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Wellter.com (code name) A Revolutionary Approach that Brings Price and Quality Transparency to Local Healthcare Markets

U.S. Healthcare Spending Continues to Rise Healthcare costs scheduled expected to increase 6% in 2012 (CBO/Deloitte)


Š Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


High Healthcare Costs Mean Many Americans Have No Health Insurance or Use High Deductible Plans

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25% of adults 19-64 were without health insurance in 2011 (Commonwealth Fund) 16% of adults were in high deductible plans in 2011 (Employee Benefits Research Institute) 62% of all bankruptcies in the U.S. in 2007 were related to medical problems (American Journal of Medicine) © Copyright Allitas LLC Private and




Growth of High Deductible Plans Means Increased Demand for Price Transparency “employers and health plans are in accord that consumers (employees/enrollees) must shoulder more of the burden for their healthcare purchase decisions and bear more financial responsibility for these decisions.”* • Demand for price information will grow exponentially as consumers directly absorb of their healthcare costs • Currently there is no price information for health and wellness services that indicates provider prices * Health Care Price Transparency: A Strategic Perspective for State Government Leaders Deloitte Center for Health Solutions (2007)


© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


Not Only Price Information is Lacking but Meaningful Measures of Healthcare Quality are also Unavailable

”The health care "system" in America is not a system. It's a disconnected collection of large and small medical businesses, health care professionals, treatment centers, hospitals, and all who provide support for them. Each player may have its own internal structure for gathering and sharing information, but nothing ties those isolated structures into an interoperable national system capable of making information easily shared and compare.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

•. In the absence of easily accessible measures of quality consumers turn to friends and family for health and wellness provider recommendations. – 50% of consumers turn to friends for recommendations; 38% use doctors’ recommendations, and 35% use health plans. 4/30/2012

© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


Wellter solves the lack of pricing and quality transparency through its highly innovative approach and technology. The service will help transform the American health system by enabling – for the first time - real “shopping" for health and wellness providers


© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


Unique Value Proposition Wellter Empowers Consumers to Shop for Local Healthcare Providers by Quality and Price


Š Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


Wellter Features • Consumers can easily search for local providers by service, price, quality and distance (home/office) • Prices offered for: • Official “retail” cash price • In network insurance price • Paid cash price • Extensive information about illnesses and treatments authored by local providers • Enhanced listings provide extensive provider information and allow for appointment scheduling, • Designed for desktop, tablet and mobile use


© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


Healthcare Information “Localized” for Each Market • Customized version for each major market features information about illnesses and treatments from local providers. National site rolls up all information. • Interaction through commenting and message boards breaks down walls between providers and patients. • Creates strong sense of community. • Users can easily “follow” local providers and other users • Equally accessible to mobile, tablet and desktop devices.


© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


Wellter.com Features • Users can search for provider services by price (low to high), quality, and distance to home/office • Reviews include highly detailed rankings for wait times, effectiveness of treatment, communication skills, etc. • Phase II services include online appointment scheduling, daily deals discount engine for providers • Provider Information – Basic Listings (free for all providers with price submission) – Enhanced Listings (requires paid upgrade by provider)


© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


“LinkedIn of Healthcare” Harnesses Power of Existing Social Networks • Referrals are the number one source of information used by consumers to select a healthcare provider • Wellter will create a digital analogue of this experience by allowing consumers to view healthcare provider referrals made by their Facebook friends (and their friends' friends). • By connecting consumers with referrals from throughout their personal networks, a few hundred reviews can be exposed to hundreds of thousands of people in a city (average user has 200 friends in city, 200 friends x 200 friends = 40k users) • Provider can indicate providers they approve of through online referrals and LinkedIn style testimonials. 4/30/2012

© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


Wellter Has Multiple Business Models • Provider Pricing Data – Marketed to healthcare providers, insurers, device manufacturers, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, medical practices, local, state and Federal government agencies

• Provider Services – enhanced listings with lead generation, professional background, marketing messages, photos, videos, linked blog posts, online appointment scheduling

• Advertising – Targeted to market, medical condition, provider type

• Consumer Services – tracking of health history expenses and treatments through EOB forms, deductible management, etc.


© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


Marketing of Wellter Will Drive Adoption • High organic rankings on Google achieved through frequently updated, content rich local sites and required links from local providers • Use of Facebook connect (content) and Open Graph will insure frequent exposure on users’ Facebook timelines and drive viral adoption • Active social media campaigns on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, and Linked In. • Content will be syndicated to strategic content/distribution partners (Web MD, DoctorOz.com, etc.).


© Copyright Allitas LLC Private and Confidental


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