports drinks, or other sugared drinks _____ Daily

_____ Once a week

_____ 3 times a week

_____ Only at special events

Should it be an everyday choice or an occasional treat?

What other drinks do you enjoy instead of soda?

Revisit question one in a month to see if you’ve made any changes!

Make-Your-Own Sugar Bottle Display Get Up! has discovered the power of our Sugar Bottle Display; making your own is a great classroom activity. This is one of the best ways to graphically show how much sugar is in some of the most consumed beverages—you’ll be surprised. This is a tool that can be used to help students and staff to make smart beverage choices. Directions to Make-Your-Own Sugar Bottle Display

Supplies: Bottles of your favorite beverages—refer to the table on the next page for suggestions. Bag of White Sugar Teaspoons Funnels Directions: 1. Empty, wash and completely dry bottles—keep the labels on the bottles. Tip: Bottles take at least 24 hours to dry completely. 2. Find the Nutrition Facts box on the bottle label. 3. Take note of serving size (many bottles contain two or more servings —

something to think about!)

Tip: Make sure to pay attention to the information listed Per Bottle. 4. Record how many grams of sugar are in a bottle. (Continued on page 2)

5. Figure out how many teaspoons of sugar are in each bottle by dividing the grams of sugar by 4.2 (number of grams of sugar in a teaspoon.) Serving size: 1 bottle Sugars=48g

6. 7. 8. 9.

Amount of sugar to put in bottle=11 teaspoons. Put funnel into mouth of bottle and put in computed amount of sugar. Replace cap. Screw on tight! Make a chart like the one below corresponding to the drinks you chose. Display in your school so students and staff can see how much sugar is in some of their favorite drinks. Other ideas: Take a photo of your display and use along with chart and hand-outs from the AN binder to make a bulletin board. Make a game out of it by having people guess how many teaspoons of sugar are in their favorite drinks and give the winners a 5-2-1-AN approved prize! Have a poster contest around sugar-sweetened beverages.

Common Drink Choices

Drink Mountain Dew® Coca-Cola® Classic Dunkin’ Donuts Strawberry Fruit Coolata® Sprite® Monster Energy® Drink Arizona® Green Tea & Honey Minute Maid® 100% Apple Juice Glaceau Vitamin Water® Gatorade™ Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino® Poland Spring® Water

Size 20 oz 20 oz

Total Calories 275 cal 250 cal

Sugar Grams 78 g 65 g

Teaspoons Sugar 18 15

16 oz 20 oz 16 oz 20 oz 10 oz 20 oz 20 oz 9.5 oz 20 oz

290 cal 250 cal 200 cal 210 cal 140 cal 125 cal 130 cal 200 cal 0 cal

65 g 65 g 54 g 51 g 32 g 32.5 g 34 g 32 g 0g

15 15 13 12 8 8 8 8 0

Sugar Water: Think About Your Drink What’s In Your Drink

Sugar Water: Think About Your Drink What’s In Your Drink (continued)

Sugar Water: Think About Your Drink What’s In Your Drink (continued)

Sugar Water: Think About Your Drink What’s In Your Drink (continued)

Sugar Water: Think About Your Drink What’s In Your Drink (continued)

Sugar Water: Think About Your Drink What’s In Your Drink (continued)

TAB 2 Partner with and educate families in adopting and maintaining a lifestyle that supports healthy eating and active living. Drink water or low fat milk; limit or eliminate sugary beverages. Water is Fuel for Your Body Calcium Counts! How Much Sugar Do You Drink? Enlightening Facts About Juice Sports and nergy rink Think Your Drink What’s in Your Drink? Milk’s Unique Nutrient Package Fuel Learning with Milk, Cheese and Yogurt Kick the Can: Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Young Children Kick the Can: Overweight and Obesity Soft Drinks and School-Age Children: Trends Effects Solutions Life’s Sweeter with Fewer Sugary Drinks:  10 Things Your Community Can Do  10 Things Your Business or Organization Can Do  10 Things You and Your Family Can Do to Cut Back on Sugary Drinks  How Much Sugar are You Drinking?

water and low fat milk sugar


e c i u j n o s t i m i l t Pu

contain ” or “punch” often k, rin “d ” e, ad “ed s” and Juice products label tween these “juice be e nc re ffe di ly on e 5% juice or less. Th ified with Vitamin C. rt fo ’re ey th at soda is th ice. whole fruits over ju se oo ch to y tr s ay Alw juice. rve juice, buy 100% If you choose to se ld be limited to: Each day, juice shou ildren 1-6 years old • 4-6 ounces for ch ildren 7-18 years old • 8-12 ounces for ch r 6 months and unde • No juice for children

child’s juice. ding water to your ad by ly w slo s ge Make chan stead of juice. er or low fat milk in at w of ss gla a t es Sugg

Get Up’s Rules Water Keep It Handy, Keep It Cold: Keep bottled water or a water bottle on hand. Add fresh lemon, lime, or orange wedges to water for some natural flavor. Fill a pitcher of water and keep it in the fridge. Drink water when you’re thirsty. It’s the best choice. Cut back slowly on sugar-sweetened drinks. Replace soda with water, instead of other sugar-sweetened beverages, such as juice or sports drinks.

Be a Role Model: Grab a glass of water instead of soda. Try mixing seltzer with a small amount of juice.


ilkshake Make a m t milk, fa using low r u o y d n a ice, rries. e b e it r favo

Encourage low fat milk instead of sugar-sweetened drinks: According to the national dairy council: Children ages 4–8 years old should be consuming three 8-ounce glasses of milk or other dairy each day. Children ages 9–18 years old should be consuming four and a half 8ounce glasses of milk or other dairy each day.

Did you know? Soda has no nutriti onal value and is high in sugar. Just nine ounces of soda has 110-15 0 empty calories. Many sodas als o contain caffeine, which kids do n’t need. Energy drinks are N OT sports drinks and should ne ver replace water during exercis e. Water is fuel for yo ur body: Water is the most important nutrient for active people. Between 70-80% of a child’s body is made up of water. When you exercise, you sweat, and when you swea t you LOSE water and minerals – it is important to replac e the water you lose when you sweat. Water is the #1 thirs t quencher!

Water Is Fuel for Your Body Ever wonder why you need water? Like food, water acts like fuel in your body and helps your body function. To keep your body running smoothly, drink plenty of water throughout the day. Children who eat healthy, drink enough water, and sleep well at night will have energy for all their sports and activities. Water is the most important nutrient for active people. Between 70-80% of a child’s body is made up of water. Water is the #1 thirst quencher!

fuel! e r o m d e e n u o when y r e t a w h it w y d Fuel your bo LOSE water u sweat, you

nd when yo a t, a e you sweat. n sw e h u o w y , se e lo is c u r o e y ter ater When you ex replace the wa to t n a rt d to replace w o e p e n im y is a It m . s ls te a u r min and mine ® specially when longer than 60 ® e r , fo e e d v ra ti c e a w o ry P e and Kids who are v like Gatorade s, k n ri d s rt o sp sing and minerals u place id. be used to r™e r it’s hot and hum e v e n ld u o sh ® nd SuperStar , ort drinks and sp T a O N ll u e B r a d e s R k e in r lik d s, nk ri es d Energy y rg e n e st o M d can sometim . n e a is r c r te a e x w e se g lo in to water dur auses the body c e in e ff a C . lems. E IN and sleep prob s, e contain CAFFE h c a h c a m o a eadaches, st lories. The extr a cause anxiety, h c d n a r a g su of IGH amounts H in ta n o c s k oth decay. to d n a in a g Energy drin t h ig we es may add to sugar and calori

“In a game, when my players get thirsty, water gets the call.” —Arnie Beyeler, Manager, Portland Sea Dogs

Calcium Counts! Calcium is a mineral found in some foods and drinks. It works with other vitamins and minerals to build strong bones and teeth for life! The best sources of calcium in the diet are milk and milk products. The United States Department of Agriculture says that most young people should drink nonfat or low fat milk products in these amounts: Children ages 1-3:

2 cups a day

Children ages 4-8:

3 cups a day

Preteens and teens:

4 cups a day

What if your child can’t or won’t drink that much milk? Other foods containing smaller amounts of calcium include low fat macaroni and cheese, turnip or beet greens, kale, canned salmon, broccoli, cottage cheese, navy or pinto beans, almonds, and oranges. If milk products cause gas or diarrhea in an older child, don’t let that stop her from getting enough calcium. Serve Lactaid™ (specially treated) milk instead of regular milk. Small servings of yogurt and cheese may not cause a problem. If your child has an allergy to milk, ask your health care provider how to select a calcium supplement. Or, ask for a nutrition “check up” to help you make sure your child is getting enough calcium.

© 2008 Nutrition Works, LLC

Here are some easy that have the same options calcium (300 mg) asamount of a cup of nonfat milk: Yogurt, nonfat or lo w fat, 1 cup; choose those with less added sugar or corn syru p Smoothies made w ith milk, yogurt, and frozen fruit Nonfat or low fat choc 1 cup; try mixing ch olate milk, ocolate milk 50/50 with low fat or skim white milk Cheese, 2 ounces Orange juice plus ca lcium, 1 cup Calcium-fortified so y milk, 1 cup (shake well) Total cereal, 3/4 cu p

How Much Sugar Do You Drink? Consider how frequently you or your child enjoy these beverages and what nutrition, if any, they get from it.

Common Drink Choices Drink

Arizona® Green Tea & Honey Coca-Cola® Classic Dole® 100% Apple Juice Dunkin’ Donuts Strawberry Fruit Coolata® Gatorade™ Glaceau Vitamin Water® Monster Energy® Drink Mountain Dew® Poland Spring® Water Sprite® Starbucks Bottled Frappuccino®


Total Calories

20 oz 20 oz 15.2 oz

210 cal 250 cal 220 cal

16 oz 20 oz 20 oz 16 oz 20 oz 20 oz 20 oz 9.5 oz

290 cal 130 cal 125 cal 200 cal 275 cal 0 cal 250 cal 200 cal

Sugar Teaspoons Grams Sugar

51 g 65 g 48 g

12 15 11

65 g 34 g 32.5 g 54 g 78 g 0g 65 g 32 g

15 8 8 13 18 0 15 8

Tips to make cutting back on sugary drinks easier: Cut back slowly Don’t replace soda with other sugar-sweetened beverages, such as juice and sports drinks Remember, water is the best drink when you are thirsty Make low fat milk and water the drink of choice

Enlightening Facts About Juice ACCORDING TO THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS (AAP): Fruit juice offers no nutritional benefits for infants younger than 6 months. Fruit juice offers no nutritional benefits over whole fruit for infants older than 6 months and children. Fruit “drinks” are not nutritionally equivalent to fruit “juice” (see below). Fruit juice is NOT appropriate in treating dehydration or diarrhea. Excessive juice consumption may be associated with malnutrition. Excessive juice consumption may be associated with diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal distention, and tooth decay. Calcium-fortified juices do provide calcium, but lack other nutrients present in breast milk, formula, or cow’s milk.

RECOMMENDATIONS : If you decide to give your child juice, it is recommended that you do not introduce it until your infant is twelve months old. Serve juice in open cups, not bottles or “sippy” cups that allow children to consume juice easily throughout the day. Offer and encourage children to eat whole fruit instead of juice. They will get all the great fiber of the whole fruit and feel more full than with drinking juice. Serve only pasteurized juices. Choose 100% juice instead of fruit “drinks,” which, by definition, could contain between 10% and 99% juice and most likely contain added sweeteners and flavors. Younger children aged 1 to 6 years should have only 4-6 ounces of juice a day, if any at all. Older children should be limited to 8-12 ounces of juice a day, if any at all. Taken from the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition

Check out how much sugar is in some popular (and marketed towards children) juice & juice drinks: *One Teaspoon equals 4.2 grams of sugar. Beverage

Sugar Grams per Serving

Teaspoons of Sugar*

Sunny D® Baja Orange Drink


10 1/4

Capri Sun® Red Berry Drink



Apple & Eve® Bert & Ernie Berry 100% Juice



Earth’s Best® Strawberry Pear 100% Juice


2 2/3




humb: Rule of T off giving better You are ildren fruit your ch uit juice. of fr instead

Sports and Energy Drinks SPORTS DRINKS

Most peopl e don’t nee d them!

Flavored beverages that usually contain sugar, minerals and electrolytes (like sodium, potassium and calcium). Most people don’t need them! They are recommended only when you have been doing intense physical activity for an hour or longer (such as long distance running or biking, or high intensity sports like soccer, basketball or hockey). If you drink them when you have been doing just routine physical activity or just to satisfy your thirst, you actually increase your risk of excess weight gain. What are some examples? Gatorade Powerade Accelerade All Sport Body Quencher Propel

TER! A W ? s k c hat ro w w o n k You

ENERGY DRINKS Flavored beverages that typically contain stimulants like caffeine and other compounds along with sugar, added vitamins and minerals, and maybe even protein. (We don’t need these nutrients from drinks; we get them from our food!) These drinks are not the same thing as sports drinks and are NEVER recommended for children or adolescents. Could cause you to have increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, trouble sleeping, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, upset stomach, and even caffeine toxicity. What are some examples? Monster Red Bull Power Trip Rockstar Full Throttle


Adapted from KidsHealth.org and Sports Drinks & Energy Drinks for Children & Adolescents: Are They Appropriate?. Committee on Nutrition and the Council of Sports Medicine and Fitness. Pediatrics. 2011; 1227; 1182.

Did you know? Neither sports drinks or energy drinks are a good substitute for water – water is always the best thirst quencher! Water is the best choice for hydration, even before, during and after most people’s exercise routines.

What’s in your


= 1 teaspoon of sugar COCA-COLA 20 ounces = 240 calories 16 ¼ teaspoons of sugar


Kiwi Strawberry Juice Drink

16 ounces = 210 calories 12 ¾ teaspoons of sugar

GATORADE 20 ounces = 130 calories 8 ½ teaspoons of sugar

= 1 teaspoon of fat MONSTER Energy Drink

16 ounces = 200 calories 13 ½ teaspoons of sugar


100% Orange Juice

16 ounces = 240 calories 14 teaspoons of sugar


Blended Coffee Drink with Whipped Cream

16 ounces = 380 calories 11 ¾ teaspoons of sugar 3 teaspoons of fat

Sugary drinks are one of the main causes of weight gain and obesity.

Choose these healthy options instead: • Water, mineral water (sparkling or still) • Coffee, plain or with a teaspoon of sugar and nonfat or 1 percent milk • Tea, hot or iced, plain or with a teaspoon of sugar RHE442 (1/10)

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages*and Young Children Young children drink an enormous amount of sugar. One study found that 44% of toddlers between

19 and 24 months drink a sugar-sweetened beverage at least daily,1 as do 70% of 2- to 5-year-olds.2

Sugar-sweetened beverages are a major contributor to childhood obesity. Every additional daily serving of soda increases a child’s risk for obesity by 60 percent.3 Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in childhood also increases the risk for overweight and obesity in adulthood.4 Sugar-sweetened beverages displace healthier items from a young child’s diet. Young children who consume a lot of sugar have a poorer overall diet quality5 because these empty calories (low in nutrients) replace healthier foods that provide essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and vitamin A.6, 7 Children are drinking more sugar-sweetened beverages and less milk than they used to.8

In the 1970s, children drank nearly three times more milk than sugar-sweetened beverages. Today, they consume these beverages in equal amounts. Because milk provides essential nutrients for bone development, replacing milk with soda can reduce bone mass and increase the risk for osteoporosis later in life.10

Sugar-sweetened beverages damage children’s teeth. Soda consumption nearly doubles the risk of dental caries in children.11 The acid in soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages causes erosion of tooth enamel, often after just one sip, and the sugar in these beverages provide fuel for the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Because diet beverages also contain acid, they too increase the risk for cavities.12

Sugar-sweetened beverages often contain caffeine. Sixty percent of sodas sold in the United

States contain caffeine.13 Children who consume the amount of caffeine in one 20-oz. soda can experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches and anxiety if they stop drinking soda.14

Breast milk is best under age one; whole milk or water from 1-2 years; low-fat, nonfat milk, and water past age 2. Experts agree that for children under the age of one, breast milk is best. If breastmilk is not provided, then infant formula is the best alternative during the first year. From the age of one to two, children should drink whole milk and water. And once children are past the age of two, they should drink low-fat or non-fat milk and water.15

Children should not drink more than one small serving of 100% fruit juice per day.15 Fruit juice

has a high concentration of sugar and calories and lacks some of the nutrients and other benefits of whole fruit. It is best to offer children fresh whole fruit instead of juice. Infants under six months of age should not be given juice at all. Children six months to six years should not drink more than 12 ounces per day.15 When Children drink juice it should be 100% juice, not sugar-sweetened juice drinks.

Diet beverages are not a healthy alternative for children. Diet sodas are detrimental to dental health, may contain caffeine, and their long-term effects are still unknown for children.6, 16 * NOTE: Sugar-sweetened beverages refers to all beverages with added sugars including carbonated soft drinks, juice drinks, sports drinks, flavored and enhanced waters, sweetened teas and energy drinks. Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Young Children



REFERENCES Fox MK, Pac S, Devaney B, Jankowski L. Feeding infants and toddlers study: what foods are infants and toddlers eating? Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2004;104:S22-S30. 2 Wang YC, Bleich SN, Gortmaker SL. Increasing caloric contribution from sugar-sweetened beverages and 100% fruit juices among US children and adolescents, 1988–2004. Pediatrics. 2008;121:e1604-e1614. 3 Ludwig DS, et al. Relationship between consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and childhood obesity: a prospective, observational analysis. Lancet. 2001;357:505-508. 4 Malik VS, Popkin BM, Bray GA, Despres J-P, Hu FB. Sugar-sweetened beverages, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Circulation. 2010;121:1356-1364. 5 Ruottinen S, et al. High sucrose intake is associated with poor quality of diet and growth between 13 months and 9 years of age: the special Turku coronary risk factor intervention project. Pediatrics. 2008; 121:e1676-e1685. 6 Healthy Eating Research. The negative impact of sugar-sweetened beverages on children’s health. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. November 2009. 7 Kranz S, Smicklas-Wright H, Siega-Riz A, et al. Adverse Effect of High Added Sugar Consumption on Dietary Intake in American Preschoolers. Journal of Pediatrics, 2005; 146(1): 105–111. 8 Harnack L, Stang J, Story M Soft drink consumption among US children and adolescents: nutritional consequences. J Am Diet Assoc. 1999;99:436–441. 9 Smith TA, Lin, B-H Lin, Lee J-Y. Taxing caloric sweetened beverages: potential effects on beverage consumption, calorie intake, and obesity, ERR-100, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, July 2010. 10 Ondrak KS, Morgan DW. Physical activity, calcium intake and bone health in children and adolescents. Sports Med 2007; 37:587-600. 11 Sohn W, Burt BA, Sowers MR. Carbonated Soft Drinks and Dental Caries in the Primary Dentition. J Dent Res. 2006; 85(3): 262-266. 12 Buyer DM. Are you drinking your teeth away? How soda and sports drinks dissolve enamel. Journal of the Indiana Dental Association. 2009. Summer: 11-13. 13 Keast RSJ, Riddel LJ. Caffeine as a flavor additive in soft drinks. Appetite. 2007; 49:255-259. 14 Heatherley SV, Hancock KM, Rogers PJ. Psychostimulant and other effects of caffeine in 9- to 11-year-old children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2006;47(2):135-42. 15 American Academy of Pediatrics and American Heart Association. Dietary Recommendations for Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Practitioners. Pediatrics 2006;117;544-559 16 Ludwig DS. Artificially Sweetened Beverages Cause for Concern. JAMA. 2009;302(22):2477-2478. 1

This fact sheet was reviewed by a scientific advisory panel of nationally recognized scientists, researchers and public health experts convened by the California Center for Public Health Advocacy. For more info about advisory panel, contact info@kickthecan.info. | Last Updated: January 31, 2011.

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Young Children



Overweight and Obesity The percent of Americans — both children and adults — who are overweight or obese is staggering. Roughly two-thirds of adults are overweight and 34% of adults are obese.1 Among children

between 2 and 19 years old, 32% — nearly one-third — are overweight.2

Obesity is linked to serious health consequences. Overweight and obesity are linked to an extensive array of medical conditions including coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, endometrial, breast and colon cancers, hypertension, dyslipidemia (high amount of fat in the blood), stroke, liver and gallbladder disease, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, and gynecological problems including infertility.3 Obesity has serious economic consequences. Conditions caused by overweight and obesity

account for as much as $168 billion, 16.5% of total US medical expenditures.4 In California, adult overweight and obesity cost the state $21 billion in lost productivity and health care.5

Sugar-sweetened beverage* consumption has been a huge contributor to the obesity epidemic.6

All lines of scientific evidence indicate a strong link between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and obesity.6 43 percent of the increase in daily calories Americans consumed between 1977 and 2001 came from sugar-sweetened beverages alone.7 Because the sugar calories we consume in liquid form are considerably less satiating than sugar calories we consume in solid foods, the calories we drink add to those we eat rather than replacing them.8 Adults who drink a soda or more daily are 27% more likely to be overweight or obese, regardless of income or ethnicity.9 For each additional soda a child drinks daily, his risk of obesity increases 60%.10 * NOTE: Sugar-sweetened beverages refers to all beverages with added sugars including carbonated soft drinks, juice drinks, sports drinks, flavored and enhanced waters, sweetened teas and energy drinks.

REFERENCES Body Mass Index—BMI—greater than 30. Flegal KM, et al. Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among US Adults, 1999-2008. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2010; 3: 235-241. 2 BMI at or above the 85th percentile for their age. Ogden CL et al. (2010). Prevalence of High Body Mass Index in US Childen and Adolescents, 2007-2008. Journal of American Medical Association. 2010; 3: 242-249. 3 NIH, NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative, 1999. Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. Available online: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/ob_gdlns.pdf 4 Cawley J, Meyerhoefer C. The Medical Care Costs of Obesity: An Instrumental Variables Approach. NBER Working Paper No. 16467. October 2010. Accessed 18 October 2010 from: http://www.nber.org/papers/w16467. 5 California Center for Public Health Advocacy, The economic costs of overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity among California adults—2006. 2009. 6 Woodward-Lopez G, Kao J, Ritchie L. To what extent have sweetened beverages contributed to the obesity epidemic? Public Health Nutrition. Published online 23 Sep 2010. doi:10.1017/S1368980010002375. 7 Regarding sugar-sweetened beverages as the primary source of added sugar in the US diet, see Guthrie JF, Morton JF. Food sources of added sweeteners in the diets of Americans. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2000; 100:43-51. 8 DiMeglio DP, Mattes RD. Liquid versus solid carbohydrate: effects on food intake and body weight. International Journal of Obesity. 2000; 24: 794-800. 9 Babey SH et al. Bubbling over: Soda consumption and its link to obesity in California. Healthy Policy Brief: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Sept 2009. 10 Ludwig DS, Peterson KE, Gortmaker SL. Relation between consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and childhood obesity: a prospective, observational analysis Lancet 2001; 357: 505–08 1

This fact sheet was reviewed by a scientific advisory panel of nationally recognized scientists, researchers and public health experts convened by the California Center for Public Health Advocacy. For more info about advisory panel, contact info@kickthecan.info. | Last Updated: January 31, 2011.


Soft Drinks and School-Age Children:

Trends in Soft Drink Consumption

Soft Drink Contribution to Diets of Adolescents6


ccording to the USDA, the per capita soft-drink consumption has increased almost 500% over the past 50 years. Soft drinks include soda, fruit-flavored and part-juice drinks and sports drinks. Half of all Americans consume soft drinks daily—most of which are sugarsweetened.1 Soda is the soft drink most frequently consumed. Enough regular soda is produced to supply EVERY American with over 14 ounces of soda every day.2 The availability of soda in the U.S. now exceeds that of milk.3 This is a growing concern for children and adolescents. Children start drinking soda at a remarkably young age and consumption increases through young adulthood.4 Fifty-six percent of 8-year-olds consume soft drinks daily and a third of teenage boys drink at least three cans of soda a day.5 On average, adolescents get 11% of their calories or 15 teaspoons of sugar from soft drinks.4 This high consumption of sugar is contrary to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2000 which recommend choosing sensibly to limit intake of beverages and foods that are high in added sugar.

Percent of Children Drinking Soft Drinks Daily5

11% of calories

15 teaspoons of sugar per day

One reason for the increasing consumption of soft drinks is that the industry has steadily increased container sizes. In the 1950s, a 6 1/2-ounce bottle was the standard serving. That grew into the 12-ounce can. Those are now being replaced by 20ounce bottles.4 Not only are soft drinks contributing significant amounts of calories and sugar to the diets of children 12 oz. 20 oz. and adolescents, they 6.5 oz. 88 calories 160 calories 266 calories are also replacing milk as the beverage of choice. In fact, teenage boys and girls are drinking twice as much soda as milk.4

Beverage Consumption of Children and Adolescents in the U.S.






(Average quantities [in ounces] per day)6 30 oz.




25 oz.

Juice Soft Drinks

20 oz.


15 oz.



10 oz. 5 oz.

8 years

9-13 years

14 years girls

14 years boys

0 oz.

5 and under

Males 6-11

Females 6-11

Males 12-19

Females 12-19

The Health Effects of Soft Drink Consumption


hen children and adolescents replace milk with soft drinks, they lose out on valuable nutrients needed for normal growth and development. Only 36% of boys and 14% of girls are getting enough calcium. High soft-drink consumption is also correlated with low intakes of magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C and riboflavin, as well as high intakes of calories, fat and carbohydrates.4

Nutrient Composition of Non-diet Soda, Orange Juice and Low-fat Milk2 Non-diet Soda

Orange Juice

1% Milk

Per 12-ounce serving

risk for overweight and children with a BMI ≥ 95th percentile are overweight.8 North Carolina 2000 data from children seen in public health settings show an even greater increase in the number of overweight children.9

Percent of North Carolina Children Who Are Overweight9 Ages 2-4 Ages 5-11 Ages 12-18




9.0% 14.7% 22.7%

12.2% 20.6% 26.0%

36.6% 40.1% 14.5%

Various environmental and social factors are contributing to this trend. The increasing consumption of sugarsweetened soft drinks has been identified as one factor. A recent study of 12-year-olds found that for each additional serving of sugar-sweetened drink consumed daily, both BMI and frequency of overweight increased by 60% after adjustment for anthropometric, demographic, dietary and lifestyle variables.1

Prevalence of Overweight (BMI>=95th Percentile) White and Black Children by Age North Carolina, 20009

Calories, kcal




Vitamin A, IU




Vitamin C, mg




Calcium, mg





Magnesium, mg





Potassium, mg









According to the 2001 Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Obesity, today there are nearly twice as many overweight children and almost three times as many overweight adolescents as there were in 1980.7 Initial results from the 1999 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), using Body Mass Index (BMI), indicate that an estimated 13 percent of children ages 6-11 years and 14 percent of adolescents ages 12-19 years are overweight.8 BMI, an index of a person’s weight in relation to height, is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity among adults, and is also recommended to identify children who are overweight or at risk of becoming overweight. Children with a BMI ≥ 85th percentile but < 95th percentile are at

10% 5% 0%





10 12 Age in Years




There are other health risks associated with excessive soft drink consumption. Low calcium intake contributes to osteoporosis, a disease leading to fragile and broken bones. The risk of osteoporosis depends in part on how much bone mass is built in early life. For girls, 92% of their bone mass is built by age 18 and if they are not consuming enough calcium during their teenage years, they cannot catch up later.4

Solutions to Reverse the Trends in Soft Drink Consumption The Regulations


esearch shows that there is a direct link between good nutrition and the ability to learn, play, grow and develop. Well-nourished children have higher test scores, better school attendance and fewer behavioral problems.10 Schools are important environments that impact children’s nutrient intake. There are minimal regulations in place that foster the development of healthful eating habits. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has established regulations to control the sale of foods of minimal nutritional value in the food service area during school meal periods. The only foods included in this definition are carbonated beverages, hard candies, water ices (flavored ices) and chewing gum. USDA also allows states to establish such rules as necessary to control the sale of other competitive foods. Competitive foods are defined as any foods sold in competition with reimbursable school meals. In 1976, the North Carolina State Board of Education adopted a policy stating that all food and beverages sold in the school must contribute to the nutritional well being of the child and aid in establishing good food habits.11 This standard was changed by North Carolina Statute 115C-264 (1991) and states that each school may, with the approval of the local board of education, sell soft drinks to students so long as soft drinks are not sold (i) during the lunch period, (ii) at elementary schools, or (iii) contrary to the requirements of the National School Lunch Program. The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) recommends that elementary school students not have access to food or beverages in vending machines. The recommendation for middle and high schools provides two options: 1) no access during school hours or 2) no access until 30 minutes after the

end of the last lunch period.12 Despite the recommendations of NASBE and other health and education organizations, many school policy officials are making different decisions, as they face mounting pressure to do more with less. The public is demanding qualified teachers, smaller classes and better-equipped facilities. However, schools may not be receiving adequate funds to fully address all these concerns. Many educators are responding to these pressures by considering nontraditional funding sources, including a proliferation of vending options. Some school systems have chosen to contract with a soft drink company for the sole sale of one brand, which is referred to as a “exclusive beverage” or “pouring rights” contract. A significant part of the funding comes in an immediate lump sum with subsequent revenues tied to sales. It is important that contract terms be reviewed for language to avoid incentives that encourage students to increase their consumption of soft drinks.

Vending Machine Placement and Operation


any middle/junior and high schools have employed strategies for limiting the sale of foods and beverages from vending machines. • Keep all vending machines turned off during regular school hours. • Keep the machines off until the end of the last lunch period. • Prohibit the sale of “foods of minimal nutritional value” until 30 minutes after the last lunch period. • Prohibit the sale of soft drinks until the end of the school day. • Place vending machines in out-of-the-way places to discourage their frequent use. • Place vending machines far from the dining areas to optimize students’ participation in the school food service program.

Influencing Access to Soft Drinks in Schools

Students Make Healthier Choices



chool districts that choose to rely on revenue generated from vending machines to pay for school site needs should make every effort to work towards the Healthy People 2010 objective of ensuring that all foods available at school contribute to good dietary quality. The Healthy Carolinians 2010 objectives that call for reducing the percent of children and adolescents who are overweight and obese; and reducing the percent of students who eat high-sugar snack foods on a given day13 support this national objective. The following recommendations will aid schools in striving for these objectives.

wo school systems have demonstrated that when given a choice and with the right packaging and marketing mix, students will make healthful choices. A School Board in Madison, Wisconsin decided not to renew an exclusive vending contract with a soft drink company. The board voted to continue selling soda in schools but with multiple vendors. It also pledged to add healthier beverages. A milk vending machine was installed at each of the four main high schools. Four flavors of milk are available: chocolate, chocolate malt, reduced-fat white and reduced-fat strawberry. The milk and juice machines stay on all day, while most of the soda machines are disabled during school hours. Students can buy milk and orange juice between classes and during some study halls, not just before and after school. While there were many skeptics, the schools now struggle to keep the milk vending machines stocked. The machines hold 16-ounce bottles of milk that sell for $1.00.

• Adhere to federal regulations and state and local policies regarding competitive foods, including soft drinks, sold in vending machines. • Work with community partners to develop a comprehensive school nutrition policy that addresses appropriate beverage choices.

In an attempt to increase the milk intake by teenagers, milk vending machines were installed in eleven high schools in Miami-Dade County in Florida as a pilot program of the dairy industry. The machines dispense colorful and resealable bottles of chocolate, strawberry and unflavored regular and low-fat milk for $1.00. The initial response exceeded expectations. Machines run out of milk almost daily. The machines are placed next to or near soda and snack vending machines.

• Create demand for nutritious beverages by working with nutrition educators to design and implement educational and marketing activities.

• Guide sales in a more positive direction by including the following guidelines in vending agreements: – 100% fruit or vegetable juice, milk and bottled water are readily available throughout the day. – 100% fruit or vegetable juice, milk and bottled water are sold at attractive prices.12 – Soft drink container sizes are moderate12 (12 ounces rather than 20 ounces). • Provide vending machines with low-fat and skim milk, including chocolate, strawberry and other popular flavors. • Provide bottled water in vending machines and ensure access to water at no cost by having an adequate number of strategically placed water coolers.


• Never include incentives for increasing students’ consumption of soft drinks in vending agreements. Ensure that signage, banners and advertising are prudent and that instructional areas are free of commercial advertising.12

1. Ludwig DS, Peterson, KE, Gortmaker S. Relationship between consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and childhood obesity: a prospective, observational analysis. Lancet. 2001; 357: 505-508. 2. Nestle M. Soft drink “pouring rights”: marketing empty calories. Public Health Reports. 2000; 115: 308-319. 3. Food and consumption (per capita) data system. USDA Economic Research Services. Available at http://www.ers.usda.gov. 4. Jacobson MF. Liquid candy: how soft drinks are harming Americans’ health. Washington, DC: Center for Science in the Public Interest; 1989. Available at http://www.cspinet.org/sodapop/liquid_candy.htm. 5. Squires S. Soft drinks, hard facts: research suggests kids who drink a lot of soft drinks risk becoming fat, weak-boned, cavity-prone and caffeine addicted. Washington Post; February 27, 2001, p.HE10. 6. USDA, Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals (CSFII), 1994-96. Available at http://www.barc.usda.gov/bhnrc/foodsurvey/Cd98.html. 7. The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity. US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC; 2001. Available at http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/topics/obesity/. 8. Prevalence of overweight among children and adolescents: United States. National Center for Health Statistics; 1999. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hestats/over99fig1.htm. 9. North Carolina-Nutrition and Physical Activity Surveillance System (NC-NPASS) includes data on children seen in North Carolina Public Health Sponsored WIC and Child Health Clinics and some School Based Health Centers. Percentiles were based on the CDC/NCHS Year 2000 Body Mass Index (BMI) Reference. 10. The consequences of hunger and food insecurity for children. Brandeis University, Center on Hunger and Poverty; 2002. Available at http://www.centeronhunger.org. 11. North Carolina State Board of Education Policy Manual. Available at http://sbepolicy.dpi.state.nc.us. 12. Fit, healthy and ready to learn: a school health policy guide. National Association of State Boards of Education; March; 2000. Available at http://www.nasbe.org/HealthySchools/fithealthy.mgi#healthy. 13. Healthy Carolinians 2010: North Carolina’s Plan for Health and Safety. Report of the Governor’s Task Force for Healthy Carolinians; 2000. Available at http://www.healthycarolinians.org.

Dear Advocate for Healthy Children:


he increasing level of soft drink consumption by North Carolina’s children and teens is one of many barriers to their achieving an adequate diet and a healthy lifestyle. It is a trend that parents, schools and communities have the capacity to reverse. This publication focuses primarily on schools; however, schools cannot solve the problem alone. Parents can: • Help children learn to enjoy water as the thirst quencher of choice. • Provide a variety of low-fat milks and 100% fruit and vegetable juices that are high in nutrients. • Provide access to soft drinks as a “sometimes” beverage to be enjoyed in moderate amounts. • Be a role model by making healthy beverage choices. Communities can: • Advocate for healthful environments that are consistent with classroom nutrition education. • Secure funding for marketing campaigns focused on healthful eating. • Work through community partnerships to ensure that milk, water and other nutritious beverages are offered wherever less nutritious beverages are available. • Fund education so that schools do not compromise the health of children and youth by raising funds through the sale of foods and beverages low in nutrients and high in calories. Increased consumption of soft drinks is a high profile issue that provides an extraordinary opportunity to raise awareness of the unintended health consequences of personal and group decisions. Successful change in this area can lead to improved policy in other areas that will help ensure a healthy future for North Carolinians. Yours for a Healthy North Carolina, The School Nutrition Action Committee

For questions or comments, please contact: SNAC@ncmail.net Developed by the North Carolina School Nutrition Action Committee (SNAC) SNAC consists of representatives from three state governmental agencies that participate in school nutrition services including the Department of Public Instruction, the Department of Health and Human Services and the NC Cooperative Extension Service. The goal of this committee is to coordinate school nutrition activities that link the cafeteria, classroom and community to school health. These institutions are equal opportunity providers. July 2002 10,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $1,249 or $0.12 per copy.

10 Things Your Community Can Do 1. Hold a Life’s Sweeter pledge drive and collect pledges to cut back on sugary drinks. 2. Start a Life’s Sweeter task force to explore ways to make an impact on sugary drink consumption. 3. Stop or reduce sugary drink advertising and sponsorships of local events, sports leagues and programs, especially in schools. 4. Start a petition campaign to ask for healthier choices in community centers, schools, parks and hospitals. 5. Visit or call your elected officials to demand healthier beverage policies like increasing access to free tap water. 6. Leave leaflets and posters in neighborhood stores and popular hang outs, libraries and bus stops but be careful not to vandalize any property. 7. Declare a soda free day, week or month in your community. 8. Get more local groups involved. Spread the message of Life’s Sweeter to your PTA group, Boy and Girl Scout troops and religious communities. 9. Organize a kids’ coalition to ask local grocery stores to move sugary drinks away from the check-out line and promote healthier drinks through displays and coupons. 10. Participate in Food Day on October 24, 2011 by holding an event focused on sugary drinks. (www.foodday.org)



Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more tips, tricks and news.

Share your successes with us! Submit your stories to fewersugarydrinks@cspinet.org and you could be featured on our website!

10 Things Your Business or Organization Can Do 1. Start a task force to explore ways your business or organization can cut back on sugary drinks. 2. Set an office-wide target for drinking less soda and sugary drinks. 3. Create rewards and prizes for healthy changes in your organization. 4. Make tap or filtered water accessible in your organization and promote it. 5. Find a “healthy vending� company to replace the soda machine with healthy snacks and beverages. 6. Cut portion sizes by offering smaller drink containers in cafeterias and for staff meetings. 7. Provide healthier drinks at functions, meetings, conferences, and parties. Try to serve mostly drinks with less than 25 calories per 8 ounces. 8. Make healthy choices readily available. Make sure that vending machines offer 9 healthier drinks for every 1 sugary drink. 9. Discourage unhealthy choices. Make sodas more expensive in company cafeterias and vending machines. 10. Get creative. Use fun and creative (but sensitive) ideas to educate employees about how drinking sugary beverages contributes to weight gain and disease.



Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more tips, tricks and news.

Share your successes with us! Submit your stories to fewersugarydrinks@cspinet.org and you could be featured on our website!

10 Things You and Your Family Can Do to Cut Back on Sugary Drinks 1. Choose water whenever possible over soda and sugary drinks. 2. Keep a drink journal and track how many sugary drinks you have in one week. 3. Set a target. To start, try drinking half as many sugary drinks this week. 4. Go for 100% fruit juice, in moderation. Avoid fruit “drinks” or “cocktails” which contain little or no juice. 5. At restaurants, skip the free refill. Switch to water or another unsweetened drink. 6. Brew your own iced tea instead of buying sugary bottled tea products. Keep a pitcher in your fridge, fill up a water bottle and take it with you. 7. If you like fizzy drinks, try alternatives like sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice or a lime wedge. 8. Make sugary drinks a rare treat instead of a daily ritual. Treat them like you would treat candy bars or a piece of cake. 9. Don’t drink away your workout. There’s no need for anything but water when exercising unless you’re working out intensely for more than an hour. 10. Arm yourself with knowledge. Read nutrition labels to make better choices.



Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more tips, tricks and news.

Share your successes with us! Submit your stories to fewersugarydrinks@cspinet.org and you could be featured on our website!

How Much Sugar are you Drinking?

15.5 Tsp

16.4 Tsp

240 Cal

250 Cal

15.5 Tsp

13 Tsp

250 Cal

200 Cal

15 Tsp

20.5 Tsp

248 Cal

320 Cal

17.6 Tsp

15 Tsp

270 Cal

240 Cal

17 Tsp

13.5 Tsp

240 Cal

240 Cal

Surprised? Learn more at www.fewersugarydrinks.org

Additional Resources Section Include Community Organizations in Wellness Promotion Include Community Organizations Boonshoft Museum of Discovery The Children’s Medical Center of Dayton Ray & Joan Kroc Corps – Community Center Media Projects Intercom Announcements Healthy Activity Booklist Implement a Wellness Policy Policy Letter for Parents: Template Page Setting a Healthy Snack Policy Healthy Snack Policy Sample Survey School Worksite Wellness Worksite Wellness and 5-2-1-AN Worksite Wellness Resources Physical Activity - School District Policy Assessment Tool

Include Community Organizations Engaging community partners in your school can add enthusiasm, expertise, and excitement to your efforts. There are many community s that are often willing and excited to go into schools, PTO meetings, or other school-sponsored events for short presentations. The trick is finding them! Do you want to get the greater community into your classroom? Consider contacting: Local colleges Hospitals

Local businesses (bike shops, health food stores, sports clubs)

Recreation departments

Seniors’ organizations or groups

Culinary associations

Local food bank

Dentists’ offices

County extension office

Doctors’ offices

Local library

Health centers

Grocery stores

And feel free to contact us at 521AN Goes to School. We have many contacts and may know of individuals who would be interested in getting involved with your school.


ipat c i t r a P ity

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The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery can support your efforts to encourage kids and families to GetUp! Choose from family-friendly exhibits and age-specific education classes at the Museum or from those that can travel to your school or work location. Exhibits-To-Go Schedule a highly interactive 60 minute presentation that comes directly to your school, health facility, senior center or work location. Call 937.275.7431, ext. 301 for more information or to register. Wise About Eyes I and II “Eye-Popping” demonstrations and hands-on activities will provide deeper insight into

Food, Fitness & Fun Discover how to brighten your day with colorful

the world of vision, as well as eye health and safety.

foods and experience new fun aspects of eating, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Through direction from the Children’s

Clear the Air This anti-smoking program uses dramatic role-play and interactive experiences to introduce the negative effects of tobacco in a new, dynamic way. SunWise Learn how to have fun in the sun…safely! SunWise curriculum provided by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Medical Center, this exhibit will alert you to an alarming trend in America—obesity. Proper food choices, portion control, and exercise will be offered as solutions.

Traveling Exhibits Bring hands–on fun to your local library in the form of a traveling exhibit. Call 937.275.7431, ext. 129 for more information.

The Wild About Eyes Kiosk is an interactive and fun way for families to learn about eye health and safety by actually seeing the world as someone who has an eye disease would or by learning how eye safety wear protects our eyes while playing sports or working. This kiosk packs an interactive educational experience into a portable package designed specifically for libraries.

Boonshoft Museum of Discovery GetUP! during a trip to the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery. Walk the trails in Werthner Woods, climb and slide the three story Science Gallery Tower, learn to make healthy food choices in the FoodSmart Grocery and Deli exhibit or participate in a fun blend of outdoor play and science experiments during a Summer Discovery Camp. Learn more by visiting BoonshoftMuseum.org or call 937.275.7431, ext. 116.

2600 DeWeese Parkway Dayton, Ohio 45414 | 937.275.7431 | BoonshoftMuseum.org

GetUp! Get on your feet! The Children’s Medical Center of Dayton encourages all kids and families to live a healthy lifestyle. Together, we can fight childhood obesity and create a healthy world for all kids! Check out these resources to get you started: GetUp! In the classroom Healthy lifestyles presentations around the 5-2-1-0 theme are available for classroom and school groups. We also have a variety of “kits” that can be checked out by school nurses, day care centers and other child-serving organizations addressing fitness and healthy eating. Contact our Family Resource Center at 937-641-3700 for more information. GetUp! With your family The Body Shop is a nutrition, exercise and lifestyle coaching program for girls and boys ages 7 to 18. Small groups of students and parents meet to learn about weight control with a registered dietitian, physical activities leader and counselor. For more information or to register for this program, please call The Body Shop at 937-641-3504 or visit: www.childrensdayton.org/cms/TheBodyShop/.

GetUp! Online

Visit our website at www.childrensdayton.org for easy-to-download handouts, tips and recipes. Just “search” for your topic of interest.

Use your Smartphone to connect to more online resources from Dayton Children’s.


Encourage FITNESS. LEARN NEW SKILLS. TAKE THE SHOT. DANCE AND PLAY. Learn. Grow. Play. Ask. Understand. Explore. The Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center 1000 N. Keowee St. Dayton, Ohio 45404 937-528-5100 www.dayton.salarmykroc.org

Summer Camps for kids ages 2.5 to 13 After School Programs for grades K-8 Sports Leagues for children & teens 5,000 square foot Fitness Center with Aerobic/Dance Studio Fitness Arcade Full-sized indoor & outdoor basketball courts .... and much much more

Individual Membership $60/year Family Membership of up to 4 people $120/year Scholarships available to those who qualify

Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center Dayton

Media Projects Media Projects Having create their own health media is a great way to educate their others in the community about teen health issues. You can help teens 521AN messages by working with them and community types of media. Teens will have great ideas for excited to create ads that will appeal to their

Objectives: experience team work and collaboration. become comfortable using modern technology. explore the way media is used as a tool to spread health create a product that can be shared, assessed, and utilized. Consider having


521AN commercials or ads (post them on ‘You Tube’!) 521AN songs, raps, or poems (see if a local radio station will air them!) 521AN flyers, posters, or brochures (make it a poster contest!) on a photo scavenger hunt to capture people in the ‘act’ of a Or, send healthy behavior. Who can capture the best image that represents the 5 message? The 2 message? 1? AN? Encourage creativity and thinking outside the

Be sure to share your students’ creations with the staff at GetUp Montgomery County. You never know, the next 5-2-1-AN public service announcement could come from you!

Intercom Announcements: 5-2-1-AN Trivia & Facts of the Day

Consider reading these healthy announcements over the intercom, or use as discussion starters in the classroom; encourage students to come up with their own healthy trivia. 1. What does 5-2-1-AN stand for?

Answer: 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables, 2 or less of recreational screen time, 1 hour or more of physical activity, AN sugar sweetened beverages – more water & low-fat milk! 2. Name 3 fruits that you could have at breakfast. Some good answers: berries, kiwi, banana, etc. 3. Name 5 vegetables that you could bring into school for lunch.

Some good answers: carrots, cucumbers, snap peas, broccoli, red pepper, etc.

4. How many commercials do you think you watch every year?

Answer: The average child watches 20,000 commercials each year.

5. Name 3 activities you can do inside besides watching TV.

Some good answers: Build a fort, play dress up, dance to your favorite music, etc.

6. Frogs do not need to drink water as they absorb the water through their skin. You, however, are not a frog and need to drink plenty of water every day! 7. Raisins are made from grapes that have dried in the sun for two to three weeks. One cup of raisins in your lunch can count as one of your 5 a day! 8. What color are carrots? Did you know that besides orange, they also come in purple, red, black and white? Go to the local farmers market and find them!

9. What is the number one source of calories in the American diet? Answer: Soft drinks! 10. True or False, Americans spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music - combined. Answer: True 11. According to a study from the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the number of fast-food restaurant outlets in the United States increased from 30,000 in 1970 to 220,000 in 2001, and fast-food spending has increased from $6 billion to $110 billion over the last three decades. 12. How many teaspoons of sugar are in a 20oz bottle of Mountain Dew? Answer: 18 tsp 13. Did you know that since the 1970’s, the standard dinner plate has increased from 10 ½ inches to 12 ½ inches in diameter? 14. Did you know that in 1969 50% of kids walked to school each day compared to the 10% that walk to school in 2001. 15. A kid’s serving size of fruit is the palm of their hand. 16. What is the #1 thirst quencher? Answer: Water 17. How much of a child’s body is made up of water? Answer: 70-80% 18. Try this Physical Activity Break: High Knee Run/March: Run or March in place, lifting your knees in front of you as high as you can. Count to 30!

(Continued on page 2)

Intercom Announcements:

5-2-1-AN Trivia & Facts of the Day (continued) (Continued from page 1)

19. Try this Physical Activity Break: Chair Pose: Feet together. Legs together. Keeping your knees together, sit back like you were sitting in a chair. Hold that position as long as you can. Relax when you need to, and then try again.

20. What is a serving size for low-fat milk? Answer: 1 Cup 21. Name 3 of milk’s nine essential nutrients? Answer: Potassium, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Niacin, Phosphorus, Calcium, Protein, Vitamin D 22. True or False: If you are not getting enough calcium each day, your body will take the calcium from your bones? Answer: True 23. Screen time is watching TV, using the computer, and playing video games. How many hours or less should you limit your screen time to each day? Answer: 2 hours or less 24. Did you know that children who watch a lot of television are likely to: have lower grades in school, read fewer books, exercise less, and to be overweight? 25. Does physical activity have to be a sport or can other activities that get your body moving count as well? Can you name some? Some good answers include: dancing, skating, sledding, walking, jogging, biking,

skate boarding, a rousing game of Simon Says!

26. True or False: Water is the only substance found on earth naturally in the three forms.

Answer: True—3 forms: solid, liquid, and gas

27. True or false: The acid in sodas eats away at your tooth enamel. Answer: True 28. Physical activity reduces feelings of depression and anxiety and promotes psychological well being. 29. Physical activity does not have to be strenuous to be beneficial. 30. Empty Calories: Kids drink twice as much soda today compared to kids ten years ago. 31. True or false: Physical activity helps the brain work better. Answer: True 32. Most nutritionists recommend not eating fast food more than once a month. 33. One hour of physical activity broken into smaller segments of 10-15 minutes throughout the day has significant health benefits. 34. Physical activity helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints. 35. About 75% of your muscles are made up of water. It is important to drink lots of water! 36. Guess what? The average American household has more televisions than people! 37. When you play hard, you sweat. When you sweat, you lose water and minerals. Drink water after playing outdoors or after any activity that makes you sweat. 38. Having fresh fruit or vegetables as a snack will help you stay full longer! They pack more sustaining energy over sugary snacks. 39. Try a new fruit or vegetable once a week. You may find that you love kiwi fruit or avocados! 40. If you’re close enough, bike to and from school instead of riding the bus (but don’t forget your helmet!)!

41. Does screen time include just TV or time spent on the computer too? Answer: Both – computer games, surfing the web, anything done outside of school projects on the computer counts towards the two hours. 42. Guess the Amount of Sugar: Capri Sun, 10 oz (6 ¼ tsp); Orange Juice, 15.5 oz bottle (13 tsp); Snapple Iced Tea, 16 oz (12 ½ tsp), Water, any size (none); Coca-Cola, 20 oz. (17 tsp); Mountain Dew, 20 oz (19 tsp); Gatorade, 20 oz (9 tsp); Kool-Aid, 20 oz (10 tsp).

Healthy Activity Booklist

Healthy Activity Booklist Row, Row, Row Your Boat by Kubler, Annie

Board Book $4.99 Age 9 mo-2 yr ISBN: 0859536580 In this traditional nursery rhyme, a group of babies and their toy animal friends row merrily down the stream.

Wiggle Waggle by London, Jonathan

Board Book $5.95 Age 9 mo-2 yr ISBN: 0152165886 Describes how various animals walk, from the wiggle waggle of a duck to the boing, boing, boing of a kangaroo to the bumble roll, bumble roll of a bear.

On the Go! by Stockham, Jess

Board Book $6.99 Age 9 mo-2 yr ISBN: 1846430496 Animals move by stretching, jumping, and climbing, and readers can flip the page to see babies doing the same action.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes by Kubler, Annie Board Book

$4.99 An illustrated version of the song which identifies parts of the body.

Age 9 mo-2 yr

ISBN: 0859537285

Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes by Hindley, Judy

Board Book $6.99 Age 9 mo-2 yr ISBN: 0763623830 A group of toddlers demonstrate all the fun things that they can do with their eyes, ears, mouths, hands, legs, feet—and everything in between.

Bear About Town by Blackstone, Stella

Board Book $6.99 Age 1-3 ISBN: 1841483737 The big, friendly bear goes on his daily walk through his neighborhood, meeting the people who live and work nearby.

I Went Walking by Williams, Sue

Board Book $1 .9 Age 1-3 During the course of a walk, a young boy identifies animals of different colors.

ISBN: 0152056262

Skippyjon Jones Shape Up by Schachner, Judy

Board Book $6.99 Age 1-3 ISBN: 0525479570 Skippyjon Jones, a Siamese cat who thinks he is a Chihuahua dog, exercises using objects of different shapes.

Jumping Day by Esbensen, Barbara Juster

Paperback $8.95 Age 2-4 ISBN: 1563978539 The pleasures of jumping, running, skipping, and hopping are celebrated as a little girl starts her day, goes to school, and comes home to play.

Doing the Animal Bop by Ormerod, Jan

Paperback $ .99 Age 2-4 ISBN: 0764178997 Various animals dance to the animal bop, including ostriches, elephants, and monkeys; includes read-along compact disc.

I'm as Quick as a Cricket by Wood, Audrey

Board Book $6.99 Age 2-4 ISBN: 0859536645 A young boy describes himself as loud as a lion, quiet as a clam, tough as a rhino, and gentle as a lamb. (continued on other side)

Healthy Activity Booklist (continued) Healthy Activity Booklist (continued) Get Moving with Grover by Tabby, Abigail

Hardcover $6.99 Age 2-4 ISBN: 0375830464 Grover and Elmo show young readers that being fit can be fun, encouraging exercises involving jumping over, running around, and dancing around the book itself.

Duck on a Bike by Shannon, David

Hardcover $16.99 Age 2-4 ISBN: 0439050235 A duck decides to ride a bike and soon influences all the other animals on the farm to ride bikes too.

From Head to Toe by Carle, Eric

Paperb $ .99 Age 2-6 Encourages the reader to exercise by following the movements of various animals.


Froggy Learns to Swim by London, Jonathan

Paperback $5.99 Age 3-6 ISBN: 0140553126 Froggy is afraid of the water until his mother, along with his flippers, snorkle, and mask, help him learn to swim.

Hop Jump by Walsh, Ellen Stoll

Paperback $6. Bored with just hopping and jumping, a frog discovers dancing.

Age 4-6

ISBN: 015201375X

Froggy Plays Soccer by London, Jonathan

Paperback $5.99 Age 5-6 ISBN: 0140568093 Although Froggy is very excited when his Dream Team plays for the city soccer championship, he makes a mistake on the field that almost costs the team the game.

Puddles by London, Jonathan

Paperback $ .99 Age 5-6 ISBN: 0140561757 When the rain stops falling and the skies clear up, it's time to put on boots and go outside to play in the puddles.

Get Up and Go! by Carlson, Nancy L.

Paperback $5.99 Age 5-6 ISBN: 0142410640 Text and illustrations encourage readers, regardless of shape or size, to turn off the television and play games, walk, dance, and engage in sports and other forms of exercise.

Animal Exercises by Ross, Mandy

Paperback $7.99 A collection of poems describes how familiar animals keep in shape.

Age 5-6

ISBN: 1846430445

I Love Yoga by Chryssicas, Mary Kaye

Hardcover Age 5-8 ISBN: 0756614007 Presents young readers with simple instructions for the practice of yoga, discussing how to relax, focus, and have fun through basic poses explained in step-by-step sequences.

The Busy Body Book by Rockwell, Lizzy

Paperback $6.99 Age 6-8 ISBN: 0553113747 Exploring all the many moves, twists, and turns a human body can do, this book is designed to encourage kids to move around, use their bodies, and learn the importance of staying actively fit.

Anna Banana by Cole, Joanna

Paperback $7.99 Age 6-9 ISBN: 0688088090 An illustrated collection of jump rope rhymes arranged according to the type of jumping they are meant to accompany.



$ .9

Age -


Implement a Wellness Policy In June 2004, the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act was signed into law, making it mandatory for all schools participating in the Federal School Meal Programs to create a Local Wellness Policy by July 2006. The process of developing and implementing a Wellness Policy is dynamic and ongoing. Ohio Action for Healthy Kids is a fantastic resource for state by state information and guidance on developing and implementing wellness policies. Check out their website at www.ohioactionforhealthykids.org. The Center for Science in the Public Interest at www.cspinet.org/nutritionpolicy/index.html is another great resource. Consider using the following language for policies.

As you work to implement “Non-food rewards and incentives are preferred over food rewards. 521AN strategies, thin k about Rewards and incentives should not undermine the health of students creating long-term and lasting and/or reinforce unhealthful eating habits.” change by upd ating your Wellness Polic “The use of food and beverages as a reward for students’ academic y to match th e performance or behavior is not permitted. “ efforts made in the classroo m. “Foods and beverages will not be used as rewards, incentives, or withheld as discipline for student behavior or performance. Only non-food items or activity will be used for rewards.” “Schools are encouraged to use physical activity as rewards or incentives for students’ behavior or performance. Scheduled recess and physical education periods, along with athletic practices, shall not be denied to any student excluding academic obligations.” “It is the intent of this district to use rewards and incentives that do not undermine the health of students and/or reinforce unhealthful eating habits. Non-food rewards and incentives should be used as the first choice to encourage healthy behavior. “ “The use of food or candy as a classroom reward for all students is prohibited.” “Staff are encouraged to use physical activity as a reward.” “The school will utilize only non-food items as reward and will prohibit the use of food as a reward.” “Physical activity shall not be required as discipline or as a consequence of student behavior. “ “Fresh air, unstructured play and social time are important to student’s health and wellness. School staff should not withhold or cancel participation in recess from students to make up for missed instructional time, or for disciplinary reasons, unless participation would cause the student to be a danger to him/herself or others.” “Physical activity opportunities including recess, motor breaks, or athletic practices shall not be withheld from students as a result of behavior or performance.”

Implement a Wellness Policy (continued) Celebration Policies: “Many times foods served in the classroom, in the case of a class party, are low in nutrients and high in calories. School celebrations are fun and provide a change to reinforce the message that nutritious food choices lead to healthier bodies and sharper minds. It is the intent of this district that celebrations be limited to one per quarter per classroom. The celebration should take place during the last hour of the day so it will not interfere with the school meal. Teachers and parents are encouraged to choose non-food ways to celebrate. If food is involved it is required that it meet the guidelines set forth in this policy.” “To encourage health and reduce concerns with food safety and allergies foods will not be a part of classroom celebrations. Opportunities for physical activity will be provided as an alternative to food at parties and celebrations.” Physical activity during the school day: “The school unit will provide all students developmentally appropriate opportunities for physical activity through [PE] classes, recess periods for elementary school students, and co-curricular activities (clubs, intramural and interscholastic athletics).” “Our district supports student wellness through physical activity particularly in grades K-6 through the use of regularly scheduled motor breaks… [motor breaks] increases student attention span, improves concentration and increases stamina for academic tasks.” “The school will strive to provide all students developmentally appropriate opportunities for daily physical activity through recess periods, extracurricular activities (clubs, intramural and interscholastic athletics), integration of physical activity in the classroom, walking breaks, and/or alternative periods.” “Whenever possible, the daily recess period shall be scheduled before lunch.” “Teachers, administrators and trained professionals will work together to learn new strategies to incorporate physical activity and movement breaks within the school day for all grade levels.” “Students in grades Pre-K thru 8 will receive at least 10 minutes of physical activity time each day through a combination of either physical education and/or during class time (not including recess).” “Opportunities for daily physical activity are regularly incorporated into several subject areas K-12 (i.e. health education, math, language arts, social studies, etc) during the school day.” Healthy Fundraising Policies: “Primarily non-food items will be sold through school fundraising activities.” “It is strongly recommended to use only non-food items to raise funds. However, the sale of food for fundraising during the school day, such as a school store is restricted to water, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts… The superintendent can approve exemptions to after-school fundraisers on school property for the sale of food items that are solely for home consumption.” “Organizations operating concessions at school functions are encouraged to use marketing strategies to promote healthy food choices at a reasonable profit margin.” “Only non-food items will be offered in fundraising events.”

Policy Letter for Parents Template

Dear Parents and Families, We would like to share with you some changes we will be making regarding nutrition in our school. As you may recall, federal and state laws regarding food and beverages served and sold at schools required all schools to adopt a District Wellness Policy. As a result of this legislation, we created a district wellness committee to oversee the implementation of our wellness policy. This year our focus will be on improving the food and beverages available to students during the school day. We have all become used to school fundraisers, classroom parties, birthday celebrations, and other events that involve food and drinks that may be high in calories, sugar, and fat. In keeping with our wellness policy, we have developed the following guidelines which will be implemented beginning with the school year. Rewards: Insert your policy here.

Celebrations: Insert your policy here.

To support these guidelines, we're encouraging families to consider healthy snacks, healthy lunch choices, and healthy treats for celebrations. If you have any questions about healthy food options or nonfood items to send in, please review the attached document or talk with your child’s teacher or principal. Sincerely,


Setting a Healthy Snack Policy Your school board voted to remove soft drink vending machines from your campus; student fundraising programs now sell wrapping paper instead of candy bars; and your school lunch program features a wide variety of healthful options, like fresh fruits and vegetables.

What is a “healthy snack policy?” A healthy snack policy sets guidelines for the types of foods and beverages parents and other caregivers can send to school for consumption during recess or snack time and at class parties or other special school events and celebrations.

Why are healthy snack policies important? Healthy snack policies help parents and other caregivers identify healthful snack foods for children. While most parents have good intentions when it comes to choosing snack foods for their children, many do not realize that many items that sound healthy really only provide empty calories and few essential nutrients.

What are the benefits of adopting a healthy snack policy?

As an educator, you’ve done all you can to encourage your students to make healthful food choices…or have you? Perhaps your classroom needs a healthy snack policy.

There are so many benefits of healthy snack policies, including helping children gain a greater understanding of healthful eating habits, exposing children to a variety of healthful foods they may otherwise not eat, and improving children’s as well as staff members’ diets by including more nutrient-rich foods.

What types of foods and beverages can be counted as “healthy snacks?” The following foods and beverages are nutrient-rich foods that contain essential nutrients often lacking in children’s diets. These healthy snacks contain little or no added sugar, fat, or salt. Eating these types of snack foods more often can significantly improve a child’s diet. Any fresh fruit or vegetable 100% fruit or vegetable juice Canned and packaged fruit products packed in juice Dried fruit

Nuts, like almonds or cashews Low fat or nonfat milk Low fat or nonfat yogurt Low fat cheeses

How can teachers ensure that parents and students will enthusiastically accept a healthy snack policy? Getting student buy-in before announcing the new policy is the best way to ensure that both parents and students will accept the new policy for your classroom or entire school. A simple student survey can be conducted to assess students’ reactions to a healthy snack policy. Results from the student survey can then be used to convince parents to accept the new policy. ©2004 Dole Food Company, Inc Find free nutrition education materials and information on fruits, vegetables, nutrition, and fitness at www.dole5aday.com

Setting a Healthy Snack Policy Our school is thinking about developing a healthy snack policy. This means that only healthy foods like fruits and vegetables would be eaten for snacks at school. We want to set this policy because we care about students’ health. Eating too many high-fat or high-sugar snacks like potato chips and candy is not good for your health; we want you to eat nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables for snacks so you’ll stay strong and healthy. Before we decide whether or not to adopt this policy, we want to get input from students. Please answer the following questions by circling your answer.

Your Name: _________________________ Your Teacher: _______________________________ 1. Are you interested in learning more about nutritious snacks that can keep you healthy?



2. Do you think our school should have a healthy snack policy?



3. If our school sets a healthy snack policy would you be willing to eat healthier snacks at school?



4. If our school sets a healthy snack policy would you be willing to encourage your family members to help you choose healthy snacks to bring to school?



5. If our school sets a healthy snack policy, would you be interested in helping develop a list of healthy snack options to help other kids and their families choose healthy snacks?



If you have any comments, please write them here. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

School Worksite Wellness 521AN Goes to School addresses the policies, and practices that influence health behaviors setting. An important aspect of the school school employees. By providing resources and steps, we hope you will be able to incorporate same 521AN strategies teachers and students the classroom throughout the school. Employees’ physical and mental health are essential to the success of a school system. The promotion of staff members’ own health helps them to become positive role models for students and increases their commitment to promoting student health. Worksite health promotion is often overlooked in many school settings. Worksite health promotion programs for staff may not only impact the health of school faculty and staff, but also have effects on students, their families, and community members. Healthier staff may even save schools money. Some examples of health promotion programs for school staff include: health screenings, physical activity and fitness programs, nutrition education, weight management, smoking cessation, and stress management. One of the first steps of worksite health promotion is to develop a Wellness Team to help drive the project. Once wellness and health promotion programs are available, encourage staff to participate in these programs. Examples of promotion ideas include introducing wellness programs to new staff at their orientation sessions, presenting information at regular staff meetings, including flyers and brochures with paychecks, putting information into newsletter articles and e-mail messages, and offering health insurance discounts for participants.

Steps to Develop a Wellness Team 1. Involve administration in your efforts (they often control school agendas and budgets and can provide a visible leadership role for your wellness efforts). 2. Recruit wellness team members from all areas of your school (i.e., food service, staff, teacher’s aides, and PTA/PTO members). 3. Develop an action plan based on what’s important and achievable in your school community. 4. Identify resources that can facilitate implementation of your action plan and assign responsibility. 5. Take action. 6. Celebrate and share your successes and monitor your progress.

School Worksite Wellness Worksite Wellness and 521AN • Promote healthy snacks at staff meetings. Ensure at least one fruit and vegetable are served whenever food is offered to staff. • Staff Soup Club—Once a month a person volunteers to bring soup into the teachers lounge. Others may volunteer to bring bread. • Healthy Recipe Exchange—Share healthy recipes and perhaps compile into a recipe book. • Encourage staff wellness team to approach vending machine company for information on their company’s healthy snack program. • Don’t forget that the more time you spend sitting watching TV or surfing the internet, the less time your body is up and moving! • Make your free personal or family time active time. • Work with Wellness Team to promote staff participation in Turn Off the TV Week or similar campaigns.

• Work with Wellness Team to promote opportunities for staff to be physically active. • Make your meetings walking meetings. • Implement March into May or other State physical activity promotion programs for staff (see resources at end of tab). • Calculate and post average walking distances around the school. • Work with Wellness Team to make sure all beverage machines in teacher lounges have water in them. • Have water available at all meetings where beverages are served. • Work with Wellness Team to encourage staff to model the Almost None message for students.

School Worksite Wellness Worksite Wellness Resources A Guide for Protecting the Assets of Our Nation’s Schools. Information, tools, and resources to help schools, school districts, and states develop and promote employee health, improve workforce productivity, and reduce the costs of employee absenteeism and healthcare. www.schoolempwell.org Alliance for a Healthier Generation – School Employee Wellness Resources. School Staff Wellness Program Key Components (PDF), Staff Wellness Baseline Assessment (PDF), Interest Survey (PDF) www.healthiergeneration.org/schools.aspx?id=512&ekmensel=1ef02451_10_84_btnlink CDC’s Healthier Worksite Initiative. Information, policies, resources, and step-by-step toolkits for workplace health promotion program planners in state and federal government. www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/hwi/index.htm The Wellness Councils of America – WELCOA Website Free Resources www.welcoa.org/freeresources Health Observances: www.welcoa.org/observances Healthy People 2020 challenges individuals, communities, and professionals to take specific steps to ensure that good health, as well as long life, are enjoyed by all www.healthypeople.gov Map Walking Routes. Type in your town or city and create a walking route near your organization. www.gmap-pedometer.com Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center: www.walkinginfo.org Ohio Bicycle Federation: www.ohiobike.org

Physical Activity and People with Disabilities: The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability, Department of Disability and Human Development www.ncpad.org Disabled Sports USA www.dsusa.org National Center on Accessibility www.indiana.edu/~nca American Council on Exercise (IDEA) www.acefitness.org

Physical Activity

Physical Activity

School District Policy Assessment Assessment ToolTool School District Policy SCHOOL DISTRICT: _______________________________

DATE: ____________

EXISTING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (PA) POLICY EVALUATION Within the current school wellness policy, is there a reference to Physical Activity? Y / N Does the Physical Activity section of the current wellness policy have specific goals? Y / N If so, list physical activity goals:____________________________________________________

Components of a PA Policy A sequential, comprehensive physical education program shall be provided for students in K-12 in accordance with the physical education academic content standards and benchmarks adopted by the State Board of Education of Ohio. Physical activity opportunities shall be integrated, when possible, across the curricula and throughout the school day. All schools under the control of this district shall discourage extended periods of student inactivity without some form of physical activity. All students shall be provided with daily PA opportunities (ex. Recess). All before/after-school programs shall provide developmentally appropriate physical activity for the students who participate. Schools shall offer a wide range of physical activities outside the regular school day that meet the needs, interests and abilities of all students, including males, females, students with disabilities, and students with special healthcare needs. Neither physical education nor physical activity (including recess) shall be employed as a form of discipline and/or punishment. Schools shall encourage families to provide physical activity outside the regular school day. The school shall provide information to families to encourage and assist them in their efforts to incorporate physical activity into their children’s daily lives. The school district shall consider shared-use agreements that promote physical activity opportunities using public facilities beyond the school day and school year. 1

In Place

Some Interest

No Interest

How many minutes of PA and PE do the students receive each week?

_____ Elementary _____ Middle _____ High

What changes need to be made to strengthen your school district’s PA policy? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________

POLICY COMMUNICATION How are staff, students and visitors presently made aware of your school district’s PA use policy? ____ Signs/posters throughout school campus

____School website

____Information in student/staff handbooks


____Other written material


Do you feel this communication is effective?



Is someone at the school district level responsible for helping increase compliance with your school district’s existing PA policy? ____Yes ____No

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY RESOURCES/EDUCATION Is PA taught in your school district as part of a comprehensive school health curriculum? ____Yes


Does your school district have, as part of the policy, an enforcement section that has consequences to ____Yes ____No violation as part of the compliance?

Does your school district have a PA program for staff? ____Yes____No For Students?____Yes ____No 2

COMMUNITY SUPPORT How are the following community stakeholders likely to react to a Physical Activity Policy? Group School Staff



Won’t care

Not sure

Teachers Students School Board Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Coordinated School Health Advisory Council (CSHAC) County Health Department Local PTA Public health groups (Asthma Coalition, Heart Association, etc.) Local Media

Who is charged with implementing the current school wellness policy? _________________

How often is the policy reviewed? _______________________________________________


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